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Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along. Don't make me call the Brute Squad.

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  • 203 weeks
    A Demon on Hiatus

    Hello, everyone, as some of you may have noticed, A Demon in Equestria has been set to On Hiatus. With the start of the final arc (the Wedding), I want to make sure everything is completed and ready before presenting it to you, and I honestly don’t know how long that might take. (I’m hoping no more than maybe a month

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  • 337 weeks
    Character Sheets for Through A Darkened Mirror, part 4

    Happy Holiday, everyone!  Well, here we are, the last character sheet blog for Through A Darkened Mirror.  Hopefully it has provided some amusement for you (and possibly a little insight into what I am trying to portray with the characters).

    And now, here are our last two “guests”, Twilight Sparkle and Mirror!World Trixie!

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  • 339 weeks
    Character Sheets for Through A Darkened Mirror, part 3

    We are getting close to the end here, only one more Character Sheet blog after this, so, without further ado, I give you Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

    Rarity    Hair: Blue; Eyes: Blue; Height: 5’7”

    Val          Char       Cost        Roll         Notes
    12            STR         0              11-           Lift 32.0kg; 2d6; [3]

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  • 346 weeks
    Character Sheets for Through A Darkened Mirror, part 2

    And we’re back with our second installment, this time starring Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy!

    Oh, and before I forget, if anyone has any requests for a character they want to see the write-up for, please put them in the comments, and I’ll see what I can do.

    Fluttershy             Hair: Pale Pink; Eyes: Cyan; Height: 5’2”

    Val          Char       Cost        Roll         Notes

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  • 354 weeks
    Character Sheets for Through A Darkened Mirror, part 1

    Hey folks.

    I know new chapters have been pretty sporadic, so, as an apology, I’d like to share some of the character sheets I made to help me get a handle on the ponies and other characters in the story (and, admittedly, just for the fun of it :pinkiehappy:).

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Character Sheets for Through A Darkened Mirror, part 3 · 2:32pm Dec 13th, 2017

We are getting close to the end here, only one more Character Sheet blog after this, so, without further ado, I give you Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

Rarity    Hair: Blue; Eyes: Blue; Height: 5’7”

Val          Char       Cost        Roll         Notes
12            STR         0              11-           Lift 32.0kg; 2d6; [3]
18            DEX        6              123-         OCV: 6 DCV: 6
14            CON       4              12-
12            BODY    2              11-
15            INT         5              12-           PER Roll 12-; 13- Sight; 14- Smell/Hearing
17            EGO        8              12-           ECV: 6
14            PRE         4              12-           PRE Attack 1d2 1/2d6
18/20       COM       4              13-

2/9           PD           0                              Total: 2/9 PD (0/7 rPD)
2/9           ED           0                              Total: 2/9 ED (0/7 rED)
4              SPD        2                              Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
4              REC        0
28            END        0
25            STUN     0                              Total Characteristic Cost: 35

Movement:             Running: 8” (16” noncombat)
                                Swimming: 2” (4” noncombat)
                                Leaping: 2"

Base OCV              6              Base DCV              6

Final OCV             6              Final DCV             6
Levels: +1 w/Esper Powers; +1 w/Equestrian Wizardry; +3 w/L36 (+2 if not braced)

Martial Arts: Fufu no Geijutsu
Maneuver               OCV       DCV       Notes
1) Block                  +2            +2            Block, Abort
2) Escaping Throw +0            +0            27 STR vs. Grabs, Target Falls
3) Kick                    -2             +1            6d6 Strike
4) Legsweep            +2            -1             3d6 Strike, Target Falls
5) Strike                  +2            +0            4d6 Strike

Esper Powers: Multipower, 50-point reserve, all slots Visible (cornflower blue aura; -1/4)
1) Area Telekinesis: Telekinesis (5 STR; lift 50kg), Fine Manipulation, Area Of Effect (2" Radius; +1), Selective (+1/4); Cannot Punch (-1/4), Visible (cornflower blue aura; -1/4) END 4; 2) Force Bolt: EB 8d6; Cannot Be Bounced (-1/4), Visible (cornflower blue aura; -1/4) END 4; 3) Telekinesis: Telekinesis (25 STR; lift 800kg); Cannot Punch (-1/4), Visible (cornflower blue aura; -1/4) END 4; 4) Telekinetic Barrier: FW (8 PD/6 ED; 2" long and 1" tall); Limited Range (6”; -1/4), Visible (cornflower blue aura; -1/4) END 4; 5) Telekinetic Push-Off: Leaping +10" (12" forward, 6" upward) (Accurate); Visible (cornflower blue aura; -1/4) END 1; 6) Telekinetic Shield: FF (10 PD/5 ED) (Protect Carried Items); Visible (cornflower blue aura; -1/4) END 2

Transmuted Unicorn
1) +2 STR END 1; 2) +1 DEX; 3) +2 CON; 4) +1 BODY; 5) +3 EGO; 6) Sharp-Eared And Keen-Nosed: +2 PER with all Sense Groups but Sight Group; 7) Swift: Running +2” (8” total) END 1
Esper Awareness: Mental Awareness, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees); Esper Shields: Mental Defense (13 points total); Eye For Detail: +1 PER with Sight Group; Faster Than Expected: +1 SPD; Quicker Than Normal: +5 DEX

Striking Appearance: +2/+2d6; Equipment Points: 70; Follower/Contact Points: 13; SINless; Vehicle/Base Points: 10

+1 with Equestrian Wizardry; +1 with Esper Powers

Acting 8- (6-); Animal Handler (Felines) 8-; Breakfall 8-; Bureaucratics 12- (10-); CK: Canterlot 8-; CK: Ponyville 8-; CK: Tacoma 8-; Climbing 8-; Computer Programming (Personal Computers) 8-; Concealment 8-; Conversation 13- (11-); CuK: Equestrian Fashion World Society 11-; CuK: Equestrian Noble Society 11-; Deduction 12-; High Society 3- (12-); Language: English (replaces Equestrian) (idiomatic; literate); Language:  French (replaces Prench) (fluent conversation; literate); Language:  Japanese (replaces Neighponese) (basic conversation; literate); Paramedics 8-; Persuasion 14- (12-); SS: Geology 8-; Shadowing 8-; Stealth 8-; Streetwise 8- (6-); Tactics 8-; Teamwork 13-; Trading 12- (10-); WF: Handguns

Jack of All Trades
1) PS: Fashion Designer 15-; 2) PS: Gem Cutter 11-; 3) PS: Mercenary 8-; 4) PS: Play Keyboards 11- (9-); 5) PS: Play Keytar 8- (6-); 6) PS: Seamstress 15-; 7) PS: Singer 13- (11-)
1) KS: Current Clothing Fashions And How To Apply Them 8-; 2) KS: Current Equestrian Clothing Fashions And How To Apply Them 12-; 3) KS: Equestrian Mystery Fiction And "Film-Noire" Detectives 11-; 4) KS: Fufu no Geijutsu 11-; 5) KS: Tacoma Gang Colors And Customs 8-; 6) KS: Tacoma Gangs 8-; 7) KS: The Equestrian Fashion World 12-; 8) KS: The Esper World 8-; 9) KS: Who's Who In Equestrian High Society 11-
Total Powers & Skill Cost: 250
Total Cost: 285

175+        Disadvantages
0              Distinctive Features:  Esper Signature (Concealable; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)  Note: Rarity generates a detectable esper signature at all times, but can dampen it if she concentrates.  While concentrating on controlling her esper output, she can perform simple tasks (such as making lunch), but not complex ones (such as computer repairs), and may break concentration if surprised.  Concentration is lost automatically if Rarity becomes involved in combat, is rendered unconscious, or falls asleep.  Any attempt to detect an Obvious Esper is at +2 (on top of any other bonuses), +0 if she is concentrating on dampening her power.
10            Distinctive Features:  Fufu no Geijutsu Style
0              Normal Characteristic Maxima
10            Physical Limitation:  Powers Are Occasionally Out Of Control (Infrequently; Greatly Impairing)  Note: Rarity's powers are so great she can’t control them at all times.  Unlike Esper Side Effects, this Limitation can affect the esper directly, as opposed to just her surroundings.  It should occur when certain appropriate conditions have been met, such as: the esper becomes Enraged (or Berserk); an Activation (or EGO) Roll is failed, a Susceptibility has been triggered, or the esper herself is sick, intoxicated, or under the influence of mind- or emotion-altering drugs.
10            Physical Limitation: Unfamiliar With Current World (Frequently; Slightly Impairing) Note: Rarity doesn't fully  comprehend the day to day rules of society that most people take for granted.  Examples include when to not cross a street, how to drive a car, what a telephone is for, how to summon emergency help, etc.  Rarity simply has no grounding in the rules and taboos of modern life.  Most skills involving blending in or interacting with other people are performed at a -2 modifier, and Rarity cannot take any Knowledge Skills dealing with her current culture at greater than Familiarity.
10            Psychological Limitation:  Attention Seeker (Common; Moderate)  Note: Rarity cannot resist putting herself in the spotlight.  She insists on taking center stage whenever she can do so without getting into trouble, and may go to unwise lengths to gain the attention she craves.
This is different from Showoff in that Rarity is really quite willing to share the spotlight with whoever else might want to be there with her.  She believes that there's more than enough glory to go around, and that there's absolutely nothing wrong with the fame and glory being shared equally -- as long as Rarity gets her share too, everything is fine.
15            Psychological Limitation:  Charitable (Common; Strong)  Note: Rarity feels compelled to help her fellow man when her fellow man is in trouble.  She will do what she can to make others comfortable, safe, and healthy.  This usually means things like donating money to charity's, working in a soup kitchen, paying the medical bills of the poor, and other charitable acts.  This Disadvantage is not the same as Sucker For A Sob Story, who is someone who cannot help himself, and can easily be taken advantage of.  Instead, Rarity won't help a person if the "sob story" is false or can be proven to be so.  She will, however, inconvenience herself in order to help out another.
5              Psychological Limitation:  Gossip (Uncommon; Moderate)  Note: Rarity likes to talk about other people.  Without really thinking about it, Rarity will relate to people she talks to the deepest, most embarrassing secrets about her friends, comrades, strangers... it doesn't really matter who they are, she talks about them.  This tends to cause other characters to not fully trust Rarity (or at least edit what they say around her).  Rarity does not do this out of a sense of malice, rather, she doesn't really think about it:  she just talks.  This is also not to say that Rarity cannot be trusted with a truly important secret.  She won't necessarily blab a national security matter to anyone on the street.  However, other characters may well think so.
At the Moderate level, Rarity can resist the urge to spread really juicy news when necessary.
15            Psychological Limitation:  Overly Dramatic (Very Common; Moderate)  Note: Rarity tends to act as if things were more intense than they seem.  When one of her friends is in trouble, she puts on a show of concern that convinces everyone that Rarity is more concerned than anyone else.  She is never just "in love", but is "passionately, devotedly in love".  In short, Rarity's life is a soap opera.  At the very common level, Rarity will get dramatic about everything.  However, she can suppress her natural urge towards melodrama when necessary.
15            Psychological Limitation:  Reluctant to Kill (Common; Strong)  Note: Rarity has moral convictions against using lethal force on an opponent; however, these convictions are not so strong that she refuses to recognize that lethal force may be the solution to some situations.  Under extreme circumstances, Rarity must make an Ego Roll in order to use lethal force.  Generally, the "extreme situations" involve saving the lives of others.
10            Social Complication:  Esper (Frequently; Minor)  Note: Espers both fascinate and frighten people.  Media reports tend to emphasize the destructive nature of esper powers while presenting the subtle message that espers are something other than human.  When coupled with the term “esper weapon”, the result is most people treat the average esper as a loaded gun, capable of going off at any moment.  More powerful espers are looked at as living weapons of mass destruction, just waiting for some event to trigger wide-spread devastation.  Worse yet is the fear of telepathic intrusion.  While this power is extremely rare, most people think all espers are telepaths and there’s an unvoiced fear that “they” are reading the minds of the people around them, digging out dark secrets and the like.  The end result is most known espers are treated with a certain degree of fear and apprehension and will find it hard for anyone to accept them as themselves and not treat them as living weapons.
5              Social Limitation:  Known Gossip (Occasionally; Minor)  Note: Rarity is known as a person who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts about others.  The validity of the facts is often not important.  People will find Rarity for the sole purpose of giving or exchanging gossip.  Some people may actually use her as a method for damaging another's reputation.  If Rarity is not careful, her gossip could also get her in trouble with her bosses, the law, or even the subject of the gossip.
This Disadvantage was Frequently; Minor back in Equestria.
5              Social Limitation: Minor (Under 18) (Occasionally; Minor)
0              Experience Points
Total Disadvantage Points: 285

                Standard Equipment


1) Colt American L36 Pistol With Rubber Bullets: EB 4d6; OAF (-1), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), STR Minimum (-1/4), 11 Charges (-1/4) plus +1 with Ranged Combat; OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4) END [11]; 2) Laser Sight: +2 with Ranged Combat; OAF   (-1), Only +1 OCV Unless User Braces Or Sets (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4), Limited Range (128m; -1/4), Not In Adverse Conditions (-1/4) plus +8 vs. Range Modifier with All Attacks; OAF (-1), Only +4 Versus Range Modifiers Unless User Braces Or Sets (-1/2), Not In Adverse Conditions (-1/4), Limited Range (128m; -1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4); 3) Colt L36 Clips: 2 clips


1) Designer, Stylish Outfit: +1 with High Society; OIF (-1/2) plus +2 COM; OIF (-1/2); 2) Level 2 Spectracloth Long Coat: Armor (7 PD/7 ED); Activation Roll 12- (locations 7-16; -3/4), OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4); 3) Spectracloth Boots: Armor (4 PD/4 ED); Activation Roll 9- (locations 16-18; -1 1/2), OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4)


1) Flashlight: Sight Group Images 1" radius, +/-3 to PER Rolls; OAF (-1), Only To Create Light    (-1), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 1 Hour (-0) END [1 cc]; 2) Radio Headset: Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group); OIF (-1/2), Sense Affected As Hearing Group As Well As Radio Group (-1/4)

Background/History: Singer, professional fashion designer with shops in Ponyville and Canterlot (and one coming for Manehattan), a frequent guest of royalty, and the Element of Generosity, Rarity was well on her way to becoming “the pony everypony should know” when the Mirror Portal malfunctioned.
        Now, what was originally meant to only be a short vacation has become an exile in a frequently hostile culture with no end in sight, Rarity does her best to maintain an optimistic and focused attitude, even as the depressingly widespread selfishness of the people from this world grates against her own charitable nature and instincts.

Personality/Motivation: Rarity has a keen eye for fashion, a strong interest in high society, and always tries to look her best.  While she can be a bit vain and melodramatic, she is quite generous at heart, and frequently works to get those around her to put their best foot forward (even if Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and now Sunset, rarely appreciate her efforts), and, despite her loudly voiced distaste for dirt, Rarity is not above soiling her hands (or ruining her outfit) when it comes to helping those in need.
        Rarity has always thought of herself as a proper lady, even if she enjoys a juicy bit of gossip a bit more than she should, so the choice to become a criminal was one she approached with reluctance, even if it seemed to be the only practical solution available to her and her friends.  Still, she takes comfort in the knowledge that many of the private investigators she loves to read about have been forced to skirt the law in the name of justice and the greater good, and yet remained good ponies, and if they can do it, then so can Rarity and her friends.
        Oh, and all the new fashions she is experiencing!  When they return home (not if, never if), Rarity has so many ideas for new designs ….

Quote: " Of all the worst things that could happen, this is the! Worst!  Possible! Thing!"

Powers/Tactics: Despite Rarity’s delicate nature and often formal personality, she has a propensity for brute force that easily rivals her more physically-inclined friends.  Indeed, Rarity has always been one of the more aggressive members of her circle.
        She is also the most tactically flexible of her group, combining martial arts with firearms training and her esper powers in one dangerous package, a package that many people underestimate due to Rarity’s beauty and cultured behavior.
Rarity's training in Fufu no Geijutsu is similar enough to Tai Ch'i that her Style Disadvantage still applies.

Appearance: Standing 5’7” and with a trim build, Rarity is a vision of elegance and refinement, and she makes a point of always dressing to support that image, with even her most casual clothes showing the flair and style of a designer outfit.

Rainbow Dash     Hair: Polychromatic; Eyes: Cerise; Height: 5’3”

Val          Char       Cost        Roll         Notes
20            STR         7              13-           Lift 400.0kg; 4d6; [4]
22            DEX        30            13-           OCV: 7 DCV: 7
17            CON       10            12-
15            BODY    8              12-
12            INT         2              11-           PER Roll 13-
12            EGO        4              11-           ECV: 4
15/20       PRE         5              12-           PRE Attack: 3d6
16            COM       3              12-

4/11         PD           0                              Total: 4/11 PD (0/7 rPD)
5/12         ED           2                              Total: 5/12 ED (0/7 rED)
4              SPD        8                              Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
10            REC        6
40            END        3
35            STUN     0                              Total Characteristic Cost: 92

Movement:             Running: 10” (20” noncombat)
                                Swimming: 2” (4” noncombat)
                                Leaping: 4”

Base OCV              7              Base DCV              7
                All           +1                            All           +1
Final OCV             8              Final DCV             8
Levels: +1 w/firearms; +4 w/M-24 (+3 if not braced)

Martial Arts: Brawling
Maneuver               OCV       DCV       Notes
1) Dodge                 ---            +5            Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
2) Flying Tackle      +0            -1             4d6 +v/5 Strike; You Fall, Target Falls; FMove
3) Haymaker           -2             +1            8d6 Strike
4) Low Blow           -1             +1            2d6 NND; Blocked by Resistance vs. Interrogation, Lack Of Weakness or solid armor over the groin
5) Punch                  +2            +0            6d6 Strike

Transmutated Pegasus
1) +3 STR END 1; 2) +2 DEX; 3) +2 CON; 4) +1 BODY; 5) Sharp-Eared And Keen-Nosed: +2 PER with all Sense Groups but Sight Group; 6) Swift: Running +2" (8" total) END 1
Aviator's Eyes: +2 PER with Sight Group plus +4 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group plus Rapid ( x10) with Sight Group; Lightning Sprint: Running +12" (22” total); Increased Endurance Cost (x4 END; -1 1/2) END 8; Pfssh, Whatever: +5 PRE; Only To Protect vs. PRE Attacks (-1)

Striking Appearance: +1/+1d6; Equipment Points: 70; Follower/Contact Points: 5; SINless; Vehicle/Base Points: 10

Bump Of Direction; Lightning Reflexes: +2 DEX to act first with All Actions

+1 with All Combat; +1 with firearms; Rapid Attack (Ranged)

Acrobatics 13-; Acting 8- (6-); Animal Handler (Reptiles & Amphibians) 8-; Breakfall 13-; Bureaucratics 8- (6-); CK: Cloudsdale 8-; CK: Ponyville 8-; CK: Tacoma 8-; Climbing 8-; Combat Driving 8-; Combat Piloting 13-; Concealment 8-; Conversation 8- (6-); CuK: Aerobats And Aerial Daredevils 11-; Deduction 8-; KS: Daring Do 11-; KS: Tacoma Gang Colors And Customs 8-; KS: Tacoma Gangs 8-; KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 8-; KS: Weatherpatrol History And Customs 11-; KS: Wonderbolts History And Customs 13-; Language:  English (replaces Equestrian) (idiomatic; literate); Navigation (Air) 11-; PS: Mercenary 8-; PS: Play Guitar 8- (6-); PS: Practical Jokes 11-; PS: Singer 8- (6-); PS: Stunt Flyer 16-; PS: Weatherpony 14-; PS: Wonderbolt 11-; Paramedics 8-; Persuasion 8- (6-); SS: Archeology 8-; SS: Climatology 12-; Shadowing 8-; Stealth 12-; Streetwise 8- (7-); TF: Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles; Tactics 8-; Teamwork 13-; WF: Small Arms, Blades
Total Powers & Skill Cost: 157
Total Cost: 249

175+       Disadvantages
10            Physical Limitation:  Unfamiliar With Current World (Frequently; Slightly Impairing) Note: Rainbow doesn't fully comprehend the day to day rules of society that most people take for granted.  Examples include when to not cross a street, how to drive a car, what a telephone is for, how to summon emergency help, etc.  Rainbow simply has no grounding in the rules and taboos of modern life.  Most skills involving blending in or interacting with other people are performed at a -2 modifier, and Rainbow cannot take any Knowledge Skills dealing with her current culture at greater than Familiarity.
15            Psychological Limitation:  Aggressive In Combat (Common; Strong)  Note: Rainbow might not be a killer, or even someone prone to injuring opponents, but she does want to defeat her enemies as quickly as possible.  With that in mind, Rainbow will use her attack powers at full strength, unless it is obvious that doing so will maim or kill her opponent.  Rainbow will attack full out at first, and then tone her later attacks down to what her opponent can take.  She isn't necessarily interested in pulping her opponent -- just beating him, and quickly.
In addition to not pulling her punches, she will attack the opponent who seems the most dangerous first.  She will also be reluctant to flee a fight if it is going badly for her teammates, and will want to chase a fleeing opponent.  She will not hide behind cover and snipe at her foes, but rather will move up on them and attack.  This Disadvantage is not the same thing as Reckless in Combat; she won't take foolish chances.  However, she will also not be over-cautious.
15            Psychological Limitation:  Headstrong (Very Common; Moderate)  Note: Rainbow is stubbornly bent on having her own way.  Once she decides on a course of action, she sticks to it regardless of what anyone else does or says.  While she won't insist on ridiculous courses of action, if her idea makes any sort of sense at all, she will want to follow it instead of someone else's idea, and will try to persuade others that her's is the plan to use.  At the Moderate level, Rainbow can give up her own plan or idea in favor of someone else's when necessary.
10            Psychological Limitation:  Highly Competitive (Common; Moderate)  Note: Rainbow strives to win any contest she is in, regardless of the nature of the contest, and regardless of whether or not she has any chance of winning.  Because Rainbow can choose not to enter the contest in the first place (but once in is in to win) this is different from Cannot Turn Down A Challenge.  At Common, she becomes competitive in only the "normally obvious" competitive situations.
10            Psychological Limitation: Impulsive (Common; Moderate) Note: Rainbow tends to do things at the spur of the moment, and never hesitates or shows any sense of timing.  She wants what she wants, and she wants it right now, and having to wait only makes her irritated.  In addition, Rainbow often acts without thinking; plans just get in the way.  She knows what to do, and is going to do it, right now.  At the Moderate level, Rainbow can force herself to avoid acting in this manner when necessary.
10            Psychological Limitation:  Prankster (Common; Moderate) Note: Rainbow is a practical joker.  She loves humor, and loves playing tricks on others.  However, the jokes are never deliberately cruel or harmful, and she would never do something of that sort to someone else.  In some cases, the jokes are simple, and in others they are complex, requiring months of set up.  Regardless of the joke, Rainbow loves pulling them.  Rainbow can stop pulling practical jokes when necessary.
15            Psychological Limitation:  Reluctant to Kill (Common; Strong) Note: Rainbow has moral convictions against using lethal force on an opponent; however, these convictions are not so strong that she refuses to recognize that lethal force may be the solution to some situations.  Under extreme circumstances, Rainbow must make an Ego Roll in order to use lethal force.  Generally, the "extreme situations" involve saving the lives of others.
10            Psychological Limitation:  Showoff (Common; Moderate)  Note: Rainbow does whatever she can to get people's attention on herself.  Not everything she will do is done in this light, but anything that could possibly be considered attention-getting is done with just a little bit more panache and flair, with the intention being that Rainbow wants others to see how well she does it.
At the Moderate level, Rainbow can force herself to stop acting in this manner when she must.
5              Social Limitation:  Minor (Under 18) (Occasionally; Minor)
0              Experience Points
Total Disadvantage Points: 249

                Standard Equipment


1) Beretta M-24 Submachinegun With Rubber Bullets: EB 5d6, Autofire (5 shots; +1/2); OAF     (-1), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), STR Minimum (-1/4), Limited Range (200m; -1/4), 30 Charges (+1/4) plus +2 with Ranged Combat; OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4) END [30]; 2) Laser Sight: +2 with Ranged Combat; OAF (-1), Only +1 OCV Unless User Braces Or Sets (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4), Limited Range (128m; -1/4), Not In Adverse Conditions (-1/4) plus +8 vs. Range Modifier with All Attacks; OAF (-1), Only +4 Versus Range Modifiers Unless User Braces Or Sets (-1/2), Not In Adverse Conditions (-1/4), Limited Range (128m; -1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4); 3) Combat Knife: HKA 1d6-1 (1d6+1 w/STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OAF (-1), STR Minimum (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) plus Range Based On STR (+1/4); 1 Recoverable Charge (-1 1/4), OAF (-1), Lockout (Charge Must Be Recovered To Use HKA; -1/2) END [1 rc]; 4) Beretta M-24 Clips: 4 clips


1) Level 2 Urban-Styled Spectracloth Jacket: Armor (7 PD/7 ED); Activation Roll 11- (locations 7-12; -1), OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4) plus +1 with Streetwise; 2) Spectracloth Boots: Armor (4 PD/4 ED); Activation Roll 9- (locations 16-18; -1 1/2), OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4)


1) Flashlight: Sight Group Images 1" radius, +/-3 to PER Rolls; OAF (-1), Only To Create Light (-1), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 1 Hour (-0) END [1 cc]; 2) Radio Headset: Radio Perception/ Transmission (Radio Group); OIF (-1/2), Sense Affected As Hearing Group As Well As Radio Group (-1/4)

Background/History: Member of the Wonderbolts, performer of the legendary Sonic Rainboom, honorary big sister, weather manager for Ponyville and Element of Loyalty, Rainbow is living her dream of being “one of the most awesome” ponies around.
        Even through the Mirror, Rainbow is certain that she is still as cool and radical as ever, and anyone who wants to mess with her friends is going to have to go through her to do it.

Personality/Motivation: Athletic, blunt, competitive and obsessed with looking “cool”, Rainbow Dash is also rather lazy and self-centered, frequently speaking about her own awesomeness, but she always comes through for her friends.
        While her undying loyalty to her friends means that she will always have their backs (eventually, sometimes her competitiveness and egotism get the better of her), it also makes her more likely than her friends to hold onto a grudge, especially against anyone she thinks has harmed those she cares about.
        As far as Rainbow is concerned, being trapped on the other side of the Mirror has been like living an adventure novel.  Sure, she’d like to have legal protection (and real food), and the Mirror stealing her wings was complete horse apples, but Rainbow loves the excitement of being a freelancer, and has taken to ‘Street” culture like a duck to water.

Quote: “Danger’s my middle name.  Rainbow ‘Danger’ Dash."

Powers/Tactics: Between her speed, impulsiveness, and generally aggressive behavior, it is no surprise that Rainbow is one of the group’s assault specialists alongside Sunset.
        While she lacks Applejack’s brute power, Rainbow is one of the most physically capable of her friends, and frequently relies on her extraordinary speed to zip around the battlefield.

Appearance: Barely more than 5’ tall, Rainbow’s multicolored hair and svelte, athletic figure have been known to draw a wandering eye or two … and the occasional snide remark when this distinctive look is combined with her often pugnacious personality.

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