The Return of Earth Pony Magic

by Clopficsinthecomments

First published

Earth pony magic has returned to Equestria. Sure, that may mean big plants sprouting underhoof... but what about those more 'famous', 'secretive' Earth-Pony skills... like sex?

The show may have glossed over just how 'interesting' the first few days of Earth-Pony magic returning really were.

Sure, we had giant plants sprouting everywhere... glowing pony-hooves... magical rainbows... but everypony knows what the real Earth-Pony benefit was... fertility and virility.

Follow along with Hitch, avatar of Earth-Ponies in his role as one of the mane 5, and his journey as his sexual prowess is turbocharged by the long-held-back arcane maelstrom of Earth-Pony power.

A pornographic comedy that ends up in a rather silly and intense orgy.

Characters: Hitch, Sunny, Izzy, Misty
Kinks: Size difference / big penis / excessive cum / impregnation / mind-altering

Green Hooves and Pink Thoughts

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“I just... I don’t get it Sunny.”

Hitch sighed, as he reached up and adjusted Sunny’s lamp, tilting it so that the cut-out silhouette facing toward him was an Earth-Pony figure. The two were standing at the zenith of the now-famous Maretime Bay lighthouse, only recently repaired from the damage the structure had received a week prior.

“Don’t get what, Hitch?” Sunny cocked her head before carefully nudging the pegasus crystal into its cutout underneath the massive torch-gem of the lighthouse.

“I don’t get what happened that night.” Hitch harrumphed, gesturing at the three crystals. “Like, those things… do they even do anything?”

“Preeeetty sure they do something.” Sunny chuckled. It was a silly question but this was the first time they’d had the chance to talk about what had happened — preoccupied as they were with assisting with repairs and barely believing what had happened was even real. “Don’t you remember how they circled me and made me float? Gave me wings. A horn? Restored flight and magic to all of ponykind?”

“Yeah but…” Hitch walked over and tapped on the three crystals, currently sitting mutely in their recessed jigsaw-like stone frame, “but… they went dim later that week. And you lost your fancy-schmancy glow wings and horn.”

Sunny shrugged and sighed. “I know. But I’m sure they’re still going to do something.” She craned her neck down and nudged the crystal with her nose as if it might suddenly roar back to life at her touch. “We know so little about what their purpose was, or what pony-society was like before we lost everything. Nopony knows; these things just might be what’s letting the pegasi of Zephyr Heights keep flying, and the unicorns of Bridlewood using magic.”

“About that.” Hitch slid his hoof under his friend’s snout, tilting it up so that she was looking at him instead of nudging the crystals. “How come you lost your freaky-deeky magic wings and horn, but they are all still flapping and zapping?”

“They?” Sunny arched an eyebrow, her facial expression darkening, “What do you mean, they?”

“Oh come on, Sunny. I don’t mean it like that.”

Sunny stamped her hoof and huffed, setting her jaw squarely like she was about to receive a punch. “There’s no they Hitch. Not anymore, it’s just all of us ponies, all in this together.”

Hitch rolled his eyes but managed to avoid sighing aloud. Sunny could be so righteous sometimes. Or as the young colts and fillies might say: ‘cringe’. “Sure sure, I’m just saying…”

“Saying what?”

“Well… how come they-”


“Gimme a break, Sunny it’s just a pronoun. OK fine, how come the pegasi and unicorns got all this magic and flying and what-not, and nopony in Maretime Bay has gotten anything out of these crystals?”

Sunny shrugged. “I don’t think that’s fair, Bridlewood and Queen Haven have been incredibly generous with the town since w-”

“That’s not what I mean.” Hitch grunted, “I mean: how come earth-ponies didn’t get something cool out of magic returning? Eye-lasers? Super-speed? Teleportation?”

“Pretty sure those aren’t earth-pony abilities.” Sunny shook her head bemusedly. “I don’t remember any of those powers being a part of the stories I’ve found.”

“Well, what were?” Hitch huffed, crossing his arms. “Did we always really just have the short end of the stick when it came to magic? It makes me almost think the unicorn propaganda about us being dumb mud-ponies had some truth to it.”

No. That’s not the case.” Sunny stomped, shaking her head vigorously. “Earth-ponies are an important part of the magic of friendship! I just… I… I don’t know what earth-pony power was. That’s been lost to time.”

“Then how do you know we aren’t just some cosmic joke?”

“Well, I know that earth-ponies were by far the most common of the pony tribes in the past.” Sunny countered, “...and I remember my Dad saying that unicorns and pegasi used to joke that they’d trade their powers in a hoofbeat for the powers of an earth-pony.”

Hitch bit his tongue before he could point out the low level of scientific authority of Sunny’s last statement. She held things her father had told her in a special place of high regard.

“Uh-huh…” Hitch sighed, shaking his head.

“Have you felt any different since that night a couple of weeks ago?” Sunny asked, her tone changing and her head tilting.

Me?” Hitch pointed a hoof at his chest.

“Yeah, it seems like Izzy, Pipp, and Zipp have all gotten a super-charged dose of magic. Izzy says she can lift two or three times as much as any other unicorn, and Pipp and Zipp can leave even the most athletic pegasi in their dust.” Sunny grinned. “Seems like you four got an extra boost, so I figured if any earth-pony was feeling the magic, it’d be you.”

“Well, no,” Hitch grunted. “What about you?”

Sunny shook her head. “Nothing since the wings and horn faded.”

“This sucks.” Hitch sighed, “I want cool powers too.”

Sunny shrugged and motioned to Hitch that they should go down the elevator. “Careful what you wish for…”

As the lift descended, nopony saw the jostle of the departing elevator shift the earth-pony crystal ever so slightly, making it pulse green and thrum out a wave of magical energy…

Hitch didn’t sleep well that night.

It wasn’t his bed, which he’d reclaimed along with the rest of his apartment above the Maretime Bay sheriff station from his former deputy. It was his dreams.

He found himself tossing and turning under his covers as images of the Maretime Lighthouse plagued his mind. In the visions playing out in his head, he was stuck on his back, as the massive red and white tower jutted up from between his legs. Strangely the tower seemed to be stiff, throbbing even… as if it were somehow alive and connected to… him?

“Gah!” Hitch popped up from his fitful sleep, sweat dripping down his brow as he looked down between his legs to see… nothing.


Just a dream.

“Man, that was weird.” He chuckled to himself as he threw the covers off and stretched, feeling a couple of his vertebrae pop into place as he looked out his east-facing window at the beginning of a sunrise. “I’ve got lighthouses on the brain, I guess.”

Hitch couldn’t help but feel a bit of leftover anxiety from the pseudo-nightmare, a bit of adrenaline still coursing through his veins and making his heart flutter. His eyes latched onto the miniature bonsai tree on his shelf.

The stupid thing had been a gift from Phyllis Cloverleaf on his last birthday, the kind of gift you might get for somepony if you had no idea what else to get them. But it had become somewhat of a fun side hobby for him, a way to zone out after a long day of chasing down litter-villains and loiter-criminals in the seedy underbelly of Maretime Bay.

“All righty Bonny,” Hitch hummed to himself as he began to talk to his plant, “time to trim.” He carefully plucked the small set of shears that he used to meticulously sculpt his little tree’s branches.

Trimming Bonny was all about planned action. Deliberate artistry. The wrong cut, taking off too much or too little, could ruin the energy of the delicate tree. Hitch avoided this by thinking through every movement of his shears before he did them, seeing how he’d position them, how he’d close the snip, visualizing exactly where he’d take off the organic material.

“And… snip.” Hitch grinned, closing the razor-sharp blades around a small branch growth that just wasn’t quite vibing.

He turned away, taking the small twig to his wastebasket before looking back at Bonny the bonsai tree… only to see that the offending branch was…still there?

“Wh-what? Deja vu?” Hitch blinked, shaking his head. Had he just imagined doing the snip? Maybe his powers of visualization were getting a little too good.

“Oookay…” He brought his shears back, his muscles now familiar with the angle and pressure needed to… just…

“And… sni- WHAT THE!?”

As Hitch snipped off the branch, his eyes widened in fascinated surprise as the little tree sprouted a fresh branch exactly where he’d cut, the wood pushing out and sprouting little green tendrils of the beginning of a new, leafy branch end.

For some reason, Hitch felt frustrated, annoyed that his little bonsai tree was resisting his planned cut. “Oh no, you don’t.”

He snipped again, harder, faster.

The little twig growth slipped back out, even longer this time, the leaves growing on the branch end bushier and more verdant than before.

“What is this?” Hitch growled, spinning his vision around the tree, looking to see if there was some elaborate mechanistic prank being played on him.

Seeing nothing, he brought the shears closed one more time.

Once again, the snipped branch sprang back into existence, proudly sprouting out its leaves. The only evidence that Hitch had even done any trimming was a set of little discarded branches in the earth near the trunk of his tree.

“Is it this whole branch? Is it some kind of… bonsai disease?” Hitch looked carefully at the branch he was trimming -- he’d been working on this one for months, but it did look a little different than the rest of the tree. Maybe.

If he had to sacrifice it to save his Bonny, he would do so.

“And… snip.” The bonsai branch fell to the desk. And then: the whole flower pot began to rumble.



A huge branch, nearly the size of Hitch’s arm shot out of the side of Bonny, smashing the corner of his bookshelf as it sprouted various twisting, gnarled ends that exploded into leaf-filled displays of healthy vegetation.

“AAAAAAAHHH!” Hitch screamed, as one of the branch’s tips had just missed spearing him through his shoulder. “This is out of control! Just what are you, Bonny?”

The toppled-over plant had no answer, except to continue sprouting new leafy growths along its new branch.

“I’m sorry, old friend,” Hitch grunted, his eyes nervously checking over the way the bonsai branch was growing toward his window, wooden tendrils snaking toward the outdoors like some kind of strange, multi-headed snake. “But this must be done!”

He brought the shears down to Bonny’s thin trunk and snapped down hard.


Outside, Sunny was smiling to herself as she carried Hitch’s favorite smoothie (vigorous vanilla) in her cart. She hoped the gesture would help cheer him up after their near-disagreement the previous day in the lighthouse.

She was just approaching the sheriff's station when a rumble shuddered through the stonework of the street.

“What the-”


A huge, rending groan echoed through the early-morning haze of Maretime Bay as the entire roof of the sheriff station exploded outward, carried into multiple different pieces by the huge, rapidly expanding branches of a giant tree. Beautiful leafy branches were shooting out like spiderwebs in all directions, embedding themselves into the neighboring buildings as they exploded into bloom, beautiful displays of pastoral flowers of every color.

At the same time, Sunny had to dodge three separate bulges that raced through the paving stones, displacing the heavy bricks as they went -- massive roots that stretched out in every direction, lifting the police station off its very foundations.

“Hitch!” Sunny screamed, terrified that her friend might be hurt.

Her eyes looked through the foliage, hoping she wouldn’t see the destroyed wreck of a pony that was once her friend.

“Uh… hi Sunny?”

Her eyes locked onto the stallion, dangling from one of the tree’s branches, suspended by an outgrowth that had slipped between his shoulder sash and his body.

“Little help?”

“Well, at least you’re OK.” Sunny smiled, trotting down Maretime Bay’s main street next to the bedraggled sheriff while gesturing back toward the growing crowd accumulating around the recently re-designed police station. “Plus, look on the bright side!”

“The bright side?” Hitch shook his head and blinked in raw frustration, “Sunny, out of the blue, I suddenly just obtained uncontrollable, hyper-vegetation-growth powers-

“I thought just yesterday you wanted to get magic powers.” Sunny snarked.

Hitch ignored her, continuing with his frustrated rant, “...and now the entire police department is filled with more wood than Sprout’s head! Just how is there a bright side?”

Sunny paused, musing.

“Uh, well… it does almost look like the ancient Princess Twilight’s tree library from my stories…” She shrugged sheepishly, “So… that’s kind of cool.”

“Gaah, Sunny.” Hitch face-hoofed, of course, she would find some way to make this about those myths she was always so excited to treat as confirmed histor- wait

“Wait, Sunny. That’s it.” Hitch wheeled in front of Sunny, gripping her by her shoulders.

Sunny’s eyes glanced at Hitch’s hooves with a flash of surprise before she looked back up at him. For some reason, it seemed as if her head was craning up a little higher than it normally would have needed to meet his amber-brown eyes.

“You know all those old stories about how things were back in the days of the magic of camaraderie.”

“Friendship. The magic of friendship.” Sunny corrected.

“Whatever.” Hitch rolled his eyes, “You know, like, a billion stories worth, enough to have a new one to tell the foals for the past, what, nine seasons?”


“So, you should know -- what powers did the earth ponies of that age have? If this new ‘plant-growing’ thing actually is one of these magic-powers starting to manifest, I need to know if something else is right around the corner.”

“Ah.” Sunny paused, chewing her lip as she thought with concentration. “Uh… huh. Hm.”

“Hm.” Hitch repeated, “HM? HMMM? Sunny, what were their powers!?

“I don’t… I don’t know! The stories really didn’t focus on them so much, remember: they were meant for kids.”

“What about that farming, yeehaw-shouting mare… Cowboy Jack?”


“Yes, that’s the one, she was an earth-pony, right?’


Hitch huffed, frustrated. “Well, what did she do?”

Sunny grimaced and scratched her head, staring up and to the right and squinting as she tried to access her memories. “Uh… it’s kind of hard to remember, actually. She was always kind of in the background and not so-”


“What!? OK OK. Oh yeah!” Sunny clopped one hoof into another in a clear indication of some kind of recollection bubbling into her mind. “She kicked trees.”

“She… kicked trees.” Hitch repeated in a monotone deadpan.


“OK. Thanks a lot, Sunny.” Hitch tried to let his words drip with as much sarcasm as he could infuse them with. “Have a goo-”

“No, wait!” Sunny bit his tail to prevent him from trotting away, strangely, she was only dragged along. Hitch only noticed because of the pull of his tail hairs on his dock -- Sunny’s resistance seemed as light as a feather.

What!?” Hitch grunted, wheeling around again.

“She… kicked the trees really hard.”

“Goodbye, Sunny.”

“Hard enough to make them drop all their apples, or even to break them in half!” Sunny’s voice was getting excited, she even kicked through boulders and a brick wall! Once she even saved a whole archeological dig site by holding up an entire mountain-sized boulder! It had to be magical strength!”

Hitch blinked, his eyebrows knitting together in concentration. “Magical strength?” He flexed one of his forelegs experimentally, inspecting it.

“Mmhmm!” Sunny nodded vigorously.

“Strange, I haven’t felt any stronger.” He shrugged, looking over himself. “Maybe that power hasn’t come in yet?”

“Well…” Sunny nervously mumbled, emerald green eyes bashfully looking up at him, as a small blush formed on her cheeks. “You certainly look stronger.”

“Huh?” Hitch trotted in a small circle, chasing his tail as he looked himself over.

“I mean, seriously, I was gonna ask if you’d been working out.” Sunny chuckled nervously, the words starting to spill out of her. “You look… big. Taller. More toned.”


Sunny nodded, craning her head out to one side and fixing her gaze on his rump. Hitch could almost physically feel the intensity of her stare, the way his friends’ eyes sparkled with intense desire beneath her embarrassed facade. It almost made him want to cover his cutie-marked rear with his hooves out of a sense of modesty.

“Oh yeah, and your flank.” Sunny nibbled her own lower lip. “Looks like I could bounce a bit off of it, Hitch.”

He watched her carefully, noticing her lightly lick her lips and swallowed before she shook her head and began to laugh… a little bit of a forced laugh if he had to guess.

“Y-you know. Just saying, you look good. As a platonic, totally casual friend might.” Sunny nodded as if she were trying to convince herself. “No hetero.”

“No hetero…” Hitch mumbled back frowning and shaking his head. Just what the hell did that mean?

“Phew. OK, cool. Glad we’re still on the same page there.” Sunny laughed forcibly to herself again. “Don’t want to open that book again, right? As we agreed. Just friends. And no mentioning that night…”

Almost as soon as she said it, Sunny puffed her cheeks out and slapped a hoof to her muzzle, literally gagging herself.

Hitch knew what she was referring to, of course. Both of them had tried as best they could to forget that evening, so many moons ago. The night of Maretime Bay’s class of 43’s senior prom. And the slightly inebriated after-dance activities of a young Sunny Starscout and Hitch Trailblazer. He’d done hard work to seal those memories, as he was sure Sunny had too.

From that night forward, Sunny and Hitch had silently agreed that friendship was as far as their relationship would go.

There hadn’t even been a hint of anything else.

Until now, that is.

“Sunny… are you, right now, feeling… attracted to me?”

“NO!” Sunny shook her head vigorously, her hooves waving back and forth in an ‘X’ like she was trying to wave off a freighter from docking at Maretime Bay’s wharf.


“No, nope. Nuh-uh. No. I am not attracted to you. I most certainly am not looking at your strong shoulders, your handsome jawline, your rippling chest muscles, and your fantastic, fantastic, plot and imagining what it would be like to just lean forward and take a nip out of- oh Goddesses why is my mouth moving.”

“Uh… huh,” Hitch grunted in affirmative confusion.

“Sorry, it’s just. Wow.” Sunny blinked shaking her head again. “You’re looking fine. Have you been working out?”

“No.” Hitch considered the rather unhealthy diet of pizza he’d been bingeing on the past few weeks. Yet, even he had to admit he felt… good. Strong.


He coughed into his hoof, embarrassed at the sudden flow of mental energy toward those activities that had popped into his mind. He didn’t usually think about such things, not since his teenage years.

“Ah so… could this maybe be an earth-pony thing? Looking good, I mean.”

Really good.” Sunny corrected, under her breath, her eyes tracing across the length of his body again, glinting like a predator’s.


“Sorry! Sorry.” Sunny blinked, shaking her head clear. “I… I dunno, maybe? I mean, the strength makes sense. Applejack was super strong. But super-sexiness?”

“Sexiness!?” Hitch nearly choked on the word, jumping back a half-trot as if he were worried Sunny was about to jump him right then and there.

“Seriously, you smell amazing too.” Sunny’s nose tilted up and her nostrils flared as she sucked in a deep sniff. “Just what cologne is that?”

“Uh, eau de not-having-showered-today?” Hitch clapped his hooves together, jolting Sunny out of her reverie again. “C’mon Sunny, are you sure your dad never mentioned earth-ponies being magically imbued with attractiveness and… y’know… what you said…” Hitch mumbled off, unwilling to say the word himself.

“Sexiness?” Sunny finished for him, grinning.

“Yes! That.” Hitch huffed. “I would have thought your Dad would have thought to mention that in all his stories!”

“Eh. Not really.” Sunny shrugged. “I mean, the stories he told me were really all meant for foals. You’d have to be a bit of a perv to try to corrupt something clearly meant for foals with sex and eroticism.”


“Nope.” Sunny shook her head. “As I said, when I used to ask him about what powers we earth-ponies had, he would just chuckle and say that unicorns and pegasi would go tradesies with us in a hoofbeat. He never told me what it actually was.” Sunny looked him up and down again and chewed her lower lip, “I guess now I know why.

Hitch swallowed nervously. He could help but notice his friend’s tail had been ever-so-slightly lifting higher and higher.

“Oh jeez, this ain’t good.” Hitch started back trotting, keeping himself facing Sunny.

“W-well, it’s not bad,” Sunny asked tilting her head, even as she kept pace with him. “Is it?”

“Sunny, think!” Hitch groaned waving a hoof in front of the mare’s face to try to snap her out of whatever strange, half-lidded reverie she was experiencing. “If I’m just the first earth-pony to get these powers, it’s going to be a disaster.”

Sunny glanced around at the other ponies in the vicinity, most of them trotting about their day. A glimmer of doubt crossed her face. “But, maybe it’s like with the girls: you’ll have a more powerful level of the magic compared to everypony else.”

“Even so!” Hitch cautioned, gesticulating toward the unsuspecting populace of Maretime Bay, “Just imagine what a whole town filled with horny, sex-crazed earth-ponies would be like!” He shivered, “Just imagine the litter. The clean-up! It would break so many bylaws!”

“Hey! I just said you look good, I’m not ‘sex-crazed’!” Sunny huffed, stamping her fore-hoof.

“So you admit you’re horny?” Hitch grimaced, “Face it, Sunny… you’re literally drooling right now. Even though we both promised that this kind of relationship wasn’t for us.”

Sunny wiped her muzzle with the back of her hoof, took a deep breath, then sighed.

“OK. Maybe.” She looked down at the ground ashamedly, her eyes flicking back up to meet his. “So, what do we do?”

I am going to go lock myself in my room and take a nice, cold shower. Hopefully without bumping into any of our fair-sexed citizens.” Hitch’s eyes glanced from sidewalk to sidewalk, already mapping out the intricate path he might take to avoid as many ponies as possible. “Then I’m going to get a snack, take a nap, and hope this blows over.”

“Uh-huh.” Sunny tilted her head skeptically. “Well… what I am going to do is get the princesses and Izzy over here to help.” Sunny reached back to her saddle-strap, fishing her mobile phone out.

“How could they possibly help, Sunny?” Hitch groaned in exasperation.

“I don’t know. But when you’re in trouble, you rely on your friends!” Sunny lectured him without taking her eyes off her phone. “Maybe they know some tricks from their own experiences with getting magic.”

“Right, so let me get this straight,” Hitch snarked, “I get hit with some kind of earth-pony love-magic-thingy and your brilliant plan is to invite over more sexy young mares to surround me. Great.”

Sunny paused in her tapping of the screen and looked up at him. “You think we’re sexy?”

Hitch couldn’t help but let his eyes flick over his friend, even as his cheeks started to burn with heat. Of course, she was sexy! That beautiful coat. Her cute, braided mane. Those gorgeous painted socks and muzzle. Her sparkling emerald eyes.

And that athletic, sumptuous rump.

He thought she was sexy every time he saw her. He just… repressed it. Kept it pushed down. Ever since that night. Sunny’s friendship was worth more to him.

But he admired everything about her looks. Although today it seemed like she was a bit smaller than usual… or maybe he was bigger. It almost seemed like it would be easy to simply trot on up and mount the little mare and-

“Gah!” Hitch slapped himself with his hoof.

“Is that a yes?” Sunny giggled.

Hitch blushed again and looked away. “Of course.” He mumbled.

“All four of us, sexy?” Sunny giggled. “I am totally sharing that in the group chat, just so you know.”

“Gahhhhh!” Hitch groaned, it was true of course. As much as he loved Sunny, the three other mares they’d become close friends with were each jaw-droppingly stunning in their own, unique ways. He just didn’t need them knowing he thought so. “Sunny… y’know what? Fine. Laugh it up. I’m going home.”

Hitch turned and began to carefully trot away, snaking from corner to corner, always keeping a bubble between himself and other ponies.

“If anything happens you can just call me,” Sunny shouted after him, before chewing on her lip again and then shouting, even louder. “C-call me!”

Hitch started running faster.

The rest of the day passed without incident.

If ‘without-incident’ included sawing multiple 10-foot thick branches to be able to access his bedroom and raking what had to be four garbage bags full of bonsai leaves off of the ground floor of the police station.

It wasn’t until his machete broke in half as Hitch was clawing his way toward his bathroom, feeling like some kind of jungle expedition leader, that he finally decided he was going to need to find other accommodations.

Thus he found himself, reluctantly, knocking on the door to Maretime Bay’s lighthouse.

“Who’s knocking on my bucking door so late at-” a bedraggedly tired voice drifted through the fine oak as candlelight began to shine through the curtains drawn across the front door’s window.

The door clicked open, revealing a Sunny that Hitch had rarely seen - her hair completely out of sorts and frizzy, dark circles of tiredness under her eyes, and a bathrobe pulled up around her shoulders. She glared at him with suspicion.

He’d forgotten just how much of an early-bird Sunny was.

“H-hey Sunny, I was having trouble getting into my home, what with it being all… y’know ‘tree-y’... and I know you have that guest bedroom and I was hoping I c-”

“Mmf, yeah. Take it, go to sleep, and don’t wake me the buck up until a reasonable hour.” Sunny grouched, her eyes already drooping back down as she turned around and half-stumbled groggily back toward her room.

“Ah, thanks.” Hitch swallowed nervously, part of him scared at seeing this side of his usually upbeat and outgoing friend… another part somewhat grateful that whatever strange attraction she’d been starting to feel in the afternoon seemed locked away when she was so desperate for sleep.

Carefully closing the front door behind him so that the click wouldn’t be too loud, he trotted over to Sunny’s guest bedroom. Although it had once been her father’s room, Sunny had converted it long ago to accommodate guests -- something the Maretime Bay outcast had not had an opportunity to do lately. When she came over from Bridlewood, Izzy would usually stay here.

Hitch peeked into the room, which was neat and tidy, though filled with many trappings that were a bit feminine for his tastes. He could see touches of Izzy’s trademark arts and crafts adorning the room as well - from handmade greeting cards on the dresser to a macaroni-and-glitter-inspired photo frame hanging on the door to the guest bathroom.

“That girl just loves glitter,” Hitch muttered to himself as he hopped up onto the comfortable bed. He could inspect the room’s decor in the morning, once he’d regained some of his energy.

Slipping into the covers, his nostrils twitched. He could smell Izzy’s lavender-like scent on the very sheets, bringing to mind images of the beautiful, bouncy, semi-crazy unicorn.

He felt sleep overtake him, his last thoughts of the wide-beaming smile of the mare he’d once thought of as an absolute terror.

A Surprise Growth

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Hitch was running through Bridlewood.


The gang of unicorns was hot on his heels, having recovered more quickly than he remembered from his screaming utterance of the various catchwords that could paralyze them. It also seemed like it was only Izzy with him this time. He could sense that Pip, Zipp, and Sunny were nearby… but he couldn’t see them.

Craning his head to look for them was disastrous. Almost immediately his front hoof caught on an outstretched root, sending him tumbling head over hooves and crashing into Izzy. A rolling, tumbling mess of fur and manes, tails and limbs, that spat the two of them out into a green pasture in a pile.

“Hitch! What’s the big deal!?”

Izzy moaned, rubbing her forehead as she adjusted herself. More specifically, adjusted her butt.

Even more specifically, adjusted her butt on top of his lap.

He’d come to a rest splayed out on his back, with the purple unicorn’s plump behind smack dab on his belly.

“S-sorry I-”

“Hitch!” A strange amalgam of voices came from Izzy’s mouth, almost like some kind of bizarre, auto-tuned harmonic resonance. It was as if Izzy was speaking with the voices of all the girls: Sunny, Zipp, Pipp, and Izzy.

“Uh…” Hitch stammered, his eyes now picking up on the fact that the pony currently grinding into his groin also sported a set of white, fluffy wings, and a long pink-braided mane. Truly an amalgam of all his female friends in one.

“Look out Hitch: the tree of vitality!” She shouted over her shoulder as a tree suddenly sprouted between Hitch’s legs, narrowly missing his most prized possessions as it grew at an alarming speed, racing upwards while the trunk thickened.

“Oh boy, it’s really big!” Her rump pushed back into him even more, delightfully squishing against his hipbones. “I better teleport us home.”

“I don’t th-”


In an instant, they were at the base of the Maretime Bay lighthouse. Again, the red and white lighthouse sprung up from between his limbs, strangely making him think the building was connected to him somehow.

“Mmm… that’s better.” Izzy-Sunny-Pipp-Zipp purred with a sultry mewl, leaning forward to embrace the outer wall of the lighthouse. “I’ve always loved this thing, what filly wouldn’t?”

“I- I guess…?”

“It’s so thick and sturdy, so tall. It has everything a girl could ever need.”

“Wh-what?” Hitch half gulped, as the hybrid of his friends nuzzled the brick exterior. A thick lump rose in Hitch’s throat, as the soft cheek fur sensation was somehow transmitted to him… and not only that… it seemed more like that touch was being applied to a very particular part of his anatomy.

“You’ll give it to me, won’t you Hitch? Give it to us?” The she-thing growled, her eyes burning red with desire as her hips made little gyrations back and forth.


“Give it to us!” She panted, her tone sounding very much like she was in the middle of doing something far more exciting than hugging a giant navigational aid. “Give it to us - HARD!”


Hitch sat stock upright in bed, nearly flinging his pillows as he awoke with a shocking start. Slowly the world resolved around him, reminding him that he was inside that very same lighthouse. The crinoline paper and glitter-decorated chandelier further reassured him that he was still in Izzy’s spare bedroom.

“What is with these crazy dreams!?” Hitch groaned, his eyes already starting to droop. “I need my sleep, damn it!” He started to shut his eyes, ignoring the giant tent rising between his legs.

No more dreams assailed him that night.

But he still awoke with the pallid languor of a pony deprived of a full night’s sleep. Rubbing his temples as he sluggishly slipped from the silky, girly covers, he stumbled slowly toward the open door of the bathroom, yawning and sighing as he did so.

Hitch had a feeling that it was going to be a long day.

Eyes still half-shut and bleary, he stumbled over to the toilet., scratching at his temples idly while he did so.

His nostrils could detect just the barest hint of mare-scent beneath the potpourri of scented candles that adorned the femininely-decorated restroom.

He needed to empty his bladder. Standing on two legs to position himself, he felt his organ begin to unfurl, slowly slipping out of him as per usual, as his bladder began to tighten. Inch after inch, slid out - a not unpleasant experience, especially for a pony as well-endowed as Hitch was.

But something was… off?

Even through his half-tired mind, Hitch realized it seemed like his unsheathing had been going on for a rather long time. He was pretty much already done taking a leak. And things felt… different down there too. It was then that the shock of nearly ice-cold toilet water against his tip snapped his eyes open and drew his attention to his groin.

A giant, mottled pink and black snake seemed to have replaced his stallionhood! Pouring out of his abdomen with inch after inch of….


That was his stallionhood!

“Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!” Hitch’s scream rumbled through the lighthouse as he comically hopped and twisted, sending the rope-length of stallion-meat flopping after him, thankfully he had already finished his toilet -- else he would have been hosing down the bathroom walls as well.

Even though it was starting to shrivel due to his shock, whatever had happened to his ‘good old buddy down below’ had given him a growth spurt, unlike anything he’d seen since puberty.

This wasn’t just a case of looking a little plumper and powerful… he was talking inches here. And width too!

His stallionhood had always been mostly pink, with a little bit of mottling at his base before a rough transition to an ebony black in the last inch or so of his organ…

Now, even flaccid it seemed like fully half of his ‘not-so-little fella’ was black, glossy skin. Like his size had suddenly doubled overnight.


Hitch yelled as he took his floppy length in booth hooves, questioning the flaccid organ with ferocity as if it were a serial-litterer in his interrogation room.

*knock knock knock*

The pounding of a hoof against the bathroom door made him jump in surprise.

“Hitch? Is everything OK in there?” Sunny’s concerned voice leaked through.

“NO!” Hitch answered in a panicked chirp, before slapping his hoof over his mouth and squeaking out a decidedly less sure: “Uh… I mean… y-yes?”

“Hitch?” Sunny’s voice didn’t sound convinced. “Can you come out, please?”

“Y-yes- NO. No, not yet. Just… just a minute!” He tried to deliver the last bit in a sing-songy way as he wrestled with the massive back rope of stallionmeat in his hooves. His stallionmeat.

The thick sound of heavy flesh slapping against his inner knee simultaneously shocked him with just how large he was… and just how goodIT… felt

A pulse of hot blood throbbed through him, immediately making his new groin-monster start to stiffen.

“Jeez - no, no no no no!”

In a panic he grabbed his cell phone, still sitting on the kitchen counter where he’d left it the night before, hurriedly opening Hoofgle to search for ‘penis growth’...

…before immediately regretting that decision.

“No no no! Gah, jeez, STOP!’ He tried to mash the touchscreen with his nose to close the absolute deluge of pop-ups and spam assaulting him with various ads for ‘ancient shamanic rituals’ and ‘secret modern enlargement medicines. Smashing his face over and over into his phone didn’t seem like the best plan, but his other hoof was busy trying (rather unsuccessfully) to prevent the giant, ebony totem dangling between his legs from becoming a ‘bigger problem’ “Gah, FORGET it!”

He closed the browser and pulled up the telephone function, sliding over to his speed-dial contacts with a deft flick of his tongue. As sheriff, he of course had the city’s chief doctor ready to respond at a moment’s notice.

There was only a momentary pause after the first buzz.

“Dr. Dock here.”

Hitch sighed, happy to hear that familiar old mare’s voice. “Doc Dock-”

“Who’s there?” The mare sang back.

“Not now Doc, please.” Hitch groaned, frustrated at himself for falling for the doctor’s tired old gag for the thousandth time since he’d become Maretime Bay’s chief legal enforcement officer.

*knock knock knock*

“Hitch? I’ve got Izzy here with me, I’m going to have her open the door if you don’t let us in.”

“Don’t come in! I’m… I’m… naked!” Hitch shrieked, in a half-filly’ish tone, while desperately covering the microphone component of his smartphone.

Doc~! Please, this is no time for games or jokes! This is a medical emergency.”

“OK… so who’s there? You still haven’t introduced yourself.”

“What? Ah, it’s Hitch, Sheriff Hitch.” Hitch grunted, slamming his back against the bathroom door and twisting the latch-lock closed, aborting the attempt by Sunny to get in.

“Well Sheriff, what seems to be the problem?”

“It's my… well…” Hitch found his face getting a bit red, and his tongue getting thick in his muzzle as he tried to think of the words.

*bang bang bang*

“Hitch? We’re really getting worried here.” Sunny whined.

“IT’S MY DICK!” Hitch half-hissed, half-shouted into the phone, using his other hoof to shield any sound from leaking out of the bathroom. “...IT’S GOTTEN REALLY BIG.”


There was what felt like a whole half-minute of silence from the other side of the phone.

“Sheriff. I thought you said this wasn’t time for games or jokes.” The annoyed sigh of the doctor’s tone confirmed just how poorly Hitch had managed to explain himself. “And shame on you for invoking a medical emergency just to orchestrate some strange prank-”

“No! No no, I’m serious. I’m dead serious. My, uh, penis…” Hitch used the scientific term as if it might give him some more credibility, “Is… uh… significantly enlarged.

“Sheriff…” The voice on the other end of the telephone didn’t sound much convinced.

*knock knock knock*

“Hitch - I’m really sorry if you’re pooping in there, but Sunny says I have to open the door in case you’re having a magical emergency.” Izzy’s voice had replaced the orange earth-pony’s at the door jam.

PLEASE Doc,” Hitch begged, “What could cause this?”

“Well… I didn’t expect I would have to give this talk to somepony of your age… but when a mommy-pony and daddy-pony love each other very much-”

“GAH!” Hitch thumbed the red hang-up button as the latch and handle next to him began to glow an ethereal purple and vibrate.

Crap crap crap crap!

With a blurring hoof-speed that he didn’t even know he possessed, Hitch took the end of his flaccid member, tucked it inside the belt sash which bore his sheriff’s badge, and cinched the unwieldy, temporary stallionhood-holder a notch tighter.

The door creaked open fully, sliding him away with irresistible force as Izzy’s unicorn powers came to bear against the comparably feeble handle and lock.

“Ah! Girls!” Hitch chuckled, twisting away backward to prevent them from getting a side-on view of his ‘problem’, turning on the sink as a convenient excuse. “What, uh, seems to be the problem?”

Izzy’s eyes seemed to be searching the bathroom, though she was bumped beside by a pouting Sunny.

“Problem? Didn’t you hear me calling for you? You nearly gave me a heart attack! What with everything that happened yesterday, I was worried, Hitch! What’s going on?” Sunny took a step toward him.

“Nothing! I was just, washing my hooves, and couldn’t hear you over the sound of the water and soap dispenser!” Hitch’s smile was far too wide.

“Washing your hooves - for the last ten minutes?” Sunny’s eyebrow arched. “I didn’t know you had OCD, Hitch.”

“Nope, uh-uh, just practicing good hygiene.”

“Can’t blame him for that, Sunny.” Izzy piped in with one of her wild smiles, “Man, I remember just how gross it was before I had magic. I don’t know how you guys stand it!” Izzy’s nostrils began to twitch partway through her sentence, “I can’t even… uh… huh… woah… do, do you guys smell that?” She turned her nose up in the air, taking a deep drag of the atmosphere.

Sunny’s ear flicked and she swallowed, her mouth dropping open slightly as she took in the scent as well. “W-woah. Yeah,… that’s what I was talking about Izzy. But woof that’s stronger than yesterday.”

Crap! Hitch flipped around and quickly hammered the toilet’s flusher, sending a clean torrent of replacing water into the basin.

“Ah.” Sunny hummed, her grin getting that same impious tinge that it’d had the previous day. “Well… aren’t you going to wash your hooves, Hitch? What about good hygiene?” Sunny pointed at the flusher.

“Of course, of course!” Hitch chuckled nervously, rinsing his hooves once again before shepherding the two mares out of the stilly musky bathroom.

“W-wow, Sunny.” Izzy chuckled, half-nervously as they trotted into the bedroom. “Y-you really weren’t kidding, were you?”


“Kidding about what?” Hitch hummed nervously, even as he tried to ever-so-gently guide his friends toward the bedroom door.

“About just how good you smell.” Izzy purred, flipping her head back and leaning far too closely into the nape of Hitch’s neck and huffing in a deep inhale that tickled his left ear.

“A-ah?” Hitch swallowed nervously, taken aback for a moment.

“I mean it -- you smell like pure glitter run through a peppermint factory.” Izzy sighed, half-nuzzling into his neck. “And I love peppermint and glitter.” The unicorn hummed, blinking and locking her big purple irises on his.

“I-Izzy?” Hitch gulped.

“And I’m not usually that into stallions…” the unicorn giggled, her voice sounding almost like she’d had one too many of Sunny’s ‘special’ smoothies, “I mean… sure… if the mood’s right. And doesn’t it really just feel rightright now?”

There was that wolf-ish, predatory glint again.

“S-sunny? Little help?” Hitch was doing his best to lean back, away from the perky little unicorn mare now invading his personal space.

“Hm? Ah… well…” Sunny was biting her lip again, just like yesterday.

Oh no.

“Sunny. Izzy.” Hitch tried to keep himself in check, as the two mares he had been pushing toward the bedroom door began to push back into him. “This is… this is just some weird haywire magic effect going on -- you guys aren’t thinking straight, this isn’t you.”

“What do you mean? You just smell really good.” Izzy purred, nuzzling him again with a sigh. “I wish I could pour you all over me.”

Sunny let out a slow, controlled breath, her voice almost shaky as she took a step away. “S-something is going on here. I realize that.”

“Thank goodness!” Hitch sighed, taking both hooves and placing them on Izzy’s cheeks, comically trying to detach the mare from cuddling his neck. “So you agree that you two should get out of here before we make a big mistake.”

Sunny shook her head vigorously. “N-no! Something is going on with you Hitch. And I… and we won’t leave you alone when you need our help the most. Izzy and I can just… control ourselves.”

“Izzy’s doing a real good job of that…” Hitch sarcastically groaned, as Izzy’s horn pulsed revealing how she’d managed to resist Hitch’s full-power strength attempts to pry her death-grip hug from around his neck.

“Izzy, come on.” Sunny huffed, gripping the unicorn’s tail in her teeth before starting to pull as well. “You’re not sharing.”

Unfortunately, this was the last straw of a series of coincidences, which was all that was needed to set the match to the fuse of pent-up sexual potential energy that had amassed.

By pulling Izzy’s tail, Sunny had lifted it up and away from the unicorn’s rump, especially easy since the perky mare’s dock was already rigidly flagging in the air… and it just so happened that Hitch’s line of sight and Izzy’s rump were perfectly aligned through the helpful feature of the floor to ceiling vanity mirror that adorned the bedroom’s West wall.

Hitch’s eyes drank in the beautifully exotic sight of Izzy’s puffy unicorn marehood. So familiar, and yet also subtly different in enticing ways from that of an earth-pony’s. Puffier, and yet more slender… clearly smaller and tighter, but not being as toned or muscular as those Hitch had grown up seeing. A smaller, though bright-pink nub quivered in the cleft of those engorged, dark lips… staying visible throughout Izzy’s weak, trembling winks… quite unlike the flashing grasps of an earth-mare.

But Hitch’s gaze was not purely scientific… and the sexual fuse continued its inexorable journey toward explosion… kickstarted by the exciting vision of his friend’s sexually excited marebits… a throb of blood coursed down Hitch’s length, making his stallionhood jump and stiffen in its precarious perch.

Males of any species know just how risky the timeless strategy of ‘the waistband tuck’ can be, particularly with a semi-turgid member… as either arousal or shrinkage can quickly unsettle that which was attempting to be hidden…

And so, with a slow-motion mouthing of the word “Nooooooooo…” Hitch felt his now-massive member slip free of the temporary nest he’d created for it between his belly and his belt… and fall free to the floor like someone dropping a heavy firehose to the ground.


Izzy Learns About Earth-Pony Magic

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The noise filled the bedroom and instantly drew all available eyes to it.

“Holy bucking horseapples!” Izzy squealed, her bright purple irises looking more dilated than the time she’d tried (and succeeded) in snorting glitter.

“Gah!” Sunny gasped, covering her muzzle with a hoof, her already flushed face turning a bright red. Sunny collapsed to a sitting position before gesticulating with a free hoof, pointing directly at Hitch’s now-stiffening behemoth -- “What the hay is that?”

Hitch’s ears folded back, as he scrambled to use his body as a shield to prevent the two mares from seeing his overt display. “Nothing! Sheesh, I was trying to avoid this -- my body has been completely crazy since yesterday with all this magic cr- gah! Hey!”

Izzy’s horn had sparkled into life, grabbing hold of Hitch’s two forehooves and pulling them apart, preventing him from obscuring himself. With a half-stumble, Hitch fell backward against the edge of the bed, his butt resting on the ground and his back against the bedside, leaving his fleshy tree sprouting up between his legs for all to see.

Sunny, are you seeing this!?” Izzy squealed, doing a little tip-tap dance of joy on all four hooves. “I mean, I knew Hitch would be big, but this… this is like the size of my foreleg!” She giggled as she pranced forward, “No need to play all bashful and humble and pretend it's just ‘magic’, Hitch.”

“Izzy…” Sunny’s face was demurely staring off into one corner, fighting off embarrassment… and yet Hitch could see her eyes were locked on to his engorging member. “He… he really wasn’t… that… uh… b-big. Before.” Sunny shook her head, squinting her eyes in frustration before going on. “I mean, he was big. But he’s bigger. A lot bigger.”

Izzy cocked her head, pausing mid-way in her predatory gambol toward him, glancing between Sunny and him with an arched eyebrow. “Ohhh…. You guys are-”


“A long time ago! It’s not like that!”

Sunny and Hitch answered in exasperated union.

“Ah, then you don’t mind if I get a closer look?” Izzy grinned while waggling her eyebrows.

“Well, actually- AH! OK! This is happening I guess!” Hitch gulped, as Izzy’s purple magic wrapped around the underside of his glans. A warm, squishing sensation as the unicorn’s magic levitated his penis upward, holding it against his belly. Immediately the warm energetic buzz was joined by a fuzzy, physical one.

Izzy was holding her foreleg against his length, doing an impromptu measurement.

“He is bigger than my foreleg! Woah!” Izzy’s eyes brightened with even more excitement, her smile widened dangerously.

“Ah! I-Izzy!” Hitch squeaked, as his friend squished the frog of her other hoof down onto his tip.

And he’s wider than my hoof!” Izzy squealed. “Sunny, he would wreck Zipp, so much for that ship, am I right?” Izzy laughed, teasing Sunny, who was again covering her face with a hoof… while still peeking out from one side.

“Z-zipp? Zipp ship?”

“Sure. We call it Hitchzipp. Makes Zipp go crazy red with embarrassment when we tease her with it at slumber parties.” Izzy explained casually, while still squishing her oh-so-soft frog up and down on his throbbing tip. “But Pipp would always point out that Zipp probably wouldn’t be able to handle you, seeing as how earth-stallions are like twice the size of pegasus-males.”

“Umf… wh-what?” Hitch grunted, his brain having trouble following Izzy’s rapid-fire prose as blood continued to divert to his lower extremities.

“Oh sure, we girls would also gossip about you boys’ sizes. Was one of the first topics of conversation when we all met. Are you kidding me?” Izzy nodded with a chuckle. “Was a bit worried at first I wouldn’t get the full picture on pegasi because Zipp is a virgin… thankfully Pipp’s done a few private videos and could fill in the gaps.”

“I-Izzy!” Sunny squeaked, scoldingly.

“What? I always felt bad we were leaving Hitch out of the girl talk.” Izzy hummed, now idly pawing around on the top of Hitch’s cockhead, as if it were a joystick in a videogame. “Way I figured it, Pegasi are about two-thirds the size of unicorns… and from Sunny’s previous description of you I had figured earth ponies were about twice the size of pegasi.”

“A-ah! I-I-Izzy!” Hitch grunted, another throb going through him, bringing him to near full erection, and extending his cockhead up his belly another inch.

“But wow, this is like twice the size of any unicorn-stallion I ever saw.” Izzy’s smile was dangerously wide, a small drip of drool forming at one corner of her mouth. “Not that I was with that many, not really my style. But still… you know what? Screw it, I have to know.”

Izzy’s magic split once again, forming a fourth telekinetic cloud, in addition to the two pinning his arms and the one forming a donut underneath his glans. With a whisk, Hitch saw it fly to her saddlebag, discarded near the door, snagging her cloth measuring tape and flying it back over to her.

“A-are you… measuring my stallionhood?” Hitch asked, exasperated.

“Sure, that way I can make you a nice knit, woolen cock-cozy. It’s like a tea-cozy but for your cock!” Izzy giggled. It was strange hearing the vulgarity from her. “But it won’t work if you won’t get all-the-way hard.” Izzy’s tongue slipped out the side of her teeth like it always did when she focused on something. Her hoof movement began to speed up as if polishing an oversized door handle.

“I-Izzy! That’s sensitive!” Hitch yelped, his eyes clenching.

“Oh my gosh.” Sunny cringed, still shielding herself while watching intently.

“Oh, are you more of a ball guy? Here…” Izzy’s telekinetic donut moved from under his glans, sliding down his considerable obsidian length, thinning and tightening as it was stretched by his base’s increasing girth… the single downstroke felt better than the best toy Hitch had ever used.

“Wooooah!” The purple field buzzed and wrapped around his large, hoofball-sized orbs. “Dude, these are freaking huge!” Izzy leaned in, peering down at his balls. The field slid in and around his package, pulling and massaging, squeezing and releasing.

“How’s that feel, Hitch?” Izzy giggled.

Hitch was rock hard now.

“There we go!” The measuring tape flashed out like a snake, sliding all over him and wrapping around him at various places along his now painfully stiff penis.

“Holy buck!” Izzy whistled. “Nineteen inches. That’s more than twice the size of Alpha Bittle. I knew it.” Izzy pumped her free hoof in satisfaction.

“I-izzy…” Hitch groaned, eyes still tightly shut.

“Woah, my hoof’s soaked!” Izzy yelped, lifting her hoof off his engorged tip. “Sorry Hitch, did you pop off alread-.” Izzy paused, looked at her wet hoof, and cocked her head. “No, that doesn’t look like… hm…”

Hitch’s eyes opened enough to watch his friend lift her hoof to her muzzle and take a lick.

“Izzy!” Sunny’s disbelieving shout echoed through the room.

“No - that’s just pre!” Izzy squealed again. “Are you kidding me? And that much? And it tastes like pure glitter? Annnnnnn-nuh…nuh…” Izzy’s rapid-fire, excited pace of speech suddenly slowed and slurred… as if she had been hit by a tranquilizer dart.

“I-Izzy?” Hitch looked at her with newfound fear. Where moments before had been manic-excitement-Izzy… now there was something deeper. Her eyes were like deep, violet pools… her irises twisted into vibrating heart-shapes. Her mouth dropped open and panted, shallow, steamy breaths.

“Oh… oh wow… H-hitch.” Izzy leaned into him, affectionately. Her mouth pressed against his ear.

“Stallions really aren’t my type, Hitch…” she groaned, the tip of her tongue tickling the nib of his ear. “But by the Goddess, you are my type Hitch. I’ve… I’ve never felt so hot. My marehood… it's aching.”

Hitch gulped, as he felt something hot and wet press into his hip, followed by the playful slap of Izzy’s wagging tail.

Izzy giggled drunkenly, nuzzling into his neck one more time before returning to his ear again to whisper, “I’ve only had stallions in my butt. But fuck do I want you to fill me up with your beautiful, big fat stud cock, friend.” With the last word, Izzy nipped him in the ear with animal-aggression.

“Izzy!” Sunny shouted, turning and dropping her two hooves in shocked anger.

“Gah!” Hitch grunted, squeezing his pelvic muscles… Izzy’s dirty talk and the sudden nip caught him off-guard and made a sizable dollop of steaming pre arc out of his tip… flying across the room in a splatter…

And landing right across Sunny’s open, shouting mouth, and nose.

Oh no.

For the briefest of moments, there was no change on Sunny’s shocked face… then, a tremor seemed to shake through her, as a shiver one might get after being touched unexpectedly with an ice cube.

And Sunny’s face surprised look melted into one of pure, wanton lust.

Her slack jaw opened, her eyes rolled strangely, and her ears twitched wildly, as deep, panting breaths escaped her mouth.


Hitch looked over at his best friend with more than just a modicum of worry. “S-sunny… are you… o-okay~ mmmf!”

Hitch’s mouth was cut off mid-question, as Sunny crossed the room in a bounding leap, pressed her muzzle over his, and began to kiss him as he’d never been kissed before.

Sunny’s powerful tongue pried at his teeth, quickly slipping past his pearly guard and driving into his throat, as she pressed into his face harder and harder. Her body was grinding into his now, pushing him back into the side of the bed, her chest-fur and belly trapping his throbbing, drooling erection between them in an obscene sandwich as she embraced him with more and more intensity.

“Mmmfghn! MMMF!” Hitch couldn’t understand any of Sunny’s deep, throaty moans, as they rumbled out of her belly and were lost in the back of his throat… But he could feel her hooves as they wrapped around his back, tracing up and down his spine, grasping when they found something particularly interesting to grip… like his butt or the nape of his neck, or his dock.

Hitch’s wide eyes were staring into Sunny’s sweating face, but he could see anything but her tightly shut eyelids and her sweating brow as she continued to ravage him. One thing he could sense, however, was the burning wet heat against his left leg.

With each subsequent group and thrust of her tongue, Sunny had driven herself deeper, closer, harder against him… each push she spread her hind legs a little wider until it was blatantly obvious she was grinding her marehood hard against him in a desperate attempt to satisfy herself.

“Holy, buck.” Gasped Izzy, seemingly stunned out of her desires by the sheer ferocity of Sunny’s assault. Hitch could see her out of the corner of his eye, half covering her mouth in shock, half grinning wildly at the show she was being treated to.

A gold glow drew Hitch’s eyes back to Sunny’s forehead, as translucent, crackling magical energy emerged in the shape of a horn from her head… followed by a golden flash of sparkle-filled light and the eruption of Sunny’s wide, magical wingspan… almost painfully outstretched.

“Mnf-! Nfu-fuck!” Sunny’s head wrenched backward and free from her slobbery kiss, a thick stand of saliva still connecting their lips, as she threw her neck backward in an agonic scream.

Any fear that Sunny might have been hurt or scared was quickly killed off in Hitch’s mind, the mare’s growling cry being quickly accompanied by a soaking torrent of fragrant liquid that sloshed out over his left knee...

“Oh fuck, Hitch!” Sunny gasped, with the last of her breath left over from the end of her orgasmic scream, before the spasm of her bowstring-taut spine relented and let her collapse into his chest with deep, heavy, pants. “Fuck, I haven’t… hah… hah… haven’t cum that hard… ever!

Hitch couldn’t help himself, clearing a sweaty, disheveled strand of Sunny’s mane from her face, as he watched her half-droopy eyelids open to reveal the same pulsing, heart-shaped irises that adorned Izzy’s sclera. “Uh… you’re... Welcome?”

“Hah…hah…” Sunny grunted, drool still slipping from her parted lips. “H-hitch… I… I need more. My body is burning for it. For you.”

She looked down between them, at his throbbing erection. Her hooves reaching down, grasping him, as she began to lift her hips… higher, higher, even needing to rise to her hooves and semi-stand because of the sheer height she had to raise her nethers to, to accommodate his significant size.

“S-sunny…” Hitch gulped, speechless… his own heart pounding in his ears. All those years ago, after a clumsy blowjob, he’d been so close to having sex with Sunny. Only for it all to blow up, for their friendship to nearly dissolve, for them both to promise never to speak of that night again… even if Hitch knew deep down it was what he really wanted…

Was this really going to happen?

“H-hitch-~ gah!”

A separate burst of purple magic flashed out, grabbing hold of his and Sunny’s shoulders simultaneously and wrenching them apart. For a moment, Hitch’s vision was nothing chaos as he was spun and flung onto the top of the bed with a soft ~thump~ as he landed in the soft sheets on his back, splayed out with his towering stallionhood pointing at the ceiling.

He looked down his belly, only to see Izzy hungrily staring down at him, as she strode over him, crackling purple energy dissipating from her horn as she released her TK hold on him, before fixing him with those manic-heart-irise.

“Ah-ah-ah,” Izzy giggling scolded, “Sunny doesn’t get to just cut in line.” Izzy positioned herself over his cock, her diminutive size insufficient to fully clear his considerable, extended length, resulting in his rigid tip being pulled along the underside of her fuzzy tummy.

“Oof!” Hitch exhaled as Izzy planted her forehooves on his chest, using it as leverage to lift her rear end up even higher, as she shifted her tail out of the way.

“Momma Izzy is gonna take good care of you, Hitch… and ‘not-so-little Hitch’!” Izzy wildly as she took his fat tip in her magical field, bending him downwards toward her nethers.

Hitch groaned in a mixture of discomfort and pleasure, watching with rapt fascination as she brought his drooling, massive tip past her small teats, toward the drooling lips of her marehood.

He’d never seen a unicorn mare before (not counting the usual little accidental glances you’d get here or there).

Izzy’s dark-purple labia were so swollen they were as nearly puffed up to the same size as her little breast-mounds… they were so engorged they looked to be almost black in contrast to her fur color… and yet they were so much more slender than any of the earth-mares he’d been with, the plump folds pressing tightly against each other to reveal none of the drooling-pink interiors he was used to seeing… unicorns looked tight.

Maybe too tight. Especially with his newly found ‘enhancement’.

“Ah!” With a little squeak, Hitch watched with fascination as Izzy’s lips quivered, sending a nub-sized, pink clit flashing outward, along with a momentary peek of her steamy, frothing vaginal tunnel… as she winked out a thin squirt of hot, wet, marecum… splattering all over his thick cock-tip.

And then, just like that, their two sexes kissed.

His aching, drooling urethral dome pressed up and into her tight cleft, squishing up against her lips without parting them, but sending a hot dribble of her juice trickling down the left side of his shaft… a light peck of stallionhood and marehood.

“Ahh… hi new friend.” Izzy giggled, before biting her lower lip and shifting herself, trying to position her lower body to take him in.

“I-izzy…” Hitch gasped, breathlessly, instinctively taking hold of his friends’ forehooves to steady her as she began to lower her hips, using her weight to press his gargantuan size into her.

It seemed like an impossible task… his huge, hoof-sized head pressed against Izzy’s vise-like marehood… like trying to push a melon into a mailslot. Though the raised portion of his dome-shaped glans had nestled itself into the comfy, warm interior of Izzy’s outer-opening… the rest simply smushed itself against her tightness… even as Izzy brought more and more of her weight down on him.

“Ahh… sheesh…” Izzy groaned, wiggling her bottom in a way that almost made Hitch thrust upward in pure instinctive reactionary pleasure. “You’re… jeez… a lot bigger than any toys I’ve put in there before… here…”

A buzzing purple, surrounded their messy, dripping union, and Hitch scrunched his face, gritting his teeth as he felt the magic lightly compress his size, squeezing him painfully… he could see the magic doing the same to Izzy’s tight marelips, stretching and pulling at them…

And he began to ever-so-slightly… sink into his unicorn friend.

“Unnnf…. F-f-fuck!” Izzy groaned, one eye shutting and the other half-lidding, as her mare lips strained, rolling outward to take in Hitch’s impressive girth, millimeter by millimeter, “’re so… bucking BIG! Guh~!” Izzy took in a winded breath, as her lips finally engulfed the massive, hoof-wide outer ridge of Hitch’s fat mushroom-tip…

“O-oh… Mayonnaise!” Izzy growled with a thick, belly-curse, as five inches of Hitch’s throbbing, ebony cock crammed itself into her in a single movement, the pressure of her weight and her magic slamming far too much stallion into her once the barrier of her initial tightness had finally been breached.

“B-buck!” Hitch groaned, his teeth gritting even tighter… Izzy’s grasping depths felt just as tight as her slender lips. It was like his upper shaft was stuck in some velvet-soaked, flesh vise… crushing down on his dick.

The effect was completely alien to Hitch. Sure, he was an above average stallion… but he’d never felt anything like this before.The alien feel of his expanded endowment, with its kinesthetic bulk and additional nerve endings, coupled with the tighter grasp of his purple friend… was overwhelming. Only a quarter of his length was inside Izzy, but his eyes were crossing with pleasure unlike any he’d experienced.

“Ahn!” The orange glow re-entered his vision, as Sunny recovered from wherever Izzy’s magic had tossed her. Her snorting muzzle snuffled as she pressed up into his groin, burying her nose in his ballsack and inhaling.

“Mmff… h-hurry Izzy!” Sunny groaned out, before putting her tongue to a more practical purpose, caressing the thick base of Hitch’s stallionhood.

“I’m trying… gah… he’s… just so… huge!” Izzy groaned, putting a forehoof against the slender valley between her two teats, “I can feel him poking out of my freaking stomach!”

Sunny seemed to take this as an invitation to help, hooking one of her forehooves around Izzy’s hip and pulling downward.

“Eeep!” Izzy squeaked, before throwing her head back again, as another 3 inches of thick, black, pulsing stallionmeat crammed up into her tight unicorn snatch. “B-buck!”

Hitch felt his tip mashing up against Izzy’s cervix, the urethral bulge barely slipping in, to prod into her most holy of holies.

He unscrewed his eyes, taking in the sight before him… Sunny slobbering all over his junk, while he bottomed out in a mare… while her drooling pussy barely reached to his medial ring.

Was this really happening?

“S-sunny! Oof!” Izzy grimaced, before looking down and inspecting herself. “W-wow…” she put her hoof over the noticeable cock-bulge in her lower belly, just below her cute belly-button. “I… I don’t think I’ll be getting all of this in anytime soon.” She chuckled nervously, her magic stroking down Hitch’s exposed shaft.

“H-h-hurry up!” Sunny growled throatily, “I can’t wait.”

“Ok! Ok!” Izzy hissed, before starting to lift her hips, looking to begin moving her hips. But their union was far too tight… their bodies entirely locked together… with each attempt to liter herself on resulting in no movement… or lifting Hitch’s hips with her.

“Uh… I think I’m kind of… stuck!” Izzy groaned.

“C’mon Izzy! You haven’t even taken half of him yet!” Sunny groaned, jerking downward futilely.

“Ah! S-stop! S-sunny!” Izzy winced, her purple tail thrashing back and forth as she was impaled further on the log of horseflesh.

“F-fine! I’ll take care of the other half, then.” Sunny harumphed, before bringing a hoof to Hitch’s thick base, grasping it with her tender frog and starting to stroke, leaning in to nuzzle and lick at the veiny trunk.

“Ah! S-sunny!” Hitch groaned, the new sensations rocking him.

“Don’t forget about… gah… me!” Izzy squeaked, huffing with a small exhortation as she tried to clench her untrained muscles around the bits that were inside her. The swirling grasp of mysterious muscles flashed and pulled at Hitch’s cock-end.

“G-girls!” Hitch panted, feeling his muscles start to tighten and bulge, as the pleasure coursing through him began to build, a new tightness forming in his loins. He wasn’t a quick-shot, but all his new equipment was unfamiliar to him, and not easy to control… he felt like he had as a teen-colt, discovering his first naughty magazine.

“C’mon Hitch!” Sunny grunted desperately, bringing her other hoof to the base of his erection in a vain attempt to fully encircle him at his thickest. “Give it to her!

“Oooh, yeah…” Izzy agreed, eyes burning with fiery lust, “c’mon friend, don’t hold back!” Her horn ignited again. “I want all you’ve got!”

“Ahhh… no-no-no-NO!” Hitch squeaked, as he felt a tendril of magical unicorn energy snake its way down past Sunny’s slobber, slip past his tightening sack… and prod at his tailhole.

“Trust me - I know butt-stuff!”

Izzy’s tiger-grin was the last thing Hitch saw before a mercifully-thin tentacle of kinetic magic entered into his asshole, snaking up and forward… and milking against his prostate.

“Sunny… I-Izzy!” Hitch moaned, sweat beading at a tremendous rate now as one of his friends masturbated him, and the other milked him (from both ends). There was no stopping it now - and the last of his resolve vanished in the tsunami of release that followed.

“W-woah!” Sunny yelped, as a pulsing wave of spasm surged up through her hooves, thickening and twitching Hitch’s fat penis, racing up and into Izzy’s stretched marehood.

“G-g-guh!” Izzy’s breath was knocked from her, as she was winded by the sudden flaring expansion of the huge tip inside her, the hoof-sized tip blossoming into an angry, pulsing saucer-plate that embedded itself deeply into her cervical wall… the external bulge on her stomach looking now looking like something from a sci-fi horror flick.

And then Hitch released.


This was nothing like any orgasm he’d had before.

This wasn’t three or four measly white lines painted over some needy mare’s face on a Friday night behind the Sheriff’s office. It wasn’t a shameful coating of his hoof while browsing pornstable… it didn’t even compare to that time he’d actually completed no-nut November and nearly clogged his shower drain on December 1st.

This… this was something entirely different. More. Virile.

Magically activated earth-pony studs had a primary purpose - to fill their mares.

And Equestrian magic was more powerful than Hitch could have possibly imagined.

Blast after blast of steaming, thick, hot batter shot from him… each one coming out in spurts that were seconds in length. All sloshing deep into his friend’s fertile womb.

Through the hazy glow of his wavering eyes, Hitch could see the dramatic effect of his raw emptying of his potent balls into Izzy’s body. Her belly was expanding, her usually taut tummy becoming pudgy and pooching out, looking like a water-balloon being filled from a fully-opened faucet.

“Guhhh…!” Izzy’s horn spattered and sparked, fireworks arcing chaotically through the air, her own eyes rolling wildly as her body drank in Hitch’s orgasm with one of its own.

And the intensity of each frothing splatter was more than anything Hitch had ever experienced, even counting his first ever orgasm… as he inflated his friends’ belly to the size of a mare 6-months with foal.



All of a sudden, the glue-tight, seemingly inseparable union of unicorn-pussy and earth-pony-dick ripped apart.

The sheer pressure of Hitch’s ridiculous emission sent Izzy flying off of his thick flare like a bottle rocket, in an obscene fountain of stallion-cum.

“Gahh!” Sunny squealed, the massive wave of splooshing foal-batter that escaped as Izzy popped off of Hitch coating her face, as Izzy fell backward in a twitching, squeaking mess.

“F-f-fuck!” Hitch groaned, as his suddenly freed, monstrous-cock, kept shooting. Ribbon after ribbon traced thick streamers through the air, splattering back down against his belly, and over Sunny’s mane.

It felt like he would never stop. And he knew that his orgasm had to be drawing from something magical… there was no possible biological explanation for the amount of cum he was soaking the bedtop with.

Finally, after what felt like an unknowable amount of time, his temporal-senses were completely de-prioritized by his neurology… his orgasm subsided, the blasts becoming spurts… then trickles… then dry spasms.

“HAHHhh… hah…. Hah…” Hitch’s labored breathing caught up with himself, his lungs burning as he’d just run the annual Maretime Bay Mare-a-thon. “W-what the BUCK was that!?” He yelled out, at no-pony in particular, shocked at what his body was capable of.

Even more shocking, was the sensation that the only thing that had stopped him, was the realization that he was no longer breeding a mare.

There was none of the usual feelings he had post-orgasm. No refractory let-down. No satisfied, vacuous feeling of emptied-relief in his vas deferens or testicles. No calming release of neuro-chemicals that would spirit him into a drowsy, relaxed sleep.

And no deflation of his erection…

Hitch’s gargantuan, masculine stallionhood stood just as tall and rigid as it had moments ago when it had been buried in unicorn-snatch. Only now, his tip was fully flared out, throbbing angrily, as if upset with him for not being deep inside mare-flesh at this very moment.

And his body was still aching, burning for more. He could feel a fire in his loins, in his mind, starting to boil away the rationality that he had been clinging to up until this point… He still wanted to fuck. To breed. To rut the hell out of any and every mare.

“W-what the buck!?” He moaned again, less forcefully, as he tried to lift himself up off his supine position, excess ejaculate sloshing off of his hips and belly… “T-this… this magic is terrifying. S-sunny, you have to help m~”

Hitch’s request died on his lips as he looked down and saw his friend…


On the bed.

Wings wide.

Her rear legs spread wide and her tail lifted high…

Her perfect pony-pussy was winking-wide and wet for him… her fat clit throbbing as it had all those years ago.

Sunny looked was looking over her shoulder at him with a desperate, pleading face. Sticky, wet strands of mane, her muzzle, and chest-floof soaked by his obscene emissions, her tongue lolling out… as she mouthed…

Rut me…”

Sunny Tries to Quench Earth-Pony Magic

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Rut me…”

Hitch felt his body move, his muscles activating and pulling him along, as if he were watching himself from afar…the magic had taken over now entirely, putting him into autopilot. Here was a needy mare. His mare.

And he wasn’t going to let her down.

With sudden, inexplicable body coordination, Hitch’s hips flexed as he took his powerful, flared erection in hoof… his new muscles and stockier frame were perfectly suited to handle his massive erection… as if he’d been this way his whole life.

With little more than a feral grunt and a throaty growl, he nestled his massive black bulb into Sunny’s wanting marehood.

And thrusted.

“Oh, BUCK!” Sunny’s scream vibrated through her whole body -- Hitch could feel it in his cock, as Sunny’s grasping walls hummed around him.

She wasn’t like Izzy -- it wasn’t that she was loose… if anything the muscular force behind the well-toned earth mare’s body allowed each convulsive squeeze of her sex to surpass even the tightest vice-gripping moments of Hitch’s romp with Izzy… but she was built to take a stallion like him.

Inch after inch of potent, powerful flesh slipped deep into the young mare’s body, opening her in a way nothing ever had before. Nasty squelching sounds filled the room as Sunny’s copious lubrication was displaced by the sheer volume of cock entering her body.

It was hard pushing into her, like pushing a golf ball through a rubber hose… but the sheer force of his muscles, the power in his hips and lower body was driving all of him into her.

“H-hitch!” Sunny’s tail thrashed against his chest, her tight ponut quivered as he took her like she was some broodmare on the ancient plains of primordial Equestria.

There was only a brief interruption as his medial ring abutted her tightness… the impressive donut of his stallionhood was a clear separation between the relatively slender part of his upper shaft and the astonishingly thick growth of the trunk of his base.

But even that slipped into Sunny with a light pop… the mare’s pussy-lips stretching wider and wider, to an almost impossible degree as they opened to accept the rapidly expanding width of his girthy lower penis…

“OOF!” Sunny gasped, the breath driven from her. Hitch has just slammed into her cervical opening, pushing the mare down into the bedtop, his stallionhood spearing through her body with a noticeable bulge above Sunny’s belly button.

“Oh, Goddesses! YES!

Hitch hadn’t heard Sunny profane the absolute before.

The orange-furred mare began to press back in what feeble way she could, tilting her hips to allow more of the raw muscular force to lever its way into her.

Hitch could feel his sizeable head grinding, parting, the holy sanctuary that was his best friend’s womb… the diminutive cervical opening dilating and straining.

He was slipping into her!

Hitch would scarcely have believed it was possible, even though he knew that something the width of a foal’s head must pass through that narrow channel. He wasn’t sure if his current girth matched that of a newborn’s skull… or if it surpassed it.



With another throaty growl, and an audible pop, Hitch sank the final 3-inches of himself into Sunny, his huge flare fully invading her uterus… slamming up against the far wall as he barely hilted his mare.

“Graaah!” Hitch snarled, a burning ferocity exploding in his breast, a snort of triumph escaping his flared nostrils. He stiffened his forearms, pulling up and away from his well-bedded mare, momentarily lifting her with the sheer strength and rigidity of his phallus… before slamming back down into her again, driving all the wind from her lungs.


The wet slap of his heavy ballsack smacking against her soaked nethers filled the room and soon became a metronomic signal to anypony within earshot that a sizable stud was ferociously breeding his mare, at a pace that would shame a jackrabbit.

*plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap*


There was no mercy, no tenderness, or kindness in his sheer, raw, fucking. This was a burning desire, a need, something inculcated by the potent, incessant swirling earth-pony magic that insisted he breed… without delay.

“Hitch! Hitch! Hitch! Hiiiiiiiiiitch!!!!” Sunny’s squeals of his name only kept pace with his thrusts for a few measures worth of his carnal song, before her voice cracked and broke… as a wave of her orgasmic pleasure stole any control of the pitch and timbre of her voice.

But he just kept fucking her. Harder and harder.

Hitch wasn’t some animal… the odd tryst he initiated with one of Maretime Bay’s mares were always sensual, slow, often comedic sessions. He was a sucker for a good cuddle…

But that wasn’t Hitch now. Now his teeth were grit with a mixture of rage and focus, his bulging muscles thrummed with purpose, and his heart thumped in his chest to provide his body with the hot-red blood it needed to breed his broodmare.

Harder. Harder! HARDER!

His mind drove him on, the madness of the sounds a mere chorus to the primal, instinctive drive to flood his best friend with fertile, foal-bearing seed.

“AAHahnngnhffnnn….” Sunny’s confused, slurred speech betrayed her complete submission… finally her conscious mind had given out, melting completely in surrender to the sheer pleasure and drive of the much larger stallion taking her in a ferocious rut.

Hitch felt his mare’s body relax beneath him, her muscles unwinding, succumbing in full to the superior exertion of the stallion fucking the Tartarus out of her. It was the final signal whatever primeval instinct that had taken control of Hitch’s body was waiting for -- the confirmation that now was the time to complete this symphony of lust.


Hitch’s throaty cry broke into a nickering whinny, unlike any sound he had ever made before, as he felt his cock-end re-flare even wider. Its knobby, knurled edges bit into the yielding flesh of Sunny’s womb as it embedded itself in preparation for the storm that was boiling up his pulsing shaft.

As the first eruption exploded from his milkshake-straw-sized urethra, flooding his best friend’s belly with steaming, frothing-white cum, Hitch slumped forward and took a hard bite of Sunny’s nape.

“AAHhahhhhnnn!” Sunny moaned, heart-shaped eyes roiling in their sockets as she quivered under the sharpness of the bite… and the impossibly perfect satisfaction of being filled with Hitch’s magically potent virility.

“GRNNF! GRNNF!” Hitch’s unintelligible grunts were lost in Sunny’s sweaty neck-fur as he humped out his ‘little-death’-strokes. Each thrust drove more, more, MORE ejaculate into Sunny’s ripe body, his big black balls humming-hot with magical earth-pony energy as they churned and delivered impossible quantities of reproductive fluid.

Out and out Sunny’s belly grew, just like Izzy’s had… except Hitch’s cock was too deep to pop out this time… his flare forming a perfect seal like a wine cork to Sunny’s uterus… leaving only the option for her to expand to accommodate his ridiculously-sized wave of life.


Her belly button flipped from inny to outie, as her belly swole beyond the size of a mare late in term with foal… and yet Hitch kept pumping, fucking into her. Delivering more, more!


“Haaa….. Haaa….. Haaa….”

Hitch’s breath returned to him slowly, his teeth releasing their grasp as some small portion of blood re-reached his more sapient neural pathways, bringing him out of the fog of his passion to feel the last dregs of potent cum slip from his tip into his best friend’s body.

W-what had he done!?

“S-sunny?” Hitch looked down in horror at his friend, giving her a little shake on her left shoulder, petrified at what he had done.

“Mmmmff… yessssh?” The lilting, drunk-happy purr from the semi-conscious earth-mare gave Hitch a momentary glimpse of relief -- she was OK… perhaps riding a bit of an oxytocin high.

“Phew…” Hitch felt himself relaxing, uncoiling… and finally he felt his painful stiffness relent; the iron rigidity in his phallus lessening to something more like an inflated balloon… his rigid flare shrinking just enough to dislodge itself from the perch it had established in Sunny’s nubile flesh.


The rather disgusting sucking sound of Hitch’s stallionhood pulling out of Sunny’s exhausted vaginal canal filled the room, as he delicately and awkwardly maneuvered his hips to pull the long, limpening noodle of flesh from its comfortably warm burrow.


And an audible pop followed, as the very last inch of cock finally slid free from the vacuuming suction of mare flesh, letting a torrent of still-boiling magical seed bubble free from its pressurized velvet container.

It was spilling everywhere.

“Gah…!” Hitch pulled back, dragging his still-long limp snake with him as he made his way to his hooves, and was offered a chance to survey the absolute carnal destruction he had wrought on his two close friends.


A thrumming pulse hammered from deep inside his loins again, racing up his spine in electric shivers and causing a new rushing release of energy in his limbic brain.

His nostrils flared wide.

He smelled something.

A mare.

A Random and Not Suspicious Delivery-Stallion Experiences Earth-Pony-Magic

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A mare.

His eyes flicked around, focusing quickly on the door to the bedroom.


Over by the door was an Amarezon Deliverypony.

Wearing both the customary brown pants and top, as well as a brown cap (pierced by a blue-pink unicorn horn) perched on what could only be described as a huge frizzy mess of blue and green hair… was the most slender, feminine-looking stallion Hitch had ever set eyes on.

Hitch would have been easily convinced that it was mare… if not for the mustache adorning the stallion’s cute, feminine face.

“OH, ah… hey, hi! Yeah, I’m just… you know… the deliverymare, I mean deliverystallion… not peeping on you and your newly appeared earth-pony magic or anything!” The pony’s face broke into a far-too-wide smile, nodding desperately for Hitch’s approval of his story.

“Hrrr arrr rruu…” The question came out like an animalistic growl as they stuck in his throat.

“Oh, hey… wow, you are really excited.” The pony’s eyes kept darting between Hitch’s face and down to under his belly. “Why don’t we just take a deep breath and… let me deliver this empty box… and then just let me escape, no questions asked?”

The stallion’s desperate grin stretched wider and wider.

Hitch’s nostrils flared, he knew he could smell a mare… an unrutted mare… somewhere nearby. His body was aching for it, his muscles tightening like a drawn bowstring. His nostrils flared, drinking in the heavy air as his ears pivoted left and right… Could this strange stallion be hiding the mare from him?

That’s when the delivery-stallion’s mustache fell off.


The mare looked down at the mustache on the ground. Then back up at Hitch with a worried grin.

Some part of Hitch’s mind remembered this mare… this had been the unicorn that Izzy had invited over to her slumber party, the one he’d seen stalking around the streets of Maretime Bay. She’d managed to rack up at least ten reports of a ‘suspicious pony’ to the Sheriff’s department.

Misty was her name, wasn’t it?

But right now, none of that mattered.

All that mattered was she was a mare. And he was a stallion.

It wasn’t Hitch who crossed that room in three quick, powerful strides. It wasn’t him who gripped the nervous mare with both his powerful forehooves, pinning her against the door and pressing his nuzzle in against hers. It wasn’t him who thrust his mouth against hers in a feral, animal kiss, pushing his powerful tongue past her teeth and down her throat, wrestling hers into submission as he took her in an angry, frustrated kiss.

It was somepony else… some ancient stud summoned from the mists of Equestrian time to possess Hitch’s body through the potent, reproductive earth-pony magic.

“Mmmmf!” Misty groaned, her eyes wide with shock, but starting to melt into Hitch’s deep amber irises.

His heavy, black cock was already back at rigid, full erection, his flare blossoming once again as it arced upward in almost-painful fullness… grinding into the belly and up to the sternum of the smaller unicorn mare he was pinning in a passionate embrace.

“MMmmfg!” Misty squeaked again, her eyes opening again in fear and darting downward to see the huge pole of stallion-cock pressing into her, the rock-hard flans popping off some of the buttons of her brown delivery shirt to press against her chest floof.

Hitch felt his hips buck slightly, as his excitement started to grow: there would be no more mare domination, no being ridden or bidden to buck… this time he would take this mare.

Three heavy squirts of pre-ejaculate splattered from his wide-urethral slit, soaking the underside of Misty’s chin. Hitch could feel hot wet spittle from the impact of his pre-cum finding its way in between the union of his and Misty’s lips, the odd taste of his juices like spices infused with the energy of fireworks.

“Mmnnngohhhhhh!” Misty’s moan dropped two timbres lower, and her eyes began to roll backward, those green irises quivering once, twice… then popping into that now-familiar heart-shaped form.

Hitch felt a sudden wetness on his left knee, which he had jammed up between Misty’s legs when he’d pinned her to the door. Looking down, he could see an embarrassing dark, wet liquid-soaked stain coursing down Misty’s brown delivery pants… turning them a darker shade as they stuck to her inner thighs and lower legs while they steamed with heat… it looked almost like she’d pissed herself.

But his nostrils told him that wasn’t the case. The spicy, fruity smell of wet marecum thickened the atmosphere -- Misty was just a squirter… and her body was signaling just how ready it was for him.

For her to become his mare.

Hitch broke the embarrassment with a growl as if warning her that she should obey. He paused a moment, catching his breath with heavy pants, his muscular chest pulsing like he’d just run a 100-yard sprint… as he looked down at his prize, his obligation, with fierce desire.

“Mmh… oh… oh wow.” Misty mumbled, her shy eyes flickering up at his and then back down to gaze at the throbbing, massive cock between them, “I’ve never… kissed anypony before… that-that was better than popcorn.”

“I’m going to rut you.” The ferocious tone was almost unrecognizable, and yet it had come from his throat.

“Oh… Okay… I’ve never- I mean… I haven’t… O-Opaline said I sh-shouldn’t- AH!” Misty squeaked again as Hitch grasped her by her shoulders and spun her, pressing her up against the door again, only now with him behind her.

“Grahh!” Hitch growled, his hips bucking and thrusting his rigid cock hard up along Misty’s back, the thick pipe laid along her cute rump, parting through her now-soaked frizzy tail and digging into her spine. More of Misty’s shirt turned a darker shade of brown as it was soaked with his steaming pre-cum.

“W-woah!” Misty squeaked, half-crushed against the door, “I’ve never d-done it… n-never even seen one before…” her worried heart-irises quivered, “ it supposed to be that big? It will never fit-”

“Quiet.” Hitch growled, his powerful legs naturally taking position inside of Misty’s, his knees pressing hers outward to widen her stance and more easily open her lower body for the massive undertaking it was about to take.

“Ahhn..!” Misty groaned, her head thrashing upwards slightly.

Hitch felt a new, hot wet spatter of marecum splash against his inner legs. He reached down with his left forehoof and took hold of Misty’s delivery pants, giving one jerk to try to pull them down, only for them to catch on her hips.

No matter.

With a fierce tug, he pulled outward, with enough of a jerk and enough force to tear the flimsy garment from his mare’s body, leaving only a couple of trouser sleeves that slumped down to Misty’s ankles and the growing puddle of her juice there.

His reward was the final, fountain-like squirt of Misty’s ejaculation, now unconstrained by her fabric, splashing up against his groin directly and lubricating the base of his cock.

He could see her marehood, dark-blue and swollen with lust… smaller even than Izzy’s, but with a thin, thimble-sized mareclit that slid in and out with a rapidity that seemed in tune with Misty’s heartbeat. Her tight asshole was framed by her upright dock, a small ponut that quivered with the spasmodic clenches of the diminutive but powerful muscles of her pussy.

Hot flashes of pink coincided with more extreme clenched of Misty’s athletic, pert butt-cheeks, as her muscles roiled with mini-orgasms that spread her cunt like a blossoming flower in bursts as if sucking at the very air to draw in the cock it so heavily desired.

Hitch struggled for a moment, trying to shift his hips backward to drag his cock back down Misty’s spine and bring it to its destined place of union, only to realize the impossibility of doing so while still holding her pinned to the door: his cock was too big, and she was too small.

“Oh!” Misty yelped, as Hitch put his forehooves around her waist and lifted her, as if she weighed no more than a feather, pressing her up against the door and suspending her in the air so that their bodies aligned… and letting her drooling marecunt rest against his fat cockhead.

“Ahnnn!” Misty groaned again, swallowing heavily mid-pant.

Hitch’s mind paused for a moment, the instinctive battlecry interrupted by a final, desperate push from his more modern, sapient consciousness. He couldn’t just… fuck somepony without her consent. He wasn’t a monster.

“Tell me.” The words poured slowly and thickly from his throat, like the growl of a timberwolf. The beast inside was not happy to be asking permission.

“W-what? Ow!”

Hitch couldn’t help but nip at her neck sharply, furious that he wasn’t fucking her already.

“Tell me you want it.”

“W-w-want what?”

“This.” Hitch pivoted his hips, driving his massive cockhead up against Misty’s tight little cunt. There was no way he would slip into her… too wide a spear for too small a crevice. The dome tip of the urethral mound on his flare nestled into her outer lips, kissing her throbbing clit.

“Ah… ahn…” Misty shuddered in his arms.

Oh please. Oh please, please, please… Hitch’s fading consciousness begged, as the roiling flames of instinct burned at the edges of his sanity. By the Goddesses please say yes.

He knew that whatever her answer, she would be bred.

“Y… yes!” Misty groaned, “B-but gentl- OOF!”

Her request for gentleness was lost to the unyielding oak of the door, the breath driven from her by the furious thrust of the animal beast within Hitch, which had finally conquered the last pesky fragment of his consciousness, stuffing it away and it assumed full control.

*Thud! Thud! Thud!*

Heavy knock after heavy knock filled the air as Hitch slammed his cock furiously against Misty’s nethers, succeeding only in pressing her against the door… his size and her tightness made his huge organ a pony-battering ram instead of a phallus.

Harder, harder.

An impossible task.

Until, ever so unbelievably, her body began to yield.

*Thud! Thud! Thud!*

Each thrust sank a little deeper. Each parting her ever so much more. Until finally…

“AHhHHHnnnnghhH!” Misty screeched as her body took its first stallion.

Five inches of huge, throbbing cock sank in one moment into her body, driving a huge bulge up between her almost-flat teats, and stretching her tight marehood to its limits… her clitoris was mashed up against the thick central under-ridge of Hitch’s cock, grinding it to new levels of stimulation.

There was no blood, no tearing of flesh -- Misty had lost her hymen in some other way… perhaps through self-pleasure or some other strange event… but her sheer tightness was barrier enough to prevent Hitch from spearing the remaining upper-half of his cock into her.

“F-f-fuck!” Misty groaned, “It- It’s so much!

Hitch drove again, pressing his hooves deep into the ground. This wouldn’t be like his fuck with Izzy despite Misty being even tighter. He had his strength to draw upon this time. He had leverage. He had power.

And he had the burning need to drive his huge stallionhood deep into his filly.

His thrusts were even harder now, almost bucks. He could feel the unyielding firmness of the door through Misty’s guts, his cock spearing through the boiling velvet confines of her tight vagina with each pressing hump… as inch by inch, he sank deeper into her.

“Ah. Ah! Ah!” Misty’s squeals accompanied each thrust.

Deeper. Deeper.

“Ah! Ah! AH!”

The cock-bulge passed Misty’s lower belly now, beginning to press up against the underside of her navel.


Hitch could feel the thick flesh-ridge of his medial ring jamming against Misty’s burning-hot, stretched lips… the black, steel-hard milestone of his stallionhood grinding against the bright-pink of Misty’s well-stuffed interior.

But he wouldn’t be denied.


The fat ring sank into Misty, disappearing into her depths as she took the first 12 inches of Hitch’s monster.

“Oh, b-B-BUCK!” Misty groaned like a seasoned whorsehouse worker as she orgasmed in Hitch’s grasp, her legs kicking wildly at the air.

Hitch could feel rivulets of marecum coursing all along the thick base of his cock-shaft, from where it had somehow escaped the tightly-sealed junction of mareflesh and stallionflesh.

*plap… plap… plap…*

A new sound began to fill the room, beside the thuds.

Hitch’s heavy, low-swinging balls now finally coming in range of his mare with each hump. Swinging up in lazy, slow arcs to just touch The underside of Misty’s nethers.

*plap… plap… plap…*

She was taking him well, incredibly well, for the difference in their sizes. Her body had already accomplished two minor miracles thus far… taking him in, and taking his medial ring…

But Hitch would demand more miracles before he was satisfied.

Misty was into the thick of it now, each further quarter-inch of cock slowly slipping into her girthier than the last, as he began to drive the thickest parts of his cock, the trunk-like root that supported his gargantuan size.

*plap… plap… plap…*

Each passing moment, every thick bulging vein slipping into her, every new width milestone that Misty took, was accompanied by the groans and shudders of a mare captured in some nightmare ecstasy of exertion and hedonic perfection.

“Ooof! OOF! OOOF!” Misty suddenly grunted out three times, her head thrashing back and forth, as she twisted this way and that, avoiding the power-thrusts from driving her horn into the wood. “W-w-wait… OOOOF! There's…. OOF! No more… OOF!!!”


Hitch could feel it too… the final barrier, Misty’s cervix. This wasn’t like Sunny, part alicorn, part earthpony-mare… this was an impenetrable fortress. At least for a stallion his size.


But that wasn’t going to stop him. There were still 5 inches of throbbing, obsidian cock… soaked in steaming marecum… that had yet to be buried in Misty’s pussy.


“G-goddess! O-Opaline!” Misty screamed, another orgasm shaking through her and soaking Hitch. Her sopping frizzy tail slapped against his chest, as it wagged and jerked with orgasmic spasms.

Hitch could feel her cervix stretching, straining, kissing at his cockhead. Doing its utmost to take him in… yet it could not accept him… could never accept him. His cockhead was as wide as a newborn foal’s now… and Misty wasn’t in labor… wasn’t dilated.


“GRAHHHH!” Hitch roared in frustration, taking his hooves out from under Misty’s waist, dropping her fully onto his cock, as his forehooves dug deep into the wood of the door, splintering it with force.

“Guh!” Misty coughed, the breath driven from her again as gravity also began to pull the huge, hoof-sized cockhead into her womb.


“Take it! Take it! JUST LET ME IN!” Hitch’s throaty snarl breathed into Misty’s ear.

“Ahn… f-f-fuUUUUUUCK!” A guttural bellow came up and out of Misty’s body, starting from her twitching hooves, suspended in the air, and rollicking through her body like a wave crashing on the shore… cascading up her spine in a cat-like arch… and making her heart-shaped eyes roll back in her head… before exploding out the tip of her horn.

The gunpowder smoke of her sparking, malfunctioning horn belied the cacophony of pure pleasure melting Misty’s brain.


One of the sparks flitted from her horn, splashing on Hitch’s sweaty brow where it danced like a pin-wheel firework. But the small sensation of burning pain was nothing compared to Hitch’s complete and utter devotion to his mission.


Another spark hit the wooden door’s hinge and cracked it.


With a long, rending cry, the door gave up and succumbed to its torment. It had never been designed to bear the weight of a pony. Let alone two ponies… fucking in earnest with magical assistance at that.


And yet, Hitch didn’t hesitate for a moment, fucking into Misty even as the door gave way and they fell in a heap toward the ground.

“GRAAAAAAAHHHHH!” Hitch yelled in triumphant ecstasy as he fell, his hooves crackling green with magical energy as he drew on the last reserves of the newly awakened earth-pony magic that had come to life only the day prior.

The last vestiges of Misty’s cervix were swarmed by earth-pony reproductive magic, twisting and melting her biology… making the impossible possible… and finally permitting that huge, bulbous cock to enter her womb.

At that exact moment they hit the floor... giving all the force of Hitch’s +ultimate-thrust and the shocking impact of their fall into the driving penetration of the gigantic stallionhood into her deepest body.


Just like that… Hitch hilted her.

Something he hadn’t even been able to truly do with Sunny!

The kiss of Misty’s sopping hot pussy against his belly, his balls, told him there was no cock left to give to his broodmare.

He could feel just how hard he was pressed into the far wall of Misty’s uterus, his cock obscenely bulging from just below the mare's breastbone.

It was time.

“NEEEE-HEEE-HEEEE!” With an even louder whinny than earlier, Hitch flared his cock inside Misty, the huge saucer-plate-sized head pulsing through the poor mare's belly against the tinder and splinters of the destroyed door.

“Y-y-yeeessssssssh!!!” The drunken moan came from the annihilated mare, craning her head up and back into her lover’s body as her whole being tensed and swirled around his cock, grasping and pulling, milking him to release his seed.

Hitch drove down with his hips one more time, tensing his balls with muscles he didn’t even know he could control…

And flooded her.

Gout after gout of great gushing seed, drawing on every twinkle of earth energy he had left to force the magical production of prodigious quantities of virile, thick, voluminous cum.

“YES! YES! YES!” Hitch bellowed in triumph with each release of his life-creating essence in this hot-blooded little minx, he could sense in his mind’s eye the sloshing cum surrounding her eggs, swarming them with powerful swimmers that would spark the ultimate magic of new life in this perfect crucible.


Hitch could see Misty’s belly bulging out from under her, as her womb expanded with frothing, pressure-filled batter. By the tenth convulsive ejaculation, she was as wide as a mare 6 months with foal…

And he still kept cumming, emptying himself of this uncontrollable fey-magic, draining it all into this little unicorn who writhed and groaned beneath him.

Wider and wider, her belly looked like it was ripe with twins.


Until suddenly… finally, it stopped.

Hitch felt his muscles unbunch, his body almost shrinking, as throbbing strength and iron-hard flesh gave way to magical and biological exhaustion.

His massive cock, suddenly deprived of magical energy softened and shrank, while simultaneously demanding the impossible amount of blood that would have been needed to sustain such a huge organ.

“Oh… ohh… I don’t feel so…” Hitch mumbled, his head going dizzy, as he felt the last trickle of ejaculation slip into Misty’s impossibly-stuffed body.

And that was the moment that the magical barrier that had been preventing all the pleasure endorphins from interfering with his primeval breeding mission failed… and Hitch was hit with the full force of all the lingering potent pleasure neurochemistry saturating his system.

“Greep?” Hitch made a funny sound, and an even funnier face… and collapsed on top of Misty… into a deep, black, restful sleep.

The Aftermath of Earth-Pony Magic

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“OK OK! Yes thank you, Starshot, your sister won’t be~ HEY Diamond, Hazel… DON’T think I don’t see you pulling your brother’s tail! Wait, don’t throw that bottle and… hey!

Hitch Trailblazer was making his way through downtown Maretime Bay, pushing three strollers… while wearing two foal-carrying backpacks on his back… one chest-mounted foal carrier… and having two more foals trotting alongside him, tied to his hip belt with toddler leashes.

It was a common sight for most folks in the village. And tales abounded of their noble sheriff, father of eight, and how he had single-hoofedly discovered the potency (and risks) associated with earth-pony magic… how Sunny had used Hitch’s noble self-sacrificing experiments with the powerful, ancient, thaumaturgical force to devise sufficient countermeasures and suppressants to prevent all the other earth-ponies from suffering a similar fate to Sheriff Hitch…

Parents tended to focus more on the plant-growing part of the story when telling the tale to their foals… leaving out the part about how three of the mares closest to Hitch had suddenly gotten very, very pregnant.

The three mares were walking a few feet behind Hitch now, sipping smoothies and idly chatting with one another.

“Starshot and Fizzlepop are really liking that backpack! I knew I could make one out of the scraps I found at the market yesterday!” Izzy chirped, grinning and smiling, waving at one of her two foals.

“I still can’t believe you managed to pop those two out, Izzy.” Sunny grinned, elbowing her friend. “When we found out you were having twins, I was sure you were going to go for the C-Section.”

“Pfft. Nah, I knew I could handle it. They weren’t big babies like your two.” Izzy grinned back, pointing at the two on the toddler leashes.

“I just can’t believe that one is a pegasus, and one is a unicorn. I mean, neither Hitch nor I are any of those races!” Sunny took a sip of her smoothie and waved at the colt looking back nervously over his shoulder at her. “Mommy sees you!”

“At least your kids’ aren’t complete brats,” Misty spoke up, from where she had been following behind them, hiding her eyes behind large sunglasses. “I mean, just look at how they’re torturing their dad!”

All three mares looked back at Hitch, currently engaged in a delicate balancing act as the three unicorn foals in the strollers and the foal in his chest carrier were engaged in an all-out battle of throwing bottles, rattles, and pacifiers at one another.

“Aw, don’t worry about that Misty! Your kids just have spunk!” Izzy laughed, half-hugging her friend.

“Yeah, besides… Hitch kind of deserves it.” Sunny smiled again, taking another sip of her smoothie. “He wanted to knock us all up so bad, he can deal with a little foal-chaos for a bit.” She took a step back and nuzzled Misty affectionately. “You should be proud that you had quadruplets. First time in Equestrian history!”

Izzy stepped in from the other side, throwing her forehooves around Misty in a hug. “I know, right? So proud she’s my harem-sister. Guess that ‘earth-pony-magic’ was reaaaaaally backed up after all those years, huh?”

Izzy made a rather obscene hoof-stroking motion from her crotch region before adding a “Splooooooge!” sound effect that made all three mares laugh.

“Speaking of…” Misty’s ears folded back, and a blush entered her cheeks. “D-d-do you guys miss that… y’know… uh…”

There was a moment of silence, that became heavier and heavier, punctuated only by the cries of eight foals in a tornado of wrestling-chaos with their father.

Both Sunny and Izzy began to blush too, as their thoughts wandered.

“...Big Hitch?” Sunny offered, embarrassed to say it.

“Y-yeah! I mean… it’s not like Hitch-Hitch is small. Far from it. He’s sweet too. Affectionate, cuddly…” Misty mumbled, nodding to herself.

“Yeah, he is a great stallion.” Izzy sighed nodding, before giving a noogie to Misty. “But I think all three of us can agree that we miss that big, fat, COCK.

“Izzy!” Both Misty and Sunny squeaked at the same time.

“What? I know we all get our fill on snuggle night… but I can admit that I miss the feeling of being turned into a water balloon.” Izzy pointed at Sunny, “And I know what you ordered off of that ‘naughty drake’ dildo website!”

“H-hey!” Sunny blushed, before looking down with shame. “I… I didn’t know that I would like taking it… that deep.”

“And Misty you-”

“...wish I could be taken like a slutty little broodmare by Hitch’s big animal dick and fucked senseless like some kind of whorse until I pass out fro-” she paused, realizing that both Izzy and Sunny were staring at her with open mouths.

“...ah, yeah… I’d be up for some experimenting. Hee hee.” She chuckled nervously.

Izzy and Sunny broke into laughter too.

“OK. OK…” Sunny cleared her throat, tapping her head with her hoof. “I guess I can see about dropping the preventative wards… but on a timer this time! Hitch nearly died from dehydration.”

*Squeee!* Izzy made an adorable sound and vibrated with excitement.

*Crackle-pop!* A tiny firework popped off the end of Misty’s horn before she covered it with her hoof and blushed profusely. “Ohmygosh, please excuse me.”

“One rule though, Sunny.” Izzy harumphed, leaning on her friend.


“This time, we have to invite Zipp and Pip. It’s not fair to exclude friends… both of them have privately been asking if there are any ‘expansion plans’ for the harem anyway.”

Sunny’s grin turned a little bit naughty as her imagination began to spin up. “We better research some lube spells or else it might get a bit-”


All three mares looked up from their scheming to see Hitch staring at them, exasperated, eight foals crawling all over him and pulling on his hair and tail, his coat soaked with milk.

“Little HELP here? I swear, one night and this is the rest of my life.” Hitch shook his head with frustration, “By the Goddesses as my witnesses, I will never sire another foal in my entire life!”

The three mares just looked at their stud… and smiled with a predatory grin.