• Published 24th Jun 2013
  • 5,902 Views, 459 Comments

Return of the Dawn - pchn00

A substitute teacher with what she's always been told is a mental condition begins to suspect that's not the entire truth when a familiar sun shaped cutie mark appears on her hips.

  • ...

Chapter 13: Brother of Mine, Sister of Mine

Chapter 13: Brother of Mine, Sister of Mine

“Now Sunny we really have to stop meeting like this! I cause a little chaos, you show up on those pretty new wings of yours all puffed up like a blowfish. Then I slap you around a bit, cause untold destruction to the countryside in the process. Finally, you drag yourself off to lick your wounds and I go back to my fun. Really, it’s getting a bit old.”

Well I managed not to fall flat on my face when I landed this time. I had to give myself credit for that. But a small part of me was starting to worry that he was right. Was this the sixth or seventh time I’d tried facing Discord in battle? While I certainly fared better than the royal guard, or any of the magi who have faced him I have not come close to causing him serious harm. Nor even hampering his activities, it would seem.

I am not sure if he cannot kill me, or will not kill me. He has certainly come close. Beating me to within an inch of my life and simply leaving me to bleed in the dirt. My body always knits itself back together, but the process can be slow and at times more painful than having the damage done initially. Discord floats in the air eyeing me casually. As always he waits for me to attack first.

And as always I do. A lance of purest magical energy jets forward hitting him solidly in the chest and flinging him backward, cackling all the while. What does that say of my character? Every time he simply studies me and every time I attack first. I have tried reasoning of course. The last time I did so he changed a village of ponies to stone just with a snap of his claws. It was many weeks before the mages were able to restore the victims but still, I am told they were conscious throughout it all. A horrific experience, no doubt.

He pulls himself from the rubble of the cheerful cottage I smashed him into. The village has long since been evacuated so I do not have to fear harming any innocents. Only Discord. Only my old friend. My melancholy musings are interrupted as he slithers forward, coiling around me in the blink of an eye and squeezing tightly. He tilts his upper half over my head and looks me upside down in the eyes.

“What’s wrong Sunny? Your heart doesn’t seem to be into it today? Do I need to do another petrification trick? Of course stone is boring. Oh! Maybe I can turn some ponies into water! Let’s see those fancy pants mages fix THAT!”

I try to ignore the rising fury in my breast but it is impossible to do so. My magic flares brightly as I force him off of me. He uncoils and rockets away, but not before delivering a solid kick between my eyes. I hear the bone crack as a thin trail of blood leaks into one eye; that’s going to take a while to heal.

“Nothing to say today Sunny? I’m starting to worry that you’re getting bored with our little games.”

I try to focus on the cackling draconequus but my vision is blurred and I seem to be having trouble remaining on my hooves. I cannot get my legs to coordinate properly, and I topple to my knees. “Done already? Well now that IS a disappointment.”

He is upon me again, hefting me into the air with his eagle talons clamped around my throat. “Well, we broke the skull. How about I snap off the horn and ram it into your heart today? See how long it takes you to spring back from that!”

I have no doubt I will indeed ‘spring back’ from such a horrific wound. But a broken horn is the most painful wound a unicorn can receive; I have little doubt becoming a winged unicorn has changed that. I brace myself for the coming agony as his leonine paw wraps about my horn, when it suddenly grows darker overhead. A massive canopy of angry, black clouds roil into being, blotting out the sun entirely overhead. It is almost dark as night. A chill wind blows sending a shiver down my spine.

Discord looks about, more amused than ever. Eyeing me he holds me up higher. “Are you doing this Sunny? It’s not very ‘you’ if so.”

“She is not.”

Grinning maniacally Discord turns to the newcomer. A winged unicorn like myself. Though her stature is only just below mine, her mane and tail are a uniform bright blue. Blazing eyes the color of the sea focus on Discord. “Release my sister monster, and face me.”

“Sister?! Ha! Is that little Moon Dancer?! Oh ho ho! This IS rich! At least you two match again eh Sunny?!” He hurls me toward Moon with the force of a ballista. I fear for my sister for a fleeting moment, before her cool blue aura wraps around me, slowing my flight and gently easing me to the ground.

Moon Dancer looks upon me, concern in her eyes. “Rest now sister. Allow me to deal with this beast.” I try to tell her to flee but my mouth seems curiously unresponsive. I wonder if Discord’s kick somehow damaged my brain? It may explain why my legs do not seem to work.

My worry is mingled with anger. How could Moon Dancer allow the mages to do this to her? To kill yet more innocents in their quest to stop Discord? Bright flashes of magic draw my attention to the battle. To my surprise Discord is not smiling at all, in fact he seems hard pressed against my younger sisters’ shockingly furious assault. Blades of solid magic arc from her horn slicing through dirt and stone as if they were made of butter.

Unlike my own attacks, Discord actively works to avoid Moon Dancer’s. Could my little sister really be that much more powerful than I? In a sudden flash of inspiration I realize the difference. It is not that she is stronger, but she has no compulsions against killing Discord. Her eyes burn with a cold fire I know mine never could. Her attacks are fierce and relentless. Wave after wave of magic assaults the beleaguered Discord.

The draconequus makes the mistake of trying to close on Luna and force her to engage in a close range battle. Rather than rear back or shy away from him as I would, she lowers her head and charges. Her horn enveloped in a bright cone of magic as she punches through Discord’s chest. Oh how he howls with pain. I have never heard him speak with anything but mirth and good cheer in his voice. I know he is harming innocent lives but even so, hearing my old friend howl with agony brings tears to my eyes.

Discord vanishes with a silver flash, reappearing some distance away. The hole in his chest already mending rapidly. “W-well… It looks like we’ve found who the head of the household is eh?” As quickly as he was wounded, he is fresh and new again. While Moon Dancer is breathing heavily, her non-stop assault taking a toll on her endurance.

“All tuckered out there, Loony Moony? That’s a shame. Since you’re about to bow out, might as well send you out with some applause!” Discord brings his mismatched limbs together in a sharp clap. The simple gesture is magnified many times over into a deafening cacophony of sound. Moon Dancer is thrown from her hooves to the ground in a heap, blood running freely from her ears.

Discord strides by me, winking saucily. “Some fillies just can’t stand applause eh?”

My eyes widen as he leans over Moon Dancer, his claws flashing in the light provided by my horn. Seeing my friend harmed was bad enough, but to see my sister? That I cannot allow. He brings his paw down in a raking swipe, only to be met with thin air. He spins in place comically before simply floating off the ground to regard me with a smirk. “Enough juice to teleport her but not both of you? That’s a shame. I guess I’ll have to do to you what I was GOING to do to her.”

I steel myself for what is to come, content with the knowledge I spared my sister the horrific torments Discord is about to inflict upon me.


“Markus, let us see Erin!” Ellie’s glaring up at me, looking ready to explode. Jules I could always handle, but Ellie… Ellie was not someone I liked having pissed at me.

“Look… Like I told torch head over there and all the rest of you guys. Erin’s really f...” I glance at the kid with the busted leg leaning on his crutches. “…messed up. Like REALLY messed up alright? She’s gonna heal but until then you don’t wanna see her.”

I know you don’t have much experience with allaying the fears of others Markus, but typically telling one’s friends how badly beaten the individual in question is, isn’t the best way to go about doing it.

I see the fiery pegasus who was bitching to see Erin looking riled up again. She was a cop or something, and Erin’s boyfriend. Part of me says to let the poor guy --girl-- whatever in to see Erin, but Celestia was pretty firm with her instructions. “Here’s the deal. Celestia said she needed absolute peace and quiet to heal her right. Some of the hits she took were really nasty. If we interrupt her it could like… I dunno, mess up the process or whatever.”

None of them look all too thrilled with that, but name dropping Celestia seems to work. Even Ellie and that pegasus, Jim I think? Stupid name. Should just go with Spitfire; now that’s a badass handle.

Perhaps if you allow them in one at a time?

“Know what? Fuck it. Fine. It’s YOUR sister who said not to let anyone in. If you say we CAN let them in then they can go in.” It’s all I can do not to roll my eyes at the grins lighting up on the faces in the hall. “ONE at a time. And if any of you dick with her I’ll boot your asses out the window and into the next county. Got it?”

“Alright you. Jim. You’re up.”

They all look confused for a minute. Fuck did I forget her name already? “It’s Jake.” Yup, I did. Oh well. Still think Spitfire’s cooler. I open the door as she slips in quiet as a pony can on hooves.

Ellie’s wings fan open as she starts to hover closer to my face, squinting at me. I lean away as she almost pushes her muzzle against my nose. “Jesus Ellie, what?”

“You look really beat up Markus. Are YOU ok?”

“Yeah, yeah we’re good. Luna’s got the pain turned off while she works on fixing us up. We’ll be good as new in a couple hours.”

I don’t miss the sigh of relief from Jules. She likes to act like a hardass but when shit gets rough, it’s always Ellie I know I can really count on. The green unicorn is fussing a bit. “Yeah? Uh… I dunno Lyra. What?”

She huffs. “It’s Meg.”

I shrug. “I don’t care. Whaddo you want?”

She looks a little pissy now, but what the fuck do I care? I just got tortured for a fucking week. Now I’m our sisters’ god damn babysitter. Not just hers, but the lunatic I have banging her head against the wall downstairs.

Oh yeah. I got Erin’s pills and doped up Cadance. She mellowed RIGHT the fuck out, sat in a corner and started bouncing her head off the wall. Dunno what the fuck I’m gonna do with that. Jesus, our sister’s better get up soon.

Lyra-Meg opens her mouth, and then shuts it with a snap. “I’m going outside Lucas. Let me know when Erin’s up alright?”

The kid gives me a slightly dirty look as his sister leaves. Well boo-fuckin-hoo kid. Some baby stink eye isn’t gonna make me… Shit. Ellie’s eyeing me nasty again. “…what? What?! I’ve had a rough week alright?! This is all… This is all a LOT more than I like to deal with you know that!”

Markus you’re exhausted. Allow me to see to matters here while you rest.

“You know what? That is one of the best ideas I’ve heard in a LONG ass time.” The switch is quick. One minute I’m holding up our body, the next Luna is. I don’t even bother thinking up a dreamscape; I just try to let my mind relax.

Easier said than done. I’ve talked to this chick all of twenty minutes in the entirety of my life. So why can’t I get the image of her lying bleeding and broken on the ground out of my head?


“Erin you have visitors. Would you like to wake up and speak with them?”

My eyes fly open and I jerk upright. I was sleeping in my armchair in the library. When’d I get here? Then I see her. Sitting calmly on a large plush cushion sipping delicately from a steaming tea cup. My mouth waters a little at the sight, and suddenly one is hovering in the air in front of my face. Offering the Princess a faint smile I take it. “Thank you.”

“Just Celestia is fine Erin. We’re close enough I think we don’t need titles.”

“I… But… O-oh I was thinking it so you…”

She nods. Ok that’s a little weird. I sip the tea though. It’s a really nice jasmine blend. “So am I going to be alright?”

Celestia nods. “You are. I’ve been healing our body as you slept. You should be able to wake up and chat as long as you don’t try to move too much.”

‘Our body’. I’m not sure if I like the sound of that. A bit late I realize she hears everything I’m thinking by the faint ghost of a frown on her face. “S-sorry this is… This is a lot.”

She offers an understanding smile. “I understand. Hopefully in the coming days we’ll grow as close as our siblings, hm?”

I fidget with the tea cup, watching the steam drift about. “Can we be separated?”

“It may be possible. But my leaving could put a tremendous strain on your body. I don’t know if my departure would take all the magic with me. And I’d expect that having the magic ripped away from you would be as strenuous as anypony else. There’s a very tiny chance you’d survive.”

I nod slowly. So we’re stuck with each other. I don’t miss her ears splaying back. “Ugh… Sorry this is hard.”

“Never apologize for how you feel Erin. This isn’t ideal for me either but I think we can become good friends. We share plenty of common interests after all. We’ll take it one step at a time. Get to know one another over the coming weeks while we work out how best to help our people.”

“Jeez we have like two dozen ponies camping in my back yard don’t we? Ugh I need to get up and moving.”

“No Erin you need to rest. Luna will see to our subjects needs while we recover. For now you should probably wake up. Jake is getting agitated outside.”

I blink. “Jake’s here? To see me? He’s not still mad?”

Celestia laughs lightly. “You’ll find that seeing your mate in a state we’re presently in does wonders for helping somepony forget why they were fighting in the first place.”

I smile at that. “Alright, so how do I do this?”

And then I wake up. To an intense throbbing in my back and face mostly. “…mmm kinda wish I was still in a magic coma.”

Jake jerks in alarm at my side, lifting his head. I see his big orange eyes are filled with tears. He hastily wipes them away. “You’re up! You’re ok?!”

My ears splay back at the shouting. “L-loud… Turn the volume down huh?” Wait… My ears splay back? I try to lift my arms but they’re somewhat uncooperative. “…do I have pony ears?”

He blinks at the sudden question and looks up. “Heh. You do. I hadn’t even notice. How you doin?”

“Could really use a glass of water.”

“Just a sec. I’ll tell…” A brief grimace crosses his face. “Markus you’re thirsty.”

I frown at that. Are they fighting already? Do my boyfriend and my brother hate each other? That sure as heck didn’t take long. No sooner does he open the door than a whole little herd of ponies push their way in. Ellie, Jules, Becky, and Nikki all rush to the bedside practically trampling poor Jake. I flinch as they all start talking at once, until a stern voice clears its throat from the door.

As one the group folds their ears back and turns to look at Markus, his hair gently wafting. Luna’s voice comes from his mouth. “Markus may have been a touch crude in imparting my sisters message, but it holds true. Erin was very badly hurt in the asylum and needs peace and quiet. You may say hello but if I have to intervene again no one will speak with her until I deem her fit for company. Is that clear?”

A muted chorus of ‘yes princess’ comes from everyone as they settle quietly around the bed. I’m not surprised that Ellie is the first to speak. “So didja really fight Discord?”

I blink. “Um… No. I only saw him twice. Didn’t fight either time. I did fight some…” My mind flashes back to the orderly. To the horrible doctor monster I unfeelingly shot in the head. To Elizabeth… Or Cadance I suppose. “…I’d rather not talk about it if that’s alright?”

Becky smiles kindly patting my hand with a hoof. “Of course it’s alright. We’re all just glad to see you’re ok.”

Their concern is really touching. I’ve never been the most social of people. I wasn’t a pariah or anything but I was always sort of… Distant from others. I mostly kept to myself. I had Nikki growing up and she was pretty much my only friend. I could open up and be friendly with my students but that was about it. Until Jake came along, of course. Having a room full of concerned well-wishers was a new, but pleasant experience.

“Thanks everyone. It means alot to me to see you guys care so much.”

Jules snorts. “Of course we care. You’re our meal ticket.” She’s smiling to show she’s joking though. That still doesn’t save her from being snapped on the nose by Ellie’s tail.

Nikki is doing her best to avoid looking at my bruised face. She always was squeamish around blood. “W-well I’m going to head outside. Jimmy’s here and we were talking about having lunch together.”

I regard her with a surprised expression. “Really? Even with your uh… Condition?”

She smiles a little sadly. “He really cared about me a lot. Moving away hurt him more than he admitted I think. Now that I’m back he asked if we could pick up where we left off.”

The other girls ‘aww’ softly at that. Markus… Luna… Whoever comes back with Jake and a glass of water. “Alright everyone, I think that is enough. Erin needs to rest. You can see her again later if she is feeling better.”

Smiles and calls of get well soon are given as the girls leave my room. Luna regards me quietly as Jake takes a seat on the chair in the corner. I wait expectantly but she seems to be doing the same. “I am not going to hold the cup for you like you are an invalid. If you want it take it.”

I frown. “I can’t lift my arms. Cadance broke my spine, remember?”

“I did not say take it with your hands. Now is an excellent time to learn levitation.”

Jake bristles a bit from the chair. “Hey now! I think the magic lessons can wait don’t you?”

Luna fixes Jake with an intense gaze. She’s not glaring exactly, just staring him down hard. “I am permitting you to share my sister’s company while she recovers out of your closeness with her host. If you insist on these outbursts however, I will remove you.”

I frown as Luna rips into him. “Hey… You don’t talk to him like that.”

Luna looks from me to Jake thoughtfully. “Accept my apologies. I think I am overly concerned for Celestia’s well-being. It has been a long time since we have seen one another and I am just worried.”

Jake’s wings fold back in against his body. “Well… Alright. Apology accepted.”

Now Luna turned to me, smiling once more. “Now. Your water?” Again she holds it well out of my reach.

I glance to the side. “Sure would be nice if I had someone around to help me out…”

Luna’s gaze sharpens. “Do not dare Tia. She needs to learn for herself.”

I’m afraid I agree with Luna, Erin. Fortunately levitation is nearly as simple as the light. Just focus your magic into your horn, then picture a… Well an arm reaching out and GENTLY taking the glass. Focus on lifting it delicately or you’ll crush it.

Mentally giving Celestia a dirty look and ACTUALLY shooting one to her sister,I huff and take a deep breath, focusing on the glass. I feel the warmth well up from my core and spread to my horn. Focusing hard I watch the golden aura wrap around the glass and pluck it from Luna’s hand. Slowly I maneuver it to my mouth taking a sip. “Ha!”

Well done Erin!

Luna nodded with a faint smile. “Very good. I will leave you to alone. I ask that I be allowed to speak with my sister when you are finished if you don’t mind.”

I shake my head. “No of course I don’t. Let me talk to Jake some then I’ll uh… Let Celestia out?”

A brief look of annoyance crosses Luna’s face, but she steps out without a word. Jake crosses the room and climbs up on the bed with me. “You make it sound like she’s a pet or something Erin.”

My eyes widen. “I did not! Did I?”

Maybe juuuust a little. Luna’s a bit sensitive, she’ll be fine.

I chew my lip with a sigh. “I didn’t mean it like that. Well I’ll let you guys talk all you like in a bit ok?”

It would be lovely to catch up. I’m curious about what she’s been doing the last twenty five years.

Jake’s head is tilted as he watches me talk to myself. “So Princess Celestia is really…?”

“Sharing a body with me? She is. She’s in here. She sees what I do and everything. It’s a little off putting but I’m getting used to it. The magic’s definitely neat. Except for when she made me sit on a cloud. That was one of the most terrifying moments of my life.”

He’s trying not to but his eyes keep flicking to my cuts and bruises. “Why’d you run off alone Erin? We’d have all come with you. You could have at least brought me! I’m a cop for god’s sake!”

My ears fold back as his voice raises, and Luna peers into the room frowning. Jake immediately backs down. I try to give Luna an encouraging smile. She doesn’t look happy but she steps out. Jake lowers his head looking embarrassed. “Sorry I just… We were all worried. Then you come back looking like this and your brother wouldn’t let us see you. I just saw him carry you in and there was… There was so much blood and… Dammit.” Jake’s started crying, the tears welling in his huge eyes and running down his cheeks. “…it’s these stupid girl hormones.”

Feeling quite clever I levitated my hand to cup his cheek. “It’s alright. I should have said something. But I’m glad I didn’t. I shouldn’t have let Mike go with me either. I should have been more firm… Then maybe he would have…” I let my hand fall. “Jake I have to tell you something.”

Jake sniffs loudly running a hoof over his nose. “What about?”

I swallow hard and suddenly feel my resolve faltering. Before I know what’s happening Celestia’s presence has welled up within me and overwhelms my own. I’m sitting in my library a bit dizzied. Celestia why did you do that?!

I see her gently levitate Mike’s badge from the pants folded in the corner of the room. She rests it in front of Jake’s forehooves. “I’m so sorry Jake. One of the monsters Discord created in Belvue killed him. There was nothing Celestia or I could do. He died bravely, and his death swiftly avenged.”

Watching it all through my connection to Celestia I watch Jake gingerly touch the badge. “He’s… He’s dead? He was just a kid. How can he be dead? What happened exactly Erin?”

Celestia mimics my voice perfectly. “Discord separated us. Mike managed to find his way back to me but one of the creatures there injected him with pure mana. It would make a pony sick but it was fatal to a human. I don’t know everything about police procedure but in the movies they always save the badge right?”

Awkwardly Jake lifts the badge and rests it on a hoof, staring at it quietly for a few moments. “They do. So you… You killed the thing that killed him?”

Celestia nods slowly. “I did. I wish I could have done more Jake. I know he was a friend of yours. I only knew him a short time but he did nothing but try to help us. If it weren’t for him I might never have found Markus and Luna.”

Jake’s jaw clenches tightly. “Just one more murder on Discord’s hands. We have to take him down Erin. You and the Princess. You’re going to, right?”

I find Celestia’s resolve matches my own perfectly. “We will Jake. I promise. He won’t get away with what he did to Equestria, or to the people he’s harmed here on Earth. Mike isn’t his first victim. Poor Elizabeth downstairs… I don’t know how much she’ll be able to recover.”

Not to mention your niece. I’m so sorry about Cadance, Celestia.

She nods her head slightly in response to my feelings. Jake looks at the badge for a few more minutes. “I’m uh… I’m gonna step out alright? I need to think. Clear my head. I’m glad you’re going to be alright.”

Celestia smiles. “Of course. Take all the time you need. I’ll be here.”

Jake chuckles weakly at her joke. With one last backward glance at the badge he slips off the bed and out the door. Celestia waits until his hoof steps recede before speaking to me. “I’m sorry Erin. I think you’ve been through enough rough patches the last couple of days. I hope you don’t mind.”

I really couldn’t mind less. I think I might have you deliver all my bad news from now on.

She giggles softly at that. “In exchange for a little time in control of ou… Of your body? I think that’s fair.”

Luna steps back inside shutting the door softly. She looks us over briefly before smiling. “Hello Tia.”

Celestia smiles back. “Hello Lulu.”

Ha! Lulu?

Celestia clicks her tongue reproachfully at me. “Oh hush. Sister perhaps we could allow Erin and Markus some time to get acquainted while we catch up?”

Luna takes the arm chair from the corner carrying it easily to the bedside. “An excellent idea. It will give them something to focus on besides us.”

The television in my library shuts off suddenly, as Markus drops from the ceiling landing with a solid ‘whump’ against the floor. Groaning softly he sits up looking around. “Oh! Uh… Hey.”

I smile a little. “Hey. Guess our passengers wanted some privacy.”

He shrugs and flops back into thin air, a chair appearing around him as he falls. “It’s cool. Lu’s been droning on and on about Celestia since we found out who you guys were.”

It takes a little effort but I manage to conjure a tray with tea and little cakes. Markus eyes it warily before taking a cup, no doubt in an effort to be polite. He takes the smallest of sips before setting it down. “More of a coffee guy. Lotta late nights y’know? Me and Lu are kinda nocturnal.” He squints at the cakes. “…are these tiny Twinkies?”

I shrug. “I like Twinkies!”

He laughs. “How’re you not a big fat chick?”

I feel myself getting instantly annoyed. “I have a sun princess living inside me. She burns up calories fast I guess.”

“Yeah I know how that goes. Course Lu doesn’t have her sister’s sweet tooth. She loves meat though.”

I can’t hide my surprise. “Meat? Really?”

He nods. “Oh yeah. Like she goes for all those ‘eat this ten pound steak’ challenges. We’ve gotten free steak dinners all across the country.”

I lean forward now. “You two travelled a lot?”

Markus leans back, giving his cup of tea another try. “Oh yeah. We split when I was what? Fifteen I think? Just hit the road. Hitch hiking mostly. We did odd jobs all over the place. Luna got kinda insistent we come back to Detroit about a year ago. She could ‘feel a disturbance in the aether’. I made a Stars Wars joke, she didn’t get it.”

I just stare blankly and he scowls. “Star Wars? Classical sci fi series?”

I chew my lip in thought. “The one with the laser swords?”

“The la-are you fuckin’ kidding me? You’ve never seen Star Wars?”

I fold my arms across my chest with a huff. “I was always pretty busy around here. School and Uncle Pete’s lessons all the time. We didn’t see a lot for movies.”

“Man if you hadn’t rolled up in Discord’s face John McClane style I’d think you were crazy lame. But that was y’know… That was pretty awesome. You coming in and saving me like that. Thanks. I know I can be kinda an asshole like, all the time but I appreciate it. Lu too.”

I can’t help but grin teasingly. “Luna can be a butthole sometimes?”

He wrinkles his nose. “Ugh. Don’t… Don’t do that. Don’t cutesie swear. We’re adults alright?”

I fidget with my tea taking a sip. “Sorry. My uncle kinda didn’t like swearing. Said it made me sound stupid. Small vocabulary.”

“Your uncle sounds like an asshole.”

I scowl suddenly. “You never speak about him like that. Do you understand?”

Markus raises his hands defensively. “Hey, hey sorry! I got it. Touchy subject. Guess he can’t have been all bad. Left you this big ass mansion and tons of money right?”

Nodding I sip my tea. “He did. He was a very good man. Everyone in town loved him even if he was a little eccentric. Sorry I lost my temper he just… He was the man who raised me you know?”

Helping himself to a cake my brother shrugs. “Not really. Mom was kinda a drunken whore. And no that’s not an exaggeration. Our mother was an alcoholic prostitute. Woulda been sweet to be raised in a palace like this but hey, then I might not be the sterling member of the community I am today right?”

I feel stupid all of a sudden. The one time my uncle had spoken about his sister it wasn’t in a flattering light. Of course Markus hadn’t had a pleasant childhood. I clear my throat, eager to change the subject. “So how about all these people turning into ponies?”

He laughs at the absurdity of it. “Yeah how about that? Got any idea what the plan is on that front? Saw your speech by the way. Pretty kick ass. Are you two really gonna run around breaking every pony out of prison?”

I nod. “That’s the plan. Literally. That’s our entire plan. Free them and bring them here.”

He raises his eyebrows. “You know there a fuck ton of ponies out there right? Like thousands?”

“I know! She does too. But… It’s the best we have for right now. If you and Luna have any awesome ideas I’m sure Celestia would love to hear them.”

I’m surprised by the thoughtful look that comes over his face. “Maybe. Me and Lu’ll have a talk soon I’m sure. She’s always good with coming up with a plan on the fly. Gotten us out of a few tight spots over the years.”

I sigh flipping the recliner on my chair open. “I hope so. Because I could really use a break after the last week.”

“You and me both sister. You and me both.”


Jules is at it again. I hear her bellowing at the TV in the sitting room. “I mean they use their hooves for all kindsa crap on the show! Why the hell can’t I play my game?!”

Ellie’s with her of course. “Aw it’s alright Jules. Once you learn to do magic you won’t need your hooves! Or hands! Or anything!”

Grateful for anything to take my mind off the seemingly endless shitstorm I’ve had dumped on me the last week I poke my head in. “Hey Ellie, you wanna try more flying?”

“Sure! Jules is just gonna sit here and glare at her controller all day anyway! Let’s head out back.” It’s nice to have Ellie around to cheer everyone up. She really is our very own Pinkie Pie. We head through to the backyard and like always I’m a little startled at all the people… or ponies I guess milling about.

We always get looks from the crowd of newcomers as if we’re in charge or something. Like we should have answers to their questions. Ellie offers timid smiles to anyone looking too long as we make our way closer to the beach. “Alright this should be good.”

A few of the more curious folks have followed us at a bit of a distance. Once we start our warm-up flaps one of the ponies’ rushes back toward the campgrounds. It’s not long before every pegasus starts to turn up. There are four new pegasi living out here. Six earth ponies and two unicorns. Timidly one of the mares approaches. A purple coated pony with a cascading silver mane cleared her throat softly. “Um… Excuse me?”

I pause in my flapping to look her over. “What can I do for you?”

She looks back at the other three winged ponies. Two mares and a stallion. One is purple as well, if a tad lighter. Her mane a silvery blue done up in a poofy style. The other mare is a pale cream color with her mane and tail a striking purple and green striped do. The last of the new pegasus ponies is a stallion, one of three at the cabin now. His coat is black while his mane and tail are silver.

I think I can remember their names. Flitter and Cloudchaser are the purple mares. Blossomforth is the cream one while Thunderlane is the stallion. No idea what their real names are of course. Flitter seems to lose her nerve so Thunderlane steps up. “We were hoping we could practice flying with you ma’am. You being the captain of the Wonderbolts and all. Pony you of course! I doubt there’re real Wonderbolts.”

I can’t help but grin at that. “I was a pilot in the air force. Whole squadron was bronies. We got the Wonderbolt symbol tattoo’d on our shoulder. So technically I really was Captain of the Wonderbolts. And yeah you guys can practice with us.”

They all seem really excited at that. One of the new unicorns approaches. Blue coated stallion with a wavy white mane. “Sorry to interrupt but can anyone in the house do magic? B-besides the Princesses.”

I shake my head. “I don’t think so. I’m sure either of them would be happy to teach you magic once uh… Once Princess Celestia is feeling better. Princess Luna is pretty worried about her of course.”

He nods rapidly. “Of course! I’d hate to bother them even if they weren’t sick. You um.. You’re Jake right? Princess Celestia’s uh… boyfriend?”

A brief flash of irritation washes over me as I wonder what the source of his hesitation is. That it’s a personal question or that he had to say boyfriend rather than girlfriend. “I am.”

“Is she alright? Someone said they saw blood and well… Everyone’s worried. She saved us after all. If there’s anything we can do to help…”

They were all nodding now. I couldn’t help but feel my bad mood lifting a little more. These people were practically strangers but they all seemed to be worried about Erin. “Princess Luna says she’ll be fine, she just needs plenty of rest. She’ll be back on her feet in no time!”

This seemed to go a long way toward raising the mood. “You guys don’t have to stay outside all the time you know? It’s a huge house. We have a few TVs. No one can really do the video games with the hooves but Jules’ll get the Netflix going for folks. Go inside, take a shower, relax.”

Most of them seem to take my advice to heart, doing just that. I turn back to find Ellie beaming at me, while my new students wait attentively. No stranger to a group of people waiting for my orders I head to the front of the ‘class’. “Alright everyone! We’ll start with coordinated flapping.”


I have no idea how long Markus and I just spent talking. Mostly small talk. Hobbies, favorite school subjects, that sort of thing. His sudden disappearance is a little jarring until Celestia takes his place. “I hope you two enjoyed your talk.”

I nod. “We did! It’s a little weird meeting my brother for the first time but we had a nice talk. Did you have fun with Luna?”

She smiles softly, already sipping from a summoned cup of tea. “I did. Thank you for the time.”

I just shrug. “Oh it was nothing. Anytime you want to chat with your sister just ask. If I’m not doing something I don’t mind uh… Loaning my body.”

Celestia laughs softly. “I appreciate that very much Erin.” She takes a long sip of her drink. “So. Luna and I were discussing our soon to come population boom.”

I sit up eagerly now. “Yeah? What’s the plan?”

“We discussed several ideas from trying to find a way back to Equestria to appealing to your country’s government. The largest concentration of ponies is in America. We suspect it’s a subtle herd instinct for the former ponies. They prefer to be as close to Luna and us as possible.”

I’m not sure how, but I just sense what she’s not saying. “You mean as close to you?”

Her ear twitches almost imperceptibly. She gazes at me a long, quiet moment before sighing. “I see you’re starting to hear my unspoken thoughts as well. Yes. While my little ponies were slowly warming to Luna they were still somewhat wary of her. She tries so very hard but it seems no matter what she does she will always be somewhat off putting to them.”

I frown a little at the sad though. “Well it’s a new start for everyone, right?”

She nods. “Indeed! So. Luna has gone to discuss our situation with a representative of your government in Washington. With any luck we’ll hear good news in the next day or two.”

“And if our luck is bad?”

She frowns. “We’ll pursue other solutions. Understand Erin, I wish to solve this diplomatically, but I absolutely will not allow my people to be caged. Already I feel they’ve been treated as animals for too long. If not for Luna’s council we would be freeing them as quickly as possible the second we are healthy enough to do so. Luna however has more experience with the human government and way of doing things, so I defer to her for now.”

“No. No I agree I’m just not sure what we’re going to do with all those people.”

Celestia finishes her tea. “Well. We’ll worry about that when the time comes. For now I think it best if you get some sleep. In the morning you should be well enough to be up and about again. I’m sure everypony outside will be delighted to see you.”

“Pretty sure they’ll be happy to see YOU Princess, not me.”

She arches a brow. “Do you really think so? Jake and the others were saved and brought here by your kindness Erin, not mine. The poor souls we freed from that facility saw your face, not mine. Thus far no one’s heard so much as a peep from me. You’re the one they’re looking up to.”

I swallow with a sudden flare of nerves as I realize she’s right. “W-well you can address them properly tomorrow right?”

She nods. “if that’s what you wish.”

I roll around the cooled tea in my cup slowly, gazing into the murky liquid. “Can I see more?”

Celestia tilts her head. “Of?”

“You and Moon Dancer. Back then. I want to know what happens.”

“Ah, of course. Where did you leave off?”

I can’t hide my surprise. “You don’t know?”

` “I don’t. The dreams you’re experiencing are an effect of our bond growing stronger. You’re subconsciously drawing forth my more powerful memories.”

I nod slowly. “Moon Dancer had just become an alicorn like you, and attacked Discord. He beat her and you sent her away before ah…”

She nods. “I recall the time vividly. We’ll skip to the next important part hm?”

I nod and settle in getting comfortable as she glances at the television in the room. It flickers to life and I find myself drawn into another of Celestia’s memories.


“Sister I do not think this is wise. She left us for a reason; obviously she has no interest in what we do. Else she would have sought us out before now. Our efforts have been spoken of all across Equestria.”

I glance at my little sister trotting at my side. “I suppose you would prefer we hurl ourselves at Discord once more?”

Moon Dancer snorts softly casting a baleful glare at the small cabin at the end of the wooded path we walk. “It would be a better use of our time, yes. I will await your return here Sunny.”

I cannot help but sigh. “Very well sister. I will return soon.” I leave my fuming little sister behind and finish walking the path to the unassuming cabin. The occasional puff of smoke drifts from the chimney. Small plots of growing herbs grow all about the yard, magical ingredients no doubt. I approach the door gently knocking.

My wait is not long. I flinch from the power of the magical aura enveloping the door and swinging it open. My mother looks up at me with her seemingly perpetual frown. “Sunny Skies. It has been a while.”

I nod. “It has mother. Moon Dancer and I come seeking your counsel.”

Her eyebrows raise. “Oh? I would advise you to ignore the advice of the foolish and frightened magi. What they want to do is abhorrent and goes against everything I taught you girls.” She pauses and glances at my side in mock surprise. “Ah! I see you went ahead with this horrific abomination of the natural order before seeking me out. What then am I to advise you on?”

I am unsure if it is heartening or saddening to know my mother has not changed over the last ten years. Soon after Moon Dancer was born she left us in the care of the magical academy and retreated from civilization. Only by following her magical signature was I able to find her. Her lavender coat had dulled to a pale lilac in her middle age. Her mane was still striking indigo with the pink and purple stripes running through it, even if somewhat dulled with age.

“It is Discord mother. For all our new might Moon Dancer and I are helpless before his power. It was my hope you had a new spell or perhaps some idea of how to deal with him.”

“Let us see if I can piece together your expert stratagem for dealing with the chaos spirit thus far hm? Would I be correct in assuming it has consisted of you and your sister hurling yourselves at him like a pair of puffed up minotaur?”

I open my mouth to rebut but she raises a hoof silencing me. “It was a rhetorical question. Of course that is what the two of you did. I have no godly spell or earth quaking ritual. I only have advice Sunny Skies. Stop trying to be somepony you are not you foolish foal. You are gifted with an overabundance of laughter, generosity, and kindness. Use your strengths Sunny. Moon Dancer as well. You could not find a more loyal or honest pony to call sister. What is combat if not chaos? And what feeds Discord’s might?”

I stare silently through her lecture, feeling the tiny filly once more. Slowly however her words begin to sink in and take hold. My ears perk and a smile slowly forms on my muzzle. One my mother reluctantly returns. “Mother! Oh you are a genius!”

She balks at my sudden embrace and squirms a moment before begrudgingly patting my shoulder. “W-well. Off you go. You have a country to save do you not?” She adjusts her glasses as I release her.

I nod, my heart fluttering in excitement. “I do! Thank you mother! We shall return soon! Perhaps for dinner!”

I turn and race back down the path, leaving my mother to stare after me quietly. Moon Dancer rises as I gallop wildly toward her. The look of elation on my face brings a tentative smile to her own. “What words of wisdom did the great Clover the Clever have to impart?”

My smile remains wide. “I have figured out how to defeat Discord.”

Her eyes widen. “How?!”

My smile never falters. “By being who we truly are Moon Dancer. Come. Let us seek out my old friend.”

Author's Note:

Only a day late!