• Published 8th Aug 2013
  • 21,999 Views, 350 Comments

Royal Affection - NightShader

WARNING Anon in Equestria [HiE] You X Celestia. Everyday life in the Canterlot castle can be very boring. One faithful day you decide to change it all...Will it be for the better?

  • ...

Correcting Mistakes

I'm so stupid, I'm so stupid. Those lines kept repeating themselves over and over again as you sprinted through the massive halls of the canterlot castle.

If I could kiss her before, why can't I kiss her now?. And if she could accept me, why couldn't I accept her!? Each time you thought about it, the decisions you made kept becoming more painful and started to sound more stupid each time.

I'm going to set things straight now though, I'm going to tell her how I feel and I'm going to hug her and, and - Your thoughts were cut off by hoofsteps sounding from the other side of the building. Slowly and elegantly the mare you were looking for trotted through the hallways.

But what if she doesn't want me back...

She seemed to notice you as you both made eye contact. What frightened you was that she had her pokerface back. This time it felt colder, though...

"Greetings, Anonymous." She spoke first. Crap, my full name.

"Oh eh, he- hi, pr- eh Celestia." Not even one meaningful word was able to escape your mouth as you failed miserably in the most simple of greetings.

With this small exchange of words Celestia started to walk again as she broke eye contact and stared straight forward. She probably wasn't planning on reïnitiating the conversation, If you could even call it that.

"W-wait I need to talk to you Celestia," you spoke quickly. Luckily, she stopped, she didn't answer though.Well it wasn't really a question...

"I'm sorry, Celestia... I... " Again you were at loss of words. "I'm so sorry, I mean I-" Celestia cut you off this time.

"Apology accepted," She spoke as she started walking again. Again, it sounded so cold. You weren't sure of what you had to do, should you persist? Do you have to confess? Did she truly forgive you? Time was ticking as she already had passed you and the distance between you two was slowly increasing.

"I love you..." Were the words that came out of your mouth, the words were broken, muffled, monotone... Yet it was truly all you had to say. Celestia stopped right in her tracks once more, giving you a small sliver of hope.

"H-how can you still speak those words..." Her voice cracked slightly at the beginning but she quickly regained her composure as she finished the sentence.

"I made a huge mistake, I really do love you Celestia, it only took me a while to real-" She cut you off.

"Liar! You've spoken those words before, but you... You..." This time she was unable to keep calm as a tear trickled down her face. "Y-you told me you loved me, you held me, you kissed me... People who love each other don't hurt each other A-anon... Yet... yet you broke me... It really hurt Anon..." You could feel the emotion in the words she spoke, you really did hurt her.

"I need you... I'm sorry," You spoke again, trying your best to think of something, but being unable to.

"Liar Liar Liar! How can I know you won't hurt me again... H-how can I know you won't just run off again... Leave me alone again... " Her tears were forming faster and seeing her like this wasn’t doing you any good either.

Instead of responding you started to walk towards her, you had no idea what to do, but you wanted to embrace her, cheer her up. Anything but looking at her like this was good for the moment.

You didn’t actually get the chance though, right before you were going to make contact, she spoke up.

“I-I can’t...”And with that she disappeared right in front of your eyes, no trail of smoke, no flashing light. Even if her horn was actually glowing, you wouldn’t have noticed it anyway. All that was left was you with one arm in the air. As you slowly let your arm fall, you let out a defeated sigh.

“I guess I lost, then.” The words you spoke were cold, but you were burning on the inside. You could feel sadness slowly building up inside you as you turned around and started to make your way back to your room.

A flash of light from behind stopped you right in your tracks. Maybe she came back. With a small bit of hope you turned around as quick as you could.

“Celestia you came ba-” Instead of being greeted by the sight of Celestia, Luna was the one who had appeared behind you.

“Too good to be true anyways...” You weren’t really in the mood for another deep conversation so you just turned around and started walking again.

“Where art thou going, Anon.” You could hear her regal voice speak from behind you.

“I don’t know, to my room probably. Somewhere I can slip down into depression in peace.” You spoke in monotone, not really caring anymore.

“Fool, our sister is giving thee a chance. Why ruin this opportunity?” She spoke slightly irritated.

“A chance? Did you actually see what happened right there? She rejected me, to the face actually. It was a simple ‘no’, she didn’t give me a chance.”

“She told thee that she lacked trust. Show her that she can trust thee, show her that thou can love her once more. Our sister is in her room, we cannot force thee, but know that thou are not allowed to make any more of mistakes if you still wish to regain the heart of our sister,”

You didn’t know what to say, you knew that Luna was right though. If you wanted to set things straight, you couldn’t make any more mistakes. Each one you made was a stab in an open wound from now on.

“Okay, I’ll try once more.” You responded. A small smile appeared on Luna’s face as her horn started glowing.

“I wish thee luck, young Anon.” Suddenly the glow started to make it’s way towards you and started to spread throughout your whole body.

“Wait what are you-” Suddenly you were sitting in the hallway towards Celestia’s room. Why you were actually ‘sitting’ in the hallway was something that confused you, but the teleporting itself was actually quite amusing.

You could see the door that lead into her room from where you were, and the guards who stood before it... Well, thanks Luna... You quickly stand up and dash towards a pillar, hoping you haven't been noticed by the guards yet.

Okay, how am I going to get to celestia?


Author's Note:

The end is finally near, I can keep apologizing for the delays but I think you guys have heard enough of that.

I don't think it'll take long for the next chapter to get posted this time,(Something I've said a thousand times as well) and I'm glad you guys have been patient.

Note that after 'The End', there will also be 'The Alt End' for all the Luna lovers out there :raritywink:

Untill then...


-Nevermind, I didn't forget anything.