Every Summer

by SwatKatz

First published

Every summer the heat hits Ponyville. Always has, always will. This year, however, Macintosh forgot to read his reminder...

Come join the telling of a tale that finds the scarlet stallion dodging himself out of sexually stimulating situations only to find himself in even more sexually stimulating situations!

Dark tagged for semi-rape-turns-into-consent-because-bucking.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch....

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*Disclaimer - I do not own nor claim to own My Little Pony nor any and all things of the sort that are property of Hasbro.

*Double Disclaimer - Reading this fic may cause you to feel the need to poop. This is normal.

The early dawn tickled light at the scattering darkness. Light began to pour into the quaint little room of a certain large, red earth pony. Big Macintosh’s eyes fluttered open at the sudden intrusion of light. He rolled off of his bed and stumbled into his bathroom. Washing his face and mane a bit, Macintosh tried to make it a point these days to try and keep clean. After finishing he returned to his bedroom and donned his familiar harness. A quick adjusting on it and he trotted down the stairs. He passed right by the note he stuck to his calendar just the night before…

Odd morning, it struck him as he neared the end of the stairs. Granny Smith was not preparing the ritual breakfast, Apple Bloom was nowhere to be found and Applejack wasn’t laying out plans for the day on the kitchen table. Macintosh turned back around to his right and peeked into the sitting room to hopefully find Granny Smith, but to no avail. He went down the first floor hallway to Apple Bloom’s room only to see the door open and her gone. It clicked in his head that Applejack’s door was still closed. He trotted back down the hall and wheeled to run up the stairs when he heard a call behind him.

“Ah wouldn’t do that ya lump,” the old green mare chuckled as she shuffled in the front door.

“Granny! Where is everypony?” Macintosh raised an eyebrow.

“Oh horseapples, did ya forget what day today is?”

Macintosh contemplated for a second, Ah know there is somethin’ about t’day. A click happened inside his head as the cogs began to turn.

“Oh… Slipped mah mind is all,” Macintosh coughed.

“Well ya best be careful t’day. Ah already seen that dear Fluttershy circlin’ the orchards. Seems they’ve all timed it perfectly again,” Granny Smith huffed as she walked toward the rocker in the sitting room. “Applebloom is at her friend’s house for one of them thar…uh…Cutie-whats-it-calls-its…”

Suddenly, a door opened slowly upstairs, creaking way more than what should be possible. Hoofbeats that fell like iron bricks plodded down the hallway which then began to descend the stairs. Applejack appeared on the stairs and stopped halfway down when she saw her brother in the kitchen, Macintosh keeping his eyes on her the whole way.

“Well now don’t be assumin’ Ah gonna jump my own brother’s bones jus’ because we all seemed to hit season at once,” she grumbled, although instinct deep in her body was very close to betraying her own words.

“But Ah do ‘spose you should get on up outta here. Never know who’s gonna be comin’ ‘round today,” she continued as she grabbed an apple in her hoof off the table. “And considerin’ there ain’t but one stallion fer every ten mares in Ponyville…”

Applejack’s body was wracked in extreme agony. Her insides just felt, hungry. Her tail swished around nervously. She couldn’t stand still; instead her back end would sway side to side slightly all on its own.

“Ah dunno ‘bout that AJ,” Granny Smith started as she maintained an ever faithful momentum on her rocker in the other room, “Those flyin’ friends o’ yourn already been circlin’ this mornin’.”

“Who? Rainbow Dash?”

“Both of ‘em,” Granny added.

“Fluttershy must really have it bad then if she’s up and out lookin’,” Applejack shook her head.

A sharp, screeching sound started to penetrate the quiet farmhouse. Applejack knew the sound all too well and wheeled to her brother, “RUN YOU DOLT!”

No sooner than Macintosh had cleared the front door did none other than Rainbow Dash come crashing through the sitting room window. Rolling into her fall so as not to lose momentum, Dash was back onto her hooves and bolted after the big red stallion. Applejack followed closely in pursuit.

“They’re gonna hurt ‘im again like last year…” Granny Smith mumbled as she continued in her rocking chair, unfazed by Rainbow Dash’s destructive grand entrance and immediate stage exit.

Big Macintosh had already covered the distance to the barn by the time the blue pegasus took flight again. He twisted through the barn door, turned on a single hoof and locked the door’s flimsy little wind latch. He made for the heavy wooden beam he used for this time of year to place in the large holders on the doors. No sooner than he reached for it did that flimsy little lock be tested by the rainbow maned pegasus. Of course the test only lasted for about 0.00003 seconds before it failed. Macintosh went to build momentum to break out the other door, but his raw power was outdone by the speed carried by the little pegasus. She crashed into him, rolling them over both a few times before stopping on his back, her forehooves pinned on his chest.

“I. Go. First.” She punctuated each word with a thump of her hoof on his chest. Her face held a touch of crimson, a sign of her aroused state. Her voice was as sultry as he’d ever heard from her.

“Rainbow!” Applejack yelled as she finally came around the now shattered doors, “We can’t be doing this anymore!”

“Caramel,” Rainbow Dash looked back at her friend, with a seductive glare, “I saw him heading north of town on my way here. Odds are you can catch him and have him first if you leave now.”

“Rainbow! Ah told ya-wha-nopony’s…got him yet?” Applejack fumbled with her words.

Rainbow Dash just wiggled her eyebrows, and the only sign that Applejack had even been in the barn was her signature hat that had been left behind as its owner nearly broke the sound barrier herself.

Big Macintosh cleared his throat, “Ms. Dash, now, ya know Ah don’t mean to be rude or nothin’…” he began to wriggle himself out from underneath the pegasus. Her head swiftly made it to the side of his, her mouth loosely drew a bit of flesh from his neck into her teeth. Macintosh instantly froze, all muscles tensed.

Works like a charm, she chuckled to herself. She moved up his neck, nibbling at his coat up to his left ear. She felt him ever so slightly beginning to relax as she worked her ministrations. Normally when she’d begin to work on his ear though, he’d be all hers. But this time was different, he was still fairly tense. A mixture of anger, cunning, and lust all flashed across her gaze in an instant when she drew his eyes into hers.

“Oh no you don’t,” she whispered.

Macintosh never wanted to take advantage of anypony, especially any mare during season. But the stallion has his buttons and his limits. Rainbow Dash knew both all too well, as she had demonstrated the past couple of years. He tried to remain tense, holding himself from falling into that pool of ecstasy. Her teeth pulled at his coat on his neck and found themselves nibbling on the soft flesh of his ear. He let out a ragged sigh, not one of content, but also not of annoyance. He still squirmed a bit under her, trying with what little might remained inside him to get away and hide. He wretched a hoof free to push himself out with and almost made his escape, until she bit his ear, hard. He went still, but more relaxed, a glaze beginning to form over his eyes. She brought her face to his.

“I don’t know why you try and fight me, you’ll just lose,” she cooed. He’d almost formed a sentence to retaliate when her lips hit his, her tongue invading his mouth, the words he’d meant to say obliterated by the ferocious invader. Most ponies would have taken Macintosh as any other stallion when it came to intimacy, but very, very few ponies knew he was a sucker for a good kisser. Any tension that was in his body released, the battle lost. He lost himself in the sensation of the aggressive assault that was Rainbow Dash’s kiss. Her tongue rolled across his, tangling together. He began to respond, using his own tongue to fight back, taking the battle into her mouth. After a few more moments, his breaths started to become hot and short, his nostrils began to flare. She felt his coat growing warmer.

Bingo, she thought. She knew he wouldn’t last, but did note he put up more of a fight this year. She broke the kiss, happy with her work. His eyes were in a haze, ears laid back. Dash always made sure she knew how to pre-game. She lifted herself off of him, expecting him to finally give in. But that’s when she noticed she’d just been played. His eyes turned sharp again, and in one fluid motion he pushed her to the side and set himself up for a full gallop out of the broken barn door.

“HEY!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she tried to maintain her balance and worked to brace herself to take off after him.

"FREEDOM!" he shouted.

One more hoofstep and he would have been at full tilt. But as soon as that hoof hit the ground, what seemed to be like a buttery yellow and pink flash landed before him. Instead of propelling him forward, that hoof dug into the earth and tumbled him head over hoof until he was sitting on his rump before another pegasus. Her eyes froze him in place. Fluttershy’s eyes looked as if she’d finally snapped…again.

“I told you I would catch you my pretty…” her voice sent shivers down both Macintosh’s and Dash’s spines.

“Wha---What? No you didn’t…” it wasn’t so a much a statement as it was a stick to prod the fabric of what was happening before Macintosh. He backed himself up with his forelegs as she slowly approached him, her gaze keeping his eyes locked to hers.

“Now you’re mine…MINE!” she shouted as she spread her wings, one surprisingly strong flap and she was on top of him, the force of her tackle sent them tumbling into the door on the opposite side of the barn. If Rainbow Dash’s kiss was a roaring furnace, Fluttershy’s was a raging wildfire. But alas, it was short lived. A sudden flash of rainbow removed the assault off the red stallion.

“I. GO. FIRST!” Rainbow Dash grunted as she struggled to pin Fluttershy to the ground. Macintosh spent no more time watching the sudden deathmatch. He bucked the doors open and put everything he had into galloping away. He wasn’t the fastest pony in Equestria, but he could put a lead on just about all of them before they could catch him and pass him. He poured himself into his legs, feeling himself reach his top end quickly, the struggle behind him growing quieter as his hooves pounded dirt. A few paces later, he heard what he was rather sure to be an explosion, but he never looked back. He kept galloping as hard as he could, through the north orchards, bobbing and weaving between the trees. The north orchards stretch for a few miles, so when he came to the meadow at the end of the orchards he began to slow himself, allowing some air to begin to refresh his weary muscles.

He’d begun to catch his breath when a shadow passed him. Without sticking around to see who the owner was, he bolted onwards parallel with the woods on the west of the meadow. He ran for a place only himself and Applejack knew about. It took a bit of searching in the old woods, but he finally found it. But something wasn’t right. Their old clubhouse was all touched up and…girliefied…..

“Oh, hiya brother!” Macintosh nearly jumped out of his skin until his mind made the connection of the voice and who it came from. Little sister Applebloom. “Whatcha doin’ out here?”

“Oh…you know…just out for a stroll….” he coughed.

“Are ya alright? Ya look like ya dun seen a ghost or somethin’…” Applebloom wore a look of concern.

“S’alright. Say, you mind if I sit up in the old joint for a while? Been some time since I been in there.”

“Oh no, go right ahead! Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo should be here in a little bit, but I’m sure they won’t mind!” she beamed. The two went inside the small clubhouse, Macintosh barely fitting inside the doorway. Once inside, Macintosh rambled off about how he and Applejack had hashed out plans for grand adventures in that very spot, or how they would stay out late at night and tell ghost stories to each other, or how they would look at the stars. Or any number of other things they did. Applebloom listened in awe at history of the little clubhouse, poking questions here and there about what would happen once Macintosh left her with a cliffhanger. About half an hour passed before Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle arrived.

“Hi, Big Macintosh!” Sweetie Belle greeted, “What brings you out here?”

“Just tellin’ tales about the old place,” he chuckled.

“Really? Anything awesome?!” Scootaloo looked between the stallion and Applebloom.

“You betcha!” Applebloom recounted some of the more exciting highlights, egging her brother to retell them for her friends. After a few fits of laughter, sounds of awe and rounds of applause the three fillies decided it was time for an adventure of their own. They prodded Macintosh to come with them, but he kindly declined and wished to remain behind at the clubhouse.

“But don’t tell nopony you seen me out here,” he told them.

“Why?” Sweetie Belle asked, completely naïve and innocent.

“Just ‘cause. Say, I tell you what, if’n yall can keep quiet, I’ll give each of yall two WHOLE jars of Zap Apple Jam from the cellar,” he winked at them.

“ALRIGHT!” the three shouted in unison, and bolted out the door.

Macintosh breathed a sigh of relief. He looked out the window, the sun setting about three o’clock. And we got two more weeks of this…at minimum. He’d made it to day four last year. But as he was galloping away from Pinkie Pie through the west orchard, he plowed straight into a tree and knocked himself out for three days. However, he’d been secured in the Ponyville Hospital where he wouldn’t be “bothered.” He chuckled slightly at that thought. He began to reminisce about the few years that Applejack and her friends had become of age, and the few years before that when he’d become of age when the heat struck town. After all that’d happened to him, he’d never once been taken or used by any single mare. Big Macintosh was still a virgin.

Another small fit of chuckling overtook him. He lay on his back, relishing in his ability to keep heat-striken mares at bay. At least until he heard hoofsteps. He dashed suddenly over to the old flip panel he installed when he and pa built the clubhouse. Under it was a button with a bright red indicator above it that read ‘BATTLESTATIONS’. He smacked the button, but nothing happened. He hit it again and again with panic now striking him. Suddenly a metal panel fell out of its slot where it covered a window and rattled onto the ground.

“Oh so you ARE in there,” a singsong voice broke the silence. “Don’t worry Macintosh, I’m not here to ravage you. I am rather well in control of myself at this point, but would you let me in please? I would like to speak with you.” Macintosh recognized the voice. He slowly opened the door, keeping his weight behind it just in case. Confirmed, Applejack’s friend Rarity was outside.

“How may I help you?” Macintosh asked through the crack in the door.

“Well I just wanted to check up on you! Seeing as how fiercely this season has come on, I think just about every mare in Ponyville has asked or looked for you,” she smiled.

“Uh-huh,” he grunted, ready to shove the door shut. “Who tol’ you Ah was out here?”

“I happened across Applejack on my way to Sweet Apple Acres. In the midst of her blistering pace she mentioned I should check on you,” she smiled into the crack of the door. “When I found the barn in ruins and Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy weakly fighting each other I could only assume you’d come here.”

Macintosh conjured up an image of a crater where the barn would probably no longer be in existence. It caused him to grumble.

“How do you kno-“

“Sweetie Belle told me where this place was a few times. If ever I should have needed to find her.”


A long silence passed before Rarity cleared her throat, “May I come in?”

Reluctantly, and most likely against his better judgment, Macintosh opened the door and stepped to the side to allow the white unicorn access. She had on a fashionable hat and her saddlebags.

“Actually I was hoping to have tea this morning with Applejack on the discussions for her to do some modeling for me. I am in need of such a toned pony such as herself as this client desires something comfortable, yet capable,” Rarity went about laying her hat down on the table and her saddlebags next to it with her magic.

“And seeing how she is currently, indisposed, for the time being,” she shuffled through her bags with her magic to pull out the tools and ingredients for her tea, “Would you care for some tea, Mr. Macintosh?”

“Normally Ah jus’ have water or coffee, but ‘spose if’n you offerin’ and all then...sure,” he nodded.

Rarity set about with making the tea. Macintosh cleared the table inside the little house and straightened up the chairs.

“Ah’m sorry if’n Ah seemed snappy with ya there at the door,” he said lowly.

“It’s no problem darling! I can only imagine the kinds of steps you have to take this time of year to avoid any kinds of...scandalous situations,” she grinned almost evilly behind him as she put a mysterious pink powder into his cup of tea. She about faced with a smile, holding a tray with the two cups of tea with her magic. They both sat at the table as she floated his glass of tea in front of him.

“To health!” Rarity cheered, Macintosh raising his glass. She watched as he down his glass with the utmost pleasure on her face.

Macintosh sighed, “Pretty good tea there, Miss Rarity. Is that…orange Ah’m getting’ a taste of?”

“Why yes! Yes it is! It’s a recipe dear Fluttershy gave to me some time ago. It’s for energy and virility!” she smiled.

Click. Macintosh was not a slow pony by any means. He was actually very well read, and knew exactly what that last word had meant in that context. By the time he’d gotten to form some way of responding, he’d began to kick himself for ignoring his gut feelings. He noticed the room was starting to blur together a bit and his face began to feel warm. Chemical warfare, he muttered in his head.

“Ah see how it is,” he wavered as he went to stand.

“Darling, as you should know you shouldn’t trust any mare during season. Me least of all,” she got up and walked to the door and locked all three locks.

“Ah… Ah don’t agree with this,” he started.

“I imagine your morality doesn’t. Not to worry though, as you will enjoy it soon enough,” she said as she eased him back down to the floor. “I myself will enjoy this thoroughly.”

“T’ain’t….T’ain’t right…” he began to lose himself in the heat that began to consume him.

“It is poetical though, how the mare entices the stallion to her bed…well figuratively anyway. And I must say that I would much like the title of taking you for your first time,” she stated triumphantly. She suddenly began humming some tune that rang in Macinotsh’s ears. He was now on the floor on his side, sweat began to cover his coat and his breaths became hot and ragged. Down below, he felt himself beginning to slide out of his sheath.

“T’ain’t right…” he let out between two sharp breaths. Rarity turned to face him, now wearing some form of lingerie that included a saddle and black lace. A brief moment allowed Macintosh to wonder why she would wear such, she was pretty enough as is.

“Oh hush now darling. Once the spell takes full hold you’ll be having fun soon enough,” she patted the side of his face with one of her forehooves. She turned to go back to whatever she was doing at the table, dragging her tail across his face.

…dat….dat flank… his mind began to say. He was rapidly losing control, much like when he drank a bit too much alcohol.

“Oh, I forgot to mention,” she turned her head back towards him, eyes narrowing deviously, “Twilight is going to be here as well.”

Now that was a low blow. Everypony in Equestria figured Macintosh and Fluttershy were to be together for all eternity and fill some sappy love story, but Macintosh disagreed. Now Fluttershy was a nice enough mare in his mind, but she wasn’t the apple of his eye, all puns aside. Rather it was Twilight Sparkle, the new librarian and protégé to the Princess of the Sun herself. The fact she was his sister’s friend also made things more complicated and harder to bear. He liked that mare, really liked her.

And now here he was, no more than a few minutes from ruttin’ her brains out. That weren’t proper in his mind; it hurt him on the inside to picture such a thing. His face turned sour, and Rarity noticed.

“Oh? So you do not like her?”

“Buck you,” Macintosh lashed out. “Ain’t your business.”

“Well well, so there is some nasty under all that country charm,” she giggled. Rarity enjoyed that thought. “And don’t worry, you will get your chance for some bucking my dear.”

Meanwhile, at the Hall of Doom...

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*Disclaimer about not owning My Little Pony.

*Disclaimer about not operating heavy machinery after reading this fic.

For Macintosh, the room was rapidly becoming blurry. He felt his member growing in stiffness, completely out of his own control. The heat that had started in his head now spread over his entire body, and it was nonetheless pleasurable. He likened it to having a bit too much cider to drink with some whiskey on top of it.

Even as his vision became more obscured, Mac’s sense of smell began to heighten. He could smell Rarity’s marehood. He wasn’t sure how she’d masked it before she drugged him, but he wasn’t up to the task of figuring that one out at the moment.
About that time, there was a soft couple of knocks at the door.

“That must be Twilight now, my dear Macintosh!” she pranced over to the door of the little clubhouse and flung the door open.

Somehow, Macintosh managed to roll himself over onto his right side to see the door. And there did none other than the purple mare of magic stand. Even in his current state he could make her out clearly. That soft purple coat, those lovely eyes….that perfectly shaped plot.

The two unicorns nuzzled each other before entering the clubhouse, locking the door again behind them.

“I didn’t think you’d actually be able to catch him like this, Rarity,” Twilight smiled somewhat nervously between Macintosh and Rarity. Macintosh went to make words of protest, but found his ability to speak had run off somewhere and left him to his sexy fate.

“Oh, but of course! It wasn’t difficult, mind you. Poor little Mackie Mac here let his manners get the best of him!” she beamed in success.

The two passed over him and to the other side of the room. He rolled over again, watching them as they sashayed past him. Maybe not as much of a sashay as a....rapewalk, as he put it in his mind. Even so, his eyes never left their backsides. Macintosh was a modest pony, so to catch his own self staring was embarrassing to say the least. It also went to show just how far whatever he’d been drugged with had already taken him.

The two mares rummaged through Rarity’s saddlebags, producing another lacy blue and purple outfit for Twilight. Twilight blushed at the thought, but it was quickly overpowered by the heat. Normally, she’d been in Canterlot for the heat, where magic kept most ponies within bearable levels of urges. This was her first time staying in Ponyville for it, and for Twilight, it was becoming far too intense.

Twilight wiggled her way into the kinky little outfit and found she was enjoying how it pulled at her body in all the right places. Her ears drooped and she let out a contented sigh as Rarity made the final adjustments to her garments.

“Look at you! You look absolutely stunning!....so, sexy,” Rarity whispered into her ear as she pulled a mirror in front of Twilight with her magic. Twilight took a moment to admire how she looked, but that nagging feeling in her hindquarters kept her from staring too long. She didn’t believe the heat could get this bad.

It’s actually starting to hurt, she thought. She looked over her shoulder to see Macintosh still lying on the floor, his cock at full attention.

“Are you sure he can’t get up?” Twilight asked her friend, glancing behind her to see Macintosh staring intently at her rear.

“For the time being, the only ‘getting up’ he will be doing is as he is demonstrating now. He won’t be running out on us,” Rarity patted her unicorn friend on the shoulder.

“How do you know that?”

Rarity coughed and tilted her head towards Macintosh’s member. Twilight’s mouth “o’d” and her eyes became glued to his phallus. She’d seen them in her textbooks before, but this was her first time being in the presence of such…for its intended purpose anyway.

Rarity walked back over to the stallion laying on the floor, his nostrils now flaring with each breath he took.

“Now Macintosh, you are not the only pony here for their first time. This is Twilight’s first time, and we’re going to make it, special, just for her,” Rarity turned her head back to Twilight as she referenced her, giving her a wink which caused Twilight to blush and look away from the other two.

“As a matter of fact, Twilight came to me last night just enthralled in the heat. So I promised her I would get her a stallion for us, and I keep true to my promises,” Rarity spoke softly, enticingly to the stallion as she knelt down to his face.

“As such, we will be taking things nice,“ she kissed him on the muzzle, “and slow.”

The only reply she received was a sharp snort from the stallion. He was losing control of himself. Not so much that he wanted to hurt anypony, but at this point there was really only one thing that was going to help him.

“You really shouldn’t fight it, dear Macintosh,” Rarity cooed. “It would be much more pleasurable for you to relax and enjoy yourself.”

The words she spoke to him seemed to become numb, dull. All he could really see now where shapes and colors. The smell though, he could probably smell a fresh apple fritter even if it were locked in an underground bunker a hundred miles away, if he could get around the scent of the tow excited mares in the room.

Rarity moved over next to Macintosh’s head. She rolled him onto his back and held him there with her magic for a bit before letting go. He remained on his back, cock bouncing up and down rhythmically with his now flustered heartbeat.

“Now, come here, my dear,” Rarity called out to Twilight.

Twilight took a few shy steps towards the large stallion on the floor. Getting just a hoof’s reach away she stopped, marveling at the site below her. Rarity gently grabbed her friend and helped position her over the large workhorse.

“It’s going to take some finesse to do this, but it is entirely possible for the lady to be on top,” Rarity noted. Twilight’s nether lips were now over Macintosh’s shaft, and Rarity had placed herself over his face. Twilight and Rarity were now face to face over the large stallion.

“Usually, I’m not one for jumping straight into th-MMMPPPFFFF!” and excited squeal tried to escape the white unicorn’s lips before being caught in a set of purple ones.

Twilight was almost as surprised as her friend, but her body had had enough waiting around. She had never really kissed or been kissed, but at this point it didn’t matter to her. She darted her tongue at Rarity’s lips, which gave way quickly. Twilight’s tongue seemed to be working on its own. Not that Rarity minded. This was a kiss of passion, no thought should ever taint a kiss so, wild.

Rarity lowered rear down to Macintosh’s muzzle. She felt him sniffing at her marehood. It tickled her a bit. She began to form words to get Macintosh down to business, but his large tongue ran over her lips, silencing that sentence into oblivion. Rather, she moaned into Twilight’s kiss, pushing back against her friend as her own arousal grew and grew.
Twilight rammed her hips downward, dragging her sex along Macintosh’s shaft. She ground into him, pure passion and lust taking charge. Her loins were now on fire. Or they would be if it wasn’t for the rapid building of moisture down there.
Macintosh was now rather lost. He knew he was now eating out the gorgeous Rarity, and his crush was grinding on his cock. Not much else was registering. A stray thought about what day it was flew through his mind once. Once.

Twilight continued to grind into him. She eventually broke her kiss off with Rarity, who was now moaning quite loudly and in very unladylike fashions. Twilight felt the urge to be doing so as well, but she couldn’t quite focus enough to do so. Rarity looked up at her, her blue eyes glazed with lust, crimson touching her cheeks. Absolutely ravenous.

This…this is really happening? Twilight grabbed for reality in her mind. She lolled her head back, reveling in the sensations wracking her body. It still wasn’t quite enough. It was like trying to quench a thirst in the desert with only a mouthful of water.

Twilight lifted herself slightly off of Macintosh and moved forward enough that his head began to push at her folds. She gently rocked into him a few times to test the waters, as it were. This did cause her to moan. She wasn’t sure why she was teasing herself, not to mention the stallion beneath her, but it felt so good.

Rarity had seen Twilight maneuver herself to line up the bits. She eased back enough to give her friend room to move, thought Macintosh stretched his neck to stay with her now swollen lips. She continued to watch her friend get ever closer to her first full penetration, wanting to catch her full reaction to the sensation.

Twilight steeled her mind and began to slide the stallion’s pride into her warm, wet insides. It didn’t get in very far before she clenched her eyes shut in a sharp wince of pain, but she continued to take him in. She wasn’t sure how much more there was of him to go, the feelings of pleasure and pain mixed together threw her mind for a loop. Her back legs began to shake, threatening to buckle, and she could feel her marehood growing even wetter. Eventually she did bottom out. She remained relatively still for a moment or two before looking to see how much was left of him. While there was still a bit of him to go, she had managed to take over half of it inside her. Her walls suddenly twitched of their own accord, sending rippling waves of pleasure over her body. Any pain that had occurred leading to that point was forgotten. Twilight then found her body slowly moving forward, letting him out somewhat, before slowly moving back again. Robotically this slow motion continued for a few minutes.

Rarity ground herself harder into Macintosh’s face, who met her eagerly with his tongue. Seeing Twilight’s cute faces as she took him in was pushing her well on her way to climax. The sudden invasion of the stallion’s tongue into her slit though is what pushed her over the edge without warning.

“EEEEEEEE!!!!!” Rarity squealed as she came, hard. Her whole body spasmed. She threw her head back, grunting as she rode the waves of ecstasy. She eventually felt the extreme wetness between her hind legs and knew she had probably just drowned poor Macintosh.

Between Twilight finally riding his cock and Rarity cumming all over his face, Macintosh found some conscious ground again. He swung a foreleg around Rarity and pulled her down onto his face even harder, licking her all up ferociously. She seemed to agree with it and let out a loud moan. He didn’t care about any lovey-dovey stuff at the moment. Right now, he was about to buck him some mares. He began to pump into Twilight slowly, but forcefully. It caught her off guard at first and she squealed slightly, but soon she found his rhythm and matched him.

The passion of the workhorse and the librarian didn’t last more than just a few minutes. Macintosh hit his top quickly, from both how tight and hot Twilight was and the erotic lovemaking Rarity was afflicting to his face. He felt his orgasm approaching when he felt Twilight’s walls clench and pulse around his cock. She was already cumming, and that sent him over the edge. He came hard and deep into Twilight, draining his seed inside of her. His cock twitched and surged a few times before growing still.

Twilight didn’t know how an orgasm could suddenly grow stronger. At least not until after she began to cum which prompted Macintosh to cum as well. Then it hit her hard. A sharp intake of breath was the only sound she made. She clenched her teeth hard otherwise, bucking slightly into his cock as ecstasy washed over her body. She felt his seed flowing into her womb which she thought would be either embarrassing or alarming, but it wasn’t…it was hot.

Rarity was not lost to this situation. She gently rocked her rear over Mac’s face, staring behind her at her friend as she had her first orgasm with a partner. Or two, exactly. She’d heard Macintosh grunting, so she had assumed he came with Twilight. It was sweet in her mind. Even better was she was nearing her own second orgasm. She lifted herself off of Macintosh’s face and rolled onto her back, planting a hoof and rubbing her clit furiously so as not to be left out. By the time that she could tell Twilight was just beginning to come down off of her orgasm, Rarity hit her second. It wasn’t quite as wet as the first, but it still sent a small stream over the two in front of her.

Twilight collapsed onto Macintosh’s chest and closed her eyes. Small ripples of pleasure continued to wash over her and his cock twitched every now and again in her. With her eyes closed she focused on catching her breath and enjoying the afterglow.

Rarity fell onto her back during her second orgasm. She rolled side to side as it washed over her. Eventually it subsided into afterglow and she rotated herself enough to stare at the other two.

Macintosh tried to catch his breath and hold onto his bit of conscious ground. He felt himself twitching inside Twilight, and his seed running out of her and down his length before landing on his lower belly.

The trio laid there on the floor of the clubhouse for a while, just happily converting oxygen into carbon dioxide.

Twilight was the first to move. She raised herself up and forward until Macintosh fell out of her and onto his belly with a wet smack. She felt his cum running out of her and down her right hind leg. Gross? No, still hot. She tried to walk, but ending up fumbling over towards her white unicorn friend.

“Hey,” she breathed hard.

“Hey,” Rarity smiled.

“Eeyup,” Macintosh thundered. This threw the girls into giggles.

Full functions returned to Macintosh as the spell wore off. He got up, shook out each of his legs and craned his neck around just to check.

“Well, drat. It didn’t work for as long as I planned,” Rarity huffed, figuring he was getting ready to bolt.

But he didn’t. Instead, he stood there collecting his thoughts. Mac wasn’t sure why he’d held out for so long. That was actually very nice. And they enjoyed it, too. Maybe it was the sport of running away from mares that drove him. He rested his case on that.

“So…uh…” he started. A white glow suspended him into the air.

“Oh no you don’t, mister! I haven’t had MY turn yet!” Rarity growled at him.

“…wasn’t plannin’ on runnin’ miss,” Mac said quietly.

Rarity blinked, then his rapidly regrowing member caught her eye.

“Figured on more ruttin’,” he smiled.

Rarity eased him back to the ground and release her magic upon him.

“Now there’s a good boy,” she walked up to him and patted his nose.

Without warning, Mac grabbed her haunches and spun her around to which she screamed. But she silenced as soon as he mounted atop her back, placed a forehoof against the small of her neck and pushed her into the floor. From there he proceeded to begin bucking her wild.

“YES! YES!” Rarity screamed.

In all honesty, Macintosh was slightly angry with her, but at the same time he just wanted to buck her into next year. So that’s what he laid about doing. He just plowed her over and over, a delightful smacking sound filling the room as he drove home into her.

Twilight wasn’t quite sure what just happened. Dear Princess of the Sun, Celestia herself! He’s rutting her like no tomorrow! Had Twilight’s jaw fell any farther it would have went through the floor. On one hoof, it was slightly odd seeing ponies she knew like this. On the other hoof, it was quite arousing. Twilight felt herself growing wet again, and hot like before.

Rarity noticed the awkwardness of her friend. Upon the small amount of focus she could get between Macintosh’s thrusts, she could also tell she was getting turned on. She beckoned Twilight over with a hoof. Twilight approached her slowly, not sure as to what Rarity had in mind. As soon as Twilight was in reach, Rarity pulled her head down and took that beautiful purple horn into her mouth.

Twilight’s eyes bugged out, her left foreleg collapsed and her tail flicked wildly. She fell the rest of the way down in front of her friend in wild, jerking spasms.

OhmyCelestiathisissoooooooooogggggoooooooooooooooooooooddddddddd, her tongue lolled out of her mouth and her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

Rarity ran her tongue over the spiraled fluting of her friend’s horn. Slowly and methodically she circled her tongue with the spiral to the bottom, then again to the top. Every now and again she ran her tongue flat against the horn and dragged it up and down. This sent Twilight into uttering pure nonsense with occasional bouts of moaning.

Macintosh had heard from his time in school that unicorn fillies loved to have their horns played with. He never got the chance to go hands on with the theory, but by the looks of what was laying out in front of him it was true. It gave him a wicked idea. He brought his free hoof to Rarity’s own horn and drug his rough hoof across the fluting. She moaned in delight, her walls clenching even harder around his shaft. The idea played in his mind to suck on it, but something about that seemed weird….and gay.

His thoughts were interrupted by Twilight crying out as she came. Rarity let the other unicorn’s horn out of her mouth, brilliant pieces of light dripping out of her mouth and off of Twilight’s horn. On any other day for Macintosh, that might have seemed strange. He watched Twilight contort her body in what was obviously a deep orgasm. Her little squeals and cries pushed him at a different level to plow harder into Rarity.

Rarity was still trying to make sense of what had just happened inside her mouth and head. Not only had Twilight managed to shoot pure magical energy out of her horn, but somehow her pleasure had amplified Rarity’s own. And now that Macintosh was bucking her even harder, she was on the cusp of another orgasm.

But it was too far for Macintosh to push onward. He grunted as he began to cum again, this time inside Rarity. He was a fair bit drier this time, but he still managed to get off quite a load inside of her. He wondered if she was going to protest against him staying inside her.

Rarity answered any mysteries of the matter by rubbing her rear into Mac’s belly, putting pressure on her clit. She wiggled around his throbbing cock enough to send her over the edge for a third time. She convulsed under Macintosh, draining his cock. Her squeaks grew into grunts as the waves of her orgasm flowed through her body. Eventually, the spasms grew weaker and a deep, comforting warmth settled into her.

Macintosh simply eased onto his left side and scooted himself and Rarity up to Twilight. All three were again out of breath, but Twilight seemed still be in another place. Mac’s cock was beginning to soften, but was met with objection when he went to pull out. Instead, Rarity pulled his foreleg over her body and pressed herself into his chest and onto his cock. They laid there for a while like that until Twilight came to.

“Ugnnhh,” was all Twilight could muster.

Rarity grunted in response. She pushed Twilight around with her hooves so that she could pull her into her embrace. Twilight’s hindquarters were still shaking which set Rarity to wondering if she was still in an orgasm. Eventually though the shaking stopped and the purple unicorn’s breathing evened and slowed. Within minutes, Twilight was fast asleep. Rarity, also feeling tired, noticed Macintosh had settled into the same breathing pattern as Twilight. Figuring she was the only pony awake, she also closed her eyes and fell into a deep slumber. Just a few minutes later, all three were fast asleep.

Sometime that afternoon…

Rustling outside the clubhouse…

“We just need to grab the notebook for Scootaloo’s new trick for plannin’ her jump,” came a little country voice.

Mac’s ear twitched.

Meanwhile, on Alderaan...

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*Disclaimer about not owning My Little Pony.

*Disclaimer about dizziness after reading this chapter alone is a normal side affect.

The door handle rattled, but the locks held it firmly shut.

“What the-? Brother? Are you still in there?!” Applebloom yelled into the door.

Mac’s ear twitched again.

Then he bolted upright.

“Let us in!” his littlest sister pounded on the door.

“Yeah, Big Mac! It’s our clubhouse!” yelled Scootaloo.

Panicking, Mac fumbled to his hooves, but ended up tripping over the tangle that was Rarity and Twilight. The pounding continued on the door, protests from the Cutie Mark Crusaders continued to pour in. Mac found his hooves again and began to shake the unicorn duo on the floor.

“C’mon now, we’re in trouble!” he said quietly.

Neither unicorn moved. Not even so much as a squeal or squawk of protest. He kicked Rarity in her back forcefully, but not harshly, with one of his forelegs. Still nothing. He peeled back one of her eyelids…

It was as if someone had taken her eye out and replaced it with a shiny black sphere. He pulled himself back out of shock before gingerly trying to open Twilight’s eye. Same story.

Suddenly, the front door burst wide open. He’d expected to see his little sister and her friends, but was greeted with a friendly helping of nothing but blackness. There was still forest and sunshine and bunnies out the windows, but the door lead to black.

The two unicorns abruptly popped into little bubbles which rose through the ceiling as the table in the clubhouse started morphed into some kind of jukebox creature that began singing “Sweet Home Appleloosa” in slow motion.

“…wut,” Mac started. Thinking quickly, he bit himself hard on his foreleg. Nothing.

The world cracked around him and everything turned white.

The beeping of an EKG machine brought sound back into Mac’s ears. Along with the feeling as if he just head butted a train that was running at full steam.

He groaned in pain, catching the attention of somepony just out of his field of vision. Funny, he could only really see to his right. A unicorn nurse pony came around the foot of his rather large bed and to the side he could see.

“Now just relax, Mr. Apple. You have a serious concussion and we don’t want you straining yourself,” she said as she adjusted her glasses with her magic.

Mac heard hoofsteps coming up the hall.

“Your friends and family will be able to explain what happened. You’ll probably need to hear from them to believe it,” she smirked and tried to contain her laughter as she turned away and walked out the door.

About the time she left the room, Applejack and Rainbow Dash came in and walked up to the side he could see them on. He stared at his sister, who was doing a bad job of holding a poker face. The cyan pegasus at her side tried to stifle a chuckle, but when they both heard it, they fell out in the floor laughing.

Mac looked at the duo with only the slightest bit of anger. Sound was still hurting his head.

“Again?” he asked, raising his eyebrow.

Applejack contained her laughter just long enough to answer, “Straight into Big Timothy!” before slapping her knee and buckling over in another fit of laughter.

“I-I thought for a second you saw my shadow as I flew after you, but then you ran straight into the tree!” Rainbow Dash had tears in her eyes she was laughing so hard. She fell back onto the ground, rolling in fits of laughter.

He let them get it out of their system before making any attempt at a conversation. Eventually, the two ponies were clutching their sides and happily complaining about how bad their stomachs hurt.

Applejack sat back up and patted his foreleg, “Doc says you’ll be fine though. That bandage over yer face and left eye was more or less to keep you from touching that area in yer sleep.”

“So how’d Ah get here?”

“Well, after the ‘spolsion from the barn reached my ears, Ah turned around to come check what happened. All Ah found was Fluttershy ready to pour the bucket of ‘sorrys’ on me about it,” Applejack put simply.

“I laughed so hard that I forgot about the heat for a little bit. Enough to realize you had actually hurt yourself,” Dash added. “I led them to where you were and we brought you here.”

Mac sighed, “How many days?”

“Four. It was five last year, remember?” his sister nudged him gently in the side.

The unicorn doctor came into his view now.

“Excuse me ladies, but your time is up and I need to check in on this fellow,” he said as he shooed them out the door.

“See ya tomorrow ya lug!” Applejack waved as she left.

The doctor basically retold the story that his sister and Dash just did. It had all happened like they said. When they brought him in, they did a scan and found that he had a concussion and was possibly in a coma. Being the stout pony Mac was, the doctor had no fears though that he’d eventually come around. Assured by the doctor that there were no adverse effects to come around of this accident, Mac finally sank into the bed and relaxed.

“We’ll be able to remove the bandages over your forehead and left eye tomorrow morning first thing, Mr. Apple. Until then I advise plenty of rest and fluids so that we might see you out of here tomorrow!”

The doctor left Macintosh with his thoughts. He looked around the room, nothing changed from last year’s visit to the hospital for nearly the same reason. Except that Dash had sideswiped him into one of the older apple trees. And the nearly the same thing had played out in his mind while he was out. Except with Fluttershy. At her cottage. And that weird little rabbit watched.

But it was all a dream….or a nightmare. Macintosh wasn’t sure how he’d live with himself if he had done such a thing. He would never be able to face either Rarity or Twilight again had he done such a thing. But of course, he hadn’t. The dream had been realistic enough and the impact of the tree hard enough to blur the two realities seamlessly together. It caused him to grin.

Still chaste, still holding moral fiber.

The nurse ponies eventually came around again, brought him supper and showed him to the restroom. He showered what he could and went back to the bed. He lay there for the longest time just staring at the ceiling. The sun sank low, bringing in gold and orange to the room. He wanted to stare out the window, but that the same time he didn’t. Too much was on his mind.

Of course he couldn’t do such a thing; it would be unthinkable for Mac to act as he did in his dream. But why did he dream of doing such things and such things happening to him? Especially for the second year in a row, it began to boil in his mind. Of course though, this was his eighth season of heat that he’d been of age for, but he never had such dreams until last year. In the end, he chalked it up to the musk of the heat and the concussion combined to throw him for a loop.

Night descended upon the town and Ponyville Memorial Hospital. The nurses were doing their final rounds for the shift, but Mac assured them he needed nothing but a little more water. He continued to stare at the ceiling, trying to wish himself to sleep. The wind picked up some before Mac fell his eyes get heavy. He didn’t look at the clock above the door before he fell under, the sound of the wind blowing through the trees outside his window singing him to sleep.


A nurse pushed a cart with a rather obnoxiously squeaky wheel down the hall, stopping at room 108. She eased the door open and saw the rising and falling of the sheets, and a small amount of snoring. She smiled as she checked the box next to Macintosh’s name on her notebook and continued down the hall.

The nurse took the elevator at the end of the hall, descending to the first level and pushing her cart back to the front desk.

“Everyone accounted for?” her co-worker pegasus asked.

“Shipshape!” she smiled.

The two workers then began exchanging small talk, not noticing the ninja-like movements of a pony sneaking into the hospital. The ninja pony, clad in black, except for the little bit of yellow peeking through for her nose to breathe and a small slit where her teal eyes darted around, snuck up to the where the nurse had rolled the cart. Quickly snatching the notebook, the mare then gathered the information she desired before gently setting the book back.

The she-ninja then snuck around the desk, out of sight of the two conversing ponies, and down the hall to the elevator. Her ride up was swift and quiet, until the doors bonged when they opened. She let out a squeal and ducked behind the bushes nearest the elevator doors on the third floor. After a moment, she peeked out from behind the bush, surveying her surroundings. Assuming the coast was clear, she continued on her mission.

The hallway was long, dark and scary. Being dressed like a ninja pony surely was not warranting any ninja courage to this pony. Any little bumps or noises caused her to squeak at levels that ants might hear. The room numbers closed in on her target, room 108.

There it was in all of its glory. She eased up to the large wooden door and timidly tried to turn the knob. It wouldn’t budge. She tried and tried and tried and still could not get it to move. She slumped against the door in defeat, ready to cry or go home or both. Until the door clicked and opened, letting the pony tumble into the room on her back. She froze solid, the snoring of a pony in the room continued on without missing a beat.

She stood up, easing her way towards the bed. Her target, that wonderful scarlet colored stallion lay in bed. She took a moment to admire the sight. Target acquired and locked. Her eyes narrowed, she licked her lips and pulled the hood of her outfit back. Her pink mane flowed out freely now as she shook her head to help untangle it in spots.
The large red pony rolled over in his sleep, now facing Fluttershy. She froze, panic setting her heart onto race mode. But he continued snoring. Eventually she regained her composure and went back to the door to close it. Quietly she closed and locked the door before returning to the same side of the bed.

She was now muzzle to muzzle with the stallion, his breath tickling her nose as she resisted the urge to giggle. Then the unthinkable happened. She felt the beginnings of a sneeze. Fluttershy’s eyes went wide as she drew in a breath, unable to stop herself. Her sneeze rang out loud and proud….Macintosh’s soft snoring drowning it out entirely.

She chided herself mentally, You almost blew it! He could have woken up! Oh, why do you have to be so loud all the time?
After a few more moments of berating her actions, Fluttershy finally steeled up her nerves and began to prepare for the last part of the mission. She gingerly put her forehooves on the edge of the bed, watching his face the whole time. He never flinched. She pulled herself up a little higher onto the bed, just beginning to ruffle the sheets around her hooves. He still didn’t move. She gave a good shove and began to bring herself next him on the bed, but in midair she realized what she was doing. She was about to be laying next to one of the greatest stallions to ever star in her fantasies. Her wings broke free of the fabric of her ninja outfit, setting her off balance and colliding into the sleeping workhorse.

“Ppfftttbbffgfghdfhghhgt….” Mac snorted as he rubbed his good eye.

Fluttershy went stark still, staring straight at his face. Mac stared back. There was long, awkward silence.
Both parties screamed at once, Macintosh fumbled to get out of the bed, tangling himself in the cords and the IV line at his other bedside and crumpled to the ground. Fluttershy darted for the door when she looked back to see Mac caught up in all those horrible wires and lines. Then she met the door and fell over.

Mac quickly worked to undo his wires and lines and worked to untangle himself. He ripped the IV line out first, since it was now in much further than intended and causing him immense pain in his left foreleg.

“Not dreamin’! Not dreamin’!” he eventually freed himself and ran for the light switch next to the door.

That’s when he noticed there was nopony at the door. He could have sworn Fluttershy ran straight into it and fell over. Feeling silly, he reached for the light switch. His hoof was just millimeters from the switch when he was tackled from behind. He fell onto his side and went to roll himself back up when she pounced on top of him.

“I told you, Mackie. YOU ARE MINE,” the way her face smiled at him was unnerving to say the least. He’d once seen a movie where a filly was staring at a stallion like this. Then her head turned a full 360 degrees…

“Nnnope!” Mac pushed her off, not using anything near his full strength, but enough to send the little pegasus in quite the arc. He jumped up, opened the door and bolted down the hallway. He turned around to look just in time to see Fluttershy round the doorway and take to the air after him.

He raced down the hallway for the stairs, but he could hear the little pegasus gaining on him. He tried to dig his hooves into the floor to stop and let her pass over, but his forgetfulness of the friction coefficient of tiled floors and hooves sent him skidding past where he wanted to stop and right into Fluttershy’s path.

He let himself roll into a ball, not giving her any one area to grab onto when she collided with him. She bounced off and into the wall. Hearing her fall, he righted himself and continued down the hall and reached the stairs before she regained her bearings to set after him.

Macintosh half ran, half fell down the stairs to the first floor. He bolted out of the door and into the main hall. He heard the door open behind him again, but he didn’t turn around to confirm whether or not it was Fluttershy. He rounded the corridor that lead to the main entrance and desk.

“Help! She’s tryi-OOMFFF,” he grunted as he was tackled again by Fluttershy. He’ll never understand exactly where her speed or strength hid at, but this wasn’t the time to wonder on such things.

The desk ponies stared in disbelief for a moment before springing into action. The nurse, being a unicorn, grabbed Fluttershy in her magic.

“NO! NO! He’s mine!” she cried.

“It’s okay miss, we aren’t going to hurt you,” the nurse growled through her teeth as she focused on keeping Fluttershy still. The other nurse helped Macintosh up to his feet and away from the heat-crazed mare.

“I’LL GET YOU YET, MY PRETTY!” was the last thing he heard as she disappeared around the corner in tow by the unicorn nurse.

The staff helped Macintosh get re-settled for bed, assuring him that the heat-stricken Fluttershy had been given a temporary spell that quelled the heat for mares. They also explained that mares are to check in at the front desk during season for the spell when they visited the hospital. Ninjashy had somehow gotten by undetected.

They left Mac with the two requested glasses of water without asking any more questions. Of course to Mac, one was for drinking and the other was for nailing the next crazy pony with that came through that door. He left the light on all night and did not sleep a wink until daylight.

Mac had just barely gotten to sleep when the doctor came in. He apologized again for Fluttershy’s break in, but explained that such occurrences did unfortunately happen at the hospital. Had Macintosh been staying longer, he could have requested a guard be posted in his room.

Macintosh chuckled at the idea of somepony having to protect him. It was a good laugh, one that made him feel better. He did of course ask about the mare. The doctor said they simply cast the spell on her and let her go. As good as Fluttershy was for their business, she was allowed at least one free warning per year.

The doctor removed the bandages on Mac’s forehead and eye. Mac had gotten the idea he mutilated himself when he ran into the tree, but such was not the case. Of course, it was bruised and swollen in that area, nothing much else showed through. The doctor gave him a small prescription for pain medications if he felt he needed them until the injuries subsided.

Applejack was the only pony at the checkout desk. She of course had heard about Fluttershy’s episode, but forgave the pony out right and even apologized for her. Macintosh wasn’t angry at Fluttershy, he knew that the heat made mares actually go crazy from time to time.

The siblings walked out of the hospital. The heat still tickled at Macitnosh’s nose.

“Still got a while with the season. Yall think you can manage a few more days, big brother?” Applejack looked caringly at him.

“‘spose so,” he drawled out. “Long as Ah stay shut up in the cellar, reckon Ah could make it without any more crazy ponies tryin’ to get a piece o’ me.” He hung his head low, not really looking forward to being out of the hospital.

“Ah’d figured ‘bout the same thing,” Applejack nodded. “’cept Ah know how we can do that plan even better.”

“How’s that?”

“Well…we could get somepony to learn and cast that spell like they do there at the hospital…” she trailed.

“Ah don’t like where this is goin’,” Mac snorted.

“Look, Ah already asked her if she would be willin’ to help watch over you and she said yes. Especially after last night,” Applejack looked sternly at her brother as they walked down the road.

“O’course she would!” Mac laughed sarcastically.

“She’s got some fancy pills from Canterlot that helps keep her normal during season, along with her magic. Twilight would be pleased to help us out for the next few days while this passes!”

Oh boy….. Mac sighed in his mind.

“Ya don’t look particularly enthused ‘bout the idea, brother.”

“AJ…ah…there’s somethin’…”

“Ya like her, don’tcha?” she interrupted, giggles threatening to spill out of her.

Macintosh just hung his head even lower; he wasn’t good with any kind of poker face. And AJ could always tell when he was blushing, even through his coat.

“Don’t worry ‘bout it, brother. She’s gonna be stayin’ in the house with us. Not like yall gotta bunk together or anything,” Applejack tried to sound harmless.

“You know what, AJ? Ah think it’s best you shut up.”

“Can she at least come over and see what she can do for us?” Applejack put that tone in her voice of which Mac knew he had just lost this argument.

There was silence for a while.

Fine. But if it don’t suit…”

Meanwhile, in Bad-Editingville...

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*Disclaimer about not owning My Little Pony.

*Double Disclaimer about reminding you this fic may have unintended side effects such as nausea, heartburn or total loss of control of one's mind.

*I know this took a bit longer, but hey, more in this chapter.*

Sweet Apple Acres was always a great getaway for Twilight Sparkle. The orchards that sprawled in all directions, the farmyard, but most of all she enjoyed the open space. Her nose in the books in her library often lead to many a daydream about walking the orchards, breathing in the fresh air and searching for that particularly delicious looking apple.

The k-kind you eat, of course, she assured herself. No puns here.

The walk to the farm was always nice too. It was chance to make sure all of her muscles still worked properly and it was little known fact that she liked to just go for walks and runs from time to time. Using her magic to zip around was not only tiring, but it took away the fun of just going to places.

On the topic of going places, Twilight realized she hadn’t been out much the past week. What with the heat and all in Ponyville at the time. She had of course her pills that counteracted the effects of her body, but they never disappeared entirely. However, they were effective enough to help her keep a straight and clear head…most of the time.

She once wondered why more ponies didn’t use the pills she did. Given her nature, she investigated the issue thoroughly. After countless ponyhours of research her conclusion was simply that many of them felt it was against the nature of such things. That was the reason that she officially documented at any rate.

A few more minutes of reviewing her scholarly work in her head distracted her from how rapidly she was approaching the Apples’ farm. She nearly ran into the head of the place, her friend Applejack. AJ was putting the finishing touches on a new mailbox when Twilight came up to her.

“Hi, Applejack! How’s it going?” Twilight went to hug her friend.

Applejack spit the hammer out of her mouth and returned the embrace, “Jus’ fine, sugar. Yall holdin’ up well?”

“Pretty well, I suppose. So what’s this problem you wanted me to look at?”

“Well if’n yall don’t wanna waste no time, follow me,” the orange pony beckoned her friend by tilting her head towards the house.

Twilight noticed nothing out of the ordinary. Except for the fact that the barn was destroyed, but Applejack hold told Twilight not to worry about it and that they could rebuild that themselves. She remained quiet though, knowing that Applejack wouldn’t lie about having a problem, especially when she had to ask for help.

They pair came upon the house and Applejack welcomed her in, “Yall go on and git ya a seat at the kitchen table right there. This’ll be a bit to swallow.”

Twilight looked for any signs of distress in the farmer pony’s face, but didn’t see anything. Doing as she was asked to, she pulled a chair out from the table and planted herself atop it.

Applejack went to the cupboard, “Yall want anything to drink? Got water, tea, juice…”

“I’ll have some water,” Twilight nodded.

Applejack pulled a glass out and filled it with water and placed it on a tray. She pulled another glass and filled it with tea from the fridge and placed it upon the same tray. After centering the glasses, she craned it onto her back and brought it to the table. Twilight used her magic to float the glass to herself and thanked Applejack for it.

Applejack took a long, cold swig of the sweet tea, “Whew, mighty good batch that is there.”

Twilight just giggled. She knew that Applejack put in nearly enough sugar to turn the tea into syrup when it got cold enough. Matter of fact, Applejack’s tea never splashed when poured into a cup. Twilight likened her first encounter with the brew to the first time she tried to drink maple syrup from the bottle.

“So what’s this problem?” Twilight tried not to sound awkward, but there wasn’t much helping that.

“Well now, let’s see. Yall know that spell they use at the hospital to keep heat crazed mares from goin’ goofy? How long you think yall can hold that up?”

Twilight blinked, “I suppose a few hours at the longest. That spell is a Class 2 Dissipating Manipulation.”

“…wut?” the farmer looked awfully confused at that last part.

“It wears off at a fast rate. It can also be counter-cast by inserting a Type C cyclio-normic coding that would disrupt the…” Twilight stopped when she saw she’d lost the farmer even further.

“Any unicorn with a firm grasp of magic could undo it immediately. However, doing so requires much more energy than just letting the spell wear off.”

“Figured as much,” the farmer nodded.

“Why? What’s going on that you need a pony who can cast it?” Twilight asked, potentially suffering from short term memory loss.

Applejack deadpanned at her friend, “It’s awful hot out…”

“Oh. OH! I’m sorry!” Twilight blushed and stammered.

“S’alright, hun. Naw the trouble recently has been with the heat and a certain male member of this family. We need to keep him locked up where no other ponies can get to him. But it’s also nice to have a backup if needed for emergencies,” Applejack leaned back in her chair, pushing her Stetson hat back a little.

“So, you want me as a bodyguard for your brother?”

“At least for the weekend since it’s the peak of season and all. If you can’t thought, Ah won’t hold it against you

“Well if it’s just that you want covered with a barrier, that’s no problem!”

“Well, shucks. Ah’d hoped it wouldn’t be.”

Twilight nodded, but then turned back to her friend, “The only thing is that I have to stay within a certain range for it to stay in effect. I don’t think I can hold it from inside town…”

“If’n you need to, yall are welcome to stay with us. Since Mac would be snug down in the cellar, Ah could take his room and yall could have mine,” Applejack said as she took another big swig of her infamous tea.

“I don’t mean to be a bother…” Twilight started.

“Ain’t nothin’ doin’, Twi. If yall need to be here to hold it, we got no problems with you stayin’ here,” Applejack just smiled at her friend.

Twilight knew her friend was being genuine and loving. She loved that about Applejack. Actually, she loved that about the whole Apple family. Honest to a fault and ready to help anypony in need. But the stubborn streak of pride ran through all of them as well, and Twilight had already had her run in with Applejack’s.

They hammered out the details of the plan and shook on it. Twilight would have to go back into town to get some of her personal things. She considered for a moment to ask if she could bring Spike when Applejack seemed to have read her mind and said that also wouldn’t be a problem. With that, Twilight left the farm and headed back to town.

Applejack waved at her friend as she left, the sun just getting to its highest point in the sky.

“Figured yall would’ve disagreed with that,” she said.

Mac came down the stairs. He’d been at the top, out of sight, but not out of earshot.

“Long as she’s takin’ them pills and actin’ right, ain’t no problem,” he snorted. “Soon as there is…”

“Ah know, Ah know,” Applejack lowered and shook her head. “If anythin’ goes wrong Ah’ll have her leave, okay?” She turned back to her brother. He just shrugged and went back up the stairs. AJ heard the door close and the bolts lock into place.

She couldn’t pin down what was causing a bad feeling in her gut, but her mind overruled it and the issue was dropped.

Twilight made it back into town later that afternoon. She arrived at the library and began packing some of her things into her saddlebags for her stay out at the farm.

“What’s up?” a little dragon’s voice called behind her.

“I’m going to stay out at Sweet Apple Acres for a few days. They need some help with some work,” she stated simply.

“You mean guard duty for Macintosh, right?” Spike quipped.

Twilight turned around, slightly angry, “As a matter of fact, yes, Spike.” He was always making jokes this time of year about the heat and its effect on the population in Ponyville. Growing up both as a dragon and in Canterlot still made the whole idea of heat seem silly to the little guy.

“Alright, alright,” he put his hands up defensively. “You didn’t have to get snappy.”

“I’m sorry,” she knelt down to him and hugged him. “I didn’t mean to.”

“It’s okay,” he shrugged. “When’s the last time you took your pill?”

“Yesterday morning at seven, why,” she nodded.

“You’re behind then by more than a day. One every twelve hours remember?” he pointed at a watch that suddenly appeared on his wrist. “I’d swear you’d forget to take that thing without me reminding you.”

“I’ll take it as soon as I get finished packing,” Twilight turned back to her packing. “Oh, Applejack offered to let you stay out there as well, if you wanted to come with me.”

“Who’s going to watch the library?”

Twilight had seen that coming, “I thought I would pass along the offer. If you want to stay and watch the library, that’s fine.”

“I’ll stay then. Maybe I can get this place straightened up in the time being. When are you coming back?”

“What’s today? Thursday?” she scratched her chin.

“Yup,” the little dragon replied.

“I’ll probably have to come back at least by Sunday. The heat is at its maximum this weekend, so I’ll be going back after a day here I suppose, just for a little while,” she contemplated.

“Well, alright.”

“So, you know the drill, Spike?”

“Yes, ma’am! Any messages from the Princess come straight to you ASAP!” he saluted.


“Close up early and get my sleep…” he said grudgingly.

Twilight smiled and patted him on the head, “Good.”

With her bags packed, she tossed them onto her back and started down the stairs.

“Remember, if you need anything or if there are any problems, come and get me, okay?” she added.

“Yeah, yeah. I know,” he crossed his little arms.

“Alright then. I’ll see you later,” she trotted to and out of the front door of the library. The little dragon watched her leave out the door before getting the alternate hours sign and posting it to the outside and closing the door.

Both had completely forgotten about the little pill bottle sitting on the unicorn’s desk in her room…

Twilight arrived back at the farm that evening, about an hour before sunset. She’d stopped by the general store for a few other items she might need during her stay at the farm, so her bags were a little bit heavy by the time she got there. She could see Applejack sitting at the kitchen table as she came up on the porch.

Applejack came to the door and opened it for her, “Come on in, sugarcube.”

Twilight did so, slumping her bags off next to the table, “Whew, those were starting to get heavy…”

“What do ya need all that for?” Applejack eyed the bags more questioningly than suspiciously.
“Most of it is just personal hygiene products and things of the sort. I also stopped by the store to get a few pouches of feed that boost magic power and concentration,” she said as she extracted said pouches and laid them on the table.

“Those actually work? Ain’t never tried ‘em mahself,” the farmer looked to her friend.

“The concentration booster does. At least the times I’ve tried it when pulling a late night of studying or for exams. Not sure about the magic booster though, so we’ll be finding out I suppose,” she giggled.

Applejack winked at the unicorn, “Don’t know why yall think you need it, Ah’ve seen firsthoof what you can do, girl.”

Twilight blushed at the compliment. She’d gotten better about taking them, but it still felt like it put her on the spot from time to time.

“Well, we was just about to start fixin’ supper. Yall fit to eat?” Applejack offered.

Twilight didn’t hesitate, “Sure am!”

No sooner than Applejack had mentioned it, Granny Smith and Applebloom came from wherever it was they were and began to help Applejack get supper started.

“Yall can go set your stuff up in my room and wait whilst we do the fixin’ here,” the orange pony nodded towards the stairs. “Go right at the top of the stairs, last room at the end of the hall.”

Twilight picked her bags back up and headed up the stairs. They creaked slightly under her hooves, undoubtedly squeaking their age to her. The upstairs looked nearly the same as the downstairs. Pictures of multitudes of relatives lined the walls, the same green striped wallpaper with apples and flowers printed on it covered what the pictures didn’t.

Following directions, she went right and down the hall. The door she was told about was open, and the light was on, even as sunset light poured in through the window to the right of the door, facing west. The room was a leather brown color, with the baseboards a stained pine wood, fitting for the western themed pony that dwelled within this room. Countless ribbons of all colors from Applejack’s conquest of rodeo shows were on the walls. Most were older than the others, a sign that the earth pony was either becoming less able or less interested in the matter. There was a bureau on the wall opposite the window; pictures of relatives adorned it along with some envelopes and notes. Applejack’s trusty rope hung on one end of the bureau. Twilight decided her bags could set next to the thing and wiggled them off her back. The sudden drop of weight pleasured her back.

After another glance or two around the room, Twilight began to unpack her things and set them on the bed. Her toothpaste and toothbrush, shampoo, hair brushes and other daily products made their way out of the bags. She’d brought a few books to read, just in case she got bored, but left them in the bags and out of the way. Something began to cross her mind about her…

“Soup’s on, Twi!” Applejack shouted up the stairs.

“Well that was quick,” she thought abruptly.

When she descended the stairs, she saw why. Mostly greens and carrots were on the table, a few apples on the plate in the middle of the table seemed to round out the selection.

“We got a couple of Granny’s pies in the oven, they’ll be done by the time we finish what’s in front of us,” Applejack nodded at the food already on the table.

“Sounds good! But, where’s Big Macintosh?” Twilight whipped her head around, not catching a trace of the red stallion.

“Already in the cellar with his supper,” Applejack put flatly.

“Ah made him his favorite, peas and cornbread!” Applebloom beamed.

Twilight smiled at the little one, but her mind wrestled with how the family could be so comfortable with such a situation. Then again, they’ve probably done similar things in the past.

After supper, Twilight went with Applejack to the cellar. They opened and closed the heavy oak door as they went in; the dimly lit area had been upgraded since Twilight last saw it. It had concrete floors and walls now which kept it very cool for the apples, but she felt it would be a touch too chilly for anypony trying to stay there.

Mac had made up a bed out of some haybales in the far corner of the cellar. He’d also brought a desk down which was strewn with papers that looked like they had to do with the business side of the farm. Other than that there were no other homey touches to speak of.

He was sitting at the desk scribbling figures onto some of the papers when they came down. Once they neared, he got up and nodded to Twilight.

“Miss Sparkle.”

“Macintosh,” she nodded back to him.

Applejack discussed with Mac how the situation was going to work. Twilight and Applejack would stay in the house, the former using a low level spell on the cellar door to tell whether or not it was being open and/or closed. If her spell broke outside of a given schedule, then they would come down and face whatever situation would lie before them. Applejack gave Mac the times that the spell would be lifted and the door could be opened for him to get out for a bit when he needed to and for how long. He looked it over before placing it upon the desk, front and center, for his immediate attention.

Twilight noticed that the usually laid back stallion seemed tense, even to the point that he kept a distance from her. She had, of course, heard the story of the aerial assault to claim the stallion by a couple of pegasus ponies that happened to be her friends, and the later spirited attempt by the socially inept of the pegasus duo to claim him during his stay in the hospital. She figured he had every right to be wary of mares at this point in time.

After making sure everypony was on the same page, the mares left Macintosh to his own devices. Applejack closed the heavy oak door to the cellar behind Twilight. Twilight then closed her eyes and dug into her mind for the barrier spell. A few moments later, she found it and cast the spell over the door.

“Time fer a test run,” Applejack grinned. She opened the door and sure enough, Twilight’s head buzzed slightly as the spell was broken.

“Good to go!” Twilight smiled.

“Ah ‘spose,” Applejack shrugged.

With that, the two mares crossed the yard in the moonlight back to the farmhouse.


Twilight pulled her brush through her mane with her magic while she sorted more of her things on the floor next to the bureau in Applejack’s room. A hoof tapped on the slightly closed door and she turned around to find Applejack without her Stetson and her mane let loose from her ties. The unicorn simply gawked at the natural beauty held by her tomboyish friend. She could be dazzling in the simplest ways.

“Sorry, hun. Jus’ needed to grab my brush,” the earth pony blushed.

“You brush your mane now?” Twilight asked, somewhat in shock and amusement. It took her back to the time that she had Applejack and Rarity over for her first sleepover ever, and it made her giggle on the inside.

“Outta curiosity Ah tried it after Rarity jus’ about bugged me to death over it. Not that Ah never had before, but only fer getting’ gussied up like fer the Gala and such…” Applejack confessed as she retrieved the brush before putting it in her mouth to carry.

“Would you like me to brush your mane for you?” Twilight offered. Why or to what end that offer played out of her mouth would never be understood.

Applejack looked befuddled. Eventually she let the brush out of her mouth and onto the bed.

“Ah ‘spose so. If yer offerin’ and all,” she said as she climbed onto the bed next to Twilight.

The unicorn set to work as soon as the earth pony became still next to her. The brush Applejack was about to leave with levitated into the air and began to pull at the tangles in the blonde mane of the weathered farmer.

“Yall sure it ain’t gonna drop the spell outside while you do this?”

“It’s okay, AJ. Magical multitasking is easy to do and I learned to do so at a very early age,” Twilight smiled.

“Well, comfort to know,” Applejack closed her eyes as the brush caught in her mane. Her body jerked slightly, pent up energies began to simmer to life.

“Sorry,” Twilight winced.

“S’alright. Feels good actually.”

Applejack had her face turned away from Twilight, and for good reason. She could feel the crimson on her face beginning. It wasn’t the actual act of her mane being brushed by someone else that was getting her excited, but the sensations the action created made her aware of what her body wanted.

“You have such a lovely mane,” Twilight said softly. “You should take more care of it.”

“Ah try, best Ah can at any rate,” Applejack was beginning to tense up a bit. Eventually she couldn’t bear much more without it becoming noticeable to Twilight, so she let out a small, albeit, ragged sigh.

“Are you okay?” Twilight stopped brushing.

“Y-yeah. Ah figure Ah should go now though,” she never turned to face Twilight. She got off the bed and went for the door.


Force of habit drove her to face back towards the unicorn.

“You don’t look okay…” Twilight said as she slid off the bed and came over towards her friend.

“Ah’m jus’ dandy, Twi. Jus’ gonna…go in here and go to bed,” Applejack tried not to look her friend in the face.

Twilight finally picked up on what was happening, “Oh. OH! I’m so sorry, I didn’t think it would…”

“S’alright, sugar. Ah didn’t expect it to either. It’s jus’ Ah like havin’ my mane pulled when…” crimson flushed over the country mare’s face.

Twilight wasn’t sure what to think. Her friend had just admitted a kink to her. Should she feel honored? Disgusted? Equally switched on?

“I didn’t realize you could get so…worked up suddenly,” she finally stammered out.

“Ah ain’t gonna hold it against you, sugarcube. It strikes me at rather odd times durin’ heat,” Applejack shook her head. “Anyways, Ah’m gonna hit the hay. See yall in the mornin’.”

Twilight watched her friend disappear down the hall to the opposite end and close the door behind her in what she was told was Macintosh’s room. She didn’t know exactly what to feel. She’d just turned her friend on so much she had to excuse herself. Twilight Sparkle had sexually turned on somepony else. That was new.

Twilight went back into the bedroom and mulled over this new information as she set about for bed herself. It was going to be an early morning, and she wanted to get plenty of rest to make sure she would be ready for tomorrow. A final check into the spell with her magic to test it and she was off to sleep.

Meanwhile, down the hall…

Why had she just told Twilight that? Applejack couldn’t believe she’d told one of her friends one of her biggest turn-ons during sex. She wasn’t one to discuss such subjects, not like Rarity or Pinkie Pie.

But that blip in time was not her worry, the pressure between her rear legs was mounting and she needed relief. She waited until Twilight had turned off the light down the hall, hoping that the unicorn was a heavy sleeper. It seemed like an eternity before that light went off. As soon as it did though, Applejack went over to the bed and immediately reached under it for her box.

Then she realized she wasn’t in her room.

Sumbitch… she scowled. Now what?

She couldn’t go back into her room and wake up Twilight just to get her “toys”. It wasn’t likely that Mac had anything remotely close to what she needed in his room. Her last option was to just hoof one out.

She grabbed the pillows and laid them against the headboard as to prop herself up slightly. She placed her hoof between her legs and began in slow rhythmic circles on her slit, taking special care to avoid her nub for now. If she got too worked up too fast, she would need the genuine article to satisfy her lust. For now, she just reveled in the electric sensations coming from her now moistened sex.

A small, quiet whimper escaped her lips. She immediately regretted it and bit her lower lip to keep any more such noises from escaping. She kept her pace on her circles, not getting too sped up quite yet. It wasn’t long before that delicious ache came from within her. She arched her back slightly and altered her movements to put more pressure on her lips, grinding into her hoof at the same time.

She wanted so bad just to let the sounds of pleasure roll out of her mouth, like she often did when she was by herself in the fields. It made the time all the more pleasurable. She kept the sounds buried though, increasing the pressure inside her body. That carnal desire began to take over her once deliberate movements. Her body was now moving on its own to satisfy itself. Eventually, her hoof grazed her nub and sent her reeling. Another moan escaped her mouth, but louder this time. She used her free hoof to pull one of the pillows out from behind her and put it over her face to muffle her moans that she knew she wasn’t capable of containing now.

It was just a few moments longer that her body kept up the sensations, until her hoof hit her clit and danced circles on it. Her eyes flung open, her lungs seized, aside from the sharp intakes of breath. Her back arched as much as it could, then her legs kicked wildly and her tail lashed side to side. Then she came, hard. When ponies talked about seeing stars when they came, they’d obviously not had them as well as she did. This was like a fiery volcano erupting after millennia of waiting. Pure passion, shared with nopony.

Her body jerked as her orgasm pulsed. She made choked sobs as she fought to breathe. Finally, she fell back into the bed. Her eyes glazed over for a moment as the world felt warm and fuzzy around her. Her tail twitched every now and again for a few minutes as she lay in her afterglow. It didn’t feel long enough for her, as her hunger came back just as strong as it had come on before.

This was going to be a long night for her.

Twilight woke up that morning before the sun even came up. It was hard to ignore that persistent rooster. And the fact she got little sleep that night didn’t help matters. It’s hard to sleep when you can hear your friend masturbating until she passes out…

That thought had an interesting effect on Twilight. It…turned her on. Twilight had almost caught herself clopping when the fear of being heard stopped her. She began to wonder how the heat was beginning to take hold of her when she-

THE PILLS! she screamed in her mind. She jolted out of bed and began searching her bags for the little bottle.

“Oh nonononononono!” she cried. She turned both of her bags inside and out, but her search was fruitless. She recalled that she neglected to get them from her desk. Then she recalled that she had been without one for over two days now.

She didn’t say anything of the matter though when she saw Applejack in the hallway. The farmer herself was chipper and had her usual attitude ready to go for the day.

“Breakfast is downstairs and waitin’ if you want some,” Applejack tilted her head towards the stairs.

“Oh? Good, good…” Twilight tried not to make eye contact with her friend.

“Yall alright, sugar?”

Twilight knew she couldn’t lie to Applejack, the Element of Honesty, “I forgot something back in Ponyville that I really, really need.”

“Like what?” the farmer asked, genuinely concerned.

“My heat pills…” the unicorn drew circles on the floor with her hoof.

“Aw, shucks, Twi. That’s okay. If ya need ‘em that bad, yall can go and get them. Or I can go for ya.”

“No! Nonono! I don’t mean to be a burden on you…” Twilight pleaded with her friend.

“Yall sure yall can handle the heat though? It ain’t no big deal for me to run into town and get ‘em for ya,” Applejack patted her friend’s shoulder.

“I-I’ll be fine,” Twilight sighed.

Applejack wasn’t too convinced, “Yall SURE? Ah ‘spose we can run a day without and see…”

“Yeah, I can do this. I can do this!” Twilight put on her face of determination.

“That’s the spirit. Ah’m gonna be out in the west fields today, picking up the plowing that Mac should be doing. So Ah’ll be gone all day until the evenin’.”

“If we should need you?” Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“Jus’ send lil’ Applebloom to get me. She’ll know where Ah’m at,” Applejack adjusted her Stetson before descending the stairs.

Twilight stood at the top of the stairs. Could she go without her pills? She certainly didn’t feel any different at the moment. It was now two days since she’d gone without one, so she should certainly be feeling any effects.

She shook her head to clear the issue for the time being and went down the stairs herself. Breakfast was indeed ready on the table. Homemade apple fritters and doughnuts, toast and jam, and oatmeal all wafted their aroma into her nose. The smell of coffee even found its way to her.

Oh glorious nectar of caffeine! Twilight was giddy as she came into the kitchen.

She’d half expected the youngest of the family to be up, but Applebloom was not to be found in the kitchen. Twilight spied the time on the clock as a quarter to six. A bit too early for the little filly yet. Granny Smith was putting away the tools she’d used to make breakfast while sipping on some of her coffee.

“Mornin’ youngin’,” she smiled at Twilight when she caught sight of her.

“Good morning,” Twilight returned the smile. “Everything looks delicious!”

“Well, help yerself! Strong ponies need a strong breakfast in the mornin’,” she said as she shuffled over to the table.

Twilight joined her after getting a cup of coffee for herself. She helped herself, alright, to the smorgasbord in front of her. Applejack’s family sure did know how to fix good food.

Applebloom eventually came out of her room and joined the other two at the table. She wasn’t very talkative. In fact, the filly looked like she’d rather be asleep. As she mechanically chewed at her breakfast though, she came to life.

Twilight had released the spell over the cellar door as soon as she woke up. Yet Macintosh had yet to make his way to the kitchen for breakfast. She found it strange for a family like the Apple’s to let him sleep in when everyone else was getting up early. Twilight brought it up, but Granny told her how with one pony down, the rest of the family had more work to do and, therefore, had to be up earlier and work longer to make up for it. Granny also added thought that this time of year there wasn’t much to be done except for some checking the fields and maintenance of the current crops, except where Applejack was plowing new fields to get ready for bean crop.

Twilight offered to help clean up after breakfast, but was pushed aside by both Granny Smith and Applebloom, both carrying on about her being a guest with her own job to do. With that, Twilight headed out the door and towards the apple cellar door.

She carefully knocked on the door, but no answer came. She waited for a bit before knocking on the door again, but still nothing. She raised her hoof to knock again…

“Yes?” a booming voice asked from behind her.

She jumped around, Macintosh standing there with a bucket of fresh water in front of him that he’d been carrying.

“I-I just came to see if you were up yet. I brought you breakfast since you didn’t come inside,” she pulled the plate she’d been levitating next to her in front of Macintosh that held a couple of fritters and some doughnuts for him.

“Didn’t have to go and bring me breakfast,” he said.

Twilight looked down suddenly, not sure why that hurt.

“Ah mean, Ah appreciate it. Jus’ not used to havin’ ponies wait on me,” he corrected his tone.

That made her feel better, but why? Why did his previous statement hurt? Why was she emotionally charged all of a sudden? Then it flashed to her mind, riiiiiight.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to put you on the spot or anything,” she grinned.

“Naw, it’s fine,” he took the plate from her magical grip, those purple eyes looking up at him, almost questioningly.

Both ponies suddenly became aware of the awkwardness of the situation and stammered reasons to get about their business. Mac shut himself up in the cellar and Twilight re-cast her spell over the door before going back into the house.

What was that? Twilight chided herself.

At this rate though, it looked like she might make a liar of herself to Applejack. Without her pills, Twilight was doomed to become as enthralled in the heat as the other mares in Ponyville. Although it was not that much of a problem in and of itself, any tendencies that Twilight had for a certain pony would quickly come to light and place her in the most embarrassing situation possible that her mind could conjure up.

Twilight went back up the stairs to mull over her options as to getting back to Ponyville. She could walk back to town and get them, but being gone from the farm for more than just half an hour was not an option for her given the nature of her stay at the farm as guard for Macintosh. She could have Applebloom run to town and have Spike get the pills to her and subsequently to Twilight. That seemed like an effective solution, but what if Twilight suddenly needed Applejack and couldn’t find her in time to stop any assault upon Macintosh by a raging mob of desperate mares? Finally, Twilight came upon the idea to teleport all the way back to the library, grab the pills and teleport all the way back to the farm. She’d done long distance teleportation before, but not to one point and back again.

With little room for further argument, Twilight winked herself out of existence at the farm.

She reappeared in her bedroom, dizzy from the amount of energy that the spell required to traverse such a distance. Pushing the limitation of her body aside, she set about looking for her pills. She checked her desk, the last place she’d seen them, but to no avail. Then her bed. Nothing. Then her closet. Nothing. The bookcase. Nothing. Her secondary desk. Nothing.

Where…Where could they be? she bit her bottom lip in frustration.

“Those pills are no fun, Twilight!” a very familiar, bubbly voice called from behind her. Twilight slowly turned around. Sure enough…

The pink pony dynamo of Ponyville, Pinkie Pie, stood there next to the her window wearing her usual carefree grin.

“What did you do, Pinkie? I needed those!” Twilight began to storm towards her bouncy companion.

“I crushed ‘em up and threw the dust in the wind! Those things ruin all the fun you could be having, so I got rid of them for you!” Pinkie continued to smile.

Twilight knew better than to try and push the issue further, but this was too far, even for Pinkie.


Pinkie’s smile dropped as she raised a hoof to her chin, “Gee, Twilight. I just wanted to show you what a good time you’re missing out on this time of year!”

“I need those to help wa-“

“Watch over Big Mackie! I know!” Pinkie’s grin remained, but Twilight could tell there was a devious plot behind this.

not THAT kind of plot, Twilight! Celestia, two days without a pill and you’ll rut your best friends? Twilight tried to hold face.

“Wait…. Have you never been through heat before Twilight?” Pinkie suddenly became very concerned, or so she made it seem.

Twilight blushed, “Having spent my first few seasons in Canterlot, no. We have magic to keep ponies normal during season, so I never paid any mind to it.”

Pinkie just blinked.

“Celestia sent the pills to me for my first season here last year and recommended I stay in the library as long as I could during the season, so I did. And the same this year. B-but I’ve only been without the medication for two days and now I’m getting all sorts of…improper…thoughts running through my head and my body-“

She was silenced by a pink hoof to her mouth.

“It’s okay, Twilight. Those things are natural. The fun part is just beginning for you,” Pinkie’s eyes went half lidded as she looked deeply into Twilight’s eyes.

Twilight’s face suddenly grew hot. Her tail swished around uncontrollably. Pinke’s muzzle was mere centimeters from her own, her breath hot on her face.

Then, Pinkie pulled back all bubbles and smiles again, “Geez, Twilight! I’m just messing with you!” she giggled.

Joke or not, that had Twilight feeling…lustful. And that was scary.

“Ready to go back to the farm?” Pinkie tapped her friend on the forehead.

“WhaaaAAAAAAHHHHHH-“ Twilight’s world went sideways, jolting to a halt as suddenly as it had started. Now she felt sick…

“Weee! We’re here now!” Pinkie bounced towards the farmhouse.

“How?” Twilight started.

“Physics, smhysics… I’m Pinkie Pie!” the party pony continued bouncing towards the house.

As if on some terrible cue, Applejack came barging out the front door of the house.

“Hiya Applejack!” Pinkie stopped as soon as she saw the farmer.

“Stop. Right there. I’ll deal with you in just a second,” the orange pony didn’t even look at the party pony as she passed her up.

Pinkie did as she was told and sat on her rump without question.

“Where the hay have you been?” Applejack glared at Twilight.

“I-I’m sorry Applejack. I had to go into town and get my medication for…oh I’m so sorry. I couldn’t find it,” Twilight shrunk against her friend.

“Well…fine. Ya should jus’ let me know about it for you jus’ run off without sayin’ so,” Applejack softened. Then the farmer turned back to Pinkie, “What’re yall doin’ here?”

“I brought Twilight, silly!” she pointed a pink hoof to the unicorn.

“Well, fine. Now git on out of here,” the farmer pointed a hoof back towards town.

“Okey dokey lokey!” the pink pony said as she bounced away.

Applejack and Twilight watched her go until she disappeared from sight.

“Now, let’s go on back inside before anything else interestin’ happens,” Applejack snorted.

“If you don’t mind my asking, but weren’t you supposed to be plowing right now?” Twilight offered the question gingerly.

“Somepony had to pry Rainbow off the cellar door.”

Twilight shrunk again, “Sorry.”

“S’alright. Main boom on the plow cracked anyhow, can’t be plowin’ ‘til it’s fixed or we get a new one.”

“Sooooo…” Twilight probed her friend for the new itinerary.

“So now we sit and wait fer the next mare to come round these parts,” Applejack said simply as she walked through the front door. “Speakin’ of, didn’t you say you couldn’t find your pills?”

Twilight sighed, “I looked. I must’ve misplaced them or lost them on the way here.” Twilight neglected to mention the fact that Pinkie had sabotaged them.

“Well, we’ll getcha through it, hun.”

They both sat at the kitchen table, waiting for anything to happen outside.

“How?” Twilight finally asked after a moment.

Applejack chuckled and put her hooves behind her head, tilting her Stetson down over her eyes. A rather devious and disturbing grin, however, was not covered.

“Oh, we got ways of that.”

Meanwhile, on a simple walk to Mordor...

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Macintosh sat in the cellar, lying on his makeshift bed just staring blankly at the ceiling. It’d been a few hours since he last moved, and it was beginning to wear on his mind. Not many ponies knew what exactly ran through his mind day to day, but right now, there was a replication of a video game he once saw with two lines bouncing a pixel between them.

A knock at the door brought him out of his trance. The door opened to reveal Applejack.

“Yall c’mon out now and come git somethin’ to eat,” she beckoned him.

“Ah’ll go relieve myself, but Ah ain’t stayin’ out to eat,” he said, not quite getting up from his spot.

“Rainbow was the only violator we had come ‘round today, so Ah think it’s alright to come inside and eat,” she glared.

Mac didn’t like to argue. He much less liked to argue with his sister since she never gave up until either Mac gave up or walked away. Giving in, he followed her out of the cellar.

The two walked across the yard towards the house. The sun had just set, but there was still vivid colors painted on the sky, the brightest of stars just breaking through on the eastern horizon. They entered the house, Mac could smell cornbread cooking. He hoped maybe there were some peas to go with it, but he didn’t stop to check. Rather he went straight up the stairs to use the restroom.

He came back to the kitchen after cleaning up to find everypony at the table, plus one Twilight Sparkle. Supper carried on ceremoniously as it always had. Applejack asked Applebloom about any daily adventures she had with her friends. Granny told a tall tale or two from when she was younger. Applejack and Macintosh discussed farm business. But Twilight remained quiet through the whole thing. Even odder, she averted Applejack’s and Macintosh’s gazes, blushing hard any time she was caught.

After a few more minutes of noticing this, Mac excused himself from the table and went back outside. Part of him told himself to go back in the cellar and lock it. The other part of him wanted a drink, the kind that makes you blind. He eventually settled on the second option.

Since the barn was destroyed, he went to the tool shed next to the house. There was a false floor in the corner next to the rakes that he pulled up. He pulled out a jar which held a brown liquid. Apple pie moonshine, his own special batch. He carefully opened the jar and took a nice, long swig of the drink, letting it burn his throat as it passed.

It was raw, unbridled alcohol, but the recipe that his pa had passed down to him tamed the beast and made it taste just like one of Granny Smith’s classic apple pies. He took another long swig before capping the jar. He took it up in his mouth and left the tool shed for the cellar, planning to have a bit more before finally settling to bed.

Except that his sister was standing outside the tool shed.

“Gettin’ a little nightcap, brother?” she purred at him.

“Reckon so. Want some?” he said as he placed the jar back on the ground to use his mouth.

Applejack nodded and took the jar. She twisted the top off and took a swig twice as long of that as Mac’s, the stallion letting out a long whistle as he raised his eyebrows.

“Mighty big drank you just took,” he said.

“Reckon?” she answered as she wiped her mouth with a hoof.

Mac took the jar back from his sister and capped it.

“Ah reckon it’s time to lock up for the night,” he said before grabbing the jar back up in his mouth and continuing on his path to the cellar.

“’Spose so,” her sinister grin went unnoticed as he passed her.

Mac made his way to the cellar and went to the far corner to set the jug on the table he had set up. Applejack was at the door when he turned around.

“Yall want me to close up fer you, brother?” she asked innocently.

Detecting no malevolence in his sister’s words he just nodded as he watched her shut and lock the door. Mac turned back to the table, a sad intention in his eye as he stared at the jar of spirits in front of him.

It took him a bit to put the pieces together at the dinner table. The way Twilight had darted her eyes around and continued to shuffle herself in her seat uneasily. Whenever her eyes fell upon Mac, she blushed. When they fell on Applejack, she blushed harder and looked at the floor. Each time Applejack caught her staring, the orange earth pony let out a slight, but noticeable grin. A hungry one.

Which lead Macintosh to his theories; either AJ was planning to betray her brother and set Twilight loose upon him or AJ had rutted the librarian herself. But this conflicted with the fact that Twilight was taking medication to curb the heat.

Could be Ah’m just seein thangs, he chewed his thoughts as he opened the jar.

Mac let it settle at that for the time being as he continued to pull from the spirits in the jar. After about an hour he’d drank over half the thing, enough to knock out any lesser pony. He capped the jar and decided that was enough. He rummaged about the farm papers as the cloudy warmth of drunkenness set in. Soon, number got to where they didn’t make sense anymore nor did he care. He began to hold conversation with himself in his head about what Princess Celestia does on vacation. It got to the point where the silliness of the situation began to actually bring laughter to the stallion. He pushed the papers aside clumsily as he fought to stand, using the table at a point to keep his balance. The heavy workhorse swung himself around to lay upon his makeshift bed when a purple flash popped in the middle of the cellar.

As his eyes readjusted to the dim light of the lamp on the table, he saw what he knew to be Twilight. However, in his state, there were two of her, or so it appeared.

“’Spose your lost ain’tcha?” Mac belted out, a bit too harshly he judged after it left his mouth.

“Perhaps,” she seemed to ignore the callous words, in fact, her own defeated his with lust and hunger. She walked towards him, brining his eyes more into focus, her own half lidded eyes and a swaying rump announcing her purpose. Mac backed slowly until he found he was against the wall.

“Perhaps…” she repeated, drawing closer to the stallion. He’d backed down onto his rump, pressing his back more and more into the wall. Twilight closed the distance until her nose was just inches from his chest. She began to trace small circles on his chest and neck with one of her hooves, just running slow, intricate circles form neck to chest and back again.

Even in his drunken state, Macintosh still found the situation a bit uncomfortable. He let out a nervous cough to fill the deafening silence.

“Miss Sparkle-“ he started before being cut off by that purple hoof shoving into his chest, pressing his back fully against the wall. Twilight used it to climb up to meet his face. He stared into her eyes for moments he did not count. Of course they were tinged with the lust of the heat, but something else tamed her look. He wasn’t staring at a heat-crazed mare, rather, one that looked to him with passion.

“Mr. Macintosh,” she cooed as she drew her muzzle mere millimeters from his, never breaking eye contact. “Why do you hold back? Do you not believe in acting upon your desires?”

“Not in such manners that take advantage of fillies in heat,” he wanted to add a sting to his words, but the majestic purple eyes kept him from doing so.

“We all have needs, Mac. That’s all this is. You’re not taking of advantage of anypony when they come asking,” Twilight kept his eyes locked into hers. “That’s the difference right here and now compared to how *sigh* Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy tend to go about it.”

The stallion thought about this for long moments. The logic was sound. The other fillies that ever preyed on him usually never asked and tried to take him by force.

But here was Twilight, a mare of his dreams, asking.

“Won’t you help me with my needs, Macintosh?” she added some extra seduction to that line.

Macintosh barely even nodded, but it was enough of a movement to be noticed and acknowledged by both parties.

Twilight smiled as she pressed their snouts together, a fiery kiss lasting only a couple of seconds before pulling back, “Good.”

She dived back in, pressing her lips to his, her tongue skated across his lips, barely venturing into his mouth. Darting little movements she made with her tongue, but enough to taste the alcohol on his breath. It drove her further into the kiss, the bitter tinge of alcohol against the sweet and faint taste of apple pie.

Eventually Mac began to respond, lashing his broad tongue against hers. He pushed into her lips, his own passion beginning to rise. Eventually he had forced her tongue back into her mouth, taking the battle to the enemy, as it were. She tasted of things much sweeter than the drink still lingering in his mouth. Flowers and honey, he likened it to, and it was wonderful.

The kiss led to an embrace as Mac wrapped his forelegs around the mare and pulled her in close. She responded in kind, rubbing up against his chest. The smell of her sex began to grow evident to both parties, the heavy musk driving both of them wilder.

It eventually caught inside Mac’s head what exactly was going on. His body began to respond in the way a stallion’s body would in this circumstance. He could feel himself hardening and sliding out of his sheath. As it did, his head began to poke at Twilight’s soft belly. She only squirmed more firmly into it, driving him harder. The movements of the mare started to lead to discomfort for the workhorse, his lessening in his kiss made them both aware.

Twilight backed down off of him, but before he could follow her down, she engulfed the head of his cock in her mouth. His body jerked on instinct as she wrapped her magnificent tongue around his head, gently sucking the whole time. She kept this up for a few moments as he relished in the feeling. At one point she let him pop out of her mouth, her tongue blazing a trail from the head, down the shaft and to the base. She kissed his rod all the way back up before wrapping her mouth around his head again. At this, Macintosh become sub-pony, only moans of pleasure making their way out of the stallion.

After Twilight was done bringing him to full arousal, she smiled at her work and kissed his head again. She strutted over to the bed as the stallion tried to keep himself upright with his newly found forelegs. Twilight only brought her forelegs onto the bed, bringing them under her chest and presenting her plump rear to the stallion. She flicked her tail at him and shook her rump at him while staring at his eyes, so lovingly and passionately.

“Come, my stallion,” lust practically falling out of her mouth.

He obliged, but slowly. He brought his nose to her rear, his nostrils flaring at both his excitement and her smell. The hot breath coming out of his nose tickled and teased at her slit, causing Twilight to moan in anticipation.

“Please,” she said, sounding a little more desperate.

Macintosh had resolved a long time ago that his first time was going to be just the way he liked to do things, nice and slow. He drew his tongue across her sex, a sharp breath catching in the mare’s throat. He did it again and was greeted with the same response. The musky smell faded a bit as her taste ran over his tongue. She also tasted of flowers on this end, lavender to be exact. He lapped at her lips a bit longer before moving his tongue inward to split them. He then worked slow circles across her marehood, every now and again grazing her nub.

Twilight hadn’t honestly expected this of a stallion such as Macintosh. Given his inexperience with such matters never really gave probable cause to believe he would try such a thing on his first time. Not that it mattered. It felt good. And being her first time with a stallion made it all the much sweeter to her.

Macintosh kept up his work for a while, Twilight choking back sobs and moans of pure ecstasy as her rear twitched. Her fire of passion only grew hotter the longer he went on about his business. Her sex began moisten more and more as the seconds ticked by. Just when she thought she couldn’t take much more, he wrapped his lips on her nub, sending her over the edge. A quiet whimper escaped her lips as she came. Mac flinched when something wet hit his face. He surely wasn’t expecting that. Twilight’s legs tensed and relaxed as her orgasm wore on. Her face beamed with joy as she rode the waves of passion.

She came down after some time, turning back to Macintosh, whom was still grappling with the fact that she had in fact just came on his muzzle. She giggled as she turned herself to bring his face to hers. She licked her juices off of him before kissing him deeply.

And somewhere amidst this display, the stallion was still at full attention. Once this had caught Twilight’s eye, her fires of lust and passion were ablaze once more. She positioned herself as she had before, with her rump off the edge of the bed.

“Don’t tease me any longer,” she giggled lustfully, staring into his eyes in a way that she meant to control his mind.

This time, Mac obliged fully. He climbed over the top of the purple mare, his cock probing at her sex. After finally settling in for his line, he began to push into her, slowly.

“Oh!” she shut her eyes at the sudden pressure in her body.

Macintosh grunted at the tightness of her hole. He continued to press into her slowly, little gasps escaping out of the mare below him as she forged ahead.

Twilight eventually felt a pop and what felt like her body tearing on the inside. It hurt, sharply. She winced, drawing in a sharp breath which prompted the genital invasion from the stallion. She placed a hoof on his chest, holding him in place. She’d been told her first time would hurt, but that it would pass and not to fear it. After a few moments, she wiggled herself around him, welcomed again by pure bliss. She took her hoof off of him, and he continued forward.
Twilight’s tongue was practically lolling out of her mouth by the time Macintosh buried himself to the base. He didn’t quite bottom out in her, but his girth was more than she even first thought when she was blowing him. She wiggled underneath him, prodding him to action.

The stallion pulled out as slowly as he entered, the mare almost whimpering in disappointment the whole way. Just as his head began to emerge, he started forward again, just only a little bit faster. As he filled her again, she couldn’t hold back the sounds she so desperately wanted to make. A pathetic little cry passed through her lips as his hips found her rump. It was followed by a long, desperate moan as he withdrew. In and out, slowly gaining momentum. It was all wonderful to Twilight. She’d never expected it to be this good.

Her lust ultimately outran her patience. She started moving her rear at her own speed, prompting the stallion to work faster. Catching on, the workhorse picked up the pace, thrusting into the mare faster and faster. The speed and force carried by each thrust began to resonate in the room with a delightful smack as her cheeks were struck by his hips. Delicious ripples in her rear carried up to her belly on each impact.

The two lost themselves somewhere along the way to the passion they now shared. Mac worked at the mare ferociously, pounding at her until she squealed with delight on each thrust. She responded in kind by meeting his thrusts. The wet smacking sounds were lost to the two as they worked fervently towards a common goal. Twilight couldn’t tell, but the blush on her face was intense. Not that she cared. Macintosh was just downright fucking her, and she loved it.

Even with the gusto both ponies had, there was a breaking point approaching. Mac could feel himself readying for his climax. He was just about to say something about it when Twilight turned her head to look at him. Between the lust in her eyes and the blush on her face, Macintosh lost it.

“Ah’m gonna…” he started, panting hard.

“Go,” she gasped. “Inside me.”

Macintosh went to form a rebuttal, but the look in her eyes had other plans.

“Please,” she begged. “I’m so *uhhh* close…”

With that argument lost, Mac lowered his head, focusing on fucking this beautiful purple mare beneath him. His mare.

And just like that, he made her his mare. He felt her walls constrict around him just as they both climaxed. Her tight walls milked at his cock, coercing his orgasm further. She squealed and threw her head back. Her grunts of pleasure timed with her pulsing in her sex. Her plump rear shook as her orgasm rocked her body. She could feel his cock jerking inside of her, his seed pooling at her womb. The sheer thought of such filthiness pushed her over another climax, the world seemingly going white for her.

Mac moaned as he emptied his seed inside of her. His cocked pulsed as her walls clenched around him and milked his cock. As his orgasm ended, he felt Twilight hit another one beneath him, her sex threatened to pinch his member if he threatened to pull out. It was just so, dirty. And hot.

He gently pushed into her, driving her onto the bed. Once he had the two on the bed, he laid her down on her side, snuggling up behind her. His cock remained inside her. They lay like that for an indeterminable amount of time as Twilight eventually settled into her afterglow, coming back to the waking world. Her breathing slowed, and long, pleasure filled moans emanated out of her.

She lifted her head to look at the wonderful red stallion that had just taken her to new levels of pleasure. He was staring back at her with that same laconic stare he always wore, plus a slight grin on his lips.

“Hey you,” she said.

“Heh,” was all he had strength for at the moment.

She lifted her head enough to bring their faces closer. Mac strained himself to meet her part of the way, but it was worth it. That sweet kiss she had was just what he needed right now.

The two cuddled and kissed for some time, neither caring about anything other than the little world that held them there.

It wasn’t long before both grew passionate fires again, and the sounds and sensations of sensual and passionate love flowed freely.

Much to the chagrin of the pink pony outside the door…

“I kinda hoped they wouldn’t, but I guess they did. I wanted some of ol’ Mackie up in my rump,” Pinkie glanced at the ground before joining the orange apple farmer just a few steps away.

“Well Ah ‘spose this is more what they wanted anyway,” Applejack chuckled. “After Ah fucked it outta Twilight, that is.”

“They do make a cute couple,” the pink mare nuzzled up to the farmer.

“Eeyup,” Applejack returned the sentiment.

“Sooooo…” Pinkie started off uncomfortably, not a usual characteristic of the pony.

“Yup. Rutted her good, just like Ah planned. Got her to see what she wanted and actin’ on it. I doubt makin’ Mac do the honors coulda been done within a century.”

“Was she good?” Pinkie returned to smiling.

“Darn tootin’,” Applejack winked. “But not near as fine as you in the sack.”

“It was her first time!” Pinkie jabbed AJ in the side.

“Yeah, Ah reckon we shoulda waited on it bit though. Fer the meds to wear off a bit more like they have now,” Applejack put a hoof to her chin. “Woulda been less embarrassed and awkward and more sexy and fun.”

“Speaking of sexy and fun! Maybe we should go check on Dashie and see if she’s out of her sex coma yet!”

“How hard did you rut her?”

“Oh, you know. She got to babbling nonsense and something about that Daring Doo on her fourth time,” Pinkie giggled.

Applejack whistled impressively as she walked away from the cellar door and towards the driveway.

“Actually, Pinkie, Ah had half a mind to go pound Rarity somethin’ fierce. We ain’t never had her before.”

“Well, that might be a bit of a problem,” Pinkie looked at the ground sheepishly.

“Wait…did you…?” Applejack raised an eyebrow when she looked back at the pink party pony.

“Uhhh…with her and Fluttershy…in the spa…with the spa sisters….” Pinkie blushed, a very rare sight.

“Woah nelly! Yall mean to tell me there was a full on orgy down at the spa?”

Pinkie nodded and grinned.

Applejack walked back to her friend, smacking her pink rump hard with a hoof.

“And not invite me? That’s going to cost you,” a smack each emphasized word landed on the party pony’s now red rump.

“I’m sorry mistress,” Pinkie cooed.

“Oh no, you’re not sorry,” Applejack smacked Pinkie’s rump once more. “Not yet.”

The two ponies walked towards town in the night, Pinkie sulking slightly beside Applejack.

And as wet as could be.

But wait, THERE'S MORE.

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Night washed upon the pleasant little town of Ponyville. An ever so light breeze brought a refreshing chill to the air, seemingly to quell the tumult of the town for the past week. By this time of night, most of the lights in town were out…except for one. The local fashion boutique still had one window aglow with a soft light from a lamp. The open window spilled out secrets whispered softly by the white unicorn residing within.

“Calm, Rarity. You must keep calm. Must. Keep. Calm.” the white unicorn nodded her head at each word as she paced about her room.

She desired the pacing and pep talk would work against the stifling conditions between her hind legs, but so far to no avail. Of course, she wouldn’t have had to be doing this if her heat pills hadn’t become misplaced.

“Where did I put them last? I distinctly remember setting them back on the vanity,” she was beginning to pant; her tail lashed about, trying to cool her backside.

Somewhere within her mental re-tracing, she stumbled. Her front legs gave out and her chest fell to the floor. Curiously, her hind legs stood fast, rump firmly planted in the air. Her imagination gripped the best of her, going back to when her dear friend had her snout firmly planted into her most private of places. Her pink maned friend could work wonders with that tongue.

She felt her tunnel clench at that memory, moisture dampening the area quickly. The urge to move a hoof to work the area was strong, but she knew it would be to no avail. Rather, it would serve to further her passions andohtohellwithitIcan’tstanditanymore!

A white hoof shot to her now swollen and moistened slit, while at the same time her horn glowed, levitating a rather large fake phallus from underneath her bed. She rubbed its tip along her slit, moving her forehoof back to the ground to allow the thing the room it needed. It felt wonderful to have this toy. The only thing missing from it was the weight of a stallion on her back…or a mare with some particular equipment strapped on…

Another clench, the unicorn gritted her teeth. Magic flowed stronger, pushing the toy inside her slit. Rarity always started easy with herself. A slow buildup, then a frantic rush right when she was near to push her over the orgasmic edge. At least for the first three times. The usual subsequent six or seven were usually all speed and force.

Suffice to say, Rarity didn’t get much sleep that night.

Meanwhile, below an open window at the local boutique…

As the muffled sounds of pleasure continued to pour through the not-so-quite unattended window, an orange earth pony laughed silently in the bushes.


Meanwhile, at a little cottage on the outskirts of Ponyville…

“I’ll have you yet…MY PRETTY.” a yellow pegasus cackled. A cauldron of a boiling purple liquid sat before her. Pictures of a large red earth stallion adorned the small room in which she was working.

“Soon, it will alllll be better, my sweet. You will see I AM your one true love!” the continued cackling resonated outside of the cottage, inflicting great horror upon the once joyful creatures around it.