• Published 20th Jul 2013
  • 1,457 Views, 41 Comments

The Journey - RoboCom64 Zelos

After being diagnosed with a terminal disease Twilight is going off on the journey not to find cure but to find herself.

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Day 2: The beggining of the end

Twilight's Journal Day 2 Entry 1:
It has been a day since I've left Ponyville. It came to me as no surprise that during this day I could not stop thinking about Ponyville and my friends. This is only the beginning of my journey. I have no idea where it will take me, or if I will even like it. It's weird, really. I'm going to die in a month, but walking to who-knows-where has just made me feel more alive than I ever have.

The day was very cloudy, with a pleasant, tranquil breeze that caressed her face. Twilight Sparkle didn't know where she was going, and she didn't care. This journey wasn't led by a map and a compass, but by her instincts and curiosity.

There was a feeling inside her, a great feeling which she had not experienced for far too long now. Freedom.

There were no to do lists and no worries. All Twilight Sparkle had to do was keep walking, and that was what she did.

In one day Twilight crossed a beautiful meadow full of lovely critters, a raging river, the crossing of which presented no problem thanks to her magical skills and at last she stopped in the deep forest.

The Sun was dipping over the horizion as Twilight Sparkle's feet ached.

Stopping under a large tree, she went into her pack and pulled out a small tent, designed to be light enough to stow into a bag and carried miles at a time. It wasn't as comfortable as other tents, but it was much less of a pain to haul.

Once the tent was erected, Twilight Sparkle took out a slice of apple pie, Applejack's going away gift to her. She attacked the pie ravenously as the moist sweetness filled her mouth. Before she knew it, she had already finsihed the pie slice and reached out for another, but decided better of it, already feeling full after just one slice.

Twilight Sparkle spent most of the night she had left observing the moonlit meadow and the tranquil forest beyond it, simply enjoying the peace and quiet that came with having nothing to do.

Twilight's Journal Day 2 Entry 3:
The first day has passed a lot better than I expected. Already, I spotted about five different kinds of birds that I have never seen before. It's amazing how many beautiful things I have seen today. The peaceful meadow was so plain, but at the same time so staggering.

The forest could get a little scary at night but there are not many things that can scare me now. About an hour before I fell a little squirrel entered my tent, and it looks like I have made my first friend on this journey. His fur felt really good on my hoof when he allowed me to pet him.

I shared some apple pie with him, and I think Applejack just got herself a new fan. Thanks to Fluttershy, I know how to treat animals right and not scare them off. I starting to get why Fluttershy loves them so much.

It was always a breeze to be around you, Fluttershy. No matter what I have done, you were always there to support me. Thank you, Fluttershy. I know it is silly because you can't even hear me, but still thank you. You always had time for me.

Whenever I needed you, Fluttershy, you were there to cheer me up and to share your kindness with me. You always accepted me for who I am. I wish you only the best. If this diary ever gets back to you, Fluttershy, and everpony else, then just know that right now as I'm writing this, I'm happy.

Twilight Sparkle closed the diary, stowed it away neatly with her quill and ink, and fell asleep with a smile on her face.

Finally Twilight fell asleep with a smile on her face.

A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.” ― Elbert Hubbard.