• Published 24th Jun 2013
  • 5,884 Views, 459 Comments

Return of the Dawn - pchn00

A substitute teacher with what she's always been told is a mental condition begins to suspect that's not the entire truth when a familiar sun shaped cutie mark appears on her hips.

  • ...

Chapter 15: Premier

Chapter 15: Premier

You’d think by now I would be used to incredibly awkward situations. With my boyfriend having turned into a pony, changed genders, then changed back when I went into heat and magically flipped him again. Meeting my long lost twin brother was a big old punch to the stomach too. But seeing Elizabeth, or Cadance I guess… the woman who savagely beat me nearly to death sitting at my kitchen table eating MY Count Chocula was a whole new level of surreal.

Nikki is just as tense at my side. By now I’m sure Markus told Jules and or Ellie about what happened, both of whom would have immediately turned around and told everyone else. So there’s a good chance that at least my close friends in the house aren’t big fans of the newest royal resident. She stares at me for a long moment before snorting and going back to her cereal. “Hi.”

I glance down at Nikki, who looks back up at me and shrugs. Never taking my eyes off the newest house guest I ease to the cupboards and get myself a bowl. “Luna has my magic sealed off. As long as I wear these I’m no more a threat to you than any normal human.”

I visibly relax at her admission, settling in the chair across from her and taking my cereal back with only a little bit of grump in my look. “...so. You’re out of the shed now?”

She closes her eyes and sighs, setting her spoon down before looking up to meet my gaze. “I’m sorry for what I did to you, Erin. I wasn’t in my right mind, but that doesn’t excuse it. I don’t expect you to forgive me anytime soon but I want you to know I AM sorry.”

Part of me wants to forgive her right then and there. A very large part of me in fact. “Do you want to talk to your aunt?”

Rage twists her face at the suggestion. She composes herself quickly enough, but it was impossible to miss. “No. I don’t want to speak with Celestia. Thanks for the cereal. I’ll be… around I guess. I don’t know.”

“Cadance is… is Elizabeth alright?”

She pauses at the door leading to the backyard, glancing back at me from the corner of her eye. “I’m sorry, no. It was too much for her mind to bear and she, well she’s not here anymore. It’s very hard to explain to someone not experienced with magic. Everything that was Elizabeth shattered in the asylum. It was a large part of what made me as unbalanced as I was. Having such a fractured psyche mixing with my own made it impossible to think.”

I furrow my brows trying to make sense of what she’s saying. “So… what happened to the pieces?”

“While Luna was healing me she gathered what she could of Elizabeth and ensured she would find peace. More than that you’d have to ask her. Now excuse me please, I’m a little tired. I’ve been chained to the dirt for a week and all this walking around is wearing me out.”

“Wait… do you want those manacles off?”

Cadance looks surprised at my question. “...I do.”

Nikki tugs at my waistband, her eyes wide with fear. “Erin, you can’t! Not after what she did to you last time!”

I frown looking Celestia’s niece over again. “Are you planning on attacking me again?”

It takes her longer to answer than I’m comfortable with. “...no. No, I don’t think so. You and Celestia have grown close enough that it wouldn’t do me much good anyhow. She’s only going to get more powerful while I have reached my peak. Plus your brother would break my neck if I made a move towards you. I have things to do before I die.”

It was a little sad listening to the gentle princess I’d watched in the show sound so bleak and dour. Then again her husband was still missing, and she’d been tortured by Discord for years while I got off with just a couple of months. Drawing on the magic I’d been getting more adept at using without Celestia’s aid, I examin the manacles carefully. I can see the powerful spellwork laid over them by Luna. Spellwork I brush aside nearly effortlessly. The manacles fall to the ground with a loud clank.

The effect on Cadance is immediate. She staggers to her knees as large pink and violet wings unfurl from her back. Arching her back she grits her teeth against the pain of her rapidly growing horn. It wasn’t much, but it was noticeable. At least not much compared to my own changes. She slowly pulls herself back to her feet, flexing her hands and spreading her wings. She looks at me with surprisingly kind eyes. “Thank you for this, Erin. Thank you for giving me my power back. I promise I won’t cause trouble for you.”

Despite my nerves I smile, if only slightly. “It’s no problem, Cadance. I’m happy to help.”

She leaves without another word. At my side Nikki visibly relaxes. “I don’t know if that was such a good idea, Erin.”

I shrug as I sit to my cereal. “I trust her. She’s hurting right now, but she needs us to show her some kindness if we ever want her to get better.”

My childhood friend just hms to herself. “Well. The Great and Powerful Trixie has to be off! She has magic lessons to dole out to the more mundane unicorns of our little camp.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Oh she does, does she? You’re a magical prodigy all of a sudden?”

She just smirks. “As a matter of fact I’ve learned your sister-brother’s lessons best of anypony.”

“Better not let him hear you call him that. Speaking of, where is he?”

Nikki shrugs. “No idea. He and Princess Luna have been coming and going a lot the last few days. Nopony really wants to, you know, stick their noses in their business. They can be a little intimidating.”

“I suppose that’s true. Give them a chance though, they’re super nice.”

She waves a hoof as she trots out into the yard. I hear more ponies stirring in the house and strangely I’ve been finding their presence comforting. Like I’ve finally come home after a very long time away.

That’s my doing I’m afraid, Erin. Our thoughts and feelings are getting harder to keep apart from one another.

I frown slightly as I chew my cereal. Are we gonna like, merge into one person?

No, I don’t believe so. Luna and Markus have been bonding for more than two decades and they’re certainly separate.

I’m about to comment further when Meg trots in, her brother walking at her side. “Lucas! Your cast is gone!”

The young teen nods and lifts his leg with a grin. “Yup! Princess Luna healed it for me, pretty awesome right?”

I nod enthusiastically. “Very awesome! Wish I thought of it.”

The siblings take a seat at the table with me. “Don’t feel bad, we didn’t even think of it. She just offered out of the blue.” Meg uses her magic to pour cereal for herself and Lucas. The last of my cereal.

“Getting pretty good with that magic now, Meg.”

She grins. “Thanks. And I’ve been thinking it over, I’m going to go by Lyra from now on.”

I blink, brows raised in surprise. “Why the change?”

She shrugs. “Never really liked Meggan. Or Meg. Definitely didn’t like my parents so I don’t have much attachment to it.”

I carry my bowl to the sink rinsing it out. “Well then Lyra it is. Its a pretty name anyway.” I turn back to find them both sharing a pensive look. “Is something wrong?”

Meg… or Lyra now I suppose, rolls a hoof as she mulls over her words. “Well… Lucas and I were talking. About family and us staying together and everything…”

“I want to be a pony too!” Her brother blurts out.

Now my eyebrows raise further, if possible. “What?”

He puts an arm around Lyra’s shoulders and she rests a hoof over his hand. “We want to be together no matter what. Since you can’t make me human again we were hoping you could make HIM a pony.”

I look from her to her brother. “Is this true, Lucas? This is what YOU want?”

He nods rapidly. “It is! I’m the one who had to convince HER. She said I’d be throwing my life away.”

She shrugs. “He made the convincing argument that until a few weeks ago his life was mostly dumpster diving and sleeping under whatever shelter we could find for the night. So not really giving up a whole lot. I said we had to ask you though, and only if the Princess could guarantee it’s safe.”

I retake my seat. Is this something we can do?

Celestia sounds rather pleased. It is as a matter of fact. Would you allow me to take over?

I don’t need to voice my assent, I just sort of ease back and allow Celestia’s consciousness to proceed to the forefront of our shared mind. She smiles at the two, both of whom sit up a little straighter as her hair begins to waft. The easiest outward sign that she’s in control. “It warms my heart to see how much love you have for your sister, Lucas. It would be a pleasure… no… an honor to count you as one of my little ponies.”

The kid’s beaming ear to ear and practically hopping in place he’s so excited. “So what do we do?! How long’s it gonna take?!”

Lyra lays a restraining hoof on his shoulder. “Is it safe, Princess?”

Celestia nods. “Absolutely. There’s not even the slightest hint of danger. I’ll simply introduce a small spark of magic to Lucas’ soul. As it takes hold and grows he’ll progress through the same changes any other human with an Equestrian soul followed. In a week’s time he should be a perfectly healthy colt of whichever tribe suits him best.”

Lyra lifts her hoof. “Well alright then. Thank you for this, Princess. I know it shouldn’t matter but it does to us.”

Celestia shakes her head, smile never fading. “While what’s inside counts more than out, our outside is important nonetheless. The bond you two share is something beautiful, and nothing should come between it. Are you ready, Lucas?”

He nods eagerly and hurries to stand at her side. “Kneel down please.”

Lucas does as the Princess asks without hesitation. He stares with rapt awe as her horn begins to glow warmly. A small globule of golden light forms over her horn before slowly drifting toward the boy’s head. He squints his eyes shut as it grows too bright to look at. When he blinks them open again the light is gone. “...is that it? Am I magic now?”

“That’s it. You’re magic now.” There’s a hint of laughter in Celestia’s voice.

“This is so cool! I need to think of an awesome pony name! I wanna be a pegasus! I can be… I can be uh… Thundercracker! Or Starscream!”

Lyra rolls her eyes. “You’re becoming a pony Lucas, not a Decepticon. We’ll figure all that out later.” She looks to Celestia, gratitude clear in her golden eyes. “Thank you for this, Princess. It means so much to us.”

The Princess shakes her head. “Not at all, Lyra. I wish all my subjects problems could be solved so easily.” A frown darkens her face.

“Still no idea on what you’re going to do with everypony?”

She heaves a sigh. “I’m afraid not. Now that Erin and I are healthy again I’m hoping to have some time to speak with our siblings on the matter. Luna has been active much longer and may perhaps have some idea on…”

She’s interrupted as the intercom from the gate buzzes loudly. Without missing a beat we transition once again and I’m back in control. It’s probably just someone from town up to visit a friend. The folks of Thilton have gotten pretty tight knit with the little pony community living on my grounds and in their woods. I press the button. “Yes?”

“Hello, may I speak with Miss Erin Rockwell please?”

I frown. “This is she.”

“Miss Rockwell, my name is Gordon Crispin. It’s important that I speak with you as soon as possible.”

My frown only grows. Lyra and Lucas look concerned and I nod to the back door. They take the hint and step out. When a stranger comes to the house a powerful illusion cast by Celestia insures they can’t see any of the ponies. That doesn’t mean they can’t hear them however. The two will spread word that things need to be quiet. “What’s this about?”

“It’d be best if we had this conversation face-to-face miss. As quickly as possible. I passed more than a few F.B.I. vehicles on my way in.”

My eyes widen as my heart skips a beat. Oh god! Celestia, what do we do?! They found us!

Calm down, Erin. They may not know exactly who we are. It could only be an investigation, but I agree this is troubling. We should see what this Mister Crispin has to say.

I look back to the intercom. “Alright I’m letting you in. But no funny business alright?”

“I’ve seen what you can do on the television, Miss Rockwell. Believe me upsetting you is the furthest thing from my mind.”

I let go of the button and set a brisk pace for the front gate. Concerned faces greet me but I don’t have time to assuage their fears. “We have a situation. Could everyone please head out back. Keep quiet and keep hidden just in case.”

My tone is gentle, but they scramble to obey anyhow. Stepping outside I see at the end of the drive a large red pick up. He already knows who I am so no point in hiding it now. I reach out and magically remove the padlock, swinging the gates open. I can tell from the driver’s body movement that he’s surprised, but he drives in anyhow. I relock the gate once his truck enters.

He pulls up slowly and steps out. A tall man with close cropped black hair with more than a little grey in it steps out. He’s sporting a well trimmed goatee, wearing a flannel shirt, jeans, and hiking boots. “Miss Rockwell. A pleasure to meet you. I’ve been talking a good deal with your brother.”

I fold my arms over my chest. “What about?”

“Can we step inside? I’d rather talk away from prying eyes.” He nods meaningfully over his shoulder toward one of the large trees overlooking my property. It’s too far to see clearly for a normal person, but a little magical tweak and I can see into the tree as if I were standing right in front of it. A man in a dark suit is well concealed in the branches, watching through binoculars.

“Y--yes, please come inside.” Outwardly I maintain my composure. Celestia, what do we do?! They’re here!

Remain calm, Erin. If necessary I can raise a barrier around the entirety of your property. Our little ponies are safe as can be with us here. Don’t fret.

As always, her words go a long way toward calming me down. I force a smile and step up to the door. “After you, Mr. Crispin.”

He nods and returns the smile. “Just Gordon is fine, Miss Rockwell.”

“Then just Erin is fine.”

“Alright then, Erin. I can see you’re a little on edge so I’ll get right to the point. I’m here representing the Canadian government.”

I lead him to the sitting room, taking the armchair while he sits on the couch. “Uh… okay?”

He laughs at my confusion. “I suppose a little explanation is in order…”

Gordon starts talking, and as he goes my eyes grow wider and wider. Celestia’s excitement is mingling with my own and we’re soon grinning like idiots. “This… this is amazing! This is exactly what we’ve been looking for! How do we get started?!”

His smile fades somewhat. “Well… we get started by you turning yourself in.”


My hands are shaking as I run a brush through my hair. Scowling at my fancy work clothes I pull the cloth prison on and slip my feet into the heels. “I think the best part of growing hooves is going to be saying goodbye to these things forever.”

Appearances are important, Erin. We want to look our best.

“So magic up my armor! That stuff is impressive.”

Our best, and non-threatening. I still think we should wake Jake up and tell him the plan.

I look to the stallion, still deep in catanoia after our epic sexual marathon. “...I think we should let him sleep a little longer.”

There’s a good chance he’s going to ‘freak out’ you know?

I sigh. “I know. Still he might want to come along or try to talk me out of this.”

Gordon’s plan is sound. This will work, and be the solution to many of our problems.

I take a deep breath. “I hope so. Let’s go get this over with huh?”

I lean down kissing Jake on the forehead. Celestia’s hidden our pony features so I look just like I did the day before I started changing. I can’t help looking toward the back of the house, where it seems every pony we’ve rescued is staring… most looking very unhappy with the current situation. I have a feeling they’d turn violent if it meant protecting me whether I needed it or not. It’d taken quite a bit of convincing on my part to keep them calm.

I cross the yard toward the tree I know houses the spying man. I have to fight back a smirk as he started to rapidly leave his perch and try to get away before I reach him. “Excuse me? Mister F.B.I. agent? I’d like to turn myself in?”

He goes rigid in surprise and loses his footing, slipping from the tree with an alarmed shout. I reach out with my magic and wrap him in a warm golden glow, lifting him over the fence and setting him gently on the ground. He looks from me, then back down at his own body almost in disbelief. “Uh… what?”

My smile widens just a touch. “I’m Princess Celestia, and I’m turning myself in to your custody.”

He seems at a loss on how to proceed. Helpfully I offer my wrists for him to cuff me or whatever. He stares at them then back up at me. “...I don’t think that’ll be necessary ma’am. They wouldn’t really do anything anyway would they?”

Now my smile turns playful. “No, they wouldn’t.”


“Well that was the most grueling six hours of my life.” I sink into the bed of the prison cell I’m currently occupying. “This plan sucks. This is a dumb plan.”

It’s a good plan, Erin. Just be patient. And look on the bright side, our trial is tomorrow morning! A lot of the time it could take weeks for a trial to reach the court in Equestria.

I roll my eyes. “Only you could make a trial for terrorism sound like something to look forward to. Seriously though, what was the point of that interrogation? Those guys were more scared of us than we were of them.”

Humans are very much like ponies in many regards. One of which is fear of the unknown. They’re just scared and ignorant of the truth. I’m confident given time they’ll come around like Mr. Crispin has.

“Hm. I guess.” I’m suddenly acutely aware of the woman staring at me wide-eyed from across the cell. “...hi?”

“...talk to yourself all you want, just please don’t murder me in my sleep.”

I close my eyes and sigh. It was going to be a long night.


“Petrified him with the power of your friendship hm? A bit cliched but it seems to have gotten the job done.”

Moon Dancer snorts at mother’s scathing tone. “I am ever so pleased we have your approval, mother.”

The much smaller mare snorts herself. “I am sure you are. And you, Sunny Skies? Are you happy with this outcome?”

I cannot help but look sad as I gaze upon the statue that was my friend. “Of course not, mother. But it had to be done. He was growing violent, ponies were dying. Something had to be done. It is my hope in time he will return to the beloved companion I once knew.”

Clover the Clever grunts at that. “You got that sentimentality from your father, that much is certain. It was definitely not passed down from me.”

I smile at my mother’s words. “You sell yourself short, mother.”

She grunts again. “Well what do you plan to do now, children?”

Moon Dancer looks bored of the conversation and returns to the cliff side overlooking Equestria, to brood once more no doubt. “I had thought we would remain here. I do not believe leaving Discord unattended a wise idea.”

Mother nods. “It is not. However even this place is more exposed than he should be. Perhaps someplace more out of the way? The Everfree Forest?”

Moon Dancer’s ears perk. “I do love the forest. It would not be the worst place for us to live sister. It is out of the way and not many ponies walk its paths.”

I regard the statue than look back to my family. “Very well, we will make for the Everfree. The three of us.”

Both Moon Dancer AND my mother look surprised. “Sunny, I appreciate your kindness but I enjoy my solitude.”

I shrug. “Then we shall build a dwelling large enough for you to have your solitude, mother. I would dearly like you to be on hoof for the occasional shared meal however. Moon and I miss you more than you know.”

Mother looks to my little sister who snorts and looks away, but her stony visage softens as she looks back upon my face. “...oh very well. But I mean it, Sunny Skies! I do not want you fillies underhoof all the time.”

Moon is already splitting the stone Discord is settled upon for transportation. I smile at mother’s forced venom. “Of course mother, I promise we will not disrupt your studies.”

She seems hesitant, before finally nodding. “Very well. Allow me to pack my things. I shall meet you at the eastern edge of the forest.”

I cannot contain my giddiness entirely, and envelop the much smaller mare in my forelegs. “Thank you mother! We shall have fun! You will see.”

She stiffens in my embrace… but eventually returns it. “I will see you soon, Sunny.” Her horn glows and she vanishes with a soft pop.

Moon Dancer levitates Discord’s statue, ‘accidentally’ knocking the head on the cliff’s wall. At my look she shrugs. “It was an accident.”

The trip to the Everfree passes without incident. There are no settlements between the mountain and the forest so nopony is about to see our strange procession. Mother has a large wagon hitched to her flanks and looks to be growing rather impatient by the time we approach. “Well come along then! The hour grows late and I am not so young as you two. I want a warm bed beneath me before the moon is raised.”

I gaze at the sky with a frown. “It occurs to me the sun has remained still the entirety of the afternoon. Why does it not move?”

Mother’s frown deepens if possible. “I was afraid of this. Discord had been moving the celestial bodies about at a whim for sometime now. There is a good chance the unicorns of Equestria either do not know he is removed from power, or the ones remaining do not recall how to move the sun and moon.”

My own eyes go wide at this, Moon too looks alarmed. “What do we do?!”

Mother of course remains calm and collected. “An experiment I believe. Sunny, would you be so kind as to push the sun along its path?”

I take a step back in surprise. “Me? Mother I have never had near the power to…” Seeing her meaningful gaze on my wings I blush. “...y--yes of course. I will try. I do not know the spell however.”

“Ah. Of course.” Magenta light envelops her horn, as a quick jolt of magic smacks me between the eyes. All at once the spell for raising the sun unfolds in my mind. I hear Moon Dancer yelp as no doubt the same spell is ‘shared’ with her. “There.”

My sister and I share a look and roll our eyes together at mother’s antics. With a deep breath I turn my attention back to the sun. It sits shining brightly above me. Tentatively I reach out with my magic to grasp it.

And just like that we are connected. I have never felt such… raw power. Not even Discord could compare to the unrestrained fury of the sun. It seethes and roils and… welcomes me. It is almost as if it is inviting me in, a long time friend only now returning after so very long apart. My smile is wide and childlike as I embrace the heavenly body with my magic, enveloping it in a loving grasp I gently nudge it along. More a request than an order. A request it gleefully grants.

I stagger as the connection severs, but I silently promise we will meet again very soon. Moon Dancer is staring wide-eyed and slack jawed and mother… mother is smiling. With pride in her eyes! I have never seen such an expression. It passes swiftly. “Well. It seems you managed that at least. Shall we found our new home?”

Renewed vigor in my step, I nod. “Yes. Let us go home.”


“Rockwell! You’re up. On your feet.”

I jerk awake, scowling at the interruption. A burly man in a suit is standing in front of my cell looking impatient. I look around confused momentarily. “Is it before sunrise?”

“Sorry, did I interrupt your beauty sleep?”

I get to my feet looking surprisingly refreshed judging by the man’s face. “Nope. Actually I Don’t think I need to sleep anymore. I just like doing it. Feels normal y’know?”

You’re correct there, Erin. Sleep is more of a luxury than a necessity for us.

He looks a little weirded out at the reminder of who, and what I am. No doubt it’s easy to forget given my temporarily mundane appearance. “R--right. Well the judge wants to get your sentencing over with quick I guess. Come on.”

I wear my most pleasant smile as I follow him out, sparing a little wave to my relieved looking cellmate. He escorts me to a waiting car that I climb in the back of. The agent from yesterday is already there. “So as per your wishes you’re not going to have an attorney. The judge is accepting your guilty plea and moving right to sentencing.”

I nod. “Fair enough!”

He looks skeptical. “I… why are you doing this now all of a sudden?”

My look turns serious. “I have a duty to my people. They deserve the same safety, security, and prosperity as anyone else. The sooner I get this nonsense with the government over with the sooner I can get back to helping them.”

I couldn’t have said it better myself, Erin.

For a minute I’m surprised. I thought those were more or less Celestia’s own words. But it sounds like that was all me. The man just frowns. “You know you’re considered a terrorist right? You’re not going to just get a light slap on the wrist.”

I quirk a smile and lean back in the surprisingly comfortable car seat. “I know.”

The trip to the courthouse goes quickly. The car slows to a crawl as we near however, and I can hear some sort of loud commotion going on. “What’s happening?”

The agent has his hand to his ear, listening to something over his radio I assume. “There’s a crowd. Protestors and supporters for you sounds like.”

I perk up at that, not waiting to be invited to leave the car I step out as we stop to push through the crowd. I hear the agent calling me to come back but I ignore him. The people look confused for a minute as I step out of the vehicle.

I think they were expecting us to look a little more like I do, Erin.

“Well we don’t want to disappoint do we?” Celestia feels my playful attitude and happily complies. Spiralling golden light surrounds my forehead as my horn appears. A bright flash heralds the return of my wings as I fan them out to their full, impressive length. Color rushes from the roots of my hair down to the tips, returning it to the pastel rainbow hue. The people around me gasp in surprise, then the cheering starts. Wild thunderous cheers from completely ordinary humans all around.

More than a few reporters are trying to press in close. I clear my throat and spread my wings again, giving them a powerful flap I lift myself from the ground and settle on the roof of the car. Another gentle cough. “HELLO EVERYONE! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS SHOW OF SUPPORT FOR MYSELF AND MY LITTLE PONIES!”

The cheering is wilder than ever, I pick out more than one excited fan shouting ‘She did the voice!’ I can’t help but giggle at that, but soon raise my hands for quiet. I’m pleasantly surprised when the crowd does fall nearly silent. “Thank you, truly. Now before I head inside I see some reporters here. I’d be happy to answer some questions before my trial.”

They all begin shouting at once, and I raise a hand with a stern expression. “Form a single file line. You can ask one question, then step aside for the next person in line.”

They look at me incredulously. “D’you think we’re five or something, lady?”

I frown. “You just lost your question.”

The others hastily form the line I requested. The first is an older looking grey haired gentleman. “Miss Rockwell, why turn yourself in now? Or at all for that matter?”

My frown becomes a smile again. “Excellent question. It was never our intention to act like a criminal or a terrorist. We tried to politely ask for our people’s release. When our request was ignored we took decisive action. While we can understand the American people’s fear and confusion, our subjects must come first. At least as long as they’re being kept in cages.”

I can see a burning question in his eyes, and motion for him to continue. “Are you using the royal plurals or…?”

I shake my head. “No. Unlike the average pony, Princess Celestia emerged from the destruction of Equestria with her mind fully intact. She and I share the same body.”

More murmuring from the crowd. I feel a little proud as the reporter politely steps aside for the next in line. A young woman. “Can we speak to her?”

I withdraw, allowing Celestia to take over. The change in her posture is immediate, and her hair begins to waft gently. “I’d be happy to answer any questions you have. You can go ahead with another one, miss, we won’t count that first one.” Celestia finishes with a wink, drawing some laughter.

The reporter was smiling as well. “Princess, I know this seems like a silly question, but are you really the character from the cartoon show come to life?”

Celestia smiles in that gentle motherly look. “No question is silly if the one asking is genuinely curious. And it would be safer to say the show is based on myself and other real ponies rather than the other way around. I’m honestly not entirely sure about the circumstances around the cartoon, but I am intensely curious to speak with the creator or writers.”

The next in line is a younger man. “Princess Celestia, I think the biggest question on everyone’s mind is can the ponies be changed back to humans?”

Celestia’s smile dims. “While it is possible, it’s incredibly dangerous. Perhaps one in a hundred would survive the process, it could be even less. Even so if there are any ponies who feel that strongly about it, I will of course honor their wishes and attempt the process.”

The next in line clears her throat. “Princess, what are your plans for the ponies you’ve been liberating from government captivity?”

By now there are a number of concerned looking agents around the car, motioning for Celestia to climb down. Naturally she ignores them. “I want to assure the good people of this country, indeed the people of the world… I have a plan. Very soon now my subjects and I will have found our place and it’s my hope that many of them will join me in working to make the world a better place.”

The same reporter frowns. “How do you intend to do that?”

That was the question Celestia was waiting for. “Well, I’m not sure how many of you good people are familiar with the television show, but I’ll take a moment to educate you on proper Equestrian ecology. The ponies are generally split into three tribes, pegasus, unicorn, and earth. Each has their own brand of magic. Pegasus ponies can fly and manipulate the weather. This could be used to bring water to parched areas of the world, or to clear away pollutants in the air.”

The stunned crowd is talking excitedly now. “Unicorns can wield traditional magical spells. My sister and I have been busily teaching the new unicorn ponies how to properly wield their magics. These spells can do nearly anything you can imagine. We could transmute water to fuel or oil, clear pollution from the oceans, perhaps even provide power and electricity. With a little study, our magic could be used to cleanse many supposedly incureable ailments afflicting your world.”

“And finally the earth pony tribe, in my opinion the most powerful pony tribe. Many overlook them due to their lack of a horn or wings. However earth pony magic can grow full sized, fully edible crops in several weeks rather than several months. Couple this with the pegasi’s weather manipulation and we could be well on our way to solving the world’s hunger problem.”

Her serene smile never slips. “That’s just our initial thoughts on how to help. I’m sure as we get more comfortable with you, and you get more comfortable with us together we can usher in a golden era for this wonderful world we share.” Without warning Celestia slips back and thrusts me into the forefront again.

My hair droops against my shoulders and I smile awkwardly. “Well! Hope that answered some questions. Now uh… we have to go get tried for being terrorists.”

The crowd does a complete one eighty. They’re booing and shouting jeers at my escorts as they hustle me into the courthouse. More than a few cans of soda or various food stuffs are flung at the men. I raise a glittering magical dome around us as they hurry me inside. “...real cute stunt back there.”

I smile toothily to the less than amused man at my side. “I was just trying to put some of their fears to rest.”

“...it was a nice speech. But you know you’re not walking away from this right?”

I shrug and fall silent as he leads me inside. The court room is full mostly of well armed men all watching me warily. I throw them a sunny smile as I head to the seat indicated for me. The judge shuffles in without so much as an ‘all rise’ and seats himself behidn the desk. “Alright. Miss Erin Rockwell. It says you hear plead guilty to all charges?”

I clear my throat and lean forward. “Yes.”

He nods. “Very well then. That makes his very straightforward. You have seventeen counts of assaulting government officers and officials. Seven counts of breaking and entering to government facilities. And… one hundred and thirty-two counts of kidnapping.”

I lean toward the microphone again. “Technically they were kidnapped by the people holding them, just want that on record.”

The judge nods. “So notes. Miss Rockwell, for the numerous crimes here I sentence you to-”

“Excuse me! Sorry I’m late! I’m Miss Rockwell’s advocate. The crowd out there is absolutely insane isn’t it? Had to park half a kilometer off.” I don’t recognize the young and frankly disheveled looking woman who’s rushing in. I raise my eyebrows as she approaches.

“Did you just pass the bar or what?”

She flushes. “Mr. Crispin said it would be a good first case for me alright?” She proceeds to the judge and hands him some paperwork.

He looks it over, his frown deepening more and more. “What sort of nonsense is this?”

“No nonsense at all sir. Princess Celestia is the Premier of New Equestria, formerly the Northwest Territory. Her Canadian citizenship is fully legal and all the proper documentation is right there. I’d like my client released and returned to her native Canada immediately.”

The judge looks so much at a loss it’s all I can do not to laugh. “You… Erin Rockwell is an American citizen. She can’t hold office in Canada.”

My advocate nods, smiling patiently. “Of course. My client is Princess Celestia however, the proper sovereign of Equestria, now Premier of New Equestria.” Shooting a glance back toward me she leans in toward the judge, if my hearing wasn’t magically enhanced I’d miss what she whispers.

“This is going to go down one of two ways. You deport Premier Celestia and send her back to Canada. Or you try to hold her and Erin and they simply teleport or fly or whatever away and make you nice folks look like idiots. It’s your choice of course.” She steps back and takes a seat next to me.

The judge is going from flesh colored, to red, to purple as he gnashes his teeth. “...get her out of my courtroom, then get her out of this country. If she so much as sets one horn, hoof, or feather on American soil again it’ll be considered an act of war. Am I clear?!”

I incline my head with a smile. “Crystal clear, sir.”

“Well come along, Premier Celestia. We have a car waiting to take you home.”

I follow my advocate from the courthouse, out a back door to avoid the mob. “How exactly does all this work, Miss…?”

“Stevens. Vanessa Stevens. Basically you and any pony who wants to go with you are being offered total amnesty in Canada. The Northwest Territory is being handed over to you and your people to do as you see fit with. Your brother, as I understand it, has been hard at work getting things liveable for you up there. You’ll have to attend parlaiment or send a representative like any other Premier. There’ll be taxes and such, but you can iron that out with the PM.”

I breathe a sigh of relief. “This really is just what we were looking for.”

She smiles and holds the passenger side door to her car open for me. “Well it’s not for free. Your brother’s been making some pretty big promises. Ones we think you’re good to deliver on, however. Basically all the things you said to that crowd before you went into the court.”

I nod. “They’re things we planned on focusing on once our people are safe.”

Vanessa grins. “Well you’ll be happy to hear the ponies in Canada have been treated well. Tentatively, but once it was clear it wasn’t some kind of disease they were all let go and allowed to return home. And while they were under study we certainly didn’t cage them. We made sure their comfort was seen to at all times.”

Celestia’s happiness is infectious, and honestly mirrors my own. “That’s wonderful to hear, Miss Stevens. And whatever Markus promised I can definitely deliver on. At least we plan to try.”

“If all you do is help grow us some food, Miss Rockwell, it’ll be enough. The other stuff would be nice of course, but things aren’t much better up north than they are here in the states.”

“At the very least we can do food. I’ve had a few earth ponies at the cabin for a couple weeks and we have fresh fruit and veggies already. Give us some proper farmland and we’ll feed the whole country in a couple months.” I fidget with my fingers for a minute. “Am I going to be able to stop by my house and get some things?”

Vanessa frowns, tucking some of her long black hair behind an ear. “Technically no. I’m supposed to take you right to the border. Of course if you do some kind of magical hocus pocus to disappear on me there’s not much I can do about that, right?”

I grin. “I think I like you, Vanessa Stevens.”

“If you get food in our hungry people’s stomach, Miss Rockwell, I think I’ll like you too.”

My horn glows as Celestia whisks us back to the cabin, leaving an image of me in my place. The shield she previously raised around the cabin is still intact, flashing with golden light every time one of the army guys outside hammers on it. Even with the dome of magic around the ponies they still look fearful… until I pop into their midst. All at once they begin excitedly crowding around me wanting to know what happened.

Raising my hands for quiet I smile. “My little ponies…” They all squee at that… like always. “We have a home. Canada’s given us a place of our own. Just for us. I know it’s far from your friends and families, and this is a big move. So if anypony wants to stay behind they’re of course welcome to.”

It didn’t come as any great surprise when not one elected to stay behind.


“This will certainly impress her.”

Are we doin’ this to impress your big sister, or because our people need it?

Luna frowns at my tone. “...it cannot be both?”

C’mon, Lu… we don’t need to impress our sisters.

“Yet I sense a great desire from you to earn Erin’s approval. You cannot be hypocritical with me, Markus, when I read your thoughts as easily as you read my own.”

Yeah, yeah whatever. Gimme the body back, I wanna make sure my room is right. Lu relaxes her hold on our body and I stretch. The hair on the back of my neck stands up as Erin appears behind me with a bright golden flash. She blinks, trying to get her bearings before focusing on me. With an excited squeal she jumps and grabs me in a tight hug.

“Markus, you and Luna are amazing!”

A kinda nice warmth shoots through me at that. I dunno if it's the hug or what she’s saying but… it feels alright. “Wh--whatever! Lemme down, we didn’t do all that much.”

She drops me, then shoves me back. “Didn’t do all that much?! You saved our butts! And made us like… a Canadian President or something?”

I shrug. “More like their version of the Governor. The provinces have a lot more freedom than the states do though. I think outside of gettin’ them back to Equestria this is the best move for the pony folks.”

Erin’s about to say something else, when she finally seems to notice where she’s standing. “Oh… oh, Markus… did you do all this?”

I shrug. “Eh Lu did most of it. I don’t like a lot of the little detail work. It’s kinda a pain in the ass, y’know?”

Erin and I are standing on a high tower in the middle of the city Luna’s been building. “She’s been using like, moonbeams and magic or some goofy shit. Still, looks pretty good, huh?”

The city stretches in all directions. The buildings have a silvery glow to them, sparkling in the sun. It all looks a little goofy to me, like something out of a fantasy book. Cheery little cottages and stupid buildings that look like gingerbread or giant fruit poke out of the streets here and there. And of course, the big castle we’re standing on at the center of it. “Kinda obnoxious I thought.”

My caustic attitude is hard to keep up at the look of awe and elation on my sister’s face. Her eyes are glimmering with tears as she looks out over my and Luna’s hard work. “Oh, Markus, it’s beautiful. It’s all so amazing. I’m so proud of you. Both of you!”

Ugh, right in the heart. That feels… that feels really awesome actually. I even crack a smile. “Yeah well… well whatever. It’s for the ponies, y’know? Speaking of, where the hell are all of them?”

Her eyes widen. “Oh crap!” She vanishes again and I shake my head.

“What a ditz.”

Lu laughs. Perhaps, but they are our ditzes.

“Celestia get like that?”

When she becomes very excited, certainly.

Little golden flashes light the streets below, as Erin begins moving ponies from her cabin to the new city. Luna wanted to call the place New Canterlot at first, but I shot it down. My suggestion caught her by surprise, but in the end she agreed it was a better name. Looking at the happiness on the incoming ponies faces, I kinda feel like I picked the right name.

“Welcome to Hope, everypony!”

Author's Note:

Chapter 15 y'all! Nearing the home stretch. Five or six chapters to go I think. Also the ending is oficially TwistedSpectrum approved so that is VERY cool to me at least, that it meets with the original authors thumbs up. XD

Also! If anyone doin side stories wants to incorporate anything going on here, such as Celestia being on TV or the new pony homeland you're more than welcome to do so!