My new Changeling life

by Leonedavis

First published

Imprisoned in a life marked by solitude and monotony, he sees his existence shift into a surreal strangeness. A new opportunity to become someone better and happier ?

Imprisoned in a life marked by solitude and monotony, he sees his existence shift into a surreal strangeness. A new opportunity to become someone better and happier ? Or should he let his new Changeling nature and his new mother guide his life for better or for worse?

Be kind, I'm just starting... No, I'm kidding, be tough, that's how I learn !

Prologue: born again

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A noise pierced through the haze of my alcoholic coma. My heavy eyelids struggled to open, freeing my pitiful carcass form from the sofa bed that served as my bed. Staggering, I made my way to the shower.

The icy water hit me, jolting me from my stupor. My long hair clung to my face, while my skeletal arms struggled to clear it away. Putting on clothes that seemed somewhat clean, I glanced at the mirror.

The reflection that stared back at me was that of a emaciated man, with green eyes darting, half-hidden beneath strands of black hair. My skin was of an unsettling pallor, and a several-day-old beard adorned my face.

I averted my gaze from this stranger, taking the few necessary steps to reach my fridge and retrieve my breakfast: a beer accompanied by leftover instant noodles, swallowed with little regard for taste.

Another sound rang out, this time it was my old alarm instructing me to go to work. My body obeyed before my brain could react, leaving the half-empty beer on the table.

The streets were already bustling. Hands buried in my pockets, head lowered, I moved forward, avoiding the crowd as much as possible. Taking the familiar alleys, there were always too many people. It was, as usual, a struggle to reach the office.

I entered through the back door and slipped into my workspace to scrutinize invoices and track irregularities in the accounts, sending confirmation emails. It was a thankless job, but solitary, from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. My brain operated on autopilot.

At the specified time in my contract, I shut down my computer. I waited ten long minutes for most of my colleagues to leave before slipping away myself.

Passing through the same alleys on the way back, I came across groups of friends who seemed to be having fun. Their laughter twisted my heart on one side and filled me with rage on the other, while tears streamed down my cheeks, hidden by my hair.

I picked up the pace slightly, heading towards my first-floor apartment, slamming the door with the little energy I had left. I finished the half-empty beer I had left, before pouring myself another, more than I should have.

My vision was blurred, my thoughts muddled. I made my way to the gas stove, struggling to open all the valves before lying down on what served as my bed, drinking what I believed to be my last beer, a bitter smile on my lips...

"To the friends I never had."

I woke up with numb limbs, struggling to open my eyes, plunging into a green liquid where my breath formed bubbles. My movements had become powerless, I thrashed with all my might, consumed by terror. A figure approached, a distorted voice reached me, simultaneously terrifying and gentle, icy and warm. A round object seemed to graze the surface of my container.

"You are destined to become a great soldier," she murmured. I writhed with even greater vigor, although my limbs remained inert. "Rest, my child. Your hatching is still far off." Then, footsteps receded, the form along with them.

Hatching, soldier? An oppressive silence swallowed my cries. I tried desperately to turn my head, but in vain. Fatigue engulfed me, I struggled to stay conscious, pushing my body to its limits, unable to bite my lip. Darkness swallowed me once again.

I had no idea how long I had been dozing. When my strength returned, I screamed, mustering every ounce of courage, thrashing with all my might. Perhaps I wasn't an athlete, more like a reject, but I harbored a newfound determination—to be free, to fight, to live again.

The container cracked the moment my head collided with it. I screamed inwardly, triumph echoing as the container gave way.

Crushed on the ground with the liquid and fragments of my prison, my arms, and legs were still absent. I tried to turn my head to inspect them, but something was amiss. I could only feel my oddly articulated torso.

The walls and floor of this room were shrouded in darkness, only the fluorescent green eggs provided a faint glow. An odd "bzzzz" escaped my lips instead of a curse...

I crawled painfully along the gleaming corridor, my muscles aching. A low growl emanated from my stomach as hunger gnawed at me. A buzzing echoed down the corridor.

"You're truly special, my child... tenacious and adventurous," murmured the same voice I had heard earlier. I couldn't help but respond.

"Bzzzre bzz zrr!" Yes. 'What are you!' sounded better in my head... Four black, perforated legs settled before me. A green light enveloped me, lifting me from the ground. I saw fly wings and the distorted figure of a horse with long, pointed teeth, crowned above a pale blue mane. A long, twisted horn gleamed a brilliant green.

"I'll take care of you. Your siblings will take a little longer to hatch." Wait, this thing thought it was my mother? We're not even the same species! I hope...

"How should I call you?" She took me in her hoof, covered in some sort of black carapace. It was always the same strange sensation. Her hoof were cold, but I strangely felt comfortable in her hooves.

"Bzzz!" My name never left my lips. The relative comfort of her hooves made me doze off again.

Laughter burst from the mouth of this sharp-toothed creature. "Well, you certainly have a sharp tongue, at least." Opening its mouth, a sort of pinkish smoke emerged, a small green light above my head. My hunger began to dissipate as the smoke vanished. A sensation I hadn't felt in a long time seized me, a gentle breeze caressing my skin, a soothing warmth enveloping me from within. I fell loved...

With tears in my eyes, I passed by a reflective surface. My head topped a white larval torso, a horn adorned my forehead, and the last detail I noticed was my yellow eyes.

Before drifting into drowsiness within the hooves of this strange creature, I wondered if my former life was a nightmare from which I had just awakened.

"Sleep, my child. We will begin your training as soon as possible." I will do my best not to become the outcast I once was... Mother. That was my silent promise before drifting off to sleep.

1 New childhood

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I woke up alone in a cradle, confined to this small cell, bathed in an oddly familiar greenish light... Why did everything here seem to be tinged with this pale green hue?

My eyes scanned the bars, instinct urging me to approach, to try to climb them... But the absence of legs and arms made the task particularly challenging, if not unfortunately impossible. A helpless frustration took hold of me. I began to pace in my cradle, letting my mind wander. Despite my youthful appearance, I was an adult. The psychological craving for beer was already gnawing at me, demanding a stimulus, be it physical or mental!

I wandered in circles, like an animal in a cage, focused on taming these new muscles as time seemed to blur as I continued to explore my limited surroundings. I tried to make sense of the strange appendage on my forehead, the horn that seemed to be a part of me. It felt like an extension of my being, pulsing with an energy I couldn't quite understand.

I focused on the horn, willing it to respond to my thoughts. Slowly, tentatively, it began to emit a soft glow. It was a small victory, but it filled me with a sense of hope and purpose.

I didn't know how long I had circled in that cradle, but one thing was certain: "Bzzz dreee reeee!" 'Mother or someone!' It always sounded better in my head...

No buzzing of wings or the sound of hooves reached my ears, so I continued honing my ability to move. As soon as my new mother arrived, I'd give her the cold shoulder for leaving me alone!

Okay, I was already a brat. So, I decided to practice sticking out my tongue in advance making me whistle, which was oddly long and pointed, like a serpent's.

After an interminable period in which I had already worked all the muscles I could, I heard the sounds of hooves approaching.

Setting aside my growing resentment, I hurried to the other end of my cradle, my yellow eyes wide open. "Brezzz?" 'Mom?'

My disappointment was immense when I saw something resembling my mother, but smaller and less welcoming. Its green eyes were locked onto mine, as if I had insulted its entire family.

I started to look down, but then remembered the promise I had made to myself: I would no longer be a victim of life.

I lifted my gaze with perfect confidence, conveying all the accumulated anger from my past life in my eyes, as my horn softly glow. "Bb zeee drezz!" 'Do you have a problem?' The creature took a slight step back, its expression showing shock, which made me smile.

It quickly placed a tray in my cradle before leaving the room, its eyes still fixed on me, "what is this larva?" he said worried.

Once the creature was gone, I looked at the small cubes of some kind of jelly arranged on the tray. After all the exercise I had done, I was a bit hungry. I approached the pieces and nibbled on the first one. It wasn't the best thing I'd ever eaten, but it satisfied my hunger.

The creature returned some time later to retrieve the tray, and my eyes followed it the whole way until it exited.

I allowed myself to fall asleep to rest my muscles and aid in digestion.

I was awakened by the sound of hooves, and I shot a murderous look at the intruder with green eyes before recognizing the familiar features. "Bzzz" 'Mom,' I murmured, rushing towards the nearest bars.

"You are definitely special, my Thunder." Thunder, that was the name she wanted to give me?

The green glow emanating from her horn lifted me once again, then gently set me down on the other side of the alcove. As soon as my body touched the ground, I moved as quickly as my newfound mastery of my muscles allowed, heading towards her.

Surprise painted her face. The same green glow lifted me and placed me in another corner of the room, my back turned to her.

Her surprise was even more evident when I pivoted to join her, looking at her with my large yellow eyes, straightening up a bit once I reached her. "You are truly unique, Thunder." She finally took me in her hoof. "I have big plans for you, my child..."

My heart raced, my thoughts a whirlwind. What did she mean by 'big plans'? What was my purpose in all of this?

She held me close, and I could feel her warmth. It was both comforting and unnerving. What awaited me in this new life, in this world so different from the one I knew?

As she gazed into my eyes, I couldn't help but feel a strange connection. Was it the bond between mother and child ?

I don't know how much time has passed since my hatching, but my mother brought me to see my brothers and sisters emerge from their eggs. Their first reaction was to hissed to each other. As my yellow eyes scanned the area, I couldn't help but notice a larva that remained slightly hidden in its shell.

But I promised myself that none of them would surpass me. I redoubled my efforts to master my body and speak my first words in the following days.

While my mother quickly came to check on me, I waited until she was near the exit to deliver my finest "Mom !"

Her steps stopped immediately, and she turned her head towards me. "Yes, Thunder, I am your mom, but I am your queen."

"Bzzz Queen ?"

I could read pride on her face before she left.

My body convulsed uncontrollably as I regurgitated the strange, green liquid, my screams echoing in the confined space. The taste was bitter and foul, burning my throat with each retch. Panic surged through me, my mind racing to comprehend what was happening.

"Queen!" I cried out, the word torn from my lips in desperation. It was a plea, a call for help, a desperate attempt to make sense of the nightmare unfolding around me, causing me to lose consciousness.

I opened my eyes in complete darkness. My body had changed. I could feel I now had four small legs and something on my back, and most importantly, I had a real mouth with sharp fangs!

Using all my strength, I shattered my cocoon into small pieces. Even though it was as dark as usual, I forced myself to stand on my legs, starting to get used to walking. I focused on lighting up my horn. To my surprise, it was easier than before, emitting a green light.

Once again, it seemed I was the first to emerge. "Mother will be delighted..." My voice came out naturally, but it was deep and resonant.

Where was my mother? I moved forward cautiously, step by step, getting used to my new body, looking for someone to point me in her direction. I passed under some sort of arch and found myself face to face with a armored changeling who was asleep. He was easily twice my size, but I didn't care. "You, where is the queen!"

The changeling startled in surprise, thrown backward, while my yellow eyes fixed on him with amusement...

Not surprisingly, I saw him get up angrily and raise one of his legs. I dodged his clumsy strike with a fluid motion. Unfortunately for him, even though I was shaky on my legs, it wasn't the first time I'd been hit. Although it was one of the first times I'd dodged, my head was filled with memories, moments when I'd had to face violence.

I lunged at him with all my weight and strength, but only managed to hurt my head, finding myself staring at the ceiling a second later. My newly acquired body demanded a mastery and strength I hadn't fully acquired yet.

The guard mocked me as he dusted off the spot on his armor where I had charged. "Good boy, now, go back into the hatching room before you hurt yourself," I felt a hoof grab me by the neck's carapace and a kick sent me flying back inside...

"I'll get my revenge," I murmured, focusing on my horn to produce light and on my legs, but my wings seemed unable to move. I would likely need help learning how to use them properly.

2 Yes my queen ...

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I found myself once again pacing around the room, occasionally checking if the guard had fallen back asleep. Unfortunately, my movements had indeed awakened him, and he grabbed me as soon as I approached the corridor.

I leaned against the back wall, waiting like a prisoner, my gaze fixed on the ceiling, focusing on the light I could emit from my horn.

My yellow eyes scanned the room, my thoughts returning to the secretions I had produced myself to create my cocoon. I tried to spit, expelling a green, sticky liquid. I took some and formed it into a ball, bouncing it against the opposite wall...

Before I could come up with a fun idea, I started secreting that substance again. Approaching the corridor stealthily, I was once again lifted by the guard before throwing the viscous liquid at his face and calmly walking away from the corridor amidst his angry and surprised shouts.

"See you later," I said in a voice as childish as possible, quickly fleeing out of sight.

I entered a long, curved, organic corridor that offered ample and spacious room. I could observe my kin moving swiftly, paying me no mind. Beams of soft and mysterious green light illuminated the passage, creating a serene ambiance.

At times, I noticed the walls opening to allow a group of my kin to pass, almost giving the impression that the hive itself was alive.

This world already presented so many possibilities. My yellow eyes scrutinized every detail. I tried to acclimate myself to this architecture as I walked through the corridors. I even attempted to move my wings, but unfortunately, nothing happened.

Time seemed elastic, and I innocently strolled through the hive, absorbed in the exploration of this new environment. However, this was interrupted by a sharp pain at the base of my skull.

Turning around, I saw the guard, a furious expression adorning his face, his hoof still raised.

"You have no right to leave!" he roared, his voice filled with anger. He grabbed my carapace and pulled me away from the corridor I had ventured into. I tried to resist, but he was much stronger than me. My escapade had been short-lived, and it seemed that my previous actions had not been forgotten. I even had to endure a few slaps that he called 'slaps of good functioning'

Knowing it was futile to protest, I chose to remain silent, crossing my forelegs as he dragged me across the floor. My intelligence advised me not to escalate the situation further. Even though it would be funny...

"Where is Thunder!" a voice roared as I was being dragged on the floor. I recognized this voice, and I understood that I had probably committed my first mischief, and it wouldn't be the last.

"I found I'm, my queen!" the guard proudly announced... I had managed to escape his watchful eye, and he was now about to deal with a little troublemaker.

"Thunder, how did you manage to get out?" My mother's voice was filled with anger and curiosity. I knew that I had just put an end to the guard's career.

"He was sleeping at his post. I woke him up, and I spit in his face to go for a walk, my queen," I replied, feeling the pressure from the guard on my carapace increase. The queen, on the other hand, stared at the guard with a look that seemed to have redirected her anger towards him.

I had won. My mother had shifted her anger onto someone else.

My mother stared at the guard, her eyes shining with an intensity that could have made anyone back away. "You have seriously violated discipline, soldier. The safety of the hive must never be compromised," she declared in a cold voice, " I'll think about your punishment later". The guard lowered his head, clearly terrified by the queen's anger.

She then turned her green eyes towards me. "I know you want to explore the world around you, but there are rules you must follow. You will receive the appropriate training to channel your energy and curiosity." She paused for a moment. "Thunder, you will be trained to become a royal guard."

A mixture of relief, gratitude, and apprehension washed over me. I had won my mother over to my cause, but being a soldier didn't really appeal to me.

In the following days, I received special training led by experienced instructors, before my brothers and sisters emerged from their cocoons. It was both an advantage and a drawback. I had personalized lessons, but it also meant I was far too closely monitored.

I had to wait for two weeks for my brothers and sisters to finally emerge from their cocoons. At least, I was already a head taller than them, which made me smile inwardly. Sort of like a big brother.

I understood why my mother was so impressed with me. Most of them couldn't light their horns or speak properly. And the best part was, I was already able to transform somewhat... Although my attempt to revert to my old appearance hadn't worked yet.

I was aware of my luck and early abilities, even though memories of my previous life helped me a lot in progressing. Serving the hive wasn't really a calling for me. In this new life, I didn't seem to have much of a choice but to move forward. The big difference was that people respected me.

Days went by, and my knowledge of this world expanded. Unfortunately for me, we were in some sort of Cold War with the other peoples. The reason was simple: our main source of sustenance was the feelings of others.

We were like vampires, absorbing the love of others to feed ourselves. It was a complex reality to accept, but it was our nature... My new nature. My mother had explained that we had to be careful not to be seen and that we had eyes everywhere, and most importantly, that I was too young to do it.

My progress in training was steady, and with each passing day, I gained skill and confidence, not allowing my siblings who sought to surpass me to catch up. However, as I grew and improved, my mother seemed to become cold and distant towards me.

This shift in our relationship left me puzzled and saddened. I wondered what could be causing this sudden change. Was it related to my progress, to the very nature of my future role, or was it because of our nature as a hive after all... Questions swirled in my mind, but I didn't dare to voice them aloud.

I tried to find opportunities to talk with her, hoping to understand what was troubling her. However, our conversations had become brief and formal, filled with palpable tension. Every word was measured, every gesture watched, as if she were just my queen.

The growing distance between my mother and me weighed heavily on my shoulders. I had never known my first mother, and the new one was becoming an increasingly cold and distant figure. I often had trouble sleeping in my quarters because of this situation.

Despite it all, I tried not to lose hope. The goal of honoring my mother and my hive remained intact. Every day, I pushed myself, training with relentless determination to surpass my own limits. I hoped that my successes would eventually reignite even a glimmer of pride in my mother's eyes.

Through perseverance and hard work, I even managed to outperform some of my instructors. Some of my siblings were jealous of my progress, which did not help ease tensions within our hive, making me more bitter than ever.

Time passed, and our relationship remained strained. I clung to the hope that circumstances would change, that my mother would regain the warmth and closeness we had once shared. I was willing to do everything in my power to restore our bond, even if it meant redoubling my efforts in my training and in my new role as a royal guard.

My obsession with rekindling my mother's love had become a burden I carried every day. It was both unhealthy and powerful, as it felt essential to love the person who had inadvertently given me a new life. It was a complex feeling that consumed me, because I desperately wanted her to regain the warmth and closeness we had once shared.

Years passed, and I had become a full-fledged royal guard. Compared to my previous life, I had refused to let my body and mind deteriorate. I had traded alcohol for strength training, seeking to keep my body in its best form. I immersed myself in reading every book I had access to, thirsty for knowledge.

Most importantly, I had taken it upon myself to teach the younger ones essential skills for their future lives. I wanted to prepare them to face the challenges of our world with confidence and determination. It was my way of contributing to the future of our hive.

Even though the emptiness in my heart persisted, my mother had become more than just an intimidating figure of a queen. While I couldn't make friends in the conventional sense, I had established relationships based on respect and shared knowledge. My skills and position as a royal guard were enough for no one to question my authority.

It was a balance I had learned to accept. My role in the hive was clear, and I put all my commitment into it. In return, I was fed, housed, and didn't have to worry about basic needs. I had become, in a way, the perfect soldier.

This stability in my life brought me a certain satisfaction. I knew I was fulfilling my duty to my hive and contributing to its safety and well-being. However, I sometimes wondered if there was more to life than this regulated existence... The queen seemed to be preparing something; she was increasingly in discussion with her various spies...

3 The Queen's Plan

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I had guessed it right. The queen had asked me, along with other elite members, to quickly train as many soldiers as possible without giving any specific reasons.

I had observed the queen's preparations, and alongside my brother Pharynx, we were ready to dive into intensive training for the new recruits. Even though I was physically on par with Pharynx, we had never really measured ourselves against each other, and I still kept my secret weapon in reserve.

Pharynx, impressive with his red crest and distinctive eyes, shared my sense of urgency. "The queen insists that we work together to speed up the training of the new recruits. Do you have any ideas on how to proceed?" My question was more intended to break the ice than to solicit his opinion.

Pharynx stared at me intently, his red crest standing out in the surrounding darkness. "I think pushing them to their limits, confronting them with particularly challenging situations from the start would be beneficial."

"You're right," I nodded. "Our future opponents may not be particularly impressive fighters, but we also need to prepare them for better teamwork to reduce risks."

Our plan was set: intense and realistic training for the recruits. We would push them beyond their limits, preparing them for any eventuality on the battlefield. I did my best to focus on urban combat and simulate what I knew about Equestria's cities.

Pharynx and I immediately began implementing our program. Every day was a challenge, every training session a test. The young ones learned quickly, discovering their own strengths and weaknesses. They also learned to work as a team, to rely on each other. I must say, military movies from my world gave me a lot of ideas for training soldiers... Well, mostly goofy stuff.

Injuries were multiplying rapidly among the recruits. It was clear that they were not prepared for the intensity of our training. We were elite soldiers, accustomed to much tougher challenges.

Pharynx shook his head, looking exasperated. "They're far from ready for real combat. We need to adjust the training, make it more progressive."

I nodded, realizing that we might have been too ambitious. "Perhaps we could divide the groups based on their skills and let them progress at their own pace."

Pharynx seemed to consider this idea. "Yes, that could be more effective. This way, we can target the specific needs of each group."

"That would be a great idea if there were more than just two of us," I pointed out, suddenly struck by inspiration. "But maybe I have a solution."

Pharynx scrutinized me, his piercing eyes clearly awaiting an explanation.

A smile stretched across my lips, revealing my sharp teeth. "Why not delegate? We could select the most resilient soldiers to take charge of groups, with the mission of gradually bringing them up to their level."

Pharynx nodded in agreement. "That could work. The fittest soldiers will be responsible for training and leading the groups, gradually bringing them up to their level."

It was a pragmatic solution that would optimize the training of the new recruits. Each group would be supervised by an experienced soldier, making it easier to tailor the training to their specific needs.

This system worked well enough to reduce injuries and even gave me some free time, which I used wisely.

The queen's decision to entrust me with the temporary leadership of the hive and to prepare the troops for the attack on Canterlot was now in our hooves. My mother had announced her conquest plan, but her prolonged absence raised questions and concerns.

Pharynx and I, as seasoned royal guards, were tasked with coordinating the operations. It was a demanding role, but we were determined to ensure that everything went according to plan.

We continued to train the troops with a more flexible approach, adapting our training program based on each individual's needs and progress. The weeks passed quickly, and we noticed significant improvements among the soldiers.

Meanwhile, we were eagerly awaiting news from my mother. Her absence weighed on us, but we had to stay focused on our mission. The conquest of Canterlot would be a major turning point for our hive, and we needed to be ready to face this challenge.

Feeding on the emotions of harmless ponies wasn't a problem in itself, it was our nature after all. But enslaving souls for sustenance, that was an entirely different matter. My heart was torn between my duty to the hive and the ethical questions that plagued me.

Pharynx and the other changelings I knew didn't share my concerns. Perhaps my human nature tormented me more, but even I couldn't ignore that glimmer of morality...

The question tore at my mind. It was too heavy, too haunting. Yet, I couldn't afford to share it with my kin.

The battle was fast approaching. It wasn't the time to falter, yet I felt increasingly desperate. I had to move forward, for my queen, for my kind...

The news from the queen finally arrived, bringing with it the promise of sustenance and the assurance of our rightful place in this world... However, despite her words, her face remained devoid of joy, marked by a cold anger that chilled me to the bone.

Her green eyes seemed to scrutinize my soul, and when she took on the appearance of a young mare with light pink fur and a mane composed of three colors: pale yellow, bright pink, and violet, she pierced through my heart. I had never been particularly sensitive to the suffering of others.

Yet, this time, something had changed within me. The sight of this young mare, so innocent yet so vulnerable, awakened a compassion in me that I had never felt before. Her image haunted me, and I felt overwhelmed by a mixture of empathy and profound sadness.

The queen's words still echoed in my head, cruelly contrasting with the pain I felt. She spoke of our "rightful" place in this world, but what did that truly mean?

I hadn't always been a Changeling, and the hive was the only thing I knew. What if the queen had been lying to us since our birth?

I close my eyes, anxious. I had a job to do, and I would do it...

I found myself in a sunlit meadow, surrounded by a sea of colorful wildflowers. Birds sang melodies that seemed to harmonize with the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze. As I walked through the meadow, a feeling of pure contentment washed over me. In the distance, I spotted a cozy cottage nestled beneath a tall, ancient oak tree.

Approaching the cottage, I could smell the sweet aroma of freshly baked bread and hear laughter from within. I pushed open the door to find faceless pony, all gathered around a long, rustic table. The room was filled with warmth and the soft glow of golden sunlight streaming through the windows.

Suddenly, their heads turned towards me, their expressions shifting to terror. The bread began to emit a putrid smell, and the walls seemed to ooze with mold as I entered.

Conversations morphed into unintelligible, chilling murmurs, resonating in my ears like whispers from the beyond. An atmosphere of horror permeated every corner of the room.

As twilight approached, the darkness seemed to thicken, swallowing any hope of light. Hunger consumed me, my fangs bared, and I hissed, trying to restrain myself.

I woke up with a start, breathless, tears in my eyes, my heart pounding as if trying to escape my chest.

I whispered to myself, "I am not this monster."

4 Wedding and Doughnut

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At this critical moment, I was with my men, but compared to them, I was caught between the turmoil of my conscience and the duty that lay upon me. The hour of the assault was inexorably approaching. Behind the imposing silhouette of Canterlot Mountain, the city appeared almost unreachable under the rosy veil of a magical shield.

The buildings stood tall, solemn witnesses to the relentless passage of time and the history of an entire nation. Their white stone, laden with a past I had never seen equaled, whether in my past life or in this one, seemed imbued with a subtle touch of magic.

From my vantage point, I tried to guess the purpose of certain structures, particularly the one that stood out. It was hard not to let my mind wander to the enormous donut-shaped sign, suddenly reminding me of the hunger gnawing at me. Perhaps, once our mission was accomplished, I would indulge in this tempting treat.

Yet, once the buildings had been destroyed, once the population was under our control, once the cheers for the queen had resounded, and once the cultural heritage and civilization had sunk... I would find sleep ?

The nightmares I had experienced were coming back to haunt me, the faces of the ponies I was about to face were etched in my memory. They may have been weak, perhaps necessary for our survival, but no one deserved to endure this. My yellow eyes reflected the sadness that engulfed me.

My gaze swept over the city, and despite myself, I half-expected to see foals playing in the gardens, couples strolling hand in hand, groups of friends sharing moments of joy... But instead, I knew I would be the shadow that would darken their happiness. Like in my worst nightmares, I was there to sow terror and destroy lives.

Suspended in the air, I tried to contain the turmoil devouring me from within, whispering words to gather courage: "I do it for you, Mother..."

The column of green light rose inside the castle, signaling the beginning of the assault. That's when I spoke a line from a movie: "Everybody Fights, No One Quits. If You Don't Do Your Job, I'll Kill You Myself!" It was a way to rally the troops, but also to give myself the courage to fulfill what our mother expected of us, even though a heavy lump knotted my stomach and I struggled to hold back the tears threatening to fall.

We charged with all our might against the shield, making it waver under our repeated assault. It seemed to be losing its resistance under our combined weight. On the other side, I could make out six ponies running from what I assumed was the castle as we broke through the shield.

Suddenly, in a pink flash and the sound of shattered glass, cracks multiplied across the surface of the shield before finally giving way completely. My siblings immediately rushed in for the attack, except for one, the usual whiner, who seemed a bit dazed in the air. Knowing that I wasn't the only one feeling that our actions were wrong provided me with a slight comfort, even as I continued relentlessly.

My fears were realized as soon as I landed. I saw panic spread through the streets, barely enough time to realize that they were being attacked. I stood frozen, in shock at what we had just unleashed.

My yellow eyes were wide open as my siblings chased defenseless ponies. We were the aggressors, and the cries of fear and pleading pierced my heart. I took a deep breath, walking calmly, my yellow eyes burning with self-directed rage, heading towards the donut shop I had spotted earlier.

The door was ajar, and the occupants had already fled. I closed it behind me, locking it carefully, then went behind the counter to grab one of the still-warm donuts in my hooves.

Despite my exoskeleton, I could still feel the heat emanating from it. The scent wafting up was intoxicating. I sank my fangs into it. It was delicious, sweet, and undeniably prepared with love.

Tears streamed down my face as I ate. I had reached my breaking point. The sounds of battle still echoed outside. I gazed at my reflection in the glass display case .

The creature I saw was a monster, with long fangs, riddled with holes, its yellow eyes shining, filled with tears. "Another stranger in the mirror..." Hardly had these words left my mouth when memories of my previous life became impossible to contain.

Fell to the ground, striking it with my bare hoof, before a roar of rage escaped my throat, followed by a hiss. "Not in this life!"

With immense mental effort, I resumed my former appearance. "I am already dead, what should I be afraid of?" I gazed at myself again in the glass display case, a man with long black hair, a determined yet tear-filled gaze.

His arms were no longer frail, his skin less pale, modest pecs and abs concealed his ribs, and he wore a forced smile on his face.

I would no longueur follow my duty, but what is right. In my mind, I forged the image of a pegasus with a yellow mane and white coat, his cutie mark composed of two crossed lightning bolts.

I will stand against these monsters I once called brothers, as well as against this tyrant. That's why I'm not dead, and I won't repeat the mistakes of my past. If I'm to be a monster, I might as well hunt down others.

With my new appearance, I strode towards the door with determination. Opening it with a deep breath, I spread my wings and immediately flew towards three of my former colleagues who had cornered a pony in an alleyway.

I fought fiercely, trying to rally a few royal guards to help me evacuate civilians from the city. I had trained them well, but they couldn't match my skill. I held my ground with all my might, shouting war cries borrowed from movies and games.

I stood tall in front of a stack of incapacitated Changelings, with civilians behind me trying to escape. Of course, that's when he decided to show up.

Pharynx swooped down toward me in an attempt at a surprise attack. My dodge, though clumsy, was enough for him to land in front of me, his wings quivering, poised to redeploy.

I locked eyes with him, aware that other Changelings were watching the scene without intervening. Under normal circumstances, I would have been confident in my ability to win, but in this form, and after the exhaustion of my many battles, my odds seemed slim.

Pharynx lunged at me with surprising agility, his wings hissing through the air. I swiftly pivoted, evading his strike. Then, I reared up on my hind legs, spreading my limbs in a taunting gesture. "Sorry, but I don't dance, sweetheart."

I could see anger burning in Pharynx's eyes, and muffled laughter emanating from the ranks of onlookers. He came at me with a newfound fury, taking on the form of a wolf. I barely had time to dodge his jaws before he shifted into a dragon, belching a wave of flames toward my face.

Instinctively used my wing to shield myself, but it tore a cry of pain from me and prevented me from seeing his next attack. A violent impact sent me hurtling backward, smashing against a wall before hitting the ground.

Despite the searing pain, I forced myself to stand just as a pink light exploded within Canterlot Castle, propelling my mother through the same light. Without hesitation, I charged inside the building.

Intense pain gripped me, pressing me against the walls for several seconds. Inside, I felt one of my ribs give way, sending agonizing pain coursing through my body.

"Stay conscious," it was the only thought that crossed my mind as the pressure finally eased, don't show what you are.

5 Onyx and Dream

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Stood laboriously on my hooves, slowly emerging from my hiding spot. The pain forced me to focus on my pegasus form. The battle was over, but it was not the time to let down my guard.

I moved with difficulty through the streets, although the buildings had suffered minimal damage, the roads were cluttered with various carts and debris. Ponies were reuniting with their loved ones while the royal guard provided aid to the wounded.

I blended into the shadows, trying not to draw attention as I headed towards the city's exit. I had made the right choice, but I remained partially responsible for the damage and injuries caused by the confrontation. It was time for me to fade away.

The ponies I crossed paths with seemed marked by the attack, and I recognized some that I had helped.

As I prepared to cross a seemingly deserted street, a soft and trembling voice made me jump.

"Excuse me, sir... You're... you're the Pegasus who helped me earlier, aren't you?"

I turned to face a young unicorn, with a coat of light beige, almost golden, and a mane of creamy white. His cutie mark was a Harlequin mask. His eyes were a light blue, filled with recognition and relief, emotions I had only seen in my previous life.

"Yes, it's me," I replied, not quite sure how to react.

The pony smiled faintly. "I don't know how to thank you for your help."

"I just did what I had to do. I'm glad I could assist you." However, my ears were pinned back, and my gaze fixed on the ground, overwhelmed by the shame of having led part of the attackers and contributed to the attack preparations...

He approached me, gently placing his hoof on my shoulder, his eyes shining with gratitude. "I owe you one, Mr...?"

"Thunder," I replied without much thought. He looked at me with understanding, noticing my posture and my hoof on my ribs.

"You seem injured, Thunder..." He paused, seemingly hesitant. He was right, but I couldn't let a stranger tend to me and risk discovering my true nature.

"Nothing serious, just a few scratches..." My voice betrayed the pain I was feeling. "By the way, you still haven't given me your name."

"Onyx Shine" seemed momentarily taken aback by my question. I took the initiative to prevent him from insisting.

"You're right, Onyx. I'll find a place to rest and heal a bit." I gave him a slight nod.

"Do you have somewhere to go at least?" His question caught me off guard, as I had neither money nor a specific destination in mind, and of course, it was the moment when my stomach decided to growl.

"I, uh..." It was his turn to interrupt me, gently pushing me forward.

"I insist that you at least have a meal before you leave." I sighed softly, thinking I could maintain my form for a while longer...

"Alright, Onyx, if it will make you feel better."

I followed him for a few minutes, realizing that I wouldn't be able to shake him off anyway. The persistent pain prevented me from fully concentrating on a new transformation, which made me particularly nervous. I was uncomfortable, but there was nothing I could do about it.

We arrived at a house slightly set back from the town. The neighborhood seemed to be intended for the middle class, with more modest homes than those in the city center. Nevertheless, the majesty of the style was not lacking in charm. The shades of color between each house clearly indicated the boundaries of each property.

Onyx stopped in front of a house with a bright white roof, while the walls sported a soft shade of blue. A small garden adorned with a few flowers beautified the entrance.

Onyx opened the front door and turned to me with a benevolent smile. "Welcome to my home, Thunder. Make yourself at home."

I thanked him with a nod, but I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. How long had it been since I was invited to someone's house? "I am grateful for your hospitality, Onyx."

Upon entering, I was immediately greeted by a warm and artistic atmosphere. The walls were adorned with various posters of local theater productions; some featured Onyx in supporting roles, and more rarely as the lead.

The living room, where we entered, was comfortably furnished. A sofa and armchairs with plush cushions surrounded a small coffee table on which lay books of plays. The curtains were made of red velvet, evoking the atmosphere of a small theater.

Onyx gestured for me to sit, and I didn't hesitate. The sofa was remarkably comfortable, which somewhat alleviated the discomfort of my injuries.

"You're passionate about performance, aren't you?" I asked timidly, part of me impressed by the array of posters and performances that adorned the walls.

Onyx gave a smile filled with pride. He seemed delighted to talk about his passion.

"Yes, indeed. It's my whole life, even though I'm just a modest, little-known actor. I love bringing characters to life, stirring the emotions of the audience. It's a form of art that deeply fascinates me."

I could feel the enthusiasm in his voice, and it reminded me of the time in my previous life when I too had dreams and aspirations. I was both happy and melancholic to see someone so invested in their passion.

"And you, Thunder? What are your passions, your interests?" he asked with a curious smile.

I terrorize and feed on the emotions of the other races that inhabit this world... "Actually, I wander and make a living through my strength and stunts." I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt as I lied to him. The prospect of being alone without a real long-term plan was beginning to weigh on me. "But rest assured, despite my rough exterior, I still appreciate art."

Onyx observed me with a mix of surprise and admiration. "That's fascinating. You must have incredible strength to live this way. And yet, you still appreciate art. It's an unusual but very interesting combination."

I nodded, acknowledging the truth in his words. "Yes, life has taught me to find beauty in unexpected places. Raw strength can be a form of art in itself, after all."

We continued to chat, sharing stories and experiences. I was surprised to see how open-minded and curious Onyx was. He never asked intrusive questions about my past, content to appreciate the person I was in that moment.

I forgot my worries and guilt. It was nice to simply be myself, without the weight of my two lives of past deeds. Onyx reminded me that there were good people in this world, souls capable of understanding and accepting at least a part of everyone's complexity.

The meal was simple but delicious. Onyx had prepared a dish of fresh pasta with a homemade tomato sauce, garnished with fresh herbs from the garden. The flavor was exquisite, and every bite was a pure delight. It was my first real meal in years, even though I didn't really need it, a part of me seemed to be fulfilled.

The evening stretched gently, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere. Onyx showed me his collection of theater masks, each telling a different story. Some were grotesque, others filled with sadness or joy. Each one was a work of art in its own right, and I could feel the passion that Onyx poured into each of his creations.

As the night advanced, fatigue began to set in. Onyx offered me to stay for the night, and this time, I didn't hesitate. I needed this respite, this moment of comfort. I even forgot a part of my love hunger.

I stood at the top of a lush, green hill, overlooking a vast and breathtaking landscape. The sky was a brilliant blue, dotted with white clouds like cotton candy. The sun gently shone, casting its warm light over everything around me.

Vibrant-colored flowers swayed in the breeze, creating an enchanting spectacle. Birds sang a soft and soothing melody, as if celebrating the beauty of the world that surrounded them.

Yet, I was alone. Despite the beauty of this view, it felt dimmed by the absence of companionship...

Suddenly, nightfall descended abruptly. Deep inside, I sensed a presence attempting to enter my dream and thoughts.

Though it didn't appear malevolent, but rather curious, I fought with all my might against this intrusion, making my heart and mind beat with an intensity that brought me back to reality.

My eyes snapped open, bathed in the gentle moonlight filtering through the slightly open window of the room I had been given.

"What was that?" I murmured, rising from the bed, my ribs hurting much less now.

I gazed towards the moon, my mind swirling with questions in my true form...

Despite my short night, I was fully revitalized by the restful sleep. The fresh sheets and the peaceful atmosphere of Onyx's room had offered me a comfort I hadn't remembered.

I rose gently, feeling my muscles more relaxed than they had been in a long time. After stretching, I took a few moments to observe the room. The morning rays pierced through the curtains, casting dancing patterns on the walls.

I cautiously descended the stairs, expecting to run into Onyx. The house was silent, allowing me a moment to appreciate the artistic details that adorned every corner.

When I arrived in the kitchen, Onyx was already busy preparing breakfast. The enticing smell of freshly ground coffee filled the air. He turned around upon hearing me approach, displaying a warm smile.

"Good morning, Thunder. Did you sleep well?" he asked kindly.

"Yes, thank you. Your house exudes art and serenity. It's truly a special place," I replied sincerely.

Onyx nodded with gratitude. "I'm glad you feel comfortable here. Breakfast will be ready in a few moments."

We shared a delicious and hearty meal, punctuated by light conversation. Onyx was as charming and considerate a host as he had been the night before. I felt increasingly at ease in his company, but I knew I had to leave for both our safety.

"I shouldn't delay leaving the city, Onyx. I appreciate your hospitality, but I can't stay any longer."

Onyx nodded gently, seeming to understand my situation. "I understand, Thunder."

I felt a twinge of regret as I left this house filled with art and warmth, but I knew it was the right decision. We exchanged a look of mutual respect, then I headed towards the door.

"I will never forget our encounter, Onyx," I said as I left. "I would be delighted to see you again if I happen to pass through the area."

I headed towards the city's exit. My decision was made; I was going to explore this world.

6 Ponyville and Honest work

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I moved away from Canterlot, out of sight, before resuming my true form. Strangely, my knowledge of pony habits was helpful up to a certain point, but on the subjects that concerned me now, I realized I was far from being an expert.

I settled on a rock, contemplating what I needed to do. I should find a way to make money and quickly invest in exploration equipment, or at least something to keep from sleeping under the stars.

I probably could have found good opportunities in Canterlot, but the presence of last night told me it was better to distance myself, and my mother has probably already noticed my absence. If she sends spies to look for me, I'll be in big trouble...

I decided to follow one of the many railways leaving from the city

As I heard the train approaching, I quickly transformed into the creature I had chosen to embody. I decided to settle on the roof of one of the cars, hoping for a more comfortable journey.

The sensation was much more pleasant than I had imagined, even though the persistent pain from my damaged ribs made itself known. At least the travel would be swift. "I don't know where I'm going, but at least I'm getting there fast," I joked to myself, watching the natural landscape pass by.

The wind whipped through my fur, carrying with it the remnants of my past life. I was free, free to choose my own destiny and forge my own path. Every beat of my wings, every heartbeat, carried me a little further into the unknown. And for the first time in a long while, I was eager to discover what the future held for me.

A small, colorful town began to appear in the distance, with a quaint and welcoming appearance. Its buildings were constructed in a rustic style, in harmony with the surrounding nature.

The roofs of the houses were adorned with colorful tiles, and the walls sported soft and warm hues. The gardens that surrounded the houses were lush and filled with flowers of all kinds, creating a true festival of colors. Rows of trees formed shaded alleys in some streets, bringing a sense of freshness and tranquility.

A large building with a red roof stood in the middle of the small town. It stood out due to its imposing size, undoubtedly a place of power and thus my next destination.

I jumped off the train before it reached the station, letting myself glide to the ground. A wince of pain crossed my face as I touched down, just before I made my way through a market.

The market was bustling with activity, stalls overflowing with fresh and colorful produce. The townsfolk went about their business, greeting passersby with friendly smiles. Ponies of all races strolled through the streets, adding to the lively and multicultural atmosphere of the town.

I made my way slowly towards the central building, taking the time to observe the town. Ponies went about their tasks, chatting cheerfully, shopping in quaint stores, or sharing stories on public benches.

The hall was vast and bright, though currently empty. I was about to leave when I heard a door open a little higher up.

That's when a gray-maned, pale-amber-coated earth pony emerged from a room.

"Excuse me, ma'am," I began, "my name is Thunder, and I'm looking for someone in charge." I took flight to cover the distance between us.

The mare quickly turned her head towards me, a friendly smile lighting up her face. "I am Mayor Mare, and welcome to Ponyville, how may I assist you, Thunder?"

"Pleased to meet you, Mayor Mare," I replied with a slight smile, touched by the warm welcome.

She inclined her head slightly. "The pleasure is shared, Thunder. How may I help you?"

"I'm passing through, and unfortunately, I've encountered some troubles that have cost me most of my equipment," I lied with regret, knowing that sometimes, it was necessary to bend the truth. "That's why I was wondering if you might have a job for me, or perhaps a lead to get back on my hoof ?"

Her eyes lingered for a moment on my stature, likely more imposing than most Pegasus. With a slightly raised eyebrow, she seemed surprised by my presence.

"You seem to be... sturdy, Mr. Thunder," she commented, her voice tinged with curiosity. "I suppose your skills could be useful in certain tasks."

"I'm just looking to earn an honest living." I said with a friendly smile.

The rest of the day was spent moving crates and various construction materials between the train and the town. I was paid a few bits for my intense efforts and learned that it was best to steer clear of the forest at the edge of the town.

As hunger gnawed at me more and more, I perused the stalls that were closing one by one. Once the ponies were asleep, I would have the opportunity to feed. That's when a vivid-red earth pony with a orange mane caught my eye. He towered over me and seemed particularly strong. His features were marked by a natural robustness, and his cutie mark was a green apple cut in half. An elderly green-coated mare seemed to call out to him, allowing me to put the name "Big Mac" to this pony.

I found myself observing him a bit longer than the other ponies I had encountered in this town, taking my time before continuing on my way.

I continued to wander among the stalls, seeking something to satisfy my growing appetite, all while discreetly observing the other inhabitants of Ponyville going about their business. Gradually, the buzz of the market gave way to the calm of the approaching evening, and the stalls were gradually emptying.

The moment had unfortunately come to replenish my energy. The streets were now empty, plunged into the darkness of the night. Disguised as a butterfly, I silently fluttered towards a slightly ajar window of a modest house, peering inside cautiously.

There, in the room, lay a mare with cherry-red mane and a fur of dazzling gold. She slept peacefully, unaware of my presence. With caution, I landed near her bed, returning to my original form. My heart was racing; I had to control my hunger so as not to harm her.

Opening my mouth with the gentleness of a night breeze, I indulged in the love I so desperately needed, all the while striving to preserve my host's tranquility. To my surprise, my energy intake was less significant than anticipated, and I felt a sense of relief wash over me.

The mare shifted slightly in her sleep, murmured softly, but she did not wake up. As I transformed back into a butterfly, I hoped my presence hadn't disturbed her dreams too much.

I settled on a strangely solid and comfortable cloud to sleep as a Pegasus, closing my eyes and seeking to find rest.

Dawn was breaking on the horizon, painting the sky with a palette of soft colors. I stretched, feeling my muscles loosen after a restorative night. The need to feed was momentarily appeased.

Taking flight, I left the welcoming embrace of the fluffy cloud. The wind caressed my coat, carrying with it the scents of the surrounding nature. It was soothing.

As the day progressed, I found myself busy near the place where I had worked the day before, taking on the same tasks of loading and unloading.

Over the days, I gradually settled into town. I made some acquaintances among the merchants and residents. Each had their own story to tell, and I listened with interest, discreetly blending into this diverse community.

It was surprising to encounter the six ponies I had glimpsed in Canterlot. I had the chance to get to know Twilight Sparkle, though I got along better with Spike, who knew how the books were organized... The unicorn was incredibly intelligent, perhaps a bit too much for my taste. With time, she might uncover my true nature.

A pink pony, one Pinkie Pie, often tried to approach me and organize a party. I politely declined each time, claiming I was afraid of crowds. It wasn't entirely a lie. Being surrounded by partying ponies would require an extraordinary level of self-control ...

In reality, I spent a large part of my free time at the Ponyville library. It was a treasure trove of valuable information that allowed me to prepare for my upcoming journeys. I contemplated getting closer to Doge City to explore the Badlands, a challenge I believed to be within my reach to start. Each page I turned was a new revelation, each map a new horizon to explore.

I saved my bits carefully every day, ensuring not to waste even the smallest resource. In just a few days, I had managed to gather enough to acquire the bare essentials I needed.

As evening fell, I settled near the place where I had worked, enjoying the emerging calm to review my mental checklist. The tent I had purchased was modest but sturdy, offering a safe shelter for the night. My sleeping bag, on the other hand, promised to keep me warm even on the coldest nights.

Each item I now possessed was imbued with particular significance. They represented a step forward in my quest for independence, a new stage towards freedom. I had learned to value every little progress, every victory, no matter how small.

The stars began to twinkle in the sky, and I settled into my newly improvised abode. Sheltered from the wind and cold, I felt strangely at peace. I gazed at the night sky, losing myself in the constellations that shone above me.

Tomorrow would be the day of my departure, the beginning of my real exploration of the world.

7 Badland and Survive

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As I sat on the train, my modest belongings within easy reach, I could see the landscape gradually changing. The trees and lush vegetation were giving way to dried-out trees, prickly cacti, and rocky hills. The green was gradually becoming a palette of ochre and brown tones, while the air itself seemed to grow drier and more arid. The rhythmic clatter of the train accompanied this transformation, as if nature itself was preparing to reveal the secrets of these lands.

A new town was slowly emerging on the distant horizon, rising from the desert expanse. The buildings, marked by the scars of time, exuded an authentic Old West charm. In the center stood an imposing saloon, proudly displaying its dark wooden façade with a sign that creaked softly in the wind. Next to it, a more modest establishment resembled the look of a hotel.

This time, I knew its name—Doge City. Excitement surged within me; this town represented a new chapter in my journey, a place teeming with promises and discoveries.

The scenery unfolding before my eyes brought to mind the images from the epic tales of the Old West I had read so much in my early youth. The desire to wear a Colt at my side and proudly don a Stetson suddenly welled up in me.

I disembarked from the train with a childlike smile on my face, only to be met with a wave of scorching air hitting me in the face, reminding me of the purpose of my presence. I wasn't there to socialize with ponies, but to learn to control myself and break a taboo my mother had taught me.

Making my way to the saloon, I pushed open the swinging double doors with force, greeted by a wave of intertwined aromas. The air was saturated with an enchanting scent of weathered wood, mixed with an indistinct but alluring sweet undertone.

My hooves resonated on the creaking floorboards as I advanced. A sturdy bartender, clad in leather with a scarf neatly tied around his neck, fixed me with his piercing blue eyes. The atmosphere was charged, and the patrons' gazes briefly lifted from their activities. Massive tables, some occupied by lively card games, were scattered about.

Well done, Thunder, you've managed to grab their attention, I thought, settling in at the counter. "I'll have..." darn, what do ponies drink as alcohol? "Your strongest."

The bartender shot me an appreciative look. He turned to the shelves stocked with various dusty bottles, grabbed a flask with a faded label, and poured a transparent liquid into a glass.

I took the glass with my wing, silently grateful that my pegasus form allowed me to handle small objects. Raising the liquid to my lips, I felt the burn descend down my throat.

What he'd served me resembled vodka, although milder than in my original world.

The bartender leaned on the counter, wiping a glass, his expression impassive yet attentive. "It's not often we see a new face around here. Just passing through?"

The term "new face" made me smile more than it should have. "That's right, I'll be leaving the city very soon."

The pony seemed surprised by my answer. "So, what brings you to Doge City, stranger?"

I raised my glass, savoring the warmth of the alcohol while pondering my response. "The desire to explore new horizons, I suppose. And, who knows, perhaps find something unexpected along the way."

The bartender gave a small, knowing smile. "There are certainly surprises in Doge City for those who know where to look."

Our conversation was interrupted by a burst of laughter from a nearby table, where a group of ponies were playing cards. Despite the rugged appearance of the saloon, the atmosphere was warm. I felt strangely at ease, despite being a solitary traveler.

I finished my drink, leaving the necessary coins on the table before adding, "Doge City? I'm aiming for something bigger," and then I left the saloon.

As I set out on the long road toward the Badlands, some ponies from the town turned their heads towards me, displaying a mix of surprise and concern. Their worried looks seemed to say, "Is he really going there?"

I could feel their eyes on me, their anxious murmurs carried away by the wind. For them, it was an imprudent direction, a dangerous territory from which not everyone returned unscathed. But for me, it was a challenge I had to face.

I traversed the hot rocky desert, the sun beating down with scorching rays. Returning to my true form, I could feel my exoskeleton warming up. The mountains drew nearer with each step, and an entrance seemed visible, just as on the rare maps I had seen in the books from the library in Ponyville.

Hours of walking under the blazing sun pushed me to the mouth of this desolate land. I entered the gorge between the mountains, knowing that I would emerge from this desert either as a love-thirsty monster or as a true adventurer.

The gorge was strewn with shattered rocks, clearly marked by numerous earthquakes... Perhaps I should pick up the pace.

Just as that crucial thought crossed my mind, a monstrous rumble echoed higher up in the mountains, followed by a slight tremor under my hooves.

"Oh, fuck !" I exclaimed. Rocks tumbled around me, some narrowly missing me, sending debris crashing against my carapace.

I ran as if my life depended on it, skillfully dodging debris cascading down from above. The tumult showed no sign of abating. Each step brought me closer to the relative safety of the Badlands.

I couldn't say how long I ran, but it felt like I was setting a new speed record, in a tension I had never experienced before.

When I finally emerged from the pass, I was covered in rubble and dust, but I was in one piece, and that was the most important victory. Checking my equipment, nothing seemed to be missing—perfect.

I finally raised my eyes to take in the scenery before me: an ocean of amber and ochre sand rippling under the relentless heat of the sun. The rocky mountains rose majestically, their sharp ridges contrasting against the intensely blue sky.

No vegetation dared to challenge these arid lands. Not a blade of grass, not a bush, only the heavy, stifling silence, occasionally punctuated by the whisper of the wind caressing the rocky formations.

The rocks themselves seemed to have been sculpted by centuries of ruthless sandstorms. Their tormented forms, polished by time, seemed to tell an ancient tale, an epic of survival and resilience against the relentless forces of nature.

I gazed for a moment at the beauty of this simultaneously magnificent and terrifying landscape... Above all, it was a solitary place where I could push myself to my limits without risking harm to anyone with my true nature.

The sun was slowly setting on the horizon, casting warm hues over the seemingly endless desert. The day's heat was starting to dissipate, giving way to a pleasant coolness.

After hours of trekking through rocky mountains and scorching sand, I finally spotted a suitable spot to set up camp. A slight terrain dip offered some protection against the night winds that swept through the area.

I got to work, carefully unfolding my tent and driving the stakes into the rocky ground. My sleeping bag, a faithful companion in solitary nights, found its place inside. The camp was taking shape, becoming my temporary refuge in the heart of this vast desert.

Taking out my writing supplies from my bag, I began to transcribe the events of this first day in this unforgiving and desolate desert.

My bestial hunger hadn't reared its head yet, but I knew it was there, and my struggle against it would be a second adventure in itself.

I eventually fell asleep in my sleeping bag, my dreams still filled with stunning landscapes but also carrying a heavy sense of solitude.

The sunrise set the horizon ablaze, flooding the desert with warm, golden hues. I was caught off guard by the sudden change in temperature, but I quickly packed up my belongings and resumed my journey.

I wasn't wandering aimlessly; I was deliberately heading towards the tallest mountain visible on the horizon. I walked for hours without encountering a soul, except for a few scorpions hiding in the shade of rocks. I had no certainty about their venom, but I was relieved to find that my carapace was far too robust for them.

Finally, I reached the place I coveted: a sturdy, thick base that tapered slightly before culminating in an elevated plateau that overlooked the region. Propelling myself with a vigorous beat of my wings, I had to exert considerable effort to reach the summit of this imposing mountain.

From the mountaintop, the panorama stretched endlessly. The desert sprawled out, punctuated by rocky hills and sand dunes. The sun, already high in the sky, cast deep shadows on the arid landscape.

In the distance, the mountains stood in an imposing range, their jagged peaks seeming to touch the sky. The daylight played on their slopes, creating striking interplays of light and shadow.

The wind blew gently, carrying with it the soft murmur of the desert. Despite the sweltering heat and the prevailing aridity, there was an austere beauty in this desolate landscape, a raw majesty that commanded respect. It was a poignant reminder of the power of nature and its ability to shape landscapes as spectacular as they were formidable.

Despite all the magic of ponies, nature remains the undisputed mistress of all things. It molds landscapes, dictates the rules of the game, and reminds the creatures that inhabit it of their place in the grand scheme of things.

As I once again took out my writing materials, a wave of determination washed over me. I set to work depicting these landscapes in my journal, sketching with as much precision as my modest artistic talents allowed.

It was a shame that so few had the opportunity to gaze upon such magnificent landscapes, caught between the beauty and the danger of these places.

Nightfall was descending once again, shrouding the desert in a cloak of darkness. I felt the fatigue weigh on my shoulders, my aching limbs demanding well-deserved rest. It was then that I made the decision to camp on this mountain. The spot offered a breathtaking view of the desert's vast expanse. A gentle breeze blew, carrying away the day's heat and bringing a semblance of coolness. I settled in, watching the last rays of the sun disappear behind the horizon, giving way to a star-studded sky of breathtaking beauty.

I had found my path, yes, but I had to battle the monster within me to fully appreciate it. I closed my eyes once again, feeling a newfound sense of peace.

Hunger had finally made its appearance after three days of relentless exploration in this unforgiving desert. It was one of the trials I had feared, and the reason I had chosen this place as my first option among all the possibilities for exploration that lay before me.

My mother had taught me that as a last resort, we could feed on the emotions of animals. This practice was frowned upon among our kind, and resorting to such a solution was often considered a weakness. But I no longer cared about the opinions of my peers.

In this arid desert, in this new life, I was now the sole master of my fate. Faced with this situation, with only this option at my disposal, it was time for a radical change in my dietary habits.

My camp was swiftly dismantled once again. Unfurling my wings, I let myself glide to the ground, the sand feeling even hotter against my hooves. I advanced towards the ridge that separated the Badlands from the rest of the world.

It had been hours since I set out, my stomach growling with hunger. But I began to hear something, a faint rumbling in the distance, barely audible. Instinct urged caution, but curiosity got the better of me. I decided to follow this mysterious sound.

Taking all precautions as I advanced, the noise faded, replaced by tremors in the ground rapidly approaching the surface. With a swift leap, I moved aside, lifting off the ground to witness a colossal creature snap its powerful jaws where I had stood just moments before. It was a terrifying sight.

The beast resembled a serpent of unimaginable size, its body covered in deep violet scales. A red frill encircled its pink head, white eyes staring in my direction. Each movement of its powerful muscles stirred up clouds of sand.

"Nop, nop," I murmured in the air. I was prepared to face many creatures in this desert, but not this. I beat my wings as fast as I could to stay out of its reach, my heart pounding, adrenaline coursing through my veins. Each wingbeat took me further from this imminent threat. I was determined not to become the meal of this titanic beast.

The creature dared to give chase, but even it realized I was flying far too high for it to catch me. Its gaping maw closed on emptiness, while its violet scales glistened in the declining sunlight before it retreated back beneath the sand. I had narrowly escaped that monstrosity.

I dared not land on the sand, choosing instead to settle as gently as possible on a nearby boulder. Hastily, I opened my sketchbook and quickly scribbled a rough drawing of the creature I had just encountered, making sure to jot down a note: ask Spike for books on dangerous creatures of this world.

"How do ponies survive encounters with such creatures?"

I pressed on despite the whipping wind, sand swirling in the air and stinging my eyes. The day passed without any other notable incident, the desert stretching endlessly, undisturbed and silent. My hunger began to bring out my predator instincts.

I took respite in the shade of a boulder, seeking a moment of relief in this oppressive heat for the first time. Suddenly, an unexpected sound pierced the desert's silence, immediately putting me on high alert.

A serpent slithered in the shadows, its emotions laid bare before me. The essence of this creature was bland, almost bitter, devoid of the rich tapestry of emotions I had tasted from others in the past. Its feelings seemed to be imbued with a primal simplicity, far from the complexity I knew in other creatures... And it wasn't very nourishing.

I stopped once it had lost consciousness, suppressing a retch at what I had just consumed. In addition to being unsatisfying, the taste was revolting. It was as if every drop of that emotion had left a bitter aftertaste in my mouth, leaving me with an unpleasant sensation...

8 Willpower And Badland

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The desert stretched out before me, becoming increasingly relentless and hostile. Each step became a fierce struggle, the scorching sand under my hooves seeming to absorb every ounce of my energy. My exoskeleton, usually so sturdy, now appeared almost fragile, as if it were on the verge of giving way under the pressure.

The oppressive heat weighed on me, seemingly extracting every ounce of my resilience. Every breath was a challenge, the dry and arid air burning my lungs.

I knew I had to improve, to adapt to this desert that had become increasingly demanding. Every kilometer was a challenge, a test of my willpower and determination. The desert demanded everything from me, testing not only my physical strength but also my mental resilience.

As the mountains drew nearer, I almost instinctively stopped at every rock or shadow that the sun left behind, seeking to absorb the emotions of every little creature. Their taste always remained repugnant, leaving a disagreeable metallic sensation in my mouth.

Yet, I began to notice a difference. It was becoming easier for me to feed on their primal emotions, and I was even able to derive a little more energy from them than before.

The majestic mountains, the undulating dunes, the rocks sculpted by time... Each element of the desert found its place on the pages of my journal, immortalized by my sketches and annotations.

As I walked, a brownish hue began to invade the sky, rapidly dimming the sunlight. The wind grew increasingly fierce, swirling clouds of sand into the air. Sand grains whipped against my carapace and face, forcing me to close my eyes to shield myself from the onslaught of this impending sandstorm.

Fear began to grip me as I realized I was exposed in an unforgiving desert, without shelter or protection against the unleashed elements. The sandstorm gained strength, progressively shrouding the horizon, engulfing the landscape in a whirlwind of dust and wind.

Sand infiltrated everywhere, in my eyes, my mouth, my ears. Every step became a challenge as I struggled to move forward in this infernal squall. The wind howled in my ears, creating a deafening roar, and the temperature dropped sharply.

Visibility was reduced to just a few meters, with every object seeming to blend into a misty veil of swirling sand. The sandstorm had become a veritable hurricane, a display of nature's wrath.

I advanced in a disorganized manner through the swirl of sand, desperately seeking shelter. My steps were uncertain, my senses muddled by the raging storm. The wind roared in my ears, drowning the world in a deafening clamor.

Suddenly, I stumbled upon an invisible obstacle, thrown off balance by the unstable ground beneath my hooves. I felt myself lurch forward, sand rushing into my eyes and mouth. The fall was abrupt, my limbs colliding with the rocky ground.

I opened my eyes, taking a deep breath, feeling the characteristic dampness of the underground reminding me in part of the hive's air. It was as if I had just plunged into a whole different world, far from the searing heat of the desert.

My eyes slowly adjusted to the dimness of the cave. I could make out the contours of the rocky walls and the sand-covered floor; it was a natural and humid crevasse, an unexpected sanctuary.

I got up, somewhat clumsily, moving with the agility of an old pony. Every movement was cautious, as if the cave had suddenly decided to play hide-and-seek with my hooves.

I muttered to myself, "Well, this is an unexpected way to find shelter!"

As I ventured deeper into the cave, a faint yet brilliant glow emanated from the walls. My eyes widened in wonder as I discovered the source of this light: a multitude of shimmering crystals lining the cave's walls.

Iridescent reflections danced on the crystals, creating a display of colors that brightened the darkness. Every imaginable hue, from deep blue to vibrant purple to shimmering green, was represented in this symphony of light. It was as if the cave itself was breathing, alive and pulsing with magic.

I reached out a hoof to touch one of the crystal formations, feeling its smooth and cool surface beneath my hooves. I made some quick sketches in my journal, attempting to capture even a fraction of the magic of this place.

I took a few crystals with me, trying my best not to disturb this place more than necessary.

I emerged from the crevasse, the snow-capped mountains drawing nearer with every step. Each stride brought me closer to my ultimate goal in these unforgiving Badlands.

I searched for prey to quell the gnawing hunger. Desert creatures seemed scarcer here, but I had become more adept at hunting them.

As I pressed on, the landscape continued to transform. The scorching sands of the Badlands gave way to rough rock and rugged terrain. Climbing and flying became essential to progress.

Amidst my progress, I noticed peculiar rock formations, sculpted by time and the elements. The shades of color in the stone seemed to tell an ancient tale.

Suddenly, a stealthy movement caught my eye to the right. I pivoted sharply, ready to face whatever might be lurking in the mountain's recesses. It could have been a desert creature or simply a trick of light playing tricks on my senses.

My heart raced, senses on high alert. I advanced cautiously, each step bringing me closer to the mystery that had piqued my interest.

Gradually, the source of the movement revealed itself. It was a small creature, almost reptilian in appearance, darting among the rocks. Its scales gleamed in the waning sunlight. I stopped to observe it, fascinated by this life that seemed to thrive even in the harshest conditions, deciding not to feed on it. I continued my ascent.

Finally, after two days of effort, I reached an elevated plateau, offering a spectacular view. In the distance, a massive wooden structure loomed, much larger than most of the dwellings I had glimpsed thus far.

Curiosity overcame caution, and I approached this strange construction. By soaring above, I observed the structure from the top. It was bowl-shaped, and its interior seemed spacious.

A nest! My heart raced at this discovery. It was an unusual place for a nest, and what kind of bird builds its nest with logs? Strangely, after the worm incident, I didn't really feel like finding out...

Quickly sketching it before considering descending the mountain, knowing that with a creature like that nearby, it would be impossible.

A part of me was frustrated to leave the mountain, but another knew it was the best decision. At worst, I could come back to finish my exploration when the time was right...

As I descended the mountain range with caution, I couldn't help but think of the danger I may have avoided by leaving the mountain in time. The noises from above grew louder, indicating intense commotion, but I preferred not to linger to find out what it was.

The descent was a daunting task. Slippery rocks and steep slopes made every step delicate. I had to be careful not to lose my balance. Fortunately, my wings served to maintain my stability and catch me if needed.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I touched down on solid ground once more. I was both exhausted and disappointed by this adventure. My gaze lingered one last time on the mountain I had just descended, silently promising myself to return and finish what I had started.

The days passed slowly, marked by the relentless rhythm of the desert. I found myself gradually adapting to this new environment, with its dangers and wonders. Hunger was still present, but I took some comfort in the fact that I could now tolerate the taste of the primitive emotions I had to absorb to survive.

Every night, when the stars glittered above me, I resumed my journal, noting the day's discoveries, sketching the creatures and landscapes that crossed my path. My initial goal, learning to control my bestial nature, was in my eyes accomplished but I forced myself to stay in this desert for another week, continuing to walk, following the mountains that stretched into infinity, determined to discover new wonders and satisfy my insatiable curiosity.

Hunger remained, but it was now a familiar companion, a part of me that I had learned to accept, and it would remain so once I left this place.

I headed towards the exit of the Badlands, a smile on my face...

9 First Night Back and Hangover

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As the desert faded behind me, I resumed my pegasus form, drawing closer to the city with two thoughts in mind: a good drink and a bath to rid myself of all that sand.

The desert became less arid as Dodge City once again came into view. A sense of relief gradually washed over me as I approached civilization. The prospect of finding some comfort after this adventure was incredibly comforting.

I found myself thinking of Onyx again. I should probably send him at least a postcard to let him know I was alright. A small gesture that would surely bring a smile to his face.

Silence fell over the lounge as I entered noisily. The bartender and the patrons all looked up at me, their expressions a mix of surprise and bewilderment. It was as if they had seen a ghost. My reappearance was evidently unexpected.

I decided to play along a bit, acting just as I had the first time I came. I settled at the counter, arms crossed with a mischievous smile.

"I'll have..." I paused dramatically, "...your strongest drink."

The bartender stared at me, his eyes widening in surprise. He let out a muffled exclamation before regaining his composure.

"By Luna's hooves, you gave me quite a scare," he exclaimed, tapping his chest to emphasize his relief. "I thought you were... Well, I mean, I didn't expect to see you again."

I couldn't help but chuckle softly at his reaction. "Well, it seems even ghosts get thirsty, my friend."

He shook his head, still in disbelief. "If you weren't already served in the afterlife, I can offer you something truly strong. It should warm you up."

I gave him a conspiratorial smile. "That's exactly what I'm looking for." The glass was barely set down before I downed it in one gulp, then turned to the other patrons. "Anyone up for buying drinks for the desert revenant?" I said with a small laugh.

The patrons' gazes turned to me, oscillating between surprise and amusement. Some seemed ready to take up the challenge, while others still seemed incredulous.

The bartender shook his head with a smile, joining in on the jest. "Well, since it's the desert revenant asking, I suppose we can make an exception for tonight."

Glasses began to pile up in front of me, each brought by a brave soul who had accepted the challenge. I raised my glass to them, the warmth of the alcohol comforting me after the rigors of the desert.

The evening promised to be lively, and for the first time in a long while, I felt perfectly at ease. I had survived the Badlands, and now I was savoring every moment of my victory, without fear of succumbing to hunger, surrounded by new acquaintances.

I laughed as I shared the story of my journey, toasting until closing time, when a warm soul took the trouble to lead me to the hotel. I was surprised that my disguise held up against the alcohol.

I thanked my evening companion warmly, or at least tried to articulate my gratitude, feeling the fatigue of the journey now that the adrenaline had worn off. The hotel was welcoming, the dim lights inviting relaxation.

I settled into my room, savoring the feeling of a cozy bed beneath me. The emotions of the desert seemed distant now, like a strange dream.

Sleep quickly overcame me, carrying with it peaceful dreams where the shimmering crystals and majestic landscapes of the desert mingled with the friendly warmth of Doge City's bar.

I spent the early hours of the morning with my head pounding, grateful that the hotel manager had thoughtfully left some aspirin in my room. I hadn't expected my changeling body to handle alcohol so poorly, but it was worth it!

After managing to drag myself to a bathtub and confirming that I was in my pegasus form, I must have looked quite pitiful.

Once I was ready, I went down to the reception to settle my bill and thank the manager for his hospitality. I noticed that a good chunk of my money had disappeared. I'd be traveling on the roof of the train for the return journey...

But before that, I made sure to send a letter to Onyx with a summary of my journey and an expression of my hope to see him again if I passed through Canterlot.

After bidding a swift farewell to the various residents leaving the town on foot, I took flight and settled once again on the roof of the train, savoring the return journey to Ponyville in the best way possible.

I landed a little before the train station, making my way towards the library. I greeted the various inhabitants of Ponyville, knocking on the door. I didn't hear any response. Asking around, I learned that Twilight had been sent on a mission by Princess Celestia.

That explained her absence. I recalled our last conversation, wondering what she was doing for the princess. Twilight was always heavily involved in royal affairs, being both the student of the princess and Spike's adoptive older sister, if I understood correctly.

I wondered about the nature of the princess's mission. The tasks our queen assigned were often dangerous...

Unfortunately, no one here seemed able to help me identify the gems I had collected or answer my questions about the creatures I had encountered. This meant I would have to go to Canterlot to learn more.

And once there, I'd have to work again to avoid taking advantage of Onyx's generosity. The next day, after a short nap on a cloud, I resumed working.

Gathering enough money to stay in a hotel in Canterlot was no small feat. Like in most capitals, accommodations were particularly expensive, and I had no desire to be penniless once I arrived. It took a few days, but eventually, I managed to save up enough money to afford a hopefully comfortable stay.

While I tried to be as honest as possible, I had to admit that traveling on the roof of the trains wasn't so bad. It was a way to admire the landscapes and feel the air on my fur, and most importantly, I hadn't paid for a ticket.

I found myself regretting my choice as soon as the first drops started to fall. It was as if the clouds themselves had decided to play a trick on me. So here I was, flying above the clouds, trying to escape this sudden rain. If only I had bought a ticket, I would have had a comfortable shelter on the train!

Upon landing in Canterlot, I shook myself like a wet dog, sighing, and muttered, "The unexpected twists of travel."

As I walked through the town, my eyes were drawn to the shop that had played an unexpected role in my adventure. A wave of nostalgia washed over me as I stood in front of the door before entering.

"Hello and welcome to Joe Donut," cheerfully announced the brown-maned unicorn with amber fur behind the counter, sporting a warm smile.

I returned his smile. "Hello, nice to meet you." The shelves were stocked with donuts of various flavors, and as I searched for the same one I had eaten last time, a medley of delicious scents reached my nostrils.

"Excuse me, but your face looks familiar," Joe squinted slightly, a bead of sweat forming on my forehead.

"It's not impossible. My name is Thunder, and I was there during the attack," I forced a smile. "I did what I could."

Joe stared intently at my face for a moment, seeming to search his memory. Then, his eyes lit up with understanding. "Ah, you were there that day... your eyes did seem familiar."

The conversation continued, punctuated by laughter and discussions about the selection of pastries. After making my choice, I made my way to the library, savoring every bite along the way.

The road to the library wound through Canterlot's cobbled streets. Majestic buildings stood on either side, silent witnesses to the city's rich history. Elaborate windows and finely wrought balconies added an air of elegance.

Well-kept gardens adorned the landscape, offering bursts of vibrant colors amidst the gray stones of the buildings. Floral scents perfumed the air, creating a peaceful and pleasant atmosphere.

Passersby moved with confidence, each seeming to have a specific destination in mind. Some strolled in groups, exchanging laughter and lively conversation, while others walked alone, lost in thought.

I preferred this atmosphere to my last visit; the ponies were recovering faster than I had thought...

10 Deserved Rest

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I continued to walk through its streets, before abruptly taking flight, seeking the library with the advantage of the air. I quickly noticed the building—an imposing structure with majestic architecture that was truly impressive. Its gray stone walls were adorned with intricate details, bearing witness to the knowledge and history contained within. A large glass dome crowned the building, allowing daylight to filter through and creating a bright and welcoming atmosphere.

Two unicorn sculptures, meticulously crafted, stood on either side of the entrance, as if guarding the knowledge within the library's walls. Their gaze was stern and protective, as if safeguarding the sanctuary of knowledge forever.

I saw young unicorns entering, and I thought my current form might seem a bit odd, but strangely, I didn't really feel like changing it. Surprisingly, I was beginning to appreciate this form...

I stood before the statue of the two guardians, feeling as if it were really watching over me—perhaps my subconscious playing tricks on me.

I entered the building slowly, appreciating the architecture and wondering how long it had been since I had last entered a library...

The interior of the library was as impressive as the exterior. The walls were lined with shelves filled with books, scrolls, and grimoires of all kinds. The light filtering through the glass dome created a soft and inviting atmosphere, emphasizing the wealth of knowledge stored within.

I walked slowly between the shelves, my hooves resonating on the polished stone floor. Each step seemed to awaken the echo of history and accumulated knowledge. The titles of the books were inscribed on the spines, some of which I couldn't understand or read.

The books were meticulously arranged according to a well-established classification system. Each section of the library corresponded to a specific field of knowledge. The shelves were carefully labeled, clearly indicating the subject matter of the books stored there.

The categories were numerous and varied, ranging from magic to history, botany, geology, zoology, and many other fields. Each field was then subdivided into subcategories, making it easy to precisely search for information.

I stopped in front of a shelf dedicated to gems and minerals, recalling the reason for my visit. My eyes scanned the titles, searching for clues that could shed light on the stones I had found in the Badlands.

I quickly went through all the titles, knowing that I might also have to venture into the sections related to magic.

My eyes eventually settled on a book titled "Sparks of the Earth: Illustrated Guide to Precious Gems." It probably wasn't it, but might as well start simple.

I settled at a table, placing the book down and taking out one of the stones I had collected, beginning to compare the various possibilities.

It was a methodical approach, comparing the gem's characteristics with the descriptions in the book. Every detail mattered: the color, the brilliance, the hardness, the inclusions. Each turned page was a lead, a potential clue.

The book "Sparks of the Earth" was a treasure trove of information. It contained detailed illustrations, precise descriptions, and even anecdotes about certain gems. As I matched the characteristics of the stones with those in the book, a sort of puzzle formed in my mind.

The one I had taken out looked almost identical to an amethyst, but its internal brilliance was different. Perhaps it was a rare variant or a gem related to amethyst but with distinct properties.

However, one thing was certain—I had more questions than answers. Perhaps I should consult an expert, though I hoped they would be trustworthy...

I returned the book to its place before addressing the librarian. She was a unicorn with a green coat and a gray mane, sporting elegant pink glasses.

"Hello, miss," I began, trying to be as amiable as possible. "I was wondering if you might know of an expert in gems or minerals in the city. I have some questions and could use advice from a specialist."

The librarian adjusted her pink glasses with a delicate gesture and pondered for a moment. "Hmm, a gem expert... Well, you could certainly check with Dr. Crystal Spark. He's a renowned geologist and gemologist here in Canterlot. He also gives lectures at the university on minerals and gemstones."

"Where can I find him?" I asked, hoping that Dr. Crystal Spark could shed light on my questions.

"His shop and workshop are in the artisan district, near the main square. You can't miss it; he has a crystal-shaped sign at the entrance," she explained with a kind smile.

I thanked her warmly for the information and took my leave. As I exited the library, I mentally noted the directions to find Dr. Crystal Spark's shop.

Fortunately, the street names were straightforward; I just had to follow Celestia Avenue, then Royal Road to reach Sunset Avenue. It was like following a map drawn by the princesses themselves.

The walk to the workshop indicated wasn't long. The door looked like any other on the street.

I hesitated before knocking, fearing I might have possibly confused the address. It was a bit like playing "Find the needle in a haystack," but with street names instead.

I knocked on the door with a slight hesitation. A few moments later, the door opened, revealing a unicorn with a radiant coat and sparkling glasses.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Crystal Spark. How can I assist you?" she asked in a warm voice.

"Hello, my name is Thunder. I was told you're a gem expert, and I have some questions if you don't mind."

She gestured for me to enter her workshop. "Of course, come in. What questions do you have?"

I entered and waited for her to invite me to sit in her tastefully decorated living room. Various geodes and semi-precious stones were carefully arranged on several shelves, creating an atmosphere that clearly reflected her expertise in gems. The natural glow of the crystals gave the room a warm and mystical ambiance, while subtly lit artworks highlighted the beauty of the minerals.

"You see, I discovered these stones in the Badlands, and they seem to contain something strange, perhaps magical." I placed three of my stones on the small table between us.

Dr. Crystal Spark observed the stones with growing interest. "Fascinating. You're right; they seem to be imbued with something special. Magic, perhaps. The Badlands are almost unknown to us."

I nodded, acknowledging that my intuitions were not unfounded. "Is there a way to understand this magic, to know exactly what it does?"

She thought for a moment before responding. "The study of magic is complex, but I can attempt a deeper analysis of these stones. However, it will take time. If you wish, I can keep you informed of the results."

"I see. And how much will this cost me?"

"I commit to conducting these analyses for free," she declared, offering a kind smile. "My interest in magic and gemstones outweighs financial considerations. However, if we discover something exceptional, a voluntary contribution would always be appreciated."

"I must admit, I don't have significant funding, but if these stones are worth something, I'm willing to donate some to you." I smiled at the generosity of this pony; they were truly exceptional beings.

We spent some more time discussing, with me telling her where I had found the stones without specifying their exact origin.

With a final thank you, I left Dr. Crystal Spark's home, satisfied to know that I had begun the process of unraveling the mystery of the Badlands stones and that, in doing so, my reputation as an adventurer would grow.

I had one last important thing to do before I could rest at a hotel. I traversed the streets leading to Onyx's place before stumbling upon a theater poster for tonight's show. I immediately recognized the light beige-coated unicorn wearing a half-mask.

He probably wouldn't be available tonight, but perhaps I could manage to attend the performance he was participating in. Even though opera wasn't my first preference, I could make an effort.

After a detour to the theater, I was pleasantly surprised to find several tickets still considered well-placed. Maybe the performance wasn't as popular as I had imagined. I opted for one of the privileged seats, hoping to make the most of Onyx's performance.

And perhaps I'd sneak backstage to invite him for a meal somewhere...

I took advantage of the few hours remaining to familiarize myself as much as possible with the city, noticing that the closer I got to the castle, the more ponies seemed haughty and dressed ridiculously. Some wore hats so large they seemed to compete with the castle towers, while others flaunted extravagant outfits in a way that defied all logic.

I wondered if an absurd fashion contest was taking place on the streets of Canterlot. Maybe I had missed the memo on the theme "Haughty and Ridiculous." Anyway, I decided to have some fun with the situation, thinking that I might blend in by adopting an extremely elegant stride and wearing a disdainful look. Who knows, maybe I'd have a chance to win the award for the snobbiest pony in Canterlot.

As I continued my tour of Canterlot, an idea crossed my mind. Laughing internally, I thought that a three-piece suit would probably make me look more sophisticated, maybe even to the point where I could claim my name was Thunder... Of course, the lack of a last name could be a problem in certain situations. Perhaps it was time to invent one for the future.

I pondered as I walked, but nothing came to me for the moment.

I took a seat in one of the central chairs, observing the room slowly filling up. The theater was still half-empty as the play began.

The lights dimmed slowly, plunging the room into darkness. The curtain opened, revealing a stage where Onyx, dressed in an elegant black suit and a white mask, stood alone under the beam of a soft light. His eyes sparkled with passion as he began to recite his opening lines.

I was fascinated by how he embodied the character. His amateurism was no obstacle; instead, it added a touching authenticity to his performance. Every gesture, every inflection of his voice revealed his dedication to the art of theater.

Although the room wasn't full, the atmosphere was electric. Onyx managed to captivate me, preventing me from paying attention to the audience. His emotions seemed to transcend the stage, touching me. I was delighted to see him shine under the spotlight, sharing his love for theater with those who had come to see him.

Throughout the play, I let myself be carried away by the story, laughing at the comedic moments and feeling the emotion of the more intense scenes, almost tasting his emotions despite the distance and my self-control.

I joined the movement of people rising to applaud, transforming into a butterfly and following Onyx, waiting for the right moment to surprise him. After all, I remained a changeling, and it was time to show a bit of my mischievous nature.

I slipped through the curtains backstage. The murmurs of the audience faded, replaced by the bustle of artists and a few technicians behind the scenes.

In a quieter area backstage, Onyx began to remove his costume, still immersed in the euphoria of the performance. That's when I chose to resume my usual form, pretending to casually arrive. "Impressive, Onyx. You really know how to captivate your audience."

He startled slightly, surprised, before turning around. Onyx widened his eyes, totally taken aback to see me there. "Thunder, by all of Luna's hooves, how did you get back here?"

I smiled slightly, laughing softly. "Mostly by train. And you're the second person surprised to see me again in less than a month."

Onyx was clearly astonished, but his face quickly relaxed into an amused smile. "The train? Well, I suppose that's a perfectly normal way to travel. And I must admit, I didn't expect you to come back so soon. But I'm delighted to see you again, truly."

I nodded. "Mutual feelings, Onyx. I couldn't resist the idea of seeing you on stage. You were amazing, even if the room was only half full."

He shrugged. "Such is the life of an amateur actor, you know. But regardless of the audience, I do this out of passion. So, what brings you here?"

"On vacation after my last adventure. By the way, are you free for dinner?" I said, still smiling.

Onyx seemed momentarily frozen, then his smile widened. "Dinner? Well, I didn't expect such an invitation. I'm in, of course. That's a great idea."

I returned his smile. "Great, then. See you at your place in an hour?"

"Absolutely," he replied enthusiastically.

We parted ways with the agreement to meet later. However, as I left, I couldn't help but wonder why Onyx had reacted so positively to my proposal.

The appointed hour arrived, and I headed to Onyx's place. He greeted me with a warm smile, clearly eager to spend a pleasant evening. The restaurant I had chosen was elegant, with an ambiance conducive to relaxation.

During the meal, the conversation flowed naturally between us. Onyx shared anecdotes about his recent performances, and I talked about my travels and the surprising discoveries I had made. The evening was enjoyable, and laughter filled the air.

At one point, I noticed that the candlelight on the table created a soft atmosphere. The lingering glances between Onyx and me seemed to carry a sense of camaraderie. The waiter brought a bottle of wine, adding a touch of sophistication to the evening....

11 Somethin' Stupid

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He evening was progressing, and unfortunately, our dinner was over. I paid the bill despite Onyx's and my wallet's slight protests.

"I invited you, so I'll pay, Onyx, nothing more normal." A smirk adorned my face. "At worst, there will probably be another time." I noticed an amused smile from the waiter who was watching us; we must have made quite a colorful duo.

"That works for me; I'll invite you next time... well, if you want." His cheeks were slightly red, an oddity for an actor to be so easily embarrassed.

"Why would I refuse?" I took the opportunity to give the waiter the money for the meal and a tip, adding with a wink to Onyx, "You're offering me food and pleasant company, what more could I ask for?"

"I see..." I stood up, stretching my wings slightly. We must have spent more time than planned in that restaurant, and Onyx followed suit.

We both walked out of the restaurant only to realize that it was raining, and neither he nor I had brought an umbrella. I spread my wing over Onyx, who looked a bit shocked.

I puffed up my chest slightly. "I invited you, so it's only right that I escort you back as dry as possible."

"But you're going to get soaked..." He seemed to have a slight concern in his voice.

"I'm an adventurer; I'm used to challenging climates, and after the desert, I kinda need it." I chuckled lightly after my declaration.

Onyx shook his head slightly before letting out a sigh. "You're not going to let me refuse, are you?" He was getting to know me.

"Don't say it like I'm forcing you. You still have the right to try to stop me."

Onyx opened his mouth before reconsidering and smiling at me, accepting the slight protection of my wing against the pouring rain. I accompanied Onyx to his home. The streets of Canterlot were almost deserted, giving way to the soothing sound of the rain.

Onyx walked beside me, trying to stay under the improvised shelter of my wing, leaning slightly against me. A faint floral and woody scent reached my nostrils, and I was slightly surprised that he had taken the time to put on perfume.

When we reached his door, Onyx turned to me with a grateful smile. "Thanks, Thunder. It's really kind of you to have escorted me."

"No problem, Onyx. It was a pleasant evening." I smiled at him, deliberately ignoring the intrigued looks of a few passersby who dared to venture out despite the rain and the late hour.

Onyx hesitated for a moment, seeming to search for something to say. "Uh, do you maybe want to come in and dry off a bit?"

I shook my head, politely declining the offer. "No, it's okay. I'll head back to the hotel; the evening has been long. Thanks anyway."

He nodded, but a hint of incomprehension passed through his eyes. "Okay, well, thanks again for dinner. It was a really pleasant surprise."

"All the pleasure is mine, Onyx. Until next time." I winked at him, and without waiting any longer, I flew off into the rainy night, looking for a hotel to spend the night.

I stood at the entrance of a hotel, deliberately choosing the one farthest from the castle, hoping for more affordable rates. Shaking my fur in a futile attempt to dry off, I couldn't help but think about the limitations of ponies compared to the advantages of my changeling carapace, waterproof and shock-resistant.

The simple sign with the word "Hotel" hung at the entrance of a multi-story stone building, showing no particular reference or distinction. Passing through the door, I inwardly hoped that someone was still at the reception.

As soon as I entered, a welcoming smile lit up the face of a gray unicorn, her stature rivaling that of the most imposing earth ponies I had encountered. Although she seemed calm and warm, a subtle nervousness crept over me.

"Um, do you have a vacant room... Ma'am?" My usual lack of easy intimidation seemed to fade at this moment.

Her eyes quickly scanned my silhouette before her strong yet friendly voice resonated. "Yes, we have a few available, Mr.?"

Approaching the counter, I observed the wall adorned with keys, indicating the low hotel occupancy rate. "Thunder, I would need a single room for a few days." As I got closer, her imposing demeanor became more intimidating, but strangely, it also exuded a certain beauty and gentleness.

The gray unicorn displayed a professional smile while quickly checking the registry in front of her. "Of course, Mr. Thunder. We have a room available for you. How many nights do you plan to stay?"

"Three nights should be enough," I replied, anticipating a short stay in Canterlot.

"Perfect." Her horn glowed as she marked my name in a register. "Room 21 is assigned to you. It's on the second floor. The elevator is on your right when entering the lobby."

"Thank you very much." I let out a sigh of relief, happy to have found accommodation at a reasonable price.

"If you need anything, feel free to let me know. We hope your stay with us will be enjoyable." She brought one of the many keys behind her with a professional smile.

I took the key to the room in my still-damp wing before undertaking the journey. The stairs were made of wood, the steps of a warm oak color, polished by the passage of time and the many hooves that had trodden on them. The ascent to the second floor was brief, and I arrived at the door of Room 21. Inserting the key, I entered and discovered a simple yet welcoming interior.

The room was equipped with a comfortable bed, a small bedside table, and a desk. A window allowed the moonlight to filter in, faintly illuminating the room. After confirming that everything was in order, I let myself fall onto the bed, feeling the fatigue of my recent adventures settling in.

The gentle murmur of the rain against the window accompanied me into sleep, offering a well-deserved rest.

Lying on a carpet of dazzling green grass, I faced a majestic waterfall. The soothing murmur of cascading water formed an enchanting symphony, saturating the atmosphere with profound serenity. Sunlight fragments created reflections on the cascade, generating sparkling reflections and a rainbow. Around me, lush vegetation spread its arms in a peaceful embrace, while the delicate scent of flowers perfumed the air.

Distant joyful children's laughter floated, drawing a smile on my face. Muffled hoofbeats approached, perhaps a child discreetly attempting a prank. I was far too relaxed to worry further.

Hooves gently closed around my shoulders, revealing a half-mask that I immediately recognized, having glimpsed it earlier in the day. It was Onyx who held me in his hooves, his mask revealing only a half-smile shrouded in mystery. Onyx looked at me with a curious intensity, his gaze concealed behind the half-mask expressing a mix of mystery, amusement, and something I couldn't quite recognize.

I turned my head slightly towards my friend, a part of me wondering if the evening meant something more to him. His muzzle slowly approached mine before stopping less than an inch away, an enigmatic smile appearing on Onyx's lips as if he was expecting something. Something that I didn't think I wanted to give or share.

My wings stretched suddenly, making a slight leap backward before lifting toward the stallion who wanted me to share with him my life force, resuming my true form. Rather than being shocked or terrified, he sat there, watching me patiently.

I woke up slowly, a tear sliding down my cheek. "Why do I complicate my life like this?" I whispered to myself, letting that question linger in the silence of my room. After getting out of bed, I engaged in one of the few activities the hive had taught me to soothe a heavy heart: training.

Opening the window, I took off with a single goal in mind: to expend as much energy as possible. As I trained, I let myself be absorbed by the smooth movement of my wings and the sensation of the wind caressing my feathers. The whirlwind of acrobatics became almost hypnotic, acting as a welcome distraction. For a moment, I managed to forget the questions and emotions that haunted me.

My aerial performance caught the attention of some onlookers who had stopped to watch my solitary dance and daring acrobatics. Fortunately for them, no one had anything to say, or they would have become acquainted with my less polite side.

As my muscles began to burn, words came back to me: "burning muscles, feel the pain. The heart and soul of discipline, my friends." These words brought a slight smile to my face, allowing my mind to wander. I realized that since I had been in this world, I hadn't really paid attention to music. Although the metal of my younger years probably wasn't popular in Equestria, I wondered what melodies and harmonies could lull the inhabitants of this enchanted kingdom.

Now that the muscles in my wings were slightly sore, I returned to my room, passing through the window to get ready for the day, now that the memories of my dream had faded.

I strolled through the numerous streets of the capital, avoiding the castle surroundings to avoid encountering the snobs who were nearby. I enjoyed a simpler part of the city, noticing that yesterday's rain hadn't completely dried up...

12 Speakeasy in Canterlot

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As I strolled through the city, the rhythmic sound of hooves on cobblestones accompanied my thoughts. The air was filled with the lively chatter of ponies going about their daily activities, and the lingering scent of rain added a refreshing touch to the atmosphere.

I settled on a bench, savoring the simplicity of the moment. The colorful passersby and bustling market stalls created a vibrant scene, and I let my mind wander through the streets of Equestria, brimming with unexpected challenges for me.

Suddenly, a catchy jazz melody caught my attention. Following the sound, I discovered a small stage where a group of ponies was enthusiastically playing jazz. The syncopated rhythms and creative improvisations echoed in the air, capturing the vibrant energy of the city.

Intrigued, I stood up from the bench and approached the impromptu stage. The musicians, smiling and passionate, seemed to lose themselves in their own musical world. I closed my eyes, doing my best to appreciate the music, letting it penetrate me.

I had never been a jazz enthusiast, but these ponies were talented, evident even to a novice like me. I felt a hoof on my shoulder, causing me to instantly reopen my eyes. It was Dr. Crystal. "Music has an amazing power, doesn't it? It can transport us to unknown worlds and connect us in mysterious ways."

I nodded, still captivated by the musical performance. "It's incredible. I never thought I'd find something like this here."

Dr. Crystal turned his gaze toward the musicians, his expression filled with appreciation. "Equestria is full of surprises. You can discover so much by taking the time to look around."

I let a slight smile appear. "Like the gems I brought you."

Dr. Crystal had an amused smile. "Yes, I have some news about them, but it can wait." I nodded slightly, continuing to enjoy the music.

After the performance, the group greeted the audience, and Dr. Crystal and I applauded enthusiastically. Dr. Crystal nodded. "That's what makes life exciting. There's always something new to discover, whether it's in music, gems, or even the relationships we build."

As we left the lively stage, I felt grateful for this serendipitous encounter, but I snapped back to reality, turning to Dr. Crystal. "Sorry to be insistent, but I'd like to resume my adventures quickly, hoping to think about something other than Onyx."

"You can't stay still, Thunder," he said with a strange look.

"It's not about staying still; it's about adventures waiting," I looked at the sky. "There are still too many places I haven't visited, too many things I haven't done."

"I understand, but don't be so impatient. The stones you brought me are strange; they seem to be animated by a simple glow of magic." He seemed to ponder his next words before continuing. "Nothing exceptional, just enough to make them shine and add a slight sparkle of magic."

I noted that in my mind. "As I mentioned, I'd be happy to gift you some for your expertise... but if you could help me find a buyer."

He smiled. "Of course, I could buy some from you..." he scrutinized my face. "But something is bothering you, isn't it?"

I nodded slightly, aware that Dr. Crystal had detected my concerns. "It's just that..." I tried to smile, "I struggle to understand what people expect from me," another half-truth.

Dr. Crystal narrowed his eyes, looking me up and down. "Yes, there's that," he resumed a friendly expression. "Sorry, I shouldn't pry into your personal affairs, but yes, let's go to my place to discuss business."

I nodded, wondering if he had the equivalent of a psychology degree before following him.

We exchanged small talk on the way to his place. Once again greeted by the various geodes and gems displayed while my host prepared tea, I smiled. Ponies really loved tea, and it was undoubtedly a mark of hospitality to prepare it for guests.

With the cups ready, Dr. Crystal showed a different demeanor. Though still polite and friendly, he seemed to take business quite seriously, and I had a slight feeling that I might be getting a bit of a raw deal on the prices he was proposing, considering I was leaving him three for free: one for his collection, one for the university, and the last for the Canterlot Natural History Museum.

Once the gems were in his possession and the transaction was completed, we resumed a normal conversation until a question caught me off guard.

"By the way, Thunder, you're an adventurer, I gathered, but someday, you'll probably have to settle down." He had a sly smile. "Or better yet, settle down with someone."

His remark echoed in my head, awakening thoughts I preferred to keep buried. The need to wander, to discover new horizons, was deeply ingrained in me. However, the notion of "someone" added a dimension that often appeared in my dreams—the feeling of loneliness and more recently, Onyx's presence...

I took a sip of tea to buy some time before responding, but my thoughts were already swirling. "I guess I hadn't really thought about it. Adventure has always been my most faithful companion, but..." I paused, searching for the right words. "But maybe having someone by my side could be a different kind of adventure."

Dr. Crystal nodded, as if he had anticipated my response. "There are aspects of life that can only be fully explored with someone else's company. The adventure together can be just as exciting, if not more so, than solitary discoveries."

I was surprised to find that his words resonated with me. Images of shared adventures with someone special formed in my mind, underlines too familiar for my liking. However, a part of me still resisted the idea of anchoring myself, of forming a permanent bond—I had learned to control myself, but I remained a predator.

"Maybe one day," I replied evasively, smiling to conceal the lingering indecision within me. "For now, the unknown still calls to me."

Dr. Crystal smiled understandingly, steering the conversation towards lighter topics.

As I was leaving, my eyes caught something lying on a table—an expired ticket for the theater play I had gone to see. I wondered if the doctor know Onyx's.

I spent the rest of the day wandering around, discovering a bar in an alley named "The Last Round." I smiled slightly at such a name in a world seemingly less inclined towards combat, immediately pushing the door open.

The door creaked open, revealing a dark and smoky interior. Dim light from a few hanging lamps created dancing shadows along the walls adorned with dark wood. The air was filled with the intoxicating blend of various drinks and the smoke, presumably from tobacco.

The interior was plunged into semi-darkness. The only sources of light came from the lamps hanging from the ceiling, casting a subdued glow. Dark tables were scattered throughout the space, each illuminated by a half-burned candle. The walls, along with what seemed to be windows, were covered in worn-out wooden boards, bearing the scars of time and countless nights.

Ponies, griffons, and others were present, either alone or in small groups, seated around tables. Some were playing cards or dice, while others threw darts at old wooden targets. The general murmur was punctuated by the clinking of glasses against the counter and muffled laughter.

Moving in the near darkness, my eyes quickly adjusted to the dim light as I sat at the counter on an old wooden stool, facing a Pegasus whose wings resembled those of a bat, looking at me with a mischievous smile, revealing two sharp teeth. "Guard chase you in here, cutie?"

I let out a small laugh. "Not yet." My smile widened slightly. "I'll have a glass of your strongest."

She blinked several times, probably slightly surprised, before resuming a mischievous smile. "Sure thing." She quickly turned around, pulling out various bottles I didn't recognize, while a customer next to me exhaled smoke.

I turned to the person, a griffon with perfectly groomed fur, holding a cigar in his right paw. "If I were you, I wouldn't drink that, kid." He chuckled slightly, taking a sip of his slightly bluish drink.

"And a special Irish Trash for the big boy." I turned around, the strong smell of the drink hitting me slightly. "But if that's too strong for you, I could probably find you a dress and a stallion for the grand gala."

I looked her in the eyes as I heard some laughs from customers, taking the glass in my wings and downing it in one go without breaking eye contact, seeing her face turn to astonishment as I struggled to keep an impassive face while feeling the warm liquid go down slowly.

I placed the empty glass in front of her. "Thunder, the adventurer. I'm not just any snob in this town." The griffon beside me chuckled at my audacity. "Another one."

The Pegasus, a bit bewildered, hurried to prepare another glass that I already felt was stronger. The griffon beside me continued, between laughs, "Looks like the great adventurer has some backbone. Maybe you won't be so easy to bring down." I wondered where to find a cigar; I used to be a smoker in my old life, but it became too expensive over time.

I smiled, enjoying the dark and lively atmosphere of the bar. The customers, with varied expressions, all seemed to have something to hide or forget. A mix of whispered conversations, resounding laughter, and the muted music from the corner of the room created a dissonant yet strangely captivating symphony.

It seemed that even in this world, people kept a shadowy part, which didn't surprise me too much.

My thoughts were interrupted when a new glass was placed in front of me, her smile taking on a challenging glint. "So, great adventurer, ready to face the next one?"

"Why not," I replied, raising the glass in approval. I drank slowly, savoring the potent blend that warmed my throat. The robust flavor was almost a challenge in itself, but I didn't flinch. The curious looks of the other customers seemed to follow each of my movements.

The griffon burst into laughter. "Well played, adventurer. Looks like you're not here to play tourist."

"Not really, I just happened to pass by and was drawn in by the sign, but I didn't expect to find a place like this in the capital," I replied, placing the empty glass, already feeling the alcohol take effect. "But that doesn't mean I can't appreciate a good drink and interesting company."

The hours passed in the unique atmosphere of "The Last Round." Conversations faded, giving way to music and sporadic laughter. Griff Striker, after some lively exchanges, introduced himself as the equivalent of a mercenary turned alcohol merchant with more stories than he could tell.

The waitress finally introduced herself; this was the first time I heard about bat ponies. Her name was Shadow Wing, a former profiteer, and I wasn't sure if she implied a smuggler or a pirate.

Late in the evening, as I was preparing to leave, Griff Striker put a paw on my shoulder. "If you're looking for action, Thunder, come back one of these nights. We might need someone of your caliber."

I left the bar, trying to stand as straight as possible, leaving behind the darkness and mystery of "The Last Round," visibly intoxicated and looking for the whereabouts of my hotel.

Entrant inebriated, I gave a friendly nod to the unicorn at the reception, who stepped away as I passed to bring me a bucket before helping me reach my room.

I collapsed onto my bed, waiting for her to leave before reverting to my changeling form. "I'm going to regret this tomorrow..." I closed my eyes.

13 perfectly legal proposition

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I lifted my head from the bed, expelling a significant portion of what I had ingested in the bucket a mix of fluo secretion, emitting a long hiss between my teeth.

I spread my wings, returning to my pegasus form, only to hear a loud growl coming from my stomach. Perhaps I had neglected my diet too much since my arrival. I got up cautiously, feeling every movement resonate in my throbbing head, and my wings seemed particularly numb. "Another beautiful day."

I descended the stairs carefully, trying not to worsen my already precarious situation. Light conversations and the clinking of utensils in the dining room seemed exacerbated by my heightened sensitivity. The unicorn at the reception, busy welcoming new arrivals, paid me little attention.

Once outside, the fresh morning air seemed to have a revitalizing effect, although my wings remained slightly numb. I headed towards a small bakery.

Inside, the place was warm, illuminated by the soft light of hanging lamps. A couple of ponies were chatting happily at a table, and a musician played the guitar in a corner. I discreetly slipped towards the counter, seeking a remedy for my hangover.

The waitress, a pegasus with benevolent eyes, approached with a welcoming smile. "Good morning, what can I get you this morning?"

"A strong coffee, please, and a croissant to go with it," I replied with a grateful smile, my right wing still massaging my forehead.

She nodded and headed towards the kettle. Meanwhile, I settled at a secluded table, observing the other customers and the peaceful morning life in Canterlot before resting my head on the cool wooden table.

The waitress returned with a steaming cup of coffee and a golden croissant on a plate. "Here's your order; I hope this will perk you up," she said with a compassionate wink.

"Thank you very much," I replied, lifting the cup to smell the intoxicating aroma of the coffee. The comforting warmth of the brew gradually soothed the persistent headache.

I immersed myself in the first sip, savoring the robust taste of the coffee that seemed to awaken my numbed senses. The croissant, delightfully crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, complemented this morning remedy perfectly.

I paid the bill before heading towards the park, hoping to grab a bite before my predator side began to alter my behavior.

The park stretched over a vast expanse, unfolding a mosaic of enchanting scenes. Majestic trees proudly rose, creating a verdant canopy that delicately filtered the sunlight. Winding pathways invited adventure, bordered by flower beds in vibrant hues spreading a sweet fragrance in the air.

In the center of the park, a tranquil pond housed a variety of waterfowl. Ducks gracefully glided on the water, brightening the atmosphere with their joyful quacks. Majestic swans elegantly lounged on the shore, their white feathers reflecting the sunlight.

Clusters of bushes offered hiding spots, and I discreetly blended into them. Further away, foals laughed and played, and I patiently waited for an animal to approach. To my surprise, a bird landed on my shoulder.

I began absorbing its emotions, reminding myself that ponies were not predators for the surrounding animal species. However, the taste of the creature's emotions made me nauseous, while a metallic flavor filled my mouth. I caught the bird in my wing, gently placing it on the ground as it lost consciousness.

Normally, a meal of this size shouldn't have been enough for a changeling, but I already felt significantly better. My wings no longer hurt, and my headache had disappeared.

I sat on a bench, letting the sun's rays warm me, wondering how to spend my day. Onyx was probably working, and I suspected that Dr. Cristal had classes to teach.

The idea of being alone didn't excite me. I remembered it was a habit I needed to lose, especially in the city. It would be foolish to repeat the mistakes of my past life...

I noticed a group of ponies seemingly engaged in a friendly chess tournament. A faint smile lit up my face as I joined the crowd; after all, what did ponies understand about strategy?

I moved my queen to H5, carefully observing the chessboard. My opponent, a pony with a deep blue coat and a meticulously coiffed silver mane, clearly did not expect this move.

"Checkmate," I declared with satisfaction, the fool's mate in all its glory.

The pony across from me scratched his head slightly, expressing a mixture of surprise and admiration. He extended his hoof, acknowledging his defeat. "Impressive, Thunder. I thought you didn't know how to play."

I sighed. "I know a few simple moves, but I didn't expect to succeed. You underestimated me a bit, I believe."

He smiled, admitting his mistake. "Clearly. You're much more skilled than I thought. Can't judge a book by its cover, huh?"

After playing a few more games with different ponies, I found my next opponent, a young unicorn filly with a bright white coat contrasting with her vivid pink mane.

Despite her innocent appearance, she effortlessly crushed me several times.

Once the games were over, I joined the eclectic group, chatting and sharing pleasant moments, including a particularly delicious pear tart.

We parted ways some time later, and I stretched a bit as I left the park, the sun still high in the sky. The wind gently caressed my outspread wings, and I took flight, enjoying the sensation of freedom as I soared above the city. The bustling streets below were like pulsating veins.

Without a specific direction in mind, I flew back and forth across the city, observing the diverse scenes unfolding below. The colorful market stalls caught my eye, children's laughter echoed in the air, and the quiet alleys offered picturesque corners to explore.

Eventually, I decided to perch on the roof of a building, the sun warming my feathers and fur. There, on this elevated roost, I could overlook the entire city. The rooftops of houses, the majestic towers of the distant castle, everything was within my view. I let myself be lulled by the distant murmur of urban life while enjoying the relative calm of my elevated position.

"This is life," I murmured to myself, savoring the present moment. As I lounged on the rooftop, the sun began its descent in the sky, painting the clouds with warm and golden hues.

I descended from the heights to take the streets leading to The Last Round. As soon as I passed the door, the smell of tobacco hit me again. Griff was not in sight, and the tables seemed emptier than yesterday, but Shadow Wing stood with her back to the counter, busy preparing something.

I approached the counter and sat down, noticing several glasses spinning on a tray between Shadow Wing's hooves. With a teasing smile, I quipped, "So, Shadow Wing, have you found a stallion to escort me to the grand gala, or do I have to find my prince charming on my own?"

Shadow Wing turned her head, her gaze meeting mine with a mischievous glint. She paused in her preparation, tilting her head slightly to the side in a dramatic fashion. "For the dress, we can always arrange something, even though I pictured you more as a mare hunter."

"I, uh," no response came out of my throat for a few seconds.

Her canines were visible, and her eyes sparkled with amusement. "So, the great adventurer is speechless, did I touch a sensitive spot?"

I quickly closed my eyes, exhaling the contents of my lungs, then opened them again with a smile. "Wouldn't that be jealousy?" I joked. "I'll take a cocktail, try to make it as beautiful as you are, and see if you're to my taste."

Shadow Wing burst into laughter, her voice resonating in the bar. "Jealous, me? You're funnier than I thought, Thunder. A special cocktail, then." She got to work, skillfully mixing the ingredients with an almost artistic grace.

While she was preparing the drink, a griffon landed next to me with a lit cigar. "Thunder, back for another round?"

"Sort of," I replied with a smile, avoiding looking at Shadow Wing, who continued to concoct my cocktail.

"You know, I could use a helping hand with one of my business matters." I turned my head toward Griff.

"I'm an adventurer, not, uh... a fortune stallion?" He covered his face with a cloud of smoke, flashing an enigmatic smile.

"Too bad, Thunder. I would have offered you a free trip to a place few have recently gone, to accompany some friends of mine."

Griff seemed serious, and the atmosphere in the bar took on a darker shade, as if shadows hidden behind the walls were beginning to stretch into the room. I felt a subtle pressure in the air, indicating that the matter at hand was probably not the most legal.

"What kind of place and what kind of friends are you talking about, Griff?" I asked, aware that I might be getting into something much more complex.

"Have you heard of the Crystal Empire?" The name didn't ring a bell.

"No, never."

"It's an area that has just reappeared where a new race of pony is located, and I would like to be the first to do business with them." I raised an eyebrow, intrigued, as a glass was slammed down in front of me.

"And why do you need me?"

"Simple. There's a train to get there, but there's a snow zone to traverse, and more importantly, I'd prefer you protect them once inside. From what I understand, they've been isolated for a very long time, and one of the individuals I'm sending is a griffoness." His voice sounded much more intense.

"I see, it sounds legal enough to me... But when do you want to send your team?"

"In two days, with samples of my products, and they'll leave when we've found clients. Do you agree, Thunder?" Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the bat pony place a glass of whiskey next to her.

"You're forgetting an important point." I smiled.

"1000 bits and free food." Griff didn't even blink, confirming with a nod.

The proposition hung in the air, and everyone in the bar seemed to be watching the scene with curiosity. I took the glass that had been served to me.

"You know how to be persuasive... I accept if I'm paid in advance."

He chuckled lightly before speaking again, "You'll be paid at the Crystal Empire."

"That works for me." I extended my hoof, and he shook it lightly with his claws before clinking glasses with me.

The glass she had prepared for me was entirely red. As I began to drink it, a taste of cherry mixed with blackcurrant liqueur became apparent, along with a strong alcohol kick and a hint of lemon juice.

I turned with a smile to the bartender. "Are you trying to tell me that you're strong, elegant, but hide your sweetness behind bitterness?"

She simply turned away, but a bit too late for me not to notice the slight embarrassment on her face.

I chuckled lightly. "I knew it." I turned my attention back to Griff. "The rendezvous point, and where and when?"

Griff seemed amused by the situation before handing me a card. "This address at 1 PM. I'll introduce you to your travel companions."

I took the card, where it was noted as Griff's Brewery, along with an address in the artisan district. "I'd like to stay longer, but I have to go see someone."

Griff nodded as I paid, while my bartender seemed to be in a sour mood as I left. I couldn't help but utter a "adorable" on my way out.

14 My Way Of Life

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I emerged from the shadow of the Last Round alley, my destination already set though I couldn't resist doing a few somersaults.

Straightening up on Onyx's porch, I readjusted my mane with a confident gesture, and shook my wings slightly to make myself presentable before knocking three light taps on the door. Searching for the right words about my new beginning, I could feel my heart beating a little faster.

Footsteps approached the door in a peculiar manner, as if they were uncertain. I immediately understood the issue when, as the door opened, a form leaned forward.

Rising on my hind legs, I caught Onyx in my wings, making sure not to hurt him before gently placing him on my chest, asking with a warm smile, "Rough day, Onyx?"

Onyx swayed slightly on my chest, almost seeming to dance involuntarily. His breath clearly betrayed the amount of alcohol he had consumed, and his gaze wavered between surprise and confusion.

"Thunder... you caught me there for real?" He burst into laughter, a laughter a bit too loud for the late hour, his eyes looking at me with a troubled affection. "It's comfy..."

I offered him a conspiratorial smile, gently tightening my embrace around him. "You know, if you want, I can put you on the couch. You'll have more space to relax."

Onyx shook his head with a small laugh. "No, no, I'm good here." He snuggled a bit more against me, his shoulder pressed against my chest. "It's funny, I don't even remember the last time I felt this good."

My heart accelerated slightly, and I felt the blush rise to my cheeks. I took a deep breath to try to regain my composure. A slight smirk lit up my face, hoping to conceal the inner turmoil. "It's nice to know I can be of some use."

Onyx looked up at me, his gaze expressing a tenderness I couldn't ignore. The alcohol had made his emotional barriers thinner, and I wondered if Onyx perceived my inner turmoil. "You are more than useful, Thunder. You are precious."

I began to carry him inside in my hooves. "You are too, Onyx... You are precious to me."

With caution, I guided Onyx inside to his room, carrying him in my hooves while keeping my wings around him. He followed without resistance, seemingly enjoying the attention I was giving him. Arriving at his door, I pushed it open gently, revealing a room illuminated by the soft moonlight through the window.

I led him to the bed, gently placing him on the sheets. His eyes expressed a mix of fatigue and vulnerability. "Rest, Onyx. You need it," I said in a soft voice.

Onyx signaled for me to come closer with a smile. "Thunder, I want to tell you something." I moved my face closer to his, captivating his tired yet sparkling eyes with deep emotion. Suddenly, without warning, our lips met in a tender kiss, sweet like a nocturnal melody. The contact was electric, a blend of passion and mutual understanding. My wings fluttered as a mix of warmth, tenderness, and a hint of excitement coursed through me.

My legs trembled, and I felt my primal hunger fade away. When our lips finally parted, a new spark shone in Onyx's eyes. A warm smile lit up his face, reflecting happiness and gratitude.

"I hope to remember this tomorrow, Thunder..." he began to say with half-closed eyes.

I stood dumbfounded by the bed for a moment until he started snoring, my brain seeming to disconnect.

I eventually shook my head slightly and made my way to Onyx's bathroom, splashing water on my face before looking at myself in the mirror. I had a goofy smile on my face as I left his house, heading towards the hotel.

I closed the door to my room, staring at the ceiling for a moment. My brain was making logical connections with the times I had encountered him, the innuendos, his joy when I invited him, and his disappointment when I left after our evening.

"It's not possible to be so blind," I murmured, running my hooves over my face, letting out a slight groan. I had feelings for him, but I would have preferred if they were not reciprocated.

Confusion swirled in my head. Emotions were a confusing mix of happiness, fear, and uncertainty. I was aware that our relationship could become complicated, especially given the secrets I carried...

Escape was always an option. I could simply change my face and start over and over until I was drained of all substance, of any desire to live, and I turned on the gas.

I already had time to get my thoughts together. How did I end up in such situations in a world of colorful ponies?

I tossed and turned in my bed, desperately seeking sleep. My carapace reflected faint blue glints under the moonlight, but I was too lost in my thoughts to pay it more attention.

The sunlight began to seep into the room, illuminating my already open eyes. I got out of bed with a sigh, heading towards my door while transforming, making my way to the counter. Unsurprisingly, the gray unicorn was there with a coffee and immense dark circles.

"Mr. Thunder, is it to check out?" She seemed to have had a restless night.

"Not really, I would like an additional day. I'm leaving tomorrow," I said softly.

She nodded slowly. "Very well." She took out the register and started filling it out as I placed the coins on the table.

I looked at her before speaking with a slight smirk. "You seem to have had a lively evening."

She smiled slowly. "Former student's night..."

I observed her carefully as she organized the manifest. "I see," I nodded, heading towards the exit, making my way to the nearest café for my caffeine fix and a chocolate croissant.

I took a deep breath as I hovered over Onyx's house, letting my thoughts calm down. My decision was made. Eventually, I landed in front of his door and knocked three times sharply. The wait was short before the door opened.

Onyx appeared with a smile, but he lost his confidence upon recognizing me, turning his eyes to the ground. "I'm sor..."

I didn't give him the time to finish his sentence. I enveloped Onyx in my wings and pulled him close to me, pressing my muzzle against his ear.

Curious glances passed in the street, making me blush in our embrace. I gently led him inside while Onyx closed the door telekinetically.

Inside, in the relative calm of the house, I gently withdrew from the embrace but kept my hooves around him. "Onyx, don't say anything. I don't want you to apologize."

I cupped his face in my hooves, forcing his eyes to meet mine, and slowly brought my muzzle closer to his, seeking his lips once again.

Our lips met in a soft and tender kiss. I felt the steady rhythm of his breath mingling with mine, our breaths becoming a delicate symphony. Onyx responded to the kiss with equal intensity, erasing any hesitation he might have had.

When our lips finally parted, our gazes met, filled with a new understanding and growing affection. Onyx smiled, a glint of happiness in his eyes.

"Thunder," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "I didn't expect... this."

I returned his smile, gently stroking his mane. "It's only the beginning," I said, feeling Onyx's hooves tighten slightly around me.

"I hope," his voice trembled slightly. "I love you, Thunder," his cheeks turned red.

A teasing smile played on my face. "I know, Onyx. I love myself too." Onyx's hooves released me, giving me playful hoof bumps on the chest, making me laugh. "Yes, I love you too, Onyx."

After this tender moment, Onyx and I decided to spend the rest of the day together. We went to a cozy little restaurant in the heart of the city to enjoy a pleasant dinner. Laughter and light conversations filled the air as we savored our dishes. Onyx had a charming way of sharing anecdotes from his life, and I discovered even more interesting facets of his personality.

During the meal, our gazes crossed several times, each carrying deep affection. The moments of silence were just as meaningful as the exchanged words. There was a mutual understanding, an emotional connection that didn't always require words.

After dinner, Onyx and I returned to his house. We settled on the couch, him in my wing. There was a soft and warm atmosphere, but something weighed on our minds.

Finally, I took the initiative to break the silence. "Onyx... my heart, I have to leave for work tomorrow for some time."

I saw a hint of disappointment. "But we just..."

I placed a hoof on his mouth to cut him off. "Yes, I know, but I don't plan on quitting my adventurer career now." I gently removed my hoof.

Onyx looked at me, his eyes a bit sad. "I understand, Thunder, but you better give me updates."

I smiled, tightening my wing around him. "Does it sound like me not to give updates?"

He pretended to think intensely before answering with a simple "Yes" while squinting.

I chuckled lightly. "We don't have the same relationship anymore." As his only response, he rolled his eyes. "I promise to give you updates, my... precious?"

He looked into my eyes with a smile, "You're not quite skilled with love nicknames yet, my light." I stuck my tongue out at him like a child, making him chuckle.

We spent the rest of the day cooing at each other like two teenagers, knowing that eventually, as night fell, we would head upstairs.

15 Meet The Crew

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The first night spent with Onyx was a whirlwind of pleasure and joy. While he, wrapped in my wings, emitted soft snores, I remained awake, focusing on my pegasus form. Onyx seemed so peaceful in his sleep, and every beat of his heart resonated in harmony with mine.

I closed my eyes with a serene smile on my face.

"The prince should wake up," whispered a familiar voice, instantly triggering my awareness. I recognized Onyx who had awakened, but I decided not to react immediately, savoring the moment and waiting for the opportune time.

Eventually, I gracefully unfolded my wings, enveloping Onyx in a gentle embrace. My eyes opened, meeting his in a glow of tenderness. "Good morning, my prince charming," I murmured, letting my hooves slide delicately through his mane.

He closed his eyes, seemingly enjoying my attention, bringing his lips closer to find mine in a light kiss. He lightly ran his hoof over my dark circles with a smile. "Coffee?"

I chuckled slightly. "In your company? No sugar then." I released him from my embrace, feeling the sweet complicity that already united us.

We went down together, me half enveloping him with my right wing, to the kitchen where Onyx carefully prepared the coffee. The intoxicating aroma filled the room, creating a warm and comforting atmosphere.

While the coffee brewed, I lounged slightly with Onyx half-lying on his couch. "Sorry for having to leave so soon; if I had known, I wouldn't have accepted this contract."

He looked at me with a hint of sadness. "I know." He levitated the cups with telekinesis. "But promise me you'll come back."

I looked at him, grabbing my cup in my hooves. "I don't see how I could do without you anyway," I admitted, a tender smile forming on my lips.

Minutes passed in a soothing tranquility, savoring each sip of coffee while exchanging complicit glances. Words were not necessary; our emotions expressed themselves through every small gesture and every contact.

Onyx smiled. "When you return, I'll introduce you to my family..." he laid his head on my legs. "By the way, you've never told me about yours." His eyes looked into mine.

I grimaced slightly, not wanting to talk about it or lie to him. "Let's make a deal," I attempted to smile. "I promise to tell you everything upon my return. I don't want to spoil the mood." best i can do for now is buy time.

Onyx nodded, understanding my reluctance. "Okay, Thunder. No pressure. I'm just happy to spend these moments with you."

I gently stroked his mane. "And I am too, Onyx. These moments with you are priceless."

I eventually pulled away from Onyx's hooves after a final kiss, quickly grabbing my belongings from the hotel before heading towards Brasserie Griff.

Brasserie Griff stood majestically at the street corner, its green facade exhaling a warm and inviting ambiance. A carved wooden sign hung above the door, proudly displaying the establishment's name in letters intricately marked with a slight scratch.

As I pushed the door of Brasserie Griff, a wave of warmth and malty aromas instantly enveloped me. The interior was bathed in an amber glow, brick walls showcasing elements of the establishment's brewing history.

Griff was sitting at a table, surprisingly without a cigar. I approached, and he gestured for me to sit in one of the four available chairs. "You've arrived early."

I smiled. "Always." I settled in, wincing slightly in pain. "So, who are the people you want to introduce me to?"

He raised a claw. "Before that, I'm giving you a directive. My daughter is part of this team, and I want to see her again without a scratch."

I nodded slightly. "Understood."

"Her maidenhood intact as well," he added in a serious and intimidating tone.

I smiled slightly, sitting up in the chair. "Don't worry; that's not my style."

"I see. The others shouldn't be long in arriving."

I waited patiently for the arrival of the two other team members while sipping on a peculiar drink with the old Griff.

"And then I told him, it seems even ghosts get thirsty, my friend!" I laughed heartily as he lightly tapped the table, chuckling while smoking a cigar.

The door open, revealing a brown unicorn and a white-feathered griffon. I turned to see that the griffon had moved the ashtray in front of me, with his cigar still lit.

The griffon seemed to squint. "Dad, you're not smoking again, are you?"

I shot a knowing glance at Griff. "No, it's mine." I had never smoked a cigar, but I put it in my mouth and pretended to puff.

He gave me a wry smile. "Thunder, let me introduce you to Iaso, my daughter."

I smiled. "Nice to meet you, Iaso."

The brown unicorn introduced herself with a hoof gesture. "You can call me Bulky. Pleasure to meet you, Thunder."

I saw her take a seat around the table before turning my attention back to Griff, who cleared his throat. "As you know, you need to find new clients for me in the Crystal Empire, but given the risks, I've decided to hire Thunder, the adventurer."

The brown unicorn looked me up and down while Iaso glanced at her claws. I smiled slightly. "I'll do everything in my power to ensure your safety."

The brown unicorn smiled at me. "I'm sure an adventurer like you must have some stories to tell." I shook my head slightly.

"I suppose I'll have time during the journey." She ran a hoof through her mane, flipping it back after my response.

"If my father deems you trustworthy, it works for me, but please avoid smoking." I blew a cloud of smoke into the air.

"Of course, I wouldn't want to inconvenience you." Griff theatrically produced three first-class train tickets and placed them on the table, along with a list that he handed directly to me.

"Now that introductions are done, your train leaves in two hours; the samples are already loaded. Thunder, I'm counting on you to also check the cargo during the trip." I looked at the list, which included several types of alcohol and their quantities.

"I'll verify everything before departure, Griff" and I guess I'll need to buy some warm clothes too...

I quickly visited a few stores, finding a gray coat and a black Ushanka, giving me a slight communist vibe before heading to the train station.

I boarded the rear cars, checking that the cargo was in place before departure. The journey was going to be long, but at least I would have pleasant company...

16 Peaceful journey

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I whistled softly as I entered through the door, my eyes fixed on the list that Griff had entrusted to me. The idea of tasting the special blend with Onyx later in the day was already making my mouth water.

The transport wagon was nearly deserted. I easily spotted the crate, its contents consisting of small barrels, each about five liters. To ensure they were full, I tapped a few before carefully closing the crate.

Next, I headed to the seat assigned to me at the front of the vehicle. Sitting comfortably on a faux-leather bench, I closed my eyes slightly, immersing myself in the faint creaking of the leather. "I still prefer a roof, though."

I relaxed as the first passengers began to board. Wrapped lightly in my coat, I hoped to exude a mysterious air as footsteps approached the area where I had settled.

Someone took a seat next to me. "I'd tell you to stick close to me, but I know two individuals who would object."

"I know one of them, but who's the other, your special mare?" I opened my eyes, amused, to see her looking at the ceiling with a smile.

"That's close enough, and Bulky?" Noticing a small red suitcase at her hooves, a part of me hoped it contained warm clothing.

Isao let out a long sigh. "In the dining car."

I looked at her with amusement. "I'm sure they've already set out in search of desserts."

She burst into laughter, confirming my assumption. "Very likely. Bulky has a particular passion for pastries."

The train emitted a slight rumble as it began to move. A tinge of excitement rose within me at the prospect of this new adventure.

"Ready for this journey?" I asked, glancing at the red suitcase by her feet.

She nodded with a smile. "More than ready. And you?"

I returned her smile. "Always ready for adventure." Then, I turned slightly toward her. "I hope you brought warm clothes."

She tapped her suitcase with the tip of one of her claws. "I'm not foolish, Mr. Adventurer."

I couldn't help but have a sly smile. "Until proven otherwise, and Bulky?"

Isao quickly ran a hoof behind her head. "She's a peculiar unicorn."

"You reassure me." My sly smile turned into a slight grimace.

The rumbling of the train intensified as we departed from the capital. Isao and I were engrossed in a friendly conversation when the door suddenly swung open, revealing Bulky with a pink suitcase on her back and triangular sandwiches held in levitation. "I brought cheese and salad sandwiches, and some cupcakes too."

I looked at her with a smile as she took a seat across from me. "You know how to satisfy a stallion."

She glanced at me, sliding a green sandwich my way. "It just means you're not picky." The griffon beside me chuckled lightly.

I took a light bite, savoring the taste of cheese and hay before responding, "We'll talk about it when it comes time to move something heavy."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Isao move to sit in front of me, looking particularly amused as she lazily placed her paw on the table, ready for an arm wrestle. "But of course."

A mischievous smile stretched across my lips as I replied challengingly, accepting her invitation with a nod. "Did I touch a nerve?" I positioned my hoof confidently, ready to take on the challenge.

I instantly felt the tension in her muscles as she remained resolutely firm. An exchange of strength ensued, where I skillfully played with her power, letting myself slide slightly before regaining the advantage. She demonstrated undeniable strength, but it was clear she couldn't currently compete with me.

I looked her in the eyes, using a bit more force, making her yield little by little. "Alright, Thunder, I'm sure I can let you handle the crate upon our arrival."

I chuckled slightly as I won. "Darn, I fell into the trap. I'll get some fresh air."

Bulky looked at me, blinking several times as I opened the window. "We're at full speed..."

I gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I just need to beat my wings quickly."

Leaning on the window ledge, I felt the wind rush into the cabin. Then, with a slight movement, I jumped over the edge, unfolding my wings to land on the roof of the cabin.

The blue sky stretched above me, scattered with clouds of various shapes. The fresh wind caressed my coat as the sound of the train speeding through the landscape filled the air.

I took a deep breath, relishing the feeling of freedom as I stood there. The scenery of the plains swiftly passed around me, enjoying it while not knowing how much time I had before the cold started to set in.

I had spent about an hour on the roof before making my way to the back of the train. Jumping from wagon to wagon, I enjoyed feeling the rhythmic motion of the train under my hooves.

The night wind whistled in my ears, adding an extra dimension to the thrill of this impromptu adventure. Every leap from wagon to wagon was an exhilarating experience, a dance with the train's speed.

Eventually, I gracefully dropped down at the entrance of the transport wagon, checking the cabin before returning to my place through the roofs. My abrupt arrival startled Bulky, who was half-dozing on Isao's shoulder.

I smiled slightly. "The cargo is still intact. I think I'll rest a bit."

The griffon sighed lightly. "You know how to make an entrance." I just smiled, closing my coat around me and lowering my chapka before closing my eyes to rest.

I heard Isao and Bulky murmuring to each other, but I couldn't catch their words as sleep took over.

I awoke abruptly, my senses on high alert. The train had come to a sudden stop, breaking the tranquility of my rest. The familiar vibrations were replaced by an unsettling stillness. The electric tension in the air was palpable.

My gaze wandered through the window into the darkness; night had fallen, searching for clues about the reason for this sudden halt. Isao and Bulky were now fully awake as well, their expressions betraying a certain apprehension.

"What's happening?" I asked in a low voice as I stood up.

Isao shrugged. "I have no idea. This doesn't seem like a planned stop." Bulky, on the other hand, did not seem reassured.

I heard other passengers murmuring amongst themselves. I stretched with a slight crackling noise. "I'll see what's going on." Part of me prepared for combat as I passed through the window again.

I slipped silently outside the wagon, landing with agility on the train's roof. The night's coolness enveloped me as I moved towards the front of the convoy, looking for signs of what might have caused this unexpected stop.

The wind gently blew against my fur as I progressed cautiously. The shifting shadows of trees scrolled through the darkness, adding to the mysterious atmosphere of the night.

Suddenly, I spotted a dark silhouette in the distance, near the tracks. I approached cautiously, hiding behind a tangle of cables and pipes on the wagon's roof before dropping into the conductor's compartment.

The conductor seemed agitated. From my position, I saw something on the tracks: a lion with bat wings and a scorpion tail, a manticore that seemed to be challenging the train.

A smile appeared on my face as I landed next to the sweating conductor. "I'll handle this; get ready to restart the train."

He jumped, turning his head towards me. "Are you crazy? This creature can easily defeat you."

I dropped my coat and placed my chapka in the conductor's compartment. "Who decided that?" I took off without hearing the conductor's response, landing in front of the train.

The creature, imposing and threatening, roared towards the train. Its gaze met mine, and a thrill of excitement ran through me. It was time for action.

The Manticore stood on its hind legs, ready to roar. Seizing the opportunity, I charged at full speed, colliding violently with its chest. Its roar turned into a muffled cry as it fell heavily on its back. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I pushed off its belly to propel myself backward.

Landing on my feet outside the tracks, I watched the creature rise. I took a step back, positioning myself with my back against a tree. As the creature charged, I tried to roll to the side, but it managed to deliver a massive paw strike, throwing me to the ground, while it collided with the tree with a cracking sound.

I quickly got up, taking flight to see an enraged manticore flying after me with roars. Maybe I had overestimated myself...

I flew as fast as possible through the trees lining the track, while the pursuing monster collided with everything, letting out increasingly loud roars. I took a deep breath before gaining as much altitude as possible, the manticore still behind me.

I descended in a dive, aiming for the manticore's right wing with both of my front hooves!

I struck the manticore's right wing with calculated precision, and a cry of pain echoed through the forest. The creature staggered in the air, unable to maintain stable flight. Taking advantage of its momentary vulnerability, I pounced on it, grabbing its wings with my hooves, causing us to fall rapidly.

In a desperate move, it swung its tail in my direction. I barely had time to dodge it, but the sharp tip grazed my flank, leaving a painful cut.

As the ground continued to approach, I hit the back of the manticore's head before taking off from its back. Its tail left a new cut on my belly this time.

The manticore crashed to the ground with a massive noise, and I dropped next to it, wings spread and out of breath, the creature seeming knock out.

I stood up gracefully before staggering towards the front of the train, which was a bit far. The driver looked at me, his jaw ready to drop. "We can go now," I said as calmly as possible, retrieving my belongings before taking the numerous doors to return to my seat, my head spinning slightly.

I sat quietly in my place, Isao and Bulky looking at me strangely while the train resumed its journey.

Bulky looked at me oddly, "So, what was that?"

I smiled slightly, "Just a Manticore. I took care of it."

They both asked in unison, "You what ?!" I gave them a amused smile despite the fact that my wounds were stinging slightly.

17 Cristal Empire and Medic

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The rest of the journey passed more quietly for us, and I hadn't admitted to them that I was probably not in a condition to fight anything more challenging than a paper bag.

I gazed out the window as the landscape began to change, and the temperature dropped. A thin layer of snow started to appear. I tightened my coat as much as possible, attempting to conceal my injuries and shield myself from the upcoming cold. "You should change, girls."

Bulky nodded slowly, pulling out a scarf matching her mane, along with an oversized blue coat that seemed too big for her, while Isao brought out a jacket slightly whiter than her feathers and something Bulky and I hadn't thought of: socks.

I watched the unicorn strike a slight pose, trying in vain to catch my attention, before finally posing the question: "How do you like my coat, Thunder?"

I took two seconds to look at her and contemplate a response. "You know, adventurers aren't known for their aesthetic taste..."

Isao couldn't resist adding, "I'm sure if it were your special mare, you wouldn't say that."

Bulky squinted her eyes. "Do you have someone in your life, Thunder?"

I looked out the window longingly, but I knew my body wouldn't endure another intense effort so quickly. I sighed, defeated by the questioning gaze of the mare and the visibly amused griffon. "Yes, I currently have someone in my life."

I felt that her curiosity was far from satisfied. "And what's her name? Is she a Pegasus too? What does she look like?"

And to think I found Pinkie Pie from Ponyville challenging to handle... "I don't really feel like talking about it."

Bulky narrowed her eyes in a manner that seemed almost calculated, wearing an expression both curious and mischievous. She stared at me intently, using her large, sparkling eyes to try to penetrate my defenses.

"Come on, Thunder, you can tell us a bit more," she said in a sweet voice, playing the card of puppy-dog eyes with astonishing mastery. "We're curious to know about this special person in your life. Does she have wings like you, or maybe a mane as flamboyant as yours?"

I crossed my hooves and resisted as much as possible the influence of her enchanting gaze. "Bulky, I'm more on the discreet side about my personal life. I prefer to keep certain things to myself."

The griffon beside me flashed a teasing smile. "Bulky has a particular talent for getting stubborn Pegasus to talk, Thunder. If you resist too much, she might bombard you with questions until you crack."

Bulky strengthened her gentle gaze with an adorable pout. "Come on, just a few details. We promise not to ask too many questions, right, Isao?"

Isao nodded with a conspiratorial smile. "Promise, just a few details. It stays between us."

I sighed, feeling my resistance crumble under their combined insistence. "I'll allow each of you one question, but that's it."

Bulky let out a discreet cry of victory, while Isao sported a triumphant smile. They had gotten what they wanted, at least in part.

"So, Thunder," Bulky began with palpable enthusiasm, "how did you and this special person in your life meet?"

I gazed slightly at the ceiling, searching for words that would reveal just enough. "I was in Canterlot during the Changeling attack... I helped him find shelter, and he welcomed me into his home after the attack." A atmosphere of sweet nostalgia permeated my words, mixed with a hint of hypocrisy that I couldn't avoid.

Isao and Bulky exchanged a surprised look, then their eyes settled on me with renewed curiosity. Bulky seemed on the verge of asking another question, but Isao stopped her with a knowing look.

"Interesting," Isao commented in a measured tone. "You hid from us that you have talents for aiding during attacks. And, huh, did you say 'he' welcomed you into his home?"

Blush rushed to my cheeks, and I looked away to the window, seeking a tactical retreat. "I did just fight a Manticore less than an hour ago..."

She lightly clicked her talons. "Don't change the subject, is it 'he'?"

I desperately searched for an escape route, only to meet Bulky's curious gaze. "Yes, I did say 'he.'"

Bulky burst into laughter, a warm and contagious laughter that echoed in the cabin. "Ah, a valiant stallion has conquered a lone heart!"

Isao smirked, evidently amused by the situation. "Who would have thought our adventurer had such a peculiar love life?"

I rubbed the back of my neck, trying to conceal my growing embarrassment. "Well, you know, adventurers also have a life outside of battles and missions."

Unyielding, Bulky deepened her curiosity. "So, spill it all! What's his name? What attracted you to him?"

Isao joined in the playful interrogation. "You met during an attack; that's quite unusual for a beginning of a romance. Were sparks flying, literally?"

I rolled my eyes with an amused smile. "No, not really sparks, but it was an intense moment."

Isao seemed intrigued. "And how did you end up at his place after the attack?"

I lowered my head slightly, diving back into those memories. "Well, I was injured, and he refused to let me leave without at least a night of rest"

Bulky grinned mischievously. "That's cute. One can sense a little spark in your eyes."

Isao added teasingly, "And in your rosy cheeks."

I sighed, accepting the fact that my love life was now the topic of conversation. "Well, enough with the questions. Your turn, do you have exciting love lives?"

Isao looked at her claws. "Not really, my father tends to scare off suitors. And you, Bulky?"

Bulky smiled, "I've never had anything serious, but I have some anecdotes." The cabin quickly filled with our laughter and completely improbable anecdotes from this young unicorn.

I felt the train slowing down as outside, a thick layer of snow covered the ground. However, a glow seemed visible in the distance, contrasting with the falling snow and the gray of the horizon.

I stood up from my seat, nodding to Isao, before slowly making my way to the back of the train. My injuries caused me slight pain with each new step, and I really didn't feel like seeing a doctor.

Curiously, pony or not, their instincts told them to let the gray-coated stallion with a black chapka on his head pass. It just goes to show that even in this world, clothes alter people's behavior.

I arrived in the wagon as sturdy ponies, shining slightly in a crystalline glow, began unloading the equipment and putting it on sleds. Part of me wanted to help, but I wasn't in a condition to do so.

I descended from the train, my hooves sinking a few inches into the snow, causing a slight shiver. The freshness of the winter air seeped under my coat, prompting a slight grimace.

I took the time to acclimate to the cold before moving forward, my vision slightly blurred, feeling sweat trickling down my forehead. I stared at the crate, forcing myself to move forward, before feeling a hoof on my shoulder.

"Thunder, are you okay?" asked Bulky.

I smiled at Bulky. "Yes, just a night's rest can't heal." I shivered as I continued to move, following the sled.

The path in the snow seemed endless. Bulky walked beside me, concerned, while Isao followed closely. The light I had seen from the train widened, revealing a dome where the light seemed radiant despite my blurry vision. I seemed to see the tip of a structure, a tall tower shining faintly.

The closer we got, the more the scenery contrasted with the eternal snow that seemed to surround it. Inside the dome, I seemed to see grass and structures carved from crystal in different colors.

I stopped at the separation line while the crystal stallions crossed without hesitation. Part of me hoped it wasn't a security system.

Isao and Bulky seemed to notice my slight hesitation, a smirk appearing despite my weakness. They gave me a simple nod. "After you, ladies."

Bulky burst into laughter, while Isao looked at me with amusement. "Oh, what a gentleman, Thunder. We're following you."

I gave them an amused look, then decided to cross the separation line, moving from the icy world to what seemed like a crystalline oasis. The warmth enveloped me instantly, making me sigh in relief.

The ground under my hooves was strangely soft, almost welcoming. Crystal shards dotted the landscape, capturing the light and reflecting it in a dazzling symphony of colors.

I smiled slightly. "Why don't you go explore, ladies? I'll take care of the cargo."

Isao and Bulky exchanged a knowing look before nodding eagerly. They seemed impatient to discover the mysteries of this enchanting place.

"Got it, Thunder," Isao replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "We'll leave you to the good work."

Bulky nodded vigorously, her eyes shining with insatiable curiosity. "Have fun with the crates. We'll meet back here in a while."

I waited for them to move away before reaching my hoof under my coat, gently caressing the wounds that the manticore had left. The area around the injury, in addition to being painful, seemed to be swelling. I needed to take care of it as soon as I found a quiet place.

I got to work, overseeing the unloading of the equipment. The workers moved with efficiency, carefully moving the crates in this surreal setting. Even the warehouse was made of crystal.

Once the task was done, I allowed myself a moment to contemplate the landscape. The crystals sparkled in the sunlight, creating magical reflections that danced on the walls of the dome. A gentle breeze blew, bringing with it a sweet melody that seemed to emanate from the earth itself.

I took a deep breath, soaking in the peaceful atmosphere of this place, sitting on a crate before coughing lightly, closing my eyes to conserve my strength.

As I recovered, Isao and Bulky returned after their exploration. Their eyes sparkled with excitement, a sign that this crystal city held astonishing discoveries.

"Thunder, you won't believe what we've seen! It's incredible!" exclaimed Bulky with enthusiasm.

Isao added, "There are shops and artisans crafting crystal beautifully. And the dome's light gives a magical ambiance to the whole place."

I smiled, glad to see them so enchanted by this new destination. "That's fantastic. Now, we should find a place where we can all sleep while you find buyers."

Isao signaled discreetly, "We spotted a charming inn not far from here. Would you like to rest there for a while?"

I sighed lightly. "I guess the crate is secure... have you already booked the rooms?"

Bulky gave me a gentle pat on the back, nearly causing me to stumble. "Maybe you'll even find a doctor there."

I smiled. "Don't worry, I'm a rock, it takes more than that to bring me down."

Isao started to gaze intently at me. "Thunder, open your coat."

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow, hesitating for a moment. "Oh, it's nothing. Just a few scratches, nothing serious." However, my smile was a bit forced, and the insistent looks from Isao and Bulky left no room for escape. Finally, I gave in and opened my coat slightly, revealing the marks left by the manticore.

Isao squinted while examining my wounds. "Thunder, this is much more serious than you're willing to admit; it's venom. We really should find a doctor."

I rolled my eyes. "I've never needed to see a doctor in my life; I would rather not start now." Despite my words, a twinge of pain crossed my face, betraying the gravity of the situation.

Bulky shook her head disapprovingly. "Thunder, it's misplaced pride. You can't ignore something like this. Poisoned wounds can become deadly if left untreated."

The griffon began to look at her claws. "At worst, I'm sure my father could find your special stallion and tell him that you refuse to be treated."

I sighed, "Alright, alright. Let's find that doctor."

We strolled through the bustling streets of the city until we spotted a clinic. My two adventure companions practically pushed me inside.

Isao confidently approached what seemed to be the doctor. "Excuse us, doctor. We need your services."

The practitioner looked up, his gaze scanning our faces. "How may I assist you?" he asked in a gentle yet authoritative voice.

I stepped forward, trying to conceal the pain I was feeling. "I have some injuries from an encounter with a manticore. I would like you to examine them."

The doctor nodded and invited me to sit on a chair near his desk. He examined my wounds meticulously, asking questions about the circumstances of the attack and the symptoms I was experiencing.

After a thorough examination, he grabbed a syringe. Suddenly, I became nervous as the syringe gleamed with a sinister glint under the clinic's neon lights. My heart started pounding, and sweat droplets formed on my forehead.

"Are you ready?" the doctor asked, apparently ignoring my apparent distress.

I tried to keep my composure, but at the sight of the needle, my hind legs began to shake like leaves. "Uh, Doctor... maybe I could just... heal naturally?" I proposed, desperately trying to find an escape.

Isao raised an eyebrow, teasingly amused by my sudden discomfort. "Thunder, you're not afraid of needles, are you?"

Bulky let out a small laugh behind her paw, attempting to mask her amusement. "Come on, Thunder, it's just a little sting."

I took a deep breath, trying to convince myself that everything would be fine. "Of course not, why would I be afraid of needles? I mean, I beat up a manticore that had a dart..." My hooves were trembling slightly.

The doctor nodded understandingly but insisted. "It's just an antivenom serum for the manticore venom. It should relieve your pain and expedite the healing process. You'll only feel a little sting, nothing more."

I tried to appear nonchalant, nodding confidently. "Sure, doctor, go ahead."

The needle approached my arm slowly, and despite my attempt to be brave, a slight grimace appeared on my face. The sting was sharper than expected, and I involuntarily flinched.

Bulky and Isao burst into laughter at my exaggerated reaction. "Thunder, you're more sensitive than you'd like to admit!" Bulky exclaimed between laughter.

I gave them a falsely stern look. "It's easy for you to laugh. Try having a manticore on your back and see how you react afterward."

The doctor smiled, understanding the group's dynamics. "The treatment will take effect shortly. Rest well, and avoid any more manticores in the near future."

We left the clinic, and Isao gave me a mocking look. "The mighty Thunder, scared of a needle. Who would've thought?"

Bulky shook her head with amusement. "It seems we've discovered your weakness, Thunder."

I sighed, resigned, heading towards the inn...

18 Love advice

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I entered the hotel room, locking the door behind me, savoring the respite after this eventful day. The room was modest but welcoming, offering much-needed comfort. I collapsed onto the bed, feeling my sore muscles gradually relax.

Reverting to my changeling form in hopes of recovering more quickly, I noticed that my carapace seemed slightly bluish before it began to tremble. A strange sensation ran through my entire body. The room seemed to spin around me, and blurry visions danced before my eyes. The room's temperature fluctuated between stifling heat and icy cold.

I winced slightly as I fought the urge to vomit, feeling my wings flutter involuntarily while shivers ran through my entire being, leading me into growing darkness.

I woke up in the hotel room, my head heavy, and my body aching. The room's dim light gave me a slight dizziness. My wings were folded against me, and I felt an unusual weakness throughout my being.

A faint groan escaped my lips as I tried to sit up. Every movement seemed to require superhuman effort, and the lingering pain in my muscles reminded me of the harshness of the battle.

Taking on my Pegasus form to ease my movements, I struggled to get up from the bed. The room swayed slightly, and I had to lean against the wall to regain my balance, letting out a soft sigh.

Heading down to the inn while holding my head, I sought a cup of coffee to try to dispel the unpleasant sensation enveloping my skull.

Arriving at the reception level, a young foal stood behind the counter. I smiled lightly at him, "Good morning, little one. Do you know where I can get some coffee?"

The young foal behind the counter looked up and smiled at me. "Hello! Coffee is served at breakfast in the dining room. It's included in your stay at the hotel."

A sense of relief washed over me at the thought of enjoying an included breakfast. "Perfect, thank you. Where can I find the dining room?"

The foal pointed a hoof towards an adjacent corridor. "Just follow this corridor, and you'll find it on your left. Enjoy your meal!"

I thanked him with a nod and headed towards the dining room. A delightful aroma of fresh coffee and pastries guided me to my destination, where I found Isao and Bulky having breakfast together.

I decided to observe them from a corner to ease my headache. I ate my croissant and sipped my coffee leisurely while listening distractedly to the lively conversations resonating in the dining room. Isao and Bulky seemed to be joyfully discussing their discoveries in the city, sharing occasional laughter.

Isao appeared passionate as she described the various shops and attractions in the city, while Bulky burst into laughter at her anecdotes. Their laughter was contagious, and despite my persistent fatigue, I couldn't help but smile as I listened.

The headache was slowly fading, replaced by a sense of well-being as I got carried away by the lively atmosphere in the dining room. After all, there's nothing like a good breakfast to start the day on the right hoof.

I took my last bite of the croissant when a subtle movement caught my attention: Bulky's hind leg was subtly caressing Isao's. A smirk crossed my face before I finished my last bite.

I rose calmly, heading towards their table. I noticed that, as I approached, Bulky's leg quickly returned to its place. "Hello, ladies," I said lightly, joining them at the table. Bulky and Isao exchanged a knowing look, seeming slightly surprised by my presence.

"Hello, Thunder," Isao responded with a mischievous smile, while Bulky nodded slightly. "Have you finally decided to join us?"

I nodded while chuckling softly. "Well, I couldn't resist the call of coffee and croissants. Plus, I didn't want to miss the chance to enjoy your pleasant company."

Bulky smiled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "That's kind of you."

I smiled, shrugging. "I'm going to check that everything is in order at the warehouse. You can probably continue your city tours. Oh, and don't forget to find some customers during your shopping."

Both girls burst into laughter, clearly understanding the implication. "Oh, don't worry, Thunder, we have our ways of doing business," Isao declared with a complicit wink.

I bid them farewell and walked away from the table. "See you later, ladies."

I did a quick tour of the warehouse, making sure everything was in place, before allowing myself some sightseeing. I headed towards the massive crystal tower at the center of the city, noticing the peculiar layout of the streets surrounding it.

Taking off from the ground with a slight groan, I gained altitude for a better overview. My suspicions were confirmed: the streets formed a snowflake pattern around the tower, which seemed to be the central point of the city. The crystal buildings added a welcome touch of color to the scenery.

I rested for a moment, my muscles slightly aching, and then decided to approach the tower. I wondered if I could find a souvenir for Onyx; this thought stressed me slightly, remembering the promise I had made to her.

As I strolled through the magically enchanting streets of the city, an elegant crystal spa caught my eye. A little relaxation wouldn't hurt, I thought. I pushed the spa door open and was greeted by a gentle wave of warmth.

Inside, everything was bathed in a soothing glow emanating from the crystals adorning the walls. A crystal earth pony joyfully welcomed me, "Hello, I'm Serene Glow. How may I assist you today, sir?"

I smiled lightly at this pony, "Thunder. I could use some relaxation... what can you offer me?"

Serene Glow looked at me with a warm smile. "We have several options to help you relax. A soothing crystal massage or a relaxing bath with crystal essences, or perhaps the premium service, a crystal mud bath."

I pondered for a moment and then decided to go for the premium service; after all if it could help me relax.

As I slowly immersed myself in the warm mixture of mud and sparkling crystals, a soothing sensation engulfed my entire being. The crystals seemed to release a benevolent energy, relaxing my sore muscles.

Serene Glow had taken care to create a relaxing atmosphere, with scented candles and soft music resonating in the room. While enjoying this luxurious experience, I casually placed two cucumber slices over my closed eyes, sighing softly.

I sensed someone settling nearby and smiled lightly, hearing a gentle feminine sigh.

I stretched my legs slightly before hearing a female voice. "It's relaxing, isn't it?"

I lifted my head slightly, eyes still closed, and replied with a hint of arrogance, "Oh, you know, after facing a manticore, changelings, and surviving the Badlands. I think I unconsciously needed it."

The female voice emitted a light laugh. "Really? You lead quite an eventful life, it seems."

Her voice comforted me and made me feel like talking. "And yet, the greatest challenge awaited me in Canterlot."

Her voice was soft. "Love awaits you?"

I smiled tenderly. "Yes, the greatest adventure a pony can experience."

The female voice let out a melodic chuckle. "Love, an adventure full of surprises. Are you looking for someone special, perhaps?"

I slightly opened my eyes, allowing a ray of light through the cucumber slices. "No, I've found him, but I'm afraid he'll run away if I tell him certain things about me."

The female voice continued to speak to me gently, "Love is a powerful force, but truth and authenticity are the strongest foundations. If that love is truly special, he deserves to know all facets of the person you are."

I relaxed even more in the mud bath, finding unexpected comfort in the words of this stranger." Sometimes, vulnerability can strengthen bonds. If you share your fears and true feelings, it can create an even deeper connection."

I sat up slightly in the mud bath, my eyes still concealed behind cucumber slices. "You seem well-informed on the subject." I shifted them slightly to see a pink alicorn with a violet mane looking at me benevolently, and I recognized her instantly.

Princess Cadance smiled warmly. "Love is my specialty, after all." My heart raced in my chest; she was the one the queen had abducted.

I lowered my head in shame. "I'm sorry..." She seemed not to understand.

She tilted her head slightly. "It's okay; you couldn't have known it was me."

I have to admit that despite the crystals, mud, and music, I was still relaxed, but I felt guilty. Equestria was full of surprises and seemed to have a twisted sense of humor. One of the individuals who probably despises my kind the most is giving me advice on love.

Her voice was still gentle. "You should see the Crystal Heart before leaving the city."

I stepped out of the spa, my limbs still aching, but I had never felt so relaxed. After receiving my payment, I considered perhaps inviting the two before our departure.

I strolled slowly toward the city center. In the distance, a crystal heart shimmered faintly. The closer I got, the more the light seemed benevolent, and a gentle warmth enveloped my coat.

A slow smile spread across my face. Yes, I know I matter to someone. I lingered for a few moments before moving away, taking a detour into a souvenir shop to buy a representation of the Crystal Heart and a book about a play, thinking it would please Onyx.

I went searching for Isao and Bulky, wondering where they might be. After several hours of fruitless searching through the different streets, I eventually returned to wait for them at the inn.

19 Return to Canterlot

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I was sitting at a table, contemplating what the princess had told me, awaiting the return of Isao and Bulky. The room was quiet, punctuated by the distant hum of urban life outside.

Eventually, Isao and Bulky entered the inn, their faces displaying a mix of fatigue and excitement. They made their way toward me with warm greetings.

"Thunder, you're back already?" Isao asked with a smile.

I nodded, looking at them with curiosity. "And how was your exploration of the city?"

Bulky settled at the table with a contented sigh. "It was wonderful! We discovered so many things. The city is truly unique."

Isao added enthusiastically, "And we found bars interested in our samples."

I looked up at the ceiling with a smile. "I found a nice place in town; I'd invite you, but..."

Isao innocently smiled, "But what, Thunder?"

I ran my hoof through my mane, hesitating for a moment before responding. "Well, before we talk about where I'm inviting you, we might want to address the issue of my payment."

Isao seemed surprised, then her expression changed to understanding. "Ah, that's what this pouch is for. I'll go get it."

She stood up and headed to her room to retrieve the promised amount. In the meantime, Bulky looked at me curiously. "What's this mysterious place you want to show us?"

I winked at her. "It's a surprise, but you won't be disappointed. I had the chance to meet the princess there."

The unicorn's eyes sparkled, telling me I shouldn't have brought up that topic. "Really, and how is she up close?"

I smiled slightly, knowing I didn't really want to share our conversation. "She was charming, Bulky. A comforting and beautiful presence, but... let's talk about our next steps instead." I grinned. "And I'm sure Isao is more to your liking."

Bulky looked at me with a surprised expression, her eyes widening slightly. "How do you... how do you know that?"

I shrugged with a mischievous smile. "I'm observant, Bulky. I noticed some knowing glances and gestures that go beyond friendship. Nothing escapes me."

Bulky scratched her head, slightly embarrassed. "Ah, I see... uh, it's true that... Isao and I, we're close, but it's complicated."

I gave her a wink. "Don't worry, Bulky. Relationships can be complicated, but as long as you two are happy together, that's what matters."

She smiled shyly, seeming both surprised and grateful. "Thank you, Thunder. You're really observant, huh?"

I leaned forward slightly. "Let's just say I don't turn a blind eye."

I watched as Bulky blushed before Isao returned with a heavy-looking pouch in her hooves. "I think this is for you, Thunder," she said, setting it down on the table with a slight metallic clink.

I smiled slightly as the pouch landed, making a satisfying noise against the table. "Perfect, I'll take you there before we leave. By the way, did you manage to find any clients?"

Isao nodded with a satisfied look. "Yes, we've made contacts with some reputable bars in the city. They're interested in our samples, and some even expressed a desire to diversify their stock."

I picked up the pouch, which definitely felt heavy. "Perfect."

After spending the afternoon laughing and exchanging stories, we decided to share a meal at the tavern. The warmth of the food comforted our stomachs, and the conviviality of the place added a pleasant touch to our evening.

We parted ways for the night after a good meal.

It had been several days since we arrived in the Crystal Empire. The bustling streets of the city echoed with the daily hustle and bustle, with residents going about their business. My main role was to assist in delivering various samples to different bars, a task that allowed me to explore the lively life of this crystalline city.

Each barrel delivered felt like a small victory, and I appreciated the warm welcome from the barkeepers, who seemed delighted to receive new products. Meanwhile, Isao took care of documenting the various delivery requests for her father's brewery. Bulky, on the other hand, demonstrated exceptional persuasive talents.

We found ourselves back at the tavern, Isao holding various scrolls in her paws, likely contracts, while Bulky seemed to have a headache trying to read them.

Isao looked up from her scrolls with what could be considered a smile. "Thunder, we're almost done. We should be able to leave in a few days."

A part of me wasn't entirely reassured by this announcement, my promise still lingering in my mind. "Perfect, I was excited for a rematch against that manticore!" I tried to joke to hide my unease.

Isao's eyes focused on me. "I'm more eager for your rematch against the needles."

Bulky, still deciphering the contracts, added mockingly, "Or maybe we should organize a duel between you and a needle. Who knows, perhaps you could win this time."

I rolled my eyes, playing along. "Very funny, Bulky. We all know I would win." I smiled slightly. "I suppose I can take you to where I met the princess."

We made our way to Serene Glow's Crystal Spa, and along the way, I explained some of the relaxing benefits I had personally experienced. Upon our arrival, Serene Glow greeted the group with a warm smile.

"Welcome, Thunder, and I see you've brought friends. How can I assist you today?" he asked, his crystal mane gently sparkling.

"We're thinking of taking some time to relax before leaving the Crystal Empire," I replied with a smile. "We'll take the premium service."

Serene nodded and guided us to the mud and crystal bath. Bulky and Isao seemed a bit surprised by my choice, but they quickly succumbed to the soothing atmosphere of the spa.

As we settled into the bath, surrounded by sparkling crystals, Isao couldn't help but make a remark. "Thunder, I wouldn't have imagined you as a fan of this kind of place. You're full of surprises."

I smiled in response, "Well, after days of adventures and deliveries, a bit of relaxation doesn't hurt. And besides, Serene Glow really knows how to provide quality service."

Bulky, dipping her hooves into the bath, added, "I have to admit, it's quite nice. We should have come here earlier."

I smiled, placing two cucumber slices over my eyes, "That's the life of an adventurer. Sometimes you have to savor the moments of calm."

As we relaxed in the mud and crystal bath, the soothing atmosphere of the spa enveloped our tired bodies. Serene Glow carefully ensured our comfort, making sure every detail contributed to our relaxation.

The crystals emitted a soft glow, creating a magical ambiance in the room. The calming scents of crystal essences wafted through the air, soothing our minds after the hectic days we spent exploring the Crystal Empire.

Isao surrendered into the bath, closing her eyes with a sigh of satisfaction. "I have to admit, Thunder, you really picked a great place. It's like all worries are evaporating."

Bulky agreed, stretching her limbs with a look of pure contentment. "I didn't think a spa could be this relaxing. It's a change from our usual adventures."

Serene Glow, as attentive as ever, offered us special crystal drinks to complement our relaxation experience. We sipped our beverages, letting the benefits of crystals and mud soothe our sore muscles.

Time seemed to slow down, and for a moment, we forgot about the challenges and dangers that awaited us. It was a well-deserved break, an interlude of calm in our thrilling adventure.

Later, after fully enjoying the spa, we rose, our bodies revitalized and our minds at peace. Serene Glow gave us a warm smile. "I hope you've enjoyed your stay here. Come back anytime."

We went to our respective rooms at the inn to prepare our luggage, making sure everything was in order before our departure. The days spent in the Crystal Empire had been filled with fascinating discoveries, but it was time to resume our journey.

Once ready, we gathered in the inn's lobby, our bags carefully packed for the journey. "Are you both ready?" I asked my adventure companions.

Isao nodded enthusiastically, while Bulky grunted in agreement. We left the inn, ready to leave the Crystal Empire behind.

The return journey by train was particularly quiet, lulled by the steady rhythm of the tracks. Unfortunately, no manticore came to seek its rematch, but we witnessed the transformation of the landscape, transitioning from the snowy plains of the Crystal Empire to warmer and more lush scenery as we headed back to Canterlot.

I know that after speaking with the old Griff, it will be time for me to speak with Onyx ...

20 Rain in my Heart

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The train began to slow down, and I looked out the window, once again observing Canterlot in all its splendor. It was a beautiful day in the capital, but as I followed Isao and Bulky towards the train exit, a part of me thought that going back to fight against manticores would have been easier.

Hesitating for a moment, I let out a long sigh and descended as well, joining our small group heading towards the old Griff's brewery.

As we walked, I broke the silence. "By the way, did you inform them of our return?"

Isao gave a slight smile. "I'm not worried about that. By now, Dad must be checking the vats."

We finally arrived at the old Griff's brewery, where the air was filled with the characteristic aromas of brewing. The familiar atmosphere made me smile as we entered.

Inside, the old Griff, busy overseeing operations, looked up upon seeing us. His wrinkled face lit up with a warm smile. "Well, if it isn't my favorite adventurers back home! You look in good shape." It was probably the first time I saw him without a cigar in his beak.

Isao nodded with a smile. "Yes, we're back with good news." She began pulling out the various contracts she had managed to secure.

Bulky added enthusiastically, "We've made contacts with several bars, and they are interested in trying something new."

The old Griff clapped his claws together. "That's what I like to hear! Did you encounter any problems on the road?"

I smiled slightly. "Nothing I couldn't handle."

Isao sighed lightly at my remark. "Our adventurer had to fight against a manticore."

Bulky couldn't help but chuckle, adding, "And a needle."

I saw Griff chuckle slightly. "I'm sure you'll tell us all the details at the Last Round."

The conversation continued on a less formal tone as they reviewed the contracts before giving me a signal to leave. I nodded to the girls as I headed towards the exit.

I'm sorry, Onyx, I..." The words hung in the air, laden with a hesitation I tried in vain to conceal. A slight shiver of apprehension ran through my mane as I struggled to find the courage to continue.

"Onyx, it's time we have a serious conversation. I come from another world, and there are things you need to know." My voice resonated in the hotel room, but something within me still betrayed a certain uncertainty.

Pacing the room back and forth, hastily reserved for this conversation, I sought the right tone. "Sweetheart, I haven't told you everything. There are aspects of my life I've kept secret, but now is the time to share these truths with you."

However, this approach seemed too dramatic, almost cliché. I needed to be more direct, more authentic. "Onyx, there's something you have to know about me, something I've never shared with anyone before."

I paused, feeling the weight of the words in the air. "You are someone important in my life, and I want you to understand where I come from, even if it's hard to believe."

For a moment, I imagined is reaction, trying to anticipate her questions and concerns. My hooves seemed to be pacing in circles on the floor, a gesture reflecting the inner turmoil.

"You know, Onyx, it's true we've never talked in detail about my past, but..." I stopped, grabbing a pillow between my hooves, as if this object could provide the comfort I needed.

The edge of fear grew within me, a tangible apprehension as I continued to avoid the inevitable moment. My gaze wandered to the ceiling, as if the answers I sought could be found somewhere in the shadows of the hotel room.

I opened the shutters, spreading my wings, soaring into the Canterlot sky.

I stood in front of Onyx's house, a ball of anxiety in my stomach, my hoof trembling slightly as I knocked on the door. Every passing second felt like an eternity, and my thoughts swirled in my head, anticipating Onyx's reaction.

I heard the lock unlocking, giving me time to take a deep breath to try to calm the rapid beats of my heart. The door opened slowly, revealing Onyx's smiling face.

Is smile widened upon seeing me, and before I could say a word, is almost jumped on me in joy at seeing me again. "Thunder! I missed you so much! Come in!"

Is pulled me inside with contagious energy, closing the door behind us. The warmth of is kindness somewhat eased my nervousness, but the tension remained.

Onyx looked at me, is eyes sparkling with excitement. "You look a bit... anxious. Is everything okay?"

I led im with me to the couch, sitting down as is nestled under my wing, her eyes reflecting growing concern. "Onyx... I..."

I took a deep breath. "I will keep my promise," I said while tightening my wing around him, "but I think I need a drink."

His mouth remained closed, his horn glowing slightly as it summoned two glasses and a bottle I didn't recognize. The labels bore foreign inscriptions, a find from my travels across worlds. I grabbed a bottle, pouring the amber liquid into the glasses, all the while trying to find the right words.

I took a sip; the alcohol had a sweet taste but left an intense warmth in my throat. "I... I'm not from here," avoiding eye contact with Onyx.

"From Equestria? That's not so bad," his voice was gentle but slightly concerned.

"No, from this world," I said, my words hanging in the air, charged with the uncertainty that lingered between us. The room seemed to grow slightly heavier.

Onyx remained silent for a moment, slowly taking in my words. His expression shifted from curiosity to gradual understanding. He took a sip from his glass, delicately placing it on the coffee table, then took my hoof in his.

"From... another world?" he whispered, seeking my eyes. Surprise and confusion veiled his gaze, but he tried to mask his shock under a layer of compassion. "Thunder, are you serious?"

I nodded, ready to reveal my past, yes, "Where I come from, things are different, more violent, sadder, and especially, I was in a bad shape." I sighed slowly, ready to say more, his hoof warming mine while my wing was slightly tense around him.

Onyx looked at me with an expression mixing compassion and surprise, his gaze trying to understand the whirlwind of emotions that must be within me. He tightened his grip on my hoof, a comforting gesture that encouraged me to continue.

"I'm sorry, Thunder... I can't imagine what you must have gone through there," he murmured, his voice full of sincerity.

My memories surfaced, and I took a long sip to soothe the bitterness rising within me. "In my original world," I continued, feeling tears streaming down my face, "my father, I never knew him, but my mother..." A lump formed in my throat as painful memories resurfaced. "She did everything to raise me."

Onyx kept silent, allowing me time to gather my thoughts. My memories returned to her. "She was a strong, compassionate woman... she worked endless hours to make sure I had everything." I looked at the bottle. "But she started drinking to cope."

A heavy silence settled in the room, only interrupted by the sound of my uneven breathing. I could feel Onyx's gaze on me. "She started getting sick... her health deteriorated, and she died in the hospital shortly after my eighteenth birthday."

Onyx was left speechless, absorbing my words with an expression of sadness and incomprehension. I knew that ponies supported each other, and something like this happening in this world was almost unthinkable.

I emptied my glass in one go, trying to hold back the surge of emotions coursing through me. "I tried to continue living during the years that followed," I poured myself another glass, "only to eventually succumb myself."

The sadness in my voice echoed in the room, and each word seemed to carry the weight of long-suppressed pain. I took another sip of alcohol, hoping to calm the whirlwind of emotions overwhelming me.

Onyx surrounded me with his hooves, a warm embrace attempting to contain my distress. My shoulders began to shake, and I felt the crushing weight of loneliness, loss, and grief. Tears flowed freely, carrying with them years of buried sadness.

"Onyx..." I murmured between sobs, "I didn't want to burden you with this. I thought I could leave all of this behind, but..."

He held me a bit tighter, trying to understand the extent of my sorrow. I felt tears also streaming down his cheeks, testifying to the depth of his empathy.

I couldn't see Onyx's face as I held him in my wings, but he must have been horrified by this revelation. It was as if a heavy secret had escaped from my soul, leaving behind a vulnerability I had never shared before.

Onyx remained silent for a moment, letting the impact of my words resonate between us. Then, gently, he spoke. "Thunder, I... I don't know what to say."

I lifted my head to meet his gaze, and despite the horror he must be feeling, there was also sincere determination in his eyes. It was as if he wanted to erase years of pain with a single compassionate gesture.

I felt his muzzle move closer to mine, an attempt at comfort that I knew to appreciate, but I still had things to tell him. Slowly, I tried to push him back slightly, not wanting him to get too close until I had revealed everything.

"Onyx, there's still something you need to know," I whispered, seeking his eyes in an almost pleading manner. I gently freed myself from his otherwise comforting hooves, taking another sip of alcohol to calm my nerves and give me a final boost of courage.

His breath seemed to catch for a moment as his eyes searched my tormented face, seeking answers. I felt the weight of the revelation bearing down on my shoulders, ready to shake his perception of me.

"Thunder, what's going on?" he asked, his voice filled with growing concern.

I closed my eyes, gathering the courage to share the rest of my truth. "When I woke up in this world, I was in an egg filled with green liquid."

Green light enveloped me as I surrendered to my transformation, revealing my true changeling nature. My chitinous carapace replaced my equine form, and my membranous wings stretched delicately. It was as if a part of me had been set free, but at the same time, I was aware of the growing distance between Onyx and me.

When I opened my eyes again, I was met with Onyx's stunned and terrified gaze. His expression shifted from incomprehension to a kind of horrified shock. I could feel his surprise and fear, mixed with a hint of incomprehension.

I looked at the ground in front of me, waiting anxiously for Onyx to speak. The weight of silence hung heavily on my shoulders, and each passing second felt like an eternity. I could feel the tension in the air, fearing his reaction, whether it be an explosion of anger, shouts, or perhaps worse, a silent rejection.

Staring at the ground, I dared not lift my eyes to him. Uncertainty and fear mingled in my mind, creating a whirlwind of emotions. My wings trembled slightly, betraying my inner anxiety.

I heard a soft breath escape Onyx's lips. He seemed unable to find words, as if still in shock from my revelation. Then, an almost inaudible whisper escaped his trembling lips. "Thunder... Is it really you?"

His voice was barely audible, filled with palpable uncertainty. I slowly lifted my eyes to meet his gaze, seeking answers in his eyes filled with confusion and terror.

My lips trembled slightly. "Yes."

"I... I don't know what to say," he finally articulated, his trembling voice betraying his tumultuous state of mind. "I... I can't believe that you're... that you're a..."

Onyx swallowed, seeming to search for words amid the turmoil of his thoughts. His gaze wandered over my changeling form, and an expression of perplexity mixed with terror lingered on his face. Finally, he took a deep breath.

"Thunder, why... why is your chitin blue?" he asked in a barely audible voice.

I looked at my hooves in surprise; my chitin was slightly navy blue in some places. "I... I don't really know," I finally replied, my voice tinged with sadness.

Onyx seemed to be searching for words, his eyes roaming my body with a newfound intensity. I could feel his confusion, his fear, but also a hint of understanding making its way through the tumult of his emotions.

"Thunder, I... I don't know what to think," he finally admitted, his gaze locked with mine.

I approached slightly, reverting to my Pegasus appearance in a green glow. "I... I'll come back tomorrow." I took a deep breath. "If you want to alert the guard..." I let a final tear fall. "I'll understand."

He stepped aside as I headed for the door, spreading my wings. "I truly love you, Onyx."

"Thunder, wait..." his voice was hesitant and filled with a pain that I could feel to my core.

I turned my head towards Onyx; he was looking at me, his eyes filled with an array of unreadable emotions. I could see the struggle in his gaze, the conflict between fear and love, understanding and rejection.

"I... I don't know what all this means for us," he began, his voice trembling slightly. "But I know that... I know that I want to understand. I want to understand who you really are, Thunder."

A shiver ran through my wings at his words, mixing hope with fear in my tormented mind. I turned slowly to face Onyx, meeting his gaze filled with newfound determination.

"I love you, Thunder," he said sincerely, his voice filled with renewed resolution. "And we'll find a way to overcome this together, whatever happens."

A shy smile formed on my lips, partially lifting the weight of uncertainty that hung over my shoulders. With a sigh of relief, I nodded, feeling a ray of hope piercing through the darkness surrounding me.

"I love you too, Onyx," I whispered.

Finale: I'm sorry brother

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My wings enveloped Onyx, who was snoring lightly as the train gently rocked us. My smile widened; his recent performance in Las Pegasus had exhausted him, but he insisted on being there.

The news of the changelings' reformation since the disappearance of the queen had spread like wildfire in Equestria. I needed to know how it was possible.

Feeling the train slowing down, I shifted Onyx slightly in my wings before whispering to him, "We're here, my prince."

He simply lifted his head slightly, eyes still closed, a smirk on his face. I smiled, bringing my muzzle close to his and giving him a tender kiss.

His eyelids opened slowly, his smile growing as he met my gaze. "This wake-up is much better. Have we arrived?" he asked in a sweet, sleepy voice?

"Almost, my love. But you didn't have to come with me, you know," I gently reminded him, caressing his cheek with the tip of my muzzle.

"I know, but it's an important moment in your life," he replied, his eyes shining with affection.

A soft laugh escaped my lips. "You're exhausted, though."

He gave me a teasing look. "I know someone who came to see my first performance in Jumathan with three broken ribs and a cast on one leg after escaping from the hospital."

I blushed slightly, scratching the back of my head. "That idiot must have been really reckless."

"Yes, but he's my idiot," he retorted with a mischievous smile.

The train gradually slowed down, emitting a slight squeak as we approached the station. I tightened my embrace around Onyx, feeling his warm breath against me as we prepared to disembark.

Onyx sat up slightly, stretching gracefully before standing up. "Ready?" his eyes twinkling slightly.

I tried to conceal my anxiety as much as possible. "Always, as long as you're with me."

I placed one of my wings around Onyx as we descended from the train together, and my hooves were pleasantly surprised by the feel of the ground. The once desolate landscape had transformed into a fertile plain where numerous trees stood majestically.

Onyx noticed my surprise and smiled tenderly at me. "The last time I came here, the ground was barren." I slowly looked up to gaze at the hive, whose tall spires were now also covered in lush vegetation.

"It seems like nature has reclaimed its rights to this place," I nodded slightly, acknowledging my companion's observation.

We began to walk towards the hive, happy to see this new scenery, before a distant sound of wing beats, too familiar, snapped me out of my reverie. Quickly positioning myself in front of Onyx, I stood on my hind legs as a creature descended from the sky. It had slightly pink membranous wings, a green carapace, and two pink horns on its head.

She landed slowly in front of us, also slightly on guard, before speaking with a deep voice that almost made my jaw drop, "What are you doing here?"

I immediately recognized that voice, and Onyx spoke up, but I didn't hear him, only managing to utter, "Pharynx? Is that really you?"

Pharynx stared at me for a moment before letting out a growl, a mix of surprise and suspicion. "Do we know each other?"

I relaxed slightly, returning to my four-legged stance while keeping an eye on Pharynx. "Yes, we know each other," I said, releasing a nervous laugh. "I'm the Pegasus you beat up in Canterlot."

He looked at me, saying, "I don't remember everyone I've beaten, and I won't apologize."

I smiled as Onyx looked at me in amazement while a green light surrounded me, taking on my changeling appearance again. "Not even to your brother?"

I saw Pharynx's eyes widen. "Thunder, you're not dead?"

I smiled triumphantly, whistling lightly. "My death was greatly exaggerated."

Before I could say another word, I took a massive paw to the jaw. "You deserted!" growled Pharynx, his voice full of anger.

Onyx's shocked gaze shifted between me and Pharynx. I signaled him not to intervene as I massaged my jaw. "Yes, I abandoned you both..."

Pharynx sighed. "I'll take you to the king. Are you here to be reformed?" His eyes moved from me to Onyx. "And who are you?"

Not giving Onyx a chance to respond, I said, "Onyx, my special stallion, and yes, I'm here for a change."

Pharynx grunted before gesturing for us to follow him.

The dark galleries I had known had become particularly bright, but I recognized the path to the old throne room. Pharynx stopped a bit before, "I need to get back to my patrol, you know the way." I nodded as he walked away. "Oh, Thunder?"

I turned my head toward him; he was at the end of the gallery. I saw him take a deep breath. "I missed you."

I smiled, entering the old throne room to discover a light green changeling, his gamboge chest shining, contrasting with an emerald green carapace. He sat on a throne resembling the beginning of a tree trunk, creating an atmosphere both majestic and natural. The royal changeling looked up at me, revealing sparkling purple eyes that seemed to register every detail.

Our eyes met. "Thunder?"

I smiled. "The one and only. And who are you?"

He stood up from his throne, approaching me. "You don't recognize me?"

I sighed. "Whoever you are, the last time I saw you, you were black, not colorful, so no..." Suddenly, an idea crossed my mind. "Thorax?"

The royal changeling had a warm smile, confirming my guess. "Yes, Thunder, it's me. Thorax. I've changed, just like you, apparently." I looked at the slight blue glints on my carapace.

I looked around the transformed throne room, imbued with the new energy emanating from the reformation of the changelings. "It's incredible what you've done here, Thorax. The hive looks unrecognizable."

He nodded proudly. "We've worked hard to improve things. Cooperation, mutual understanding, that's what guides our people now."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "It still looks boring."

Thorax smiled, understanding the light tone of my remark. "Maybe for some, but it has brought peace and harmony to our hive. Changelings no longer live in fear and mistrust of each other."

Onyx stepped forward, curious about the transformation of the hive. "Impressive, Thorax. How did you manage such a change?"

Thorax turned to him, explaining enthusiastically. "The key was to encourage communication and understanding."

Onyx nodded, impressed by the approach. "It seems like a very effective governance model."

Thorax agreed. "Yes, and it has strengthened our hive, as well as our relations with other peoples."

While Thorax continued to share the details of the changelings' evolution with Onyx, I lost myself in my thoughts. I reflected on the possibility of spending time with my changeling brothers and sisters. Despite my new life with Onyx, I felt a deep calling to reconnect with my roots, to understand how things had evolved since my departure.

Thorax, seeing my thoughtful look, approached me with empathy. "Thunder, if you have any questions or need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask. You are always welcome here."

I gave him a grateful smile. "Thank you, Thorax. It means a lot to me."

Onyx turned to me, seeming to understand my thoughts. "You want to stay here for a while, don't you?"

I nodded, acknowledging the understanding in his eyes. "Just for a moment, to reconnect with my family and see how things have changed. Then, I'll be ready to go back home, with you."

Onyx nodded, gently placing his hoof on mine. "I understand. Take all the time you need. I'll be here for you, no matter what happens."

I gave him a grateful smile, appreciating the chance to have such an understanding and loving companion.

I explored the new hive, Onyx always by my side while Thorax explained what had changed. On the way, changelings seemed surprised to see me, warmly greeting me while children played innocently.

If my heart could melt, it would be doing so. I stopped, enjoying the new sounds and the rhythm of the hive, my eyes closed. A warm and gentle glow enveloped me. The light seemed to emanate from within; I opened my eyes to see only light surrounding me.

"Thunder." I recognized Onyx's voice calling me. As my hooves lifted slightly off the ground, my carapace changed, and my wings seemed to expand.

Touching the ground again, Onyx looked at me with astonished eyes, captivated. "Thunder, you look magnificent."

I began to examine myself; my carapace was mostly midnight blue, with translucent wings that seemed to be expanding. "I always have been, my heart."

Onyx smile looking at the roof

Thorax smiled slightly. "I expected it to take more time."

A month passed, has I reconnect with my old acquaintances from the hive. Onyx supported me in this process.

Thorax had proven to be a benevolent king, and I couldn't deny the positive changes that had taken place under his rule. Pharynx, on his part, had undeniably changed and eventually accepted my apologies.

Onyx and I boarded the train, our hearts light and happy. I still had some explanations to give in the capital, but at least I no longer had to hide.

The landscape scrolled by the train window, marking the beginning of a new adventure. Hand in hoof, Onyx and I looked toward the future, ready to face together whatever life had in store for us.