Stargaze with Twinky

by MidnightTwinkle

First published

Life can change at any moment... But how will the hero perceive these changes?

In life, a variety of incidents happen, for example - getting into Equestria? Finding himself in an incomprehensible place, the hero wants to return to his world, but things are complicated by the fact that he has the body of... a Filly? By trying to return home, what challenges will the hero meet? What lessons will he learn? And in the end, does he want to come back? After all, maybe a new life in Equestria is maybe not so bad after all?

A new beginning? (Changed)

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Everything was white, then black again.

I finally opened my eyes, this cartoonish setting was confusing, I looked around and notice that I was in a dark purple room, though it seemed that this is due to the fact that the windows are closed by a curtain.

I looked closer around this strange room and notice that it looked like a girl's room, but that didn’t make any sense, I was a guy and the objects in the room were not mine, nor did it look like a hospital room either.

I needed to inspect this place more so I needed to get up, but my body didn’t respond. I still felt it however, but everything felt out of place. I tried to move like normal, but it seems that I was no longer a human, and this body worked differently.

With a lot of effort I raised my hands, but only too see, “Hooves?” I asked in surprise and as I looked at these hooves I noticed that they had a symmetrical deep purple patterns them.

After the hooves, nothing really surprised me, and with all I could find out at the moment, I seemed to be ... a horse? Maybe even a small horse, but it was difficult to tell.

I examining myself further, and noticed my hair, or rather dark lilac fur and ... “Wait, hair in front of my eyes? When did it get so long and, colored?”

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door and a voice, properly a girl's voice ask, "Twinky, are you awake?"

As the girl probably meant me as I lay in the bed and there wasn’t any other in the room I responded a bit nervous, "Umm… Yes."

Then the door gently opened and a horse, maybe pony, walked in, but this horse looked to be bigger than me, but I wasn’t sure.

She asked while concern was in her voice, “Sis, are you okay?

“Yeah, umm… I’m fine, I think so,” there was no doubt that this high pitched voice wasn’t mine anymore, “Guess I’m just tired,” I ended, as I need to figure out if it was safe to reveal myself.

“I would think so, after Celestia knows what kind of nightmare you had yesterday, it must really had tucked you out but are you fully rested now?”

“Ohh, yes, I think so,” I responded as I needed to figure out where I was, and what happened to the owner of this horse body.

“That’s a relief, now as you slept I noticed that we’re short on bread and apples, so I need to pick up that and other thing we’re low on, will you be fine on you own, it might take and hour or so, but I’ll be as fast as possible.”

“I’ll be fine,” I said, and thought, ‘perfect.’

“I also made you some lunch, so just try to eat it, you know it helps.”

“I will, bye,” I said sounding shy. I didn’t like my response, but now that she’s gone, I can think about what just happened.

“Bye Twinky,“ the horse said, she walked out closed the door and I heard as she trotted down the stairs.

“She said ‘sister’, but I'm a guy,” I whispered to myself, “wait-” I once again examine myself, "not anymore."

With the discovery of my new private parts, the voice made much more sense, and that she called me Twinky, that could be this body’s name, or nickname.
Also, judging by the size of another pony that came, I was definitely a child.

“Not again, I don't want to be a kid again,” I complain.

The age of the older horse, I could only wonder what could have been much older, that is for sure, maybe mom, no, no, she called me sister, so maybe older sister? What about my parents? Are they here or on the way? Perhaps that is why this body is with the elder sister.

I looked around the room, I need a mirror, just to get a good look at myself. When I looked around, there was a table, a wardrobe, a door with a mirror, I almost missed it because of the corner under which the door was. Now all I had to do was to deal with this body and get to the mirror.

I tried to feel my spine, and upon finding it, I felt my front hooves contract as I could before, then I felt my hind hooves and twitched them slightly.
But there was one unfamiliar sensation, I looked at the hind legs and saw: "Tail, this is definitely a tail, my tail." I said in surprise, but now I guessed that the ponies have tails, so this is all a little more normal madness.

I moved each limb carefully, and as I got used to them more and more, I tried to stand, but I fell, and again and again I fell.

"The bed is too soft to learn to stand on, so I need to get down to the floor." I said to myself.

I roll to the edge of the bed and look down. Too high, I said, because I could only get hurt.

“This pillow was big, maybe…” I rolled over to the pillow, grabbed it in my teeth and threw it on the floor.

I walked to the edge of the bed and rolled, hoping for the best.

I landed safely on the pillow, but rolled onto the wooden floor, and something touched: “Oops! My head! What was it?" It didn't feel like it hit me in the head, "MIRROR!" I panicked in my head.

With great difficulty keeping my balance, I hobble to the mirror, but in front of the mirror I stumble and fall again. "Why is this thing on my head so sensitive?" - I say.

So I go to the mirror and I see ... a little mare, I can see almost everything I saw when I woke up, but now it looks ... beautiful, I think. Then I notice the color of my eyes - “heterochromia? Like me, but the colors are different. One eye is yellow and the other is gray. I don't know colors as well as my mom does, so it was difficult for me to describe it as something different"

After I also notice my horn and try to knock on it, but as soon as I started lifting the hoof, I immediately lost my balance and almost fell, but managed to get my leg back into place. "I wonder how this thing works?" In my ... mane I notice a beautiful hairpin in the shape of a five-pointed star. And then a thought comes to my mind ...

MY RELATIVES! My parents are not that they were kind, they even beat me, took my things and constantly punished me, for no reason, but I think they loved me ... I hope ... I still had many relatives, but there was no connection with them, but still ...
In any case, you need to figure out how to get out of here, if at all possible.

My stomach is buzzing, I think I'm hungry and remembering what the pony said to me earlier, I remembered that the food is on the table, as I think in the kitchen. I'm exiting the room ... and thank goodness the door is not completely closed.

Staggering towards the door, I fell more than once, but each time I went better. Having approached the door and opened it slightly, I already began to think that I roughly understood how to walk, but then I noticed ... the stairs. "Oh no ... not now." After thinking for a minute, I decided that it would be best to go back. Turning my back forward, I go down the stairs a little, step by step.

Going down, I feel omnipotent, because I went down the stairs, but I immediately feel embarrassed, I remember that it was just a staircase.

Looking around, I notice a room that looks like a kitchen and head there.

Approaching the table, I notice that it is much larger than me, like all other objects, but at the top of the table is a plate with something very tasty to smell. I was hungry:

"But how will I get there?" - I'm asking

Realizing that I will remain hungry, I try to come up with a plan of action and decide that I need to inspect the house, at least the first floor, because I am not sure if I can return to the second. When I find something that looks like a living room, I go in there and investigate it. Various photographs attract my attention.

Some of the photos showed two unfamiliar adult ponies standing in a village near a carousel shop, others were my "new sister" and, I believe, I was standing next to her. This photo was by Twinkleshine and Midnight Twinkle, and the previous photo was by Ivory and Alabaster. Judging by other photos, these are Twinkleshine's parents and my body. 'Some strange names' - I think, but my name or my body is not called Twinky, but Midnight Twinkle, and Twinky is just a cropped name, but these names are still strange to me.

There was a telescope in the living room, and already assuming that it will not be possible to quickly get out of this world, I think - at least I can have fun here.

I hear the sound of a door opening and I hear a very pleasant voice: “Twinkle! I returned". I turn to the sound and see a familiar pony, the one I saw in the morning.

"Why haven't you eaten yet?" Twinkleshine exclaims.

“I… uh… I don’t know,” I say, embarrassed.

Then I realize that I am no longer standing on my hooves and I feel a slight tingling sensation around my body. I also notice a strange aura around my sister's horn (I'll say so for convenience).
'This is magic?' I think, but 'if she has a horn and can do magic, does that mean I can do it too? Maybe I shouldn't go back to my world' hehe, I joke in my head.

“Honestly, like a baby, you forgot to eat again. We need to remove this telescope so that you don't forget about such obvious things anymore, ” said Twinkleshine.

Without even having time to argue, I sat at the kitchen table in front of a plate of vegetables and hay, which looked like meat.
'New oddities' I thought, but then felt something touch my face, it was Twinkleshine's face, it was so cute and I felt myself blush, but it was so cute and I didn't want it to end, but, as before, all good things end quickly. Almost immediately I hear her say: “Forgive me for treating you like a child, but you yourself are forcing me. Now sit down and eat. " Twinkleshine turned and went somewhere.

Looking at the plate, I realized that I didn't even know how to eat with hooves, but in order not to anger and upset an adult pony, I licked everything off the plate until she came back and saw me eating.

When I finished eating, I noticed that I was sitting on a stand on a chair and because of the stand the floor was very far away, and I really did not want to fall, but I made up my mind and jumped off the chair and surprisingly I did not fall. I immediately thought it was as easy as shelling pears.

But now I need to find books to find out where I am, and with this information think about what to do next.

Since there was still lunch and there was nothing to do, I decided to go and look for books in the living room, but when I took the first step, I immediately stumbled. “Note - never think that you can do everything after you have done something simple,” I muttered quietly.

From the living room, I heard Twinkleshine's voice: “Is everything okay? I heard something fall. ”

“ It's okay ” - I shout.

I will never get used to this voice. Going into the living room, I saw my sister and decided to ask her where the books are. She was surprised that I do not know where the books are, because, according to her, I myself asked to move them to my room so that I could read at any time. I was about to leave, and while I tried to awkwardly turn around, I heard, “Is everything okay honey? You are not yourself today, maybe you should go to bed? "

"Uh .. it's okay," I mumbled quietly, "I think I'll go and lie down." I really need to think and that's why I said so, and now I need to climb the stairs and not break anything.

After all the torment, I climbed the stairs, everything was complicated by the fact that I had to go up almost without making any sounds so that the adult pony would not suspect anything. Finding my room, I went in and saw a whole bookcase, or maybe it was a shelf, but it was very large.

I began to look through all the books from the lower shelves, because I did not reach the upper ones. On the lower shelves I saw 3 bright books for myself - * What is Mathematics? *, * Magic for Beginners * and * All About Equestria *. I was faced with a choice between a book on magic and a book on history. On the one hand, I had to read the book * All About Equestria * to understand where I am. On the other hand, I was very interested in learning about magic and, judging by what Twinkleshine was doing, I could levitate. But having decided that if I am in the body of a child, then the return process can be delayed, and if I start telling everyone that I am an alien and I am of a different race, then I can be sent to the hospital for those who have mental problems.

So I chose a book on magic, I dragged it to the bed and with the help of the pillow that I threw off the bed when I woke up, I pushed the book onto the bed and climbed into it myself. I wanted to lift the pillow, but I realized that I would not reach it with my mouth and therefore immediately abandoned my idea.

Placing the book comfortably on the bed, I noticed that *Advanced Magic* and *The Complete Story of Equestria* were lying on the top shelves of the closet. As the title of the book suggests, I'm in a place called Equestria. When I opened the book, I noticed that it was a children's book, and it had more pictures than text.

The first two chapters were about the use of magic, and it said that if I did everything right, my horn would light up, so I turned a little to see myself in the mirror. After reading further, I saw that the first spell was light. “But that's not what I want,” I muttered. But deciding that this would be a good option for the first time, I read what I needed to do and then put the book aside.

I looked in the mirror, closed my eyes and tried to find my mana, as the book said. I didn't know what to look for, but almost immediately I felt something inside myself, and there was a lot, a lot of it. Following the instructions in the book, I tried to pinch off a chunk of this energy and send it into my horn to make it glow. In the book there was only a picture of how it should look, and there were the words, "You have to figure out how to do it yourself."

I open my eyes and see the LIGHT !!! I am so happy and my aura is so beautiful ...

(A little bit later)

Immediately someone puts a hoof in front of me, I turn and see my sister, who is smiling and it seems to me that she was giggling recently. "What are you doing?" she said, barely holding back a laugh. "Are you mesmerized by your aura again?" she said with a smile all over her face.

At that moment, for some reason I felt ashamed and I think that I am turning into a tomato, because I am the same red. “In any case, you have been away for several hours and it’s already evening, so go to dinner, and then immediately brush your teeth and go to bed.

After dinner we went to the bathroom, but on the way Twinkleshine said she needed something to come down and told me to go brush my teeth. Going into the bathroom, I saw 2 brushes on the sink and toothpaste, which was probably not covered yesterday.

Clutching the brush between two hooves, I somehow pulled the brush across my teeth, when Twi came in, I put the brush aside so that she would not see how embarrassed I was, spat the paste and told her that I was finished. 'I still can't get used to my voice' I thought.

Then we went, I climbed onto the bed and turned around. The grown pony looked at me like a kid who can't jump, but she probably attributed that to the fact that her sister's body is acting a little strange today.

She lifted the pillow and put me to bed. “Good night, sleepyhead,” she said to me and gave me a teddy bear (teddy). I thought she was teasing me. The moment I was shocked by what she gave me, Twinkleshine left the room and turned off the light.
'Now I am a girl, although recently I was a boy ... Although it may not be so bad ...' No, no, no - I drive these thoughts out of my head. While I was thinking about it, I got a headache and had to drop those thoughts.

I tried to put the bear aside, because it seemed too childish to me, but it didn’t work out for me, because I instinctively wanted to hug this bear, and not move it aside. As soon as I came to terms with this, I felt that I was drawn to sleep, and I fell asleep, but then the thought occurred to me - 'if Twinkleshine is my sister, I saw her during the day, I saw her things, but I also saw photos of the pony parents. In which I am now, but I did not see my parents' things. Where are the parents, ivory and alabaster?' - I thought, and immediately fell asleep.

Slice of sleep
Car accident ... Stretcher ... Several doctors in snow-white coats are taking me somewhere ... " We are losing him " ... Urgently to the operating room ...

Pain, severe pain in the head and all over the body. 'How painful' - I think. I can definitely hear someone talking, but the voices seem a little strange to me.

Nothing is clear, but it seems I am alive and it makes me happy, at least a little ... But wait, why am I crying and can’t stop? And the most frightening thing is that I do not feel my body at all, but something turns me around, I hear a heartbeat and I feel sleepy ...

I open my eyes; Everything seems so ... unfamiliar? I try to turn around, but my body does not obey me, but I manage to notice that next to me was lying and sleeping some kind of - HORSE !?

First serious magic

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I slept badly that night due to nightmares that caused me to wake up early in the morning.

When I open my eyes, I immediately see the plush in front of me and notice that I am holding it in all 4 hooves. I put the bear toy aside, crawl out from under the covers and climb out of bed.

When I got down, I headed into the corridor and walked towards Twinkleshine’s room. I approached this room and looked inside, through the open door, I saw that she was sleeping.

Deciding that I didn't want to wake her up, I went to my room with the thought that I needed to practice walking so that I could walk well and not look weird and awkward.

I tried various options to rearrange the hooves, but after a while I realized that maybe the problem is not in the hooves, but in the fact that the tail changes my balance and if I do not control it, then I start to fall.

A few minutes after I realized what position the tail should be in. It should be torn off the ground so that the tail does not catch on and does not interfere with the legs, it should also not wag strongly from side to side, so that the tail does not turn into a pendulum.

It became much easier for me to move, but it was still not easy, but as long as the tail was in the correct position, it was much easier for me to try different walking options, and in the end I figured out how it should be roughly.

The more I practiced, the less I thought about my movements, bringing them to automaticity, but if I went too deeply into my thoughts, then I fell.

After this workout, I noticed that the sun had already risen higher than it was originally, and I again went into the corridor, towards Twinkleshine’s room.

I went to this room and looked inside, through a crack between the wall and the door, this time the inside of the room was empty and decided that there was nothing else for me to do on this floor, so I went downstairs.

Approaching the stairs, I turned my back forward again and slowly descended, because I was still afraid to go down face forward and I didn't really want to fall down the stairs either.

Going down the stairs, I turn towards the living room and go there. I go inside the room and over to the telescope, which was near the window.

I wanted to observe through a telescope. Coming closer, I notice that the telescope is much higher than it looked from the side, but there was something like a step next to it. I climbed on it and noticed with a little surprise, ‘Now I am tall enough to look through a telescope.’

Looking inside, I understand that I see nothing but the blue sky, but for some reason only now I remember that it is day now, and during the day the stars are not visible. I was about to move away from the telescope, but I heard a familiar voice from behind, which apparently spoke to me.

“Good morning astronomer,” Twinkleshine said, barely holding back a smile and giggling softly.

I turned around and saw that she was walking in my direction and when Twinkleshine came up to me, she said with a smile: “Silly Twinky, you should have looked through a telescope at night, not during the day. How could you forget such a simple thing? "

‘I want to sink into the ground, how could I even forget about such an elementary thing? Probably, the whole problem is that I was in the body of a child ... Yes, I believe that it is this body that is to blame for this act, if I were myself, I would have guessed right away?’ - I thought.

While I was standing and blushing imperceptibly for myself, because of a little shame that I felt, Twinkleshine unnoticed for me turned around and went towards the kitchen.

I went down this step and heard a strange sound. I wondered what it was and so I headed towards the source of the sound. Approaching a little closer to the source of the sound, I managed to find out what it was.

‘Are these the sounds of how food is being prepared?’ - I wondered, and as I walked a little closer, I smelled a pleasant smell from the kitchen and therefore agreed that these were the sounds of cooking.

Approaching the kitchen, I looked around the corner, showing only my head to sneak a peek at what was happening in the kitchen, but Twinkleshine immediately noticed me and said that the food would be ready soon and I needed to go brush my teeth after that. I'll have to go downstairs to eat.

As I walked up the stairs, the thought occurred to me that I had forgotten to find out where Ivory and her husband were. Reflecting further, I became curious what kind of strange and a little terrible dream I had.

At that moment, all the pieces of the puzzle began to gather in my head and I thought jumped into my head - 'Was I born in this body? But what about my human body? After all, I was in the hospital, there were doctors ... '

‘If I was born in this world and in this body, then why don’t I remember life until the last days? Why don't I remember the last moments of my life? I had so few answers, but so many questions ' - I also thought.

"Oh!" I screamed. It hurt, and I rubbed the horn with frustration. While I was thinking and walking at the same time, I did not follow my path and bumped my head into the bathroom door. “Going and thinking at the same time is a bad idea,” I muttered.

After a blow, which was not the quietest, Twi's excited voice came from the first floor: "Is everything okay?"

“Yes!?” I shouted uncertainly. But now I noticed that the bathroom door was open due to my accident and now I will have no problem opening it.

‘At least some plus in this situation’ - I thought.

After I brushed my teeth with diligence and a little suffering, due to my not yet ideal movements with hooves, like hands, I went to the first floor in order to have breakfast, but as soon as I got out of the bath, my stomach gave a signal that he is hungry and I hurried a little to the kitchen.

When I went down to the first floor and sat down to breakfast, Twinkleshine sat down with me at the table. I needed to start eating, but I couldn't because I don't know how to do it, and if I start eating in some weird or unusual way, Twinkleshine will be suspicious.

I tried to grab the cutlery with my hooves and start eating, but I was still not uncomfortable.

Twinkleshine notices this and immediately asks, "Hey, why didn't you use your magic?"

"Well ... um ... I'm playing a game ... It's just for fun ... I think ..." I replied.

Twinkleshine seemed happy with the answer, perhaps thinking I was weird, but it didn't matter now, so we just kept eating breakfast. "Anyway, we're having a party tonight, would you like to come with me?" Twinkleshine asked.

I replied that I did want to read today. She accepted it, but looked disappointed, probably because this body usually accompanied her to such events, but I was not sure about it. It seemed that a little more, and she would be able to discover that I was not her sister, so I needed to find ways to get out of my world as soon as possible.

Noticing this, I decided to correct the situation a little and, after thinking a little, said: "Sorry, but I think I'm still a little tired."

When I looked at Twinkleshine again, I saw that her mood had improved slightly.

"It's okay, don't worry, I understand everything, but I need to go to the market soon for groceries so that we have food, after that I will return home to sort out the purchases and go to the party, if you suddenly change your mind and decide to go with me, then let me know."

When she talked about the party, it seemed to me that her ears were a little lower for a moment, but I agreed with what she said and after finishing the last bite, I finished breakfast and went to my room.

Back in the room, I decided I wanted to read a book on the history of the place, but the thought came to my mind that if I could study magic, such as levitation. then I could give myself more time before I was discovered. I decided that I would study magic first, because if I did otherwise, I would only have a couple of days before I was revealed.

I found the book I needed, pulled it out of the closet and took it to the bed.

After I climbed onto the bed with the book, I opened it and started looking for the levitation spell. When I found the place I needed, I noticed that what was written in the book was much more difficult than the * first light * spell, but I tried to figure it out.

Remembering the instructions I had just read, I was about to start trying magic, but immediately remembered that the last time the aura from magic hypnotized me when I looked at it. This option did not suit me and I decided that I needed to come up with something.

I looked around the room for anything that might help me. But of the available items that I could use, there were only a few books and a pillow, so I sat down and tried to figure out what could be made of it.

After a while, an idea came to my mind - I put one book vertically, and the other horizontally, but one edge is holding on to the edge of another book, and the other is holding on to a raised hoof. There was a pillow on top of this book.

Now, if the aura hypnotizes me and I did everything right, then when I am hypnotized, then my hoof will be relaxed, and because of this, the book will fall to the floor, and the pillow will fall on my eyes.

Hoping this would work, and hoping that my imagination was working properly, I tried to create magic.

To levitate an object, I needed to create an imaginary envelope of my energy around the object, like wrapping it in a blanket.

After trying a new spell, I couldn't do it the first time. I repeated - over and over, but I couldn't.

If the magic of igniting the light seemed to redirect some of the mana to my horn to make it glow, then the magic of levitation was different.

To raise the object I needed, I tried to lift the object with the help of a stream of magic, just as I lifted objects with my hand. But it seems my magic was not trained, just like the muscles in my arms, so it also needed to be trained, like the muscles - practice and gradual weight gain. Because of this, the association with the magic of levitation was deposited in my head, like a new muscle that needs to be created, controlled and trained.

I took the object into my aura and tried to move it. To make sure that I was moving the object, I opened my eyes and noticed that the other book, taken as the object, did not budge. Every time I opened my eyes and checked the result, my aura hypnotized me constantly, but the pillow always saved me, closing my eyes.

‘At least my system works’ - I was glad it worked, since I was not going to give up.

I tried again and again, but after each attempt I felt more and more tired and after a while I realized that I was very tired and needed a break.

I left the room and go up to the stairs, I decided to try to go down facing forward, but after a couple of steps, I got scared and I decided to continue going backwards. Going down the stairs, I was in my thoughts and thought: 'It seemed that I was doing everything right, but my magic did not work, and then I assumed that it was too difficult for me to take the book, because it is too heavy, and my magic requires training. '

I went down to the first floor and headed towards the kitchen to find something to eat there. When I got to the kitchen, I noticed that there were sandwiches on the table and a note that my sister had prepared this for me and left it for me, after which I left.

I wanted to find out what time it was, and turning to the sound of the ticking of the clock, which for some reason I had not noticed before, I found the clock. But after looking at them, I realized that I do not remember how to use such a watch, because in my world almost all watches have already been replaced with digital ones. But if my intuition did not let me down, then several hours have passed since I trained my magic.

I walked over to the seat near the table, then climbed onto it and started eating.

After eating, I decided to go up to my room and continue my work.

“If the items are too heavy or I'm doing something wrong, I need to get creative,” I muttered.

So I remembered a book on magic on the top shelves of the closet that I had noticed before.

I went to the closet and again noticed this book, it was on a high shelf, and I could not reach it with my hooves or teeth, so I decided to try to get it with my magic, but the book turned out to be too heavy, as I expected.

After several attempts to get this book and a few minutes of reflection, I realized that if I cannot take the book because it is heavy, then I need to throw it on the floor. To do this, it was not necessary to lift the entire book, it was enough to pull hard enough on the upper corner of the book, and it could fall.

I closed my eyes and tried my idea, I covered the corner of the book with my aura and tugged at it with jerks.

After every attempt I made, this book came close to the edge of the shelf and was about to fall, but since the book was really heavy, even if I didn't have to lift it, it was still difficult. But now I could at least move the book, but slowly.

After I managed to drop the book on the floor, I took the book to my structure, which protected me from hypnosis, sat down next to me and opened the section I needed, I began to read.

I looked for clues for my levitation and it seemed like I found what I needed, but noticed that there is a note - only for experienced pony wizards. I decided to take a chance and do it because I wanted to master levitation as soon as possible.

I read about how you can lift not the object itself, but its uh ... the essence? I didn't quite understand what that meant, but I needed to try it.

After folding the books and pillows again so as not to accidentally hypnotize myself, I began to try this spell.

I plunged into myself and quickly felt my mana, but this time it seemed to me that this is not all the energy and that I can get more. I felt it and therefore kept trying.

At some point, I succeeded and I suddenly discovered a really large source of energy, but it felt like something that could not be touched, as if this mana was for something special or was some kind of important reserve, But this feeling didn't stop me from continuing.

I redirected all my energy into the horn and began to take energy from here, enveloping, as it seemed to me, not the object itself, but its essence. But after a couple of moments, I realized that something was not going according to plan.

I tried to stop, but I couldn’t, this mana was coming out of me faster and faster, I do random spells, from the simplest to those that I did not even know about. Pictures of spells that I had seen looking for the ones I needed floated to my mind. And so I see how I turn a math notebook into a bunch of bananas, and the curtain, after the effect of magic, turned into water and wet the entire floor, firing into a bag lying in the corner of the room.I noticed that it turned into a drawing on a sheet of paper. Then I remembered the pictures in the living room.

First, a photo of the parents of this body, these ponies were standing in some village and suddenly again a wave of magic and I stand in the place of this photo, I see a pink pony that immediately shouts: “Welcome to Ponyvi ...” I think of a photo of Twinkleshine next to my body, next to some school and another flash of magic, and I find myself in this place, I see a school called
* Princess Celestia's School of Gifted Unic ... *

I teleport again, but in ... the throne room ... Two ponies the size of my bookcase turn toward me. One pony is snow-white with the sign of the sun on its side, the other is the color of the night with the sign of the moon on its side. They also had strange manes fluttering in the wind ... but there was no wind. They stare at me in shock, and I teleport again, but it seemed to me that I reduced all the tables in their room.

And so, I again stand in my room, or rather, lie. It seems it was an uncontrollable flash or something like that, I didn't have the strength to think, I felt exhausted. I wanted to get up, but there was no strength, my legs hurt and they asked me to lie down. I was completely devastated and did not feel the strength in myself. I couldn't even move my head.

One of Twinkleshine's friends anxiously poked her in the side and pointed his hoof in the direction of her house.

When Twinkleshine turned around, she saw a light show taking place around her house and several magic beams flying into the sky without touching anything. One of the spells lit a star in the middle of the daytime sky, but quickly disappeared.

Fearing for her sister, she abandoned everything, without even saying goodbye to her friends, and ran home at maximum speed.

I lay and did not understand what was happening, my body again did not obey me, I tried to get up, but every time the hooves parted in different directions, so I just lay there and hardly moved, waiting for something.

After a while, I hear distant sounds from the entrance, as the door swings open quickly and loudly.

After that, the sound of running up the stairs reaches my ears, and then my door almost explodes and appears ... Twinkleshine.

I was inwardly glad that she came, but I did not have the strength even for a smile or some kind of sound.

Twinkleshine quickly looked around the room and almost instantly spotted me before exclaiming, "Sweet Celestia, Twinkys!"

Spa trip with sis

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Twinkleshine ran up to me and hugged me so tightly that it was hard for me to breathe, but I felt so cozy and warm ... I didn't want to interrupt it.

“It's okay, it's okay, shhh ... big sister is here, shhh. I was worried about you, I'm glad you're okay. Tell me what happened? "Twinkleshine said and released me to the floor.

After her embrace, it became a little easier for me and I already felt that I could at least stand.

I bow my head guiltily, and my ears seem to have dropped too, probably because of my mood. I don't know why, but I felt very ashamed of my actions.

I turn a little and point my hoof at the book, which was not touched by my uncontrolled magic, I said, "Here."

At that moment, I wanted to sink into the ground out of shame, I don't know why I used the spell meant for experienced magicians, even if I only practiced magic a couple of times ...

‘But it looks like I was acting like a child? It looks like a child's brain influenced me and I urgently need to deal with this.' I decided

"Have you read this book? I know that you want to go to the same school as me, but we agreed that you will not use any spells other than those in the books on the lower shelves," she pulled me to her and hugged me again, saying: "Promise me that you will not do this again, and then today we can go to rest together in some place."

I lowered my head and muttered with a guilty voice, "I promise ..."

"What do you promise?" Twinkleshine asked me.

“I promise not to do what I'm doing today,” I said even more quietly.

At that moment I felt ashamed, and suddenly, without realizing it, I said, "I'm sorry, Twinkleshhine."

"It's okay little sister, but I think we need new curtains and we need to replace some of the books and things in the house, and I see that your saddle bag has turned into a piece of paper and we need to replace it." Twinkleshine said as she got up and went somewhere.

When I hugged Twi, I felt a little better, I wanted to ask something,but I didn't have time because I didn't feel very well, my eyelids suddenly got heavy and close and I feel like I’m falling asleep. It seems that my powers are completely over and they are gone, even to stay awake …

(Some time later)

I wake up and look around the place where I am. I find myself on the bed in my room, I look around for any of the ponies, but I don't see anyone.

I tried to remember what had happened and realized that I seemed to have passed out, possibly due to extreme fatigue after the magic accident.

After a long sleep, which lasted several hours, judging by the sun, I felt better than after the explosion. I got out from under the covers and crawled to the edge of the bed, then threw the pillow on the floor again and rolled out of the bed onto this pillow.

Getting to my feet, I decide to go to the first floor to find Twinkleshine. As I walked down the stairs, I smelled food and thought that Twinkleshine was already putting food on the table. Going down the stairs, I went to the kitchen and looking around the corner, I again smelled a pleasant smell and see food on the table.

When I entered the room, Twinkleshine notices me and invites me to sit down at the table and start eating.

I went to the table and tried to climb onto the seat, but I couldn't.
I’m probably not fully rested and I don’t have enough strength,’ I thought, but then a familiar aura surrounds me and I feel how this magic helps me to climb.

I sat down comfortably and tried to decide that I wanted to try to grab the cutlery with my magic, but when I tried to do this, I could not even create an aura around them, as I did with books.

My sister immediately stopped me and said that I had not yet recovered and that I should not use my magic yet. She also added that after the meal we will go somewhere, but for me it will be a surprise.

After I finished eating, I said I finished eating and my plate was clean, I got down from the seat with Twinkleshine and turned towards the stairs to go to my room, but Twinkleshine called me and told me not to go far because we are going somewhere soon. So I decided that I would not go to my room and instead go to the living room and wait for the adult pony there.

Approaching the living room and going inside, I again notice these two photos with the parents of this body, I saw a photo with me. But now I saw some more photos hanging on the walls, some photos of Ivory and Twinkleshine, Ivory and me, and so on.

Further looking around the room, I notice a table on which something is lying. I go to the table and when I come up, I notice that the object was some kind of letter, but I became curious about what was there, and so I went to the sofa and climbed onto it. Turning around and looking at the table, I saw a letter with a red seal, I wanted to take a closer look at this seal, but suddenly the letter was surrounded by a magical aura and was unpacked.

Twinkleshine's voice is heard from my side: “This letter came after you fainted, but I don’t know what’s there, I was told that it was for you, so I decided that you would open it yourself, but now get up, we have to leave, we will open it later."

I nodded slightly, slid off the couch and headed for the exit, but stopped for a moment because I realized that I had never gone outside in this body and in this world. I suddenly felt a little uneasy. But I didn't hesitate and kept following Twinkleshine until she noticed that I was falling behind.

"Everything is fine?" I heard from Twi. "Yes!" I shouted, it seems too emotional.

“Don't worry, it's okay,” my sister said, letting me catch up with her.

She rubbed her face against mine, and I again had a feeling of warmth and care from Twinkleshine. I didn't want to end it, but it ends and the adult pony leaves me, grabs a cute saddlebag, opens the door and goes outside, calling me.

I head for the door and when I cross the threshold, a picturesque view opens up of one of the streets of this place.
'Wide and spacious paved road, neat sidewalks. On the sides are neat, austere houses, each unique in its own way, but with charming architecture in general. On the one hand, the houses are neatly and strictly decorated, but full of color and life. It is also full of various establishments, from chic boutiques to small restaurants. The roof of each house is unique and majestic in its own way. This city is like a capital,' I thought.

As soon as my attention turned to those who were on the street. 'So... many... ponies...' most of them wore different dresses or costumes, the ponies themselves were of various colors and with very different signs on their sides, I glanced at my side for a second, but saw nothing, and I felt a little sad.

I felt a bit uncomfortable thinking that I was naked all the time, but I remembered that Twinkleshine was also naked, so I relaxed a little and heard her calling me because I seemed to be standing all the time.

I ran after Twinkleshine and after catching up with her, I wanted to get as close to her as possible due to the large number of ponies around, besides, they were larger than me and it scared me a little.

I asked, "Where are we going?"

“We're almost there, be patient,” said Twinkleshine.

As we walked, I got bored, I suddenly wanted to move more, at that moment it seemed to me that my energy was limitless, but due to the number of ponies around, I realized that I would not succeed and therefore I began to wonder where we were going.

‘She said we’ll go somewhere together, and that it’s also related to a vacation. It would be nice to have a rest, especially after what happened before.’ I thought, but at that moment I heard, “We have arrived!”

I come out of my wistful state, look up and see the names of the place we arrived at, *Canterlot Spa*

At the spa building, Twinkleshine called, "Wait for me!"

I decided to go and see something, I notice a sheet with some prices and go to it. I stand and go through the list of all the services available: massages, polishes, wraps, various baths, various masks, baths, mud baths and much more. Half of it was even difficult to read, but the massage seemed harmless.

After looking through the entire list, I turned my head to the side and noticed that Twinkleshine was whispering something in some pony's ear.

I wanted to bet what she was saying, but Twinkleshine got ahead of me and said, “Well, little sister, let's go!"

Everything was happening too quickly, and now - I'm already in a dressing gown going to some procedure. They took me to the bathhouse, it was dry and warm. There was a mud bath, after which some ponies took care of my mane and tail, the sensations were quite unusual. I have never relaxed as much as I do now. After some time and several treatments, I was invited to a massage with Twinkleshine.

The ponies came up to us and threw on our robes, after which they took us to the bathhouse. When we went inside, we sat down in the seats prepared for us. Some pony stallion came to us and said that he would soon come up to bring us water in order to sprinkle it on the stones.

At that moment, a cunning plan ripened in my head, for some reason I wanted to play Twinkleshine, and when this stallion returned, he poured water on hot stones and warming steam appeared in the bath. The stallion left immediately, and Tinkleshine made a sound of pleasure and relaxation as the steam hit her.

At that moment I turned to her and, without holding back a smile, asked: "Sis, did you like that?"

"Of course," she answered immediately.

"Really? So you liked that stallion?" - I said with an even bigger smile

"Of cour .." she did not finish, because only now she realized what I asked. She immediately began to choke with embarrassment and her face bent bright red. "That is not what I meant..." she began to say.

But at that moment I rolled onto my back and laughed at how embarrassed Twinkleshine was.

She noticed this, returned her color and also laughed, because she realized that I was teasing her.

After I got the final laughs out, I lay down and let the warm steam enter me, it was very relaxing and soothing. The rest of the time in the bath, we spent in silence, it seems that Twinkleshine was still a little embarrassed. This silence did not last long, because after a short period of time after my antics, another pony came and said that it was time for us to go to the next procedure.

Then we were taken to a mud bath, where Twinkleshine told us that we would need to buy me a new saddle bag, because during my magical burst, I turned it into a drawing.

After this procedure, there was a bathhouse. When we arrived, Twinkleshine asked me, "Would you like me to help you wash?"

Since I didn't know how to do this, I agreed, but for me it was as awkward as possible.

She took a brush and began to rub me. It was terribly ticklish, I tried to endure, but I could not stand it for a long time and so I started laughing, it seemed to me that Twinkleshine was tickling me on purpose, but when I was able to make out her face, there was only a smile and care in her eyes
Then we were taken to the place where they worked on my mane and fur, when they were combing it, it was really soothing and I liked it.

Then there was a massage, and Twinkleshine and I were put in neighboring places. When the masseurs came, they were stallions, my sister just lay down, closed her eyes and relaxed, but I felt a little uncomfortable, but I immediately dropped these thoughts when the massage began. I was so relaxed by what the masseur was doing that I fell asleep very quickly.

Twinkleshine woke me up with a giggle she said: "Good morning sleepyhead, it seems someone needs to sleep several times a day, just like a little filly.”

I instantly woke up, "I am not little filly, I am already an adult!" - I instinctively said with an offended tone. But when I realized what I had said, and that Twinkleshine was teasing me, I involuntarily smiled, looked away and blushed, ‘It seems she returned the favor,’ I thought.

Twinkleshine cheered up even more and said we gotta go.

I really liked the massage and I even felt a little sad, due to the fact that I slept through almost the entire procedure.

After all the procedures, they took me to the mirror, when I got there, looked in the mirror and saw how I looked, 'amazing,' I thought.

'Did I admire myself? Do I really like this?’ I'm starting to like this world more and more, but I still want to return to the world of humans... Probably...

Anyway, I still need to study magic in order to try to return to the human world.
'If magic brought me to the pony world, then with the help of magic I can get out of here, but do I need it?' I immediately threw the thought away, now I wanted to go home with Twinkleshine, and I was too tired to think about anything else.

After the massage, I really felt the difference, as if my body was made of jelly. It was so much fun, my mood improved, I even wanted to run. I completely forgot about fatigue and felt like new.

Twinkleshine and I headed for the exit, and when we got outside, she asked me, "Would you like something?"

I opened my mouth to answer her question, but suddenly a strange sound came from below. “Someone seems to be hungry,” Twinkleshine laughed.

She looked around and headed towards the building that looked like a restaurant.

Forgetting about all the troubles and incidents, I ran after her, as if nothing had happened.

It was already evening on the street, and there were very few ponies left. For some reason, it was difficult for me to walk at the Twinkleshine pace, not because it was too fast, but because I really wanted to run and jump.

I no longer thought about my actions, and did everything instinctively. I wanted to play with someone, but I didn't know with whom, which means that while Twinkleshine was walking calmly, I either accelerated, overtaking her, then slowed down so that she caught up with me. I ran around her and indulged in every possible way... She seemed to notice that I had an excess of energy, but she did nothing, only smiled and sometimes giggled when I accidentally stumbled.

We passed a building that looked like a restaurant, and walked a little further, I realized that we were going to a pastry shop. We go inside, and while I look at the various colorful sweets in the window, Twinkleshine whispered something in the ear of the salesman, who nodded, brought the bundle, took his bits and went somewhere. I again continued to look at various sweets, but Twinkleshine took her saddle bag, put the purchase there, and when I passed, she made me walk with her with her hoof.

When we went outside, I asked again where we were going, and this time I was told that we were going home, but since I was a little tired and very hungry, I walked at the Twinkleshine pace, but sometimes I lagged behind her, so she walked a little slower so that I could catch up with her.

When we got home and went inside, Twinkleshine told me to go wash my hooves and then go over to the table and wait for her there.

I obediently went off to do the older pony's assignment, and when I returned to the kitchen, I thought, 'Why wash the hooves? if we put them on the floor immediately?'
But this question seemed strange to me, and I decided not to ask it so as not to seem strange.

I went back to the kitchen, and on the second try climbed into the seat, after which I waited for Twinkleshine.

When she arrived, she took the bags out of the bag and put them on the table. She started to open them, and inside there was ice cream, no packaging, no containers, only ice cream in a glass.
I wondered: "Why is the ice cream whole, if it was without any protection, inside the bag?"
I wanted to ask this question, but ice cream appeared in front of me and I instantly forgetting all the questions and pounced on this ice cream.

After the most delicious ice cream I have ever eaten, I felt happy and seemed full of energy again. Sitting at the table while Twinkleshine was not looking at me, I tried to turn on the magical light, but only a faint spark escaped from the horn. My feeling was like it was like something was blocking my magic or my mana wasn't recovering for some reason. After trying to cast a spell, I again felt a kind of emptiness inside me that I could not explain.

I thank Twinkleshine for this treat and for taking me to the spa.

I rolled off my chair and nearly fell, but I regained my balance and headed for the stairs to go to my room. But when I turned around, before leaving on the stairs, I noticed a sly smile on Twinkleshine's face, which seemed a little suspicious or sly to me, but decided that it seemed to me, and without giving it any attention, I continued on my way.

As I walked up the stairs, I thought I hate to admit it, but I really enjoyed part of the day at the spa, but I dropped that thought because I didn't want to develop it. I also thought about acting like a child most of the day, but right now I didn't want to occupy my head and just wanted to rest the rest of the day.

I go up the stairs and go back to my room, I see a little mess in the room and decided it was worth putting things in order.

I put all the books back in the closet and pulled out the All About Equestria book.
I pushed the book onto the bed and climbed into it on the pillow, put the book down to make it comfortable to read, sat down, opened the first page of the book and began to read.

I managed to read only one chapter, which spoke about the 3 tribes that formed this place, but suddenly I heard a quiet creak in the corridor, but did not attach any importance to it and continued reading.

After a couple of minutes, while I was turning the page, I missed the sound of the door opening slightly and someone entering my room, but since I was sitting with my back to the door, I did not see it either. And suddenly ... something blew in my ear from behind, I jumped in surprise and when I landed, I turned around and saw that Twinkleshine was smiling from ear to ear.

And suddenly she screams: "Tickling monster!" ...

Some events

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After last night, I woke up full of energy, but I still felt a strange inner devastation. Remembering yesterday evening, my mood immediately lifted, and I suddenly wanted to smile strongly. At that moment I noticed that I was lying and hugging the plush with all my hooves ... I was a little ashamed, because the toy was for children, and I blushed a little.

After yesterday's incident with my magic, I decided to try again, but this time the simplest one. Getting out of bed, I went to my structure, which protected me from hypnosis, and reassembled it. Remembering the "first light" spell, I tried to cast magic, but nothing came of it?

I got worried because Twinky could probably know everything about magic and if I asked questions about it, it could be strange and I could be revealed. I tried my magic over and over, but nothing came out but a spark. I panicked, but decided not to tell anyone for now, so I went to the stairs, and then went downstairs, but when I approached the stairs, I heard the sound of the door opening and turned around, Twinkleshine left her room.

“Morning sis, brush your teeth and come downstairs, I'll make breakfast,” Twinkleshine said and went downstairs.

After brushing my teeth, I left the bathroom and went downstairs, after which I went to the kitchen. Coming closer, I smelled pancakes and when I entered the kitchen, my guess was confirmed - these are pancakes.

Twinkleshine told me she needed to go to her room. ‘This is my chance to eat without magic’, I thought.

The breakfast was incredibly tasty and I wanted to stretch it out as long as possible, but I needed to eat as much as possible before Twinkleshine returned.

When my sister returned, she was surprised because my plate was empty and asked me in surprise, "Have you eaten already? Maybe you need more?"

“No, I'm not hungry,” I replied. She looked at me suspiciously, but seemed to accept my answer. To change the subject, I decided to ask the question, “Um ... can we go to the library today? I want to see books."

“I think we can do it, but first we need to get you a library card. It's time to get yours. “After Twinkleshine had breakfast, we went outside, and as soon as we got out, I felt uncomfortable again and wanted to snuggle closer to Twinkleshine.

My actions brought a smile to her face, but we continued on to the library.

When we got to the library, this building looked really big, with tapestries on the walls, columns and statues by the stairs, and a large book sign over the entrance.

When we went inside, I saw countless two-story rows of bookshelves and several ponies wandering between them. My sister took me to the librarian and said something to him that I didn’t hear because I didn’t listen.

While I was watching the visitors, I was taken to a booth and asked to sit on a chair and take a picture. But for some reason I didn't want to let go of my sister's leg, it was a strange and unfamiliar feeling for me.

Twinkleshine turned her head to me and said, "Don't worry, I'll be standing by." I really did not want to do this, but when she rubbed her face against mine, I again felt comfortable and there was a feeling of safety, so I reluctantly let go of her.

She slowly nudged me towards the booth so that I could go faster. I didn't want to upset the adult pony, so I went into the booth.

Some pony, as I assumed - a librarian, came in and asked me to sit still and smile, after which she moved away to take a picture of me.

When I was photographed, I looked so red, almost like a tomato, and from this I blushed even more.

But finally, this torment ended and I literally flew out of the booth and grabbed Twinkleshine by the leg. After that, we returned to the librarian's desk, where we were asked to wait until the library card was ready.

When it was ready, a librarian came up to us and handed my library card to Twinkleshine. When she saw this, she giggled softly and gave it to me, after looking at the photo on the ticket, I was embarrassed again.

'I hate this feeling, lately it haunts me too often, it's so strange,' I thought

"Remember, you wanted to see the books with your own eyes. Unfortunately, I forgot to take the saddlebag, so you can go get the book and I'll quickly run home for the bag. Don't go anywhere!" said Twinkleshine and ran away.

Since I didn't even have time to argue, I decided to go look for a book related to magic, but not for more complex spells, but a book in which the process of magic will be described in more detail. I needed such a book to understand if I was doing everything right.

A librarian came up to me and asked if I needed help. I replied that I needed to find books related to magic. She pointed her hoof in the direction of some of the shelves and aisles and said that there I would find everything I needed.

I went where the librarian indicated, and as I walk closer to the counter, my eyes dazzle with the number of books, but because of my height I only searched at the lower shelves.

I went around all the lower shelves several times and even managed to look at some of the upper shelves, but my searches were unsuccessful when I didn’t find the book I needed. I turned, disappointed, and bowed my head towards the exit from this row to wait for Twinkleshine at the entrance to the library.

But suddenly I bumped into something and heard a familiar laugh, looking up, I saw Twinkleshine with a book in her magical aura. She brought me this book and said: "You sleep on the go, sleepyhead, but are you looking for this book?"

'She seemed to tease me,' I thought, and looking at the book they gave me, I was very surprised, because it was the right book.

"But ... but ... how did you know?" - I was surprised.

"Intuition," Twi said, "well ... or when you fell asleep, you muttered something about magic and the book." She said with a laugh.

She took the book and went to the librarian, I followed her.

We put a book on my library card, it was my first book, taken from the first library in which I was in my entire life. Twinkleshine put the book in her saddle bag, which she went home for, and we went out into the street. As we walked, Twinkleshine said we needed to go to the store, but I auditioned for what it was for, so I just followed the pony, snuggling as close to her as possible.

We went into the store, I looked around, and then my brain accelerated to maximum speed in one second. The store was full of children's books, toys, candy, clothes and saddlebags for little ponies. I ran from one shelf with toys to another, took out one thing and threw it when I noticed a new one. I ran from dress to dress, but then someone grabbed me with magic and lifted me into the air. Twinkleshine came up, laid me on her back and with a stern tone, said that I needed to be calmer, and if I wanted any toy, we would buy it next time, but on condition that I behave impeccably.

I gave Twinkleshine an apologetic look and quietly apologized. I suddenly felt ashamed of my behavior, I do not know what came over me and why I behaved this way. But Twinkleshine distracted me from my thoughts and said something to me, but I did not hear.

We were standing next to a shelf of saddlebags, and Twinkleshine repeated her request to choose a bag for me. I was lowered to the floor and I began to consider options. Moving a little further, so that the entire shelf was clearly visible, I looked through each bag, one by one, but then my gaze lingered on one of the bags. It was the color of Twinkleshine fur, with a few stars on the sides. My gaze lingered on her, and then a familiar aura appeared on her, but not mine, but the magical aura of Twinkleshine.

"This?" Twinkleshine asked.

I nodded and went to the checkout for my sister, who liked my choice.

I didn't want to leave the store, I really wanted a toy, it was a beautiful and cute outfit for my plush. The more I thought about it, the more I blushed.

While we stood at the checkout, not noticing this, I slowly walked away from the checkout to the toys, but Twi's magic pulled me back by the tail. I didn't like it, but I think it was deserved because of my behavior.

As we left the store, a saddle bag dropped on top of me. It felt strange to be wearing a saddlebag, but it was comfortable. Suddenly, on one side, the weight increased due to the fact that a book was put in the bag. As I was not ready, my balance was disturbed and I began to fall, but I was grabbed by the familiar Twinkleshine's hoof.

She smiled and said, "Be careful." The sun had already passed the middle of the sky, which meant it was noon. On the way home, we went to a restaurant, where we had lunch, and drove home.

We are walking home and I am walking next to Twinkleshine, but suddenly I notice that she has stopped and therefore I stop too.

Apparently, Twinkleshine met her friend, and she noticed me and immediately greeted me, but I immediately hid behind my sister's leg and timidly and quietly answered the greeting.

Twinkleshine and her friend laughed and continued the conversation, stepping aside so as not to disturb passers-by. While they were talking, it seemed to me that their conversation went on for hours, but in fact several minutes passed, so I got bored and at first I began to go around them, then I practiced walking with my back forward, but everyone quickly got bored and I began to jump on stones similar color.

"Walking has improved noticeably and I can jump quite well," I said.

But then I realized that all this time I was jumping with a book in a saddle bag on myself, I wondered how it was holding up, but Twinkleshine immediately called me, saying that we had to go. Therefore, I did not have time to develop this idea and went for Twinkleshine.

When we got home, I went to the second floor to my room, I took the book to my room, put the book on the bed and went to the first floor to ask Twinkleshine if I could read the rest of the day, and after getting permission, I again went to my room.

I climbed onto the bed, straightened the book, opened the first chapter, and began to read it.

In the process of reading, I realized that when using magic, I was doing everything right. Just in case, I tried again to turn on the light from my horn, but again failed.

With a slightly faint mood, I continued reading. And after a while, I found an interesting chapter that talked about learning how to manage your mana.

The chapter says that such training increases the ability to feel your energy, helps to increase your mana and reduce its consumption, and can also increase the power of your magic. It is also said that such training will not always have an effect, they will only help to develop and you still need to take breaks. Otherwise, you can overwork.

(Some time later)

It was hard training, I tried to find my mana, but this time it was much more difficult than before ... the magical explosion. But I still found some small remnants of my energy and transferred this from one part of the body to another, divided into parts and manipulated two parts at the same time.

My magic seemed to be blocked by something, but this block did not prevent me from fully using magic, so my workout could continue.

At the end of this workout, I felt completely exhausted, but decided to try to turn on the light anyway.

I forgot to build my defenses against hypnosis and started practicing magic. When I tried again, it seemed to me that my mana was a little more than it was and this amount seemed to be enough for me.

I forgot about my protection from hypnosis, and therefore my aura fascinated me again ...

My magic worked again, but it only lasted a few short seconds, but I was still infinitely happy with this success.

But after I finished rejoicing, I remembered that although the magic lasted only a few seconds, but I saw it with my eyes and was not hypnotized. 'It seems this finally does not hypnotize me,' I thought.

After that, I again felt full of energy and joy, but I heard a displeased growl from my stomach and assumed I was hungry.

Going downstairs, I saw that dinner was already ready. I wondered how Twinkleshine prepares food when I need it, and every time I go down for this purpose, the food is ready.

As we ate, I noticed that it was getting dark outside the window, and after eating Twinkleshine told me to brush my teeth and go downstairs.

I went to the bathroom and after cheating, which was much easier because I had already learned how to do it easier, Twinkleshine went into the bathroom and said, "Twinkies, it's time to take a bath."

I turned away and literally burst into flames with embarrassment, but quickly dropped all my thoughts and tried to stop blushing. At this time, my sister had already walked over to the bathtub and started filling it.

As I stood looking into the bathroom, Twinkleshine came up behind me and grabbed me with her teeth ... by the collar? It didn't hurt, but I had a very strange feeling when she put me in the bathroom, 'I think it was my scruff, I completely forgot that the pony has a scruff,' I thought.

"Forgive me for treating you like a child, little Twinky," Twinkleshine said with a smirk and smile. I quickly and instinctively straightened up and said with a little offense: "I am not little!"

When I realized how I reacted, I was embarrassed, sat up and blushed again. Twinkleshine giggled because she managed to tease me, but after that she takes a brush and starts rubbing my mane and tail, but when she washed my fur, it was very ticklish, so I involuntarily started laughing and splashing my hooves in the water. When I accidentally doused Twinkleshine, I accidentally laughed because it looked funny.

Twinkleshine first looked at me sternly, because of this I stopped laughing, dropped my ears and sat down with a guilty face, Twinkleshine smiled broadly and kissed my forehead.
I was shocked by this act from Twinkleshine, and she continued me while I sat red with embarrassment.

When Twinkleshine says everything is ready, I come out of my little trance and she dried me off with a towel. When I got dry, Twinkleshine told me, "I have a surprise downstairs. Come with me."

We went to the stairs, and when we went downstairs, we went out the threshold, and Twinkleshine asked me to stand at the entrance. As I sat and waited, a telescope appeared in front of my eyes, which had recently been in our living room.

"We haven't looked at the stars in the sky for a long time, little sister, I already forgot how beautiful it is, I hope you don't mind," said Twinkleshine.

"Everything is fine!" I suddenly blurted out, as if I didn't want her to leave. (Deep down, I really didn't want her to leave)

When she set up the telescope, we began to observe this incredible night sky. This sky was much better than in the human world, it was incredibly beautiful and breathtaking. As I sat and looked at various parts of space through a telescope, Twinkleshine sat down next to me, and her warmth calmed me.

I don't know how much time has passed, but as I looked at the starry sky, I became more and more sleepy, and without noticing it, my eyes closed and I fell asleep looking through a telescope. But at that moment, while I was still awake, but I also did not wake up, without realizing it, I muttered "Good night, beloved sister" ...

Dreams from the past

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Again this dream, this hospital, these moments and the words of the doctors: "We are losing him." But now it was in more detail and continued a little further. I didn’t see anything, but I picked up voices, “Tell me…” And “Oh no…” But then everything was silent.

My eyes are closed, I can hear some voices, but it is poorly intelligible. I feel like crying ... they wrap me up in something and then the warmth, the warmth surrounded me, it was so nice …

I could make out a male voice, “The time of birth is eleven, thirty-one pm. on the eighteen of June, year 1095."

“I'll call her Midnight Twinkle.” I hear a female voice say.

I am wrapped in something again and I can hear voices in the same way. One voice was clearly masculine, but behind him came a ringing and melodic voice that definitely belonged to an adult mare, this voice seemed soothing. I hear a familiar voice, but it seems younger and at the moment incredibly enthusiastic, “Let me, let me see, daddyyyy, mommyyyy, let me see.” It seems that it was the voice of a young Twinkleshine.

I finally open my eyes and see... a small version of Twinkleshine that looks at me, and when she sees my gaze, she screams with delight, “She looked! She looked at me! ”

I feel that I am being turned somewhere, I catch a glimpse of the stallion, but I do not have time to make out what it looks like. And I see that very horse from my dream or memory, but this time I see not her back, but her face. I was mesmerized by her eyes and I could not take my eyes off them. There was maternal concern in these eyes, this look calmed, warmed and... amused. I think I laughed, but my voice was like the voice of a baby.

I am lying on a bed, wrapped in something soft. I tried to move, but I could not, I just did not feel my body, it seems I could only observe everything but do not influence it, as if I a spectator, therefore I couldn’t move my head or even make sounds.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the view from the window, but there is not the city that I saw when I went outside.

The door opens and someone enters the room. It was Twinkleshine, but small, like I was. She shyly walks around the corner of the door and when she notices me, there is a smile on her face, she comes up to me and lowers the wall of the bed. ‘Wait, how could I not have noticed that I’m in a crib?’

“I love you little sister,” Twinkleshine said and gave me a kiss on the forehead. I felt her love and happiness, which she conveyed to me by this act, my heart warmed because of this.

Then an adult's voice came from the next room: “Darling, don't wake up your sister, I need your help.”

Twinkleshine lifts the edge of the crib again and leaves the room, but before closing the door, she looked into the room again and winked at me. Her actions really made me feel good. But when she left, I felt a certain sadness, I was also drawn to sleep.

Many small memories passed before my eyes, sad and funny, joyful and the strangest, where I was alone or with my sister or with my pony parents. There were also those where I was punished and they gave me a time-out.

I was playing with various blocks and figures and then the nursery Twinkleshine runs into the room and enthusiastically says to the parents, “I was accepted! I was accepted to school for gifted unicorns!” While she was saying this, she jumped in place with happiness.

"We're so proud of you sweetie,” My new mom said then giggled as she said, “Just remember to come visit.”

Wait if my mom wanted her to visit us, would that mean that big sis would move out? My heart raced at the thought of Twinkleshine leaving, I didn't want her to leave and began to cry.

Twinkleshine ran to me and hugged me as she began to hum a melody. I held onto my big sis as she said, "I will miss you and think about you every day, and when I come to visit then I will tell you so many stories."

Her words stopped my crying, now, I look forward to her future stories and a small smile appeared on my face.

I can't see anything again, but the voices are getting louder. I open my eyes and see that I am sitting at the table, which is festively set, and the inscription *Happy birthday!* Hangs on the ceiling.

Twinkleshine sits next to me, two adult ponies come up to me with happy faces and say, “Five years is just once in a lifetime, this is your first little anniversary, so we wanted to give you a very special gift.”

My parents take out a box from behind their back and put it in front of me, and I start to unpack with impatience and excitement with a happy squeak, tear the gift wrapping and see ... a teddy bear that was blue and looked like a starry sky, I grab it without hesitation and hug it like that as hard as I can. And I think I can hear my parents giggling, but it doesn't bother me, I don't feel like letting go of my gift.

After a few seconds, I hear Twinkleshine's voice and turn my head towards that sound. I see Twinkleshine carrying a beautifully decorated package of something. She comes up to me and hugs me. "Happy birthday sleepyhead, this is for you." Twinkleshine says and hands me something packed.

I open my present and see a saddle bag, the one I turned into a drawing. This bag was similar to the one that Twinkleshine recently bought for me, the design consisted of several stars painted in different colors, but the color was different, it was slightly darker than the color of the Twinkleshine fur.

"Do you like it?" Twinkleshine asks me. I get off my seat, walk over and hug Twinkleshine, it seems to me that this will express my answer better than words.

I remembered all my friends from the local school, saw how I was ahead of everyone in math and nature, and at home, when Twinkleshine came from school to Horse Shoe Bay, she told me school stories related to Moondancer, Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and the odd yet book happy Twilight Sparkle. She also helped sometimes me with my magic.

I saw the first time I looked through a telescope. It was with pony dad, he returned home and while I did not see, he put a telescope in the living room, after which he called me. This evening I looked through a telescope for the first time in this body, it was wonderful and beautiful.

I remembered how the pony parents brought me books about nature and the stars, as they read to me before bed.

But most of the highlights have been around this body's sister. It was fun with the parents, they loved their child, helped in every possible way and spent a lot of time with their child, but still the most vivid memories were associated with Twinkleshine.

One of the brightest vivid memory was a gift for my ninth birthday, when one of the gifts was a golden star barrette from my mother. As she said, she received this thing from her mother, on her ninth birthday. This gift seemed special to me, I really liked this barrette and I didn't want to take it off.

I don't know why, but as I watched my memories, tears came to my eyes...

Hearth's warming eve. The streets are covered with snow like a blanket. Twinkleshine came home to Horse Shoe Bay, in Canterlot she lived in a castle room that was given to all students in the school who did not have the opportunity to live with their parents in Canterlot.

When she came, my parents and I greeted her with joy, and I asked her to tell some more stories.

We had a great time that evening, playing, communicating. My favorite stories were those told by Twinkleshine.

After each of her stories, I imagined that I was in this school, I really wanted to go there, but not only because Twinkleshine studied there, but also because according to her stories it was fun and it was easy to make new friends there.

A dark memory followed. I'm home, day off. My parents went about their business in the morning and said they would return in the evening, but when they left, I did not even say goodbye to them, as I was fascinated by the book that I took.

I take a look at that book about nature and went into the living room to study it. I did not starve, because the parents of this body had prepared and left food in advance so that that I could eat. The day was drawing to a close and I was already finishing reading this book, I was too carried away that I didn’t notice that my parents weren’t there but it seems I fell asleep while reading this.

In the morning I woke up, took the book and went to my room to put the book away. When I left the room with a new book, I decided to look where my parents were, but after checking their rooms I did not find anyone. I got worried, took the book and decided to take it to the living room, and then check the kitchen for notes from Mom and Dad.

When I was carrying the book, the door opens and a pony walking into the house... Twinkleshine. I was very surprised at her appearance, and therefore, throwing the book on the floor, I ran to hug her. I ran up to her and we hugged each other, but something seemed wrong, but I did not pay attention to it.

When I let her go, she asked, "Do you mind if I live here with you for one day?"

"Okay," I exclaimed.

Then she told me to go to the living room to have fun, which I did, and at that time she went to one of the rooms of the house.

When it was late evening, I got hungry and went to look for Twinkleshine, in order to ask where our parents were and if she can cook food.

I looked into the rooms in turn and in each room I noticed the collected things, I wondered why and I added this question to the ones I wanted to ask for Twinkleshine.

I found her in my room when she was packing my things. "And what are you doing?" I asked.

Twinkleshine turned when she heard my voice and said with a nervous smile, “I… uh… packing my things. Um ... Mom and Dad said they were late at work and they let me take you to my place. Do you want to go with me? To Canterlot."

“Of course I do,” I exclaimed enthusiastically, “But you live in a room in the castle, or have you found another place?”

“Well, I now have a house in Canterlot,” Twinkleshine said.

I was delighted with this news and therefore ran to hug Twinkleshine. She accepted it, but heard a growl from my stomach.

I pulled away from her and said, “Well… could you cook some food? I'm very hungry."

Twinkleshine immediately nodded and headed toward the kitchen.

(lot of times passed in a blur)

We arrive in Canterlot, it's evening outside and so there aren't many ponies around, I followed Twinkleshine heading towards her house. When we arrived there, Twinkleshine came up with me to the second floor of her house and showed me the room and said that I would sleep here and my things would come tomorrow.

(several days pass in a second)

I really enjoyed visiting Twinkleshine, but she kept leaving to study and I got bored, so I read a lot lately. But Twinkleshine left me food all day, although I sometimes forgot to eat because I was fond of reading or studying the telescope that came from my home in Horse Shoe Bay.

This evening, when Twinkleshine returned from school, I decided to ask her: “Where are mom and dad? They have been out for a very long time, it’s strange. ”

She went cold and took me into the living room. After I climbed onto the sofa, she was gray next to me and after a short pause, she said, "They wanted you to be happy, they loved you very much and therefore rushed to return home as soon as possible, and... They died in an accident..."

I didn’t have time to react as it was all going too fast and I was overwhelmed with so much information.

While Twinkleshine hugged me, I hear a melody, a beautiful melody, it calms me down a little and it seems that Twinkleshine was humming the melody.

The melody seemed familiar to me, it seemed to me that I had heard it since my birth. While Twinkleshine swayed and hummed a tune, I gradually calmed down. Soon my tears stopped, Twinkleshine slowly pulled away from me and thought for a moment.

After Twinkleshine had thought for sometime she suggested that we should go to the park and get some fresh air.

Walking in the fresh air helped me a little, but I was still holding back tears inside myself, thanks to the fact that Twinkleshine was there and it really helped.

During the walk, we went to an ice cream shop, my sister gently pushed me on a swing and we even played hide and seek.

Upon returning home, evening fell, and after a light supper where the main course was pizza which I really like. Twinkleshine invited me to gaze at the stars. I really wanted to go to my room, but I didn't want to be alone, so I accepted. She took out the telescope and set it to the window, then took out a stand for me and placed it next to the telescope. Then we took turns looking at the starry sky and after a while began to play the game *who will find more constellations.* When it was my turn to watch the starry sky, Twinkleshine brought ice cream - my favorite dessert.

After a while Twinkleshine said that it was late and we needed to go to sleep, we went to the bathroom to brush our teeth.

When we finished Twinkleshine turned to me and asked, “Do you want to sleep with me?”

Still not wanting to be alone, my heart raced of her disappearing overnight, I stuttered nervously, "Ye-yes please." Twinkleshine took me up and cuddle me close, and slowly the melody began again and my teddy was brought to my hooves, as I hung to my big sis hooves I slowly fell asleep.

Then there were memories that came closer and closer to today, I even saw in my memories the day before last, when Twinkleshine started tickling me in the evening and exclaimed: "Tickling monster!"

I laughed and asked her to stop, as it was very ticklish, but she did not stop and said: "You know how to defeat me!"

She began to nod herself to tickle me, and while I was writhing, I accidentally kissed her nose. She immediately pulled away and stopped tickling me, saying with a cheerful grin: "You defeated me."

I giggled at first, but I remembered how I accidentally kissed her and blushed a little? Twinkleshine at that moment came up to me and grabbed me, then put me on her back and went somewhere.

"Where we going?" I asked.

"Of course to bed, sleepyhead," told Twinkleshine with a little grin.

This moment touched my soul. After seeing all these memories, ‘I think that Twinkleshine is the best sister possible... I dream of such a sister...'

The past is open

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Opening my eyes and looking around, I notice the sun's rays, which are visible through the not drawn part of the curtain, which means that morning has come. I remembered that I seemed to fall asleep on the street, ‘Probably my sis… Twinkleshine carried me to bed.’ My head hurts a little, 'I definitely dreamed something, but I can't remember what.'

Looking around a bit, I noticed that I was inside someone else's room, that is, Twinkleshine room. Turning my head a little to the side, I notice a pony sleeping next to me and realize that it is Twinkleshine. I felt my face heating up more and more because of the embarrassment of sleeping next to her.

I wanted to get out of bed, but I heard and felt discontent in my stomach. I thought, ‘I think I’m hungry,’ and decided that I needed to wake up the older pony so she could cook something.

I gently pushed her body with my hoof, but there was no reaction. I repeated this action, but in response I received only, "I want to sleep mommy, leave me alone."

I chuckled and decided that this would not work for me, so I tried to get out of bed to open the curtains and use the sun to wake Twinkleshine.

Slowly getting out of bed, I felt something soft under my hind hoof, and when I got out of bed, I noticed that it was a teddy bear that I had recently slept with.

I stood and looked at him rooted to the spot. Some strange feelings seethed in me, but after a while I grabbed the plush in my teeth and with the help of my hooves pushed it onto the bed, after which I climbed onto the bed, grabbed the toy and put it on the pillow.

Covering it with a piece of the blanket, as if I had tucked the plush in like a child, I was pleased and got off the bed again and headed for the curtains I originally wanted to open.

I grabbed the curtains with my mouth and pushed them back little by little. Sunlight shone through the window and hit Twinkleshine's head. ‘It seems to be working and she’s waking up,’ I thought.

Suddenly I got the idea to play Twinkleshine, and while she reluctantly woke up, I crawled under the bed, I think I was making too much noise noise, but I hoped that she did not notice it.

The blanket fell to the floor on the side where Twinkleshine slept. I wanted to scare her when she lowered her legs, but my plan was doomed, as suddenly something touched my hind hoof and I instantly flew out of fear from under the bed and hid in the clothes that Twinkleshine had dropped.

While I'm hiding in the blanket, I hear laughter and opening my eyes I see Twinkleshine laughing while lying on the bed, “Somepony needs to be more quiet,” she said with a big smile.

But I did not stop hiding in the blanket, then Twinkleshine, when she noticed this, went in my direction and when she came up to me, she sat down next to me and hugged me. It was so comforting ...

‘I’m not doing this because I like it, but because it’s for the image of her sister, I hoped…’ I thought, hoping that this excuse was true.

While I was thinking, Twinkleshine let go of me, got up and headed to the bathroom. I got up and instinctively followed her.

When Twinkleshine came down the stairs, I was still halfway there, but I heard a familiar voice, "Twinky, did you forgot about the letter, I think it's important."

I went down the stairs and saw Twinkleshine in the living room, along with a letter. I went to her and when I reached the couch, I climbed on it and sat next to Twinkleshine, I wanted to feel her warmth, which calmed me.

"May I open it?" Asked Twinkleshine.

"Of course," I replied.

She opens the letter, sits closer to me, and we begin to read together. But I notice her mumbling, and it distracts me. I look at her and am more and more surprised by her speed of reading. With every second of her reading, her smile becomes more and more, I already want to continue reading, but, as soon as I took my eyes away from her face and turned away, there was an unexpected squeal, I got scared and instinctively hid from this sound on the side of the sofa.

When the terrible sound stopped, I slowly stuck my head out of my hiding place, I slowly stuck my head out of my hiding place and saw Twinkleshine who apologetically said, “I’m sorry please come out."

When I came out she invited me to sit next to her.

I wanted to keep reading, but Twinkleshine got ahead of me and started a very quick story about letter, she seems to be overwhelmed with emotion.

“This is a letter from Princess Celestia's school for gifted unicorns. I'm so happy for you, are you happy? Of course, you're happy, why am I even asking, this is your dream. The date of the entrance exam is indicated here and it will be in a couple of months. Don't worry, if you need any help, I'll always be there, and, unless of course you mind, I will gladly help you with the preparation."

While I was quite surprised that Twinkleshine can speak at such a speed, I can somehow squeeze out of myself, "Of course."

Twinkleshine seems to have noticed this and apologized for reacting this way as she did, she was just so happy for me.

Twinkleshine, now glowing with joy, said: "Well, young magician, it's time to have breakfast." She turned around and literally jumped towards the kitchen.

I sat there surprised, but I was able to get out of this trance on my own, I sat closer to the letter and began to study it myself.

The letter outlined exactly what Twinkleshine had said, but in a more formal style and not as quickly as Twinkleshine did.

When I finished reading, my nose caught the smell of food from the kitchen. I wondered again, ‘How does she do it so fast?’

I got off the couch and headed towards the kitchen.

I went into the kitchen, climbed into the seat and started eating. As I chewed my portion, I remembered that I wanted to ask about Ivory and Alabaster. I wanted to correctly structure the question so as not to be revealed, and therefore carefully tried to think it over.

‘If Ivory and Alabaster, these are the parents of Twinkleshine and me ... that is, this body. Why, why have they been gone for a long time? And I haven't even seen a third bedroom they could sleep in. Maybe then we live separately? Then why didn't Twinkleshine ever mention them? There are too many questions to make a logical chain. I mused.’ I thought.

"You are brooding now, what are you thinking about?" Twinkleshine asked.

I instantly got out of my thoughts and immediately tried to come up with an answer that would convince her.

“I… um...” I tried to lower my ears and hoped it worked. “I… seems to have forgotten because of the magical explosion, where… um”, I wanted to say it with confidence, but I got it less and less. “I forgot where my… that is, our… parents…” I muttered hesitantly and looked up to see how Twinkleshine would react.

It seems to hang for a few seconds and process what I said. I started to feel like I was exposed, but Twinkleshine's face began to change.

At first there was sadness on her face, then when she looked at me, there was sympathy in her eyes. I felt somehow uncomfortable and a strange melancholy attacked me. But in an instant, determination appeared on her face, and without even finishing her portion, she got up, came up to me and hugged me.

It was a strange hug, it was still warm, but it felt... sadness or something like that.

Twinkleshine pulled away from me and said, “Come with me.”

I obediently walked down from my seat and walked with Twinkleshine towards the stairs. She climbed the stairs and began to wait for me, when I caught up with her, she went towards her room, and I followed her.

I went into Twinkleshine's room and looked at her, she pointed to the bed and I took her hint. While Twinkleshine was doing something, I climbed onto her bed and waited for her and watched what she was doing.

Twinkleshine opened a shelf, parted something and took out an item. When she turned around, I saw that she took out some kind of book, but it looked unusual, “more like an album,” I thought.

She came to me with this book. Twinkleshine sat next to me on the bed and pulled me in.

The book, which is in the magical aura, opens and I see many photographs. Twinkleshine begins her story, and at this moment I begin to remember my whole dream.

And then I hear some familiar, soothing and caring melody, which is getting louder and louder, someone is humming, ‘It seems the series of memories is over,’ I thought.

I sit and cry, buried in Twinkleshine's chest. She sways and hums a familiar melody. I remember how Ivory sang this melody, it brings comfort, and then sadness, that melody calms me down so quickly.

“It's okay, it's okay, I'll always be there,” Twinkleshine said when I stopped crying and calmed down a little.

I conclude: "I was born in this world because I died in the world of humans."
But why didn't I remember all this at once? There are gaps in my memories, I feel that this is important and I want to restore it.

I thought about what might be the reason that I did not remember everything at once, but since I did not know the true reason, could this prevent me from moving on.

Twinkleshine noticed that I was thinking and decided to try changing the subject. I decided not to interfere with this, it seemed like a good idea to me.

“Do you want to practice magic? It's time to start preparing at school, Twinky.” Said Twinkleshine.

"Yes, but... first I have to go... um... to one place," I said and quickly got out of bed. And as I ran to my room I noticed, as if my movements were now not constrained, it was much easier.

‘Now I have to come up with a plan for what to do. From what I saw in these memories, Twinky loved magic and if I can't do anything now, I will definitely be discovered,' I thought.

While I was thinking about these memories that I saw, I got upset again, but I decided that I would not touch this topic and think about it, at least for now. I will have time to think about it, but now something else is important, such as magic.

I decided to try my magic, in the hope that something has changed.

I decided that I would use the *first light* spell, and went to the mirror to track my progress, but again forgetting about hypnosis.

I started looking for streams and mana reserves in my body, but this time it was the fastest to find. I was surprised, but when I got to the source and it was complete, I was even more surprised, because it was not just filled, but it felt more than before and seemed more easily accessible.

I took some of this energy and directed it into my horn, trying to ignite the light. I opened my eyes and through the mirror saw my horn glowing, but as soon as I looked at it, my concentration decreased and the light began to dim, but I closed my eyes again and regained concentration. Slowly opening my eyes and trying not to lose concentration, I fully open my eyes and look at my aura, but this does not hypnotize me. I am happy and my light is immediately extinguished as I have lost all concentration.

I was glad that my aura didn't hypnotize me, and then I believed in myself and decided to try levitation.

I took the book out of the closet and put it in front of the mirror. I enveloped this book in my aura and channeling some of my energy into the spell, I tried to lift this book. It was really hard, but I held it back and opened my eyes a little so as not to lose concentration. I open my eyes and see that I have lifted this book, by one edge, and raised it just a little. ‘I was able to do it, but I think I need a lighter object for my training,’ I thought and immediately dropped the book due to small exhaustion.

Suddenly, the voice of Twinkleshine sounded from the side: "Well done, but it's time to get ready for entering school, so more complex spells are needed, and they work a little differently, so I want to teach you how to work with new spells. This will be very valuable knowledge on the entrance exam."

I slowly turn towards Twinkleshine and ask: "Have you been standing here for a long time?"

"Enough to make sure my little sister is the best!" Said Twinkleshine.

Her answer made me embarrassed, but I tried to remove the blush as quickly as possible.

Twinkleshine noticed this, but just smiled and said, “Now you need to take a break, and then we can start our lesson with you,” Twinkleshine said and left the room.

In the park

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While I was standing and processing what my sister told me, Twinkleshine had already left the room, and I ran to catch up with her. Having overtaken her near the stairs, where she stood and waited for me, we went down to the first floor. While we were descending, I asked where we were going.

"To the city park." Twinkleshine replied.

When we got down, Twinkleshine opened the door and went outside, after which I followed her. When we went outside, I was again met by a street filled with many ponies and so I again got as close to Twinkleshine as possible.

She glanced at me with a smile on her face and after closing the door, she walked towards the park, and I tried to stay as close to Twinkleshine as possible.

We walked for a while, in the distance I noticed something like a park and quietly sighed with relief, as I was already getting bored. As we walked the rest of the way, other ponies, about my size or age, began to catch my eye.

On some I noticed various patterns on their sides, and some did not. Casting a glance at my side, I became inexplicably a little sad, and thoughts flashed through my head that it would be great to have some kind of drawing on my side, ‘I wonder what my drawing might be?’ I thought.

“And you will get your cutie mark, don't worry. I got mine when I was about your age,” Twinkleshine said.

Her voice put me out of my thoughts, I looked at her and smiled slightly.

We were already approaching the park when I began to notice other children who were holding in some groups and playing. I felt a desire inside myself, that I also want it that way. But throwing these thoughts aside, I kept my eyes on them for a second, then turned my head towards Twinkleshine and asked, "Why did we come to the park again?"

“Here we can find a secluded place where we don't get in the way and there are no other ponies or our belongings to harm it,” Twinkleshine said.

I remembered my magical explosion and bowed my head a little, but then a hundred sides of Twinkleshine heard the words, “Don't be upset, I know what you are thinking and this is not your fault,” Twinkleshine told me with a smile.

My mood improved a little, I looked up and noticed that we had already gone to that part of the park where there were no other ponies. I looked around and my mind was captured by the local beauty, for a few moments, I could not breathe or even blink, but Twinkleshine brought me out of my trance. We went a little further, to an area where there was no lawn, only, right next to the pond, a piece of dirt.

“You remember what happened when I took my entrance exam, I got a stone I needed to transform into an animal, and I did, and so will you. I can’t tell you what the spell is, but more on how you can prepare for it, how you should focus and how to relax. It’s a bit unconventional compared to your normal spells, by that I mean, it’s a one time spell, but only for some unicorns, but I believe in you.” Twinkleshine said with great joy.

‘I think I’ll have to ask Twinkleshine about this story when I get the chance,’ I thought.

All my attention was focused on Twinkleshine's words and so I kept listening to her. "Each spell can be applied in two ways, one you already know, and the second is with the help of, so to speak, a picture in your head." Twinkleshine continued her story.

Big sister drew my attention to her hoof and began to draw a bizarre sign, symbol or something similar on the ground. When she finished, it continued: “This is the method you will have to use for the exam, so listen carefully, let's start simple. This is so let's say the sign of the spell * first light *. To make a spell out of this, you need... "

I closed my eyes, as Twinkleshine told me, and focused on my mana streams.
Having memorized the symbol, I follow the instructions of Twinkleshine, began, with the help of my aura, to build flows of energy in the form of the symbol that Twinkleshine drew on the ground.

When I finished this and gave Twinkleshine a slight nod to let her know that I was finished, she gave me the following instructions. After finishing drawing this symbol, I subconsciously felt that I was doing everything right, after which I focused on this and sent the resulting image into my horn, like a stream of ether.

I heard: "Slowly open your eyes, take your time." I slowly opened my eyes and tried not to lose concentration. Turning my head slightly, I looked at the lake and at my aura in the reflection. The fact that it didn’t hypnotize me made me happy and gave me strength.

Having regained my concentration, I continued. From the outside, there were many different questions from Twinkleshine, about my name, what year I was born, or what is my sister's name. At first it was difficult for me to answer this, but with each attempt it came out better and better, but at some point, I felt as if I had run out of strength, and I interrupted the spell, realizing that I had already used up all my magic strength.

I looked with concern at Twinkleshine, who, looking at me approvingly, and letting me know that everything was in order, replied: "This way wastes a lot of your energy, but that's why we practice it."

“Let's take a short break and go for some ice cream, for example?” asked Twinkleshine.

"Sure!" I exclaimed joyfully, instantly forgetting about all the fatigue.

“Then come with me, little Twinky,” Twinkleshine said and headed towards the ice cream shop.

As we walked, I got a little bored with simple walking and the thirst for the game won me over. I jumped, hid in all possible places and played catch-up with myself. Twinkleshine did not stop me, but only giggled softly and watched me, until at one moment I stood rooted to the spot.

“B… Bees…” I muttered with panic in my head as a large bee flew past my face.

Twinkleshine caught up with me a couple of moments later and when she came up to me, she said, "Just don't bother them and then they won't bother you."

I instinctively stood next to my sister to feel safe and we continued on our way.

After eating, we decided to return to the place where we practiced magic. We were walking there, but then a crowd of foals ran past me, who seemed to be playing a ball. I didn’t understand what came over me, but it seems I was no longer in control and threw a plaintive glance at Twinkleshine, who immediately replied, “Run along Twinky.”

My happiness knew no bounds and I rushed headlong to catch up with the other foals, but after that I heard: "Don't run far! Have fun!" Twinkleshine called and as I was carried away, I saw Twinkleshine waving.

The foals did not even ask my name, they immediately accepted me into their game. Running out into a clearing, we stopped, there were 5 foals, and each of us looked unique, but we were all somewhat alike.

We sat in a circle and tossed the ball to each other, grabbing and throwing it with our hoof, but deep down I wondered how easily I did it.

When we got bored of the ball, we played hide and seek, but no matter what I did, I was always found one of the first. But in one of the rounds of the game, I climbed into the bushes, but when they found me, I couldn’t get out.

‘I’m stuck,’ I thought.

But then I feel like someone is pulling me, and when I was finally released, I looked back to see my savior and saw a colt, dark brown in color, who immediately asked: "Are you all right?"

“Yes,” I replied.

"What is your name?" Asked the colt curiously.

“I… my name is Tw” my voice became quieter and shy.

“Twinky! It's time for us to go!" The voice of Twinkleshine was heard.

“My name is Midnight Twinkle and I think I need to go, I'm sorry,” I answered timidly, turned around and ran towards my sister, leaving the colt a little bewildered.

Running up to her, I immediately asked, “Well? Are we going to continue practicing magic?"

"Well... You've been gone for a while, and I think it's getting late and we need to go home." Twinkleshine said.“But don’t worry, we will definitely practice some more.”

I accepted her words and we went towards the house. I felt a little sad, as I wanted to continue the lesson, but I got too carried away with children's games. “But that was so much fun,” I thought.

We walked and walked along a little empty streets, I'm tired of games, kept close to Twinkleshine, but sometimes lagged behind her, so she sometimes slowed down, allowing me to catch up with her.

I didn’t follow the road, as if I was in the clouds, and at some point I heard the voice of Twinkleshine, "Be caref..."

But it was too late and I accidentally ran into a recently watered, wet bush, and then fell to the ground under it. I missed the turn.

I felt an aura that enveloped me and pulled me out of the bushes.

“You sleep on the move, sleepyhead,” Twinkleshine said with a smile.

I wanted to argue, but instead just yawned, which elicited a quiet chuckle from my sister.

We reached the house, and when Twinkleshine opened the door, I tried to enter the house, but was immediately caught in an aura of a familiar color.

"After a mud bath, you need to wash yourself first before walking on a clean floor," Twinkleshine said.

My sister took me to the bathroom, then turned on the water in the bathroom and left there.

I was very sleepy, I only felt my heavy body, I just wanted to sleep, but the feeling of water cheered me up a bit, and with slow movements I began to cleanse myself of dirt.

At this moment, Twinkleshine comes into the bath with towels.

I looked at her with a tired look and quietly said, "Sis, can you help me?"

She looked at me with a look in which there was a sea of ​​warmth and said with a smile, "Of course."

When we finished, Twinkleshine took the towels she left by the bathroom and dried me off. After I was clean, unexpectedly for me, Twinkleshine enveloped me in her aura and laid me on her back. I felt warm and safe.

Twinkleshine walked into my room while I tried to stay awake right on her back.

When we entered the room, Twinkleshine lowered me onto my bed and then said, "Wait here." Then she got up and left the room.

A few minutes later, she returned with some clothes in her aura, after which she said, “I remember that you asked for pajamas for a long time, and now, while you were walking today, I remembered this and went into the store and I I could not resist and bought you one, I hope you are not angry. Do you want to try it on before bed?" My pony sister said and unfolded the pajamas.

I was already half asleep nodded, after which the pajamas were completely dressed on me. These pajamas completely covered the hooves, were white with polka dots, the color of which was similar to the color of my coat. It felt soft and comfortable, so I immediately lay down on the bed, on my stomach, but I heard, "Before going to bed, you need to comb your mane."

Then I felt like Twinkleshine, after a few moments, started doing it.

I fell asleep as the combing of my mane, soft pajamas, a cozy bed and the warmth from the Twinkleshine soothed and terrified me.

But, after all today, after what I experienced and remembered, in an almost sleepy state, my brain concluded, 'I want to live the moments of life given to me, for my own pleasure, for myself, like Midnight Twinkle.'

My eyelids became insanely heavy, I felt a kiss on the forehead, after which they covered me with a blanket and I finally fell asleep.


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I hear a familiar voice and feel something gently poking me in the side.

"Wake up, wake up! It's time to get up."

Twinkleshine persistently wakes me up. “Just a minute, I want to sleep,” I muttered half asleep and wrapped myself in the blanket even more. But suddenly, the feeling of a blanket disappears and it interrupted my sweet dream.

I opened my eyes little by little and saw Twinkleshine holding a blanket in her aura. She put the blanket next to me and said, "Take off your pajamas and come down, breakfast is ready."

I said I would come shortly and big sis left the room, I looked around myself, remembering the events of the previous day. Pleasant sensations and emotions filled me, and after a few moments of flashback, I began to take off my pajamas.

I have experienced some problems with this since I had no experience with this, but I got it right, then got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

After all the morning rituals, I left the bathroom and headed for the stairs to go down to the kitchen. As I walked down the stairs, my nose caught a familiar smell, but I couldn’t figure out what it was, and so I hurried to the kitchen with curiosity to find out what smelled like that.

Going into the kitchen, I closed my eyes and sniffed at the smell, gladly letting the smell of my nose and letting my flavors enjoy. ‘I can smell and taste much better than in the human body,’ I said again in my head.

“Someone seems to like it,” I heard Twinkleshine's giggling voice.

I opened my eyes and nodded approvingly. Then I climbed into my place at the table and examined the plates of food, I saw bagels familiar to me from the human world. I looked at my portion with anticipation, as I remember how delicious it was and assumed that it would be many times better now.

“Sis, what are you waiting for? You can start your meal," Twinkleshine said, walked over to her seat and sat down at the table.

They were bagels with some nut. I tried this with a light bite, it tasted like sesame and overall the bagels tasted much better than in the human world. After finishing, I thanked Twinkleshine for the delicious meal, she was still eating because she was stretching the pleasure and didn’t eat everything as quickly as I did.

I glanced at her for a second, because I ate everything too quickly, I wanted more. As soon as I turned away and jumped off my seat, I heard a voice behind me, "If you come back to the table, I'll share with you."

I did not hesitate, as if a bullet flew into its place at the table and was looking forward to my additional portion. In turn, Twinkleshine wrapped it in her magical aura and put it on my plate.

This time we finished eating at the same time, because I tried to stretch this bagel for as long as possible. Jumping down from my seat again, I went to my room, but I heard a voice with a stern note, “You haven't forgotten anything?”

I turned and looked at my older sister with a little concern. She glanced at the plate from which I was eating.

I took her hint, she clearly wanted me to clean up after me. Approaching the plate, I enveloped it in my magic and carried the plate to the sink. ‘My magic has gotten better, but it’s still difficult,’ I thought.

After cleaning up after myself, I again went to my room, but again I did not succeed.

“I want to tell you that today we need to go to Ponyville." Twinkleshine said.

I was a little confused, but quickly recovered and immediately said, “But why do we need go to Ponyville? "

“Well ... your birthday is coming up and you need to look pretty,” Twinkleshine said and winked at me.

While my brain was processing what she said, I stood with a stupid expression on my face, but as soon as all the details gathered in my head, I realized that she meant some kind of clothes.

"Wake up, sleepyhead! You seem to be asleep, ”Twinkleshine said, trying to contain her laughter.

I blushed slightly, but tried to hide it. From the older sister's side, only a smile followed when she noticed this.

“I think it's time for us to go to the station in order to buy tickets. Therefore, if you are not busy, then we leave right now. "

After a few minutes of thought, I replied, "Of course, let’s go."

We went to the exit from the house, and then went down the street. This time our destination was the train station.

On the way, as always, I kept close to my older sister, but this time a little more freely, I also noticed that the sun was already approaching early noon.

When we arrived at the station, I saw many ponies of various ages, some with bags, some without. Some ponies greet or see someone off. But we passed everyone and headed to the checkout.

We stood in line, for me the time passed very slowly and I got bored, but since there were a lot of strangers at the station, I really didn't want to leave my older sister, so I had to endure my boredom.

In the end we got to the checkout, there weren't many ponies in the queue, but for me the time passed unimaginably long.

After Twinkleshine bought the tickets, she told me that we need to wait about half an hour. We went to a place to sit down to wait for the train and along the way we bought ice cream to have a snack.

‘I wonder what the train will look like?’ I mused.

"What are you thinking about?" Twinkleshine asked me

At this time we were already sitting on the bench and waiting for the train, ‘I’m thinking a little,’ I thought.

“Well ... Nothing, I just sit and think about nothing,” I replied.

Twinkleshine seemed to accept my answer, but it seemed to me that she was unhappy with my answer and that made me a little uncomfortable too.

The rest of the time we sat in silence, but when the sound of an approaching train was heard, it also appeared in the field of view. Twinkleshine perked up a little, asked me to get ready. We got up and walked to the platform, and many other ponies also approached us, who were also preparing for landing.

The train itself is a pink locomotive with bogies of different colors: brown, pink and purple.

We entered the pink carriage and headed for the empty seats. There were plenty of places inside, some of the seats had beautiful and unusual green partitions, and the windows had curtains drawn on the floor.

We found a comfortable place for us, after which we sat down comfortably and waited for the train to start moving.

"How long are we going to go?" I asked Twinkleshine.

“I think for about 20 minutes,” my older sister told me.

When the train started, I looked out the window and was carried away by the scenery outside the window. We descended the mountain and the further we drove away from the city, the more it fascinated me. Now, from afar, this place on the mountain really looked like a capital, large and majestic. Now I really realized how big this city was.

Gradually we moved away and the train descended more and more from the mountain, and now many trees surround me and it seems that all these trees were filled with apples. Various houses and buildings rushed past me, and in the end we reached the station.

When we went outside, my impressions were confirmed. Ponyville looked like a big village or a small town.

Twinkleshine went somewhere, asking me to follow her. After a while, we passed a large bizarre tree, from which windows protruded everywhere and there were a couple of balconies and at the very base there was a red door.

"What is that?" I asked my older sister, pointing to the bizarre tree.

“This is the Golden Oak Library,” Twinkleshine told me.

Then we passed a small fountain. I also noticed that there are very few ponies here that walk in clothes, and if they do, then this is different from what I saw in Canterlot.

Then we passed by a very beautiful three-storey house, decorated with many bushes and flowers. As we passed this, Twinkleshine said, “This is, if I’m not mistaken, the town hall,” and pointed her hoof in the direction of this building.

Then there was an amazing house, which seemed to say that this place was like a heaven for sweets. The building was like a cookie, and the roof was like a cake.

“This is Sugarcube Corner,” my older sister pointed and told me.

After that, we passed some places, one of which was a toy store, and I seem to stop, gazing at the window, with various toys, but I felt Twinkleshine pushing me to keep up. Therefore, with a little sadness, I stopped looking at the storefront and went further after Twinkleshine.

Then there were several other houses, similar to residential ones, after which a very beautiful and large building appeared before my eyes.

Blue walls, with various white patterns and a purple stripe at the base. Beautiful, striped columns, a roof of different shades of pink, with yellow accents and various other patterns, and on top of the roof, there were several pony figures, like a carousel.

“And this is where we were going. Carousel Boutique. My friend Lyra recommended me, said that there are good dresses at good prices,” said Twinkleshine with a big smile full of happiness.

We went closer to the boutique, and opening the door, went inside, after which there was the sound of a bell, signaling that we had entered.

“Welcome to my first class boutique! I'm Rarity, how may I be able to assist? "

After greeting Rarity, Twinkleshine replied, pointing at me, "The young lady has a birthday soon."

My older sister's words embarrassed me, and I blushed again, and Twinkleshine just giggled at that moment, but then continued.

“I was told that your dresses are of very good quality, will you help us?”

"It will be my pleasure." Rarity replied.

At that moment, I was already hiding behind Twinkleshine's leg, as soon as Rarity got a closer look at me she said, “Come along darling, lets get your measurements taken, to make a dress just for you.”

At the request of Twinkleshine, I nevertheless went out and went to the place indicated by Rarity, after which the measuring tape flew non-stop around me, measuring everything possible and even tickling me sometimes, which sometimes caused me to tremble slightly and giggled.

After finishing the measurements, I was finally free and went down to the floor, after which I was told that my sister and Rarity had something to discuss and so I could wander around the boutique for a while.

I went to the hall where there were many different dresses, I looked through one after another, until I was interrupted by an unexpected, seemingly childish voice, “Hi! I’m Sweetie Belle. What's your name? ”

I was surprised, such an unexpected appearance of the pony, she seemed even smaller than me, but not much, she looked like Rarity, they had similar features, such as their snow-white coat and also unusual hairstyles.

“Hi, I… I’m Midnight Twinkle.” I answered the greeting.

It seems we were both bored, and after I answered her, she smiled. Sweetie Belle wanted to tell me something, but my sister Twinkleshine's voice interrupted her.

“Twinky! It's time for us to leave."

“I have go now, my big sister is calling,” I said.

"I also have an older sister too, this is Rarity! " Sweetie Belle told me.

“And my big sister name is Twinkleshine,” I said.

“They really look alike,” I thought, and after that I waved my hoof goodbye and ran after Twinkleshine.

Leaving the boutique, Twinkleshine stopped, then turned her head to me and said that we would go in for a dress tomorrow, and now we can go to her friend Lyra to spend the night.

Fortunately, we did not have to go far and we quickly found a place where we could spend the night, after which we headed to a restaurant where we could eat, as the time was already approaching evening.

Going to the restaurant, Twinkleshine made an order for herself, after which I told the waiter what I wanted, and when I said that I was finished, Twinkleshine added a dish to the waiter's order.

I tried to find it in the menu, and after I found it, I read the composition of this. It was some kind of salad with different ingredients, some were not familiar to me, but also some vegetables were attached to this dish. But my attention was drawn to broccoli, and even as soon as I saw it, I remembered how tasteless it was.

The waiter who finished the order took the menu and left, and I looked at Twinkleshine and immediately objected.

“But I don't want broccoli! I do not like them! I do not want to eat this.” I said in a slightly offended tone.

"Then you won't eat at all and when we return to the room where we will sleep, you will get a timeout." Twinkleshine told me in a stern voice


“No buts,” Twinkleshine said in a stern voice again.

“In addition to sweets, you need to eat right, and this food includes vegetables, including these broccoli, so you first eat all the good things and only then start sweets,” added Twinkleshine.


At that moment, Twinkleshine gave me a look that showed that no objection was accepted. Therefore, I had to agree with her and I hung my head, sat and waited for my order, feeling a slight resentment for the fact that I was forced to eat broccoli.

After a while, food was brought to us. As my sister told me, I first proceeded to the salad and vegetables, after removing the broccoli. When I finished, I pulled up the milkshake I ordered, but didn't get it because Twinkleshine intercepted it and pointed to the half-eaten vegetables.

“Eat your broccoli first,” Twinkleshine told me in a stern voice, adding her own look.

Lowering my ears, I pulled up the bowl of vegetables and continued to eat, since there was no use in resisting.

After each broccoli, I felt a little unwell for a second, but I swallowed quickly to get rid of this feeling faster.

"Was it as bad as you thought?" Twinkleshine asked me when I was done with all the vegetables, but I just mumbled back in a disgruntled way, "I don't like broccoli."

While I was sitting with an offended look, the same milkshake that was taken from me appeared in my face. “Here you go,” Twinkleshine told me.

While I was drinking my drink Twinkleshine said, “I’m sorry, I’m trying to take care of you, as our parents did.” Her ears dropped and a tear escaped her, “And love you like they did.”

What Twinkleshine just told me touched me so much that I couldn’t squeeze out a single word, but I couldn’t just leave it as it was, so I got out of my seat, sat down next to my big sister and hugged her as hard as I could.

She seemed to be a little surprised, because she probably did not notice how I approached, but she quickly accepted my hug, and it seems she felt a little better.

I didn’t move away from Twinkleshine, so I sat closer to her and snuggled up to her, then pulled my drink and continued my meal.

After finishing the meal, my mood improved and my sister and I went to a place where we can spend the night.

"What ... what about the dress we went for today?" I asked with great awkwardness in my voice.

"We'll pick it up tomorrow when it's ready, don't worry." Twinkleshine answered me.

We walked the rest of the way in silence, fortunately not for long. We came to the house of a friend of my big sister. It was a unicorn pony, with a light green coat and a mint-colored mane and Twinkleshine said, this pony's name was Lyra.

She offered us dinner, but we politely refused because we had already eaten, so I went to get ready for bed, while Twinkleshine stayed to chat with her friend.

As Twinkleshine came up she said, “Sorry I was hard on you today, but remember it's necessary,”

“I understand,” I replied with a bowed head.

After that, I felt like my older sister hugged me and I hugged her back.

After a few moments, the already joyful voice of Twinkleshine exclaimed, "Now it's time to sleep, otherwise the tickling monster will take you!"

Going home

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When I woke up, I slowly stretched and opened my eyes. Looking around, I noticed that I was alone in the room, and I also remembered that I was now visiting a friend of my older sister, Lyra. After getting out of bed, I went to the kitchen, as I felt that I was hungry.

When I entered the kitchen, I noticed two ponies sitting at the table. One of them is Twinkleshine and the other is Lyra. They sat and chatted about something, but as soon as I entered the kitchen, they noticed me too, and then at the same time said, "Good morning."

After this little incident, they looked at each other and giggled and again together said, “Do not repeat after me!”, After which their laughter continued.

Twinkleshine continued, “So we were waiting for you to wake up, have breakfast and then we'll go."

After a delicious breakfast, which this time was prepared by Lyra. My older sister and I went outside, but I noticed that Lyra also went with us.

I took a questioning glance at Twinkleshine, and she seemed to immediately understand my question and said, “Lyra offered to walk with us. I hoped it was okay? " Twinkleshine asked me.

"It’s okay." I answered, after which we went down the street, towards the Carousel boutique.

I was bored the whole way, I couldn't keep myself busy, Twinkleshine and Lyra talked all the time, laughed, and generally had a good time.

We walked into a boutique owned by Rarity, after which we met her. Rarity asked me to go with her. I followed her and went up to the stage while Lyra and my older sister went outside so as not to interfere with the continued work for Rarity.

Rarity brought out a mock-up dress from a room that looked like her workshop. It was a dark purple dress with a similar cloak, and there were also small star-like patterns around the edges. The dress was also decorated with a light blue turtleneck and side pieces of fabric that looked like small airplane wings, but there were 3 on each side. A small moon-shaped medallion was attached under the collar. The dress was also decorated with many small details, different colors, but all in the theme of the night sky, stars and space.

From the outside, it looked great, but before I could blink, the dress immediately appeared on me.

I turned a little and looked in the mirror that Rarity had given me with her magic.

In the mirror, I saw a little pony that looked great in her outfit and seemed to glow with how much she liked it. I admired a little, but as soon as my brain remembered that this pony was me, my blush immediately covered my entire face.

It seemed that there was nowhere else to be embarrassed, but at that moment Sweetie Belle entered the boutique, when she saw me, she seemed surprised, but immediately said, “Wow! You look very beautiful, this dress suits you."

At that moment, I became even redder, but replied, "Thank you."

“Don't be embarrassed, dear, you are truly gorgeous! Just admire yourself." Rarity, who was watching me all this time, said.

When I shook off my blush and the dress was taken off, My older sister and her friend walked into the boutique, and Rarity called them.

While the older ponies were talking, Sweetie Belle came up to me and said, “I guess I forgot to say hello.”

“Hello Twinky, oh… I mean Midnight Twinkle. I accidentally called you that." Sweetie Belle said.

"It's okay, no need to apologize, that's what my older sister calls me." I answered, with a small smile on my face

“You can call me that,” I immediately added, after which a smile appeared on her face.

"Would you like to go for a walk and play with me?" Sweetie Belle asked me.

"Twinky, it's time for us to go!" said Twinkleshine. She had already finished the conversation and was heading towards me.

I turned towards Sweetie again, and told her, “Wait a second,” and then ran to meet my older sister.

Running up to her, I almost crashed into her legs, but managed to stop, and then quickly said, “Can I go play with Sweetie Belle?” I was bored in the morning, and now I really wanted to play.

Twinkleshine hesitated for a second, then glanced at Lyra, who nodded faintly.

‘It seems they had some plans related to me,’ I thought.

At that moment, Rarity intervened in the conversation, who seems to have heard what we were talking about. “I think it's a good idea if the girls spend time together. Moreover, the dress is not ready yet, I need to make some changes. While I am working, the girls could have fun together and you and your friend could also have more communication with each other.”

After that, Rarity's arguments persuaded Twinkleshine, after which she looked at me and said, “Sure, you can go play with your friend.”

A little bit of joy, I turned around to deliver the news to Sweetie, but she had already heard everything, and enthusiastically said, “Follow me!”

I ran after her, and in the trail I heard the voice of Twinkleshine, "Come back here when you're done!"

When Sweetie Belle and I ran out of the boutique, she suggested to give me a little city tour since this is my first time here.

We passed various buildings and structures and Sweetie named each one. I already knew some of them from my older sister's story yesterday. Firstly we came to Townhall, then a statue of somepony names, Chancellor Puddinghead, then we passed the Spa. They even had a Jokes and Party Supply Store. Further along we came across a bookstore and a Hay Burgers restaurant.

More distance passed before we came across a retirement home, but in the distance was the most unusual building in this town, it was a tree with a door, balcony and windows.

Sweetie told me various stories related to what we passed and when she stopped talking, I pointed with my hoof at the odd looking tree, "What’s that?."

“That’s the Golden Oak Library! Let’s take a look!" Sweetie Belle said, but without waiting for me to answer, she ran at full speed towards that building. I had to run to keep up with her, but in the end I overtook her.

Approaching the library, we went to the door and pushed it, but the door did not open. We tried again, but harder, whereupon Sweetie said, “It seems to be closed here, let's look in the window.”

Sweetie went to the window and asked, "Can you pick me up?"

I went up to her to help her, but suddenly I had an idea. “Can't you just move away from the window for a better view?”

Sweetie Belle thought about my proposal, then agreed and said, "Let's try."

We moved a little away from the window and saw that there was no one in the library, after which I said, "The library is definitely closed."

“I agree,” added Sweetie Belle.

“There are some cool books inside that I really like, I would like to show them to you, but I will definitely show you next time!” Sweetie said.

We continued our excursion and going a little further, I saw the path along which we came to the city, this path led to the train station.

Next, we passed Flowers and Snacks, and then Sugarcube Corner, where according to Sweetie Belle, the most delicious pastries in all of Equestria.

Then, we noticed Southern Windmill, and as we walked and admired the surroundings of such a simple town as Ponyville, compared to Canterlot, my thoughts were interrupted by Sweetie Belle.

“Look, this is my school! I study here, and the best teacher in the world, miss Cheerilee, is also teaching here!” Sweetie said enthusiastically, pointing to a small red building with various patterns on the façade, a beautiful triangular roof and a small turret on top where a small bell hung.

“There is a playground behind the school, let's go there,” Sweetie Belle suggested to me.

I nodded slightly and we headed towards school.

The backyard had a swing, a sandpit, and forgotten toys.

“It's so weird when no one is here,” Sweetie said.

"They're probably all in the park!" I suggested.

We swung on the swing, but we quickly got bored and so we decided to go to the park.

Crossing the bridge again, I walked towards the boutique, as I knew that the park was behind this building, but Sweetie Belle called me and said, “Stop! I know a shortcut, follow me." Then she turned off the path and ran through the trees.

I had no choice, so I followed her. I didn’t like the idea of ​​turning off the path, but soon we reached the park, where we saw many other foals playing ball, catching up, hide and seek, jumping rope and so on.

We played every possible game with other foals, we had a great time and were playing hide and seek now.

We have designated a certain area where you can hide. They found me very quickly, as my fur color stood out very much against the background of green bushes, leaves and other colored objects in the park. Regardless, we continued to play and we all had fun.

After finishing the game of hide and seek, we met up with Sweetie Belle and decided it was time to go to Rarity's boutique because our bellies were signaling to us that it was time for lunch.

Since the boutique was not far away, we got there very quickly.

Approaching the boutique, we saw Lyra, Twinkleshine and Rarity standing at the entrance and talking about something. They also noticed us, but continued their conversation.

Approaching them, Twinkleshine told me that everything was done and we could go.

I opened my mouth to say that I really want to eat, but my hungry stomach said everything for me.

“I think someone is hungry,” my older sister said with a cheerful smile.

At that moment, I remembered about the city tour with Sweetie Belle, “Can we go to Sugarcube Corner? Sweetie Belle told me that the cakes were delicious.”

Twinkleshine thought for a moment and said, "Of course."

I was delighted and already began to imagine what could be so delicious there, but suddenly I heard, “But only if you promise to eat everything that I’ll cook for you at dinner.”

Without hesitation, I immediately say “Yes, I promise!"

Twinkleshine, pleased with my answer, said, "It’s a deal."

I had already turned to follow my older sister when I remembered something and asked her to wait. I ran over to Sweetie Belle and said goodbye to her and Rarity. After Twinkleshine had done the same, she took some kind of box into her aura and we hit the road.

Lyra also walked with us, but when we had passed half the way, we stopped and said goodbye to her, as Lyra had to go about her business.

“Well, tell me, how was your time with Sweetie Belle,” Twinkleshine asked me.

I told her about today's excursion and about our games in the park.

"By the way, I never saw you in your outfit, will you show it to me when we get home?" Twinkleshine asked and slightly shook the box I had already forgotten about.

“Yes, I'll show you,” I said and dreamed as I thought about what was inside and what I looked like in this dress. And since it was not completed, I tried to imagine what else could be completed there.

"You’re daydreaming, I'm happy you really like your outfit." Giggling and looking at me with a smile, Twinkleshine said.

We went to Sugarcube Corner and went inside. Inside there were many different display cases, with all kinds of delicacies.

My sister chose a piece of chocolate cake with pink icing and two cherries on top. I also needed to make a choice, but I could not decide, so I decided to take the same as Twinkleshine.

Twinkleshine took this order with her and said, "We're in a hurry for the train, so we'll eat inside the train."

We went to the station. We were already getting there, when my stomach rumbled again and I looked at Twinkleshine, who understood me without words. "Wait a few more minutes, we'll get on the train and then we'll eat."

We got off the train at Canterlot station and headed towards the house. When we got out of the station I thought, ‘I’ll have to buy this again since it tasted great.’

We came home and Twinkleshine asked me to show her what the purchased outfit looks like on me. We went into the living room, unpacked the box and Twinkleshine helped me put on the dress.

"Wow! How cool and adorable my little sister looks like a princess!” Twinkleshine spoke with delight.

Her praise made me very pleased and at the same time embarrassed me. “Stop it, you're embarrassing me,” I said as Twinkleshine talked about how great I look.

Twinkleshine laughed and said, "I won't stop, this is my job." Then she smiled broadly again and giggled.

After a small fashion show for my sister, I went to my room and while I had free time, I decided to devote it to the magic of levitation.

During my little break, Twinkleshine came into my room with some kind of bag, then sat down next to me on the bed and said. "I will distract you from your work, I have a couple of small lessons for you."

Twinkleshine emptied a bunch of coins from the bag and said, "Wrap this coin with your aura, feel it."

I did as she said, and then I told her, "I don't know how to describe it, but this coin is nice to the touch or something."

“Remember this feeling, this is how real beats feel. Some ponies can use fake ones, so this skill might help you. Unfortunately I don't have a fake coin to show you, but just remember how the real one feels.”

"Okay, I'll try to remember." I said and nodded in agreement.

“Now for the fun part of our little exercise,” Twinkleshine said.

“Take a coin and levitate it in a circle,” my older sister said.

I did what she asked and heard, "Now, without stopping to rotate, take the second one and rotate it the same way."

It was more difficult, but I still got it right.

"Now rotate one coin clockwise and one counterclockwise."

I tried it and almost lost my concentration, but I still did it.

“Well, if you as can handle 2 coins at the same time, then you can take the third coin, as I promised you last time,” said Twinkleshine.

“Now take the third coin and do first one turn clockwise, then one turn counterclockwise, and so on.”

With this task I did not cope, my concentration was disrupted and the magic dissipated.

“Very good for the first time, you are great. I will leave you these 3 coins so that you can continue to train like this, as soon as you can handle it, I will complicate the task.”

I took a short break and wanted to read a book about local constellations, but the desire to study magic took over me and I began to practice the exercise that Twinkleshine gave me.

After a while, Twinkleshine came into my room.

“I’m visiting Moondancer, Lemon Hearts and Minuette. You can come with me? Or do you want to stay at home and practice?"

"No! I will not be left alone!” I said suddenly, sharply and loudly. For some reason, now I really didn't want to be alone.

My plush, in the magical aura of my older sister, suddenly appeared in front of me and I instinctively hugged him. "Can I take it with me?" I quietly asked Twinkleshine.

"Of course, now let's have some fun."

New old friend

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"Can we go to the library so I can return the book I borrowed last time?" I asked Twinkleshine when we got home from Moondancer, Lemon Hearts and Minuette after spending the night.

"Sorry, but I can't go with you, I have some chores, but I think you can go to the library yourself, you can handle it?" Twinkleshine asked me.

‘I don’t want to go alone, but sooner or later I’ll have to do it. So I’d better do it sooner rather than later,’ I thought and replied,“ Yes, I can handle it. ”

My answer wasn’t as confident as I wanted, but Twinkleshine seemed to take it.

Twinkleshine and I went into our house, after which my older sister gave me my plush, which she carried as we walked home. I took this and went to the second floor of the house to put the plush on my bed.

I went into my room and approached the bed, then climbed onto it and carefully laid the plush on the pillow, and then covered it with a blanket.

I jumped off the bed to the floor, then held my gaze at the place where my plush friend was lying, after which I grinned contentedly and turned away.

I went to my bookshelf, after which I found the very book of magic that I had borrowed from the library.

With the help of my magic, I pushed this book out of the shelf a little. ‘I’m still thinking hard.’

Then, with the help of my hooves, I took out this book and then put it in my saddle bag, which was lying nearby.

I found my library card, then I put on this bag, went down the stairs and saw Twinkleshine sitting in the kitchen and writing something.

“I’m going,” I said, not quite confidently.

“Don't worry, it’ll be okay,” my older sister encouraged me, after which I opened the door and went outside.

I felt some uncertainty about what I was doing, but I thought, ‘It’s better to do it now than never.’ Then I took the first step out into the street, but without Twinkleshine which I could hide behind.

It was morning now, so there weren't as many ponies outside as there were at lunchtime. Although the crowd was really small, it still didn't make me happy and made me nervous

“I guess Twinkleshine trusts me a lot if she lets me walk the streets of such a big city compared to Horseshoe Bay.” I thought.

I stepped onto the cobbled path of the street and headed towards the library.

I walked back to the huge Canterlot library building, but I still felt hesitant about doing this for the first time in such a large city. According to my recollections, in Horseshoe Bay I walked a lot alone and could just as easily go to the local library, but doing this in Canterlot I felt insecure and even perhaps a little fearful.

Having crossed the threshold of the library entrance, I immediately noticed the counter where the librarian was sitting, and then immediately went there.

As I got closer, the librarian pony noticed me, after which she said, "So what does the young lady want in our library?"

“I want to return the book I borrowed from you recently,” I replied, then opened my bag and showed the book.

The pony-librarian had already left her seat and came up to me, after which she took the book and came back. She put this book on a pile of other books, and then said, "Please give me your library card."

I just wanted to give her my library card, but changed my mind. I closed my eyes, imagined the immediate environment around me and wrapped my aura around the library card that was in my bag, after which I magically pulled it out of the bag, opened my eyes and, holding my concentration, handed the library card to the pony-librarian.

After I received praise for my magical abilities, I saw her writing something on my library card.

When she returned it to me, I examined the library card and noticed that now there was a mark that I returned the book and did it on time.

"Would you like to pick a new book for yourself?" I heard an unexpected question from the librarian.

‘This idea isn’t so bad, especially since I don’t remember having urgent things to do, and I don’t remember my older sister telling me that she has something to do for me.’ I thought.

I nodded in agreement, and then went into the depths of the library, examining the various shelves with a wide variety of books.

After some time, while I was walking around the library, my gaze fell on the section of books related to the world around us. Coming closer to these shelves, I began to examine the books that were there.

I saw a book called *Starry Sky and You*.

“It’s probably going to be a good book to read, especially since I have a telescope in my house.” I thought.

I took out this book, it was smaller and lighter than the magic book I returned. I opened the book and saw a lot of images and text for these pictures.

"That's what you need," I thought, and put the book into my saddlebag.

I went to the librarian again, after which I went up to her, opened the saddlebag to show which book I had taken and handed her my library card.

After the pony librarian made a note on my library card, I took it along with the book and hurried home so as not to delay. I didn't want Twinkleshine to worry about me.

Leaving the library, I immediately saw the route along which I came and set off in the same direction, but in the opposite direction, towards the house.

There were a lot of ponies in this one near the library, which made it seem a bit noisy here. Moving a little away from the crowd, I heard a sound similar to my name. Turning around, I saw no one and immediately continued on my way back home.

‘Probably this sound seemed to me,’ I thought as I walked some distance from the library and round the corner.

I go to the door of my house and open the door.

After I entered the house, I immediately heard the sounds of the approaching footsteps of Twinkleshine, who had come out into the corridor to meet me.

"How did your trip go?" she asked.

“Well… I handed over the book on time and got a new one,” I replied.

“Well done, will you show me the book?” Twinkleshine told me.

As I took off my saddle bag and left it at the entrance, I took the book out of my bag and showed it to Twinkleshine. She received the book from my hooves with her magic and began to examine.

While she was doing this, I asked, "You said that you had something to do today, but would you have time to look at the stars with me and this book?" I shyly asked Twinkleshine.

She hovered the book aside, looked at me and said, "I really don't have much to do, so I'd love to spend some time with you before bed."

“Wow great. Thank you,” I said in joy, then took the book and went to my room.

I threw the book on my bed and then climbed onto it myself. Conveniently placing the book, I took out the plush and put it next to me, after which I hugged the plush and started reading.

I read about what constellations exist and what history of origin these constellations have. It was surprising that most of the constellations were similar to humans, but their origin story was completely different, so reading this book aroused great interest in me.

While reading, I heard sounds from the first floor, as if someone was talking, but I did not pay attention to it. But after a while I heard steps on the stairs, and then a knock on the door, I distracted from reading and said, "Come in."

The door opened slightly and Twinkleshine's head appeared from there.

“I have a surprise for you,” the older sister said.

"What is it?" I asked, after which I stood on all 4 hooves on the bed.

The door opens even more and Twinkleshine enters the room, then looks towards the door and says, “Come in, this is her room. Make yourself at home dear. "

At this moment, a blue-white earth filly with a blue-blue mane and tail enters the room, which was clearly larger than me, but smaller than Twinkleshine. She also had a headband in her hair.

She entered the room and looked at me with a mischievous look

This pony seemed very familiar, it took me a few seconds before the memories surfaced in my head and I remembered who it was.

“Sta…” I began to say, but did not have time, because she seemed to jump with hugs at me.

“As you may have guessed that Starry Swirl came to visit us, I think I'll leave you two alone, have fun,” Twinkleshine said and left the room.

This pony was Starry Swirl, she was 2 years older than me, we were friends and were best friends in Horseshoe Bay all our childhood, despite the age difference

"I missed you Twinky so much!" during a tight hug Starry said.

“Me… Me too,” I said as Starry let me breathe.

"But how did you get here?" I asked Starry after she stopped hugging.

“My father needed to go to Canterlot for a few days. I originally wanted to stay in Horseshoe Bay with my mom, but when I found out you were in Canterlot, I immediately asked for this trip. ”

“You left quickly and I didn't even say goodbye,” Starry added to her story.

“Well… Forgive me,” I said in a guilty voice, after which my ears fell a little due to a slight feeling of guilt.

"Let's not talk about bad things, what were you doing here?" Starry asks me.

“I have been to the local library several times and by the way was there today,” I began to tell, but she interrupted me.

"Yes I know."

"But from where?" I asked in surprise.

“I saw and called you, but you didn't seem to hear,” Starry said with a smile.

I wanted to apologize, but Starry didn't let me do it, she enthusiastically continued asking me what I was doing in Canterlot.

I continued with the story, “I went to the spa with Twinkleshine,” I blushed a little with embarrassment as I talked about that day.

We sat in positions that were more comfortable for us before I continued the story.

“We also had a trip to the park where I walked. Twinkleshine also gave me magic lessons in this park, but mostly I spent time at home. We watched the night sky with Twinkleshine and just recently I received an invitation letter to ... ”I also said.

“Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns,” Starry finished for me.

“Not really, that's just what invites me to try this school,” I corrected her.

“Wow, that's pretty cool anyway. It seems your dream is coming true, ”Starry said and winked at me.

“I remember you constantly telling me how you want to get there and study with your sister,” Starry added.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Well ... when you left it wasn’t as fun as it was with you, I continued to walk, but without you it wasn’t so much fun, so I spent a little more time at home than usual. But you seem to like it here and that's why I'm happy and glad for you" Starry told me.

“By the way, do you miss the water? After all, we constantly played in the water, and you really loved to spend your free time in the water. "

I lowered my gaze, I felt a little sad from this reminder. “Actually I forgot about it already, I think I need to ask Twinkleshine if Canterlot has a pool.”

“Hm… we could go there together,” Starry said encouragingly.

"Great idea!" I said.

Starry cheered up, immediately jumped up and said “Then what are we waiting for sleepyhead! Let's go find Twinkleshine and find out!"


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'Haha, although I foresaw a lot of possible situations when I told Twinkleshine about the pool, there was no way I could have expected my big sis and I to take the train to Horseshoe bay after Starry's father suggested we stay with them for a night or two,' I thought as I laid out my things in Starry's room and explored where I would sleep for the next one or two nights.

'Hey Twinky, what are you standing around dreaming about? Let's go to bed soon, we've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow!" said Starry.

"Oh right, you're right," I said and lay down in my sleeping bag, Starry turned off the light and we fell asleep.

Starry suggested I sleep in the same bed with her as there's plenty of room and it's cosier than a sleeping bag, but I politely declined as it seemed a bit odd to me.

"Hey, are you kidding me?" said Starry.

"How much longer can you sleep? I wanted to wake you up earlier, but your sister wouldn't let me." she said as well.

Starry tried to push me out of my sleeping bag. "Get up," she said as well.

"Wait, wait, I'm getting up," I said.

"You left me no choice," Starry said playfully.

"If you woke me up, tell me what time it is," I asked.

"It's almost noon! We're going to miss the whole day like this!" exclaimed Starry.

"Hehe, I'm sorry," I said guiltily.

"No time to apologise, it's time to eat," said Starry, pushing me out of the room.

We got to the kitchen and Twinkleshine and Starry's father Hopelight were already there.

When we got there they were talking about something, but when they saw us they interrupted their conversation and then took turns saying, "Good morning," from Hopelight, and "Morning little sis," from Twinkleshine.

I found my portion of food and proceeded to eat. At this time Father Starry said to us, "I have work for the day, so unfortunately I will have to miss today with you all. I have already made arrangements with Twinkleshine, she will be with you two."

Twinkleshine nodded in confirmation of his words, whereupon Hopelight left.

"Hey, how much time can be lost to eat?" asked Starry annoyedly.

I wanted to reply that I was just getting started, but Twinkleshine intervened quicker than I did.

"Starry, I realise you're getting impatient, but it's not polite to her, let Twinkie eat in peace."

"Sorry Twinkleshine, I got carried away. And sorry Twinky." said Starry guiltily.

"It's all right," we replied together.

We walked a bit away from Horseshoe bay, towards Baltimare and found a great beach there that connected with The Celestial Sea. We had just arrived and laid out our things, but Starry was the fastest of us and so was already ready to go swimming.

"Twinky! Hurry up! Over here!" she called out.

I looked at Twinkleshine, waiting for permission, and got a nod from her as my permission to swim.

I headed off towards Starry and heard an admonition from Twinkleshine, "Be careful and don't swim too far, I'll join you soon."

"Okay," I replied and as I caught up with Starry I relayed the words from Twinkleshine to her.

"Now run for the water!" shouted Starry cheerfully and rushed into the sea.

I followed her, but as soon as I touched the water, I stood in a stupor.

I thought, 'Wait, I'm an excellent swimmer, and I even won swimming competitions at my school, but that was all while I was human, but... now... for now... the situation is, um... a bit different, and I'm a pony now, and... hehe, I have no idea how a pony swims.'

'I need to think of something urgently, otherwise I might be suspicious, for according to those around me, not only can Twinky swim, but it's also her favourite thing to do,' I pondered.

'Hey! Did you fall asleep there? Hurry up," Starry rushed me.

An ingenious plan matured in my mind and I set about executing it.

'Starry, come here, I have something to tell you,' I said.

'I hope this works,' I thought.

As soon as Starry came up to me she asked, "What?"

"Get down," I said.

Starry looked at me in surprise, "Why?" she asked.

"I warned you," I said and splashed her with seawater from head to toe.

Starry shrieked in surprise and ran backwards, away into the water, then swam.

I watched her carefully, and after she had done what I needed her to do, I followed her deeper into the water.

As soon as my hooves were barely touching the bottom, I said very quietly, so that no one but me could hear, "Well, there's the most important part left - repeating all the moves after Starry."

Taking a step forward, I clumsily tried to paddle, but the more effort I made, the faster I sank into the water.

Starry, who swam up beside me said, "What are you doing? Just relax," after which she held me back a little with her hoof.

I did as she said, and surprisingly it worked. You just had to repeat the movements, but be as relaxed as possible.

We continued our aquatic activities, but at one point, Twinkleshine told us it was time to get out.

'When I was human, I loved swimming, but in the last few years of my life, I stopped loving it for some reason, I don't know why,' I pondered.

Now, being a pony, I still didn't like it. I was having fun with Starry and Twinkleshine, but I still didn't like swimming in the sea, so as soon as big sis called, I was the first one out of the sea and headed for our things, followed by Starry and then Twinkleshine came ashore.

We dried off, tidied up, packed up our things and headed for Starry's house, Horseshoe bay. We needed to get back there before dinner, as Starry's father had asked us to be there before then so he would not be disturbed.

We got home and Hopelight was already there and he was starting to cook dinner. Twinkleshine volunteered to help him and Starry and I were sent to entertain ourselves and wait for dinner.

We went to her room, her room was the furthest one in the house. As we walked, Starry pointed to her parents' room and asked, "Remember when we rattled that room when we were left alone at home and we decided to play catch-up hide-and-seek."

"Um... Yeah, right, I remember!" I said not quite sure, I had to lie to her not to look suspicious.

When we entered her room she went to her wardrobe and opened it, then pulled out a dress that was decorated as if it were an extension of Starry herself.

"Remember when we picked this out together?" she asked.

"Of course," I said immediately.

"We had fun then," Starry said.

"Yeah," I confirmed.

Next Starry went to the other nightstand, opened it and took out a scrapbook from there.

We looked at the pictures for a long time, laughing a lot and a lot embarrassed by some of the pictures and memories. But after a while, we heard Twinkleshine calling out to us.

Starry put the album away and we went into the kitchen, but near the door to Starry's room, she stopped and asked me, "remember when you gave this album to me? It's my favourite present."

"Yeah, it's my favourite present too," I told.

Next we came to the kitchen and proceeded to eat.

"Hopelight, you really are a good cook," I remarked.

"Thanks but I had help," he said and nodded towards Twinkleshine.

"I only helped, you did all the work," Twinkleshine excused herself.

I didn't listen to their exchange of thanks any further, I was engrossed in my food as I had hardly eaten all day.

After dinner, we cleared the table and went back to Starry's room, but before we left, I asked Twinkleshine, "Can we go to the bookshop tomorrow, before we leave, I want to choose some books."

"Of course," she replied.

When we got to the bedroom Starry climbed in and sat on her bed, then said, "Come here, we need to talk."

I didn't hesitate to go to her, expecting that another conversation was about to take place and I could get even more information about myself and my memories.

"Remember I asked you some questions after the pool?" queried Starry.

"Yes, of course," I replied, but for some reason a bad feeling ran down my spine.

“You've been acting weird the last few days, like you've been studying my appearance, but we've seen each other most of your life, it's very strange and suspicious,” Starry said.

My bad feeling escalated to the max.

“You or should I say Twinky never gets out of the water first, she always sits until last and needs to be pulled out of the water all the time. Twinky clearly knows how to swim, and does it better than anypony I know, but you were terrible at it today,” She continued.

“Also, I did a little checking today, you remember my questions today, don't you? Did you answer all of them honestly?” Starry asked.

I tensed up.

“Yep,” I said tensely.

“Then… First of all, you didn't give me the album, we made it together,” Starry begins to tell.

"Secondly, with the dress it's the opposite situation, we didn't choose it together, it was your present, for my last birthday, and you couldn't have forgotten it," Starry continued.

"Thirdly, we never rattled my parents' room in this house, because I moved here a few days ago, which means you lied to me today," Starry said.

Cold sweat began to break out on my forehead.

"And even turning a blind eye to all that suspicious stuff today, Twinky is my best friend, we grew up together and she has NEVER lied to me,” She rebuked.

“Do you still think you're being honest with me?” Starry asked.

I only opened my mouth to try to answer, but she wouldn't let me and asked, “Who are you? And what happened with Midnight Twinkle?” ...


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"I... Well... I lost my memory!" I almost exclaimed.
"Yes! Yes! Right, I... um... recently banged my head and lost my memory" I said and tried to hide my excitement behind a huge smile.

Starry looked at me sceptically, "so you lost your memory?" asked Starry.

I nodded my head.

"Well... then why do you look like you're about to explode?" asked Starry sternly.

"I... Um..." I started to say.

"No, no, don't even try! You're not fooling me, I definitely don't believe you!" affirmatively said Starry.

A complete silence hang between us, the situation was getting more and more heated. Starry looked more and more annoyed while I desperately tried to get out of the situation.

"Come on! Talk!" demanded Starry.

The door swung open and Twinkleshine appeared from there, "how are you both doing?" she asked.

"All fine" said Starry, in a sweet and friendly voice, I was amazed at how quickly she changed her mood.

"Are you sure? Twinky doesn't look like everything is fine" said Twinkleshine.

"It’s… Um… a new game" replied Starry immediately.

"Really? And what is this game?" inquired Twinkleshine.

"It really is a long time to explain, but we're really doing well" said Starry.

"It's true, isn't it?" Starry, casting a cold look at me, a look that luckily only I noticed.

"Y...Yes...Of course it's okay" I replied and smiled to make my answer look convincing.

"Okay," Twinkleshine nodded and replied.

"But I didn't just stop by, I have some not so good news" she said as well.

"And what's that?" I asked immediately.

"Hopelight is waiting for you, Starry, he urgently needs to go to another town and he wants to take you with him besides, Twinky and I need to get home as well."

"Oh that's sad" replied Starry lowering her head and I did the same.

"Don't feel badly, you'll definitely meet up and play together again" Twinkleshine say trying to cheer us up.

"We need to hurry up, so I'll expect you both downstairs in a couple of minutes" said Twinkleshine, then closed the door and left the room.

"Well, you're incredibly lucky" said Starry angrily and irritably.

I was surprised again at this fleeting change in her mood, one second she was talking nicely to Twinkleshine and one second later she was back to her last mood.

"I..." I tried to squeeze something out of myself again.

But Starry sighed heavily and interrupted me, "I don't know who you are or why you're doing this, but..."

Starry went to one of her shelves and pulled out another album and took out a picture of something, and then she came over to me.

She came up to me and gave me the picture and then said: "Look at it and think it over carefully."

"In the meantime I'm going to go and tell Twinkleshine and my father all about it" turning and straining towards the door Starry said.

"Stop!" Burst out from me.

Starry took a few steps and stopped and turned around to look at me curiously, "Why shouldn't I go and tell everypony the truth?" queried Starry.

"I'll fix it, just give me time! Please!" I pleaded to Starry.

She pondered something for a few seconds, then sighed heavily and said, "I'm offering you a deal, never leave Twinkleshine and the next time we meet, I will meet the real Twinky or I’ll get all the answers I want to know, and in return, your secret remains with me. Agreed?"

I didn't really have much of a choice, so I had to agree.

I wanted to say something, but Starry said in a sad voice "Don't say anything, just come on, we have to go," Starry looked devastated and I understood, I had taken Twinky’s body, and maybe Twinky was gone.

When we left the house Hopelight and Starry had to go one way and us the other, so while Twinkleshine and Hopelight were saying goodbye, Starry came up to me and said, “For now no one will know what's going on, but if the next time we meet you don't give me an answer then things will change, I hope you remembered what I told you' and then with a stone face walked along with Hopelight, clearly hiding her emotions”.

'I've just been saved by incredible good fortune' I thought, and I seemed to want to rejoice, which I felt as if a huge stone lay on my soul.

All the way, Twinkleshine and I walked in silence, and when we got on the train, we sat in our seats and Twinkleshine asked me the question, 'How did it go? Did you enjoy it?"

"I did," I replied without emotion.

"When I went up to Starry's room I thought I heard screaming, are you sure you was all right?” asked Twinkleshine.

'You imagined it, I'm fine,' I answered immediately.

Twinkleshine pulled me to her and said, "You don't have to tell me the truth, I understand because we are sisters, we have a special bond and I subconsciously know that something is wrong with you and lately I have been noticing more and more that you are behaving differently. Of course we all have to have our secrets, but you don't fool me and your ears are very clear that there is something wrong with you, but that's not the main thing. The important thing is that you never deceive yourself, don't lie to yourself and then it will be easier for you to communicate with others and build your life and you won't have so many secrets that you want to leave undisclosed, hence it will be much easier for you in your conscience".

We spent the rest of the journey home in silence.

We got home, ate dinner and took turns taking a bath, Twinkleshine first, then me. As it was getting close to night time, after a short reading of some magic books, I got ready to go to bed.

After putting all the things in their places, I put out the light in the room and climbed onto the bed, climbed under the covers and tried to sleep, but I couldn't do it, in my mind countless times today was going through my mind and just as countless times the words that Twinkleshine had told me on the train came to my mind.

'Twinkleshine's right, though,' I thought.

'I don't need to lie to myself, I don't need to pretend to be someone else so that those around me think everything is fine...' I continued to ponder.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door, “come in,” I answered.

Twinkleshine opened the door and walked over to my bed without turning on the light.

"It seems you've had a not good day today, I can see you're feeling a bit down, but I understand and I won't ask you about it," Twinkleshine said, “But if you want to talk about something, no matter what, remember that I am always there for you, for I am your big sister and will always be happy to help you, whatever happens" Twinkleshine went on to say.

"I understand, thank you big sis" I said then Twinkleshine used magic to adjust my blanket and after hugging me tightly she left the room without a word.

After that moment, after all my days in this world, after seeing the look in Starry's eyes when she didn't get an answer to her question about real Midnight Twinkle, when she realized I wasn't the pony, not the pony she cared about, after seeing that Twinkleshine is a wonderful pony and an incredibly kind and good sister, I made an extremely important conclusion to myself, 'I don't want to take this body, this life, this destiny from a pony named Midnight Twinkle she deserves this life, because it is her life, She built it and I don't have the right to take it away, even though I actually enjoyed life in this world, in this family, I pledge myself that I will definitely enroll in the school for gifted unicorns, I will definitely read every book that exists about magic, I will definitely find a way home and I will definitely find a way to make Midnight Twinkle return to this world, to her rightful place, I will definitely do my best and do my best to achieve my goal'.

And before I fell asleep I involuntarily whispered, 'Midnight Twinkle, I will surely bring you back, and in the meantime, I will do my best to make you happy when you return'.