Four Score

by LittleBoyBlue

First published

The Race to Mayorship...

Mayor Mare has been the Mayor for quite a while. She has led Ponyville with Leadership, Grace, and Wisdom for her whole multiple terms.
The reason she wins the race though, is heavily based on the debates.
The other candidates are often silenced by her vast wisdom.
The more aggressive candidates are thoroughly chastised (p'wned) by the Mayor.
But this race is different.
For Mayor Mare races against somepony different.
A country lawyer named Abraham.

(Got this idea from the cover pic. Hope this gets featured!)

A Mayor's Morning

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Wake. Eat. Politics. Sleep. That's all it ever is. It's a never-ending cycle. I wake up. I eat breakfast. I do my job. And I sleep after a hard days work.
Of course, I rarely ever reach the fourth standard.
I've got bills to pass, paperwork to sign. It's tiring work being a mayor.
Believe me, I love my job!
I'm not lying!
I love nothing more than to lead Ponyville as mayor.
But let's face it, nopony even knows my real name.
And the loneliness of the job does not help.
Of course there's loneliness, what stallion would want a wrinkly old mare like me?
But still........ I know I'm not THAT old!
"It's just the stress increasing the aging process."
That's what my assistant said.

Mayor Mare sighed, as she continued writing.

I am 41 years old.
I know. But I look so old.
Perhaps they're right about the stress aging me.
Well, another election, another win I guess.
I'm off to meet the new candidates.


"When is she coming here?! I've been waiting for hours!"
The candidates were all waiting for the Honorable Mayor Mare to arrive at the Royal Castle.
The doors opened, as their prayers have finally been answered.
"Sorry! I had to run an errand." The Mayor walked towards the candidates with the poise and elegance she always had.
She greeted them with respect, as she waited for the princess to start the race.
The Mayor then came to the last candidate.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mayor."

"The pleasure is all mine. Good luck."

"Good luck."

The Mayor turned away, as the ponies conversed with each other.
Her eyes gazed at the window showing the sun high up in the air.
She was brought out of her gaze by a familiar Southern, gentlecolt-like voice.
"Good morning, Mayor."
Mayor Mare sighed.
"Good morning, Mister Booth."
The grey stallion moved to her side.
He had a light brown, combed mane and a skinny mustache on his snout. He was formerly a very well known actor, but hard times made him turn to politics for change.
Mayor Mare knew this, since he first started campaigning.
And he lost every single year.
But he always ran again, and again, and again. His persistence was admirable, but ponies didn't see him as a diligent political.
And Mayor Mare knew why.

"Still haven't done anything 'bout my oil wells, have you Miss Mare?"
He said in spite.

The Mayor turned in annoyance.
"Mister Booth, you know very well why I will not fund for the repairs to those wells."

Booth scoffed.
"Well, maybe if you weren't so busy spendin' all them bits on the Reconstruction of Ponyville-"

"John, houses were demolished! I had to have them rebuilt as soon as I cou-"

"Oh grits and apple sauce! It wasn't THAT expensive! Besides, there was hardly any damage."

She gave him a scolding look.
"A rogue tornado is not my idea of being `hardly any damage' John."

"Ma'am. I've seen worse."

"Oh, here we go again." The Mayor rolled her eyes, as Booth began to tell another one of his "stories".

"State your name and business." The guard stopped the light brown Earth pony.
The stallion had a vest with a bow tie on. He wore a suit over the vest. His Cutie Mark was the same top hat he was wearing on his light brown mane.
His eyes were a bright grey, and his face clean shaven. The Earth pony then spoke.
"Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln. I'm running for mayor."

A Lawyer's Morning

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I have never run for mayor before.
I know where to start, but what about the end?
Even if I do get elected as mayor, I am unsure of the future.
But I promise that I will grab the ceremonial torch with the same poise and dignity the Mayor always had.
I am not afraid to lead. Nor am I afraid to voice my opinions.
It will be a tough race. However, I truly hope that the next pony who leads knows how to carry the responsibility.


It was morning in Sweet Apple Acres. The Apple Family and their guest were already fully awake, preparing for the job.
"How do I look Miss Applejack?" Lincoln said, as he buttoned his vest.

"Eh. You look quite han'some." Applejack came to him.
"Here. Let me help ya with yer bow tie."

Lincoln turned, letting her work on his tie.
"Thank you Miss."

"No problem partner."

Soon, with a tug from her teeth, the tie was done neatly. Lincoln turned back to the mirror, looking at himself. He put his suit on and went for his top hat. He saw it on the nearby desk and reached for it. However, Applejack grabbed it first.

"Why do you wear such a big hat? Darn thing looks like it could swallow yer head whole!"

Applejack temporarily removed her Stetson and placed the top hat on her head. The hat sunk and covered her eyes. She gave a chuckle, as Lincoln removed the hat from her head.

"Well, maybe I'm just big-headed." Lincoln smiled, as he placed the hat snugly on his head.
"Besides, it gives me height."

"That I can surely see Mr. Lincoln." She agreed. He then left the guest room, and headed towards the front door.
"Good luck Mister Lincoln!" Applebloom squeaked.

"Thank you Applebloom."
After they said their "goodbyes" and "good lucks", the Apple Family started their day, as he left towards Canterlot.

"So that's why I REALLY need your services Mister Lincoln! You don't know how this will affect my home! My life!"

"Don't worry Mister Pierce. IF they decide to prosecute, I'll make sure to be there for you. I'm sure you meant no harm."

Pokey was now relieved, as he walked near Lincoln.

"Whew! Thank you Mister Lincoln! I honestly had no idea those balloons were for Fancy Pants! Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome. We'll meet on Tuesday. All right?"

"Yes sir! Tuesday! Got it!"

Pokey then walked away in a display of glee. Abraham smiled. He then continued walking until he reached Canterlot.
The Royal Castle was in sight. After a long exhale, he made his way to the castle. The scenery was quite remarkable and high class. The spires stuck straight into the sky. Lincoln stopped at the gate.
"Name and Business." A Royal Guard grabbed his attention. Lincoln cleared his throat and responded.
"Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln. I'm running for mayor."





The guard checked his list.
"All right, proceed."
The gate opened, letting the Earth pony pass. Lincoln sighed.
"Here I go." He then took his first steps into the castle.

The Princess Starts the Race

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"-we were never the same after that day. And to this day, I still get shivers."
Booth turned to Mayor Mare after he finished his story.
"And how could a rogue tornado be worse than THAT?!"

"Simple. Because what you just told me was a bunch of malarkey. How is it possible for a tornado to lift up a pony that is hiding in a trailer, and take him to a place full of midget ponies and flying monkeys?"

"Well, it happened!"

"That's why you always lose the race! You make up these stories for other ponies to believe! Ponies want truth! Not make-believe!"

Booth gave a scowl.
"Mark my words Mayor, I WILL win this time!"

"Ha! When monkeys fly."

Booth started grumbling, as he walked away from the Mayor.
She started to walk around the lobby as the other ponies were talking and having laughs.
Suddenly, the door opened.
There, at the entrance, was a light brown stallion with a tall top hat.
He had a clean face and his hair was combed handsomely.
The stallion caught the attention of the Mayor, as she advanced towards him.

"Hello there, Mister..."

"Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln madame."
He gently shook her hoof, after they introduced themselves.

"Hey, aren't you that lawyer from Appleloosa they talk a lot about?"

"Yes ma'am. I'm a very well known pony, if I do say so myself."

"So, you must be the best lawyer around town, huh Mr. Lincoln?" The Mayor said.

"Oh, heavens no. I'm just an average lawyer. I'm certainly not the best, but I TRY my best."

"I see. And why do you want to run for mayor?"

Lincoln paused for a moment.

"Ponies want a common leader Miss Mare. You're doing an excellent job being one. I'm running to help my fellow ponies. I do not expect to win.... but that doesn't mean I won't try with extreme diligence. I have a high respect for all you've done for us Miss, and I wish you good luck in your reelection campaign." He then extended his hoof once more.
"May the best pony.....lead." The Mayor nodded and returned the hoofshake. Then Lincoln left to greet the others.
The Mayor turned to the Earth pony.
Such a humble one. she thought. I wonder what lies in his future...
Suddenly, the Royal Doors opened. Everypony stood at attention, as her majesty, Princess Celestia, appeared.
The candidates and the Mayor all bowed to her.

"You all may stand."

The ponies stood, as they waited for her speech.

"Once again, it is time to elect another mayor for Ponyville.
I say to all eight of you, to try your best and campaign fairly."

Booth smirked and rolled his eyes.

"If you truly believe you can do it, then you can. Nothing is stopping you but yourself.
The first debate is on Tuesday."

Lincoln immediately raised his hoof up.
Celestia raised her brow.

"Yes. Mister Lincoln."

"I'm sorry Your Majesty, but I'm supposed to meet my client on Tuesday. He really needs my assistance."

The other ponies stared at him, in shock at his interruption.

"Mr. Lincoln, surely you can reschedule your meeting."

"I'm afraid not Your Majesty. This pony is depending on me, and I am not going to let him down."

The ponies started to whisper to each other, as Lincoln kept his gaze on the princess.
She then gave a smile.

"All right Mr. Lincoln. I'll reschedule the debate for the day after."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

The ponies stared in amazement at Abraham.
The princess. THE princess, rescheduling for HIM? The Mayor was confused.
But, why?

"Anyways," Celestia continued. "I wish you all good luck in the race! Make us proud!"
The princess then stamped her hoof.
The candidates left the castle one by one.
The Mayor, however, stayed with a question.


"Excuse me?" The sun goddess turned.

"Why reschedule for a loyal subject. I mean, princess, YOU'RE the ruler! Why did you do something a mere Earth pony asked you to?"

The princess smiled at her.

"I didn't do it because he asked me to. I did it because he earned it. Not many ponies stand against the wishes of royalty. Mostly out of fear, of course. But he did. And on top of that, in a non threatening manner."
The princess then sighed.
"Everypony seems to forget that us princesses have feelings. They mostly see us as the ones who will strike anypony down if they do not obey. But that's simply not us. We don't want to be feared. We want to be respected. And Mister Lincoln showed that respect I have been searching for."

The Mayor nodded her head. She then bowed again.
"I understand, Your Highness. I will be leaving now."
The Mayor got up from her bow and left.

"Besides," the princess said when the Mayor left. "He's kinda cute."
She smiled, as she went back to her Royal Quarters.

The Sunset

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Abraham was walking back to Sweet Apple Acres. He had a lot on his mind: His client, his campaign, his life. Most of his time was spent thinking. Sometimes he was so deep in thought, that he bumped into other ponies by accident. Which is exactly what happened during his walk.

"Oof!" Lincoln was knocked down into the ground. He shook his head and saw the Mayor turning her head to him.

"Are you all right?" She asked.

"Yeah, no damage." He stood back up to face her. "I'm sorry if I bumped into you Miss Mare."

"Oh that's quite alright Mister Lincoln."

"Please, call me Abe."

"Okay, `Abe'" the Mayor playfully said. She started to walk forward, leaving Abraham alone. He, however, needed to ask her something. So he followed. He eventually reached her side.

"Miss Mare. What were you discussing about with the princess?"

She stopped for a moment and gave Lincoln a look of suspicion. She then continued walking.

"How did you know that I was talking to the princess Abe?"

"I was eavesdropping."

The Mayor giggled.

"Abe, aren't you a little too grown up to be eavesdropping?"

"You're never too grown up to be curious Miss Mare."

They shared a laugh together, as they walked across the fields. Then, silence. Nothing but the sounds of their hooves on the ground. Then, Lincoln asked the Mayor something she thought she'd never hear.

"Ma'am. What's your REAL name?"

Mayor Mare stopped walking. She froze in shock.
Nopony's ever asked what my name is... She stuttered, trying to find her voice.

"I-I-It's.......It's Mary."

"Mary. What a nice name."

"Thank you. It''s my mother's."

"I see."

Once again, they found themselves in an awkward silence. But only for a bit.

"So, what were you talking about with the princess?"

"Oh, just... stuff. Nothing that would interest you."

"I'm not so sure about that. Tell me Mary. Please." The sound of him calling her by her real name ran shivers down her back.

"Well, I was actually talking about you."


"Yes. About your `request' to the princess."

"Oh yes. That."

"You didn't show any fear when you spoke. I could hardly believe your bravery."

"Stupidity is more like it." Lincoln joked.

"No no no! The princess herself told me her admiration of the show of respect you gave her!"

"She did?" He looked at Mary with a smile.

"Yes. You have a lot of integrity Abe."

"Thank you Mary. I try my best." The two politics went on, discussing foreign affairs, taxes, and diplomatic statuses. Mary, however, was especially interested in the big top hat he was wearing.

"You look very tall with that hat. Where did you get it?"

"I bought it when I first came to Sweet Apple Acres. Apparently, after this pink pony eccentrically welcomed me to Ponyville, I was invited to go to a party. Well, I wanted to look my best, so naturally I started to get dressed for the occasion. I looked at the mirror and I thought `Something is missing...' so I went off to the nearest shop to look for a hat. I tried a bevy of hats before I came to this one," Abe pointed at his hat. "I grabbed this hat and went to the party
It was at a tree house of sorts."

The Mayor perked up. "Twilight's house?"

"Yes! She has large assortment of books. To this day, I still go there."

She gave a smirk. "Gee. I wonder why." Lincoln blushed deeply and cleared his throat.

"Oh no no! It's not like that! It's just that.... I LOVE a good book." He nervously laughed. "I'm just very good friends with Miss Sparkle."

"VERY good friends?"

Lincoln nodded. "My best friend is a pony who will give me a book I have not read."

"I see."

"Anyways, back to the celebration..."

"She thought you were a what?" The Mayor looked at him in surprise. They were close to Sweet Apple Acres, and the sun was already beginning to set. They talked so much that they didn't keep track of time.

"A vampire-hunting rapper," Lincoln responded.

"Why on Equestria would she assume you were a `vampire-hunting rapper'?"

Lincoln shrugged. "I have not the slightest idea. But I know through our years of friendship that Pinkamena can be quite..."


Lincoln blinked at that word. "Well, I was about to say stochastic, but I guess `random' would suffice." He gave a low chuckle, as the sun started to hide behind the horizon. They were now on a hill, overlooking Sweet Apple Acres. The glow of the sunset gave the trees an aura of calm. The breeze was breathing over the land, as the limbs and branches moved and swayed in graceful swings. It was a sight to see, and The Mayor was enjoying the view.

"Wow! I've never realized how beautiful Sweet Apple Acres was."


"The sunset Abraham."

"Oh yes, the sunset." They stopped on top of the hill. A lone sassafras tree loomed over them, casting a light shadow.
"I've lived here ever since I could remember. I was just a little colt, alone and abandoned."

She turned in disbelief. "You were an orphan?"

He nodded. "Yes, but my parents abandoned me because they had no choice. They were not able to support me, so they had to.... let me go." There was a short pause, then he continued. "They dropped me off at Sweet Apple Acres. I thought it was just a visit. But it wasn't. They said goodbye to me...." he turned away from her and pretended to look at the sassafras tree. He then cleared his throat and looked back. She noticed his eyes were a little different. Of course, she already knew he had been holding back his tears. But there was something in his eyes she could see clearly: Hurt. "They cried before they left. I had convinced myself that they would come back, that they would come and give me love and be there when I needed them. But they never came." He sniffed, as he turned his gaze to the sunset. "I spent countless nights wondering what I did to have them leave me. I blamed myself for their departure, and I...I lost all hope in ever seeing them again."

"I'm so sorry." The Mayor sympathized with him. She then followed his gaze to the sunset and the apple trees. The wind slowly and softly movef across her face. She breathed in, enjoying the smell of the air. The silence of the spot made everything calm and peaceful. And the sky, preparing for Luna's Moon, was a canvas filled with orange, red and yellow. The slight purple that showed symbolized the coming night. She felt inner peace being here. Being here with her only friend.

"You know, I am truly thankful for this." He said, breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?"

"The Apple Family adopted me as one of their own. They showed me great kindness and compassion. But most importantly, they showed me love. And since then, I've regained my hope. I will find my parents one day, and I'll get my closure. But for now, I feel thankful that this time I spent was spent with a friend. Thank you, for being here Mary."

"You're welcome, Abe." They continued staring off into the sunset. She moved closer to him, to his side, and leaned on his shoulder. She sighed, as she closed her eyes, taking in the moment. Abraham stayed silent, as he glanced over to see her. He gave a warm smile and looked back at the sunset. He then closed his eyes, enjoying the moment as well. They were two friends, looking at a sunset, at Sweet Apple Acres. And they stayed there, until the night.

(Author's Note: I have placed a Lincoln quote in this chapter. See if you can find it.)