• Published 10th May 2016
  • 34,625 Views, 4,353 Comments

My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks (Part One)

At Canterlot High in the alternate Equestria beyond the portal, the school was bustling with activity. The school was holding a musical showcase this year, and many of the students had joined up together, forming several bands to raise money for the after-school programs held for them. It was a great idea, especially for the humans of the Mane Six as they formed a band of their own, calling themselves the Rainbooms. Although, something strange had happened to them whenever they played music, and none of them, not even Sunset Shimmer, could figure out what was going on.

The former bully of CHS breathed a sigh of relief, leaning against the lockers in the hall after cleaning them. Other students passed by her, though they didn't trust her that much after she swore to change her ways, and doing good deeds to make up for all the damage she had done, both terrorizing the student body and causing collateral damage to the school, didn't seem to help much. The only ones who did care were Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Flash Sentry. Though the teen rocker had forgiven her for what she did, it was still awkward whenever they talked.

Sunset pulled out her phone and scrolled through the pictures she was given. These pictures were kept in a certain file, where the only girl friends she had were seen in each photo, only with something strange that baffled her and the others. Before they formed the Rainbooms, each girl held an instrument, but they also transformed like they had with Twilight overtaking the magic from the Element of Magic to unleash the Elements of Harmony. They had the long ears and tail extension from their hair, along with their appropriate appendages if they weren't earth ponies: Rainbow rocking out on a blue guitar with a red neck, flying in the air with her wings in a music store, Applejack playing a red and orange bass in a pawn shop run by Flim and Flam's human counterparts, Fluttershy shaking a tambourine, entrancing hundreds of hamsters in the animal shelter she volunteers at with a pair of wings on her back, Pinkie Pie going crazy on a drumset, and Rarity playing a keytar in front of three disturbingly looking teenage boys, a white aura horn jutting out from her forehead.

No matter how much she tried to figure out how her friends playing music brought out their Equestrian magic, Sunset just couldn't find the answer. She stowed the pictures away and put her phone back in her pocket, making her way down the halls to the gymnasium. Inside, several students in the bands that would be playing were working on their banners to show off their band's style of performance. A stage had been set up with speakers, mic stands, and a drum set all prepared for the showcase. Sunset wandered around, hoping some of them would want some help with their banners since she wasn't a part of any band, not even the Rainbooms. She didn't want to tarnish the five girls' reputation, though they also didn't ask if she could play an instrument or sing, and asking to join Flash's band would only make things more complicated between the two of them.

Sunset walked over to Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, seeing they were struggling with a creative design for their banner. "Hey, girls. You need any help?"

The three human Crusaders flinched when they heard Sunset, not wanting any assistance from the former school bully. "Uhh, no thanks. We're good."

"Yeah, we've got it," Scootaloo said while Sweetie Belle nodded.

"Oh...Well, ok then." Sunset dejectedly stepped away as the three girls went back to work.

"Sunset Shimmer!" She looked over across the gym to see the only girls who gave her a chance at friendship, Pinkie Pie calling out and waving to her while the others finished up a poster for the showcase. "Over here!"

Sunset made her way over to them, getting dirty looks from the rest of the students. She grimaced as she heard some of them whispering, probably about her and her past she wanted to be rid of. Turning into a heartless monster, nearly a Heartless if Sora didn't manage to save her, would never be forgotten, the darkness she let inside from her anger would forever haunt her. The girls noticed Sunset subconsciously clutching her chest, knowing she had gone through a nearly deadly experience with the darkness that almost got to her.

"Y'all ok there, Sunset?" Applejack asked.

"...I'll be fine," Sunset said, letting out a sigh. "I don't think everyone's going to let go of what I did. I know I won't for the rest of my life..."

"Time heals all wounds, darling," Rarity said, though the ex-bully seemed to disagree with that statement. "I'm sure everyone will recognize your reformation soon." Rarity stood up and held the poster up, showing a few instruments in a starry sky, some music notes floating around as a strip of sheet music fluttered in the background. "But what do you think of this for the showcase? Quite eye-catching advertisement, don't you think?"

"And it smells like cake!" Pinkie chimed in.

"It does?" Fluttershy asked.

She tried to smell it, only to have the poster shoved in her face by Pinkie Pie. "Yeah! I used frosting instead of paste!"

Pinkie pulled the poster away, leaving Fluttershy's face covered with glitter and some frosting on her nose. "Uhh, Flutters? You got a little something right there."

The animal lover brushed her hand over her cheek, barely getting all of the glitter off her. "Did I get it?"

"No. Let me get that off for you," Sunset offered, pulling out a cloth and wiped Fluttershy's face off. "I really don't see how plausible it is to replace glue with frosting, Pinkie. Birds and wild critters are going to eat this poster before anyone else gets to see it."

"Don't forget who you're talking about, Sunset," Rainbow Dash reminded Sunset.

"Right." A moment later, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna walked into the gym to see how far their students were coming along.

"Good afternoon, everyone," Celestia said, getting the teens' attention as the two adults headed to the center of the room. "I would like tell you all how pleased I am to see so many of you participating in the first ever Canterlot High School Musical Showcase!" The students all cheered, everyone highly excited for this event. "This is a wonderful event to hold to raise money for all the after-school programs here in CHS. Keep working on those signs and banners. I have a feeling this is going to be just as exciting as the Fall Formal."

At the mention of the dance, all the students turned to glare at Sunset, mumbling their disdain as it was a memorable event of the school year. Mainly, a near disastrous memory. Sunset winced as all eyes were on her, not helping being reminded of her mistakes she finally stopped several months ago. She sunk to the floor, huddling up to the wall and buried her face in her arms. It was also painful for her as well, not just for them. She nearly lost her heart to the darkness she used, and none of them have any idea how traumatizing it was for her after that night.

It was after the end of the Fall Formal, where it got late and the students attending the dance began heading home. Sora, Twilight, and Spike had already left before midnight, not wanting to be left behind in this world when the portal closed for another month. Even though everyone had already gone home, Sunset had stayed behind to clean up after the party and the debris from the front entrance she destroyed. Once everything was decently cleaned, the tired unicorn-turned-human went out for some air, sitting down by the wall outside the gym.

Sunset looked down at her hands, afraid to see that darkness engulf her fingertips again. Sora had pulled it out of her, but she still felt like it was inside of her, only partially destroyed as it nearly took control of her. She probably didn't deserve a second chance after everything she had done, even as a pony back in Equestria. So self-centered, power hungry, demanding to know more and be a ruler alongside her mentor with the magical power she had as a unicorn. But even then, she was weak, trying to do things her way and ending up with disappointment in the end. Mostly to herself.

She had it all when she was younger: talented at magic, sought out by Princess Celestia herself to be her pupil, learning everything about magic and vying for more. Then, she got too greedy, a sign that lead to her teacher being disappointed at her behavior. Throwing a temper tantrum, she fled and wound up in the human world, lost and alone in a new world with no idea what she turned into and with no magic.

That's when she met Flash. He helped her when she needed it, and she couldn't go back home. Her family would have been worried sick, as well as Celestia, but after what she had done and her anger toward her mentor from denying her what she wished, she couldn't go back. Flash taught her everything, thinking she had some kind of amnesia when she first stood up on her human legs, falling over immediately a second later. He then brought her to school and met the principal, who was surprisingly an exact double of Princess Celestia, which only made her more bitter about her past.

Ignoring how similar her mentor and the head of CHS were, her first day at a human school fascinated her. She learned so many differences between Equestria and this world, even the advancement in technology humans had that couldn't compare with unicorn magic. Since Flash was so popular, everyone at school liked her, some even considered her friends as they got to know her sans her origin before arriving in this world. She even liked Flash: a musician who played the electric guitar, even teaching her how to play a little bit, but despite the way he dresses like a rocker, he was the nicest boy she ever new.

Then, things went right back downhill to her power hungry greed when that year's Fall Formal came around. She went to the dance in a dress Flash had gotten for her since she didn't have a lot of clothes, starting to grow feelings for the boy after the last couple months. Her name was suddenly called as they announced the Princess of the Fall Formal, everyone cheered for her, and she made her way up to the stage where she was given the crown. She felt important, powerful, basking in the glory of winning something she didn't realize her peers had voted in. She really felt like a ruler, and it drove her to become the monster she turned into just moments ago.

She went from famous to infamous as the years passed, bullying others and using students to get what she wants, just like the spoiled little princess she desired to become. Sunset never even knew that the darkness in her heart began building up, getting more aggressive and intimidating to everyone around her. Every Fall Formal, she won by intimidation, blackmail, and mudslinging other girls who wanted to win so she can keep her reign as the princess of the student body.

If Sora and Twilight didn't show up to stop her after she stole the Element of Magic, she would have permanently stayed as the Heartless she almost fully became. Despite everything she did to try to stop them and lower their reputation, they were able to bring it back and increase it instead. Twilight could have just used the Element of Magic's power to obliterate her; Sora could have stabbed her heart with his Keyblade and end her life. But they didn't. They saved her and gave her a second chance, a second chance she should never deserve in either world.

Sunset looked up at the night sky, surprisingly calm after the dreadful storm her darkness caused. She didn't want to be that dreaded demon ever again, and she wasn't going to squander this second chance. She stood up and headed back inside the school, making her way through the dark and empty halls using the light of her cell phone to guide her way. She stood before Principal Celestia's office, the woman having left it unlocked, probably so distracted from tonight's events to lock her door. There, on the wall, were her old pictures of the previous Fall Formal dances as the princess. So innocent from the first one on the left, only to grow more sinister and malicious as she looked further down to the right.

The last one made her look like an evil queen from her perspective now that she wanted to be likable again. The image flashed to what she looked like as a Heartless, her body completely black with glowing red eyes, demonic wings and a crooked horn on her forehead. Sunset grimaced, clenching her fists, hating what she turned into. Not caring if Principal Celestia reprimanded her, she grabbed the pictures of her Fall Formal "victories" and threw them in a trash bin, a relief to her as she vowed to be a better person, and a better pony when she ever returned to Equestria and summoned the courage to apologize to Princess Celestia.

"Never again will I be like that," Sunset promised to herself. "My past is not today..."

The girls left the gym and found themselves an empty classroom used as a rehearsal room, the Rainbooms setting up their instruments to practice for the showcase. Sunset wanted to be away from all of the hateful stares, unable to believe Celestia would bring back the Fall Formal after trying so hard to win everyone's trust back.

"Ugh. I'm never going to live that down," Sunset grumbled.

"Well, you were pretty bad at the Fall Formal," Fluttershy said, not helping Sunset's predicament.

"A Heartless. I turned into a Heartless." The teen paced about, unable to stay away from the past for more than a minute the past few months. "I turned to using the power of darkness to almost kill everyone and turned into a monster."

"Well, it wasn't exactly your fault," Pinkie said. "I mean, how did you even get that darky darkness stuff in you anyway? Radiation? Poison? Meeting a Heartless?"

"How am I supposed to know!?" Sunset shouted, gasping in shock as she tried to calm herself down. She looked at her hands, thankfully seeing no dark aura around her, but she was so deathly afraid of having it come back to her. She let out a frustrated groan and sat down in a nearby chair. "Just...please stop reminding me about that. I'm afraid if I lash out, even verbally, I'll end up turning back into that thing."

"I thought Sora killed that Heartless thing of yours," Rainbow said.

"Technically, yes, but I still feel it inside me." Sunset brought a hand to her chest, trying desperately to keep herself from fading back to that dark part of her. "It's been so difficult trying to win everyone back and prove I'm not the same Sunset Shimmer I was back then, and no one's even giving me a chance."

"Ya still have us," Applejack said. "Even though ya tore our friendship apart and went crazy, we gave ya a chance. Plus, if Twilight and Sora didn't come to stop ya, everyone here in Canterlot High wouldn't have gotten this much closer with each other. That counts for somethin', right?" Sunset groaned in disagreement, Applejack's attempt at finding a positive in Sunset's negative outcomes not helpful to her. "...Ah'll take that as a maybe."

"Maybe a bit of music will lighten the mood!" Pinkie cheered, rushing over to the drum set as the Rainbooms readied their instruments to practice their songs. The bubbly teen lifted her drumsticks up and counted up to start with a few clicks. "One, two, three!"

[The Rainbooms]
There was a time we were apart
But that's behind us now
See how we've made a brand new start
and the future's looking up, ah-oh, ah-oh
And when you walk these halls
You feel it everywhere
Yeah, we're the Wondercolts forever, ah-oh, yeah!

We are all together
(Ah, ah, oh-oh-oh-oh)
Now it's better than ever
(Ah, ah, oh-oh-oh-oh)
You can feel it, we are back (You...can...feel...it)
And I'm so glad that we're better
Better than ever

As they reached the chorus of their song, Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy transformed into their pony forms, their hair growing out to form tails, equine ears, and appropriate appendages as their Equestrian counterparts. Despite the change, they continued playing, the song lifting Sunset's spirits up a little bit as she tapped her foot to the tune. The music they play was pretty catchy, rivaling that of Flash and his band's songs.

Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh
Oh yeah, we're better than ever
Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

[Rainbow Dash]
There was a time we couldn't see
Past the differences

That separated you and me
And it left us on our own

[Pinkie Pie]
But now you walk these halls
And friends are everywhere

[The Rainbooms]
Yeah, we're the Wondercolts forever, ah-oh, yeah!

We are all together
(Ah, ah, oh-oh-oh-oh)
Now it's better than ever
(Ah, ah, oh-oh-oh-oh)
Now that we are back on track (Now...that...we...are)
Yes, I'm so glad that we're better
Better than ever

Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh
Oh yeah, we're better than ever
Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh
Oh yeah, we're better than ever
Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh
Oh yeah, we're better than ever!

After they finished playing, the girls' pony magic disappeared. Even with the odd magic coming out as they played music, Sunset applauded them, their songs always perfect during practice. The Rainbooms put down their instruments, Rarity squealing in delight from the magical transformation.

"I still can't believe that happens when we play!" the fashion designer said excitedly. "Ooh! I need to find the perfect accessories and clothing to make them stand out!"

"As great as havin' the whole ears and tail thing is, Ah still want to know why this happens to us," Applejack said, having been concerned about the transformation during their song. "Princess Twilight took her crown back to Equestria. And Ah'm sure Sora's magic ain't like hers. So, shouldn't that mean the magic should have gone back with them when they left?"

"Well, however it happens, it just makes my band totally awesome!" Rainbow cheered.

"Your band?" Rarity asked suspiciously.

"Duh! It was my idea to form the Rainbooms in the first place to perform in the showcase," Rainbow reminded Rarity. "That, and the fact I'm the lead singer and guitarist. So, that makes me the head of the band."

Rarity growled, the other girls showing a bit of disdain for Rainbow's ego and taking all the credit for their musical genius. The door to the room knocked, thankfully distracting the girls as Flash poked his head in.

"Hey, girls," he said. "Heard you playing from outside. You're pretty good."

"Actually, we still need a bit of work. Rarity came in a bit late on the second verse, and Applejack's bass solo needs a bit of tuning." The two girls insulted by their band leader leered at Rainbow, completely oblivious as she was too busy soaking in the limelight. "But it'll get sorted out before the showcase."

"Didn't sound all that bad to me," Flash admitted. "I mean, you'd probably beat me and my band if it was a battle of the bands. Keep on rockin'." He then brought his attention to Sunset, stepping in the room and approached her. "Hey, Sunset."

"H-Hey, Flash," Sunset greeted nervously, averting her gaze from him.

"How have you been?" Flash asked. "I know you've been busy around the school and we didn't have much time to talk. You got any free time?"

"Uhhh...No, actually," she said, disappointing the guitarist. "I still have a lot of my sentence to carry out still. Sorry."

"Oh. Ok. Just wondering..." Flash looked down, rubbing the back of his neck while Sunset wrapped her arms around her waist. The others could feel the awkward tension between the two of them, watching them barely converse or say much to each other the last few months. "...Uhh, so, you girls think our 'out of town' friends might show up for the showcase?"

"Well, Sunset's the only one who knows when the portal opens," Pinkie said, balancing her drumsticks on her curly bangs. "I thought she went one day and sent them a little invitation."

"A-Actually, I haven't gone back to Equestria after I stole Twilight's crown," Sunset said. "And I think the portal's closed right now. They won't be able to make it."

"I see..." More awkward silence. "...I thought you would have maybe gone and visited Equestria after the stuff that happened at the dance."

"I...don't know if I can," Sunset muttered. "And thanks for reminding me of what I did after Principal Celestia already did that half an hour ago in the gym."

"Oh! Sorry!" Flash quickly apologized, slowly backing away. "I didn't mean to bring it up. You're not like that anymore, I just meant that-" He slammed into the wall, missing the door by several inches. He chuckled nervously, sidling toward the door. "I'm gonna go now."

He quickly made his exit, Sunset sighing in irritation and slight relief. "Well, someone still has feelings for you." She blushed and turned to Rarity, who was smirking at Sunset with her arms crossed over her chest. "And by the look on your face, you clearly want to get back together with him."

"Does anyone else think it's weird that Flash had a thing for a girl who was actually a pony from another world?" Pinkie asked, the girls all looking at her with a bit of surprise at the realization. "Is that supposed to count as an interspecies relationship or tamed beastiality? I mean, Sunset is a human in this world, but she's actually a pony like Twilight. But they're also able to talk and think and do stuff like sapient beings, so...is it ok for them to have ever been together or not?"

Silence filled the room yet again as they mulled over Pinkie's surprisingly questionable logic on the matter. Sunset didn't seem to care, seeing as she gave up her life as a pony and learned to be human in this world, depending on Flash to help her until she decided to use him. She did want him back, but because of her actions, what she did to him for the last couple years before he broke up with her, and her using the power of darkness, she didn't want to get too close to him and hurt him again.

She shifted the topic over something else, not wanting to go into the taboos of romance between two sentient beings of different species. "I've been afraid to just say anything to Flash after the dance," Sunset said. "I already made things worse between us when I was the old Sunset, and even after that, he still likes me..." She sighed and sat back down in her chair, leaning her head against her hands as she stared at the ground. "I am the worst living being on the face of both worlds..."

Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack mumbled their agreements, though they could see Sunset wasn't like that anymore. "At least you aren't the school bully anymore. You've changed."

"Try telling that to the rest of CHS," Sunset grumbled.

The P.A. system suddenly came on as Luna's voice came through the speakers throughout the school. "Sunset Shimmer, please report to the main foyer."

"Well, hopefully something else will distract me from my funk." Sunset stood up and approached the door. "I volunteered to show a few new students around the school. Hopefully they get to know the new me before they hear from the others about the old me. I'll see you guys later." Sunset exited the room, leaving the Rainbooms to continue practicing. She took in a deep breath as she walked down the halls, ignoring her problems as she put on a smile for the new students. Maybe she could be friends with these new students, provided they haven't heard anything about her already. Waiting in the foyer of the newly renovated front entrance were three new girls, Sunset approaching them with a wave. "Hello, there! Are you three the new girls I'm supposed to show around?"

"We are," the one in the middle said.

The girl who spoke wore dark a dark purple shirt and short shorts, light lavender finger-less gloves and long stockings going all the way her legs, dark purple boots on her feet, the backs of her footwear lined with spikes with her spiked anklets. Her long and frizzy hair was orange with yellow streaks running down, held up by a spiked hairband. She also wore a gold belt with a gem of the same color in the center, a pin of the gold gem with a treble clef on the left leg of her shorts.

The girl on her right wore a light green slightly torn, short sleeve jacket with a white shirt underneath, purple pants with small stars on the outer thighs, and a darker shade of purple boots. She had three dark purple bands around each of her forearms, a crossed lavender belt around here waist with a silver star buckle in the center. Her purple hair with light aquamarine streaks were tied in pigtails held up by hairbands with silver stars around them.

The last girl on the first one's left had a dark purple-red shirt with a heart and a light blue music note on the right side of her chest, a light pink skirt, and a pair of fuchsia boots with pink songs reaching near knee height. Her light blue hair with darker blue streaks was tied in a ponytail, with only a simple blue hairband unlike the other two, and had purple bracelets around her wrists with small diamonds jutting out on them. On all three of them, they had the same type of necklace around their necks that held matching red gems.

Oblivious to the sly smirks on their faces, Sunset shook each of their hands. "I know you guys are going to love Canterlot High. It's an incredible school to be a part of."

"Oh, yes," the middle girl spoke again. "We can sense something...magical about this place."

"Great. I'm Sunset Shimmer," Sunset said. "What are your names?"

"Adagio Dazzle. This is Aria Blaze, and that's Sonata Dusk." As Adagio introduced themselves, Sonata was the only one who waved back, more enthusiastic than Aria or Adagio.

"Nice to meet you three. Now, let's begin the tour." Sunset lead the three new students through the halls of the school, showing them where everything was. They went through several of the locations where each class taught down which section of the building, the library, cafeteria, administrative offices, and the gym. She didn't even notice Adagio, Aria, or Sonata paying much attention to her detailing which area was what, not even caring about where to find what classes they'll take. "And down here's the science and computer labs. Oh! And we're having a big musical showcase this weekend!"

"Really? A musical showcase?" Adagio asked curiously.

"Yeah. If you're interested, I'm sure Principal Celestia will let you sign up, even if you're recently new around here." Sunset didn't see the sinister smirk growing on Adagio's face.

"Of course we're going to sign up," Aria said. "We've been known to sing from time to time."

"Yeah!" Sonata chimed in. "But we sing all the time! It's how we get everyone to do what we want!" Adagio quickly turned around, leering at Sonata as she growled and quickly moved her hand across her neck, warning her to shut up. "What? What did I say?"

Sunset turned back to Adagio, Aria, and Sonata, confused by latter's choice of words. "I think what Sonata means is that being in the musical showcase is a great way to make new friends. Right?"

"Oh yeah! That! What she said!" Sonata giggled sheepishly, acting almost as ditsy as Pinkie Pie, though she prayed this girl didn't have the same randomness as Pinkie. "That's what I meant to say!"

Aria scoffed, heavily annoyed by her friend. "Next time you speak, use what little brain you have left in that tiny head of yours."

"I do so have a brain! And it's bigger than yours!" Sonata complained, Adagio quickly stepping between her bickering companions.

"Just ignore these two," Adagio said. "They're idiots."

"Hey!" the two girls exclaimed in anger, quickly pouting as their leader gave them a swift glare.

"Uhh...Ok, then..." Sunset thought that Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were friends, though with how they acted with each other, they always bickered with each other and insulted each other. Or they were probably nervous about being the new students around campus and were acting up because of those nerves. She shrugged the thought aside, getting a better look at the necklaces they wore. "Wow. Those are really pretty. What kind of gems are-?"

As Sunset reached out to Adagio's pendant to get a better look at the ruby red gem, Adagio swiftly grabbed Sunset's wrist. Sunset yelped as Adagio dragged her hand painfully away from the jewelry, leering at her like a wild animal protecting its hoard of food. Before she lost any circulation to her hand in the vice-like grip, Adagio quickly calmed down and chuckled nervously, letting go of Sunset's hand.

"Sorry," she apologized. "These pendants are actually very important to us. Very, very fragile. We'd hate to know what would happen to them if we lost them."

"Oh. I should have just asked first." Sunset flexed her hand, feeling a bruise start to form. The three new students began to wander about, seeing as the tour was finished after guiding them through the hallways for the science classes. Sonata had to be dragged by Adagio and Aria as she just stood dumbly while they left, definitely just as clueless as Pinkie could be, though less wary of everything like her party throwing friend. She looked down at her hand as soon as they rounded the corner, surprised someone like Adagio could move that swiftly and grasp her wrist that tightly. "That was...odd..."

As soon as lunch period arrived, Sunset met up with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy at a table in the cafeteria. While her friends were eating and talking about the showcase, Sunset didn't feel hungry after what had just happened a moment ago. Her wrist still hurt, but she ignored the pain, more concerned with how strange Adagio, Aria, and Sonata behaved.

"Hey, Sunset?" Applejack snapped Sunset out of her thoughts, noticing how worried the others were with her silence. "Ya doin' ok there?"

"...I'm not really sure," she answered.

"Did the tour go bad?" Fluttershy asked.

"No, I think it went ok..." Sunset winced as she rubbed her wrist. "It's just that I think something off with those new girls. I just can't put my finger on it."

"You mean off like this?" Pinkie asked, quickly forming her curly pink hair into a long beard. "Or maybe like this?" She moved her hair away and shoved two long carrots in her mouth, making her look like a doofy walrus. "Ooh! What about-!?"

"Pinkie, let Sunset tell us," Rainbow interrupted before Pinkie got too wild in her random guessing, one of the carrots falling out of they hyper teenager's mouth.

"I really have no idea," Sunset said. "They seemed like they were acting strange...Maybe someone already met them before me and told them about what I did." She banged her head on the table, groaning in misery. "So much for a good first impression."

Outside of the cafeteria doors, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata made their way down the hall to the doorway after getting a "better look" of the school's more interesting areas. "Alright, girls. Time to get what we came here for."

"Lunch!?" Sonata guessed, earning a smack to the back of her head by an irate Aria.

"No, you idiot," Aria growled. "The Equestrian magic Adagio said she sensed around here. I highly doubt there is any in this place at all."

"Maybe if you bothered to care about feeling the magic, it's been happening every so often several months after that night," Adagio said, utterly annoyed by Aria's pessimism. "Besides, with the negative energy we feed off these students, we'll be able to steal enough to make this world do our bidding. It won't be like before when we were banished by that old unicorn in Equestria."

"Can we get lunch after?" Sonata asked, staring at a poster of a taco, the cafeteria selling tacos for lunch today. "It's Taco Tuesday!"

Aria and Adagio sighed in agitation as Sonata drooled at the smell coming from the cafeteria. "What is it with you and tacos? Those things are disgusting."

"No they're not," Sonata argued with Aria. "You just hate trying new things."

"Cut it out!" Adagio exclaimed. "If you two were able to feed off each other's negative energy, we wouldn't be starving, but that's clearly not the case. Now, if you're done acting like morons, follow my lead."

"How about one of us leads instead of you?" Aria questioned.

"Who thought of this idea in the first place?" Adagio asked back, silencing the grumpy teen as she grumbled. "That's what I thought."

Seeing Aria suck in her disdain and Sonata finally paying attention to the task at hand, Adagio grinned as she placed her hands on the doors. The trio made their entrance, vocalizing in harmony as they sauntered their way in the cafeteria. Their singing caught everyone's attention, all chatter ceasing as the only voices heard were their entrancing voices. Sunset, Rainbow, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack looked at the three new students, more confused by them making an entrance with song.

"Are those the new students?" Rarity asked. "And why on earth are they singing?"

As Adagio, Aria, and Sonata went down different rows of tables, Sunset could swear she was hearing music come out of nowhere as the trio sang. She looked around, but no one was playing any music, either on a radio or any musically talented students who had any instruments on them. And why everyone seemed so focused on them the moment they walked in and began harmonizing made her worry.

[Adagio Dazzle]
We heard you want to get together
We heard you want to rock this school
We've thought of something better
Something that changes all the rules

What made the moment weird was how Adagio, Sonata, and Aria walked past the students, brushing their fingers over their heads or shoulders in a seductive manner while they sang. It irked Sunset a little when Sonata went by Flash, catching his attention while also strumming the strings of his guitar on his back.

Why pretend we're all the same
When some of us shine brighter?

[Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk]
Shine brighter

[Adagio Dazzle]
Here's a chance to find your flame
Are you a loser or a fighter?

"What is going on?" Rainbow asked, unable to get an answer as the others were clueless.

[Adagio, Aria, and Sonata]
Me and you, you and me
Why don't we see who is better?
We don't have to be one and the same thing
Oh, what's so wrong with a little competition?
Are you afraid of failing the audition?

As the students looked at each other, they suddenly began leering at each other. Earlier, they were all pretty excited to perform for the showcase this weekend, now they look like they're enemies wanting to best whoever isn't a part of their group. It felt like how Sunset divided everyone into their social groups when she was the school bully to keep them in line, only she wasn't the cause of this and Adagio, Sonata, and Aria are sparking a conflict just from singing alone. Sunset continued watching as the new girls continued enticing the other students, especially Adagio.

[Adagio Dazzle]
You're a star and you should know it
Yeah, you rise above the rest

Sonata and Aria helped lift Adagio up onto a table, who began slowly striding across it until she reached the end, catching a male student's attention from his meal.

It doesn't matter who you hurt
If you're just proving you're the best

[Adagio, Sonata, and Aria]
Ah. ahh-ahh-ahh

Battle! You wanna win it
Let's have a battle, battle of the bands
Let's have a battle, we'll go all in it
Let's have a battle, battle, battle
Battle of the bands

Soon, the students began chanting "battle" along with Adagio, Aria, and Sonata while they continued vocalizing, all while claiming they were going to win the showcase, which now seems to have turned into a battle of the bands with how everyone was behaving. The students arguing with each other baffled them, somehow not fighting back with their peers. Not even the three new girls were arguing; they actually seemed to enjoy watching the carnage take place. None of them began to notice the green mist that was flowing out of the students as they fought and argued over who's band was better than whom's.

[Adagio, Aria, Sonata, and students]
Me and you, you and me
Why don't we see who is better?
We don't have to be one and the same thing
Oh, what's so wrong with a little competition?

I'm going out and winning the audition

[Adagio, Aria, Sonata, and students]
Battle! We want to win it
Let's have a battle, battle of the bands
Let's have a battle, we'll go all in it
Let's have a battle, battle, battle
Battle of the bands!

The mist began flowing into the new girls' pendants, granting them more power on the negative energy of the student body's many arguments around the cafeteria. It was like everyone was out for blood, though thankfully not literally, but this was clearly not a good sign. After lunch ended, Sunset and the Rainbooms, unaffected by their song, made their way to the Principal's Office to speak with Celestia and Luna about this serious matter.

"I knew something was up with them," Sunset said. "The moment I heard music out of nowhere with their singing, they had to be using some kind of dark magic."

"Yeah, that was kind of strange," Rainbow said. "How the heck did that happen? No one was playing anything."

"That's something that only happened in Equestria," Sunset explained. "Ponies would sometimes break out into a musical number, depending on what was going on. Those girls are clearly from Equestria, but whoever they are, they must have snuck through the portal one day and are planning something."

"We'll let Principal Celestia know about this immediately," Applejack said. "Last thing we need is another CHS event almost ruined by more power-hungry lunatics." Sunset winced while the farm girl blanched, forgetting about the ex-bully's previous endeavor months ago. "Uhh, no offense, Sunset."

"None taken," she said with a sad sigh. The six girls entered Celestia's office, finding her and Luna in the office. Thankfully not needing to repeat the story twice, Sunset approached the principal's desk. "Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, we need to tell you something."

"What seems to be the problem?" Luna asked.

"It's about the new girls..." Sunset began explaining to Celestia and Luna about what had just happened moments ago in the cafeteria, though it didn't seem like they believed her, even though they had witnessed her using magic from another world at the Fall Formal.

"...Well, I apparently find that hard to believe," Celestia said. "Those three girls came in my office earlier and were absolutely delightful."

"Perhaps you're only choosing someone to make them out to be terrible students from your horrible reputation in the past few years," Luna insinuated, making Sunset grimace.

"W-Well, I can see how you'd think that, but I'm not putting the blame on anyone," she defended, her friends backing her up.

"We saw them in the cafeteria, too," Rainbow said.

"We can see that, but isn't your band supposed to be performing in the Musical Showcase?" Celestia questioned, earning hesitant nods from the Rainbooms. "Then I don't see how it's a problem if the Dazzlings are practicing their performance."

"The 'Dazzlings'?" the girls asked.

"The name of their group," Celestia answered. "They came to my office earlier to sign up for the Showcase. They even sang us one of their songs to us." Sunset and the Rainbooms gasped in shock at the information, both Celestia's and Luna's eyes flashing green for a brief second. "And we think their idea of have a Battle of the Bands instead is a marvelous one." The principal and vice principal were trapped under the same spell as their fellow students. As much as they wanted to try to break them out of the enchantment upon them, there was a chance Adagio, Aria, and Sonata could be alerted in some way with whatever kind of magic they used. "Is there anything else that's a serious problem?"

"...N-No, ma'am." The girls left the office and wandered about the halls. They saw the rest of the Canterlot Wondercolt students going about their business, steering clear of others from opposing bands as they were dead set on winning in their hypnotized state. "This is bad. They've already gotten Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, everyone is has also been affected, and the Showcase just turned into a competition."

"So, how come neither of us were affected?" Rarity asked. "You don't suppose it's because of our magic, do you?"

"Maybe the magic Twilight gave us that we can use when we play music protected us?" Fluttershy guessed.

"Then let's take them down!" Rainbow exclaimed, slamming a fist in her other hand. "We've taken on dark magic and kicked their butts, and we can do it again!...No offense, Sunset."

"None taken. Again," Sunset grumbled with a roll of her eyes.

"There's one problem with that, Rainbow," Applejack said. "Twilight seemed to have given us magic when she and Sora were here last time. And we can only use it by playin' music. And since the portal's closed, we can't send a message to them until...How long until the portal opens up again?"

"Two weeks," Sunset replied. "And even if we got Sora a cell phone, I doubt it would send a message to him from across different worlds..." She stopped walking as an idea came to her. They had luckily walked over to where her locker was located, having kept something given to her when she was still Princess Celestia's pupil. "...Maybe there is a way."

"How?" the girls asked, following Sunset as she approached her locker.

After rotating the combination for her lock, Sunset opened the locker and looked inside. Down at the bottom, hidden under a pile of old school notes in a small box, she pulled out a brown hard cover book with her cutie mark on the front cover; an orange and red swirled sun with red and yellow rays around the burning orb. She blew off the dust that was collected over the years, never seeing any use since she ran away to this world.

"A book?" Rarity asked in confusion. "Darling, how is a book going to help us?"

"It's an enchanted book," Sunset explained. "When I was Princess Celestia's student, she gave me this as a way to communicate with her whenever she couldn't teach me anything due to her royal duties. Even after I ran off like a spoiled, power hungry brat, I kept this with me." She opened the book, the first few pages really old messages she made as a filly as she talked with Celestia, though most of them seemed to be about exciting memories than study lessons. It brought back some nostalgia to her, memories of a time where she was just a young, excited pony with extraordinary magical prowess who was brought under Celestia's wing to be her protoge. "I think, deep down, I knew what I did was wrong and held onto it, hoping I would one day reach out to her and apologize for my behavior...Only, I was too scared to say anything..."

As she looked over what pages did have writing in them, she found some that had Celestia's writing after her tantrum and fleeing Canterlot through the portal. Some of them had the princess asking where Sunset was, how she was doing, apologizing over and over for being unable to promise her what she wanted, and the last one before it ended was a final message, almost as if her student was dead wherever she ended up. Sunset quickly flipped the page over those painful final words, not wanting the others to worry when she started to tear up.

"So, what exactly does this enchanted book do?" Applejack asked.

"Is it like texting, but with pony magic and stuff?" Pinkie asked.

"Sort of. There's another book just like this one with the same magical trace, where something written in here is seen in the pages of the other one connected to it." Sunset placed her hand down on one of the pages. "I don't know if it still works or not. It's been years since I even looked in this thing, let alone wrote in it...But, if Princess Celestia still has hers, she can send a message to Twilight, and tell us what we're up against."

"Well, what are we waiting for!? Get to writing!" Rainbow Dash held out a pen to Sunset, she and the other girls eager to save the day once again and see if the book still had some magic left.

Sunset grabbed the pen and looked at it for a moment, then back down at the book. "Oh boy," she mumbled, letting out a nervous sigh. "It's been a long time since I wrote these words..."

Dear Princess Celestia

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