• Published 22nd Feb 2012
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Griffin the Griffin - BlackWing

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Pink (43)


(Oh just great, I have to try and write things from Pinkie's perspective. Wish me luck! I'll need it.)

"La la la la la la la." This is so much fun.... okay, maybe not as fun as some of the other parties I've thrown, considering I already used up my party supplies, but it's still fun! All of my friends are here, Griffy and Gilda and Trixie and the kitty cats and the diamond dogs. Well, Fluttershy and Growl aren't here, they already went to bed, but, that's normal. She gets tired so quick, and was never really one for exciting parties. Oh well!

The party was starting to wear down now. Twilight kept telling Dashie all about how the discovery of aliens was the biggest discovery ever and how much their knowledge could help and blah blah blah lots of stuff from school that I didn't understand BO-RING, and Rainbow was saying none of that mattered because she beat him in a sparring match which made her even more awesome. She really likes to toot her own horn. Wait, Dashie isn't a unicorn, she doesn't have a horn! If she did, would it be rainbow too? What would Twilight's horn sound like if I tooted it?

Right, going off on a tangent. Griffy said I shouldn't do that. Speaking of which, where is he? Growl, who is actually really nice and doesn't growl at all, and sleepyhead Fluttershy, have both gone to bed. Shimmer is with Mr. Minotaur, Twilight and Dashie are arguing, Applejack is talking with Etch about their families, Maria is with Selma doing stuff, Tiras is sleeping, same with most of the cats. That leaves Rarity, who is crying but not in a really sad way, more of a 'needs time to herself because she learned something dreadful that only she can do something about' kind of way. She needs a bit of time to think before I can cheer her up. That leaves......

"NADENE!" I pounced, but instead of knocking her over like I do with ponies, she caught me and started squeezing me.

"Pinkie Pie! Your mane smells like strawberries!" She started rubbing her face in it, hugging me tighter.

"Can't..... breathe.........."

"Oops.... sorry." She loosened her grip, but kept hugging, purring slightly.

"Why are you ponies so soft? Is Trixie this soft? If she is, no wonder Grif lets her ride him. You're like a big fluff of cotton candy!" She was talking almost as fast as I usually do, which is super because now I have somepony to talk to who can actually keep up!

"Don't know. Just are. Get snacks?" She nodded and put me down. We both rushed to the only remaining table full of confections in the hall, as it was close to the end of the party. Most everypony else had gone to bed or was winding down. Honey banana mango squares with mango green apple frozen yogurt on the side. There was lots of mango. The plate was a mass of mango!

"Muh, mrrhhy, mmrrh, mrngr." (I really love mango.)

"Mig, gruhur mrhmer mrum." (They're Griffin's favorite fruit.) She replied. It's funny, when somepony talks with food in their mouth, you can't understand what they're saying unless you also have your face stuffed. As soon as you put food in there everything the manage to mumble out suddenly makes perfect sense. I wonder if I should ask Twilight about that? It might distract her from the hoof thing. I still don't get what she's going on about, you just pick it up! It's easy!

After swallowing our mouthfuls and taking a deep gasp to get some air, we sat around thinking of things do to.

"Bored now, wanna play pin the tail on the pony?"

"Nah, already did that, piñata?" She suggested.

"Already bashed and emptied. Griffin really shredded that one of a spider."

"Especially after it landed on him." She giggled. So did I. It was funny. I know he doesn't like spiders, but even a spider piñata wasn't safe from him.

"Well, let's go see what Rarity, Trixie, Griffy and Gilda are up to. They were hardly up here the whole party."

Hearing soft sobs from Rarity's room, we knocked, and when she said go away....... well, we just went in anyway.

"I vant to be aloooooone." Oh boy, there's the water works. And the dramatic poses. I really wonder whether or not she should have been an actress instead of a dress maker.

"Never fear, your best friend Pinkie Pie is here to save you from the evil sad making monsters!"

"Oh Pinkie!" She dove at me with her hooves on my shoulders while laying on the ground. Nadene picked her up and cuddled her, (she's really good at hugs) and sat on the bed.

"It's okay Rar-rar, tell aunt Pinkie all about it."

"But, I'm a year...."

"Yes, I know."

"Well, I had Griffin give me a once over, to see why I couldn't get a proper coltfriend..." She sobbed.

"Wow, was he THAT harsh?" Nadene asked in disbelief.

"Well, he was harsh, but he did forewarn me that he was going to be brutally honest..... but that's not it. It's about Spike...."

"You don't feel the same way about him that he feels about you, but you can't stand to break his heart. I know.... my Pinkie Sense told me."

"But it's just so awful! I don't know what to do! I don't know how to tell him, what I should say! He'll hate me after this!" She bawled, throwing her head back. I walked up and nuzzled her softly.

"No, he won't. He'll understand. Despite being a baby dragon, he's only a few years younger than Twilight. If he was a pony, he'd be bigger than Sweetie Belle. He's stronger than you think. You just have to have him sit down and explain it to him. Yes, it will hurt, but so does having a splinter pulled out. It needs to be done, and the sooner it happens, the sooner you both can get over it and be friends after."

Rarity sniffed, then dove from Nadene's arms to mine, wrapping her own around my neck. Well, not my arms, my front legs...... right, gotta stop my thoughts from going off on a tangent.........which sounds like tangerine.

We both just sat there for a little before we parted, Rarity's makeup was running. I don't see why she wears it, she's plenty pretty without. She gave me a weak smile, but it was a smile none the less. Satisfied that I had done my job, we left her room to take a peek into Gilda's. She was sleeping soundly. Then, we went over to Griffy's, just in time for me to be bonked by the door opening as Trixie left. I was fine, so she didn't give it any mind. We walked in to see him cleaning up. His room was pretty messy.

"Whatcha doing?" My perky cat friend asked.

"Oh, just planning a surprise." He responded.

"Ooh! I love surprises! Is it a party? Because I love parties! I love surprises and parties, which is why I really love surprise parties!" He looked at me strangely before going back to cleaning up his stuff.

"No Pinkie, it's not a party. I'm designing a wea..... tool. Something that will help us later on. Nowhere near building it yet, but, that means I have plenty of time to work on it." The pirate captain explained.

"Well, if you have plenty of time, then why did you spend it down here working on whatever you're working on instead of enjoying the party?"

"Because I feel awkward at parties, even if it's my own crew. That, and you know how when Twilight gets an idea in her head, she just NEEDS to work on it. If she doesn't it'll drive her crazy? Just like when there's a birthday coming up and you just have to plan a party, and you want everything to go perfectly? Kind of like that."

"Oh...... so, what's it do?" Nadene asked.

"Can't tell you, that would ruin the surprise." He replied.

"Trixie knows......"

"That's because I thought she might be able to help with it."

"Can I help with it?"

"Do you know anything about mechanics, engineering, magic, or parabolic lenses?"


"How about photon resonance, heat dissipation, and metallurgy?"

"Do I know about what, what, and what?"

"Afraid not. Sorry, you'll just have to wait."

"OOH! You're making science fictiony stuff! *Chhhhhhhk* This is Pinkie Pie, captain of the star ship Friendship. Captain's log, star date five minutes from now, today we encountered evil squid aliens from Sigmus twelve."

"Pinkie, how can it be star date five minutes from now?" Griffin asked.

"Well DUH, it's science fiction, so it has to be in the future. Twilight's novels say so!"

"Wouldn't it be, you know, a little farther in the future?" Nadene asked.

"You never know, maybe Griffy is about to have a huge breakthrough, and we'll all go into space on this airship! It does look kinda like a flying saucer." Both of them just cocked their heads to one side and burst out laughing. Yay! I made them smile! Once they settled down, Nadene said she was tired and was going to go to bed too. She's a cat, and cats sleep a lot, and she was tired from partying all day, so I let her go. She's fun, and we can't have fun tomorrow if she's tired. I stayed behind in his room. He looked at me strangely before asking,



"What about me?" He responded.

"You act mean, but you really just want a friend... why? It's easier to get friends when you're nice." He took a deep breath and then sighed.

"I had friends, or, at least, I thought they were friends. They.... they betrayed me. All I ever did was try and get them to have fun, to make them smile, and......" He sighed again. "I won't go into detail, but, ever since then, I stopped trying to make friends. I figured they'd just turn their backs on me again, as soon as they couldn't use me anymore."

"Then they weren't friends. Friends don't do that."

"Yeah, but how was I supposed to know that they would? So now, my friends are the ones who I know I can trust, who've been there with me through thick and thin. I know that they won't turn their backs on me as soon as it's convenient, but there's still always the nagging doubt in the back of my mind, because it's happened once before. I keep reminding myself that this is a different world, that things are different here, that it won't happen again, but, truthfully, I'm scared Pinkie Pie. I'm scared of having friends, because even if they don't betray me, they can still get taken away, and I'll be all alone again. I don't want to be alone. I don't want to lose any of them, which is why I work so hard to make myself the best I can be, so they will never get taken away. I've read far too many stories where the hero loses a friend in a tragic accident that could have been prevented. I WON'T let it happen to me, so I have to prepare for everything." He had tears in the corners of his eyes, but he was forcing them back, not letting them out.

"You're right, but this IS a different world. Things are different here."

"That's the thing. In my world, I was convinced the universe hated me. Nothing, and I do mean nothing ever went right for me. My parents told me at age five that I was worthless, would never amount to anything, and they wished I had never been born, so they'd have more money to buy things they wanted. All I was to them was an accident that ruined their lives. Do you have any idea what that does to a kid? That's the whole of reality flipping you the middle finger, telling you, 'guess what, you're not allowed to be happy, so stop trying to be. As soon as you accept the fact you're supposed to be miserable, the sooner you can get on with wallowing in self pity, isolation, and going insane for the rest of your life.' I hated it."

I considered asking him what the middle finger meant, but I assumed it was something vulgar.

"I'm not SUPPOSED to be happy. In my universe, there is an unwritten law, stating that Griffin is not allowed to be happy. Which is why I'm not in my universe any more. I never want to go back, and every once in a while, I think that this might all just be a dream or a hallucination. That somebody slipped some kind of drug in my coffee, and I'm currently passed out in a café. I'm scared of waking up and having none of this be real." He was crying now.

"What about Echo. You met him here, and you didn't know him before. You can't just make this stuff up."

"Yes, you can. Discord's imagination is on par with a six year old human, so that says something about us. And, I do KNOW that this is real, and that this is my life, but again, I still get those nagging thoughts. What if it's not? Or, what if it is, but the one who randomly sent me here suddenly decides to send me back? Honestly? I'd rather die than go back to that place. All it is is a slow death, lasting your whole life. Well, for me anyway."

Seeing him like that didn't feel good. I make ponies laugh and smile. Whether it be a party for a happy occasion, or a hug on a sad one, it's what I live for. Griffin REALLY needed a hug. He probably never had one before. I slowly walked up to him, put my chin on his shoulder, and wrapped my hooves around his neck.

"It's okay. No matter what happens, aunt Pinkie will always be here, and I know you're a year older than me."

We both just sat like that for a while, until his tears stopped. He began idly combing through my mane.

"Thank's Pinkie. About when we were in Ponyville.... I'm sorry. You were just trying to be nice, and, well, I'm not nice. I told you not to laugh, when I mean, laughing is pretty much your thing. Might as well have asked you to not be yourself. It's just, all my life I've been laughed at and mocked, and this just turned into one more thing I would get laughed at about." He sighed again.

"I know, but, you forgave me remember? And I already forgave you."

"Yeah, but, I still feel like I owe you something. Say, do you like to sing?" He knows I do, it's part of his alien thing, but he was nice enough to ask anyways, so I nodded.

"I know a song that is delightfully cheerful. It's in another language, and in that language, it's still mostly gibberish. It's usually sung while spinning a leek, which is a kind of onion."

"But, that's just silly!"

"Which is why it's so fun." He smiled as he began to sing while twirling a stick in his claw skillfully, as if he'd practiced doing that, having it go over top of his talon before twisting it with the lower ones to make it keep going and stay in position.

After listening, it really was quite silly, but it was so much fun. The second time around, I began singing it too, and he seemed somewhat surprised that I remembered all of it. Just as I never forget a face, I never forget a song either. I have a really good memory, although that makes me wonder why I forgot my birthday that one time. I thanked him for showing me it, then left.

Griffin's POV

'Pinkie Pie is second best pony. Twilight is still first in my book. After teaching her that, there won't be any living with her. Maybe I should have waited for the end of the trip....... nah......'

Griffin got a bit emotional, having everyone around him is starting to bring down his walls that he's had built up for so long, and Pinkie did what she does best. I'm not too good at writing Pinkie, nor Rarity or Discord, it's just so hard to get into their heads, Rarity because I just have a distinctly different personality and thought process, while Pinks and Dissy are too random for me to emulate properly.

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