• Published 8th Aug 2013
  • 21,999 Views, 350 Comments

Royal Affection - NightShader

WARNING Anon in Equestria [HiE] You X Celestia. Everyday life in the Canterlot castle can be very boring. One faithful day you decide to change it all...Will it be for the better?

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Last Night's Events

Author's Note:

To be honest with you guys, I had almost given up on this story. At the last moment, Keeper Of Harmony made sure I didn't, he gave me back my inspiration.

I truly recommend you check out his stories, he's a great guy.

Now without further ado, time to start with the chapter

Ah I see... The princess of the night in my bed just after I broke up with her sister. Well that’s kinda... You simply lay back down on your bed. It’s not as if I’m not going to get locked up for this, why should I even try to struggle. You thought nonchalantly. However, after a while of imagining yourself in the canterlot dungeons, it still frightened you., so instead, you slooowly slip out of bed.

Good thing the bed was of good quality, you didn’t even make a sound whilst slowly escaping. It only tooky a matter of seconds to reach the exit.

Great, now to just slowly open the door...

“Good morning, Anonymous,” you heard Luna’s voice speak. It was too good to be true anyways.

You turn around nervously, expecting her to be right behind you. Instead ,she was still lying on your bed, simply faced towards you.

“Ow eh, hi there eh... Luna. Slept well?” You ask a bit shaky.

“We did not sleep, we simply observed,” She answered softly, an awkward grin plastered on her face. Okay...creep...

“Well ehh, Anywaays, I think I should get going, I’m pretty hungry byeee.” you say hastily as you turn around and speed out of your room. You could hear her say something right before you closed the door. However, it was inaudible thus it was never spoken...

Halfway through the hallways you realized that If you went to the breakfast hall to eat now. You’d probably encounter ‘youknowho’.

Back to the bedroom it is then... You sigh as you stop right in your tracks, almost tumbling over, and start returning back to your room. Seeing Celestia now wouldn’t do any good. It was still a good escape though... You internally high five yourself, even though it was an epic fail.

Upon return to your room, you slowly creaked open your door, revealing luna, still in your bed, looking straight at you.

You gulp. “On second thought, I’m still a little bit tired and need some more rest. No need for you to stay though, I’m sure you have lot’s of royal duties to perform.” you say with a big fake smile.

“On the contrary, Anonymous. For our sister takes responsibility of our duties in the day whilst we have control in the night,” she states calmly.

Ohh great, she’s not in the mood to leave... Veery convenient.

“Soo, Luna, about yesterday. Can you tell me err, what exactly happened?” you ask as you slowly make your way towards your bed.

“Ah yes,” She hummed in delight. “Twas a marvelous night, Anonymous. Thou hast made us the happiest mare alive last night. We promise not to enlighten our sister about what we saw unless thy feels the need to.

“Ahh thanks......” Wait WHAT?!

“Ehh, enlighten her about what exactly?” You ask as your heart starts beating faster and faster, you didn’t like where this was going, not at all.

“But do you not remember anything of it? Tis a shame, allow me to show thee.” Luna said as her horn started to glow. “A simple memory spell will enlighten thou of the situation,” a light blue ball of light floated away from her horn and towards your head, engulfing it.

Moments pass with nothing happening, and you were about to say something about it, until...

“Ah!” you gasp as suddenly massive amounts of images start blurring your mind and everything around you starts fading away, until all went black...


What feels like forever, later.


You slowly creep open your eyes, revealing your bed chambers. Nothing special, except for that it was awfully dark. As your eyes adjust to the darkness, you could see Luna and yourself still sitting at your desk. You were obviously shitfaced drunk and Luna looked quite sober. Ah, so she didn’t drink after all. This could actually mean awkward things didn’t happen right? I mean, she was capable of thinking reasonable and would’ve stopped me if I was trying anything fun-

Your thoughts are interrupted as you see Luna slowly creeping closer to “you”, well actually, the “you” of last night. You could see her lips moving, yet you couldn’t hear a sound, everything was extremely muffled and even if you tried your best, not even a word was comprehensible. Suddenly, your very being was being sucked towards the ‘Last night you’. Your body started to deform, turning into a spiral as you were being sucked towards ‘your body’ Every muscle in your body tried to move away, but it was with no success. You were sucked right in and were now looking through ‘Last nights you’s vision.

“No Luna, we shouldn’t,” You say shuffling backwards on your chair, you couldn’t convince her though.

“Trust us, Anonymous. This is something thou needs, we shall make thee feel better. Show us thy true feelings Anonymous.” Luna says with a seductive grin. Damn, talk about a hot sister... WAIT WHAT!? You weren’t under effect of any form of alcohol at this moment, yet still your mind found the need to fill your mind with naughty thoughts. Your body recoils back, as you fall off of the chair, only for Luna to take advantage of the situation and jump you.

She was on top of you now, and before you knew it, She was creeping closer, ever so slowly. Every muscle in your body tried to move away, but you couldn’t. You couldn’t stop the motion of Luna, you couldn’t stop her with your hands. You tried to scream, but not a sound could be heard. At the last moment, just before you thought the worst might happen (or has happened) her horn touches your head instead, making another flash of images spawn within your thoughts.


This time, Celestia shows up in your field of view. “So this is some kind of flashback, in a flashback?” You mumble to yourself. To your surprise, you could actually hear yourself this time.

“Indeed you are correct, Anonymous” A regal voice surrounded you, not coming from any specific direction.

“Thou hast seen this before, but has forgotten once again. Last night it made thee very decisive, let’s hope it does once again...” With that the voice slowly faded away. You wanted to respond, but once again you were not able to speak. You could still see Celestia in your view, but she started moving now. Slowly at first, but after a while the images went full motion. It were the moments you had spent together with her, the images focusing around her emotions.

You used to think that Celestia was a complete beast in holding her pokerface, but these flashbacks proved you wrong. It was the little things that made her flinch, or fluster. The small touches, the are hugs, the whispers in her ear.Even if it was for only a mere second, you could notice now.

Damn, we sure were together for an awfully long time...

The Images started to turn towards more recent times, just a week before her confession. The emotions most visible on her face were becoming blushes more often. There were so many, it felt like you had failed miserably not being able to notice any of these.

Suddenly, your vision turned black, for just a second, before it returned. You had been transported to a new place. It was a very dark room, lit by some chandeliers and the moonlight streaming in from the balcony. You recognized this place all to well, it was Celestia’s room.

To your delight, you had regained the ability to move around freely, and started exploring the room. It was quiet, not even the small flames seemed to flicker or pop a bit. Eerie silence covered the room.

“Move closer towards the bed, Anonymous. T’would be a shame if you missed out.” There was that voice again, seemingly within your own mind. You decide to do as it says and move closer to the bed.

There lied Celestia, underneath her covers. It wasn’t quiet anymore, you could hear whispers and soft mumbles. To be able to hear it, you decide to move closer, until you were standing mere inches away from Celestia. Positioning yourself behind her, you were now able to understand the words she was speaking.

“Anonymous, why is it that you won’t leave my thoughts...” You flinch at that, thinking she was actually speaking to you. “ Why is it that I feel this neediness within me, why is it that I crave you... W-why... It’s such a meaningless thought really, but it won’t leave me alone. C-can you truly love me?”

Can I? That thought has roamed my mind aswell...

“I’m probably silly for thinking so, but even if you break my heart... you’re worth it...”

You wanted to hug her, right here right now. But just as you were going to move towards the mare in question. Your vision blurs once again.

Damn it! I was just about to-

“T’was a mere illusion, Anonymous. Thou wouldn’t have been able to interact with it. However, thy waiting shall be over soon. As we have arrived at the final moment I wish for you to see. Tis a dream of our sister, the one she had after the night thy had spent together.’.


You regain your sight once more, you were in the same place, but this time both of you were present. You could see yourself and Celestia in her chambers, both of you lying on the bed. You were busy preening her wings, like you had done a few times already. This time however, you were positioned directly behind her in a sitting position, you both looked so happy.

“A-Anon...” Celestia stuttered a bit.


“Please promise me... promise me that we’ll be together forever.” She whispered.

You chuckled a bit as you grasped Celestia from behind, hugging her tightly. A small squeak escapes her mouth as she wiggles within your hug.

“Celestia. I promise you. We’ll be together forever.” You say with a small smile.

You could see her eyes becoming slightly watery as she turns around in one swift movement, knocking you over whilst positioning herself on top of you.

“T-thank you...” She smiles, as she slowly started leaning towards you.

Her lips... You could remember them from the last time. You wanted to feel them again, kiss them. You didn’t get the chance however.

Your spirit seemed to escape your body, giving you a third person view of this situation. A small tear rolled down your face as you looked at what could have been. At what you were going to miss out. Yet you were so foolish... She dreamed that it would last forever... and her dream got smashed only a few hours later...

What have I done... Your body slowly started fading away, upwards, slowly disintegrating into nothingness. I’m sorry...

And everything went black once more...


You slowly open your eyes, revealing yourself to be back in your own chambers.

“I-is this another flashback?”You mumble a bit. With that, Luna pops up right in front of you, inches away from your face with a massive grin on her face.

“Thy has awoken! Hast thou remembered?.”

You recoil backwards, smacking your head against the wall. “FUCK, that hurts!” You curl up, biting through the throbbing pain.

“Y-yeah yeah, Thanks L-luna, I have to g-go. I made a big m-mistake.” You say grimacing through the hurtful throbs within, rubbing your head in an attempt to relieve the pain. You felt extremely dizzy, but you felt as if there was no time to lose.

Nearly falling over, you crawl off the bed and start sprinting towards the door.

I have, to find, Celestia...