• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Workin' on the Farm

Even though Sora was full from breakfast, he felt more tired than ever as he woke up earlier than he usually does. He let out a yawn as he stood in front of the barn, where Applejack and Big Macintosh would plan out what they would assign him to do.

"Alright, Sora. Rub out that sleep from your eyes," Applejack said. "Ya'll should have gone to bed early instead of messin' with Winona last night."

"I had a little trouble sleeping. Not my fault I wanted to steal your dog and got her all riled up." Sora wasn't lying about his sleeping problem, though he wanted to make sure the Heartless were kept a secret. He didn't want anyone to panic if they knew heart stealing beings would attack them at any given point. "So, give me something to do before I use the dirt as a pillow."

"We'll start ya off with some apple buckin', though Ah doubt ya'll can do much with them skinny legs of yours." Sora rolled his eyes, the mare having no idea what he was really capable of. He followed the siblings into the hundred acres of apple trees, Applejack and Big Mac carrying several wooden buckets on their backs. They placed them under some of the trees, where several of their branches had ripe apples ready for the picking. "What we do to get all the apples off is to buck the trunks with the right amount of strength, and in the right spot."

Big Mac demonstrated for Sora, stepping up to a nearby tree and turned his back to it. He reared back his hind legs and gave the tree are hard kick, causing the branches to shake as several apples fell down in the buckets. The entire tree was free of any apples, the teen impressed by the silent stallion's strength.

"Well, that doesn't look too hard. Let me try." Sora walked up to one of the other trees nearby, ready to try apple bucking for the first time.

"Well, don't feel too disappointed if ya can't get it on the first-" A hard smack was heard as Sora bucked his tree, sending all the apples on its branches down in the buckets in one go. As the pegasus grinned in success, Applejack and her brother stared at the lanky teen in shock. "...try?"

"That was kinda fun." Sora ran up to the other trees with buckets underneath them, kicking them hard and gathering all the apples in one go every time. The Apple siblings looked at each other, then the buckets full of apples, then at Sora, unable to believe somepony like him was stronger than he looked. "I think that's all the available buckets filled. What do I do with them?"

"...Uhh...W-We bring the buckets to the barn to store them and keep them preserved, or in the cart to sell them at a stand in town." Sora nodded, understanding what to do with the buckets.

"Ok. Buck the apples in the buckets, and carry them to the barn for storage. Easy peasy!" He surprised them again when the teen lifted not one, not two, but five buckets of apples.

He carried one on each of his forelegs, one on his head, and one on each of his outstretched wings. Balancing perfectly on his hind legs, Sora walked back to the barn, both Applejack's and Big Macintosh's jaws dropping at the display their guest was pulling off. He came back a moment later, dropping the empty buckets next to the shocked earth ponies and went for the rest of the full buckets. He carried these ones stacked on top of each other, balancing them on his head.

"...How in Equestria is somepony that skinny that strong?" Applejack questioned, Big Macintosh shaking his head in disbelief, feeling some of his masculinity diminish by the younger pegasus's incredible strength.

Within about an hour, Sora had managed to clear out a few hundred trees of the southern edge of the orchard, placing empty buckets under the trees, bucking the apples down, and bringing them back to the barn. He pretty much dealt with the siblings' quota for the whole week with the amount of apples he brought back, needing to tell him to stop before he took every single apple out of their orchard. They put him on some other chores to do since apple bucking was done for the entire week.

Watering some of the trees that needed some hydration was one of those chores since there didn't seem to have been much rain around the previous few days. Using his new skills as a pegasus, he grabbed some nearby rain clouds around Ponyville and began bouncing on top of them to make them rain under the thirsty trees. While busy making sure the trees that needed water got enough, a certain cyan pegasus flew around the orchard, and she did not look happy.

"Hey!" she shouted, getting Sora's attention. "What the hay are you doing with those rain clouds!?"

"Oh. Hey, Rainbow Dash. I'm just helping Applejack watering some of her trees," he explained, only angering the mare further. "If some of them wither from lack of water, they'll have less crops to sell."

"Then why did you take clouds for tomorrow's storm when you could have just flew around and dumped buckets of water from the air!?" Sora stared at Rainbow in confusion. "Great. Thanks to you, I gotta tell the weather factory to bring in more clouds! The hay is wrong with you!?"

"I thought the clouds were free to use," Sora said. "I found these hanging over Ponyville nearby, and no one was around."

"They were used as a marker for the rest of the clouds we're supposed to build up for tomorrow for the storm!" Rainbow groaned as Sora made another mistake. "Are you doing this on purpose!?"

"No, I swear! I don't know everything that goes on around here." Sora pushed the cloud over to Rainbow Dash. "Here, you can take them back."

"They don't have any water left for the rain! You realize how much of my pay is gonna be slashed off by this!?" He shook his head, having no idea how things work as he was scolded by the pegasus mare. "You owe like thirty bits for messing up the dang schedule!"

"Sorry." Sora dug around his pouch and pulled out a large Munny orb that counted for fifty smaller ones. "I think this should cover your paycheck."

"...What the hay is this!? This isn't even close to a bit!" Rainbow shouted.

"Uhh...what is a 'bit'? A 'bit' of what?" While he asked what exactly the pegasus wanted from him to repay him for his mistake, she leered at him suspiciously.

"...You seriously don't know what a bit is? Our currency?" Sora slowly shook his head. Rainbow's stare intensified, finding him untrustworthy after he blatantly said the weather couldn't be controlled, never touched a cloud in his life, thought that every single cloud in the sky was free to use, and had no clue what a bit was. "...Who the hay are you?"

"...Uhhhh...Hey, look! What's that behind you!?" Rainbow fell for his ruse, summoning his Keyblade while her back was turned. "Sorry about this," Sora apologized as he aimed his weapon at the pegasus. "Stop!"

A small flicker of light shot out from his Keyblade as an illusionary clock surrounded Rainbow Dash, freezing her in time temporarily. He caught her before she fell to the ground, laying her down on the cloud he offered back. Quickly grabbing all the clouds around the sections of the orchard he put them in together in one massive clump, he pushed the giant mass of fluffy whiteness back over Ponyville, speeding off back to the orchard before his spell wore off. As Rainbow was able to move again, she grew confused as she was now sitting on the clouds Sora had mistakenly taken, back over the main square of the town.

"...What the hay just happened?" she questioned. "Just who the hay is that guy?"

As the day wore on, Sora continued to do his chores, though with less enthusiasm than earlier in the day. He finished watering the trees that needed it manually with a bucket he carried and pouring it down on them from above. After that task, he moved on to tilling the fields with the rusted plow the Apples had, slowly pulling it over the soil for the smaller crops they wanted to plant when the apple season goes, like corn. He chided himself for making another dumb mistake, only this time with stealing clouds instead of not knowing pegasi could manipulate them.

"I knew I should have stopped by a library or something the other day," Sora sighed. "And now I used magic on someone to get out of a confrontation about my obliviousness and useless Munny to pay her back for my mistake. Even if it was harmless time stopping magic." He then groaned after detaching himself from the harness connected to the plow, rubbing his forehead. "Where's Donald to scold me for being dumb and Goofy to try and reason with him to go easy on me?"

"Who's Donald and Goofy?" The teen yelped in surprise, not seeing Apple Bloom being next to him with a glass of ice-cold apple juice balanced on her head.

"Sheesh!...Apple Bloom, don't scare me like that." Calming his startled heart-rate, Sora took the full glass off the filly's head and took a sip, wiping some sweat from his brow. "It's kinda rude to sneak up on ponies."

"Ah was by the fence for the last few minutes," Apple Bloom said. "Ah thought ya saw me, but ya'll were mumblin' to yourself."

"...Oh..." Sora sat down to take a break, Apple Bloom sitting next to him as she looked out at all the work he did.

"Ya'll really helped out a lot. It would take all day for both mah brother and sister to get nearly a small amount of the chores done, yet ya managed to buck several hundred apples in under an hour. And ya looked like ya'll were havin' fun." Sora simply nodded as he drank his beverage. "But...now ya aren't havin' fun."

"...Well..." He looked around, making sure Applejack or Big Macintosh were nearby. "Did you see me use some rain clouds to water some of the dried trees around the orchard?"

"Yeah. A whole lot faster than bringin' buckets several acres out to water every single tree if we ever get a drought. Pretty smart, even though we can't fly like ya'll." Though Apple Bloom praised Sora for his efficiency, she didn't know where he got those clouds.

"But, those clouds that I used...They were supposed to be used for a rainstorm for tomorrow, and I thought those clouds left alone over Ponyville were just sitting there." He didn't look down at the filly, knowing she had a face that screamed "Seriously!?" Sora sighed, pressing the cool glass against his forehead. "That Rainbow Dash pegasus found me, saw the clouds, and I got in a little trouble. I was going to pay her back for my mistake, but I guess Munny's not really a well-known currency around here."

"...Uhh...'Munny'?" Apple Bloom asked.

Sora pulled out a small Munny orb from his pouch, something that the filly didn't find in his infinite void of a bag. "This is Munny. Apparently, I needed to pay her in bits for the clouds I took, but I didn't know what she meant...I'm in a bit of trouble because I didn't even know from my lack of know-how of everything in Ponyville."

As Apple Bloom took the orb in her hoof to examine it, she looked back up at the miserable stallion. "What happened after? Did ya give the clouds back?"

Sora tried to think of an answer, not wanting to tell the filly he used magic to freeze Rainbow Dash in time and gave the clouds back with barely any water left in them. "Uhh...Yeah! But to repay her for stealing the clouds and using their water, I have to pay her thirty bits to replace the clouds...Though, I don't think these aren't going to help much."

"Oh...But, what is this strange block thingie?" Apple Bloom asked, spinning the orb around. "These probably aren't gonna help ya buy anythin' anywhere in Equestria."

"Yeah, that's what Rainbow Dash said. Hopefully your brother and sister won't get mad if I ask for an early paycheck for my hard work," Sora said, scratching his head.

"But Ah thought ya said ya'll would work with us just to stay," Apple Bloom said, reminding the teen with what he said yesterday.

"Oh. Right." He sighed, probably needing to find a job if he needed the actual currency in this world. He placed the empty glass back on Apple Bloom's head and stood back up, ready to head back to work. "Now, go bring me back some more apple juice, servant! And a sandwich! I am famished after working so hard for your family!"

The filly giggled at his goofy attempt to sound commanding. "Yes, sir!"

As he watched Apple Bloom run back to get him some more to drink, Sora sighed, hating having to lie all the time. He placed the Munny orb the filly dropped back in his pouch and got back to more chores he was assigned. While carrying the old plow back into the barn, he didn't realize someone above him was watching him from a lone cloud hovering in the sky. Rainbow Dash leered at Sora as he disappeared in the barn.

"There's something suspicious about that stallion...and I don't like it." Before she left, she heard some kind of commotion going on inside the barn, looking back down behind the cover of her cloud. A moment later, her eyes widened as she saw some strange black creature run out of the barn with Sora chasing after it, now holding onto some kind of giant key in his mouth. As soon as he confronted the strange monster, several more popped up around him from the ground. "What in Equestria is going on!? What are those things!?"

Before she could find out, she heard something behind her, sounding like it appeared from a void. She turned around, finding a few creatures that were like the ones Sora was fighting now, only they were different. Resembling the same style as a Soldier Heartless, only they had propeller caps on their head, and their flight is more erratic than that of a bee's. Too shocked by their appearance, all of the flying Heartless slammed into the pegasus, sending her falling off the cloud.

Rainbow tried to fly away, but they were faster, keeping her from escaping as they forced her to plummet to the ground. While Sora was holding his own against the Shadows and Soldiers that wanted to destroy this world again, he looked up as he heard someone struggling up in the sky. His jaw dropped, spotting Rainbow Dash getting swarmed by Heartless as they were about to slam her into the ground.

"Oh come on! Not Air Soldiers!" They were falling too fast for him to fly after them before they hit the ground. He held his Keyblade up in the air to use his magic. "Stopga!"

A bright light shone from the tip of his Keyblade, brighter than when he used the spell earlier, stopping all the Heartless in a massive area around him. As Rainbow was expecting to hit the ground, she opened her eyes when she didn't feel the Heartless' claws scratching her painfully, looking at the frozen creatures that still have a hold on her.

"...What the hay...?" she uttered.

Sora quickly ran up to Rainbow Dash before his powerful Stop spell wore off, smacking the Air Soldiers off of her, still frozen stiff in the positions they were in. He caught the pegasus before she hit the ground, setting her down on the ground.

"You ok, Rainbow?" he asked, growing worried as he held his Keyblade tightly in his mouth.

"W-Wha...? How in...? What is...?" Completely flabbergasted, she looked over at the other frozen Heartless Sora was fighting earlier. She heard him shout out "Stopga", which made her think about how she had somehow wound up from Sweet Apple Acres, yelling at Sora, to end up over Ponyville with all the clouds he took, and he was nowhere to be seen. Her shock turned to anger and confusion, looking back at the pegasus. "Who the hay are you?"

"I'm gonna take that as a maybe," Sora said, ignoring the look she was giving him. "Look, just get as far away from here as you can before my spell wears off! These creatures are dangerous!"

"You froze me just like those things earlier!" Rainbow shouted as she got in the teen's face. "How the hay can you use magic when you're a pegasus!? And what is with that stupid key in your mouth!?"

"Listen, don't argue with me about this! Your life is in danger!" he argued back. "Get out of here before they start moving again!"

"Not until you tell me what the hay is going on!" With Rainbow's stubbornness keeping her from heeding his pleading warning, Sora's spell wore off, the Air Soldiers thankfully destroyed as they twitched erratically and blew up into several green and Munny orbs.

The grounded Heartless began running toward them, all of them lunging for the mare, finding her an easy target compared to the Keyblade wielder that was destroying them. She turned around as she heard the clanking sounds coming from the Soldiers, her pupils shrinking to pinpricks as she was about to be attacked again. Sora swiftly got in front of Rainbow, taking the hits for her as he was sent flying back by their combined attacks, sending the cyan mare hurtling back with him.

Sora quickly got back up, brushing off their weak strikes. They rushed at them again and leapt up into the air. The Keyblade wielder held his weapon up into the air again, this time wanting to get rid of the large group with one powerful spell.

"Thundaga!" he shouted, sending powerful bolts of lightning down upon the Heartless, killing them as the Soldiers' released hearts upon being defeated.

Rainbow stared in horrified awe as Sora had called down lightning bolts, with no lightning clouds anywhere above them. As the Heartless were slain, she watched as the Soldiers' hearts flew up into the sky, disappearing in a flash of light by some unknown power. With no other Heartless around to show up and attack them, the teen looked back at the shocked pegasus. Seeing her injuries inflicted on her by the Air Soldiers, he pointed the end of his Keyblade at her, which made her back away from him.

"Whoa, hey! Don't kill me!" she shouted, but before she could fly away, Sora was much faster, appearing in front of the pegasus as she turned away.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you," he assured, pressing the end of his Keyblade against her forehead. "Cure."

Appearing above the two pegasi, a pink bellflower magically appeared in a green light, shaking like a bell as it sprinkled green powder over them. Rainbow gasped, feeling the powder was somehow soothing and pleasant, already healing her scratches and pain until she was fully rejuvenated. The same happened to Sora as his injuries seemed nonexistent as well. After the spell did its job, the flower disappeared in a burst of light.

She blinked as the teen dismissed his Keyblade in a flash of light. "...W-What...?"

"Hopefully, saving your life from the Heartless is enough as an apology for taking those clouds," Sora said as the mare was completely dumbfounded to even say anything. "Sorry again." He walked past her, stopping a few feet away from her. "Pretend you didn't see anything. I don't want anyone to panic if they knew the Heartless were around. If you run into anymore, just flee. I'm the only one who can handle them."

Sora walked back to the farm, thankful to know only Rainbow Dash was the only witness to his Keyblade and the Heartless. As long as she didn't say anything, he wouldn't have to worry about the world panicking under the threat of darkness. While getting back to his chores, he didn't notice the pegasus he rescued speed off somewhere.

As the day was brought to an end, Sora rested in his bed after eating dinner and cleaning up after a hard day's work. He wasn't able to fall asleep, though, still lingering on what had happened between him and Rainbow Dash, even after he rescued her from the Heartless. He had no choice but to show his Keyblade and magical abilities in front of her, otherwise they would have both been turned into Heartless. He only hoped that the pegasus would stay silent and pretend none of this ever happened, but how can one forget something as life threatening as this?

"So much for not showing my Keyblade...As long as I keep quiet about everything outside of this world, it should be fine..." He looked out the window, spotting the same full moon with the image of a mare created by the craters. "Hmm...That's the second night in a row that moon is full. Maybe it doesn't change around this world? Well, Rainbow said it was going to rain tomorrow. I think I might head down to Ponyville's library to study a little more about Equestria, and not feel like an idiot again."

He rolled over and fell asleep, hoping tomorrow would turn out better than today.

Inside of an extravagant castle resting at the top of the mountain several miles from Ponyville, one of the castle's royal guard walked down the halls, carrying a scroll in their magical aura. Unlike the golden armor the others had on as he passed by the sentries, this stallion's armor was purple and gold, signifying his higher rank among the other white stallions, a white horn jutting out from his similarly colored helmet. His cutie mark, a blue shield with a purple star in the center, fit well for his career as a soldier of the castle, his mane and tail two shades of blue. Making his way down the corridors of the hall, passing by murals of Equestria's historic moments in the past depicted on the windows of the hall, he passed through the massive doors to enter the throne room.

Inside, sitting on her throne while going through some paperwork, while also listening to some ramblings from a lavender unicorn mare, her mane a dark purple with a pink streak running down the center, was the kingdom's ruler. She was a tall equine, her coat pure white while her mane and tail, billowing in an invisible, gentle breeze, were a mixture of blues, green, and pink, almost like an aurora, her cutie mark being a golden sun. She had both a pair of wings, far bigger than any other pegasus's, and a long horn that was about three times longer than the average unicorn. She also wore golden regalia as a sign of her status as a ruler.

The mare that was talking to the ruler, her cutie mark a large pink star with five smaller white ones around it, silenced herself as she noticed the guard, smiling and waving at him, knowing who he was. As much as the guard wanted to return the gesture, he had a duty to uphold. He bowed to the ruler, getting her full attention away from what she was reading.

"Your highness, we received a report from what a witness claims to be a threat down in Ponyville," he announced, handing the scroll to her as she opened it. "The witness was...not exactly thorough with her description, her report stating 'This pony is totally dangerous and he almost killed me with his pet monsters.' She gave us a...umm...terrible 'drawing' of the assailant's face...and choice of weapon."

While looking down at the details of this upcoming threat, the unicorn mare was curious as to what this threat was. She squinted her eyes in disgust at the supposed mugshot: a terrible drawing of a tan stallion, his brown hair too spiky to even be considered safe, his teeth comically sharp as he held a badly drawn sword shaped like a key, the teeth of the key sharper than the blade itself. In the background, around the stallion, were small black creatures, also poorly drawn, with mismatched yellow eyes and white fangs.

"Hmm...Interesting," the ruler commented, unfazed by the terrible artwork.

"Interesting?" the unicorn mare questioned. "Princess, this is obviously ridiculous. I've read every single book on every creature known to Equestria, and there are definitely not any kinds of creatures that exist like that. And...is that supposed to be a sword? Shaped like a key? What kind of weapon is that!? It's impractical!"

As the young mare questioned the odd request to capture this dangerous pony and his "pets", the taller mare rolled up the scroll and looked down at the guard. "I would like to see just how 'dangerous' this stallion really is."

Both ponies stared at their princess in shock, actually believing in the possibly fake attempt to gain attention. "Princess, you can't be serious...Right?"

"I am," she said, highly serious despite her calm smile. "Captain, tomorrow, I want you and your guards to head down to Ponyville, find the pony who reported this 'threat', and find this stallion. Oh, and, do use any force if he doesn't come quietly. I doubt he'll resist, but you'll never know."

"...Y-Yes, Princess...As your command." The captain saluted to the princess and left the throne room, both unicorns unsure if they should really believe their ruler's word.

"Princess, what if this is just some kind of ruse? This just might somepony trying to get attention and be a misuse of the royal guard," the mare said, voicing her opinion.

"Oh, it's no ruse, Twilight Sparkle." The princess held the rolled up scroll to the unicorn. "No matter how serious somepony claims anything is, they should always be taken seriously, even if it's a cry for help. Besides, I think our new visitor has finally arrived."

"Huh?" The princess didn't respond to Twilight's confusion, exiting the throne room and calling it a night. "Visitor? What's she talking about?"

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