Displaced Diet-y

by MetalBrony20

First published

After the discovery of a long lost Somnambulan temple, Rainbow Dash's curiosity will lead her across worlds; where the sun scorches the land, vast temples are erected for innumerable gods, and pegasi are treated as heavenly figures.

Secrets and mystery are all that lies in the ancient lands surrounding Somnambula. Ever since the city was buried all those centuries and millennia ago, creatures have ventured across the scorching sands to discover relics and treasure long since lost. Generations of adventurers and archaeologists have trekked and dug through mountains of yellow-brown sand, hounded by the blazing sun and ever scarce water supplies. With the return of the ‘Pillars of Old Equestria’, however, recent information about the ancient world has come to light. Eager to capitalise on the discovery, Daring Do has fore fronted an expedition to uncover an ancient monument, inviting Rainbow Dash to accompany her on this journey of discovery. However, this journey will become quite literal for the prismatic pegasus, taking her to a place both alien and familiar…

This story was written for an anonymous commissioner.

Fetish/Questionable material contained within includes:
-Gradual Weight Gain - Skinny to Immobile Blob
-Gradual mental alteration
-Gradual slob - Sweat, burping, messy eating eventually leading to more extreme slob in the last two chapters (farting)

Chapter 1 - The Abyss Across Worlds

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Somnambula, a quiet town in southern Equestria. A rather small place that housed only a modest population. And yet, despite its size, the historic location shrouded a great many mysteries. One only has to look at the pyramid, it’s limestone and sandstone exterior shimmering in the sun, the constant battering of sand polishing the rock. Inside, events both documented and lost to history continued to fascinate travellers and archaeologists alike, the mystery palpable. Not to mention the rest of the artefacts and monuments scattered throughout Somnambula. But for some, there were many more mysteries to uncover.

The town itself was only a small fraction of the ancient civilisation that lived in these lands, where the River Stile once flowed, bringing life and prosperity to the creatures who sought to eke out a living amongst sand and stone. When the river dried up, so did the population, abandoning the old city, leaving it to erode and sink into the desert. Those that did survive, did so only from the existence of underground wells, the rest fleeing to nearby Saddle Arabia or further afield. Experts had long theorised that there were treasures amongst the rolling dunes and valleys of the now barren, sand blown landscape.

So, for many years, generations of treasure hunters, archaeology professors and ruin maniacs had scoured the sands, looking for any evidence of the old city. They spent weeks and months digging and tunnelling through boiling sediment and gravel, constantly hounded by the sweltering weather and an ever present need for more water. And as with their forefathers, they returned with little but sunburn and shame. That was how it was for years, trips returning with little to show for the thousands of bits wasted, the most successful ones returning with only shards of battered pottery and shattered statues.

That was until Somnambula, the ancient pony who had lived in the city, made her reappearance. Though lacking in any of the cartographical details, she helped to point out some places of interest that she remembered from all those eons ago.

A prominent location being situated close to a cliff face, towards the mouth of the valley, where the ancient river had carved through the rock. Here, excavation work had been extensive. Volumes of sand, greater than houses had been dug and pushed out of the way, leading to the discovery of carved stone blocks, jammed into the wall, ancient Somnambulan hieroglyphics etched into them.

After hundreds of years, the work of so many was finally fulfilled.

From this, the organisers decided that they would enlist the help of specialists to ensure that the first documentation of the structure was executed without so much as a hitch. Fortunately, they had one pony in mind for such a task.

Daring Do received a letter through her door mere days after the news broke, the archaeologist having a diverse set of skills, perfect for investigating an unknown structure. That, and her knack for surviving even the most dangerous of traps thrown her way. Naturally, she accepted, eager to help with the project. To assist in the work, she allowed a certain somepony to come along for the ride; an avid fan of her books, they’d helped her out of a few pinches here and there.

And so, the Prismatic Pegasus known as Rainbow Dash was currently sitting upon a small mound of sand, watching with growing impatience as the material over the entrance was painstakingly removed, one wheelbarrow at a time. “Oh come on! How long is this going to take?” She was dressed in a simple light shirt and pants combination, walking boots laced tightly to her feet.

“Heh… I know that feeling, Rainbow. Stuff like this seems to drag on and on, and yet you keep waiting.” Daring fluttered alongside, her classic pith helmet buckled, digging into her golden skin. “But just you wait, I’m willing to bet there will be an entire load of cool artefacts to find in there. From what we’ve been able to translate from outside, it mentions a god or goddess of harvests.” She grinned, taking a sip from her canteen.

“Aww come on! You can’t just talk about something cool like that and expect me to be any less hyped!” Rainbow groaned, wiping her forehead and taking a long slurp from her water bottle.

“Sorry about that. But I’m just as excited about this as you. Do you know how many times I’ve been led to a tomb based on a tip off from somepony else, which almost always leads into a trap of some sort?”

“Er, yeah? At least 23 times. A lot of your books have that happening in the first dozen pages.”

“See, you get my point! I’m not usually the one who gets to investigate something new for the first time.” Patting Rainbow on the shoulder, she gave her a smile. “This is the stuff adventurers dream, something I’ve dreamed of for so long. And it’s Somnambulan to boot. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. This will be one adventure you’ll never forget…”

As if she had spoken some magic words, there was a shout from the entrance. Looking up, they had moved the vast majority of the sand. There, an inset slab of dark rock had been exposed, covering a rectangular entrance, several meters tall. “That looks like our cue.” Daring mused, jogging over as Rainbow scrambled to her feet. Approaching, the pair could start to make out details, as a myriad of images were carved into the basalt. What, however, wasn't obvious, was any way of opening it. Not a single handle or latch could be seen.

Several workers scanned the rock face, hoping for something to leap out at them, blatantly ignoring the inscriptions etched upon the rockface. “Don’t worry guy’s, I’ve got this handled.” Daring called, shooing the workers to the side with a wave of her hand. One worker, a sweaty Griffon, however, was still determined to get inside. Brandishing a pickaxe, he swung wildly at the seal, letting out a scream not dissimilar from an eagle. Daring was caught off guard, watching on as the axe head crossed the momentary gap.

Slamming into the seal with an almighty crack, a small series of events occurred within moments. First, the door suddenly glowed a vibrant purple, the baleful light emanating where the tip of the axe made contact. Second, the metal splintered, shattering like glass as metallic shards and wooden splinters exploded outwards. Third and finally, the Griffon was sent tumbling backwards, falling flat on his back. Groaning in pain, he let the gnarled shaft fall from his grip, clutching his smarting talon.

“Geez, didn’t you hear what she said?” Rainbow exclaimed as she reluctantly pulled him up.

“Hmph… they paid me to dig sand and stone, and then they don’t want me to dig the stone.” he grumbled, walking over towards the campsite, dusting himself off the best he could.

“Sorry about Gene, I’m pretty sure he embodies almost every stereotype a Griffon could have.” One of the other workers piped up, a light-grey coloured Earth Pony, his t-shirt tied around his waist as he leaned on a scuffed shovel.

“Eh, don’t worry about it. I think the door did more harm to him than anything he could ever do.” Daring chuckled, followed by some of the other workers and Rainbow. “Now, can you guys just stand back, I think this is a puzzle of some sort. Head back to camp or something, and get some rest” Stepping up, she folded her arms, taking a cursory scan over the slab. Her eyes were drawn to the only writing, and a series of 8 dots each around neck height.

“Ok… I hope I can remember how to read hieroglyphics… so that's an ‘A’, and that’s a ‘G’.” She went silent, her finger running across the rock, muttering every so often. To her side, Rainbow was grinning, once again getting to watch her hero in action. She watched with intent as Daring’s eyebrows knotted, scratching her forehead. “Odd, it doesn't make much sense.”

“Whaddya mean?”

“Take a listen, it reads, ‘Upon the uplands does the river start, it’s waters flowing down and round. Meandering through our blessed land, to the end does it to meet.’” She looked back, going back over the symbols. “Yeah, I’m sure that’s what it says. No mention of an entrance.”

Rainbow scratched her head, going over the words again, tapping her chin until a sudden flood of realisation dawned upon her. “It’s a riddle.”


“Yeah, like the words are weird, but some parts stick out.” Daring glanced over, looking like she was going to object. But then stopped, her fingers drumming on her hips.

“That makes sense. Upon the uplands does it start... to the end does it meet. Let me try something.” Reaching forward, Daring pushed her finger into the first indent, followed by the last one. As she retracted her finger, a low clunk resonated, the great shining slab sinking into the floor. The grinding of stone upon stone heavy in the air, the ancient, stale air blew forth, mingling with the fresh desert breeze.

“Aw yeah! You did it, Daring!” Rainbow cheered, punching the air with a flutter of her wings.

“Nope, we did it Rainbow. Even if it was a pretty simple puzzle, I’d have probably been there for a good while longer without you. Now, what do you say we grab some torches, and go inside?”

“Heck, yeah!” The prismatic mare nodded, the duo rushing back to camp to grab the supplies. All the while, Rainbow’s mind was abuzz with a myriad of thoughts and ideas about what could be hidden in the depths of that ancient structure. “Maybe treasure chests? Or maybe some cursed amulet, or maybe something even more awesome!” Brimming with enthusiasm, the two pegasi returned to the entrance, each brandishing a blazing torch.

With a small nod between them, Daring entered first, Rainbow following second. As soon as they crossed the threshold, there was a noticeable shift in the atmosphere. The air was much, much cooler than outside, Rainbow sighing in relief, her eyes flicking across the sandstone walls. Like the blocks on the outside, they were plain, aside from a few splotches of colour, hinting that some mural or illustration had once been there. With a slight incline on the path, they felt themselves progressing deeper and deeper. The sunlight could no longer reach them as they turned a corner, the darkness swallowing the Pegasi, carrying them further into the bowels of the tomb.

Slowly, the corridor widened as it led deeper and deeper into the cliff. With this, came rapidly improving levels of preservation for the wall art. Even in the poor lighting, Rainbow could recognise humanoid forms of the creatures drawn upon the sandstone. One thing about them seemed peculiar. Rainbow could see a mixture of different coloured ponies, but each was lugging a massive collection of food between them. Her torch waving from side to side, she could see each side of the hall was lined with the ponies, all depicted as mares, carrying food in one singular direction.

“Daring, what do you think this place is?” Rainbow spoke up, her voice echoing through the passageway, the reverb returning moments later.

“I’m not sure… until we find some actual artefact, we can’t be certain what they used this place for…”

Humming in agreement, the floor was flattening out as the duo padded into a chamber. Several times wider and taller than the passageway, it gave them pause for thought. Carefully creeping forwards, they scanned and checked for any obvious traps. Though, no hidden tripwires or pressure plates yet, as they noted the room lacked any and all connecting passages. “Huh, for something this extensive, I’d have thought they’d have something bigger down here…”

“No kidding, I wonder what’s up with those trenches on the floor though?” Rainbow mused, peering over the edge of a metre-deep basin, large spouts embedded into the walls at either side of the chamber.

“Some underground pool? I don’t get it.” Daring tapped her leg, moving over a bridge in the centre. “And that picture… I don’t get that either.” She pointed at the far end, the dim lighting reaching it. From the left and right, the lines of the ponies converged upon a single figure. A figure who was depicted as being utterly immense. With Rainbow joining in the gaping, the mystery of this place growing ever more intense.

Whilst each pony carrying the food looked to be near enough carbon copies, the morbidly obese mare was lovingly detailed. It depicted every roll and fold of her figure, a belly which commanded a presence in of itself. Two immense orbs composed her butt, filling a throne that made Celestia’s seem foal size in comparison. The only other figures of significant detail stood beside her. A zebra and a pony, each with a flabby gut of their own, guiding subservient equines to funnel their offerings into the blob's mouth.

“Holy what? Why is she so… fat?” Rainbow limply exclaimed.

“Not a clue. I mean, some civilisations revered fat and fatness as being a sign of good health, fertility and wealth. But this? This size goes far and beyond even that…” Daring attempted to explain, Rainbow inching forwards past her. Distracted by the bizarre painting, they had overlooked the plinth mounted beneath it, a short flight of steps leading up towards the mural.

Climbing the stairs in a few moments, she was faced with an altar in the centre. Atop the limestone slab, one object stood. “Hey, Daring, I found something!” As soon as the words left her mouth, the monochrome maned adventurer was clambering up, skidding to Rainbows left. Following her gaze, her eyes latched up the object of interest.

Atop a metal rod, a crown sparkled in the orange torch light. Initially, the two didn’t know what to make of it. Unlike a traditional crown or tiara, a great peak rose at the back, a golden and blue cobra curling around the spire, the hooded face jutting out, close to the top. Large sides, with grooves cut for the ears, covered the entire back of the head, resting above the neck. At the front, the flat top curved down, the rim positioned above the eyes.

“Well, would you look at that? That’s not something you see every day.” Daring breathed out, studying it from every angle.

“Yeah, no kidding, strangest crown I've seen.”

Daring shook her head. “No, I don’t mean that. Well, it is odd, but have you seen what it’s made of?” Rainbow shook her head. “I think the whole thing is made from a single ruby or two.”

Rainbows eye’s widened, leaning in close, noticing the translucent, angular shape of the piece. “You sure?”

“Positive, I’ll show you.” Daring carefully grasped the sides, goose bumps forming on her skin as the cold gemstone chilled her. Grunting, she hefted it up, surprised by how much the head piece weighed. She paused, holding her breath as she watched the stand wearily. Satisfied it wasn’t going to sink and set off a trap, she brought it up to Rainbow’s eyeline. “See, just look at the craftsmanship that went into this! Whoever owned it sure was important, I can tell you that much.”

“Do you think it was that fat pony’s property?”

“Could be… I wonder if it is… ah look there, a thin slither of red on the mural’s head.” Pointing it out, Rainbow could see the crimson line, almost obscured by the amount of cheek and neck fat that pressed around it. Turning it slowly in her hands, Daring inspected every angle of the artefact, noticing hundreds of tiny hieroglyphs and symbols engraved into the gem. “Something’s pretty odd though, I don’t remember anything mentioning an obese Queen of Somnambula at all. I’ll have to ask about it…” She mumbled, squinting at the golden snake.

“Really? That’s pretty weird.” A smile grew on Rainbow’s cyan face, as she looked back up to the image. “Hey, pass me the crown, I wanna see how it fits.”

Daring looked from the crown to Rainbow, then back to the crown. Contemplating for a moment, she shrugged. “Sure, why the hay not? Just, be careful. I don’t want it broken in any way.”

“Pshaw, I’d never drop something this special.” Rainbow said in a sarcastic tone. Holding out her hands, Daring gently handed it over, followed by Rainbow slipping it over her mane. Carefully letting it go, the full weight of the oddly comfy piece rested upon her noggin.

“Wow… Dash, I didn’t know you had such neck strength.” Daring said, her eyebrows knotted in confusion. “The amount of gemstone and metal should make that uncomfortable at best.”

“Really? ‘Cause it feels super comfy up there. A bit weighty, sure, but not enough to bother me.”

“Must be enchanted with some padding charm, those symbols could be the ones responsible.” She mused, before a flash of white light as intense as the sun itself, forced the explorer to shield her face. From the cobra’s eyes, pulses of light radiated outwards. The chamber illuminated in a second, as another flash burst forth. “Rainbow, take it off right now!” She shouted, rushing to help the prismatic mare out. Reaching out, she grabbed the sides of the crown, bracing to lift it off. A sudden, intense heat rushed into her hands however, forcing her to let go.

Rainbow herself was utterly torn emotionally. The rational part of her wanted to rip the headpiece off and throw it to the other side of the room. The other though, wanted her to stay calm, the intrusive thought growing more and more intense. Even as the pulses increased in frequency, so powerful that Daring was sent skidding across the sandstone floor, the thought of escape dulled. As ripples of red and yellow electricity snaked and danced across her skin, her eyes closed, head tilting back slightly.

“Rainbow, please get that thing off!” Daring shouted, before one final, blinding pulse sent her tumbling across the ground, falling into one of the empty pools with a thud. Landing flat on her back, she coughed, feeling the energy die down. Blinking the spots from her eyes, she vaulted out of the trench, finding herself alone. “Rainbow? Where are you! Rainbow, Rainbow!” She shouted, twirling around and snatching up one of the fallen torches, attempting to glimpse the fanmare. Alas, no trace. Both her, and the crown, were gone.

“Oh, shit.”

Interlude - A Gift from the Heavens

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“Please, oh lord of light, master of might, heed our call, there is not a moment to stall!” It was midday in the Temple of Prosperity, the fiery sun creeping overhead. Scorching rays were sent powering down onto the sand and stone of the complex, glinting from the smoothed material. The structure itself was built into the side of a great cliff, flanking both sides of the river that flowed through the middle, accommodating the waterfall that plunged between. Though, it was much less a waterfall, and more of a pathetic trickle, feeding the shrunken river that covered only half of the cracked riverbed.

“This year marks the second decade without the rains and floods. I fear that we as a people have little time left in these lands. From your hands, oh please bestow onto us the gifts to survive our meagre existence amongst the sands.” Standing crouched beside a golden altar, High Priestess Zanubia knelt. Her hands clasped tightly around the chain of an ornamental charm. Her bony fingers trembled, begging the goddesses above for a sign.

It was a position she was very familiar with, a small groove worn into the tiles below her knees. For years, she’d attempted to correct whatever misdemeanour her people had done. Yet, no amount of praising, begging and weeping had helped. Though, Zanubia had little tears left to shed. So used to the rejection and lack of response they had received, she could bear no such emotion.

Gritting her teeth, she rose to her feet, blinking away tears from her fogging vision. Holding the charm in her vice-like grip, she raised it above her head, watching the Ankh sway, her focus shifting to the picture on the wall.

A beautiful painting, worked on by the finest artists available. A depiction of an immense mare, surrounded by bountiful harvests and the river waters, nourishing the land and its inhabitants. She snorted, every time she looked upon the piece was just another reminder of the situation she, and the inhabitants of these lands were currently in.

With a shuddering sigh, she dropped the amulet, colliding with a sharp ‘ting’ upon the altar. “And nothing altered. Is it just our new lot in life to wither and falter?” Turning her back, she made for the stairs, the pathway uncomfortably familiar to her. However, she hadn’t made it but a few meters before a sudden flash erupted behind her.

Spinning on her heels, she raised an arm weakly to block the intense burst of light filling the chamber. “What in the world?” Squinting through her fingers, she watched in amazement as a figure materialised in the light. Slowly, the glow petered out, leaving Zanubia shaking her head in disbelief. Standing atop the golden altar was a pony. Every second the zebra spent marvelling at the newcomer, her jaw dropped further and further.

“By the goddesses above.” She mumbled, the figure before her finally opening her eyes. They were a brilliant cerise, full of vitality and life. Her hair, striped like those oh so rare rainbows. Blinking, Zanubia finally realised the pony was aware of her presence, her mouth also opening in shock. Locking eyes for a moment, they stood rigid like statues, not uttering a single sound.

Then, the cyan mare toppled forwards, her eyes rolling upwards as she fell towards the hard ground. With a sudden rush of adrenaline, the priestess ran forwards, catching the prismatic pony before her untimely collision with terra firma. With her arms wrapped around her back, and the mare’s head tilting towards her own, another jolt of surprise rolled over her. Instead of feeling the soft fabric of the odd clothes the mare wore, instead she could feel wide banks of feathers.

Looking up, she finally could see the ornament topping the mares’ head. Brilliant ruby red, with a sacred cobra curling around the spire. With her vision growing blurry, she could barely believe her eyes. “The Crown of Harvests? Could it be?” Squinting past, the zebra’s eyes once more fixed upon the painting, the red crown upon the immense figure matching the mystery mares perfectly.

With a gasp, she wrapped an arm around the Crownbearer, guiding her towards the exit. For the first time in such a long time, Zanubia felt hope surge through her core. “Gods above, this gift you entrust. Her protection and pampering will be a must, for the river to flow and the winds to gust.” Eyes twinkling with determination, she cleared the last set of stairs, intense sunlight illuminating the exit, guiding her forwards into its embrace. “For now, you must rest. If not, you cannot help us at your best.” Stepping out into the sand, the High Priestess ignored the scorching rays, the feeling of success stamping her irritations out.

Now though, she had to get to the palace, and wait for her guest to rouse from her slumber. And waiting was something Zanubia was very, very good at.

Chapter 2 - Rude Awakenings far from Home

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Evening had just begun, the boiling star beginning to shrink below the distant dunes. The brilliant light dulled and harsh heat of the day, replaced by a pleasant red tinge that filled the sky and cool ambience. Throughout the city, ponies and zebras were returning to their houses, parched and weary from their work hard, sweaty work, performing all manner of difficult labour. Stepping into their homes, they basked in the cooler evening air, happy to recuperate for the next hard day.

Despite this, one group of individuals, or rather a pair of individuals were in deep discussion. Within the palace walls, sitting beside one another, Zanubia sipped cool water, her eyes fixed upon the pony lounging across from her. “So, are you certain you’ve found the one then, Zan’?” She purred out, gripping the stone bench with her free hand, laying on her side.

“Surer than I’ve been in years. From this day forth our deepest worries and concerns will be silenced under great cheer. I have seen the signs from the almighty deities watching over us, there is little need to discuss.” Zanubia nodded.

“Well, if you're that certain, let us meet the mare.” Flipping herself onto her butt, the tan skinned mare rose to her feet, her jet-black hair bobbing as she offered a hand to the zebra. Locking hands, she sharply pulled, bringing the two face to face. “So, Zanubia, care to join me as I rouse our most important guest?” She smiled, placing a hand on the zebra's smooth shoulder.

“Of course, you couldn’t stop me with any force.” Placing her glass down, they headed for the royal chambers, a spring in both of their steps. Slipping through hallways, lined with elaborate carved statues, exquisite paintings and other assorted artworks and objects. The majority of these were devoted to some form of worship, displaying mythical battles or fantastically detailed depictions of animal-headed gods. With the scent of smokey incense in the air, they grabbed the heavy door handles. The weighty rock grinded against the floor, the engraved stone door swinging open, casting rays of light upon the sleeping mare.

Dozing under the soft, light duvet, Rainbow’s mind was abuzz with strange dreams. Grunting and moaning, she caught glimpses and flashes of odd images shooting through her brain. Rolling dunes of course sand, glowing pyramids wreathed in electricity. A golden cobra with azure wings spread wide, coiling to strike as light poured from its slitted eyes. A zebra, dressed in a light flowing outfit, holding Rainbow’s body close. Daring Do’s voice building and building in intensity, pleading and morphing into a deafening shout.

With a gasp, Rainbow lurched forwards, her head whipping around. Flecks of sweat matted her forehead, struggling to control her breathing. “Oh… it was just a dream.” She sighed, her slim fingers curling around the sheets. Flopping back, she shut her eyes, determined to get in a few minutes more shut eye. And yet, her eyes opened again, slowly becoming more aware of her surroundings. “Wait, this isn’t my room… and it isn’t the tent either.”

Instead of dense walls of cloud or sheets of thick canvas, great blocks of yellow brown stone formed an imposing barrier. Great columns and statues helped to break up the architecture, with images of fantastical creatures carved into the rock. Pulling the duvet off revealed that her dirty, sweaty clothing had been removed, with only her bra and panties on. So enraptured with the lack of garments and sudden room change, that her visitors went unnoticed, standing patiently in the gaping doorway.

“I see you're finally awake.”

“Whaaa!” Rainbow flinched, spinning to greet her intruder. A unicorn mare, dressed in an oddly designed skirt and a small top that gleefully displayed their owners bust. Composed of white fabric, the top ended with a band of gold and blue that ringed under her breasts, leaving her slim midriff exposed below. A modest collection of bracelets and charms were hung around her various limbs and appendages, the tips of her short cropped mane featuring braids capped by golden fixtures, complimenting the small circlet. Her skirt was formed of two halves, the top half only covering a portion of her thighs. Atop this, two great lengths of white, partially see through fabric lay against the sides of her legs, reaching just below her knees.

Beside her, was a zebra mare, her clothing looking simultaneously conservtive and exposing. Closer to a dress in form, her outfit was formed of a top and bottoms. A lengthy top stretched down her front, exposing her slim middle if she leaned too much one way. Her black and white striped mane had been braided in such a way that each strand was a different colour, a large jeweled band of gold encircling her head.

Around her hips, colourful fabric wrapped around, culminating in a long piece of cloth that draped from her centre all the way to her knees. Along the length, numerous symbols were stitched. This lay atop a simple white skirt that stretched to her shins. What took the cake, however, was just how much it hugged her figure. The tight fabric conforming and accentuating her considerably large breasts and ass.

Bands of gold, symbols encrusted with carnelian and turquoise, necklaces featuring Ankhs and scarabs, her body bejeweled in many artefacts, contrasting strongly with the plain white of her outfit. Despite how the two creatures' clothing differed, there were still some similarities. From their sandaled feet, to the large, intricately decorated neck collars enveloping their top halves, to the matching tattoos drawn around their eyes. Rainbow blinked, taken aback by their appearance, recovering as she stared at the oddly familiar zebra.

“Please, relax. You're in good company here. If we wanted to harm you, we’d have done so when you materialised a few hours ago.” The unicorn chuckled, taking a seat at the edge of the bed, barely covering any of the huge mattress.

“Wait, what? Materialised? Who are you, and what’s going on?” Rainbow snapped, her wings flaring out, causing the unicorn to oddly smile at the aggressive display.

“One thing at a time. As for who we are, well, I’m Hetramila, High Governor of the Blessed Lands of Akhethra.”

“And I am called Zanubia. I serve as the High Priestess of these Lands, to be in the presence of a pony such as yourself is ever so grand.” The zebra spoke, a tone of reverence clear in her voice.

“O...kay? And why am I here?”

Hetramila laughed, pointing at an object to Rainbow’s left. Straight at the ruby crown, laying upon a gilded pillow. “Really now? You are the bearer of the Crown of Harvests after all. You’re the one to help us in our time of need, presented as an avatar by the goddesses themselves, within the Temple of Prosperity itself.”

Rainbow was stunned, a sudden numb feeling running through her chest. “Wait, what do you mean chosen by the goddesses? I’m just a Pegasus. Well, a pretty awesome pegasus at that.”

Instead of being discouraged by Rainbow’s words, Zanubia jolted forward, planting her hands on the mattress. “Exactly, a Pegasus you are! For thousands of years, your kind hasn’t been seen, but with you right here and many a hope has been gleaned!”

“Indeed, the only ponies to dwell in these lands are the horned and non-horned. The winged ones haven’t been seen for such a long time. Even one appearance shows us that the messengers of the goddesses haven’t abandoned us. And to go along with that, she turns up with a lost artefact as well.” Hetramila crawled across the bed, coming close to Rainbow’s face. “If that isn’t a blessing, I don’t know what is.”

Rainbow was silent, trying to process the information. Instead of a captive, she was the representation of a god? She was just about ready for somepony to pinch her and wake her from this dream. Yet, it continued to play out. She could see the orange rays of the setting sun, she could feel the soft fabrics of the bed linen beneath her. She could taste the woody, heavy aromatic perfume on Hetramila and she could smell something… divine.

The first to break the silence was Rainbow, or rather her gut did instead. The three of them looked upon the flat organ, grumbling it’s displeasure for being neglected. “Heh… excuse me. I guess I’m a bit hungry. Whatever that is, smells amazing.”

“Naturally, only the finest chefs work in the palace. You’ve chosen an ideal time to wake, dinner should be served in but a few minutes.” Hetramila grinned, gesturing to the prismatic mare with a wave of her hand.

“Great!” Though I don’t suppose you have my clothes, do you?” She gestured to her nude body.

“Not at the moment. We sent for it to be cleaned. In the meantime, you can wear these instead.” Lighting her horn with a light blue aura, the lid of a chest creaked open. From it, a set of clothes significantly more basic than her host’s emerged, alongside a pair of sandals. “Unfortunately, we don’t have anything that would fit you at the moment. Until we get a tailor to take your measurements, I’m afraid these will have to do. They don’t even have any holes for your wings.”

“Nah, It’s fine. It’ll be a bit uncomfortable, but I can manage.” She casually replied, plucking the hovering garments out of the air. Feeling the light fabric through her fingers, she set about slipping them on, her stomach growling impatiently. Adjusting the waistband, Rainbow felt comfortably decent. “There, I’m ready to go.”

“Not quite, you are lacking something to show your might.” Zanubia, with the utmost care, lifted the crown onto Rainbow’s head, the cool ruby slipping on just as easily as before. “I do not wish to be mean, but when you are out and seen, the crown you must wear, a promise I hope you’ll swear.”

“Sure, that's fine by me.” The prismatic Pegasus nodded, hopping off the comfy embrace of the bed onto the hard, cool floor.

“Excellent, now follow me, the dining room is not too far away.” Taking the lead, Hetramila guided Rainbow through the winding maze of corridors, the High Priestess taking up the rear. Walking in silence, the pegasus was content, taking in the architecture and decorations of her temporary home. It wasn’t too long before they passed by a small group of pony and zebra mares, busy cleaning and ferrying objects around.

Catching sight of the group, their eyes were suddenly drawn towards Rainbow. Some openly gasped and goggled, others dropping to the floor and bowing. Rainbow stopped, glancing around at the ten mares. One servant looked close to tears, mumbling something under her breath.

Rainbow was unsure what to do. Sure, she’d had fans who flocked to her, both before and after she’d become a Wonderbolt. But this was on a whole other level of reverence, so much that it bordered on zealotry. And just like that, a sudden rush of adrenaline pumped through her body as the reality of the situation dawned on her. These ponies and zebras worshiped her, and likely the very ground she trod. Rainbow’s blood felt hot and heavy, surging through her veins as her world slowed to a crawl.

Her trance was broken as Zanubia tapped her gently on the shoulder. Flinching slightly, she turned to look at the zebra’s smiling visage, gesturing towards the open door. “Introductions will happen soon, but for now you must grab a spoon.” Nodding, she wandered through the open door, glancing back over at the awed group, who whispered among themselves. Drifting over amongst the chatter, an odd remark caught her interest for a brief moment. “I thought she’d be bigger…”.

Brushing off the comment, she acknowledged the table stood before her. It was carved out of the finest marble, ladened with piles of fresh food. Steaming bread rolls placed beside a plate of butter. Greasy meat and fish accompanied half a wheel of cheese, whilst a pile of dates sat glistening in the light. Licking her lips, her hostesses directed her towards the head of the table, an appropriately decorated chair sitting there.

Easing herself into the chair, her hosts took positions either side of Rainbow. “You first, please, take your pick.” Hetramila waved her arm across the spread. Nodding, Rainbow filled her plate with a variety of delicacies. Fairly basic compared to the stuff she’d had back at home, but it smelt and looked just as good. Soon, she’d made a modest pile, an extensive amount of space still left on the massive platter she’d been provided with.

Satisfied with her current selection, she looked back up at the two, giving her small nods. “You must have your fill first! We insist.” Shrugging, Rainbow grabbed a roll, spreading a thick layer of butter with her meagre selection of cutlery. Given it was a royal palace, she’d half expected there to be at least 8 types of knives, forks and spoons. Thankfully, there was just one of each, and her hosts didn’t seem to care how she used them. Taking a bite, she let out a satisfied moan of approval, before she continued to munch through the rest.

Taking a small selection of food for themselves, Zanubia and Hetramila were more content to watch as Rainbow continued to scarf down more and more of her plate, the pile already diminishing into Rainbow’s trim stomach. With each slice of cheese, hunk of greasy meat and sweet fruit, the pegasi’s hunger was diminished.

Or, at least it seemed to be. Being the athlete she was, Rainbow tried to lay off as much rich food as she could, only really cutting loose for parties and the like. Here, though, she could still feel an emptiness in her roaring gut, even though she'd passed another buttered roll through her lips. She didn’t even notice when she’d slurped from the ornately decorated goblet that a servant had placed beside her, so overcome with her sudden voracious appetite. Cool, creamy milk flowed into her packed gut, already pressing forward into a rounded dome, her top rolling up.

Throughout all this, Rainbow was totally wrapped in her own world of flavour, the sheer pleasure of consumption filling her mind. Every texture and subtle flavour didn’t escape her feasting. Part of her was concerned about this level of gluttony, the only time that rivalled this was during a pie-eating contest she’d entered for a bet; and she’d never back down from a challenge issued by Applejack. Even so, the sheer quantity she’d shovelled down made her feel like her belly would explode.

Here, she was only now feeling sated, dropping a stray bone to her plate with a clatter. Smiling dopily, the pegasus laid the cutlery down, rubbing the swollen orb that was once her stomach.

“Did you enjoy your meal? How has it made you feel?” Zanubia finally spoke up, the sounds of voracious consumption dying down.

“It was greaBBBUOOOOUURRPPP!!!” Rainbow exploded, only just remembering to clap a hand to her mouth. Snapped out of her trance, she now could appreciate the level of feasting she had partaken in. Her top was spattered with a myriad of sweet, sticky juices, adhering the smattering of crumbs to the fabric. Her plate similarly was dusted in a smattering of crumbs, greasy stains, sauces, and syrups. Glancing from it and then back to her hosts, she expected them to be disgusted with her.

Instead of appalled expressions, they were unphased by the piggishness. In fact, they looked… pleased? “That’s good to hear. Do you require anything else? Another slice of cheese, or perhaps a sweet?”

“Err, nah, I think I’m good.” Rainbow responded, though with a slight pause, almost as if she were considering having even more. “I think I could go for a nap though.”

“Very well.” Hetramila’s horn glowed, the doors opening a few seconds later. 3 servants smartly entered. “Please escort our blessed guest back to her chambers.” The three nodded as Rainbow got to her feet. Passing by her hosts, she gave them each a small smile as she walked somewhat uneasily.

“Thanks again for all that.”

“It is no problem at all, whatever need you desire is at your beck and call.” The zebra smiled back. “Enjoying our dishes brings us great joy, so do not be so coy. Have a pleasant rest, we hope to talk to you again at your best.”

“Sure, sounds good. I’ll see you in the mornuUURRPpp!” With that, she exited, the servants following on moments later. They waited for the sounds of footsteps to die down, before they turned to face each other.

“After seeing that display, I’m even more certain she’s blessed by the gods above.” Hetramila smiled, resting her head upon her hand.

“As do I. Did you feel the change in the air? Some powerful magic came from that mare.”

“I did, The Crown of Harvests shone with power unlike any I’ve ever seen. That power… made me feel so much more energetic. And much, much hungrier too.” Chuckling, she polished off the rest of the roll with a few bites.

“It’s power I could feel surging through my hands. I could feel it ring through the air and over the land. The prophecy will be as sure as the work of one of my healing potions, the sands of time are set now in motion. All we must do is fuel the vessel's hunger, and I think we shall all feel many decades younger.” Grabbing a hunk of fatty meat, she tore into it, smearing grease on her lips. “In the morrow, for our clarity I shall inspect the aged texts, so we may understand what will happen next.”

With that in mind, the two rulers of the land returned to their dining. Spirits and hope high, they could hardly wait for what treasures morning would bring.

Chapter 3 - Cultural Shock With a Side of Toast

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Dawn rose once more for the land of Akhethra. Swelling larger and larger, the boiling yellow orb took it’s place amongst the deep blue sky. Once more, the powerful rays illuminated the dusty lands, glistening off the shrunken river and sparkling from the polished limestone composing many of the houses in the city.

For most, this would have spelt another day of hard, gruelling labour, tending to the many facets of agriculture that were straining to survive. The river which brought nutrient rich silt from the lands above once satisfied this demand. A more erratic supply now existed. The weakened river failed to transport as much sediment it had traditionally, leaving farmers to work all the harder to produce their crops.

Something had changed, however. Workers and farm hands rising felt an odd wave of confidence and peace. It was a mystifying experience, made even more strange once they had talked amongst each other. Further and further into the city, ponies and zebra’s alike were in a deep debate over what had caused the change.

Some were quick to point to it being some anomaly. Decades of hardship had jaded their perceptions, so were quick to dismiss the phenomenon as nothing more than some trick or hysteria. Some believed that the gods themselves were taking pity on them. Others, which mainly included unicorns, believed it was some powerful calming spell. A very limited few knew the true reason.

Hetramila and Zanubia were crowded around a battered scroll. Upon the yellowed papyrus, carefully drawn in hieroglyphs, was the text that promised them so much hope for the future. “Let me take another look at the prophecy. I want to make absolutely certain I have these passages committed to memory.”

“Why would you worry? Learning the words is no hurry, I have already burned the words into my mind, and would only forget if the stars aligned.” Zanubia smirked, adjusting her position on the chaise lounge. “But if you so wish to garner the gist, I shall not resist.”

Nodding, the tan coloured unicorn leaned in, scratching her chin as her eyes greedily poured over the sheet. Humming to herself in satisfaction, she nearly missed the sound of footsteps resonating from her left. Jerking back up, she smiled, watching as a small group of maids entered, escorting a familiar cyan mare.

Placing a hand on the back of the chair, Hetramila got a good look at the pegasus, and was more than satisfied with the results of last night's feast. From the thin, but well-toned body she possessed, it was ever so slightly softened. Her stomach had a very mild overhand on the waistband, her hips flaring out with the ghost of a muffin top developing. Her thighs touched together slightly, causing the mare to widen her stance that little extra to compensate.

Her arms swayed by her sides, looking mostly the same as before, though her upper arms had rounded out, veiling the musculature of Rainbow’s biceps in soft globs of fat. Coming to a halt in front of the pair, Hetramila could help but watch as the prismatic mare’s body continued to move, sloshing gently like ripples on a pond.

“So, uhh, you wanted to see me?” Rainbow started, scratching the back of her head, just below where the crown sat.

“Indeed. We’d thought you’d enjoy some breakfast with us on the balcony. It has some beautiful views into the city, and may offer your soon to be worshippers an opportunity to gaze upon your beauty.” The tan unicorn purred out, her smile widening as Rainbow goggled at her words.

“Woah, what do you mean worshippers? It's not like… oh, right, I remember now.” The pegasus rubbed her eyes, letting out a small yawn. “It’s too early for all this talk.”

“That is not true. Most citizens have already made their morning brew. Your sleep schedule is all so muddled, perhaps I can help to stop you from being so befuddled?” Zanubia stood up, joining Hetramila as they trotted over to the balcony door.

“Hey, my sleep schedule is already pretty awesome. I can’t be a top Wonderbolt if I don’t rest up and catch some Z’s”. Rainbow hand waved the concern away, watching as the door was pushed open by another pair of maids. Outside was a modest table, with most of it shadowed by the veranda. Beyond a waist-high wall, Rainbow could see into the city below. Pausing, she marvelled, as she got her first proper look at the population center.

Because of the palace’s height, it allowed her to see for a respectful distance out. Small rectangular houses stretched out in vast rows, intermingled with larger structures that helped to break up the mostly uniform abodes. This, however, was not what drew her eye. In the direct centre of the city, a pyramid jutted upwards. The flat faces of the pyramid were covered with a multitude of statues, carved into the shape of several humanoid figures. A few resembled equines, yet many more featured a whole menagerie of other creatures; falcons, ibis, crocodiles, jackals among a smattering of other creatures Rainbow couldn’t readily identify.

At the very peak of the pyramid, the angular limestone cap was juxtaposed against a coiled body; encircling the peak, a cobra reared upwards. Utterly enormous in scale, it was striped black and gold; the materials sparkling in the sun to such a degree that the glare dazzled Rainbow. “Magnificent, isn’t it? The Cobra of Akhethra, built over the course of hundreds of years, following the rule of multiple Pharaoh’s. Built from carved obsidian and cast, hand beaten gold, it’s very presence alone strikes courage into the hearts of the population, and to intimidate any would be foe into submission.”

“Wow, that’s pretty neat.” Rainbow breathed, aware of how bad her response was. However, she was suddenly distracted by the sweet odour coming from the table. Unloading multiple trays, the servants placed a range of hearty breakfast items onto the stone table.

“Indeed, now, why don’t you take a seat? We can continue our discussion whilst we eat.”

“Sounds great.” Easing herself onto the cushioned chair, Rainbow plucked several items from the available selection. A modest pile of bacon, bread, sausage soon accumulated, along with a slice of melon. “Can I ask you something?”

“Whatever you wish to know, we’d be happy to bestow.”

“You mentioned Pharaoh's, right? As in more than one? Is there still one around somewhere?” Her hosts shared a small look, smiling at one another.

“A very good question to ask. The answer to this, I am quite up to the task. In these lands so fair, there are those of considerable power to which none can compare. Rising through the religious or governing ranks, their sheer will and charisma currying favour and thanks. With enough public interest and support, they are allowed to claim the court, and become ruler of all. They become the Queen of all the land, in these beautiful and holy sands.”

“I’m sensing a ‘but’ somewhere.” Rainbow commented, busily chewing through crispy bread, lathered with thick, gooey honey.

“You are correct. For this system can be wrecked. If no eligible creature can sire the task, then no ruler shall last. If a period of significant time passes with no zebra or pony to take responsibility, then the rule falls upon two officials or three.”

“Basically, because no good Queen material has appeared in all these long decades, me and her were placed in charge to manage the land. I held the highest position amongst the current advisors, and Zanubia is the most senior priestess. For all intents and purposes, we serve as the highest authority on any major decision, as well as actively searching for suitable candidates for ascending the throne.”

“That has how it has worked for many years, the longest time without a pharaoh, stirred many fears. That was, however until this unwinding thread of loss was severed. By you.” Zanubia held aloft a finger, pointing it straight at Rainbow’s chest. Sputtering slightly, Rainbow just about managed to stop herself coughing crumbs onto the table.


“Yes, you. Were you even paying attention yesterday?” Hetramila chuckled, idly twirling her fork between her fingers. “Avatar of the goddesses? Elusive Pegasi? The very crown you are wearing upon your prismatic mane?”

“Alright, alright, I get it. Sorry, but I’ve just been thrown into a new world, I wasn’t exactly in the learning mood.” Rainbow held out her hands in a slight surrender pose.

“It’s fine. Although, I am curious about your world. You mentioned about ‘Wonder Bolts’, what is that?” The unicorn leaned in slightly, taking a sip from the glass beside her.

“Well, they are the most awesome team of flyers ever created! The best pegasi around flying and performing epic stunts in formation, the air itself crackling and sparking with lightning. That's besides being defenders of the land and sky, as part of our EPU duties, in combination with Princess Celestia’s royal guard…”

“Princess Celestia? Who is she, I do plead?”

“Oh, only the coolest pony to ever live! She ruled Equestria for 1000 years alone, after her sister got jealous over the attention she was getting, and kinda turned into a demonic version of herself, trying to make night last forever.”

“Whatever do you mean by forever? How would she accomplish this endeavour?”

“Well, they do control the Sun and Moon between each other. Celestia raises the sun and Princess Luna, the one who turned into the demon, controls the moon. Err… why are you two staring at me like that?” Indeed, the Governor and the Priestess were both staring at her, mouths agape.

“C...control the sun? Are these two goddesses?” Hetramila stuttered.

“Err, not too sure on that front, but they have ruled over Equestria for the longest time.”

“Do you know them at all? What connections with them do you haul?” Zanubia clutched at her necklace, running the shaped charms through her fingers.

“I know them pretty well. I’m an Element of Harmony, practically chosen by fate to be friends with the princess’s student. I’ve also helped to save Equestria as well, meeting with her a few times here and there. I’d say she’s got my back.” Smirking, she couldn’t help but laugh at how widely the two goggled. “Ha, you should see the look on your faces!” She chortled, spearing a sausage on her fork, biting into the hot, greasy morsel.

Rubbing her forehead, Hetramila let out a sigh. “So, let me clarify. You're a defender of your world, and part of a special pegasi flying team. They gave you some special element… what was that again?”

“The Elements of Harmony. I wear… or used to wear the Element of Loyalty, which helped me and my friends to purify Luna of her evil and restore her to normal.”

“Right. Furthermore, you know a pair of ponies which raise and lower the magnificent celestial bodies every single day?” The unicorn was no longer seated, standing up with her eyes wide with excitement, as a wide grin threatened to split her face in two.

“Yeah, that about sums me up. Oh, and all the competitions I’ve won, and historic artefacts I’ve saved too.” Leaning back, Rainbow took another bite of bread, savouring the gooey honey. After that, both parties remained in relative silence, the pegasus continuing to work over her breakfast, not noticing the ever growing pile on her plate. In contrast, her hosts just sat there in a mixture of bewilderment and joy, Zanubia quashing these feelings to a reasonable degree more.

Eventually, the white noise of munching and distant crowds was disturbed, as the Zebra struck up conversation once more. “Another thing to discuss, a plan to introduce you is as thus; When the sun passes for a few days more, we would like to take you to the temples and markets so you can experience the wonders in store. A trip through the Akhethran streets, would allow the citizens to see and greet.”

“A day trip? Sounds awesome… though why can’t it be tomorrow, or today even? It’s only morning for crying out loud.” Rainbow responded, not noticing as she dribbled a trail of grease onto her top.

“Preparations need to be made, or the consequences of such a rush will be paid. You will get out there to see the sights and sounds, but without a plan failure is inbound. To be the new ruler of the lands, the citizens must be ready and willing to stand, for a spectacle so grand. From house and shop alike, you shall show them what you are like.”

“Planning? Aww come on, that stuff is for eggheads.” She dismissed with a wave of her hand, resting one on her impressively stuffed gut. Only now was Rainbow feeling how much grub she’d packed away.

“Planning is useful for every part of life, without it my work would be full of issues and strife. Do not worry, the best things in life come when you are not in a hurry.” She finished, giving Hetramila some subtle hints with a cocking of her head.

“Exactly. Now, come along, we’ve got some important items to do today, some I hope you’ll find entertaining.”

“Sure, count me in, if my name isn’t RainbuuUURRPPP Dash!” She belched, wiping her hands on her clothes, hoisting herself to her feet. The Governor and Priestess quickly followed, leading the pegasus out of the veranda, into the cooler interior. With both parties’ minds abuzz with new information, they wound through the long, meandering hallways. After all, it was a new day, and they had plenty to do, and plenty of mysteries to ponder.

Chapter 4 - Passing the Mantle

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Midday was a tough time in the city. The sun was at its zenith, illuminating every building as it cast it’s blazing rays upon any creature daring to work in the heat. It was a time where most would seek refuge indoors and cower away from the stifling heat. However, for the first time in a long, long time, families and friends gathered outside, huddled under any and all available shade as they stood entranced by the spectacle currently working its way through the streets.

A small contingent of soldiers marched ahead of the group, each wielding a bronze khopesh, marching in formation. Behind them, three palanquin were being guided through the bustling streets. The first two were similar in design and decoration, though one did sport heavier religious motifs. Behind them, the real star of the show emerged. Wider, taller and gilded in all manner of gemstones and metals. Beneath the covered top, Rainbow Dash sat upon a wonderfully comfortable cushion, looking out at the gathered crowd.

Of course, cheering crowds was something she was all too familiar with. Be it at her air shows, or the handful of times she’d helped to save Equestria, the whole experience was nothing new to her. Though there were a few differences, one being the way they celebrated her. At the mere sight of her crowned head, their excitement seemed to exponentially rise. Some, however, went near silent, their hands resting upon their hearts, staring at her with a reverence unlike any other.

Still though, she took the various forms of attention in her stride, her magenta eyes filled with excitement as she waved at as many ponies and zebras as she could. A motion she was inherently familiar with, which had been spoiled as of recent. The main culprit of this was the extra flab that clung to her arm. In fact, Rainbow’s entire body had been rapidly packing on the pounds over the last few days since her arrival.

Though the city had been experiencing poor harvests for many years, Rainbow hardly noticed, considering the sheer quantity of food she consumed daily. Every morning consisted of a table groaning with cereals, breads, sweet fruits, and greasy meats. Each lunch consisted of yet more bread, cold or hot meats, cheeses and vegetables. Dinner came with promises of additional servings of meat, alongside hearty sauces, boiled or grilled vegetables, creamy soups and stacks of the freshest baked bread.

This was in addition to chalices of fruit juice, fatty milk and even wine. Not to mention snacks and desserts, featuring cakes topped with honey and cream, crafted to such perfection that Celestia herself would be jealous of them. Despite the deluge of food, Rainbow, against all odds managed to pack a good amount of it away into her now flabby, jiggly middle.

The pegasi’s increasing appetite had had some profound effects upon her body. Where once a trim, muscled core had proudly existed, a spare tyre of pudge had ballooned forth. Rolling forwards onto her lap, the expanded orb of cyan pudge jostled and undulated with each movement she made. As such, it made it difficult to tuck her stomach into anything, forcing her to just let it ooze out of her outfit. A trend which was continued at her sides, as two pliable love handles ringed around and formed an ever worsening muffin top as the waistband of her enlarging outfit was smothered.

Behind her, Rainbow’s once slight and curved ass had been inflated. Pounds of adipose had made their mark upon her buttocks, causing them to swell outwards. As such, she often filled out most seats she sat in, her doughy ass cheeks spreading out from her increasing weight. Connected to her burgeoning butt was her thickening thighs. Once well toned with defined musculature from her athletic pursuits, they had become just another place to deposit blubber. Her lower legs too had become swollen with excess lard, causing her legs to adopt a girth comparable to that of a young tree.

Further up her body, her top half had fared just as poorly to the influx of gelatinous cellulite. Her wings, normally so free and isolated on her back, had recently developed some new neighbours in the form of squishy deposits of back fat. Though not significantly large at the moment, the base of the wings covered by a sight fold forming, ringing around and connecting to her ballooning bust. As with the majority of pegasi, her boob’s were small, perky little mounds, helping to maintain her aerodynamics as she flew. No longer, as the pair had taken a good chunk of adipose. From just larger than apples, to nearly double their size, the extra heft granted caused them to jiggle and wobble around much more than she was used to. As such, they filled out and strained her top, which was becoming less and less adequate with each snack that passed through her lips.

Her legs were not the only appendage to become engorged with flab. Her upper arms had been morphed into chunky, ham like bingo wings, which would easily tear through most sleeves they were squeezed into. With each gesture of her arm, the blue slab of fat would rock about like a stormy ocean, propagating the motion through her entire figure, especially towards her face.

No part of her body had escaped her expansion, her head being no exception. Her once easily noticeable and well defined neck had been blanketed by a slight coating of fat. Connected to this, a wobbly set of jowls and rounded cheeks ballooned on her face. This was joined by a double chin that sagged down, almost constantly in motion every time she talked, breathed and ate. All in all, within only a couple of days, she had turned from a peak, competition ready physique, to a doughy couch potato.

Of course, Rainbow had noticed her expanding form. Given the number of reflective surfaces in the palace, it was only a matter of time before she saw her gains. Initially, she was confused, and just a bit annoyed. She’d worked hard to maintain her fitness damn it, and she wasn’t just going to let herself go like this. From that point, she decided to come up with an exercise routine to try and reduce her weight gain and try to restrain herself at the table.

Soon after she’d resolved to lose some flab, two roadblocks became apparent. The first being her hostesses. Despite how much they told her that she was the embodiment of the goddesses or the arbiter of change for the land, Rainbow didn’t have much time to herself for her own activities. Most of the time was taken up with them discussing each other's cultures, lessons about Akhethra history and culture, Hieroglyphic reading and writing among a myriad of tutoring sessions. All in all, whilst some of it was interesting, she often found herself distracted, as she fiddled with writing implements or furniture to alleviate her boredom. Furthermore, there was very little down time to herself, the majority of which was occupied by her other main obstacle to slimness.

Meal times. When she wasn’t busy studying or being lectured, most of the time she was being fed large amounts of delicious food. And regardless of how much mental scolding she attempted, or how much she tried to limit herself, she always seemed to cave under the simplest of suggestions. Afterall, what was one bread roll more going to do? Or one extra hunk of meat? Or one extra bowl of pudding? By the end of each meal, she was stuffed to the gills and bloated with food, more so in the evening.

This led to feelings of lethargy, which would discourage her from exercising. In the end, the only workout she ever got was walking around the palace, surrounded by servants and maids, who all witnessed her expanding size. And yet, none of them seemed even remotely bothered by her girth. In fact, it was more of the opposite. They seemed to fawn over her, telling her how beautiful her looks were, or how gorgeous her figure was. The guards hadn’t reacted in the slightest, face’s blank with emotion. In fact, in all of her time spent at the palace, only one person had given her a funny look. She’d initially thought these cordial greetings and stoicism were out of politeness, considering her status.

However, this notion of professional politeness was being eroded, bit by bit. Be it the oftentimes lustful looks she sometimes caught from the corner of her eye, to the more and more common gropes she received from Zanubia and especially Hetramila, to the reactions of new ponies in the streets. Waving out at the crowds, not one of them showed any hint of disgust or embarrassment at her size. They clapped and cheered all the same, as the procession was guided down a turning, leading into a wide, heavily decorated street.

Her arm feeling a little tired from the constant waving, she was interrupted by a pleasant aroma, blowing in through the windows. Soon, her mouth began to water, as she spotted row after row of stalls and tents lining the road, each producing their own unique, but amazing smells. A couple of meters more, and the palanquin was lowered to the ground with a light thud, sending a small plume of sand into the air.

Stretching her legs, she lifted herself to her feet with a grunt. One of her carriers opened the side, allowing the pegasus to clamber out and into the intense sunlight. Now fully exposed, the gathered audience watched on with awe, gazing at her impressive wings, her stunning crown and even her plus sized physique. Given her continually expanding size, Rainbow’s clothing size lagged behind her growth. Most things she wore showed off plenty of skin, and the things that did cover often got uncomfortable or sweaty, owing to the ever present, sweltering heat.

The palace tailor was certainly busy, constantly having to resize and remake her ensemble larger and larger every other day. The outfit itself was inspired by her hosts, incorporating elements into her new attire. Her top was rather modest, the primarily white fabric connected to a black band that cupped underneath her immense breasts. In addition, due to her widening arms, sleeves were an impossibility. Instead, large flowing drapes covered her chunky upper arms and elbows, the material partially transparent. These faux sleeves stretched across her front to her chest, the two sides joined by a golden and turquoise encrusted scarab.

Her immense gut flopped out of the midriff gap, the end obscuring much of the skirt below. A complimentary black belt sat around her waist, connected to a length of fabric not too dissimilar to the one Zanubia wore. The majority of this detail was obscured by the mass of cyan blubber, only the end emerging, displaying a golden Ankh, set amongst the ebony fabric. Like the flowing sleeves, the pale material of the skirt was designed to be loose and airy, yet it still managed to be stretched and pulled tight by Rainbow’s immense thighs. Around her neck, an extra wide collar was placed. However, much like the detailing on her clothes, it too was becoming lost from the ring of neck fat, blanketing over the beautifully bejeweled article.

With a small contingent of guards around her, she ambled towards Hetramila and Zanubia, both paused by the steps of a grand temple ahead, capping the end of the marketplace. Set in the center of the steps was a large platform. Behind it was a cobra headed statue, holding a flail and ankh aloft. At the statue’s feet, a podium stood, facing out towards the accumulating audience. The three of them quickly climbed the steps, Rainbow lagging behind ever so slightly, as they assembled behind the podium.

The crowd chatted and muttered amongst themselves, hushing up as Hetramila raised her hand. “Welcome, one and all, to this most auspicious of days. For years, the task of ruling these lands was placed upon mine and Zanubia’s heads. For that time, we waited for an equine of notable status. For one that had the courage, will and strength to guide us forth, much like a spear from a trained soldier's throw. For years, we have lived in hope for such a time.” She paused, allowing her words to wash over the audience.

“We wait, no longer.”

“For those skeptics out there, while your concerns were fair, the goddesses above have provided us with an heir. Upon a ray of light, she emerged before me upon her wings in flight. For many days, we have spent helping her adapt to our ways. In this time, we have allowed her to blossom and our confidence in her climbed. Starting today, I step down from my position as co-ruler and into that of chief advisor.”

“Adding on to what High Priestess Zanubia said, I too will step down from my position as High Governor and shift into a position of advisement for our new ruler. Now presenting your Queen, who descended upon us from the goddesses above, Pharoah Rainbow Dash!” Stepping aside, the pair allowed Rainbow to waddle to the forefront.

Standing behind the podium, the pegasus stared out into the crowd, clearing her throat. “Well, I’m not really one for speeches, this is kinda my first time doing something like this after all, heheh” She chuckled, some of the audience laughing with her. “So yeah, I hope I can be the most awesome ruler ever… no offence you two.” Again, some light laughter arose. “So, enough of me talking, let’s get this party started!”

With a whooping cheer, it soon passed through the crowd, with a number of them moving back to their stalls. Still though, a large group watched Rainbow, as she awkwardly shuffled over to her now chief advisors. “Well, your highness, I must say that was an... unconventional speech. But it had merit “. She paused. “Now for something a bit different. No doubt you’ve noticed the amazing smell?”

At the mere mention of food, a low grumbling gurgle emitted from Rainbow’s doughy middle, causing the ex-governor to giggle lightly. “I take that as a yes? Well, you’d better get down there and start sampling. No doubt you’d make many ponies and zebras oh so very pleased, if you were to, say, give them a glowing review from the new Pharaoh.”

“Sure, why the hay not? It’s been a while since breakfast I guess.” Hetramila nodded politely, neglecting to remind her that breakfast had only been an hour ago. Strolling down the steps, Rainbow weaved her way through the crowd, aided by her guards and advisors. As she got closer, the overwhelming scent of a dozen or more flavours entered her nostrils. Smiling, she stepped up to the nearest stall, the front of which was covered by a small tent. Pushing open the flap, Rainbow made her way inside, the smell of sweet confections strengthening.

The owner had her back turned, crouched down, she was fiddling with something or other on a shelf low down. “Just a second dear, I’ll be with you in a moment....” Turning her head, she caught sight of her customer, eyes widening, she slowly turned around to face the counter. No longer bent over, Rainbow could get a good view of the pony, who towered a good head over her, the crown’s peak only just reaching higher.

Her body was more fleshed out than the majority of other ponies or zebra’s she’d seen around. Every inch of her figure had a softness to it, widening or rounding several parts of her anatomy. From her round cheeks, to her slight belly that protruded forwards. However, the roundness that graced the rest of her figure, couldn’t hope to compare to the set of absolutely massive breasts that stretched her linen top to the max. So engorged with sloshy fat and milk, that the fabric conformed around the jiggly mounds. So large they were, that they brushed the tabletop of the counter, undulating gently with each breath she took. Rainbow couldn’t help but gape at the size of them, only just remembering she was in public, her eyes moving upwards to save grace.

They reached a warm, motherly face that gave her an equally welcoming smile. Her skin was a light brown, very close to red in hue. It was complemented by the dark chocolate hair that flowed in great long locks, several strands reaching as far as her hips. Circling above her forehead was a thin band of gold, helping to keep her absurdly long hair in check. Rainbow soon became acutely aware of the silence, the mare across from her still giving her the same warm smile, with just a tint of blush flooding into her cheeks.

“Ehehe… sorry about that.”

“That’s quite alright my dear, I mean, your majesty. Plenty of people get rather starstruck for some reason.” She brightly responded, breasts bouncing as she chuckled lightly.

“Yeah… don’t worry about calling me by my title if you don’t want to.”

“Of course, my dear. Now, would you care to try some of my wares?”

“You bet! Err… what is it you're selling again?” Rainbow rubbed the back of her head.

“Cakes, you’ll be pleased to hear. I’m a baker by trade, and served many customers in my time.” Lifting a cloth, the pegasus caught a glimpse of an absolutely wonderful looking dessert, sitting atop a gleaming plate. Stepping up to it, Rainbow could smell a wonderful mingling of cream and honey amongst the moist fluffy sponge. It had been cut into several equal slices, with the one closest to the front protruding outwards invitingly.

“Wow, that looks sooooo good.”

“Thank you. Feel free to have as much as you’d like my dear.” Needing no more prompting, Rainbows hand grabbed a slice. Very light, with a slight stickiness to it, she took a large bite, letting out a deep moan as she chewed. Swallowing quickly, she quickly worked through the piece, reducing it to little more than crumbs. Smacking her lips, she grabbed a second piece, continuing to wolf it down with little care for her manners. Afterall, she was Queen, right? She was the one who was in charge.

Stuffing chunk after chunk into her gob, her mouth started to feel dry. Before she could think to ask for a drink, a cup full of milk was set to her side. Nodding appreciatively, she gulped heartily, letting out a belch as she finished. Section by section, the cake disappeared, already missing half its mass as Rainbow’s middle swelled outwards. From the stretched organ, low groans and glorps emanated as thousands of calories rapidly processed and digested. All the while, the eyes of the cobra on her crown glowed.

Before the baker's very eyes, she watched as her new ruler widened. Her top rode upwards, the fabric tightening as fresh blubber built across her back, breasts and arms. Further south, Rainbow’s skirt was suffering the same punishment, as her hips, butt and thighs continued their rounding as they flared outwards. Along with this, her roll ringed belly sagged ever further outwards, obscuring the skirt with more and more juicy cyan flesh. Every moment, the air was filled with sound; groaning and blorping of her belly, moans and mumbles of enjoyment intermingled with creaking and popping of stitches, followed by a belch to make more room.

A few minutes later, Rainbow was wiping crumbs off the plate. A cake that had taken hours to create, had been decimated in only a fraction of the time. The store owner should have felt some indignity at the level of greed and gluttony on display. Instead, a sense of pride swelled in her core, her ever present smile widening. “Did you enjoy that my dear?”

“Oh yeah, that was totally awesome. Best cake I’ve ever had.” She mumbled in response, stifling a burp with her hand.

“I’m pleased you liked it.”

“Don’t mention it.” Satisfied she’d gathered every last crumb up, she placed the plate back with a light clunk. “That was so good, I might get some more later… what did you say your name was?”

“Ipyat. Proud owner of Ipyat Confections. My store is on Crescent street, a few blocks away from here.”

“Sounds great. Thanks for the awesome food Ipyat.”

“No problem, Pharaoh Rainbow Dash, my dear” She finished with another of her light, bouncy chuckles, sending her rack bouncing once more. With a slight bow, Rainbow exited the tent, the sweet smell of Ipyat’s cakes disappearing, lost amongst the rest of the market. As her guards stepped away from the entrance, she continued to the next stall. Hardly paying attention, her brain dawned on the realisation that she was going to have to eat much, much more. That, and Ipyat was really, really hot.

Interlude - A Pint of Treason

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“Damn her! Damn her to the pits of Duat!” In the North-Easten corner of the city, far away from the houses and commercial shops and near invisible to the palace, sat a small bar. Situated amongst the many industrial buildings in the area, it looked unassuming, if not a little seedy. A sand battered sign, hanging above the door, swung limply upon rusted chains. In faded, but still legible letters, ‘The Sloshed Sphinx’ was inscribed. A single pane of rough glass served as the only window. Heavily stained and scratched, a neat spider web of cracks zig-zagged from the corner. Through all the accumulated filth, shafts of grotty light managed to pass through, offering a limited view into the establishment. Passing through the cracked wooden door, the interior was just as beat up as the outside.

Deep scratches and grooves were carved into tables and chairs. The sparing number of ornaments and other trinkets were securely nailed to the walls, alongside tattered, ripped papyrus scrolls and posters that hung at odd angles. The stone floor, despite how often it was washed, always seemed to have a slight stickiness to it, the smell of aged alcohol clinging to the tiles from many a spill and brawl. And through the air, the sounds of merriment clashed with rowdy, and sometimes even bawdy shouting and singing.

This was a place that the unfortunates and dregs of society, or indeed those of a less social disposition, spent their evenings off. From disgruntled metal workers frustrated with their overbearing boss, to mildly sociopathic bazaar stall owners, just itching for someone to throw a punch at them. It was the type of place for all sorts of illicit dealings and barely legal activity to thrive in. Medicines of questionable effect, imported weaponry, to even mercenaries who were looking for the highest bidder. These all found their place within the walls of the Sloshed Sphinx. Despite the attendants mostly composed of occupations and attitudes held in poor regards by polite society, some unexpected folk often took a seat behind the counter or at one of the beaten tables, lamenting their woes to pints of cheap booze, amongst the rest of the unfortunates.

For one such individual was a mare that went by the name of Mnshi. Grasped tightly in her grip, a weighty glass was held up to her lips, gulping deeply from the contents. Letting out a small sigh, she all but slammed it down onto the tabletop, her lips curved into a sneer. “I’d spent so long climbing the ranks, so long gaining the respect of my peers, and this is what I get for all my effort? Absolute crap!” She growled, pushing her nearly empty glass to the side.

“My apologies, Second Commander. Please, do go on.” Standing in front of the agitated mare, the bartender/owner of the joint listened intently. Although, standing would be incorrect. Her immense serpentine body was coiled behind the counter, filling up a significant portion of the floor. A disinterested look on her face, she busied herself with cleaning a selection of mismatched glassware, sliding them into the shelving behind her.

Her name was Lazuli, part of an incredibly rare breed of pony referred to as Lamians. From their bellies down, their legs were replaced with one long serpentine tail, stretching the length of several people. In spite of her odd and quite frightful appearance, Lazuli was an incredibly passive person, her thick skin proving invaluable in the profession she was involved so deeply with. Regardless of the customers' opinions, controversial or not, she would never deny a drink. After all, money is money, with the one exception being if they dared to try and damage the bar.

All sorts of patrons attended, with one of the most famous being the Second Commander of the Royal Akhethran army. An irregular customer, Mnshi attended every few weeks, usually in any number of states of frustration. Tonight, it seemed she was infuriated beyond all measure. Her nasty temper was enough to make most ponies and zebras cower in fear, afraid she would grievously injure them in some manner or another. An easy assumption to make, given her stacked figure. Not only was she pretty tall, even for an earth pony, but her form was swollen with a considerable amount of muscle.

Thick cords of pure power surged under her deep red skin, bulging and flexing with even the slightest of movements. From her immense biceps, to her chiseled core, to her toned ass, she was a paragon of strength. And yet, here she was, perched upon an ancient, creaking stool, chugging pints of alcohol of questionable quality. “That blue bitch stole my throne from me! That gluttonous, sloppy fat ass somehow became ruler, and what has she done?”

The bartender raised her eyebrow, sighing quietly. Lazuli knew exactly who Mnshi was talking about, but she still wanted to know the details behind Mnshi’s fury. “No. Please enlighten me, Second Commander.”

“Nothing! Nothing that's what! It’s been nearly two weeks since power was exchanged from Governor Hetramila and the High Priestess Zanubia. I would have expected her to maybe, just maybe go out and fix up some of the problems in this city. But no. All she’s been doing is waddling around the palace, stuffing meat into her flabby face and guzzling all the cake in sight!” She angrily thumped the table, rattling a number of glasses.


“And what?! She’s utterly incompetant as a leader! No drive, no ambition, no anything, aside from stuffing more junk into her mouth. And do you want to know the worst thing is? Everyone loves her! You can’t go anywhere without every other word someone says being ‘I love the new Pharaoh’ or ‘Isn’t the new Pharaoh great’.” Mnshi snapped sarcastically, animatedly waving her arms around mockingly.

“I see. And these people are wrong in your eyes?”

“Of course! They’re just blinded by the shake up in the status quo. Of course they're going to get excited for the first ruler in decades, but that doesn't matter if she’s terrible at being a leader. So what if she’s a pegasi, so what if she bears an ancient crown? That doesn't matter one deben if her only motive is to eat all our food. For Ra’an’s sake, the farmers have struggled for years to maintain good harvests. I’ve had to defend the farms from mercenaries, raiders and even armies that tried to steal every last grain and date. And every time, I’ve slicked my khopesh with their filthy blood, saving our people from famine and starvation.”

“Frankly, I’m utterly sick of this crap. I’ve saved this kingdom from pillaging and ransaking more times than that blubbery behemoth has pounds in her ass. By the goddesses, she doesn't even know the first thing about our politics, our economy, our military. And yet all the religious zealots believe her to be some symbol of our deities, despite her knowledge of anything religious being approximately zero! The only reason she’s not made a mistake is because Zanubia and Hetramila are hand holding her the entire way, like a child!” She growled, finishing the last dregs in her glass, slipping a small pile of bronze coins to Lazuli.

“I will correct the wrongs wrought upon this land, sooner, rather than later. The die of Th’tra has been cast and a new Queen shall rule in place of that pampered hog.” Lifting herself to her feet, Mnshi glanced around at the other patrons. The majority paid her no mind, chatting amongst their friends. The ones that caught her eye, quickly looked away, not willing to confront the muscle bound soldier over any plans of Regicide they may or may not have heard.

“Sure, do whatever you want. But if you fail in whatever mission you're going to try, for the love of all that is holy, keep me out of this.” Lazuli sighed, collecting the tip, starting to clean the glass.

“Oh, don’t you worry a thing. If all goes to plan, I’ll ensure you’re handsomely rewarded with all the gold and gems you desire.” With a slight nod of her head, she quickly wandered over to the exit, grasping the bent, corroded handle. Striding over the threshold and into the cold dusty street, she scanned the street for any signs of life. Satisfied it was deserted, she quickly dived into a nearby alley way.

Behind her, the door to the Sloshed Sphinx closed with a loud clunk, the streets becoming deathly quiet, as Mnshi disappeared into the gloom.

Chapter 5 - Pool Party with a Blessing

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Sitting upon a wooden deck chair, Hetramila watched as another servant waded through the pool, attempting to balance a large chalice above the waves, delivering it to Rainbow Dash. The pegasus was currently bobbing up and down in the waters, her body's natural buoyancy allowing her to float with apparent ease. Glancing skywards, the unicorn was readily reminded of the reason to move outside, dabbing herself on the forehead with a damp flannel.

For one reason or another, the goddesses had decided to make this day of all days particularly sweltering. Even after her many decades of living in these lands, heat this extreme was a rarity. Sure, she herself and the citizens could deal with it, their bodies were hardened against such extremes of temperature. This, however, was not shared by their Pharaoh. Ever since the public exchange of power, the mare's culinary exploits hadn’t diminished in the slightest. With plenty of encouragement and her increasing willingness to gorge herself silly, she’d accumulated a significant amount of mass across her blubbery blue body.

With that mass, however, came an increasing level of natural insulation, a fact which was apparent today. Just waddling through the palace halls, her body was quick to slicken with a generous coating of sweat, trying in vain to cool her meters of excess flesh. Beading together in large droplets, the perspiration raced across her rounded bulk, soaking her meagre clothing and creating an uncomfortable stickiness. It was simply too much for her, much too hot to concentrate on any complex task. She was so boiled, that even her bottomless appetite was being spoiled. To remedy this, Rainbow’s advisors had stepped in to prevent their ruler from overheating.

After some thought, they recalled one place that could help their predicament. Built long ago, the then current ruler had decided she had wanted a great outdoor pool to cool herself down, with enough room to house her servants and any number of guests. But, as water increased in scarcity, and different rulers took the throne, the usage of the basin was minimal to non-existent. Aside from the occasional cleaning the groundskeepers did, it had been over a hundred years since its last use. So long in fact, the colour in the mosaics at the bottom faded heavily. After the brainwave hit, they set about hurriedly filling it up.

Diverting water from the palace plumbing, they just about managed to get it ready as Rainbow lumbered over. Entering, with thankfully little water displacement, the massive monarch relaxed. Floating spread eagle, with her crown topping her head, the pegasi’s body jiggled and wobbled as ripples splashed against her. Indeed, in the near ten days since her ascension to ruler of the land, Rainbow had crossed the threshold from fat to obese.

Due to the abruptness of the plan, Rainbow had to lose any sense of decency she stubbornly clung onto, forgoing her clothing entirely. No bathing suit or even bikini was large enough to house her bountiful bosoms, or her hefty hindquarters. Not a scrap of cloth covered her naked form as it bobbed along, jiggling and jostling whenever servants waded over to her body, topping up her drink or presenting a snack or two. At this point though, bottoms were not required. Her gut was so large that an apron of blubber had sagged down her front, the apex resting just below her knees. It had divided into two separate rolls, each thick and doughy as the massive cakes she gobbled down. Between the folds, her belly button was barely visible, occasionally popping into view whenever the cushiony folds swayed about.

Her love handles continued to blossom outwards. Funnily enough, the term ‘handles’ had become more and more apt, given how easy it was to latch onto them, something Hetramila particularly enjoyed. Rainbow’s breasts too had continued to swell ever larger. As round and as large as any melon, they readily filled and overflowed her pudgy hands, boob meat oozing through the gaps in her fingers. Her dark blue nipples were on display, having swelled up in much the same fashion as the rest of her chest. With but the smallest of movements, her tits emitted quiet claps whenever they collided with each other.

Speaking of areas clapping together, her buttocks had developed into increasingly more globular, somewhat spherical mounds of adipose tissue. Just a quick glance would show that every snack that passed through her mouth stuck firmly onto her hips. Like mounds of gelatine, they quivered and shook with every step she took, swaying around in a visceral dance of blubber. So large they were, that dimples of cellulite were springing up in between the developing creases and folds that crossed them, marring the once smooth skin, alone with her unfortunate cutie mark.

Forced to conform to the new canvas, the image distorted, crisp lines and detail were instead creased and bloated, forced to many times normal size. Between the doughy masses, her tail managed to peek out, a good portion of prismatic hair trapped in her butt crack, much to her discomfort. Fortunately, water she was immersed in allowed it to drift and float freely out, giving the appearance of multicoloured seaweed clinging to the side of a whale.

Below her impressive mounds of derriere, her legs had developed into bloated, flab saturated columns, her thighs as thick as date palms. So wide in fact, that she struggled to have them separated, leg gap virtually non-existent beyond her knees. So much weight had piled on, that her joints were becoming increasingly enveloped with sagging, useless lard. Her knees managed to remain visible, sandwiched between thigh and shin fat, trapped between a pair of juicy rolls. Her lower legs blobbed outwards, merging into chunky cankles that partially blanketed her feet.

Like her fatty thighs, so too had her upper arms taken on an influx of weight. Her already large bingo wings had grown larger, with the excessive lard deposits encircling the limb. So extensive they had grown, an appetite much like their owner had developed. In the search for more room, they had begun to encroach upon her forearms, swallowing up all room available. Rainbow’s elbows were struggling to remain visible, already becoming partially squashed by the chunky forearm fat that blossomed, partially devouring her forearm, much in the same way her forearm was threatening to devour her hand amidst its own growth.

Behind her, Rainbow’s wings were locked in battle with the ever-encroaching slabs of back flab. With each passing day, more and more weight was situated upon the chunky slabs of back flab, the loose flesh sagging onto her scapula. In fact, so much fat was flooding into extremities that her body was running out of places to store the influx of pounds. Her body so heavily saturated with adipose tissue, blubber was forced onto her wings. With the majority focused on her scapula’s, the extra width they gained exacerbated the difficulty she faced in simply flexing the appendages, further compounding the struggle they had fighting with the swaddling back lard for space.

Lastly, her face was becoming ever more entrapped in the smothering folds of their owner's creation. A considerable wedge of fat clung to it wrapped around her neck, so round that the lardy collar had the appearance of a small tyre. Her double chin sagged onto it, the slight weight of them causing divots to form in the cyan flesh. To finish off, her cheeks were as round as ever, the ever-present bloat giving the appearance that half an apple was crammed into each side of her mouth.

To put it simply, the mare was an utter fat ass, her body reminiscent of a pampered cyan hog than a pony. And yet, this was the body she was surrounded by. One which her caretakers seemed to love so much, putting some much effort into making it swell ever larger and ever curvier. Like an immense blue hippopotamus, she wallowed in the water. Her body bobbed up and down, cool fluid flowing into her rolls and folds. Being this size in the water was a novel concept to Rainbow, all that extra weight suspended so daintily. After becoming so weighty, bobbing around freely reminded her of whooshing through the sky.

And yet, even here, she couldn’t escape just how much she’d let herself go. Even if her limbs could float and bob freely, they were still swaddled and enveloped to many times their usual width. Smooth, wobbly flesh slid over her other curving slabs of adipose, her figure almost constantly rubbing together. Bending her arms and legs, the inflexibility was becoming more apparent with each passing day. Not only did the pegasi have to shift limbs that had more than double their weight and width, but she also had to push and shove them past other equally blobby parts of her engorged anatomy. It really helped to hammer home just how much of a adipose ridden butter ball she’d blimped up into.

And of course, the terrible heat was an ever-present reminder too. Even as cool liquids and chilled morsels were guided into her mouth, the heatwave was forcing her to sweat more and more. Despite how frequently she was sponged off, she moisture like a broken tap. Panting and wheezing, she was desperate for some solution. “This… huff… heat is so… pant… not cool.” Rainbow moaned weakly, splashing her foot lightly on the surface.

“I am most sorry my Queen, but the sun today is most mean. Ru’un is most certainly being soured tempered. Despite mine and others presenting gifts and pleas, the response to this drought is most definitely extempore.” Zanubia paddled up to Rainbow’s side, a tight bikini being the only thing she wore, aside from her ever present necklaces and religious motifs.

Normally, she wore long, flowing robes, which helped to hide much of her body. However, in the clear waters, it was apparent that the influx of food every evening was making its mark upon her body. A round belly that was on the cusp of forming rolls, rounding breasts that caused the straps on her top to dig into the milky mounds, and a large ass that practically swallowed her bottoms, every part of her form had been rounded exquisitely. So much growth in fact, that her numerous stripes had been stretched. Both horizontally and vertically, those black bands had been thickened significantly as they ringed around her fleshy back, bulbous bottom and chunky legs.

Still, compared to the whale Rainbow had ballooned into, her growth was considerably more moderate. Resting a hand on Rainbow’s mass, the High Priestess bit her lip, her fingers being slowly swallowed up into the pliant pudge, oozing between her fingers like warm playdough. Noticing a servant treading through the water, she quickly retracted her hand, slipping it further underneath the island of blubber.

“Don’t you have a spell to cool me down? You have...puff… unicorns for crying out loud!” Rainbow huffed, splashing the water in frustration.

“Very astute of you to mention, a quick spell to quell the tension. I am unaware of what magic’s your land possess, for what we work with here is far much less. The only one which would help in your predicament, would be one that encases you entirely in ice, which would lead to quite an incident. Unicorns are rare in our land, only a hundredth of the population burdened with such a brand. Sorcery too, is rare to behold, our lack of studies of the arcane leaving us in an enchanted stranglehold.” The zebra explained, wiping away a rolling bead of sweat on Rainbow’s upper arm.

“Well, don’t you have any potions at all?”

“Potions are something we excel at, this is true. But like any cooking recipe, you must wait a long while for the right brew. Indeed, we could start work on a fresh batch of cooling elixir, but you’d be waiting until sunset for the very last herb and fixer.” Leaning in, Zanubia gave Rainbow a small hug, her face pressing into the pegasi’s side flab. “We are ever so saddened by your predicament; I am sorry we lack anything to correct this dissonance.”

“Sure, I forgive you. I’m… just happy you have this sweet pool. But I just really want something to fix this heat…” She sighed, leaning back onto an inflatable headrest, dozing off. Although Rainbow lacked even a scrap of clothing, she still proudly wore her crown. Not a drop or bead of sweat had flowed from under the heavy piece, nor was there any discomfort. Which was good, as it did help to keep the sun off her head. Unnoticably, the eyes of the crowns ornament were beginning to glow, the light unremarkable against the fiery poundings of the sun.

Slowly, they turned to a dark blue, reminiscent of an ocean’s hue. From there, it’s colours intensified, a powerful aura began to bleed from the gemstone, sparks of magically infused electricity arched and crackled like a thundercloud. Pretty soon, everyone was standing dead still, watching the lightshow with increasing trepidation and worry. Hetramila was on the edge of her chair, her sunglasses ripped off her face, clutched in her hand.

From the piercing jeweled eyes, an orb of energy materialised, swelling larger, forcing the onlookers to shield their eyes from the intense glare it exuded. Rainbow, despite being directly below the epicentre of the sphere, seemed completely oblivious, her eyes shut, even as jolts of blue and purple energy danced across her skin. All the while, a growing roar of sound filled the air, intensifying by the moment.

With little indication and ceremony, the ball was released, catapulting skywards in a streak of light. Further and further it travelled into the blue sky, becoming near invisible amongst it. Then, it detonated. An immense pulse radiated outwards, curving across the vast heavens in a shockwave. Within a few moments, the energy had travelled beyond the outskirts of the city, disappearing seconds later.

Everyone was awestruck by the spectacle, which soon gave away to confusion. Zanubia, still in the pool, drifted her way back over to Rainbow, giving her arm a tug. With an incoherent mumble, those cerise eyes opened, the orbs blinking, cocked her head back and forth. “My Pharaoh heavens above, that blast must have been quite a shove. Are you feeling quite alright? That was certainly an impressive display of might.” The zebra questioned, gently squeezing her arm with each point.

“W...wha? I don’t know what you’re talking about. I just dozed off for a few moments.” She responded, rubbing her eyes gently, yawning as she did.

“Dozed off or not, whatever you did was certainly spectacular, my Queen.” Hetramila confirmed, slipping into the pool on the other side Zanubia was. “That magic was quite unlike any I’ve ever seen, are you sure you’re a pegasus?”

“Again, I have no idea what you're going on about you two. I didn’t see anything weird.” She paused, as if mulling something over. “Though I’m glad you managed to start cooling me down, thanks for the shade!” She grinned, the two sharing a look of confusion across Rainbow’s monstrous gut.

“Shade?” They said in near unison.

Looking down, they too noticed that a great shadow had enveloped the pool, lke someone had erected a parasol over them. Turning around, they expected there to be some servants who had just set up one. Instead, there was nothing. The culprit however, was much, much higher. “By the goddesses…” Zanubia mumbled.

From the North, moving quickly across the horizon and towards the city, an immense bank of dark grey clouds blanked across the sky, blotting out the sun entirely. Soon, they were directly over the city, suddenly coming to a near standstill. This of course, hadn’t gone unnoticed. Throughout Akhethra, everyone from bakers, to farmers, the soldiers and smiths all gazed skywards. They all knew what it was, but they couldn’t comprehend it’s size, nor its deep stony grey tincture.

Clouds were rare to see, and even then, they were white and wispy, covering a mere fraction of the blue expanse. Now, it was the barest of fractions of blue sky, struggling to be seen amongst the rolling ashened heavens. With little warning, it began to rain. Most were caught off guard, droplets splashing them in the face. Soon, their skin grew slick from the downpour, clothes becoming heavy as they absorbed the deluge like a sponge.

Awestruck, emotions flared, bursting out in the open. Some laughed, singing their paise to the heavens. Others cried, their tears mingling with the water dripped down their faces, their mumbling words of thanks lost amongst the staccato pitter-patter. They watched as ancient gullies, long which had been filled with grit and sand, suddenly began to funnel the runoff away from the roads. Like miniature streams, the gutters snaked through streets and paths, helping to keep the ill prepared city from flooding. Converging as one, the deluge drained into the river, the shrunken watercourse already beginning to swell from the downpour.

Hetramila and Zanubia were amongst those gazing up in shock. Floating amongst the pool waters, they clung to Rainbow like a great raft. Zanubia clutched at her necklace, quietly mumbling something over and over, tears rolling down her rounded cheeks, mingling with the rain and dropping into the pool. Hetramila was silent, slowly putting the pieces together in her head.

The orb, the clouds, and the rain. With a gasp of realisation, she surged forward, wrapping her arms around Rainbow. Hugging her as hard as she dared, Hetramila felt herself become enveloped by the cushioning blubber. Nestled into the plush expanse of her ruler, a beaming smile radiated forth as she let out a laugh, her hair and back becoming matted with rain. Rainbow too was a little surprised by the drizzle, having experienced little but scorching sun for the longest time.

“Huh, rain, that’s neat. Nice and cooling too…” the pegasi sighed, feeling her abundant rolls of fat cooling off, rivulets of water ran across her rolls and folds, collecting in between them like a stream in a valley.

“Thank you, so, so much my Queen.” Hetramila finally spoke, only just able to contain her excitement.

“No problem… I think?” she replied, shrugging from the compliment. Closing her eyes once more, she allowed herself to drift and bob amongst the waves, fully content. Sun, sand, the spot of occasional precipitation and lots of amazing food, what was not love about this place?

Chapter 6 - Akhethran Nights and Equine Knights

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Akhethrian night times were a time of peace for the city. The sun dipped over the horizon, as Ru’un’s influence left the land. With its absence, came the chilly night air, giving those individuals who’d toiled through the grueling daytime heat blessed relief. And none were more so grateful for the cold than the Pharaoh herself. With her natural insulation, chilly desert nights were a sweet relief from the day, in more ways than one.

Mainly, that she finally got some time to herself. Most of that alone time was spent sleeping away the immense dinners she’d consumed in the recent past. But it was a break from the constant attention and contact around every corner. Now, she wasn’t one to shy away from the limelight, but there’s a point where even the awesome Rainbow Dash had to enjoy some time to herself.

And enjoy she did, taking full advantage of the immense, plush mattress that comfortably cradled her equally immense body. On her first night, her figure was miniscule compared to the immensity of the bed frame. But, over two weeks later, there was little space left to cover. There was still some room to her left and right, offering about a foot of area to expand into. Judging by her continual gains, she would eclipse the rest of the mattress in but a few days’ time.

Her belly had continued its descent towards the floor. An immense sack of blue gelatinous flesh, the end of the folded, cellulite dimpled apex resting upon her lower legs like a blanket. So much extra mass was being packed into the blobby mound of lard that her lower, much larger roll had developed a crease down the centre from her belly button, further dividing it into a pair of identical folds that rested heavily upon her calves.

Rainbow’s thighs always seemed to touch, regardless of how much she attempted to splay her legs apart. The limbs themselves were in poor shape, appearing to be little more than cyan stacks of pillowy fat rolls. Her calves and cankles were widened and battened beyond belief, their slabs of blubber squeezing and sliding over one each other with every step she took. Alone, each was wider than an entire person, and weighed just about as much as one too. Their weight was increasingly becoming apparent, becoming a struggle to lift the flab coated limbs even a few centimeters off the ground, further degrading her walk into pathetic waddling with every passing day.

Her hips were the widest part of her body, framing the colossal ass that oozed and squished outwards from the simple act of laying or sitting upon it. Like a small beanbag cushion strapped to her rear end, they struggled to be contained by even the largest of clothing sizes, let alone most chairs and benches she sat upon. So unreasonably massive that she was nearly as wide as she was tall, an utterly foreign concept to Rainbow, but one that was oddly growing more fond of as she grew closer to that goal.

Her breasts had changed little. They just got larger and more pillowy, happily laying heavily upon her thickened torso like a pair of pumpkin sized water balloons, sloshing with every deep breath she took. Often, this simple motion propagated through her entire figure, body in a state of continuous jiggling and wobbling that lasted for minutes on end. Ringing around her back, an overabundance of fat rolls piled up. Like an accordion, they formed sets of deep creases, sandwiching her poor wings between them.

With every day that passed, her wings were consumed that little more, looking almost like a sailor struggling in a stormy ocean. The lower down, the thicker the rolls became, with the lowest love handle as soft and cushiony as the pillow she rested upon. Squishing into her side fat, massive, doughy arms lay. Continuing to widen, those bingo wings were easily bigger than her head, the edges dotted with cellulite as they enveloped any and all musculature. Forearms too had bulked up and out, starting to form an additional roll lower down, encroaching on her fattened hands.

Her collar of neck flab jutted outwards a few centimeters more, resting upon her shoulders, as her jowls and chins rested upon it. Her double chin had increased in prominence, just about to form a third chin. Last, her jowls and cheek fat continued to widen and round her facial features out that bit more. Her body just continued to cram adipose tissue wherever it could find, her body so utterly immersed in so many layers of blubber she could barely move an inch.

A slight exaggeration for now, but it was one which was becoming more and more truthful as the days passed. Getting out of bed was a task that took a good few minutes of panting, shuffling and moaning to just get her knees over the edge, followed by even more time spent hauling herself to her feet. True, she had plenty of helpful servants to help her every step of the way, but the number required was becoming greater and greater by the day.

Thankfully for the adipose ridden Pegasus, the arduous task of getting up was many hours away. With a creak of the bedsprings, she made her final adjustments, more of her gut between her legs. Though she didn’t want to admit it, her new size was becoming more and more of an enjoyable experience. Surrounded by literal feet of pillowy fat, it’d created a comfortable and secure anchor she could relax into, forgetting about being stuck in an entirely different reality.

Letting out a long yawn, her eyes closed. Resting her hands upon the exposed bulk of her gut, she gently massaged the cyan flesh. Her gut was pleasantly stuffed with all manner of meats and desserts, gurgling and glorping away as it broke down thousands of calories, ready to turn it into more layers of heavy, blanketing fat. With little sound but the vocalisations of her own belly, Rainbow quickly fell asleep.

Or she would have, if a sudden loud groan didn’t just ring out, forcing her eyes to groggily opening. Quickly, she realised the groan hadn’t come from her stomach; she found that it was very rare for her own body’s rumblings to wake her. No, this was different, a deeper gritty texture to the noise. Like that of the door being opened. Grunting, she attempted to see if anypony was standing there. A task easier said than done. Her ponderous mounds of breast fat, her neck roll and her immense gut prevented her from getting a good look in front of herself. Craning her neck to the side, Rainbow snatched a peek of the door.

No pony was there. “H… huff… hello? Anypony there?” She weakly called out, attempting to push herself to a sitting position. No reply, the only sound being her own heavy breaths and the sound of the bedsprings creaking from each slight movement. After a minute of waiting, no more sounds came, and she relaxed. Her head falling back to her pillow, her eyes closed once again. “Guess I must be imagining things.”

Suddenly, a weight fell upon her stomach, Rainbow gasped as the impact left her breathless. Her own body blocking her view, she could only feel her assailant through her abundant flesh. They were well muscled, given how hard their arms and legs were and how heavy they felt. In addition, she could tell they were wearing very little overall, a tiny skirt and top. Rocking her head back and forth, she felt her blood run ice cold as she spotted the end of a sword, glinting slightly in the low light.

The assailant adjusted themselves, Scooting their body over Rainbow’s, so that her weight pressed down upon all of Rainbow’s limbs. Given how morbidly obese the pegasus already was, the extra bulk was simply too much for Rainbow to shift. Pinned to her back, she tried her hardest to sit up, “Nnnnrrggghh! Huff… wheeze, come on… pant… you. Show your… gasp… face you… coward!”

“Gladly…” The attacker growled out, malice tainting her voice. Shifting her weight, her legs now straddling the bulk of Rainbow’s wide figure, she craned over the swell of neck and boob flesh. An earth pony. Her hair was rather short, compared to the vast majority of ponies and zebras she saw. Deep red skin, the intensity of the colour almost matched the intense look of anger she exuded. “My, my you look even more pathetic from up close.” She sneered.

“Oh… yeah ya… pant… creep. You… wheeze… don’t look too hot… either.” Rainbow responded feebly , physically unable to move a muscle to do anything. A bubble of shame flowed through Rainbow’s panicked mind. Holding several black belts in multiple martial arts, yet was completely stopped by somepony sitting atop her gut. To add insult to injury, her assailant used a free hand to roughly squeeze Rainbow’s left boob, a moan leaving the cyan mare’s lips.

“Goddesses, you are such a pig… though a cow would be more appropriate with those tits. I can’t believe you’d willingly let yourself become this fat.”

“Hey! Just who the hay are you?” Rainbow shouted, coming out significantly quieter than she’d hoped, her lungs too overtaxed.

“Really? You’ve been here for a fortnight, and you don’t even know the commanders in your own military? Let me guess, too distracted stuffing that ball of fat you call a stomach?” She roughly slapped said gut, Rainbow yelping in surprise as a red handprint was left. “The name is Mnshi. Second Commander Mnshi, soon to be crowned the ruler of Akhethra.”

“W...what do you mean by that?” Rainbow stuttered, Mnshi’s expression growing colder and more predatory by the second.

“Exactly as it sounds like. I will dispose of you and take my place as the ruler of this Queendom.”

“And what gives... you the right to... do that?”

Another slap rang out, Rainbow crying out from the impact, Mnshi’s teeth baring like that of a wild animal. “How dare you talk about rights? How dare you tell me about what is fair and what’s not. Now, it may come as a shock to you, but I’ve lived in these lands far longer than you have, keeping them free from those who dared to attack the people of Akhethra. Many a famine I’ve helped to stave off, many a battle I’ve won to save those who cannot defend themselves.”

“I’ve shed blood, sweat, and tears to keep this Queendom safe. Every day I’ve worked hard to ensure our survival from outside threats. Now, let us compare what you’ve done for blessed Akhethra?” She snorted, giving an immense love handle a squeeze, the blue adipose oozing between her fingers.

A pregnant silence hung uncomfortably in the air, as Rainbow tried to muster a retort. The cogs turned in her mind, attempting to rationalise something through the pumps of adrenaline. “I made it rain the other day!”

A bitter, mocking laugh rose up. “Yeah, of course you did. I guess all that fat in your head makes you deluded. It’s been decades since a rainstorm last happened, it was bound to happen sooner or later.” She paused, her face for a moment looking saddened as she rubbed a hand across the smooth flesh. “Of course, I wouldn’t be doing any of this if you’d remained as the same as the day you arrived.”


Sighing, she elaborated. “When I first saw you, I saw potential in you. Even if you were not of these lands, you possessed the body of an athlete and a combatant. Finely trained and exercised muscles everywhere. Even if I didn’t get the crown, at least the new Pharaoh would be competent in military matters.” Mnshi squeezed another roll, progressively and aggressively working her way up Rainbow’s side.

“And yet, that vision was buried, just like your gorgeous muscles were buried in all these hundreds of pounds of disgusting lard. I see you every day, stuffing your face full of the fruits of the citizens labour, hand waving issues onto Hetramila and Zanubia. For a while, we’ve been experiencing food shortages. The last thing we need was somepony to gorge herself on it all” Mnshi leaned in, her face uncomfortably close to Rainbow’s. “You are a gluttonous slob of a pony, a gluttonous slob that somehow has everypony wrapped around her pudgy fingers.”

Raising her right arm, the red mare brought her Khopesh high into the air, Rainbow attempting to move again, pathetically waving her limbs around. “I do not understand what the religious sect and your myriad of sycophants sees in such a pathetic drain of resources. Oh well, I’ll just ask later, I suppose. May Annubys and Osryhs take mercy upon your doughy soul.”

Gulping, Rainbow closed her eyes, bracing for the blade's contact. Her life flashed through her mind, her friends and family’s faces causing tears to well up. Not willing to give Mnshi the satisfaction of hearing her plead or beg for her life, she remained still, continuing to comb over her memories.

Combing which was taking a long, long time. Cautiously opening an eye, she could see the commander was still straddling her belly, her sword arm raised. Mnshi’s mouth was wide open, shock and anger burning bright. A beam of orange-yellow light was wrapped around the red pony’s arm. Rainbow could see her physically try to move and swing the weapon, her arm refusing to move even an inch as the muscles tensed and strained. “What on Earth is this! What foul sorcery prevents me from disposing of this unworthy creature.”

“She is more worthy than you will ever be!” A booming feminine voice seemed to ring out from everywhere at once, both ponies stunned as it raced through their mind.

“I, er, what? Who said that?” Mnshi started, following the magic back to its source. The Crown itself was wreathed in sparks of orange electricity, flowing across the crystalline surface, moving towards the cobra ornament. An ornament which looked remarkably more animated than before. The hooded head bobbed and swayed gently, two converging magic beams emanating from its beady eyes.

“I am the one who spoke. Bound to the Crown of Harvest, I am the spirit within who guides the worthy to their destiny. I am the one who judges the mind and matter of not only those who wear the crown, but those who interact with the crown bearer. I am Isiket Ammit, and I see you for what you really are, an unworthy, spineless coward.” Mnshi blinked, her mouth opening and cloning like a fishs’.

Before anypony could respond, the voice echoed again. “You heard me correct, Second Commander, Rainbow is more worthy of her title than you’ll ever be!” The voice bellowed, drawing a wince from the two mares. “Any claim you believe you have for the throne is folly.”

“Is that true? Surely you must jest? Are you telling me that glob of fat is more worthy than somepony versed in our culture, our customs, and someone who has lived in these lands for decades?” Mnshi clawed her confidence back, sneering at the object the best she could manage.

“I already heard your piece before. I admit, you do have some desirable qualities. But those aspects are drowned under the quagmire of aggression, savagery and underhandedness that pollutes your mind. You forget one of the most important aspects of becoming Queen in Akhethra, having an actual likable personality.”

“I do have a…”

“Silence!” She was cut off suddenly, taken aback by the abruptness. “Do you know what your fellow soldiers think of you? What do the ponies and zebras you're supposed to look after like about you? Very little. Most despise you with a passion, or outright fear you. Your bloodlust for more carnage, and the orders you command for them can often leave them sickened.”

“You claim to have saved these lands from invaders? The forces mustered against the Queendom were tiny in proportion to the marepower we can bring to bear, and yet you brought near the entire garrison to deal with them. And when they were retreating and fleeing, did you allow them to collect their wounded? No, you ordered your troops to give no mercy for their injured.” Mnshi snorted, about to open her mouth, before she thought better of it.

“The only reason First Commander Setani has refused to retire for so long is that she fears what you will do with the power. You claim Rainbow is incompetent, without drive or accomplishments to her name? I have seen through her memories, and watched how she had grown, saddling greater responsibility, struggling through monumental tasks, still striving to push herself for greater goals. And through all that, she still stuck by her friends' side, resisting the temptation to leave them, remaining loyal to them.”

“Mnshi, your jealousy is understandable, but your attempt at Regicide proves to me why you lack the aptitude to become Pharaoh. Abusing your power to enter the palace with impunity, incapacitating the door guards because of their respect to the chain of command, attempting to murder the Queen in her sleep. You disgust me, Second Commander. After your actions, you don’t deserve to keep the position of a commander, let alone a soldier.” It paused, the snake seeming to be paused in thought.

“A pony such as yourself doesn't deserve a figure like yours either.”

“What is that supposed to mean, I earned this body througgghhh!” She was suddenly muffled, her jaw locking shut. Soon after, three more beams of light shot forth, latching onto Mnshi’s arm and legs, pulling her spread eagle, floating above Rainbow. A fifth shaft, significantly more opaque than the others, pressed into Mnshi’s middle, the pillar extending to connect to Rainbow’s core. The red mare grunted, attempting to move her paralyzed limbs, to no avail.

Then, a bizarre tingling suddenly danced across her skin, followed by a sudden inward sucking motion. “What are you doing?” She groaned, her teeth gritted as the same force grasped every part of her figure. Looking at her arm, she took a double take, aghast as she watched her thick rippling bicep shrink.

Time seemed to crawl by, her impressive physique becoming skinnier as muscle definition dwindled. From her chiseled core, to her thick sinewy thighs, dozens of pounds of pure power had vanished. Locked in place, Mnshi shook with rage, thin streams of tears running across her cheeks. Then, she was released. Falling the short distance, she impacted upon the great mattress of cyan blubber that composed Rainbow's middle. Raising her head, she took another look at her arm. With only the mildest of definition, they looked like twigs.

“No, this can’t be happening. I worked, trained and struggled for my figure... This isn’t how it's supposed to go. I had everything planned out…” She mumbled, struggling to heft her sword, the heavy cast weapon wobbling unsteadily in her boney hands. Surprisingly, no magic was holding her back from holding it aloft. “No matter, even in this weakened state, I can still do the deed. I’ll just have to earn my physique back later. Say goodbye ‘my’ Pharaoh.” She growled through tears, swinging it down.

Before she could react, her hand was suddenly gripped. This time, by something physical, and very much mobile. Rainbow had reached out with her roll swaddled arm, her flabby fingers grabbing the Khopesh’s handle. Quickly, Rainbow ripped the weapon from Mnshi’s grip, sending the blade spinning across the room, landing with a clatter against the floor. “How did you do that? You were so helpless before, I… No… It didn’t.” She stopped, bile rising in her stomach as it dawned on her what treachery had occurred.

Before she could say anything further, the door burst open, the two occupants squinting as light purged the gloom. “My Pharaoh, are you hurt!” The shout of Hetramila came forth as she dashed into the room. Behind her, a contingent of guards followed on, looks of shock crossing their faces as they caught sight of the intruder.

Still holding Mnshi by her arm, Rainbow practically threw the assassin off her, sending the mare tumbling through the air, landing upon the hard stone floor. Laying there, her clothing sagged and drooped, many sizes too big for her scrawny form as she gazed into the eyes of her subordinates.

“I’m fine, I’m fine. Just pretty shocked.” She paused, sitting up with significantly greater ease. “Wait, how did you know I was in trouble?”

“Oddly enough, a voice suddenly came to me, talking about how you were in great danger. I nabbed all the guards on the way here.” Her expression suddenly morphed from relief to anger, glowering down upon the figure on the floor. “You treasonous worm. There are many, many things I wish to call you right this very moment, but I’ll hold my tongue. Guards, take her away, make sure that she is escorted to a cell. Oh, and as of this second, Mnshi is to be stripped of her rank entirely.”

Smiling, the guards grabbed the prisoner by her hands, hauling her up. “Gladly. We’ll make sure she’s treated well, isn’t that right, girls?” A series of confirmations rang out, the group quickly filing out of the door, Mnshi dragged along with them, tears flowing readily as the babble of insults did from her lips. Soon, the two were left along, Rainbow carefully shuffling herself to the edge of her bed, sitting up by herself.

“By the heavens, I didn’t know you were still that strong.” Hetramila marvelled, padding up to Rainbow’s side.

“Heh, yeah, it’s a bit of a long story, I’ll tell you about it in a short while.” The pegasus quietly laughed, the shock finally wearing off, her emotions all over the place. Glancing over her shoulder, the crown sat in silence, cobra still as it had always been. A low, grumbling rumble abruptly filled the room. “After I have something to eat first.” Sharing a look, the two suddenly burst out laughing, tension dissolving as peace returned to Akhethra once more.

Chapter 7 - Decadence of the Diety

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To the people of Akhethra, nothing was of greater importance than to devote yourself to goddesses of the land. From the poorest labourer leaving aside a portion of their breakfast, offering it to the rising sun, to wealthiest business owners donating their spare coin to the local temple, it was an ingrained part of life. A worship that encompassed both those with and without physical form.

For the citizens of these baking lands, this worship formed the epicentre of their entire lives, many hundreds of hours, dedicated to devotion and praise. A concept which to the average Equestrian would be puzzling. Even Rainbow Dash, who was once one of the most diehard of Wonderbolt fans, couldn’t hold even an iota of the reverence displayed to a pantheon of creatures she couldn’t even see. Twilight’s adoration of Celestia wouldn’t have reached such a degree of devotion. Now, this had sunk into the realm of familiarity for the cyan pegasus, the days seeming to get shorter and shorter.

Over half an hour ago, a gathering of servants entered her bedroom in an attempt to rouse her. Given that her gains hadn’t diminished in the slightest, that new musculature was already becoming overwhelmed, leaving her in much the same position of near immobility. Getting up involved half a dozen individuals, pulling and pushing with all their combined strength to bring her to a sitting position. Such a level of manhandling was involved, that the labour was reminiscent of the work done on the pyramids; heaving, dragging, and manipulating massive blocks of stone into position.

Of course, the great mass they worked with was lighter, softer and much, much squishier. Those pushing her back were pressed against a wall of flesh, enveloping their bodies in the warm doughy adipose. Even with the amount of help, nearly a thousand pounds of pony was an ordeal to move. And that was just getting the first step of getting her ready. Dressing her up was an even longer, even more physically strenuous task. From forcing her immense, prize winning pumpkin sized breasts into the parachute sized top, to squeezing the colossal ovoid slabs of cellulite dimpled ass flesh inside Rainbow’s skirt, nothing could be taken for granted.

The sounds of popping stitches and creaking fabric accompanied every inch her apparel was pulled and pushed past overhangs and pockets of lard. Rainbow had grown used to half a dozen hands grabbing, prodding and squeezing every conceivable inch of her body, just to hike a waistband over a few inches of butt blubber or back fat. Something deep down should have indicated to her that having six helpers to get dressed was an alarming wakeup call of how badly out of shape she’d become.

She was, however, acutely aware of this fact, but it didn’t cause even the mildest feeling of panic. Weighing more than the fattest Equestrian on record, inhaling buffets worth of food, filling entire benches end to end. All these abnormalities were either accepted or the implications simply flew over her head entirely, something she ironically could no longer do. So much swaddling adipose had immobilised her wings indefinitely. The joints were stiffened, inflated by pillowy globs of excess poundage that stopped all but the barest of involuntary twitches; usually prompted by excitement of yet more sustenance.

The mare's belly was a mattress of flesh. No other word could really describe the roll ringed mass that reached just below her calves. Outweighing multiple people by itself, the sack of adipose provided ample warmth through even the coldest of Akhethran nights. The top roll ballooned forth, the bottom roll doing much the same as her body sought out every inch of space to accommodate the never-ending deluge of calories and fat.

Dressing Rainbow’s lower half required four individuals working in tandem, two of them shoved it forth, whilst the others pulled the skirt up and over the rest of her engorged, roll caked thighs. Just attempting to cover her enormous mammaries was a brutal task of carefully guiding limbs through the sleeves and wing holes, never quite enough elasticity. As intense and physically demanding the activity was, none of the servants even gave a hint of embarrassment or discomfort. All that mattered was the happiness of their ruler, lavishly adorned with words of encouragement and adoration. Every single asset of Rainbow’s was worthy of acknowledgement, warranting of complement after complement, every inch of her form lacking fault. This just helped to stoke the mare’s ego, further burying any worries of her excessive gluttony and sloth.

And finally, all that was left was to brush her hair, don her crown and head for the dining room. This was where Rainbow currently found herself, winding her way through passageways she’d committed to memory. The ground heaved and shook with every footfall she took, flesh undulating and quivering from her cankles, all the way to her treble chin and cheeks. Through all this excess mass attempting to pin her to the ground, she persevered.

Rounding a corner, she waddled into a small atrium. Warm beams of sunlight poured in through the skylight, the pool in the middle sparkling and glinting, sending irregular shafts of light onto the room's occupants; Hetramila and Zanubia. Lounging on benches, they chatted animatedly with each other, each movement sending ripples through their enlarging forms.

Food was becoming more and more common in the Queendom. With the increasing frequency of rainstorms, the river had swollen back to its proper size. The greater flow induced by the downpour brought more of the fertile silt downstream, washing into farmers' fields along ancient channels. In addition, crops were sprouting and maturing at a much greater rate. Larders, barns, and warehouses soon groaned with the excess, saturating the city in plentiful bounty. Of course, this also meant the palace had plenty of ingredients to craft into hearty, delectable meals. More than enough to feed the blob of a Pharaoh, which much to spare.

Taking advantage of the plethora of expertly prepared treats, Rainbow’s advisors had been indulging themselves. Each sported a spare tyre of flab, muffin topping over their clothing onto widened, bulbous thighs and butts. Zanubias top was being forced upwards, her stripy rolls bulging outwards like bread rising from a pan. Lacking such a long garment, Hetramila’s belly spilled forth, squishing into the padding of the bench.

Whilst the pair had put roughly equal amounts, the deposition itself differed. Zanubia possessed a wide doughy rump, her body favouring a pear shape overall as an exercise ball sized butt ballooned further and further outwards. The tan unicorn had instead gained an apple shape, with larger breasts and a wider gut. Though, compared to their Pharaoh, they looked positively miniscule. Looking up, the pair leapt to their feet, a smile gracing each of their lips, with just a hint of lustfulness creeping in.

“Ah, good morning, my Pharaoh, sleep well?” Hetramila jovially announced, sliding to Rainbow’s right, Zanubia doing the same on her left. Slowing their pace to match the obese monarch, they trekked through the halls, the smell of food building with every step.

“Like a log ‘Mila. How ‘bout you?”

“Just great thank you. I don’t think I’ve slept as well as this for months. How about you Zanubia?”

“I must agree with the both of you. The number of stresses and visions troubling me has been few. But enough of this talk, there is a meal waiting for you, lest you endure any more of my squawk.” The bottom-heavy zebra tittered. “I imagine your belly must yearn for many meals so delectable, for an appetite such as yours, I’m glad the chefs are near indefatigable.”

“Indeed, we wouldn’t want you to waste and wither away like a wheat field in drought.”

“Yeah, because this slab of flab is going to suddenly vanish if I don’t stuff my face every two minutes.” She grinned sarcastically, slapping her hand hard against it. “But… then again, I really do like eating. I could go for some pancakes right about now.” She trailed off, tummy rumbling and glorping.

“Excellent suggestion. I’m so glad you shared some of your recipes from home.” The tan unicorn replied, drooling slightly as she pictured the fluffy discs, drenched in a liberal coating of honey.

“You mean one of the three things I can actually cook? If you’re this impressed, you’d throw a fit if you saw the stuff Pinkie could make…” Rainbow paused. Standing still, eyes glazing over as she stared at a wall. “Oh Pinkie…”

Her advisors stopped, concern creeping into their faces. “Pharaoh, are you alright?” Hetramila questioned, keeping her voice calm. The pegasus let out a sigh, rubbing her eyes between her index finger and thumb.

“No… I mean yeah, I mean…” Another exasperated sigh left her lips. “It’s been such a long time since I’ve seen my friends. I bet they’re worried sick about me. Are you sure there’s not been any portals or gateways or anything in the temple?”

“Many priestesses gather at the Temple of Prosperity. Ever since the rain’s return, their being less than one patron is a rarity. If any of your friends emerge, your current location will be diverged. Alas, as we have said before, our magical ability is quite poor. Many an hour your friends put into finding a way to you, that I can hope is true.” Zanubia slowly wrapped her arms around Rainbow, tightly gripping her. Seconds later, Hetramila wrapped Rainbow in a hug.

“All we can do is wait, I’m afraid. For as long as it takes for them to get to you, we’ll keep you as comfy and safe as you’d like.” Sniffing, Rainbow craned past her bulbous rolls, looking into their sincere eyes. Her frown soon morphed into a wavy smile, blinking away a small tear.

“Thanks guys. I really needed that heh…” Wrapping her own flabby arms around her friends, she pulled them into a squishy hug, their faces becoming pressed into her side folds and breasts, something neither party complained about. After a touching couple of seconds, they broke the hold, stepping back to catch their breath.

“Alright, alright, I’m feeling much better now. Enough of this sappy, touchy feely crap, I’m starved!” She laughed, the other two joining in.

“Now there’s the Pharaoh Rainbow Dash we all know and love! Alright Zanubia, you heard the lady, let's get moving!” With a spring in their step, they continued on their way, the scent of well-prepared, hearty dishes drawing them inexorably towards their destination. A couple of minutes more of waddling, a pair of wide doors were all that remained to block her path. Pushing the doors open, the blubber bound Equestrian entered the throne room.

To most people, this place had the appearance of a dining room, rather than any place else. Several long, expertly carved tables were placed in parallel to one another, artificially creating several corridors of marble that the Pegasus could comfortably waddle down. At the far end, a large gilded throne was set to the side, propped against the wall to accommodate a significantly different piece of seating arrangement. Due to the fact that Rainbow’s butt had grown so massive, it was impossible for her to fit in any chair known to the Akhethrans. To remedy this, several giant pillows, some practically the size of mattresses, had been placed there instead.

Soft and plush, they not only supported her monstrous weight well, but it was easy to accommodate for future expansions. And best of all, Rainbow couldn’t care less about how it looked. Just so long as she could rest her blobby legs, then all was well. That, and getting something good to eat, which was exactly what the tables were for. Ambling slowly between the gap, thin beads of saliva dribbled from her mouth, utterly surrounded by mountains of food.

Snatching up a buttered roll, she quickly chewed through the crisp outside and into the soft, fluffy inside, melted butter soaked into it. With some quick bites, she finished it, leaving flecks of crumbs and spots of grease around her lips. Wiping it away with the back of her hand, the pegasus spun around with all the grace of a seal. Hundreds of pounds of blubber undulated like a blueberry jelly, the motion briefly exacerbated as she sat down on her pillowy throne.

Adjusting herself, she allowed some more of her belly to rest between her buried knees, splayed out as far as possible. Only a couple of moments of respite were caught before a servant was by her side. Within her hands, they clutched a large oval platter, fluffy buttered bread sat alongside greasy cuts of meat. Quickly, a table was pushed in front of her, allowing the servant to deposit the plate with a loud clunk. The instant she let go, Rainbow’s self-restraint failed.

As fast as she could manage, she grabbed a piece of meat, creating a makeshift sandwich that she decimated in moments. Almost mechanically, she worked her way through the remaining slices, each piece making its home in the wide confines of that massive gut. Passing the halfway point, more plates were already being placed within her reach. Bowls of sweet dates, grapes and cuts of melon sat amongst breads topped with cheese.

Smiling, her pudgy fingers scooped up the fruit, feeding it in one piece after another like an assembly line. She giggled slightly. The mental image of her body being a factory tickled her. She grinned, slapping a hand onto her gut, unable to feel even the slightest bit of hardness. “Yeah, I’m a factory alright… turning all this food into sexy blue blubber…” She bit her lip, distracted as an immense stack of pancakes replaced the empty meat platter.

Glancing up, Rainbow glimpsed the servant delivering them, her interest suddenly drawn away from her pancakes. She wasn’t wearing the normal servant uniform, bedecked in an apron with a short skirt and top. A top which was straining at the seams, struggling to contain the absolutely massive pair of mammaries within. Looking up, Rainbow gazed straight into the eyes of Ipyat.

“Is every alright, Pharaoh dear?” The tall Earth pony said calmly, her slight sway propagating through her jiggling breasts. It seemed the older bakery mare had expanded from the improving harvests, if the podgy slab of mahogany coloured flab resting upon her hips was anything to go by.

“Er… yeah, everything’s fine. I just didn’t know you worked at the palace.” Rainbow stuttered slightly, a few crumbs dusting her top as she hastily swallowed.

“I don’t. However, some wonderful mare offered me the opportunity to work as a part time royal caterer. I just couldn’t miss the opportunity, my dear. Why do you ask?”

“I’m err… just really excited to see you here. Your cooking was epic.”

“Thank you! Although, I should also thank you too. After your visit, I’ve had more new customers in the past month than I’ve had for a few years.” Smiling, Ipyat squeezed past the table and the ‘throne’, standing mere millimeters in front of Rainbow. Picking up a pancake, holding it in such a way to prevent the pool of honey from dripping off, Ipyat brought it to the pegasi’s mouth. Near instinctively Rainbow opened wide, allowing for the sugary disc to be delicately crammed in.

“There you go, my dear. Isn’t that nice? I spent hours perfecting that recipe, making sure all the measurements were just right.” Bending down, Ipyat placed her sticky hands upon Rainbow’s blorping gut, rubbing it slowly. Dozens of pounds of loose adipose oozed through her fingers, the digits sinking in from even the slightest pressure.

“Oh,my… It’s just like working with the bread back at the bakery. Warm, squishy, doughy… just like proofing bread, getting bigger and softer over time.” The blue mare moaned lightly, the delicate fingers massaging and working over the malleable flesh. Rainbow’s own moans were joined by the bakers, the probing intensified as she hefted handfuls of flab.

“Now, as much as I would love to keep talking my dear, I have something in the oven. So, be a good girl, and turn all these sugary, calorie filled cakes into more juicy fat for me, OK?” Rainbow nodded, her triple chin slapping into her neck roll. “Wonderful. You’d better start eating, otherwise it’ll all get cold.” With one final tender squeeze, Ipyat released her grip, slipping around the table and trotting down the hall.

Picking up a pancake, Rainbow stole one last glance, watching as the mare's round rump shook and bounced around with each step, disappearing through a door to the right. Thoroughly excited, the mare dove back into the stack, chomping the sugary waffles down one by one. Occasionally, she added handfuls of other food; dates, grapes, even some pieces of bacon, further enhancing the flavour that filled her mouth.

Blinkered to the outside, her motions became robotic, hell bent on squeezing and filling every available square inch of stomach full of calorie enriched treats. So focussed on cramming food inside, that she could care little for what was happening to her outside. A multitude of stains dotted and splattered across her abundant tracts of flesh, a small ring of honey, fruit juice and grease plastered onto her lips, cheeks, and jowls.

Further below, additional stains had spattered across her clothing and belly, a testament to her waxing sloth and slobbishness. Liquids dripped from her chin, dribbling across her compounding curves. Crumbs and chunks of foods would occasionally slip in between folds, just as readily as beads of sweat pooled in her rolls. A veritable kaleidoscope of colours had gathered as the meal progressed on and on, more plates of lovingly prepared cuisine crammed past her ballooning cheeks.

With so much sugar, carbs and fat packed into the cerulean glob of adipose, it was little surprise that her body was beginning to process it all down. With the meagre amount of energy needed to keep the mare alive supplied, her body funnelled the excess straight into her layers upon layers of adipose tissue. The over-nourished slabs of lard couldn’t help but continue to expand, sagging and oozing outwards, glorps and gurgling cutting through a cacophony of smacks, crunching and chewing.

Minutely, one could see how the Pharaoh sank further into the pillowy embrace of the cushions, pounds upon pounds materialising as the minutes ticked by. Creaks and moans of Rainbow’s top grew in intensity, the modest collection of tears growing ever wider. Ovoid’s of breast meat squeezed through the gaps, placing increasing levels of stress on the already gigantic piece of attire. The sleeves, which were little more than decorative drapes, were strained and tugged every time she dove for another morsel. The scarab gem in the centre quivered, fabric behind it pulled taut by her immense, cellulite dimpled arms, sloshing with every movement.

In tandem with the ruination of her top, so too were her skirt bottoms becoming overtaxed with the quantity of rippling, royal, Rubenesque rump packed into them. With the amount of fabric used, it was little wonder they could be mistaken for some exotic blanket or tablecloth. And even with all that space, enough to accommodate over 4 ponies sitting together, gashes had ruptured through, juicy plot fat leaking out.

In no time at all, every plate, bowl and jug had been licked clean, breakfast handily decimated. Looking up, Rainbow watched a maid gather the last plate, whisking it away with a professional flourish. With enough food to feed multiple families sitting in her now packed gut, the blue pegasus leant back, slumping into the pillow stack behind. “Ooh yeah… that, huff, was somethuuuUURRPPPppp!!! She belched heartily, the sound of two pairs of sandals on stone drawing her eyes from the ceiling.

“Was everything to your satisfaction?” Hetramila asked, a pair of servants moving the table aside.

“Yeah, it was all great… I’m feeling, urp… pretty stuffed at the moment… bouuurrpp!!!”

“I understand your problem well, perhaps you’d like some help to make your stomach quell?” Zanubia chimed in, a small smirk on her lips as she whispered; “And to feel your belly swell…”

“Uuh, yeah, why the hay not?” Kneeling down, the zebra set to work massaging the apron of blubber. Sure, she touched the pharaoh many times before. Every time she hefted and groped the soft fluffy mounds and curves, it sent jolts of excitement rushing through every part of her being, from the tips of her fingers to her toes. Even more embarrassing, the pleasure also reached her more intimate regions, her white and black striped cheeks turning scarlet. She had to admit, the obese mare-goddess smote her.

Each time she was this close was a reminder of the sheer magnitude of offerings bestowed upon the messenger of the goddesses. Every ear of corn, every animal, every jug of wine was preserved within this fleshy mass. A living, breathing symbol of the Queendoms prosperity, made even more obvious with each deluge of rain. Such abundant rolling layers of skin reminded the Priestess of the endless dunes that lay beyond the river’s bank and beyond Akhethra’s walls. Barren, blues replacing the browns and yellows of that dead place. For a Queen, it was rather wasted space.

Deep in her thoughts, her greedy mitts roamed and slid over every bulge and fold they found, surprised to not feel even the slightest bit of hardness. Despite being packed to the gills, the quantity of belly flab was too thick to feel even a hint of tautness. “Mmm, that’s amazing. Feeling better alreaduurrpp!!!” Rainbow belched, the glorping continuing unabated, Zanubia invigorated to continue her rubs.

Standing off to the side, Hetramila could only watch in amusement as her friend tended to Rainbow’s needs, burps continuing to erupt forth. Zanubia worked her way further and further up, silently muttering something to herself as she kneaded away, every press helping to calm maelstrom of noise. In fact, she might have been doing too well a job.

Frrrbbppttt!! A low, muffled burst of flatulence punctuated the air, everycreature that heard it stopping dead in their tracks. Rainbow’s eyes shrunk to pinpricks, just as surprised by the outburst. Unsure whether or not to feel embarrassed, she glanced down to Zanubia, her hands still planted upon the swell of the pegasi’s stomach. Instead of disgust, the zebra’s eyes were half lidded as she bit her lip, all manner of depraved thoughts buzzing through her brain. “I… erm… err…” The rainbow haired monarch stuttered, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

“Hush, you need not apologise. It is only natural for someone of your size. Regardless of how large you get, your mind need not fret. For we will care for you as long as you’re our Queen.” The zebra comforted the near immobile mare, Hetramila following up with a small hug as she groped those cerulean back rolls, clearing her throat.

“With that out of the way, I have one question to ask you, my Pharaoh?” The tan unicorn grinned, leaning close to Rainbow’s ear. “Are you ready to get even?”

“Even, even what?” Rainbow cautiously spoke, Hetramila’s warm breath tickling her flushed cheeks. The smell of fresh food filled the air as lunch was brought out, causing Rainbow’s belly to let off a fresh round of needy gurgles.

“Even bigger…”

Chapter 8 - A Retrival from Worlds Apart

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Harsh white light, stale ancient air and drifting motes of dust; these permeated the Somnambulan chamber. Almost as if time was slowed to a crawl, particulates drifted lazily in the stone tomb. Even the current occupants’ breath did little to displace the stuffy air. Six individuals were gathered around the podium at the end, one of their number fiddling with a contraption. Everypony watched in anticipation, as Twilight Sparkle minutely adjusted tiny dials and knobs.

Several large crystals protruded from the top of the metallic shell, humming quietly in unison. Flashes and bolts of energy licked across the sharp edges, occasionally guided by purple jolts of her own arcane might. “I think we are just about… done!” She finished triumphantly, another crystal suddenly turning blue, a wisp of similar coloured smoke rising.

“Are you positive it’s ready Twilight?” Rarity spoke up, smoothing down an invisible crease on her outfit.

“As sure as I can be. I’m just glad that the Canterlot artefact vault had something that could help us, and that it had a mostly intact set of instructions too.” The purple alicorn responded, flicking through a dog-eared book, the tatty cover peeling more as she did so. “By using the large magical burst that Rainbow created when she teleported, the device can reverse engineer a more stable and permanent version for us to get to… wherever she went.”

The room got quiet again, Daring Do avoiding eye contact with the other’s, letting out a quiet sigh. “Good. I just hope she’s alright after what happened…”

“Look sugarcube. Ya need to stop blaming yourself for what happened. Ya didn’t know it was gonna’ send Rainbow flying ‘cross the world or wherever. Ya didn’t intend for her to disappear, and ya sure as sugar didn’t know it’d make her vanish neither.” Applejack cut in, resting a firm hand upon Daring shoulder. “Besides, if we're going to some strange land, the adventurer ought to have a clear head on her.”

“I know, but if I hadn’t invited her, I’d have gone instead. I could have avoided this whole problem if I’d never sent the note in the first place, Celestia damn it.” Sucking a breath past her teeth, Daring adjusted her pith helmet. “But yes, we can’t put anything right if I keep moping around. So, let's get this done and save our friend.”

Looking up, Fluttershy gave her a small nod, a smile appearing around her curtain of hair. Reciprocating the gesture, a harsh blue glow suddenly filled Daring’s eyes. Squinting through her fingers, the adventurer could make out an ovoid tear hanging there. A gradual hum permeated the air, magically infused energy causing their hair to stand on end.

Lowering her hand, the intensity of the portal had mostly diminished, the floating frame left pulsating gently. “Alright girls, everything should be ready. All that’s left to do… is step on through.” Twilight carefully spoke, her voice quivering in spite of how measured she attempted to be. The statement hung in the air, flitting through the mind of everypony.

“I’ll go first.” Daring exclaimed, nodding sharply to the others as she approached the gateway. As she neared the gaping maw of the portal, her feet felt heavy. Intolerably so, almost like she was wading through invisible treacle. The air too felt stuffy, the smell of ozone mingling with that of burnt sand, forcing her to cough mere inches from the surface. Gazing into the roiling mass of energy, she could see wispy shapes and colours rippling and flowing around, a tunnel formed of blue and black stripes expanding off into infinity.

Snatching one final breath, she leapt forth, the smooth, flat exterior rippling like a pond. As helpless as a ragdoll, the adventurer tumbled head over heels, drawn inexorably through the tunnel. Her body felt strange, with gravity seeming to have little order. A small yelp involuntarily left her lips, echoing and distorting amongst through the void as she accelerated faster and faster. The black and blue walls blurred together as her velocity became inconceivable. The air itself was so thin Daring could hardly feel any wind resistance, shooting towards a tiny speck of yellow light.

For what felt like a full minute more, but what took only a scant few moments, she reached the end. Her speed bleeding off rapidly, Daring’s head broke through. In an instant, the thin air of the tunnel was replaced with a much more familiar pressure. Flaring her wings, Daring gracefully planted herself upon the stone floor. Her eyes fluttered open, blinking non-existent flecks of dust from them.

“Well, that’s a surprise, Somnambulan architecture. I wonder if this is the result of some magical experimentation...” She breathed, turning her head, and inspecting the massive walls. Intricate, beautifully carved, and painted designs had been etched into the stone. Behind her, the arrival of somepony else caught her attention.

“Wowee! This place looks super-duper cool!” Dressed in a set of clothes that were fairly unsuitable for the desert, Pinkie twirled on the spot, taking an interest in a few of the large carved statues. Daring winced at the mare’s volume, striding quickly over to her, placing a finger over her mouth.

“Shhh! Don’t be so loud, we don’t know if the ponies, or creatures, or whatever lives here even like us.” She hissed, another set of feet touching down behind.

“Oooh, I say, what wondrous pieces of art!” Rarity called out, Daring facepalming. Eventually, the rest of the group made it through, with Applejack popping through, followed next by Fluttershy, and finally Twilight. The instant the Alicorn touched down, she shrugged off her bag, extracting a rectangular box. Visually similar, but much smaller than the portal generator back on their side. Adjusting a few dials, the protruding crystals began to glow the same colour as the portal, a thin pulsing column attached to the gateway’s apex.

“Alright… I’ve stabilised the connection. By simply absorbing latent natural magic, the connection should be able to remain active for a week at least before it needs a proper recharge. That’ll give us a fair amount of time to explore the area.” Twilight called out, inspecting a few panels, closing them up with a satisfying click. No response came, however. Infact, Twilight was aware that nopony was talking at all, the sound of breathing intermingled with the humming drone of the portal. “Girls… is… is everything alright with you?”

Carefully rising to her feet, she noticed Applejack was staring towards the doorway. Following her eyes, Twilight flinched, locking eyes with the one of the individuals standing there. Two of them, one a yellow earth pony, the other a zebra stood side by side. Both clothed in similar articles of loose-fitting clothes, and both of them rather rotund. Their podgy figures practically filled the large doorway, with only the barest of space available. Guts sagged forth from loose fitting tops, oozing onto equally large thighs. The swell of their ballooning bottoms could be seen jutting outwards, lifting their white skirts high, leaving ample amounts of blubbery ass flesh exposed.

With only the sound of the portal providing an eerie ambience, the silence was soon broken as the earth pony smiled widely. “Welcome, we’ve been expecting you.”

“Who, us?” Twilight answered, taking a few steps forward, approaching the rounded pair.

“Well, not you specifically. We were told by the Pharaoh that some ponies would come looking for their friend.” She answered, her double chin wobbling even from the slight movement.

“That’s exactly why we’re all here! You gonna’ tell us where our Rainbow is?” Applejack snorted, the zebra holding a hand up.

“You need not fret, for your friend is under no threat. Up in the palace she currently resides, we will help to be your guides.” The zebra calmly responded, the Stetson clad mare relaxing. “Please come along with us, to the chariots where we’ll be bussed.” Turning around in near unison, the group watched as their butts collided, an audible slap resonating out. Much like ocean waves, visible ripples coursed across their bulbous mounds of adipose. Slowly perambulating away, the 6 mares shared mixed looks, before hurriedly following on behind the pair.

Easily catching up, the group began to drink in the other sights of the structure. Great columns and pillars stretched from floor to roof, tall intricate carved statues sitting in between. The carved, animalistic faces glowered with frightening realism, contrasting rather heavily with the stylistic images of ponies and zebras on the walls, drawn in a bizarre walking motion. Passing through room after room, they quickly became aware of a sound. Quiet at first, building into a louder roar with each meter travelled.

Entering the next room, the far wall had been removed. Instead, a waist high railing had been erected. Behind that, they were greeted by an immense wall of water. With only a few meters between the crashing mass of fluid, flecks of cool spray drifted over them, the thin mist interacting with the immense sun that hung behind the curtain of liquid, sending a kaleidoscope of refractions flashing across the walls. To aid in this effect, polished plates of metal and glass were inset into the sandstone, propagating the spectacular light show.

“My goodness, this is simply exquisite!” Rarity chimed in, watching as shafts of multicoloured light danced across her pale skin.

“Mmmhmm, I really like it.” Fluttershy responded, her eyes twinkling slightly.

“Yeah! I’d bet Rainbow would positively love this place!” Pinkie added. “It’s like a disco ball at the dance club!”.

“You girls are in luck, Ru’un has placed the sun at the perfect angle this afternoon for you to enjoy such a spectacle.” The earth pony called back, leading them across the room and down a flight of stairs. Emerging into a large atrium, more similarly dressed zebra’s and ponies were milling around, preparing and arranging several large objects upon great plinths. The sound of footsteps caused many to look up from their work, surprise plastered across their pudgy, round faces. Recovering, a smattering of greetings arose.

“Can I ask, where are we, erm… sorry, I didn’t quite catch your name.” Twilight asked, having weaved her way towards the front of the group.

“My name is Tekhser. As to where we are, this is the Temple of Prosperity. It is here that we give our praise and thanks towards the goddess of the river for delivering us such a bounty of water and fertile soils.” the yellow earth pony replied, trotting down one final set of steps, leading towards an expansive courtyard. Shielded by the great bulk of the temple, it was covered in long shadows, shrouding a column of chariots from the dry, sweltering heat.

“Well, I can see you're doing an excellent job! That waterfall was quite powerful.” Slowly, Tekhsers face fell, Twilight frowning in confusion.

“We thank you for your praise. But it was not us that brought the bounty of Hay’pui back to the lands of Akhethra. No… it was by the power of the Queen that aided the return of the rains and ushered in great harvests of immense bounty.”


“Yes… these lands belong to the Queendom of Akhethra. Led by a Pharaoh that has only recently come to power. For 3 months, she had helped to guide our people out of the crippling famine and drought it’d been burdened with for so long.”

“Really? That’s fascinating.” Twilight mused, her eyes widening seconds later. “Oh, where are my manners. My name is Twilight Sparkle, one of the Princesses of Equestria.” Tekhser blinked, giving Twilight a look over, blushing slightly.

“My apologies, I didn’t see a crown of any sort. I’m sorry if I offended you at all.”

“Oh no no! Don’t worry about it. Honestly, not being instantly recognised as royalty is a breath of fresh air once in a while.” She laughed, spreading her wings out in her excitement. This, however, only made the earth pony even more surprised, clapping a hand to her mouth as her eyes goggled.

“You have… wings and a horn? By the Goddesses… I don’t believe it…” Tekhser continued to inspect Twilight’s wings, the purple alicorn sheepishly folded away. Shaking her head, the priestess took off, approaching a small contingent of well-muscled ponies, busily doing some maintenance work on the vehicles. Twilight stood bemused as Rarity sidled up to her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

“My, that was certainly a rude reaction.” She tutted, blowing a strand hair from her face.

“I suppose so, though if you recall this is another dimension. For all we know, alicorns may not even exist. Did you see any ponies other than Earth ponies and unicorns?” Twilight rebutted.

“Yeah, I saw that too Princess. Either that, or Pegasi really don’t want to work in a place like this…” Daring mused too, drinking in the immense statues sitting outside, the stonework weathered and smoothed. Their zebra guide had peeled off from the group, joining the earth pony. Excited whispers drifted over, Tekhser making exaggerated hand motions, occasionally glancing over her shoulder.

“Well, whatever it is, it certainly got them more shook up than a snake in a cider barrel.” Applejack added, adjusting her Stetson’s angle. “I certainly hope they don’t spend all day yakking, I want to see if Rainbow is doing fine.”

“I hope so too. Though, given how religious these Akhethran’s seem to be, alicorns could have some deep theological significance.” Thankfully, after half a minute more of discussion, the group dispersed. Three of muscled ponies hitched up to a chariot each, the two priestesses beaconing the six over.

“Apologies for the wait, your majesty. Your transport is ready.” Ushering them towards the open back of the reasonably spacious vehicles. No seats were available, leaving the occupants to stand up. Mounting up, the zebra, Fluttershy and Rarity took one, Applejack and Pinkie took another, leaving Twilight and Daring to share with Tekhser. Grabbing onto the study panel at the side, there was a sudden lurch as the driver suddenly began to jog forwards, the great wheels spinning, the occasional sound of creaking wood and fabric mingling with the crunch of gravel and sand.

Pushing out from the temple grounds, they soon padded out onto a flat strip of sand, the great rounded swell of a dune flanking the left side. Shielding their eyes, Twilight felt the full power of the sun beating down on her, as well as shimmering off the river to her right. Through the azure blue skies, banks of dark grey clouds drifted along, casting shadows across the desert that merged with the ones created by the dunes. Along the banks, tall papyrus plants grew amongst short, stubby bushes, blooming with colourful flowers.

“A wonderful sight, isn’t it? Just a few months ago this bank was utterly barren, you could only find these plants growing in the city itself.”

“Yeah, I suppose so.” Daring mused, before turning her sight elsewhere. “So, where exactly is Akhethra? I assume it’s quite the distance from here, yes?”

“Oh no, not at all. The great city is but a kilometre or more from the temple, these dunes just block our view. A parting should be a little further ahead.” Tekhser replied, gesturing towards a gap in the distance. Little was said as they drew closer, the pounding of feet and the flexing of wood being the only noise. Then, they saw it.

Out of the deep orange sand, the form of a great pyramid jutted up. It’s limestone faces gleaming as they towered high into the sky, the edges rippling in the heat. Standing high at the top, an immense cobra glared, it’s hood stretched wide sending a chill down Twilight’s spine. So engrossed by the pyramid, they forgot about the rest of the surrounding city, blocked from view as the next dune swallowed it up.

“So, what do you think about it?”

“It looked spectacular, well, the pyramid did at least. I’m afraid I didn’t look anywhere else.” Twilight blushed, Tekhser giving a jovial laugh in response.

“Quite the sight, yes? The Great Akhethran pyramid makes quite the impression.”

“I can’t deny that. Though I will ask, what is it for? As in, what’s its purpose?” Daring replied, shielding her eyes from a stray cloud of sand kicked up by the wheels.

“Simple. It acts as the final resting place for each pharaoh. The great mausoleum contained within houses the embalmed bodies of every monarch who ruled these lands, buried alongside their worldly possessions and gifts to guide them through Du’at. If you’d like, I can give you a good account of the pyramids construction and those individuals contained within.”

“I really don’t think that’d be…”

“Of course! That sounds amazing. I’d love it if you could tell us more!” Twilight butted in, cutting Daring off mid-sentence. As the Akhethran began to recount some tale or legend, Daring tuned her out, allowing herself to sink back into her thoughts. Screwing her eyes up, pulses of bright white light flashed through her mind's eye, a cobra’s head in the centre of the glow. Red electricity crackled in slow motion, the afterimage’s blending with her own pleading, echoing shouts.

Her forehead creased, gripping the edge of the chariot, her breath hastening. An image of a distressed cyan mare, topped with a tall red crown faded slowly to the forefront, slowly extending a limb outward. Vanishing, she was dragged rapidly backwards, fading into the white background. Opening her eyes, the adventurer looked up, the great city now directly in front, the pyramid looming further and further overhead.

“Just hold on a bit longer Rainbow, we're coming for you.” She whispered. “I just hope that these past few weeks were good to you.”

Chapter 9 - Mixed Messages and Messy Mare-Gods

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With a low creaking of it’s immense hinges, the door to the palace grounds swung shut, noisily crashing together as the blocks of stone interlocked. Clouds of dust erupted from the collision, tracked in by the three chariots, bouncing along the stone slabs that composed the front of the palace grounds. With a few laboured pants, the ponies hitched to the front slowed, parking a few meters before a grand staircase.

Dismounting, the priestesses led them away, towards a long set of steps. “Well, I’ll be, this place almost puts Canterlot Castle to shame.” Applejack mused, the statement hanging in the air for a rather long while.

“I suppose it does have it’s own charm, though I can’t say I personally like the whole blocky aesthetic.” Rarity responded, inspecting the towering walls. To the sides of the pathway, a large garden had been constructed, surrounding artificial river channels that weaved through the carefully tended sand. Interspersed through the stream, large ponds had formed, lily pads bobbing gently on the surface. Amongst the aquatic vegetation, the tall form of an Ibis could be seen, wading in an almost purposeful manner. Large date palms provided pockets of shade along the walkway, their fronds sagging with bundles of the sweet fruit.

Sitting upon great plinths, the feline forms of sphinx’s could be seen, their stoney eyes staring forward, unblinking in their gaze. “Your majesty, how have you enjoyed your short tour through our glorious city?” Tekhser questioned, her hips and ass jiggling and wobbling with each step she climbed.

“It was very interesting, I thought. Though, I couldn’t help but notice one thing that I’ve been meaning to ask you about.” Twilight began, tapping her fingers together.


“Well, why is everycreature so… rotund…” Twilight nervously replied, wiping a developing bead of sweat from her brow. Certainly, it was a question that had been on everypony’s mind from the minute they first saw Tekhser and her Zebra friend; Zkon. An awkward pause drifted through the dry air, a chuckle quashing it quickly.

“Oh, is that all, I didn’t think it’d be so small.” Zkon smirked, giving her exposed gut a hearty slap, the doughy mass undulating from the blow. “It is quite alright for you to mention, about this fact we have no tension.”

“To give a clearer answer your majesty, It’s related to that drought I was discussing with you earlier. For decades, if not longer, we were starving. Limbs thin and gaunt, I spend much of my life wearing only a scrap of clothing, from the simple fact that my body was so slight.” Her smile grew wider, beaming as she ushered everyone forward. “But with the rains restored, the winds blowing, and the river flowing, our famine quickly turned into surplus. We now possess more food than we have done for centuries, and so we all just, ate more.”

“Everypony?” Applejack questioned, Tekhser nodding her head.

“Everypony, zebra, every creature that lives here. Well, except those in with certain professions, of course you saw the drivers. Messengers, soldiers and a few others remain thin in order to serve the Queendom.” Climbing the last couple of steps, they reached the entrance. Within the decorated walls, a wide set of doors were shut, armed guards standing stalwart. Nearly rock steady, the occasional twitch of their hands allowed their khopesh to glint.

“Business?” The closest one questioned, raising her sword slightly.

“These six desire to visit their friend, they’ve quite literally travelled across worlds to see her.” The guard glanced across, their stony visage cracking, taking note of the strange clothing, odd colourations and the additional wings the party collectively brought.

“Governor Hetramila was expecting some guests. You may enter.” Retreating backwards, the door swung wide open, stepping into a wide hallway. Almost immediately, two more guards emerged from a passageway, taking point at the front and back of the eight guests. For the next few minutes, they moved through room after room, the walls decorated with lavish, exquisite artwork. Indoor garden displays sat beneath huge skylights in a number of tall atria, a number of ponies looking over balconies at the curious group.

“Err… hey y’all, you err, feel like somethin’ ain’t quite right?” Applejack asked, her head twisting this way and that.

“Yeppers, something about this makes me feel all weird and tingly.” Pinkie replied, her voice somewhere between anxious and nervous. Every step they took, the atmosphere became filled with a myriad of odd sounds and smells. The stone below their feet appeared to rumble, as distinctly organic grumblings accompanied it. Deep and bassy, their collective sense of apprehension continued to rise. A simple glance at their guides however, revealed a lack of any discernible concern, not at all phased by the bizarre smell of a myriad of foods intermingled with one another. A salty smell too became apparent, meshing with some other odd aroma.

‘BLOOORRPPPP!!!’ A long, rolling resonance burst forth from the door, only a few meters ahead. “Erm… can I ask a question, please?” Fluttershy piped up, her face partially obscured by her curtain of hair. “Where are you taking us?”

“The throne room.” A guard replied sharply, Fluttershy gulping at the curt response. “The Pharaoh should be having their lunch right about now, you’ll have to excuse her.”

“O...okay.” One of the guards lit her horn, a purple aura enveloping the door. Swinging it open, a sudden blast of hot humid air came shooting down the passage, forcing them to squint into the wave. Staggering and stumbling, Twilight forced her way into the throne room. Already, a significant difference in the atmosphere could be felt, the humidity increasing significantly. Opening her eyes, they soon grew from a bleary squint to a wide stare as she took in the scene before her.

The room itself was cavernous, stretching a good distance in all directions. For such a large space however, it seemed to be packed mostly with creatures, rather than decorations. Dozens of maids and servants moved to and fro, almost all of them carrying huge oval trays. A good portion of the gleaming dishes were near spotless, their contents long gone. The ones that still possessed food formed a large winding queue, leading towards the front of a massive blue object that filled the far end of the room.

On initial inspection, the Princess of Friendship thought that it was some immense stack of pillows, where the Queen was possibly sitting atop of. The object appeared to be in perpetual motion, the surface rippling and jostling this way and that, like a mountain of gelatine caught in a tremor. As she continued to watch the hypnotic display however, the more she spotted certain physiological traits. From the top, a pair of finger-like appendages protruded from two immense spheres. Those grand piles of pillowy material were dragging the digits into their bulk, creating divots. In fact, these clumps of doughy mass were being swallowed by even larger mounds billowing out below, creating a wobbly, cyan tower.

Further down, the unmistakable sight of a pair of nipples capped the end of a pair of breasts that alone could swallow mattresses with their sheer enormity. With every slight movement, the pendulous mountains would audibly slosh around, colliding together like wrecking balls. “Sweet Celestia and Luna above… that’s a pony…” Twilight whispered, her cheeks flushing red, unable to tear her eyes away from the fatty blob.

Following down from the swell of the creature's breasts, a collection of immense rolls swelled forth. Thicker than several beds stacked atop one another, they oozed forwards like unbaked dough, creating abundant creases and crevasses between the blorpy mounds of adipose. Like a waterfall given form, the doughy expanse crashed down for many meters, the upper roll so high up that Celestia herself would have been forced to look upwards. Trails of some bright liquid were intermingled with larger chunks of food detritus, generated from the individuals gluttony. Squinting, Twilight could make out a few slices of cake squeezed in between a roll, leaving gooey when they were yanked out.
The entire gut of this creature could be best described as a wall; which apparently hadn’t gone unnoticed by the obese slob’s caretakers. Impressively large greyscale pieces of art had been applied to them. Upon her upper belly roll, a winged sun was stretched across its surface, a pair of cobra’s flanking the solar disc. In the centre of her lower, much girthier roll, a scarab was splayed outwards; it’s insectoid limbs stretching upwards, positioned so to cradle the sun. Other hanging, sagging folds of excess flesh,had various other symbols drawn on, creating an odd collage of blacks and greys that mingled with the abundant light blue of her body.

The creatures form glistened with sweat, tricking and flowing in streams across the vast swell of her doughy bulk, collecting in deep, dark crevices. Forming between the immense curtains of adipose, Twilight gulped at the mere sight of the belly button alone, so deep that an entire pony could become wedged in it’s dank depths. As a servant placed a foot upon the lowest roll, excess sweat seemed to fill the void like a sponge.

Drawing her attention further upwards, Twilight reluctantly acknowledged the existence of a number of creatures that perched or sprawled across sections of the mare's immobile figure. Perverse was the best way that the alicorn could describe the range of downright debaucherous activities happening upon the mares bulk. A tan coloured unicorn was just visible above the swell of boob flesh, her horns aura matching the glow that surrounded the procession of hovering delicacies. Entire courses worth of food levitated in the air, being fed piece by piece like an assembly line, audible munching, moans and satisfied gurgling accompanying each mouthful. No sooner had one cloud of food fit for a family dinner vanished into the lardy blob, another stomach churning serving had floated up.

Upon the side of the sprawling blue stomach, a chocolate coloured mare using the blue blob as an improvised bench. A pair of doughy asscheeks were squashing and mashing into a loose cellulite pocked love handle. Comparable to her relatively small size, her mammaries were massive, undulating and continually sloshing around. Taking great handfuls of flab, the mare made a point of lovingly massaging each loose section of lard, progressively making her way further upwards. Groping and playing with the flab stack, each armful of adipose she greedily grabbed and squeezed drew louder and louder groans and glorps out from the immense belly below, the line of food halting as the noise built to a climax.

‘FFRRRRPPBBBBBTTPPPP!!!!’ A deafening cacophony suddenly erupted forth. A sudden propagation of ripples emanated out from the creatures backside, her untold thousands of pounds of fat undulating and dancing mesmerisingly. A further number of expulsions cascaded forth, that same odd noxious odour intensifying from the rumbling bursts of flatulence, many of the Equestrians wincing as the sound petered out. In spite of the horrific slip of common decency, the weirdly sexual ballet of food and gluttony resumed, a long rumbling belch heralding the disappearance of several cheese wheels.

Padding further across the room, the six remained in shocked silence, the guard leading them towards the blobs left side. From there, a pair of pipes could be seen jutting out of the walls, water gushing from the spouts in cool jets, splashing against the wall of flab, trickling down a stack of side rolls comparable to a tower of pillows. A few meters in front, the floor fell away, morphing into the lip of the great basin ringing around the perimeter of the blob. Clearly designed to stop the cooling water from escaping, the sheer size of the amorphous blubbery mass hindered this, as stray folds bulged and squeezed over the lip, acting as a ramp for wayward trickles.

From this angle, one of the mares legs could be seen. Leg, mind you, not foot. From the bean bag sized, misshapen hunks of blubber that composed the mares legs, only great divots appeared at the end. Staring into the shaded gloom of the fatty cave, Twilight could glimpse what could be toes, wiggling gently amongst the sea of fat they were drowned in. Whilst finding the mares feet was difficult, distinguishing her calves and thighs apart was an even greater challenge. So much excess flesh hung from the limb that an immense column of rolls and folds propagated along its entire length, a slab of belly flab laid atop, covering much of her knee.

Moving to one side additionally offered views of the pony’s titanic plot. Although only one cheek could be seen from the angle, it’s size alone could have dwarfed even Princess Celestia. In fact, the pair of cheeks could have filled the sun princesses room with shocking ease, and most likely would have squeezed their way out of the windows too. A myriad of cellulite dimples pockmarked the folded curvature of ass flesh, further deforming the stretched, billboard sized cutie mark. A cutie mark, which was looking remarkably familiar to the Princess. Three zig-zagged lines. One red, one yellow, one blue, connected to a puffy white cloud. Despite how distorted and misshapen they had become, there was simply no denying what it was. Combined with the colour of the blob, Twilight could feel her mouth dry out as her eyes rose higher and higher, looking roughly where their head should be.

“Rainbow? Rainbow!” Twilight exclaimed, her voice managing to be heard over the ambience that filled the room. The sounds of rampant consumption stopped abruptly, the in-equine lump pausing in their feast. Flapping her wings, the alicorn took flight, floor rapidly falling away as she crested the swell of boob meat. There, she caught herself staring straight into the bright, cerise eyes of her friend, Rainbow Dash. Craning past a budding swell of neck and chin fat, Rainbow did her best to look at her friend, her bloated cheeks failing to disguise the shock etched upon her visage. To make her situation all the more awkward, a trail of various food stains formed a polychromatic mess dotted around her neck, chin and upper torso.

From her raised position, Twilight was offered a view of Rainbow’s back, goggling at the sheer level of deformation it’d undergone. At this point, even calling the blue mare a pegasus was a difficult stretch, on account of her utter lack of wings. Instead, there was nought but draping fatty rings, reminding Twilight of an accordion. No sign of any additional appendages could be seen, not a primary or secondary feather to be seen. Just concentric slabs that formed a flabby staircase, all the way to the ovoid globs that formed each butt cheek. Just as the pegasi’s wings had been claimed by her back flab, so too had her tail been consumed by the canyon like ass crack.

With an exaggerated gulp, Rainbow’s cheeks deflated slightly as she cleared her maw. “Hey Twi… How’s it going?” Husky, with a distinct bass like tone to it that mingled with a note of breathlessness. Yet, it was still one and the same with the voice Twilight associated with the mare who crashed through her old library every other week. The same mare who would shoot through the sky like a prismatic cannon ball. And here she was, swaddled in enough excess blubber to put a whale to shame.

“How. Is. It. Going?” Twilight punched out each word with a growing level of exasperation. “You’re asking me that! You're gone for a week and a half, you’ve reached a level of obesity that has never been seen by modern medicine, and that’s all you have to say!?” Her voice had reached a shout, virtually everypony and zebra in the room staring at her.

“Please calm yourself.” A simple command, coming from one of the ponies that lay upon the vast bulk of Rainbow. Turning herself around, their hugely fattened legs dangled over the swell of the upper torso area, bare feet resting upon a roll. “Servants, guards, would you please leave us for a moment?” No sooner had the command left the unicorn’s mouth, the dozens of creatures swiftly made an exit, the heavy chested mare begrudgingly sliding down Rainbow’s folds, waddling her outrageously naked figure outside. With a few heavy clatters and clunks of the doors, the Equestrians were left alone.

Sliding down the swell of the pegasi’s gut, the unicorn landed squarely upon her feet, wobbling hypnotically as Twilight touched back down. The purple alicorn gulped, sizing up the other mare. Technically, the Akhethran was shorter than her by a good margin, her elaborate manedo though closed the gap, stretching a good few inches above either mare. “Well this is certainly a surprise isn’t it? I didn’t quite know when Rainbow’s friends would show up. If I’d know, I’d most certainly have put on quite the banquet for you.”

“Right, thank you for the offer. Pardon me, but, who are you?”

“Governor Hetramila, former co-ruler of Akhethra. And you must be Twilight Sparkle; Rainbow has told me much about you and your adventures together.” She took a step back, inspecting Twilight’s anatomy. “I still can’t quite believe that ponies exist with both wings and horns…” She trailed off, ogling Twilight’s body with rather more intensity than she was used to.

“I’m sorry Governor, if I may be so bold to ask but, why in the name of Celestia is Rainbow so…”

“Fat? Obese? Immobilised with thousands of pounds of beautiful excess poundage?” A nod came in response. “She ate. Lots and lots of food every single day.”

“I think we can all see that Governor, but what Twilight here means to say is how Rainbow managed to get so bucking massive in only a week and a half.” Daring trotted up beside Twilight, her wings flaring slightly.

“D… Daring? Is that… huff… you...UURRrppp!?” Rainbow mumbled out, punctuated by a belch.

“Yeah. Don’t worry, we’re here to help you.” Daring responded, before readdressing Hetramila. “You’ve got some explaining to do, Governor.”

“I shall attempt to answer as best as I can, if only my friend would be willing to join us, isn’t that right Zanubia?” Her voice raised to a low shout, craning over her shoulder. “I do apologise for this, usually she’s all too willing to help talk to outsiders about all manner of topics, but it seems that she’s gotten a little too attached to Rainbow as of late.”

“Uh huh, and what is that supposed to imply?” Applejack cut in.

“It means that I am all too addicted to that delightful blue ass, especially as it has gained quite the significant amount of mass…” Over towards Rainbow’s right side, her body swayed around, low moans accompanying rumbling glorps. Around the swell of Rainbow’s gut, a zebra emerged. Much like Hetramila, she was deep into the clutches of obesity, as demonstrated by an ass wider than a Ponyville bench. From these globes of blubber, tree trunk thighs fought for space despite the wide gate she’d adopted, her roll ridden gut touching her knees. “To answer your question, I must make a concession, for she has graced us with her presence for far longer than just a week. She has resided within our walls for over 100 days I do speak.”

“Now that's just hooey! She can’t have gotten big like that so quickly!” Applejack snorted, crossing her arms over her checked shirt.

“We tell no lies, for we have no reason to even try. Within the hallowed halls of the Temple of Prosperity did she appear, so we took her in and gave all the luxuries she could spear.”

“Alright alright, I think I believe ya. ‘Sides, it don’t matter much anyways, she’s going to come back with us to Equestria.” The farmer proclaimed, expecting the two massive mares to lose their jovial disposition. Nothing changed much, aside from a slight twitch of the lips.

Hetramila responded, rubbing the swell of her sack-sized gut. “By all means, she is free to go back to her home. Though I think you’ll have a number of problems.”

“And those being?”

“To begin with, she is utterly massive. She hasn’t left this room in over 2 weeks. After that, you will have to find a way to carry her all the way back to the temple. And lastly, even if we are fine with her departure, I’m not too certain the citizens will be nearly as understanding. After all, she is the Pharaoh.” A pin drop could be heard, the room plunged into total silence. Even Rainbow’s vocal stomach had quietened.

“I’m sorry, but could you run that past me again? I thought you just said Rainbow was the Pharaoh.” Twilight spoke with a tone of doubt heavily ladened into her words.

“Rainbow Dash is the Pharaoh of Akhethra. Surely, someone told you her position or you at least saw the crown she’s wearing?” Hetramila raised an eyebrow, Twilight nervously glancing around, before flying up once again. Perched atop of the Rainbow’s head was indeed a ruby red crown, glinting in the torch light.

“I, missed it, if you can believe that. I was a little more focused on the fact that Rainbow is wider than a barn. Also, I’m concerned about how calm she’s acting. Did she tell you what her profession was before this?”

“Indeed, A weather organiser and a stunt flyer, jobs which don’t simply exist in Akhethra, though I do understand the gist of the task.”

“Right, and exactly how could she perform those exercise intensive activities whilst remaining grounded? Did you force this gain on her?” Twilight’s jaw clenched.

“To make her eat was not our mission, her excessive consumption was by her own volition. She demanded more, and so we provided as much food as we bore. The culprit of her voraciousness is likely the very item she wears now; the Crown of Harvests.” Zanubia rebutted, gesturing towards the rough position of Rainbow’s head. “Though, if I must be so bold to say, her control over the weather has never once been led astray.”

“The same crown that teleported her here… likely laced with some powerful mind alteration magic. Great, that’s just wonderful.” Daring mumbled.

“Wait, hold on a moment.” Spoke Twilight, holding her hand outwards. “What did you mean by her control hasn’t been led astray?”

“Meaning what I said but moments ago. As her body grew, she has gained a great ability to channel astounding magics’ of many a hue. The chosen avatar of the goddesses above, to help reseed and reshape the lands below in her love. To kiss the domain of Shuu’e, forming vast banks of clouds to fill the very heavens they did grew. The Crown of Harvests draws upon the body of the chosen being, and through the vessel it inhabits can to correct the imbalance of nature. You have no doubt seen the clouds outside? No doubt you have heard many tales talking of how for decades we’ve fried? It is the Pharaoh's body which symbolises the very air, water, food and spirit of Akhethra.”

Zanubia laid a chubby hand upon one of Rainbow’s belly rolls, tracing her fingers around the perimeter of the Scarab tattoo. “Her immense bulk of beautiful blubber embodies growth of our farms and the wildlife that crowds amongst the banks of the river. The very downpours are a fabrication from her own physique, great channels of sweat flow across tracts of flesh that quivers, exemplify the river’s own raging torrent so to speak. Even her expulsions of gas, from front and rear, reify the cool gusts upon which the clouds do amass…” A burst of rippling flatulence cut the zebra off, biting her lip as she fondled deeply into a belly roll as tattooed skin oozed through her palms.
“O...okay? Sorry, this is a lot to take in. So, the crown influences Rainbow, which her body now acts as a conduit that influences the weather around her? Is that about right?”

“More or less, that is correct.” Hetramila nodded, humming in confirmation.

“Well, that's all well and good, but what about those symbols on her skin?” Rarity cut in, hands pointing to the aforementioned designs. “Are those painted on, or is that some other odd thing the crown does?”

“Those? Zanubia thought that Rainbow’s body was a little too plain, so we tattooed on some patterns to accentuate her status.”

Rarity’s eyes grew wide, her mouth dropping open. “A tattoo? Aren’t those done with needles injecting ink? I most certainly hope you didn’t, I couldn’t imagine how painful those large pictures would be… and on such tender flesh too.”

“Oh no no no. The art of tattooing with needles has long since faded into near non-existence. Today, we use special ink, which is painted on and manipulated until the artist has the correct design. Then a potion is poured on top, which causes the design to sink into the skin.” Hetramila explained, resting a hand upon the swell of her gut. “At worst, it only feels like a mild burn, though she claimed it only tingled. And if it’s no longer wanted or needed, a reverse solution can be applied to remove the ink instead.”

Rarity nodded, pushing a curl of hair out of her face. Daring cleared her throat, stepping closer towards the mammoth mare. “Hey, Rainbow?”


“Do you like it here? As in, do you actually want to be here, or would you want to go back to Equestria?” There was a slight pause as Rainbow screwed her eyes shut.

“I uuh… don’t mind…huff... either place really. Food’s pretty good here though…” Rainbow panted, belly gurgling at the mere mention of food, followed by an exasperated facepalm from Twilight.

“Absolutely peachy… she doesn't even want to go…” the alicorn growled, shaking her head in annoyance. She felt a dainty pair of fingers tap her on the shoulder, Fluttershy standing right behind her.

“Well, I um… think if Rainbow’s happy here, then she should stay here…” the shy mare quietly stated, tapping her fingers together. “I’m not sure we’d even have somewhere to house her, or feed her enough. Forcing her to go home might make her feel sad or angry at us”

“But, this isn’t her home!”

“Well, as long as she remains Pharaoh, she owns this palace, and indeed much of the surrounding lands.” Hetramila stated, Twilight growing more and more agitated by the second.

“Alright! Who else has an objection to taking Rainbow home? Applejack, Rarity, how about you?”

“Well, I can’t say I like the idea too much, but maybe we could have her come back to Equestria at some point to visit. That way, ya’ll can be happy.”

“And you Rarity?”

“I can’t honestly say darling. I thought we’d be fighting some evil monster to save Rainbow, rather than this whole debate… Though I don’t particularly think highly of how slovenly she’s become... I’m afraid I’ll just pass on the whole matter.”

“Pinkie?” Twilight huffed, glancing to where Pinkie had been standing. Except, she wasn’t there at all. A sudden giggling from behind allowed her to pinpoint where the party mare had gone. Currently, she was climbing up Rainbow’s belly, using the cascade of flesh rolls as steps. “Pinkie?! What are you doing?”

“Wowee Twilight! You’ll never guess how soft and squishy Dashie is!” She chortled, vaulting up to rest upon the swell of Rainbow’s breasts, sprawling out spread eagle. Her cheeks were flushed red, squeezing and playing with whatever slab or mound of flab that called out to her. Any argument the alicorn was about to make was suddenly quashed, watching Pinkie produce a double layered chocolate cake from nowhere, sounds of voracious munching mingling with excited giggles and quiet moans.

Visible lines of steam were billowing from Twilight’s ears, her face turning red as a tomato. Her countenance grew progressively more enraged as her fists clenched; the skin turning pale. Her Arcane might grew in intensity, bright sparks arching across the aura that enveloped the keratinous spire.

Then, her head slumped. Burying her head in her hands, an exasperated groan worked it’s way from her mouth. Defeat plaster her muzzle, gazing down at the polished floor, her shoulder sagging along with her dangling arms. “Alright… I give up. She can stay.” Glancing up, she caught the eyes of Hetramila, visage displaying a mix of concern and amusement. Blinking, Twilight’s cheeks flushed red, realising how childish she looked in front of the other mare. Surprisingly though, it was the same mare that gently raised Twilight’s head.

“I do not fault you for your actions, regardless of how they may or may not have looked. Having your friend stranded elsewhere under someone else's care must be frightening. Especially after her sudden growth, your passion for taking her home despite her appearance is commendable. I’d be willing to put this matter behind us and move on to the next item on the agenda.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“By that, I mean to build a relationship between our lands. Trading, if you will.”

Twilight blinked, sharing a look with Daring. “Alright… I err… don’t think I’ve ever conducted a trade agreement before. But, I also know that you need plenty of paperwork to cement any materials.”

“I wasn’t thinking of doing everything right now… more so we could express what either party would be interested in. Akhethra doesn't have any large neighbours, and those which do come around typically have a spear in hand. As such, we have many spare items which are rather wasted remaining here.”

“Such as?”

“For one, our jewelry. To contrast with the light colours our clothes are made of, we have many beautiful articles created. Many dozens of workshops exist around the city crafting and shaping them, for all manner of occasions. Secondly, our city produces a good number of high quality potions, created by talented brew-masters and apothecaries. From what Rainbow has told me, potions are a rare item in your land?”

“Yeah. Aside from my own occasional dabblings in the craft, we can only get them from Zecora, a zebra who lives in the local forest.” She clarified, the tan unicorn nodding. “As for what we can offer, well, err… Equestria produces a great deal of items, do you have any requests for…”

“Food. What we’d desire the most would be food. There is only so many ways that our crops can be cooked, boiled and stewed. Our populus, and especially Pharaoh has grown a little tired of the same dishes, her desire for familiar dishes is what she wishes.” Zanubia butted in, another rumbling tremor emanating from the swell of the blue tattooed belly.

“That, and we’d wish to have some magic tutoring for our unicorn population. Compared to the feats Rainbow described, our own arcana leaves much to be desired. Do these requests sound reasonable to you?”

“I think so. I know of several tutors at Celestia’s school that could help. As for food, I think we could manage that just fine.”

Hetramila smiled, offering a hand to Twilight, sausage thick fingers attached to the flabby appendage. Shaking firmly, Twilight jumped slightly, a tiny jolt of energy running down her skin, like when Pinkie had been messing around with balloons and static.

“Good, now I don’t know about all of you, but I’m feeling rather hungry right now. Would you care to join us for a meal?”

“I err, think we’re quite alright for food...’Grrrrruuuggggllleee’” Twilight’s eyes flicked downwards, her belly letting loose an almighty groan. A sudden hunger gripped her abdomen, growing in intensity. “Actually, on second thought… I’m feeling pretty hungry, I suppose we could have a bite to eat.”

“Certainly, after all, we’d hate to keep anyone hungry. Under this roof and by the light of Ru’un, you’ll never go hungry.” After she’d spoken her last words, the sound of pounding feet began to fill the room, a diving conglomeration of sweet and savoury scents permeating the room and cutting through the raw smell Rainbow exuded. “Make yourselves comfortable, we can put on quite the spread…”