• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Yoking Around

"What do you think those shisnos are talking about out there?" Gary asked quietly, which Big mac replied to with a shrug. "You don't talk much, do you?"

"Eenope." Big Mac shook his head.

"Hm." Gary grunted, looking at Granny Smith, who was still slaving over the meal. "You there, why is this place so terrible?"

"It ain't that bad that ya haven't found your use." Granny Smith chuckled.

"That isn't what I meant." Gary muttered, when the door swung open and Applejack entered with Sarge, both of them smirking. "What are you two so happy about? They having a sale over at shisnomart?"

"Not quite." Applejack chuckled. "Now, we're gunna give ya two choices, and you can pick whichever one ya please."

"I choose neither."

"Unfortunately, that isn't a choice." Sarge muttered.

"Well if either of the choices involve you, then I'll say no to that one." Gary said with a mocking grin.

"Your choice." Sarge nodded as he turned to Applejack. "He's all yours."

"Wait, what?" Gary asked as Applejack walked behind him.

"C'mon. We're stoppin' by Ponyville." Applejack said, pushing Gary ahead of her.


"We need t' pick up some supplies."

"I don't want to." Gary huffed. "I'd rather stay here with someone who appreciates my genius."

"What genius?" Sarge asked, causing Gary to glare at him

"Are ya sayin' that because ya really don't want to, or because ya wanna annoy me?"

"Mostly the second part." Gary said with a nearly unnoticeable smirk.

"Forget him, you don't need him to go." Sarge said quietly, before turning to Gary with a small grin. "I have a few things I want him to try out to earn his spot here."

"I suddenly decided I want to come with you." Gary said quickly.

"Too late for that." Applejack snorted as she began leaving the house. "Don't run him into the ground, okay Sarge?"

"Do you really think I would I do that?" Sarge asked, pretending to be shocked as Applejack closed the door behind her. Sarge looked back to Gary, who was staring uneasily at the red stallion. "Now that she's gone."

"I miss her already..." Gary pouted with worry.

"Hey Big Mac, you in there?" Sarge asked loudly

"Eeyup." Big Mac replied, just loudly enough for them to hear.

"Mind coming in here? I might need your help with this one."

Big Mac walked in after a few seconds and stared in silence, inviting Sarge to tell him what to do.

"I need you to go get the wagon ready. We're going to see if he can pull it."

Big Mac nodded and started left the house and began making his way to the barn.

"This should be easy enough." Gary said quietly to himself.

"No using that taking control thing you do." Sarge said as he went out the door. "You're doing this the real way."

"You mean the shisno way." Gary grumbled, reluctantly trudging after Sarge. "If I can use it to be more effective, why shouldn't I use it?"

"Because it's funnier this way. Now stop delaying and get to it."

Gary muttered an insult quietly to himself, before following Sarge back to the barn, where Big Mac was already pulling out the wagon. Big Mac shrugged the wagon off with complete ease, then brought out a yoke from the back of it and placed it in front of Gary.

"You expect me to put it on?" Gary asked coldly.

"Ah just thought ya would've looked for anythin' t' make it easier." Big Mac said quietly, looking at Sarge, waiting for what to do next.

"Thanks." Sarge said with a nod. "You can stay if you want. Might need your help later."

Big Mac nodded and took his place next to Sarge.

"It's either you put it on or you do without it." Sarge said impatiently to Gary, who was disdainfully standing over the yoke."I'd personally want you to do it without the thing. Makes it easier on you, but I don't want to argue with Big Mac."

"Fine, I will agree to your terms." Gary grunted, squeezing into the yoke with ease. "I feel terrible using this thing already."

"Good." Sarge chuckled.

Big Mac walked up to the cart and lifted it with his neck, placing it onto Gary's yoke.

"Stop pampering him dammit!" Sarge said firmly.

"Er, I could use just a little more pampering." Gary said quietly.

"Go." Sarge said, hitting Gary lightly on the side, trying to spur him into moving.

"That wasn't very nice." Gary grumbled.

"It will get worse unless you stop being a lazy sack of shit. I doubt you'll even be able to do it." Sarge said with a rough chuckle. "Now go. Big Mac might not want to hurt you now, but that doesn't mean I won't."

"Such violence." Gary cooed. "You an O'Malley will get along just fine."

Sarge narrowed his eyes at Gary, causing him to quickly turn around and try to walk forward. Gary took one step. Then another. He looked back at the cart, then back ahead. He then started walking forward, pulling the cart with moderate difficulty. It was heavy, but not so heavy that he couldn't handle it. Knowing this, Gary began holding his head up high, happy to have proven the shisnos wrong.

"Look at him acting all high and mighty." Sarge muttered.

"As I should be!" Gary boomed. "I have beaten your challenge and have proved your better! Bow down to me now and I will make my tyranny light!"

"Load him up." Sarge smirked to Big Mac. "Preferably with something heavy."

"Load me up? What do you mean by that?" Gary asked, turning to Big Mac. "What did he mean by that?"

"He means ya'll are pullin' an empty cart." Big Mac said with a discreet smile as he walked into the barn.

"Oh." Gary said quietly. "I knew that."

"Sure you did." Sarge chuckled.

Big Mac soon emerged from the barn, pushing several large barrels towards Gary while balancing two long planks on his back.

"What's inside of them?" Gary asked.

"Some of 'em are apples, some are barrels of water." Big Mac grunted as he placed the two pieces of wood on the back of the cart, making a ramp.

"Oh." Gary sighed as Big Mac started pushing the barrels over the ramp and into the cart. "How many are you putting in?"

"All of them." Sarge laughed.

"You're a mean one." Gary frowned heavily.

"I try." Sarge nodded earnestly.

"That's all of 'em." Big Mac grunted as he put the final barrel in the wagon.

"Good job." Sarge commended him, before growing more serious. "Now go."

Gary hesitated, but began walking forward. After a few steps he got jerked back by the yoke, making him fall on his flank. Sarge began laughing as Gary embarrassingly got up and glared at him.

"Still feeling like hot shit?" Sarge asked.

"A little." Gary said, smiling as sweetly as he could muster.

"Well then go again." Sarge said, hitting Gary in the side, this time much harder.

Gary yelped and jumped forward, pulling it forward an inch, then falling back to the ground. Sarge began laughing again, this time Big Mac joined in with a small chuckle of his own.

"Stop that this instant!" Gary said snappishly.

"What? I wanted you to fail, you did. You want us to laugh at you, and we are. We're both getting what we wanted!" Sarge said thoughtfully, before rubbing his chin. "I guess Big Mac could give you a push."

"Can't we just do something else?"

"Let me think." Sarge muddled quietly. "Not until you either manage to push it, or fall down a few dozen more times."

"Ya'll ready?" Big Mac asked as he got to the back of the cart and balanced on his forelegs.

"You know, this reminds me of a-"

Gary was interrupted when Big Mac slammed his hind legs into the cart, propelling it forward at a fast speed. Gary quickly began running ahead of it, trying to avoid being run over lest the yoke come loose.

"I could use something to eat." Sarge said as Gary struggled to stay ahead of the cart. "I hate watching people in over their head on an empty stomach."

Big Mac nodded and lightly bucked the nearest tree in apple with it, causing a single one to fall down.

"Thanks." Sarge smiled, biting the apple in half. He swallowed, clearing his throat to yell. "Don't worry, we have more things for you to try after this!"

"Lovely!" Gary shouted sarcastically.

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