Celestia's Daughter

by Splodge Inks

First published

I made an OC and I wish to put use to her. This is a story Celestia's daughter, on a mission to find her father.

OK, I am ready for criticisms! This is my first story so please let me down easy. People don't seem to like it all to much but I'm gonna keep going anyways. This is just something I thought of as an idea, and decided to put some use to it.

Princess Stardust is the daughter of Celestia herself. Celestia never wants her to know about her father. Will she ever find out who he is?

Princess Stardust

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My name is Princess Stardust. I wasn't actually meant to be here as Celestia, my mother, doesn't really have time for children. I am an Alicorn. I was born with a wavy mane which is really weird, because you are meant to have it when you are fully grown up, but my mother had the same, born with a flowing mane. It's the same thing with my mane colours. It's a dark blue with white stars that stream to the bottom, instead of colours. I'm also another Element of Harmony. It's a strange one, to me. The Element of Wisdom. I didn't think I'd be very wisdom-y, because I think I'm not as smart as Twilight Sparkle. But I came top of class too.

I don't know who my father is. I always worry about it. I sometimes panic, thinking it is a bad guy. My coat is jet black, so when I saw King Sombra I had a heart attack. 'No, Stardust,' Mum would say. 'King Sombra isn't your father. I'm not like that.'

I often resorted to asking Auntie Luna. I thought because she really loved me, she would give in and tell me. But of course, she said the same thing. 'What? Where did you get THAT idea from?'
'Well, I thought I looked like him, so here I am.'
'It isn't true. I'm not meant to tell you, you know that.'

So then I would try Candace. Only to find out she had no idea who my father was anyway, so it was no use asking her. I went to the library. I searched through the thousand books. Myth books, History books, Royal Family books. And I found nothing. Or "The father is unknown" blah blah blah. When I am at Ponyville, I get Twilight to stare through her books, but then she'd say, 'Look, Stardust, see? I've flicked through all my books for the 10,000th time, and no word saying who your father is have magically appeared!'

I then almost died when I remembered Discord. Imagine, Discord, a father. MY father. Ew. It's a thought never to be thought of, to be honest. Mum used to tell me the story of how she defeated Discord with her sister when I was young. I loved the story so much and I always got her to tell me it as a bedtime story. But I don't think Mum would have anything to do with Discord. Auntie Luna was Nightmare Moon back then. When Mum told me about her I asked "Where is she now? I want to see her!" But Mum said it would be best not to see her. The first time I actually saw auntie Luna was at the Sun Raising festival. I told Twilight she was crazy, thinking a mare would come down from the moon. But there auntie Luna was. Auntie Luna just laughed when I told her my theory of Discord being my father.

I then thought it must just be a simple pony. Unicorn, Pegasus, or Earth. But Mum said she couldn't tell me. I said,
'What? No, you silly filly, Discord, you're father! Ha!' She said mockingly. I thought she said it strangely though. So it's always a possibility. I flew around the whole of Equestia thinking if I ask as many people, one might say "Oh yes, Princess Stardust! Your father is..." But of course, it never happened. My friends said I should just give up. Well, all apart from one. Another secret Element of Harmony. The Element of Inspiration. Splodge Inks. The book author. She was BORN an Alicorn. Which is impossible. The media, the world and my mother came to see this strange foal. She told me it's because her mum is a Unicorn and her dad is a Pegasus and she kinda just got the two things mushed together to create her.

I haven't given up... yet. My friends see that, and help me anyway they can. But we have never came to a conclusion. There is a giant possibility of ponies. It's just an unknown fact. But my father will be awesome! Well, if he isn't Discord. Or King Sombra. Or any bad guys.

I don't see why Mum wants to keep this a secret. Do I not get to know who my own Father is?! I even snooped around Mum's room and found my Birth Certificate. "Father: Unknown". Well, that was unexpected. I thought she would tell the Hospital who my own Father is, but NO! I just don't get it. Is she ashamed? It must be a bad guy. It MUST be! This is the reason!

Discord wouldn't make a good dad. Being Chaotic nightmare all the time. I have freckles on my nose and Discord said he had "Always admired my freckles." and I said "Well, that's because you are a weirdo!". Liking someone for their freckles, that's random. They are MEANT to be a sign of beauty. So Discord thinks I shouldn't have them, I should think. I now officially don't like him.

I can't find any books at book stores about anything that I think I should be able to find my Father is in. I can't find anypony I can squeeze any information out of, because I am a Princess. Auntie Luna gave me the power of raising the stars for her. So I am Princess of the Stars and Wisdom (or Thought). Maybe my Dad had something to do with the Stars... Starswirl the Bearded? No. He is an old man. I pretty sure he's dead, or something. I don't know. Why can't Mum or Auntie Luna just TELL ME?! I always thought my Father is out there. And I'm sure he is. It's just, WHERE is he?


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Cadence is staying over at the castle for a few days. I guess it's for a small holiday. Shining Armour is looking after the Crystal Empire for the moment. I wonder why you don't see stallion Alicorns. It's really weird. Well, I haven't seen any and Mum hasn't told me she has seen any. Maybe my Dad was an Alicorn! Like a super special stallion! But then broke Mum's heart and banished all stallion Alicorns... It doesn't seem very likely. I'd like to believe my Dad was an Alicorn. What if Mum banished HIM to the moon?! I shall fly there with Auntie Luna's Royal Guards!

I was wrong, there is no stallion on the moon. Mum didn't know where I was for the... 4 hours I was gone. She freaked and started making Royal Guards go round looking for me.When I got back, she was all like "Stardust! Where have you been?!" And all that. She said I should ask her before I go and disappear randomly. 'But Mum! I thought you banished my Dad on the moon! So I went there and looked for him!' I yelled.
'Stardust, I told you not to go looking for him!' Mum said, looking frustrated.
'Well, I need to know who he is!'
'But it's dangerous!'
'No it isn't!'
I stormed off to my room then. Cadence came through and asked my why I want to see my Dad so much. So I told her that I NEEDED to see him because he is my Dad! But Candace said what's wrong with Celestia?
'Candace, she has kept this secret from me for a long, long, long, long, LONG time!'
'So? Maybe she doesn't like your Dad anymore so doesn't want you to know,' she said in a wise like fashion.
Her words buzzed around my head like angry bees.
'N-no... That's no true...' I said panicky. I didn't like where this was going.
'Oh, Stardust, she just doesn't want you to know. Has she told everypony else and you feel left out?'
'You mean you DO know?!'
'No, no!'
I flew to my balcony and flew off. She told Luna and Candace! I didn't want to hear any more. I flew to Ponyville (which is where I am now).

I'm at Twilights house. She looked shocked to see me, but she is letting me stay. I looked in her mirror. I looked at me. My tiara made a nice touch to my head. It had a star and then to crystals that wound around it. I looked at my hooves. I frowned. I wasn't wearing my matching shoes. I put on the wrong ones. Rarity would freak at me. I wasn't and am not going back. I tried to look at my personality. Nice. Sweet. Maybe a bit pushy sometimes. Angry. I'm not angry all the time. It's usually the ponies who make me angry makes my personality into an angry one. Wait, what? Nevermind. I thought of Cadence's words. I thrust my hoof at the mirror.
'Ahh! What did you do that for?!' cried Twilight.
'Oh.. Sorry, I remembered something. I didn't like it...' I said lamely.
'That's no reason to punch my mirror!'
'I know, I know! Sorry, sorry!'
'Why are you angry anyway?'
I flew out of her window too. I am officially running away. From my family, my friends and all that. I slammed in to Rainbow Dash. Oh no I thought.
'Yaah! What are you doing?! What's your problem?!' she screamed.
She saw it was me.
'Stardust? Hey, where are you going?' she yelled.
I could hear her catching up to me. I flew faster. The blue Pegasus is too fast for me, but I flew faster anyway. She caught up to me. She flew past me. I was blinded by a Rainbow.

I turned and flew into a cave. She went past the cave, looking back for me. She called my name. I don't like my name. It's a stupid name. Rainbow Dash gave up and blasted off. She was probably going to blab to everypony I was gone. I flew out of the cave and into the cave where the huge red dragon was. He left with all his treasure. Oh well, no jewellery for me then. THIS is where I am hiding. THIS is where I'll live. In this here smelly, damp cave. Yes, I'll just live here! Be independent. Sounds fun. Sounds fun, right? Ugh, I wish I had Pinkie Pie here. To cheer me up. But I need to stay out of sight. I remember Fluttershy taking out the dragon. I never saw that side of her. I can hear Rainbow Dash again... She's quite far away. I'm going to have to fly.


I heard some ponies talking when I flew around. I'm hiding in yet ANOTHER cave, but it's much further away from Ponyville. But I can still see it. Anyway, I heard them saying about me being missing. Apparently Mum is making guards and ponies look around for me. Great. They were some night owl ponies. Up at 2am talking. Auntie Luna must be happy. They shouldn't miss me. I'm not a important Princess. I looked at my Cutie Mark. It's a shooting star, it's white outlined with blue and blue and white stripes following it. I thought about making a new identity, but I'm an Alicorn. And everypony knows me. So, I just need to hide. I always liked the name Astrid. That would be my new identity. But I have to be silly old Stardust. Who am I kidding? I can't live like this. I need someone to look after me. But I can't trust anypony. I can't go anywhere. I can't leave this cave.


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I feel like I have been stuck here forever just waiting and thinking. I can hear Cadance's voice calling for me. I'm not going back. There's no reason too. I'm out now, there's no point in going back. I wonder where Rainbow Dash is? She'd flown away back to Ponyville, telling everyone I'd gone. We've been friends for along time. When I was a filly, I used to just fly around, and watch Pegasi fly too. Mum let me fly around because she knew I didn't like being cooped up in the Castle all the time. And that's where I met Rainbow Dash, with Fluttershy too. We became friends after a few races.

I kinda wish I was still a filly. I don't like responsibility that much. I loved being carefree. Now I'm in a cave. I bet my Dad would come and whisk me strait off if he knew where I was. I can still hear Cadance, she's a little closer now. I've yanked a thicket to the cave entrance, so she can't see me. I wonder where to look for my Dad? I guess Mum "loss" touch with him. Of course she would of, she wants to keep him a secret to me. I look down to my princess shoes. One of them has cracked. I wonder how. Cadance's voice has softened. She must be flying the other way now. Bit lazy, since I'm not that far away. She must not of thought I was here. Good.

I had a bit of a sleep. If you can call it that. My wavy mane flew into my eyes and made them itch, forcing me to wake up. I've had such a restless night. I didn't have a dream. Which is a good thing, because Auntie Luna walks into ponies dreams, willy nilly, and does some random stuff. If she came into my dream, she might know where I was.I am NOT living here. I'm gonna get up and fly to somewhere. I can't stay here. I am going to... Somewhere nopony is. Like... I can only think of caves. I wonder where my Wisdom has gone?

The Sun is beautiful. Not really, I think it's stupid, because Mum has lifted it up. I'm still mad at her. Sounds a bit selfish, but I can't help it. My brain has gone on vacation to Las Pegasus and took my Wisdom with it. I can still see Ponyville. I have finally moved from that damp cave. I am sitting on a cloud. No Weatherpony has touched it, it just kinda got a mind of it's own and floated a stray, somehow... I stole it. But if I see a Weatherpony coming, I'll have to fly off quickly. I have seen some Royal Guards around Ponyville, interrogating people about my whereabouts. At 5 in the morning. Mum must be mad. Well, I am her daughter. I feel lost. I'm not, obviously, but I want to go home, even though I can't. I just have to tough it out.

I had to fly higher because WeatherPonies came to rearrange the clouds. The cloud I took has been put to where it needs to be. I'm relieved nopony saw me. I must be super stealthy. I have went back on a cloud. No Pegasi up here. Not even Guards. I saw Pinkie Pie hopping along when she tripped over a haystack that she didn't see. I had to control the urge to laugh uncontrollably. She went into the Sugarcube Corner. I met her after I met Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, when I was flying around the place. Can't remember what happened after.

Just seen Splodge Inks. She dropped her book she was carrying with her horn in a puddle when she got distracted. I've never seen a rage like that. She went back to the shop to buy another book. Then walked off with another book looking really irritated. I'm still not sure where to go. I'm all lonely. Haven't talked to anyone in forever. I've developed a habit of chewing on my hair. My hair doesn't taste like I thought it would. My Wisdom has gone again. Oh, well. I don't need it. Bye, bye, Wisdom!

I was so hungry, I had to steal some apples from Applejack's apple cart. She probably won't notice, with all the apples she has. She had Applebloom with her. 'Applejack, do I have my Cutiemark yet?' I heard her ask.
'No, Applebloom. Maybe later you will.' answered Applejack. Applebloom just sighed as a reply.
Poor Applebloom. I would help her, I almost did until I stopped myself, but I can't. Oh, well. Back to flying around. I thought about going to Canterlot again. Then I remembered Discord isn't a statue any more. I have to go look for him!

Wow, Discord is annoying. How could Mum do anything with that... Thing? He is watching Fluttershy help animals. He is trying to help Fluttershy. Ha, good luck. He looks so weird he will scare the animals. Unless they are really brave. I would have to ask him if he is my Dad though...

This is torture! It's just him, with Fluttershy and animals. Wait a minute... He's drifted off on his own. I'm going to follow him, so I can ask him.

'Hey, you!' I said, loud enough for him to hear.
'Princess Stardust? The missing Princess?' he said, turning around.
'Shhh! I need to ask you a question...'
'No, I need to tell your mother you're here!' he said.
'Shut it, goody two shoes. Are you my father?' I questioned him.
'What?' he said, puzzled.
'Are you my father?' I asked again.
'Me? Your Dad?' he said, then started laughing.
'What?' I said angrily.
'No, no, I'm not your Dad,'
'Fine then. Goodbye.'
'Wait! Come back!' he yelled.
Fluttershy's voice came from the distance. 'Discord? Are you OK?'
'Just shut up about this, OK?' I said, panicking. I flew off. Discord didn't look like he told Fluttershy. Good. I don't need people knowing where I am.

So, Discord is not my Dad. I can't ask Sombra, can I? Who shall I ask? Where shall I go? What shall I do? I don't want to think of this. I'm going back to that damp cave. Nopony will know I am there. Just aslong Discord stays quiet about me talking to him, I will be OK.