• Published 22nd Feb 2012
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Griffin the Griffin - BlackWing

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Signal (67)


After being pleasurably mauled by a six-hundred-pound bird-lion named Gilda, (really, that's the closest analogy) I was ready for bed. Hey, it's tiring alright? That's the thing. I realized, as a human, I am literally helpless. Whatever spirit sent me here was merciful enough to change me into something that could actually protect itself. If I had stayed human, I wouldn't have lasted a day in this world. While during the act, it was quite a rush, knowing that this apex predator on top of me could kill me in an instant, perhaps even on accident by crushing me, yet had the care not to. She's bigger than me, stronger than me, has talons which could slit my throat, a beak designed to tear flesh, and wings with bony joints that could easily cave my skull in if they hit in the right spot, and she had me pinned to the bed. What can I say? I'm an adrenaline junkie, since I got here anyway, and that aspect of false fear combined with the passion really got my heart pounding. I turned back into a griffin before falling asleep though. Didn't want her to roll over while she was passed out and suffocate me.

That's another thing that get's me. Changing back and forth between the two forms, in my human form, just about everything is dulled down, emotionally. I know where my violent urges come from. A human with a terrible past gets mad, rants, raves, bitches, whatever. A griffin with a terrible past becomes a fucking force of nature. It takes a lot to piss them off, but when you do..... well, send me a post card from Tartarus. It's not just anger though. Everything else. Inhibitions are lessened. As a human, I was quite reserved, and built up my frustrations, but being in this place where there are fewer consequences for my actions, and in a body with a different brain makeup, I released those frustrations, and done things I could only dream of doing. I've gone on a murderous rampage, had fantastic relations with a woman, am leading a revolution, met royalty, made fun of said royalty and got let off the hook because of my wit and charm, hugged adorable ponies, and am now on my way to name the first ever griffin colony, which I helped found. If I were human, I probably would have bowed to Celestia, got a house, shut myself in it for months on end, and shuffled my feet awkwardly when I met anyone. Heck, that's what I did when Celesta saw me in human form. I still kept some aspect of my charm, but I really had to force it. Sheep. That's what I was, that's what we were. Despite wanting to do all these things, some part of us would tell us 'no, you need to settle down, do like everyone else, and fit in so you don't get picked off', and we'd listen to it. Not anymore, and it feels awesome.

"Breakfast time!" Doing it sure makes you hungry. Gilda and I got up and headed to the mess hall to get something to eat. We had slept in a bit, so the rest of the crew had already eaten, while Lyra had also just gotten up to eat. She had bed head, bags under her eyes, and seemed a bit droopy all around.

"What's the matter Lyra? I figured after all you've been through, you'd sleep like a rock, but here you look like you haven't gotten a wink of sleep all night."

"Yeah, too much on my mind." The unicorn replied.

"Wanna talk about it?" Gilda offered.

"Well, my entire life, I've had human hunting as a hobby, in between jobs as a musician. Now that I've found one...... I don't really know what to do anymore. I mean, I spent my entire life looking for humans, and now that I've finally found one, it's 'Now what?' I don't have a goal."

"Weeeeeeell. Now that you don't have to look for humans anymore, you could pursue your music career. I'm sure Bon Bon would be happy that you're done with all the human mumbo jumbo. You can do pretty much anything you want at this point. Maybe take up studying a different species? Perhaps record the creation and advancement of the first griffin colony from within it's walls?"

"Are you asking me to move to the colony and help set it up?" Lyra asked.

"Well, the spot is open, and it gives you something to do."

Lyra laughed. Not a scornful laugh, but a sincere laugh. "No, I couldn't. I've got a life in Ponyville already set up, and I don't really care for the ocean, although.... I do know a few friends from Canterlot who could use a nice getaway. Maybe I could get some of them to go?"

"Yeah, that would be good. Just tell them that it's a long term, working vacation. Tropical islands, pristine mountains, beautiful jungles, all aboard a better-than-first-class, and nearly indestructible, airship, and still coming home once in a while to visit."

The next day, we arrived. The town was looking pretty dang good. Town hall finished, a couple houses still being set up, a number of farms, a dock, lighthouse that was still missing it's light, and two airships in the distance, one large, the other small, with a number of griffins around the smaller dropping nets into the water. The setup worked well. The large ship would carry the supplies needed and house the workers, while the small one would take a crew out and catch fish, then return and store it in the larger, switch crews, and head back out again. Like that, they didn't have to haul the fish back every time, could catch more, and travel further out before needing to return. They each also had our flag on top, and painted on each side. The town hall had a mast for a flag, which was secured at the bottom. They wouldn't raise it till the town was named, and that's why we were there.

"Hello Mayor Bluebeak, we're here."

"Ah, Captain, so good to see you again. Would you like to take a tour?"

So, we let him show us around. The town was divided into sections. The center had the town hall with a bell, a market, a doctor's office, and fire station. North was residential, with wooden huts and cabins and such, while south was farming, rice, wheat, corn, potatoes, kale, cabbage, beans, and tomatoes. East was the cliff face, with the dock at the base holding all the fishing gear, and several small boats, able to hold one or two griffins tops, were sitting in a little cove. A crescent moon of sand making the waters in the inlet calm. The griffins in the cove were mucking about in the sand, gathering clams and other muscles. At the top of the cliff was the lighthouse, which also had a flagpole, but no flag. There was a barracks at the base of the tower, which had some weapons and armor in the event of an attack, although the stock was fairly low. To the west was the way down to the forest, with a large gate, and several services like a blacksmith, tailor, and craftsmen. While the pony construction crew had gone home, there were several earth ponies and pegasi still present, doing various jobs like message delivery, working on some of the not-yet-finished buildings, or working fields. As it turns out, a number of ponies actually wanted to stay and live there, permanently. I can't blame them, it's basically an island paradise. Only one unicorn though, a retired guard who decided to live out the rest of his days by the sea, watching the world go by, sipping pina coladas and writing letters to his family about the island. All the others went home, something about the sea breeze being too chilly, or the salt air being bad for their skin, or not having the comforts of home.

"Well, it looks like you're pretty well set up. Good work, building an entire town in little over two months."

"It helped that we are strong and can fly. Construction is easier when you can easily lift all the materials you need wherever you need them. A number of griffins are also apprentices to some of the ponies, learning trades, while most are fishing or gathering fruit. It's hard to imagine that three months ago we were all living in caves, half starved, cold, afraid for our lives. No matter what anyone says, you've done a good thing Captain North. Don't you ever forget it."

"Ah, ya damn softy, don't get me going. I'm just glad everything is working out so far. Also, we got a little present for you." The Possibility had the second laser cannon hanging under it by a great many ropes, and was maneuvered by several griffins and their riders onto the lighthouse. It was just a simple square wooden tower, with strong supports going through it, and some metal plating on the side. It had a staircase on the inside, which led to a room with a hole cut in the top. The gem would have a small protrusion coming out of the bottom of the gun that would fit into that hole so the unicorns could charge it from within the safety of the tower, while a griffin on top used it. It overlooked the entire town, being at the highest point and on a tower, it could fire anywhere within the city except more than 45 degrees above and below itself. This meant it could hit anything anywhere outside the town and inlet. Since there was only one way into the cove, any attackers from the sea would be forced into a choke, only to be shot down. Same with anything hostile coming from land, at the gate. Just to my specifications. The only blind spots were right up next to it. Basically, to hit it, you had to throw a wall of meat at it and hope some gets through.

"Ah, I was wondering when you were going to bring the light." Bluebeak remarked.

"It's also a defense mechanism. With the pull of a lever it goes from being a spotlight to a laser. If it's made of flesh or wood, it'll burn right up to the point that it hit's the ocean. Airships, boats, or winged horrors won't stand a chance. Not that I'm expecting an attack, but, as they say, expect the unexpected."

"I think I remember you saying 'I'd rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it?" The mayor quipped.

"That's the phrase."

We finally went to town hall, where the mayor showed me to the flagpole. The old geezer unicorn guard was up in the tower, charging the light, while a griffin that we had shown how to use it, and a pegasus who was acting as a secondary for spotting, were up top, practicing. It was still day, so there was no need to light me up for the show. I held the rope with the flag attached to it.

"Alright, everyone. We are gathered here today for the naming of the first griffin colony on the ring sea. This is the first step towards our new lives, filled with peace and joy, and free from the terrors that we have hidden from for generations. This is the first of many, and will serve as a beacon of hope for those looking to find a new way of life. As such, it is with great joy that I name this settlement Signal, as it is the sign of better times yet to come!" And with a single, powerful pull, I hoisted the flag to the top of the town hall, as the griffin on the tower hung another flag there. I gave Lyra the honor of ringing the bell for the very first time.

"Now, without further adieu, let's PARTY!" Maria and Nadene, as well as several other griffins and cats that had taken to working the kitchen, brought down a great many cakes and pies of all kinds for everyone to enjoy, as well as fruit tarts, punch, and various other delectable foods. The griffins brought forth fish and clams, which, way huge surprise here, pegasi actually like seafood. What? I know. Apparently, they're part bird too, and while impossible with earth ponies and unicorns, griffins can actually bear children with pegasi. Again... what? It was a rather awkward conversation, especially when a pair of pegasus stallions tried hitting on Gilda, and I had to..... remind..... them who she belonged to. Etch, Growl, and Shimmer were happily eating some clam shells, which are apparently like gems, but instead of tasting like various fruit, (that's what I'm told they taste like by those who can eat them) the shells taste like salt water taffy. Well, looks like we have a new export. We could probably trade them with some diamond dog warrens that aren't involved in the slave trade, once we find them that is, if they exist at all. So, I had them take all the clam shells that were left over, and instead of dumping them, store them somewhere.

"I ate too much cake. Again." Maria and Nadene must have learned some secrets from Pinkie, because I ended up with another stomach ache, as did most of the village. Nadene learned her lesson the first time, which was a good thing because she spent most of the day mixing up potions to settle our aching guts. Everyone seemed to have fun, and Lyra showed no signs of any stress or fear related mental problems due to her traumatic experience. I wonder, do ponies have more mental fortitude when it comes to trauma? Rarity got dropped a couple miles, then tackled by Rainbow Dash at mach one, only to walk it off after. Fluttershy fell from Cloudsdale, then completely forgot about it. A human would have been traumatized for life, or, at least develop a fear of heights, they just brushed it off. Okay, so Fluttershy is afraid of heights, but that was even before she fell. I'll just file that away under the experiments-to-never-attempt-because-they'll-get-me-thrown-in-jail department.

Once we had dragged ourselves back on board the ship and said goodbye to the newly named town, we headed due west to Canterlot.

"Pirates going to the Grand Galloping Gala, this is a recipe for disaster." Lyra said with a face hoof. After all, she had been at the last one, four years ago, and it was a complete fiasco. This year was going to be even more far gone with characters like us attending.

"But that's the whole reason we're going, isn't it?" Trixie asked.

"Duh." Gilda replied.

"Remember, the entire event is cursed. It's pretty much doomed to failure from the start, so, we should fit in perfectly. We'll just try to have some fun, relax, watch the chaos, maybe cause a bit of our own, then bail before we get the repair bill. Sound good?"

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