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Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along. Don't make me call the Brute Squad.

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  • 203 weeks
    A Demon on Hiatus

    Hello, everyone, as some of you may have noticed, A Demon in Equestria has been set to On Hiatus. With the start of the final arc (the Wedding), I want to make sure everything is completed and ready before presenting it to you, and I honestly don’t know how long that might take. (I’m hoping no more than maybe a month

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  • 337 weeks
    Character Sheets for Through A Darkened Mirror, part 4

    Happy Holiday, everyone!  Well, here we are, the last character sheet blog for Through A Darkened Mirror.  Hopefully it has provided some amusement for you (and possibly a little insight into what I am trying to portray with the characters).

    And now, here are our last two “guests”, Twilight Sparkle and Mirror!World Trixie!

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  • 339 weeks
    Character Sheets for Through A Darkened Mirror, part 3

    We are getting close to the end here, only one more Character Sheet blog after this, so, without further ado, I give you Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

    Rarity    Hair: Blue; Eyes: Blue; Height: 5’7”

    Val          Char       Cost        Roll         Notes
    12            STR         0              11-           Lift 32.0kg; 2d6; [3]

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  • 346 weeks
    Character Sheets for Through A Darkened Mirror, part 2

    And we’re back with our second installment, this time starring Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy!

    Oh, and before I forget, if anyone has any requests for a character they want to see the write-up for, please put them in the comments, and I’ll see what I can do.

    Fluttershy             Hair: Pale Pink; Eyes: Cyan; Height: 5’2”

    Val          Char       Cost        Roll         Notes

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  • 354 weeks
    Character Sheets for Through A Darkened Mirror, part 1

    Hey folks.

    I know new chapters have been pretty sporadic, so, as an apology, I’d like to share some of the character sheets I made to help me get a handle on the ponies and other characters in the story (and, admittedly, just for the fun of it :pinkiehappy:).

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Character Sheets for Through A Darkened Mirror, part 4 · 7:37am Dec 22nd, 2017

Happy Holiday, everyone!  Well, here we are, the last character sheet blog for Through A Darkened Mirror.  Hopefully it has provided some amusement for you (and possibly a little insight into what I am trying to portray with the characters).

And now, here are our last two “guests”, Twilight Sparkle and Mirror!World Trixie!

Twilight Sparkle                                Hair: Violet with a Pink Streak; Eyes: Purple; Height: 5’5”

Val          Char       Cost        Roll         Notes
15            STR         0              12-           Lift 200.0kg; 3d6; [3]
19            DEX        6              13-           OCV: 6 DCV: 6
15            CON       4              12-
12            BODY    0              11-
20            INT         10            13-           PER Roll 13-; 15- Smell/Hearing
19            EGO        12            13-           ECV: 6
18            PRE         8              13-           PRE Attack 3 1/2d6
18            COM       4              13-

3/10         PD           0                              Total: 3/10 PD (0/7 rPD)
3/10         ED           0                              Total: 3/10 ED (0/7 rED)
4              SPD        1                              Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
6              REC        0
30            END        0
28            STUN     0                              Total Characteristic Cost: 45

Movement:             Running: 8” (16” noncombat)
                                Swimming: 2” (4” noncombat)
                                Leaping: 3"

Base OCV              6              Base DCV              6

Final OCV             6              Final DCV             6
Levels: +1 w/Flexible Esper Powers; +3 w/Equestrian Wizardry

Flexible Esper Powers: Variable Power Pool, 80 base + 40 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1); Limited Class Of Powers Available (esper effects; -1/4); all slots Visible (magenta aura; -1/4)

Transmuted Alicorn
1) +5 STR END 1; 2) +2 DEX; 3) +3 CON; 4) +2 BODY; 5) +3 EGO; 6) Sharp-Eared And Keen-Nosed: +2 PER with all Sense Groups but Sight Group; 7) Swift: Running +2” (8” total) END 1
Esper Awareness: Mental Awareness, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees); Esper Shields: Mental Defense (14 points total); Mental Fortitude: +20 END; Only For Esper Abilities (-1); Faster Than Expected: +1 SPD; Quicker Than Normal: +5 DEX

Striking Appearance: +2/+2d6; Equipment Points: 60; Follower/Contact Points: 5; SINless; Vehicle/Base Points: 10

Bump Of Direction; Eidetic Memory; Speed Reading (x10)

+3 with Equestrian Wizardry; +1 with Esper Powers

Acting 8- (6-); Bureaucratics 13- (11-); CK: Canterlot 8-; CK: Ponyville 8-; CK: Tacoma 8-; Climbing 8-; Computer Programming (Personal Computers) 8-; Concealment 8-; Conversation 8- (6-); CuK: Academics and Researchers 11-; Cramming; Cryptography; Translation Only (-1/2) 8-; Deduction 13-; High Society 8- (6-); Instructor 13- (11-); Navigation (Air) 8-; Oratory 8- (6-); PS: Author 11-; PS: Equestrian Wizard 16-; PS: Librarian 11-; PS: Mercenary 8-; PS: Singer 8- (6-); Paramedics 8-; Persuasion 13- (11-); Power: Equestrian Wizardry 15-; Power: Esper 8-; Research 13-; SS: Equestrian Magical Abilities 15-; SS: Esper Abilities 8-; Shadowing 8-; Stealth 8-; TF: Balloons; Tactics 8-; Teamwork 13-

1) Language: Arabic (Modern) (replaces Saddle Arabian) (fluent conversation; literate); 2) Language:  English (replaces Equestrian) (idiomatic; literate); 3) Language: French (replaces Prench) (fluent conversation; literate); 4) Language: German (replaces Germane) (fluent conversation; Literate); 5) Language: Japanese (replaces Neighponese) (basic conversation; literate); 6) Language: Kazakh (replaces Yakistani) (basic conversation; literate); 7) Language: Latin (replaces Pre-Classical Unicornian) (fluent conversation; literate); 8) Language: Russian (replaces Griffion) (fluent conversation; literate); 9) Language: Swahili (replaces Zebrican) (basic conversation; literate)

1) KS: Dimensional Magic 11-; 2) KS: Equestrian Arcane And Occult Lore 15-; 3) KS: Equestrian History 13-; 4) KS: Equestrian Layman's Arcane And Occult Lore 8-; 5) KS: Equestrian Supernatural Beings 13-; 6) KS: Equestrian Wizardry 16-; 7) KS: Library Science 14-; 8) KS: Parapsychology 8-; 9) KS: Tacoma Gang Colors And Customs 8-; 10) KS: Tacoma Gangs 8-; 11) KS: The Equestrian Mystical World 15-; 12) KS: The Esper World 8-
Total Powers & Skill Cost: 346
Total Cost: 391

175+        Disadvantages
0              Distinctive Features:  Esper Signature (Concealable; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)  Note: Twilight generates a detectable esper signature at all times, but can dampen it if she concentrates.  While concentrating on controlling her esper output, she can perform simple tasks (such as making lunch), but not complex ones (such as computer repairs), and may break concentration if surprised.  Concentration is lost automatically if Twilight becomes involved in combat, is rendered unconscious, or falls asleep.  Any attempt to detect an Obvious Esper is at +2 (on top of any other bonuses), +0 if she is concentrating on dampening her power.
0              Normal Characteristic Maxima
10            Physical Limitation:  Powers Are Occasionally Out Of Control (Infrequently; Greatly Impairing)  Note: Twilight’s powers are so great she can’t control them at all times.  Unlike Esper Side Effects, this Limitation can affect the esper directly, as opposed to just her surroundings.  It should occur when certain appropriate conditions have been met, such as: the esper becomes Enraged (or Berserk); an Activation (or EGO) Roll is failed, a Susceptibility has been triggered, or the esper herself is sick, intoxicated, or under the influence of mind- or emotion-altering drugs.
10            Physical Limitation: Unfamiliar With Current World (Frequently; Slightly Impairing) Note: Twilight doesn't fully comprehend the day to day rules of society that most people take for granted.  Examples include when to not cross a street, how to drive a car, what a telephone is for, how to summon emergency help, etc.  Twilight simply has no grounding in the rules and taboos of modern life.  Most skills involving blending in or interacting with other people are performed at a -2 modifier, and Twilight cannot take any Knowledge Skills dealing with her current culture at greater than Familiarity.
15            Psychological Limitation:  Headstrong (Very Common; Moderate)  Note: Twilight is stubbornly bent on having her own way.  Once she decides on a course of action, she sticks to it regardless of what anyone else does or says.  While she won't insist on ridiculous courses of action, if her idea makes any sort of sense at all, she will want to follow it instead of someone else's idea, and will try to persuade others that her's is the plan to use.  At the Moderate level, Twilight can give up her own plan or idea in favor of someone else's when necessary.
10            Psychological Limitation:  Must Have A Plan (Common; Moderate)  Note: Twilight is obsessed with planning out all of her activity.  The root of this problem is that she fears the unknown.  Without forethought, Twilight is convinced that some important point or item will be forgotten, causing failure.
The goal determines how elaborate the plan needs to be.  A hasty huddle to determine which guards each character is going to be responsible for in an impromptu ambush may be a sufficient plan for the circumstances.  Sneaking into a lich's tower to steal an ancient artifact may need a more detailed plan to make Twilight comfortable.
At the Moderate level, Twilight likes to use lists to make sure nothing is forgotten.
15            Psychological Limitation:  Passionate About Learning (Common; Strong)  Note: Twilight is emotionally involved about the subject of learning, education and academic study.  When talking about learning, she speaks emphatically and with great emotion.  When acting towards increasing her own (or another’s) knowledge, she does so with verve and zest.  Her enthusiasm for learning seems boundless, and she never backs off of it if she can help it.  In order to avoid acting in this manner, Twilight must make an Ego Roll.
10            Psychological Limitation:  Perfectionist (Common; Moderate)  Note Twilight has to have everything just right, all the time.  She is driven to succeed at all times, and feels that failure is not an option.  Because of this, Twilight becomes unwound when things stray from her carefully set plans, or if she fails at a given task.  (For that matter, Twilight becomes unwound if she doesn't succeed as greatly as she expected).  At the Moderate level, Twilight can resist being disturbed when things are not as she plans them to be when necessary.
0              Psychological Limitation: Phobia of Quesadillas (Very Uncommon; Strong)  Note: Twilight is deathly afraid of quesadillas, and will freeze up when confronted with them.  At the Strong level, Twilight can make an Ego Roll to resist her fear and act normally.
10            Psychological Limitation: Prefers Diplomacy To Force (Common; Moderate)  Note: Twilight believes that violence should be used as a last resort.  This does not mean that Twilight won’t ever resort to violence, or that she is bad at fighting, it simply means that she will use talk and discussion to try and resolve problems before fighting.  At the Moderate level, Twilight can fight before talking if she deems it necessary.
15            Psychological Limitation:  Reluctant to Kill (Common; Strong)  Note: Twilight has moral convictions against using lethal force on an opponent; however, these convictions are not so strong that she refuses to recognize that lethal force may be the solution to some situations.  Under extreme circumstances, Twilight must make an Ego Roll in order to use lethal force.  Generally, the "extreme situations" involve saving the lives of others.
10            Social Complication:  Esper (Frequently; Minor)  Note: Espers both fascinate and frighten people.  Media reports tend to emphasize the destructive nature of esper powers while presenting the subtle message that espers are something other than human.  When coupled with the term “esper weapon”, the result is most people treat the average esper as a loaded gun, capable of going off at any moment.  More powerful espers are looked at as living weapons of mass destruction, just waiting for some event to trigger wide-spread devastation.  Worse yet is the fear of telepathic intrusion.  While this power is extremely rare, most people think all espers are telepaths and there’s an unvoiced fear that “they” are reading the minds of the people around them, digging out dark secrets and the like.  The end result is most known espers are treated with a certain degree of fear and apprehension and will find it hard for anyone to accept them as themselves and not treat them as living weapons.
5              Social Limitation: Minor (Under 18) (Occasionally; Minor)
106          Experience Points
Total Disadvantage Points: 391

                Standard Equipment


1) Level 2 Spectracloth Jacket: Armor (7 PD/7 ED); Activation Roll 11- (locations 7-12; -1), OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4); 2) Spectracloth Boots: Armor (4 PD/4 ED); Activation Roll 9- (locations 16-18; -1 1/2), OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4)


1) Flashlight: Sight Group Images 1" radius, +/-3 to PER Rolls; OAF (-1), Only To Create Light    (-1), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 1 Hour (-0) END [1 cc]; 2) Radio Headset: Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group); OIF (-1/2), Sense Affected As Hearing Group As Well As Radio Group (-1/4); 3) Palmtop Computer: OAF (-1)

Example Powers for Flexible Esper Power VPP

                Twilight has the potential to manifest any known esper ability, or variant thereof, although she may need to do research or see the ability in use before that particular application occurs to her.  Here are her most commonly used powers:

Stun Bolt: Twilight can unleash a bolt of mental energy that interferes with the target’s neural system, inflicting unconsciousness without the risk of physical harm.
                Ego Attack 6d6; Visible (magenta aura; -1/4) Real Cost: 24

Strong Force Bolt: Twilight can produce bolts of pure telekinetic force with which to pummel her foes.
EB 12d6; Cannot Be Bounced (-1/4), Visible (magenta aura; -1/4) Real Cost: 40

Telekinesis: Twilight can manipulate objects without coming into physical contact with them. She can lift, throw, and even crush objects using just the power of her mind.
Telekinesis (30 STR; lift 1600kg); Cannot Punch (-1/4), Visible (magenta aura; -1/4) Real Cost: 30

Telekinetic Wall: This ability allows Twilight to protect herself, or others, by creating a sturdy telekinetic barrier between herself and incoming attacks.
FW (12 PD/10 ED; 2" long and 1" tall); Limited Range (8”; -1/4), Visible (magenta aura; -1/4) Real Cost: 38

Telekinetic Matter Transmission: Twilight is capable of instantly transporting herself across distances without passing through the intervening space.
Teleportation 15", Safe Blind Teleport (+1/4); Visible (magenta aura; -1/4) Real Cost: 30

Background/History: Twilight Sparkle has come a long way from the days when she was Princess Celestia’s devoted, but asocial, student.  Now, as the Princess of Friendship, she has friends, adventures and responsibilities she never imagined.
                And now, thanks to the accident with the Mirror Portal, those responsibilities include keeping her friends together and safe in a strange and frequently hostile world.

Personality/Motivation: An avid reader with a love of learning, Twilight is always there for her friends, eager to help and solve any problem that anypony has. Organized and clever to a fault, her stubborn and obsessive nature can sometimes get her into trouble. She tends to favor logic over intuition, believing in only what she can prove rationally, giving her a healthy desire to ask questions.
                In an odd way, being trapped through the Mirror isn’t so different from her old life: Twilight still tries to be polite and courteous to others, regularly immerses herself in study about the world around her and its wonders, and goes on frequent adventures with her friends.  Only now, those “wonders” are esper talents rather than spells or magical phenomena, and the “adventures” are criminal activities (although she often pushes for jobs that, while legally “grey”, are more about helping out others than merely making a profit).

Quote: "You know, choosing not to choose isn't really a decision."

Powers/Tactics: While she would prefer to talk things out, and is almost always willing to offer a second chance and the hand of friendship, Twilight is as much a powerhouse on this side of the Mirror as she was back in Equestria.  While she lacks the pure brute power of Ran or The Empress, her sheer versatility means that, with enough experience and research, she could possibly rise to world-class ability in only a few years.
                While she lacks the weapons training or physical combat skills of her friends, Twilight is not to be taken lightly in a fight.  Her Telekinetic Wall can shrug off most small arms fire, while her Force Bolt hits with the strength of a 20mm rifle, and her Stun Bolts can potentially render even a robust individual unconscious in a single strike.

Appearance: Between her café’ au lait colored skin, attractive features and long violet hair (with a pink streak), Twilight is a rather memorable young woman, especially when combined with her lingering social awkwardness and occasionally excessive enthusiasm.  She has developed a fondness for sweater vests (preferably purple), and wears them regularly.

Trixie Lulamoon                Hair: Cornflower Blue with Pale Grey Stripes; Eyes: Purple; Height: 5’5”

Val          Char       Cost        Roll         Notes
10            STR         0              11-           Lift 100.0kg; 2d6; [2]
20            DEX        15            13-           OCV: 7 DCV: 7
13            CON       6              12-
10            BODY    0              11-
16            INT         6              12-           PER Roll 12-
16            EGO        12            12-           ECV: 5
15            PRE         5              12-           PRE Attack: 3d6
16            COM       3              12-

2/7           PD           0                              Total: 2/7 PD (0/7 rPD)
3/8           ED           0                              Total: 3/8 ED (0/7 rED)
4              SPD        0                              Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
5              REC        0
30            END        2
24            STUN     2                              Total Characteristic Cost: 51

Movement:             Running: 6” (12” noncombat)
                                Swimming: 2” (4” noncombat)
                                Leaping: 2”

Base OCV              7              Base DCV              7

Final OCV             7              Final DCV             7
Levels: +1 w/Esper Powers

Esper Powers: Multipower, 60-point reserve, all slots Esper Side Effects (-1/4)
1) Force Bolt: EB 8d6; Cannot Be Bounced (-1/4), Esper Side Effects (bolts furrow the ground along their path; -1/4) END 4; 2) Telekinesis: Telekinesis (30 STR; lift 1600 kg); Cannot Punch (-1/4), Esper Side Effects (small objects in the immediate vicinity will be lifted into the air and may be pushed, pulled or crushed along with the target; -1/4) END 4; 3) Telekinetic Push-Off: Leaping +10" (Accurate); Esper Side Effects (deforms, indents or cracks the ground at both the “push-off” and landing site of the esper’s leap; -1/4) END 1; 4) Telekinetic Rending: RKA 2d6; No Knockback (-1/4), Esper Side Effects (cracks and shatters the ground in a broad area around the target; -1/4) END 3; 5) Telekinetic Shield: FF (10 PD/5 ED); Esper Side Effects (loose or small objects are pulled into the air around the esper, causes interference with nearby radios and similar communication systems (apply Activation 15-); -1/4) END 1; 6) Telekinetic Wall: FW (10 PD/8 ED; 2" long and 1" tall); No Range (-1/2), Restricted Shape (ring; -1/4), Esper Side Effects (cracks and shatters the ground in a ring around the esper, may blow-out adjacent windows; -1/4) END 5
Quicker Than Normal: +5 DEX; Faster Than Expected: +1 SPD; Esper Awareness: Mental Awareness, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees); Esper Physiology: LS  (Longevity: 200 Years); Esper Shields: Mental Defense (13 points total); Mental Fortitude: +6 END; Only For Esper Abilities (-1); Phantasms: Mental Illusions 8d6 (Human class of minds); Side Effects, occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Brainburn (2d6 STUN damage); -1/2) END 4

Striking Appearance: +1/+1d6; Computer Link (Corporate Databases); Equipment Points: 60; Follower/Contact Points: 11; Fringe Benefit:  Corporate ID Card (3 pts), Doc Wagon Contract (Gold), Passport, Security Clearance (2 pts); Money:  Well Off ($200k/year); Reputation: A leading researcher on espers (scientists) 11-, +2/2d6; Vehicle/Base Points: 20

+1 with Esper Powers

Acting 11-; Bureaucratics 13-; Climbing 8-; Computer Programming (Personal Computers) 12-; Concealment 8-; Contortionist 8-; Conversation 8-; Deduction 12-; Electronics (Medical Systems, Medical Sensors) 8-; High Society 8- (9-); Inventor 14-; Language:  English (idiomatic; literate); Language:  French (idiomatic; literate); Language:  German (fluent conversation; literate); Language:  Japanese (fluent conversation; literate); PS: Corporate Executive 11-; PS: Play Guitar 11-; PS: Research Scientist 16-; PS: Stage Illusionist 11-; Paramedics 8-; Persuasion 12-; Power: Esper 11-; Research 12-; Seduction 8-; Shadowing 8-; Sleight Of Hand 13-; Stealth 8-; Streetwise 8-; Systems Operation (Communications Systems, Medical Sensors) 12-; TF:  Small Motorized Boats, Small Motorized Ground Vehicles, Small Rowed Boats

1) SS:  Biology 12-; 2) SS:  Esper Abilities 16-; 3) SS:  Genetics 13-; 4) SS:  Psychology 11-

1) KS: Business 8-; 2) KS: Celestia Medical Systems History And Customs 12-; 3) KS: Corporate Law 8-; 4) KS: Current Clothing Fashions And How To Apply Them 8-; 5) KS: Esper Abilities 14-; 6) KS: Great Illusionists Of History 12-; 7) KS: Parapsychology 11-; 8) KS: Stage Magic 11-; 9) KS: Tales Of The Bayou 8-; 10) KS: The Academic/Scientific World 11-; 11) KS: The Corporate World 11-; 12) KS: The Entertainment World 8-; 13) KS: The Esper World 11-; 14) KS: The North American Pacific Rim Economic/Political World 8-; 15) KS: Wines 8-

1) CK: Neo Orleans 8-; 2) CK: Seattle 8-; 3) CuK: Academic Society 12-; 4) CuK: Asian Corporate Society 11-; 5) CuK: Cajun Society 12-; 6) CuK: Stage Magician Society 11-; 7) CuK: Western Corporate Society 11-
Total Powers & Skill Cost: 279
Total Cost: 330

175+       Disadvantages
0              Distinctive Features:  Esper Signature (Concealable; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)  Note: Trixie generates a detectable esper signature at all times, but can dampen it if she concentrates.  While concentrating on controlling her esper output, she can perform simple tasks (such as making lunch), but not complex ones (such as computer repairs), and may break concentration if surprised.  Concentration is lost automatically if Trixie becomes involved in combat, is rendered unconscious, or falls asleep.  Any attempt to detect an Obvious Esper is at +2 (on top of any other bonuses), +0 if she is concentrating on dampening her power.
0              Distinctive Features:  Occasionally Refers To Herself In The Third-Person
10            Hunted:  Celestia Medical Systems 8- (Mo Pow; NCI; Watching)
0              Normal Characteristic Maxima
15            Physical Limitation:  Cyber-Rejection (Infrequently; Fully Impairing)  Note: Trixie is unable to receive cyberware implants.  She can use bioware systems, but only if the artificial organs are grown from her own cells (at 3x the monetary cost and a lengthy wait for the organ to become ready for implantation).
10            Physical Limitation:  Powers Are Occasionally Out Of Control (Infrequently; Greatly Impairing)  Note: Trixie's powers are so great she can’t control them at all times.  Unlike Esper Side Effects, this Limitation can affect the esper directly, as opposed to just her surroundings.  It should occur when certain appropriate conditions have been met, such as: the esper becomes Enraged (or Berserk); an Activation (or EGO) Roll is failed, a Susceptibility has been triggered, or the esper herself is sick, intoxicated, or under the influence of mind- or emotion-altering drugs.
15            Psychological Limitation:  Brash (Common; Strong)  Note: Trixie is overconfident in social situations.  As such, she treats everyone as her equal, regardless of social standing, and speaks her mind without fear (or tact).  She often comes across as being cocky or arrogant.
10            Psychological Limitation:  Loyal To Celestia Medical Systems (Common; Strong)
15            Psychological Limitation: Panics In The Face Of Danger (Common; Strong)  Note: Trixie falls to piece when confronted with physical danger, and must make an Ego Roll to be able to act in any sort of controlled manner.
15            Psychological Limitation:  Reluctant to Kill (Common; Strong)  Note: Trixie has moral convictions against using lethal force on an opponent; however, these convictions are not so strong that she refuses to recognize that lethal force may be the solution to some situations.  Under extreme circumstances, Rainbow must make an Ego Roll in order to use lethal force.  Generally, the "extreme situations" involve saving the lives of others.
10            Psychological Limitation:  Showoff (Common; Moderate)  Note: Trixie does whatever she can to get people's attention on herself.  Not everything Trixie does is done in this light, but anything that could possibly be considered attention-getting is done with just a little bit more panache and flair, with the intention being that she wants others to see how well she does it.
10            Social Complication:  Esper (Frequently; Minor)  Note: Required Disadvantage for all esper characters.  Espers both fascinate and frighten people.  Media reports tend to emphasize the destructive nature of esper powers while presenting the subtle message that espers are something other than human.  When coupled with the term “esper weapon”, the result is most people treat the average esper (such as a PC esper) as a loaded gun, capable of going off at any moment.  More powerful espers are looked at as living weapons of mass destruction, just waiting for some event to trigger wide-spread devastation.  Worse yet is the fear of telepathic intrusion.  While this power is extremely rare, most people think all espers are telepaths and there’s an unvoiced fear that “they” are reading the minds of the people around them, digging out dark secrets and the like.  The end result is most known espers are treated with a certain degree of fear and apprehension and will find it hard for anyone to accept them as themselves and not treat them as living weapons.
5              Unluck: 1d6
33            Experience Points
Total Disadvantage Points: 330

                Standard Equipment


Designer Biosteel Skirt Suit: Armor (5 PD/5 ED); Activation Roll 11- (locations 7-14; -1), Real Armor (-1/4), IIF (-1/4) plus +1 with High Society; OIF (-1/2)


1) Headset Comlink: Radio Perception/ Transmission (Radio Group); OIF (-1/2), Affected As Hearing Group As Well As Radio Group (-1/4) plus AK: area described in specific map skillsoft, Variable Special Effects (any number of different areas, one at a time; +1/4); OIF (-1/2) 12- plus Absolute Time Sense; Requires DNI-Capable Device And Accessible Datacable Or Cranial Cellphone/Radio (-1/2), OIF (-1/2) plus Bump Of Direction; OIF (-1/2) plus Cramming ; Requires DNI-Capable Device And Accessible Datacable Or Cranial Cellphone/Radio (-1/2), OIF (-1/2) plus Speed Reading (x10); Requires DNI-Capable Device And Accessible Datacable Or Cranial Cellphone/Radio (-1/2), OIF (-1/2); 2) Palmtop Computer: OAF (-1)

Background/History: Born in the backwater swamps of Louisiana, a young Trixie dreamed of being a magician, amazing and astounding audiences around the world.  Unfortunately, her growing esper talents put an end to such ambitions, as a distraught Trixie soon learned that no one would take her skills seriously when there was even a chance that she had used telepathic powers to “cheat”.
                Forced to, reluctantly, give up her cherished childhood dreams, but not the flamboyant persona she had developed, Trixie pursued higher education, and eventually became a renowned research into the esper phenomena.  When her old college roommate offered her a position in Celestia Medical Systems’ research department, she eagerly accepted, and has never looked back.

Personality/Motivation: Trixie has a love of theatrics that she rarely gets to indulge as a scientist, and has been known to exaggerate her abilities from time to time.  Having lived a relatively sheltered life, Trixie often reacts poorly to dangerous situations, quickly succumbing to panic and terror, however, she is capable of genuine acts of courage despite her fear.
                When she was younger, Trixie had the idiosyncratic habit of referring to herself in the third-person, although she now only does so in her internal monologue ... mostly.  She also has a mild addiction to peanut butter crackers.

Quote: "Ah ha ha ha ha ha! Trixie's cunning plan has succeeded!"

Powers/Tactics: Trixie possess the rare telepathic ability to implant hallucinations and false sensory information into another’s mind, potentially completely altering a subject’s perception of reality, although doing so can cause her considerable mental stress.
                Despite her esper abilities, Trixie is a scientist, not a fighter, and she knows it.  If faced with physical danger, she relies on Telekinetic Shield to defend herself, augmented by Telekinetic Wall if she needs additional protection, and Phantasms to confuse and confound her enemies as she flees.
                Trixie is not helpless, however, and her Force Bolt and Telekinetic Rending powers give her offensive options when backed into a corner, while her Phantasms can potentially trick an adversary’s mind into believing they have suffered injuries.

Appearance: In her late 30s, Trixie stands 5’5” tall with a trim, well-proportioned build, while her waist-length hair is light blue with streaks of pale grey running through it.  Although she wears suits and lab coats at work, she prefers more flamboyant attire when on her own time.

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