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Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along. Don't make me call the Brute Squad.

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  • 203 weeks
    A Demon on Hiatus

    Hello, everyone, as some of you may have noticed, A Demon in Equestria has been set to On Hiatus. With the start of the final arc (the Wedding), I want to make sure everything is completed and ready before presenting it to you, and I honestly don’t know how long that might take. (I’m hoping no more than maybe a month

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  • 337 weeks
    Character Sheets for Through A Darkened Mirror, part 4

    Happy Holiday, everyone!  Well, here we are, the last character sheet blog for Through A Darkened Mirror.  Hopefully it has provided some amusement for you (and possibly a little insight into what I am trying to portray with the characters).

    And now, here are our last two “guests”, Twilight Sparkle and Mirror!World Trixie!

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  • 339 weeks
    Character Sheets for Through A Darkened Mirror, part 3

    We are getting close to the end here, only one more Character Sheet blog after this, so, without further ado, I give you Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

    Rarity    Hair: Blue; Eyes: Blue; Height: 5’7”

    Val          Char       Cost        Roll         Notes
    12            STR         0              11-           Lift 32.0kg; 2d6; [3]

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  • 346 weeks
    Character Sheets for Through A Darkened Mirror, part 2

    And we’re back with our second installment, this time starring Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy!

    Oh, and before I forget, if anyone has any requests for a character they want to see the write-up for, please put them in the comments, and I’ll see what I can do.

    Fluttershy             Hair: Pale Pink; Eyes: Cyan; Height: 5’2”

    Val          Char       Cost        Roll         Notes

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  • 354 weeks
    Character Sheets for Through A Darkened Mirror, part 1

    Hey folks.

    I know new chapters have been pretty sporadic, so, as an apology, I’d like to share some of the character sheets I made to help me get a handle on the ponies and other characters in the story (and, admittedly, just for the fun of it :pinkiehappy:).

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Character Sheets for Through A Darkened Mirror, part 2 · 10:31am Oct 26th, 2017

And we’re back with our second installment, this time starring Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy!

Oh, and before I forget, if anyone has any requests for a character they want to see the write-up for, please put them in the comments, and I’ll see what I can do.

Fluttershy             Hair: Pale Pink; Eyes: Cyan; Height: 5’2”

Val          Char       Cost        Roll         Notes
13            STR         0              12-           Lift 151.6kg; 2 1/2d6; [3]
16            DEX        12            12-           OCV: 5 DCV: 5
14            CON       4              12-
11            BODY    0              11-
13            INT         3              12-           PER Roll 12-; 14- Smell/Hearing
11            EGO        2              11-           ECV: 4
5/35         PRE         -5             10-           PRE Attack 1d6/7d6
22            COM       7              13-

3/10         PD           0                              Total: 3/10 PD (0/7 rPD)
3/10         ED           1                              Total: 3/10 ED (0/7 rED)
3              SPD        4                              Phases: 4, 8, 12
5              REC        0
28            END        0
25            STUN     0                              Total Characteristic Cost: 28

Movement:             Running: 8” (16” noncombat)
                                Swimming: 2” (4” noncombat)
                                Leaping: 2 1/2"

Base OCV              5              Base DCV              5
                                                Cowering                +2
Final OCV             5              Final DCV             7
Levels: +1 w/NarcoJect Pistol

Transmuted Pegasus
1) +3 STR END 1; 2) +2 DEX; 3) +2 CON; 4) +1 BODY; 5) Sharp-Eared And Keen-Nosed: +2 PER with all Sense Groups but Sight Group; 6) Swift: Running +2” (8” total) END 1
Mind of the Innocent: Mental Defense (7 points total); The Stare: +30 PRE; Only To Make A PRE Attack (-1), Incantations (Required Incantations throughout; berating of target; -1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2) plus +30 PRE; Only To Protect vs. PRE Attacks (-1), Linked (PRE; -1/2)

Striking Appearance: +3/+3d6; Equipment Points: 105; Follower/Contact Points: 5; SINless; Vehicle/Base Points: 10

Bump Of Direction

Animal Empathy: +4 with Animal Handler and PS: Animal Trainer; Cowering: +2 with DCV; Drives Like Crazy: Combat Driving 12-; Unconscious Grace: +2 with Interaction skills; Does Not Affect Animal Handling (+0)

Acting 8- (7-); Animal Handler (Bats. Birds, Bovines, Canines, Deer, Felines, Insects & Anthropoids, Rabbits, Raptors, Reptiles & Amphibians, Sheep, Ursines) 13- (17-); CK: Cloudsdale 9-; CK: Ponyville 8-; CK: Tacoma 8-; Climbing 8-; Concealment 8- (7-); Conversation 8- (7-); Deduction 8-; High Society 8- (7-); KS: Animals Of The Everfree Forest 12-; KS: Current Equestrian Clothing Fashions And How To Apply Them 8-; KS: Tacoma Gang Colors And Customs 8-; KS: Tacoma Gangs; Language: English (replaces Equestrian) (idiomatic; literate); Navigation (Air, Land) 8-; Paramedics 14- (18-); Persuasion 8- (7-); Shadowing 8- (7-); Stealth 8- (7-); Streetwise 8- (7-); Systems Operation (Medical Systems) 8-; TF: Small Motorized Vehicles; Tactics 8-; Teamwork 8- (7-); WF: Tranquilizer Guns

Jack of All Trades
1) PS: Animal Trainer 13- (17-); 2) PS: Cook 11-; 3) PS: Fashion Model 11- (10-); 4) PS: Medic 8-; 5) PS: Mercenary 8-; 6) PS: Music Conductor 13-; 7) PS: Play Tambourine 8-; 8) PS: Seamstress 12-; 9) PS: Singer 12- (11-); 10) PS: Song Writer 14-; 11) PS: Vet 14-
1) SS: Biology 12-; 2) SS: Medicine 8-; 3) SS: Pharmacology (Herbalisim) 12-; 4) SS: Veterinary Medicine 14-; 5) SS: Zoology 13-
Total Powers & Skill Cost: 190
Total Cost: 218

175+        Disadvantages
10            Distinctive Feature: Amazing Beauty (Concealable)
0              Normal Characteristic Maxima
5              Physical Limitation: Klutz (Infrequent; Slightly Impairing) Note: Her nervousness makes Fluttershy clumsy.  She tends to trip a lot, bang her head on low-hanging objects, drop things, etc.  She's at -1 to any Dexterity-based roll that is non-critical; klutzes tend to lose their clumsiness when their lives are at stake.
10            Physical Limitation: Unfamiliar With Current World (Frequently; Slightly Impairing) Note: Fluttershy doesn't fully  comprehend the day to day rules of society that most people take for granted.  Examples include when to not cross a street, how to drive a car, what a telephone is for, how to summon emergency help, etc.  Fluttershy simply has no grounding in the rules and taboos of modern life.  Most skills involving blending in or interacting with other people are performed at a -2 modifier, and Fluttershy cannot take any Knowledge Skills dealing with her current culture at greater than Familiarity.
15            Psychological Limitation: Passionate About Animals (Common; Strong) Note: Fluttershy is emotionally involved about animals.  When talking about animals, she speaks emphatically and with great emotion.  When acting toward the welfare of animals, she does so with verve and zest.  Her enthusiasm for animals seems boundless, and she never backs off of it if she can help it.  In order to avoid acting in this manner, Fluttershy must make an Ego Roll.
10            Psychological Limitation: Shy (Common; Moderate) Note: Fluttershy is uncomfortable in the presence of strangers.  Fluttershy has trouble speaking to strangers, and when she does speak, is barely articulate.  She tends to be a quiet individual, even when she does speak.  At the Moderate level, Fluttershy is uncomfortable around strangers, and tends to be quiet even with her friends, and suffers a -1 penalty to Interaction skills.
10            Psychological Limitation: Unassertive (Common; Moderate) Note: Fluttershy finds it difficult to impose her presence or opinions on others, particularly if she thinks they will react negatively.  She will seldom speak out on an issue, or interrupt a conversation.  She will often endure much emotional or physical suffering rather than speak up.  At the Moderate level, she can sometimes force herself to make her opinions heard.
20            Psychological Limitation: Will Only Fight in Self-Defense And Will Not Kill (Common; Total) Note: Fluttershy will only fight to protect herself or those in her care.  She will only use reciprocal force (meaning, she only uses as much force as she is attacked with), and will encourage others to either not start fighting or to cease fighting once it has begun.  At the Total level, Fluttershy will only start a fight under the direst of situations.
Furthermore, Fluttershy will never resort to deadly force except in the most dire of circumstances (such as "kill or the planet dies" or "kill one to prevent a million deaths").  Unlike Code vs. Killing, however, Fluttershy doesn't try to dictate her beliefs to her companions.  She won't like other people using lethal attacks, but she also won't interpose herself between them and a target.
5              Social Limitation: Minor (Under 18) (Occasionally; Minor)
0              Experience Points
Total Disadvantage Points: 218

                Standard Equipment


1) NacroJect Pistol: EB 3d6, NND (rigid Resistant PD or appropriate LS: Immunity; +1/2); OAF (-1), 12 Charges (-1/4), Beam (-1/4), Limited Range (30”; -1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), STR Minimum (-1/4) plus +1 with Ranged Combat; OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4) END [12]; 2) NarcoJect Clips: 2 clips


1) Level 2 Spectracloth Jacket: Armor (7 PD/7 ED); Activation Roll 11- (locations 7-12; -1), OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4); 2) Spectracloth Boots: Armor (4 PD/4 ED); Activation Roll 9- (locations 16-18; -1 1/2), OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4)


1) Flashlight: Sight Group Images 1" radius, +/-3 to PER Rolls; OAF (-1), Only To Create Light    (-1), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 1 Hour (-0) END [1 cc]; 2) Radio Headset: Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group); OIF (-1/2), Sense Affected As Hearing Group As Well As Radio Group (-1/4); 3) Nomad Panel Truck

Experimental Medical Bracer
a) Low-Grade Diagnostic Computer: OIF (-1/2) (See Below); b) Painaway Injector: Aid  STUN 2d6, Delayed Fade Rate (points fade at the rate of 5 per 5 Minutes; +1/2); 4 Charges (-1), OIF (-1/2), Side Effects, occurs automatically  (-1 to INT-Skills; -1/2), Side Effects, occurs automatically (user takes EB 2d6 when the drug's effects fade; -1/2) END [4]; c) Quickheal Injector: Simplified Healing 1d6; Extra Time (5 Minutes, -2), 3 Charges (-1 1/4), OIF (-1/2), Does Not Heal Damage From Poison, Disease, or Radiation (-1/4) END [3]; d) Sedative Injector: Drain STUN 4d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Hour; +1), NND (rigid Resistant PD or appropriate LS: Immunity; +1); 2 Charges (-1 1/2), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), OIF (-1/2) END [2]

Medical Kit
a) Basic Medical Supplies: +4 with Paramedics; Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), OAF (assorted bandages, tools, and so on; -1); b) Synthskin Patches: Paramedics 15-; OAF     (-1), Only To Stop Bleeding (-1), 6 Charges      (-3/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2) END [6]; c) Painkillers: Aid  STUN 1d6, Delayed Fade Rate (points fade at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4); OAF (-1), 12 Charges (-1/4) END [12]; d) Stimulants: Aid  END 1d6, Delayed Fade Rate (points fade at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4); OAF (-1), 12 Charges (-1/4) END [12]

Background/History: Animal trainer and caretaker, member of the Pony Tones singing group and de facto veterinarian of Ponyville, Fluttershy has always preferred a quiet life.  Her choice of friends, however, means excitement finds her far more often they she really likes.
                The world beyond the portal has been particularly trying on the Element of Kindness, with her desire to help everyone running straight into the bleakness, violence, and apathy that seems to be endemic to this world.

Personality/Motivation: Fluttershy is typically very timid and soft-spoken, a trait that only becomes more pronounced when she meets new people or is the center of attention.  Despite her shyness, Fluttershy is very kind person, to the point that she will actually force herself into public roles if it would help another (although she will be inwardly terrified the entire time).
                The voice of caution amongst her friends, Fluttershy does her best to encourage them to find non-violent (or, at least, non-lethal) means of completing their jobs.  Her pacifistic leanings have been known to exasperate Sunset, while Fluttershy often finds the razorgirl’s aggressiveness and willingness to resort to deadly tactics equally trying.

Quote: "I wanna be brave at home, locked in my closet, with my teddy bear!"

Powers/Tactics: The least confrontational of the group, Fluttershy, prefers to support her friends from the rear, often relying on a pilfered experimental medical bracer to help her with her duties as the team's medic.  Despite her distaste for violence, Fluttershy has reluctantly bowed to the realities of her new world, and now carries a NarcoJect tranquilizer pistol for defense.
                Her timorous nature notwithstanding, Fluttershy’s ability to scold beings far more dangerous than herself remains as powerful on this side of the Mirror as it was in Equestria, though she is usually loath to use it, at least in part due to the greater willingness of beings from this side of the portal to resort to violence when angered, frightened or even merely annoyed.

Appearance: With her curvy frame, long shapely legs, wealth of pink hair and gentle-featured face, Fluttershy looks just like the fashion model she once was.  Despite her noticeable beauty, Fluttershy tends to blend into the background when surrounded by her physically larger and more outgoing friends, a situation she is actually quite happy with.

Medical Bracer Diagnostic Computer

Val          Char       Cost        Roll         Notes
14            INT         4              12-           PER Roll 12-; ECV 5
14            DEX        12            12-           OCV: 5 DCV: 5
3              SPD        6                              Phases: 4, 8, 12
                                                                Total Characteristics Cost: 22

Intrusion Firewall: Mental Defense (5 points total); Vital Signs Monitor: Detect Vital Signs 13- (Radio Group), Discriminatory, Analyze; No Range (-1/2)

System Memory: Eidetic Memory; Instant On: Lightsleep

Program: Diagnose Condition; Program: Suggest Treatment from Database; Program: Synchronize To External Biomonitor

KS: Medical Database 11-; KS: Medicine 12-; Paramedics 12-
Total Powers & Skill Cost: 33
Total Cost: 55/5 = 11

Pinkie Pie             Hair: Pink; Eyes: Light Blue; Height: 5’3”

Val          Char       Cost        Roll         Notes
17            STR         2              12-           Lift 263.9kg; 3d6; [3]
14            DEX        9              12-           OCV: 5 DCV: 5
15            CON       4              12-
12            BODY    0              11-
12            INT         2              11-           PER Roll 11-; 13- Smell/Hearing
10            EGO        0              11-           ECV: 3
12/27       PRE         2              11-           PRE Attack: 2d6/4d6
16            COM       3              12-

4/11         PD           1                              Total: 4/11 PD (0/7 rPD)
3/10         ED           0                              Total: 3/10 ED (0/7 rED)
3              SPD        6                              Phases: 4, 8, 12
6              REC        0
40            END        5
29            STUN     0                              Total Characteristic Cost: 34

Movement:             Running: 8” (16” noncombat)
                                Swimming: 2” (4” noncombat)
                                Leaping: 3”

Base OCV              5              Base DCV              5

Final OCV             5              Final DCV             5

                Transmutated Earth Pony

1) +5 STR END 1; 2) +1 DEX; 3) +3 CON; 4) +2 BODY; 5) Sharp-Eared And Keen-Nosed: +2 PER with all Sense Groups but Sight Group; 6) Swift: Running +2" (8" total) END 1
Cloudcuckoolander: +15 PRE; Only To Protect vs. PRE Attacks (-1); Pinkie Sense: Luck 5d6; That Filly Can be Creepy!: +10 PRE; Only To Make Fear-based PRE Attacks (-1); Wait, How Did She Get Over There?: +1 SPD (phases 3, 6, 9, 12); Only Out Of Combat (-1) plus Running +2" (10” total); Only Out Of Combat (-1) END 1

Stashes Throughout The Metroplex: Equipment Points: +30; Activation Roll 12- (chance of the stash having what she currently wants; -3/4); Striking Appearance: +1/+1d6; Equipment Points: 65; Follower/Contact Points: 10; SINless; Vehicle/Base Points: 10

Pinkie Sense: Danger Sense (immediate vicinity, out of combat, Function as a Sense, Intuitional) 11-; Double Jointed; Eidetic Memory

How Does Pinkie Know These Things?: +4 with Deduction

Acrobatics 12-; Acting 8- (6-); Animal Handler (Reptiles & Amphibians) 8-; CK: Marerogate 8-; CK: Ponyville 8-; CK: Tacoma 8-; Climbing 8-; Computer Programming (Personal Computers) 8-; Concealment 11-; Contortionist 13-; Conversation 8- (6-); CuK: Party Animals 11-; CuK: Rock Farmers 8-; Deduction 11- (15-); Demolitions 11-; Disguise 8-; KS: Pie Family History And Traditions 11-; KS: Tacoma Gang Colors And Customs 8-; KS: Tacoma Gangs 8-; KS: The Ponies of Ponyville 13-; Language:  English (replaces Equestrian) (idiomatic; literate); Lockpicking 12- (13-); Mechanics 11-; Paramedics 8-; Persuasion 11- (9-); SS: Geology 8-; SS: Partyology (It is too a science, Twilight!) 14-; Security Systems 8- (9-); Shadowing 8-; Sleight of Hand 12-; Stealth 12-; Streetwise 8- (6-); Systems Operation (Communications Jamming Equipment) 8-; TF: Balloons, Skating (iceskating), Small Motorized Ground Vehicles; Tactics 8-; Teamwork 12-; Trading 8- (6-); WF: Small Arms, Early Emplaced Weapons

Jack of all Trades
1) PS: Babysitter 8-; 2) PS: Baker 13-; 3) PS: Mercenary 8-; 4) PS: One-Pony Band 12- (10-); 5) PS: Party Planner 14- (12-); 6) PS: Play Drums 12- (10-); 7) PS: Play Horns 11- (9-); 8) PS: Play Hurdy-Gurdy 11- (9-); 9) PS: Play Keyboards (Pipe Organ) 11- (9-); 10) PS: Practical Jokes 12- (10-); 11) PS: Rock Farmer 11-; 12) PS: Singer 11- (9-); 13) PS: Song Writer 11-
Total Powers & Skill Cost: 210
Total Cost: 244

175+       Disadvantages
10            Enraged:  Someone Breaks A "Pinkie Promise" (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 14-
10            Physical Limitation:  Unfamiliar With Current World (Frequently; Slightly Impairing) Note: Pinkie doesn't fully comprehend the day to day rules of society that most people take for granted.  Examples include when to not cross a street, how to drive a car, what a telephone is for, how to summon emergency help, etc.  Pinkie simply has no grounding in the rules and taboos of modern life.  Most skills involving blending in or interacting with other people are performed at a -2 modifier, and Pinkie cannot take any Knowledge Skills dealing with her current culture at greater than Familiarity.
5              Psychological Limitation:  Chatterbox (Uncommon; Moderate) Note: Pinkie talks -- about anything, everything, and nothing.  Pinkie talks without thinking about it.  At the Moderate level, Pinkie can force herself to shut up when she has to.
20            Psychological Limitation:  Easily Distracted (Very Common; Strong) Note: Pinkie has a great deal of trouble concentrating.  As such, the Power Limitation "concentration" should not be purchased on any power.  She is distracted almost constantly by the world around her, by things such as butterflies, birds, passing vehicles or persons.  Pinkie can manage to concentrate, if needed, with a successful Ego Roll.
10            Psychological Limitation:  Giddy Teenage Girl Syndrome (Common; Moderate) Note: Pinkie suffers from a comically exaggerated behavioral pattern, or rather everyone else around her does.  Pinkie is almost always perky and hyperactive, though she can suddenly swing to another mood and back again on a dime.  She is given to fits of giggling and nonsensical outbursts, understood only by other giddy teenage girls.  She may attach herself to a "best friend" or "boyfriend", completely oblivious to the other person's opinion of them.
10            Psychological Limitation: Heedless (Common; Moderate) Note: Pinkie often acts without thinking or considering the possible consequences of her actions, she just leaps before she looks.  At the Moderate level, Pinkie can manage to plan ahead or show restraint we she has to.
15            Psychological Limitation:  Optimist (Common; Strong) Note: The classic definition that shows the differences between a Pessimist and an Optimist is this: "An optimist believes that this is the best of all possible worlds.  A pessimist fears that this is true."  Pinkie believes that everything will work out for the best in the end.  At the Strong level, Pinkie would need some major bad thing to happen (like having a loved one senselessly murdered) for her cheerful worldview to be shaken.
10            Psychological Limitation:  Prankster (Common; Moderate) Note: Pinkie is a practical joker.  She loves humor, and loves playing tricks on others.  However, the jokes are never deliberately cruel or harmful, and she would never do something of that sort to someone else.  In some cases, the jokes are simple, and in others they are complex, requiring months of set up.  Regardless of the joke, Pinkie loves pulling them.  Pinkie can stop pulling practical jokes when necessary.
15            Psychological Limitation:  Reluctant to Kill (Common; Strong) Note: Pinkie has moral convictions against using lethal force on an opponent; however, these convictions are not so strong that she refuses to recognize that lethal force may be the solution to some situations.  Under extreme circumstances, Pinkie must make an Ego Roll in order to use lethal force.  Generally, the "extreme situations" involve saving the lives of others.
5              Social Limitation:  Minor (Under 18) (Occasionally; Minor)
0              Experience Points
Total Disadvantage Points: 244

                Standard Equipment


1) Monolith Arms P-12 Shotgun With Rubber Shot: EB 8d6, Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2); OAF (-1), Limited Range (40m; -1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), Reduced By Range (-1/4), Reduced Penetration (-1/4), STR Minimum (-1/4), 20 Charges (+1/4) END [20]; 2) Stun Grenades: EB 3d6, Explosion (+1/2); 2 Charges (-1 1/2), OAF (-1), Range Based On STR (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4) plus Sight and Hearing Groups Flash 3d6, Explosion (+1/2); 2 Charges (-1 1/2), OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4), Range Based On STR (-1/4), Linked (EB; -1/4) END [2]; 3) P-12 Loads: 4 clips


1) Level 2 Spectracloth Jacket: Armor (7 PD/7 ED); Activation Roll 11- (locations 7-12; -1), OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4); 2) Spectracloth Boots: Armor (4 PD/4 ED); Activation Roll 9- (locations 16-18; -1 1/2), OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4)


1) Concealed Burglar’s Tools: +1 with Lockpicking and Security Systems; IAF (-1/2); 2) Flashlight: Sight Group Images 1" radius, +/-3 to PER Rolls; OAF (-1), Only To Create Light (-1), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 1 Hour (-0) END [1 cc]; 3) Radio Headset: Radio Perception/ Transmission (Radio Group); OIF (-1/2), Sense Affected As Hearing Group As Well As Radio Group (-1/4)

Background/History: Baker, foalsitter, Element of Laughter, and Ponyville’s preeminent party planner (well, it's only party planner, actually), Pinkie Pie lives to make others happy.  While Pinkie understands that some people are just naturally of a more serious nature (such as Twilight and Applejack), far too many people on this side of the Mirror seem determined to be gloomy-Guses, and Pinkie has made it her personal crusade to get as many as she can to lighten up.

Personality/Motivation: Pinkie is hyperactive, excitable, quirky, and outgoing, often speaking and acting in non-sequiturs.  True to the element of Laughter she represents, she loves to make ponies laugh and smile, and warmly welcomes new faces.
                Pinkie tends to have a lighthearted manner in serious situations, as a result, she is often not taken seriously even by her closest friends, who occasionally call her out on her seemingly illogical behavior.
                Pinkie's love of spreading joy and earnest desire to see all of her friends happy has made her the emotional heart among her friends, and her actions (and antics) do a lot to keep their spirits up during an admittedly trying situation.  She takes it as a personal victory every time she can get a genuine smile (instead of a cynical smirk) out of Sunset.

Quote: "Ha-ha, just kidding.  OR AM I?!?!?  Sometimes I can't even tell!

Powers/Tactics: With her distractibility and habit of treating even deadly serious circumstances as a game, Pinkie can be a trying teammate during a mission, however her eclectic array of skills and simple cheerfulness make her a vital part of the group.
                Pinkie's inexplicable Pinkie Sense continues to provide her with (admittedly vague) premonitions, which, when combined with her talent for being in just the right place at just the right time, has allowed her to turn the tide of a losing battle more than once.

Appearance: Between her mass of poufy pink hair, huge blue eyes and energetic behavior, Pinkie generally comes across as the "cute" one among her friends, and often seems younger than her years.

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