• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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The bear slowly edged towards Church, poised to attack.

"Church, don't move." Twilight said nervously.

"I wasn't planning on it." Church said quietly, mouth barely moving.

"What are we going to do?" Derpy asked.

"I have an idea!" Caboose said as he started to hop playfully towards the bear.

"Caboose what are you doing?" Twilight asked.

"Hello Mr.Bear!" Caboose said happily, causing the bear to turn its attention to him. "I think all you need is a hug!"

The bear snarled and jumped at Caboose, mouth open and ready to kill. Church grabbed Caboose shoved him out of the way with his magic. The bear angrily turned its attention back to Church who was staring at it nervously. The bear swiped at Church, catching him in the face and knocking him to the ground.

"Son of a bitch! Maybe I should have let him have Caboose so we could have just run...” He muttered to himself before glancing at the rest of the group. “Any help would be appreciated you know."

"Just run!" Twilight yelled, already doing so herself.

"I like that plan." Church said as he jumped to his hooves.

The group then turned tail and started to run down the mountain, the bear following right behind.

"He is going to catch up with us." Derpy said as she flew down the mountain. "Why don't you do that possessy thingy?

"Because I don't plan on dying anytime soon."

"Why would a ghost be afraid of dying?" Pinkie asked.

"Because dying fucking hurts!" Church yelled.

"Well we wouldn't know anything about that." Twilight said. She looked to the right and smiled. "I think I have an idea."

"Great, let's hear it."

Twilight's horn started to glow and she shot a bolt of magic up the mountain.

"What was the point of-" Church started but was cut off due to the sound of snow thundering down the mountain. "I don't think I like that idea very much."

"Just trust me." Twilight yelled back.

"Finding it pretty hard to do anything other than run at the moment."

"Jump to the right when I tell you."


"Jump!" twilight yelled.

The group jumped to the right and went under the one of the landings to allow the snow to pass over head. Twilight used her magic and surrounded them all with a shield to block any snow from surrounding them.

"That was so much fun!" Derpy said as she shook snow off of her head.

"I'm sure you'd be saying different if you were the one who got hit in the fu-"

"Where's Caboose?" Pinkie asked.

Church and Twilight looked around and saw no sign of him. Church slowly got up and looked out of the shield and watched expectantly as the snow continued pushing down the mountain. Suddenly the bear shot by in the snow with something on it's back.

"Wee!" Caboose yelled as he kept hold of a tuft of the bear’s fur while Gummy was still firmly clamped onto his head.

"Damn he survived." Church grunted.

Twilight grabbed Caboose with her magic and brought him into the bubble.

"Aw, I was having fun." Caboose pouted.

"What the hell were you thinking Caboose?" Church yelled.

"I just thought that the bear could use a hug."

"Of course you did. So what's the plan now?"

"We wait until the avalanche stops and then we can get off the mountain." Twilight said.

"Wait, isn't Canterlot on this mountain?” Church exclaimed as the realization hit him. “Won't it get hit by the avalanche too?"

"The walls are reinforced to stop that sort of thing from happening. They wouldn't have built it on a mountain if they didn't have any plans on stopping natural disasters."

A silence fell over the group as they watched the snow overhead continue to barrel down the mountain.

"I'm hungry." Derpy said as her stomach growled.

"Me too." Pinkie said. "Caboose can you give me a cupcake?"

"Okay." Caboose said as he opened his bag. "Would you like one too Church?"

"Sure." Church said, grabbing a cupcake out of the bag.

"You know, I really like the snow." Derpy said as she chomped on a muffin.

"Uh-huh." Church murmured as he took a small bite out of his cupcake.

"Are you okay Church?" Pinkie asked.

Church said nothing but just shrugged.

"Do you not like snow or something?" Derpy asked.

"Listen, can we just put leave it alone?" Church snapped.

"S-sorry." Derpy said quietly, confused as to what she had done to anger Church.

"Church, I know it's hard but you have to get over it." Twilight said comfortingly.

"Twilight, just don't." Church said flatly.

"If you don't learn to accept it then you can never be happy."

"Accept what?" Derpy asked.

"Hey look!" Caboose said happily.

The group looked through the bubble to see that the snow had now stopped for the most part, and the bear was now running back up the mountain to get to its cave.

"That bear has the right idea." Church sighed.

Twilight stopped focusing on the shield, causing it to blink out of existence.

"Time to get the cocoa beans." Pinkie said, still in a good mood.

"You guys are on your own." Church muttered as he trudged through the snow. "I'm going back to the library and staying as far as I can away from you all."

"But I was really liking hanging out with my friends on my birthday." Derpy said sadly.

"Listen, I wouldn't really consider you one of my f-" Church started but stopped when he turned to see Derpy looking at the ground and pushing snow around. Feeling guilty, he groaned and looked at Derpy. "Dammit. Fine, I'll come, but I swear if I almost die again I'm leaving."

"Yay!" Derpy and Caboose said in unison.

"So let me guess, these cocoa beans are found in a volcano?"

"No silly, they're in Froggy Bottom Bog." Pinkie said.

"Anything in there that I should know about beforehand?"

"There are a lot of frogs there but that's pretty much it."

"That's all?" Church asked nervously.


"Are you sure?"

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Pinkie said as she made a wild gesture that ended with her poking her eye.

"I don't know what that was but whatever, let's just get the hell off of this mountain." Church said. "I fucking hate snow."

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