• Published 22nd Feb 2012
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Griffin the Griffin - BlackWing

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Test (12)


At hearing Gilda and my explanation of the situation, Trixie broke out in laughter.

"Alien? Take over the world? Bwaaaaaaahhhaaha." She cackled, clearly not taking us seriously. She rolled onto her back laughing.

"That's a good one, now who are you, really?" She asked.

"Hey, you don't wanna believe me, that's fine. As for taking over the world, at this point, we can't touch Equestria, and we may never be able to, but we can take all the northern provinces if the plan works out. Either way, we busted you out, and if you don't stick with us, you'll just wind up right back in jail. As long as you do stick with us, you gotta follow our rules. By the way, we don't trust you. Not in the slightest. Me and Gilda trust each other because at several points in out little adventure, one was helpless and the other bailed them out. You're the newcomer, so we'll be watching you. Right now will be your only chance to leave. After we reach the jungle, it's going to get a whole lot more dangerous, and if you try to leave then, you'll just die. So, do you go back to jail with an extended sentence because you escaped, or do you risk your life trying to keep up with us?"

Trixie thought for a moment, before responding.

"Well, there's no doubt that you're both crazy, but you're strong, and I want to get strong too. Beats rotting in jail. Okay, I'm in."

"Very well. Rule one, every waking moment, you will be practicing your illusion magic. Subtlety is the most important. Invisibility, silence, distraction, confusion. Up till this point you've been putting on flair and making a big show. That'll just get you killed. You need to be like a ghost, and be able to manipulate your opponents. Let's say you have two very powerful enemies, who you are unable to defeat with any weapon or attack spell, how would you fight them?" I asked the blue unicorn.

"Well, no destruction or binding spell would work, and summoning a weapon wouldn't work either......."

"You cast a spell on one to make him see the other as an enemy, so they attack each other." I said annoyed at her inability to figure it out on her own.

"Oh, yes, of course. Another scenario!" She tried to make it look like she knew all along.

"One enemy, standing by a cliff. He's too strong to move, magically or other wise, and is heavily armored, as well as fast. You need to kill him."

Trixie thought for another moment, unsure. The three of us continued to walk towards the jungle for about a half hour while Trixie was deep in contemplation.

"Trixie, by this point, the enemy has noticed you and has killed you. You lost your life, failing the mission. Now, when the invasion comes, the guard will alert the rest, and the entire army dies."

"Well, Mr Alien, what would YOU have done?" She said in an annoyed tone.

"I would have used illusion to make him see everything five feet from back, so he think he has another five feet before the ledge, when he really doesn't. He'd move to his position at the edge of the ledge, but since the real ledge is five feet back, he'd fall off and die. Then, I'd place a copy of him there so as not to alert the rest. And I would have thought of it in less than 30 seconds. It's one thing to come up with a plan, it's another to come up with a good plan, and it's something entirely different to come up with a good plan QUICKLY. That is what you'll be training. I'm may be a griffin now, but my original body was weak, slow, and didn't have any weaponry. Stealth and cunning were my specialties. You have much to learn, young grasshopper." I said the last part like Mr. Miyagi, giving a slow bow.

"Umm?" Trixie was confused.

"Don't ask." Gilda face clawed. "It's an alien inside joke or something. He pulls this crap all the time. You'll get used to it."

"Oooookaaaaaaay. So, where are we going?" The unicorn companion asked.

"Feline jungle. We're gonna kick ass, get tough, get rich, and have a blast." I replied.

'That would have been so much cooler if I had a pair of sunglasses.'

"So, Griffin, if that is your real name, how do you know that insufferable unicorn Twilight?" Trixie asked.

"Stopped in Ponyville a while back. Needed books. Couldn't buy em, so I stole em. As for how I know about you, stories get around."

"So, they're still talking about my failure in that hick town?" Trixie looked sullen.

"Don't worry about it. Given where we're headed, odds are we'll never see that place again."

"And where are we headed? That jungle can't be the final destination if you plan on taking over the world, no matter how ridiculous that sounds." She asked.

"All in due time. You'll find out eventually, when I trust you more. Oh look, we're close to the border, and we've got company."

We crouched low behind a hill, spotting a camp in the valley below. Myself and Trixie were laying low by cover, while Gilda flew high to watch our backs, in case something snuck up from behind. Looking at the shadowy figures cast by the camp fire, they were ponies, 6 of them, unknown type. Some were having a sparring match, while others worked to unload a broken cart. After Gilda made sure there wasn't anyone else around, she flew back down.

"Okay, so, we've got 6 I believe, can't tell their type. Care to confirm Gilda?"

"Seven, I spotted one in a carriage they had set up. The six that are there are all earth ponies, can't tell the one in the carriage." We had practiced given situation reports, no fluff, but all the important information.

"What would 7 ponies be doing out here, this far from town?" Trixie asked.

"Well, they might be travelers planning on entering the forest in the morning. It seems likely since if they were bandits they would have made camp IN the forest for cover, and wouldn't have made a bonfire that is, unless they have reinforcements hidden in the treeline and are trying to bait some would be bounty hunter. No. 7 is way too many for bait. They'd have no more than three or four, or else they wouldn't get any bites. 7 is way too many for any average fighter to take on. No, they must be preparing for a jungle raid. Either that, or they're noob bandits. The carriage though, it's way too fancy for bandits to have, unless they stole it."

"Noob?" Trixie didn't understand.

"Slang for newbie, as in, greenhorn, someone who has no idea what they're doing because they haven't been at it very long. In other words, you Trix." I insulted. Gilda laughed, then quickly stifled it to not alert the camp.

"Okay, so, Trixie, time for you to see how we make decisions. We assess the situation, then vote on it. You don't get a vote this time around because you're the newcomer, and you don't know how we do things. Pay attention though, eventually, when we trust you enough, we'll cut you in on it."

We all huddled together, while at the same time looking out once in a while to make sure we didn't get snuck up on.

"Okay, so, first we need to figure out who they are, they might be adventurers, in which case, they could be of use to us, trading and whatnot. Or, they are extremely foolish bandits, so we have a raiding opportunity. Or, they're merchants, and we could raid them, but then we'd have an even higher bounty. The final possibility is a V.I.P escort. We need more information on what we're dealing with before we decide. Gilda, lower a cloud and take a look from the sky, I'll sneak up close with Trix with an invisibility spell."

"I thought you said we'd vote on it?" Trixie said.

"We vote on things that have more than one option. No matter what the outcome, it would be stupid to not figure out what we're dealing with. Even if we do nothing 'bout it, if there's a wasp in the room, I wanna know where it is. Might turn out to be a honey bee, which I can follow back to the hive for a snack, savvy?" I said the whole thing in my best mimic of Jack Sparrow.

"So, first you're a martial artist, and now you're a pirate?" Trixie mocked.

"Indubitably my dear, now, let us make haste, else we risk losing our quarry." This time, with a high society British accent. She just shook her head.

"The things I get myself into."

Gilda flew overhead, hiding in a cloud, while myself and the Great and Powerful annoyance crept up on foot, hoof, claw, paw, WHATEVER! We had the invisibility spell on, her riding on my back because it was much easier to cast it on only one target, and her hooves made a lot of noise. I told her before we got close that if she said anything I would just leave her with whoever these ponies were, so, she kept her mouth shut the entire time. I still had to avoid the fire, lest they see our distortion by the fire, or a stray ember dispel the illusion. If she wanted us to get out, she would tap me with her hoof. Sneaking around, I looked in the window of the carriage and spotted a stately looking unicorn whom I recognized very well, even with a pillow over his head. We left the camp, returning to our original spot, where Gilda met us.

"Well, looks like you didn't screw up Trix, that's two in a row. Good job. It's nice to have a a lucky streak."

"What else did you expect from the Great and Powerful...." She was interrupted as Gilda grabbed her around the neck, but not too hard.

"I mean, thanks. I'm glad I didn't mess up." She corrected herself.

"See, you can teach a Trixie new tricks." I laughed.

"So, turns out Mr.Carriage is a unicorn, all professional. Any idea who it might be?" I knew exactly who it was, Prince Blueblood. As for why he slept in the carriage while the rest of the group, obviously guards, slept outside, was plain to see. Of course, I shouldn't know who the prince is, so I just played it off.

"Prince Blueblood. Wonder what he's doing all the way out here?" Trixie asked.

"Probably on some tour thing, showing himself off to all the towns. Why would he be near the jungle though?"

"I don't know of any jungle towns, but there might be one." Gilda said.

"I think it's more likely the cart broke down somewhere in the plains, so they pulled it to the nearest source of wood, being the jungle, to try and fix it."

"That doesn't make much sense, I mean, the cart is plenty big for all the stuff they had, plus the ponies. Why not just salvage the carriage to fix it?" Gilda asked.

"Because Blueblood is egotistical. He'll make ponies go way out of their way, even endangering the whole group, just to spare himself some comfort."

"Says miss ego herself. Well, odds are they're not hostile, so if we want, we could probably trade with them or something come daybreak. They most likely weren't prepared for a breakdown, so they might not have an ax, and will be trying to kick trees down to use to repair it. Ol princy won't be doing any work himself, so they'd probably be happy to have some help. Okay, so, our options."

I cleared my throat, preparing to explain what we could do.

"One, we help them out. We may not get a reward, but we just might. Having royalty on your side is always a plus, especially given that we're criminals. Influence is a good thing. They probably haven't gotten word about us having bounties, because if a courier had gotten out here, they wouldn't even be here. No downsides.

Option two, we trade with them. see what they have, let them see what we have in return, try to strike a deal for something we need. No downsides.

Option three, we sneak in under cover of night, steal what we want, then make for the forest. Upside is we can get more stuff, although we're pretty well supplied from Stalliongrad. Downside is we'd be pissing off royalty, and just as having friends in high places is good, having enemies in high places is bad, if we get caught, which at this point, I'd say is 50/50.

Option four, we attack, then we can take our time picking through the loot once they're dead. We'd be able to haul a lot more stuff with that carriage, but it would be hard to maneuver through the dense jungle. We'd also get huge bounties for murdering royalty, which is bad. We'd have all of the Equestrian military after us, maybe even the princesses themselves.

Option five, we kill the guards, taking the prince hostage for bits. We'd get a huge head start on our funding, but it would be bad, for the same reasons as option four.

Option six, we do nothing. Leave them to their fate, and continue on our journey." I explained all the things we could do.

"Killing? That's horrible! Why would we do that?" Trixie was taken aback.

"Hey, I never said we were going to, I simply made it an option. It's my job to think of ALL possibilities, even if some of them are very bad idea's. Also, just to let you know, at some point in the future, we WILL be killing. I've killed 10 diamond dogs and a dragon. There's more to come, you can bet on it. Gilda, what's your take on this?"

"Well, option one, two, three, and six. I don't much like the idea of having to put up with a snob, but we might get some influence in Equestria, which is a good thing. It wouldn't hurt to just see what they're willing to trade, even if we don't end up making a deal. They have more than enough goods, so we could just take what we need and go, but it'll be pretty hard to go unnoticed with all six of them on guard, even though they probably will go to sleep soon. We'd have to silently kill a guard or two. Or, we just ignore them. Any of those work for me."

"Well, I don't want to go around pissing off anyone with power, and we have more than we need, so I'd say stealing is off the table. Again, we have pretty much everything we need, so there really isn't any reason to trade with them, unless they have something really hard to come by, which I doubt it. So, we either leave them alone, or we help them out. Since we're undecided, I'm making the decision yours Trix. So we put up with the snob, delay our journey, and put in a hard day's work without guarantee of reward, or do we just leave them be?"

"Ehm, let's help them." Trixie said nervously. I could read her like a book.

"Let me guess, you hope that by helping the prince, you'll be able to get out of your prison sentence, then go back to your old life? Yeah, this would be a perfect way to lose the bounties we no doubt have. Well, whatever, I made it your call, so, we help them in the morning. Let's get some shut eye. I'm taking first watch with Trixie, I don't trust you enough to not just make off with all our stuff."

Morning came, me and Gilda awoke ready to start the day as soon as Celestia's sun came up. We had to kick Trixie to make her wake up.

"Geez sleepy head, we were both awake half the night, and we're up. You had a full night's sleep, and you're still groggy. We have work to do, remember?" I kicked her gently again, making her roll onto her hooves.

"Alright alright. Ugg, do you always get up this early?" She complained.

"Yes, we do. Because if we don't we'll get eaten. Or kidnapped, or arrested, or something. We wake up at dawn every day, and go to sleep past midnight. Just another thing you'll get used to. Oh look, you're awake. I don't see you practicing your spells."

"And now you're a drill sergeant. Joy." She said, wiping the sleep from her eyes with her hooves.

"First order of business, breakfast. We each get a banana. The point is not to fill yourself up, but to get enough energy to last you till lunch. You can't march on an empty stomach, but a full one makes you waddle instead. Let's go."

Jungles are full of food, so we didn't have to worry about wasting ours. We ate quickly, then headed to the camp. The carriage was a bright white, designed to be pulled by two, while the covered wagon was dull, designed for efficiency instead of glamour, also meant to be pulled by two. Finally, there were two armored ponies, clearly the convoy guards. As the three of us approached, with Trixie making herself invisible, Gilda on a cloud above, and myself coming up in plain sight, the agreed upon method of approaching uncertain targets, I was halted by the guards.

"Halt griffin!" One of them huffed.

"Oi! Ow'd you know ma name?" I said whimsically. The guards looked at each other confused, then pointed at me.

"Ah, roight. Names Griffin the griffin. Noticed you lot in in a bit of a pickle with that there broke cart. Ya need any help?" I was giving the 'Ello Guvna' accent used by peons a couple hundred years ago. It meant I wouldn't have to explain my name, if they thought I was some bumpkin.

"No, griffin, we do not require your assistance. Now, be on your way." They huffed.

"Ya shore? Ya might wanna ask da big boss is dat there fancy carriage about it. He prolly want's ta be on his way, and I think I can elp ya." I said, pointing at the carriage. Trixie had cast a spell prior, letting me and Gilda see her while she was invisible. She looked kind of like a ghost, a partly see through version of herself. She face hoofed. One of the guards went to go ask the prince, while the other moved to be directly in front of me. I just blew on my claws, nonchalantly, waiting for him to return. The prince came out of the carriage with the guard, walking directly up to me, looking me in the eyes.

"Hmph, let me guess, you're hoping for some kind of reward for your work?" The prince said, looking down on me even though I was taller than him.

"Is that a question, or an offer?" I said in my normal tone, confusing the hell out of the guards.

"Hmm, what services could a lone griffin provide?" He asked.

"Well, I can tell you need wood, otherwise you wouldn't be so close to this jungle. I can easily cut down trees with my blade, as well as make them the right size and shape to fix your cart. As for being alone..." I flicked Trixie, who's sudden appearance as the spell shattered made the prince jump back. Gilda, seeing her cue, dropped from the cloud she was on, landing next to me.

"What is this?" He asked afraid, as the guards moved to intercept the new targets.

"We're just offering some help is all. We're quite skilled. If you don't want any assistance, we could always just continue our journey into the jungle..."

"What? Why in Equestria would you WANT to go into that damned place?" He asked shocked.

"To each his own. You prefer high society, and I prefer fighting for my life in an unforgiving location. It's quite a rush."

"No, I'm afraid that we're perfectly capable of taking care of this ourselves, now, be on your way you ruffians." The prince said nervously. The guards moved closer together as he backed away.

"Fine by me. We don't want any trouble. Climb on Trix, we'll land somewhere in the jungle. Don't want to be ambushed by any cats or anything on our way......" I stopped moving. I closed my eyes, listening, feeling.


"What is the meaning of this drawing your weapon in the presence of the prince, You're under arr....." The guard was cut off as a net landed on him. Suddenly, he was dragged underground, screaming. Two of the worker ponies who had either been pulling the cart or chariot met the same fates, disappearing suddenly.

"What's going on!" The prince yelled, crying nervously.

"Shh, stay quiet and you'll be safe. They have sensitive ears." I whispered. He gulped as he stepped back. A small hole appeared under him, with a net springing out of it. I grabbed the net as it surrounded him, pulling up on it with both arms as I elbowed the prince out of the way. I tugged and yanked till the diamond dog on the other end popped right out of the ground. I twisted around, slicing him clean in half with my blade.

"What in the name of Celestia..." The other guard said.

"Diamond dogs. Slavers. What the hell are they doing this far south, unless they have a warren right under us. Damnit, I wasn't expecting this."

Blueblood just stared at the body of the dog, still twitching despite not having his lower half. He started to vomit. A dog appeared behind him, about to grab him and drag him down, when Gilda dropped out of the sky, grabbed him, picked him up, lifting him high into the air. A couple hundred feet up, she dropped him. I saw Trixie out of the corner of my eye, being very still and very silent, still invisible. She had a look of unrequited horror on her face as she watched the whole thing unfold.

Another dog popped up, this on receiving a swift bucking by the remaining guard. The other two earth pony workers ran over to us, making a circle. Gilda was picking off dogs as they popped up, throwing them into the air, causing them to fall to their deaths. Their 'hide underground' strategy wasn't working, so the whole lot of them popped up.

"30? Are you freaking kidding me? We're right on top of a whole nest of them!" I yelled.

"How'd they know we were here?" The guard asked.

"Vibrations. Under this dirt is solid rock. They could feel you because you're hooves make solid contact. Can't feel me because I have soft pads. Then they pop out and drag you down to work in the mines. Or eat you. Which ever." I explained, blocking a gas vial with Hades. I held my breath to not inhale the gas. It worked. The guard passed out and got dragged under.

"This isn't working! DAMNIT!" I yelled, slashing a net as it came forwards. "There's too many! You two, run your asses off. Get to town and tell them what's happened. I'm going to cover your escape. Gilda, grab the prince and get him to safety! I'll take care of Trix!" The two earth ponies headed off, running for their lives, me clearing a path for them with my blade. Gilda swooped down and grabbed Blueblood, as I slashed a net that would have snagged both of them. She then headed off to Stalliongrad as fast as she could go. Trixie was standing perfectly still by a tree, still invisible.

"Wait griffin!" Blueblood cried as he was lifted into the air.

"Aw, don't tell me the little baby is afraid of heights." Gilda mocked. "And the name's Gilda, remember it!"

"No, I live in Canterlot Castle, I've been looking down from on high for a while. What about your compatriots, and my guards and servants? Are we just abandoning them?" He looked worried.

"No, you don't know Griffin. He's had a shitty life, been kept down. Then again, so have I, but him, he's different somehow. He never said in detail. First he's normal, whimsical even, playing pranks and whatnot. He spoke like a country bumpkin to your guards and normally to you just for kicks. Then, he get's mad. When he gets mad...... Did you see his weapon? It's made from the scale of an 80 foot tall dragon. He killed it. He ripped it's scale off with his bare claws, getting all cut up, flew down it's throat while getting scorched, then killed it from the inside. I watched him do it. When he came out, he had a maniac look in his eye. Afterwards, he acted like it was nothing. He asked me why dragon blood tasted sour. He's a berserker. It's like he has an entire lifetime of unrelenting rage that he couldn't let out, and now he can. All I can say is, if he's about to do what I think he's about to do, I pity those diamond dogs. Coming from a griffin, that's saying something."

Flying into the air, since I no longer had to worry about the ground crew, I slashed net after net with Hades. They couldn't bring me down. I flew higher than the dogs could throw their chemicals. I put my sword on my back and drew my bow.

"Remember. Remember. Hold it on an angle. Breathe out. Draw it all the way, fletching just next to your cheek. Breathe in. Hold, and let go."



"Boom headshot! Ya like that ya damn dog! Yer a hell hound now!" I laughed. I let loose a couple more arrows, picking off six of the unarmored dogs before the rest, no longer able to get at me, fled underground. I grabbed Trixie, dispelling her invisibility, and flew atop the carriage.

"Here you are Trixie. Take some arrows. They can't feel your vibrations up here. Cast invisibility on yourself, but not the arrows. Then send them straight into the dogs while keeping yourself hidden. I'm going to make a ruckus to bring them back up. You pick them off while I play a little whack a mole. I'm gonna have to trust you here. We could just escape, but dogs happen to have valuables. Last I checked, valuables are valuable, and I LIKE money. We'll kill as many as we can, then take whatever we can use and sell the rest."

"But, that's murder!" She said quietly, trying to not attract attention.

"Yeah, but they're trying to kill us too. Or capture us, and make us spend the rest of their lives as slaves, digging up gems for them. They're criminals. We'd be doing this world a favour. Let's not forget how they tried to kidnap the prince, and succeeded in taking both his guards, as well as two innocent servants. They're dangerous, and we'll DEFINITELY get a reward for taking care of them, especially since we saved the prince. This is your test. If you can do it, we'll walk away heroes, a whole lot richer, and you'll be able to stick with us. If you can't, I'll either die or be made a slave, as will you, since I'm your ride out of here."

"Then why don't we just leave?" She asked.

"Because it's not your choice rookie, it's mine."

Dear Princess Celestia,
How do ponies hold things when they don't have fingers?

Sincerely, Griffin.

So, can Trixie really kill? What's going to happen to the captured ponies? Well, don't ask me! Just read the next chapter!

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