The Ones That Didn't Quite Make The Cut

by Bluebirdd065

First published

Stories I began to write, but quickly ignored,'cause they seemed suckish or I got stuck.

Stories I began to write, but quickly ignored,'cause they seemed suckish or I got stuck.

You can use these ideas if you want, just ask. (I wouldn't know why anyone would want to use them, anyway.)

Mc Pony

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This was an idea from my brother about Mc Donald's being introduced into Ponyville. I had no idea where to go with this, so I stopped.


"What in tarnation is this?" Big Mac slurred, nudging the small box, thinking it was a surprise.

He crouched down and got a better look at it. It was red and white, with the words Big Mac on the side, only leaving Big Mac to ponder over the tiny box. He then grabbed it and started fiddling with it, until it popped open, revealing guessed it! Big Mac. He began dissecting it, dumbfounded as to what it was, until Applejack came by.

"Hey, Mac, what ya got there?" she asked, curious about the odd box in his hooves.

He looked over to her and gave her a confused look. "Ah have no idea."

Applejack came up to Big Mac and snatched the box, already inspecting the contents.

".......What in tarnation is this?" she asked.

Big Mac gave her a shrug.

"Ah better go ask Twilight about this." she said before trotting over to Twilight's.

She walked through town and immediately noticed a lack of ponies on the streets, and saw a lighted yellow ''m'' sign in the distance. She shrugged off the mysterious happenings and arrived at Twilight's where she knocked on the door.

"Spiiiiiiiike, can you get that?" Twilight groaned slowly.

"Uggggggggh, fiiiiiine." Spike responded slower.

She waited by the door as she heard a slow, THUMP.......THUMP........THUMP, until the door was opened, revealing a large-gutted Spike looking up at her with slow eye movements. Applejack jumped back at the sight of the obese dragon and asked,

"What's WRONG with ya'?!"

"What? It was only a few burgers......besides, Twilight ate more than me." Spike said with an annoyed tone.

Applejack gave him a befuddled look. "What are burgers?"

"I dunno, it's just what they call these things." Spike held up the same box Applejack had in her hands."They are amazing!"

Applejack brought hers to her hooves. "Where did they come from? Big Mac had found one by th' farm this mornin'."

Spike eyed the burger with wide eyes. "You gonna eat that?"

Applejack shook her head, causing Spike to jack the box from her hooves, proceeding to tear it apart and shove it in his mouth.

"MMMM! SO DELICIOUS!" he grinned.

Applejack watched in disgust as he tore the burger apart, until she heard Twilight coming down the stairs. She looked up and stared at Twilight, slack-jawed as she approached Applejack. Twilight lifted an eyebrow at the mare's quizzical face.

"............What's wrong?" she asked with concern in her face.

All Applejack could do was stare at her morbidly obese friend, probably unaware of the added zero on her weight.

"W-Wuuda, hajida, hajida, HUUUUUH!?!?!?!?!?!?" was all she was able to say.

Applejack gestured towards her body. "H-h-how did ya'...why are ya'....WHAT'S HAPPENED T' Y'ALL?!" she squealed.

Twilight looked down at her belly. "Oh, it's only a few pounds, nothing major." she squeaked weakly.

Applejack felt her eye twitch. "Only a-a-a FEW? How did ya' get such a gut?!"

"Hey! It's not that much! Besides, it's not my fault those burgers are so dang good!" she snapped.

"Where did ya' get them?"

"Mc Pony's, of course! You know, the place with the yellow "m"?"

Applejack gave another look at her fat friend before backing up very slowly. "OK, well, thank you?" Applejack smiled forcefully before trotting away.

"Bye!" Twilight called out before shutting the door.

Applejack was still pondering over Twilight's massive gut as she met face to face with this, "Mc Pony" place. She slowly entered the odd-looking building, seeing the Flim Flam brothers' gaze across the room from a counter.

"Ah, Applejack! Come to try one of our amazing new creations?" Flim boasted.

"Quite the opposite; I wanna know what's in 'em." Applejack retorted.

"Well I'm sorry, little filly, but it's a secret ingredient." Flam said.

"Uh huh.............." she nodded her head, looking at the board above them, labeling all the different foods they served.
Applejack pretended to stare at the board for a few seconds, until she caught the brothers off guard and darted over the counter and into the back room.

"Quick, brother, GET HER!" Flim yelled.


"WHAT KINDA SICK PONIES ARE YA'!?" she yelled while running away from the brothers.

There's Only So Many Apologies You Can Make!

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I dunno how I came up with this one, but it was mean't to be a story about Fluttershy's friends having enough with Fluttershy's 'doormat ways'. Stopped the same reason as the last failure.



Fluttershy turned, immediately meeting AJ's stern look and hiding behind her mane.

"Oh, I-I-I'm s-s-s-sorry..."

AJ sighed with frustration at the sight of her friend in a fetal position. "It's fine, Fluttershy, I just don't want them to run aw-"

"We're not wild animals, you know!" a cow interrupted.

"Did I ask you to talk?!"

"I have rights!"


The cow slowly backed into the herd, allowing AJ to finish. "Fluttershy, ya just gotta stop freakin' out when you're told som'thing, I'm not mad at ya, it just caught me off guard, ya know?"

Fluttershy slowly nodded, holding her position for a few seconds before flying away.

Applejack rolled her eyes as she closed the fence and headed to the barn. AJ couldn't explain why, but for some reason, seeing Fluttershy do that, just.....aggravated her. She couldn't pin-point why, but she had guessed it was because of how much of a push-over she still was, even after the whole Iron Will incident.


"Uh, Fluttershy, I would mind if you DIDN'T feed Spike gems." Twilight said with an annoyed tone.

"Why? I think it's pretty awesome!" Spike exclaimed.

"BECAUSE, you're on a diet, remember? Or do you want Rarity to ignore you?"

"No! I wanna be a hunk!"

"Well, those gems say other wise."

Spike gave a long stare at the gems in his arms, trying to make a choice, until he dropped them on the floor.

"Fine...." he grunted, crossing his arms and looking to his right, showing Twilight he didn't like her way of thinking.

"Good, now Fluttershy, can..............where's Fluttershy?"

Spike and Twilight looked around the room, finding no traces of the shy, yellow mare.

Twilight groaned and headed up her stairs, while Spike gave another long stare at his gems, before picking them up again and began munching on them with a wide smile plastered on his face.


Why was everypony mean to her? What did she do? She was just trying to help! I mean, Opal REALLY needed that bath!


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This was mean't to be a Civil War-ish fic, instead having the two royal sisters involved and seen from the point of view of a stallion named Thunder Tumble during the war. I stopped it due to how suck-ish it was.



''MMMHMM.'' Spike grumbled.

She looked up the stairs and saw Spike tossing and turning in his bed.

''What a lazy dragon.'' Twilight snickered.

She opened the door and was immediately greeted with the sweet smell of the flowers and sunshine laid before her, each and every single pony outside enjoying the same pleasantries as herself, playing about and talking without a care in the world. The day seemed so perfect to Twilight, but she would rather gather her books before her thoughts, so she focused on the Canterlot Library in her mind and was zapped towards her destination.

Upon recovering, she was greeted by her very own mentor, Princess Celestia in all her glory.

''Twilight.'' She bowed slightly with a warm smile.

Twilight returned her greeting and headed towards the library; they would catch up later.

She was so excited the Princess had agreed to her borrowing some books, because she was tired of the same ones she had had for years; reading every book over one hundred times could do that to a pony, especially Twilight, despite her absolute LOVE for books, and she was excited beyond natural limits for this moment.

She opened the doors to the library and was flushed by the scent of over one thousand books lying in the shelves. At the thought of the smell, she squeaked with absolute joy as she ran around, grabbing tons of 'candy' from the shelves and looking through them. Twilight absolutely adored history, but fiction... not so much. Fiction stories were a good easy read every now and again, but she wasn't a huge fan about the genre, which was why she was so keen on Rainbow Dash borrowing all of her Daring Doo books, and these shelves were filled to the brim with them, bringing some dissapointment onto Twilight's face.
She wandered high and low for real history books, but her search yield no avail. There was no chance that the Canterlot Library, the greatest library in all of Equestria by far, held no history books! She gave a better look at all the rows of books and noticed an odd stack of books piled against the wall, standing as high as the ceiling reached. She walked over to it and attempted to look behind the books, to see the glass of a door, behind it overloaded with more books. She squeed even louder than the first time and levitated all the books to the side with all her might. A few books had fallen, but the move had been successful, and Twilight was rewarded with open access to the other room.

The door was shaped oddly, though, the only way to opening it being a small handle on the right; it was probably a security system of some sort, due to how difficult it would be for anypony, with the handle being so heavy for unicorns and awkward for Pegasi and Earth Ponies. Twilight had opened it with only a slight struggle, though, and walked inside. The stench of dust and mold hit Twilight hard, unlike the welcoming smell of the room behind her, but she pressed on looking at all the categories placed on the ends of the shelves.

They were each labeled by the years of occurrence, even dating up towards that year. This room was still a work in progress. She stumbled over to the most recent century, seeing only a few parchment reports about the recent attacks her and her friends helped repel, along with a small journal covered in a thick layer of dust. With a small puff of air, she blew away a large portion of the dust and grabbed it with her magic, levitating the cover in front of her. There was no title placed onto the book, so she opened it and saw a small note attached to the cover, which read:

Type of Document:: Diary
Owner: Tumble, Thunder
Year Recovered: 1012
Description: Diary entries of Thunder Tumble during the war between Princess Celestia and Nightmare Moon.

Twilight read the description over and over again. There was no war, and she knew it! She had studied Equestrian history almost all her life, and not once was there a war between the princesses! It was merely a battle between them, not a war! Twilight needed to know what this meant, so she levitated the book over to a small table in the corner and sat down, already reading the first page...

Twilight tried to make sense of the smudged writing; it was nearly illegible, but she pressed on. She wanted to know about this so-called-'war' between the two goddesses.


I saw this book at the store near our house and picked it up, 'cause it's not like there's anything else to do here but farm and stare at birds pecking at our crops, so why not, right? Writing in this book seems to calm me down and let me process my thoughts, so it helps. And it better help, because personally, a book, whether printing is new or not, shouldn't be twenty bits cause that's just outrageous!


There's been talk of a war starting, some ponies saying it's about the two princesses. Supposedly, the two sisters are starting to fight each other over the Sun and the Moon, but I don't believe it. I mean, who would? A sudden war between the princesses after over one thousand years of harmony? doubt it.


I don't believe it, it was true. The sisters ARE fighting, there IS a war, and they've started drafting ponies left and right, you being either stuck as a Lunar or a Solar member, just like those 'Civil War' fictions I've been reading, with the Confederates and the Union,'s real.


A letter came in the mail today. But it wasn't just an ordinary letter, it was one that would change my life forever. I've said my goodbyes to my family as if it were the last day for me to be alive, because I'm not sure if I'll even see them ever again. I'm taking this journal with me, because if bad goes to worst, they will at least have my last thoughts in this book, always.


A small wagon picked me up from my house towards our camp. Upon entering, I found three other ponies in the same wreck as me, another stallion named Rain Flicker having it the worst. The morale of everypony here is already low, so I can't wait to see how the camp is...

The pull over there took about an hour, everypony passing the time by introducing themselves to their new teammates. I introduced a bit of my self too, and they seemed to think I was alright.


"So, how much longer do you think we're gonna be here? 'Cause I'm actually pretty curious to see this camp.'' Kola Cranberry asked.

"I don't know, I'm not the one pulling it." I replied with a smirk.

"Well, I for one am not looking forward to this." Royal Charmer chimed.

"Why not? You think all of us signed up for this?'' I asked.

"I know I sure as Celestia didn't." Rain said.

".....Speaking of Celestia, do you know who we're fighting for?'' Kola asked.

This put everyone in a deep thought, when-

"Alright, fellas, this is our stop, we're here." said the stallion pulling the wagon.

Everyone snapped back to reality and looked at each other, until the driver spoke again.

"I said git your flanks over here, this instant!" he yelled.

We all jumped out of the wagons and headed over to the driver.

"...Alright, now that I have your attention.. welcome to the Solars' team. I'm your coordinator, Buck Shot."

"Now, if you look around you, you'll notice we're the only ones here, because you four were picked by Celestia herself, as special weapons against the Lunar Republic in this war. You are now part of the 54th Regiment Mesachewsetts Special Forces.

I had had no idea what that mean't, but it sounded awesome.

"Okay, now all of you, report to your beds located next to the wagon and get some rest, you will report to me first thing in the morning, so be ready to move." Buck said before heading towards a small building.

''Alright, I guess let's go then." I said before heading to the wagon.


The place was pretty small, and only consisted of 2 bunk beds and a bathroom, which was most likely going to cause some problems later on. We knew how early we were most likely going to be awoken at, so we all had gone to our beds to get as much sleep as possible.


We all had a very rest-less sleep on the uncomfortable beds and was woken up by this.
"Ugh, I hate bugles!" Kola moaned.

"Don't we all." I grunted.

We all struggled out of our beds and went outside, seeing Buck still playing the bugle until he saw us.

"Ah, there you are! Welcome to your first, and probably most painful training session, EVER!" he smirked.

We all just slowly blinked at Buck, trying to grasp the idea of being awake, but it wasn't easy.

"....Okay, now if you'll follow me over here, you'll find our first exercise, which is climbing this hundred-foot wall!"

We each continued to give slow blinks, not even paying attention to Buck. Disappointed by our reactions, Buck brought more to the table...or less, I should say.

"If you guys don't climb this wall in under thirty minutes, you'll be fed scraps today!''


"RRRGH, JUST CLIMB THE DANG WALL." he grunted before storming off.

We each gave the wall a long, uninterested stare out of exhaustion. There was tons of silence, until Rain finally spoke.

"Can't we just...ju-just, uh... climb, I up the, thing...the wall? He didn't say that we couldn't right?" he stuttered
"We don't ALL have wings, ya know." Royal said.

"Well, uh, we COULD just, uh, ya know, pick you up to the top of the..thing."

"Well then, let's do it."

Rain then stumbled over to Royal and grabbed his arms, trying to fly him up.

"Sweet Celestia, how much do you weigh?!"

"Probably less than you." Royal chuckled.

Me and Kola just gave each other dumbfounded looks as they struggled to get off the ground. Then Kola walked over to me and picked me up, already flying atop the wall. I was absolutely afraid of heights, so I gazed at the land in front of me.

"Hey, I can see my house from here!" I squeaked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I can see mine!" Kola chimed after landing.

I looked down and saw Rain and Royal still trying to fly up, and struggling very much.

Kola looked down too and called out to them.

"Hey! Are you guys getting up here anytime soon?"

They looked up and were shocked we were able to make it before them.



Already, enemies were being created.


"What's going on here?!" Buck asked.

"Oh, uh, nothing....just, a little disagreement, is all." Royal said.

"Uh huh, well I would cut your little 'disagreement' and climb this wall, unless you don't like living."

"Yes, sir."

"Yes, sir."

".....'sir', huh? I like that, has a nice ring to climb this wall." he said before leaving.

I gave Kola a 'do something' look, and he flew down and picked up Royal.

"Aha! See! Kola can pick me up!"

"Royal, shut up before I let go of you."


Rain was able to fly up successfully without the extra weight and waited there with us, all unsure of what to do next, until Rain spoke again.


Down below, we saw him appear from the shadows and gaze up at us, with a confused expression on his face.

"Um, okay, you can get down now."

We all got down and was greeted with Buck's dumbfounded face.

"Well, uh, good job to you all! I figured it would've taken longer, but uh...I guess I was proven if you'll follow me again, we'll move to your next exercise."

We followed him around the camp and saw a set of barbed wire placed above a muddy ground.

"Alright, so now, the objective is to crawl under this wire in under a minute, so we can move on to the next exercise."

As we were walking towards the wire, I muttered to myself, ''Seems easy enough.''

Once we were all set up under the wire, Buck blew a whistle and started a timer in his hand.


The crawl was actually pretty difficult due to the awkward positioning you had to be in to crawl, but it was fairly easy in my opinion. I looked beside me and saw Rain with his wing caught in the wire.

"Dammit, stupid wire." He said to himself.

I used my magic to free him and he gave me a confused look.

"You're welcome." I said as I continued crawling.

The Times We Once Knew

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This was meant to be a sad/happy fic, Applejack's being sad, and Applebloom's being happy. The story itself was gonna be about Granny Smith and Big Mac dying, leaving Sweet Apple Acres to crumble beneath the sisters' hooves and endangering Ponyville. It was going to be sorta like a 'choose your own adventure' type thing.


The day had been an average one: Applejack and her brother harvesting apples; Applebloom and her friends trying to find their special talents, and Granny Smith taking her afternoon nap. Just a normal day. Until a large order of one hundred crates of apples were ordered from Manehattan for their upcoming Apple Festival. Due to the large amount of bits needed for postage, Big Mac decided to help Granny Smith with the delivery by hoof, leaving Applejack to tend the apples. Applebloom had also stayed back due to her age, and reluctantly stayed with her sister at Sweet Apple Acres.

The two sisters had been able to maintain the farm with a little help from Rainbow Dash, who helped buck apples, Twilight Sparkle, who helped with sales and such, Fluttershy, who helped with the cattle, Pinkie Pie who helped with sweets and produce, and finally, Rarity, who helped with signs, posters, advertisements, etc. The farm had run quite smoothly....for a time.
And recently, the Flim Flam brothers had come up with a "motorized wagon", and had sold prototypes to rich Manehattans. And, unfortunately, one of those wagons had crushed two members of the Apple Family due to brake failure, leaving the two sisters to maintain Ponyville's main source of their economy: Sweet Apple Acres.

It begins.


"It just ain't fair.." Applejack choked.

Applebloom nodded as she stood by her sister, both crying freely under the rain, being face to face with their once lively family members. The two remained in the rain, ignoring their friends behind the two. Twilight was the first to speak up, slowly walking to the others, her mane drenched with tears and rain over her friends loss.

"Applejack, nopony could have known this was gonna happen. You shouldn't beat yourself over this." she said calmly.

Applejack slowly hung her head even lower, and Applebloom began sobbing again.

"Twilight, you're not helping the situation." she gritted, watching her sister experience this traumatizing moment.

Upon the farm pony's hostile tone, the lavender mare backed up, settling beside her friends, all mourning over the death in the air. The gloomy situation had stayed for hours, everyone staying still in their spots to be there for their friend. The two sister's had been completely oblivious to the time they spent there, both remembering the good times with their newly-deceased family members and grasping the idea of their passing, hoping it to just be a nightmare and not an actual occurrence.
A loud crackle was heard from the thunder, roaring above the mares before light hail showered the mares. Applejack had ignored the pain, still staring blankly at the two graves in front of her. Applebloom slowly backed up under Rarity's umbrella and watched as her sister kept still, still weeping under the loud crackles of the hail.

Twilight couldn't bear to see her friend like this, so she walked over to her and proceeded to teleport her broken friend to her house, where she hugged her immediately. Applejack returned the hug, her mood brightening a bit as she soaked Twilight's coat in tears of denial and depression.

Twilight began weeping softly as she attempted to comfort her friend. "It's alright, Applejack, we'll get you over this. We're here for you."

Applejack choked on her tears as she began to talk. "T-t-thank you-" She sniffed. "Twilight, t-thank y-y-you."


Applejack rose from her dreamless sleep as she yawned and rolled out of her bed, proceeding to stumble down the stairs and onto the first floor. Applejack was confused for a second at the lack of a breakfast smell in the air, until yesterday crawled back into her mind, forcing a frown on it as she hung her head low, before heading back to her room, wanting to sleep away the depression invading her mind at the time.


"So what are we gonna do today?" Scootaloo asked her friends excitedly, getting pumped for another day of fun and misadventures with them.

Sweetie Belle stood quiet, only tilting her head towards Applebloom, who was staring at the floor blankly.

"Oooh, yeah." Scootaloo whispered with a disappointed tone as she walked over to her friend.

She nudged her friend softly. "Hey, you alright?" she asked softly, knowing the answer to her question.

Applebloom only looked up and gave her friend a forced smile, which was extremely hard to do under her circumstances.

"No, I'm fine." she said. "So, what are we going to do today?"

Choose a sister's story. (Or just read both, doesn't matter.)

Applejack (Next Chapter) Applebloom (Continue This Chapter)

sad and dark happy and joyful

You've chosen Applebloom's story! (You rock, woohoo!)

The three fillies stood over a large cliff, only Scootaloo looking forward to crashing into something.

"Uh, Scootaloo, are you sure you wanna do this? It's a prett-"

Before Sweetie Belle finished her sentence, Scootaloo had jumped, cheering as she hung onto the hand glider along with her friends screaming beside her.



The three fillies laid on the ground, covered in tree sap and leaves, all noticing the lack of cutie marks on their flanks.

"Awwwwwwww!" the three fillies groaned in unison.


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This was mean't to be a HiE fic, but I stopped ''s an HiE fic. Kinda hard to be original with those![/b


For unknown reasons, I felt...warm. I felt as if I was under water. I felt the space around me, where my fingers touched oak. Some sort of wood, as if I was in a barrel. I stuck my hand up and felt a small patch of air. I brought my face towards the very top and gasped, face to face with more wood. I held there, my mind set only on survival, instead of the obvious questions like 'why am I in a barrel' or 'is this a dream'. Seconds later, I noticed the fluids within the barrel draining. I stood perfectly still until all the fluids drained, and I began to struggle within the barrel. It bobbed and weaved before falling sideways. I then concentrated on the lid, breaking it slowly by kicking it. When the lid broke off, I was greeted by the warm glow of the sun, and I began to wiggle out, bit by bit until I was out.

I tried to squeeze out as much of the liquid from my shirt as I could before looking up. In front of me were hundreds of dead-silent ponies, all gazing at me with their huge lemur-like eyes. I pinched myself and winced, now knowing this was no dream. I couldn't really focus on the residents before me, and I had no idea whether they were hostile or not, so I turned around and ran for my life. Not soon after I started running, I heard galloping behind me, becoming louder and louder every second. I ran into a forest of apple trees, maneuvering them in an attempt to lose my tail, but the sounds behind me only grew louder and louder. My heart began thumping at amazing speeds as I neared a fence leading to freedom. I relaxed a bit as the sound dimmed a bit, and was right near the fence. Just then, right before my escape, a rope flew into the air and grabbed my neck, slamming me into the ground and forcing my head to a large rock. I merely gazed into the sky, overwhelmed with pain as I laid there. Seconds after, an orange equine followed, blocking the sun from my eyes and staring at me with a concerned look. I stared at the pony blankly before the realization hit me.


She just lifted her brow at me, then boom, out like a light.


My head burned from the inside as I peeled my eyelids open, seeing that night had fallen from the windows before me. I propped myself up with my elbows and looked around, seeing all the decorations littered across the walls. Soon after, the door was opened to reveal Applejack once again, walking toward me. If it had been a regular day, I would've died of happiness from seeing my favorite pony, but this was far from regular. She stood in front of me, regret showing heavily in her eyes. She took off her hat and held it to her chest.

"Ah am truly sorry what Ah did t' ya." she slurred.

I had wanted to say something, but my mind couldn't pick the right words, leaving me completely silent, gazing unto the mare's eyes blankly.