• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Hearts and Hooves Day (2.5)

Winter was finally over as spring transitioned throughout Equestria, Winter Wrap-Up making it on time for the season thanks to Twilight's helpful organizational skills since her first year of living in Ponyville. The weather was warming up, a perfect time for the upcoming love-filled holiday that was Hearts and Hooves Day, or Valentine's Day for the Keyblade wielders. For the holiday of love and romance, ponies throughout Equestria have grown plenty of flowers in greenhouses to sell for buyers to give for their loved ones, varieties of chocolates in bakeries and confectionery stores were on sale, as well as a plethora of gift cards, hoofmade gifts, and the like for that special somepony were ready for those to show each other how they feel. And this year, the Castle of Friendship was hosting a Hearts and Hooves Day party for couples to enjoy, or just very close friends if they don't have a special someone to go with.

One special gift Sora has been saving since his trip to Las Pegasus with Applejack, Fluttershy, and Kairi after their friendship mission sat in his hoof, that box containing the enchanted diamond heart ring that would be his engagement ring to her. Today, on Hearts and Hooves Day, Sora was going to give it to her, and his proposal would be witnessed by all his friends, and his mom and Kaito, who Ventus was picking up using his Gummi ship. Gently closing the box, he looked at himself in the mirror, his heart fluttering in his chest as he wondered if he should comb his spiky hair down, dress for the occasion, or just be his wild, goofy self and enjoy the day with Kairi.

"Oh boy, I'm so nervous," he muttered to himself. "Come on, Sora, suck it up. You've braved fighting Heartless, Nobodies, Dream Eaters, and the threat of darkness itself. You can propose to the girl of your dreams, who is also a princess with incredible magic and a heart filled with pure light that you've saved several times." He cleared his throat, beginning practicing his proposal to her in the mirror. "'Kairi, through all the years we've been together, we have been the closest of friends. We've played on the island, back on the mainland, even here in Ponyville when we're not busy saving the day. Since day one, I've had a crush on you, but I was afraid to tell you how I felt because it would have ruined our friendship, and even more so when I discovered a darkness I couldn't control. But no matter what, you assured me that I was strong enough to face my darkness, and I would always fight for you, even giving up my heart to wake you from the heartless coma you were under when I first lost you.'" Sora held the box up in his hoof, kneeling down on one knee to show the mirror as practice to Kairi. "'Kairi, will you-?"

"Hey, Sora," Riku called out as he opened the door. Sora panicked, letting out a girlish scream as he scrambled around, quickly hiding the engagement ring behind his back while sitting stiff as a board facing his friend. Riku raised a brow at Sora's odd behavior. "...What were you-?"

"Nothing!" Sora interrupted, yelling louder than he intended out of nervousness.

"...Sure, and I didn't overhear you talking to yourself from behind your bedroom door," Riku said.

"I-I wasn't talking to myself! I was...chatting with Ventus over our communicator to see how the trip was going for mom and Kaito!" Sora said, grinning widely, hoping Riku would buy it.

"Hey, Sora!" Ventus called out from the hall, spotting Riku at Sora's doorway. "Oh, hey, Riku. Your mom and Kaito's here."

"...And what perfect timing, Ven!" Sora said, letting out an over-exaggerated laugh as he approached the doorway, hiding the box in his red pouch as he walked toward Riku and Ventus. "Gotta go say hi to mom and wish her a Happy Hearts and Hooves/Valentines Day! Have fun with Twilight, Riku!"

Sora squeezed past his friends, then zipped off down the hall. "...What was that about?" Ventus questioned.

"You know when we don't question Pinkie Pie and whatever she does?" Riku asked, the younger pegasus nodding his head in response. "Well, I don't suspect Sora's behavior most of the time, but he sure did act pretty awkward just now..." Riku shrugged after pondering for a moment, then made his way down to the library. "Oh well. Off on a Valentine's Day date with Twilight. Try to find yourself a date, Ven!"

"I think I'm fine being single for now!" Ventus said, letting out a huff. "Everyone assumes I need a girlfriend, but I'm perfectly fine without one."

Sora let out a heavy sigh, dodging a bullet as his surprise would have been ruined. He navigated his way down to the main foyer, where Pinkie was busy setting up decorations for Hearts and Hooves Day with Fluttershy and Rainbow's help reaching the rafters. Kaito and Manami were already into the holiday spirits, helping Pinkie with the decorations on the ground while teasing each other.

"Ugh. I think it's worse than when I see mom and dad doing that when they think I'm not around them," Sora uttered to himself. He flew down, dodging Pinkie as she bounced over him while smacking a heart decoration on a pillar, landing behind his mother and his father's Nobody. "Alright, children, break it up! Away from the lady, young man!"

"Hey, who's the young man here?" Kaito questioned as he and Manami turned to face Sora.

"Uhh, technically, you are," Sora said. "You may be as old as my dad, but you're clearly younger than I am."

"Eh, semantics," Kaito scoffed playfully.

Manami laughed, wrapping Sora in a hug, which he returned as he earned a kiss on the cheek. "I never thought I'd be back in Equestria so soon. And on Valentine's Day, too."

"We call it Hearts and Hooves Day in Equestria," Fluttershy said as she flew by with a few red, pink, and white streamers.

"Yeah, that love magic is in the air again," Rainbow said. "It's nice to get chocolate and all that, but I won't fall for any of that mushy junk somepony tries to woo me with."

"Maybe we should find Quibble Pants and set you two up on a blind date," Sora playfully suggested with a smirk, making the pegasus mare blanch, nearly dropping the other end of streamers she was helping Fluttershy put up.

"N-No! I-I don't like Quibble like that!" Rainbow exclaimed, her cheeks suddenly turning pink. "We're just friends! A-And, even if we both like Daring Do, sort of, he's a big dork about the series!"

"Are you sure about that?" Sora asked. "When he tried crossing that bridge after you two got kidnapped, he told me you tried to tug him out of the broken plank he made as he stepped on a worn out section. Bet ya got an eyeful from that point of view, huh?"

Rainbow's cyan cheeks turned bright red, glaring angrily at Sora as he burst out laughing from her reaction. "S-Sora! That's it! I don't care if you can avoid me! I'm gonna kill you!"

Sora ducked and flipped out of the speedy blue blur's attempts to tackle him to the ground, continuing his mocking while she yelled and demanded him to stop. "And there goes Sora acting like a child again," Manami muttered. "Though he is in a pretty good mood today. I wonder why that is."

"Beats me," Kaito said, though he had a hunch after seeing that ring Sora planned to give Kairi.

While Rainbow continued chasing Sora down, the front doors to the castle opened up. Walking in was a lanky orange stallion in a blue mail carrier's outfit and cap, pulling out a letter from his mailbag as he nonchalantly trotted his way inside without being welcomed in.

"Excuse me! I am looking for a Miss Pie!" the mail pony called out. "A Miss Pinkamena Diane Pie!"

"That's me!" Pinkie said, sliding down a pillar while simultaneously decorating it in a spiral of red, pink, and white streamers. She hit the ground with a squeak, then bounced over to the mail pony. "I can't believe I got a letter! Who's it from!?"

"Not sure, no return address," he said, keeping the rim of his hat down to conceal his face. "Must be a secret admirer."

"Hmm...Random mail from somepony I don't know from a mail pony who isn't from around here?" Pinkie questioned. The stallion waved the envelope teasingly, tempting Pinkie into taking it, which succeeded as she swiped it, ripped it open, and opened the letter inside. "'Today is a fantabulistic day to spread more than just happiness on Hearts and Hooves Day, that special something being love. This is to a very special mare, which is you, who had helped me discover the joy I could give like you have. And despite getting barely any screen time, mostly because my voice actor was a guest star for the show in only one episode and I was important for the finale events of season 4, the fans clearly appreciate the idea of us being the perfect party pony couple, and all the letters we write to each other, and funny (or rated "A" for "not for young ponies") pictures we shared to let us know what crazy parties or adventures we have on our separate paths. But today, I want to spend this lovely holiday with you with a surprise reunion fans of this story have been dying to see. Your Secret Admirer. P.S. Look up.'"

Confused by the last bit after the signature, she looked up, the mail pony setting a radio down in front of him. He pressed the play button, odd triumphant music playing through the speakers, halting Fluttershy's decorating and Rainbow chasing after Sora. The mail pony grinned and lifted his head, showing his face to Pinkie, who gasped as she recognized that muzzle. Grasping his outfit, he tore it off with a flourish, revealing himself to be none other than Cheese Sandwich, freeing his curly brown mane and tail, the red polo shirt he wore had a white heart on the front with Pinkie's trio balloon cutie mark inside.

"Surprise!!!!" Cheese cheered.

"Cheesey!" Pinkie squealed, leaping into her long-distance coltfriend's hooves as he spun her around, the couple laughing joyously as they were reunited. "I can't believe you're here!...About time somepony brings you back into this story."

"Yeah, and it only took sixty-five chapters where I make an actual appearance again," Cheese said irritably, the duo leering at something the others couldn't see, staring into the writer's soul for keeping such a lovely, bubbly, party-throwing couple like these two apart from each other for this long, but reuniting them in a Hearts and Hooves Day chapter should make up for procrastinating bringing Cheese Sandwich back and doing love sub-plots between this romantic couple. "...I think I'll accept that compliment as an apology. How about you, hon-bun?"

"Yeah, because everypony out there agrees with that," Pinkie said, confusing the others as they had no clue what they were looking at or who they were talking about. "Now, give me some sugar, Cheesey!"

"Ok!" Cheese Sandwich pulled out a bag of sugar from his mail bag, holding it out to Pinkie. "Here ya go!"

"Cheesey, not THAT kind of sugar!" Pinkie chided.

"I'm just goofing you." Cheese tossed the bag away, then planted a big kiss on Pinkie's lips, making the pink pony squeak in surprise before moaning into his muzzle and closing her eyes in bliss.

They pulled away half a minute later with a loud smack, both of them with a goofy, love-struck expression on their faces. "Worth the long wait," Pinkie mumbled.

"Hey, Cheese Sandwich," Rainbow called out as the other ponies in the room walked up to the couple. "Been a while. What are doing here?"

"I thought it'd be a great idea to spend a little time off from party throwing and visit Pinkie Pie, and what fortunate timing that it's Hearts and Hooves Day as I was walking down the road and passing by," Cheese said. "So I thought why not and popped right over, but I wanted to make my appearance a surprise."

"And a fitting song!" Pinkie said, hitting the stop button on the radio. "'A Date With Fate'. So cheesy of a title, but I love it!"

"And I'm gouda with the cheesy stuff!" Cheese said, his pun making Rainbow and Sora roll their eyes.

"Well, looks like there's going to be plenty more guests for the party tonight than we thought," Sora said. "Hopefully the castle will get decorated in time before it starts."

"Not a problem with the two best, super-duper party ponies in all of Equestria on the case!" Pinkie said. "You wanna hold off on a party planning break to help, Cheesey?"

"Hmmm...I don't know. It'll throw off my vacation days I saved up for-ok!" Cheese pulled out Boneless 2, settling him on his back. "Let's make this a lovey-dovey shindig everypony in Ponyville will remember forever!"

The party pony couple cheered, then zipped off to finish setting up the party. "Well, love is definitely in the air today," Manami said. "I didn't know Pinkie had a boyfriend."

"...There's...two of them," Kaito muttered. "...Should we be worried?"

"The universe hasn't blown up yet, so I think we're good," Sora said. A moment later, Riku and Twilight came out into the foyer, Kairi trailing behind them as they looked over the decorations that were set up. "Is Twilight finally ready, or does she need to find another book on applying makeup?"

"Ha ha, Sora," Twilight sarcastically said. "If you must know, I was actually talking with Kairi, and we both thought it would be a fun idea for us to go on a double date."

"We'll spend some time out in town, enjoy the day, and when night comes, we'll come back to the party and have some real fun," Kairi added.

As much as Twilight, Kairi, and Riku were ok with the idea, Sora winced, hoping to be alone with Kairi to propose. "...Uhh...Great. Sounds fun..." he said with a nervous grin.

"Great! And I planned out the perfect route for our double date!" Twilight pulled out a list, thankfully not long, but it still baffled both stallions that the alicorn would make a list for anything and everything. "First, we'll head down to Sugarcube Corner or the cafe for some beverages, then a peaceful stroll around the park, followed by getting a chocolaty snack where the boys will treat us for both drinks and sweets since they are gentlecolts, and when the sun begins to set, we'll head right back to the castle and start the Hearts and Hooves Day party."

Both pegasi stared blankly at her, then looked at each other. "...Well, you decided to go out with Twilight," Sora said to Riku.

"Shut up," Riku uttered.

"Come on, boys, it's not that bad," Kairi assured. "Let's just go out, enjoy the clear, sunny day, and the party later this evening." She and Twilight then looked at each other, sly smirks on their lips as the pink unicorn held out the list toward them. "Besides, there's one other thing we can do after the party's over. Bottom of the list."

Sora and Riku looked closely at the list, and the last item listed my their eyes widen and wings flare out from their sides. The duo looked at each other, then back to their respective girlfriends and their bedroom eyes. The stallions smirked, Riku taking the list from Kairi.

"I think this is actually a great idea," Riku said, Sora nodding in agreement. "Twilight, when you come up with a list as perfect as this, everything goes super smooth."

"Yeah, don't try to flatter me, mister," Twilight chided, making the stallions wilt, compliments and going along with the girls' way for their double date not going to easily reward them with the fun evening later on. "If you boys can behave yourself and be proper gentlecolts to us, maybe we'll both consider having a night of fun. Now, let's go, boys."

Twilight walked past Riku as he sighed. "By your command, Princess Bookworm." A lavender aura suddenly appeared around the collar of his jacket, yanking him after Twilight as he yelped and staggered forward. "H-Hey! I was kidding! You know couples tease each other, right, Twilight!?"

Sora and Kairi chuckled as they watched Riku forcing his legs to catch up with Twilight as his clothes were tugged like a leash on a wild puppy. "Well, we better get going," Kairi said.

"Alright. I'll see you later, mom!" Sora said, pointing his wing at her and Kaito. "And no funny business between you two while I'm gone!"

"Ok, dad! Gawsh!" Manami exclaimed like a sassy teenager, laughing at her son's eye rolling as Sora and Kairi hurried after Twilight and Riku for their double date. "I swear, that boy is weird when he wants to be. I'm a fully grown woman, and I can take care of myself just fine."

"Not when it comes to Heartless, dear," Kaito said.

Despite going out with the Nobody, Manami was a little confused if that came out from him or memories of her late husband. "...Was that you talking, or my Kaito?"

"...A little of both, I guess," Kaito admitted, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "...You still don't think it's awkward dating the shell of your husband these past few months?"

"No...Maybe..." Manami paused, feeling unsure of herself if this felt right or if it was awkward, but she refused to believe it was. "...I really don't know...If this feels awkward to you, you should tell me. You may look like my husband, but...you're your own person."

"I know that, but even if I could, the only memories I had that weren't smacking me in the head were in the Realm of Darkness surviving, living with Organization XIII, and wandering the worlds trying to figure out where home was while figuring out who you and Sora were to me," Kaito said. Manami looked down in shame, thinking she manipulated what constituted as a puppet with borrowed memories, but the Nobody gently tilted her head back up, giving her a reassuring smile. "I honestly don't care if I'm not meant to exist. What matters to me is fulfilling my true self's wish: keeping you and Sora safe, and being there for you since his unfortunate fate."

The mare gave him a small smile, letting out a light giggle as she nuzzled the Nobody. "You make it hard for me to say no...just like him," she uttered. "You have a better way with words than my husband when he tries to get out of doing something."

"Maybe because I've learned to be more romantic than him?" Kaito asked.

"Oh, you're still a bit sloppy when it comes to that, but at least you're completely honest with me instead of making excuses," Manami said. She wrapped her hooves around his neck, pulling the stallion into a tender kiss, which he gladly returned as he wrapped his hooves around her in return. After their brief kiss, their eyes locked on the other, muzzles gently rubbing against each other in affection. "I hope he learns a little bit from you while still being himself...if he comes back." Manami's smile faded, the only way her husband could truly come back was if Kaito's Nobody were to perish, and she didn't want to lose him again. She was snapped out of her thoughts when she felt Kaito caress her cheek, distracting her from the horrible memory of discovering the news of her beloved years ago. "...Sorry. I guess I'm ruining the moment."

"It's ok. I understand," Kaito said, giving Manami another reassuring kiss. "One day, he'll come back."

"Don't go killing yourself if you make that a promise!" Manami scolded.

"Even if it's a fight I know I can't win and perish regardless if I escape?" Kaito asked. Manami was about to lecture him on how stupid he sounded, but with how much danger he and Sora were in, especially Sora, she sighed, leaning against his shoulder while he hugged her. It took a while for her to relax and forget about the past, content with being held by Kaito as he rubbed her back. "Let's not let sour outcomes spoil the holiday. How about we go out and find us some chocolates to scarf down?"

"...Extra, extra chocolaty treats," Manami insisted.

"Even better," Kaito chuckled, guiding the mare out into town for the promised sweets.

They had completely forgotten that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy hovered above them, watching their sweet, tender moment, though they were also saddened to see the Nobody disappear if he dies in a dangerous fight. "Oh my. I hope it doesn't come to that," Fluttershy murmured.

"I doubt Kaito's gonna get whooped that easily," Rainbow assured. "He's just as tough as Sora is...being his dad's Nobody and everything." The pegasus mares winced when they heard Pinkie's party cannon going off somewhere in the castle, almost forgetting about her and Cheese Sandwich decorating for the party without them. "So, uhh, are we gonna leave the rest of the decorating to them?"

"All done!" Pinkie and Cheese exclaimed behind the pegasi, making them yelp as Rainbow Dash flew into Fluttershy's forehooves, which caused them to fall as the yellow pegasus couldn't lift her friend enough.

"Wow, that was fast," Fluttershy commented.

"Well, duh," Cheese said matter-of-factly. "Everything goes by faster in the background during a touching scene between side characters."

"Makes it easier to give a detail of the final decorations later on in the chapter!" Pinkie added. Rainbow and Fluttershy looked at each other, only to shrug their shoulders as they went along with the two random party ponies' nonsensical randomness. "Not that the castle is ready for the party tonight, let's go out and have some fun! And by fun, I mean myself and Cheesey on a date while you two...well, maybe you can find yourselves a special somepony out in Ponyville so you can have a date."

"I'll pass," Rainbow said. "Like I said, I'm not into mushy romance stuff. But I can go for some chocolate right now."

"You sure you don't want me to hook you up with Quibble Pants on a date?" Pinkie asked.

"I do NOT like Quibble that way!" Rainbow exclaimed, her face once again turning red as it was clear there was some denial to her statement.

"Eh, can't hurt to try just one date," Pinkie said with a shrug. "Oh well. Let's go to Sugarcube Corner and share a big, chocolaty milkshake, Cheesey!"

"What are we waiting for!? Let's go, go, go!" Cheese cheered, both party ponies walking out together, tails intertwined as they set out to enjoy their first official date together.

"...How are those two in love with each other after only meeting each other once, and we haven't seen Cheese since he threw that birthday bash for me and Ven?" Rainbow questioned. "It's like they've been in a relationship for the last year, and we never saw them together at all..."

"...It's Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, don't question it?" Fluttershy suggested with a shrug.

"...Whatever. I'm gonna scarf down chocolate." Rainbow zoomed off to get some delectable sweets, Fluttershy following behind since there was no need to decorate the castle further.

Standing at the entrance of Sweet Apple Acres, a young colt with orange fur and purple hair began to sweat nervously, a small bouquet of roses and a heart shaped box of chocolates resting on his back, the cutie mark on his flank a spotlight shining down on a black top hat. Tender Taps was his name, and he was incredibly nervous about what he was going to do at the Apple family farm. When he first met Apple Bloom, she was a pretty novice dancer the day she tried joining their class when she was down on her luck, and without her and her friends, he wouldn't have been able to find his cutie mark. Since then, he had been hanging out with the farm filly often, practicing some dance moves whenever she was bored and alone, or just talked about different things they liked or had in common. It didn't take long for him to grow a crush on the young mare who helped him find his purpose, though it was difficult to express that feeling when two specific ponies got a bit overprotective when he was around: Apple Bloom's older brother, Big Macintosh, and her honorary brother and Equestria's greatest hero, Sora.

Tender Taps gulped nervously, making his way up the path to the farmhouse. He took in several deep breaths to steady his nerves, both for asking Apple Bloom out on a date and encountering her two brothers. It felt like an eternity, but he finally reached the door, knocking a few times, then flinched when he heard Winona barking.

"Hang on, Ah'm comin'!" Applejack called out. Tender heard Applejack shushing Winona, keeping the excited collie from jumping on their guest before opening up the door. "Heya, Tender Taps."

"H-Hi, Applejack," Tender greeted. "Uhh, is Apple Bloom home?"

"She's cleanin' herself off after feedin' the pigs. Got a bit too playful with 'em while tryin' to get out." Applejack laughed, then stopped when she noticed the Hearts and Hooves Day gifts on the colt's back. "What'cha got there, sugarcube?"

"Oh, j-just...something I want to give Apple Bloom," Tender Taps said.

Applejack saw the colt tried to peek inside the house, hoping not to see a certain someone inside. It didn't take much for the flowers and box of chocolates to give away why the colt wanted to give her sister these special gifts, Applejack giving Tender a knowing smirk.

"Oh...Ah see," she said, letting out a light chuckle before turning to face the stairway. "Apple Bloom, ya got company!"

"Tell Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo I'll be done in a minute!" Apple Bloom called from upstairs.

"It's your coltfriend at the door!" Tender blushed heavily and stammered from the orange farm mare's teasing.

Apple Bloom finally came out a moment later, fixing her bow as she walked down the stairs. "Ah don't have a colt-" As soon as she reached the bottom of the steps, she finally noticed Tender Taps at the doorway, face bright red with her sister beside him, raising her brow with a sly smirk. Seeing her older sister was teasing her, Apple Bloom's cheeks turned bright pink in embarrassment as she leered at Applejack. "Applejack, Tender Taps ain't mah coltfriend!"

"Then why does he have some roses and a heart-shaped box if he came over to play?" Applejack asked, pointing at the gifts he was carrying. The filly blushed heavily at the holiday gifts, both younger ponies feeling bashful as Apple Bloom wondered what Tender Taps was planning with such heartfelt gifts. "Are ya sure y'all ain't more than just friends?"

"W-We're not dating, Applejack!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

"A-Actually...I-I was...kinda going to ask if...you wanna...go out on.........a d-date, A-Apple Bloom," Tender Taps said, sweat beading down his forehead, holding out the flowers and chocolates to the farm filly.

Apple Bloom's cheeks couldn't have blushed any brighter, bewildered, but subconsciously accepted Tender's gifts while reeling in his plans with her. "Looks like ya are now," Applejack said. Apple Bloom gave her big sister another glare with an angry pout. "What? Tender's a nice colt. And Ah know ya like him, too."

"S-Shut up, Applejack," Apple Bloom muttered as she looked away, fuming even more from her sister's teasing as she laughed.

"Well, at least it'll give ya somethin' to do if your friends don't always show up to play after your chores," Applejack said. "And you're already growin' up faster than Ah can keep ya, so go on out and have some fun with your coltfriend."

"He ain't mah coltfriend!" Apple Bloom shouted.

"Not yet," Applejack teased, making the filly groan in embarrassment. Apple Bloom grumbled, taking Tender's gifts and putting them on the kitchen table before coming back, pushing the stunned colt out and took him into town. "Have fun, you two! And Ah want mah sister back home before it gets too late, ya hear me, Tender Taps!?"

Apple Bloom let out an even louder exasperated groan, Applejack chuckling before heading out to finish her chores before relaxing the rest of the day. As soon as they were off the property, Apple Bloom sighed heavily.

"Ah hate when mah siblings tease me like that," the filly grumbled. "Sora's the worst, though; he keeps siccin' Stitch on me, and his slobber is worse than Winona's."

"You have another dog?" Tender Taps asked.

"Kinda. He's more like an alien dog, at least what Sora said he was," Apple Bloom said.

"...Ok, sure..." Both ponies stood awkwardly, Tender Taps's plans with Apple Bloom back in their minds as they both blushed and looked away from each other. "Uhh...So, was that a yes? Or did you want to get away from your sister teasing us?"

"...Ummm...Ah don't know," Apple Bloom mumbled. "A-Ah mean, it's nice of ya to get me flowers and candy since it's Hearts and Hooves Day...but, askin' me on a date???" Tender giggled sheepishly, slowly nodding his head. "...Why?"

"W-Well...I didn't really think much about it when we were hanging out and practicing some dance steps...but, after a while...my friendship with you slowly...turned into a crush," Tender Taps said, surprising the filly as he admitted his feelings to her. He looked down at the ground bashfully, rubbing his foreleg nervously. "You helped me find my cutie mark, and got over my stage fright to get it. It was nice of you to embarrass yourself on purpose for me so I could relax during the recital. And, you're a pretty good dancer, but you could still use a little practice."

"...That's why ya...LIKE, like me? 'Cause Ah helped ya find your cutie mark?" Apple Bloom asked.

"It's not about that," Tender Taps said. "I'm grateful for your help, but when I'm around you when I started feeling this way toward you, I started...slipping up with my dancing, and I can't stop thinking about you: your mane, your eyes, your outgoing and fun personality...everything." Apple Bloom couldn't hide her blush even if she dove into a pile of bright red apples, flattered by Tender's compliments. She didn't know what to think as she turned away in embarrassment, biting her lower lip as her heart began racing. Unfortunately, her move disheartened the colt, thinking she didn't feel the same way. "I wanted to ask you out on Hearts and Hooves Day. Thought it would be a good idea...but I guess not."

Apple Bloom's ears perked up, quickly turning back around. "Ah wasn't gonna say no!" she said a bit too loudly, quickly clasping her hooves over her muzzle over her sudden outburst. Trying to control her beating heart with Tender Taps slightly startled from the response she blurted out, she removed her hooves from her mouth as she took in a deep breath. "A-Ah like ya too, Tender...but Ah don't really know how Ah feel...This is...kinda new for me, havin' a colt askin' me to go out on a date...Didn't help with mah sister teasin' me about it, too."

"S-So...do you want to go out with me?" Tender asked. "I-If you don't, I understand, and we can still be friends, but...do you want to just...give it a try? See how it goes?"

He held his hoof out to her, patiently waiting for her answer. Apple Bloom was still unsure, but if it didn't work out, they could still be friends, even though it might be awkward for a while. There would be a point in her life where she'd one day find her own special somepony, and she was at that age where she can start making her own decisions.

"...O-Ok," she finally said after a long, stressful moment of silence, grabbing Tender's hoof with a bashful grin, both ponies with bright red cheeks. "Ah'll give it a shot."

"G-Great!" Tender laughed, which turned into a nervous giggle as he and Apple Bloom headed to town, hoof in hoof. "So...w-where do you wanna go first for our date?"

As they discussed where they would be heading, they didn't notice Applejack watching from behind one of the nearby trees closer to the front gates of the farm. "Mah little sis is growin' up so fast," Applejack said to herself. "Let's just hope Big Mac and Sora don't see them and go into 'overprotective big brother' mode."

All throughout Ponyville, couples of all ages were out and about on their dates together, whether it was just a simple picnic out in the park or eating out at one of the many restaurants throughout town. Reservations for one of the more popular cafes were booked as couples ate out, though most were content to get a quick snack down at Sugarcube Corner, where Carrot and Cup Cake were busy at work making their Hearts and Hooves Day couples' shakes along with any other baked goods customers would like to buy. Sitting in one of the corner booths watching them all, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo slurped on their own shakes as they watched couples come and go.

"I love Hearts and Hooves Day," Sweetie Belle said. "Such a romantic time of the year."

"Not really," Scootaloo said, sighing in boredom as she played with her drinking straw. "Hearts and Hooves Day just reminds me of that stupid potion we made for Big Mac and Miss Cheerilee when we thought we could be matchmakers."

Sweetie Belle nearly choked on her next sip, remembering the awful, embarrassing situation. "Yeah...and it ended up with Sora and Twilight getting poisoned by the supposed potion we made. And what they said to each other under its spell..." Both fillies shuddered, retching at the randomly disturbing nicknames no sane pair of lovers would ever call each other. "Lesson learned: don't mess with true love."

"Amen to that," Scootaloo agreed. "I think I've grown out of this mushy love stuff, anyway. The only best thing about Hearts and Hooves Day is all the chocolate you can eat. It's like Nightmare Night, only without giving up half the candy we get trick or treating."

As they continued watching, Sweetie Belle sadly sighed. "I wish I had myself a special somepony...Maybe I'm just a helpless romantic and no colt in Ponyville wants to go out with me."

"Please tell me you still don't have a thing for Sora," Scootaloo begged. "That was so awkward when you told us."

"I don't; he's like a big brother to me," Sweetie said. "...Although...Ventus doesn't seem that older than us...I wonder if he's interested in finding a special somepony."

"Oh boy, here we go again with the love sickness," Scootaloo grumbled, rolling her eyes as she slurped down her shake. While Sweetie Belle daydreamed about Ventus, Scootaloo continued eyeing the couples. When there was a break between the customers, giving them a better look at the front counter, the pegasus filly snorted in shock, nearly blowing what mouthful of milkshake out her nose at what, or rather, WHO she saw: At the front of the line was Apple Bloom, Tender Taps beside her as they ordered one of the shake specials for the holiday, the pair of earth pony foals carrying their shareable shake over to an empty table. Scootaloo hacked when she finally breathed without blowing her shake out her nostrils, grabbing Sweetie Belle and pulled her out of her daydream. "Sweetie Belle, did you just see what I saw!?"

"No, what?" Sweetie asked curiously.

"I just saw Apple Bloom with Tender Taps at the counter, and they got one of those couples shakes the Cakes are selling!" Scootaloo explained in a panic.

"What!?" the unicorn filly shrieked. They both quickly ducked under the table, peeking beyond the tablecloth as they peered through the other customer's legs. They found Apple Bloom and Tender Taps sitting at the other end of the shop in a small booth, taking turns drinking from their shake while they talked and laughed. "Oh...my...Celestia...You don't think Apple Bloom's...on a date with Tender Taps, is she?"

"It's definitely not a friendly outing when they're drinking from the same shake through different straws," Scootaloo pointed out. "Come on. Let's see what they're doing. And it better not be a date."

"Why not? I think they make a cute couple," Sweetie Belle said. "Maybe they both like each other that much and didn't want to tell us?"

"Then stop wondering and come on," Scootaloo grumbled, Sweetie letting out a huff as she followed her brash pegasus friend through the big crowd to reach their friend and her date.

As they got closer, Apple Bloom was in the middle of telling Tender Taps about her recent embarrassing moment in the last Sisterhooves Social with Big Mac and Sora filling in for Applejack and Rarity, the colt sipping on his straw as he listened with rapt attention. "So, Ah was really bummed out that mah sister had to go off to Manehattan to solve a friendship problem. The next day, Ah came to watch the Social while Scootaloo only competed, but out of nowhere, mah older brother showed up, dressed like a mare and pretended to be mah cousin Orchard Blossom so he could help me win a blue ribbon in an event!"

"Eww! That's weird!" Tender said with a laugh. "Did anypony even buy that?"

"Not a bit," Apple Bloom said. "But Sora managed to fool everypony when he turned into a mare."

"You mean dressed up like one, right?" Tender corrected, but Apple Bloom shook her head, biting her lip to keep herself from laughing.

"No...Ah mean LITERALLY turnin' into a mare!" Apple Bloom said with a snort. "There was this one time a couple years back, when mah sister and her friends, includin' Sora, confronted Zecora before everypony was friendly with her. They stepped in blue flowers called Poison Joke, and the next morning...they woke up with somethin' funny happenin' to them." Apple Bloom snorted again, stifling her giggling as she tried to continue. "The joke on Sora...was turnin' him from a stallion to a mare: longer hair, rounder muzzle, smaller body, even his voice was girly!"

Tender Taps snorted as he imagined Sora as a mare, thankfully not drinking their shake or else risking burning his nostrils from spewing it out, then laughed along with Apple Bloom at the hilarious prank the comedic flower of the Everfree Forest pulled on the Keyblade wielder. Too busy laughing, they didn't see Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle arrive at their table, having no clue what they were talking about that made them guffaw like wild hyenas.

"The hay is so funny?" Scootaloo asked, getting their attention as the pair of earth ponies calmed down.

"H-Hey, girls," Apple Bloom greeted, letting out a few giggles while wiping away tears from her eyes after laughing so hard. "Ah was just tellin' Tender how Sora-" She snorted, starting to get the giggles again. "-how Sora turned into a mare thanks to Poison Joke."

Sweetie Belle giggled as she recalled the Sisterhooves Social, but Scootaloo didn't, mostly skeptical of Apple Bloom and Tender Taps spending time together while sharing a milkshake. "Oh yeah. That was funny. Sora did that for me so I didn't feel left out in the Social again. It was sweet of him like an older brother would do...Weird, but sweet."

"Wait, Sora's your brother, too?" Tender Taps asked in confusion.

"Honorary brother," the unicorn and earth pony filly said simultaneously.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's my honorary brother too," Scootaloo said, skipping past the semantics and getting to the real issue she's seeing. "What are you two doing?"

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Apple Bloom asked, taking offense with Scootaloo's tone.

"Scootaloo thinks you and Tender are on a date," Sweetie Belle responded for the orange pegasus.

"...Well...we are on a date," Apple Bloom stated, shocking Scootaloo.

"Y-You are!?" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Y-Yeah. I asked her out on a date for Hearts and Hooves Day," Tender said.

"Ah didn't really know what I was supposed to say. Mostly because Applejack was teasin' us about it," Apple Bloom grumbled. "Ah was willin' to give it a try, and...if Ah like it..." Apple Bloom's cheeks tinged a bright pink, rubbing her hoof along the table as she glanced at Tender Taps shyly. "...Ah wouldn't mind goin' on another one...or two."

Scootaloo's jaw dropped, but Sweetie Belle gasped in awe, squishing her cheeks together while letting out a happy squeak. "Aww! Apple Bloom and Tender Taps as marefriend and coltfriend! Aah! I'm happy for you, but I'm also jealous," Sweetie Belle said with a pout, but perked up when she had another spiky-haired Keyblade wielder to admire. "Which is why I'm gonna take my chance and ask Ventus if he isn't too busy."

"Please don't make another one of those love potions we tried last time," Apple Bloom pleaded, feeling embarrassed by that horrific Hearts and Hooves Day disaster.

"Absolutely not," Sweetie Belle agreed. "I'm just gonna do it the old fashioned way: by hunting him down and asking him to go out on a date with me!" Outside Sugarcube Corner, they saw Ventus wandering about in town, the unicorn filly running out to ask the pegasus teen out. "Ventus! Are you single!?"

They watched as Ventus blanched upon hearing that question, quickly zipping away as Sweetie Belle chased him while asking him for a date. Scootaloo grumbled, her eye twitching as one friend was on a date with somepony while the other was chasing after one, if she was able to keep up with Ventus.

"Am I the only one who didn't get infected by a love bug today?" Scootaloo questioned.

"Well, it is Hearts and Hooves Day," Tender Taps stated. "Lots of ponies are kinda...going out on dates."

"Are ya jealous, Scoots?" Apple Bloom asked curiously.

"N-No!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "I-I am not jealous! In fact...I-I was waiting for my own date before we spotted you!"

Both earth ponies looked at each other, then back to Scootaloo, who was incredibly nervous as she appeared to be lying. "...Ya were?"

"Y-Yeah, of course!" Scootaloo lied. "In fact, I told him to meet me at Sugarcube Corner, but-but he must have completely forgotten! Pth! Colts, am I right!? Always forgetting stuff!"

"No we don't," Tender grumbled.

"Anyways, I'm gonna find him, and we'll see you guys at the party tonight!" Scootaloo left, apologizing to the other patrons as she stumbled through them and out of Sugarcube Corner.

"...Ok, that's weird," Apple Bloom uttered. "Ah didn't know Scootaloo was seein' somepony...Maybe it's Rumble. Most of the fillies in class have an eye for him, especially when his brother, Thunderlane, is a Wonderbolt reserve." She sighed and shook her head, taking a sip of their nearly neglected milkshake. "She's probably makin' it up since she's jealous."

"You don't think she feels left out, do you?" Tender asked. "I mean, you did when you were trying to find something to do on your own."

"Hmm...Maybe..." Apple Bloom sighed, staring at her hooves as she thought over the possibility Tender Taps voiced out. "We do usually do a lot of things together, but...findin' a special somepony? Ah don't think Scootaloo would be interested in a coltfriend. She's kinda like Rainbow Dash: bold, stubborn, fast, and never showin' how she really feels."

"Should we try to find her and find out if she does want a coltfriend?" Tender Taps suggested.

"Ah think it's best we leave her be until she cools off," Apple Bloom said. "For now, let's finish our shake and see what else we can do together."

Tender Taps nodded, eager to show his date a good time. They both simultaneously went to go for the cherry on top of the mass of whipped cream at the top, only to wind up bumping each others' muzzles by accident. They pulled away and blushed at the contact, giggling bashfully as they had almost kissed each other over a cherry. Though most of the patrons didn't see it as they waited in line or nuzzled their respective date while waiting, Sora, Riku, Twilight, and Kairi were in line, and Sora had witnessed it when they entered. Scootaloo had bumped into them, off in some hurry, but seeing Apple Bloom with Tender Taps nearly brought his brotherly instincts out, especially after seeing them almost lock lips with each other.

"A-Are...those two........on a date?" Sora asked, an ear and eye twitching as the urge to hover over them to make sure the two foals didn't get any crazy ideas.

"Looks like it," Riku said, not helping the tan stallion, his hoof tapping impatiently.

"I think they make a great couple," Kairi said. She then noticed the look on her beloved's face, his silent grunting and twitching clearly evident on his intentions to interrupt them. Using her magic, Kairi held his twitching limbs to a halt, brushing a hoof along his foreleg to calm him. "Sora, relax. They're having a good time, and Apple Bloom's old enough to discover her first crush and romantic evening. Don't lose your cool."

Sora groaned miserably. "I know. All three of the Crusaders are growing up...but...They're growing up too fast."

"That's kind of what you expect when you have siblings," Twilight said. "Shining felt that way when he saw I wasn't going to be a little filly forever. They've got to make their own choices in life, and if it does go bad, then you can assert your role as an older brother to protect them."

Sora mulled over the suggestion Twilight gave, though seeing how Tender Taps didn't seem like the kind of colt who would hurt Apple Bloom, he sighed in defeat. "You're right...Besides, I've got other problems to worry about."

"Like Xehanort and his new Organization," Riku said.

"Yeah..." As the two couples waited in line, Sora brushed one of his wings over his pouch, where Kairi's ring was kept and ready to propose when the time is right. "Among other things..."

Ventus flew down along the houses, turning into alleys to lose Sweetie Belle as she chased him down the street. After about several minutes of weaving around, ducking behind cover to avoid being spotted, he relaxed when he seemed to have lost her.

"Sheesh. I am not going to be her next crush," he uttered to himself.

Ventus walked around town, watching couples as he passed by, seeing them all enjoy the romantic holiday. He even spotted Aqua and Terra at the cafe, Terra having made a reservation there for the two of them, both for the momentous occasion and to get Aqua out of the castle to stop worrying about the worlds, none of them in any danger at the moment. He had an odd theory that, on Valentine's Day, or Hearts and Hooves Day in Equestria, with there being so much love in the air, that love was like a temporary barrier of light that prevented Heartless from showing. None have appeared in Equestria in the last few years since Sora's first arrival in the world, though it could be by random chance that they don't decide to pop in and attack, taking hearts with an emotion so powerful.

He paused when he thought about the love in the air on this holiday, and the creatures who fed on it. If Thorax were here, he'd probably be stuffed within minutes if he were to steal the couples' love energy around them. Chrysalis was still out there, possibly plotting something, which meant other changelings might be flittering about while disguised as a random pony, taking their love to feed or return the energy they kept back to wherever their hive was. He was about to turn back to warn Aqua and Terra about the possible changeling spies that might be around, but as he did, he yelped when he saw Sweetie Belle standing in front of him.

"Found you!" she cheered.

Ventus groaned, unable to escape even if he tried to fly up on a cloud, though most of the scattered clouds in the sky were inhabited by pegasi couples. "Ugh, why bother running away?"

"Are you gonna answer my questions now?" Sweetie asked. Ventus huffed, but nodded his head. "Ok! So, are you single? If yes, are you interested in finding a special somepony? And...would you want to be my date for the Hearts and Hooves Day party at the castle tonight?"

The unicorn filly gave him an innocent grin, fluttering her eyelashes as she waited for his responses. Ventus stared blankly at her, letting out a heavy sigh as he was forced to dash her hopes of getting romantically involved with someone else who sees her as a sibling more than a lover.

"Yes, I'm single," Ventus began, Sweetie's eyes lighting up as she got one answer she expected. "No, I'm not interested in finding a romantic partner." And the light faded upon the second response. "And I'm declining the offer because it would be awkward."

"Aww, come on!" Sweetie Belle whined. "You're not that much older than me, not like Sora! We're like...two, three years apart!"

"Trust me, Sweetie Belle, I'm far older than you think I am," Ventus said. "I just...look young."

"...I don't get it," Sweetie said.

Ventus knew she wouldn't, letting out a sigh, needing to give an explanation as to why. "Let's find a place to sit," he said, guiding the filly over to a nearby bench as they sat down. "I know what you're thinking, Sweetie Belle, but before you start developing a crush on me, there's a lot of things you need to know about me that I don't think you really know. Do you remember the day I first arrived in Ponyville?"

"Umm...Was it when that strange ice castle appeared outside town a couple years ago?" Sweetie asked.

"Yeah. After it had disappeared," Ventus corrected. "Let me ask you this: when you first met me, who do you think I resembled the most out of everyone of our friends?"

Sweetie Belle looked Ventus over, still finding it odd to know that Roxas, Sora's Nobody, looked more like the stallion beside her than the stallion she looked up to as a brother. "...Well...You kinda look like Sora...Almost like you're brothers, but you're not, right?"

"Right," he said with a nod. Though his past was a long and grueling story, he decided to keep it brief, telling the points that mattered about the situation he wound up in with the unicorn filly. "Aqua, Terra, and I are supposed to be a lot older than all of you, but because of our war against Xehanort and my darkness, Vanitas, we all got separated and...time seemed to have stopped for us in a way for almost fifteen years: Terra lost his heart to Xehanort's darkness and was used as his vessel, Aqua took Terra's place in the Realm of Darkness, where time is unknown and days could end up turning into years, and as for me...I destroyed Vanitas in our final confrontation, killing him also killing me, leaving me in a comatose state while the light of my heart was left to wander aimlessly...until Sora accepted my light into his." Sweetie Belle was in awe, knowing what a coma was, but she would have expected to see Ventus as an older adult than a teenager if he was asleep for so long. "Without my heart, my body never aged, Aqua keeping me safe in a world that was once our home, now turned into something else to protect its secrets of the Keyblade...and me."

"...You mean...you were with Sora for that long? In his heart?" Sweetie Belle asked. "...So, does that mean...when I had a crush on Sora...?" She didn't need to finish her question, Ventus slowly nodding his head as she got her answer. Since her feelings for Sora were more like that of an older brother and little sister's relationship, she grew out of it knowing his heart belonged to Kairi. Though, with Ventus being in his heart for a long time, that meant he witnessed everything Sora had experienced, just like Vanitas, tossing aside the question of how his Ventus's darkness was now Sora's over so many more questions remaining unanswered. That also included the awkward romantic feelings she felt for Sora, and Ventus sees her and her friends as siblings as well. "...Oh...I think I get it..."

"Sorry, Sweetie Belle," Ventus apologized.

"No, it's fine," she assured. "I guess I got a little desperate after I saw Apple Bloom on a date with Tender Taps."

"Tender Taps? Huh...I know they've been hanging out for a while...Who would have guessed they'd have a thing for each other?" Ventus stood up, patting Sweetie Belle's shoulder. "There's going to be someone out there for you, Sweetie Belle. Just...try finding colts around your age, and get to know them more before you think about forcing them in a blind date."

"Ok," she said. "But what about you?"

"I'm not really interested in romance. Not yet," he said. "And don't go trying to play matchmaker, asking random mares if they want to go out with me. I do recall that love potion incident you tried to put on Cheerilee and Big Mac, which backfired onto Sora and Twilight when they stupidly drank the potion they tried to prevent them from drinking...No idea why they did that."

"Plot convenience!" Pinkie said, her and Cheese Sandwich suddenly behind the pegasus, who yelped and leapt onto the bench. "That chapter had to have an awkward couple at some point in the episode, and what better shenanigans that don't involve that gross, mushy nicknaming that made everypony cringe than having Sora caught in a love poison curse and attack his marefriend!...Wait, that last part wasn't really all that good."

"Hey, Ven!" Cheese greeted.

"Cheese Sandwich? Uhh, nice seeing you again," Ventus said. "...I assume you and Pinkie are-"

"On a date, yup!" Cheese said.

"But, didn't you only come to Ponyville once?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Twice, technically: as a colt when I ran away from home because I was shy, and when I came to throw Ven and Rainbow's birthday party!" Cheese said.

"And we've stayed in contact through letters and are FINALLY seen together as a couple enjoying a lovely day!" Pinkie added, the party pony couple nuzzling each other lovingly. "Have a happy Hearts and Hooves Day, you two!"

"See ya at the party!" Cheese said as the couple walked down the road and off toward the park.

Sweetie Belle and Ventus looked at each other, both shrugging their shoulders, not even bothering questioning their relationship with how random Cheese and Pinkie were.

Scootaloo trotted around in a panic as she escaped to the clubhouse, unable to believe what she promised to show Apple Bloom at the Hearts and Hooves Day party this evening. "Ahh, why did I say that?" she groaned, pacing back and forth while trying to come up with an idea. "There's no way I'll find a fake date. She's gonna find out I really am jealous. I don't even know if any colts from school will even be interested in going along with it!"

Mulling over the colts she knew, she grunted in disgust when Snips and Snails came to mind. As dimwitted as the clueless colts were, she didn't want to hurt their feelings if they found out it was only to not embarrass herself in front of everyone over her lie. She never really thought about love that much since it wasn't all that cool, but she's gotten older now, and Sora giving her the affection she needed without feeling like she was weak helped change her mind, if only slightly. Scootaloo stopped and sat in the middle of the room, sighing sadly.

"Who am I kidding? What colt would want to go out with a pegasus filly who can't fly?" Scootaloo looked at her sides, feeling tears welling up in her eyes as she still couldn't fly, no matter how many times she practiced. She didn't want to admit it to her friends, but there was one colt who did catch her eye, and that colt was Rumble. He still didn't have his cutie mark yet, but he's been without one as long as she had. The only problem was that he was able to fly just fine, and even if she tried to ask him out, she feared he would say no because she was still flightless. "...Especially Rumble..."

While struggling not to break down crying from the loveless future she was scared of having, she was unaware of a listening ear outside. There was a flash of green light outside, then a knock on the closed clubhouse door, snapping Scootaloo out of her misery. Wiping away her growing tears, she walked up to the door to tell the intruder they weren't allowed near the Cutie Mark Crusader's clubhouse. When she opened the door, her heart nearly stopped when she saw Rumble standing at the door, the gray pegasus colt with black windswept hair grinning at her.

"Hey, Scootaloo," he greeted.

"R-Rumble!?" Scootaloo exclaimed, stammering in surprise to see him. "W-What a-are you d-d-doing here?"

"I was looking for you," Rumble said.

"Y-Y-You were?" Scootaloo uttered, her heart fluttering, along with her wings as her cheeks began turning a shade of pink, but her light blush faded in a bit of confusion. "Wait, I thought you went to Cloudsdale with Thunderlane and your parents for the week."

The colt winced, but recovered before the filly could notice. "I...managed to convince my folks to let me stay. I told them I wanted to ask this cute orange pegasus filly out on a date for Hearts and Hooves Day, and I convinced them." His sly grin managed to convince Scootaloo, making her blush harder while letting out a flustered giggle. "So, what do you say?"

"...Uhh, can you give me a moment?" Scootaloo asked, then slammed the door in the colt's face. Rumble grumbled, rubbing his sore muzzle, then heard Scootaloo squeal excitedly, though he didn't hear what she was saying from inside. After a moment of excited babbling and shrieking, she opened the door back up, looking clamer as she let all of her glee out behind closed doors. "Ok. Let's go."

"Cool," Rumble said. "Anyplace in mind? I'm pretty hungry."

"Uhh...I don't know," Scootaloo mumbled. She knew there was no way she and Rumble could eat out somewhere, knowing most of the restaurants in town were packed. The only place she could think of was the Hearts and Hooves Day party in the Castle of Friendship that would start in a few hours. At least she wasn't going to really lie about having a date to Apple Bloom, and if Rumble liked her, she wanted to get to know him better. "Well, there is the party in the castle, but that's until later around sundown...You wanna wait to eat until then and just...hang out?"

"Hmm...A party in the castle, huh?" Rumble pondered for moment, seeming unsure of going for a moment, but he grinned and nodded. "I don't think that's a problem. I can wait."

"Cool!" Scootaloo cheered, but she toned down her excitement, clearing her throat while acting aloof. "I mean, cool."

The two pegasi foals walked down the ramp together, Scootaloo content to walk around the orchard with Rumble until the time for the party arrived. While straining to contain her giddiness that she was going out with her crush, and that her crush was asking her out, she didn't notice the smirk on the colt's face, his eyes flashing green for a brief moment as he leered hungrily at his "date".

The sun had finally begun to set as the highly anticipated party was about to start. The decorations Pinkie and Cheese quickly set up wowed the many guest couples attending, including the residents at the red, white, and pink hearts, streamers, and tabletops spread throughout the castle's grand ballroom. Even the huge buffet table had an assortment of heart-shaped snacks, red cherry and pink strawberry punch for refreshments, and there was a disco ball hung over the center of the dance floor shaped like a heart, too. It was a fitting setting for the holiday, and everyone was loving it, Cheese and Pinkie giving each other a victory kiss for their successful planning skills satisfying everyone.

Vinyl played the music for the town, a variety of songs in her special Hearts and Hooves Day mix that made everyone want to get up out of their seats and dance to the high energy tunes with her signature dubstep beats, or slow things down for all the romantic couples to relax and enjoy a gentle rhythm while dancing with their partners. Not everyone had a partner, those who were single coming along anyway since everyone in Ponyville was invited regardless if they had a date or not. Apple Bloom and Tender Taps were a little nervous when it came to the slow songs, but they had fun despite it being their first time dancing with less energy than the quick hoofwork tap dancing had, the young couple sitting at a table as they relaxed.

"Wow, that was kinda fun," Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah," Tender agreed. "The whole day's been fun. I'm glad you said yes, Apple Bloom."

"Me too..." Both ponies giggled, the young Apple scooching closer to her date, purposely pressing against him. Their cheeks were bright red when they stared in each other's eyes, the dim lighting with the light coming from the crystal ball making them shimmer. Their little moment ended when Apple Bloom spotted Scootaloo finally arrive, walking together with Rumble. "Hey, Scootaloo! Over here!"

Finding Apple Bloom, Scootaloo dragged her date by his hoof, although Apple Bloom was a little concerned seeing the pegasus filly look a little exhausted as she appeared to be weakly pulling Rumble along. "H-Hey, Apple Bloom."

"Are ya alright, Scoots?" Apple Bloom asked. "Ya look a little...pale."

"I'm fine, just...tired, for some reason," Scootaloo assured, shaking her head to snap herself awake. "Sorry we're late. Lost track of time."

"So Rumble was your date?" the farm filly questioned skeptically. "Ah heard he was in Cloudsdale with his family for the week."

"His parents let him stay," Scootaloo answered for the colt.

"By himself?" Tender asked this time. "My parents don't let me stay at home alone unless it's only for an hour at most."

"Hey, I'm responsible enough to handle myself," Rumble said irritably. "You got a problem with that?"

"N-No. I'm just...asking," Tender uttered nervously.

Apple Bloom eyed Rumble, finding his behavior quite disturbing. He wasn't known to be this aggressive, and her question involving him being out of Ponyville bothered her when he flinched from her question. She also knew most of the fillies in class seemed to be attracted to him, not her, Scootaloo, or even Sweetie Belle. In fact, she was a little surprised to know Scootaloo even had a date at all, and it happened to be the pegasus colt the other fillies pined for.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Scootaloo slumped over, pushing her hooves on the table for support as she stood up. "Ugh. Sorry. I don't know why I feel so weak-kneed all of a sudden," Scootaloo apologized, Rumble helping her sit down as he gave the couple a nervous grin.

"Well, we did wait until tonight to eat something," Rumble said. "You're probably starving."

"Y-Yeah, that must be it," Scootaloo agreed.

"I'll get you something from the buffet." Rumble walked off to get Scootaloo some food, the pegasus filly grinning, though it turned into a yawn out of her exhausted state.

"Hey!" Sweetie Belle called out, approaching the table and sat alongside her friends and one of her friend's date. "Well, turns out getting a date with Ventus was a bust. Turns out he sees me like Sora does; as a little sister. But I'll find my chance at true love one day." She looked at Scootaloo, grimacing at the filly's tired state as she leaned her head against the table. "...What happened to you?"

"Too much fun with her own date," Apple Bloom said.

"What!? You had a date too!?" Sweetie Belle shrieked. "Awwwwwwww! I'm the only one left out." Sweetie slammed her head on the table, her voice muffled by the cloth as she whined. "When will my prince come to sweep me off my hooves?"

"...Actually, guys, I need to tell you something," Scootaloo said, frowning miserably. "...Apple Bloom, I...lied when I said I had a date earlier today."

Sweetie Belle peeled her head off the table's surface. "Wait, what did I miss? Scootaloo lied about what?"

"I told Apple Bloom I had a date when we saw her with Tender Taps after you left to chase Ventus," Scootaloo said.

"...Soooo, does that mean Rumble's just a...pretend date???" Sweetie asked.

"No...not at first," the pegasus filly admitted. "I really was jealous, but my lie would have been found out if I even tried to convince a colt to go with me to the party...I don't even know if any colts we knew in school would say yes if I did ask."

"Wait, do ya have a crush on Tender Taps???" Apple Bloom asked, the idea making the earth pony colt beside her wince in shock.

"No!" Scootaloo said. "I barely even know Tender all that much to even like him like that!...No offense, Tender."

"Uhh...none taken?" Tender said questionably, unsure if he should find that insulting or relieving that another filly potentially liked him.

Scootaloo sighed, looking around nervously as if the crowd could hear them, though they were all too busy laughing, having a good time, and the music played from Vinyl's DJ booth blared over their private conversation. "...I had a crush on Rumble, but I never showed it because...well, there were a lot of reasons why. One is because I get nervous around him, I try to keep the image I made at school so I don't look weak, but the biggest one is...I was afraid he wouldn't like me...if I still can't fly..."

"Ya still worry about that?" Apple Bloom asked. "Even after Sora told ya it didn't matter back before the Equestria Games?"

"Yes, because, even after the practicing I've been doing for the last couple years, I still can't even get off the ground without falling on my face." Scootaloo sniffled, tears beginning to well up in her eyes again. "Who would want to go out with a pegasus who can't fly when they're a full-grown pony? No one, that's who."

"Well, Rumble's your date, and it doesn't look like he cares if you can't fly yet," Sweetie assured.

"I know, but I don't want to be grounded forever," Scootaloo said, wiping her building tears before they fell. "I don't know if he overheard me, but I really do like him...And, hopefully you'll forgive me for making up that fib at Sugarcube Corner because...I was afraid of being alone the rest of my life." Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at each other, the former recalling a familiar situation she went through when they couldn't find anything they could do together that they all liked. And Scootaloo thought she would be all alone, with no one to still like her even as they grew older, whether she found a romantic partner or not. Apple Bloom gave Scootaloo a swift punch in the shoulder, snapping her out of her woes. "Ow! What was that for!?"

"Don't ya think this sounds just like what Ah went through when Ah had a misunderstandin' about doin' things we like to try by ourselves?" Apple Bloom asked. "Like back while practicin' our flag routine for the Equestria Games, we don't care if ya can't fly yet. No matter what, we're friends for life; Cutie Mark Crusaders forever."

"Yeah! Crusaders forever!" Sweetie Belle joined in. "We'll still be friends, even if you weren't a pegasus."

Scootaloo rubbed her shoulder, but she grinned, feeling silly for thinking she would always be without her best friends. "...You're right. Crusaders forever," Scootaloo said. "I still hate that I can't fly yet."

"One day you will," Sweetie Belle said. "Just gotta keep practicing, like how I do with magic. You only keep improving with enough practice." Scootaloo growled and glared at Sweetie Belle after mentioning just a moment ago she's been practicing for a long while. "Hey, more practice is better than none, right?"

Scootaloo rolled her eyes, though her disdain melted when Rumble came back with a plate filled with a bevy of sweets and a cup of punch for her. "Here ya go, Scootaloo," Rumble said, placing down his date's snacks in front of her. "You would not believe the line."

"Thanks," Scootaloo said, realizing he only brought one plate and cup, but not another set for himself. "You said you were hungry earlier. Weren't you going to get something?"

"I...snacked on some on the way back," Rumble said. "Couldn't help getting a massive pile, but with how many ponies were crowding the place, I didn't want to drop all of it if somepony bumped into me."

"Oh. Ok." Scootaloo dug into her sweets, getting back her energy from the sugary snacks. "I don't even know how I got so tired. All Rumble and I did was talk and walk around the park."

"It's a mystery, alright," Rumble muttered to himself, smirking a little when the others weren't looking.

At the other side of the ballroom, the alicorn host and the rest of her companions sat around multiple tables, Twilight, Kairi, and Aqua waiting for their boyfriends to return with their plates of requested snacks. "So, how did your double date go?" Terra asked Sora and Riku as they made their way back to their tables.

"Oddly fun, despite double dating mostly as a way to steal a friend into hanging out with their date's friend," Riku said. "Especially when the forced along friends are helpless singles."

"Uhh, who got in a relationship before whom?" Sora questioned Riku's comment. "Twilight may have come up with the idea, but Kairi and I are the more experienced couple, thus, technically, you and her are the tag-alongs."

"Shut up." Both friends laughed, playfully shoving each other so they didn't ruin their lovers' plates and make a mess.

They returned to the table, sitting next to their mares while setting their plates down. "Thank you, boys," Aqua said. "And I thought chivalry was dead."

"Only because you try to do everything for yourself without so much as a break," Terra said, his comment making the blue unicorn roll her eyes. He surprised her with a chaste kiss on the lips. "You need every bit of chivalry from me as you can possibly get."

"Mmm...Maybe you're right," she said. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to relax all the time, no matter how much you protest. I do appreciate the date you took me on this afternoon." Aqua pulled Terra back into another kiss, then poked his chest with a hoof as she pulled away. "Just don't always treat me like a princess. I'm a fighter."

"Then you can be a warrior princess, just without the authority of royalty," Terra countered.

"...Fair enough, I suppose." Aqua snatched a heart shaped cookie from her plate, breaking it in half and nibbled on one half, hovering the other to Terra, who bite into his.

"Pinkie, you have outdone yourself with the decor once again," Rarity complimented. She didn't receive a response, looking over to see Pinkie and Cheese making out in their seats. "Pinkie, you and Cheese are on your first date! You shouldn't even be this romantically intimate with him just yet!"

Pinkie and Cheese finally tore themselves apart, panting heavily. "Says you when you tried to get a bit romantic with Prince Blueblood, trying to sneak in a first date with him at our first Grand Galloping Gala and tried to get married to him," Pinkie said.

"Talk about hypocritical," Cheese added. "Hey, has that blowhard Bluebells even shown up again in the series since the season one finale?"

"Meh, there was that one cameo in 'Sweet and Elite' in the second season, but so far, no other mention of him," Pinkie said. "And in this story, Sora scared him straight after treating Rarity awfully...Maybe he'll return one day."

"Oh, please, don't remind me of that ungrateful, spoiled brat," Rarity grumbled. "If I do see him again, I will be amazed if he changes for the better."

While the others chatted among themselves, Sora fidgeted in his seat, feeling his nerves get to him as he still didn't get the chance he wanted. It was now or never though, swallowing his anxiety, taking in a deep breathe to compose himself, and stood up. His friends and mother noticed him get up, though his nervous demeanor definitely got their attention.

"Something wrong, Sora?" Kairi asked.

"Yeah. Fine," he assured. "I...kinda have an announcement to make."

"Ooh! A special announcement!?" Pinkie asked. Before Sora could even explain, Pinkie was off like a blur, reaching the DJ booth, thankfully stopping Vinyl before she transitioned into another song as she grabbed the microphone, tapping it a few times that echoed throughout the ballroom. "Attention, everypony! Sora's got a big announcement to make, and I'm sure we all want to hear it!"

"No, Pinkie, not to every-" His protests died as the mare bounced back to him, handing him the microphone before bounding back in her seat beside Cheese Sandwich. Sora sighed and slumped over, the silence in the room along with everyone from town's gaze on him over something he wanted to keep between him, Kairi, and those he knew well. "Thanks, Pinkie," he grumbled.

"You're welcome!" Pinkie shouted, taking it as a compliment.

Sora's ear twitched, but he sighed, trying his hardest to control his thumping heart from his nerves as he held the microphone in his hoof, raising it up to his muzzle as his voice was projected from Vinyl Scratch's speakers. "H-Hey, everyone. Hope you're all having a Hearts and Hooves Day...Not my idea to interrupt the party over something private, but Pinkie wanted me to make it official, so...I'm ready to embarrass myself further for your entertainment." That got a round of chuckles, lightening the load off his nerves a little, but not much when he looked at Kairi. "Anyway, I have something important to say...to Kairi, my girlfriend for the last few years, and long time best friend since we were kids."

"I thought I was your best friend!" Riku heckled teasingly, more laughter ringing out through the ballroom as Sora joined in, though his laughter was sarcastic.

"Love you too, you jerk," Sora said, clearing his throat while ignoring the cocky smirk on his friend's face. "Ignoring my other, not as important best friend-" Sora grabbed a napkin, flicking it at Riku's face to show the crowd who wasn't the pony he wanted to talk about, silently thanking him for distracting him enough to pull off his proposal. "-I've known Kairi since she first arrived out of the blue back where we grew up. Our first meeting...I acted like the biggest dork and smacked into a hard surface after belting out a greeting that sounded more like an awkwardly loud bark. I quickly got over that when I got to know her more, going from dork to annoying friend who makes her laugh, yet she's able to tolerate me then and even now with my goofy antics."

More laughter from the guests, though Kairi started getting nervous with Sora's sudden speech. "Sora, where is this going?" she asked curiously.

"You'll find out very soon," Sora answered, placing his other hoof over the mic for that brief response so the other ponies didn't hear. "Growing up, we always played together, and as we got older, my relationship with Kairi grew from a simple friendship to a secret crush...even though it wasn't much of a secret if I couldn't hide it well enough. But I was afraid to tell you for many different reasons, one of them the possibility that it would ruin the friendship we had built...The other...which prolonged me telling my feelings for you...was a darkness inside me I was afraid of letting out." Kairi, along with all of their friends frowned, knowing exactly what he was talking about; the uncontrollable Anti-Form that he was now able to tame. "...I'm actually glad you made the first move while I doubted myself, thinking you didn't hear me, but you did...and you still wanted to be with me despite knowing how dangerous I would be if it ever came out.

"I've been on many adventures since the day the three of us got separated from our home: you, me, and Riku. I've searched all over for you two, worried about where you were, if you were ok, and when I think you're alright, something happens to you and I need to find you all over again. I knew Riku could defend himself, but you, Kairi, I was scared to death, fearing for your safety...My first journey, I never had to worry at all." Sora placed a hoof over his chest, right over his heart. "You were in my heart all that time I was searching for you, and without even knowing it, I did keep you safe while protecting myself from the Heartless, from the dangers of other worlds. I'm glad I don't have to worry about that now that we're back together again, and we can both protect ourselves and each other from whatever the darkness throws at us. And, if something were to happen to you, I would gladly give up my heart, over and over again, if it means knowing you would be safe."

Mares in the room "aww'd" at the endearing promise Sora said, making Kairi blush, knowing her hero would give up his life to save her, and he has already done it once before. "I know you will," she mumbled, those same parting words she gave to Sora years ago when he promised he'll come back to her when he defeated Ansem.

"But, even when I know you're safe, thoughts crossed my mind when the possibility of losing my life could really happen," Sora continued. "I never put a lot of thought in the reckless, heroic deeds I make as a Keyblade wielder could result in...But, not too recently, I did...'foresee' possible futures to what would happen if I did perish in any of my adventures saving the worlds." He looked at Starlight, who winced at his gaze, recalling her nearly disastrous plan that could have ended the entire universe, or Equestria itself, by changing the past. "...One future I did see...tore at my heart when I learned what had happened to you, Kairi. Losing me after facing one of the toughest Nobodies I've ever faced, dying by his hand instead of surviving and coming back to you...The Kairi I saw in that future was heartbroken; distancing yourself from others while growing bitter from losing me...unable to trust anyone when they weren't able to trust you after being tricked by a certain queen, who played with your broken heart and used you like a puppet for her conquests." The crowd murmured in shock, unable to believe a possible future like that could happen, but his friends and family knew. Sora sighed heavily, memories of the changeling timeline Kairi coming back to him: the scarred unicorn in that timeline, her injuries from a powerful attack toward Chrysalis that was deflected back at her, cold and untrustworthy, living in isolation from other ponies while trying to right the wrongs she was forced to do under the changeling queen's control, and living with a broken heart and a scarred psyche when she learned what she had done under Chrysalis's spell. Sora looked at Kairi, rubbing his eyes as he felt tears begin to appear. "I will never let that happen to you...

"But I'm no longer worried about the futures that could have been, and I'll look forward to what we can share together. Many of us are given chances, and sometimes, those chances can slip away if it's too late...I promised myself I would do this after everything is relatively peaceful...but I won't let this slip away from me, and I'm willing to take that chance today. Right here. Right now." Sora approached Kairi, grabbed her hoof, and dragged her over to the dance floor, where all eyes were on them as they stood at the center of the room. Kairi wondered what he was doing, but she kept quiet, curious to see what he was about to do. She let out a light gasp when he lowered himself down on one knee, keeping a firm grip on her hoof as he continued. "You wrote a letter to me, sending it out to sea and hoped it would reach me. I still remember those very words you wrote when it found me in a place I never expected would show up.

"'Thinking of you, wherever you are. We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend. Now I will step forward to realize this wish. And who knows: starting a new journey may not be so hard, or maybe it has already begun. There are many worlds, but they share the same sky - one sky, one destiny.'" After quoting Kairi's words to him that day in the Realm of Darkness, Sora reached a wing into his pouch, digging through it until he found the box he was looking for. "I want to start a new journey; a journey with us, a new beginning to our relationship as we pave our destiny to an even brighter one."

"...S-Sora?" Kairi squeaked in surprise.

When he pulled out the box and held it out to her, Kairi gasped again, bringing her other hoof to her muzzle in shock while the audience around them murmured in surprise along with her. "Kairi, my princess who stole my heart, and kept yours safe from darkness-" Sora opened the box, revealing the white, translucent, enchanted heart-shaped diamond ring to the stunned unicorn, everyone gasping in awe at the shimmering jewel glittering the faintly dimmed ballroom with light as he presented it to the love of his life. "-...will you marry me?"

The curious murmurs escalated to excited chatter after Sora proposed to Kairi, their friends sans the Crusaders and Kaito utterly speechless, unable to express the surprise the stallion had in store for the shocked pink unicorn before him, the three fillies and Nobody beaming as all of Ponyville witnessed such a romantic scene, knowing of the beautiful gem Sora had that he would give. Kairi's eyes welled with tears and immediately began to flow, hyperventilating from the revelation as she sobbed happily, unable to stop the excited grin from growing on her muzzle. She was unable to find the words to respond to such a serious question, not even needing any convincing from everyone else present telling her to say yes as she knew her answer since day one. Kairi shut her eyes, unable to stop the happy tears from flowing, giving Sora her answer as she nodded her head rapidly, the only sound coming out of her lips were sobs of utter joy.

The audience erupted into cheers at her answer, though their cheers were deaf to Kairi as she lunged forward, kissing Sora deeply and passionately, nearly knocking him over as he returned the kiss in kind while embracing each other. Some of their friends were slackjawed, neither of them expecting it, but the girls were definitely overjoyed as they clapped along and cheered with the rest of Ponyville.

"...Wow...I...didn't see that coming," Riku uttered.

"I sure did, but not so soon," Kaito said, snapping Manami out of her shock when she looked at him.

"You knew!?" she exclaimed. Before she could chide her husband's Nobody, Kaito gestured the Pinkie Promise, emphasizing the secret he knew that he was unable to tell her back on Hearth's Warming. "...Ohhhh...Was that the promise you kept?"

"Yeah. Can't break a Pinkie Promise, otherwise you lose the trust of the person you made the promise to," Kaito quoted, thankfully not being punished by Pinkie Pie now that Sora proposed.

Over at the table where the Crusaders, Tender Taps, and Rumble sat, all but the latter applauded, the fillies squealing excitedly as they were sure to attend their honorary older brother's wedding. Rumble blinked in surprise, then began to grin, tapping his hoof against the table in amusement. No one noticed the colt's eyes flashing green, licking his lips as he watched the future married couple kiss.

Back in the center of the massive room, Sora and Kairi finally separated their liplock, Kairi hiccuping as she continued crying happily as Sora took the ring in his hoof. He gently lowered the unicorn's head, carefully sliding the ring down her horn until it reached the base around her forehead, a perfect fit. Kairi bit her lower lip, her cheeks flushed a bright red as she threatened to break down in happiness when she looked back at Sora.

"Your eyes and head tell me the answer is yes, but I didn't hear you answer," he playfully teased.

Kairi finally found her voice, laughing at the ridiculous statement as if he demanded her to speak her mind. "Yes, you big goofball," she said, choking up as she grabbed him, kissing him several times and answering "yes" with every break between kisses.

After one final, longer kiss, Kairi held Sora tightly, burying her face in his neck while feeling his hooves gently embrace her once again. Vinyl took the mic Sora dropped when Kairi rammed into him after nodding yes to him earlier with her magic, bringing it back to her while putting on a romantic song for them.

"This is going out to the lovely, just now betrothed couple out on the floor," she announced, dimming the lights further while sending a spotlight from the disco ball heart down on Sora and Kairi. "Enjoy, you two."

Kairi leaned away from Sora's neck, rubbing her foreleg over her eyes to dry the never-ending flow of tears still falling down. Sora held his hoof out to her, offering her to dance, which she immediately accepted as she took his hoof, holding each other as they stood on their hind legs. As they stepped in time with the slow tune, they both reminisced over their lives while lost in each other's eyes. Such a long and arduous journey that had both endured, Sora's longer as he fearless and selflessly traveled through many worlds, saving them from darkness while also searching for Riku and Kairi. But through the tough times, they fondly remembered their times on the islands, as children, teenagers, and now young adults. Their love being known to one another under a night sky in Equestria, where Sora admitted the fear of his darkness hurting her, but Kairi assured him with their first kiss, sealing those fears as their relationship from friends to lovers began, sharing their feelings for each other after it should have been made known years ago upon his second time rescuing the Princess of Heart.

They both came back to reality, their muzzles accidentally bumping against each other as they moved into a subconscious kiss, making them both giggle as they relished the fluttery feeling of being married to their significant other within the months yet to come. "Sora...did you plan all this?" Kairi asked.

"Not exactly how I wanted it to go," Sora admitted. "You can think the princess of books for getting us involved in a double date, which only made it that much harder to propose."

"And in front of a bigger crowd made it easier?" Kairi questioned with a small laugh.

"No...I just winged it," he said, making the unicorn giggle when he flapped his wings to emphasize his pun. They shared a light kiss as they continued dancing. Kairi looked up at her horn, seeing the band and the shimmering light refracted off her wedding ring. "You know when we were in Las Pegasus? After we solved Flim and Flam's problem, to my chagrin, I went out for some air. Remember?"

"Yes...Did you find this ring in Las Pegasus?" Kairi asked.

"It was the gem itself, and I asked to make it into a ring," Sora said. "Can you believe there was a twenty-four/seven jewelry store there? Anything can be open all night."

"I'll believe it in a place as lively as Las Pegasus, but...I feel...magic in the diamond," Kairi uttered. "...What is it?"

"The salespony there told me it was an incredibly rare gem he found and cut into that heart shape," Sora said. "It has a very special magical power that tells who has a pure heart just from being in contact with someone. When it's pure, like yours, it's translucent, accentuating its beauty through any light that shines through it. But, when someone who only wants it because it'll make them look pretty, or rich, or anything selfish, it turns gray, almost like it's been tainted by their impure intentions." Sora brushed his lips against her cheek, giving her a light kiss as he moved his muzzle up to her ear. "I thought it would be a perfect wedding ring, and it definitely shows."

Kairi blushed, pressing herself closer in her lover's embrace, letting out a coo when she felt him kiss her ear. She rested her head against Sora's shoulder, both lovers swaying to the music for a while until it finally ended. They soon stopped, hearing the ponies applaud, congratulating the couple and wishing them a blissful marriage when their wedding day comes. Kairi would have time to worry about the wedding plans with Sora another time, staring at his eyes, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world to have someone as brave, strong, and charming as him.

"I love you, Sora," Kairi said.

"And I love you back." Kairi cupped Sora's cheeks, pulling him in for another kiss.

"Ooh! Wedding bells are ringing already!" Rarity squealed, the Mane Six excited to take part in another wedding, this time with a couple they do know and would be ecstatic to plan for them. "This time, when the bouquet toss happens, I'm sure to get it!"

"Simmer down, Rarity," Applejack said, calming the romantic unicorn mare down before she got in over her head. "Let's let them be for a while, and when they plan the date for their weddin', we'll help them make it the best weddin' they'll remember for the rest of their lives."

"As long as no changelings show up again, we'll be glad to see them together in holy matrimony," Twilight said, the rest of the girls nodding in agreement.

"And Cheesey and I will prepare the recession!" Pinkie said.

"As long as I'm not whisked away to throw another party elsewhere in Equestria, I'm definitely in!" Cheese exclaimed.

While most of the group already began coming up with ideas for what Sora and Kairi would want for their wedding, Manami was in tears, proud of her son taking the next step in his relationship with Kairi, her soon-to-be daughter-in-law, and eventually become a grandmother. "Oh, I'm so excited," she uttered. "I wonder where the wedding will be held: here, or maybe back home?"

"We'll find out when they figure it out," Kaito said. "But he better promise me a best man spot at the alter when the time comes."

As the party was winding down, everyone began to leave the castle and head back home. Sora and Kairi retired to their room, their friends knowing what those two would be doing after such a romantic gesture from the tan pegasus stallion. Leaving together as a group, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Tender Taps, and Rumble headed down the road, making their way to Sweet Apple Acres where Tender would drop Apple Bloom off like the gentlecolt he was. Scootaloo brushed her side against Rumble, though the colt fidgeted at her touch.

"Wow. What a great party," Apple Bloom said. "And now Sora and Kairi are gettin' married soon!"

"I can't wait! I'm so excited, I want them to get married right now!" Sweetie Belle cheered, her horn sparking in her excitement.

"Yeah, yeah, what a great end," Rumble grumbled.

"What's wrong, Rumble?" Scootaloo asked.

"Oh, nothing," he assured. "There's just...one little thing I need to do before we part." He turned to face the four foals with his eyes closed, but when he opened them, they were glowing green as a green aura suddenly appeared over his forehead. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Tender Taps didn't have time to react as the aura flew toward them, spinning around their heads as their eyes glowed the same green color as Rumble's. Feeling the spell working when he saw their eyes droop, the colt smirked as they fell under his hypnosis. "Now, you four listen to me well; what you experienced today had happened, but Rumble was never here." He then turned to Scootaloo, brushing aside her mane. "You and Rumble aren't dating, but...to spare you from being miserable, you didn't hide in your little clubhouse whining about how no colt will ever love you because you can't fly. Understand?"

"Mhmm," all four foals mumbled, obeying Rumble's command.

"Excellent," the pegasus colt grinned. "Now, when I leave and am out of your sight, you will wake up and continue on your way."

Getting nods from his hypnotized victims, the colt flew off and hid in one of the tops of the leafy apple trees near Sweet Apple Acres. Now out of sight, the spell on the foals ended, all four of them shaking their heads as they blinked, figuring out what had just happened to them.

"Whoa...What was that?" Scootaloo asked, rubbing her head in confusion.

"What were we doing again?" Tender asked.

"Ah think...we were leavin' from the castle after the Hearts and Hooves Day party," Apple Bloom said, jogging everyone's memories.

"Oh yeah!" Scootaloo said. "Sora and Kairi are engaged!"

"Oooh! I can't wait until they get married!" Sweetie Belle added.

"Well, it's getting late," Tender Taps said. "Come on, Apple Bloom, I'll walk you up to your house before your sister gets mad at me for being out so late."

"You're a gentlecolt, Tender." Apple Bloom gave her date a peck on the cheek, her cheeks a light pink from the brief kiss while the orange colt's was beet red, his body stiffening at the contact.

The foals soon left and made their way home, Rumble grinning with malicious glee while rubbing his forehooves together. He flew off, passing over the orchard and into the forest on the out in the distance, a green light shining around him as he transformed from a colt into a love-sucking changeling. He skin was black chitin like the rest of his kind, though with a purple carapace and eyes unlike most of his brethren, snickering with excitement at the news he witnessed in the Castle of Friendship.

"Wait until Queen Chrysalis hears about this," he cackled, weaving through the foliage as he made his way back to the changeling hive out in the badlands. "The warrior she once hypnotized during the Canterlot siege is marrying the pink unicorn. If our queen's next invasion plan works, they'll be a huge stockpile of love to feed all of us for many moons, maybe even use them to take over the rest of Equestria, too." His toothy grin faltered, buzzing out of the trees and out into the deserted wasteland, where a craggy mountain with holes appearing and disappearing randomly could be seen in the distance. "If only I knew where my wimpy brother of mine is...Where did you disappear to, Thorax?"

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