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Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along. Don't make me call the Brute Squad.

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  • 203 weeks
    A Demon on Hiatus

    Hello, everyone, as some of you may have noticed, A Demon in Equestria has been set to On Hiatus. With the start of the final arc (the Wedding), I want to make sure everything is completed and ready before presenting it to you, and I honestly don’t know how long that might take. (I’m hoping no more than maybe a month

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  • 337 weeks
    Character Sheets for Through A Darkened Mirror, part 4

    Happy Holiday, everyone!  Well, here we are, the last character sheet blog for Through A Darkened Mirror.  Hopefully it has provided some amusement for you (and possibly a little insight into what I am trying to portray with the characters).

    And now, here are our last two “guests”, Twilight Sparkle and Mirror!World Trixie!

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  • 339 weeks
    Character Sheets for Through A Darkened Mirror, part 3

    We are getting close to the end here, only one more Character Sheet blog after this, so, without further ado, I give you Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

    Rarity    Hair: Blue; Eyes: Blue; Height: 5’7”

    Val          Char       Cost        Roll         Notes
    12            STR         0              11-           Lift 32.0kg; 2d6; [3]

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  • 346 weeks
    Character Sheets for Through A Darkened Mirror, part 2

    And we’re back with our second installment, this time starring Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy!

    Oh, and before I forget, if anyone has any requests for a character they want to see the write-up for, please put them in the comments, and I’ll see what I can do.

    Fluttershy             Hair: Pale Pink; Eyes: Cyan; Height: 5’2”

    Val          Char       Cost        Roll         Notes

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  • 354 weeks
    Character Sheets for Through A Darkened Mirror, part 1

    Hey folks.

    I know new chapters have been pretty sporadic, so, as an apology, I’d like to share some of the character sheets I made to help me get a handle on the ponies and other characters in the story (and, admittedly, just for the fun of it :pinkiehappy:).

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Character Sheets for Through A Darkened Mirror, part 1 · 11:41am Aug 25th, 2017

Hey folks.

I know new chapters have been pretty sporadic, so, as an apology, I’d like to share some of the character sheets I made to help me get a handle on the ponies and other characters in the story (and, admittedly, just for the fun of it :pinkiehappy:).

Please keep in mind that these are just my take on the characters, other people will have their own (and possibly better) interpretations of how Sunset and the Mane Six would fit into a cyberpunk world.

Now, some of the information in these sheets could be considered spoilers, so consider this your fair warning:


Anyone still here?

Okay, presenting our first Character Sheet entry, Applejack, and for comparison, Aurora “Sunset” Shimmer!

(Sorry, no artwork :fluttershysad:)

Applejack      Hair: Blonde; Eyes: Green; Height: 5’10”

     Val         Char        Cost     Roll    Notes
      25          STR          10       14-     Lift 800.0kg; 5d6; [5]
      15          DEX          12       12-     OCV: 5 DCV: 5
    20/25       CON          14       13-
      17        BODY        10       12-
      12           INT            2        11-     PER Roll 11-; 13- Smell/Hearing
      13          EGO           6        12-     ECV: 4
    15/20        PRE           5        12-     PRE Attack: 3d6
      16          COM          3        12-

     6/13          PD            1                   Total: 6/13 PD (0/7 rPD)
     5/12          ED            1                   Total: 5/21 ED (0/7 rED)
       4           SPD          15                  Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
      10          REC           2
      40          END           0
      45         STUN          4                   Total Characteristic Cost: 89

Movement:             Running: 10” (20” noncombat)
                                Swimming: 2” (4” noncombat)
                                Leaping: 5”

Base OCV              5              Base DCV              5

Final OCV             5              Final DCV             5
Levels: +1 w/Firearms; +1 w/S&W M2019; +3 w/Little Mac (+4 w/Scope)

Martial Arts: Fisticuffs
Maneuver               OCV       DCV       Notes
1) Punch                  +0            +2            7d6 Strike
2) Root                    +0            +0            40 STR to resist Shove; Block, Abort
3) Roundhouse        -2             +1            9d6 Strike
4) Shrug It Off        +2            +2            Block, Abort
5) Takedown           +1            +1            5d6 Strike; Target Falls

Transmutated Earth Pony
1) +5 STR END 1; 2) +1 DEX; 3) +3 CON; 4) +2 BODY; 5) Sharp-Eared And Keen-Nosed: +2 PER with all Sense Groups but Sight Group; 6) Swift: Running +2” (10” total) END 1
Ah'm Not Impressed: +5 PRE; Only To Resist PRE Attacks (-1); Tough: +5 CON; Only To Prevent Being Stunned (-1);  Two-Legged "Buck": HA +5d6, Does x1 1/2 Knockback (+1/2); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Gestures (Requires both hands; drop to ground and kick out backwards with both legs; -1/2), Use Of Power Renders Character Prone (-1/4) END 4

Striking Appearance: +1/+1d6; Equipment Points: 85; Follower/Contact Points: 5; SINless; Vehicle/Base Points: 10

Nose For Lies: Resistance (+4 to roll vs. Persuasion)

+2 with "Little Mac"; +1 with firearms

AK: Ponyville And Surrounding Area 8-; Acting 8- (6-); Animal Handler (Bovines, Canines, Sheep) 13-; Breakfall 12-; Bureaucratics 8-; CK: Tacoma 8-; Climbing 8-; Concealment 8-; Conversation 8- (6-); CuK: Farmers And Ranchers 11-; CuK: Rodeo Culture 11-; Deduction 8-; High Society 8- (6-); Hoist 13-; KS: Agriculture 12-; KS: Apple Clan History And Traditions 11-; KS: Dangers Of The Everfree Forest 11-; KS: Tacoma Gang Colors And Customs 8-; KS: Tacoma Gangs 8-; KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 8-; Language:  English (replaces Equestrian) (idiomatic; literate); Mechanics 8-; Navigation (Land) 8-; Paramedics 8-; Persuasion 8- (6-); Riding 14-; SS:  Forestry 11-; Shadowing 8-; Stealth 8-; Streetwise 8- (6-); Survival (Temperate/Subtropical Forests, Temperate/Subtropical Plains) 11-; TF:  Equines, Small Motorized Ground Vehicles; Tactics 8-; Teamwork 12-; Trading 12- (10-); WF:  Small Arms, Blades, Thrown Knives, Thrown Rope Weapons

Jack of All Trades
1)  PS: Baker 14-; 2)  PS: Carpentry 11-; 3)  PS: Farmer 14-; 4)  PS: Mercenary 8-; 5)  PS: Play Banjo 12- (10-); 6)  PS: Play Fiddle 12- (10-); 7)  PS: Play Guitar 12- (10-); 8)  PS: Rodeo Rider 14-; 9)  PS: Rope Use 14-; 10)  PS: Singer 8- (6-)
Total Powers & Skill Cost: 176
Total Cost: 265

175+        Disadvantages
5              Distinctive Features:  Always Wears Her Cowboy Hat and Speaks With a "Country" Drawl
0              Normal Characteristic Maxima
10            Physical Limitation:  Unfamiliar With Current World (Frequently; Slightly Impairing)  Note: Applejack doesn't fully comprehend the day to day rules of society that most people take for granted.  Examples include when to not cross a street, how to drive a car, what a telephone is for, how to summon emergency help, etc.  Applejack simply has no grounding in the rules and taboos of modern life.  Most skills involving blending in or interacting with other people are performed at a -2 modifier, and Applejack cannot take any Knowledge Skills dealing with her current culture at greater than Familiarity.
15            Psychological Limitation:  Headstrong (Very Common; Moderate)  Note: Applejack is stubbornly bent on having her own way.  Once she decides on a course of action, she sticks to it regardless of what anyone else does or says.  While she won't insist on ridiculous courses of action, if her idea makes any sort of sense at all, she will want to follow it instead of someone else's idea, and will try to persuade others that hers is the plan to use.  At the Moderate level Applejack can give up her own plan or idea in favor of someone else's when necessary.
10            Psychological Limitation:  Highly Competitive (Common; Moderate)  Note: Applejack strives to win any contest she is in, regardless of the nature of the contest, and regardless of whether or not she has any chance of winning.  The frequency of this Disadvantage depends upon what Applejack considers a contest.  At Common, she becomes competitive in only the "normally obvious" competitive situations.
15            Psychological Limitation:  Reluctant to Kill (Common; Strong)  Note: Applejack has moral convictions against using lethal force on an opponent; however, these convictions are not so strong that she refuses to recognize that lethal force may be the solution to some situations.  Under extreme circumstances, Applejack must make an Ego Roll in order to use lethal force.  Generally, the "extreme situations" involve saving the lives of others.
10            Psychological Limitation:  Truthful (Uncommon; Strong)  Note: Applejack always tells the truth, and always keeps her word.  In addition, she does her best to get others to act in the same way.  She assumes that those around her are honest (but will not necessarily allow those who aren't to take advantage of her -- she's not Naive).  At the Strong level, Applejack must make an Ego Roll if she actually wishes to speak an untruth or to break her given word.
5              Social Limitation:  Minor (Under 18) (Occasionally; Minor)
20            Experience Points
Total Disadvantage Points: 265

                Standard Equipment


1)  "Little Mac" Kel-Tec Rifle With Rubber Bullets: EB 7d6; OAF (-1), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), STR Minimum (-1/4), 20 Charges (+1/4) plus +1 with Ranged Combat; OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4) plus +2 vs. Range Modifier with All Attacks; OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4) END [20]; 2)  Telescopic Optical Sight: +1 with Ranged Combat; Must Be Braced Or Set (-1), OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4) plus +9 vs. Range Modifier with All Attacks; OAF (-1), Must Be Braced Or Set (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4) plus +9 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group; OAF (-1), Must Be Braced Or Set (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4) plus +1 PER with Sight Group; OAF (-1), Must Be Braced Or Set (-1), Only To Counteract Darkness Penalties (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4); 3)  S&W M2019 Revolver With Rubber Bullets: EB 5d6; OAF (-1), 6 Charges (-3/4), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), STR Minimum (-1/4) plus +1 with Ranged Combat; OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4) END [6]; 4)  Combat Knife: HKA 1d6-1 (1d6+1 w/STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OAF (-1), STR Minimum (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) plus Range Based On STR (+1/4); 1 Recoverable Charge (-1 1/4), OAF (-1), Lockout (Charge Must Be Recovered To Use HKA; -1/2) END [1 rc]; 5)  Kel-Tec Clips: 4 clips; 6)  S&W M2019 Cylinders: 2 clips


1)  Level 2 Spectracloth Long Coat: Armor (7 PD/7 ED); Activation Roll 11- (locations 7-16; -1), OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4); 2)  Spectracloth Boots: Armor (4 PD/4 ED); Activation Roll 9- (locations 16-18; -1 1/2), OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4)


1)  Flashlight: Sight Group Images 1" radius, +/-3 to PER Rolls; OAF (-1), Only To Create Light (-1), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 1 Hour (-0) END [1 cc]; 2)  Radio Headset: Radio Perception/ Transmission (Radio Group); OIF (-1/2), Sense Affected As Hearing Group As Well As Radio Group (-1/4)

Background/History: Farmer, entrepreneur, Element of Honesty, Applejack has always striven to be a pillar of the community.  This has made it even more of a shock to her when the accident with the portal tossed Applejack and her friends into a world where their very existence put them outside of the law.

Personality/Motivation: Applejack is reliable, hardworking, and honest. As her friends tend to be quirky, Applejack typically acts as the "straight man" in her circle of friends.  Applejack is also the most levelheaded among her friends, able to calmly and logically assess situations that she and the others find themselves in.  Because she places a lot of trust in others, she becomes particularly hurt when that trust is betrayed.
        The realities of this new world have not been easy on Applejack.  Having no choice but to become a criminal in order to survive leaves a sour taste in her mouth, though she strives to remain as honest and dependable as ever.  Applejack also makes a point of keeping an eye on her more impressionable friends, worried that they may be enjoying their newly lawless lifestyle a bit too much.

Quote: “Ya can't run away from yer problems.  Better ta run ta yer friends an’ family.”

Powers/Tactics: A hardy girl possessed of fearsome strength, Applejack has a fondness for direct, physical resolutions to her problems.  Despite her rather unsubtle personality, Applejack has a knack with the rifle she dubbed “Little Mac”, and usually serves as the group’s marksman.
        As strong as many security or combat replicates, and even some cyborgs, Applejack is not someone to take lightly in a brawl, and she has ended more than one confrontation by the simple expedient of putting her boots in the offending party’s chest.

Appearance: Between her height, muscular build, and long blonde ponytail, Applejack tends to stand out in a crowd.  She usually dresses “cowboy” casual and never goes anywhere without her iconic brown Stetson.

Sunset (Aurora Shimmer)          Hair: Red and Yellow; Eyes: Cyan; Height: 5’6”

     Val         Char        Cost     Roll    Notes
      18          STR           5        13-     Lift 303.1kg; 3 1/2d6; [54]
      21          DEX          15       13-     OCV: 7 DCV: 7
      15          CON          10        2-
      13        BODY         6        12-
      15           INT            5        12-     PER Roll 12-; 14- Sight
      14          EGO           8        12-     ECV: 45
    17/22        PRE           7        12-     PRE Attack: 3d6
      18          COM          4        13-

      4/9           PD            0                   Total: 4/9 PD (0/5 rPD)
      3/8           ED            0                   Total: 53/8 ED (0/5 rED)
      4/5          SPD           9                   Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12; 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
       8           REC           2
      34          END           2
      36         STUN          5                   Total Characteristic Cost: 78

Movement:             Running: 6” (12” noncombat)
                                Swimming: 2” (4” noncombat)
                                Leaping: 3 1/2”

Base OCV              7              Base DCV              7
                All           +1                            All           +1
HTH/Ranged           +1
Final OCV             9              Final DCV             8
Levels: +1 DCV (HTH Only), +2 Ranged (Smartlink), +1 w/Ultra-Power, +1 w/SSCP LA-15

Martial Arts: Street Fighting
Maneuver               OCV       DCV       Notes
1) Dodge ---            +5            Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
2) Knee Smash        +2            +0            6 1/2d6 Strike
3) Legsweep            +2            -1             5 1/2d6 Strike, Target Falls
4) Punch  +0            +2            6 1/2d6 Strike
5) Side Kick            -2             +1            8 1/2d6 Strike
6) Weapon Elements: Blades, Clubs, Cyberweapons
+1 HTH Damage Class(es)

Attack Barrier: Mental Defense (18 points total); Software (-1/2); Advanced Cyberbrain: 15 EGO; 5 ECV; Cybersystem (-1/4); Articulation Augmentation: +1 with DCV; Only In HTH Combat (-1/2) plus +1 with Agility Skills plus Double Jointed; Cranial Cell Package: Radio Perception/ Transmission (Radio Group); Cybersystem (-1/4), Restrainable (EMP cut-off switch; -1/4), Affected As Hearing Group As Well As Radio Group (-1/4) plus AK: area described in specific map skillsoft, Variable Special Effects (any number of different areas, one at a time; +1/4); Cybersystem (-1/4), Restrainable (EMP cut-off switch; -1/4) 14- plus Absolute Time Sense; Requires DNI-Capable Device And Accessible Datacable Or Cranial Cellphone/Radio (-1/2), Cybersystem (-1/4), Restrainable (EMP cut-off switch; -1/4) plus Bump Of Direction; Cybersystem (-1/4), Restrainable (EMP cut-off switch; -1/4) plus Cramming; Requires DNI-Capable Device And Accessible Datacable Or Cranial Cellphone/Radio (-1/2), Cybersystem (-1/4), Restrainable (EMP cut-off switch; -1/4) plus Speed Reading (x10); Requires DNI-Capable Device And Accessible Datacable Or Cranial Cellphone/Radio (-1/2), Restrainable (EMP cut-off switch; -1/4), Cybersystem (-1/4); General Purpose Optics: +2 PER with Sight Group; Cybersystem (-1/4) plus +2 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group; Cybersystem (-1/4) plus IR Perception (Sight Group); Cybersystem (-1/4) plus Sight Group Flash Defense (5 points); Cybersystem (-1/4); Basic Muscle Augmentation: +3 STR; Cybersystem (-1/4) END 1; Retractable Forearm Cyber Talons: HKA 1d6+1 (2d6+1 w/STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Restrainable (-1/2), Cybersystem (-1/4), No Knockback (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4) END 0; Smartgun Link: +2 with Ranged Combat; Requires Smartlinked Weapon (-1/2), Cybersystem (-1/4), Limited Range (64m; -1/4) plus +1 vs. Range Modifier with All Attacks; Requires Smartlinked Weapon (-1/2), Limited Range (64m; -1/4), Cybersystem (-1/4); Superior Boosted Reflexes: +6 DEX; Cybersystem (-1/4) plus +1 SPD; Costs Endurance (-1/2), Cybersystem (-1/4) END 1

Child Of The Streets: +5 PRE; Only To Resist PRE Attacks (-1); Combat Swiftness: Running +4" (10” total); Only To Make Half Moves In Combat (-1) END 1; Stubborn Mind: Mental Defense (6 points total)

Striking Appearance: +2/+2d6; Equipment Points: 75; False Identity (Diana Luna); Follower/Contact Points: 5; Fringe Benefit:  Improved Equipment Availability (Street-Level equipment), Licensed Mercenary (as Diana Luna), Weapon Permit (where appropriate; as Diana Luna); SINless; Vehicle/Base Points: 20

+1 with All Combat; +1 with HTH and Ranged Combat; Rapid Attack (Ranged)

Acrobatics 13- (14-); Acting 8-; Breakfall 13- (14-); CK: Puyallup 8-; CK: Seattle Metroplex 8-; Climbing 8-; Combat Driving 13- (14-); Computer Programming (Personal Computers) 8-; Concealment 8-; Conversation 8-; CuK: Seattle Criminal Society 11-; Deduction 8-; Demolitions 12-; Fast Draw (Small Arms) 13- (14-); Language:  City Speak - Seattle (idiomatic); Language:  English (completely fluent; literate); Language:  Japanese (fluent conversation; literate); Mechanics 12-; PS: Bodyguard 8-; PS: Mercenary 11-; PS: Play Guitar 11-; PS: Singer 8-; Paramedics 8-; Persuasion 12-; Shadowing 8-; Stealth 13- (14-); Streetwise 13-; Systems Operation (Cellular and Digital) 8-; TF:  Small Motorized Ground Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles; Tactics 12-; Teamwork 12- (13-); WF:  Common Melee Weapons, Cyber Weapons, Small Arms, Thrown Knives

1)  KS: Local Law Enforcement World 11-; 2)  KS: Local Underworld 8-; 3)  KS: Puyallup Gang Colors And Customs 11-; 4)  KS: Puyallup Gangs 11-; 5)  KS: Tacoma Gang Colors And Customs 8-; 6)  KS: Tacoma Gangs 8-; 7)  KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 8-
Total Powers & Skill Cost: 250
Total Cost: 328

175+        Disadvantages
10            Distinctive Features:  Street Fighting Style
0              Normal Characteristic Maxima
15            Psychological Limitation:  Aggressive In Combat (Common; Strong)  Note: Sunset wants to defeat her enemies as quickly as possible.  With that in mind, she will use her attack powers at full strength, unless it is obvious that doing so will maim or kill her opponent (assuming she has a compunction against doing so).  Sunset will attack full out at first, and then tone her later attacks down to what her opponent can take.  She isn't necessarily interested in pulping her opponent -- just beating him, and quickly.
                In addition to not pulling her punches, she will attack the opponent who seems the most dangerous first.  She will also be reluctant to flee a fight if it is going badly for her teammates, and will want to chase a fleeing opponent.  She will not hide behind cover and snipe at her foes, but rather will move up on them and attack.  This Disadvantage is not the same thing as Reckless in Combat; she won't take foolish chances.  However, she will also not be over-cautious.
15            Psychological Limitation:  Code Of Honor (Common; Strong)  Note: Always keep your word and uphold your end of a contract; always have your buddy's back; always avenge an insult, regardless of the danger; never use torture or willingly endanger innocents if there is any other choice.
15            Psychological Limitation:  Cynical (Common; Strong)  Note: The old joke says that when a Cynic smells flowers, he immediately looks around for the funeral.  Sunset has a hard time believing in virtue and altruism in others.  She believes that when you boil things down to their basics, people only do things that are in their best interests, and everyone has an ulterior motive for everything. Sunset mistrusts "random acts of kindness", as they make her wonder what the other person wants from her.  She tends to be sneering, sarcastic, and have a hard time taking earnest endeavors seriously.  She can also be rather self-righteous, especially when her cynicism is proven right.  At the Strong level of commitment, Sunset must make an Ego Roll in order to avoid acting in this manner.
15            Psychological Limitation:  Use Sarcasm As A Defense Mechanism (Common; Strong)  Note: Sunset makes sarcastic and scathing remarks whenever she is uncomfortable, confused, or frightened.  She usually directs the sarcasm at the cause of her distress, though in times of extreme stress she may tend to lash out at anyone around her.
15            Psychological Limitation:  Will Not "Murder" (Uncommon; Total)  Note: Sunset has no qualms about using lethal force in combat.  Nor does she hesitate to use "excessive" force (bringing a gun to a knife fight, for example).  However, she draws a very distinct line between killing to survive and murder.  Sunset will accept genuine surrender, and won't put an extra shot into a downed opponent "just to make sure", she doesn't fire on non-combatants, and won't make lethal booby-traps, etc.
68            Experience Points
Total Disadvantages Points: 328

                Standard Equipment


1)  Smartlinked Browning Ultra-Power Pistol: RKA 2d6-1; OAF (-1), Beam (-1/4), 11 Charges (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), STR Minimum (-1/4) plus +1 with Ranged Combat; OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4) END [11]; 2)  SSCP LA-15 Assault Rifle: RKA 2d6, +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Autofire (5 shots; +1/2); OAF (-1), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), STR Minimum (-1/4), 30 Charges (+1/4) plus +1 with Ranged Combat; OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4) plus +1 vs. Range Modifier with All Attacks; OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4) END [30]; 3)  Combat Knife: HKA 1d6-1 (1d6+1 w/STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OAF (-1), STR Minimum (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) plus Range Based On STR (+1/4); 1 Recoverable Charge (-1 1/4), OAF (-1), Lockout (Charge Must Be Recovered To Use HKA; -1/2) END [1 rc]; 4)  Browning Ultra-Power Clips: 2 clips; 5)  SSCP LA-15 Clips: 4 clips


1)  Biosteel Biker Suit: Armor (5 PD/5 ED); Activation Roll 13- (locations 6-18; -3/4), OIF (-1/2), Real Armor
(-1/4); 2)  Reinforced Plates for Biker Suit: Armor (+3 PD/+3 ED); Activation Roll 9- (locations 10-12; -1 1/2), OIF
(-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4); 3)  Rigid Shin/Knee Coverings for Biker Suit: Armor (+3 PD/+3 ED); Activation Roll 9- (locations 15-17; -1 1/2), OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4); 4)  Biker Helmet: Armor (5 PD/5 ED); Activation Roll 8- (location 4-5; -2), OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4) plus Sight Group Flash Defense (+3 points; 8 points total); OIF (-1/2)


1)  Palmtop Computer: OAF (-1); 2)  Yamaha Kunoichi Motorcycle

Background/History: Growing up in the Puyallup Zero Zone, Aurora “Sunset” Shimmer quickly learned to do anything she had to in order to survive.  Eventually, Sunset managed to get herself cyber-augmented and acquired a passable set of forged identification papers, allowing her to move out of the Zone and move up to bigger and better things.  Now she works as a gun-for-hire, acting as a courier, bodyguard, or simple street muscle all through the 'Plex, and even back into the Zone, if the money is good.

Personality/Motivation: Snarky and sarcastic, Sunset’s rough upbringing has left her with a pronounced cynical streak.  Despite her caustic demeanor and ferociousness in a fight, Sunset is loyal to her allies, and is actually a rather good person, even if she doesn't want to admit it (even to herself).
        When on the job, Sunset can be quite dedicated to her current employer.  She'll do what's required of her, and will do it promptly and efficiently.
        Sunset is usually reluctant to talk about her childhood in the Zone, seeking to put her past behind her.  She absolutely refuses to discuss how she got her implants and papers, and will angrily cut-off any conversation that strays into such matters.

Quote: "Okay, that might have been overkill.”

Powers/Tactics: Significantly cybered, with synthetic muscle tissue, enhanced neural processors, augmented eyes, and, of course, a Smartgun Link, Sunset is on the verge of needing to get her skeleton reinforced in order to keep her body from tearing itself apart when under the stress of combat.
With her cybernetically enhanced speed and reflexes, along with her natural agility, Sunset will move quickly and often during a fight, and usually acts as an assault specialist.

Appearance: Of average height, Sunset has a thick mane of yellow and red hair that falls past her shoulders and cyan-blue cybereyes, a combination which frequently catches wandering eyes when combined with her well-toned figure.  Sunset’s usual attire consists of a reinforced biosteel biker suit, with her pistol holstered in a shoulder rig and her blade in a boot sheathe.  While she'll adopt more formal modes of dress if required, she does not feel comfortable in "polite society", and prefers to simply don a spectracloth greatcoat over her biker suit when she wants to look more professional.

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