• Published 20th Jul 2013
  • 1,456 Views, 41 Comments

The Journey - RoboCom64 Zelos

After being diagnosed with a terminal disease Twilight is going off on the journey not to find cure but to find herself.

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Day 7: Incendia

Twilight's eyes snapped open. For the second night in a row Twilight could not get any sleep. The city was very noisy, and the bed was not very comfortable either, but those were not the real reasons why Twilight could not sleep. The real reason was that Twilight for the first time during her journey could not stop thinking.

She was thinking about her friends, about the dragon whom she had helped, and of course about Trixie, who was innocently sleeping on the couch. Quite a lot had happened in these six days.

Twilight quietly got up and rubbed her eyes. Using her magic she levitated a piece of paper and a quill and started writing. Luckily on the table of every room in the hotel there was ink for the quills.

Just as she promised she wrote a private recommendation letter to Princess Celestia. Twilight finished the letter and wrote her signature at the bottom.

Twilight got off her bed and levitated the letter into Trixie's bag. As Twilight was looking at Trixie, a warm smile grew on her face.

"Good luck Trixie. Do your best," whispered Twilight.

Twilight packed her bags and left the room without making a single noise.

Twilight's Journal Day 7 Entry 1:
It's really funny in somehow. I have again found myself leaving without saying a proper goodbye. To tell the truth, I hate farewells as much as I hate endings. I know that every story must end. I know that sooner or later comes a day when you have to say goodbye, but I always did everything in my power to delay those goodbyes and endings. I never even read my books one at a time. I always read about five or even more of them in one period of time. Now I understand that this might have just been another way to delay the farewells.

Come to think of it, it is really strange that I came in terms with my disease so quickly and easily.

Twilight Exited the hotel and started walking in a random direction. She limped only a little bit now. She had not restored her power completely yet. The hotel was at the edge of the city and soon Twilight left Manehattan.

Instantly Twilight felt great joy. The air was cool and breezy. The sun shone brightly. there were only a few small clouds. Her eyes rejoiced at the green forests and her mind felt free once again. Twilight was really happy to leave Manehattan behind.

Despite of her illness Twilight was full of energy. In a couple of hours she could only see the tips of the Manehattan city skylinebehind her. The whole of Equestria was ahead of her. There were still so many places Twilight wanted to visit, but sadly not enough time to visit all of them.

Twilight entered a dense forest. The forest canopy was so thick it hid most of the sunlight . Twilight came close to a massive oak tree and suddenly had an idea. Her horn started so shine. A little knife levitated from her bag. With slow and careful movements Twilight begun to carve out something on the oak. She stepped away from the oak and with a swift move stuck the blunt knife deep into the tree.

Twilight stepped back a little and with a kind and warm smile looked at the drawing. It was a carving of her most dear five Ponyville friends. The drawing was not the most detailed one. Twilight was never a great artist, but the main thing about the drawing was not the style, it was the fact that they were all together and smiling.

Twilight levitated another item from her bag. It was the pink striped scurf she was wearing on winter wrap-up. Using her magic, she tied the scarf to the knife with a tight knot.

Twilight wrote down a short message undearneaththe drawing.

Never stopped loving you all and never will.

Twilight's Journal Day 7 Entry 2:
Today I have left a little trace for my friends here in the forest. When they will come searching for me, and I know sooner or later they will, I want them to see it and to know that I was thinking about them and that I could not have lived a happier life.

Twilight walked past the oak and under the sound of the wavering scarf she continued her journey. In a few more hours it started to get dark. Twilight was so deep in the forest that she couldn't help but wonder if she was lost. Wandering through the forest in the dark was not smart. She could have used an illumination spell but Twilight didn't want to use her magic if she could avoid it. She still had to fully regenerate.

"Well that is it for today i guess," said Twilight with a note of dissapointment on her voice.

She unpacked and installed her tent. After having some cinnamon rolls Twilight went to bed, but Twilight could not sleep. She stared at the top of the tent. Suddenly she smelled something in the air that maid her cough. Smoke. And the smell of the smoke in the forest could not be good.

Twilight quickly got off her bed and ran outside. She saw a thick cloud of smoke coming from not far away.Twilight realized that there was a fire. Without packing her things she hurried towards it . Swiftly making her way through the trees she finally reached a small village in flames. The ponies were running in panic.

Twilight knew that she had to stop the fire before it set the forest on fire. There were no pegasi or unicorns in this village and it was so it was nearly impossible for the earth ponies to stop the fire on their own.

Twilight anchored her back hooves in the ground and lowered her head. Her horn started shining and purple sparks fliew from it. From above a huge dome started to form. The dome slowly covered the entire village. Beads of sweat dripped from Twilight's head. Her vision got blurry. She concentrated all of her will just to stay conscious. The fate of the entire village depended on her.

Twilight started casting another spell. She pointed her horn at the sky and the beam pierced a small hole in the dome. Dark clouds started forming above the village. Twilight's hooves were shaking. She started coughing up blood. The dome shattered into a million little pieces. The dark clouds disappeared. Twilight collapsed as the blood was leaking from her nose and mouth.

Twilight could hardly hear anything. She could only hear the screams of the terrified villagers.

... and I experienced the bitter helplessness of a taunted old man dying to be whole again.

― Philip Roth