• Published 8th Aug 2013
  • 21,998 Views, 350 Comments

Royal Affection - NightShader

WARNING Anon in Equestria [HiE] You X Celestia. Everyday life in the Canterlot castle can be very boring. One faithful day you decide to change it all...Will it be for the better?

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The Morning After

“Ugh,” you lazily groan. “What happened?” Your mind feels numb and you could feel an abrupt jolt of pain with every thrust of blood pumping through your head. The only thing you could remember is that you and Celestia were drinking...

Oh crap! Where is Celestia?

You were in your new room and bottles were spread all over the couch and table that stood in the middle of the room. Try as you might to recall that night, the headache from your hangover throbs more painfully. “Damn,” you mince a curse through your gritted teeth. “Maybe I should’ve stopped at three bottles.”

You gingerly slide your feet off the bed down to the marble floor, doing your best to keep your balance in place as you wobble your way awkwardly toward the restroom. Triumphant, you make it to the bathroom without a single trip or stumble. But the moment you enter the lavatory your vision blurs and your stomach starts acting funny. You begin to feel as if something had ran you over, and the signs from your body indicate the inevitable. Now you really wish you hadn’t drank that much. Your instincts kick in as you rush to the toilet as hastily as possible and kneel down with your face hovering over the bowl. You hold your stomach to resist, but to no avail as you puke out what would be your yesterday’s dinner: chilly. “Good lord!” you grimace as you again let out another stream of vomit.

After that excruciating experience, you flush the yucky stuff down the toilet and must now rid the vomit smell lingering in your mouth. You survey the counter for your toothbrush and realize why you can’t find it.

It was still in your old room, you haven’t had the time yet to transfer your stuff, that includes fresh clothes. Well, no problem. I’ll just stop by at my old room before I go get breakfast. With those thoughts you leave your new room and head back towards the old one.

Getting there proved to be a bigger problem than you thought. As stated earlier, this castle is friggin huge! After getting lost a couple of times and having to ask the royal guards where your old room was, you finally arrived at your old room. Oddly enough, the room was locked. Why! Your stomach was showing massive protest to all the walking you had done on an empty stomach. Food first, problems later.

You arrived at the breakfast hall, and there, at the table, sat the most beautiful being you have ever seen. Wait what? Where did that come from?

“Good morning, Anon,” she says in her soft voice. This has triggered something, slowly memories of last night start returning...


“Come, sit down.” you said to Celestia as you walked over to the couch. Doing this was quite difficult as you couldn’t seem to find your balance. Eventually you managed to wobble over to it without falling.

Celestia simply followed you without speaking a word. She seemed a bit absent minded as she too had difficulty reaching it. Several moments after you were able to sit down, she plopped herself next to you. Taking this as a cue to begin, you pass your hand through her left wing carefully lifting the feathers. Celestia visibly flinched as she moves a little further away from you.

“Oh sorry, did I hurt you?” you asked worryingly.

“N-no, w-what are you doing?” she stuttered as she looked at you with wide eyes.

“I wanted to preen your wings, but I won’t if you don’t want me to,” you explain. Philomena seemed to like it... Are pegasus wings more sensitive?

She doesn’t answer, instead she just moves closer again spreading her wings in the process. You grin at the sight and begin once again, although this time you do it more carefully, lifting her feathers one by one softly touching the skin underneath. Every once in awhile you could hear small hums escape her mouth. Wow, she’s liking this. It was fairly dark by now and the chandeliers suddenly ignite. How the- oh yeah, magic. The candlelight's illuminations fell on Celestia and you noticed how majestic this mare actually was. The perfect curves her body possessed, followed by her beautiful wavy mane that flowed besides your body. Suddenly Celestia shifted her head, meeting your gaze. You caught yourself staring into her soft lavender eyes. Why is she so attractive! I know that alcohol makes the ugliest girl attractive, but does it make horses look like sex bombs?

Celestia slowly half-lidded her eyes and gave you a sly grin.

“Please, go on.” she insisted in a seductive tone.

At that moment you started feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"I-I think we should call it a night." you managed to stutter as Celestia crept closer.

"Oh, why that sudden decision?" she asked, repositioning herself. She was now laying her body on your lap, her eyes still staring into yours.

"Eh... It was a fun night, too bad everything must come to an end so soon." your mind failed to come up with logical answers as you tried speaking whatever was the first thing that came to mind.

"It doesn't 'have' to."

She obviously drank too much as well, more reason for me to send her away.

You move yourself away from Celestia as she was getting uncomfortably close.

The vision starts to blur and from that point onward you can’t remember anything else after that.


You still stood in the breakfast room and Celestia was giving you a curious stare.

"Oh eh, morning Celestia. D-do you..." you weren't able to get it through your throat, you wanted to ask her about last night, but fear was stopping you. "D-do you know what happened last night? I-I can't seem to remember."

"I seem to have little memory about what happened last night as well, I do remember however that you send me away in the middle of the night." She says taking a sip from her morning tea. Phew, maybe we didn't...

"Sorry about that, I just wanted to make sure that nothing happens that we would later regret.” Celestia visibly flinches at your words. Oh crap, something did happen! If she, master of the pokerface, manages to flinch. That means it must have been pretty bad. Somethings are better untold...

“Soo, where are we going today?” You quickly ask trying to change subject.

“I have taken a day off today, so I’m the one who should be asking.” she responds with a small smile. Ah great, more stuff to think about. Instead of answering, you just walk over to the table and sit down. “Maybe we c-” A loud squawk nearly made you jump off your seat as Philomena, the majestic phoenix she was, appeared next to you. The feathers on the back of her head were lifted, just like the last time.

“Fine, fine. Let’s get this over with.” you say unwillingly. Swiftly, Philomena hops down onto your lap and spreads her majestic wings as she awaits you to do the first move.

Several minutes of preening later, you notice that Celestia was curiously eyeing you from the other side of the table. Well, not exactly you, but more like your hands.

“Is something wrong?” you ask.

“N-no, I was just thinking about something, it wasn’t of any importance.” she says looking away. Oh, speaking without looking me in the eyes? That’s bad acting, you knew for sure she was lying.

“I can preen your wings if you want.” you offer straight away. Again you notice a visible flinch from Celestia as her eyes go wide.

“W-well you see, ahh. I think you should read this, Anon.” she says as her horn glows white and a book appears in front of you. “Pegasus anatomy” read the book’s title.

Why would she want me to read that?