• Published 22nd Feb 2012
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Griffin the Griffin - BlackWing

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Freedom (13)


"Well, I hope you have a strong stomach. Just focus on making the arrows hit them in the head or chest. Wounding them isn't enough, you want to go for the kill. Also, keep up the invisibility or they'll catch you, and make the arrows come from angles other then where you're standing."

"You want me to do that all at the same time?" Trixie looked like I had just told her to move the sun itself.

'Oh wait, unicorns CAN move the sun, they just passed that job to Celestia since she's better at it.'

"Yep, it's gonna be tough. This is why I wanted you to practice your magic nonstop, because we're going to be doing shit like this ALL THE TIME.

"I can't, it's just too much, all at once." She said, looking sullen.

"Okay, then, instead, just focus on the leaders."


"Diamond dog leaders carry special chemicals, some explosives, some knockout gas. If you see one with a bunch of glass vials, those are your targets. I can handle the rest of them, I just have trouble with specialists. If you see one of them throw something, just grab what he threw and toss it back at his face okay? You should be able to do that while staying invisible, and you wouldn't be killing anyone. Think you can handle that?"

Trixie gulped. "I, I think so." She stammered.

"Good enough for me! Okay, let's do this!"

I jumped down and began stamping around, nodding to Trixie as she went invisible again. Nothing.

"Come and get me ya mongrels! Aw, what's the matter? Ran home with your tail between your legs? Afraid of the big, strong griffin? Am I too macho for ya?" I taunted. Still nothing.

'They must not be able to hear me. How can I make more vibrations?'

I hefted Hades up, took to the sky, then dove straight at the ground, smacking it with the flat. I could feel the vibrations all up my arm. I stopped for a moment, feeling the ground. Some vibrations echoed my own. I jumped out of the way, doing a somersault with blade extended, cleaving the head of the dog that popped up under me in two. I landed hard on my side, or purpose, to make myself give off more signals. Darting out of the way, I watched a small shuffle in the dirt, bringing the flat of Hades down on it just as the dog's head popped up, killing it with the impact. Another five fell before I saw dirt shuffling all around me. The dogs appeared once again above ground.

"Ha, stupid bird, you should have flown away. Do you think you can fight all of us on your own? We have more nets! You can't escape any more!" One of the leaders said in a high but gravely voice. If only they could see the look on my face. I didn't care how many there were. I didn't see enemies, I saw targets. So many valuable things to be had. All I had to do was kill them. They were just some dumb dogs anyway.

'Damnit, I need a good one liner. Oh wait, I know!'

"Sit. Stay. Roll over. Play dead." I said the last one with malice. One of them got pissed off and charged. I just punched him, knocking him to the ground. After ripping his windpipe out, I looked at the rest of the group that had surrounded me.


"Well, here we are princy, Stalliongrad. I'm gonna split. See ya around, or not. What ever." Gilda said to Blueblood, dropping him off.

"Wait, where are you going?" He called to her as she began to fly away.

"Back to my team, I gotta make sure Grif doesn't get himself killed, and Trixie is way too pathetic to handle herself." She replied.

"So soon? I mean, you just flew both of us all the way here, at least rest a bit." He offered.

"No, you see, we're kind of criminals, so I can't really stay in town too long." She said before she began to fly off.

"Then, you were planning on raiding us?" He asked. She stopped to answer.

"Nope, we really were going to help out. We decided together what would be best."

"Why'd you help? If you're bandits, or criminals, on the run, then why'd you fight to protect me?" He said curious.

"Cuz we felt like it. That, and we hate diamond dogs. Don't like it? Deal with it." Gilda shot back before flying off. She was already gone so she didn't hear Blueblood yell 'Thank you'.

"Criminals? I wonder what their bounties are?" Blueblood walked into the prison and looked at the wanted board. As the city has high crime, everyone who passes through has their picture taken as a standard procedure, although those who enter the city aren't aware of it.

"Ah, here they are. Wanted ALIVE, Trixie the unicorn, wanted for jewelry theft, theft of government property, and prison escape, 40 bits. Gilda the griffin, wanted for assault of an officer, resisting arrest, theft of government property, and prison escape, 60 bits. (Unknown) the griffin, Wanted for assault of an officer, resisting arrest, possession of a deadly weapon, assault with a deadly weapon, assisting in prison escape, disturbing the peace, and theft of government property, 120 bits. Believed to be traveling together, they are highly dangerous, as well as cunning. While they did attack guards, their attacks did not result in death or any permanent injury, and are believed to be acts of self defense." He read with a look of shock on his face, replaced by a look of satisfaction.

"Well well, looks like they had a spot of trouble in town. Should I give them amnesty for their actions? Hmm, no, that's the princess's call, not mine, and they almost seem like the kind who'd be happy with their faces plastered in every town. Looks like they're wanted alive. I should keep track of them. I owe those glorious ruffians a debt of gratitude, the least I can do is make sure the wanted posters stay at wanting them 'alive' only. Oh, and have auntie send some soldiers to rescue my servants and guards. Can't have them living out the rest of their lives in some mud hole.

"What's the matter mutts? I'm just one griffin. I thought you all like capturing us, I mean, you trained for that right?" I laughed as I stood atop the corpses of about 12 dead dogs. Two of their leaders had been knocked out by gas due to the interference of my invisible unicorn friend.

"You are no mere griffin! You are DEMON! All our blades shattered! All our nets, slashed! All our spears fall short, and all our vials blow up in our faces! You are cursed bird!" One of the leaders shrieked, clutching a fresh stump.

"Know that I who have tasted the meat and blood of dragons show no mercy to those who oppose me! My blade hungers, and you are it's fill!" I think I'll just milk the whole cursed thing for what it's worth.

"Meat and blood of dragons? It cannot be!" One of them yelled in fear.

"His blade! After hewing his foes, it has no flaw, it's has no stain! It is dragon scale! He speaks true!" Another one said with fear.

"Silence, he cannot be the one of prophecy, he is griffin!" Another argued. I just stood there, listening to them fight amongst themselves and I shot one in the back.

"You know, when you're fighting someone, you really ought to pay attention to them. Especially if they have the spirits fighting for them."

"Bah, ghosts do not exist! They are old pony tale!" One of them grabbed a vial, only to have it explode in his hand, blowing it off. He cried in pain, only to be silenced by another arrow from me.

"What do you want from us!" One of the remaining 10 asked. This one was uninjured.

"I want the release of all the slaves you have, not just today, but of all time. Every single one who is working against their free will shall be brought before me, and you will never take another into slavery. I want them brought to me. If you try and hold back, I'll know, and I'll take one life for every slave you tried to keep from me. I will go underground to hunt you down if need be. I also want all the gems you are carrying, as well as the vials. Give me what I want, and I will spare your lives."

The three still living leaders discussed it amongst themselves. There were several barks, yips, and growls.

"Fine. We will release the slaves, and give you some gems and vials in return for sparing our lives. Go!" One of them motioned to the remaining dogs, who dug their way underground.

"You are lucky we do not have alpha, or or you would have been slain on the spot, worthless bird!" He spat in my face.

"You are lucky that I agreed to spare your lives, or YOU would have been slain on the spot, worthless mutt." I spat right back at him. "Go bury your dead and tend your wounded, I think enough blood has been shed today. Just remember the name Griffin, because one day, you'll only be able to say it with the title 'King' in front. Oh, and fix that damn cart. Having something broken like that pisses me off."

The dogs pulled the four ponies they took, being the two pegasus guards, the earth pony workers, as well as two very tired, scared, and dirty unicorns, two pegasi in similar states, and two naked diamond dogs, from the ground. They were all wearing chains. They placed them in front of a small pile of gems. The chemical vials I had already stored safely in special holders the dogs had given me, putting them in my backpack. The slaves looked very afraid, but also squinted their eyes against the sun they hadn't seen in so long. When they saw me, carrying a blade and covered in blood, their eyes shrank.

"Give me the keys." The dog did as he was asked. All they could see was my dark blade reflecting the setting sun. I looked to the cart, it had been repaired. One of the unicorn looked at me and began to cry.

"So, this is it? You have no more need for us, so you're sacrificing us to appease this demon griffin to save your own hides? You're despicable!" Then she simply resigned herself to her fate. She figured I was going to eat them or something.

"Dogs, I suggest you find a new home, because I am fairly certain that Prince Blueblood will be coming back here with an army to wipe you out. I told you I'd spare your lives, which I shall, since you have held your part of the bargain. The royal army however, will not. I have no control over them, and they are also coming for me." I said. The diamond dogs whimpered, ears pressed against their heads, as they dug back underground to tell the remnant of their troupe to high tail it out of there.

"Demon Griffin? Sacrifice? Why yes, I suppose that's correct. They have given you to me, and now you are mine to do with as I please."

Gilda flew down and landed next to me. She didn't say anything, she didn't want to ruin the moment.

"What are you going to do? Eat us? You blasted bird! I hope you rot in Tartarus for this." A pegasus stallion raged.

"Why no, I'm letting you go." Really? They thought I was going to eat them because I'm a griffin? Why is everyone is Equestria so racist?

"Um, what?" They asked.

"He's letting you go morons. It just so happens that he's a patron to those who suffer in slavery. So he had them get you out. I hope you all remember this. Friggin ponies, I swear...." She began muttering at the end.

"Hey Trix, the dogs are gone, you can come out." Trixie appeared on the top of the carriage, looking really upset. She slowly walked past the pile of bodies, looking like she was going to be sick. I looked away from the corpses. It's never good, looking at death. I was just more used to seeing blood because I had coughed up way too much of my own. I actually used to be squeamish, but I got used to it. Gilda walked by, letting everyone but the pair of slave diamond dogs go.

"Hey Trixie, how'd you learn to move things with magic without having a visible magic aura around it?"

"I'm not sure, I think my invisibility covers things I affect with my magic too. As long as I release the field before the thing I'm holding touches something, I don't pop back up. I actually went visible a couple times briefly when I hit them with the vials, but I quickly put the spell back on." The unicorn explained.

"Well, good. This is the third time in a row you didn't screw up, and because of that, not only were you effective in combat, but the added fear factor made those dogs think I'm some kind of evil spirit. That, and you learned a new trick. You see? Your first real fight, and you're already WAY beyond what you were." Trixie blushed at the compliment. She was unused to getting a real compliment, and not just acceptance of boasting. She actually did something right, and it felt good, and a lot better about having just assisted in causing the death of a bunch of diamond dogs.

'Well, she's easily corruptible.'

"Geez hotshot, you made a mess around here." Gilda finally spoke up after releasing the ponies and spotting the pile of bodies. "I'm guessing Trix didn't suck?"

"Yeah, she actually proved useful. I'm glad you decided to take her with. If she's not boasting, lying through her teeth, or trying to swell her ego, she can get stuff done. You did real good today. Because of you, not only do we have a load of gems for bits and vials for weapons, but 8 pony slaves get to go home to their families." She smiled a warm smile. She had been an instrument in the murder of over 20 diamond dogs, but she had saved 8 ponies, ponies with friends, loved ones, jobs.

"As for you lame ponies, I suggest you go to Stalliongrad. Prince Blueblood is there, tell him what happened here today, and that he is to take care of you and help you find your way home. If he asks why, tell him that Gilda of the Griffin Pirates sent you, and is calling his debt. The city is that way. If you meet a bunch of guard ponies, tell them to take you to him." Gilda instructed.

"Pegasi, you have been out of the skies for far too long, stretch your wings and take flight! Guide your fellows to the city, and deliver these letters to the prince. Do not open them, and tell him that they are for the princesses. They contain very important information. This is the price of your freedom. Earth ponies and unicorns, as well as you guards, load up the carts and take them to the city. I think the prince will be missing his carriage." I smirked.

The former slaves began crying out of joy. It was too good to be true. They were finally free. They could go home.

"What is your name?" An older unicorn asked.

"I'm Griffin, and that's all you need to know." I said with a scowl.

"I've been in that mine for the past five years. I missed the birth of my grand daughter. I gave up hope on ever getting out, ever seeing Celestia's bright sun again. Because of you, I'm free, I can go home to my family, retire, live happily. I can't thank you enough." He said in the classic grandpa voice.

"You will have thanked me enough if you stop talking. I hate all that sentimental crap. Get your wrinkly old carcass out of here, ya old coot." They loaded up the cart and carriage, guided by the pegasi, heading towards Stalliongrad and safety. "By the way did they really release all the slaves?"

"Yuppers, they were mite scared of you young'un, and with good reason." Even though I insulted him, he just smiled and went on his way.

"Griffin Pirates? Where'd you come up with that?" I asked, now that we were alone.

"I um, just thought it was catchy?" Gilda shrank.

"Well, it is catchy. Alright, I guess we're the Griffin Pirates now. Ahoy matees, avast ye scurvy landlubber!"

"Oh great, he's a pirate again." Trixie scowled.

"Oh come on, it's just a bit of fun."

"By the way, where'd you learn to fight like that?" She asked.

"Told ya, I'm an alien. This body is slower than my old one, and not nearly as nimble. I got into a lot of fights, all of them vs bipedal creatures like the dogs, so I know how they move. I could see how they were going to strike before they did it, meaning I could dodge pretty easy. Still got a couple scratches, but no big deal. They should have put poison on those spears. Idiots."

"So, what about them?" Gilda asked me, pointing at the diamond dogs.

"Hmm, well, first we need to have an initiation." I hefted Hades, putting it to each side of Trixie's head, before putting in back in it's sheath.

"I had my blade right next to your head, but you didn't look at it, you looked at me. Means you trust me with your life. I see no reason not to do the same. Congrats, you're officially a member of the Griffin Pirates. You get voting privileges. Now, let me see. Option one, we kill the dogs, although we don't get anything from it other than sadistic satisfaction. Number two, we let them go. Number three, we make them part of our merry little crew. Number four, we leave them here in chains. Gilda, you get to narrow the options down first, and Trix get's to pick from what you leave behind."

"Works for me." Gilda and Trixie said.

"Okay, well, they were slaves, so they're probably not to impressed with their own kind, and they'd be quite happy with us for saving them. They'd probably like to join us. If they refuse that we could do any of the other three."

"Okay, so we ask them to join us, if they refuse, what do we do Trix?" She thought about it for a moment.

"If they refuse, we let them go. Killing them is pointless, and leaving them in chains is just cruel." Once we had decided amongst ourselves, I walked over to the pair of clearly afraid diamond dogs.

"Here's the deal ya scoundrels, I wanna know why you were slaves."

"We, we were taken. There was a fight between alphas a long time ago. Our's lost. We were taken to unfamiliar mines in Gem Fido. The alpha wanted to expand, so he sent us and some of the other slaves under pony land to kitty cat jungle to work in mines there. Tunnel goes all the way under country, comes up in bottom of mine. We send gems back through tunnel."

"Is that so? That is very interesting. Most likely they're going to fill the tunnel in so the royal guard doesn't find it and follow it back. By the way, did they release ALL the slaves?"

"Yes, they did." The other one said in a low tone. Plain and straight to the point.

"What about the prophecy? The leader said something about the prophecy."

"There is an old tale, the tale of the wolf. We are but dogs, he is a noble beast. He would slay dragons and free the diamond dogs from their wrath. It is said that he would come again as a conqueror and unite the dog packs, but you are not him. You are a griffin."

"You know, it's kind of funny, I was actually planning on taking over Gem Fido. You know something? FUCK your prophecy. I don't see some mystical diamond wolf anywhere, so I'm gonna beat him to the punch. You have two options, you follow me, do what I say, and get to be high council members when I take over the whole damn world, or you go home, believe your stupid superstitions, and die when I topple the whole system. Your choice."

'I would look so much more badass with a pair of sunglasses. Too bad I'd just break em. I'm really getting good at these speeches.

"We will follow you. You may not be the chosen one, but following you leads the promise of a better life. You are strong. We will become part of your group of bandits. Besides, we no longer have a home to go to." They replied.

"Good, just to let you know, we don't trust you, not even slightly. If you want to get anywhere, you gotta earn the trust. We make the decisions, you just follow them. If I want your advice, I'll ask for it. Got it?"

The dogs nodded. I unchained them, half expecting them to run or attack us. They did not.

"Alright we're headed to the jungle. Newbloods, pack up. I don't care what your names are, those are your slave names. I'll give you a new name when you've earned it. For now, you are newbloods. I wanna get out of here before the army shows up. Having a bounty isn't good when you're surrounded by military."

Dear Princess Luna,
How do magnets work?

Sincerely, Griffin.

Well now, they've become five. Will the dogs be loyal? Any questions you have regarding these chapters, post them in the comments and I'll get to them in a later chapter. Also, next chapter is going to be short, but funny as well. I'll give you a hint, it has to do with something Grif said to the pegasi.

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