• Published 20th Jul 2013
  • 1,456 Views, 41 Comments

The Journey - RoboCom64 Zelos

After being diagnosed with a terminal disease Twilight is going off on the journey not to find cure but to find herself.

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Day 6: Streets of Manehattan

Twilight was quietly lying in her bed. She stopped at the hotel this night. Truly a lot was special about Manehattan. For instance, the fact that Twilight could not get even a second of her beauty sleep, because of how noisy this city is. Or the fact that when Twilight looked outside everypony looked so grim and nobody smiled or even said hello to each other.

It sure was a change of scenery from the quite forests. Twilight looked really worn out. After spending only one night at Manehatten, all her wishes of visiting this place vanished quite quickly. She would have left the city, but she still had to regain her strength.

Twilight's Journal Day 6 Entry 1:
First time during my journey I was not able to sleep well. Manehattan looks lifeless and pretty depressing. I still feel quite sad about yesterday's trip to Ponyville. Being in this city is sure not helping increase my mood. I still have to rest at least one day in here to regain my powers. Today I started counting how many times I have rejected Fluttershy's offers to have a tea party with her critters, and for what... to read more books. Right now I would give all the books from my library just to have one more teaparty with her.

Twilight got off bed and limped to the door. In a few moments she was out in the streets of Manehattan. The weather was very murky. There was no wind but it looked like it will rain. Twilight decided to give this city another chance and to take a little walk.

The architecture of the city was sure impressive. It was nothing like Ponyville or even Canterlot. But even the most beautiful architectures can't hide the soul of the city, and the soul of the city is it's people. No one ever greeted anyone in the streets. Noone ever smiled just to be cheerful. In time Twilight got really hungry and started looking for some place to eat at. For a big city, there were surely not enough restaurants. Soon Twilight approached a bar. It was of course not a diner, but Twilight got really hungry and was ready to eat anything.

"I just hope they have some food in there," said Twilight.

Twilight entered the bar. Inside it was small room. Chairs and tables were made of wood. The air was very damp and cold. The lighting in this room was very poor. The place looked like a real hole. Twilight looked around for a table. She could not believe her own eyes. Right there at the corner a familiar pony was sitting and slowly drinking her cider.

"Trixie?" whispered Twilight.

By the looks of it Trixie was really depressed. Twilight approached her. When Twilight's shadow covered Trixie's table, she rose her head. Trixie had a strange expression on her face. It was the mix of sadness, surprise, and shame.

"Hello Trixie," said Twilight quietly.

"H.....hi Twilight."- Whispered Trixie.

"Is that an alcoholic cider you drinking?" asked Twilight.

"No...this....this isn't mine. I think they have mixed up the orders,"- Trixie started smiling.

"I saw you drink it,"- Murmured Twilight.

Twilight limped to the chair and sat down. For some time there was an awkward silence between them. Twilight decided to break the silence.

"So what are you doing in Manehattan?" asked Twilight.

"Nothing special, you?" Trixie looked really sad.

"Are you alright?" Twilight stared at Trixie.

"No I am not alright. I am sitting in this hellhole and drinking this cheap cider. I am wasting my last bits. I don't have a place to call home. I don't have any friends. I don't want to live anymore." said Trixie when tears started falling off her cheeks.

"Trixie.....what happened to you?"- Asked Twilight gently putting her hoof on Trixie's shoulder.

"I have been feeling lost ever since our duel at Ponyville. My lust for revenge was the only thing that kept me going. After our duel I didn't know what to do or where to go. I have changed a lot since that time. I tried to be a stage magician again, but that just made me sick. I feel awful getting out on that stage and boast without end. I have lost my goal in my life and now I just feel empty. And worst of all, I feel more lonely than ever."when Trixie finished talking Twilight hugged her. Trixie continued crying.

"It is not true. You are not alone. I am here for you. I am your friend, Trixie."- Twilight whispered.

"After the kind of monster I was to you?" said Trixie through the tears.

"Of course. There is no monster more dangerous than the lack of compassion," smiled Twilight.

Trixie buried her face in Twilight's chest. It felt good to have someone to talk to. To know that there is still someone who cares for her. Although she never thought that this person would be Twilight Sparkle.

"Let's go to my place Trixie. You can stay with me for now. I promise you. No matter what, I will help you to find a new purpose in life." whispered Twilight.

Twilight's Journal Day 6 Entry 2:
Today I have met Trixie at the bar in Manehattan. She looked so depressed. After talking to her I understand that she needs a friend like never before. She needs my help. I can't leave Manehattan until she is fixed. I can't leave her. Not after I looked at her eyes. They were crying for help. They were so lost. And I think I know how to save her.

Twilight and Trixie returned to the hotel. Trixie sat down on the bed and started looking at Twilight who was limping towards the table.

"I wanted to ask you....why are you limping?"

"Oh nothing special. I have just preformed a very hard spell and...well let's just say it backfired a little." answered Twilight, "so are you hungry?"

"A little," answered Trixie. Twilight pulled out a few peanut butter and zap apple jam sandwiches and gave one to Trixie. Trixie smiled and started eating this sandwich.

"Trixie, I never told you, but do you even realize how great you are?" said Twilight.

"Excuse me?" said Trixie with a surprised expression on her face.

"You are among the most talented magicians I have ever met. You are able to do magnificent spells. But it is not important what you can do now, what important is your potential. You may not be as good in magic as me, but while I was spending all my time getting better and perfecting my magic, you were boasting and using your talent in vain.

And even in these circumstances you know half of these spells already. You never practiced even half as much as I did but you are still great at magic. Just imagine for a second what potential you have. How great you could be if you would truly start practicing, reading and learning. I believe if you do that than you even have a potential to surpass me," said Twilight.

"You really thing so, Twilight Sparkle?" asked Trixie.

"I don't think so, I know so, " answered Twilight looking deeply at Trixie's eyes. And that is why I think YOU must become Celestia's newest student."- Said Twilight.

"What? After all I have done I sincerely doubt that Princess Celestia will every agree to teach me!" objected Trixie.

"Maybe not, but just hear me out. I will write a letter and give it to you. In it I will myself tell Princess Celestia about how much you have changed, how much you need guidance and how great your potential and talent is. Just give this letter to her and I think she will accept you. She is the kindest and sweetest pony ever. I know that she will give you a chance of being her student," said Twilight.

"You would do that for me?" asked Trixie.

"Of course I will do that for you, but you have to remember that being Celestia's student is very tough and hard. But don't you worry I believe that you have the potential to become one of the greatest mages Equestria has every seen." smiled Twilight.

"Thank you Twilight," said Trixie with a broad smile on her face, "no one has ever done anything so kind to me. No one was ever so good to me. I promise to always remember you as my first and best friend, Twilight Sparkle. I will take the first train to Canterlot. I promise, I won't let you down, Twilight," Trixie hugged Twilight so hard that she could barely breathe, "thank you, Twilight."

"You are welcome"- Said Twilight with smile on her face, "It is dark already. We should really hit the hay."

"Of course,"- Said Trixie, "good night, Twilight. I can't wait for tomorrow."

And in one night Trixie got back her purpose in life. She wanted to live another day. To see what it will bring her. She wanted to learn new spells, make new friends and to see what the future has to offer.

“Dare to Be

When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully.

When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light.

When there is injustice, dare to be the first to condemn it.

When something seems difficult, dare to do it anyway.

When life seems to beat you down, dare to fight back.

When there seems to be no hope, dare to find some.

When you’re feeling tired, dare to keep going.

When times are tough, dare to be tougher.

When love hurts you, dare to love again.

When someone is hurting, dare to help them heal.

When another is lost, dare to help them find the way.

When a friend falls, dare to be the first to extend a hand.

When you cross paths with another, dare to make them smile.

When you feel great, dare to help someone else feel great too.

When the day has ended, dare to feel as you’ve done your best.

Dare to be the best you can –

At all times, Dare to be!”

? Steve Maraboli