• Published 24th Jun 2013
  • 5,901 Views, 459 Comments

Return of the Dawn - pchn00

A substitute teacher with what she's always been told is a mental condition begins to suspect that's not the entire truth when a familiar sun shaped cutie mark appears on her hips.

  • ...

Chapter 10: Celestial Awakening

Chapter 10: Celestial Awakening

If I’m being completely honest with myself, I’ve had better mornings. Waking up naked and alone in the backyard of Erin’s giant mansion is one thing. I could probably even take the new spread of fur across my legs and back. Truth be told it’s a little nice. Kinda warm really, but in a pleasant way as the sun hits it.

No, the real problem is between my legs; or rather what’s not between my legs. Seeing it once was enough of a shock. I do my best to avoid looking down there again, as I tug my boxers on over my hooves. I look at the jeans and t-shirt. My tail twitches and wings flare almost as if in protest of the idea of covering them again. Fuck it. I’m a woman all of a sudden. If I don’t want to wear pants and a shirt, I’m not going to.

I gather the clothes up and trudge back to the house. Erin helped cheer me up after last night’s weirdness but she’s nowhere to be found now. The sun looks like it’s well on it’s way into the sky so she’s probably gone into town for the errands she had planned. Everyone but Jules is sitting to breakfast when I come in through the back door.

A bunch of grinning and snickering greets me. At first I feel my fury rising, thinking they’re laughing at my newly unmanned state. THEN I realize they must have realized what Erin and I were doing out there last night. Anger quickly turns to embarassement as I hurry through the kitchen toward the stairs.

I’m not too enthused to do so, but I know I need a shower. I’m covered in grass and dirt and other less pleasant stuff. Dumping the clothes in my room, I climb in the shower. With a pang of irritation, I realize the only shampoo in here is still Erin’s dollar store strawberry. Rolling my eyes I take the bottle and open the cap.

My sour mood is lifted somewhat when the scent wafts up to my more sensitive nose. It instantly brings Erin’s face to mind and despite the horrific discovery this morning I smile. We talked about it at length while curled up on the grass. She did her best to assure me that while it’s certainly a big change, she’s going to stick it out with me.

I lather my hair and tail. Mane and tail? I wonder when it officially crosses to the ‘mane’ territory. Probably when I hit all fours. Until then I’ll stick with hair. I consider running the shampoo over my new fur patches but that’s gonna be a hassle reaching the middle of my back. Lucky unicorns. I bet they just levitate the luffa or whatever.

This time tomorrow there’s a good chance I’ll be a full pony. I already barely recognize the face in the mirror; It's definitely a woman. A woman bearing only the most superficial resemblance to the old me. Of course when I get a muzzle even that will be gone. I can’t suppress a shiver at that thought. What if after I become Spitfire physically I start to become her mentally? Will Jake just be replaced by Spitfire?

Finding Markus and Luna should be a priority, and soon. If the Princess is fully aware in his head she probably has plenty of answers and could whip up a magical solution to everyone’s troubles.

Very much against my will I find my eyes inevitably drifting to my groin. Seeing nothing but a smooth expanse of flesh where my old man parts used to be is a bit jarring. Not to mention the feeling of emptiness down there. Though there is a certain amount of comfort that comes from having nothing between my legs. Curiously I squish my thighs together.

Absolutely nothing. That’s so bizarre. I swish my hips keeping my thighs pressed tight. “…I feel like an idiot.”

Glowering at my stupidity I rinse out the shampoo and climb out of the shower, starting to towel off. Likely only to further emasculate me, the furry patches on my body fluff up adorably after I run the towel over them. Clopping back to my room I rummage through the bags Erin brought from my apartment, digging out a pair of shorts. They’re less confining for my tail, but still give more modesty than my boxers.

I eye myself speculatively in the mirror on the wardrobe. I definitely look like a woman. “Hello? Hello! Hiya.” Yup. Sound like one too. A woman with yellow fur, hooves, pony ears, wings and a tail. Then there’s the weird flat teeth in my mouth. I head back downstairs for something to eat. Since the hospital I’ve been hungry all the time. Though not for big stuff. Mostly I snack all day. And there’re the naps. When no one was around I grabbed a quick nap in the garage. Two of them.

I’ve got tons of energy lately. Then out of nowhere I’ll need to close my eyes for a little while. Usually just a half hour or so and I’m ready to go. It looks like the girls and Lucas are finishing up by the time I get back down. I haven’t said anything, but by the looks of sympathy I’m getting it’s pretty easy to tell the adults have figure it out.

I just shrug. “I knew it was coming right?”

Becky stands and hugs me tightly. “Oh sweetie, don’t worry. You’re still you! And if it helps you’re still the most masculine person in the house.”

Everyone but Lucas agrees with her; he just looks confused. I smile and shrug again. “Well thanks. Has anyone heard from Erin? I want to talk to her about Markus.”

Ellie perks up from the sink. “How come?”

“Because he and Princess Luna share a body right? She can help us with all sorts of things I’m sure. We should make finding him our top priority.”

Meg hms softly. “It’s not like we can go looking though right? They’re rounding us all up out there.”

I nod. “Well not US, but Erin. She’s in contact with a cop friend of mine. I should call him and see if he can’t find the guy too.”

“That’s a good idea! We can find Markus and have him come here with us!” Ellie’s practically hopping at the idea. Her little celebration is interrupted by a loud buzzing echoing through the kitchen. We all look around in alarm before the blonde girl spies a small black box. “Oh! It’s an intercom! I bet it connects to the gate!”

She makes for the button and I grab her arm just in time. “Let Lucas talk. He’s the only one here besides Erin remember?”

Her eyes widen in realization and she nods. “Right! Sorry.”

Lucas hobbles toward the button and I hold it in for him. He leans in close. “H-hello?”

“Hi there! This is Tim here to drop off your cable equipment?”

Lucas looks to me and I nod in confirmation. “Oh sure thing. Is the gate locked?”

“Nope! Just closed. Always wanted to use this thing but no one’s lived up at the old place for years y’know?”

“Oh! Well um… Come on up. I’ll meet you at the door.” Lucas steps away from the intercom timidly.

“Will do! See ya in a jiffy.”

I nod. “Good job Lucas. Just take whatever he has for you and sign for it like yesterday. And can someone go muzzle Jules? She’s snoring up a storm out there.”

A giggling Ellie bounds toward the living room where loud protests can suddenly be heard. They die down quickly fortunately. There’s soon a knock at the front door. Lucas looks from me to Meg, but at both our encouraging nods he heads for the door.

We can hear snippets of the conversation. Mostly the cable guy, Tim trying to sell Lucas on letting him set everything up. For a minute I’m worried the quite kid is gonna cave to the pushy sales tactics. I’m pleasantly surprised when he rather firmly tells the man his older sister left very specific instructions, and he doesn’t want to let her down.

The door closes after a few more moments and Lucas is standing beside a sizeable pile of electronics equipment. Ellie is already rummaging through it excitedly. “Oh this stuff is easy. Real basic. If Erin brings back all the wiring I can have us hooked up in an hour. Two tops.”

She grabs a protesting Jules and drags her toward their bathroom. I clap my hands together. “Right. I’m gonna make some more progress on that garage. How’s the library coming Meg?”

Our Lyra-to-be shrugs. “Pretty good. I’ve got it about halfway done. Was planning to get back at it this morning?”

I nod. “Why don’t you help her out Becky? Jules and Ellie can work on the basement again and I’ll get back to the garage. I know you’d rather work on the lawn but unless you want to graze your way through the grass all that’s left is the flower boxes. And Erin might kill you if you do those without her.”

After a brief moment of consideration Becky nods. “Good point. Looks like it’s me and you Meg.”

The two women head upstairs chatting amicably. Lucas looks at me curiously. “So… Are you a girl now?”

My shoulders sag. This morning sucks.


“So you live with your boyfriend, four women and one of theirs’ kid brother. The adults are all turning into ponies TOO, including Jake who’s becoming a girl pony.”

“A mare I think.”

Nikki stares at me from the passenger seat. “This is crazy Erin! Crazy! What are you even doing!? Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad you’re not turning people into the cops but you snuck them out of the hospital and passed the army!”

“National guard.”

“It’s the same thing!”

I wince as her voice raises into the pitch only a dog should be able to hear. “Nikki… I had to help them. Alright? Just like I’d help you, or Tom, or even the hippy triplets. I have the space and the means to help some people through a really bizarre point in their lives. It’s great that your folks and everyone in town is so accepting of this but Jake and Becky are both pretty sure their families wouldn’t be as understanding. Meg and Lucas were living on the street and I have no idea what the story is with Ellie and Jules’ folks.”

She blows out a heavy breath of air. “Are you sure there’s NO other reason? At all?”

I frown now. “What do you mean?”

“Well didn’t you say Jake shares out birthday? I remember Tom does. So how come we’re all pony-ing up and you’re not?”

How are so many people putting this together and Jake hasn’t yet?! Of course maybe he has and is keeping it to himself? Though Nikki can’t possible suspect the truth, just that I should be going pony as well. “I think my meds are keeping my human.”

Now she stares blankly. “Your meds.”

I nod.

“The ones for you being a schizo.”

I wince at the term but nod again. She was alway a little blunt.

“Well give me some!”

I sigh. “I can’t Nikki. The chemicals in them could be poisonous to other people.”

“Well what makes you so special?”

The dirt road to the cabin is in sight. I pull over by the gate turning to face her. “Nikki can you just trust me? If I thought I could safely give my pills to other people I’d have done it by now. You know me better than that. I’m not hoarding them or something. They’re bad for ME too it turns out.”

Now she looks concerned. “But you’ve been taking them your whole life.”

I nod. “I know. But I have the same problem you guys do with the magic you know… Building up in me. I’m pretty sure I’m not sick at all, the other voice is… Is sort of a passenger. My pony soul didn’t get like… Mixed with my human one. She’s still alive kinda.”

Her eyes go wide. “Alive? L-like INSIDE you?”

“Yeah. The pills have kept her quiet all these years. My brother Markus is the same, but only that he doesn’t take his pills at all.”

She frowns. “Still can’t believe you have a brother and you never told me.”

“I never knew! I just found out a couple days ago. But listen, don’t talk about me having the pony thing to anyone. Especially not Jake. I don’t want him finding out until I’m ready to tell him myself.”

Her frown deepens. “Isn’t it going to be a little obvious when you grow a tail?”

I nod. “I’m gonna tell him tonight. First thing tomorrow at the latest.”

I bring the SUV around to the front and hop out. “Folks are probably up and cleaning already. I’ll introduce you around before I get started on my gardening. I need to give Ellie all these wires and stuff too.”

Nikki comes around to the trunk peering in over my shoulder. “Think you have enough?”

I shrug. “We’re wiring the house for cable and internet. This is what she said she needed so it’s what she gets.”

She shrugs back and takes an arm load of cables herself, following me inside. “Ellie’s probably in the basement with Jules so we can drop down there first.” We dump the electronics by a sizeable pile of similar stuff by the door and head downstairs.

A bored looking Jules is rummaging through what looks to be close to the last of the boxes. Ellie’s nowhere to be seen. “Hey Jules. This is my friend from high school, Nikki.”

At first concerned, Jules whips around frowning no doubt at the prospect of an outsider finding us. When she sees Nikki in a similar condition she relaxes. “Oh. Cool to meetcha I guess. You moving in too?”

Nikki laughs a little. “No, my parents don’t mind my condition. I’m just catching up with Erin. Probably going to sit with her in the back while she weeds.”

Jules nods before looking to me. “You get the crap Ellie wanted?”

“Yup! Where is she?”

With an annoyed grunt Jules goes back to the boxes. “The featherbrain’s probly out bugging Jake about flying. I Keep telling her they’re too heavy still but she doesn’t listen.”

I smile. “She’s just excited I’m sure. Don’t you want to start using magic?”

She looks at her horn cross-eyed. “I guess? Might be an ok replacement for hands I suppose.”

“Well we’ll let you finish up. It looks awesome down here by the way.”

Jules’ smile is a little brighter and more genuine as we head back upstairs. I take Nikki up to meet Meg in the library. I’m a little surprised to find Becky there too. The three exchange quick pleasantries.

Becky is looking a little ansty. “Now that you’re here can we get back to the gardening?”

I laugh. “You didn’t have to wait for me. If you’re dying to do something out there you can start cleaning up the greenhouse? It’d be nice if we could get some veggies of our own growing out there again. Nothing beats home grown.”

She’s already racing out the door a second after I finish. I shrug to Meg. “Sorry for stealing your helper.”

She waves it off. “Nah, it’s cool. I could tell she wanted to be out there anyway.”

Nikki’s close on my heels as I head down and out to the garage. “Hey guys, how’s it going?”

Jake’s smile toward me is… awkward. “Fine. Ellie’s been… Keeping me company.” His voice is very clearly female. Ellie smiles brightly, tilting her head curiously at the sight of Nikki.

“This is Nikki. We’re friends from school. She just moved back to town too.”

“Neat! Now we have a Trixie too!”

Nikki looks at me with raised eyebrows, before looking back to Ellie. “Just Nikki is fine thanks.” She studies the pair before nodding toward Jake. “You must be Jake. Erin’s told me a lot about you.”

He nods back. “Nice to meet you Nikki. Erin can we talk?”

I frown. “Sure. Ellie, I got everything you asked for by the door. Can you and a couple girls get the table and bring it out around front? Someone’s coming by to fix it up for us.”

She dashes inside happily, bellowing for Jules as she goes. I look to Nikki with an apologetic frown. “I’ll be out in a sec. You can go say hi to Lucas. He’s at the other end of the garage working on my moped.”

Nikki looks from me to Jake with mild concern but nods and sets out down the rows of cars. I walk back into the house and up to my room with Jake in tow. He shuts the door as we enter and I sit on the bed. “What’s wrong?”

He shuffles on his hooves looking uncomfortable. “It’s uh… Gone. This morning when I woke up.”

I’m about to ask what ‘it’ is before I realze what he’s talking about. “Oh. Oh Jake I’m… I’m really sorry. And I’m sorry I Wasn’t here.” I take his… her? I’ll stick with his until he’s comfortable enough with the other pronounds. I take his hands and pull him to the bed with me. He’s so… timid. So nervous. I’d almost say skittish. Not too surprising I suppose, given all that’s happened. It’s a bit odd but I have to comfort him somehow. I wrap my arms around him and rest my chin atop his head.

His tenseness is slow to leave, but gradually it does and he just rests his cheek against my shoulder. We sit together in silence for a time. Then a familiar scent hits my nose. I lean away from him smiling teasingly. “You used my shampoo.”
His eyes widen slightly. “W-well it’s all that was in there.”

“Mmmm. You like it. Admit it! It’s fantasic shampoo!”

He makes a disgusted face. “It’s garbage shampoo. My scalp has never been so itchy.”

I shrug. “You get used to it.” He rolls his eyes but a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth gently. I surprise him by kissing him a bit on the forceful side. His eyes are wide at first, but gradually they droop and he returns my affections.
“We’ll get through this. Something’s going to come up. Soon. Try not to let it get you down alright? I’m not going anywhere, Jake Matsen.”

He takes a deep breath and nods. “Thank you Erin. For all this. For helping us, for sticking by me.”

I nod and we separate, standing almost reluctantly. Part of me wants to ravish him but I think that might raise a few eyebrows in the middle of the day. I don’t need to give Nikki more fuel for the inevitable barrage of questions coming my way. “Oh! By the way the mayor’s coming for dinner. He’s an old school friend. Also turning into a pony. Guess who?”

He laughs. “We’re going to have our very own real life Ponyville if this keeps up.”

“Mmm… Well who’s missing? Besides the obvious main six characters.”

He starts to ramble about all the different background ponies not present and accounted for. I’m only vaguely interested but it’s a topic that has him thinking about something other than his condition so I’m happy to smile and nod along.


Dinner was… Interesting. Tom and his (her?) boyfriend Terry both came by around five thirty. Tom was understandably nervous about being exposed to such a large group of strangers but like Nikki he warmed up to everyone very quickly. Terry was another story. He was distant and aloof the entire time, answering questions with the vaguest answers possible. There was a definite tension between him and Tom all night.

Still, fun was had by all. Jules’ salad bar was a huge hit with the soon to be ponyfolk; she had a big arrangement of different types of lettuce and fruit and vegetables of every kind imaginable. Lucas and I both passed on it focusing instead on the grilled hot dogs she prepared specially for us and the large dish of seasoned potato wedges… Homemade no less. If THIS is what eating real food is like I could probably get used to it.

I’m in the living room watching Jules idly flip through channels with Nikki on the couch beside me. Everyone else is doing clean up in the kitchen. “Erin do you mind if I stay over?”

I look over at Nikki. “Why?”

She shrugs. “It’s silly but I just feel… Comfortable. It’s a little lonely at home. Mom and dad are treating me like I’m dying and they could catch whatever I have at any second.”

I smile. “Well of course you can stay. It’ll be like old times huh? I don’t think anyone’s claimed the room you used to sleep over in all the time either.” She smiles until I continue. “Though I don’t think we’ve gotten around to cleaning it out yet.”

Her eyes drop for a moment while she considers her response. “Well I guess I can go start cleaning it up huh?”

I nod. “That’s the spirit.”

She flounces to the stairs with a spring in her step. Tom waves a little from the foyer. “We’re taking off. Thanks for a lovely evening Erin. We’ll have to do it again soon.”

“Anytime! Where’s Terry?”

A brief flash oif annoyuance crosses his face. “In the car. Sorry he wasn’t at his best tonight. All… this getting to him.”

I smile sympathetically. “It could get to anyone.”

He frowns now. “It hasn’t gotten to you. I see the way you are with Jake still."

I can’t exactly argue with that. “Well give it time. He’ll come around. If I’m in town tomorrow, I’ll stop by your office. We can have lunch.”

“That’d be nice. I’ll see you later.”

I see him to the door and wave as their car heads down the drive. Most everyone else has started to occupy the living room. “Well what’re we doing tonight? We let Ellie pick last night. Why don’t you choose Lucas?”

The boy blinks, surprised at the sudden authority given him. “Ummm… Can we watch more episodes of pony?”

A few good natured chuckles sound from the occupants… And some delighted giggling from Ellie. “Sure. Why not?”

Nikki joins us soon and almost immediately demands to see the episode she’s featured in. At first she seems surprised at her characters treatment. “Well she didn’t seem that bad! She’s a performer, they have to hype themselves up! She didn’t turn nasty until she started getting heckled.”

I find myself nodding. “That’s a good point actually. She was just putting on a show. The main girls do seem kinda snotty.”

It’s a little funny watching Nikki seem so enraptured by the episode though. “I wonder if I can roll my r’s like that?”

“Don’t you even dare.” Everyone laughs at my comment. Everyone but Nikki. They assume we’re both joking but I know better. I finally stand and stretch. “Think I’m turning in folks. I’ll see everyone in the morning.”

Cheerful good nights sound from everyone. Jake stands up to follow giving everyone a goodnight of his own. I do my usual evening routine. Brush my teeth and all. The pill bottle on the sink is tempting, but I ignore it. I’ve made my decision. For better or worse, Celestia is coming out.

Jake’s waiting for me on my bed, looking awkward and hesitant. I just smile and climb in beside him. “Let’s just sleep tonight hm? We can snuggle.”

He grins now and scoots in closer. “Snuggling can be good.”

I nod. “Snuggling can be very good.”


“See you tomorrow Miss Sunny!”

I smile at the foals as they rush out of the school house. “See everypony tomorrow! Make sure you study hard! We have a big test just before the weekend!”

Most school teachers would be suspicious of so many eager smiling faces in a class room but not me. I know the foals of Oaten are bright and eager to learn. Clicking my tongue softly I turn back to the devasted mess that is my class room. I should really consider hiding the glitter on arts and crafts day.

Still my horn lights up as I make quick work of the mess. I’m just about ready to head home and see what Moon Dancer has going for dinner before the Mayor enters tentatively. Despite the worry on his face I force a smile. “Good afternoon Mayor Scrolls. What do I owe the pleasure of a personal visit?” Of course I already know.

He heaves a sigh. “It’s him again Miss Sunny Skies. He’s turned the lake to… To some sort of gelatin? I don’t know what exactly it is but it’s disrupted the entire day of fishing. And if we can’t get the fish in for the griffon’s tribute…”

I raise a hoof cutting him off. “I understand. Is he still at the lake?”

He nods. “I’m sorry to keep dumping the town’s problems on you but he doesn’t listen to anypony else.”

I nod, my smile back in place. “It’s no trouble at all. I’ll go have a word with him.”

To my surprise he falls into step with me. “There’s something else.”

I sigh. “It’s Moon Dancer isn’t it?”

“Don’t get me wrong. Most everypony in town loves your sister. She’s a very kind mare but sometimes she just…”

“She just wanders about town at all hours of the night scarting the dickens out of anypony who happens to see her lurking about?”

He smiles awkwardly. “Well… basically yes. Exactly that.”

I nod. “I’ll talk with her as well.”

“Thank you Miss Sunny. Sometimes I think you should be in charge of the town the way you handle everything so easily. Make me look like a bit of a bungler to be honest.”

I scoff. “Don’t be ridiculous. There’s no way I could handle all that paperwork you plough through on a daily basis! It’s very impressive. I just have a way with ponies sometimes.”

He nods, his pride a bit inflated at my words. “That you do. Thank you again Miss Sunny, and have a lovely day.”

I wave goodbye as he makes for town hall. Once he’s out of sight my smile falls and I blow a lock of my vivid pink mane from my eyes. Is it so much to ask I be allowed to leave the school just ONE day, go home to a cup of tea and small bit of something sweet and curl up with a good book?

Evidently so.

I can already hear the angry muttering as I near the lake. Oaten is a tiny community right on the border of the griffon empire. Which means that unless we offer them something other than the fruit and vegetables we grow they’ll take one of US to eat. Things get tight around winter every year since half the town has to split their focus on fishing for tribute but we make do.

When Moon Dancer and I moved to the tiny earth pony town it caused quite a stir. A pair of unicorns living amongst the ‘lower’ tribe is almost unheard of. At first they thought we may be criminals on the run but it wasn’t too difficult to win them over. Once I explained that my sister’s occasionally curious behavior caused her some trouble at our old home they went from suspicious to sympathetic.

The fishers look relieved as I round the bend and trot toward the lake. I spare them a smile and a nod as I stop at the edge of what SHOULD be a pristine lake of water. Instead it is indeed some bizarre pink wobbly mess of gelatin. I gingerly prod it with a hoof and find it gives a good deal. A simple spell renders me light as a feather and I trot out onto it.

My quarry isn’t far out on the springy lake. He’s presently using it as a trampoline. His mismatched features split into a broad grin at my approach. “Sunny! It’s about time I’ve been waiting all morning for you!”

My eyebrows draw together in a frown. “Discord, did you keep them from fishing ALL day?”

He waves that leonine paw of his dismissively. “Oh pish posh, one little day of missed fishing isn’t going to kill anypone.”

I glance down at the semi-transparent gelatin. “Is it going to kill all the fish?”

He freezes in the air in mid-bounce. “Well! That just makes them easier to catch right?” His grin is wide again.

I close my eyes and take a deep steadying breath. “Discord you need to change the lake back and make sure the fish are ALIVE.”

He rolls his eyes. Literally he rolls them right out of his head and bounces them along the gelatin to rest before my hooves looking up at me imploringly. “I worked hard on this one! We should have some fun! You’re always working or looking after your sister. When are you going to have time for YOU?”

I smile. I know he didn’t do all this ENTIRELY for me, but it’s nice to know he was thinking of me. “Why don’t you come to town for the harvest festival this weekend Discord? I’m sure the foals would love to see some of your magic.”

He taps a claw to his chin in consideration. “Alright Sunny. Just for you. But you better loosen up at this festival!”

Relief turns to annoyance as he smirks and snaps his claws. “…sometimes I hate you.” The gelatin turns to water beneath my hooves and I splash down intot he water, hearing my strange friend howling with laughter over head.
It’s not long before I join in.


Time to wake up, Erin.

That was… Interesting. Was that one of Celestia’s memories?

Then she called me Erin. That’s the first time in a long time I’ve heard my name in her words. Jake is snuggled tightly against me under the covers but I slide out slowly and don’t seem to wake him. I’m not entirely surprised to find no trace of humanity left in his form. From the blunt muzzle to the shorter forelimbs and lack of hands, he’s a pony now through and through. No doubt everyone else reached the same point in the night.

Kissing him softly on the ear I step out to watch the sunrise. It’s not long before somewhat clumsy ‘clip clopping’ sounds from the house. I glance at the door from the swing to see Jake awkwardly pushing his way out. “…hey.”

I smile. “Hey.” I pat the spot on the swing beside me.

He walks slowly and more than a little shakily. “Try thinking of how they walk in the show. Front and back legs together on the same side right?”

He just grunts. “It’s easy to say, not so easy to do alright?”

I let the testiness in his voice pass. “Sorry.”

He sighs and tentatively lifts his forelegs onto the swing. I plant my feet solidly so it doesn’t wobble while he slowly inches his way onto his hind legs, and then with a quick motion pushes off the ground hopping awkwardly onto the swing. He shakes a moment before sitting slowly. “No. No I’m sorry. I know you’re just trying to help.”

I drape an arm around his shoudlers letting him lean against me. He falls silent as the sun begins to crest the horizon. I’m grateful to him for that much at least. I know it’s selfish, now especially but the sunrise is my time.

Finally once the sun has risen I turn my attention to the pony at my side. I give him a firm squeeze. “You know what? You and Ellie should try to fly today. That’s something fun right?”

He tilts his head flexing his wings. “I guess so…”

“I was thinking of heading down the way a bit to see some girls that I went to school with. They live out on this commune their family’s owned forever. Apparently they went pony too. They’ve always grown tons of fresh produce so I was hoping to get some seeds for our greenhouse. You could come along if you like?”

Jake shakes his head slowly. “I’m not much in the mood for meeting new people. I’ll do the flying idea with Ellie I think.”
“Alright. I’m grabbing a shower and heading out. Do you want to join me or…?”

Another shake of his head. “You go on ahead. I don’t want to risk smelling like wet dog or something.”

“Ok but you’re showering tomorrow for sure. I don’t want to sleep with a sweaty pony.”

He can’t help but chuckle. “Ok, ok. Maybe I’ll try one tonight alright?”

I kneel down and kiss him square on the muzzle, even slip a little tongue. He seems pleasantly surprised as I head up to the shower. Pony Jake definitely has a bigger tongue than human Jake. That brings to mind some potential for fun…

I shake my head violently at that thought. Let’s save going down that road for later. The shower feels refreshing as always. The pleasantness is interrupted by a bright silver flash coming from my hips. I don’t have to look down to know Celestia’s suns have returned. I stifle a sigh as I glance down at them. It takes some effort not to rush right over to my pill bottle, but I have to think about someone other than myself this time. The people in this house need Celestia, not me.

I towel off and get some fresh clothes. I smile to Ellie and Becky as the girls’ awkwardly work to get some breakfast. I stop a minute to pour some cereal for them. “There you go.”

Both give me embarrassed smiles. “Thanks Erin.”

“I’m going out for a bit. If you need anything ask Lucas. He’ll be thrilled to help out however he can.” I leave them puzzling over their spoons as I head out the front door. I consider taking the car but it’s only a couple miles down the way. Plus I used to like wandering the woods around here. It’s nice to just lose myself in more natural surroundings. I definitely missed doing this in the city.

The walk doesn’t take too long. There’s a hand carved wooden sign hanging by a dilapidated old fence. “Flynn Family Natural Food and Remedies!” Uncle Pete used to buy stuff from them all the time. They even worked. Most of the time.

I can hear voices drifting down the path to the small home ahead. A pair of women arguing. Rounding the path I see it’s a pair of mares arguing. Both earth ponies. One cream colored with a red and pink streaked mane and tail. The other pink with a poofy green mane.

“You try one.”

“No YOU try one!”

I can’t help but grin. So engrossed in their arguing they don’t notice me coming. “What are we trying?”

“Rose wants me to try one of our flowers.”

“I said I’d do it if Daisy did one first!”

They both blink at one another then whip around to stare at me in alarm."... Erin Rockwell?”

I give them a little wave. “Hey girls. How’ve you been?”




I nod. “A lot of that going around. I have six ponies up at the cabin.”

“Ooo fight the power Erin!”

I nod. “I am! I was hoping you girls had some seeds for us? We want to get the greenhouse going.”

The cream colored mare, Rose nods. “Sure do! We can hook you up. Daisy will you pop inside and let Flora know we have a guest? You know how spooked she can get sometimes.”

Her green haired sister nods and trots into the house. Rose offers me a smile. “So you took in some strays huh?”

I nod following her around to the back. “One’s my boyfriend. One’s Nikki. The rest are all strangers more or less, yeah.”

“That’s so kind of you Erin!”

I shrug. “It’s nothing really. I have the space and the money. If you girls start feeling a little stir crazy all alone over here feel free to pop by.”

She opens her mouth to say something when we both hear a crash coming from around the front of the house. Rose starts to make her way around with her awkward four legged gait. I sprint around to the front much faster. I’m stunned into inaction for a minute as I see what’s going on.

There’s a large white van or truck or something parked right on the lawn. A couple of shady looking guys are hanging around the back of the truck. The crash came from the front door being smashed in. I can hear Flora and Daisy screaming in alarm inside. Ignoring the men at the truck I rush for the house.

There’re another two inside. They’re holding guns of some kind, but judging from the darts sticking out of the now slumbering mares’ bodies they must be tranquilizers. “Hey! What the hell do you think you’re doing?!”

They whip around in alarm. The skinnier of the pair doesn’t even hesitate as he shoots his weapon at me. There’s a soft ‘pft’ sound then a stinging pain in my stomach. Eyes wide I look down incredulously to the dart sticking out of my abdomen. I’m already feeling numb and dizzy. I stagger toward the pair before another wave forces me to sway back and I flop like a fish flat on my back.

“Now what the hell’d ya do that for?! What if she calls the cops or something!” I can hear them talking. The larger seems pissed.

The man who shot me shrugs. “She’s hangin around these things, probably means she’s helpin 'em or somethin’. That’s illegal. So she can call whoever she wants.”

Rose finally makes it to the door, a look of horror etched on her face seeing me and her sisters in such a state. “Shit! That’s the third one!” She tries to swing around to run but trips on her legs and tumbles to the ground. They both dart her before she can get up and her struggles stop almost instantly.

“Mmmm….” My arm flops limply, but it’s moving. The pair seem alarmed at my recovery.

“Jesus, she’s movin already? Should we hit her again?”

His big friend slaps his gun aside. “Don’t be an idiot. Too much’a that shit’ll kill someone. Just toss these in with the rest and let’s go!”

My blood turns to ice when he says ‘the rest’. But there’s no way. Only a couple people in town know about my guests and they’d all lose just as much if someone turned us in. My worst fears are concerned when I see six familiar ponies in the back of their truck. My friends look drowsy but alive. Jake’s even limply pressing on the cage he’s trapped in.

I grit my teeth and start dragging myself along the ground toward the truck. The skinny guy looks more than a little freaked out as I’m recovering quicker than expected. He glances at the rest of his buddies. None seem to be looking our way and he raises his weapon. I try in vain to move out of the way but feel the sting of another of those darts in my shoulder. I flop face first into the grass. Even breathing is difficult now.

Another car is pulling up and for a minute I feel some relief. Then Terry climbs out with the limp form of a full pony Tom over his shoulder. “This is the last one. Get these… things out of our town. And you better remember to split the money with me.”

The biggest of the thugs takes Tom from his I’d expected soon-to-be ex-boyfriend. “Relax. Ten of these things is fifty large. You’ll get your cut.”

Terry glances at me and I see a brief flash of concern before he looks away. “Is she dead?”

“What? Nah she’ll have a headache in a couple hours but she’s fine.”

My heart hammers in my chest as they slam the doors shut cutting off my view of Jake and the rest. I struggle with all I have to get my body to respond but it’s refusing. They’re going to get away! And there’s nothing I can do…

…there’s nothing I can do.

I have no idea if it’ll work or not. I don’t even know if it’s been long enough without the meds but I have to try.

Celestia? Celestia can you hear me!?

I feel stupid thinking to myself… Or to the voice in my head as hard as I can. I imagine myself screaming at the top of my lungs.

Celestia! They’re in danger! My friends…

What did she call them in the show?

Your little ponies need you!

All at once I feel a surge of energy rush through my body. Everything seems brighter, more vivid. The smell of the flowers behind me. The light breeze teasing my hair. My pastel rainbow colored hair. The lethargy that was holding me to the ground is gone as well and I spring to my feet rushing the truck.

“Uhh… She’s up! And she’s runnin! Hit the gas dammit!”

I hear the alarmed shouts from within as the truck lurches away from me. “No!” I stumble and start to slow.

Chase them Erin! We can’t let them get away!

I jump at Celestia’s sudden voice in my head. “How am I supposed to catch them? They’re in a car!”

I’d suggest you start running then. As hard as you can.

I narrow my eyes at the escaping vehicle and break into a run. Pumping my arms and legs as hard as I can. I almost stumble and stop as I realize just how FAST I’m running. The scenery is whipping by me in a blur and I’m gaining on the escaping kidnappers with shocking ease. In seconds I’m nearly close enough to reach the bumper of the truck.

The driver must have seen me as the engine revs up when he slams the gas. The truck lurches away just as I lunge to grap it, sending me tumbling to the ground. I roll with the fall though and come up kneeling. Wasting no time in kicking off and running again. I’m gaining ground but not nearly as quickly as before.

“Cant you… magic them or something?!”

I’ve only just begun to form a bond with you Erin. Discord’s poison kept us from unifying properly as our siblings have done and delayed your change into an Equestrian form. I could rush the alterations, but it would be a terrible strain on our body and would cause you no small amount of pain. I’m using my power to augment you physically. It’s the best I can do for now.

I nod. Jaw set in grim determination as I charge after the truck. “Well it’ll have to do!”

They take a sharp left and race onto the paved section of the street. Alarmed faces flash by as I race through downtown Thilton. The kidnappers are heading for the only on ramp to the freeway around town. They’re weaving in between the few drivers out this morning which is slowing them some but not by much. Blowing through a red light they cause two oncoming cars to lock up their brakes and collide with one another. Part of me says to stop and help but the large part is screaming that I can’t let them get away. I vault the wrecks in one smooth leap and land on my feet, running the second my shoes hit the street again.

I’m momentarily confused when the back of the truck flies open. My confusion clears quickly as one of the men grabs an empty cage and flings it back at me. I don’t have time to avoid it as it tangles in my legs sending me tumbling head over heels to the unyielding concrete below. My clothes are pretty torn up and I’ve got a few bloody scrapes as well. I flinch as a pair of police cars race by me on either side narrowly avoiding me. I recognize them as local authorities. If what Tom told me is true then the sheriff is likely to be none-to-pleased with the actions of the kidnappers.

Shaking my head I get back to my feet and start running again. A faint golden glow is surrounding my injuries. Already I feel the pain easing as the skin knits back together. “W-well thanks for that.”

You’re getting hurt in an attempt to save my subjects. It’s the least I can do.

I follow the sound of the sirens and see the cars again. The police are catching up quickly, but not as quickly as I am. Though I’m starting to feel a burn in my legs and my breathing is getting labored. I flash by the first car but the second is going faster. Fast enough the driver can actually make me out. He looks from me to the car he’s pursuing and rolls down his window.

“Erin Rockwell?!”

I flick my gaze to him and recognize Sheriff Brown. He got the job shortly before I left for school in Detroit. “Morning Sheriff!” What else am I gonna say?

“You… You care to explain what this’ about?”

“Those men took Tom, Nikki Blake, the hippy triplets and a whole mess of folks staying with me!”

“Well they sure as hell aren’t getting away with that. You want a lift?”

I nod gratefully and reach a hand out, grabbing the roof of his squad car. I kick off the ground and get my other arm around the flashing lights on the roof of his car and haul myself up. He calls from the drivers seat. “I sorta meant INSIDE the car!”

I shout back down. “Just get me close! I can jump on and make them pull over!”

I hear him muttering to himself about getting too old for nonsense like this, but he hits the gas and starts to overtake the truck. I vaguely wonder if he actually has any experience with nonsense ‘like this’. It seems unlikely.

You have good people in your town Erin. It warms my heart to see them showing such concern for the ponies.

“They don’t see ponies Princess, they see folk from Thilton! That’s all that matters!” I probably don’t have to shout to HER to be heard but with the wind blasting in my face I guess it’s just habit. “I CAN jump onto their car right? I’m not going to get crushed?”

I assure you you’ll do more damage to their vehicle than it will to you.

The sheriff gets his car around to the front of the truck. I tighten my grip on the lights and swing myself around so I’m facing the other vehicle. I can look through the windshield to see the almost comical look of shock and alarm on the driver’s face as I slide toward the back of the car I’m on. I have a feeling he knows what I’m about to do. Before I can talk myself out of it I jump off the back of the police cruiser, arms outstretched as I angle toward the truck.

My feeling is confirmed as he sharply veers to the left. The world almost seems to go in slow motion for a minute, as I miss the truck entirely and soar pass it. All at once things seem to speed up again. I’m hurtling at break neck speed toward the second police car. I hastily bring my arms up to protect my face, than feel the heavy impact as I smash into the windshield… Going through the thick glass and landing in the passenger seat facing the back of the car.

The driver veers left and right before getting his car under control. “Jesus Christ! What the fuck lady?!”

I don’t know if I’m more surprised that I survived, or that the whole ordeal really didn’t hurt all that bad. I look over to the driver. “Jimmy Thatcher?” Jimmy dated Nikki for four years. Freshman to senior year of high school. They parted ways amicably according to Nikki.

“Erin? Erin I… You… You just jumped… Off the sherrifs car… Into my car!”

I nod a bit dazedly. “Well I was aiming for their truck.”

“Jesus! How are you… You’re not bleeding?!”

I look down. “I skinned my knee earlier… So you’re a cop? That’s cool.”

He seems at a loss for words. “You sure you’re alright? You seem kinda… Goofy.”

I nod. “M’fine!”

Erin, I think the impact may have caused some SLIGHT damage to your ah… Brain. I’m repairing it as quickly as I can.

I Just grin toothily. The lady in my head sounds worried but eh, I feel ok. “Gemme close to that truck Jimmy!”

His eyes widen. “Erin you need a hospital!”

I shake my head. “They got Jake an Nikki!”

He blinks. “Nikki? MY Nikki?”

I nod. “Mmm...yup. So let’s roll officer!”

He scowls now hitting the gas again. “I can’t see shit around this busted windshield.”

I frown at the glass. It did break kinda funny. “Yeah hold on…” He shoots me a nervous look as I lean forward and grip the caved in windshield. It feels more plasticy than glassy. Heh… Glassy. That sounds like gassy. I heave on the gassy glassy windshield and it pops free with only a bit of protest. My head is sticking out of the front of the car with the wind blasting my hair all over again. I look back and forth a minute before tossing the ruined windshield to the left.

“Better?” I grin again.

“Uh… Wow you been workin’ out or what?”

I shake my head. “I Gotta magical pony Princess inside me!”

“…you SURE you don’t need that hospital?”

I wave his concern off and start climbing out onto the hood of his car. The faint buzzing in the back of my head is starting to clear up. “Uh… I had BRAIN Damage?!”

Well you did break through a police officers windshield with your face Erin. The glass is generally bullet proof and difficult to break isn’t it?

I can’t really poke a hole in that logic. Jimmy gets his car closer and closer. The same jerk who hit me with a cage leans back ready to throw another one but Jimmy mashes the gas and we lurch forward. His fender hits their bumper and sends the guy stumbling backwards. I sieze the opportunity and vault across the cars, landing with a grunt atop the man in the truck. The second guy in the back grabs a gun and fires it off in my face. I flinch waiting for the sting of the dart… And instead feel like someone hit me with a Nerf gun.

I peek my eyes open to find the guy staring at me looking pretty horrified. The man I’m kneeling on is squirming, doing his best to dislodge me but it’s almost funny how easily I’m keeping him pinned. The free man fires several more darts but each one bounces harmlessly off my skin. “Well… That’s neat.”

Thank you very much. The longer I’m forming our bond the stronger you’ll become.

I nod and consider my options. I reach down and easily pry the weapon from the man I’m on top of’s hand and awkwardly angle it toward his chest. He starts flailing at me desperately but I pull the trigger and the dart pops out hitting him square in the chest. He groans before flopping back limply. His fellow sees what’s coming next and tries to clamber into the front but I’m faster. The dart fires from my gun and lodges in his backside, sending him slumping to the floor.

I see the scared faces in the cages around me and feel my fury growing. The air is noticeably growing warmer around me as I get angrier and angrier. I storm to the front of the truck where the driver and passenger have been staring at me in fear. “Pull this thing over RIGHT now or I swear to god I’ll shove HIS head up your… Up your ASS!”

It may have been seeing me leap from one car, smash into another, then hop right up and give a repeat performance. Or it may have been the swirling pools of glowing light my eyes had become. Either one told them that I was most certainly willing to follow through on my threat. We’re slowly decelerating and pulling over to the side of the road.

The sheriff and Jimmy approach the truck weapons drawn. I ignore everything else around me and start getting my friends out of the cages they’ve been crammed into. They’re all limp and barely able to lift their heads, let alone say anything. I start lowering them to the ground outside the truck. Once the ten captives are freed I roll the tranquilized men out with considerably less care.

The sheriff is in the process of cuffing the two conscious men. I look from one to the other. The two from the house. I ignore the sheriffs protests as I shove the bigger of the two up against the truck. “Sheriff I need to borrow this gentleman for a little while.”

The guy looks like he’d much rather be in police custody. Frowning now Sheriff Brown looks reluctant to try and get in the way of anything I want to do. “Uh… W-well what for Miss Rockwell?”

I turn flick my glowing gaze from the sheriff to the cowering man in my grip. “He’s going to take us to wherever he was taking everyone else.”

Author's Note:

Man kinda wanna do a story about Sunny Skies and Moon Dancer now. XD