• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Arendelle (Part 2)

The mountain kept getting steeper and steeper the higher they climbed. The denizens in the city down below would need mountain climbing gear to even make it this far. If Elsa was able to use her ice powers to reach the top, she had it easier despite how terrified she seemed to use it.

More Heartless got in their way, but after taking care of each wave before they made the next climb, Yona gulped as she looked up. The next length of their climb was mostly vertical, and there were no other safer paths to walk around. She was afraid to look back to see how high they've gone already, her legs shaking as she dreaded they were going to eventually reach the peak of the several thousand feet of jagged earth in this world.

"Yona." Yona yelped with a startled jump, gazing up at Sora. "You good?"

"Uhh...Y-Yona...not do well with heights," she anxiously said.

"Why? How come you're-?" Sora stopped himself, remembering hearing about the incident that happened in Cloudsdale when Cozy Glow began to steal Equestria's magic. "...Oh. Right." He rubbed the yak's head, hoping to calm her down a little. "Hey, don't worry. If you're about to fall, we'll come save you. Elsa needs our help. I know you don't want to let her down."

"N-No. Yona don't," Yona said.

"Just stay close. And don't wander too far, ok?" Yona gulped nervously, but she nodded her head.

She stuck close to her mentors, swallowing her fears as they began the next leg of their climb. Sora and Fluttershy moved ahead with their athleticism and flight respectively, casting Balloon spells for the other four. There were a few safe ledges along the sides so the wielders can recharge their mana. Sadly, more Heartless waited for them on the safe platforms and tried to knock them off. Sora kept them at bay while Fluttershy helped Pinkie, Donald, Goofy, and Yona safely up to the ledge. It was slow going, but they finally reached the top, and Yona didn't slip off or mistime her jumps on the Balloons.

Strong icy winds begin to push them back a little as they reached the top of the mountain ridge. Yona barely felt cold with her thick fur and living in colder climates far longer than her mentors. She took the lead, using her body to shield Sora, Donald, Goofy, Fluttershy, and Pinkie from the winds blowing toward them. Up ahead, Yona could see a faint set of footsteps leading further up, which belonged to Elsa. Though the wind was blowing the snow, the trail was still deep enough, telling them they were getting close.

Yona's ears perked up when she heard singing further up the mountain. As she stopped, the others bumped into her, wondering why she suddenly came to a halt.

"Yona, what's wrong?" Sora asked. "More Heartless?"

"...Yona hear singing," she said.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy didn't hear anything but the wind, but Fluttershy and Pinkie could hear it with their more sensitive hearing. "Hey, I hear it too," Pinkie said.

"Is it Elsa?" Donald asked.

"It is," Yona said, then hurried up the hill, startling the others as they covered their faces from the chilling winds.

"Y-Yona, wait!" Sora called out. "Stick together!"

Worried about Elsa, Yona continued onward. She sounded so sad and lonely, expressing her sorrow with her powers making her into a monster. Neither of them knew what happened when she had recited a phrase that was told to her by her family to conceal her powers from the public, but Yona wanted to help show her not to hold back what made her special, just like her and her friends. But when the tone in her voice changed from upset to happy, almost carefree, Yona paused when she saw Elsa at the top, tossing away her remaining glove to the wind.

As Yona watched the glove flutter off toward the mountain range, she looked back at Elsa, watching her use her magic, feeling more free to use it without hurting anyone. In both hands, she released a wisp of air that dispersed into magical snowflakes, then formed a small snowman as she continued climbing up the hill. She created a light flurry of snow in the air, letting it fall with a wave of her arms. Yona also noticed the chilly winds earlier were beginning to die down, not a fleck of snow blowing or falling around the mountain. Elsa unclasped her cloak, letting it flutter off into the wind. It blew down and sailed over Yona, followed by the rest of the explorers as they were finally able to see.

Yona smiled and continued running on ahead to see this new version of the scared and worried queen. She passed the snowman she created, glancing at it to see its stumpy snow legs, stick arms, coal buttons and eyes, and some short twigs on its head as hair. She didn't know how Elsa's magic found the attachments to make up the rest of its body, but it was an adorable little snowman. Yona looked back at Elsa, letting out a surprised gasp when she saw her forging a staircase made of ice over a gorge. Elsa approached it, placing a foot on the first step, her powers brushing away the messy snow and ice with a symbol of a snowflake, smoothing it out as it turned into a solid icy surface that made it look like crystal.

Elsa began to run up the steps, using her magic to build more of the staircase and transform it into a wonderfully beautiful bridge that spanned across the gorge to the other end of the mountain. "Whoa," Yona uttered.

Sora, Donald, Goofy, Fluttershy, and Pinkie caught up with Yona, watching Elsa's building her bridge and reached the other side. "Oooh! Pretty!" Pinkie complimented.

"She's using her magic without any fear," Sora uttered in awe.

Yona wanted to join Elsa, running up to the stairs, placing her hoof down on the first step to test if it could hold her weight. She froze when they heard her stomp, watching the cliff she stood on glowing, and a platform of crystalized ice began slowly rising. Speechless, the six visitors watched the spectacle as they heard Elsa continue singing, building herself a new castle made with her own powers. They could see the platform rise as the walls and foundations grew, the clear ice changing into a brilliant display of bright, cool blue, and with the sun beginning to rise on the horizon behind them, it made the ice palace turn into a bright pink and reflected off the peak.

"Wow. I didn't know Elsa was capable of doing this with her magic," Fluttershy said.

Up on the balcony that overlooked all of Arendelle, they saw Elsa walk out, now wearing a light blue, sparkling dress that replaced her royal clothing, a see-through cloak that trailed behind her that sparkled in the incoming sunlight, and she changed her hairstyle. No longer in a bun, her braided hair now hung over her left shoulder, and her bangs slicked back, expressing her newfound freedom using her powers without any judgement from the rest of the world or any responsibilities as she also discarded her crown. They could see she was much happier, no longer afraid of who she is or hold herself back. The queen finished her song, then turned and retreated back to her new castle with a flick of her sparkling cloak, the door slamming shut behind her.

"She looks super happy now," Pinkie said. "Huh. Who knew all she needed was some free space to use her magic without anyone in the way."

"She's definitely a whole lot different now than when we last saw her," Sora agreed.

"Yona want to see Elsa's new castle!" Yona made her way back to the staircase leading to the ice castle.

Just as she was about to walk up the steps, Larxene dropped down in front of her, surprising the group. "Didn't I tell you all to STAY!?" she grunted, kicking Yona in the face, sending her tumbling back. Sora quickly got in front of her with his Keyblade at the ready, Yona sitting up and grumbling as she rubbed her nose. "Disobedient little yak. More stubborn than I could ever be."

"You're gonna pay for hurting Yona," Sora warned. "What's the deal with the Organization!? Aren't you supposed to be going after our youngest pupils!?"

"Plans can change. Don't think you know everything we know and what we're really up to," Larxene snidely responded.

Yona growled, getting back up as she summoned her Keyblade, joining Sora despite him trying to protect her. "Yona not done with horrible nobody like you!"

"Would you like another repeat for round two?" Laxene asked with a cheeky grin.

"Your second round's gonna be with me," Sora said. "Why are you after Elsa? Is she one of the new Princesses of Heart?"

"She could," Larxene muttered with a shrug of her shoulders. She glanced back at the ice castle, where Elsa was busy living carefree, barely noticing the commotion outside her new home. "Or, perhaps not. She did build this little ice palace with magic she had been hiding up until now. What if it's dark magic?"

"She just doesn't have any control of her powers!" Pinkie said. "With enough practice, she can even freeze your already cold heart into an icicle!"

"She would never rely on darkness," Fluttershy added.

"After she nearly speared you with spikes back down there?" Larxene questioned. "But, it is a bit too early to call. It all depends on how SHE sees her magic. If she believes her magic is darkness, then that's what it'll become. Accepting her power, whatever it is, is the only way she can set her heart free." Despite how happy Elsa is now, before, she had been afraid of using it. Even the first part of her song explained just how lonely and isolated she felt having these powers, yet she couldn't let anyone see it and risk hurting anyone. Yona wondered if she accidentally did hurt someone before they met, and keeping them suppressed for who knows how long made it harder for her to keep control of it. "So, what will Elsa accept? Light or darkness? I know I want to know."

"Well, good for you," Sora sarcastically said. "But we won't let her fall to darkness."

"Right!" Yona said. "Yona help Elsa keep her from you!"

"This is her choice to make, not yours," Larxene said, pointing to Sora and Yona. "I'm starting to get why she gave you all the cold shoulder." She opened her outstretched hand, combining both ice and lightning magic once again. Sora charged at her, stopping her from using her magic again, but Larxene thrust her hand forward, creating a powerful gust of icy wind to push him and the others back. They began to lose their footing in the snow as they were being pushed back, even Yona as she continued to struggle and digging her hooves into the ground. "You wanna help her? Then stop trying to be everyone's hero. Let her figure things out her own way!"

Lightning shot from her fingertips, striking at the ground at their feet. The impact lifted them off the ground just enough to send them flying over the edge. Unable to grip the ground, they all yelled as they fell down another side of the mountain. Yona started to panic, but they all hit a smooth, sloped section of the mountainside and began to tumble down several yards down the hill. They eventually came to a halt, some of them buried under a couple feet of snow. Sora grunted as he got to his knees, shivering slightly, wishing he brought a coat to at least keep him warm.

"Everyone alright?" he called out.

Beneath him, he yelped and fell back as Pinkie popped her head up from the snow, pulling herself out and shaking off the powdery whiteness off her pink fur. "I think I'm good," she said. "Hoofsies, tail, belly, eyes, ears, mouth, nose...Yup. All here."

Fluttershy groaned as she got up, brushing the snow off of her. She spotted Donald with his head stuck in the snow, Goofy with his arms sticking out, and Yona as she shook off a hefty amount of snow covering her back, thankful to be back on solid ground. The pegasus walked up to Donald, helping him yank his head out of the mound of snow. Donald let out a squawk, shaking his head and brushing the snow off his hat and bill.

"I'm ok," he said.

Yona went over to pull Goofy out, grabbing one of his arms with her mouth and popped him out of the snow like a daisy. "Same here," Goofy assured.

Jiminy hopped out of Sora's pocket, shivering from the cold air. "Well, it seems like that woman is more trouble than she can gloat," he said.

"I thought she was just affiliated with lightning spells. I guess the Organization really has gotten more tougher than last time," Sora said. "She was also in Castle Oblivion, but I was glad I completely forgot about her before our reunion back when Riku and Fluttershy got sick with Swamp Fever."

Yona looked back up the hill, barely able to see Elsa's ice palace from where they stood. "Elsa in trouble," she said. "We need to save her. Her magic not darkness."

"But we can't tell her everything about what Larxene told us," Donald reminded the yak. "Even though you, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie haven't caused too trouble with the locals in this world, we still need to protect the world order."

"Yak know! Yak not forget!" Yona said. "But Master Sora break order when needed...right?"

"I try not to, but...I guess I can't help myself when I want to help others," Sora said with a sheepish grin.

"We need to climb back up and warn Elsa before Larxene tries to trick her," Fluttershy said.

"Yeah! We won't let her pure heart be tainted by darkness or evil!" Pinkie agreed. "And usually, in Disney movies, the queens are almost always the bad guys. But not Elsa!"

"Please don't mention any queens," Sora groaned. "I still have a headache after dealing with the Queen of Hearts."

As they were about to re-climb the mountain, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Yona's ears twitched, hearing something from a distance. "What's that?" Fluttershy mumbled.

"Huh? What's up?" Sora asked.

As the mares and yak looked up the incline, they let out a gasp as the sound grew louder. Up at the top of the slope, tons and tons of snow began to roll down, covering the trees and even the mountain walls on both sides.

"AVALANCHE!" Pinkie shrieked.

Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Jiminy looked up as all of them yelled in surprise. "Of all the worst things that could happen to us!" Sora exclaimed.

Goofy quickly summoned his shield, expanding its size and slid it in front of them. He gulped, unable to make his shield any bigger to fit all of them, especially for Yona.

"Uh oh! I don't think I've got enough space!" he called out.

Seeing what Goofy was doing, Fluttershy quickly summoned her Keyblade and rapidly Formchanged it into its shield state. Willing it to grow, the butterfly-shaped shield expanded just enough for Yona and Pinkie to stand on.

"Jump on!" she said.

Yona and Pinkie hopped on the shield while Sora and Donald jumped on Goofy's shield. Jiminy quickly hid back in Sora's jacket pocket as Goofy and Fluttershy pushed their shields forward, letting them slide down and pick up speed to race against the incoming avalanche. Goofy quickly jumped onto his shield with Sora and Donald while Fluttershy flew after them, sticking behind her shield to give an extra push if needed. She may not be as fast as Rainbow Dash, but she was willing to push her flight speed to their limit like she tried years ago when Ponyville was chosen to bring water from their town's lake to Cloudsdale to make more rainwater at the weather factory.

"W-Whoa! Yona never try sledding like this before!" Yona exclaimed as she tried to keep her balance.

"Just swerve in time with me and we'll be sledding masters!" Pinkie said. While they focused on beating the avalanche, Pinkie flinched when she thought she heard something growling among the sounds of rushing snow tumbling after them. Turning her head around like an owl, she grimaced when she saw three pairs of glowing yellow eyes through the incoming snow. "Uh oh! Bogeys on our six!"

Sora and Fluttershy looked behind them, spotting the Heartless following along with the avalanche and chasing after them. "Heartless!" Sora exclaimed. It was hard to tell what they looked like, but they sped up and came out from the snow to reveal themselves. They looked like dragons, their serpent-like bodies white with dark blue horns, spikes running down their bodies, and their wings spanned wide in a hexagonal shape of dark green and blue, able to spin them around like rotors to speed up after them while half-buried in the snow. One of them jumped out and glided after them, its maw opening and launching a beam of ice at them. "Incoming lasers!"

"Evasive maneuvers!" Pinkie shouted as she leaned leaned to the left, Yona doing the same while Sora, Donald, and Goofy shifted to the right.

They avoided the laser beam trailing toward them, but it wasn't done hunting them down. The other two Heartless joined in one by one, adding more chaos to the amount of lasers they had to dodge. Sora, Donald, and Goofy were able to jump over the beams angled toward them, but Yona and Pinkie had more trouble trying to jump over the ice beams with the yak weighing down the butterfly shield. All the Equestrians could do was weave around while trying not to slow down too much to get caught in the avalanche or in the jaws of the draconic Heartless.

"We can't shake them!" Donald exclaimed as he glanced back at the Heartless. When he looked forward, he let out a squawk as the slope they were sliding down was going to end over the edge to a very deep drop. "We're running out of mountain!"

Yona gasped as she looked ahead, letting out a startled yell, nearly tipping over Fluttershy's shield as she attempted to lean back. "No! Yona no want to fall again!"

"Yona, balance out!" Pinkie warned.

The Heartless behind them dove into the snow, leaving the six to the mercy of the avalanche. Both shield sleds flew off the cliff as all five grounded riders slipped off. Yona screamed, flailing her hooves as she began to panic. Goofy called his shield back, planting his feet on the back with Donald diving down to join him as they prepared for a rough landing. Sora went into a freefall, watching Fluttershy swoop down to grab her shield and hurry back to Pinkie and Yona.

"Yona, calm down! We've got you!" Sora reminded the terrified yak.

"Yona gonna die!" she screamed.

Lowering the shield underneath Yona, Fluttershy focused on her magic to help make the landing softer. "Come on," Fluttershy muttered, shutting her eyes while Pinkie maneuvered herself to land herself on the other wing. "If only I was strong enough to fly it to safety!"

By her words, the butterfly shield glowed brightly, and a pair of giant bird feathers sprouted from the edges of the shield's wings. With a flap, it caught Yona and Pinkie, slowly descending with a glide as it followed the mountain path they were forced to go down on. Yona grunted, huddling herself close to the safety of the shield sled, shivering in fright as she nervously stared at the horizon and how high they were hovering.

"Wowie! Fluttershy, you're a genius!" Pinkie praised, staring at the pink ethereal wings gently flapping.

"I'm not sure if I'll get used to this," she said.

Sora sighed in relief as he watched the spectacle, quickly flipping back around and boosting himself to catch up to Donald and Goofy. Landing perfectly on Goofy's shield, the trio focused on steering themselves down the winding paths down the mountain. Fluttershy stayed behind her shield, noticing it following her movements as she turned, picked up speed, or ascended and descended. Sticking to the air, the Equestrians followed as they weaved around trees, icicles in the caves they steered into, and leapt over chasms with the natural snow ramps closing in on the gaps.

"Aww! I wanted to do some real sledding," Pinkie whined. "Can't we go down and do a slalom around the trees at least?"

"Y-Yona would like to be back on the ground!" Yona exclaimed.

"We should be getting close to the bottom again, soon," Fluttershy said. She lowered Pinkie and Yona a bit more closer to the ground as they were reaching a small clearing coming up ahead. Sora, Donald, and Goofy jumped off another ramp leading to the same ramp, all of them thankfully getting far enough away from the avalanche. They weren't out of the woods yet, those winged serpent Heartless that chased after them popping up from the snow to ambush them. "They're back!"

"Not for long!" Sora, Donald, and Goofy hopped off the shield and summoned their weapons, Pinkie flipping off Fluttershy's shield as she summoned her Keyblade, ready for action, but Yona immediately plopped to the snow. Fluttershy picked up her shield, flinging it hard at the Heartless, clonking one in the face as it returned to her, reverting back to its Keyblade form. "Let's clip these Frost Serpents' wings!"

All three Frost Serpents began to spin around rapidly, picking up snow as they created a snow flurry beneath them. They then charged forward, heading straight for Yona.

"Yona, look out!" Goofy shouted.

Looking up, Yona saw the Frost Serpents coming at her with their ice twisters. Quickly summoning Trampling Yak, Yona stood up and backed away, and when they got closer together, she flung her Keyblade hard toward them. The long, heavy blade clipped all three of their tails, causing them to flip over, stopping their flurries instantly. She then headbutted them back, returning her Keyblade to her mouth, the others quickly joining her in defeating the Heartless. With enough damage, their wings broke, dropping them into the snow, but that only made them more dangerous. With the membrane gone, their wings curled into rotors and rammed into the group over and over.

Fluttershy thrust her Keyblade into the air as the trio of Heartless came back around for another deadly pass. A pink barrier flashed around them, and as they made contact, they each got a different ethereal creature counter that bit them back: one got a lion, one got a wolf, and the last one got a shark. All three counters sunk their teeth into the bone-like structure of the Frost Serpents, unable to break free from the sharp jaws of the ethereal predators. Sora, Pinkie, and Yona charged for a Frost Serpent and took them out while they were trapped.

Sora repeatedly slashed at his, then followed with a Firaga spell at point blank. Pinkie hopped around, stabbing her Frost Serpent, leaving behind a ticking Mine Square as she circled it. When she returned in front of it, she gave its snout three boops, the final one causing the magical mines to explode and evaporate it into the snow the explosions picked up. Yona just whacked it, battering it in only a few swings with all her strength, then rammed her head into its side to kill it. With them defeated, Fluttershy dropped her barrier.

"Whoo hoo! We! Are! Good!" Pinkie cheered. "We're only getting better and better thanks to all of Sora's 'training'!"

"At least that's the end of those horrible Heartless," Fluttershy said.

Above them, a couple more Frost Serpents flew over them. Their shadows cast over them, forcing them to look up.

"It's not over yet," Sora said. They watched the Heartless fly up toward the mountain, diving straight into the snow. Wondering why they avoided four Key Bearers, considering how the Keyblade was the bane of the Heartless' existence, the snow suddenly began to shake and fall apart, causing another avalanche. "Oh, come on! Another one!?"

"RUN AWAY!" Pinkie shrieked.

They tried to run, but the Frost Serpents' avalanche came rushing down much faster than the last one. Unable to outrun it, they got caught up in the snow and were sent further down the mountain. Unable to see, they fell quite far, tumbling under the snow for a while until they finally hit the bottom.

Yona groaned, feeling disoriented. She didn't know how far the avalanche brought her and her mentors, but she was still alive, though unconscious for a brief moment. Luckily, they weren't buried alive.

"Wow! Look at all the pretty colors." Squinting her eyes open, Yona could see Pinkie and Fluttershy near her, both of them slowly regaining consciousness as well. "There's blue, and green - ooh, I love green! And black. Just like my buttons."

"H-Huh?" She didn't know whose voice that belonged to, but it was clearly someone they've never met.

"Ooh! Even more over here!" the curious voice spoke again. "There's yellow and pink. A whole lot of pink." Yona lifted her head, only to grunt when something stepped on her head. The same voice let out a surprised yelp and tumbled forward, falling right in front of the dazed yak, and she felt something cold and wet stuck to her horn. When she finally came around, her eyes widened when she saw what appeared to be a living snowman, but what startled her was that it looked just like the same snowman she saw Elsa create with her magic back at the top of the mountain. It turned around, matching the same appearance she saw, but its eyes were more alive with blue irises, a carrot nose, and snowy buck teeth. It hopped over to her on one leg, reaching its stick arms to her. "Silly curly tree root! That's my foot!"

Grabbing what was attached to her horn, the snowman pulled off a mound of snow and reattached it back to its lower body. After checking to make sure its limb was fully attached, it turned around and wandered off through the trees. Blinking, Yona stood up, rubbing her eyes, unsure if she was hallucinating.

"It...It alive?" she questioned.

"Yup...I think I'm alive," Pinkie groaned. She and Fluttershy sat up, rubbing their heads. "Two avalanches in one day. Just our luck."

"Professors not see?" Yona asked the two mares.

"See what?" Fluttershy asked.

"There was...walking talking...snowyak? But not shape like yak," Yona explained. "It more like Master Sora is."

"A...snow person?" Fluttershy asked.

"S-She means snowman." Jiminy hopped through the snow, hopping onto Pinkie's head as he took a moment to warm himself up. Sora, Donald, and Goofy began to wake up as well as they got back on their feet. "I saw it, too. There was a snowman that was wandering around and looked at you six."

"I'd prefer calling them snowponies," Pinkie said.

"They can come alive in this world?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm not sure, but we've been out cold for longer than we should," Jiminy said. "Elsa's in a whole lot of trouble if she's left alone with Larxene. We've got a long climb back up the-" As Jiminy looked up, she spotted Yona walking ahead, following the snow trail left by the living snowman. "Yona, where are you going!?"

Hearing that the yak was wandering off on her own, Sora panicked as he, Donald, and Goofy ran over to the mares. "Yona, wait! We don't know if any Heartless are lingering around here!"

"We just can't stick together with them anymore, can we?" Donald asked with an exhausted sigh.

They hurried after the curious yak, Jiminy holding onto Pinkie's mane so he didn't get left behind in the snow. Up ahead, Yona searched for the snowman, ending up in a clearing with all the trees coated with frozen droplets that extended like exotic leaves on the bare branches, which made the scenery look really beautiful. While distracted by the trees, as she turned around the bend of a large tree, her head butted against a reindeer's. She screamed in surprise, causing the reindeer to cry out in surprise, followed by several more startled yells behind the deer.

"Ahh!...Why are we screaming?" came the same voice that came from the snowman. As Yona backed away, getting a better look at the reindeer and the two people who were with it and the snowman. One of the humans was a man bundled up in black winter clothing, a matching snow cap on his head, black gloves, brown boots, and he had dirty blonde hair. The other was a young woman, almost resembling Elsa, but younger by a couple years. She wore a medium-length dark blue skirt, a light blue long-sleeve blouse with a black bodice with green, red, yellow, and purple rose prints, black heeled leather boots, a magenta bonnet, blue mittens, and a magenta cloak. Her hair was strawberry blonde tied in braided pigtails, though Yona could see a platinum blonde streak that swirled around her right pigtail. Leaning around the startled deer and humans, the snowman spotted Yona, letting out a surprised gasp. "Oh my goodness...A living tree!"

"...What snowman call Yona?" Yona questioned awkwardly, shocking the two humans even more.

"A talking yak!?" the woman exclaimed. "Kristoff, have you ever seen one before!?"

"Uhh, no. Not in my life," the man named Kristoff said. "But a talking animal would be really weird. Right, Sven? 'Yeah. Very weird.'"

As Kristoff changed his voice to a dopey, sillier tone, the reindeer nodded his head as if he was the one making that very response. Yona was even more confused by the odd "ventriliquist" act, but at least she got a couple names from the group. Sora, Donald, Goofy, Pinkie, and Fluttershy finally caught up with Yona, coming to a halt when they saw the other two people, Kristoff's reindeer, Sven, and the living snowman.

"Yona, stop running off on your own," Sora scolded Yona.

Before Kristoff, the young woman, and the snowman could ask who the outside explorers were, Fluttershy squealed and flew over to Sven. "A reindeer!" Fluttershy pat Sven, who was a bit startled by yet another talking creature, though they were equine, the wings made him eye the pegasus in wonder. "He's so cute!"

"...Welp, so much for keeping the world order anymore," Pinkie shrugged.

Sora giggled sheepishly, no sense in trying to hide their Equestrian companions sentience for too long. "Umm...Hello," the woman greeted.

"Hey. Sorry about the...odd greeting," Sora said. "I'm Sora. This is Donald, Goofy, Pinkie Pie, and you already met Fluttershy and Yona."

The snowman approached them with curious fascination. "Wow. You were the blue, green, and oddly spiky things I saw back there."

"S-Spiky!?" Sora exclaimed, pinching one of his spiked bangs in exasperation. "Is that all I'm going to be mentioned as just from my hair?"

"It is pretty spiky, Sora," Goofy chuckled.

"I'm Anna," the young woman said. Kristoff gave Anna a wary look, not sure if the random people and Equestrians were even trustworthy to introduce themselves to. "And I know they're strangers but...I don't think they're that bad."

Anna pointed to Fluttershy, who was still busy petting Sven, the reindeer slowly warming up to the affection. "...I'm Kristoff," he said with a sigh after a bit of silent contemplation. "And that's my buddy, Sven."

"And I'm Olaf!" the snowman greeted.

"What are you guys doing up here?" Sora asked curiously.

"We're trying to put an end to this crazy winter," Kristoff answered. "It's supposed to be summer, but it looks and feels like winter's come too early this year."

"And to stop it, we need to find my sister, Elsa," Anna added.

At the mention of the queen of Arendelle, Fluttershy stopped petting Sven, all six travelers from another world gawking at the young woman in surprise. "Elsa's your sister!?" Sora exclaimed.

"You've met her?" Anna asked curiously.

"Back on mountain!" Yona said. "Yona and masters met her up there, but Elsa in big trouble!"

"She's in trouble?" Anna uttered. She looked at the group, staring into their eyes for a moment. After some silence, she felt like she could trust them. "Ok. I know we just met, but...I believe I can fully trust in you guys. Even your talking animal friends."

"Whoa, hold on a second," Kristoff interjected. "You're going to trust them after we just met them? Didn't we have a talk about this Hans guy you just met back in town and think he's your 'special someone'?"

"Well, I for one believe Prince Hans is the one," Anna insisted. "And Sora I feel is definitely trustworthy."

Kristoff let out a sigh, rubbing his forehead, unable to seek any reason or logic with the lovestruck and overly-trustworthy princess. He looked at Sora, then at Yona, Fluttershy, and Pinkie. They didn't seem to be dangerous, especially Fluttershy if she was incredibly nice to Sven.

"...Alright. I'm willing to trust them, too," he reluctantly said. "But I've still got my doubts about this Hans guy you like."

"Who Hanz human?" Yona asked curiously.

"It's...quite a long story," Anna admitted.

"Well, we'd like to know what happened to Elsa before we ran into her," Sora said. "We can try to help her a bit more with a bit more information."

"What happened to Elsea?" Olaf asked. "What kind of trouble is she in?"

Kristoff picked up the distressed snowman. "Come on, Olaf. Let's see if we can find some moss for Sven," he said, hoping to distract the snowman from panicking about his creator. "I think he's getting a bit hungry."

"Oh! Ok!" Olaf said, his attention span easily swayed. "Is Reindeer Sven coming along?"

"The reindeer IS Sven," Kristoff explained.

"Ooh! I want to help!" Fluttershy volunteered.

"Me too!" Pinkie said as well. "I'm all about making new friends, and friends or family of Elsa's are friends of mine!"

Kristoff shrugged, letting the two mares accompany them as they made their way to another section of the woods. Donald and Goofy decided to scope around the area, making sure no signs of Heartless or Nobodies will attack them while Sora and Yona followed Anna to a fallen log nearby to hear her tale involving her sister, her ice magic, and why she ran away from Arendelle.

"So, let's start with Elsa's magic," Sora said once the three of them got comfortable. "How long have you known about her power over ice?"

"I didn't know she had them," Anna said, baffling Sora and Yona. "She got frustrated last night, the very same evening of her coronation as queen, and...it kinda surprised all of us."

"You mean you and your sister have been living together in the same exact castle, and you've NEVER seen her use her magic while growing up?" Sora questioned.

"Well...Elsa and I used to be really close when we were younger," Anna said. "Then, one day, she just...shut me out. And I don't know why."

"...Did Elsa do something bad?" Yona asked.

"We barely even saw each other or spoke a word, and she shuts herself in her room for over a decade," Anna sadly said. "It felt even worse when we lost our parents a couple years ago. They were out at sea traveling to another kingdom...but there was a terrible storm, and the ship was capsized by a huge wave." Sora grimaced. He could relate to both Elsa and Anna's loss with his own father, though Kaito's death happened during a deadly storm, their parents were lucky it wasn't made worse with Heartless taking their hearts. "She never even came out to their funeral...I never felt so alone in all my life until that moment."

"...I'm sorry for your loss," Sora said. "My dad also died while he was out at sea, too. But I was five when I heard the horrible news."

"I can't imagine how that feels to lose my parents at that age..." Anna was a little surprised to find something common with someone she had just met.

"So, Anna alone, Elsa alone, but not together?" Yona pieced together. "Why not? Elsa have magic when little?"

"I don't even know. The farthest I can think back to with any fun I've had with my sister was when we played in the snow together," Anna said.

"Ok. So you never knew she had magic," Sora pondered. "What happened yesterday at the coronation?"

"Well, quite a lot, actually," Anna giggled sheepishly. "You see, when I was still five, my parents ordered the servants to close the castle gates, and Elsa and I could never leave the castle grounds. I was so excited to see the town for the coronation, all the people and foreign dignitaries from neighboring kingdoms to see Elsa's coronation."

Sora hummed curiously, digging into his pocket and pulling out his memory ornament. "Would you mind showing us?"

He held the enchanted bauble out to Anna, who looked at it curiously. "Uhh...How?"

"Just hold this and think back to yesterday," Sora explained. "There's a bit of magic in that that'll replay everything you experienced from your point of view."

Anna's jaw dropped, glancing at Sora, then to Yona, and back to the ornament. "...Magic? You have magic, too?" She looked at Yona again, silently waiting to see what Anna saw. "...Can she control lightning or fire with her horns?"

"Heh. Well, not exactly. We have a different kind of magic," Sora explained. "Let's just focus on details."

"Oh! Right. So, I just touch it and remember..." Anna grabbed the ornament, and as she began to recall memories of yesterday, she gasped as she saw an ethereal screen appear before her, showing her, Sora, and Yona her memories. "Oooh."

On the screen, Sora and Yona watched Anna wander around through town as the castle gate opened. To his surprise, there was barely any snow, and the weather looked warmer. And instead of the winter clothes Anna was wearing now, she had worn a black bodiche with dark off-the-shoulder green straps, an olive drab pleated skirt, a necklace with a crocus symbol hanging from it, white stockings with black ballet shoes, and her hair was in a bun with the braided part of it tied in the unique style like a headband, a green barrette, and green and chartreuse ribbons tied in the back. While people were gathering inside, Sora thought he caught a glimpse of Rapunzel without her golden locks, along with Flynn, though the former rogue was wearing a royal prince's uniform rather than his adventuring attire. As weird as it was seeing them in this world, he shook his head, probably imagining things if his mind was playing tricks on him. Brushing the awkward sighting aside, he watched her run out to the docks, bumping into a horse and falling over onto a boat sitting on the docks.

Riding the horse, who quickly planted its hoof down on it to keep it and Anna from slipping into the water was a young man whom Anna seemed smitten by. He had auburn hair with long sideburns, wearing navy blue trousers, black boots, a magenta cravat, blue shirt, indigo vest, black epaulets, gold aiguillette, and a light gray-and-black blazer. He was either a prince or someone who was part of a naval fleet in this world.

"Who's that human?" Yona asked.

"That's Prince Hans," Anna said with an elated giggle.

"Oh. So this guys was the Hans Kristoff mentioned," Sora said. "He definitely looks like a prince."

"He's amazing," Anna said. "I think he's my Prince Charming I've been waiting for."

"You 'think'?" Sora questioned while Yona gasped in surprise with a wide grin.

"Anna in love with Hans!?" the yak squealed.

"Yes. And what's great is that we like the exact same things!" Anna added, exciting Yona more, but Sora seemed a bit skeptical.

Suddenly, the vision shifted to later in the day during a royal ball for the new queen. Anna and Hans were by themselves on one of the balconies around the castle, away from the other guests. The two were having a little conversation, laughing, and enjoying each other's company.

"Ok, wait, wait. So you have how many brothers?" Anna asked.

"Twelve older brothers," Hans said. "Three of them pretended I was invisible. Literally. For two years."

"That's horrible," Anna mumbled sympathetically.

"It's what brothers do," Hans responded with a small shrug.

"...And sisters," Anna added with a sigh. "Elsa and I were really close when we were little. But then, one day she just shut me out, and I don't know why."

Hans takes Anna's hand and leans closer to her, giving her comfort in her brief moment of loneliness. "I would never shut you out."

Throughout the musical number, Sora and Yona watched Anna and Hans enjoying the time they have together. It was weird to see other worlds also able to have a certain innate urge to sing. At first, it was going at a decent start with them just goofing around, wandering around different parts of the castle, but in the chorus, Sora felt something was off with their "duet". He wasn't a musical genius, even though he's had quite a few songs he couldn't help but join in, but the way that the two seemed to be "synchronized" didn't seem right. Yona was oblivious as she watched the couple with awe, thinking Hans was perfect for Anna just like the young woman believed.

However, it was at the very end that disturbed Sora the most and made his jaw drop in disbelief. When Hans out of nowhere just proposed to Anna to marry him, she did make the situation even crazier by saying yes. To someone who she only met for one day, barely knew much else about him, and thought he was her Prince Charming because she fell in love at first sight. It was completely out of nowhere, and if this was either from Anna's desperation for attention or to avoid being alone anymore, she's making a horrible mistake rushing love like this. Unlike Yona, she was excited for Anna, eager to see another human wedding and happy for the princess after she had been ignored by her older sister.

"...I can't believe that," Sora finally said.

"Well, it's all right in here," Anna explained. "Nothing exaggerated or anything. But I didn't realize we were both singing."

"It beautiful," Yona said. "Yona happy for Anna!"

"No, that's not a good thing," Sora interjected, wilting both Anna and Yona's grins. He looked at Anna with a serious expression, still not believing that Anna was this lovesick to fully trust in Hans that quickly. "You're telling me you met this guy earlier on the day of Elsa's coronation. And you said yes to him asking for your hand in marriage?"

"Yes," Anna said with confidence. "Did it skip that part for you? Can it play back?"

"Anna, you barely know this guy!" Sora exclaimed. "You got engaged to someone you barely met for a single day, and you think nothing's weird about that!?"

"Not if it's true love," she reasoned, making Sora stammer in astonishment.

"...Ok, then what's his last name?" Sora questioned.

"...Of-the-Southern-Isles?" Anna answered.

"Favorite food?"


"Best friend's name?"

"Probably John."

Yona shifted her head back and forth as Sora continued asking Anna questions about Hans and how much she knows him. Sadly, Sora was proving himself right that she barely knew anything about Hans with all her responses quickly answered with random guesses. Yona didn't understand why Sora was so irate about the situation when he should be happy for Anna, and she was sure Elsa was just as excited, though they still don't know why she ran away from Arendelle.

After asking Anna several more questions, Sora sighed and hung his head, being driven crazy by the ordeal. "Ugh...I really can't believe you're this crazy enough to say yes to a random stranger who asked to marry you."

"Hans isn't a stranger," Anna huffed. "Kristoff asked me those same questions last night. Are you a better love expert than him? Or his...adoptive family."

"Obviously," Sora grumbled.

"Then where's your proof?" Anna demanded.

Sora held up his hand, showing his wedding ring sitting on his ring finger to the stubborn princess. "I'M married! To a girl I've known since we were kids!" he explained. "Granted, even I became a sucker who fell in love at first sight, but we became friends, and as we got older, I got to learn more about her. True love takes a whole lot of time to develop. It can't be just...out of the blue and fall right into your lap."

"...How old are you?" Anna asked curiously.

"Twenty," Sora answered. "My wife's name is Kairi. We're both the same age, and we've been together as friends for fifteen years. But we didn't fall in love immediately. Our relationship really began only a few years ago, and just got married a few months ago. But without any thought, or just guessing randomly, we both know what we like, how we're feeling, everything that a couple has when they're truly in love."

"Oh..." Sora moved his hand away, running his hands through his hair as he exhaled. "...Well, I still think Hans is perfect."

Sora whined, hanging his head in defeat. "...Just...before you even get hitched, know about him more before you get married to someone you didn't realize wasn't as perfect as you thought he was." He lifted his head back up, pushing past Anna's love interest and focused back on Elsa's predicament. Right now, Elsa's safety was much more important than some random guy Anna had met. "Anyways, after all of...that, what made your sister run away?"

Her memories responded for Anna as the vision shifted to the ballroom. Anna and Elsa were talking, their interactions slightly awkward after never seeing each other for more than a decade, but it seemed their sibling relationship was slowly gaining traction again. However, when Anna brought up Elsa's engagement with Hans, even Elsa disapproved of Anna's reckless decision. The two sisters got into an argument, both of them claiming the other to know nothing about what love is like. Then it got worse when Anna managed to pull off Elsa's left glove, making her panic. Sora and Yona could see snow beginning to fall around Elsa as her emotions ran wild.

Despite Anna trying to reunite with Elsa, everyone at the ball was concerned about the newly coronated queen. She wanted to be alone, but she had enough, accidentally unleashing her magic in front of the entire ball, shooting up ice spikes just like how she reacted to Sora and his companions back on the mountain. Understandably, everyone was terrified, and Anna really didn't know she had ice magic as she stared at Elsa in shock. That was the moment Elsa ran away, but if it was the middle of summer, it explained why there was a lot more snowfall in this world than it should be in the region Arendelle was in. Elsa's powers were controlled by her emotions, and the distress and anxiety she felt, along with her fears, couldn't be held back and brought Arendelle into an early winter.

Sora took back his ornament, knowing what happened after when they spotted Elsa fleeing across the fjord and ran up the mountain. "So that why Elsa run away," Yona mumbled.

"It's not her fault, though," Anna said. "I pushed her too far, and I know she never meant for this to happen. I have to find her and bring her back home."

Sora had done the same thing as Elsa; hiding a dangerous secret to try to keep everyone safe. Even Riku did the same to him back against the old Organization XIII. He thought staying away from him would keep him safe, but Sora refused to let him be on his own and reunite with him and Kairi, even if his new body could have been permanent. Riku needed him to bring him back to his senses, and he needed everyone to do the same for him when his darkness was unleashed. And right now, though Elsa was ok for now, so long as Larxene doesn't do anything, she needs Anna.

"...If anyone can help her, it's you, Anna," Sora said.

Surprised by his confident statement, Anna grinned and gave him a nod. She messed up and wanted to fix the mistakes she made with her sister and be a family again.

"Guys!" Pinkie came running out of the woods, holding a stick in her curly tail, though she looked a bit panicked.

"Pinkie? What's going on?" Sora asked as the earth pony came to a halt, accidentally kicking snow up at Donald when he and Goofy came running back after hearing her call them out.

"Uhh, we got a teeny-weeny itsy-bitsy little-wittle problem while we were finding Sven some food," Pinkie sheepishly said, then held out the stick she brought back.

"...A stick?" Donald questioned skeptically, brushing off the snow Pinkie kicked all over him.

"It's not a normal stick," she said. The stick suddenly bent and gave them a small wave with its three-pronged fingers, startling the group. "Olaf got a little more excited, and he started singing about what it'd be like to hang out in summer, which isn't really a smart idea since he's a snowman and can melt in the heat, but I didn't want to dash his hopes up since he seemed so happy to be on the beach and suntan-"

"Professor Pinkie," Yona interrupted. "Why have Olaf arm?"

"Oh! He broke apart and got his pieces scattered," Pinkie finally said. "Fluttershy and I have been helping try to find every part of him...except for maybe his body. That's that harder part."

"Oh dear," Anna sighed.

"I guess we better help put him back together," Sora said.

It was a bit rough putting Olaf back together again, but they managed to succeed. Out of all his body parts, his legs had gone for a little jog without the rest of its body. His head called out to them, which somehow got itself trapped inside of a snowball. His torso was even harder to find as a sizeable ball of snow with a singular button, everyone nearly passing over it until Yona finally recognized it. He even lost his nose in the process, which was hidden in Sven's mouth, who had secretly wanted to eat it since the carrot nose was technically food for the reindeer. Thankfully, he didn't eat it, though Sora, Donald, Goofy, Fluttershy, and Pinkie "heard" him speak through Kristoff. Surprisingly, for Fluttershy, what Sven had said in his own reindeer grunts was exactly what Kristoff said for him. They were thick as thieves and inseparable when she found out the two had been best friends since they were little.

"There we go," Sora said. "Let's not have you losing anymore parts of you."

"I'm just happy to have my nose back!" Olaf said. "I look so silly without it!"

"I can't believe he got too excited singing about the summer and broke apart when he jumped and fell off that hill," Kristoff groaned.

"At least there weren't any Heartless that scattered his pieces!" Pinkie said with relief.

"'Heart-less'?" Kristoff questioned. "They sound worse than the wolves that prowl around these mountains."

Suddenly appearing far from the group, Anna and Kristoff got themselves a good look at what the Heartless looked like. More Flutterings and Winterhorns appeared, and the return of the Satyrs from Olympus.

"You mean like those things that just appeared out of nowhere!?" Anna exclaimed.

"Ooh! New friends?" Olaf asked excitedly. "They're even bluer than Dolan!"

"It's Donald, and don't go near them!" Donald squawked.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy rushed forward, holding the Heartless off. "Girls, go on ahead and keep them safe!" Sora said as he struggled against a Satyr. "We'll catch up! Helping Elsa's more important!"

"Yes, sir!" Pinkie saluted, hopping past Anna and wrapping her tail around her arm, dragging her behind her. "Come on! We got another trek up this mountain!"

Fluttershy, Kristoff, Sven, and Yona hurried after Anna and Pinkie Pie, leaving Sora, Donald, and Goofy to cover them as they escaped. Finding a path up the mountain, they began their ascent to reach Elsa. It wasn't a simple hike as more Heartless appeared in their way, but not as many or as rough as the Satyrs. A tougher variant of Large Bodies tried to block them and slide down the hill to ram into them, the difference between them being the additional gold wrist cuffs, gold-pointed shoes, and had a gold helmet on their head. Dubbed as Helmed Bodies, they were much more defensive, though their back was still their biggest weakness.

Yona was able to out-muscle the Helmed Bodies, flipping them around smack around its rear end for an easy kill. Pinkie and Fluttershy backed the yak up while keeping their new friends safe. It was harder to do with the curious Olaf wanting to say hi to the Heartless. They weren't sure if Olaf's heart could be taken since he was a snowman brought to life by Elsa's magic, but they didn't want to take that risk and Kristoff had to hold onto the snowman to prevent him from getting lost. Or falling apart again. Whichever came first that wound up being the worst-case scenario.

Jiminy hid in Pinkie's mane, both to keep warm and prevent himself from being spotted by Anna, Kristoff, and Olaf. Even though Yona, Pinkie, and Fluttershy were accepted as normal for talking animals from "another kingdom", seeing a talking cricket would probably break the world order more if Donald and Goofy's presence didn't bat an eye.

With the tougher climbs up, Kristoff was skeptical of the others being able to trek the mountain. He's been going up and down these hills for years and considered himself a careful expert, but the weird methods of climbing up the steeper cliffs by Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Yona baffled him with their Balloon spells. As dangerous as it seemed to just bounce on magical orbs, he was proven wrong when they were able to jump up to the higher ledges like flights of stairs. Sven was at least having the time of his life, and Olaf and Anna had no fear.

Eventually, they managed to reach the top where Elsa built her ice castle, the sight of it alone making Kristoff gaze at it in awe as he fell to his knees. "This is...magnificent...I think I might cry."

"Uhh, why Kristoff cry?" Yona asked.

"This palace of pure ice," he said, waving his hands to emphasize the entire structure from the ground up. "It's so...flawless. So...beautiful."

"Kristoff is an ice harvester," Anna explained. "He cuts ice and brings it down to the town. And it's a lucrative business."

"They don't have freezers or refrigerators in this world?" Fluttershy asked Pinkie, to which the earth pony shrugged in response.

"Well, it'll be a dying business if we can't fix Elsa's winter," Kristoff said.

He stood up and was about to have a talk with the ice queen, but Anna stopped him. "Actually, I think I should just go and talk to her myself. She might freak out if she sees me with another guy."

"I'm sure that worked out fine before when you agreed to get married by a random stranger," Kristoff grumbled.

Anna leered at Kristoff, still holding on to her belief that Hans was the one for her. "Wait, hold on a second!" Pinkie interjected. "You're getting married to somepony you don't even know!?"

"Ugh. Not this again," Anna groaned.

"But it true love," Yona said, vouching for Anna, to Fluttershy and Pinkie's shock.

"See? Someone agrees with me," Anna gloated to Kristoff.

"Oh no," Fluttershy mumbled. "That's not how true love works, Anna."

"Look, all of you can tell me how bad of an idea that is when I can get Elsa back home," Anna said.

She walked past the disgruntled Kristoff and flabbergasted mares. Olaf was about to follow her, but Kristoff stopped him.

"You're staying with us, Olaf," he said.

"Oh? But I want to see Elsa, too," Olaf said.

"I think it's best that Anna and Elsa talk to each other alone. Just two sisters," Fluttershy said.

"Then why is Yak Yona going with her?" Olaf pointed out.

Confused, they looked at the ice bridge, finding Yona following Anna up the steps. "Yona, get back down here!" Pinkie said. She let out a sigh and shook her head. "Oh well. If you can't beat them, join them."

"P-Pinkie!" Fluttershy scolded, watching her friend hopping up the stairs after the duo. Since there was no point in sticking around in the cold, she, Kristoff, and Olaf followed them. While Kristoff admired the smooth glass-like surface of the ice rails, Fluttershy stopped Sven. "Sven, be a good boy and wait for us here, ok?" The reindeer nodded, planting his rump down next to the stairs. "Good boy! And if we get back to town, we'll see if we can find you a bunch of big, juicy carrots."

Sven nodded his head again in excitement, staying perfectly still in his spot for those promised carrots. Anna paused when she reached the front door, hesitating slightly after her attempts to reach out to Elsa with a knock on her door was met with silence or urging to go away. She finally knocked, the door left unlocked, letting Anna and Yona make their way inside, marveling at the interior crafted by Elsa's magic. There were a flight of steps that spiraled up to the upper floor on the far end of the main foyer. The floor was as clear and smooth as glass with a giant snowflake symbol glowing a bright purple.

"Elsa?" Anna called out. "It's me, Anna!"

She tried to walk toward the stairs, only to slip and fell against Yona. "Anna?" Footsteps echoed in the icy palace as Elsa made her way down. When she saw them, she was surprised to see her sister had come all this way to find her, even Yona's presence after she ran from her and her mentors. "...Yona."

"Hi, Elsa!" Yona greeted with a grin.

As Anna stood back up, she was shocked to see the beautiful dress Elsa crafted. "Elsa, you look...different," she complimented. "I-It's a good different...And this place is amazing."

"It is!" Yona agreed. "Elsa much happier than before!"

"...T-Thank you," Elsa said. "I never knew what I was capable of."

"Elsa just need lots of space to practice magic," Yona said. "Yona do same for training, and Yona much stronger than before."

"Yeah, and it shows!" Pinkie said as she suddenly hung upside down beside Elsa on the stairs.

Startled, Elsa backed away as the party pony flipped onto the ground. Fluttershy and Olaf walked inside with Kristoff too busy admiring the palace. Her gaze focused more on Olaf as the snowman gasped in elation, seeing his creator for the first time and running up to the stairs to greet her.

"Olaf?" Elsa uttered.

"You remember me!" Olaf cheered with joy. "I feel so warm and fuzzy inside, I just might melt from happiness!"

"...H-How are you alive?" Elsa questioned, then looked down at her hands. "...Did I...bring you to life without realizing it?"

"Yona think Elsa did," Yona said.

"It looks like you have a hold on your powers," Anna said as she approached the stairs. Elsa began to step back up, keeping her distance as her fears came back to her. "Let's head back to Arendelle. We can show everyone you're not a monster, and what happened was all an accident. We can be together again, just like we were when we were kids."

Elsa's eyes widened as she thought back to what made her afraid of using her powers in the first place. She began to retreat up the stairs to the second floor, shaking her head and upsetting Anna as her older sister was trying to escape from her presence once again.

"...No. I don't belong in Arendelle," she said. "...Please, leave. Go back home."

"But I just got here," Anna argued.

"Just go away, Anna," Elsa said. "I'm trying to protect you."

"From what!?" Anna questioned, watching Elsa continue climbing the steps. Worried, Anna ran after her, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Yona following while Olaf and Kristoff remained in the foyer. "You don't have to protect me. I'm not afraid of you. Please don't shut me out again."

"Yeah, don't hurt your little sister more than you're already doing!" Pinkie added, trying to help Elsa reunite with her only family left. "Trust me! I have three sisters, and my older sister Maud always likes to hold back how she feels when I do silly or goofy things to keep me from being upset!"

"Elsa and Anna only family," Yona reminded the queen as they reached the second floor. Elsa froze as she stood in the center of the room, making her grimace at the horrible event that left both sisters orphaned. "Yona and masters help Anna climb mountain to get together again. Elsa also in danger from nasty human who's after you."

"That's what Elsa's in trouble with?" Anna questioned in shock. "Someone's trying to kill her?"

"Kidnap, actually," Fluttershy corrected. "But...I don't understand why Larxene isn't here. She blew us off the mountain a while ago."

"...I didn't see anyone else," Elsa assured. "Just...I don't want to hurt you again, Anna."

"Again?" Anna asked. Elsa refused to look at her sister, but she walked around, standing before her in front of the balcony overlooking the mountain range. "Elsa, all I wanted was for us to be a family again. If it's because you were hiding your magic from me all this time, I don't care."

"Anna, you belong in Arendelle," Elsa insisted. "I'm better off alone, where I can use my powers freely without accidentally hurting anyone. Everyone will be safer without me around."

The Equestrians' ears drooped, still seeing the grave fear in Elsa's face as she turned away from Anna. "...Actually, we're not safe," Anna said, startling the queen. "You kind of set off an eternal winter...everywhere."

"What?" Elsa uttered, looking at Anna, seeing her sheepish expression despite trying to make it sound like her unleashing her magic wasn't all that bad.

"It's ok," Anna reassured. "You can fix it."

"No, I can't," Elsa said, terrified. Suddenly, snow began to pick up inside the room, along with outside, surprising Yona, Fluttershy, and Pinkie. "I don't know how."

"Sure you can," Anna assured once more, having faith in her sister that has the power to take back her ice powers as well as unleash it. "I know you can."

The snow over them quickly began to spiral, turning into a whirling snowstorm around Elsa. The queen began to panic, her magic feeling more like a curse than ever if she was threatening to turn their entire world into a giant ice ball, effectively destroying it. Anna grunted as she was pushed back by the harsh winds, struggling to push through to reach out to her. Fluttershy and Pinkie were also struggling not to get pushed into the wall, unable to see through the flurry of snow and wind. Yona stood her ground, her species grown used to the frigid cold of Yakyakistan, slowly realizing that Elsa was emotionally distressed and her emotions caused her powers to fluctuate and react wildly out of her control; just like Aqua when she was unbearably angry and unleashed ice magic while she was a unicorn.

"Elsa, no need to be afraid!" Yona called out as she helped try to reach Elsa along with Anna. "Yona want to help Elsa! Elsa need to calm down! Elsa can fix winter and prove you not have darkness in your heart!"

Overly frustrated, Elsa let out a yell. "I CAN'T!!!" she exclaimed, sucking the blizzard back to her, then shoved it away with a shockwave of ice around her.

Yona gasped and ducked, avoiding the shockwave. Pinkie and Fluttershy were blown back down the stairs, sent tumbling downward and crashing into Kristoff and Olaf while they wondered what was happening upstairs. When Yona looked up, she gasped when she noticed Anna didn't see the shockwave through her squinted eyes in the storm. She watched the ice go straight through her upper chest, making her gasp out in pain as Yona saw her heart glow an icy blue before it faded away. Anna grunted, holding her chest as she collapsed to her knees. Else turned around and gasped when she saw her sister doubled over in pain.

"Anna!" Yona got up and ran over to the injured princess, helping her back up while she held a hand over her heart, trying not to show she was in agony.

"I-I'm ok," she assured, but Yona knew she was far from ok after seeing her heart glow from her chest like that.

"You need to leave," Elsa said. "All of you."

"B-But, Elsa-" Elsa waved her hand, a dejected frown and her eyes glinting with guilt for hurting her sister again.

The snow from her magic built up, creating a massive snowman that dwarfed Olaf's size by at least ten times. Its limbs and fingers were made of ice, keeping it more stable compared to Olaf's body, built like a behemoth bodyguard as it loomed over Yona and Anna.

"NOT. WELCOME. HERE!" the giant snowman spoke.

It lunged its hand toward Yona and Anna with its sharp icy nails. Yona pushed Anna out of the way, getting grabbed as she flailed about to try to escape. Overpowered by the snowman, he flung the yak out of the balcony, making her scream as she was tossed over the railing, over the chasm the ice bridge crossed, and headed straight down to where Sora, Donald, and Goofy were as they just managed to make it up the mountain. The trio reacted too slowly when they looked up and heard Yona's screams, letting out startled yells of their own and unfortunately "caught" Yona, getting crushed into the snow under the yak's weight.

"Ugh! Watch out...for flying yaks," Goofy grunted.

Yona groaned, letting out a gasp as she quickly got off her teachers. "Master Sora, Anna hurt! Elsa use magic and accidentally hurt Anna!"

The trio sat up, alarming them. "Oh no! What happened!?"

"Elsa got upset, then lost control of magic when she got more and more upset!" Yona explained. "She just like Master Aqua! Her power controlled by her feelings!"

"And she just threw you out!?" Sora exclaimed.

Suddenly, the front door to the palace slammed open, where Sora, Donald, and Goofy saw who threw the yak out from the balcony. The giant snowman wedged through the front door, holding Anna and Kristoff in one hand and Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Olaf in the other. Sven was startled and backed away in fear, grouping back with Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Yona.

"Olaf, tell your little brother to put us down!" Pinkie shrieked.

"GO AWAY!" It flung Anna and Kristoff forward, sending them sliding down the ice bridge and tumbling across the snow toward them.

"Did Elsa make that snowman, too?" Donald asked.

"Uh huh," Yona mumbled.

The snowman flung Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Olaf, the smaller living snowman's pieces coming apart as the trio flopped to the snow next to the others. Olaf's body struck boulder behind them, his head, torso, and legs sticking to the snow lingering on the rock.

"I think my baby brother might be a little cranky," Olaf said.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy ran over to Anna as she and Kristoff stood up, concerned for the princess and what Elsa accidentally did to her. "Anna, what happened?" Sora asked.

"Hey, that's not nice to throw people or creatures like that!" Anna scolded the giant snowman, ignoring Sora's concerns as she picked up some snow and packed it into a ball to throw at the snow guard.

"Whoa, whoa, feisty-pants!" Kristoff intercepted Anna, holding her back before she ticked off the abominable snowman even further. "Just let the snowman be."

Anna grunted, taking a breath as she calmed down. She backed away, but threw her snowball at it, making Kristoff groan in exasperation. The snowman watched it fly toward it, hitting its shoulder, which barely did anything to hurt it, but it roared as its eyes glowed and ice spikes grew from its shoulders and back.

"And you made it angry," Kristoff groaned.

"Not a smart move," Pinkie added. The snowman leapt from the ledge and landed in front of them. "Uhh, wanna try a snow cake?"

Pinkie quickly crafted a cake made of snow and presented it to the angry snowman. It didn't work as it roared in their faces, turning the snow cake into snow powder. Anna and Kristoff ran with Sven tailing behind them, Olaf soon catching up as his lower body parts flopped off, temporarily leaving his head before coming back to grab it. Sora, Donald, Goofy, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Yona ran down the hill, distracting the snow guard as it gave chase to them.

"Why Elsa do this!?" Yona questioned. "Elsa not bad! Elsa is Princess of Heart!...Right?"

"Whatever happened between her and Anna, she sounded really adamant to being with her!" Fluttershy said.

"As long as Larxene doesn't go after her right now, we have to worry about what Elsa's magic did to Anna!" Sora said. Though they were faster than the snowman, they weren't going to break off its pursuit. Spotting a few trees leaning from heavy snow weighing them down, Sora had an idea to smack the ice off the brute of a snow guard. "This way!"

He changed direction and headed for the over tree. The others followed, prompting the enraged snowman to do the same, unaware of what they were up to. Sora slid to the bent over section, grasping onto the top of it tightly, keeping it bent as he pulled back. Getting the idea, the others ran behind him to avoid getting whacked when he let go. Sora bided his time, waiting for the right moment to release. The snowman roared, blindly charging forward as he swung his sharp icicle claws with each step. Sora released, letting the tree smack and daze the snowman, knocking off the ice spikes it sprouted and sending it falling on its back.

"Take that, you mean snowman thing!" Pinkie said.

"Great thinking, Sora!" Goofy said.

"Uhh, guys, it's not down and out yet!" Jiminy pointed out.

The snowman quickly got back up, growling angrily as it leered at them. "Wow, he's durable for a snowman," Sora uttered.

"He's as thick as a marshmallow," Pinkie added. "Ooh! Marshmallow sounds like a great name for him!" The snowman roared and jumped in the air, dropping down on the group. They dove out of its way, summoning their weapons to defend themselves. "Assuming he doesn't keep fighting us when we're trying to help Elsa along with him!"

"No point in arguing with it if it wants to kick us off the mountain!" Donald exclaimed.

Marshmallow turned to Yona and swung his hand at her. The yak blocked the swat, sent sliding back across the snow. Sora and Donald cast some Fire spells at him, making him roar out in pain. It would make sense that snow would melt against heat, and Marshmallow had more common sense than Olaf when it came to something warm threatening to melt them. After putting himself out, he turned back to Sora and Donald, unleashing his icicle spikes with a mighty roar, then jumped toward them. The moment he landed, he went on a slashing spree, chasing the wielder and duck mage. In his blind fury, he didn't see the duo leading him over toward Goofy, Pinkie, and Fluttershy, readying another tree to smack him and snap him out of his rage.

The trio released, smacking Marshmallow while Donald and Sora quickly dove away. They struck the snowman while he was down, but he got right back up again and smacked them away from him. Yona didn't want to hurt Marshmallow, seeing its only concern was protecting its creator and was reacting in self-defense thanks to Anna's reckless actions. All it did was kick them out by Elsa's orders. What bothered her the most was when Elsa mentioned she hurt Anna once before with her magic, but Anna didn't remember anything about her magic in their youth. What did Elsa do to her sister?

"Yona, we could use a bit of yak muscle here!" Pinkie yelled, snapping the yak out of her thoughts.

She spotted Marshmallow backing her mentors toward the edge of the cliff. He was far stronger than they all expected, even brushing off their magic spells. And clearly smarter than he seemed. He noticed where they were standing, smirked at them, then raised its fist up. Jiminy realized what the snowman was about to do, quickly hopping off of Pinkie's head just as Marshmallow slammed his fist into the ground. The mountain shook, and the ledge Sora, Donald, Goofy, Pinkie, and Fluttershy stood on crumbled away. They all fell back down the mountain once more, the snow falling with them causing a smaller avalanche that even swept Fluttershy up, unable to fly away in time as she fell with the others.

"No!" Yona called out, running over to the side, watching them slide back down in the falling snow. Jiminy was the only one who made it, hopping through the several inches of snow. She went over to the cricket and helped him out of the snow, but she wasn't out of the woods yet. Marshmallow set his sights on her with a growl, startling her while Jiminy hopped onto the yak's head. She started to back away, keeping herself from wandering too close to the mountain edge to risk falling down again. "W-What Yona do now?"

"Try to fight back," Jiminy said. "Although, if Sora and the others couldn't beat this giant snow monster, I don't know what will."

It was a risky idea, but Yona was going to try something crazy. She dismissed her Keyblade, making Marshmallow stop when he grew curious as to where her weapon disappeared to. Gulping nervously, she carefully approached the snowman.

"Y-Yona not want to fight," Yona said. "Yona only want to help Elsa." Marshmallow tilted his head, her plan slowly working. "Yona name Yona. Elsa give you name?" The snowman shook his head. "Well, Yona give name. Professor Pinkie name you Marshmallow. You want to be Marshmallow?"

"MARSH...MALLOW," he repeated.

"I can't believe this is working," Jiminy mumbled, but he kept himself quiet or else risk getting Marshmallow to attack again.

"Marshmallow want to be friends with Yona?" Yona offered.

"FRIEND...?" Yona nodded, feeling more confident as she held her hoof out to the snowman. Marshmallow looked at her hoof, reaching his hand out to her. Just as he was about to gently grasp her hoof, he flinched, then looked behind him, staring at the ice palace. He roared, then began stomping his way back up the hill. "ELSA!!!!"

Yona watched Marshmallow running back to the palace, letting out a gasp as the snowman sensed Elsa was in some kind of danger. "Elsa in trouble! Larxene back!?"

"If you encounter her again, you might not be able to-" Jiminy yelped as Yona sprinted after Marshmallow.

The cricket held onto the yak's thick fur. He was sure Sora and the others were ok, but he was more worried about Yona running into Larxene and getting herself hurt again. Heartless suddenly surrounded the yak, making her snort angrily as she recalled her Keyblade. Satyrs, Helmed Bodies, Winterhorns, and Marine Mambas outnumbered her, but she wasn't going to let them stop her.

"Out Yona way!" Yona warned.

One of the Satyrs jumped at her, but she swatted it aside with a hard swing, sending it crashing into and crushing a Winterhorn. Stomping a hoof, she shot a pillar of earth in front of her, then slashed at it, sending several sharp pieces of debris toward the floating water mage Heartless. She blasted the Winterhorns that bounded in her direction with accurate Fire spells, melting away their horns. Another Satyr and a Helmed Body charged her from behind, but she wheeled around, clashing her horns against the two bigger foes' fists. Grunting as she pushed them back, she slammed her hooves into the earth again, tripping both Heartless. As they hit the ground, she managed to hook their arms between her horns, then charged forward, picking up snow as she turned around sharply, aiming for the rest of the Heartless.

Flicking her head wildly, she used the Helmed Body and Satyr as battering rams, swatting the hornless Winterhorns, blocking incoming Water spells from the Marine Mambas, and bowled over the other Satyrs and Helmed Bodies that tried to stop her. After knocking each of them down, she flung her two unfortunate Heartless victims off her horns, crashing them into their large brethren. Yona dug her Keyblade into the earth, then swiftly slashed it in front of her, creating a long, thick piece of earth to shoot up from the ground. With a grunt, she headbutted the massive slab, sending it crashing down on the downed Satyrs and Helmed Bodies. They were crushed, releasing their hearts, then with one final slam of her Keyblade into the ground where they laid, Yona scattered the broken pieces into the other Heartless, slaying them as well.

Jiminy was shocked to see just how skilled Yona had become, and her solo training during the break really made her a tough warrior to beat down. With her blockade destroyed, Yona continued running up the hill to reach the ice palace. Her ears perked up when she thought she heard Marshmallow roar, which only faded little by little before she couldn't hear him anymore. Picking up the pace, she could feel the weather getting colder. Whatever was happening to Elsa, she was getting stressed and her powers were running far more out of control. Finally arriving at the ice bridge, she ran up the steps and hurried to the door.

Crashing through the entrance, she froze when she was suddenly met with a sword pointed at her face. Thinking it was another member of the Organization or someone in this world who was hunting Elsa, she was shocked to see the owner of that sword was Anna's prince, Hans. The prince was startled by her entrance, lowering his weapon with a relieved sigh.

"Just a random yak," Hans muttered. "I thought it was another one of those monsters, or another giant snowman."

The state of the foyer left Yona worried. It looked like a battle waged inside, and the ice chandelier that was hanging from the ceiling had fallen and crashed to pieces. Behind Hans, Yona spotted Elsa, who was lying unconscious.

"Elsa!" she cried out, startling Hans as he gawked at the talking yak.

"I-It can talk!?" he exclaimed, stepping aside warily as Yona ignored his shock and approached the unconscious ice queen.

"Elsa? Elsa alright?" she uttered. She could see Elsa breathing, then looked at the baffled human. "Human name Hans, right?"

"You know my name?" Hans questioned.

"Anna tell Yona about you; her prince and true love," Yona said. "What happen to Elsa?"

"I don't even know where to begin," the prince said. "Everyone back in Arendelle refused to help in finding Elsa, so I volunteered to go off on my own to find her and Anna. They all think Elsa is a monster, but for Anna, I want to prove her innocence. But with this winter, we need her to reverse this and bring back summer." Hans sheathed his sword, looking at the shards of the chandelier. "Strange creatures I've never seen before attacked myself and Elsa, and then I was attacked by a giant snowman."

"Hans attack Marshmallow!?" Yona exclaimed. "Where Marshmallow!?"

Ignoring the fact the giant snowman guard that almost crushed him was named "Marshmallow", Hans didn't realize the snowman was also a friend of the strange yak's. "I'm sorry. I had no choice but to protect myself," he said. "He fell down the cliff. But, since he's made of snow, I'm sure...Marshmallow is fine."

Yona whimpered, but she knew Marshmallow was a tough snowman. "Yona hope so," Yona mumbled.

"Where is Anna?" Hans asked curiously.

"Yona not know. Yona and masters were chased by Marshmallow, but Anna run back down mountain," Yona said.

"Maybe she returned to Arendelle," Hans said. "It'll make it easier to convince the terrified townspeople Elsa's not a threat if we're there to vouch for her innocence."

Yona nodded, grateful to know Anna had chosen the right man to help her and her sister in their time of need. "Help Yona place Elsa on Yona's back," she said. Hans silently agreed, walking over to Elsa, picking her up, then gently laid her over Yona's back. They walked out of the ice palace and carefully climbed down the ice bridge, Yona leading the way back down the mountain with Hans directly behind her. "By the way, Yona name Yona."

"I kind of guessed that was your name after you mentioned it several times," Hans said. "A friend of Anna's is a friend of mine."

Yona giggled, wondering why Sora thought that Hans wasn't the perfect match for Anna. He's willing to sacrifice himself to protect his bride's sister from harm and helping her prove to Arendelle that her powers were unleashed by accident. If Elsa can figure out how to take away the eternal winter she accidentally created, then her kingdom will praise her for her powers and not reject her like she feared.

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