• Published 24th Jun 2013
  • 5,901 Views, 459 Comments

Return of the Dawn - pchn00

A substitute teacher with what she's always been told is a mental condition begins to suspect that's not the entire truth when a familiar sun shaped cutie mark appears on her hips.

  • ...

Chapter 12: Asylum

Chapter 12: Asylum
::WARNING:: This chapter contains strong language, and semi-intense scenes of violence and gore

I still cannot believe the destruction he has brought upon Equestria. Part of me wonders if it was my fault. If I had paid more attention to him. Played more of the games he so enjoyed. Would he have snapped as he did? Would he have ruined so many lives?

Standing upon the balcony of the tower in the mages hidden enclave I look out upon the ruin that is my home country. Rationally I know I can’t blame myself for the actions of another, but in my heart I can’t help but take some responsibility. Moon Dancer often tells me I always try to make everypony’s burdens my burdens. Is it such a terrible thing to wish to help my fellow ponies?

What they intend to do is a desperate, nearly suicidal gamble. They approached me with the offer. Power greater than any unicorn has ever wielded before. When I asked why they felt I was the right mare for the job, they explained my former friendship with Discord could give me an edge in the coming battle.

A stinging truth. One I find I very much do not care for.

Ignoring my dear sisters’ protests I accepted their offer. How could I not? Even a slim chance to stop the destruction before he went too far and began to actively harm my fellow ponies was worth taking. The chances I survive the ritual they have planned are slim to none but I do not care. I will take any risk to help me people.

The hour is upon me. I sigh and turn away from the sight of the churning lake of chocolate pudding. Already our water reserves are running low. Pudding does not make good rain obviously. No rain means our crops are withering. I walk with slow measured steps through the halls. I smile politely at the occasional well-wisher who offers words of encouragement. I am walking to my death I am sure, but perhaps that would be preferable to the alternative.

What if it worked? What if I truly was given the power to rival Discord? Would I become a monster such as he in time? Absolute power corrupts absolutely after all.

I stop in my tracks as a familiar blue filly blocks my path. Moon Dancer is many years my junior, barely a teenager but she does not stand much shorter than I. She glares hotly, freezing me in place. “Sister I will not allow this.”

I heave a sigh. “Moony you know it is our only chance. If we do not stop Discord now all of Equestria is surely doomed.”

My sister stubbornly shakes her head. “Let somepony else undergo this ritual! One of the magi! Or one of the royal guard! This is what they are intended to do Sunny! You cannot do this! You… You cannot leave me alone Sunny. You are the only one who truly understands me. Who does not find me… Disturbing.”

I smile softly and move closer, craning my head around her neck in an embrace. “Dear sister, I wish there was another way. If there were any I would leap at the chance to take it. But he must be stopped. I have to be the one to do it. If somepony is to defeat him with… With finality I would prefer it be someone he knows. I fear he is a rabid animal sister. One who has no control over his own actions. It would be a mercy to… To end his life.”

Moon Dancer’s eyes widen. “Sister you cannot mean to… To kill him! We do not kill. Nopony has taken a sentient life willingly in… In centuries!”

My smile turns sad. “Sometimes we have to make sacrifices for those we care about. I care about everypony in Equestria sister. If the blood of Discord on my hooves spares somepony else from making so horrible a choice, it is a sacrifice I make gladly.”

My little sister stares hard at me. “Fine! Go then! Go to your… To your unnatural ritual with those musty old ponies! Go and murder Discord! I am sure you will be heralded as a great heroine!”

I call out to her but she ignores me, galloping down the corridor and away from me as quickly as she is able. Sighing softly I turn and resume my course. The magi await me in the ritual chamber. A pair of guards ponies, one earth and one pegasi stand at rigid attention. I try not to meet their gaze but I cannot help but look upon the faces of the ponies sacrificing their lives for this chance at victory.

The earth pony is a solidly built mare. Her coat is a silken white like my own, while her mane is a close cropped bob cut and a rather fetching pale green hue. The pegasus stallion likewise has a white coat while his mane is a pastel blue color. Both return my look with strong resolution in their eyes. They nod to me confidently.

I do not even know their names. To my eternal shame, I do not ask either. I think that would make what is to come absolutely impossible. Steeling myself I step into the center of the ritual diagrams on the ground.

The magic they intend to perform is absolutely abhorrent to me. To use the life of another pony to fuel a spell is just wrong on the most basic level. Moon Dancer’s words come back to me. Nopony has willingly killed another in countless years.

That we know of.

How many ponies have died at the hands of the magi in their experiments? I would like to believe this is the first time they have attempted such magics but my more rational side says that is unlikely.

The arch mage takes his place at the head of the ritual. “Your sacrifice today means life for everypony in Equestria tomorrow. You will be remembered for all time as the greatest heroes to ponykind. I, and my fellow magi thank you from the bottom of our hearts for what you are about to do. May you find rest in the Fields of Elysium.”

My stomach turns at the look of pride on their faces. How can anypony be happy to throw their life away? Life is the most precious gift given to us. It should not be squandered on a ‘maybe’. Of course I am here too am I not? My own life is very likely about to end. The chances of this insane spell succeeding are slim to none.

I did not even notice they had begun to chant. The candles around the circle flicker as the fell magics are unleashed. It happens so quickly I nearly miss it. One moment the light of life is there in the eyes of the ponies at my sides, the next they simply fall over like puppets having their strings cut. I cannot hide a soft gasp as their bodies fall to the floor limply. Instinctively I try to move to their side, to help them but find my hooves solidly secured to the floor.

Warm light is drifting into the air around the sacrifices’ bodies now. It begins to whirl around me faster and faster. Soon small motes of golden light flit from the spinning masses and dart into my body. It is… Warm. Pleasantly so.

The pleasant sensation does not last. Soon there is pain. Such terrible pain I could have never imagined in all my years. My bones were snapping and stretching as they grew. New appendages surged from my back in a shower of gore. I fall to my knees as the pain over takes me, very nearly losing consciousness.

Mercifully it passes swiftly. The pain is replaced with something new. A burning fire deep in the core of my very ry being. I feel… Powerful. I open my eyes and see my mane drifting about my head, floating and undulating as if I were underwater. The original pink is joined by a pale green and blue. The same colors of the manes of the fallen ponies.

I rise shakily to my hooves and experience a vague sense of vertigo at how far the ground is. I feel an alien sensation at my sides. Something is hanging from my back and resting on the ground. I crane my head around and get my first view of my new wings. They are still covered in blood from their erupting from my back. Awkwardly I work to fold them in at my sides as I have seen pegasus ponies do my entire life.

The magi are staring in awe as I take my first tentative steps on my absurdly long legs. I stumble and fall to my knees. Nopony moves to help me rise. I take a moment to steady myself and rise again, resuming my attempts at walking. The mages scramble to get out of my way as I shakily walk from the ritual chamber into the hall.

Moon Dancer is there. Her look of worry turns to one of horror as she beholds my new form for the first time. I open my mouth to offer words of comfort, but she turns on her hooves and for the second time today gallops away from me with all speed.

The arch mage clears his throat softly at my side. “Miss Sunny? If you feel up to it we should not dally. You need to learn to use your wings and test the new limits of your magic. Time is of the essence.”

I glance down at the pony. He seemed so powerful and imposing before. Now he just seems… Small. A tiny flickering flame burning in the darkness of the universe. “…yes. Yes let us get this over with.”


Good morning Erin.

I frown faintly, lying in bed staring up at the ceiling. “That was… That’s where you came from?”


“That’s so… Horrible. I’m sorry you had to go through that Celestia.”

You’re very kind to say so Erin. I’ve had a long time to come to terms with what happened that day. While I’ve never forgiven myself for the lives lost in that room. I do my best to carry on in their memory.

“Did you ah… Ever learn their names?”

I did. Miss Stronghoof Apple and Sir Blazewing. I did my best to make it up to their families. I like to think I repaid what they gave as best I can.

I nod and sit up. My hair falls across my face. Celestia’s hair. Idly I run my hands through the pastel hued locks and glance out the window. It’s still dark out. Very early morning. “What happened when we got home?”

The stress of the day was a bit much I’m afraid. You passed out upon returning to the cabin. After that well… When you’re unconscious I’m unconscious. I remember seeing Jake coming toward us.

I blink. “Th-that’s right! He’s not here though…” I frown a little and climb out of bed. Crossing the room with quick steps I move across the hall and peer into Jake’s room. He’s asleep in bed. Seeing him lying there peacefully brings a smile to my face. I gently crawl into bed beside him and content myself with running my hand through his mane slowly.

He stirs gradually. Slowly his eyes open and focus on my face. I smile a little. “Hi.”

He doesn’t return my smile. “How are you?”

I shrug. “Fine. Just over reached a little bit yesterday. Celestia said we did a bit much.”

“How long Erin?”

I frown at the accusatory tone he’s adopted. “How long what?” I sit up now.

He does as well, getting out of the bed and gazing up at me, his orange eyes blazing with anger. “How long have you known that you shared a body with Princess Celestia?”

Oh. That’s why he’s angry. Of course it’s why he’s angry. “I… A few days…”

“How many days is a few days Erin?”

I have a feeling if I had pony ears they’d be splaying back by now. “The cutie mark appeared the same time yours did. I just… My meds suppressed the changes.”

His eyes widen. “And you didn’t think to share that with anyone else? Maybe the doctors at the hospital? The people here you CLAIM to care about?”

I bristle a bit at that. “Hey now! I do care about everyone here. Those pills are dangerous Jake. Celestia says they’re a poison made by Discord to keep her and Luna from waking up.”

“Oh well if Princess Celestia says so…” He pauses. “…alright fine so they’re dangerous. But why did you keep taking them then? And why the hell did you lie to me Erin? It seems like everyone but Meg and Lucas were in on it!”

I frown clenching my hands nervously. “I was scared. Of… Well of her. And what would happen to me if I stopped taking my meds. You don’t know what the institute was like for me Jake. I… I can’t remember everything but it was the worst experience of my life.”

For just a minute his features soften. The moment passes though. “Why did you lie to me? I don’t understand.”

“I… I was worried you’d want me to stop taking the pills. You had it worse than anyone with your other change going on. I just didn’t want you to pressure me Jake.”

His eyes widen. “Wow. I just… Wow. I can’t believe you really think so little of me Erin.”

“I-it’s not like that Jake! I was just scared!”

He’s looking angry again. “And you don’t think I would have been there for you? You don’t think I would have been someone who’d listen to what was scaring and do anything I could to make you feel better?” He stares hard at me before shaking his head. “I’m going outside. There are a lot of confused people camping out in the back yard. I’d appreciate it if you give me some space Erin. I don’t want to be around you right now.”

His words feel like a slap to the face. “Jake… Jake please don’t go. We can talk about this!”

He doesn’t listen. He turns and storms from the room angrily, hooves slamming the hardwood floor with each step. I wince as I hear him clop downstairs and out the back door.

My eyes have started to burn and I feel myself about to break down in his bed on the spot.

I’m sorry Erin. Is there anything I can do?

I laugh a little, sniffling loudly and getting off the bed. “Know any spells to go back in time?”

Just the one but I’m afraid you can’t change the past.

I can sense the sun starting to rise. A little tickle in the back of my head I always get when it’s starting. This morning I can’t bring myself to care. I trudge back across the hall and collapse on my bed. “He hates me.”

He doesn’t hate you Erin. He cares a good deal about you in fact. He just needs time. Trust me; I’ve had plenty of experience with angry stallions.

That makes me smile a little. “Oh yeah?”

Oh yes. You know I didn’t spend my whole life sitting in my palace ruling Equestria. I was a perfectly ordinary mare for a very long time.

I sigh and stare at my ceiling again. “Well I hope he’s not mad too long.”

Erin I know you’re having an unusually bad morning, but we do have quite a few confused and frightened ponies in your back yard. I think it might be a good idea if you made an appearance, even a brief one.

I sigh and swing myself back off the bed. “Guess I better shower then.”

I pass Becky in the hall. She gives me a sympathetic smile. “Don’t worry. He’ll come around. He never stays mad long.”

I smile back down at her. “Thanks. Is everything alright? Jeez I completely forgot you guys were attacked yesterday!”

She laughs. “How in the world could you forget THAT?”

I shake my head. “It was a pretty busy day. Is everyone alright?”

She nods. “Yeah. Meg’s pretty shaken up. Jules and Ellie seem weirdly fine with it. Like nothing at all out of the ordinary happened. Those three new girls, the sisters? They wanted to go home but the sheriff told them they had to stay here. Tom and Nikki are still here too. Her parents came by last night with a bunch of her stuff.”

I nod slowly. “Well I’m going to grab a quick shower and talk to the crowd outside.”

Becky frowns. “What do you plan to do about all of them Erin? That’s a lot of people. You probably have enough room but I’m guessing you’re not going to stop there.”

I shake my head. “I dunno. Princess Celestia has a plan or something I’m sure. She and I haven’t had a lot of one on one time what with the kidnappers and me embarrassing the army and stuff.”

She giggles at that. “We saw you on TV. That was a pretty cool disguise by the way. We all saw through it of course but no way could anyone tell it was you.”

I smile. “Well thanks; I’m sure the Princess appreciates the compliment. I’ll be down in a few, ok?”

She nods and trots downstairs. I watch her go for a moment before stepping into the bathroom. A shower is sounding absolutely fantastic right about now. I toss my clothes hap-hazardly in the corner and step under the hot spray. I just stand for several long minutes luxuriating in the feel of the hot water running over my body. “So… I have some questions that I think everyone’s going to want answered.”

Ask away. Anything at all.

I nod. “Alright well the big one. Can we change them back into humans?”

I suppose that IS going to be the ‘big one’ isn’t it? While it is possible to draw the magic from their bodies and make them human again, the process is indescribably dangerous. Perhaps one in one hundred ponies would survive.

I wince. “I doubt a lot of folks are going to like that but it is what it is. Alright, so what about ponies like Jake? Guys who became mares or girls who became stallions?”

A bit of good news on that front! A gender switching spell is fortunately a rather simple bit of magic. For somepony like myself or Luna that is. We can restore anypony who wishes it to their original gender. The catch is undergoing such a wild transmutation like they have puts a terrific strain on the body. They’ll need to stay as they are for a time. Several months at the least before we can perform the spells safely.

“Well that’s not awesome news but it’s good news. I’m sure most of them would want it sooner rather than later, but I doubt anyone’s going to want to risk their life over it.” I start to lather my hair with the suspiciously low bottle of my shampoo. “What are we going to do with all these ponies we’re liberating?”

A-ah. That. Well…. I was hoping you might have some ideas on that front.

“ME?! What the heck would I know about… About housing that many people?! I’m a substitute teacher for heaven’s sake! I mean I guess we have the room for a bunch of folks here but if you’re planning on running around collecting everypony in the country, or even in the world I don’t think my place is big enough for all THAT! How many are there?”

Quite a few I’m afraid. Perhaps ten to fifteen thousand. Equestria is a big nation but it wasn’t too heavily populated. Our largest cities had several thousand citizens at most.

I run my head under the water. “Yeah I definitely don’t have room for fifteen THOUSAND people Celestia! We need a plan before we start dragging every pony in the world to my back yard.”

You’re right of course Erin. Acting hastily doesn’t do anypony any good. For now let’s focus on those we have in our care already. We’ll make sure everypony is as comfortable as we can make them. A few simple spells should make your land a bit more livable for everypony.

“Well alright. You can do whatever you think is best on that end. We’re a little lucky that the locals in Thilton are on our side. We can have some folks bring us supplies and stuff. Maybe Nikki’s parents?”

I may be able to help with our food situation as well. At least to get things started for everypony. I’ve learned it’s not a good idea to just hand out everything they wish. They’ll swiftly grow dependent and not work for themselves.

“I think in this instance giving everyone a bit of an extra helping hand isn’t entirely out of the question y’know?”

Very true. She’s quiet for a long moment. I was wondering if I could beg a favor Erin?

I shrug. “Ask away Princess.”

Would you… Would you allow me to have control of our body? Just for a short time! It’s… It’s been a very long time since I’ve actually felt anything.

The idea of having someone else in control of my body isn’t exactly a pleasant one. But she just sounds so… SAD. “I… I guess. As long as it’s not for too long? I mean we can go down and talk to your people and stuff. I bet they’d like it if you were the one addressing them.”

Oh thank you Erin!

I smile as I feel what I suspect is a bit of her happiness filtering through. “How do we do this?”

Just relax your mind. Think of as little as possible and try not to resist what comes.

I frown and close my eyes, doing my best to think of as little as possible. Suddenly Celestia’s presence in the back of my mind is growing stronger, rapidly. It takes all my will power not to thrash about and force the encroaching presence away. Suddenly I feel like I’m floating. Drifting in an endless sea of darkness.

C-Celestia? What’s happening!?

“Try to remain calm Erin. Just relax. Let me see if I can’t make things a little more comfortable for you.”

The blackness around me fades away to the library in the cabin. I look around confused for a few minutes before lowering myself into my arm chair. A warm fire crackles merrily giving the room a pleasant warmth. What is this?

“The mind is an easy place for us to shape. You’ll be able to do so yourself in time, assuming you allow me more time in control. I thought your library would be a good place for you to calm yourself.”

O-oh. Well thanks. Is this what it’s been like for you all these years? Just… Feeling nothing real?

She’s quiet for a time. “Yes. It wasn’t terribly pleasant but I contented myself by ah… Oh please don’t be upset… By perusing your memories. I was able to experience your life through them.”

…that’s kinda creepy.

She giggles a bit. “I suppose it is! You’re welcome to explore my own if you like. It’s only fair I think.”

D-don’t laugh when you agree that you’re being creepy! I think sitting in my brain library is enough weirdness for now. Maybe I’ll poke around in your brain later.

“Fair enough! This shower feels divine by the way. Now let’s see about getting something to eat.” Celestia turns to step out of the shower…and immediately topples over smashing her face into the ground.

You don’t know how to walk on two legs.

“I don’t know how to walk on two legs.”

We both start to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. A whole mess of people are suddenly stumbling around on four legs, and he’s the immortal all powerful Princess of the sun face planting from trying to walk bi-pedally.

Can you go all pony?

“I could but it would be even more painful than growing your horn. And I’d really rather not put our body through that.” Slowly she crawls from the tub and moves on hands and knees to the wall. Getting a firm grip on the molding she slowly pulls herself to her feet. “How in the world do you balance on just two legs?”

I dunno. Lots of practice? Can’t you do a… A balance spell or something?

“Oh! I can! Good idea!” She smiles widely as her horn begins to glow. My little phantom library is bathed in golden light as she summons her magic. “Tee hee! Look at me go!” She crosses the bathroom grinning ear to ear and grabs a towel, drying herself off.

I can’t believe you ‘tee hee’d’.

“Oh hush. This is exciting. Hm.” She’s examining my body with a critical eye. “We’re rather attractive by human standards I suppose.” There’s a television in the library with me. There definitely isn’t one in the real version of the room. Curiously I turn it on and see… Myself looking in the mirror. Curiously poking and prodding my face.

I can see what you see!

“Oh!” She tugs her hands away from my nose flushing a little embarrassed. “You learned that already?”

I guess so. W-were you picking my nose?

“No! Of course not! We should get downstairs and speak to the waiting ponies. Oh and maybe have one of those little cakes you so adore.”

Yeah I wonder whose fault that is. Hey! Hey clothes! You need clothes!

She ‘ohs’ softly and giggles to herself stepping away from the door. “I do don’t I! My I can’t remember the last time I’ve worn so much just for fun.” She pulls on my shirt and jeans from yesterday. “…I think these have seen better days.”

They’ve definitely seen more than the usual amount of wear and tear, yeah.

A cheerful little tune starts chirping from my bedroom. “What’s that?”

My phone. But it’s way too early for anyone to be calling. Go see who it is.

The Princess puppeting my body cheerfully minces from the bathroom to my room. Fishing around in my purse she pulls out my cell. “The little screen says it’s Officer Haggerty, Erin.”

Well answer it!

Gingerly she opens the phone and holds it to her ear. “Hello? Princess Celestia speaking?”

Mike’s voice sounds confused. Understandably. “I… Erin is that you?”

“Oh! Oh yes this is Erin Rockwell. Sorry I’m uh… In character.”

“Wait, wait, wait. Was that YOU on the news yesterday?”

Celestia looks a little panicky. Don’t lie to him. He’s a cop and a smart one at that. When we show up all rainbow hair he’ll put two and two together.

The Princess nods at my advice. “Yes that was me. I’m sorry but I can’t stand by and let them subjugate my little ponies.”

“…right. We’ll deal with THAT later. Right now I have something on Corddis for you. It’s a little weird. He’s almost never in his office. He goes to this little road in the middle of nowhere everyday right? I can see this creepy ass building down the way but when I try to go near it I… Can’t.”

Celestia tilts her head in consideration. “What do you mean you can’t?”

“I mean every time I start down the road, all of a sudden I’m turned around and facing the other way. I can’t get near the place.”

“Ah. A location displacement spell. Very clever. Obviously Discord is hiding something there he doesn’t want found by anypony. I’m going to guess it’s my sister.”

Mike sounds confused again. “Wait what? Sister? I thought we were looking for your brother?”

“Oh! Oh dear ah… Just a moment please Mike.” All of a sudden I’m flung out of my library and once more in control of my body. I stagger back and forth while I get a hold of myself.

I’m sorry Erin but I think I’m making things worse. Find out where Officer Haggerty is. We should waste no time in rescuing Markus and Luna.

I clear my throat. “Mike? Hey sorry about that. Kind of a long day. Are you someplace private? No one around?”

“Uhh… Yeah I guess. I’m at that weird road. Haven’t seen another car come down here since I’ve been staking it out.”

I hold the phone away from my mouth. “Can you take us there?”

Of course. But what about everypony outside?

“What’s more important? Patting them on the head or saving our siblings?”

Celestia doesn’t answer me verbally. Instead I feel the warmth of magic washing over myself. There’s a golden flash and suddenly I’m looking a very alarmed Mike Haggerty in the face. “…hi?”

“Jesus fuck! What the… What the fuck was that?!”

I smile helplessly and shrug a little. “Teleportation? I’m a big fancy magic pants now. So is that the place?” Of course as soon as I look over his shoulder to the hill top I answer my own question. The bleak dying forest surrounding Bellvue is something I’ll never forget.

Mike looks from me to the building. “Yeah that’s the place. I’ve tried coming at it from all sides and I always wind up here at the front gate.”

I nod slowly and approach the path. As I draw closer I can sort of see something… WRONG with the air. “Is this the spell? I can see the magic?”

Yes. We’re growing closer together and you’re now able to perceive active magical effects in the world around us. It should be simple enough to force our way through. Are you ready?

Such a simple question. Am I ready? Ready to go back to Bellvue? The one place in all the world I’ve done everything in my power to avoid returning to? But my brother and Celestia’s sister are in the clutches of a madman in there. They need us. I swallow the lump in my throat. “Yes.”

My horn flares with magical light as a shimmering golden tunnel appears leading right up to the asylum doors. Mike approaches quietly behind me. “So that’s it huh? We can go in?”

I look over my shoulder frowning a little. “I can go in. You stay here. It’s too dangerous.”

“Bullshit I’m staying here. This guy’s kidnapped at LEAST one person, your brother too by the sounds of it. And if you think I’m going to let you just go in alone you’re crazy. We go together.”

I scowl a little and consider asking Celestia to do a sleep spell or something… But I’m already feeling better about going in with him at my side. “Alright fine. But you have to be careful. This is magic stuff, it won’t be y’know… Normal.”

He checks his side arm and nods. “I’m as ready as I can be. Let’s do this.”

I take a deep breath and start up the path. Every step feels like I have thousand pound weights strapped to me legs.

It’ll be alright Erin. I’m here with you as well. I think it would be best if we could avoid Discord’s attention. I have no idea how strong his abilities are here in your world. Not as powerful as Equestria I’d imagine, or he’d already know you and I have been bonding and he would have acted to stop it.

I nod. “Celestia says we should do this quietly. Maybe find a side door to sneak in?”

Mike raises an eyebrow. “Celestia?”

I sigh. “The pony Princess in my head. I’m getting sick of explaining this. Just trust me, she’s very real.”

“If you hadn’t teleported a few minutes ago I’d have a harder time believing that. Right now I’ll take anything at face value.” We reach the main gates and Mike gestures for me to follow. We push through the dead shrubbery and he kneels down offering his hands to boost me up. I just smile playfully and grab him around the waist, tugging him in close. He jerks in surprise, and then I crouch and jump the tall fence in one hop.

Mike’s clinging to me tightly. I can tell by the way his jaw is clenched he’s doing his best not to scream. “Warn me next time!” He hisses in my ear.

I offer an apologetic shrug. “Sorry.” I set him on the ground and he pries his arms away from my waist. He takes a moment to get his bearings before quickly darting along the wall around the building. Having no experience at this sort of thing myself I follow close behind.

We move carefully, ducking low when we come to a window. Finally he stops at a side door. Cautiously he reaches out shoving it gently. “Locked.”

I nod and step up beside him, resting my hand on the door. “Celestia?”

Of course. Just one moment.

The golden aura of our magic suffuses the door. Seconds later a faint click of the lock being opened can be heard and the door swings open easily. Mike gives me an appreciative smile. “Handy.”

I just nod and follow him inside. The smell hits me first. That mix of sterile environment mingled with unwashed bodies. It’s not a pleasant smell. And it brings back less pleasant memories. The fluorescent lights flicker on and off overhead. A thick layer of dust coats everything in sight. From the closed doors to abandoned medical equipment.

Mike moves in slowly. “Looks like it hasn’t been used in years.”

I nod at his assessment. “Can you feel them Celestia?”

I can. They’re on the floor above us. I don’t want to risk teleportation so close to Discord’s magic. His chaotic power could affect it negatively.

“Mike, we need the stairs up. Celestia says our siblings are there.”

I don’t know how long Mike has been on the force, probably as long as Jake has but he seems very calm and collected given the situation. “Right. We’ll move quickly but carefully. If this guy’s that dangerous it’d be best if we could find the hostages and get out quickly.”

I nod and do my best to try and ignore the growing knot of fear twisting about in my stomach. Mike’s here, Celestia’s here. I’m not alone. I can do this.

“Ah! Miss Rockwell! You’re on time. Punctual as usual. We have your old room waiting.”

I can’t entirely stifle my alarmed shriek as Doctor Corddis’ voice speaks up behind me. Mike likewise seems just as alarmed, whirling and aiming his gun at the Doctor. “Don’t you move buddy!”

Corddis casually flipping through a medical chart. “Hm. I don’t see a Michael Haggerty in the schedule. But I’m nothing if not flexible! I’m sure I can whip a little something up for you too!”

The hair on the back of my neck stands on end as I see a whirling burst of magic forming around Doctor Corddis… Discord I suppose I should call him. “No! Leave him alone!” I lunge toward Discord but he steps smoothly out of the way and with a flash Mike vanishes. “Where is he?!”

Discord smiles crookedly at me. “Elsewhere in the asylum. Not to worry m’dear, perhaps if you’re lucky you’ll run into each other again. I thought we’d make a bit of a game of things. Once I saw you and little Celly on the news, nice speech by the way, I just knew I had to get some fun ready.”

Erin perhaps it would be best if you allowed me to take the lead now.

I nod preparing to do just that when Discord suddenly lunges at me cracking me right on top of the head, hard enough I go cross-eyed for a minute and stagger on my feet. “Now, now. None of that. Here are the rules! First rule. The game is for YOU, not Celestia. I’ve prepared a delightful little labyrinth just for you Erin. If you break the first rule, I can’t be held responsible for what happens to Markus.”

That gets my attention and likely Celestia’s too. “What else?”

He grins again. “No magic. If Celestia starts slinging spells, Markus gets the penalty. I’ve set up some fun little traps and obstacles throughout Bellvue. All you have to do is reach Markus. If you touch him, you’ll both be transported out of the asylum. Simple yes?”

“And if I don’t?”

He shrugs. “If you don’t you won’t have to worry about what I’ll do. There are worse things in here than me.” As if on cue I hear heavy thudding footsteps trundling slowly our way. “Ah! Well I should be off! I’ll have to see if I can’t whip something up for your cop friend. Toodles! And Erin, have fun.” His gentle tone belies the situation as he vanishes with a flash.

Those foot steps are getting closer. Almost against my will I peer around the corner toward the source. There’s some sort of massive man-shaped creature lumbering toward the hall. Its skin is a grey mottled mess and its massive hands nearly drag on the ground as it thunders toward me. Its wide, flat head nearly scrapes the ceiling. I can see sharp jagged teeth in its wide, gaping mouth. To top off the horrible image it’s squeezed into a white orderly’s uniform.

Sucking in my breath I pull back away from the corner. Darting down the hall trying every door I can. I find one unlocked and slip into the cell swiftly, shutting the door as quietly as I can. Not a second later I hear the creature round the corner and thunder toward me. I’m in a standard cell of the asylum, padded floor and walls. A set of leather restraints in one corner and… I suck in my breath again. And a man huddled in the corner.

His hair is a disheveled mess and he looks at me with wild eyes. “Th-the door? It’s not locked?!”

I open my mouth to respond but find my voice unwilling to cooperate. Silently I shake my head. He springs from the corner and rushes the door. I don’t think to stop him, just stumble out of his way. Rationally I suppose there’s no way the wild eyed young man poses a threat to me, but the whole situation is beginning to weigh on me. He throws the door open.

“Finally! I’m getting out of here! No story is worth all this!” He rushes into the hall, right into the waiting grasp of the ‘orderly’. It’s all I can do not to scream at the sudden sound of tearing flesh and snapping bones coming from the other side of the door. I scrunch my eyes shut tight and huddle in the corner of the room pressing my hands to my ears tightly.

Shh… Shh. Stay calm Erin. It’s terrible I know but you have to stay calm. The more you lose your resolve the easier Discord’s magic of insanity can take hold. You’re very much sane but he can change that in an instant if you’re not on your guard.

The terrible noises outside finally stop. I realize there are tears flowing freely down my cheeks. My heart is hammering in my chest as the massive shadow lingers outside the door, before it slowly begins to thoom away down the hall. I sit very still until I’m completely sure it’s gone. Sniffing loudly I wipe my eyes and get back to my feet.

That’s it Erin. You’ll be just fine. We need to find Officer Haggerty as well as Markus and Luna. It may sound selfish but if we find my sister first no doubt she can aid us with finding Mike.

I nod, trying to get my shaking hands back under control. “R-right. Two of us are better than one right?” I inch the door open slowly. The gory mess in the hall causes my stomach to churn and I’m suddenly glad I left before having breakfast this morning. Gingerly I pick my way across the floor trying to avoid as much of the mess I can, while looking at it as little as I can.

“J-just… Find the stairs…”

The orderly went down the way Mike and I were going, and I’m suddenly struck with a strong urge to go the other way. I make my way back to the first hall way and ease around the corner. No sign of any creatures. The lights flicker off more than on overhead. With a shiver I notice every window is painted black, letting no sunlight in at all. When the lights flicker off the halls are bathed in total darkness.

Discord said I cannot wield magic, but you can Erin. Light is a very simple bit of magic. Just recall the sensation you felt when I was casting spells before. Simply focus on that feeling, and imagine it centered around your horn.

I do as she says trying to ignore the fear welling inside as the hall is bathed in darkness again. Slowly I feel the warmth building within me, and a radiant golden light springs to life around my horn. Illuminating not only the corridor, but the sickly pale girl standing inches from my face. This time I do shriek, and flail my arms falling back.

“Woooow you gotta horn! And it glows! Can I touch it? Can I? Can I?”

She’s rail thin. Her hair a matted mess of wild tangles. Her sunken eyes are like huge brown saucers in her head. Her teeth are yellowed and decaying. Her gaze flicks from my horn to my own eyes. “Ooo purple eyes. And rainbow hair! N-never done those before. I like them!”

She’s clearly insane, but seems harmless enough. I smile tentatively. “W-well hello. I’m ah… I’m Erin.” Slowly I get back to my feet.

The girl is much shorter than I am. She scurries back as I rise to my full height. “Rainbow haired Erin with the big glowing horn. You’re new. I know it! I always know when they’re new.”

I swallow. If she’s been here a long time maybe she could help me find Markus? “What’s your name?”

“Mattie! I’m Mattie and you’re Rainbow Erin! I really, really, REALLY like your hair!”

I manage to keep smiling. “Thank you Mattie. I wonder if you can help me? I’m looking for someone. My brother. Has anyone else new come in recently?”

She giggles and hops from foot to foot. “Uh huh! You wanna see him?!”

My smile is genuine now. “I do! Please! I’ll… I’ll help you get out of here if you like.”

“No, no. I like it here. Lotsa fun, lotsa stuff to add to my collection. Come on! I’ll show you the new guy!” She turns and begins to race down the corridor, stopping a ways down and waiting for me.

Be cautious Erin. Any who have spent some length of time around Discord have no doubt been twisted and driven entirely mad. She may be dangerous.

“She’s harmless Celestia. And she knows where Markus is. Even if she IS dangerous to normal people, what’s she going to do to me?”

I suppose that’s true. Still just don’t be too trusting in here.

I jog to catch up with Mattie. She scurries ahead and around the corner. Frowning faintly I pick up my pace doing my best to keep up with her. I round the corner and collide solidly with a rotund woman standing over a small medical tray. I stumble back a step and blink in surprise.

She’s shorter than I am. Every inch of her obese frame straining the nurses’ uniform she’s miraculously managed to pack herself into. The little cap on her head would be comical if not for the fierce scowl she had on her pig-like face. “What’s this!? A patient out of her room?! And when was the last time you took your medicine young lady?!”

The nurse is bellowing at the top of her lungs and I’m worried all the racket will attract the orderly monster. “I-I’m not a patient. J-just visiting my brother!” I try to give her a faltering smile.

She squints at me suspiciously then looks down at the tray in in front of her. Amidst the syringes, cups of pills, and small bottles of water I see a brown manila folder. “No. Princess Erinlestia Rockwell of Equestria. You’re on the list. You need your medication!”

I recoil as she whirls at me, eyes rolling about in her head madly. I own mouth falls open in horror as her jaw begins to stretch and distend, far larger than any humans is meant to open. Before I have time to react a gout of shimmering blue fluid shoots from her mouth like a geyser hitting me square in the face and sending me tumbling to the ground from the force of it. I gag and cough spitting as much of the fluid out as I can.

An all too familiar numbness begins to spread through my body. “N-not this… C…Celestia?”

Her voice is faint and growing fainter. Be strong Erin! You CAN do this… Just be stro…

She’s gone. I feel woozy and giddy at the same time. The same way I felt when I’d take my pills. The nurses jaw snaps back to normal and she nods looking me over with a grunt. “Hrm. Better. I’ll send the orderly to pick you up.” Then she’s off pushing the cart away.

I know I need to get back up but everything is so …whirly around me. I feel a mix of apprehension and relief as Mattie scurries closer on all fours. “S-sorry about the nurse. Oh! Your horn is gone… and the pretty rainbow hair!” Her smile fades. “Now you’re just… NORMAL.”

She clicks her tongue reproachfully. “Normal’s boring. But don’t worry! I can fix it!” Her gleeful smile returns as she grabs my ankles and starts dragging me across the floor. I try to pull away but the pills effects keep me dumbfounded for a little while after I take them. Still, wherever we’re going has to be better than the fate that waits if the orderly finds me. I wonder how much of the strength Celestia gave me is lingering? Am I a totally normal woman again or do I still have some of the power?

Mattie pulls me into a room down a new corridor and shuts the door tightly. “Don’t worry Rainbow Erin! I’ll getcha smiling in no time!” With a grunt the small woman heaves me onto a cold metal table. I shiver a little from the drafty room. I weakly try to sit up as she skips about the table strapping my wrists and ankles in. “Now, now! Relax! This won’t hurt a bit!”

She moves off to the side to another table laden with various medical tools. Humming a little tune to herself she unrolls a large poster hanging from the wall. My eyes widen as I see it’s an antique diagram for performing a lobotomy. “S… Stop…”

“Stop? No, no! Don’t worry Rainbow Erin! I’m a Doctor! I was a Doctor? Am I still a Doctor? I mean I went to school. I got the doctorate. They called me Doctor Sirrie. Mattie Sirrie! It rhymes! Isn’t that funny?!”

She takes a small pick and hammer and approaches me. “Now hold still Rainbow Erin! One little tap-tap-tappy and you’ll be smiling all day too!”

I’m already feeling more lucid. As she angles the pick above my eye and lifts the hammer, I jerk my head to the side. There’s a jarring pain as the hammer rams the pick into the side of my head. I feel blood but I don’t feel like someone rammed a piece of metal through my skull. Some of the durability Celestia imparted must still remain.

“Rainbow Erin! That’s a bad girl! Hold Still!”

I ignore her ranting and strain on the straps. The old leather warps and finally gives with a loud snap as I wrench my arms free. Mattie rushes at me with the hammer raised but I back hand her sending her spinning away. She bounces off the floor with a yelp and shoots me a scathing glare before scurrying into the darkness.

Breathing hard I reach down and tear the straps off my ankles. I still feel a little woozy but I manage to get to my feet and not fall right back over. I must be burning through the meds quicker too. With any luck Celestia will be back soon. I consider waiting for that but it’s not just me, but Mike and Markus who’re in danger as well.

Rubbing my wrists idly I move to the door, easing out slowly. No sign of insane staff or patients. Breathing a soft sigh of relief I step into the hall shutting the door to the operating room behind me. I spot a small sign hanging off the wall. A little arrow pointing toward a staircase. Feeling my spirits lift if only just a little I follow the sign.

The stairs come into sight soon and I take them two at a time, unable to hide my smile now. I reach the top of the stairs. Of course I have no idea where Markus is, but that’s one more hurdle overcome. I start peering through the small windows looking for Markus. Most of them I look away hastily from. Gruesome fates seem to wait any poor unfortunate soul who winds up in here. Mattie must be something impressive to have survived so long. That or Discord is keeping her alive on purpose.

I’m about to pass another door when I hear faint sobbing from within. Soft, high pitched sobbing. A child’s voice. Fully aware that it could very well be another trap I don’t care. I can’t leave a child alone in here. Predictably the door slams shut the second I step into the room. A table is facing dozens of monitors. It’s occupant is still crying softly as I approach from behind. “Hey… Hey it’s alright.”

I round the table and lay my eyes on the child. It’s… Me. Young me from twenty years ago. Her eyes are forced open with a pair of metal clamps attached to the side of her head. A restraint keeps her head fastened tightly facing the screens. “O… Oh god… j-just hang on…”

I reach out to unstrap her and remove the clamps. There’s a sickening lurch in my stomach and suddenly I’m the one strapped to the bed, eyes pried open. My breath comes in quick gasps as I begin to lose my resolve. “No! No not again!”

The screens flicker to life. Images I’d suppressed long ago flashing across my eyes. Images of an imposing white, winged unicorn stomping and crunching my Uncle Pete to death. Another monitor has her gleefully impaling my child hood friends with her horn. Some she carries into the air and drops from hundreds of feet up. Others blood drips from her maw as she stands over my own mutilated boy. Horrific scene after scene of Princess Celestia committing the most heinous acts imaginable flashes before my eyes.

This is why I’m so afraid of her. Discord must have spent the entire time I was in Bellvue conditioning me to fear Celestia. No wonder I was so reluctant about trusting her again. I feel something changing inside. My fear is burning hotter and hotter. Turning from fear to anger. What sort of monster does this to a child? I grit my teeth and begin to wrench against my bonds. The clamps tear at the flesh around my eyes but I just scream inarticulately in rage and throw my head forward. The clamps come away along with a chunk of flesh from the sides of my head. Still bellowing my outrage I rip my hands free and vault at the monitors.

I pound away at them with my bare fists with wild abandon. My shrieking never stops as I punch my firsts through the screens, ignoring the glass and electrical shocks stinging my arms and fists. With one last wail of pain and rage I tear the entire rig from the wall and slam it into the ground. I stand over the mess glaring down at it and panting heavily. Grinding my teeth tightly together I storm from the room. “Discord! You won’t beat me! Do you hear me?!”

Blood mingles with tears as both flow down my cheeks and stain my shirt. Adrenaline still surging from the destruction I just caused I’m dimly aware of the sound of massive foot falls coming slowly up the stairs. Even in my infuriated state I’m not eager to face down that orderly. I dart down the hall and around the corner as the beast lumbers into the room I’d just left. I hear it milling about in there for a time, before it slowly backs down the stairs.

Fatigue begins to set in as my adrenaline wears off. My face is in quite a bit of pain and I want Celestia to wake up again more than anything. I could really use some of that healing action. My confidence is higher than ever now as I turn back to the maze of rooms and corridors. I begin my search again. I pass door after door resolutely ignoring the horrors within.

The sounds of footsteps reach my ears. I quickly duck into a small side office and crouch under the desk. Cursing softly to myself I realize I didn’t shut the door behind me. Slowly it creaks open and I see someone wearing a pair of tennis shoes step inside. My pulse quickens again as they approach the desk. I tense, ready to leap and attack when I hear a voice that sends relief flooding through me.

“Please tell me that’s you under there.”

“Oh god, Mike!” I rise with a grin and see him standing there, gun in hand but fortunately not aimed at me. He looks a little on the haggard side, but definitely better off than me. “Are you alright?”

He takes in my numerous wounds with a frown. “Better than you. Where’s your horn?”

I shake my head. “Don’t worry about it right now. I’ll be fine but we need to find Markus and get the hell out of her.”

He nods. “If you’re sure you’re alright. That’s a lot of blood though.”

I sigh. “I know but we have to keep moving. Who knows what else-“ It happens faster than I can react.

The door flies open revealing an unnaturally tall, gaunt man-like creature in a lab coat. I say creature because instead of fingers on the end of his hands he has ten glowing blue syringes. A sick mask obscures most of his face, and his small spectacles are oddly reflecting making his eyes hard to make out. With the speed of a striking snake one hand jabs into the side of Mike’s neck. The officer jerks rigidly but still brings his weapon up firing several shots into the doctor creature’s chest and abdomen. It staggers back and hits the wall opposite the officer we’re in, slowly slumping to the floor.

Angry blue-black lines are racing from the injection sight through Mike’s neck and down toward his chest. “Oh god Mike! Mike are you alright?!”

He holds his hand to his neck but nods slowly. “I… I think so. It doesn’t hurt. It’s kinda nice actually. Like… warm and tingly. I think I’ll be…”

I never know what he thought he would be. His mouth moves but no words come out. The blue lines beneath his skin spread faster and faster. Soon his whole body is a solid blue hue. He’s oddly still and I tentatively reach out to him. “…Mike?”

The moment my fingers touch his arm, his flesh crumbles to dust. One second there’s a full grown man sitting on the floor, the next there’s a pile of glittering blue dust in his clothes. I remain kneeling where I was, hand outstretched. Eyes wide and mouth open in shock. My mind just can’t comprehend what I saw. Then I hear his voice. It’s coming from everywhere at once.

“Ohhhh! Gotta watch out for that concentrated magic if you’re a normal old human! It’s not good for you y’know?”

Discord. A good man just died, murdered in cold blood and he’s laughing and joking. I don’t think I’ve ever known what true hatred had felt like until now. There are people I don’t like, people I absolutely can’t stand. But there’s never been someone I wished bodily harm on until now. Tentatively I sift through Mike’s remains and claim his badge. I’m not sure if this is a real life thing or not, but in movies they always present the badge of a deceased officer to the family. I clench the small bit of metal in my hands giving Mike Haggerty a moment of silence.

Pocketing the badge I pick up his gun as well. I’m no stranger to fire arms. I’ve been hunting with my uncle plenty of times. But this is the first time I’ve held one with the intent to use it on another sentient being. I rise from my kneeling position and step back into the hall, feeling oddly numb. The Doctor monster is stirring slowly. Feeling that same numb sensation I raise the gun, leveling it between the things eyes and pulling the trigger. I only flinch a little from the resulting blood spray.

I turn away from the dead thing and resume my search. Mouth set in a tight line and pistol clenched tightly in my right hand I start checking doors, leaving them open as I pass. The living occupants take one look at me and scurry away into the halls. None of them make so much as one hostile move toward me.

Finally I come to another curious door. Construction paper cut outs of puffy white clouds and rainbows decorate it. There’s no window to see in, so I simply push the door open. There lying in the middle of the room is my brother. He’s barely recognizable his face is so badly beaten and mutilated but I see his chest rising and falling. Slipping the gun into the waist band of my jeans I approach. “It’s going to be alright Markus. We’re going home.”

His eye cracks open. Rather than relief he looks alarmed. “Be…hind you…”

I reach for the gun as I spin on my heels. The small fists collide with my cheek hard enough to lift me off my feet and sending me smashing into the opposite wall. Intense pain screams in my face. My cheek’s probably broken. If the wall wasn’t padded I’m sure I would have broken plenty of other bones.

Groggily I raise my head to see my attacker. It’s Elizabeth. But her wild eyes are a vivid violet hue, not entirely unlike Celestia’s. Her hair falls in tangled waves of pink, yellow, and purple. She titters a happy giggle as she slams her door shut. “Oh Auntie Tia… finally. I’m very cross with you, you know? Here I mistook Auntie Lulu for you. I feel so terrible. I’d been waiting for you for so long then she came along and well… I got a bit over excited.”

I try to get off the ground but she crosses the room in a flash, pinning me down with her knees. She’s half my size but it feels like she weighs hundreds of pounds. Her knees grind into my back painfully. “No. No, no, no no noooooo no! No Auntie Tia. You can’t go now! You’ve only just gotten here! Why we need to have tea! I did so love having tea with you.”

She hops from my back and delivers a vicious stomp to the small of my back just above my tail bone. I hear something snap and lose feeling in my legs. She must have broken something back there. My anguished scream seems to bring her great delight.

“Ohhh it’s just like I imagined Auntie Tia! Oh you’re here! Finally, finally. And now… Oh now Auntie Tia. You get to pay for what you did.”

It’s hard to think through all the pain. “What… What did she do?”

Elizabeth skips around the room, her hair bouncing merrily as she comes back around to me. She grips me by the jaw and lifts me off the ground. I can’t hold in another scream as her fingers dig into my broken cheek and my back sends stabbing pain through my body.

“What did YOU do you mean? Silly Auntie, I know you’re in there. Died in fire. Everypony. Who else has that much fire hm? Discord told me everything. How you killed Equestria!” She throws me against the wall. Everything else is in so much pain by now I don’t even feel the new impact. “Now… Now you’re here. You have to pay Auntie Tia. For all of my little ponies. For my husband. For Twilight. For everypony.”

I try to tell her that’s not how it happened but instead of words, thick gout of blood comes from my mouth. Maybe a rib punctured one of my lungs? God I hope Celestia is back soon or we’re all going to die. Elizabeth or more likely Princess Cadance is rambling on and on. I tune most of it out and try to focus on healing. I feel the warmth in my stomach spreading to my back and face but it’s not as strong as when Celestia did it.

And then she’s back, picking me up off the ground again. “Now… I want to see you Auntie Tia. The real you. I want to see your pretty eyes as I pluck them from your head! Show me! Stop hiding behind this human waste of space!”

She shakes me violently sending fresh waves of agony rolling from my back to the rest of me. Her free hand flips into the air, fingers poised to rake her broken nails across my face. A masculine bellow comes from behind her. Markus is on his feet, gripping the heavy hospital bed over his head. Screaming all the while he brings it down on Cadance, smashing her flat to the floor.

I drop to the ground limply looking up at him in shock. He just shrugs. “Luna’s been knitting me back together the last hour. Once Cadance realized I was her host and not Celestia’s she stopped torturing me. She’s fixing up the inside as fast as she can. Just got my arms and legs working again. Pretty shitty rescue by the way.”

I can’t help but cough a soft laugh. “You’re… Welcome.”

His face softens. “Thank you. For coming for me. That’s pretty ballsy.” He kneels down and gathers me in his arms, turning to the door.

“Wait. Her too.”

He stops. “Her too? You don’t mean the psycho bitch who spent the last day torturing the shit out of me and beating the shit out of you just now?”

“It’s not her… mmm… not her fault. And she’s one of us Markus. I have… have pills as the cabin. Can keep her under control.”

He scowls and for a moment I think he’s going to ignore my request. Then his head tilts to the side and he looks away, as if he was listening to someone else. “…fuck. Fine. Why the fuck not? I’ll bring her but you owe me. You BOTH do.”

I assume he’s referring to Luna and I. “Sure. Can you get us out of her fast?”

He lays me beside the unconscious Cadance. “…fine. Fine! Shit I said fine! Take it!”

He staggers as his hair begins to waft gently on its own. When his eyes open again they’re a gentle teal color. “Hello Erin. It’s a pleasure to meet you in person. Though circumstances could be better.” Markus’ mouth moves but Luna’s voice comes from it.

I nod. “Just a bit.”

Luna frowns at her niece, gently moving the bed from her. “Poor Cadance. She’s such a kind soul, she truly is. The shock of our deaths and the loss of her husband must have hit her hard. Discord has had her under his thumb her entire life here. I cannot imagine the torments she endured. Rest assured my sister and I will have her restored soon.”

“W-well good. So… Can you take us to the cabin?”

“Your home yes?” She sighs. “This is going to be unpleasant.” Her fists clench at her sides as she grits her teeth. All at once a long midnight blue horn erupts from Markus’ forehead. I wince in sympathy; I know how painful that is.

Luna kneels for a moment before she regains her composure. “I will pluck the location from your mind if that’s alright? Just focus on your home Erin.”

I nod and do as she asks. She rests a hand on Cadance and myself as I feel the air tingle with building magic. Just before we vanish I see Discord standing in the doorway, leering at me with a wide and unpleasant smile. He mouths something silently to me just as I’m whisked away on Luna’s magical currents.

I shudder. I can’t get his silent message out of my head. ‘See you soon.’

Author's Note:

Woof. Well that was a rough chapter to get through! I struggled with what to do to Mike for a while. It was either what happened, or pony-ing him. Went with the death for a more powerful impact on just how far Discord has sunk. Anyway, it's going to start getting more pleasant from here, I promise. ^^;

I did a couple small rewrites too. The dream in chapter 1 and Erin's big speech in chapter 11 have been rewritten to come more in line with the main story.