A Different Kind Of Chaos

by Bronycommander

First published

In the far dark future of man, within the forty-first millennium, war grows ever more. A guardsman of the Astra militarium discovers two colts lost far beyond their home; now, he stands stuck between his duty and his morals.

Tungsten couldn’t be happier to reunite with his mother finally, offered a second chance to be at peace finally.

But a long ancient evil seeks out into the world of Equestria from somewhere beyond the stars or reality itself, combining a far grim dark plain with theirs. With Himself and his friend, Pipsqueak, caught in the middle of chaos, now lost in this far world, with no way home or survival, who can they trust? Who can be called a friend?

Will they ever find a way back home?

Special thanks to Dr K-MoonShard for ideas and editing, as well as to Tempestus for inspiration and early ideas/editing

Chapter 1 Familar, yet unknown

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Chapter 1 Familiar, yet unknown

At the residence of a modest home located within the Equestrian township of Trottingham, a young colt was awoken by the morning sunlight shining down upon him.

He stretched himself while yawning, yet despite his blurred vision he pulled himself out of the bed and smiled warmly at the sunshine pouring through his window.

“Looks like this will be a good day.” He spoke to himself, picked up his glasses from the nightstand and walked out of his room.

Eagerly, the earth pony colt went towards the bedroom of his mother and gently opening to the door. A smile formed on his lips to the colt blue unicorn’s chest gently lowering and raising.

Getting an idea, the colt walked towards the kitchen, making some toast and apple tea as breakfast for his mother.

While waiting for the toast to be toasted, the colt’s mind was racing over the recent events that had just happened lately, taking a deep breath.

For four months, he was separated from her after a series of events most refused to divulge, living with her lifelong foalhood companion, Nancy, who was also the mother of his best friend Pipsqueak. And yet, after an unfortunate accident some friends of him and Pip had, he got reunited with his mother, who had helped in saving his friends.

This had been a week or 2 ago. Even after so long, he still couldn’t believe what had happened. Had this been fate? A higher-power seeking for his mother to show she was not a bad pony, giving her a second chance, having pity with her and him?

A loud metallic snap tore him out, the toast was done. Putting it on a breakfast board, he carried it towards the bedroom.

As expected, her nose started to sniff once the fresh smell invaded it. Her scarlet eyes opened, a smile formed on her face. “Morning, Tungsten.”

“Good morning, Mom! I made you breakfast.”

“Thank you, sweetheart.”

“You’re welcome,” Tungsten replied with a smile of his own before making his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Upon done, he watched himself in the mirror. A cheerful colt with the same coat as his mother, dark brown eyes and a ginger/orange mane looked back.

Going out of the bathroom, he saw his mother entering it, her dark red mane being slightly messy.

It took his mother only a short time to get her mane cleared and straightened out. “Now, let’s enjoy the day, shall we?”

“Of course, mom!” Her son exclaimed cheerfully and they got out of their house, enjoying the calm morning as they walked through town coming towards a park, listening to the singing of the birds.

It wasn’t long until a young voice called out, “Tungsten!” It was a small pinto colt, with the elder colt smiling warmly at him,

“Nice to see you, Pip.” Next to him was an earth pony mare, her coat being of a pale-brown coat, while her mane was a wheat-blonde, having Gray eyes and a pocket watch as Cutie Mark, smiling.

“Hey, Blue Murder.” She gave Tungsten’s mother a friendly hug, which she returned.

“How are you, Nancy?”

“I am doing good, thank you.”

“Looks like we just came in time.” A new voice greeted their ears and they saw an orange, blue-dappled batpony stallion with a white ponytail, wearing a colored cloth and eyepatch over his right eye walking towards them.

Next to him were a batpony mare with yellow cat-like vertical slits for pupils, and dark gray mane, a batpony filly with the same eyes as the mare but a teal colored mane was with them

“Shadowplay?” Tungsten asked surprised.

“Yes, Lucky Star suggested that Amber and I should pay you a visit on this fine day.”

“Candy had the same idea.” Another voice added, belonging to a black-and-white-speckled Earth pony stallion sitting next to her. He possessed of a grey ponytail of a mane, dark moss-green, a tasseled red jerkin with bandoliers thrown across his chest and shoulders and toted a fedora with a trophy band.

Next to him was a unicorn mare, a bright white coat, along with a pink mane that had white strips and blue eyes.

“Again, nice of you to join us, Tybalt.” Blue was delighted, with Candy smiling.

“All the same. What had you planned for today?”

“Oh, just doing a stroll through the park at the moment, enjoying the morning.” Blue explained to Candy before a faint ringing sound come from her saddlebag, pulling out a transceiver. “Yes?”

“Sorry to bother you so early in the morning, Blue, but you, Shadow and Tybalt are needed.” A male voice informed her.

“Not a problem, Fletcher, we’ll be right there.” She put it away, sighing. “Should have known. I see you later then, sweetie.”

Tungsten gave her a hug with a weak smile. “It’s okay, mum, just be careful.” Candy did the same with Tybalt, so did Lucky and Amber with Shadow.

“Of course I will be, sweetheart.” She gently broke it, looking at Pip and Nancy with regret. “Sorry it had to be so short.”

“Its fine, do your duty.” Pip’s mother replied.

As the male batpony was about to turn, he got held back by Amber with a hoof. “Hold on, you can’t go like this.” She was looking at his right wing, which was slightly poking out upwards, messy and started to groom it with her mouth, preening it until it was straight again. “There you go.”

In response, Shadowplay blushed slightly. “Ah, thanks…” The others chuckled slightly at this.

Upon Blue, Shadow and Tybalt leaving, Amber, Lucky and Candy close behind, Pip and Tungsten continued their troll through the park, accompanied by Nancy.

They both stopped at a lake, enjoying the view, it was so majestic and calming. But suddenly, something threw Pip over.

“Oof!” he cried out and rubbed his head, his friend and mother looked in surprise and slight worry towards him.

“Oh, sorry, my bad.” A young voice sounded concerned, the pinto colt looked up to see a hoof offered to him, it belonged to a earth pony colt, barely any bigger than him, probably a few years younger. His green eyes were filled with regret, his coat was orange, the mane red with orange strips as he helped Pip up.

“No harm done.”

“Good, I was distracted admiring the city of Trottingham, me and my mother are visiting.” The other colt explained as a pink unicorn joined him, her eyes blue, the black mane with purple strips, the cutie mark hidden by a black sweater.

“Are you okay, Thunder Kicker?”

“I am fine, mom.” He replied with a smile and she looked at Nancy with a slightly awkward expression.

“Do you know the way to Tall toby?”

Pip’s mother nodded in return. “Yes, I do. Just take the east exit of the park, take a right and straight away. You can’t miss it.” She pointed with a hoof to it, leading the mother and son towards it, her son and friend looked after them.

“Squawk! Wait for me! Squawk!” A parrot with teal fur, yellow claws beak exclaimed as he flew after kicker and his mother.

“Strange…” The elderly of the 2 colts mumbled, “Wearing a sweater at this time of year?” He wondered.

“Well, it is early morning, so slightly cold and they could come from a colder region.” His younger friend pointed out.

“Fair point.” A sigh escaped Tungsten’s mouth. “Even after all this time, I still can’t believe it. That you all were here for me, never judging my mother.”

“Tungsten, listen.” Pip wrapped him into a hug. “That's what friends are for, helping each other in dire situations. Why should I hate her after all she taught me, for something she didn’t want to do?”


"Plus, that is what Equestria is known for, helping and forgiving each other."
A nod was what Pip got as an answer before a Crackling bang crashed and echoed in the air, both looking around on alert. The sound of It was similar to thunder, causing both to look up into the sky. Their eyes went wide.

Up in the sky, a large bundle of clouds forms, cycling looking to be a form of a great storm, but something was odd about it, not due to their being scheduled a storm in the city, but the clouds were moving on their own and from the dark grey slowly started to glow of a dark purple shade. It was like no storm anypony seen spiraling around in the sky as lightning crackled through it, as it looked unstable and uncontrolled with what little pegasi weather team moving around to stop it, but were thrown back or crash landing into buildings and the ground, it wasn't a storm at all.

Both colts realized within moments that this couldn't be good as soon the storm clouds formed what looked to be monstrous skulls and faces that roared out like crazed animals. "We need to get out of here!" Pip yelled, and both quickly galloped their small hooves running away from the storm.

Yet as they barely moved a few steps, Pip looked back to see Tungsten was lifted in the air as if a strong force was picking him up and pulling him towards the swirling storm. "Pip! Grab my hoof! help me!" Tungsten exclaimed, panicking as he reached his hoof out, and Pip grabbed him with both hooves holding on tightly and trying to pull him back to the ground, only to feel his body getting lifted into the air and were soon both were sucked into the storm of one of the mouths of the cloud beasts.

For a moment, Both colts felt light as if they were floating in the water; their eyes held shut but soon came to the feeling of landing on hard stone, and both groaned in pain, trying to remember what had just happened. Tungsten was first to open his eyes but immediately shut them, wincing at the bright light and the smell of different air. "Ugh…what was... that?" Pip mumbled, dazed, looking around.

"I-I don't know..." Tungsten replied, "But…" His eyes fluttered open to see their surroundings and noticed they seemed to have landed in what looked like an alleyway seeing rats and large amounts of trash around them.

The sky was a dark cloudy shade, making it difficult to see. "I think the bigger question is... where we are?" Tungsten added with a growing fear in his voice.

Despite being the youngest with Pip, Pipsqueak quickly caught on. "Deep breath, Tungsten, it's okay, I'm sure we just got thrown into one of Trottinghams ally ways, and the storm is gone." He said, trying to calm him down, wrapping a hoof around him, Tungsten's breath slowed, and soon he got a slight nod and a weak smile in response, although fear was clearly visible in his eyes.

"B-but.. what are we gonna do now, lost somewhere in the city?"

"Let's just stick together and I'm sure everything would be al-"

"Hello?" a male voice rang in their ears, "Is someone there?" The voice caught the attention of both colts as they looked blindly into the dark and could faintly make out two bipedal silhouettes slowly getting close and seeing that they were... humans. The colts saw humans, real talking humans; to their surprise, a man and woman. Their minds and thoughts were lost in a jumble of questions, confusion, and delirium. They had only seen a human once when a friend of theirs, Dinky Hooves, had landed on a human world called "Earth" due to an accident with magic months ago.

None of the two could see the expressions of the humans in the dark but were sure that it was confusing.
"H-hello... C-Can you help us... P-please?" Pip managed to speak out; still, a bit shook, his voice caused the humans to step back and shake their heads in disbelief and surprise. Still, he and Tungsten somehow believed they would help them, even if they couldn't tell or know why.

The woman was first to move, kneeling down slowly but with a calm and caring tone in her voice. "Of course, come let us help you." She said with a strange accent that almost sounded like the high accent in Canterlot, extending her arms to gently pick Pip carrying; the man waving his hand gesturing Tungsten to follow them. He had his worries about the unknown, taking in the city with his friend and the human as they left the alleyway.

Looking around, most buildings looked pretty simple, almost similar to the Ponyville and residential areas of Trottingham, although a few buildings rose high in the sky like skyscrapers, and some looked to be cathedrals with giant stone statues and decorated windows and golden metals plastered around; they took notice of a few statues they couldn't really describe. It looked like a bald man heavily armored, looking to be the size of a Minotaur or bigger and holding a large sword and shield.

Around hanging off of lampposts were red and golden-looking banners of a two-headed eagle, and on the walls of buildings were posters that caught the colt's attention. One showed a human in what seemed to be an official uniform, with a peaked cap with a two-headed eagle whose wings were spread on it. The man pointed at them, with text written under him.
"I want you for the imperial guard. Nearest Recruitment station."

The other poster showed what looked to be a soldier in dark green body armor and light brown with a red-stained uniform; his body was lying caught in bladed wire, with another text written under him.
"You talk of Sacrifice…He knew the meaning of Sacrifice!"

It made the 2 colts, they had most likely landed in a conflict area, with seeing more posters showing pictures of unknown creatures and more officers and soldiers, they probably landed in a different world from what was in the war; they tremble at the thought as the colt's continuing to walk with the two humans think of dying in whatever war they were thrown in or being soon part of it.

"Shh, easy, it's okay." The woman gently patted Pip; the man did the same with Tungsten laying his hand on his mane and stroking it down, getting a fearful, sorrowful look as both colts tried to stop thinking about the thought. They saw other humans around them, all in different clothing and some with metallic limbs and a few even armored in metal grey armor with a large shield and a mace in hand, looking around at every human that walked by and even eyeing the colts as Oscars wave at them as they nodded. In the streets were floating strange carriages holding crates and boxes, and above them were large bridges that stretched out across to other roads and building with floating metal skulls that flew through the air and descended down below the bridges to another street layer. Then weird decorated ships that soared through the sky. It didn't take long for the two humans to reach their home; it looked like a typical house.

Once inside, the two ponies took in their surroundings, seeing all the strange devices. one that had a strange microphone and speaking with several sets of buttons, another which seemed like a projector device aimed at the wall and a couch.

"Nice... place, looks comfortable."

Tungsten commented as the female human gently put the Pip on the couch, with both finally able to see the humans fully by the home lighting up.

Both seemed young and looked to be adults, dressed in casual-looking clothing. The woman was average in build, thin chin and face, blond hair, and green eyes. Their eyes looked slightly in awe at the man, as his broad face had a scar across his right side and barrow chin. And yet, the right of his brown eyes seemed not to be affected by it as he looked at them with curiosity and slight pity. His athletic chest was decorated with a few awards, hinting he was apparently a veteran. Their eyes fell first on what looked like a bar cross, with a skull at each end. Next to it was a golden skull connected to a rectangle on a red background. After that came three silver skulls, joined on a row in a square.

"Thank you, but right now I know both of you are still shaken and probably have questions but you two are safe here," The man explained in a calming voice. "My name is Oscar, Oscar Milan and this is my wife Zoe."

"I am Pipsqueak. But my friends all call me Pip. And this is my friend Tungsten." Pip said to the two humans, introducing himself and Tungsten, who climbed on the couch and sat next to Pip.

"Do we have visitors, mother?" The ears of the colts perked up to see two girls walking into the room, with the voice belonging to the one with black hair as her father, but blue eyes, slightly smaller than the other one, who was clearly older. The older girl's hair was blond like her mother's, but brown eyes instead; both smaller humans looked at the two ponies in confusion.

Overall, the younger girl seemed close to Pip’s age, her older sibling was estimated around 13 by the colts, both looked at the ponies in confusion.

"Uhh, why did you bring foals with you? we don't have a stable nor room to house them." The older child pointed out.

"We wouldn't need one," Tungsten replied flatly, causing the girls to jump and take a step back in a shocking surprise.

"They talk?!" The younger one exclaimed, only for her mother to raise a hand.

"Yes, your father and I found them lost and scared on our way back, Lara. We only wanted to help them and do good."
Both girls stayed silent for a moment before Lara started to smile.

"That's very nice. What are your names if they have any?" While taken back by this sudden emotional change, both colts smiled back. "I am Tungsten, and this is my friend, Pipsqueak."

Lara's older sister eyed both with what seemed distrust before introducing herself. "Lola is my name and I admit, your Gothic is pretty good."

"Gothic?" In response, Oscar cleared his throat, grabbing both colt's attention. "Maybe you should tell us first about you and how you came here." He looked at both colts seeing Pip looking back at Tungsten and then back at the Oscar.

"Well, we are ponies and come from a land called Equestria, living in harmony; There are earth ponies like Tungsten and me. Pegasus, who can fly and manipulate the weather, and unicorns that can use magic." The humans listened but noticed a Viking's hat and a Wizard's hat on Tungsten's flank as Oscar pointed out with his finger.

"And that Tattoo, does it represent something, a mark of a master or world?"

"That is a mark of a Special Talent a pony is represented by its called a 'Cutie Mark' and only appears on our flanks, which I haven't got one but Tungsten has his." Oscar noded at this response staring at the cutie mark before looking back at Pip as he continues.

"Equestria is ruled by Two Princesses, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. They're Alicorns, Celestia controls the sun to move it across the sky to give Equestria a new day and Princess Luna controls the moon to give a new night. As for how we landed here, it happened in the city of Trottingham as some huge crazy dark purple storm appeared out of nowhere and sucked us in it, it happen so fast and everything was confusing, but once we got sucked in all we felt was as if we were floating and everything was dark, then that's how we got here."

"So a warp storm... Interesting." Oscar commented before frowning slightly. "But, I am afraid you might be a long way from home or world or "land" of "Equestria."

"What do you mean?" Tungsten did not understand as a sigh escaped the man's mouth.

"Well, this might not be easy for you… but you've traveled through the warp, it's more of a surprise you managed to survive unscathed, but now you two landed in Imperial territory Heidrum, a civilized world of the Imperium of Mankind."

"I-Imperium?" Pip asked, his eyes widening in shock, looking at Oscar as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

"Yeah, You see, Heidrum is part of the Milky-way galaxy; the Imperium is a human empire spanning billions of different worlds and trillions of humans; that is Imperium of Man. The founder and ruler of the Imperium would be the God-Emperor of Mankind. It was he who founded and united all of humanity almost over 10.000 years ago; as of now, it is the forty-first Millennium." Then he remembered something.

"Say you two seem quite familiar with humans."

Pip and Tungsten looked down slightly awkwardly as the pinto colt took the word, carefully choosing what to say. "Well, yes... Some time ago, a friend of ours landed on a human world."

All humans stayed quiet for a few seconds before the man broke the silence. "now that's fascinating Pip. Though, how did they come across to said world and how you can two understand us?"

"Believe it or not, it's the magic." Tungsten explained. "Neither of us knows exactly how this works, but somehow, it passively acts as translator for most or if not many languages, every pony process magic within them earth pony's have little pegasi have minor forms of it. the only two with high level of magic would be either old unicorns or the two alicorn princesses."

"Hmm, sorcery, could they be pyskers of some sort?" Oscar murmured to himself as he thought over what he gathered from Pip and Tungsten

"But, rest assured, we'll help you wherever and however we can. Allow me to make you a meal." Zoe said this; her guests noticed that the sun was slowly going down from the little light shined through a window. Had telling about their homes and kind really spent that much time? Nonetheless, they took dinner, a tomato soup, with the graduate smiling before both had to yawn.

"Tried from today's events, best rest and continue till the morrow's morning; we shall grant you the spare guest room to rest in for the time comes." Oscar said as the two nodded, finishing their meals and followed him down a hall to stop at the door opening it and greeted the colts with a simple bedroom with a large bed that looked to rest two large humans; the two colts climbed up onto the bed and crawled under the covers with as Zoe stood behind Oscar.

"Goodnight," Zoe said as Oscar turned off the lights and saw the two colts' tired eyes close and yawn.

"Goodnight and... thank you," Pip replied softly as the man closed the door, leaving them alone.

For a moment, both colts rested till Tungsten awoken, looking over at his friend with unease and worry as questions filled his mind, gently pressing his hoof against Pip and gently shaking him to wake him up. "Pip... Pip."

"Wha- What’s wrong Tungsten?"

"Pip... I hope our friends and moms will find us... I can only imagine mom being worried and scared trying to find me."

"Yeah, I can still remember how worried my mom was when I had that similar incident…" Pip shuddered before forming a weak smile. "But like back then and I was with Dinky, I am sure they are looking for us and doing their best to find a way to us and to get us back home to Equestria."

"Yeah... Yeah, your right; we can only hope that there doing something right now... Right?" Tungsten nodded, looking at Pip Nodding at his question.

"Exactly, so all we can do now is stay here and see what we can do for now, okay?

Tungsten nodded, and both closed their eyes as they tried to sleep, hoping for the best and what they believe will come for them, as this was only the beginning of their time in the Imperium.

Chapter 2 history lesson

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Chapter 2 history lesson

The colts awaken, with a smile of joy forming on Pip and Tungsten's faces to see Trottingham in the distance, their home. They galloped towards it as fast as their legs could carry them but soon slowed down. Both colts blinked in confusion before a sharp smell invaded their nostrils. Their hooves felt like dry grass, cracking and crumbling underneath them.

It took Pip and Tungsten only seconds to realize that the lights in the distance weren't shining lights of the city of Trottingham. It was lights of fires, Trottingham was burning, and screams echoed in the distance.
Hearts racing with fear, Pip and Tungsten ran as fast as they could towards their home, hoping their mothers and friends were still alive. But to the sight of horror that sank into their hearts.

Many buildings burnt to a blaze, collapsing and falling to burning ruins, and corpses littered the streets; both hoped their families and friends weren't among the dead "All is Dust!" A male, somewhat mechanic voice exclaimed, "Maim, kill, burn! Maim, kill, burn!" Instinctually, fear-filled, both colts looked around for a place to hide, going into an intact building and slamming the door shut.

Pip and Tungsten quickly held each other; they couldn't understand the sight before them as they peeked through the window. Several giant men in a strangely decorated blue and yellow armor moved past, looking very similar, if not identical, to the tall statues they had seen, the heads covered by helmets with red glowing eyes. Their armor looked heavy enough for both colts to feel the ground shakes as they walked through the fires; the two large pieces on the sides of their armor were decorated with flames. And had a picture of a dragon eating its own tail portrayed on them.

They held what looked like a large metallic box, the sounds of loud explosions as they looked to breathe fire at what the colts feared to be ponies out of their view as screams could be heard growing louder. A terrifying roar made them flinch. Behind the men were creatures beyond anything, the colts had ever seen. At first, they looked like a minotaur, standing on two legs, but it bared no fur, and its pink flesh was a hulking mass of flesh, with several arms on its sides. Their gigantic mouths let out high-pitched squeals of laughter.

Another group of those creatures followed. Those were blue in color, a perpetual scowl on their faces as they sneered and grumbled, adding a deeper whining tone to the group. The colts held their breath as they waited for all those creatures to walk past them; the colts quietly sneaked by, crawling on the ground and continuing their search for their parents and friends. In shock and horror, Pip's eyes shrank and pinpointed at one of the dead bodies.

"No…" Tungsten stopped as well upon spotting the body lying against the wall, bloodied with only the upper half of its body seen with their internals scattered across as if they were ripped in half and tossed to their place, seeing splatters of blood were splattered on the walls and ground place. An earth pony colt "T-Thunder... K-Kicker...?"

"N-no... I-t can't b-be..." Pip stuttered as he saw the body of Kicker's mother next to him, dead with several of her limbs missing or looked to be torn off. Yet as his eyes began to form, tears in them, seeing blood droplets on his cheek and the ground, and slowly looking up, he only stood there frozen in pure horrific fear at the sight he witnessed.

Right before Pip was several serrated metal rusted poles posted with the ground, bodies impaled on them as one's head decapitated and placed at the tip with the rusted, broken tip protruded out from their mouths, and their bodies strung up lower down the pole; the other in pieces with each limb stuck on the other. Pip's heart almost skipped a beat soon as he saw the faces, and he recognized two of them.

"M-mama!" Tungsten exclaimed to see his mother amongst the impaled bodies, with Tybalt and Shadowplay alongside her corpse. Both wanted to look away but were stunned, unable to move as their eyes locked on the gruesome sight of their families and friends.

"You…" a female voice echoed, almost demonic and distorted; Pip let out a yelp as his ears figured out which voice it was.

"D-dinky?" His eyes were locked on her body, slightly twitching.

"This… iss your faault…Pip." Her head moved towards him, her eyes glowing a bright shade of red, looking directly into Pip's eyes as if they could see his very being.

"You are only to blame... Tungsten..." Blue's voice rang in Tungsten's ears, seeing his mother's eyes glowing the same red as Dinky's; soon, all the corpses of Tybalt and Shadowplay's eyes turned the same color of red as all soon stared at both colts.

With the sounds of crackling bones with contorted snaps and rippings that only a body could make, both colts watched the bodies slowly move, grabbing their limbs and removing themselves off the poles, and move towards the colts, backstepping in fear at the sight of their friends and families blooded and forced back from pieces close onto them.

"Yoou... caused this…." Another voice added, and the foals turned around, trembling to see Kicker and his mother face to face as the glow from their eyes shined down, joining along with others. The colts were surrounded; they repeated the same words over and over, again and again. Growing from simple whispers to words that could be heard.

"It's... your fault..."

Tungsten tried to stand protectively in front of Pip, despite being terrified, shaking in place, and both frantically looking around; Pip's eyes were only locked in a stare with Dinky's and Nancy's. "No… we d-didn't do this..."

"It's... your fault..."

"Please… b- believe us... believe m-me."

"It's your fault!"


With their eyes snapping, both young ponies jolted their breaths, panted, and huffed heavily as they looked around, drenched in a cold sweat; a sigh escaped them to realize it had just been a nightmare.

"Be not afraid young ones." A voice echoed in their heads, and both looked confused around the area, trying to locate it.

"Tis but a dream. Fear not no longer." The voice sounded comforting, calming. What was that spoke to them? They were too tired to think further about this, falling back on the bed to stare at the ceiling before exhaustion forced them to sleep again.

Both colts groggily awaken slowly, but soon their nostrils catching a delicious smell caused both to stir, opening their eyes slowly; Before a door-knocking was heard, "Good morning!" Lara exclaimed, gently opening the door with a smile as she and Lola brought two breakfast boards, each with a glass of water and a bowl of steaming oatmeal.

"Oatmeal, thanks." Pip appreciated it as he and Tungsten ate their meals, enjoying warm filling; even the water tasted fresh yet cleaner than anything they'd had, enjoying every mouth full filling their bellies. "That was good!" Tungsten with his mouth full and a smile on his face.

"Glad to hear it. Now, let's enjoy the start of a new day, shall we?"

"Right." Both colts exclaimed in unison

With that, Tungsten helped each other make the bed, wishing Oscar and Zoe a good morning and helping out in the house with some of the chores they were capable of repaying for the human's hospitality. Time passed quickly, and Zoe was making lunch in the kitchen, with her husband reading a book in the living room as curiosity improved. Pip looked up at Oscar, looking at his decorated chest, seeing the few awards; his eyes fell on the crossbar with a skull at each end. Next to it was a golden skull connected to a rectangle on a red background. After that came three silver skulls, joined on a row in a square.

"Oscar, can we ask you something?" Pip spoke up, and the human laid the book aside with a smile.

"Of course; what's on your mind?" Seeing the pinto colt slowly walk closer before sitting on the floor, looking to the sides as if trying to come up with questions, only to see Pip take a deep breath.

"You are a soldier... aren't you?"

The man sighed, placing his hand on the back of his neck and gently rubbing it, looking towards the ground; then at Zoe, she slowly nodded and left the kitchen leaving the man and colts alone in the living room.

"I am... yes. To be exact, I am a veteran. You see, near the beginning of humanity's expansion of the stars, the Age of Strife came; the done by the forces of Chaos came corrupting the Imperium, and its people to fall following their will it started what is now a never-ending war for survival in an unrelentingly hostile universe." He said, looking up to the two young colts with a blank stare remembering the battles he had fought in, and those Oscar fought with some he could even call sister or brother.

"I am in service of a great army called; The Astra Militarum, or the Imperial Guard in Gothic, its the Imperium of Man's first line of defense from all to any threats, the primary combat force and shield of the great Imperium. It comprises countless billions of men and women on trillions of world -- hundreds of thousands of different regiments, supported by a vast array of light and heavily armored vehicles, weapons, and tactics that provide the Guard's primary offensive and great defense." He said as the two colts looked up at him in shock and awe as he dropped his hand from the back of his neck and leaned back on his couch.

"Many do not survive their first engagements of any of the battles, or for long in general, I believe the oldest a guardsmen last was from thirty minutes to thirty years tops; I was one of the few lucky ones to have survived multiple battles." He told them, slightly shaking as a memory flashed in his mind, remembering his first battle of so many bodies only to fall before they could even let out a battle cry.

"To which, I was blessed with leave to my homeworld; I am grateful for it. All I can say is thanks to a friend of mine in the Guard though he was the 'bashful' one." He chuckled at the thought of his friend.

"Sorry…" Both colts lowered their heads in guilt, only to receive a weak smile from the veteran.

"No harm done. I can only guess you had a question from these awards, huh?" He pointed to the golden skull as both colts looked at what he pointed at, tilting their heads. "This is known as the Medallion Crimson, a common battle honor amongst veterans like me of the Astra Militarum. It is given to those who did their duty despite being mortally wounded. As such many are awarded posthumously, and This,"

His finger went to the skulls with the bar cross. "This is the Crimson Skull, given to soldiers who managed to successfully give medical aid in a combat situation or in the field of battle and the Triple Skulls."

His hand pointed at three skulls connected on a row in a square. "This honor is bestowed upon those who were in a unit that suffered at least sixty-six percent or more casualties and survived."

Both colts were silent for a moment, trying to process everything. "Sounds like you have been through a lot." Tungsten was the first to break the silence.

"Yeah... I have, but thankfully I had others to trust with not just my life but for giving me what have now."

"Then, best we stop this; I don't want to wake bad memories," Pip added, yet the man kept his smile.

"It's fine, I think it's only fair you should know more about the Imperium. Every world has a Planetary Defence Force, PDF for short, being essentially the local military of an Imperial world and the primary source of recruits for the Imperial Guard, of if they are in dire need then come Whiteshields recruits that had their training rushed for more soldiers."

"You said Heidrum is a civilized world; what do you mean by that?" Tungsten wondered as Oscar looked over at him.

"Well, every imperial planet has a specific purpose of fulfilling a certain quota. A civilized world lacks that purpose, being generally self-sufficient in terms of food supply and has varying manufacturing, technological and industrial capabilities. There are Agri-Worlds, entirely dedicated to producing agricultural products, or the most populous type of Imperial planet, are Hive city Worlds or hive worlds for short, just to call a few."

"Hive-World?" Both colts couldn't imagine this, only thinking of a beehive world, eyeing Oscar in confusion.

"Trust me, it's not pretty; I have been to some before. The populations of these planets are so great that the people live in huge urban arcologies called hive cities, truly immense, self-contained, many-layered structures that reach high into the sky or deep underground to the very planet's core almost like this world, each housing billions of individuals. Most Hive Worlds started out as relatively hospitable places to live but soon have become severely polluted, the areas outside the hives reduced to ash wastes or radioactive desert by the never-ceasing industry of the great cities. Equally dangerous can be the hive cities themselves." Oscar told them with slight unease, remembering the hive city population being controlled for their notorious gang warfare within the deep under hives to over hives.

Alone the description was far beyond Pip's and Tungsten's imagination. It sounded like Cloudsdale but like an industrial going wrong or after an apocalypse, doesn't sound like a very good place to live or even visit.

"Every world has to pay the Imperial Tithe, It determines the amount of raw materials, resources or soldiers an Imperial world must supply as taxes to keep the Imperium of Man's interstellar government functioning. In Heidrum's place, it's manpower."

Once again, the colts tried to process everything, with the Pip slightly shuddering. "I hope…we won't get attacked."

In response, he felt Oscar's hand rest on his mane and gently pat his head and a light chuckle. "Don't worry, Heidrum hasn't seen any invasion in years as far as I'm aware, being located rather in the back of the sector; you have my word on it."

"If you say so..."

"If the three of you are finished lunch's ready." The wife of Oscar exclaimed, walking back to the kitchen, catching Oscar and the colt's attention as all three got up from their places and went over to the kitchen. It pleased both colts to see that Zoe had made baked potatoes.

Only now do they notice a portrait. It showed a man in golden armor, just as tall as the statues; the armor was decorated with the same 2-headed eagle they had seen on the poster. His brown hair was added through a majestic-looking golden laurel wreath. They realized a figure of high importance instantly, just like Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

"Who's that?"

"Yes, Pip, this is God-Emperor of Mankind, at least what he is expected to look like; he will protect you as he does us." Zoe replied, "But now, let's eat."

They nodded, enjoying the warm taste of the potatoes with every bite.
After finishing their meal, Tungsten asked, "Can we help with the cleaning?"

"That's very kind but leave it to us." Zoe replied.

Acknowledging with a nod, the ponies walked back towards the living room, followed by Lara, who smiled weakly. "If you wish, I could show you outside the city. The vast forests and rivers surround it, a truly relaxing sign."

"If you say so." Pip smiled in return before seeing the girl excused herself to the bathroom. Yet before the 2 could decide what to do, their ears twitched at a voice. "You seem to like and trust others rather quickly than most do?" Loa said, leaning against the wall with a distrustful expression.

Slightly irritated, Tungsten dared to speak up, "Did... we do something wrong, Loa?" However, the older girl's reaction was unexpected. She sighed. "Apologies, it's nothing personal; I am protective of my little sister. As you have heard from my father, it's dangerous out there. Loa, I saw once how normal Imperial citizens with little or no military training or even children, barely older than me and probably you, Tungsten." She said, seeing both Pip Tungsten look to the ground, listening.

"Those people got drafted into the Guard, mostly from military emergencies, which were rare around here; even orphans were brought away to be enlisted. I can only try to protect my sister and keep her happy as good and as long as I can for in this dark coming future." Both colts let it sink in what Loa just had said. It was horrible thinking that anyone could be forced to enlist into the military at any moment, and those not were deemed forced to work for the war causes.

"This sounds…wrong…" Pip mumbled worried and sorrowly,

"Is there no legal possibility to refuse this?"

"Maybe where you’re from... but sadly, no, not in such dire times or places." Tungsten opened his mouth to speak but got interrupted by Lara, coming back into view. "Do you want to play some games?"

"Sure... why not?" Pip managed to form a smile as Tungsten nodded as the girl led them towards her room and showed them several games to choose from. Chess, Scrabble, Janga, checkers, Farkle, and other games of the Imperium. Both colts enjoyed the moments; it helped to take their minds off, each one having a round of victory and loss during their play.

Evening approached, and the kids had another round at Chess and sighed. Tungsten had unwillingly formed the thought of his home; Pip had then looked at the knight piece with only one word entering his mind, mom.

The homesick struck in the colts, and soon they both struggling not to cry. In an instant, the older sister hugged the ginger colt, the younger one the pinto colt. Soon after, dinner was made, and baked potatoes with some other clumps of brown food, but the potatoes tasted warm and delicious for the ponies. After that, they prepared themselves to sleep, asleep rather fast.

"Beware young ones…" There was that voice again, "An Unwanted visitor will come…"

Startling, Pip and Tungsten woke up immediately, still sleepy; the night hanged young, looking around. Faintly, they thought they saw a silhouette in the doorway, unable to tell if it was just their imagination or real.

"So…" It spoke in a low, emotionless automatic voice. "The information gathered by the witnesses was correct… but this will wait till the better till the morrow, for now, we ready ourselves."

Chapter 3 New order of diplomacy

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Chapter 3: New order of business or diplomacy

Despite this disturbance, both slept pretty well for the rest of the night. As the day approached, the colts yawned, Tungsten reached for his glasses. "Morning, Pip."

"Good morning." The pinto colt returned it. Quietly going outside and peeking through the bedroom doors, they saw their hosts; the human adults and children were still asleep. It gave them an idea.

Walking into the kitchen, they decided to make breakfast for their hosts, toast and juice; despite the futuristic appliances and technology, the toaster worked the same as at home, so it was no problem to get the breakfast done. Pip walked towards the daughter's room, as Tungsten towards the parents. As expected, the hosts sniffed at the warm food and slowly fluttered their eyes open, yet a small smile grew on their faces. "Thank you." Oscar said happily, dishing in with his wife; their daughters did the same.

Then the colts breakfasted themselves, taking a bowl of oatmeal with juice each.

It's very kind of you but leave the cleaning to us," Zoe told them, and they nodded in return. As they went to the living room, the siblings quickly cleaned their dishes and followed them, with the younger sister slightly nervous as she spoke up.

"I know this isn't the best moment, but…can you tell me a bit about your home?"

Both colts took a deep breath, trying to fight the feeling of homesickness swelling up in them. "As you know, we live in Trottingham," Pip started, "But we go to school in Ponyville, a small but nice town. My mother…had a rough life. My father beat my mother and me." The pinto colt shivered, only to be wrapped into a hug by the young girl.

"You don't deserve this!" She cried out with sympathy.

"She had a dead-end job with a meager income, yet she cared deeply for me, and I tried to brighten her up regularly. That and Tungsten's mother, an old friend, and my godmother kept her going with me. Blue Murder also taught me much. B-but…"

Pip stuttered, trying to hold back tears. "I had a familiar accident before, making her very worried…I hope…"

Tungsten rubbed his back. "I am sure they will find us; you said that yourself."

His younger friend nodded, and the older colt continued for him. "As for me, given my mother is friends with Nancy, it was bound to happen we would meet. I barely remember my father, who died in a traffic accident when I was very young. As my mother already lost my father, I dread…." His emotions started to swell up, only for the older sister to wrap him in a calming hug.

"I know its hard, but you got to stay positive." Loa spoke in a comforting voice with a weak smile.

"Righto…" Both colts nodded, knowing she had a point.

"It's okay to cry, it makes us... normal after all, it's never good to hold it in." Oscar added with a weak smile of his own.

Before they could form any reply, the doorbell rang, and he answered it. To his surprise, a pair of policemen were standing outside.

"Officer, can I help you?"

"Sorry to bother you, sir, but we got an inquisitional order to question your guests." One of them holding up a paper with the Inquisitorial seal, making Oscar fear the worst with a deep sense of fear. He knew if he resisted them, it would only get him a death wish, not just to him but to his whole family.

"I see…Can we go with them?"

"Yes, the inquisitor wanted to hear your part as well."

He got back inside to inform his guests and family; he saw his wife hugging their daughters, whispering calming words to their youngest, assuring everything would be alright. Pip and Tungsten tried to look brave, although fear was visible in their eyes as they followed him outside.

The policemen wore black uniforms but with custodian helmets, similar to the police in Trottingham; their squad cars had a black and white scheme with a blue/red light bar.

They got into the backseats, the family got in other cars, and no one said a word as they got driven through the streets. It was nothing but a sense of fear, dread, and awkwardness, but eventually, an enormous palace appeared, causing the colts' eyes to widen at its sight. It had several high towers, similar to Canterlot Castle but larger. Men in the same green uniforms as the poster guarded the entrance, escorting everyone inside or standing guard.

The enormous halls were highly decorated with grand white walls and shiny black floors that glistened with portraits of what the ponies assumed to be past leaders, everyone dressed in a green uniform with a red and yellow cape, the 2 headed eagles that rested on the shoulders, belt, chest-plates, and helmets.

One of the soldiers opened a massive set of double doors, and they saw the man in the same uniform and pose as an artist painting a perfectly matching portrait of him; his hair was greying of old age, yet he looked surprisingly athletic and strong for his looks, having his back to them.

"The unknown xenos have arrived as per your order, Governor Finkle." The soldier told him.

The Governor turned around, revealing his broad face with a single brown eye, his other replayed by a cybernetic eyepiece, giving an intimidating red glow.

"Thank you." Then he turned towards the painter, a tall but thin man with dark brown hair and green eyes. "Kyle, leave us." He just nodded without a word and both painter and soldier left the room.

The Governor turned toward his guests, and his expression became neutral. "I would have never thought that one of my own citizens would get the attention of the Inquisition. I was told by Inquisitor Sturhof that you sheltered xenos." Just as he said this, another man came out of the shadow. He wore brown armor with dark green shoulder pads, a seal on the right pad, a winged skull on the chest, and an eagle on the belt. His expression was neutral as he eyed the colts with icy blue eyes and black hair.

"With all due respect, Governor," Oscar spoke up. "We found them late in the evening, not thinking much of it, given we have steeds in the Imperium. And as they are foals, children no less, it was the most rational instinct to help them." He tried to explain before Sturhof stepped forward.

"I understand your point. But still, their sudden appearance is very suspicious. What do you have to say yourselves on that matter?" With another cold glare, he eyed the colts, making their hearts race and tremble in place.

Yet, they managed to stay calm as Pip tried to explain. "Please, s-sir, we mean no harm to any of you, we are just lost. We don't know how we got here or how we came to this world."

His words were slightly fearful as he and Tungsten recalled what had happened. The Inquisitor stayed silent for a brief moment. "Hmm…fascinating…although, I have to check the truth in this. A Psyker might help to prove this."

"You requested a Psyker, my Lord? As I foresaw these."

It was a male voice that sounded in everyone's ears; the voice was rough, with every breath sounding near a wheeze, as if in constant pain. With awe, Pip and Tungsten saw a man in a purple robe walking in, his eyes hidden by a large domed helmet that reminded them of a crown, several hoses connected to the helmet's back. He gripped a large staff with the eagle and a seal on top of it as he held it, leaning onto it as if it was supporting his body from falling to the ground.

"As it will my lord, but it will be… painful, but it can prove your statement in the shortest way possible."

"Indeed, search their minds to prove what they say is true," Sturhof ordered before turning back to the colts as the Psyker slowly walked over to the colts holding a hand over their heads as they watched, afraid to see his hands tremble and twitch. Steeling themselves as best as possible, both nodded and rubbed a hoof on each other's shoulders to comfort each other. If it would get their hosts out of trouble, it might be worth it.

The Psyker touched their heads, they felt a slight headache, and their hosts were surprised to see them only slightly hissing and grunting; their eyes were held shut as they embraced the Psyker’s power over the warp seeing their minds and memories played out.

Then suddenly, they gasped to see the two colts playing with a Periwinkle-grey unicorn filly, listening to a story told by a brown stallion, who traveled with a blue box, fighting various enemies, a blue-winged unicorn, apparently using a spell to raise the moon and three ponies in dark blue armor fighting by her side. They saw both colts talking in a park before being sucked in by a storm in the sky, proving they were right. But their eyes blinked, the family was shocked to see both colts restrained on a table in a dark cave, frantically looking around as ponies in the ark, dull blues, greens, khakis, and grey armor, their face covered by masks that looked like sort of amalgamation of eyes, skulls, and tentacle prepared to use surgical instruments on them. Seconds later, Humans in uniforms similar to the Imperial Guard. Some wore heavy armor with gas masks that had red lenses; others used flame-based weaponry. They saw soldiers in camouflaged uniforms fighting with dogged determination as they all defended a town from those masked ponies, who supported what could only be described as flying demon monsters. They gasped and breathed heavily as it ended, with the Psyker holding his head in slight pain.

"Their statement is truth, though they have suffered, it is sufficient my liege." Sturhof was emotionless with only a sigh as he turned toward the Governor. "It would appear that under my judgment and jurisdiction has proven them innocent, for now. Sanction them I have other matters that are more pressing to attend to."

"Well then, welcome to Heidrum; you two, I will make sure you two are seen as citizens of our glorious world." Finkle said, turning to Oscar.

"In consideration you just tried to help and your distinguished service record… I will part ways with it just only this once." He smiled slightly, and Millan saluted, being quite relieved and surprised.

"Th-thank you, sir."

A stone fell from Pip's and Tungsten's hearts, also relieved everything went well. They turned to leave, only to notice a ship landing outside the palace. It was formed like a plane at first but small in size, like a small private aircraft. The colors were a mix of red, black, and bleached bone.

"An Astartes holy Stormbird, here?" Finkle sounded surprised and walked outside to meet them. Curiosity got the better of the colts as they watched 4 large figures stepping out. They looked like heavily armored humans in her nightmare, but in the same color as the ship, their helmets had beak-like muzzles, with the left shoulder plate featuring some studs. One wore white armor on the helmet and chest, while the legs and arms stayed red, and another had an eyepiece and a mechanic arm on the back.

"His angels, how may I be of service to you and his will?" The Governor bowed respectfully.

I am Uwe, Techmarine of the Blood Raptors, and I have come by order of my," he paused as if considering his words carefully, "superiors, to this world for in need of supplies of our crusade efforts." The massive armored man with the mechanical arm answered.

"Of course, my lord, I and all of Heidrum will offer all supplies and requests you desire and need."

Pip and Tungsten wanted to get out of sight, but their bodies were frozen in awe, unable to move as the man called Uwe spotted them. "You have…guests, Governor?" He sounded Intrigued.

"Ah, yes I... it's a complicated story, my Lord," The Governor admitted, slightly nervous.

"Well, we have time now for you to explain your reason for housing of these xenos." Uwe stated calmly in return. With that said, Finkle tried to explain to his guests while the Tech Marine and his followers listened patiently and intently to every detail Finkle said from his mouth.

"I see…" Uwe walked towards the colt; their hearts jumped as he looked down at them. "You fear me young ones, you shouldn't, I mean you no harm." he then turned his black visor towards the man standing at their side and made a curt request, "Mr. Milan, keep them safe."

He saluted. "By his will and your order, I'll shall care for them as if they were my own, my lord!"

They watched after the tall armored giants followed the planetary leader who led them away. "W-what…where those?"

"They are called the Adeptus Astartes, holy angels of the Emperor of mankind's greatest warriors, the Space Marines; the perfect soldiers armored and armed in the entire Imperium, or special cases... the beings of death and fear incarnate. They are divided into holy chapters or legions, each having their own colors that serve under the emperor's light. I felt the fear as you did too when I first encountered them, It's a great honor to fight alongside them let alone see one or even speak to one." Oscar explained with a sense of pride. "I fight among many different chapters…Blood Ravens, Imperial Fists, Ultramarines, just to call a few. Although..." He put a hand to his chin, thinking about something.

"I believe I've never heard of these Blood Raptors but read old records and battle reports with their names during my post under the Governor's orders, but I am not sure.…."

Suddenly, the stomachs of the colts growled, causing both to blush in embarrassment. "Ah, time surely passes by, huh? Let us fix that for you and bring something for lunch, there's a good restaurant, and the owner is well known for her good meals." Oscar's wife suggested.

Just as they got outside, a PA vox-com system ranged through the streets. "Attention, citizens. Xeno species visitors. Be advised they are sanctioned, and are under watch of planetary forces, Caution is advised, glory to the Emperor." It was the voice of the Governor.

"That was fast." Pip commented in surprise.

"Yes, Finkle is a very efficient and well-respected leader. Don't worry, nobody will bother you with us around." The veteran assured them.

Not long after, as they walked through the streets, getting some surprised looks from other citizens, they came past a stable, hearing the neighing of the horses inside.

"Are you sure the owner can be trusted?" The bespectacled colt asked, unsure, only to receive an assuring nod from Zoe.

"Yes, she's always kind and friendly, respecting our soldiers greatly. She always gives Oscar and a few soldiers some free meal as veterans and doesn't charge them war bonds or credits."

"If you say so." He looked at Pip, who opened his mouth to speak, only to yelp slightly as he felt his mood lighten up.

"Hmm?" He looked up to notice one of the horses, having a pinto coat like him, had picked him by the scuff and carried him into the stable.

His friend held his hoof over his mouth as he struggled not to laugh, chuckling before laughing slightly in amusement.

"Hey!" A male voice called out, and they saw the farmer rushing in. "Put him down; you can't just pick up random foals!" The mare did as told, and Pip nodded, walking back to his friend and hosts as the farmer apologized. "Sorry about that, Oscar. Are those...?"

"Yes. Yes, they are. Please, they don't mean any harm."

The farmer just shrugged. "I see no problem with foals, even if they are xenos. Cute looking though." He then went back inside, and they continued their way again. At the end of the road was a restaurant, which looked like an average house but had the letters "Jan's Restaurant, all you can eat!"

It was mostly empty at the moment due to their surprise, but a woman with brown hair, green eyes, and a thin build was cleaning behind a counter, spotting them with delight. "Ah, Oscar! Brought the family, I see."

"That's right Jan, we thought we come to lunch; I hope that's no trouble." He asked, slightly nervous, but her happiness did not fade as he feared.

"Not at all, I got some surplus of doggie bags, you can have some for free due to your service. And…" Her eyes fell on the colts. "Who' are those cute animals?"

"Did you hear the announcement?" The woman nodded in response." They are the reason for it." He then tried to explain everything, with her expression becoming one of sadness.

"Oh, you poor kids. You really look like you're starving. Let me make you a big meal to fatten you up."

"Oh no, Mrs. Jan, please, you don't need to make a fuss!" Tungsten exclaimed in surprise as she left for the kitchen, then looked at his younger friend, who shared his reaction. "I did not lose that much weight while my mother was gone, did I?"

"I dunno, you look not changed to me." Pip replied.

Nonetheless, the cook was done within a few minutes, giving the children some lemonade and warm vegetable casserole. It tasted fresh and delicious as they returned home, not expecting such a good taste.

"She really knows how to cook." The pinto colt enjoyed every bite.

"Yes, some say Schaeffer's restaurant is the best in town!" Lara replied in glee. "I know a good spot that overlooks the river, Can I show them?" She asked her parents, who just nodded.

It was only a short way until they came to a hill overlooking the river and forests, eating the remains of their still warm food. "It's really a beautiful view from here-"The younger colt commented with a smile.

"Yes, I love to go there after a hard day; it helps me to relax," Lara explained with a relaxed tone as they watched the skies. Was there an odd sound that greeted their ears? The sound of a roaring engine.

Out of the clouds flew orange and yellow transport ships. It was formed like a cuboid but rounded at the front, with four small cuboid-like engines, two on each side.

Oscar's eyes went wide as he recognized it. "What the- a Tau Orca? What are they doing here?"

"T-Tau?" Tungsten asked, confused.

"A very advanced Xeno race far from the Eastern Fringe of the galaxy, believing that they can help the rest of the galaxy find their way to peace and prosperity by having all under their flag for something called "The greater good." Of course, those that follow under that banner put them at the edge with the Imperium's views and laws, but they are not out for war if they can't avoid it. Still, this could be unpleasant" He sounded unease,

"We better get back to the palace to see if Finkle has organized your sanction IDs yet."

They followed him without hesitation; the Governor waited already for them. "Good timing, it went well." Finkle pointed to two dark green cloaks, having the skull on them. They fitted them perfectly.

"I also arranged that some Flak Armor for them to be made, just in case."

Then he went with his visitors to a large meeting room, seeing the Space Marines were already waiting. Just moments after, a humanoid creature walked in. It was tall and slender, with pure red eyes with blue skin, dressed in a white robe with a brown rounded hat. A small round drone was hovering next to it.

"Greetings, Governor. I am Por'O Pech Nase'fa, diplomat of the Tau Empire." The alien spoke with an echoing, graveling voice.

"What brings you here, xeno?" Finkle asked in a surprisingly neutral voice.

"To ask you to join our Empire and follow the Greater Good of course." Pech replied in return.

"And why should we do that?"

"You want only the best for your people, don't you, Governor. You can still worship your Emperor, I assure you. But, all those who contribute towards it have a meaningful and valued place within our society. And as you know, the Imperium has high tithes and excessive bureaucracy. We can free you of that. Is that not what you want?"

Finkle stayed silent for a moment, appearing to think about it, yet the colts noticed a hand of his slowly going towards his belt.

"It is indeed a very promising offer, Por'O Pech. But I am afraid…."

Before the Tau or his drone could react, the human drew a pistol, firing a red beam hitting Pech in the chest, making him fall back to the ground. The drone exploded in a shower of sparks, falling to the ground, smoking.

"What did you do, Finkle?!" Pip exclaimed in shock.

"A peaceful resolution is no longer an option, and while violence wasn't needed it has happened. There is nothing we can do to change the course now set, youngling." Uwe added in a gruff yet fatherly tone. He sighed before turning his helmeted gaze towards Governor Finkle, "Truly there are diplomatic methods that would have resulted in a better outcome other than gunning the blueberry down." his shoulders shook ever so slightly as a light chuckle escaped his lips, "I shall inform the Consul of this development and see what my kinsmen wish to do."

Finkle sighed. "I am sorry, but I can't allow my people to suffer for this. Humans working with xenos are seen far worse than traitors to the Emperor and humanity, there are different cases of entire planets destroyed due to this, something I dread for Heidrum."

"So…" Oscar took a deep breath. "This means we are at war with the Tau Empire."