Scarlett's Hunt

by Brony-wan-kenobi

First published

Scarlett and her coltfriend Galactic take a rather...intense strool through The City.

Scarlett Marmalade is a mare who works hard. She owns her own shop in Manehatten, a boutique which caters to a more gothic crowd. And when the sun goes down, she plays hard with her coltfriend Galactic. Join them as they enter The City, the urban jungle where playtime is all around them.

My first femdom story. Kinks include chasing, bondage, sensory play

A part of the Clocktower Universe created by Manifest Harmony who also did the artwork for the cover! As always thank you Mani for your hard work.

Proofreading by Javarod, tips appreciated

Commissioned by Prince-Nightfire93

The Hunt

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The city of Manehatten is perhaps the best place in all Equestria to find what your heart longs for. Nowhere else within the country can a pony, or any other creature for that matter, find as many stores catering to so many desires. Just by trotting down a single street a pony will pass by several boutiques, restaurants, furniture stores, and so much more. There are clubs where ponies can party all night long or where they can slip a few bits into the thong of their preferred dancer. Meeting places to help with the nervous first date or (for those who don’t want to hop on a train to Hollow Shades) just running into somecreature offering to give you the night of our life for the right price. Whatever your tastes, your odds of finding it are far greater here.

That was certainly true for Scarlett Marmalade, owner of the Bloody Noir Boutique, as she bid adieu to her latest customer. As she turned around, her eyes fell upon the mannequins that dotted the main floor which showed off her own gothic fashion for both stallions and mares alike while the walls were lined with racks where her latest designs were held. In the back were four changing rooms whose doors were made of black iron gates with blood red cloth covering them so ponies could change with privacy. Then there was the feature that made it so that she had to own this brownstone in the downtown area: twin spiral stairways that lead to an open second story! From what the realtor had told her, this place had once been a bookstore owned by a pegasus who had wanted to be able to fly up to the second story without any hassle. As such, each stairway led to a wooden walkway of polished dark oak. Then, in the middle of the room, was a bridge that connected these two walkways. It was up there where Scarlett kept all of her older and discounted fashions.

Opening her wings, Scarlett took off and flew up towards the second floor where her customer had spent much of her time. When she landed, she found the spot to be in slight disarray with some of the dresses out of order on the rack while a few others were draped over the railing. Yet another reason she was glad for this open second floor: it allowed her to spot things like this much easier.

“Dear, dear,” sighed Scarlett as she moved to clean up before her next client came through those doors. As she picked up one of the hangers with her teeth, she spotted herself in one of the nearby mirrors. Today she was wearing a blood red dress that covered most of her body and hiding her cutie mark: a lace shaped heart. The back of her dress was frilled with a deep shade of red on her flank before becoming the same shade as the rest of her gown and ending with black lace. The shoulders of her gown were slightly puffed to give it a slightly old fashioned look while around her neck was a matching red choker. This helped her pale white coat stand out more without clashing with her white, leathery wings. Her yellow slitted eyes moved to her dark brown mane which was tied up in the back like a ponytail while still having enough mane to flow down past her tuffed ears.

Well, aren’t I the vampony, she laughed inside her own head as she brought one of her gowns onto the rack careful not to let her fangs puncture the fabric. For a brief moment, Scarlett felt the urge to stop what she was doing and pose in front of the mirror. Perhaps draping a wing under her lower face as she gave her reflection a seductive look. That thought nearly caused her to drop the gown in her laughter. Yet she fought back this urge…for now at least. Finish putting all this away first then goof off in front of the mirror. I certainly am not helping stomp out all those nasty rumors that thestrals are blood drinkers by looking like this. Might as well place me on the cover of one of those horror novels. But who cares? After all, I AM a Mistress of the Night. Might as well look the part. Besides, this has far more dignity than being seen with a mango always under my fangs!

Resisting the urge to roll her eyes at such a silly thought, Scarlett’s focus returned to the matter at hoof. Still the irony of the situation wasn't lost on her in the slightest. For the longest time, her tribe had worked to try and stomp out rumors that they were savage blood drinkers. Creatures of nightmares and horror. Yet here she was, a thestral making fashion that catered to the dark and gothic who even dressed in the manner that they assumed. Some ponies who entered her store seemed convinced that everything she sold was authentic thestral attire! Hey, at least she was making a sizable profit out of it. Sure she wasn’t as big as Prim Hemline or Rarity, yet there was no shortage of bits in her bank account.

As Scarlett returned the last dress to its proper place, her ears began to twitch as the door opened. Slowly Scarlett turned, ready to head down the stairs so that she could make a grand entrance befitting a customer of her humble store. Yet when her eyes fell on the pony who entered those orbs began to twinkle with mischief.

“Hello,” called out the pony as Scarlett moved closer to the wall so as to not be seen. Grinning, the mare brought herself as close to the ground as she could before slowly moving along the walkway towards the front of the store. Her heart began to speed up while her ears focused on the sounds below her. She could hear the clip clops of the pony on the lower floor as he moved deeper into the store. A few more times he called out, calling her by name only to be met with silence.

When she could no longer move forward Scarlett brought herself to her full height before looking down, making sure to keep herself within the shadows as she did so. There, looking about, was an arctic blue pegasus. From where she stood, she could see that his coat also had bits of white in it like some of the middle feathers in his wings and around his muzzle. The stallion’s mane and tail were brown with stripes with tan stripes running through them. His mane stood up in the front, almost to a point, while being tied up in the back thanks to a blue band. A similar band was at the end of his tail which looked a little more poofy than your average tail. A blue bandanna was tied neatly around the stallion’s neck and there was a small beard on his chin.

Grinning, Scarlett opened her wings to glide silently yet quickly to the ground. As her guest moved towards the stairs, still calling out, the thestral touched the ground with just enough force to make the slightest of noises before swiftly moving across the floor using her wings to propel her faster than her hooves could ever do on their own. Her destination was right behind one of her mannequins whose dress was large enough for her to hide behind.

“What was that?!?” cried the stallion, alarm in his voice. Despite not being able to see him, Scarlett’s ears could tell her everything she needed to know. She could hear the rustle of his wings extend while the darling stallion began to take deep breaths. The clip clopping of his hooves had become more rapid, yet the noise was not coming closer to her nor further away. Most likely he was turning around to look for the source or just jittering uncontrollably. Simply wonderful.

As the clatter of noise continued for another moment, Scarlett paused to inhale the air. While thestrals didn’t have an increased sense of smell, she was able to pick up little things in the air. Like the light scent of hard cider and ale as well as sweat. While it wasn’t much, the mixture was wonderful for it reminded her of very pleasant memories.

Scarlett peeked out from behind the dress, just a little as the noise began to die down. Now she could see that the stallion was breathing normally as he moved his eyes back and forth. It was downright adorable the way he stood there, scanning the room for any threats while he made himself a target. All he had to do was back up and limit the number of directions his foe could come from and he would have a much better chance. Alas, such thoughts were missing as he remained rooted to that spot. So Scarlett waited where she was until her prey looked in the opposite direction, leaping across the room towards the back where the stairs were as quickly as she could (as well as quietly) to hide behind another mannequin. Only a slight whoosh could be heard, but it was not enough for the stallion's ears to pick up on it.

Now Scarlett was on her hind legs, for this mannequin’s dress wasn’t as large as the previous. She waited there, listening to her prey as he began to walk with trembling hooves towards the door. More than once he called out her name in a shaky tone before voicing that he could just come back later. Oh, that slightly dampened Scarlett’s smile. That simply wouldn’t do. No, no, no. Scarlet was having too much fun. But, perhaps, she had taken this game a little too far. And what was the point of a game when not everyone was enjoying themselves?

Silently, Scarlett opened her white leathery wings before bending her hind legs to take to the air. After making a loop de loop the thestral mare could see that her target had his back towards her as he stumbled towards the door. Nothing gave away that he had noticed her and his face was focused on the door. Poor colt, he should have learned by now to always watch his back. That way nopony can sneak up on you. At least, they’ll have a harder time. Like she was doing right flew, gliding through the air towards him. Before he got too close to the door she was above him, her dress drifting along his back and her tongue licking her lips as she focused on his neck. The stallion began to turn his head, but he was too slow and it was far too late. Her lips made contact with their target.

And she gave him a loud, wet kiss on the neck.

The stallion cried out in shock, jumping to the side and landing several feet away from Scarlett who daintily landed on ground where the stallion had been standing. Now out in the open, she looked at him with half lidded eyes and the slightest of grins as she observed the state he was in. Once more the stallion was panting rapidly, wings fully erect at his side with a few feathers falling out. His tail had gone rigid while a few hairs on his flank began to rise. Looking at his eyes, Scarlett could see that they had dilated but were quickly returning to normal. She also noted, much to her pleasure, that there was movement coming from between his legs. Despite how scared he seemed, his erection told her how much he had enjoyed this.

Then, he pointed at her with his hoof while his wings covered his chest. “You,” he began. “I was…Why would you? Don’t you think?”

“My Dear,” purred Scarlett as she approached the stallion. “Please, calm down and finish your sentences. Though I don’t know why you’re so worked up this time. It’s not the first time I’ve hunted you like an animal.”

“Those times were different,” said the stallion, one Galactic Moonshine. He eyed her as a hoof went to his neck right above where his bandanna lay as if to touch something that wasn’t there. “Those times I consented.”

“Ohh,” cooed Scarlett as she approached Galactic. Once she was close enough the mare brought one of her wings up to stroke Galactic’s cheek, feeling its warmth and his sweat as she did so. Scarlett could also feel the bristles of his bread lightly pricking against her webbing. Such a satisfying feeling. “So sorry about that My Dear. I was just having a little fun, that’s all. No harm intended, none at all.” As she spoke her wing began to move downwards past his neck before beginning to trace down Galactic’s chest. “To be honest, I didn’t think you would mind. From where I’m standing you seemed to have enjoyed yourself. Isn’t that right My Dear?”

Galactic’s eyes widened at that while his cheeks flushed. Now Scarlett’s wing was close to his leg, ready to reach underneath and touch his erection. To feel it pulsing around her wing, its heat radiating. Yet she did not. Instead, Scarlett pulled her wing away as she slowly walked away. Her ears picked up the slightest of whines coming from her stallion. Still walking she looked over her shoulder to see the look on his face, a mixture of relief that she wasn’t going to continue with a mix of wanting more. Oh, it was so cute to see his naughty and nice sides clashing! Thankfully from this distance she could see that his raging stallion meat was beginning to return to its sheath. A good thing for now since she didn’t know how they would explain it to the next customer who trotted in here.

And speaking of customers…

“But you are right, I shouldn’t have done that” said Scarlett as she turned to face him again. “Not after delivering that splendid outfit I created for Ghastly Shadows.”

Galactic shook his head slightly, as if coming out of a trance. Perhaps he had been listening to the angle and devil on his shoulder. Or his eyes had been roaming. “It was no problem ma’am,” he said at last. “It was slow at the bar anyways, won’t pick up until everypony clocks out for the night. And if there was a sudden rush, I asked Ice Chest to send me a message. Thank Celestia that mare knows messaging magic.” Galactic then tilted his head a little. “Still don’t know why Ghastly couldn’t just pick up his own stuff though.”

“Oh, some of my customers are like that,” replied Scarlett with a wave of her wing. “They take that whole ‘dark creature of the night’ thing too seriously. Not wanting to be seen walking down the street in the daytime unless it’s a dark, cloudy day. Or rainstorms. Hmm, come to think of it, they also visit me more in the winter. Funny, isn’t it? Still, they do pay very well, so I might as well be as accommodating to them as I can.” Scarlett then shot a glance back towards the checkout counter where a kirin mare should have been. “Normally, I’d have my staff do it. But alas the poor dear called in sick.”

“Well, he seems like he could afford it,” replied Galactic as he rolled his eyes. “Did you know that Ghastly has a permanent thundercloud above his house? He had to put down some serious bits to get that. Not to mention having the pegasi coming over to add some extra lightning bolts! And the tombstones in his front yard. Those things were real! Then there are the trained spiders he got to help him put up webbings all across his yard. It’s a wonder the city hasn’t decided to condemn his house yet!”

Scarlett let out a laugh at that. “Because they know it's all cosmetic. The house itself is still fine.”

“I wonder,” snorted Galactic. “The inside was nearly pitch black. No lights, candles, or even fireflies to see where he’s going! Did he run out of bits to pay the electric bill or-”

“As long as he pays me, I really don’t care how he spends his free time,” interrupted Scarlett. “If he wants to walk around in the dark, it's his choice. Besides, we have better things.”

“Oh?” asked Galactic as he raised his eyebrow again. Only now there was a slight smile on his face, no doubt caused by the tone Scarlett had used.

“Indeed My Dear,” replied Scarlett with a nod. Slyly she approached the stallion, flicking her tail at him as she moved past. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see that his ears had perked. Like a dog expecting a treat for doing a good job. And, while he did do a good job (a very, very good job), there was a time and place for everything. Something that she, as much as she didn’t want to, needed to remind him. “We both have our own jobs to do for the day. Pretty soon, business will soon be picking up for both of us.” At that, Galactic let out a groan of disappointment. Scarlet turned her head to look at him, seeing his shoulders slumped and head downward.

“I…You’re right,” said Galactic after another heavy sigh. “It’s going to be busy. You know, payday and all. Lots of creatures out there with extra bits they want to spend.” He then let out another sigh, his wings drooping a bit as he did so. “I might have to work the bar while the rest of my staff is out serving tables. I guess I should be thankful to get out for the chance to get out for a bit and get some fresh air.”

With a sly smile Scarlett moved around him, like a shark circling its tasty prey. Oh yes, a very tasty prey indeed. “Well, do try not to tire yourself out too much,” she said, pausing besides him. Now their wings were pressed against each other as she leaned over to whisper in his ear. “Because, tonight, you’re going to need all your energy for the ‘thank you’ I have in store Within The City.”

Later that night, Scarlett found herself walking through the Clocktower Society in the direction of The City. Tonight she was still draped in her gown, looking as fashionable as ever with only one exception: her mask. Her black mask, which she kept within her locker within the Society, clung nicely to her face. Shaped like a bat, it was bordered blue and purple to show she was a dom who enjoyed both sexes while around her eye holes were orange engravings of her cutie mark. This mark proudly proclaimed to everycreature there that she enjoyed the more forceful forms of domination.

Her wing held in it a leash attached to the collar around Galactic’s neck which had replaced the bandanna. Like with her mask, the collar was black along with a dark blue and purple border. There was also an orange band on the collar, making him as one who role played an unwilling sub. One who would resist his dom for as long as he could. Completing the collar was a personalized padlock shaped like Scarlett’s cutie mark which dangled in the front. But that wasn’t the only thing he was wearing. Hoof cuffs had been attached to his legs with the same coloration as his collar. There was a band tied to the end of his tail, holding the bell which was silent no matter how he moved.

I will never get used to this, thought Scarlett as she walked. Just by glancing about her, she could tell that she was in the minority for having a male sub. While she was not the sole female dom, seeing all these mares lead around by leashes attached to their nipples and clits was different. Far different than back in San Franciscolt. Thankfully no one here gave her any mind.

Eventually, their trot took the pair to the entrance of The City. The City was built on top of a massive peninsular outcrop within the cavern. From where she stood, Scarlett could see several of the massive skyscrapers rising up to dominate the area with the largest of them displaying a massive Clocktower logo on all four sides. Beneath those massive buildings Scarlett knew from past experiences that the City held so much more. Around those buildings were blocks of businesses containing restaurants and café’s where subs and doms could actually go to for refreshments, all sorts of businesses like the ones found in Manehatten that were actually stocked, and even a hospital. The hospital was not a rest area like one might think, but instead another area for kink play to take place. The real rest areas were marked all throughout the area so that nocreature was too far away from one. Then, along the outskirts, were residential areas like apartment buildings and ranch style homes. All of that was neatly bundled into this one nice area of the Society.

Seeing it made Scarlett lick her lips in anticipation. Within every building of The City were play rooms full of all sorts of equipment, neatly supplied for all your needs and desires. Even the sewer system (and yes, this place did have one) had separate areas laid out so you could drag your prey down and carry out whatever you had planned! Or you could just make use of the surrounding area. She had heard of ponies who brought their subs to an office building to take them over a table within a boardroom, writing degrading things over their bodies. Ponies who dragged their prey into a broom closet, using the specially created materials (made by the Society of course) to have their fun. Not to mention all the dom and subs who had their fun right there in the streets, tying the subs to a fence or a bench before having their way with them where everyone could see! It was the reason that she and Galactic would visit this Society location. If only they could have something like this in San Franciscolt. But, alas, it was not meant to be.

Scarlett stopped before the gates where two archways were situated. On one side was a blue archway with a large mask on the top with the opposite being colored red with a collar on top of it. In front of them another thestral with a brown coat and mane leading a unicorn sub with glasses approached the archways. The thestral allowed his sub to pass through the red gate where she instantly vanished, teleported to a random place within the City. He then paused for a moment, as if mentally counting down before he too entered an archway, the blue one this time. Now those two would be given a proper chase, one with no cheap tricks like waiting to ambush the other at the front gate.

With a small smile, Scarlett turned to her sub and brought her lips close to his ear. “Make this exciting for me My Dear,” she whispered while undoing his leash. “Run and evade me for as long as you can. Resist me for as long as you are capable. Do this for me and a great reward shall be yours.” As that last word left her lips, Scarlett pulled away to see the look in Galactic’s eyes. The hope and longing was just so darn adorable. Still… “But know this: fail to satisfy me and there will be consequences. I know your limits better than any pony out there, so I’ll know if you’re not giving it your all. Do you understand slave?”

“Y-Yes mistress,” stammered Galactic with a slight nod of his head. His body trembled slightly, only ceasing when Scarlett extended her wing to lightly touch his chin.

“Very good,” she cooed, feeling the bristles of his beard once again. “Now, be a good little slave and test your bell.” Galactic didn’t say a word nor did he move a muscle. Not even his tail. Yet his bell still rang out for them to hear. “Very good My Dear. Very good indeed. Now go.”

Moments later, both dom and sub had gone through the archways. In a flash of light, Scarlett left the hard metal walkway and soon touched soft sand. Looking around, she found herself in the middle of a playground within the residential area. Only this place seemed more suited for adults based on the size of the playground equipment. Larger in size, the equipment had features far more appropriate for adults. For example, all of the swings had been replaced with sex swings while many of the other equipment had dildo’s coming out of the seats. Then, lying near the bushes, was a very cheap looking schoolmare’s uniform. The outfit looked like it had been ripped off by, and judging by the hoof marks, a yak! Sniffing the air, Scarlett could detect the faint scent of sex. No doubt there had been some fun occurring around here. But the lack of noise told her that whoever had been here had moved their fun elsewhere. Well, no matter. As tempting as it was, she wasn’t here to watch. No, she was here to hunt!

After seeing that she was alone, Scarlett turned towards the towering building in the distance before flapping her wings to take to the air. As she rose up she noticed that there were others in the air as well. At eye level Scarlett caught a glimpse of a changeling dom buzzing around while scanning the ground below. With a quick glance above she noticed two figures high in the air in what might be a chase. One was a pegasus with the other being a griffon that was right on the pegasus’ tail.

Ignoring all of that, Scarlett flew toward the center of the City in the hopes that she could find her adorable pet. But first the thestral mare flew over an area that reminded her of an industrial park. A dirty area whose alleyways were littered with trash which spiraled in the air every time the wind blew. Around each of the factories were chain linke fences which separated the streets and alleyways from the wagon/cart parking lots. The parking lots were, of course, empty right now with the factories looking deserted for the moment as their smoke stacks stood like silent pillars. Every once in a while Scarlett would spot a dom in the middle of a chase down the streets and alleyways. Other times she caught a glimpse of the pair in the middle of their fun, the sub tied down or to something as the dom took charge. There were even a few being dragged into the factories, kicking and screaming all the way but not once did they shout out a safety word or ring their bell. She was almost tempted into taking a peek inside the building to see what was going to happen for…inspiration. Almost.

After ten minutes or so of flying, Scarlett made her way into the heart of the City. She flew just above the roofs of the building, scanning everything below her. Trotting on the streets were the cutest little subs doing their best to look calm, yet even from where she was Scarlett could see they were nervous. The slight twitching of the ears, the hesitation before walking near an alley, they way they peaked at every alleyway and doorway. They knew they were going to be hunted within this concrete jungle. Only a few trotted around carefree like fools.

It was when she was flying over a scene in progress that Scarlett finally spotted something. Below was a red collared griffon, tied up by hoof (claw?) cuffs as she hung from a street lamp. In front of her was a unicorn dom who held a pipe in his magic grasp. Using the eagle eye function of her mask, Scarlett could easily spot the Clocktower symbol on the pipe as well as getting some details on the object. Apparently, a spell had been cast on it to prevent germs and other grime from sticking onto it while allowing mare juice and other sexual fluids to remain on. The griffon was twisting herself as she tried to fight back from the dom as he ran the pipe back and forth against her cunt. While looking like a delicious scene, something she would need to remember for a future discussion with Galactic, it wasn’t what caught her attention. From around a nearby corner from where the scene was taking place was Galactic! He was sticking his head out a little too far around a corner. And shame on him for not looking up! That stallion should know better by now.

Narrowing her eyes, Scarlett ascended a little higher in the air as she watched her sub scamper across the street. Slowly she followed him, keeping an eye on his movements. Galactic raced down the streets while making sure to stick as close to the walls as he could, only stopping after ducking into one of the dark alleyways. After a moment or two, Galactic would stick his head out to check and see if the coast was clear but never looking up. Once he thought it was safe, Galactic would repeat the process of running down the street to the next alleyway. If she had to guess, Scarlett had to assume that he was trying to make sure he stayed out of her sight. Well, that might have worked depending on the direction she was heading…but anything else just made him more visible. Then there was his seeming refusal to look up. Did he think that she would fly low?

Sighing a little, Scarlett flew over to the middle on the building before moving two alleyways ahead of where Galactic was heading. Once there, she calmly descended to the ground near the middle of the narrow path. It was dark there, the shadows blanketing her body allowing her to hide in the darkness. She kept still, keeping her breathing low as she waited. If Galactic remained on course, he would be here soon. Then, their chase would begin.

She did not have to wait long as Galactic’s head peaked in. Clearly he didn’t see her within the shadows as he entered the alleyway, soon turning his back towards her. While it was a nice flank, it was a little disappointing yet Scarlett did her best not to sigh. Instead she crept over to him, not making a sound as she did so. Her ears twitched, listening for every sound around to give her any advanced warning that he might be on to her. At first it seemed like their little game would be over before it even began and she would have to punish her poor stallion. That was at least until he turned his head to look behind him. It was something that looked casual and his eyes widened when he saw her in the darkness. Oh, what a good stallion he was to listen to that voice in the back of his head telling him that somecreature was staring at him from behind. So wonderful.

His actions were on point. Quickly Galactic opened his wings and zoomed off into the air, flying as fast as he could. Scarlett paused only long enough to lick her lips before flying off after him. She knew she was the slower of the two, that thestrals were naturally slower than pegasi unless they went through rigorous training. Not that Scarlett had any such training nor did she try to catch up, instead flying at a steady pace near the ground while looking up at Galactic as he soared further and further away towards the industrial section of the City. Using the special feature of her mask, she was able to zoom in on her sub to see that he was every now and then sparing a moment to look back. However, while she could see him Scarlett doubted that he could still see her. And that would be her advantage in all of this.

With a grin, Scarlett glided right at the next intersection and then a left at the one that followed. Flapping her wings, she rose up above the building to see that Galactic was descending down towards one of the factories. Even as he did this, the dom noticed that he was still checking behind him. Not that it would do him much good from this angle.

After disengaging her mask’s eagle eye feature, Scarlett glided towards the factory while staying at roof level. When she got close she moved from rooftop to rooftop, checking the surrounding area for any signs of Galactic before moving on while also ignoring the other couples and their actions. This was hard as more couples had moved into this area since she had last been here. One time, as she peaked through a window, she spotted a red collared sub chained to a conveyor belt as her griffon dom toyed with her. At another location in the wagon parking lot, a female kirin domme was in the middle of tying up her own pegasus who squealed delightfully through her ropes. At one point Scarlett nearly slipped from a puddle of mare cum from a sub whose dom had decided to take their fun to the roof, hogtying her so she laid there helplessly while he played with her body. Her fellow dom noticed this, breaking the scene momentarily to make sure she was ok. A touching gesture and thankfully she was ok.

After several minutes into the case, Scarlett finally found signs of her prey. From her position on the roof she saw in one of the nearby wagon parking lots was a feather that matched Galactic’s. And not too far from that was a double door that was slightly open. Scarlett read the scene with suspicion as Galactic had used this trick before in their hunts to throw her off the trail, making her waste time searching a random home or building while he builds distance between them.

Scarlett’s eyes narrowed as she considered what was before her. It seemed so obvious that Galactic was trying to get her to think he was inside. But, then again, he knew that she was all too familiar with this ploy. Meaning he could have set this all up so that she would think it was a trick and fly away while he hid here. Slowly she turned her attention to the rest of the building. It stood at least three stories tall, made of steel with the only windows being at the top. Those windows were narrow, rectangular things that one could only peak out from. But the roof had something interesting. There were rows on top of the building, like small metal hills. She knew that these were vents that opened up to allow the hot air to escape the building and help cool the employees. Something she could use to her benefit.

Opening her wings up once more, Scarlett took off and glided to the other roof. As she quietly landed, Scarlett took note that she didn’t see anycreature nor did she hear the soft moans or whimpers of those having their fun. Meaning she was all alone up here. Luck also seemed to be on her side as the vents were open with enough space for a buffalo to easily slide in. Grinning, Scarlett moved to peak down through the opening peer inside. The inside was dark as all of the lights were turned off, but the artificial light from the outside would be enough for even a non-thestral to see the assembly line on the ground floor. Stations were set up to show where everypony was supposed to stand with large metal crates full of what appeared to be random objects. Most likely discounted sex toys from the Society. Close to the walls were long chains that hung from the roof with control pads nearby them. And close to those pads were fully stocked play areas that made her mouth water. Each one had a different type of restraining device like a metal, padded X or poles with leather straps to hold a creature down. Then, on either side, were tables littered with whips, crops, dildos, vibrators, blindfolds, and more. Everything one might need for a session!

Looking up, Scarlett saw that there was a railing set between the main floor and the ceiling that lead around the building. A few short chains hung from it, making Scarlett wonder what sort of kinky fun some ponies had with these. Then, on the way back, was what appeared to be an office. The office stood out as being dark and imposing, painted in a rusty red while being held up by four dark iron pillars as if to dominate everything. The only way to get up there without flying would be to walk the spiraling stairways on either side. Had this been a real factory, the walkways would have been used by management to observe their employees without having to get down to their level.

And there, on the walkway, was Galactic. He was situated there in the middle with his eyes on the door, wings at the ready to take flight. Perhaps he had planned on using the vents of this building to make a quick getaway. But, alas, he seemed to have forgotten that she could use them as a way of getting to him. And there might be a way to trap him.

Scarlett’s eyes began to look around at the walls. It didn’t take her long to find a lone cord that ran from the roof down to a small box attached to the wall. Scarlett made a note of it before continuing to look for anything else that might control the vents. After finding nothing, Scarlett glided down silently towards the box while glancing over at her target. So far Galactic hadn’t moved an inch, he just kept staring at the door while his body seemed to relax a tad. Which was just perfect for her as landed, spotting what had to be the controls for the roof. It was a very simple key operated system with two positions labeled open and close. Right now the key was turned to the ‘open’ side.

With a grin on her face, Scarlett brought her hoof to the key and quickly turned it to ‘close’. As soon as she did, the thestral dom pulled the key out before opening her wings and gliding down to the ground below. In less than a second she tilted her wings enough so that her descent curved, allowing her to miss crashing into the ground and instead flying perpendicular to it. At the same time she could hear the vents begin to creak as they shut causing Galactic to turn his attention upwards. Her ears then picked up the sounds of his wings opening while his hooves clanged against the metal walkway. While she could no longer see him, Scarlett knew what he was doing: looking at the key box to see if she was still there.

When Scarlett got to the door, she flapped her wings to stop herself before gracefully landing on the ground. As the sound of hooves began to clamor widely against the railings Scarlett turned in time to see Galactic running over to the key box. Without needing to see the expression on his face, she could tell that he was scared. It was his heartbeat which she could just barely hear now over the sound of hoof on metal. His cute little heart was in a panic, beating quickly in order to drive him faster. So delicious.

“Well, My Dear I expected a bit better,” said Scarlett aloud, her voice easily carried throughout the entire building without much trouble. At her words Galactic stopped dead in his tracks, a tremble running through his body. Slowly he turned to look in her direction just as the vents finally finished closing bathing them in wonderful darkness. Now the only light shone through the small windows near the ceiling which was barely enough to allow a normal pony to see a few feet in front of them. But Scarlett, well, she was no normal pony for she could see him now just as easily as she could in the daytime. Her ears twitched as she could hear him backing up a few steps while his heart began to beat faster. She knew the last thing he had seen was her by the doorway, his only logical escape.

Opening her wings, Scarlett flew upwards while watching her little sub in the dark. He was now backing up slowly, his wings outstretched and feeling around. Perhaps there was a flicker of hope within him. That, if he could find the key box, he could open the vents allowing more light to shine in the building. Enough light to see where she was as well as to provide him with an additional escape.

Calmly Scarlett flew over to the railing in front of Galactic, making sure that she was out of his range of sight. Perhaps maybe ten or so feet. There she floated in the air, with her hooves under her chin as she watched him move back slowly as to not hurt himself. Bit by bit he moved while his lovely eyes darted back and forth, searching for any signs of her. Poor boy didn’t know it was already too late. But she enjoyed giving her sub that feeling of false hope. Right now she was in complete control and any resistance he was giving was at her leisure.

After another minute or two, Scarlett watched as Galactic’s wing came in contact with the key box. She could see his eyes widening with hope right before he turned around to face it. Then…

“No,” he whispered after reaching out a hoof to find the key missing. “No, no, no, no, no.” His whispers became more frantic with both hooves reaching around the box for the key. She could now see cold sweat appearing on his forehead as a look of utter panic filled his gaze. Not helped by what she did next.

As her stallion continued to freak out, Scarlett calmly moved behind him so that she was no longer over the railing. With a wicked smirk she leaned over to whisper “Yes,” right behind him. Galactic jumped high into the air, wings extended. As his hooves touched the ground, Scarlett flew down so that she was under the walkway and began to bang it from below in an attempt to make it sound like hoof steps coming towards him. A poor imitation she was sure, but it did the trick as Galactic was put into an even more panicked state. He lunged off the railing, wings outstretched so that he could control his fall better. She could also see that he was squinting his eyes, trying to see in the darkness with all his might in order to better survive this.

His trick sort of worked. Galactic came close to crashing into the conveyor belt, managing to avoid it at the last possible second. And when he landed, Galactic seemed to stumble a little and nearly went head first into the ground. Now he was a little wobbly but still trying to find his way to the door, placing a wing on the conveyor belt in order to better guide himself.

As for Scarlett, she knew that this little game had to come to an end. As a dom, it was her duty to know when to end their fun and games. While pegasi were used to crashing into things, he still could have seriously hurt himself. And that was something that she could not allow.

But not before she got one more wonderful scare out of her sub of course! Grinning, Scarlett flew downward past Galactic on the conveyor belt and landed near a bin full of the old sex toys. Without making a sound she laid down on the ground underneath the belt where she then waited for him. It was slow but she waited patiently for him to show up as she listened to his hoof steps as they came close as well as his ragged breathing. She knew he was looking around for her, no doubt wondering why she hadn’t grabbed him by now.

Then, when his rear hooves were right in front of her, Scarlett struck with the speed of a rattlesnake. Both of his hind legs were wrapped in her fore legs before pulling them back. She watched as Galactic fell onto his belly, waving his front hooves wildly in the air before. As he was then pulled under, Galactic let out a scream of horror before he was then silenced.

The Reward

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“It seems the game is over My Dear,” laughed Scarlett as she opened her wings before flapping them hard, taking to the air in the process. Galactic’s hind legs were still held by her front ones, holding on tight as she backed up in order to drag him to one of the sides of the factory where all the play areas were. She could, of course, have their session right here and now yet she would rather not waste too much time trying to gather what she needed. Meanwhile Galactic shook his body while trying to dig in his front hooves into the ground to stop her, but this was a token resistance. By the rules of The City, the game was over. Still, she liked the fact that he was putting up such resistance even now.

Soon, the pair came across some of the chains which dangled from the railings. The chains jingled slightly, their ominous noise carried throughout the building causing a shudder of delight to run through her body. It was amazing how many delicious memories could be brought out from such a simple sound. The sound that is made when she pulled a sub closer on its leash to force it closer to her lovely cunt. The noise that is made when a line of subs are brought in for inspection. The sound that draws one’s attention above them, looking up to see those subs in the slave pens as they dangle above bound and helpless. As a twinkle appeared in Scarlett’s eyes she slowly licked her lips. Yes, this would do nicely.

When Scarlett was close enough, she released one of her hooves to take one of the chains. Naturally, Galactic did his best to appear like he was trying to wiggle to freedom. The legs she held began to thrash slightly to the point where they almost managed to escape her grasp. Almost. Scarlett held on just enough so that they were still within her hold as she attached one of his hind legs to the chains. The second was a tad more tricky as Galactic tried waving the hoof around, but still she managed to catch it and attach it to his hoofcuffs. Before letting go of the leg, Scarlett took the two remaining chains into her mouth which she bit into as she flipped her sub so that he was now on his back making a thud sound in the process. Despite the chains Scarlett managed to grin as she quickly moved above his head to attach those chains as well before Galactic had a chance to try and escape again.

It was only when the last chain was snapped in place that Galactic stopped his struggling. He just lay there on his back, waiting for his mistress to begin. While a little disappointing, it was for the best. They both knew that if he did, there was a greater chance of an accident, something that neither of them wanted.

Near them were a pair of buttons on the wall, with a green arrow pointing up and a red arrow pointing down. The controls for the chains needed for those who didn’t have magic. Calmly, Scarlett trotted over to the controls where she then turned around in order to face Galactic before pressing the up button. There was a slight hum of power followed by the rustling of the chains as Galactic was slowly raised off the ground by his limbs. At the same time, the chains began to stretch outwards so that his hooves were pulled away from his body only to stop when they could be pulled no longer. From what Scarlett knew, this was one of the magical safety systems put in place to ensure that no real harm came to a sub.

Once more Scarlett licked her lips as she released the button. Now Galactic hung there, suspended at barrel level to her with his body outstretched just for her. What’s more his cock had come out of its sheath while he was being lifted into the air so that it now pressed against his belly. She could now do to him whatever she wanted.

Once Scarlett saw that her sub was situated, she trotted over to the nearest play area to pick up a few things while making sure that her hoofsteps echoed through the factory. It was still dark and with him hung up in the air like that the only way for him to know what was going on was his sense of hearing. As soon as she stopped, Scarlett turned to look at Galactic where she saw that he was in fact looking in her direction with a small bit of delicious fear in his face. But soon that would change. Calmly, she began to move again, collecting the various items including a bowl of ice, warming cream, a dagger that had been enchanted not to cut anything, and something very special to make this all the more thrilling. All of these items she placed on a sterilized metal cart which she then wheeled over to her waiting sub.

“Now My Dear the fun will begin,” said Scarlett as she let go of the cart, picking up the special item with one hoof. Slowly she walked over to her sub with a hungry look in her eyes. “I am now going to push you to your limit. But no matter what I do, no matter how good it feels, I want you to fight it and not cum. Succeed and I will let you taste my marehood. Please that, and I will give you another reward. Do you understand?”

Galactic nodded. “Yes mistress,” he breathed.

“Good,” said Scarlett with a nod of her own. “But, before we begin, I want to ask you a few questions and I expect honest answers. Are you uncomfortable like this?”

She watched as Galactic struggled a little with his bindings. “A little,” he admitted after he stopped. “But it’s nothing I haven’t felt before. I’m sure I can handle it.”

At that Scarlett nodded. “And if it does get to be too much?” she asked as she moved closer to his head, the special item still in her hoof. There was a burning desire within her to use it right away, but she resisted. She had to finish this part before they began.

“I will either use the safety words or ring my bell,” he replied. At that, however, Scarlett chuckled.

“So sorry My Dear, but you won’t be using your voice this time,” she said as she held the item in both hooves. “Now, once more, test your bell.” While he couldn’t see her expression, she could see the slight look of confusion on his face. Yet he did as he was told, ringing his bell once to show it was working. “Very good. Now we can begin.” With that, Scarlett slid the item onto Galactic’s face. This item was a mask made of black latex which wrapped around his features nicely with the logo of the Clocktower Society displayed firmly on the forehead.

Galactic began to struggle in a slight panic as it was put on, no doubt thanks to its special features. One such feature, according to the display her own mask was showing, were special rune stones placed within the ear sockets. When those stones were placed next to an ear they created a powerful silencing magic that was so powerful that a herd of yaks could come stampeding through the factory and Galactic wouldn’t hear a thing. Small, round vents were placed in the nose holes so that the creature wearing the mask could get an uninterrupted flow of air but would also cancel out any scents. Finally, the mask would also tighten around the wearers jaw so that he or she would be unable to talk.

Scarlett watched her sub for a moment as he slightly panicked due to losing so many of his senses. The stallion struggled in his bindings for a moment, the jingle of the chains clanging about the factory. Scarlett could also hear his breathing increasing, taking long steady breaths in order to calm himself. Such a sight was enough to make her wet, her cunny becoming slightly moist as it winked under her dress.

As Galactic began to calm down, becoming used to the loss of so many senses, Scarlett opened her wings once again and flew towards the keypad once more. There she quickly inserted the key and turned it before gliding back down towards Galactic, landing as the room was once again lit up. This way, when she unmasked her sub, he could properly regain his sight. But that was not the only thing she did. With great care Scarlett began to undress herself allowing her gown to pool around her so that her figure could be seen in the low light. She was mostly naked save for a garter belt and stocking on her hind legs. Well, those and her mask which she kept on.

Now that she was ready, it was time to begin. Slowly she approached the head of her sub, opening her mouth wide making sure there were no obstructions around her fangs. A light hissing noise could be heard as she moved closer to his neck followed by a quick, nam sound as her fangs made contact. Galactic jerked in his bindings as he felt the wet, sharp teeth against his neck while the fur on his body began to stand up. She did not puncture the skin but rather ran her fangs down towards his shoulders. While doing this she would pause to allow a wet kiss on his fur, eliciting muffled moans from her sub as he tried to lean in closer.

As Scarlett lightly nibbled on one of his front legs, a leathery wing stretched out to caress his stomach. She could see and hear two rapid intakes of breath just by this simple gesture. That breathing continued as her wing moved across Galactic’s body as she continued to gnaw on him. From his stomach her wing moved on to his own as it jerked about before moving to touch his cutie mark. The chains clanged around as his legs began to move about helplessly while also clenching his muscles around his flank, fighting the pleasure that basic touch could bring. After backing away a bit, a small smile graced her lips, seeing the precum already beginning to flow. Her poor little sub wanted it so badly and was fighting it just like she wanted him to.

Naturally, she knew all of his sweet spots. That was why she began to move lower towards his back, heading for his wing joint. As she neared, bit by bit, she could hear his breathing quicken in order to try and maintain control. Her eyes narrowed as she neared her destination, fangs still touching his fur all the way. Then, when she was right next to it, she moved away and closed her mouth in order to moisten it. In that moment, Galactic let out a noise of disappointment while his body relaxed. No doubt thinking that she was just toying with him. Well, he was right but just not in the way he thought! Quickly Scarlett dived in, quickly nibbling on that wing joint before moving back up along his backside. She watched with glee as his body jerked upwards and trembled with excitement, nearly knocking her away in the process. Seeing his body react like this caused her pussy to wink even more as fluids began to slowly drip down her legs. Her cheeks began to heat up as her own desire began to stir up. Yet she did not give into it but rather began to nibble her way back up spotting that more precum was flowing out of Galactic’s cock.

Scarlett slowly moved her fangs away from the flesh of her sub while also retracting her wing, eliciting a whine from the stallion. As she moved away she saw him still trying to shift his prone from closer to where she had been, not knowing that she was no longer there. Poor little creature. But he didn’t have to wait too long, she just needed to get a few things to make their play time all the more enjoyable. And as she stood in front of all the toys she had brought, there were plenty of options.

Reaching towards the bowl of ice, Scarlett took one of the ice cubes into her mouth. A wave of cold hit her tongue as it wrapped itself around the frozen water, reshaping it as she picked up the dagger. For a moment she stood there while holding the weapon above her head, allowing the light to reflect off it. Such a simple thing really. She knew that there were those who enjoyed the Claw weapons which had similar enchantments placed on it. Yet, to her, such a weapon as this was far more personal.

Feeling that the ice cube’s edges were nearly gone, Scarlett returned to her slave. Calmly, she laid the blade flat on his belly allowing him to feel what it was. It didn’t take long as he began very still, no doubt fearful that the slightest movement on his part might lead him to being cut. As she lifted the blade up so that it was standing on its tip, Scarlett took the ice out of her mouth to examine it. It was still thick but had a more shard like shape to it. While not as narrow at the ends as she would have liked, it would certainly do.

Taking a breath herself, Scarlett pressed down a bit harder on the blade while at the same time placing the ice right behind it. Slowly she began to move the dagger across Galactic’s belly, making sure to keep the ice right behind it so that it left a trail of cold. A shudder of delight ran through her as she noticed her sub’s reaction out of the corner of her eye. His hooves were tightening around near his hoofcuffs to the point where he was trying to grip them. Clearly he was straining himself to endure the horrible things that he thought were being done to his body. But perhaps a little too much. As Scarlett’s blade neared the area close to his cock, she looked up to see that veins were now visible around his neck. She would have stopped it right then and there herself had he not rung his bell twice, begging her to slow down.

“Very good My Dear,” she whispered before tossing the ice cube off to the side. After calmly setting down the dagger, Scarlett slowly licked the areas that she had traced with the dagger. Her tongue lapped up the cold on the subs fur which helped him to calm down. Well, in one way at least since his cock was still rock hard.

“Time for a treat,” she said aloud while also picking up the dagger. With the item in hoof, Scarlett walked over to the cart to return it. After setting it down her hoof moved towards the riding crop. Slowly she moved her hoof over the item, feeling its texture before picking it up and placing it under her wing. Yes, this would make for a nice little treat for her honest sub.

With her new tool in wing, Scarlett returned to Galactic standing right between his legs. For a moment she paused to take in the delicious scene before her. Galactic had his head back while his stomach was slowly rising and falling, indicating that his breathing was back to normal. His cock was still hard yet she could tell that the amount of flowing precum had decreased. Taking in a deep breath of her own, Scarlett’s senses could pick up the traces of sweat on her stallion as well as lingering scents of alcohol that had been embedded into his coat. But even more intoxicating was the scent of his need, the desire that came from his tool.

Showing her fangs once more, Scarlett brought them down to pick at the skin of the cock meat. Those sharp fangs which could easily pierce his cock whose sharp edges he could feel all the more now that all his other senses had been taken away. Galactic had seen before many times the power of those two teeth yet did nothing more than jerk within his restraints causing them to rattle for a moment while his breathing increased. Instead he did all he could to stay calm as his mistress ran those teeth up and down his skin, putting his trust in his mistress. Over and over she ran them up and down, feeling the thrill as they moved over his vein covered surface.

After a time Scarlett retracted her mouth, bringing up her wings to take hold of his cock while taking the riding crop in her hoof. There was a brief whine from her stallion but did his best to remain still as her wings positioned the rod of meat closer towards herself. Grinning, she allowed her tongue to slip out of her mouth while taking in the scent once again. Her own needs had been growing for some time and she desired to sate them for a bit. So without anymore hesitation her head lowered so that her mouth could clamp onto the dick.

Together as mistress and sub the pair moaned in joy. The taste was simply divine, having just the right amount of sweat and precum across its surface. Scarlett’s teeth came down with just the right amount of force to put pressure on the meat while her tongue rolled around the flat head. It caressed the head, feeling its texture as it lapped up the precum as it did. Round and round it went while she kept her head steady and in place. While that was going on her leathery wings were at work running up and down the exposed flesh. She could feel the areas where her own regal saliva had slipped past her lips, running down until they reached the sperm sack. In a slow and controlled manner Scarlett used her wings to stroke her sub’s cock right below the medial ring. More precum flowed out into her awaiting mouth at this action, but he did not shoot anything else into her gullet.

Glancing upward, Scarlett could see that Galactic was in a state of utter bliss. He had allowed his head to fall backwards as if in surrendering to the pleasure given to him by his mistress made all the more powerful in the moment. Well, that just wouldn’t do. In a second Galactic's body jerked while the sound of flesh getting smacked ran through the factory. His hips bucked, sending his cock deeper into her gullet so quick that she nearly dropped the riding crop in her hoof. More precum was dripping onto her tongue now as his hips dropped back to normal. She could hear him breathing harder, no doubt the same reason that increased his feeling of pleasure also amplified the pain he felt. Slowly she ran the crop in a circular motion around where she had struck, teasing him without any hint of mercy before pulling it back. The stallion instantly braced for another strike while Scarlett switched the crop to her other hoof, striking him on his other flank.

For the next several minutes, things continued like this. Scarlett’s mouth and wings enjoyed her plaything as her hooves used the crop. Whenever she wanted it deeper inside her she would deliver a quick strike with just the right amount of force that she knew he loved. Many times she would toy with him, lifting the crop after circling the spot where she had struck only to lightly tap the area. Other times she would lash at him several times in the row in the same spot. While those strikes were less forceful, the continuous impacts had a more lasting effect on her bound sub.

The wetness Scarlett was feeling was now beginning to ache. Dropping the crop, she trotted back over to the controls in as controlled a manner as she could. With cunt winking madly Scarlett lowered Galactic down to the ground. There he laid, still breathing heavy with his wings sprawled out and a few of his feathers littered about him. She watched him as he just laid there, waiting to ‘see’ what his mistress would do to him next as his cock oozed more pre. It almost looked so very painful. But for such good behavior he would not have to wait too much longer.

With great care, Scarlett reached down and slowly removed the mask. Galactic winced as the low light shone upon his features, sweat rolling down his face and matting his beard. Slowly he glanced over at his mistress who smiled back at him.

“You have done well,” she said kindly as she reached out a wing to stroke his face. Scarlett smiled as Galactic closed his eyes before pressing his face against the leathery membrane of her wing, feeling the sensation of light pricks against it from his beard. “I shall give you a proper reward for following your mistress’ orders.”

“T-Thank you mistress,” breathed Galactic. As he spoke, Scarlett removed her wing and turned around so that her plot was facing her sub. With the grace of somepony who had done this many, many times she took a few steps backwards before lowering her rear onto his face. New sensations assaulted her body. Galactic’s warm breath against her folds as well as the pricking of his beard.

“You shall be given the honor of licking your mistress’ pussy,” she said, doing her best to keep her voice strong and in control. “Please me well and I shall reward you even further. Fail me and I shall leave you as you are now. Is that understood?”

“Yes mistress!” cried Galactic before lifting his head just a little so he could partake in the gift given to him. Like a wild animal dying of thirst, Galactic began to lap at his mistress’ juice which glistened around those lips. His licks were long, starting at the back and going all the way towards the clit but never touching it. He pressed down hard and forceful as he did his best to collect the nectar that had been so graciously given to one such as him.

Scarlett let out a light hum as she closed her eyes, doing her best to remain as still as possible as Galactic continued his diligent work. She could feel his lips now moving around her winking pussy, lapping up all the mare cum that had coated the surrounding fur. He licked the spots over and over again, tingling the nerves in those spots, as he did his best to take in her fluids. Then, once he had licked everything else, Galactic moved his tongue back towards her cunt.

As soon as his tongue dove inside of her, Scarlett could not help but let out a gasp of delight. The sub’s tongue moved deep inside her, lapping at the walls as it wiggled its way around. It sought out her pleasure zones, moving along them in a way that forced Scarlett to bite her lower lip while taking in her fluids. Scarlett’s wings opened all on their own while her eyes looked up and a smile appeared on her face when her stallion found that perfect spot deep within her. Added to that were the slight picks caused by the beard belonging to her toy, stimulating her in just the perfect way. All of this without moving his hooves to touch her in any way. Such a diligent stallion he was, far better than the stallions within the Public Cum Dumps of San Franciscolt!

“Enough!” shouted Scarlett. As her breathing deepened, she felt Galactic quickly move his tongue out of her cunt. Once it was out, she walked around the stallion who kept his gaze downwards while he too took a moment to catch his breath. Finally, Scarlett stood before him doing her best to look imposing while her pussy ached to be filled again. The sight of him lying there, gasping as her juices stained his muzzle was intoxicating.

“You have pleased me well this night,” said Scarlett as she took a few steps forward. Now she towered above him, almost pinning him to the ground without having to touch him. Slowly she leaned her head down so that her face was nearly in front of his while her rear hoof moved to touch his cock. Her sub gasped and closed his eyes before gritting his teeth as he applied a bit of pressure to it. “Does this hurt?”

“M-Mistress,” gasped Galactic as her hoof began to move up and down, the pre’s flow beginning to end. “It aches. I don’t think I can hold it back much longer. Please, I beg of you to let me cum. Please Mistress, let your slave cum.”

“Oh?” was the reply that Scarlett gave as she lifted her hoof off of the cock. Galactic’s eyes opened up at once, a look of utter horror etched into them as his mouth fell. At the same time, Scarlett leaned her face just a little closer while she gave him a fanged grin. “Then allow your mistress to assist you.”

With that, Scarlett moved her flank backwards towards the rod of flesh while keeping her eyes on Galactic. She watched as his eyes twitched when his hot cock touched her wet folds followed by throwing his head back as it was allowed entrance into her folds. As for Scarlett, it was taking everything she could to keep her expression as it was. To not slam her lovely flank down onto his hips and ride him like a bitch in heat. As the medial ring slid inside her, Scarlett was sure that there were cracks in her mask. Things like little twitches of the eyes and mouth or even a bit of quickened breathing. Thankfully Galactic was not paying attention to his mistress in the slightest, instead throwing his head from side to side with his eyes tightly shut from the pleasure.

Then, Scarlett found that she could sink her toy’s cock inside her no more. The familiar feeling of being filled completely shot through her, her wings opening up completely in the process. Without saying a word Scarlett leaned back so that they were perpendicular to each other with her front hooves resting on his chest, feeling more pressure on her womb in the process. As she looked down at him, wings twitching uncontrollably, she suddenly remembered one of the Sol’s more ludicrous stories about her kind. Stories about how bat winged demons from some other world conquered and corrupted a legion of pegasi. How they fucked them until they became something more akin to the demons, lacking a soul of any kind and revelled in all forms of debauchery. Well, as silly as those stories were, she couldn’t help but imagine herself as one of those demons while Galactic being her latest victim. Perhaps a roleplay for another night!

After licking her lips slowly, Scarlett began to move. She pushed up off her sub, allowing the air to touch his cock up until it reached the medial ring before slamming back down. Galactic’s wings flapped as she came back down and his hips bounced slightly despite the weight placed on it. Then she lifted herself up to do so again. Again and again, she rode her pet’s cock as he flailed under her as she dominated him. As she used him as nothing more than an advanced sex toy, granting her pleasure. Over and over again, she bounced while her mane became undone. Sweat was beginning to appear on her brow. Her mouth was open in a fanged smile as she looked down at him.

Scarlett’s open wings now began to flap in time with her bounces. With each beat they lifted her higher than she could normally go without breaking the flow of motion. Now she was able to rise to that only the flat head of his member was still inside her before coming down. When she came down the force and impact was nearly enough to cause her to throw her head backwards. Nearly. She kept her focus on Galactic as his cock began to twitch madly, so close to cumming that they could both feel it nearing.

Then, the shaking of his head stopped with it laying to his right side. With his neck exposed, he managed to open an eye while his teeth were locked together. Looking down, Scarlett could see that thing that made her heart leap for him more than any other creature she had ever been with. She could see the love and devotion he had for her. He had run across the City in order to give her the best chase he could. He had done his best to endure everything she put him through and even told her when she was going too far. And now, even after all that, he was fighting to keep himself from cumming without her permission. What more could a mare like her ask for?

As she came back down, she lowered her upper body so that it was pressed against his own. Her head was right next to his own with her fangs brushing against his ears. Scarlett’s hips continued to move, rolling and bucking as she held her body close to his. The thestral’s tail wrapped itself around his as Galactic’s chest heaved up towards hers with every breath he took.

“Now cum for me My Dear,” she hissed into his ear as she released her orgasm. The walls of her foal hole clamped around his cock tightly, her fangs moving to his shoulder to draw blood as he erupted inside her. She could feel his red hot fluids coating every inch of her, gushing past the barrier their sexes created. It felt like several days or even a couple of weeks worth of foal batter being shot directly into her. Both master and submissive rode their highs with Scarlett nearly dropping onto Galactic. Almost. The mistress was able to keep herself from fully collapsing.

As she managed to right herself, lifting her body off her subs dick to allow massive globs of cum to plop down, she looked at her lying sub. Galactic’s eyes were closed and his breathing was light, indicating that he had passed out from the orgasm she had allowed him to achieve. He now looked disheveled, with his mane and beard matted down and looking utterly filthy. The blood she had drawn now stained his fur, but it was not running. Moving around on shaky legs she saw that his flank had long red marks from where she had struck. As his mistress, it would now fall onto her to see that he was washed and well cared. An idea that had her licking her fangs once again.

But before she picked him up, Scarlett Marmalade brought down a wing to gently caress his cheek. It was true what they said about Manehatten. That there a pony could find nearly whatever they were looking for. It was no less true for her for she had not only found a place to thrive within the big city but also the perfect colt for her. And she wouldn’t trade this for the world.