• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Church, Tex, Sarge, Tucker, Applejack, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Spike were gathered at the far end of the room, talking among themselves. Grif was getting drinks with Simmons and Rarity from the table that Pinkie was standing guard. Church said nothing whenever someone tried talking to him. His attention was focused solely on Gary.

"Seems like an awful lot of trouble to go through for that asshole, huh?" Tucker asked, elbowing Church in the ribs as he watched Gary shoo away a couple of mares who went to question him. "I mean, just look at him. He doesn't look friendly. He doesn't sound friendly. I'm willing to bet he doesn't smell or taste friendly, but I can't be sure of that until the third date." Tucker chuckled, then turned to Rainbow Dash. "That reminds me, how many dates have we been on?"

"I think one." Rainbow Dash smirked.

"Really? I could have sworn it was more." Tucker muttered, scratching his head.

"I know, but don't you think we should get started soon?" Simmons asked, coming back to the group with Rarity and Grif.

"Soon." Rarity nodded. "I'm enjoying our little vacation. It has been so long since I have taken a nice, relaxing break."

"Grif, you agree with me, right?" Simmons asked, turning to his old friend.

"I don't know, this is the longest I've ever seen you go without doing anything." Grif shrugged, smirking at him. "I want to see how much longer you can go before you become sick."

"I think I already am."

"Come now, aren't you enjoying it?" Rarity asked.

"I am, but it's just-"

"What are you three talking about?" Spike asked, not liking how Simmons was arguing with Rarity.

"We've spent like a week off work, but we have a timed order." Simmons muttered.

"My creative juices are coming along nicely thanks to the time we've spent off, but I still don't feel like I'm fully inspired yet." Rarity said quietly. "Once I'm fully inspired I could finish all dresses in a matter of days."

"That's interesting." Church said.

"See? Church agrees with me." Rarity smiled.

"Hm?" Church asked, turning to Rarity. "Oh, I was talking about how Gary has just been watching Pinkie ever since he got here. I wonder what he's doing..."

"Why don't you go ask him?" Sarge laughed.

"He won't tell me anything. Even though I'm an AI, he still thinks I'm just as bad as everyone else..." Church sighed, then began walking towards Gary. "Though I guess I should do something."

"I'll come too." Grif said, trotting next to him.

"You want to help?" Church asked, impressed.

"No, I just need to grab some more food." Grif laughed as he sipped from his plastic cup.

"Of course." Church rolled his eyes.

Once they approached Gary, they saw that he was squinting at Pinkie, eyes darting around her body as if he was looking for a time to strike.

"What are you looking at Pinkie for?" Grif asked as he sipped out of the cup, appearing behind him with Church.

"That is none of your concern, shisno." Gary said faintly, not wanting to waste any time when he could be planning.

"You're going to need to watch out with that shisno crap now that you're in a public place." Church advised Gary.

"Mhm, yes, you do that." Gary nodded idly, walking towards Pinkie.

Church shared a knowing look with Grif. Gary was clearly up to something, and Church had a feeling he knew why. Gary waited near Pinkie until she had stopped serving punch to the party goers. They passed Gary to congratulate him, but his sight remained on Pinkie, ignoring the ponies trying to make small talk. Once they had left him lone, he walked behind Pinkie while she began rearranging the cups on the table.

"Pink one, I would-" Gary began, but Pinkie shoved a cupcake in his mouth.

"Oh, hey Gary!" Pinkie giggled, taking her hoof away. "Sorry, I thought you were Boosey. What can I do for you?"

"I would-" Gary began after swallowing the cupcake.

"-Like some punch?" Pinkie asked, overfilling a plastic cup with the punch, before grabbing his hoof and placing the cup in it.

"No." Gary muttered slowly, placing the cup on the table. "I would-"

"-Like the music to be louder? Gotcha!" Pinkie said, twisting the knob on the boombox, making the music too loud for Gary to talk. "Anything else I can do for you?"

Of all the infuriating... Gary began to think, before turning the music down to less than what it was before. "Pinkie."


"I would..." Gary stopped, waiting for her to interrupt. When she did nothing but smile at him, he let out a sigh. "I would like to speak to you."

"You already are, silly." Pinkie giggled then snorted.

"Yes, we are, but I would like to speak to you in private."


"Private." Gary hissed.

"Can Caboose come too?" Pinkie asked.

Gary's left eye twitched, and the sick feeling began to return. Pinkie continued smiling innocently. Gary was wondering if she was doing this on purpose.

"Of course I'm not silly." Pinkie shook her head.

"What?" Gary said, eyes wide. Is she a-

"No, I'm not a mind reader, you're just reallly obvious." Pinkie laughed.

"Stop that!" Gary snapped.

"Stop what?" Caboose asked, appearing behind Gary, Gummy firmly gripping his head.

"Is that really wise?" Gary asked, looking at Caboose with confusion.

"Don't worry, I washed my hair today!" Caboose laughed, petting Gummy with his hoof.

"That's..." Gary trailed off as he looked into Gummy's eyes, which appeared to be staring into nothingness. This gave him a great sense of unease. Before he completely lost his train of thought, he broke eye contact with the reptile and turned his attention back to Pinkie. "Now, can I please talk to you in private?"

"I don't know... Caboose, what do you think?" Pinkie asked, rubbing her chin.

"I think that communism, while some believe to have merits based on it's principles, will not work in the long run due to the need of different classes." Caboose said quietly. "I also believe this is because in Communism, inequality comes from placing mediocrity on a level with excellence."

Gary raised his eyebrow and turned to Pinkie, about to ask if he was serious, when Gummy's tail wagged.

"Wait, no, that's what Gummy is telling me." Caboose gurgled happily. "I'm thinking about chocolate syrup."

"Okay, me too." Pinkie nodded thoughtfully, before running into the kitchen. "You heard him, we need chocolate syrup, stat!"

"Blue shisno, you wait here while I go talk to pink shisno." Gary said slowly, making sure he would understand.

"Gummy also thinks Communism will never work because people like to own stuff." Caboose nodded.

"Good to know. I will remember not to use communism when I rule all your lives. Good day to you." Gary said, turning towards the kitchen.

"Neighoming, there you are!" Mayor Mare smiled, small bag draped across her back. "I thought after the questions you went back to Sweet Apple Acres since you were sick, but Granny Smith said you didn't show up."

"Well, I don't want the fine residents of Ponyville to think I am a stiff." Gary said, forcing a single chuckle out.

"I'm sure nopony would have blamed you. I think they all saw how nervous you were getting."

"I wasn't nervous." Gary protested.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. Being nervous is natural, and since you haven't done any public speaking in a while, you might be a little rusty." Mayor Mare assured him, then her eyes shot open and she opened the bag on her back. "Oh, I almost forgot."

"Forgot what?" Gary asked, looking over her shoulder, trying to look into the bag.

"I went to Sweet Apple Acres to give you the book of laws for Ponyville, but you weren't there." Mayor Mare chuckled, before taking the book out of the bag with her mouth, then grabbed it with her hoof and held it out to Gary.

"Thank you." Gary said as he snatched the book. Quickly running to the table with the punch, he took a seat and opened the book.

"You're... welcome?" Mayor Mare said, watching Gary feverishly flip through the pages.

"Let's see here..." Gary muttered as he flipped to the index. He slowly lowered his hoof, reading each entry under his breath. "Zoning laws? No. Public indecency? Yes, but I seem to be the only one that thinks so. Aha! Public gatherings!" Gary cleared his throat as he flipped to the halfway point in the book. "Parties held in public places and or businesses must be approved by the Mayor of Ponyville. If they have not been approved, any authoritative figure may shut it down with no appeal." Gary read under his breath, grinning darkly. "Perfect."

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