• Published 20th Jul 2013
  • 1,456 Views, 41 Comments

The Journey - RoboCom64 Zelos

After being diagnosed with a terminal disease Twilight is going off on the journey not to find cure but to find herself.

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Day 4: Cave

Twilight slowly woke up at sunrise. It was another day of her journey. The weather was sunny and not a single cloud could be seen. The wind became warm and weak. It was a great day to continue her journey.

Twilight packed her things rather quickly this morning. She had a nice smile on her face. The road she took leaded directly into mountains. It was a narrow footpath. As Twilight got closer to the mountains, she could not hear the beautiful singing of the birds. What she could hear are the cold screams of eagles, circling the mountains.

In some time Twilight was already so deep in mountains that she could not even see the path she came from. These places were really spiky and Twilight had to watch herself not to get cut or lose her baggage.

Twilight's Journal Day 4 Entry 1:
It really is a big change in scenery. One day I was enjoying nice meadows and forests and now I am deep in cold rocky mountains. The animals sure don't seem as friendly in here. Well, the beauty of the world lies not only in green forests but in high and mighty mountains too.

In some time Twilight stumbled on a cave. The entrance was so big it seemed like the whole Canterlot castle could fit there. There was no another way around the mountain. After taking a deep gulp, Twilight finally entered the cave. She was walking slowly and her every step was really cautious. After walking in the cave for a few minutes Twilight saw that the cave got bigger and bigger and in a moment she realized that the entrance was just a small pathway to the big room. The whole room was lit by torches. The walls were made of gold. Treasures of all kinds were in this room: Diamonds, rubies, gemstones and of course huge hills constructed from the golden coins. Twilight quickly realized that it was a dragon's lair. She knew that dragon is surely in here because of all the smoke, but it was awfully silent in the room. Twilight decided to wait a little. It would be unwise of her to wake a sleeping dragon. She was tired of roaming the mountains anyway. Carefully she installed the tent in the corner of the room.

Twilight's Journal Day 4 Entry 2:
Entering the cave I didn't expect to stumble on a dragon's lair. It is way too silent in here. I can't even hear the dragon breathe, but I have come this far not to just turn around and go home. I can't afford myself wasting anymore time.

Twilight got out of the tent and started sneaking around the cave in hopes of finding the dragon and in some time she did. She saw a golden dragon lying all by himself surrounded by treasure. He was not sleeping, but he looked very sad. It is not often you see a sad dragon. Twilight slowly started closing in on him. The dragon turned to her but he didn't seem to mind her.

"Hello. What is your name?" Twilight tried being as friendly as she could.

The dragon remained silent.

"Are you hurt?"

The dragon looked her in the eyes. He didn't seem to understand her. With one of his huge nails dragon drew a note on the ground and then he crossed it out.

"You are mute..."- Whispered Twilight, "And you also don't seem to understand what I am saying,"- Twilight slowly came up to his forehead. Her horn touched him between the eyes. Twilight used a spell and connected their minds together.

In a moment they know everything about each other. The dragon was mute but not deaf. He could not understand anyone because in his lifetime every dragon avoided him and everypony was afraid of him. Twilight could see his suffering, and the dragon could see hers. For some time they just sit there skipping through their new memories.

Twilight's Journal Day 4 Entry 3:
The dragon turned out to be no threat to me. He opened a way to the other side of the mountains and I am free to continue my journey but I just can't. I can't leave this dragon in here all by himself. Not after he got to communicate with someone for the first time in years.

I am going to use the recovery spell. It is considered one of the hardest spells. Considering my condition it may as well take away a chunk of my life or rather what is left of it, but knowing that I have given this dragon a second chance is all the reward I need.

Twilight's horn started to shine as she flew. Her eyes started shining. The pulsating beam jumped off her horn right on the dragon's forehead. The cave started to shake. In a moment, Twilight collapsed.

The first question which the priest and the Levite asked was: 'If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?' But...the good Samaritan reversed the question: 'If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?”? Martin Luther King Jr.