Hayseed: The Origin of the Dark Mage Knight Alucard

by Alicornian

First published

The story behind my OC Alucard and her hate for one Abraham Van Hayseed.

Alucard is a Vampony that is only two hundred years younger than Celestia herself and when she finds books written by the famous Abraham Van Hayseed, a famed Vampony Slayer, the Mage Knight goes on a rampage. Just what is Alucard's history and just what is her connection to three famous Ponies in Equestria, Van Hayseed, Dracula, and Queen Faust herself?!


Marked for Romance for later chapters, Tragedy for death of one of my OCs, Dark for murder, Slice of Life for character story telling of their life, Alternate Universe for it being a highly alteration of history, and finally human for use of humanized ponies. Story is told in episodes and from multiple viewpoints, mostly that of Alucard later. Please enjoy this bit of Character History.

Rated Mature for later chapters containing Gore.


Now with cover art from [url=http://insanityrainbow.deviantart.com

Episode 1: In ill demand

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Episode 1: In ill demand

Everyone in Equestria knew of the famed Vampony slaying series written by an old Earth Pony Stallion by the name of Prof. Abraham Van Hayseed known only as Hunting Daylight. Though it was an ancient series it was still popular… and greatly heated by one castle resident. “They should be banded!” A voice yelled behind large golden doors inside the Royal Library. The sound of multiple books being thrown as well could be heard. This voice was owned by Princess Luna’s personal Mage Knight, Alucard.

“Calm down Alucard, it’s just a series of books.” said another voice in the large library. The other voice belonged to the adopted Prince Alicornian or Alex by those who knew him personally. Alucard turned on her hooved holding a book in her blood red magic and sneered. “They are a series of confessed murders, grave tampering, and hundreds upon thousands of lies!” The last word was emphasized with the ripping of one book in half and being tossed in to directions, the back landing before Alex who bent down and picked up the book with his armored hand.

It was true that both Alucard and Alex were very special Equestrians as they were the only known ones currently to stand on two hooves and have hands, or talons in Alucard’s case. Alex was an Alicorn that was once a fabled human who came to Equestria via wish. Unlike Luna and his mother, Celestia, Alex did not have a long unicorn horn, no he had more of a blade for a horn and his magic was confined to the simple of combat, protection, and healing. And he constantly had to wear his grieves on his back hooves, as they were the only things keeping him from falling over and his gauntlets where designed to hide his hands as armored hooves when he decided to walk on all fours and like Alucard he was no taller than Pinkie Pie when standing fully upright on two legs making them both shorted than Celestia yet about as tall as Luna from the top of her head, not including her regal horn or crown.

Alucard however was at first glance a Unicorn yet when her dragon-like bat wings came out it was a different story. Some believed her to be an Alicorn of some form as well yet she was not. While Alex’s coat was silver Alucard’s was a dark smoky gray. While Alex’s mane and fetlocks where royal blue, nearly sapphire, Alucard’s was black with a stripe of red in a style similar to Twilight Sparkle’s. Aside from these small difference both had two similarities. Both were bipedal, meaning they could walk on two legs over four yet their magical armor compensated for this allowing them to go on all-fours and look like any normal pony and both where Mage Knights. Unlike the guard which consisted of a rounded group of specialist for different tasks: Earth Ponies for guards or better yet infantry, Pegasus for air combat or traveled guard, and Unicorn for medical and anti-magic combat, the Mage Knights could do it all. Yet there was always one large difference between the two. Alex was a pony while Alucard… Alucard was a Vampony.

Alex shook his head as he looked at the painted picture of the books famed Author. Abraham Van Hayseed, dark brown Earth Pony with long black hair always wore a Stetson hat tilted over his face only showing one bright blue eye. He was also wearing a trench coat of the same color as his hat, Regal White. ”You must truly despise this Stallion. Why?” Alucard tossed yet another book, this one going out the window and hitting a poor Solar Guard on the head. “That is none of your concern Alex!” Alex stepped forward and grabbed Alucard’s arm before another of the Hunting Moon Books went flying. “I’m making it my concern. This Hayseed has you quite upset and I deserve to know why. We are both Mage Knights, representatives to the rulers of Equestria and your behavior is no more than that of an upset Foal.” Alex soon let her arm go and gently took the book from her placing it to the side. “I am your friend Alucard, please, talk to me.” Alucard then looked at Alex, and fell into his chest crying her eyes out.


Opening Theme: Dancing in the Velvet Moon (From Rosario + Vampire)

Disclaimer: I do not own the Music used for the Opening and Ending for each chapter of this small origin series they are owned by Nana Mizuki. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Miss Faust, along with her character the Mother Mare, Only characters I do own are as follows and will be expanded by Episode: Alucard the Dark Mage Knight, Prince Alicornian (Alex) the Mage Knight, Lady Dracula, and Abraham Van Hayseed. Please Enjoy. –Bows.-


Both Alex and Alucard stood before the two rulers of Equestria, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. Along with them here the Elements of Harmony: Applejack, the Element of Honesty; Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness; Pinkie Pie, the Element of Laughter; Rarity, the Element of Generosity; Rainbow Dash, the Element of Loyalty, and finally Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic. Beside them were also a very irritated Librarian and the Solar Guard that was hit with the book Alucard tossed out the window. “This is inexcusable your majesties!” The Librarian complained pacing. Both Alucard and Alex where in Pony form for the time being. “Nearly every book written by the famed Prof. Abraham Van Hayseed is damaged, some far beyond normal repair, and worse.” Holding up two halves of a book, one Alex had looked at earlier.

“She destroyed a Van Hayseed Original: Hunting Dawn, the series that started Hunting Daylight, which is nearly impossible to replace, let alone repair by magical means!” The Solar Guard soon stepped forward. “Forgive your Majesties but what the poor mare says is true. I was even struck by one of the books from the said series.” He handed over the book he was hit with to the librarian who took it as if it was made of glass. “Volume 3, oh dear me, Princess Luna I know the Dark Mage Knight is your personal guard but this is far beyond rational behavior. I ask she be forced for all damages to the books in the library as well as given proper punishment for such unruly behavior!” Luna and Celestia looked to each other and then to Alucard. “Alucard,” Luna spoke gently, “Why have you done this?”

Alucard looked down then at the book outraged. “These books are nothing more than written confessions by a murderous stallion that is constantly praised for his vial and unholy deeds.” This shocks everyone but Alex in the room as he heard this before. “Are you certain Alucard?” Celestia asked gently. “Surely these are just the works of fiction by an aged old Stallion.” Alucard scoffed at this. “As certain as moonlight, my Princesses, If you'll excuse me.” She then turned to the librarian angrily. “As for those… books,” She said in disgust. “I would rather see them used as kindling than ever pay for the works of a murderer.” At this she bowed to everyone and trotted out with the door slamming behind her. “Oh… my… ugh…” At this the librarian fainted into the Solar guard.


Alex and the girls walked up to Alucard who was on a balcony overlooking Canterlot and right at the setting sun. “I knew I’d find you here.” Alex said walking upright to lean against the railing next to Alucard, his silver and gold armor reflecting the light of the sun onto Alucard’s black and silver armor. “You know, Aunty Luna is pretty worried about you.” Alucard just sighed as she leaned onto her forearms. “I’ll apologize to her later tonight.” Twilight was next to come up to her. “What’s so wrong with Van Hayseed’s books Alucard?” Alucard sighed and nearly cried again. “Because it’s all lies Twilight, lies upon lies to cover up for his sick sense of fun and justice.” The girls and Alex surrounded her and gave her a much needed hug. “Alucard dear, If you want to talk about it, we’re all more than willing to listen. Maybe… maybe you can set the record straight on all of this.” Rarity said gently. Alucard sighed again looking out to the sunset. “I want to girls, I really do but… it’s personal. I’m sorry but I can’t talk about it right now, it’s… a painful subject to bring up.” Applejack placed a hoof on her shoulder. “We all understand sugar cube, but if you want to talk about it, we’re all ears.” Alucard turned to her and gave her a tender smile as they all left to give her time to heal.


Alex turned to the girls and guided them all to his personal chamber to talk. It wasn’t very large but it was home. A simple Pegasus feather bed and pillow laid in the middle of the room as a small table and set of cushions were set next to a window for tea, or better yet apple cider, behind the bed was a bookshelf with many Wonderbolt items along with a small collection of Daring Doo and basic spell books. To the last of the room was the bathroom and dressing room. Lastly was a set of shelves next to a photo from some time back. After removing his helmet and letting her long sapphire mane down he put up the helmet and soon looked to the picture. It was taken right after the attack by the fake Nightmare Moon: Chrysalis the Changeling. Alex was standing back to back with Alucard with the girls surrounding the front of them and Celestia and Luna behind them respectfully. All were smiling and amazingly happy. Next to this photo was a rare picture, though it was hoof-drawn instead of taken by photo.

It was Alex in the sixty second Royal Mode, which could only be activated by the Elements themselves when used on him. It was a onetime deal though and was only used once against Chrysalis and left him in a magic induced coma for a week. It was powerful yes, but far too much for one Knight, let alone anyone but the Elements to handle. Sighing he lifted the last picture, he and Alucard next to each other, helmets off and laughing at something behind the photo. It was taken only a week ago, when Prince Blueblood found out that Twilight was now a Princess by marriage. Word had it he was still in a shock induced coma. “Girls I’m sorry but, I’m worried about Alucard.” Alex said putting the photo down. “I say, I’ve never seen a pony so down, it’s quite dreadful.” Rarity said worried as well.

“I’m sure she’s has her reasons for this.” Fluttershy said shyly. “After throwing a fit like that Fluttershy, I don’t think so.” Rainbow said fluttering above Twilight. “Besides I don’t even know anything about those books but if she said that about Daring Doo…” Twilight gave her a stern look and Rainbow landed with her ears flat. “I think we all need to know something about those books.” Applejack said looking to the group. All of them nodded in agreement. “Twilight, have you read the series?” Alex asked her. Twilight nodded. “I have actually, and I’m sorry to say but… I’m with Alucard.” Everyone looked at her shock.

“What? The books are terrible.” She said definitively. “Okay, well mind filling us in, details only.” Alex gently ordered. “More we know the more we can help Alucard.” Everyone nodded at this. “Okay, well the entire series comes from the gothic age, around the four five hundred. Anyway it’s about Van Hayseed himself. You see the books say he’s been hunting Vamponies for years, the most famous is the Vampony Dracula.” Alex held his chin at this. “Why does that name ring a bell?” Rarity gasped. “Dracula is the famed Vampire who destroyed an entire country in one night by drinking the blood of a princess that ruled it!” Everyone gasped at this. “Yet this doesn’t explain why it upsets Alucard so much.” Alex said reflexively. “Well I think I know why.” Twilight said stepping between all of us. “In one book, Dracula had a lover. That lover was an Earth Pony who was a servant to one of the most famous Pony in history. Queen Faust!”


Alucard was now in her chambers. The room was designed and decorated in the late Gothic Style with four poster bed, vanity, and even full body mirror in solid silver. Alucard was currently running a hand over a picture inside her room, one of two. The first being that of Queen Faust with her two children, a filly Princess Celestia and a newly born foal Luna, who was being the Regal Mother smiling at both. The other picture, one that was newly painted to replace one she lost many eons ago. It was of an armored white unicorn mare with long pure black mane and fetlocks. She also had the most charming looking purple eyes. Her cutie mark was shown all over her armor, a bat winged heart. Below was a single plate that read,

Lady Night-heart Dracula
1800 Faust- 200 Celestia

Below this was a second plate, one made by magic and many tears. It simply read, “My Beloved.”


Ending: Cosmic Love (Rosario + Vampire)


To be continued

Episode 2: All hail the Queen

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Episode 2: All hail the Queen

“Queen Faust is mentioned in the series?!” Rarity nearly screamed. “Twilight that makes no sense what so ever. That would mean Lady Faust, The Mother Mare, the very first Alicorn, and mother to both my mother and aunt, had involvement with Dracula himself?!” Alex asked Twilight enraged. “Yes, I know it sounds crazy but it’s true. According to Volume 2 of Hunting Dawn Dracula’s lover was and I quote, “A mare that was quite close to the Queen herself along with her personal Knight.” Unquote.” Rainbow then landed and asked the most important question of them all. “Then why is Alucard so upset about these books?” Everyone thought on it before looking to each other in shock.

Opening Theme: Dancing in the Velvet Moon (From Rosario + Vampire)
Disclaimer: I do not own the Music used for the Opening and Ending for each chapter of this small origin series they are owned by Nana Mizuki. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Miss Faust, along with her character the Mother Mare, Only characters I do own are as follows and will be expanded by Episode: Alucard the Dark Mage Knight, Prince Alicornian (Alex) the Mage Knight, Lady Dracula, and Abraham Van Hayseed. However I do not own the following: Queen Faust. Please Enjoy. –Bows.-


Alucard laid on her bed, her armor put up for the night, looking at the pictures of the Royal Family and Dracula herself. “To call you a he… is quite a level of disrespect.” Alucard sighed as she turned back the clock in her mind remembering that last one to disrespect the Royal Guard. The Stallion was merely a rookie during that time yet he clearly had a large mouth. The foul language that would come out of that one’s mouth at that time. He deserved the buck to his mouth from her beloved.


A big bold ruff looking white and black Stallion with an eye patch walked around the training yard spouting off yet again. “The battle field is no place for a Mare wench, nay, they deserve time in the kitchens, the wash, and even better the nightly quarters… oomph!” The Stallion fell at the hard buck from the Queen’s personal knight, the Celestial Guard, who wore armor of gold, silver, black trimmings. This Guard was none other than Lady Dracula herself. “Spout off again you cur and it be the hayfields for you! We are the Queen’s personal guard and to speak such a way shows ill favor to not just the ponies of our lands but to the Queen herself!” Dracula said looking down at the stallion. “Aye that may be true but who’s to say you don’t fancy the staff yourself?” The Stallion said standing back up. “Word around the yard you got a fancy for the squires, especially yours.” Dracula fumed at this and snorted. “My personal life be no concern of yours Captain. Now onto your duties before I bust your jaw harder than that of the enemy’s maces.”

The Stallion only smiled. “A nerve I see, must be a fine thing though being your also the Queen’s personal. Must be good to have such a…” Crack. Dracula’s Squire flinched at the sound of breaking bones, and hacked up broken and bloodied teeth. “Enough out of you! Someone go toss this cur in the fields and let the Queen know we have a need for a new plow!” Dracula ordered as she turned on her hooves with the Squire in tow. “Why did you do that my lady? They just be mere words.” The Squire said looking to her lady. “Know this my dear squire. There are many battles in this land for now both on and off the battlefields. Knowing the difference between the two can help aid or hinder one’s side. Words are weapons as well, know how to use them and they will be a weapon far more powerful than thy sword, magic, or wings.” Dracula than stopped and looked fondly to her squire. “And I dare not allow such cur to speak of my beloved squire.” The Squire smiled at this before leaning forward to gain a kiss from Dracula. “My lady.”

-End Flashback-

Alucard sighed remembering the kiss for her days as squire. She missed it, and she missed her beloved Dracula. Her Lady, her knight, her lover. Turning to her side she closed her four poster bed to get some much needed rest and to relieve herself of some fond nightly memories.


“There is no deigning it. She has to have been Dracula’s lover, she had to be the squire!” Twilight argued with the group. “Yet for that to be true she has to have been older or younger that mother herself. “ Alex argued back. “You have mentioned numerous times she is quite old fashioned dear.” Rarity added. “Well so is Applejack’s farm but that doesn’t mean they have a connection to the royal family as well.” Rainbow argued. “Hey now, no need to get into a tussle. And Rainbow you forget it was Granny Smith and her kin that started Ponyville with Celestia’s permission.” Applejack added in her defense, as well as Alucard’s. ”What if she’s like Princess Luna? Locked on the moon for a really, really, really, really, really, reeeeeeeaaaaaalllllly long time?” Pinkie Pie said bouncing in place.

“Pinkie may have a point Alex.” Twilight added in, “She did show up alongside Nightmare Moon.” Alex sighed at this. “The fake Nightmare Moon remember? For all we know she could be an adult from someplace we haven’t seen nor heard from in years let alone generations. For her to be that old she’d have to be an Alicorn, and I remember no record of an Alicorn with dragon like bat wings in our time.” Twilight sighed at this. “Okay, you have a point there but that’s only because most of the books we have only go so far back. We only know of the Mother Mare, Queen Faust, by knowing about Princess Celestia and she’s only mention in the history books so many times.”

Alex stepped forward at this. “Exactly my point. How are we sure the Queen is even connected to Alucard let alone that my possible Grandmother is even still alive? Only time she’s ever even fully talked about are in those books by Van Hayseed right?” Twilight nodded at this. “Well, um, why don’t we ask the princesses about her, if that’s okay I mean.” Fluttershy finally added in. Everyone blinked at her. “Why didn’t we think of that?” Rainbow said out loud.


Celestia was about to step down for the night and allow her sister to take her place on the night court till one of the guards and a mail pony came running into the audience chamber. “What is wrong my little ponies?” Celestia asked concerned. “Princess, this mare has come from the east with a message assigned to you. It holds a seal we are not familiar with and we worry it may be from another kingdom. The mare would not hand over the letter stating it was to go to you and you alone.” The guard reported. Celestia nodded at this and looked to the messenger mare. The mare looked familiar as she was tall, lean, all the way brown, and had a winged scroll on her flank. “I am Princess Celestia my little pony, you have a royal letter for me?”

The mare nodded and opened her mail bag with a single scroll sealed in wax with a black, gold, and silver sun and moon placed together. Celestia gasped as she quickly took the letter gently breaking the wax seal to keep it intact and read its contents quickly. “Guard go get the captain! Tell him to meet with me immediately.” The Guard saluted and ran off to inform the captain. “What is your name?” Celestia asked as she read the scroll once again. “Swift Wing ma’am, one of the fastest Pegasus in our lands.” The mare answered. “You truly deserve your reputation. When were you tasked for this letter?” Celestia asked worry on her face. “About three weeks ago Princess. I would have been here sooner if I did not run into a storm on the way here.” The mare reported. “You summoned me Princess?” Shining Armor said having returned last week from his honeymoon with his wife Princess Candence.

“Yes, gather your guards and post them all over the castle. Do not allow anyone other than your sister, her friends, and your own family through.” Shining blinked at this. “Why so many guards Princess? Are we to come under attack?” Celestia shook her head no. “Something more serious Shining. Luna and I’s mother is returning home!”


Alucard woke up sweating once again from a nightmare. A nightmare she wished she did not need to remember nor ever have again but, it had returned. That evil, vial, long hated nightmare was still there, haunting her, harming her, and possibly, slowly killing her. Sitting back up on her bed she cried, cried at the memory she so greatly wished she could forget.


“Night-heart! Stay with me, please don’t leave me!” the young mare begged as she tried her best to stop the bleeding the gold incrusted arrow and made in her loves heart. A sadistic Stallion in a Regal white laughed as he loaded yet another arrow into his cross bow. “Fire Light…” Dracula said weakly. “Don’t worry my dear, she’s going to where her kind deserve, just as you will be soon. Tartarus has plenty of room for pale excuse for ponies, the land must be purified of your kind along with all the others who violate this land.” The Stallion said smiling insanely. “What have we ever done to you, or any of the others you defiled?” Fire Light asked looking to him. “Why that is simple my dear, you and her were born. As were the others. Those Pegasus and unicorns are just as worse as you. Stains in the great design. A disease that needs to be wiped out never to come forth again.”

Fire Light laid her love down and looked to the Stallion, the one who had hunted them for years and caused so much hate. The one who made them look like monsters, villains, murderers, when all they wanted was to live in peace. They were so close to Queen Faust’s castle and its walls someone had to have spotted them and heard this vial man. “You are nothing more and a… a… clan hater!” The Stallion shrugged. “So what if I am, there can only be one oddity in this word and that is the Queen for she is a goddess. She is pure and powerful while Pegasus and Unicorns are mere imitations. Yet your clan. You, Vamponies, are far worse. Seeking blood so you can stay young, youth-full, near immortal, and with powers that nearly rival the queen herself.”

Fire Light shook her head. “Lies! Those are lies you have crafted on us!” The stallion lifted his crossbow and aimed it right at her. “And so what if I did. It’s too late now. Say hello to the Gatekeeper for me!” The arrow flew and soon stuck her in the heart.

All had been black before she woke up in the arms of her lover. “Are we dead my love?” she asked. “No my love, I have saved you but at a cost. You must carry on my will my love, and seek justice on the one who has taken so many of our people to Tartarus with him. I haven’t much time my love, drink for this is the last gift I can give you.” Fire Light soon found a bitter yet tangy taste on her lips and tongue along with a rush of power… and lust.

The drink was more than she could bare as she slowly begun sucking allowing the drink to come to her in rivulets, guzzling and drinking to her fullest while enjoying the feel of pure pleasure run through her body, as her one white coat turned to a dark smoky gray and her forehead began to hurt and slowly bleed as a unicorn sized slowly spiraled out and grew, her mane and fetlock which were once pure black gained one blood red streak down the middle, and her flank glowed granting her a Cutie Mark of a bat with a sword and wand placed behind it. As soon the transformation was complete and she could draw no more from the drink she let if fall into her lap, dead. “No, oh my dear Queen, NO!”

-End Flashback-

Alucard cried as she remembered holding her now dead beloved in her hooves, the one who killed her allowed to walk away free and alive while she was left alone, newly imprisoned, and soon to be dead. Yet Queen Faust was fair to all those who came to her and granted her court as she once served her. The Queen was always kind, always just, and always generous. She soon looked up and saw it was now night once again, and she had a Princess to apologize to.


Alex and the girls left the bedroom and found the halls had now become heavily guarded with servants running everywhere. “What the hay is going on?” Rainbow asked taking flight with Fluttershy to stay out of the way of a set of galloping maids. “I’m not sure Dashie but I’m going to find out.” Alex said walking up to a guard. “You there, report. What is going on?” The guard coughed and soon spoke. “We have orders to secure the castle Prince Alex. We to not let anyone but you, Alucard, Twilight Sparkle, and her friends and family through, no one else without proper search.” This caused the small group to gasp. “Are we under attack?!” Alex demanded.

“No sir but our orders came straight from Captain Armor who gained them from your mother my Prince.” The Guard reported. “Then we will seek Captain Armor!” Alex said ready to run off with the girls. “No need your majesty.” A voice called from behind them. The group turned and Twilight lunged at the Stallion who spoke behind them giving him a big hug. “How’s it going Twili?” Shining said returning the hug. “Confusing actually.” Twilight answered till Alex step forward.

“Report Captain, what in mother’s name is going on here?” Shining released his sister and saluted. “Yes sir. As of now the castle is to be complete covered in guards and let no one other than my and Twili’s family and her friends inside. I’m not fully sure what the issue is but I’m not one to just go asking the Princess questions when there is orders to fulfill.” Alex sighed at this and nodded. “Very well Shining, mind leading us to my mother? We’re in need of asking her about somepony.” Shining nodded and led the way to Celestia’s chambers.


Breathing deeply to calm herself, now back in her armor, with sword to her back for the moment, and knocked on the solid cast iron doors. “Enter!” She heard from the other side. Sighing she pushed the doors open and stepped inside. “Alucard! We worried you may have disappeared once again.” Luna said using her wings to leave her bed. “I wish to apologize for my actions earlier Princess. I was… upset. I had no right to destroy those books.” Luna came over to her Mage Knight and dear friend from foal hood to banishment and finally now, and hugged her tightly. “We were only worried for our dearest of friends. One we have grown up with and see as another sister.” Alucard returned the hug and slowly cried. “I… I thank you princess. I… I… thank you.” Luna held her dear friend as she allowed her to cry and release more of her with-held torment.


Fire Light, or Alucard as she now called herself in honor of her late love, entered the Audience Chamber of the current Castle inside the great forest in her current armor, a simple Stallion’s chest plate with grieves. She had no helmet nor gauntlets at this time for she currently did not need them nor could wear them. The Forest’s natural surroundings and wild monsters making it a perfect location for protection. Alucard bowed before her Queen and young Princess Celestia who was soon to take over. She was already two hundred years old yet with Alicorns aging far slower than normal ponies she was still no older that a foal. Alucard however had taken the blood during one battle with a pure black dragon having no choice but to end its life granting her newly formed bat like dragon wings a draconic aging yet with a minor cost that was controllable, greed and vengeance.

The greed was of no worry as most of the items her wanted was easily earned and just about as quickly used. She had already rid of the greed the day her Queen once again gave the kingdom a second foal, one who was currently in the basket beside her queen. It was the vengeance she currently had to deal with. Each time a book came to the kingdom that was written by Abraham Von Hayseed, she had used her newly obtained magic to burn and now was able to take pleasure in ripping the books apart by claw, as long as she could gallop to them since she had also gained the dragon’s ability to walk upright or bipedal.

These were just more side effects of the blood she drank, yet this did not matter now for her Queen had summoned her. “You summoned me?” Queen Faust did smiling down at her. “We have dear Alucard. We have a new duty for you to fulfill along with it a newly made title. Yet first, a gift.” The Queen soon tapped her hoof on throne and signaling a set of Stallion Blacksmiths to walk in with a newly made suit of black and silver armor along with a pure black sword. “For thy courage in battle and valor against a grander foe we present onto you this sword and armor made from the dragon’s own hide and fangs.” Alucard stood and slowly walked over to the armor examining it.

It was in a similar design as her beloved Dracula’s yet instead of her Cutie Mark gracing the armor, it was her own. “I do not know what to say your majesty. Thank you.” She said bowing to her. “We are pleased thou cherishes our gift. We have heard of your glorious battle to save the newly formed town of Manehattan against the dragon. We would not like to retell this tale before our foals.” The Queen said smiling down at her daughters. Alucard remembered the battle well.

She had been assigned to help train the new watch in the growing town when the Black Dragon had swooped over and destroyed a good portion of the town, injuring many innocent by standards and stealing a large amount of food and bits. After hearing from the Watch Trainees that this had been going on for over a year with no peaceful resolve Alucard opted to confront the dragon resulting an epic clash between Vampony and Dragon. At first the fight started with her breaking one of the spines on the back of the Dragon’s neck yet it had only caused the Dragon to become enraged and caused her to become pinned under one of its gigantic claws.

Luckily she had mastered the Unicorn Teleportation spell or she’d have been crushed. Alucard soon had to use most of the Watch’s swords to cut away at the dragons tough scales which protected it’s much softer skin, each swing of her sword causing sparks to fly till one of the scales would fall. Often she’d use the scale as a shield against the black dragon’s acidic or burning breath. Amazingly the dragon was a mixture of red and black dragon with Black Dragon being the dominate gene. Sadly sword do not last long against Dragons and had to once again rely on her Vampony abilities and fangs. Using her slightly enhanced strength she bucked the Dragon in the gut and neck but only gained cracked or broken scales. She then had to use her enhanced agility to dodge a few more bursts of fire yet still gained a good set of burns over her body and sadly has lost a good portion of her fetlocks and mane to the flames.

She then had no other choice but to rely on her quite limited amount of Unicorn Spells which she was still getting used to. A bolt here, a teleportation there, it was not enough but it was wearing the Dragon down and she soon had no choice but to feed and soon. This need had distracted her sadly and allowed the dragon to once again catch her under its massive claws and found a good portion of it was now exposed and quickly bit down causing the Dragon to scream in pain and rage before getting tossed above its head where she teleported and began stomping onto of its great head. Finally with one hard buck to one of its eyes the dragon fell and she was now able to see some of its exposed neck and quickly ran to it using the last of her magic to hold its neck down and demanded it leave.

Sadly it refused and threatened to turn the town and all in it to ash. She had no other choice but to end its life by biting into its exposed skin and ripping off chunk after bloody chunk till she could drink desperately at its blood feeling changes from the feed as well and soon bit into Its spine and with the last of her Vampony enhanced strength ripped a good portion out, killing it. Luckily none of the Watch saw the slaying but knew something had happened when she returned with a pair of bat like dragon wings and her front legs having gained claws.

“Alucard? Alucard are thou well?” Alucard looked to her Queen and flustered at having daydreamed while in court. “Yes, yes, your majesty. I am simply morning a great foe. This armor and sword will honor it’s great strength and power.” The Queen nodded smiling. “That it shall. Dress and we will speak to you of your new duties and title as Dark Mage Knight.”

-End Flashback-

Luna finally let go of her dear friend and sisterly figure. Alucard smiled at her remembering her newly sworn duty as a Dark Mage Knight. She was to protect Luna and the people of Equestria from any evil that may threaten it yet Luna was to be her top priority unless ordered by the Queen herself or her older sister to stand down. Sadly, she did not stand with Celestia during the time of Nightmare Moon as she felt the Princess was in her right yet did not know of her plans for eternal night. She thought of her as her dear Princess Luna and was fulfilling her sacred duty. “You are better now my Mage Knight?” Luna asked kindly. “Yes my Princess. Thank you I feel better now.” Alucard said returning a loving smile. “Good, you can come join us while we great our most wanted and desired guest!” Luna said nearly prancing out the door happily. “Who would that be my Princess?” Alucard asked. “Why our mother of course.” It was at this Alucard passed out.


Ending: Cosmic Love (Rosario + Vampire)


To be continued

Episode 3: Memories and Silence

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Episode 3: Memories and Silence

“Awaken my Mage Knight. You have slept far longer than Us.” A voice beckoned her. It sounded so much like her charge, her friend, her… “Princess!” Alucard stood quickly and looked at her charge, still in the form of Nightmare Moon. “Are you well my Princess?” Nightmare Moon nodded with a frown. “It seems our sister’s use of the Elements have done more than just send us to the moon. Look around you.” Alucard looked around herself and found the castle she and the Princesses had once called own was now destroyed. “What… what has happened here? I did not know the Elements could do this.” Alucard said in shock. “There is more. Our sister’s use of the Elements have caused the two of us to miss a great portion of time.” Nightmare told her from behind.

“How long?” Alucard asked walking around the once grand court chamber. “A thousand years.” Alucard gasped at this. “Yes, it seems our sister did more than send us to the Moon, she had tried to rid of us completely.” Alucard turned to her Princess worried. “Why would she do such a thing? She is your sister for the Queen’s sakes.” Nightmare looked down. “We do know even know if our dear mother is alive at all. It seems our sister had other plans, much dire than I had thought. I’ve already scouted the area and found she now rules ALL of Equestria and has even tried to replace you with a Filly named Twilight Sparkle, a prodigy of Magic and now one of six Element Bearers. I fear I could have been outmatched alone and so I returned to wake you. Only you and I alone can stand against my sister and the Elements. Will you stand by my side once again and help me retake the thrown?”

Alucard looked down thinking and nodded. “I have sworn to serve the Princess of the Moon and keep her safe. I will serve by your side and help grant reason to your sister.” Nightmare Moon smiled as her eyes flash to those of the Changeling Queen and back. “That you shall my Mage Knight. That you shall.”


Opening Theme: Dancing in the Velvet Moon (From Rosario + Vampire)

Disclaimer: I do not own the Music used for the Opening and Ending for each chapter of this small origin series they are owned by Nana Mizuki. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Miss Faust, along with her character the Mother Mare, Only characters I do own are as follows and will be expanded by Episode: Alucard the Dark Mage Knight, Prince Alicornian (Alex) the Mage Knight, Lady Dracula, and Abraham Van Hayseed. I do not own the following: Queen Faust, Nightmare Moon, Chrysalis, the changelings, and finally the Flutter Ponies from MLP G1. Please Enjoy. –Bows.-


Alucard woke to the sound of worried shaking and heavily concerned voice. “Alucard, Alucard our dearest friend please wake. Will we need to request for the local doctor to send over blood to help thy?!” Alucard looked up into the worried eyes of her Princess. She blinked and shook her head to clear it. It was another of her memories, one more recent. “I am fine Princess however did you truly say your mother has returned?” Luna quickly wrapped her hooves around her dearest friend crying. “Yes but our concern now is for thou. You fell from shock and we did not know what to do to help thy.” Alucard changed her front hooves to her gauntleted hands and stroked her dear friend and princess’ mane softly. “It is alright now my Princess, you did well to stay by my side but please should I fall again call one of the guards and also the doctor. I do not wish you to go unprotected again.” Luna smiled and nodded as she nuzzled her dearest and oldest friend.

Alucard held her princess till she was calm as her mind tried to make sense of her unconscious dream. Why did she dream of the old castle? Why did she dream of the false Nightmare Moon? And why did she follow her? They were questions that still laid heavily on her mind. “What concerns thy?” Luna asked breaking her train of thought. “Memories Princess. Memories and old wounds.” Alucard answered allowing Luna to stand as well as herself in pony form. “We see, if thou wishes to speak of them…” Alucard raised her hands. “I rather not my Princess but, I thank you for the generous offer.” Luna looked at her dear friend. “We insist.” Alucard sighed knowing there was not much arguing with Luna. “Very well Princess, I will seek your council should I wish to speak of them. Now do you wish escort to your mother?” Luna smiled greatly. “Yes.”


Shining had guided Alex and the girls to Princess Celestia’s chambers where two Pegasus Guards, two Earth Pony Guards, and two Unicorn Guards were all positioned to block the doorway and the hall should it be needed. “At ease men, Prince Alex, Twilight, and the other Elements wish to speak with the Princess privately. Let them through.” Shining ordered. The Guards all saluted and did as ordered. “You sure you wish to do this now?” Shining asked Alex. “Yes Shining. We need answers and Alucard is our friend. If anyone can give us the answers we need to help her, it’s mother.” Alex replied using his gauntleted hoof to knock on the door. “Very well, but don’t be long. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are to meet their guest in a few short hours. As Mage Knight can I count on you to escort your mother to the Throne Room?” Shining asked with a sigh. “Of course.” Shining nodded and went about his duties as the door to Celestia’s chambers opened revealing a maid. “Yes?” Alex smiled at the maid. “May I and the girls speak to mother for a moment, we won’t be long and I wish to escort my mother to the Throne Room when ready."

“One moment my prince.” The door closed and a few moment opened wide enough for he and the girls to slip through. “Is there something wrong everyone?” Celestia asked as she stood behind a screen while she was being pampered and prepped for her meeting. “Yes mother, we wish to know what’s going on in the castle along with something else.” Alex answered looking out the window. “Sigh, very well you deserve to all know this. Luna and I’s mother is returning to Equestria to see us. She has missed us greatly and will be arriving soon. We do not wish others to know of our mother’s return as it may cause great shock throughout the country and may even cause a number of the nobles to upraise seeing it as a domination of the throne with a not only two princesses but a Queen as well.”

Alex and the girls nodded at this as it was very sound judgment. “What is the other concern my little ponies?” Twilight sighed and tried to come up with the courage to ask this. “Um, Princess Celestia we were wondering if um…” Finished Celestia came out from the screen and smiled down to the group. “Yes Twilight?” Rainbow was the one to ask the question. “Is Queen Faust still alive?” Celestia’s eye widened at this. “I pray she still is, for she is our mother.” The group turned and looked her asking, “WHAT?!”


In the skies, a mile away from Canterlot and guided by a small squadron of Pegasus guards rode a Chariot of black, gold, and silver, with the royal symbol of the moon and sun combined on its front, led by a set of not Pegasus, but beautiful butterfly winded ponies. Inside the chariot was a beautiful Alicorn Mare with long flowing moderate amaranth mane, shining light golden gray coat, and gentle looking moderate artic blue eyes. “How soon to the castle my good stallion?” the mare asked kindly. “We will arrive in an hour my lady. I pray the castle will be to your accommodations.” A Pegasus Guard replied next to the chariot. “An hour you say? How bothersome. Let say we speed this up a bit shall we my friends?” the mare asked smiling to the butterfly winged ponies. They smiled back and quickly sped up.

They were none other than Flutter Ponies from the land of Flutter Valley and their wings where of many tales and legends. One of which was their fast paced flight and their famed battle against something once called Smothering Ooze, a vial evil substance that luckily no longer exist. The Mare smiled in glee as her friends pulled her chariot along at speeds far faster than that of the Pegasus guards who were having quite a bit of trouble keeping up. “What is us with that mare?” One guard asked. “The mare? I’m wondering about those oddly winded ponies. They are not Changelings but they have insect like wings. We had best keep up if we are to gain answers.” Another one yelled as they followed the mare and her Flutter pony drivers. The mare smiled as they flew knowing her special talent wouldn’t let her leave this story alone, as her Cutie Mark showed being a inkwell with a quill.


“Mother you can’t be serious. You mean she really is alive?!” Alex said as he and the girls trotted to the Throne Room. “Yes Alex, making her your grandmother by adoption. Be careful of what you do around her. I don’t wish her upset with me or you for that matter.” Celestia said worriedly. “Princess, not that it be our business and all but what’s your ma like?” Applejack asked curious. “Sigh, well… last I remember mother was, kind hearted and sweet. Often mischievous at times but always sensible and a bit bookish. She loved to write and it is her special talent. You might like her.” Pinkie bounced at this. “Will she like parties?” Celestia closed her eyes and smiled before opening them again at a fond memory of the last party they had. “Yes Pinkie, mother greatly loves parties. And the larger the better.”


It was Celestia’s birthday once again and her mother was once again planning a large party for her. One of the largest she’d had for some time. There would be many foods, games, jesters, magicians, and most of all her family and personal knight. Alucard was an odd one but she was kind and very good around her little sister who was still just a foal while she was become a teenage filly. “Princess, are you ready?” Alucard asked trotting in. She was dressed as always in her silver and black armor and had her famed sword strapped to her back, a small lavender foal following her. “Sis! I wanna go play!” Celestia smiled down at her little sister Luna and nuzzled her making her laugh. “We are ready, though We wish thou wouldn’t be in armor for our party this day and that thou teach our sister to speak properly.” Alucard lowered her head. “Forgive me Princess Celestia but she is still young and impressionable. She will learn in time I assure you.” Celestia just sighed as she followed the Knight out of the castle and into… the largest party she had seen in years! “Happy birthday dear Celestia.” Her mother said nuzzling her. There were now fire breathers, jugglers, and much more than she ever seen, even the ponies that lived in the villages came to celebrate her party. This was the happiest day in her life.

-End Flashback-

“Oh, oh, oh, can I plan the party if you have another one?!” Pinkie asked bringing Celestia to the present. “I would be honored if you did Pinkie.” Celestia said smiling. They soon arrived in the throne room the same time as Luna and Alucard. The two princesses sat as Alucard and Alex took their places next to them with the girls sitting before them. Shinning came into the Throne Room and stopped look at them. “Now Presenting her royal majesty and Queen of Equestria, Queen Lauren Faust and the Flutter Ponies from Flutter Valley!” Shinning soon stepped to the side as four butterfly winged ponies and Queen Faust trotted into the room smiling. They soon stopped as Queen Faust took the very front of her small group. “Well, are you girls going to give your mother a hug or do I need to bring you over here myself?” She said smiling causing both Princesses to nearly gallop to their mother and nuzzle her. Alex soon looked to Alucard confused and pointed to the queen and gained a nod. The Queen was no taller than Candence and Celestia nearly towered over her. “I’ve missed you girls so much over these years and I apologize for being gone so long.” Faust said smiling at her girls then turned to the ones near the throne. “Girls, mind introducing us to them if you would?” Celestia and Luna nodded as they looked to everyone. “Mother,” Celestia said smiling. “These are the new bearers of the Elements of Harmony.”

Faust eyes widened at this. “Celestia, you had better explain why these six fillies have such dangerous items.” Celestia frowned at this. “It is a long story mother but they truly deserve them.” Faust was about to scold her daughter more till Fluttershy came forward shyly. “Um your majesty. We… didn’t mean to upset you by being here. If you like we can return home, I think Princess Celestia has the Elements locked away at the moment.” Faust looked to the canary yellow Pegasus with long pink hair and blinked. This Pegasus just radiated kindness and a shy personality but also… something else she could not put her hoof on. She then looked over each of the girls studying them. Each was very different and felt… like a perfect representation of each element. “No my little pony, I will not send you or your friends away. Forgive me for jumping to conclusions but please introduce yourselves.”

They all nodded with Fluttershy being first. “I’m Fluttershy.” “I’m Applejack your Majesty.” Applejack said taking off her hat and bowing to her. “Rarity, my queen.” Rarity said bowing low. “Rainbow Dash Miss, ma’am, um queen.” Rainbow said stumbling on her words gaining a giggle from the queen. “I’m Twilight Sparkle your majesty.” Twilight said bowing. “Hi I’m Pinkie Pie! I really, really, really, really, hope you like parties since I always set of one for new ponies coming into Ponyville even though most of the ponies that come to Ponyville usually say for a day or such I still like throwing them parties so I hope you like parties of and want a cupcake I love cupcakes, do you like cupcakes because I really like cupcakes, here have one.” Pinkie said superfast producing a cupcake from out of nowhere gaining a very loud laugh from Faust. “Oh my yes I love parties and cupcakes. And thank you I appreciate the much needed snack after such a long flight. DO you have more for my friend here?” Pinkie smiled and handed out even more to the other ponies.

“That is Pinkie Pie for you your Majesty.” Twilight said rolling her eyes. “Just but that makes her a perfect represented for Laughter.” Faust said after finishing her small cake. “And a very good baker as well.” The caused everyone to giggle till Faust looked to Alucard. “Alucard, it has been a long time.” Alucard bowed and smiled to the Queen. “Yes your Majesty. You have not aged a day past 500.” Faust blushed. “You flatter me Alucard. And who is this charming young stallion who stands beside you?” Alex gulped and stepped forward. “Alicornian your majesty. I’m a new Mage Knight and I’m um… also Celestia’s adopted son?” Luna and Celestia face hoofed at Alex’s wording. “Really? Are you like Alucard at all?” Alex gulped looking to his mother who sighed and gave a nod. Alex gulped and stood up right before the Queen. “I’m… bipedal your Majesty but I’m um… not Alucard.” Faust nodded at this and soon hugged him. “I do not know the reason behind your adoption, but welcome to the family.” Alex sighed as he hugged his Grandmother back. All breathed a sigh of relief as the family, Alucard, and the girls talked along with their guests the Flutter Ponies.


Alucard looked out to the rising moon watching Alex and Luna fly through the night sky causing her to sigh. “Have you visited her yet?” Faust asked coming up behind her. “I do not have to time to do so your Majesty.” Alucard replied remembering how she and her love used to look up into the night sky and hold one another till she fell asleep. “You should see her some time Alucard. She had not seen you in over a thousand years. I believe she deserves to know you are safe and still alive.” Faust said placing a kind hoof on her back. “I cannot. I have yet to fulfill my vow to her. Going to her now would be like showing her I have failed.” Faust shook her head. “You have not failed her Alucard. Abraham is a clever pony and has not been seen in years and only through his vial books. I am surprised they are not banned yet outlawed and tracked to their source so he can be punished accordingly.” Alucard sighed and nodded. “Do you believe he is still alive your Majesty?” Faust nodded. “I know so. He’s out there, somewhere, somehow, biding him time, waiting to strike when we least expect it.”


A young Earth pony ran through the streets of Manehattan as he tried to get away from his tormentor. He had returned home to see the stallion looking down at his murdered family and ran for his life as an iron bolt nearly skewered him. He had to find the police, he had to get to safety he had to… “No.” He stopped at the Stallion from before looked at him. “Your kind do not belong in this town nor anywhere in Equestria.” The Stallion said slowly trotting up to him. “Stay back! Get away from me! Help! HELP!” The Stallion before him drew his crossbow and lowered it at him. “Come now, no one will help you and it is better you show your true self than hide as what you and your kind are.” The young Earth Pony looked at the Stallion as if he was mad. “Your insane! I don’t know what you’re talking about!” A bolt went flying and pierced the Young colt in his hind right leg causing him to scream.

“Come now. We know the truth! Turn or be destroyed effortlessly!” The Earth pony looked up at the stallion with frightened eyes. “Please, don’t do this!” Another bolt flew with a sickening twang and the poor colt fell. “Well, not even a true sport. Even if he wasn’t one I just couldn’t’ let him go.” The Stallion said as he grabbed the pony and ripped out the bolts. “And these bolts do cost quite a pretty bit. Oh well.” The Stallion stood, and walked into the street lamps showing his true identity. Hayseed. “Well onto the next possible Vampony nest.” The Stallion said laughing.


Ending: Cosmic Love (Rosario + Vampire)


To be continued.

Episode 4: Dawn Leading the Night

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Episode 4: Dawn Leading the Night

Luna paced the chamber of her elegant bedroom once again looking back to the report she had just received that night the Manehattan Police and Investigation team. Five dead. Five ponies, dead, and on her watch as Princess. Normally this would not trouble here but as she read the port again she slowly became sick yet again. The only known survivor, a young colt who had gotten away from his home was found only four blocks from a local police department when he too fell. How the police could not have reacted sooner to this was the true mystery. Currently the autopsy report had not come yet and at the time she did not wish to read it at all. Five dead, on her watch, and she couldn’t do a thing. “Princess please, you’re going to trot a groove through the floor.” Alucard warned worried for her princess.

“We care not. This report is quite puzzling as well as upsetting. How the police and guard of Manehattan could not respond in time to save the only survivor is… is…” Alucard gently took the scroll from her princess and set it aside. “Princess, I understand your worry and concern. If it means so much request that I and Alex be sent to further the investigation.” Luna looked upset at this. “We cannot. Not while our mother is here. We worry for her and love her dearly.” Alucard took her princess and held her protectively in her arms. “Shinning and the Guard can handle things here Princess. Let me take this burden off your shoulders and set your troubled mind at ease.” Luna sighed. “We do not wish to lose thy.” Alucard hugged her princess to her tightly. “I swear you will not.”


Opening Theme: Dancing in the Velvet Moon (From Rosario + Vampire)

Disclaimer: I do not own the Music used for the Opening and Ending for each chapter of this small origin series they are owned by Nana Mizuki. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Miss Faust, along with her character the Mother Mare, Only characters I do own are as follows and will be expanded by Episode: Alucard the Dark Mage Knight, Prince Alicornian (Alex) the Mage Knight, Lady Dracula, Abraham Van Hayseed, and Mayor Monty Bags. I do not own the following: Princess Luna, Princess Celestia and Queen Faust. Please Enjoy. –Bows.-


Alex was not too happy about the flight to Manehattan. “You know I could be spending more time with the girls and Grandmother instead of taking this long boring flight to Manehattan.” Alucard sighed and looked back at her comrade and friend. “No choice Alex, we have our orders. Also I agree with Princess Luna, something is not right in Manehattan. I’m sure of it.” Alex flapped his wings more to catch up with Alucard and laid on his back looking up at her. “Some kind of gut feeling?” Alucard shook her head and handed over a set of scrolls. “More like suspicion.” Alex opened each scroll and looked them over. For the past month, before the Queen had returned home, Manehattan had not just one but numerous murders in multiple forms starting from shooting all the way to decapitation. “And each time the Police came too late or didn’t even arrive?” Alucard nodded at this taking back the scrolls. “Last night the Princess was informed of an interesting murder this time. Four killed in the home and one only a few blocks away from the Police Station. Surly if the last had screamed for help the police should have heard it.” Alex turned back over and nodded. “Well then, what are we waiting for?” Alucard smiled at this. “My thoughts exactly.” Soon both blinked out and appeared at the nearest train station for Manehattan.

After an hours ride in the engine both stepped off in pony form and trotted to the scene of the last murder, the street only four blocks away. When they arrived however… “What the hay are they doing!” Alucard yelled as they both galloped to the street cleaners. “What are you doing! This is a crime scene!” Alex yelled at the street sweepers. “Hey, don’t be yelling at me, I’m just doing what I’m told by the mayor.” The Street Cleaner said. “The Mayor?!” Alex said annoyed. “Yes, me the mayor. Now what is the meaning… of… this.” A large fat Earth Pony with clothes that said he was just as fat in the wallet as he was. He was dressed in the best hoof-made gold trilled suit, a gold trimmed top hat of the finest cloth, gold buttons, gold pocket watch, and even a gold watch on his right hoof. The Stallion just yelled, rich, and both Alucard and Alex didn’t appreciate this. “You’re the mayor of this city?!” Alex asked annoyed and accusingly. “Ahem, well yes. I’m Monty Bags and I was not expecting Canterlot to send its two most well-known knights to our humble little city.” The Mayor said slowly.

“Cut the horse apples! What gave you the right to think you could just clean up a crime scene like this knowing that a report would have been sent to Canterlot on a single dragon’s flame?!” Alex nearly roared. Alucard came over and placed a hoof on Alex’s shoulder. “Let me handle this.” Alex was about to argue but knew Alucard was better at this than he was and that it was best to not allow him to go on while heated. “Forgive my partner Mayor Bags, he’s just a bit more upset about this than I am, not to say I am not upset. You do know we will be making a thorough report to the princesses on this.” The Mayor coughed and looked to Alucard unsteadily. “Um, yes, but I had my reasons for doing so. I did not wish to upset the people with a crime scene in the middle of a public cart way let alone have them questioning how we could allow yet another one of these travesties to happen. I deeply apologize if this hinders the case, I was thinking what was best for the people you understand.”

“Of course. Now We’ll need as much information as to what had happened here before you had this road cleaned and witness accounts should there be any. Along with a up to date autopsy report.” Alucard demanded. “I’ll have them sent to you as soon as possible. The Street Cleaner you talked to before will be more help than I was and tell you everything. The house has been untouched mind you.” Alucard nodded at this. “Very well Mayor Bags, we hope to see you again soon.” The Mayor nodded as he went off to do whatever it was he did. “Did you think any of that was odd to you Alex?” Alex sighed having finally calmed down and looked to his partner. “Yeah it was like he was trying to hide his own flank from both the sun and the moon in a desert. We better keep an eye on him. Anyway while you were talking with Mr. ‘Money’ Bags there I questioned the Street Crew.” Alucard’s ears perked up at this. “What you find out?” Alex sighed as his brought his horn to Alucard’s and shared the small bit of information.

-Moments ago-

“The body was right in the middle of the street. Blood all over the it too.” The Street Cleaner said gathering up his stuff. “So you didn’t see anything out of the ordinary or pick something up the investigation crew might have missed?” Alex asked. “Well there was only two blood spot there. One about…” The Street Cleaner trotted over to where the blood was and pointed out the areas. “Here but it wasn’t that large. The other one however was a whole lot bigger.” Alex came over and looked to the pointed out spots. “How big?” The Cleaner rubbed his chin. “Say about… as big and a prime portabella streak. The expensive kind.” Alex nodded knowing the size. About a good twelve inches round. “Anything else?” The Cleaner thought and nodded. “Yeah now that you mention it.” The Cleaner turned at pointed to the street lamps. “Those Magic Lamps where all dead this way but the older candle lit lamps where all lit up when the cops came.” Alex thought on this. “From where to where exactly?” The Cleaner sighed and pointed out the last on the street up to the one four blocks away. ”About that. The Mayor insisted these newfangled Lamps be put up last year and well you see how that went. Bet the colt would have lived as those lamps been working.” Alex turned to the Cleaner. “How long do the normal run and how do they work?” The Cleaner sighed.

“You’re a curious one but I like that. Celestia knows it’ll put my mind and heart to ease knowing that poor colt’s going get some much needed justice in the end. The Lamps are lit up by Unicorns on my crew the moment the sun starts to set while the Pegasus on the crew go around lighting the Candle lamps or replacing the candle with a new one. The Magic one normally run from sun down to sun up but the candle ones are different since we use a slow burning candle in those. More reliable too.” Alex nodded at this. “So what would make these go out?” The Cleaner looked at him and said. “A simple Dis-spell. Nothing much than that.” Alex thought on this and tested it out himself lighting one of the lamps then using a simple dis-spell on it making it go out in a flash. “Your right. Any Unicorns that practice magic around here?” The Cleaner shook his head. “Nope, haven’t been since that police station got put up. Some of the Unicorns round here don’t like the police much due to them worrying about getting put in the hole for casting a spell and having it go wrong and accidentally damaging something.”

“Are the police normally like this?” Alex asked curious. “On this road nopony says. Seems their scared of them. Speaking of which, I better skedaddle before I’m hauled in for not working. Hope I helped yeah.” The Cleaner said hooking himself up to his cart and moving away. “One last question. When where you called in to clean all this?” Alex called out. “About three four hours ago.”


Alucard pulled her horn away from Alex’s and saw he was once again exhausted. “You had better rest. You did well to get this information. A Memory spell such at that must have truly drained you.” Alex nodded as he laid down on the street. “I’m going to cast a Time Ghost Spell Alex so don’t worry if you see or hear anything odd.” Alucard asked prepping the spell. “Be careful. That’s not an easy spell to pull off Alucard.” Alucard nodded knowing she’d be winded as well from it but she needed some answers and began the spell from the moment the report stated it started, last night. Out of nowhere the two saw the ghost of a young Earth pony running through the streets trying to get away from something or someone. He was only four blocks from the police station when he stopped and spoke some silent words. Alucard cursed under her breath forgetting the Time Ghost Spell didn’t give off sound.

Carefully Alucard watched the colt speak no as he stopped at the Stallion from before looked at him. Sadly the spell couldn’t get a good view of the Stallion in question. Carefully she watched the colt’s reactions. The Colt seemed to say to the Stallion: Stay back! Get away from me! And then yelled for help. Alucard looked towards the station to seen no pony coming out of it at all when was odd. She then turned back to that the Stallion before colt had drawn a crossbow and lowered it at him. Then she noticed something… odd. The colt looked at the Stallion as if he was… mad. She trotted up to the colt and carefully read his lips as he spoke and said to herself what the colt had said lowly. “Your insane. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Alucard soon say the Colt scream as a crossbow bolt went flying and pierced the Young colt’s hind right leg. The Colt then looked up at the Stallion in a way far too familiar for her own well-being. The Colt was scared, scared to death and more.

“Please, don’t do this.” She spoke again reading the poor colt’s final words. She then saw yet another bolt fly and say where the larger blood spot came from as the poor colt fell. Right through the heart. She then watched to her horror the Stallion grab the poor colt and literally rip out the two bolts he had used. The Stallion then stood, and walked into the street lamps where she was able to see a much better look of the Stallion and spoke only one word with pure hate. “Hayseed.” The spell ended as she watched the Stallion laugh as he walked away and soon fainted.


Alucard sat before a large tomb stone crying her eyes out. She had just recently changed and became a part of Queen Faust’s royal guard. “I’ll find him my love. I will find him and make him pay for what he has done to us. I will be his shadow, the wind against his flesh, the light that shines on him, and send him into everlasting night.” The Sound of hooves behind her caused her to turn around and see her Queen. “That is a very deep vow you pledge our knight. Do thy feel thou can keep it?” Alucard turned to the grave marker and nodded. “I will find him, and bring him to justice.” Queen Faust placed a kind hoof on her shoulder. “Then know you have made the Pledge of Dawn and Dusk. You are the Dawn that leads the Night and you enforce it as well. Now come, we have a duty for thy to fulfill.” Alucard followed her Queen as she looked back to the Grave marker, for her beloved Dracula.


Ending: Cosmic Love (Rosario + Vampire)


To be continued.

Episode 5: What goes bump in the night

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Episode 5: What goes bump in the night

Alucard woke once again, yet this time with a bit of a migraine. “Easy there Alucard. You took a pretty bad fall from that spell.” Alucard turned her head to see Prince Alex next to her. “Ugh, what happened?” Alex held his hoof out and helped her up. “You tell me. Last I can remember was you looking at the Time Ghosts and then all of a sudden you collapsed. You’ve been out for over two hours.” Alucard shook her head the gasped remembering what she saw. “Hayseed!”


Opening Theme: Dancing in the Velvet Moon (From Rosario + Vampire)

Disclaimer: I do not own the Music used for the Opening and Ending for each chapter of this small origin series they are owned by Nana Mizuki. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Miss Faust, along with her character the Mother Mare, Only characters I do own are as follows and will be expanded by Episode: Alucard the Dark Mage Knight, Prince Alicornian (Alex) the Mage Knight, Lady Dracula, Abraham Van Hayseed, and Mayor Monty Bags. I do not own the following: Princess Luna, Princess Celestia and Queen Faust. Please Enjoy. –Bows.-


Mayor Bags slammed his hoof onto his desk. “You said it be a clean sweep! Now I got the Mage Knights breathing down my neck! You said you were an expert, not some two bit hood!” The Stallion across the room hidden in the dark corner with a white trench coat and Stetson hat that showed only one fourth of his face smiled. “Don’t worry, the Princesses’ little pets are of no concern.” Mayor Bags rose from his seat at this. “No concern! If they know of our operations then our plan is doomed. You had better start doing a better job or I’ll be making sure your tossed to the Timberwolves!” The Stallion gave s short laugh. “We could do the same thing to you Mayor Bags, only reason I haven’t put you in Tartarus yet is because you’re a paying client and you can’t really collect from a dead one now can you?” Mayor Bags gulped. “V…very well. Deal with those Mage Knights as you see fit but I’m warning you, one more slip up and your organization will hear of this.” This got the Stallion’s attention as he dropped to all fours from the corner he was resting in. “I assure you Mayor Bags, There won’t be any slip ups this time.


“Hayseed? Are you sure?” Alex asked as they talked over a dandelion sandwiches, hay fries, and drinks. “Yes, I’m sure it was him.” Alucard said over her tomato juice. It wasn’t actually blood but it was a good substitute and often tricked the mind at times. “But how, the guy would have to be… as old as Grandmother Faust by now. And last I heard, Earth Ponies don’t last that long.” Alucard put down her drink. “You don’t know him like I do. He’s a vial man and knowing him he found some way to do it.” Alex looked up from his own drink, a simple soda. “Sounds like you had personal experience with the guy.” Alucard looked down. “More than you’ll ever know.” Alex sighed and looked to his friend. “Then why not let me know? Something’s going on between you and this Hayseed and I’d like to know what.” Alucard looked away from him and answered, “That’s personal.” She soon munch on a hay fry gaining a sigh from Alex. “Fine, fine, but you’ll tell me when you want to talk right?” Alucard nodded at this. “Let’s get back to the task at hand. We now know who’s doing this and how. The reason as to why or how come is still in the air.” Alex finished his meal and nodded asking for a refill on his soda. “One more please, and you’ve got a point Alucard. Also something’s up with that Police Station. Someone should have heard the colt scream for help from that distance.” Alucard nodded at this. “I think we should check out the house next before we move onto the local hospital.” Alex nodded and after finishing his drink paid for the meal and headed off only to find that the building was now on fire.

“What happened here?” Alex said grabbing the attention of the fire chief. “Not sure. According to a few witnesses the house just up and burst into flame about ten minutes ago.” The chief said before returning to his crew. “The perpetrator must still be in the area than. To the skies.” Alucard said as both took off over the area looking for the perp. “See anything?” Alex asked from his view point. “No, whoever did this must know the area quite well to be able to get around without being see by those in the air.” Alucard responded. “Horse feathers. There goes our only clues up in smoke.” Alex said looking down at the fire. “So it seems. Let’s hurry to the hospital.” Alucard said as they both took flight. Down below in an ally the Stallion looked up smiling. “Well, well, well, looks like the prime target is finally here.”


“Normally you’d have to get permission from the police or the mayor to see this but as your both Mage Knights…” The hospital’s doctor said leading Alucard and Alex to the covered body. “We understand and thank you for your help doctor.” The Doctor nodded before stopping before an autopsy table. “Ready?” he asked. Both Alex and Alucard nodded before the sheet was pulled away from the body. “By the sun…” Alex said turning away. “How old was this colt?” Alucard asked closing her eyes. “We estimate between ten to twelve years old. Almost a teenager. It’s always sad to see foals come into this area.” The Doctor responded. “Now,” he added clearing his throat, “If you can bear this for now I’ll show you my findings.” Both Alex and Alucard nodded and looked to the poor colt’s body. “Now from our ballistics testing it seems he was shot by a crossbow with what looked to be pre-Celestia iron bolts. That was till we did a test on a sliver of metal we found in the leg.” He hands them over the small bag with the sliver of metal in it. “What did you find out?” Alex asked taking the bag. “That metal is only a month old.” The doctor said gaining a confused look from both Mage Knights. “But you said the bolt was Pre-Celestia.” Alucard said taking the bag and looking the metal over. “I did. You see we matched the wounds to every last wound cataloged and these matched that of a Pre-Celestia iron Bolt.” Alex tilted his head at this in thought. “So it was made from a mold?” The doctor shrugged. “Or by someone who’s very good at forging ancient weaponry. Anyway take a look at this.” The doctor said gesturing to the only wounds on the body. “What about them?” Alex asked.

“Well. Whoever shot this poor colt knew exactly what they were doing.” The Doctor said pointing out one wound, right in the head. Alucard carefully looked it over. “Is that the killing blow?” The Doctor nodded to Alucard. “My guess is that it was done at point blank. Whoever did this wanted the poor colt to remember one thing and one thing only.” The Doctor said looking each in the eye. “Pain.”


Both Alex and Alucard got a privet hotel room for the time being to gain more insight on the case. “I don’t like it Alucard.” Alex said pacing the room upright. “Who would want to kill a colt that way? Or better yet, why didn’t the police which was only four blocks away not respond to the screams of help from that poor colt and why didn’t anyone see who did it till after the fact? Something stinks here Alucard and it isn’t the sewer system.” Alucard nodded as she wrote her report. “I agree. I’m getting permission to search that Police Station from the Princesses. Something isn’t right about it and I feel we’ll get more answers from it than any place else at the moment.” Alex nodded to this as Alucard used her magic to send the scroll on its way in magical fire. “We should have a response soon.”

“While we wait for that let’s go over what we already know.” Alex said sitting down on one of the two bed in the room. Unfortunately it was the only one available. “Very well.” Alucard said from her chair. “Earlier Princess Luna gained a report from where we are now, Manehattan, about a mass murder. Along with this was a colt that was found no more than four blocks from a police station on a street with Magic Fire Lamps.” Alex nodded at this. “The lamps however are quite faulty and are easily put out with someone else’s Dis-spell. Also they were ordered to be replaced by the Mayor, Mr. Monty Bags, over a year ago. Also the entire street has no Unicorns living on it at all. It seems that the unicorns here seem to be quite skittish around the police due to minor magical mishaps as well. We also found out that the poor colt was killed in a way to make him feel nothing but pain and it was done using crossbow bolts made to look like they’re from Pre-Celestia however the metal they are made out of says differently.” Alucard nodded at this. “Let us not forget that both crime scenes, the house where the first murder happened and the follow up to it four blocks away from the Police Station where not only destroyed but tampered with.”

Alex nodded to this as well. “The First crime scene we saw was the one near the police station and it was currently being cleaned up under order of the mayor. Not soon after this the house we were to check out burned to the ground leaving us with only the colt’s body, a sliver of metal, and what you saw with your Time Ghost Spell.” Alucard nodded at this and was about to continue till a pop was heard in front of them and Alex grabbed the dropping scroll. “What’s it say?” Alucard asked looking at it. Alex opened the scroll and read it. “We have permission to investigate the Police station and your told to be careful for now on.” Alex said looking up at her gaining a sigh. “That’s Princess Luna for you. She deeply cares for her fellow ponies.” Alucard said walking towards the windows. “Let’s go.” Alex nodded and both headed right for the Police Station.


Once again the lights on the street the station was on were out once again causing both Alucard and Alex to light up their horns. “Talk about deserted.” Alex said as Alucard checked the station’s doors. “How odd. Their locked.” Alex looked at her. “You sure? Let me try.” Alex pivoted on his front legs and gave the doors a good solid kick opening them. “Oh yes. My mistake.” Alucard said smiling. “After you.” Alex said soon following and going upright. “I’ll check the front desk while you check those offices.” Alucard said pointing towards them. Alex nodded and checked each office while Alucard checked everything in the front desk. “Interesting. Alex I don’t think this stations even in use.” Alex came out of the last office nodding. “Your right, these offices are far to clean to have had anyone in them. Just what is going on here?” Both thought on this till they heard a thump below them. “Someone’s here.” Alucard said drawing her sword. “Let’s go say hello then.” Alex said unleashing his wrist swords.

“Both followed the thumping sound till they got to the downstairs morgue when the door burst open and bodies started walking out. “What the!” Alex said firing off a few blast spells. “Alex run!” Alucard said grabbing him as they ran for it the dead bodies soon following. The ran out of the building only to be met with even more dead bodies. Both Alex and Alucard took up combat stances as Alucard spoke only one word. “Ghouls.”


Ending: Cosmic Love (Rosario + Vampire)


To be continued.

Episode 6: Chains of Memories part 1

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A/N: This and the last few chapters will have Ye Olde English in it, however I am not very good at this old language so to any editor out there please look for the two (E) in the story for where the editing will be needed. Thank you.

Episode 6: Chains of Memories part 1

Alex sat next to the bed Alucard was currently in. Sighing he ran his un-gauntleted hand through his mane before getting up and pouring himself some water. Taking the glass he looked out the hospital’s window and at the horde of Ghouls outside the enchanted outer wall. It was one of four safe havens the city of Manehattan had left now and the evacuation had gone flawless, well… almost flawless. Alex was fine but Alucard… Alucard was now in a deep magical coma due to their first encounter with the Ghouls. “Where did it go wrong Alucard? Was it the spell you used or… was it your injuries?” Alex just sighed as he looked down at his badly injured friend. Her back, sides, arms, legs and chest where all wrapped in bandages that had to be changed on the hour every hour due to some strange looking purple and green toxin or infection seeping out. Her head was only bruised thankfully and was just given a few bandages instead of mas amounts of bandages. Next to her was a heart, brain, and magic monitor that constantly gave a steady beep ever few seconds. Alex soon turned to the only source now keeping her alive at the moment and what was allowing her to heal at an amazing rate. Two blood bags hung connected to Alucard’s right arm giving her much needed life blood and with there being no need to worry about blood type for her since she had O positive negative the hospital was able to tend to her needs. Still… Alex wondered just when thing during that fight went downhill.


Opening Theme: Dancing in the Velvet Moon (From Rosario + Vampire)
Disclaimer: I do not own the Music used for the Opening and Ending for each chapter of this small origin series they are owned by Nana Mizuki. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Miss Faust, along with her character the Mother Mare. I also do not own the following Characters: Commander Hurricane and Private Pansy, Princess Platinum and Clover the Clever, and Chancellor Puddinghead and Smart Cookie, and the Flutter Ponies from G1. The only characters I do own are as follows and will be expanded by Episode: Alucard the Dark Mage Knight, Prince Alicornian (Alex) the Mage Knight, Lady Dracula, and Abraham Van Hayseed, Capt. Black Sparrow, Lieutenant Arc Rise, Cobra the Dead and Mayor Monty Bags. Please Enjoy. –Bows.-


-The day before-

The sounds of shattering windows were heard along with something else. A noise that both Mage Knights were very familiar with, after all, both heard it during their battles with some form of great evil though not as much at the other. For Alex the sounds of combat were much more brutal then he was used to, as he heard the distinctive snap, crackle and pop of splintering bones, as well as rending flesh. Then there was that smell, the stench of rotting meat and blood. It threatened to overwhelm him. Due to the broken windows, the light of the half-moon filtered through better off the shattered remains, allowing both to see the carnage that was being wreaked upon the street. The dark figures were reanimated corpses, and constantly converged upon the two both fighting with all the ferocity of a cornered timber wolf. And that was the most dangerous kind.

Alucard showed no mercy as she ripped through the ranks of ghouls with punches, sword slashes, kicks and blows from her burning magic. She knew they had to finish them off quickly and get out of here to evacuate the two, before both of them were overwhelmed by sheer numbers. On the other side Alex was shattered heads, punched holes in torsos and severed limbs, splattering the insides of the ghouls on the street, coating the brick road in slimy gore, but still, they kept on coming. The monsters fell like bloody dominoes before their combined power, and every now and then, their weapon would glow with an eerie light, making their impacts even more spectacular. It was the glow of magic from their protected halves of Equestria. Alex’s blades would glow bright gold at times showing his protection of the day while Alucard’s sword would glow a dark almost blackish red representing her protection of the night.

Gathering up a large amount of magic Alex shot towards the ghouls unleashing a spell-like comet. He had used the spell once before but had increased the intensity of the attack causing many of the ghouls to let off screams of pain as they were torn apart by the spell. However, as he finished the spell, he impacted against the ground on one knee having used a large spell too soon. If he was not more careful with his magic he may pass out or worse. “Alucard there are too many!” Alucard nodded at this. “I agree Alex. We may need to stop them another way. Quickly gather you magic and follow my lead!”
Concentrating on an age old spell used long ago she quickly began casting. “Clatue Veratou Nickto!”

The moment those words left her mouth a large group of the ghouls began to shrivel into dry husks as if their essences were being drained away. In less than an instant, all of the remaining blood-hungry creatures were reduced to piles of ash, courtesy of the spell. Alex didn’t waist anytime and casted the spell right after clearing out another group of ghouls. “Nickto!” was constantly cried as the two cause more and more ghouls to be exercised. Yet with every group put to rest two new ones took their place. Alucard was about to call out to Alex to fly till a Ghoul caught her shoulder and the feeding frenzy began. “Alucard! Clatue Veratou Nickto!” The Ghouls dissipated and left behind a badly injured Alucard. “Alucard we have to fly and evacuate the town.” Alucard painfully nodded and with the last of her strength used the more powerful and more draining version of the spell. “Clatue Veratou, cough, cough, Nicktoma!” With the last said the Ghouls of the street became ash but the ones from the Police Station didn’t stop. Quickly grabbing Alucard in his arms Alex took to the sky and to the closest hospital while channeling his magic to his voice in a version of the Royal Canterlot Voice. “CITIZEN OF MANEHATTEN QUICKLY GATHERS UP YOUR LOVED ONES! A MASSIVE ATTACK HAS COME TO YOUR TOWN AND YOU MUST QUICKLY EVACUATE! HELP THE ELDERLY AND THE YOUNG BUT TAKE CARE OF THOSE YOU MEET ON THE STREETS THAT LOOK TO HAVE BEEN INJURED OR SLOWTROTTING! FLEE NOW MY LITTLE PONIES! FLEE!” With those words the city was awash in evacuation ponies of all kinds. Even the guard in town where helping out in the evacuation but now was not the time to worry about them. Alucard needed medical attention and soon.


Alex just didn’t know what to do and was glad to find that the spell Alucard taught him could be placed on walls, gates, and lamps so that no matter what those in the hospital could be safe. He soon turned at the knock at the door. “Enter.” The doctor treating Alucard stepped in slowly with his head down. “Please rise my good doctor. What have you found of my comrade in arms?” Alex coughed again having a great need to drink a bit more water. His version of the Royal Canterlot Voice was just an amplification spell but it really did a number on his throat. That was always the issue with such spells. They caused your throat to fill dry for a week or more and at the volume he had to speak it was going to be a few more days before it was less raspy. “We have good news and bad news my prince.” The doctor said stepping up to Alucard’s bed.

“What is the good news?” Alex asked worried coughing again. “The good news is that your friend here is going to recover just fine physically. The wounds she had are nearly closed and she would be on her feet in about a week.” Alex became concerned at this. “And the bad new doctor?” The doctor sighed. “Whatever spell she used before she was brought here in her condition has placed her in a deep magical coma. If she doesn’t come out of it soon, there might be either brain damage or worse, far worse.” Alex did not like the sound of that. “Is there any way to prevent this?” The doctor nodded. “Yes, unlike normal comas this one is magic induced so a metal spell to entice mental activity would be a wise suggestion, however no one here knows such a spell.” Alex looked to his friend and nodded to himself in a decision. “I know a spell doctor that could work, is a Memory Spell my dear friend Twilight Sparkle taught me.” The doctor thought on it. “That could that work but we’ll need to shape it so we can keep her brain active till she recovers. Can you do that?”

Alex cupped his chin in his hand which caused the doctor to give him a curious look but was soon dismissed. “I will need to seek Twilight’s advice on this. If I do the spell wrong it could do more harm than help.” The doctor nodded and handed over a pad and a inkwell pen. “I’ll send for some chariots to help evacuate the hospitals, is she stable enough to move?” The doctor nodded. “I’ll go inform the staff. I pray to Celestia for good news.” Alex smiled at that. “Pray to Luna as well, we have better luck this way.” The Doctor smiled at that as he left. Alex smiled himself as he remembered one of Pinkie Pie’s old saying. ‘Everyone feels better when they smile.’ Chuckling he began to send out his needed letters.


Mayor Monty was not pleased with what had happened. “You messed up again.” The Hayseed agent looked displeased as well as he slammed down yet about glass of hard cider. “I did not suspect they would know an exorcism spell, especially such a powerful one as that one.” The Hayseed agent down yet another glass of the cider before hoofing over a glass to the mayor would took it and drank a sip himself. “But now they are down to one Mage Knight, though you did not get both I’m satisfied enough with one.” The Hayseed agent looked to him. “So…” The Mayor turned and sat back down in his out of Manehattan mansion. “It’s time to move to step two.” The Hayseed agent smiled as he put down his glass and crushed it… in a gauntlet-ed hand.


It did not take long for Alex to receive an answer from his friend and mother, or in this case, Grandmother. He opened and read the one from his Grandmother first.


I am pleased to hear that you and Alex are safe; yes the ponies sent from Manehattan were received with little to no issue though we did worry about those stuck in those hospital beds. We are sending as many Chariots as we can and I am sending our Flutter pony allies as well to help. This should lessen the load for your evacuation attempt. As for Alucard Luna is quite concerned of her dear friend. Do keep us informed of her progress as you return and stay safe.


Alex sighed at this good news. He knew those Flutter ponies were fast would be a great aid for those that needed to be moved quickly. “Doctor prep your more terminal patients. They’ll be the first to be evacuated and inform the other hospitals as well. They’ll be taken to Canterlot by our new allies the Flutter Ponies. I’ve seen them fly so we have no worry of delay. Once they have left and the Pegasus arrive we’ll start evacuation the less terminal patients.” The doctor nodded and went to do so as Alex opened the second letter and found it wasn’t just from Twilight, it was from all the girls!


Oh thank Celestia your alive! We got super worried the moment Manehattan ponies just started to show up here all of a sudden. Canterlot and Ponyville are both have to take in the ponies from there. You’re not hurt are you? Should we send the Elements your way? What of Alucard Is she alright? Oh please let her be alright because we would really hate to see her hurt more than she is with these Hayseed books. Please, please, respond as soon as possible!


What the buck is going on over there? We got like a million Manehattan Ponies here! Send a reply like supper fast!

Rainbow Dash

Dear Alex,

We just got word about Manehattan. Oh I do hope you and dear Alucard are alright. It would be dreadful if one of you came back in those tacky bandages and medical dresses. I’ll be sure to have something for you both to change into as soon as you arrive back home, I’m hoping you both don’t mind me adding sapphires or rubies to your clothes. I think you would both look quite dashing and heroic in such clothes. Please reply soon dear we worry greatly.
Fabulously yours


Alex had to stop and smile at that one. Rarity was always worried about them and was always generous when it came down to it and would know just to raise one’s spirits when it came to something like this. Shaking his head he moved on in the letter.


I hoped you bucked those monsters good and kept those sick ponies safe and cozy like. Don’t need to worry yah none but it’s getting more strained here than a long tailed cat in a room of granny’s rocking chairs. We need both of yah back here licitly split or we’ll be forced to dip into our cellars here at the farm. Hurry back soon sugar cube we all miss yah.



Thank, well, Faust you’re alright. You don’t need to worry about the Memory Spell and the alteration for it is quite easy and won’t do any damage at all. Just combine it with a slow time spell and it’ll last till she recovers. Don’t worry I haven’t told the girls about Alucard yet. It’s not good here. Canterlot is starting to run out of room for all the Manehattan Refugees and had to request Ponyville to take the over flow. We didn’t know this many ponies would be in the over flow. Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and the Cakes are doing their best to keep up with food supplies. Rainbow Dash is working with the Wonderbolts to keep moral up with the foals by putting on air shows for them or even meeting them face to face. Rarity and Fluttershy have their hooves full helping families with clothing and child care for those who need it. A good number of foals were born here by the way so thank you for getting them here quickly before they gave birth.

You need to return home soon Alex I’m not sure how long we can help all these ponies without some form of magical back up plan. Applejack’s not too happy about using magic to expand our food supplies but we may not have much choice. Oh yes, Lyra and Bon-bon are fine and they greatly worry about you. They’re currently with Queen Faust and speaking about family I think, we haven’t seen them since they arrived after you left. I’ll try to find out about that. Anyway stay safe and get back here soon. I think you may be the only pony to convince Applejack about the growth spell.

Twilight Sparkle

Alex nodded to the letter and looked over to his friend. “Don’t worry Alucard; you’ll be back with us soon.”

=== (E)

Alucard felt pain all over but it was slowly starting to die away and be replaced with something… something more…

“Get up you! This is no place for the likes of you to sleep!” Fire Light quickly rose up and moved away from the large black Unicorn Stallion before her in fear. “You Earth ponies make me sick. Sleeping around where ever you like and in the dirt no less. Just be glad I don’t toss you in the dungeons for blocking a Knight’s path!” Fire Light quickly nodded as she moved out of the way. “Please forgive me good knight I meant no disrespect!” she said carefully. She was only a filly, not even with a cutie mark yet and yet she was still in pony’s ways. “Disrespect? Like an urchin like you could show me respect at all. I should just toss you in the dungeons like the rest of the…” A loud ring was heard and the Black pony hit the ground hard. “That enough out of you Black Sparrow!” the Armored Mare spoke down from her stance. She was strong, powerful, graceful, and most of all… beautiful. “Ugh what in Equestria hit… oh… the Guard in training, Dracula.” The Black Stallion said looking up.

“Guard or not thou will show respect to that of a Lady. Or shall I turn thee over to Princess Platinum?” Dracula said down to the captain. “Nay my, Lady, Thy were only showing this Urchin its place.” The Black Stallion said bowing his head. “And what place is that Captain Black Sparrow? Beneath your hoof like any other Pony in the area who did nothing more that fall asleep against a building? I also heard what you said of respect Captain. Urchins do know it, and it might do you some good to learn it from them. Now, dismissed or the Princess will hear of this.” Dracula said down to the Captain. “As you… wish my… lady.” Without even a salute the captain turn and trotted off. “There now young one. Rise and dust yourself. What is your name?” Dracula asked down to the young filly. “F-fire Light my lady.” Fire Light responded blushing. “No need to be shy young one, raise your head and let me see you.” Dracula said kindly. Fire Light slowly lifted her head so the one talking to her could see her and what she saw was the most beautiful pure white unicorn mare she’d ever seen in armor.

“There now. You look too lovely to be out on the streets. Where do you live?” Dracula asked her. “N-nowhere my lady. I-I live where I may.” Fire Light said shyly. “Poor thing. Come you’ll stay with me then, I am in need of a squire. Care to be it?” Fire Light gasped at this. “But my lady we mares cannot…” Dracula gently turned on her. “Cannot what? Hold our own on the battle fields like the Stallions we seek protection with and from? No my dear do not let such words or thoughts enter your mind for they are evil and uncouth. Raise your head high and know that you like our fair princess can do far better in or off the battle field for without us what good are Stallions?” Dracula said smiling down at Fire Light and was soon returned with a smile from her. “Yes my lady. I would be honored to be your squire.” Dracula nodded happily at this. “Good, now come. Some food and bath be a good start for ending such a stressful day.” Fire Light quickly galloped to catch up with her Lady and… her love.


Alex leaned against the covered carriage that was currently being pulled by their Flutter Pony Allies. Breathing hard he rested his eye on the streets below, slowly being covered in dead ponies, more ghouls and with little ways as to fighting them back without exhausting himself farther. The memory spell was no easy task to do, even if it was taught to him by Twilight. “Sigh, come back to us soon Alucard, we really need you.” Alex said lying down next to his friend on the carriage floor and soon fell asleep and prayed to return home safely. So far the evacuation had gone off without a hitch and what worry there was about Pegasus ghouls where put aside as It seems ghouls that came from Pegasus could not fly at all however they did become quite heavy battering rams when it came to buildings. The screams and shouts for help and other such could be heard from time to time as they flew over the city but Alex already know that it was already too late for some but did order the guards to rescue those they could be to be careful of the injured. He just wished he knew more about all this and sadly only Alucard knew how to really combat them. He just hoped what he had taught the accompanying Unicorn Guard would help in any needed rescues.

Sighing he began to close his eyes when someone got his attention at the side door. Rising he walked over and opened the door window some. “Report…” Alex said tiredly. “We have some frightening news sir. Seems an orphanage was attacked but none of the fouls inside where hard however the caretakers where not so lucky.” Alex closed his eyes at this and almost cried. “Are the foals?” The guard shook his head. “A Squad of Unicorns were able to get them out of the orphanage safely and are currently being evacuated behind us. No injuries on any of them.” Alex sighed and smiled at this. “Thank Queen Faust; make sure they stay safe they’re now our second top priority.” The Guard saluted and flew off to join his team once again. Alex sighed one last time before passing out on the floor. “Come back soon my friend. Come back soon.”


Ending: Cosmic Love (Rosario + Vampire)


To be continued.

Episode 7: Chains of Memories part 2

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A/N: Again Editors please look out for the (E) at the beginning and end of the sections in the story that need editing into Ye Olde English. Thank you.

Episode 7: Chains of Memories part 2

(E) “No, no, no, don’t just swing the sword Fire Light, let it flow. Stop.” Dracula called from her spot in the training yard. “Sorry My Lady. I a unused to the sword.” Fire Light said after putting down the sword from her mouth. “I know now.” Dracula draws her own sword and stood next to her. “The sword is a extension of your body, think of it as a extra sharp limb meant to defend yourself and the land.” She said guiding her own sword expertly in easy strokes. “Now take your sword and follow my lead.” Fire Light blushed and did as she was told standing next to her beautiful Lady. “Relax Fire Light, your tense. A tense sword is a dying sword. Let its strokes flow through you and guide the blade to its mark.” Fire Light did as told following alongside her Lady till. “Lady Dracula.” Both stopped and turned towards the unknown guard. “Yes?” Dracula said un-amused. “Forgive me My Lady but the Princess demands your presence.” Dracula sighed. “Very well. Come Fire Light, the Princess awaits.” Fire Light nodded quickly putting up her sword and galloping behind her Lady. As soon as she got close she saw that her Lady didn’t have the pleasant loving smile she had earlier, like someone had… taken away her amusement.

Did her Lady… enjoy her company and their training? Or did she... like her? They had been training off and on for the past two months and each time they have been getting closer, much closer. “M-my Lady?” Fire Light said as they trotted to the throne room. “Yes Fire Light?” Dracula returned with her un-amused look. “S-should I truly be going with you to see the Princess. I am merely a squire and…” Dracula stopped Fire Light and looked her right in the eye causing her to gulp before gaining a kind and loving smile. “Do not worry Fire Light. You are My Squire and it is only right I finally introduce you to our Princess. Now come, we must let her wait.” Dracula soon said turning with her smile returned. Blinking and smiling as well she quickly followed behind never noticing the mild sway of her Lady’s hips.


Opening Theme: Dancing in the Velvet Moon (From Rosario + Vampire)

Disclaimer: I do not own the Music used for the Opening and Ending for each chapter of this small origin series they are owned by Nana Mizuki. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Miss Faust, along with her character the Mother Mare. I also do not own the following Characters: Commander Hurricane and Private Pansy, Princess Platinum and Clover the Clever, and Chancellor Puddinghead and Smart Cookie, and the Flutter Ponies from G1. The only characters I do own are as follows and will be expanded by Episode: Alucard the Dark Mage Knight, Prince Alicornian (Alex) the Mage Knight, Lady Dracula, and Abraham Van Hayseed, Capt. Black Sparrow, Lieutenant Arc Rise, Dark Sparrow, Cobra the Dead and Mayor Monty Bags. Please Enjoy. –Bows.-


Alex paced his bedroom for the tenth time in his bipedal form, it had been two days since he had casted the altered Memory Spell on his friend Alucard and now word had gotten out that a small band of Ghouls were found a mile outside of Manehattan. Thankfully they were able to banish them before someone got hurt or worse, increased their number. Sighing he looked at the picture of himself, Alucard, and his dear friends the elements and sighed deeply. “I wonder how Lyra, Bonbon, Derpy and the kids are doing.” Sitting down on his bed he thought about his love Derpy and her two wonderful children Sparkler and Dinky. Derpy’s condition was much better now and her damaged eye was finally getting its eye patch off soon. Still he really wanted to lay into the old instructor from the Flight Academy by the name of Dark Sparrow. Apparently he had a very bad reputation with mares and was even known to enact ‘corporal punishment’ on those that didn’t do his lessons right or talked back to him. He had one time hit Derpy so hard it had damaged her retina and cause her to gain her wall eye. Thankfully it was now curable through magical procedure but back then it was not. Currently he was dismissed from teaching ever again nor was he allowed any mares. As for Lyra and Bonbon, they were family. The first to actually take him in and treat him like a normal pony. He loved them just as much as he loved his current family but Lyra and Bonbon were like big sisters to him and if anything happened to his loves family or them… Alex sighed. “Prince Alex?” A guard called from the door. Returning to his four legged form he soon spoke. “Yes?” The Guard opened the door and began to speak. “Prince Alex you have…” He was soon nearly ran over by two foals, one nearly a teenager and the other still young enough to be a foal and jumped Alex. “Whoa! Sparkler, Dinky, what are you two doing here?!” He was soon answered by a eye patched grey mare with beautiful yellow eyes, lovely blond mane, and bubbles for a cutie mark. “Derpy?” Derpy smiled and came over to nuzzle him and her foals. “Princess Celestia had us transferred to the castle.” Alex nuzzled his love back.

“But what about?” Alex started till. “You didn’t think we’d get left behind either did you?” Alex looked up and smiled. “Lyra! Bonbon!” They too came over and hugged the two. “We don’t know what’s going on but we’re glad you’re back and safe. How’s your friend?” Bonbon asked causing Alex to look down. “Alucard is in a magic induced coma. She’s… I don’t know how she is right now. Aunt Luna isn’t letting anyone in her room for now.” The girls surrounded and hugged him. “She’ll come out of it Alex.” Derpy said gently. “She’ll come out of it.”


“Now entering! Lady Night-heart Dracula and her Squire Fire Light.” A guard cried out as the two entered and bowed before Princess Platinum. “Rise, my dear Guard and Squire. I have a task for you both.” The beautiful princess said from her royal couch. “Your wish is out command Princess.” Dracula said rising. “You and your Squire are here by tasked to take a gift to the Pegasus and the Earth Pony towns in Equestria. This gift is very important to our cause my dear Guard. You must protect it at all cost and be sure they get to their locations. You leave as soon as you and your Squire are set.” The Princess ordered. “As you wish princess but may I ask what we are to do when we arrive at our destinations and will there be others traveling with us.” Dracula asked next to her squire, who was shaking. It was her first time seeing the princess and she didn’t want to offend her. “From here to the Earth Pony town of Colton you’ll be on your own. You’ll gain newer instructions there.” The princess responded looking at the two. “You will be paid well for your services mind you. Ask and it’ll be yours.”

“May we make our request on our return?” Dracula asked looking right at her princess. The Princess thought on this. “Clover the Cleaver?” A young purple unicorn mage stepped out from the side of the room and went over to her Princess. “Yes Princess?” The Princess gestured for her to lean closer and spoke quietly into her ear. For a moment Fire Light thought she saw a blush form on Clover before there was a nod. “Yes Princess I see no harm in this.” Clover soon said hiding her redden face in her cloak. “Very well, you may make your request on your return. We wish you both the best of luck.” The Princess said smiling. Both soon bowed and left the throne room with Fire Light breathing a sigh of relief. “I couldn’t say a thing.” She finally spoke to her Lady. “Yes she can be quite intimidating but for now let us prep for our travel. Pack light my dear, we will need to move quickly.” Fire Light blinked at this and nodded. Maybe she really did like her, as much as she was starting too really like her Lady.


Fire Light could not believe how much they were leaving behind just to travel to Colton. All they had was a set of saddle bags, swords, their light weight armor with shoulder shields and two bags of bits. When Dracula said to pack light she had meant very light. “My Lady are you sure this is enough?” Fire Light asked worried. “I am sure Fire Light. Colton is four days gallop from here. Any more gear and we’d have added an extra day and a half. We are charged with an important task and we are to keep to that task and fulfill it as quickly as possible.” Dracula said gently as they trotted away from the castle. Equestria was even farther and was surrounded by the three nations and its ponies. It was a new land yes but still only starting out and it had yet to even have a ruler to govern it so things were still dangerous. “But Colton’s path goes then the Dark Wood my Lady. What if we meet up with a manticore or worse a cockatrice?” Fire Light’s worry growing by the moment. “We are armed dear Fire Light and you are with me, I will see you are unharmed, always.” Dracula said gently ad lovingly causing Fire Light to blush a bit. “Come, time and wind wait for no mare or stallion!” Dracula said galloping ahead laughing. This was soon followed by Fire Light as she galloped to catch up with her Lady, her… protector?

As they galloped they did not notice the numerous eyes watching them from the bushes. Eyes that saw nothing but death… and flesh. Miles away in the middle of the Dark Forest stood a skeletal Stallion in a sold black cloak made from the skin of some great beast. “So… we have trespassers in MY forest. I cannot allow that. No… I think a few more statues would do for the forest. Yes…” The Stallion gave a raspy laugh as a small cave opened letting out a creature of pure terror, a cockatrice. “Go, grant me more statues. Find them. Stone them. Do not return till then.” The Stallion ordered. The Cockatrice cawed before running into the forest to do its master’s bidding. “Keep watching them my trackers, make sure they do not escape.”


Twilight sighed as she went over the history books once again. “Spike!” Spike quickly brought the next book in the stack over along with some much needed lunch. “Come on Twilight, you got to eat something.” Twilight shook her head as she took the next history book from him with her magic and opened it up. “No Spike, we’re fighting an enemy only Alucard knows how to fight. We just can’t let this time go to waste while we let her recover.” Spike sighed at this. “Well you’re not going to help anyone if you don’t rest and eat Twilight.” Twilight was about to argue back till… “Your little friend is right Twilight.” Twilight quickly turned and bowed to the Queen. “Queen Faust.” Faust sat and gestured for her to rise. “He is right Twilight. You can’t help your friends if you cannot help yourself. Rest, eat, research can wait. Everyone here is doing their best to help out those in Manehattan.” Twilight sighed. “But… Alucard…” Faust placed a gentle hoof on Twilight’s shoulder and smiled at her. “My daughter is tending to her as best she can Twilight. Yes she is skilled in fighting our age old enemy but one must remember that they are never alone. You have friends Twilight. Go to them, seek them and spend time with them. You’ll need it. Not this library. I’ll have the researchers continue in your stead and also send you what they find. Now go, your friends, food, and rest await you.” Twilight smiled and nodded guiding Spike out of the massive castle library and to their friends. “I worry about her Mother.” Celestia said coming up from behind her. “As do I dear. She’ll exhaust herself if she does not slow down.” Faust said nuzzling her eldest daughter. “Yes but she is very dedicated to her friends. I do hope Luna is taking good care of Alucard.” Celestia said frowning. “As do I dear. As do I.”


Fire Light screamed as she fall over into her Lady. “Calm yourself Fire Light. Tis only another set of victims for the Cockatrice.” Dracula said gently putting her hoof on the poor family of Unicorns. “I feel so sorry for them.” Fire Light said looking at their frightened look. “As do I but we cannot help them now. One day we will find a cure for all this but now, we must move on.” Dracula said sadly and slowly moved on leading her squire. “I… think we should turn back my Lady, it’s far too dangerous…” Dracula stopped and turned to Fire Light and gently took her chin with her hoof. “What did I tell you when we can in here?” Fire Light just stared into her eyes, her hauntingly beautiful purple eyes. “I am with you my Lady, you will see that I am unharmed. “ Dracula smiled at this. “Good, remember this for I will keep it.” She soon released her squire’s chin and turned. “Come we have much more travel before nightfall.” Fire Light nodded as she slowly followed… right into her flank. “My Lady?” Dracula placed a hoof over her lips to show to be quite as she slowly drew her sword. Fire Light slowly did the same. A caw was soon heard as they soon sighted the back of what looked to be a chicken. “Is that…” Fire Light said carefully. “A Cockatrice.” The chicken headed lizard turned and locked eyes onto the two and slowly waddled up to them. “Stay behind me.” Dracula commanded. Fire Light nodded and got right behind her Lady. “Cockatrice, I know you can understand me. Turn your gaze away and let us pass. Don’t and you’ll face the wrath of the Dracula clan.” Fire Light looked to her Lady worried. The Cockatrice hissed as it got closer. “Last warning. Turn your gaze! Now!” The Cockatrice leaped and in a fast movement she could barely see was right hoofed into the ground by her Lady and soon bucked away her shoulder shields covering her face.

The cockatrice got back up and was now angry. Glaring at the two it rose and was soon at the point of Dracula’s sword. “I warn you for the final time beast. Turn and do not set your gaze on us again.” The Cockatrice was not a unintelligent beast, it was smart and cunning but… it knew it would not win this battle. This pony was not normal; it could sense danger and death in the air. It’s death to be more precise if it disobeyed this pony. Cawing, it turned and ran off never to face these ponies again and also releasing its spell on its last group of victims. “Wha… what happened?” The father asked. “You were frozen by a cockatrice dear sir. You and your kin are safe now.” The father sighed as he looked down at his wife and new born foal. “Thank you. Who do we have the pleasure of thanking?” The wife asked. “I am Night-heart Dracula, of the Dracula clan, and this is my squire, Fire Light.” Dracula said replacing her sword. “Thank you both, praise upon the house of Dracula. We were on our way to Platinum castle when we were attacked.” The Father said happily nuzzling his wife. “Then you are not far. Keep straight on this path and you’ll arrive at the front gate. Tell the front guards Dracula sent you and you’ll be allowed entry. If you have issues yell out the name of Princess Platinum and Dracula. Or better yet Clover the Clever. She is much closer to the Princess than I.” The father nodded. “Thank you we shall. Praise upon you and your clan.”

Dracula nodded at this as they soon left. “That was amazing my Lady, you sent that beast way with just a few…” Fire Light began to praise till she heard a moan and soon caught her Lady. “Lady Dracula!” Dracula looked up at her and slowly smiled. “I pushed myself a bit too far this day. I need rest and some food as well.” Fire Light nodded and laid her Lady down. “I’ll fix something right way.” She grabbed what small food she had packed and became fixing a much needed meal while her Lady rested. Such power, such strength and courage. What she able to do the same when it came down to it or… would she run? Turning her gaze back to her Lady she sighed. No, she would stay. She would stay by her side as long as she could and would not waver. Or at least try not to. Sighing, she carefully fed her Lady and herself and joined her in deep slumber.


“YOU FAILED ME!” The Skeletal Stallion yelled at his beast. “I should feed you to the ghouls you over stuffed Ginny foul!” The Cockatrice cowered at his masters hooves. “Explain to me how a beast who turned ponies to stone could fall to a mere armored mare!” The cockatrice squawked a hasty response which the Stallion hmm-ed and ha-ed at. “Dracula Clan you say? Well now… we have a challenge. Yes a challenge to our forest. Well… what to send. What to send… AH! I know what to send. Yes, stars. A beast of mighty stars. Come Ursa Major! I have a feast to send to you!” A large star furred bear larger than any known building, let alone castle came out of a cave and roared as it went to seek its meal. “Go, go and feed on the one named Dracula. Let her flesh make you more. And me… better.”


Dracula woke to the sound of light snoring next to her. Groaning she sat up and looked to see her squire nestled up to her like a frighten foal seeking safety with its mother. She looked so peaceful, so lovely, so ready for the taking. “No.” She said shaking her head. “No, not her. She is not what I seek nor will ever seek unless I have no choice. I must seek another.” Looking around she soon spotted a deer and saying a small prayer leaped and quickly sank her fangs into its soft flesh. The taste of rich warm blood soon flowed down her maw and into her much needed stomach. As she drank she slowly cried. She did not wish to take this one’s life but she had little choice. She had not brought her bottles of blood with her and she did not wish to frighten her squire with her secret. Yet for now she would only take what she needed and let this one go away. Tonight was not a night to do a much needed feed. No, she would seek another of her clan in Colton and feed there. Gently stroking the freighted deer’s coat to calm it down she gently licked the bite clean and once done let it scamper off. “Go young one. Seek yourself a fine mate. Forgive me for my needs tonight.” She said to it as it ran. “Tis my curse I must keep, tis my clan I must keep safe and partially hidden. Not one can know of our secret young one. Be proud you need not know of my pains and… my hunger.”


Luna thanked the doctor once again for changing the blood bags her Mage Knight needed to recover with. Sighing she sat and laid her head next to her. “What do you dream Alucard? Do you dream of our time together before the Nightmare? Or do you go deeper and dream of much harsher times?” With no response Luna soon stood and trotted around her knight’s room looking it over. It was beautiful yet frightening at the same time. Gothic art and theme was apparent all over the room. Silver inlayed into framework and wood wok to all things in the room and drawing the attention of anyone that entered to three areas. The first was Alucard’s armor which hung on the wall, magic flowing through it as though to be repairing itself. A spell possibly placed upon it before her birth that would forever be active. The second was the four poster bed Alucard now slept on. It was quite large for one such pony but remembering her own wings he know the benefits of such a large bed. Last was to the rear picture of a armored white unicorn mare with hauntingly beautiful purple eyes. Slowly trotting up to it she looked it over. The Picture was striking and mesmerizing and wondered who she was. Slowly she looked it over and saw the plates. “Lady Night-heart Dracula?” Luna asked herself as she read the plate again. “My beloved?” She slowly turned from the picture to her dear friend. “Is she someone you seek in your dreams Alucard? Is she… yours?” Again no response but Luna felt that… there was no need for a true answer at the time.


Fire Light and Dracula continued their track through the Dark Forest panting. It had been over a full day since they had left it they were nowhere closer to the town of Colton. “This is ridicules.” Dracula called leaning up against a tree. “A days travel and we are not even out of these woods. It is like something is binding us here.” Fire Light nodded as she slowly pulled out a map and checked it over. “My Lady if this were true we would have left by now. I believe we are in far more danger than we perceived.” Dracula nodded as she sat next to her squire causing a light blush to show. “We were here.” Dracula pointed out on the map. “And after a day we should be here.” She said pointing at the very end of the forest. “And yet we are still somewhere inside this blasted forest. Must be sorcery.” Fire Light looked to her Lady. “Sorcery?” Dracula nodded frowning. “Yes, dark sorcery, I fear we have either crossed the meadow of an angered Druid or something far darker. Best we make haste and try to find the edge of this meadow before we are brought unneeded harm.” Fire Light nodded as she rolled up the map and began to pack once again till a loud thump was heard. Then another. “My Lady?” Fire Light asked as it came closer. “I think we should move. Now!” Dracula yelled grabbing Fire Light in her magic as a large tree fell over revealing a giant Ursa Major. “I think we did far more than anger a Druid My Lady!” Finally running beside Dracula as she was put down. “Let us hope the spell on the woods effect it as well!” Dracula yelled as yet another tree fell near them unleashing…

Dracula’s eyes went wide as she saw the tree was once home to the perfect group of creatures to aid them, bats. “Fire Light close your ears! I’m going to cast a very loud spell behind us!” Fire Light nodded and pinned her ears as close as she could to her head as they ran. “Creatures of the night, here this one’s plea and aid us in our hour of need!” The swarm of bats responded by flying right at the Ursa Major causing it to try and swat them away in outrage. “What happened?” Fire Light asked as she looked to the Ursa Major. “I’ll explain later! Move!” Dracula commanded and they ran leaving the Ursa Major to its distraction.


The Skeletal Stallion reared and hissed as he saw in his magic what had happened. “Bats! Blasted bat hold back my anger and rage! I shall not be deterred! No! Roar my beast! Roar and let my magic let it sunder the earth itself!” With a angered yell his body glowed with dark magic as the Ursa Major roared and became louder and louder till the ground itself began to crack and break. The bats unable to handle such a loud roar flew off to find safety.


Fire Light panted from all the running she and her Lady got away from the Ursa Major. “I think, we got, away, My Lady.” Dracula looked to Fire Light smiling till the sound of cracking was heard. “Move!” Dracula yelled as the ground below them began to crack. They kept running as fast as they could but no matter how fast they were, the earth was faster.


Luna quickly turned at the sound of struggling behind her and saw to her horror Alucard convolsing on her bed. “No… NO! DOCTOR COME QUICKLY!” She yelled in the Royal Canterlot voice. She was not going to lose her personal knight… and most dearest of friends.


Ending: Cosmic Love (Rosario + Vampire)


To be continued

Episode 8: Chains of Memories part 3

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Episode 8: Chains of Memories part 3

Princess Luna paced outside her dear friend Alucard’s room. It had been over an hour since the doctor had rushed her out of the room. An hour since Alucard started convulsing. An hour since she found one of many hidden secrets her personal mage knight had hidden from her. Sighing she looked to the doors of Alucard’s room and frowned. As far back as she could remember Alucard had been her friend, companion, teacher, and most of all protector her entire life and never once did she suspect she had so many secrets. Not once had her mage knight mentioned this Lady Dracula let alone anything else revolving her personal life. Still she prayed that this Lady Dracula heard her prayers to bring her dearest and oldest friend back to not only her but to everyone that cared deeply for her and felt relaxed as if someone, somepony, had heard this prayer… and was already doing so.


Opening Theme: Dancing in the Velvet Moon (From Rosario + Vampire)

Disclaimer: I do not own the Music used for the Opening and Ending for each chapter of this small origin series they are owned by Nana Mizuki. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Miss Faust, along with her character the Mother Mare. I also do not own the following Characters: Commander Hurricane and Private Pansy, Princess Platinum and Clover the Clever, Chancellor Puddinghead and Smart Cookie, and the Flutter Ponies from G1. The only characters I do own are as follows and will be expanded by Episode: Alucard the Dark Mage Knight, Prince Alicornian (Alex) the Mage Knight, Lady Dracula, Abraham Van Hayseed, Dark Sparrow, Cobra the Dead and Mayor Monty Bags. Please Enjoy. –Bows.-


Dark Sparrow looked to the skies as he watched for something to come his way. As a member of Hayseed it was his duty to insure the cleansing of Equestria and its ponies. Sighing, he finally noticed a messenger falcon flying his way and pulled out a whistle from his coat and blew. The Falcon landed on a perch and extended its leg. “Well my friend, what does HQ report?” The Falcon flew off leaving a scroll behind which he picked up and read and smiled shaking his head. “So Dr. Hayseed’s gotten word about the Mage Knights it seems. Huh, and he wishes me to… grant control of the Horde to the Mayor.” He smiled as he tossed closed the scroll and put it away. “As the Doctor wishes, so shall it be.” Dark said turning to his partner, an oddity named Pain. Pain nodded and cocked his crossbow and loaded black liquid filled arrow and walked away. Looking down at the Horde of Ghouls he narrowed his eyes and using his wing to pull out a lightning designed gun fired a bolt of lightning at a dead mare’s head smiling. “Next time… let’s keep the mares alive and inline.”


The girls sighed as Twilight finally laid down to rest. She had been up for hours going over anything and everything revolving around the type of spell Alucard had used and even though there was nothing at the time, Twilight had pushed as hard as she could but… couldn’t keep going and passed out. “Finally the poor dear is asleep.” Rarity said coming down from the bedroom Twilight still owned while in the castle. “I’m really worried about Alucard.” Fluttershy said in a small voice. “She’ll be fine Flutters, don’t you worry. Sides, Princess Luna is watching her and we all know she won’t let anything happen to her.” Rainbow said hovering in the air. “Still I wonder what’s taking Applejack and Pinkie with the food.” Rarity sighed and sat down next to Fluttershy. “This is a castle Rainbow Dash, who knows how far the kitchens are from Twilight’s room.” Rainbow Dash groaned and sat down next to the large sand clock the room had. Ever since the evacuation of Manehattan she’s been seeing less and less of her friends. Twilight’s been working herself into an exhaustion, Prince Alex been keeping up relations with the ponies of Manehattan along with moral of the Royal Guards since he was the only Mage Knight able to fight at the moment, Alucard was in deep recovery, Applejack and her family been working day in to day out to keep up with food demands, Rarity had also been working to exhaustion keeping up with clothes demands, Fluttershy had also been keeping herself busy helping Nurse Redheart and Ms. Cheerily with the foals and families that lost somepony during the evacuation, and finally was Pinkie Pie… her Pinkie Pie. She hadn’t told the girls yet but… she and Pinkie had been going out for some time and she… well she loved her but ever since the evacuation… Pinkie’s been working her flank off in the castle’s kitchen with the Apples on baked goods and even the Cakes foals, Pound and Pumpkin Cake as their babysitter. She really missed her friends and this visit and time off was what they all really needed.

“Are you girls alright?” a voice said coming into the room. “Queen Faust?” the girls said quickly bowing. The Queen gave a small giggle and waved a hoof at them. “Rise, my Little Ponies. I am only here to check up on all of you, I heard you’ve all had a hard time in the city.” The girls rose and looked down tired. “Yes your majesty. The orders at the shop I’ve been allowed to use have been dreadful. I have over ten suits and five dresses to make by the end of the week on top of normal clothing and everyday clothing which constantly are needed. I’m not sure if… Your majesty I truly need help.” Rarity said sadly. “And all those poor foals need new homes soon. I’m afraid the orphanages can’t keep up with the adoptions and the school Ms. Cheerily is using is currently using seems so small.” Fluttershy said in a small voice. “Your Majesty… I really miss my friends and… I’m really worried about them. Twilight, Rarity, everyone, they’re so tired at the end of the day and…” Rainbow started till Queen Faust raised her hoof. “I too am worried about this. Equestria has greatly changed from when I was last home and I feel that Canterlot has changed far too much to keep any form of normalcy. Celestia and I are doing what we can with the ponies but let us focus on all of you first.” The Queen turned and looked to Rarity. “Rarity you are so generous to give your time and work to those in need I would be honored to help you find others that share your passion for such help.” Rarity tiered up at this and bowed her head. The Queen then turned to Fluttershy. “Dear Fluttershy you are so kind to help others and I thank you for bringing this all to my attention. Maybe we can hold an adoption fair for families that wish but could not adopt and as for the school I will talk to Celestia about using one of the class rooms at the School for Gifted Unicorns for them.” Fluttershy smiled at this.

The Queen then looked to Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow Dash you are very loyal to your friends and to bringing your concerns to light is very loyal indeed. I will do what I can to lift the work load from your friends so they are not so tired at the end of the day and why not set up a day you can all gather. I’ve heard Pinkie Pie’s parties are a sight to see and would love to participate in one.” Rainbow smiled at this. “Oh they’re a blast. You’ll love them… um I mean… that would be nice your majesty.” The Queen giggled at this and spent the rest of the day with the three girls helping them relax.


Prince Alex slowly flew into his bedroom window and just dropped onto his bed fully armored. “Alex?” Prince Alex looked up from the bed at his loved tiredly. “Hey.” Derpy trotted over and nuzzled his cheek. “Hey, another long day?” Prince Alex nodded slowly. “Yeah… there was another argument at the food stands again and the guards on duty could handle it so I had to step in. Then there was a brawl at Applejack’s Cider stand, and it just…” He stopped as soon as Derpy kissed him. “Better?” Derpy asked. “Not sure,” Alex said smiling “could use another.” Derpy giggled and gave him another kiss before helping him out of his gear. “How are the girls?” Alex asked after getting all but his grieves off. “Well Dinky is keeping up with her studies and Sparkler is still getting used to the castle, I’ve had to ask one of the guards to keep an eye on her and guide her around. I think she’s starting to like it here.” Alex sat down on the bed and sighed happily. “That’s good. What about Lyra and Bonbon?” Derpy sat next to Alex and nuzzled him. “Bonbon’s been so tired lately from working in the castle’s kitchens Lyra fears she might collapse. Lyra sadly… had another fight with those two musicians. What where their names again?” Derpy said putting a hoof to her chin. “Vinyl and Octavia,” Alex asked looking at her, “what about this time?” Derpy sighed. “Playing in the dance hall in the castle, it seems they were booked at the same time at the same day. It took me getting Princess Celestia to get them to stop. I’m starting to get worried about all of us being here in Canterlot Alex.” Alex wrapped his arms around his love and hugged her dearly. “We’ll figure out something Derpy. I promise we’ll get through this.” Derpy snuggled into Alex and pushed him over into the bed for some sleep and some much needed personal time.


Fire Light slowly woke up and looked around for her Lady. “Finally your awake.” A voice said behind her. She tried to look behind her but found she was bound and unable to do so. “Though my beast could not end you both as I wished, there is something to be said about doing it by your own hooves.” She listened and heard hooves walk from behind her. The hooves sounded odd, like they were coming from a very old stallion with a bit of a regal movement. She turned her head to see a tall, dark cloaked stallion with his head held down. There was a musky almost deadly odor coming from him that nearly turned her stomach. “Who are you? Why are you holding me captive?” Fire Light asked angrily. “Ah… this one has a fire in her belly and fangs for teeth. One to be respected if she was not a mere squire, yes, if she was much more, a Lady of the Dark Court, than she been of respect but no. She is just a squire.” He captive said stopping before her. “If we have offended you by walking through your grove we apologize. We tried to leave as quickly as we could.” Fire Light said before she was hit across her cheek. “You do not speak wench! The Dark Court hates and hunts our kind, and our kind takes no heed to the Dark ones! You shall fall by our hooves, yes, OUR hooves, and not some beast. Not ANY beast!” Fire Light looked up to demand whom he was and what this Dark Court was till she looked up into the face of death… and screamed!


Dracula woke up and shook the dizziness from her head. Looking around she judged where she was. It seemed to be some kind of cave but its smell… it was not one you would normally wish to smell. It was of rotting, decaying, festering, flesh and bones. In general, it was the smell of death. “Fire Light… Fire Light, answer me!” Looking around and listening she slowly began to become concerned. She felt something special from her squire and even felt… protective of her. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts she stood and looked around only to be encountered by… “A minor?!” Before her was a young Ursa Minor, that was not happy to have been woken up. “Easy little one, easy, where if your mother?” An angry growl was her response. Slowly she turned into the face of the angered mother and calmed her breathing. “Calm mother, calm, I mean no harm to you or your kin.” The Ursa Major growled angrily. “Yes I am sorry for such actions and as I claim I mean you no harm.” Dracula spoke carefully. A sword dropped before her with an even angrier growl. “No, no I would never draw such a blade as this on you or your young kin. You must believe me.” The Ursa roared at her. “You have my word as a Dracula!” The Ursa stopped its roar and looked to her. “I, Lady Night-Heart, of the Dracula clan, swear no harm on you or your kin for as long as my clan shall live.” The Ursa Major looked at her as the Minor waddled over to suckle from its mother. After a long moment the Ursa Major lay down and allowed it’s cub to feed better. Sighing she used her magic to clean and sheath her sword. “Thank you gentle one. I ask you a small favor. I am looking for my squire, have you seen her?” The Ursa Major nodded and used its paw to point to a closed gate that was unseen earlier. “Who took her?” The Ursa Major gave off a frightened growl as the minor whimpered. “Oh no.” She quickly turned to the gate and with a burst of magic sent it flying. She didn’t have much time to loose. She was wrong, very wrong! They were not facing an angered Druid, no; they were facing something far worse, a litch.


“What are you?!” Fire Light screamed as the bone only stallion laughed at her. “I, I am that that surpassed death, that who rules all that is dark, all that is deadly, yes, I am what you mortals fear but cannot dream of, I am nightmares itself. I, my dear, am Cobra the Dead!” The Litch screamed laughing. “What have you done to my Lady Dracula?!” Fire Light demanded. The Litch laughed. “Dracula? The Dark Court’s wench, yes, the wench, she be dead, DEAD, by this night. THIS NIGHT!” The Litch yelled laughing. The laugh made her cold but it was the possibility that her Lady… her crush… was dead. “No… no you lie… YOU LIE!” The Litch stopped his laugh and turned to his captive. “Do I wench? DO I?!”

“You do litch!” A voice yelled as the Lich flew to the side. “Dracula!” Fire Light yelled happily. “Are you well Fire Light?” Dracula said working on her possible loves’ bindings. “I am... I am well My La… Look out!” Fire Light yelled as a bolt of lightning nearly hit them. “Die Dark Wench!” the Litch yelled as he prepped another spell in his hooves. It was then Fire Light heard and saw something that made her gasp. Her Lady Dracula hissed and her eyes contracted into slits as her teeth gained for deadly point. It was at this the battle ensued. Spells where tossed back and forward as solid steel blade met with once brittle back bone turned sword. “Fall wench! Fall!” The Litch yelled as he pushed back Dracula. “Fire Light find the sand clock! Fine it and destroy it!” Dracula yelled as she used her front hooves to push the Litch away and turned quick giving his skull a hard buck giving off a nearly sickening crack. Fire Light quickly nodded and ran through the caves in search for any and all sand clocks. “You will not find my heart wench, you will not, she will die, DIE, after you fall. FALL!” The crazed Litch yelled as he wildly swung. “Hurry Fire Light! I am unsure how long I can hold him!” Dracula yelled as she once again met the Litch’s bone blade with her steel.

Fire Light tossed over tables, bookshelves, anything that had a sand clock on or in it. Bucking and swinging her sword destroying everything in sight. She had to find that sand clock, she had to save her Lady, it didn’t matter to her what her Lady was at the time, she had to find that clock and soon! “Where is it?! It must be here!” After destroying the last of the rooms she started to become frantic. “Where is it?!” She soon turned to face an Ursa Minor and gasped. “No please!” She awaited the minor to bite her but was surprised to find it licking her face. “What?” The Minor turned and using its large paw broke open a small wall where a large black sand filled sand clock was stored. “That… that must be it.” She turned and nodded to the minor. “Thank you.” Sizing up the large clock and remembering her lessons she dove at the clock and sliced into it.

“Ah!” The Litch screamed as black liquid fell from its bone body. “She found it.” Dracula said happily. “No! NO!” The Litch screamed as more and more slices appeared on his body. “Now Fire Light! Finish him!” Dracula yelled as the Litch readied a dying slash. Fire Light quickly turned and gave the badly damaged sand clock a solid buck shattering it into pieces. “NO!!!!” was all that was heard as a bright light covered her and the minor.


Luna turned as a loud scream was heard from Alucard’s room and then silence. “Doctor…. Doctor! Answer me!” She yelled at the door worried for her dear friend. Running up to the door she beatted on it till she heard the latch to the door click and backed away from the door as the doctor slowly trotted out whipping his brow. “Doctor is she?” Luna asked worried. “Princess calm down, she’s fine now.” Luna dropped to her stomach at the news. “Princess we are not sure but for some odd reason she had a blood rejection. From what you’ve told us she’s never had this before. Any idea as to why now?” the good doctor informed her. “No doctor I do not. However… Guard!” One of her Night Guards came over and saluted. “Please fetch my mother. Tell her it is urgent.” The Guard nodded and galloped off to fulfill his duty. “Doctor. May I… see her?” The Doctor nodded and allowed her in. Slowly she trotted over to Alucard’s bed and sat at her side. “Whoever is watching over her, we thank you.”

The Doctor came over and placed a gentle hoof on his princess’ shoulder. “Princess… I’m afraid this isn’t the end. We’re not sure what is truly wrong with her but… we promise to do our best.” Luna nodded as she smiled at her friend and… the picture across from her.


Soon the light died down and Fire Light felt dizzy once again. What had happened? She soon felt herself nudged hard and yelled at. “Wake up! Hurry we must run! Wake up!” Fire Light quickly opened her eyes to see her love trying to push her awake and into a run. “Dracula what’s wrong?!” She said soon following her love from their spot inside a barn which was quickly growing in flames. “No time! Run!” Dracula yelled as they ran for the only known exit, the other side of the barn which was not on fire. “Leaving so soon?” Fire Light and Dracula stopped. Both knew that voice. “To bad this will be your grave.” Said a dark brown Earth Pony with long black hair wearing a Stetson hat tilted over his face only showing one bright blue eye. The stallion was also wearing a trench coat of the same color as his hat, Regal White. Dracula gave the Stallion a hard and angered look and said only one name. “Hayseed.”


Ending: Cosmic Love (Rosario + Vampire)


To be continued

Episode 9: Chains of Memories part 4

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Episode 9: Chains of Memories part 4

“You destroy everything you touch Hayseed!” Dracula yelled angrily. “To rid the world of your kind I would destroy the world.” The Stallion said as he raised his crossbow. “The other way, run!” Dracula yelled as an arrow landed where she and Fire Light once stood. “Fools, you’ll die in the flames.” Hayseed said as he loaded a second round. “Care not for the flame my love! Jump!” Dracula yelled as they both galloped through the barn… and out the other side of the once large wooden doors. “We made it!” Fire Light yelled. “Not for long. We must make it to the castle, we can seek sanctuary there.” Dracula said as they galloped.

“Run. Run my pretty pray. Does not matter where you go, I’ll find you… and lead you to Tartarus.” The Stallion said giving off a mad smile.


Opening Theme: Dancing in the Velvet Moon (From Rosario + Vampire)

Disclaimer: I do not own the Music used for the Opening and Ending for each chapter of this small origin series they are owned by Nana Mizuki. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Miss Faust, along with her character the Mother Mare. I also do not own the following Characters: Commander Hurricane and Private Pansy, Princess Platinum and Clover the Clever, Chancellor Puddinghead and Smart Cookie. The only characters I do own are as follows and will be expanded by Episode: Alucard the Dark Mage Knight, Prince Alicornian (Alex) the Mage Knight, Lady Dracula, and Abraham Van Hayseed. Please Enjoy. –Bows.-


Abraham Van Hayseed, a once well-known earth pony doctor who was even respected by Queen Faust. One day he had gained a patient he could not aid and went insane. That patient was a unicorn who had a horn disease that a unicorn doctor could have cured but being an earth pony doctor in a full earth pony town. It was after this death that he could not cure he began going down a dark road and began doing illegal experimentation, study, and all things science till one day he became a murderer. One day he discovered the biggest secret of the world and finally went over the deep end. The Secret of the Dark Court, the house of Vamponies and from that day he had hunted, killed, and defiled not only the Dark Court but also the other clans. He did not care who he killed as long as he did so in the name of “cleansing the world” which lead to them now being greatly hunted. They’re only save place now… was the Castle of Queen Faust.

Fire Light breathed heavy from a small resting spot the two knew of on the way to the castle. “I think… we lost him.” Dracula sighed and nodded. “My love, we must not stay long. The stone bridge to Queen Faust’s castle is close.” Fire Light nodded and was about to kiss her love before an arrow thunk into a nearby tree missing her head. “He’s found us! Run!” Dracula yelled as the two ran through the forest, the feared Everfree Forest, a natural defense for the castle and a challenge for anyone that was not native to the forest or in their case, once proud knights for the Queen. They ran over gorges, tree roots, dodging arrow after arrow from the insane doctor. “Dracula… I… I have to rest!” Fire Light called to her love. “Don’t falter my love! We are nearly there!” Dracula called back.

“I think not!” Hayseed yelled as he lined up a shot. “Look out!” Dracula yelled as she jumped back and… “AH!!!” Fire Light’s eyes widened in deep fear. “Night-heart! Stay with me, please don’t leave me!” the young mare begged as she tried her best to stop the bleeding the gold incrusted arrow had made in her loves heart. The sadistic Stallion in a Regal white just laughed as he loaded yet another arrow into his cross bow. “Fire Light…” Dracula said weakly. “Don’t worry my dear, she’s going to where her kind deserve, just as you will be soon. Tartarus has plenty of room for pale excuse for ponies, for you see the land must be purified of your vile kind along with all the others who violate this land.” The Stallion said smiling insanely. Fire Light didn’t understand and cried as she looked the murderer in the eye.

“What have we ever done to you, or any of the others you defiled?” Fire Light asked looking to him. “Why that is simple my dear, you and her were born. As were the others, Tartarus even those Pegasus and unicorns are just as worse as you. My dear you and your entire vile can will never even understand so I’ll make it a clear as the sun to you! Your stains in the great design, a disease that needs to be wiped out never to come forth again and I my dear am the grand cure.” Fire Light laid her love down and looked to the Stallion, the one who had hunted them for years and caused so much hate. The one who made them look like monsters, villains, murderers, when all they wanted was to live in peace. And here was the real villain, the real murderer, the real honest to the Queen Monster! They were so close to Queen Faust’s castle and its walls someone had to have spotted them and heard this vile man and his damned confessions. “You are nothing more and a… a… clan hater!” Fire Light yelled at him. The Stallion shrugged. “So what if I am my dear, there can only be one oddity in this word and that is the Queen for she is a goddess. She is pure and powerful while Pegasus and Unicorns are mere imitations. Yet your clan, yes, you and her, these Vamponies, are far worse. They seek blood so they can stay young, youth-full, near immortal, and with powers that nearly rival the queen herself.” Fire Light shook her head. “Lies, all of them for those are lies you have crafted on us!” The stallion lifted his crossbow and aimed it right at her. She knew what was coming. She would not blink. She would face death head on and beg it to haunt him to his grave and beyond. “And so what if I did.” He confessed. “It’s too late now. Say hello to the Gatekeeper for me!” The arrow flew and soon stuck her in the heart.


Luna and the Doctor soon found themselves having to hold Alucard down with not only their combined magic but also their own bodies. Alucard thrashed about screaming and yelling in great pain giving her the untold powers of the dragon’s blood that raged through her body. “She’s going into shock! Hold her!” The Doctor yelled as his nurses readied a needle of sedative. “Alucard! Alucard stay with us please! We cannot lose you! Not now! NOT NOW! STAY WITH US!!!” Luna screamed as the sedative was given.


All had been black before she woke up in the arms of her lover. “Are we dead my love?” she asked. “No my love, I have saved you but at a cost. You must carry on my will my love, and seek justice on the one who has taken so many of our people to Tartarus with him. I haven’t much time my love, drink for this is the last gift I can give you.” Fire Light soon found a bitter yet tangy taste on her lips and tongue along with a rush of power… and lust. The drink was more than she could bare as she slowly begun sucking allowing the drink to come to her in rivulets, guzzling and drinking to her fullest while enjoying the feel of pure pleasure run through her body, as her one white coat turned to a dark smoky gray and her forehead began to hurt and slowly bleed as a unicorn sized slowly spiraled out and grew, her mane and fetlock which were once pure black gained one blood red streak down the middle, and her flank glowed granting her a Cutie Mark of a bat with a sword and wand placed behind it. As soon the transformation was complete and she could draw no more from the drink she let if fall into her lap, dead. “No, oh my dear Queen, NO!”

Fire Light cried as she held her now dead beloved in her hooves, the one who killed her still allowed to walk away free and alive while she was left alone, and now newly imprisoned, and soon to be dead. Yet Queen Faust was fair to all those who came to her and granted her court as she once served her. The Queen was always kind, always just, and always generous. “We have not seen thou for an age Fire Light. We welcome thy and give our deepest sorrows to thou love. Rise and let us see your face.” The Queen said kindly. “Forgive me my Queen but… the one you speak of no longer exist. She was killed alongside her lover outside your gates.” Fire Light said sadly. “Yet you are Fire Light, lover of Night-heart Dracula, Lady of the Dark Court are you not?” The Queen asked worried. “I… was my lady. I once gone by such a name now I go by a new name, one I swear my life and service to the crown to.” Fire Light said looking down still. “Then speak thou name dear one so we may see you as a knight once more to our court.” The Queen said gesturing for her sword. “I am Alucard my Queen, the last of the Vamponies.” The newly named Alucard said soon looking up to her Queen. Queen Faust looked to Alucard in shock seeing the now red eyes of a Vampony replacing that of her once dear knight. Nodding she placed her sword on Alucard’s right shoulder. “Then we named thy, Lady Alucard.” She said placing the sword now on her left shoulder. “Rise my knight and welcome a new day.” Alucard did so and soon became dizzy and fell once more.

She soon woke again in a land of pure darkness and sighed. “Am I dead?” she asked the darkness. “No, my love you’re still very much alive.” Alucard turned to the voice and gasped. “Dracula!” Lady Dracula stood before her smiling. “Hello Fire Light.” Alucard rushed forward and hugged her beloved. “But how, you’re dead.” Dracula gently pushed her away. “Because my love, I’ve been watching you and I am pleased with your current life. You’ve made many allies and have saved so many lives. You make me so very proud of you.” Alucard held onto her love and cried. “Oh Night-heart, how I’ve missed you and how can you say that you are proud of me when I have yet to avenge your soul?” Dracula held her love and ran a hoof down her long mane. “Because I am my love, you are continuing to live in my stead and though I do desire the life of my killer I cannot force such life upon you. Yet this is not why I am here.” Alucard looked up to her love. “It is not?” Dracula shook her head. “No my love, it is to save your life. The Ghouls you faced have a toxin in their bodies far different that that you and I have faced before. Though the new blood has healed your wounds the side effects of the toxin is affecting your mind and has poisoned your magic’s flow. We must cleanse it quickly and send you back to the living. Hayseed has not arrived at the river Styx yet and this worries me greatly. Now my love repeat after me.”

Alucard shook her head. “Yet what will happen to you? Will I ever see you again, will I ever feel your soft coat against mine, or hear your lovely voice ever again?” Dracula held Alucard’s face and gave it a long deep kiss. “Let this be your answer for now my love. For now let us cleanse your magic.” Alucard cried as she nodded. “Clatue Veratou Nickto. Clatue Veratou Nickto.” Dracula chanted with her love.


Luna cried as her friend’s condition started to worsen. “I’m sorry Princess. We did as best as we could. Let us cover her.” The doctor said sadly. “No! She’s still alive. We know it! Alucard Please! Please return to us.” Luna begged crying on her friend’s chest. The doctor carefully went to Luna’s side. “Please Princess don’t make this harder than it has to.” Luna shook her head then her ears lifted. “What is that?” The doctor looked to her. “Is what Princess?” Luna hushed the doctor and leaned toward Alucard’s mouth and listened. “Clatue… Veratou… Nickto?” Luna said to herself “Excuse me Princess?” Luna looked to him. “Clatue Veratou Nickto. We swear she is saying exactly that, but weakly.” Luna turned her head in though then gasped. “Take her hand and repeat those words, quickly!” The Doctor and nurses responded quickly and did as instructed.


Dracula and Alucard continued the chant as both their horns began to glow a dark red. “Yes, we’re almost there my love. Clatue Veratou Nickto.” Dracula told her love. Alucard nodded as she continued the chant till a bright flash formed and the land around them became grass land. “It is done.” Dracula said happily. Alucard looked at her love smiling and crying. “Dracula… Night-heart my love, thank you.” Dracula kissed her once again deeply and held it for as long as they could before parting. “Live my love and keep fighting for the just cause, do not falter from it. Also tell your young charge and the Queen we said hello.” Alucard held her love. “Please, don’t leave me again.” Dracula smiled and nuzzled her love’s cheek. “I will never leave you my love for I’ll always be close to you. Here, right in your heart.” Alucard cried as the world around her began to disappear. “Stay safe, my love.”


The chant ended in the bedroom as Alucard groaned and blinked her eyes. “Alucard… Alucard!” Luna said hugging her dear friend. “P-princess?” Alucard said turning to her. “Welcome back to the land of the living.” She heard behind her Princess. Turning her head she saw not only doctors and nurses but also Queen Faust. “Thank you… Dracula says hi.” Alucard said smiling. Luna blinked at her confused as Queen Faust smiled with a few tears coming down her cheeks and turned to the picture of Lady Dracula. “Thank you for returning her to my daughter.” She said to it. Alucard turned her head to her beloved’s picture as well and smiled.


Ending: Cosmic Love (Rosario + Vampire)


To be continued

Episode 10: Hunting Dawn

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Episode 10: Hunting Dawn

Alucard rested in her bed as Luna watched over her, a much different role than they had years ago when Luna was just a foal. “Do you need anything Alucard?” Alucard shook her head tiredly. “Some sleep would be nice.” Luna nods happily. It had been a week since she had awoken and Luna had been at her side through all of it taking care of her night in and day out. “Then rest, we shall be here when you wake.” Alucard slowly nodded and drifted off to sleep, remembering a mission she and her love Dracula had finished together a long time ago.


Opening Theme: Dancing in the Velvet Moon (From Rosario + Vampire)

Disclaimer: I do not own the Music used for the Opening and Ending for each chapter of this small origin series they are owned by Nana Mizuki for Dancing in the Velvet Moon and Aya for Over Night. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Miss Faust, along with her character the Mother Mare. I also do not own the following Characters: Commander Hurricane and Private Pansy, Princess Platinum and Clover the Clever, and Chancellor Puddinghead and Smart Cookie. The only characters I do own are as follows and will be expanded by Episode: Alucard the Dark Mage Knight, Prince Alicornian (Alex) the Mage Knight, Lady Dracula, Cobra the Dead and Mayor Monty Bags. Please Enjoy. –Bows.-


Commander Hurricane was pacing back and forward angrily. “Princess Platinum said those knights of here should be here by now!” Private pansy frowned at this scared of her commander’s anger. “May… maybe they ran into an Ursa Major and had to take an alternate route?” Chancellor Puddinghead nodded greatly. “Yeah I mean, who would want to face a Ursa Major, those things are super mean, not mean, mean, I mean really, really mean and you don’t want to be facing something that mean unless your mean yourself but that would just be mean right?” Everyone just looked at the Chancellor. “I think she means that they’d have to be really skilled to face off against a Major.” Smart Cookie said getting nods of understanding to follow. “Well they better show us or this will mean issues for all of us yet again!” Commander Hurricane said annoyed. Soon the sound of door creaking where heard and they all turned to one of Commander Hurricane’s men. “Commander, Lady Dracula and her Squire have arrived along with a bag of some kind.” The four looked to each other and nodded to allow them in.

Both Dracula and Fire Light came in and bowed before the group. “We’ve come from the land of Unicorns to present the items in out care.” Commander Hurricane nodded at this. “My guard said you also arrived with a bag of some kind.” Dracula nodded to her Squire who dropped her bag and opened it revealing bones and glass. “We present to you the enemy of the woods, Cobra the Dead.” The group gasped. “We’ve been having issues with that forest for years. Are you sure this is the master of those woods?” Commander Hurricane asked. “It is. He was a Litch, keeping himself alive by the use of a sand clock.” The group nodded to this. “And the package?” Hurricane asked again. “It is here and safe.” Fire Light said handing the package over. The group opened the package, a small chest and smiled. Inside was a crown, set of horseshoes, and regalia. “At last it arrives. We can now have our solution.” Hurricane said happily.

“Solution?” both Fire Light and Dracula asked. Chancellor Puddinghead was about to speak till someone stopped her kindly. “Each clan has been at each other throats for a long time and it’s kind of hard to run a new nation with three rulers so we sought out Clover the Clever’s teacher, Star-swirl the Bearded for a solution.” Smart Cookie said quickly. “He said that one day a foal would be born and raised by a family of all three clans. Should that foal be born it is to become the ruler of our new land and hold order over all three clans.” Hurricane said smiling. “One was born and she’s now to be named Queen.” Fire Light and Dracula gasped at this. “Private Pansy?” Private Pansy saluted and quickly went to fetch the new queen. Moments later she returned and bowed. “P-presenting the new queen of Equestria, Queen Faust.” To their shock a winged unicorn walked into the room and smiled kindly. “Greetings.” Both quickly bowed to her. “I thank you for helping the ponies here with what you have done. Please become my knights after you return safely home.” The two nodded and smiled happily as they remembered they’re victory celebration after Cobra’s defeat. Fire Light could not hold her blush at the fond memory of her Lady’s lips on her own.


Luna watched as Alucard smiled as she slept. “Sleep well my knight.”


Alicornian sighed at the battle meeting once again got into an uproar with the nobles and the captain of the guard, Shining Armor. “Enough!” Alicornian yelled to the group finally gaining peace. “Now we’ll do this simply and easily is that clear?” The nobles all nodded. “Very well, let us start with Los Pegasus noble Lord Fire Wings.” A solid red and yellow winged tipped Pegasus stood. “Thank you Prince Alicornian. My troops from Los Pegasus report that the Ghouls have increased greatly over time as evacuations were far later than they should have been. Seems one of our Mayor did not make it as well.” Alicornian nodded at this, “How many ghouls where they able to count Lord Wings?” Fire Wings sighed as he sat down. “Over three fourths of Los Pegasus is Ghouls. We were only able to rescue one fourth of the town.” Alicornian frowned at this. “I’m sorry but it looks like Los Pegasus will have to wait. Still we thank you for your aid.” Fire Wings nodded and looked down at the map of Equestria. “Next we speak to Lady Winds from New Yolk.” A unicorn with bright blue fur and yellow eye stood and smiled. “We are happy to report that our plan to rid of the ghouls by forcing them onto ships that would be sent out to sea and destroy has succeeded and we are currently having our best mages along with guards all in magically protective armor clean out the city. We too are searching for our Mayor.” Alicornian frowned at this news but nodded. “It had to be done. Please be sure to request graves for all those who perished from your town be placed.” Lady Winds nodded to this and sat down. “Lastly we speak to the newly named Mayor of Manehattan, Mr. Stonework.” A muscular earth pony stood up and had a map of Manehattan put up. “I would like to pull your attention to the map if you please.” Everyone nodded and looked to the map. “As you already know, Prince Alicornian and Lady Alucard where able to save over three fourth of the town and eliminate a large portion of the ghouls, we estimate they had removed at least half of the ghouls when there were there last. Now for the updates.” Mr. Stonework said pushing markers onto the large map. “Currently the ghouls have congregated here around town hall, the last known area where former Mayor Monty Bags was last seen or heard from. If he’s alive he’s stuck inside the hall.”

Alicornian studied the map. Not used to ghouls he thought this was normal behavior. “How long have they been there?” Shining armor asked. “Since Alicornian and Alucard left with the other survivors.” Mr. Stonework said. “That doesn’t sound right.” Shining said looking at the map. “I agree with Shining.” Alicornian said looking at the map. “I don’t think they’re really trying to get into town hall, I think they may be trying to defend it.” Shining and the others looked to Alicornian with shock. “You can’t be serious.” Mr. Stonework said in shock. “No, Alicornian’s right. It’s a fall out strategy.” Shining said pointing it out. “They’re acting as a list line defense to protect the last known stronghold of a town or fortress. I should have seen it right off.” Alicornian patted his fellow soldier on the shoulder with his gauntleted hoof. “We all make mistakes my friend. Think we can punch through there?” Shining looked over the map. “We’ll need a more up to date map and location of ghouls. If it still hasn’t changed we could.” Alicornian nodded at this. “Alright then. Till then this meeting is dismissed. Return to you families all of you, I believe they’ve missed you.” Everyone nodded and left the room where soon after all but Shining left allowed Alicornian to stand up on his back legs and let out his gauntlet hidden hands. “I hate long meetings.” Shining nodded as he too stretched. “Still it needed to be done. Now we know where to attack first and rid of those ghouls.” Alicornian nodded slowly as he returned to being on all fours. “I think I’ll leave duty and spend some time with my whole family today Shining, what about you?” Shining smiled as he joined his comrade and friend. “I’m going to take Candence out to a show then maybe a nice dinner. We haven’t had time to spend with each other in a while.” Alicornian nodded as they soon parted ways.

Alicornian sighed as he passed the numerous set of ponies bartering or arguing at food and good stands. The meeting took place half across Canterlot in a well-fortified section of the city. There were many being set up all over Canterlot should the ghouls ever came their way but from the looks of the meeting that may not be a possibility but it did not hurt to be prepared. He soon smiled as he watch young foals played around with their true or adoptive families pleased with how thing were slowly gaining some semblance of normalcy. Sighing, he finally gave the guards on duty a solute and walked into the castle. “Greeting Prince Alex, how was the meeting?” a maid said walking with him. “Very well White Rose. Though I will admit I wish we could have at least walked around a bit. My wings almost fell asleep on me.” Alex said gaining a giggle from the maid. “How are things in the castle?” The maid smiled as they rounded a corner towards the dining hall. “Alucard seems to be doing much better but still needs time to rest and recover. Your loves foals are currently working on homework and she apologizes for being home late tonight, seems there was a mix up during the deliveries.” Alex sighed at this and hoped it wasn’t his loves fault. “Seems there are more than one pony y the same name living in town so the packages got set to the wrong pony.” The maid said stopping outside the dining hall’s doors. “I see. Well the mail services should take better care of that better. Anything else?” Alex said before walking into the hall. “Oh yes, the Queen and Mother are already inside and Princess Luna won’t be joining you this night. She still insists on caring for Alucard. As for your Ponyville family they too will be joining you for dinner.” the Maid informed. Alex nodded and walked into the dining hall and was quickly greeted by two very happy foals.


After a full month of recovery Alucard and Alex were going over the battle plans once again with Shining Armor and the Unicorn unit. “Now let go over the plan one last time.” Alex said pointing out the maps. “Alucard and I fly over the ghouls and gain entrance to the town hall by the sky light. While inside we find the former mayor and remove him from harm however should he be turned into a ghoul, well that goes unsaid. While we do this you, Shining Armor, will lead the Unicorn units and use the spell Alucard taught all of you on them putting them at peace. You’re to keep the line as best you can and make sure not one Unicorn gets injured. I want everyone, and I mean everyone, to return home safely. Is this clear?” Shining and Alucard nodded to this. “One last thing, Alucard?” Alex said looking to her. Alucard nodded and looked to her comrades. “We’re also to keep an eye out for any ponies in white trench coats and Stetson hats. They seem to be at the heart of all this and if so they are to be arrested on the spot. If they resist… do what you must.” Alex gave her a hard stare till he and Shining both nodded. “Very well, we begin the operation at dawn and will be code named Operation: Hunting Dawn.” Everyone nodded at this as they prepped for the long hard battle.

As soon as the sun rose the operation began as the Unicorn unit and Shining Armor began casting Alucard’s spell on the ghouls gaining mass reaction. As this happened Alex and Alucard landed on the roof and dropped into the Town Hall via the skylight. “Let hurry and get out of here.” Alex said gaining a nod from Alucard. “Remember the spell and be careful.” Alucard returned back as the two took off into the hall in their bipedal forms.


Pain frowned as his orders. “Keep them busy till the serum takes effect, how dull.” He looked to the Mayor’s office where the sounds of pain and suffering could be heard. “On second thought… I may not mind since I have some music to stall to.” Pain smiled as he raised his crossbow. “Come and get me… knights.”


Alex kicked open the door to yet another room and looked inside. “Clear.” Alucard nodded as she too checked a room. “Clear, it seems all the rooms on this floor are clean. He’s not here.” Alex nodded and pulled out the town hall map and looked it over with Alucard. “Okay so the first and second floors are clean. That leaves the third and the floor the Mayor’s Office is on to check.” Alucard nodded at this. “This means no ghouls have entered here and we can just move onto the top floor.” Alex thought on this. “I’m not too sure Alucard. The outside ghouls are protecting something just what I’d like to know, best to go slow for now.” Alucard looked to him and gave a hard look but nodded. “Very well but I suggest haste. I have a bad feeling about all this.” Alex gave a tight nod before the both took off to the second floor. “I don’t get it Alucard, something about all this seems off, like…” Both soon stopped at the door of a ball room that would lead to the third floor stair case. “It was planned out in advanced?” Alucard said drawing her weapon. Alex did the same and nodded. “The ghouls outside where just a distraction; the real threat was in here the whole time.” It was at this the ball room’s doors flew off their hinges and a rusty chain lashed out and wrapped around Alucard’s leg pulling her into the room. “Alucard hold on!” Alex lined up his wrist blades and began unleashing blasts of magic as he ran after her aiming at the chain.


Shining and his troops had taken out over three fourths of the ghouls outside the hall when the sound of magic exploding was heard over the groans, growls, and screams of the ghouls. “They’ve got contact! Rid of the rest and move in!” A last collective of Alucard’s spell went off and the Unicorn forces began to rush in till. “Oomph!” Shining ran up to his troops. “What in Equestria happened?” One of the soldiers stood up shaking his head. “We hit something sir, something solid.” Shinning quickly ran up to where his troops stopped and found himself hitting a solid wall. “A magic wall… ugh of course. How could we have over looked this? Mayor Monty must have installed a magic defense system to protect the Town Hall.” The soldier that talked gasped. “But sir the system was off when Prince Alicornian and Lady Alucard went inside.” Shinning quickly looked to the soldier then to the town hall. “We were set up. It was a trap from the start! Half of you start disabling the defense system! The rest of you get ready to move in!” The troops saluted and went to work as Shinning looked to the Town Hall. “Stay safe you two, we’re on our way.”


Alex finally blasted the chain releasing his partner and pulled her out of the way of the same exact chain this time with spikes and behind a stone pillar. “You okay?” Alucard breathed heavily and nodded. “Can you get a sight on it?” Alex slowly looked around the corner of the pillar and pulled back just in enough time to dodge the earlier chain aimed right at his head. “It’s some kind of ghoul. It’s completely wrapped up in rusted chains. I’m not sure I can blast through it.” Alucard nodded and took a dive for the next pillar casting her personal spell which just bounced off of it. “My spell isn’t working either!” she yelled from her hiding spot. “Any idea what it is?” Alex yelled as the normal rusted chain lashed at them like a whip. “I think it’s a hybrid! Part ghoul part golem! A super ghoul!” Alucard shouted over the chain lashes. “A hybrid huh, how do we fight it?” Alex yelled before he jumped away from the pillar as the spiked chain wrapped around it and caused a deep groove to be cut into it as the so called super ghoul pulled its chain back. “We’ll have to fight it on two fronts. First is the golem front.” She said as she collected Alex behind her own pillar. “I’ve studied golems in the library. I know a few spells that should affect them.” Alex said as he prepped his wrist blades for another set of spells. “Good, I’ll focus on the ghoul half. Ready?” Alucard said readying her weapon. Alex nodded and both rushed out from behind the pillar and began the two fold attack. The super ghoul lashed out at both with its chains which both quickly dodged. “Take this!” Alex yelled as he fired a bolt of magical lightning at the ghoul which howled in pain and heated up the chains melting them. “Your melting the chains.” Alucard said slicing a few of the still usable chains. “It’ll slow the golem half down and hopefully do some harm to the ghoul part as well.” Alex said firing off yet another spell, a fire one, which melted even more of the chains but now made the super ghoul much deadlier. “Okay that was unexpected!” Alex yelled as he quickly dodged a red hot set of hooves from the ghoul. “Alex! Water!” Alucard yelled prepping a spell. “Right!” Alex yelled unleashing the spell at the same time as Alucard. The Super ghoul howled in pure agony as steam radiated off the beast and through the dance hall till it was finally gone and all that was left moving was the two mage knights with a somewhat melted solid statue of a ghoul.

“Well… that could have gone better.” Alex said dropping to a knee. “No time to rest Alex, we have to get to the fourth floor!” Alucard yelled taking the lead. “Right.” Alex said soon following.


“Dead… chains…” a raspy voice reported. “So they got passed the Hybrid.” Pain said looking into the shadows of the third floor hall way. “Yes…” the voice responded. “Oh well, it was a prototype anyway. For now the real fun begins. Kill them.” Pain ordered as he took the next flight up. “Kill…” the voice said as it prepped for its victims.


As soon as Alex and Alucard reached the third floor they could tell something was off. “We couldn’t have fought that thing for that long.” Alex said carefully as they walked into the pitch black hall. “Agreed, something else is causing this darkness.” Alucard said carefully. “Like what?” Alex asked. “Kill…” a raspy voice spoke from the darkness. “That.” Alucard said readying her sword. “Wait. I know that voice. Mayor Bags?” Alex said carefully. “Kill…” the raspy voice responded. “We killed the super ghoul down below. Your safe now.” Alex said carefully. “Kill…” the raspy voice said again. “Alex I don’t think that’s what he’s talking about.” Alucard said keeping her sword up. “Kill!!!” was all that was heard soon after as a figure came out of the shadows and attacked Alucard. “Alucard!” Alex yelled getting ready to jump in. “No Alex! Leave this one to me! Go on ahead and take out the one responsible for all this!” Alex shook his head. “No way, we’ll do this together as a team!” Alucard pushed back the hidden enemy for only a moment till sword clashed with metal again. “Go Alex! If we’re a team the let me take this!” Alex hesitated but nodded and headed down the dark hall as fast as he could till he finally felt himself heading upward. “Hold on Alucard, just hold on.”

Alucard smiled and pushed hard against her hidden enemy. “You do the same Alex but let’s deal with you first!” She quickly cast a dispel and the darkness left the hall and her enemy quickly hid itself behind a pillar. “Kill…” it said slowly. “Hard to do so when you’re afraid of the sun.” Alucard said holding her sword up. “Kill… me…” the voice said as it came into view and out of the sun. Alucard gasped at what she saw, another Vampony but it wasn’t a true Vampony. “Who did this to you?” Alucard said scared. “Pain…” was the response. “Who is Pain, what are his plans?” Alucard asked quickly. “Pain… Hayseed…” Alucard shook her head. “Of course. I should have known.” She soon came to realization. “Then that means… oh no.” She soon turned to the false Vampony. “Mayor Bags, stay hidden. I can help you.” The false Vampony slowly walked out of the shadows with a badly damaged sword and began smoking as the sunlight shone on him. “Kill… Kill…” Alucard gasped at the tenacity of the poor former Mayor. “No! Mayor Bags! Don’t! Get back in the shade!” The former mayor said nothing and soon made a mad dash at her. “Kill!!!” Alucard reflexively raised her sword and stabbed right through the false Vampony’s heart. “Thank… you…” Was all she heard after as she was soon covered in ash and burnt bones. “No… I… I failed again… I…” She soon looked to the stairs angrily. “Hay…seed!!!!” She soon opened her wings and took off up the stairs.


Alex soon came to the Mayor’s office and kicked the doors open raising his wrist blades inside. “Freeze!” All he heard was clapping from the chair. “Who’s there? Show yourself!” Alex ordered. “Of course.” A voice said from the chair. The chair turned to reveal a pony just like himself but he looked just like… “Hayseed, Abraham Van Hayseed?” The pony just smiled. “Close, the name is Pain. I WORK for Hayseed.” Alex shook his head. “Why, why did you do all this?” Pain just smiled. “For the fun of it, and they were my orders. You’d know something about orders wouldn’t you, Knight?” Alex narrowed his eyes at Pain. “That’s no excuse. Where is the Mayor?!” Pain just laughed. “You don’t know?” Alex just stared at him. “Oh this is rich! I knew you Knights were think but this is just too much!” Alex got mad at this. “I won’t ask again! Where is Mayor Monty Bags?!” Pain just stopped laughing. “He’s dead, by your hooves, or should I say…” Pain said standing upright and waving a metallic hand, “Hands?” Alex just gave him a hard stair. “Though they aren’t like you or the Vamp’s they do the job quite well. Doctor Van Hayseed is a generous stallion and a brilliant mind as well. He crafted these babies for me personally for this day.” Alex soon took up a new stance, one for hand to hand combat. “That’s right, it’s just you and me now. One on one, stallion to stallion, can’t you feel it?” Pain said walking from behind the desk just as Alex or Alucard would. “The tension in the air, the smell of death all around us, it’s invigorating!” Pain said dashing forward with a set of bowie knives. Alex quickly blocked and gave Pain a swift kick to the kidney. Pain backed away laughing. “Yes… I love it. The taste of blood in your mouth, the extreme tension in the air, the absolute pain you get from every blow or from the ones you give, don’t you just love it!”

Alex quickly returned to a defensive stance which caused Pain to lash out again and again with each attack blocked and returned with an fierce kick, punch, or slash from Alex. “I don’t get it… I’ve hit this guy over and over and he just won’t go or stay down.” Pain just smiled as he came at Alex again this time fainting to the right. “Ah!” Alex saw the faint and quickly dodged the blow then returned with a snap kick to Pain’s already beaten side which Pain caught. “You just don’t get it do you?” Pain said smiling madly. “Ha!” Alex yelled throwing a solid hook to Pain’s face causing him to let go and laugh even more. “What’s up with this guy it’s like… horse apples!” Pain just smiled. “Ah now you get it! It took you long enough!” Alex growled to himself for not seeing it before. The guy’s name said it all. His enemy thrived off pain. Which meant for every blow he landed his enemy just took it as a way to numb his body from any and every blow that was taken… and enjoyed giving. “Sadly… it’s time to end this little dance. Farewell.” Pain said tossing his two Bowie Knives. Alex quickly blocked each and stood still. “I see now. Not only are you a sadist you’re a masochist. You thrive off on both giving and receiving pain.” Alex just smiled at this. “What you smiling at?” Pain asked raising an eye brow. “I know how to fight you now.” Alex responded looking at his enemy. “Ha, let see you try!” Pain yelled as he rushed forward with a right hook. Alex smiled and quickly dived under the blow and stood back up not even raising his guard. Pain growled and threw a round house Kick which Alex dodged again. “What’s wrong? Can’t hit a moving target?” Pain growled as he threw blow after blow gaining the same result, Alex dodging and not taking any damage or giving it. “Fight back.” Pain said as he threw a jab which Alex dodged. “I said fight back!” Pain yelled as he threw a kick to Alex which he narrowly dodged. “FIGHT BACK!” Pain yelled throwing a left hook which Alex grabbed and took into a shoulder throw. “As you wish!”

Pain screamed as he was thrown head over flank into the desk which he did not get up from and groaned. “H-how… How did you?” Alex smiled as he quickly removed the spelled gauntlets and grieves from Pain. “You let your anger take control as I dodged each blow and waited for the right moment to retaliate.” Alex answered standing back up. “You...” Pain got out before he passed out. “Sigh, Now to find Alucard.” Alex said before… “HAYSEED!” Alex looked up and unleashed his wrist blades in time to block Alucard’s wild and angered sword swings. “Alucard calm down! We won Alucard, we won!” Alucard would not give in as she constantly aimed for the downed Pain. “He must pay Alex, he has to pay!” Alex quickly parried Alucard’s sword up and held her sword arm behind her back as best as he could as Alucard’s sword stuck into the ceiling. “And he will Alucard but not this way! Calm down!” Alucard struggled in Alex’s grip till she finally broke down crying. Alex soon turned the hold into a kindhearted hug as Shinning and his Troops finally moved into the room and secured Pain.


Alucard sighed as she sat on her bed. She was currently stripped of her armor and her sword and only allowed her false leather gear. “Are you ready?” She heard from the door way. Sighing she fell to all fours and looked up to her princess. “Yes… princess.” Princess Luna trotted over to her dear friend and placed a wing over her side. “Alucard, my dearest friend, it’s for the best. You and I have much to try and learn along with rid ourselves of. I do not wish the Nightmare’s return nor for you to allow your hatred and anger to rule over your heart.” Alucard nodded. “Yes princess but Ponyville? Why can I not live here in Canterlot so I may be at your needed call? Or what if there are more of these Hayseed copies out there?” Luna used sat her friend down and wrapped her wings and forelegs around her dearest of friends. “Then our nephew, Shinning, the Elements, and the royal guards will take care of it. For now live like you once did when you were with her. She would want that yes?” Alucard and Luna looked to the now currently being moved picture of Lady Dracula and graced it with a smile. “Yes… yes she would.” Luna nodded as she guided her out of Alucard’s former bedroom and towards the chariots that would lead her to her new home, Ponyville.

Upon their return Alucard had attacked the guard, Shinning, and Alex to get to Pain and end his life. It had taken the combined powers of both Princesses to hold her back and to calm her enough for Alucard to be escorted to her room. Alicornian explained what had happened to Queen Faust, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna up to the point she had just tried to attack the fake Hayseed. It was found that Abraham Van Hayseed had agents under the same exact name and orders where soon given to take out every ghoul and to put those turned into super ghouls to rest. Yet the towns occupied by the ghouls where found abandoned and any trace of the ghouls or Hayseed agents was never found. Alucard’s actions where reviewed fully by both Princesses and the Queen and it was decided that Alucard needed to learn to release her anger and find that there was much more to her life than mindless revenge and since everyone was allowed to return to their homes Ponyville was selected as the place Alucard could gain a new lease in life.

Now, in her the bedroom of her new home in Ponyville, Alucard dreams of finally living her life again and one day meeting with her beloved Dracula. Never knowing how far or how close such a dream would one day come true.


Ending: Over Night (Le Chevalier D’Eon)


The end?