• Published 8th Aug 2013
  • 21,998 Views, 350 Comments

Royal Affection - NightShader

WARNING Anon in Equestria [HiE] You X Celestia. Everyday life in the Canterlot castle can be very boring. One faithful day you decide to change it all...Will it be for the better?

  • ...

I'm Out!

“No, you know what? Just no, fck this shit. I’m done, I’m out.” You suddenly speak up to yourself as you walk from behind the pillar and away from Celestia’s room. The guards notice your presence and both have a confused expression on their face.

“I’m not going to waste anymore of my time on this” You think to yourself as you maneuver through the hallways of the massive castle. Suddenly you are blinded a bright light appearing right in front of you.

“Nop, not anymore you don’t.” You say as you simply walk around the light and resume your march towards the exit of the castle.

“Oh and don’t bother to follow me, I’m sick of this shit, no more drama for me.” You say as you give whoever popped up behind you the finger as you keep walking.

“You probably don’t even know what that finger means but I don’t care! I’m a free man!”

And with that you disappear... Or well, you walked out the door and away from the castle.


20 minutes later


You had arrived at the center of Canterlot, it was already late in the evening but that’s only profitable in this situation. A bar will do me good right now.

Entering a random bar you immediately take a seat close to the bartender and grab his attention.

“Give me whatever you recommend to get drunk fast please.” You ask the bartender as you slide some bits over the bar.

“Sure buddy, tough night?” The bartender asks.

“I’d rather not talk about it” You tell him as he gives you you your drink. I’m here to forget, not to regret.

Taking a look around you you notice it’s fairly empty here. It’s probably because it’s still early, or maybe this place isn’t even a popular one, you really don’t know. There was one pony that grabbed your attention though, she already had 5 bottles besides her and she had just ordered a sixth.

“Heh, seems like I’m not the only one who’s having struggles today.” You chuckle to yourself.

The bartender overheard you and speaks up once he passes you.

“Yep, that’s another one that doesn’t want to talk, maybe you two should hook up, “ He says jokingly as he starts cleaning the bar table with a cloth.

“Give me three more of these,” You say after you took a sip of your drink. “No more hooking up for me anytime soon, oh god no.”

“Ah so that’s where yer problems are coming from, what’s the name of the filly? I know ‘m all,” The bartender says, clearly interested as to what was going on.

“Maybe when I’m drunk,” You say as he gives you the drink’s you’ve ordered. With a slightly irritated grunt he leaves you alone, and goes to serve other customers.

Normally you would’ve just talked with the man, seeing as you didn’t bring anyone with you, but not about that particular subject. It’s not something you wanted to be reminded off right now.


As the night progresses start to notice that you’re already pretty drunk, random thoughts about ‘the one we’re not going to talk about’ flood your mind, and that’s something you don’t want right now.

As you look over to the mare you saw at the beginning of the evening, she had already collected 3 times the amount of bottles you had next to her. Dayum.

To keep your thoughts off of that one pony, you decide to take a seat next to the probably drunk mare.

“What brings you here?” You speak up.

“I’m not in the mood.” Was the only answer she gave. Just like the bartender said, she didn’t want to talk either. But hey, not like you had anything better to do.

“Ahh cmon, a talk won’t hurt. What’s your name?” You persist.

The mare visibly hesitated for a moment, but then still speaks up.

“The name’s Octavia. But look, I’m not interested in talking right now okay? Leave me alone.” She chugs down her last bottle. “Besides I was just about to take my leave anyways,” She says standing up and waddling towards the exit.

That is not going to go well You chuckle to yourself. Although it is a good Idea of her to go home now, you think that decision came a little too late.

You pay for your last drink and decide to follow and see if she makes it home. The whole time this mare was walking all over the place, miraculously dodging every stationary trashcan or bench she passed.

But it didn’t take long before she was already leaning against a streetlight to not fall down. But this decision also came a little too late, a few seconds later she smacks against the ground and remains there motionlessly You decide to wait a little, but there was no reaction at all. She remained still in the same position.

“Yep, good thing I followed her. Guess I have to take her home” You sigh.


Octavia Route Unlocked!

Author's Note:

Hereby the announcement of my new Octavia story, it's going to take place right after the events of Royal Affection because it's very easy to write on after this. It still has no release date though so don't get your hopes up too mutch!

Comments ( 8 )

Uh-huh, just as I thought....

Alcohol! Because no story worth telling starts with someone eating a salad.

Really right now, I would hope you plan on making that "heartwarming moment with Octavia" still. Oh and thanks for using my idea.

No, they eatin' a burgah then they teletransport in front of the princess and carry on eatin' they burgah!

hopefully the redheart and octavia route ould be released!:twilightsmile:
cute story bro like the all endings!:yay:

We ever gonna get the Octavia or Redheart sequels?

This story sucks ass.

Okay, I'll put it this way: if this was unironical, it's comically bad. If it was meant as a trololo moment, it could use some more work in order to draw the reader in and really set them up for the out-of-left-field endings.

I mean, in order to really get trolled, you have to invest in the story and characters - you have to connect on some level, and for that you need both character depth and story development. You can't just rely on old, overused clichés - something new needs to be brought into the mix, or the existing tropes have to be used in new ways, to create something that seems to lead to a glorious resolution, only to be torn down at the last second (here, I will allow the old bait-and-switch, as it certainly does its job).

Actually, I think this commentary on the issue explains it rather succinctly, at least as far as that last bit is considered, and it certainly does a lot better a job than I ever could.

On a more positive note, I finally know exactly what sort of rating this deserves! ;]

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