Sun And Rainbow

by Bendy

First published

Rainbow Dash hates seeing you being so upset. So she suggests you have a threesome with her and Princess Celestia to help cheer you up.

Rainbow Dash hates seeing you being so upset. So she suggests you have a threesome with her and Princess Celestia to help cheer you up.

Co Author: Gregisademon, Samuel-Neocros and Who you think I am


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A crackling fire before you gave you soothing warmth on this cold winter night. The fireplace itself was situated against the wall on the central left side of the room. You wore a pair of thick, baggy black trousers and a heavy, black wooly jumper as you lay on a light blue, leather couch. The leather was soft to the touch and the weight of your body sank a little into it.

The walls and floor of the room you sat in seemed to be literally made of clouds. Clouds that were apparently dense enough that you didn’t fall through them. The clouds at your feet felt more like carpet than actual cloud. These so called ‘clouds’ were not cold and damp in the least.

The fireplace was not the only source of light in the room. Upon a short, coffee table in front of you lay a small, black iron pole like object with a solid circular iron base. A dried string like object covered in some kind of oil was wrapped around the pole, and went through a small hole at the top of it. The string ran three quarters of the way down it. At the top of the string it was lit with a flame. However, the fire at the top of the string burned at an incredibly slow speed.

If you remember your history the thing on the table is known as a ‘rushlight’. A common source of light used before the invention of the light bulb. In general there seemed to be nothing electronic here.

If you looked out the window you would see the faint lights of a small town below you. You were apparently in a sitting room that was in the sky, with a functioning fireplace also made of clouds. Not everything was made of clouds, the doors and many other objects in the room were in fact made of wood, like tables, and drawers etcetera.

The front door seemed to be particularly large. You have no idea why this place has such a large front door. It looks like you could fit an elephant through it.

Along with the couch, there was an additional two arm chairs behind you. Like the couch you sat on they too were colored light blue and made of leather. Earlier you had moved the couch a lot closer to the fireplace to get more warmth from it.

Nonetheless, it was pretty cold here even with the fire, but you were fortunate to have a nice fluffy, little alien winged horse to keep you warm.

Said alien horse lay on top of you. Who had her two front legs wrapped tightly around you. At the same time, you had your arms wrapped around her. Your hands were on her upper back, nowhere near her well toned ass.

You were her friend, so you didn’t want to take any chances.

She was a little heavy, but not overly so. Most of her weight came from her muscles. She stood at only about four feet tall after all. The horse had a light blue coat and a rainbow mane and tail. She was more of a pony than a horse really.

Her eyes were rosy red and glowed beautifully like that of a cat in the darkness of the room. The rushlight and the fireplace provided nowhere near the same light level that you were used to back home.

Her huge eyes were staring up at you, eyeing you with concern. And rightly so. You don't know what to do with yourself in this alien horseland. You were lucky that this pony was so friendly. You were taken from your home world yesterday and you don't know what to do with yourself now that you are here.

“Dude, are you OK?” she asked.

“Errr, I don’t know Rainbow Dash. I’m alright, I guess.”

She curiously tilted her head to the side like a dog. “You don't seem alright to me ”

You sighed deeply. “Rainbow, I’ve lost everything, my porno, video games, TV, the Internet, and the rest.”

“Would it help if I have sex with you to cheer you up?” she said sexfully, giving you bedroom eyes.

“Uhhh… I-I don’t know about that. I’ve only been in Equestria for about a day.”

“Well Anon, you’re halfway to fucking me already.”

“Ummm, I don’t know about that...”

“What if I invite Princess Celestia over?”

“Uhhhh.. no thank you.”

“Think about it dude, I got the sleek and athletic body, while Celestia has got the meat and size.”

“I’m not sure about this Rainbow.”

“Dude, not only is she the biggest pony in the world but she has the biggest ass of anypony on this planet.”

“I fail to see your point.”

"She has a human fetish, just like me.”

“So, that’s why you’re so friendly. I’m just a fetish to you.” you said angrily, crossing your arms.

Rainbow smiled nervously, rubbing the back of her neck with a hoof. “No, of course not.”

You sighed. “If it means I get a place to stay, then yes. I will fuck you Rainbow Dash.”

“Anon, you don’t have to fuck me if you don’t want to.” she said sadly, turning to look away from you.

“Well Rainbow, I’m bored, there’s no TV or video games, so I might as well fuck a horse.”

Rainbow turned to face you to give you a warm smile. “Great. But…. uhhhh no offence, but we really need Princess Celestia to come over to help us out.”

“Uhh why?”

“Well, uummmm… uhhhh, human penis tends to be lacking in the size department.”

You looked down sadly, sighing deeply. “Oh.”

Rainbow gently patted you on the back. “Don't worry she can magically make your dick bigger.”

Your eyes widen. “Okay, bring her over.”

“Great. I’ll go get her. Just one second.” she walked over to the window. From there she waved her hoof.

You looked over to the huge front door to see it open to reveal none other than Princess Celestia.

“Hello!” she said, waving her hoof at you in greeting.

“Hey big sunbuns.” said Rainbow, waving her hoof.

“You were here the whole time?” you inquired.

Without a word Celestia made her way inside. However, she only managed to partially get inside before the sheer thickness of her hips and hind quarters got her stuck in the door. Rainbow wasn't kidding about her butt’s size.

“Oh my, I don’t seem to fit anymore in the door. I think my ass has gotten even bigger.” she said, blushing in embarrassment as she stared back at her ass caught in the door.

With a spark of golden light from her horn she made her rump far smaller. With her ass less than half the size it was before she easily stepped inside.

Once inside, she magically closed the door behind her. Now with her ass free from the confines of the door it ballooned out like a car's emergency airbag, returning to its former glory.

You found that you could only stare in horror at the sheer size of her. She was basically an african elephant in the form of a horse in terms of size. Her legs alone were thicker than your own torso. The mare was so tall her head nearly bumped against the ceiling.

She gave you a nasty grin and playfully stuck her tongue out at you. She then turned around, and leaned forward to raise her ass high into the air. Your jaw dropped, as you found yourself transfixed staring at her huge butt. Each cheek of her butt was like a bloated beach ball, the canyon of her ass more than thick enough to swallow your cock between her huge cheeks.

Her assets were thick and meaty, no doubt requiring a massive penis to satisfy them. You knew you didn't have the equipment to pleasure such a large mare, but if what Rainbow said was true she could give you one.

“I can make myself even bigger if you like?” she said in a hot breathy voice.

“Uhhh, no thank you. You're big enough already. In fact, you’re too big.”

Rainbow Dash gasped in shock. She crossed her hooves, and gave you an angry glare.

Celestia whimpered like a sad dog. “Anon, this is as small as I can get.” she said, sounding hurt.

You stepped forward and reassuringly laid a hand on her right buttcheek, meeting the smooth and soft flesh upon contact, your hand sinking into the thick layers of fat. “I’m sorry Celestia, you’re still very pretty for such a big pony. I’m just not sure about screwing ponies.”

“Then why did you agree to have a threesome then?”

“I heard you could make my dick bigger.”

Celestia giggled heartily.

“Typical male. But yes, I can do that.” she sighed deeply and turned around to face you. You trembled in fear before her mighty size, her massive body casting a dark shadow over you.

“Anon?” she said softly, leaning her head down to your level, bringing her huge magenta eyes to stare into your far smaller, human eyes. “Why are you afraid?”

“Bu--bbb- because you are freakin’ huge.” you said in a low voice.

Rainbow flew to your side. “Anon, she is not going to smite you.”

You said nothing in response.

“Rainbow, do you think we could do this another time?” said Celestia.

She crossed her arms. “Uhhh, we might have to. Since Anon is scared of you.”

“Hey! I’m not scared!” you shouted.

“Then why are you not--” Rainbow stopped speaking as you marched toward Celestia.

Celestia lowered her head to your level. You gently placed a hand on her cheek, loving the feel of her soft, warm fur against your bare skin. She blushed, smiling at your gesture. You stared into her huge eyes, which gave you a most welcoming greeting.

You hesitated, trembling. Fortunately, you shrugged off your fears and took a deep breath.

You then leaned forward. As you drew closer, she perked her plump lips like a horse would. You quietly laughed at the sight.

She made a sorrowful whining sound at your laugh and her ears drooped sadly, but you cut her off and reassured her by finally making contact with her lips.

Her whine was replaced with a heated moan when you kissed her. You found yourself moaning as well, her moist lips felt incredibly soft and warm. You then felt her huge tongue push against your teeth, you immediately granted her access.

Despite the huge size difference between your tongue and hers she was not domineering in the least. She gently moved her tongue in your mouth, giggling softly as she brushed it over your canines. You then decided to meet her tongue with your own, both human and pony tongues joined together in a swirling dance of tender intimacy.

You found yourself compelled to pet her mane. When your hand made contact with her flowing mane it was met with silky softness to the touch and a light tingling sensation. You wasted no time from there to begin gently stroking her.

She nickered quietly in your mouth. The next thing she did took you completely by surprise. There came a force that you could not stop as she leaned forward over you, pushing you to the ground with one fell swoop and lying herself on top of you. You hissed in pain from the impact and her crushing weight now on top of you. The pain was by no means agonizing, but still felt a bit uncomfortable being under her oppressive weight.

You pondered and why exactly your bones and body in general seemed to be intact despite her great weight. Then you remembered she was a magical horse, so clearly she has some degree of protection magic cast on you.

You looked up to see the smiling form of Celestia above you.

“Celestia, please show me mercy. Don’t increase the pain threshold anymore.”

“Oh Anon, I’m sorry, let me fix that.”

With a flash of magic from her horn the pain was completely gone. With the pain now nullified you could just focus on her body’s soft fur and fat against you. Her great weight upon you felt like a soft, heavy and warm blanket. The comfort of being under her now felt so great you were starting to feel a little sleepy, thus you yawned.

Celestia giggled at that, a hoof coming to her muzzle.

“Celestia! Don’t put him to sleep!” shouted Rainbow Dash.

Celestia stood up, leaving her soothing warmth from your body. You sighed, but made to stand up.

“Okay, so what’s next.”

“Take off your clothes.” said Rainbow.

“Yes, please strip buttnaked dear.” Celestia said softly.

You gulped nervously. “My body is ready… I think.”

To Be Continued

Rainbow And Sun

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You were flanked by two mares on either side in the room. Celestia, an essentially elephant sized mare stood on your right, and the small four foot tall, actual pony sized Rainbow Dash stood to your left. The two stared at you, awaiting your next move.

You pulled your jumper over your head, revealing your thin, plain white t-shirt beneath. You tossed your jumper over to the couch, this was followed by you taking your t-shirt off and throwing it over to the couch as well.

You trembled at the feel of the coldness bombarding your exposed body. Fortunately, Celestia quickly lit up her horn and wrapped your body in a light golden glow for a brief moment. Her magic caused a slight tingling sensation to course through your body as you felt literal heat waves flow through it, starting from the top of your head to the tips of your toes the waves of heat came. It was a little uncomfortable, but it wasn’t as bad as being cold.

Celestia's horn was now no longer glowing, but her spell maintained its effect over you, providing you with consistent, soothing warmth. Now with the cold no longer being an issue, you proceeded to pull down your pants, the two eagerly watched as you took them off to reveal your black boxers underneath. You simply left your pants at your feet.

“Another smaller set of pants?” said Rainbow in confusion, tilting her head to the side like a dog.

“They’re called underpants.” Celestia clarified.

“Oh. How do you know--

You cut off Rainbow by pulling down your underpants to reveal your currently flaccid penis to her. Rainbow Dash gave you a sheepish smile. Celestia, on the other hand, looked at you with an expression of pity.

It’s not that you had some kind of erectile dysfunction, but the cold weather made it difficult for you to have an erection, on top of the awkwardness of the situation you found yourself in. Even with Celestia’s warmth spell kicked in, you weren’t quite warm enough. It was, after all, winter, and you were in a pony house in the sky. So, it’s pretty cold. But these ponies were acting like this cold was nothing. You had no way of knowing exactly how cold it was, but you were sure it was at least below zero. Unless perhaps you asked them, but you really didn’t want to do that right now.

They didn't seem too impressed by your penis. You felt even more hurt by the looks Celestia gave you when compared to Rainbow, but at least she showed some compassion, even if it was pity. Rainbow, while not mean-spirited, wasn't exactly giving you encouraging looks. She looked more embarrassed if anything.

Before you could voice any concerns, you felt what seemed to be a velvet touch on the tip of your member, causing you to shudder. You looked down to your junk to see nothing there.

You then turned to Celestia to see her horn glowing with magic. She gave you a wink, before you felt what seemed to be an invisible, soft hand wrap itself around your penis, and subsequently began to gently stroke your member.

You grunted, shaking a little in bliss. Your cock rapidly began to harden from Celestia’s tender, magical touch. You felt your balls bloat outward, becoming heavy under you. Your eyes widen at the sight of your member going past what used to be your maximum length.

Your member grew thicker as well, and longer. As your penis grew the invisible hand stroking you felt even better as it had more surface area to attend. This made you shudder in bliss, your body shaking a little.

When your cock finally stopped growing, you had what seemed to be, in terms of size, a literal horse cock between your legs with a pair of grapefruit-sized balls. It seemed to defy gravity as well, for it was much heavier than your older cock, yet stood perfectly straight. Basically you had a third arm now.

You felt a little light-headed, but that was quickly fixed when you saw Rainbow had jumped between your legs. She opened her mouth wide and swallowed down your cock in quick succession.

You grunted as you felt your long pole abruptly wrapped in the soft, warm confines of her muzzle, your length hitting the back of her throat perfectly. It seemed as if Celestia made it the perfect size for Rainbow.

You looked down to see Rainbow Dash looking up at you with rosy red eyes, as she hugged your cock within her lovely muzzle. Your heart melted at the sight, it was both cute and sexy. Her ears drooped to the side, and her tail was wagging in excitement.

You looked over to see Celestia turning around to present you her massive ass. A dark shadow loomed over you and Rainbow as her royal alicorn butt of butts stood tall and proud over the both of you. Nopony had a butt that came even close to matching the majesty of her ass. The only issue for some it was really was… it’s freakin huge.

Celestia looked back at you, giving you a nasty grin, her horn glowing with golden light. As magic flowed through her horn she began to inch upward into the air, and her body began to slowly grow thicker as well.

Up and up she rose, her head soon bumping against the ceiling. Fortunately the ceiling itself began to extend upward to accommodate her expanding form. Her rump in particular seemed to bloat outward when compared to the rest of her body.

As Celestia’s cheeks air ballooned outward they knocked over the coffee table, which fell with a “poof” on the soft cloud floor. Her cheeks then began pushing the couch to the far side of the room.

Both you and Rainbow could not help but stare at Celestia, Rainbow seemingly forgetting she had your cock in her mouth.

When Celestia finally stopped growing, she had become at least twice as big as before, now easily the size of two african elephants combined. Her rump however seemed to have grown at least three times larger, it was quite noticeably larger in proportion to the rest of her than it had been prior to her growth, now having a more significant "bounce" to it. Her legs alone were about as thick as wine barrels now. She was extra thick in all the right ways. However, her body maintained its smooth shape and was not remotely lumpy.

Your cock couldn't help but twitch at the sight of her. Celestia was packing even more meat than before.

Celestia gave her ass a slap with her right hoof, causing her cheek to smack against the other one with the delightful sound of flesh slapping against flesh. She gave you a lustful grin as her tongue stuck out playfully, while she noticed that you were staring at her ass with transfixed eyes.

You began to imagine what it would feel like to stick your cock between her massive, heavenly cheeks. You almost wanted her to be even bigger. However, you began to worry that if she became even bigger, the sex might become a bit impractical. Or if it wasn't impractical already. Impractical or not, Celestia might be the sexiest godhorse demigod you had ever seen. A demigod that wasn’t a total boner killer for once.

“I’ll make your cock even bigger when you’re done with Rainbow Dash.” she said sensually, picking up on your hesitation as she gave you bedroom eyes.

Rainbow took your member out of her mouth, leaving a thin strand of pre and saliva between her lips and your twitching member. “Yeah yeah, when he’s done with me. Till then, you let me have some fun.”

With that, she put you back in her mouth and redoubled her efforts on your brand new super cock. It felt as if her only goal in life was to make you cum. Your legs jerked a little as you felt her soft tongue lick your shaft from top to bottom, uttering muffled moans whilst she did so. She gently suckled on your pole, causing a delightful tugging sensation of pulling and releasing.

“Oh, Dashie.” you moaned.

Her soft, long tongue then curled around your member, encasing it in a loving constriction. From there, she began to bob her head back and forth, while at the same time her tongue squeezed your member. The sounds of loud slurping filled the room, along with the moans and groans of both human and pony.

Your right hand went over Rainbow’s silky soft mane and your fingers wound their way among the multi-colored strands to rest on her scalp. From there you began to affectionately stroke her hair, she hummed appreciatively and stared up at you with her rosy red eyes.

She muttered something unintelligible, before returning to work.

Several minutes went by, with you and Rainbow loving each other. Rainbow, however, was much more actively loving with your cock in her mouth, while you were merely petting her.

You closed your eyes, sighing in bliss at the feeling of Rainbow’s warm mouth tending to your cock. However, this loss of eye contact seemed to have upset Rainbow judging by the sad, muffled whining sound she made.

Despite Rainbow’s best efforts, you found yourself nowhere near the point of release. Sure, it was nice to feel Rainbow’s mouth over your cock, but the spell Celestia had cast on your cock seemed to have given you godlike endurance as well as size.

However, when you looked down at Rainbow to see the hurt in her eyes and the sight of a few tears rolling down her cheeks, and her lower lip quivering, you found yourself compelled to unleash out of pity. The cuteness of the sight just was too much for you to handle.

You grunted as you came, while Rainbow Dash squealed in delight as a pint glass’ worth of your creamy human spunk shot into her muzzle. She gulped it down her throat with gusto, moaning aloud around your member.

She easily swallowed down the second wave of cum that came forth. Her left hoof found its way to her dripping marehood. She ground her hoof back and forth over her needy sex, her juices audibly dripping on the ground beneath her.

Same as before, the third wave was about the same size. However, she struggled as the forth wave, which delivered an even greater load of your seed into her mouth, almost two pints worth. You roughly gripped her mane locking her in place on your cock.

Her eyes widened, some of your cum leaking out from the corners of her mouth, she barely managed to swallow it down before the fifth wave hit her… this being at least three pints worth. Her hoof movements became more frantic as she tried to whip up her lust further.

A large amount of your seed managed to pour out of the corners of her mouth, dripping down like a little river over her cheeks and down her prominent chest fluff, matting and making its way towards her greedy marehood and the torrent of sexual fluids pouring from her.

The sixth major wave came… not unlike a literal bucket worth’s of cum in her soft mouth. Her cheeks bloated out cartoonishly and her eyes became cross, while she was in the process of trying to swallow this down another wave came and finally broke her. With a grunt around your throbbing cock and a shiver up her back, Rainbow pulled her head back away from your cock, coughing up buckets of your cum on the floor and shuddered into orgasm and released her marecum onto the puddle that had formed beneath her. Your juices mixed with hers in the growing froth of her crotch and frantic hoof.

“Rainbow, are you Okay?” you asked softly, you voice ripe with concern even as your cum ran down her chest in greater and greater volumes.

Rainbow opened her mouth to say something back to you, but was cut off when she received a mere cupful of cum to the face.

You sighed, glad to see your cock was nearly done. But then… she was hit by a pint’s worth of cum, landing on her chest. The next hit her wings, coating her delicate flight feathers in thick globs of your virile seed. She shuddered as her flight muscles were assaulted by your hot cum.

Rainbow turned around and presented you her rump, letting your next spurt land directly on her tight, athletic ass. She smiled back at you and wagged her cum-soaked tail excitedly.

‘What the hell did Celestia do to my cock? This is ridiculous! No human can do what I’m doing here, not even the best porn stars.’ came your slightly panicked thoughts.

As you continued to cum on Rainbow she would shift her body to different angles so you could paint areas of her body that had not yet been hit by your seed.

A solid five minutes of this went by. At this point, Rainbow Dash looked like a snow pony and the floor was flooded somewhat by the sheer amount of your cum by at least two or at least three inches deep, and your cock was still fully erect. At least the cum didn’t smell too bad, your cum smelled like roses now. You wondered what else Celestia had done to your body. immortality? Laser beam eyes? A hidden, tiny unicorn horn on your forehead?

“That was awesome Anon!” Rainbow shouted happily.

With a flash from Celestia’s horn, the cum was cleaned away.

“Aww… I wanted to lick it up.” said Rainbow ruefully.

You knelt down and gave Rainbow a hug. Catching her off guard, but she returned the hug shortly after. She rested her head on your chest, and placed her two front legs over your shoulders and her hooves onto your upper back.

“Rainbow, I loved you sucking my cock. It’s just that my cock has become super strong.”

“Dude, it’s okay.” she said, blushing, and turning her head to the side.

Celestia walked over to you, her massive body casting a dark shadow over you.

“Lie down, dearie.” she said softly.

You complied and layed yourself on your back on the soft, cloudy floor with a gentle “pomf”. Celestia shifted herself over you, presenting you her massive rump. Rainbow walked a good distance toward the right side of the room in order to escape the shadow of Celestia’s mighty ass looming over you.

‘What are we going to do on the floor?’ came a smug, referential thought.

“Rainbow, I would not kill you, sweetheart.” the giantess said softly. "You are more than welcome to be sat on too.”

“Errr, I’d rather watch.” said Rainbow.

“Okay, suit yourself. And Anon, I’m going to sit on you.”

Now with Rainbow safely out of the way, the mare wasted no time to drop herself down upon you with a powerful slam, causing the clouds to distend deeply away from her. The coffee table was smashed into smithereens, but your body seemed perfectly intact. You grunted in pain and felt the wind knocked out of you from the impact.

With a flick of magic Celestia repaired the coffee table, and pushed it into another room to keep it safe.

“Oops sorry.” she said, blushing with a hoof over her mouth.

The immense weight of her royal rump caused you to hiss in pain. Although it was slightly overshadowed by the sheer warmth and softness of her rear upon you. Yet another distracting fact was that your cock was sandwiched in the canyon of her rump’s silken and smooth cheeks.

The pain wasn’t intense, just a minor amount of discomfort. Also, the darkness from being under her felt pleasant. On the count of her huge backside blocking all sources of light.

You were willing to tolerate this pain, for you knew she was holding back the true power of her rump. And to be honest, the pain felt kind of good.

“My little human, if you want me to remove the pain, just ask. I can make my ass feel like just a blanket for you.” she said softly, noticing your discomfort.

The slight pain felt so good you didn’t want her to completely nullify it like she did the last time she lay on you. So you mumbled your objection into her ass, which was completely muffled and you could not form any coherent speech.

Celestia lifted her ass about an inch off you so you could speak.

“No.” You told her, slightly breathless. “I… I kind of like the pain.”

“Okay, I’ll try not to go too overboard sweetheart. Now, let’s start over.”

Celestia lifted her rump off you, raising it high into the air. Her cutie marks glowed with golden light, and you saw her rump expand outward by a good few inches, before she dropped down on you hard.

“Made my ass a little bigger for you, my little human. And I’ll make it much bigger later on.” she said in a hot and breathy voice.

You grunted in pain from the hard impact, but did not complain. Celestia could kill you if she wanted to, and that was an even bigger turn on, but you now trusted her enough to know she would never do that. Sure, she did some powerplay on you, but she did offer you to wipe the pain away.

The massive mare shifted over you, rubbing her rump over your small form. You soon felt a great heat wash over you, along with a wet liquid drip onto your face. The liquid in question smelled faintly like vanilla.

You felt a slight heat, but not painful heat on your eyes, and you found that you could see in the dark. And what you saw was more than you ever imagined you would see. You saw the full rump of Celestia in all its glory. By far the biggest and most beautiful one you would ever see.

It seemed Celestia's magic gave you the ability to see the scope of her rump from an angle that you could not possibly do with your normal eyes. The plump lips of her marehood glistened at you in greeting, they were thick and meaty, and were dripping with her marecum, a continuous stream of creamy white liquid spewing out of it.

Celestia giggled, lighting up her horn. With magical aid you were allowed to see her cutie marks glow with blinding light. Celestia loomed larger once again, increasing the weight upon you even more.

“Sorry Anon, when I get horny, I like to grow bigger.” she said sensually.

The ceiling and the walls of the room extended further to accommodate her expanding size. Rainbow Dash had to take a good few steps backwards to avoid being slapped by her expanding cheeks.

Up and up she rose, until she was tall as a giraffe, and now with a rump that was at least the size of an african elephant with each cheek. Celestia at this point was a full blown truck in terms of size; A Boise 18 wheeler truck. Celestia’s cheeks were now truly heavy loads.

“Anon, I can keep growing bigger if you like. I’ve made Rainbow Dash’s home a pocket universe. Just speak to me with your mind this time.”

‘That will do for now.’ came your thoughts and a pat on her gargantuan rump, causing it to ripple like a lake after a stone was thrown in it, before it returned to its perfectly smooth and round shape.

With that, you began to lick her marehood like a man possessed, eliciting a loud, surprised neigh from her. As you licked her marehood her sweet, love nectar poured into your mouth.The mare began to grind her fat rump over your face, showering you in a constant stream of her creamy marecum.

You saw Rainbow Dash fly in front of Celestia and land before her. Celestia lowered her head to Rainbow. From there Rainbow pushed her tongue into Celestia's mouth. Celestia, however, did not move her tongue as Rainbow Dash tried to french kiss her, for her tongue was much larger than Rainbow’s… much larger than Rainbow’s body in fact.

Celestia uttered a loud whinny. Her cheeks blushed from the loving attention she was getting from both a fellow pony, and the human under her.

You were, in short, in total heaven under Celestia’s ass. The silky softness and soothing warmth of her ass drowned out the cold of the room. You felt compelled to reach your arms out to show your love to her rear end.

Your hands depressed deeply into the thick layers of squishy soft fat from your applied pressure. From there you began to roam your hands as far as you could reach over her rump, not even reaching near halfway across the wide expanse of her cheeks. With tender affection you rubbed her rump, applying an odd squeeze here and there.

Each time you squeezed her rump, Celestia uttered a loud whinny, and delivered you a torrent of her creamy goodness onto your face.

The massive mare over you now began to grind her rump over you. This caused a wonderful sensation of a warm and soft wave rolling across your body that was her massive ass. However the feeling of your cock sandwiched between her soft cheeks as they rubbed back and forth against it was quickly bringing you to your breaking point.

You grunted, overwhelmed with pleasure as she bombarded you with wave after wave of her ass grinding over your small form. Sweat poured down your face, you struggled to hold back.

You then soon came… or at least you felt like you came. But nothing came out.

“Hehe.” she giggled. “Not so fast, Anon. I want it inside.” she teased in a playful tone.

With that Celestia lifted herself off of you, bringing you under the shadow of her massive ass. You saw your cock wrapped in a golden glow as it began to grow larger. You grunted in pleasure as you saw your cock grow into a truly ridiculous size.

You felt like electricity flowed through your cock, a strong wave of heat grew upward surging through your skin. Every nerve in your body seeming to be simulated all at once during the process. You would have came then and there, but somehow you didn’t.

Your cock grew to be at least thirty feet long and about as thick as an oak tree. Your balls bloated outward to the size of comparatively something more akin to beanbag chairs. You weren't sure whether to be grateful or not at this “gift”. You wondered how you would even be able to stand up with this thing as its weight was already pulling you forward and upright.

“Don’t worry, I can shrink it down after.” she reassured you.

With that, Celestia gently dropped herself onto the tip of your member. You shuddered at the feel of her warm and soft marehood encasing your tip. Celestia giggled as she began to slowly descend over you.

Celestia teasingly started to engulf your godcock, the pleasant torture as she painstakingly took inch after inch of you was nearly unbearable when you had yards of dick to give and you weren’t allowed to cum.

“What’s wrong my little human aren’t you enjoying yourself?” The diarch smugged at you as she finally took the second foot of your rod.

“I-I’m doing just f-fine” You barely gasped out as her walls along with now her magic (which felt nearly as good as her marehood) tugged at every inch of your throbbing member, and with a cock that big, that’s a lot of inches. Her magic tended to the lower areas of your cock that was not yet captured by her marehood.

Mortal men were not meant to feel such things. Your body twitched and shook in pleasure at the slow treatment, your leg inadvertently kicking out and connecting with the bottom of Celestia’s left hind hoof.

“Now I’ll show you why I’m the princess and you’re my-” whatever she was going to say was cut off as her left hind hoof was pushed just enough on the slick floor to cause her to slip and fall back on her mighty ass.

28 feet of raw, hot, and diamond-hard man meat impaled the princess’s marehood in a fraction of a second, the meaty slap of ass on balls shook the room and everything grew still.

Celestia sat silently attempting to remain calm as her insides were rearranged in an instant. She was full. This was good. Surprising, yes. But good. Now she just had to try not to cum on/drown her partner, at least not so early.

Rainbow looked on in both horror and fascination, she had landed long ago as wing boners did not facilitate any kind of stable flight. She had just seen what amounted to the scariest and sexiest magic trick ever performed though she had some doubts about how successful it was while looking at your face.

When that ass had hit your thighs and your cock had hit the back of her literally divine marehood, everything stopped. What point was there to hatred or strife, what meaning was there in competition or virtue seeking, why would anyone; pony or otherwise, seek understanding of a cold world that cared not for them when pussy like this existed. 30 feet of hot, tight, and soaking horse pussy gripped at every inch of your megaween, the muscles within tugged at your shaft and mushroom cap like a thousand hands trying to coax out another creamy load. The heat coming off Celestia’s rear felt like it could melt you down to a puddle and you’d smile and ask for more. The tip of your cap touched a puckered ring of muscle that seemed to reach down and kiss the top of your penis. Bliss. You had just about half a second to enjoy these sensations before you were overwhelmed by these feelings and you felt a scream rising in your throat.

What’s even more insane, she could make herself even bigger. Your cock along with it. This wasn’t the limit that she could bring forth upon you.

You gasped, you felt on the verge of a heart attack with a sharp pain in your chest and arm. Celestia noticed and gasped in horror, quickly lighting up her horn, and you felt a warm glow on your heart. Your heart began to relax as her spell did its work.

“Celestia! Save him!” Rainbow cried, flying on top of Celestia’s head. The fact that she looked like an adorable hat not diminishing the seriousness of the situation.

“Anon, you are safe. You won’t and can't die under my watch, sweetheart. Please forgive me.” she said pleadingly.

“I… I...Celestia, of course I forgive you.” you said breathlessly, wiping the sweat off your forehead with your right hand. “You are the biggest, yet kindest booty queen I have ever seen that blesses her divine ass upon mere mortals like myself.”

Celestia simply sat on top of you for at least a few minutes to allow you to get used to her mighty alicorn marehood’s loving embrace, before she slowly raised her ass upward.

Celestia rose to the point that you nearly exited her, before she gently descended down over you. Despite her gentleness, you hissed in pain from the still hard impact of her massive ass coming down hard with a loud slapping sound, and the wind was knocked out of you. The massive weight of her ass made it very hard to be truly gentle.

“Anon, are you okay? Am I being too rough?” she asked softly, her voice ripe with concern.

‘Celestia, it’s fine. It's not too bad. I know you’re still holding back the true power of your rump.’ you thought, slightly frustrated at the gentle treatment.

“Okay, sweetheart. But make sure to tell me if I get too rough at any point.” she said softly.

With that Celestia raised her rump up, and dropped down harder than last time. You grunted in pain, the wind being knocked out of you once again.

Celestia gave you no time to recover, she quickly rose up and slammed down on you again. And then again… and again.

The pain was not so bad from the powerful slams of her massive ass coming down upon you again and again. The pain never reached the threshold of being too much… most of the time. It was just right. She showed you what a little insect you were compared to her.

You moaned in bliss, no longer caring about the pain. Celestia giggled, happy to see that you were enjoying yourself under her. This made her slam her ass down on you at an even greater speed… a speed that blurred and bled your vision.

Celestia now moved at such speed, she was little more than a blur of motion. Her ass was like a heavy hammer slamming upon an anvil. You became lost to the world, somehow her ass felt even better than before.

You closed your eyes, basking in the feel of Celestia’s massive ass bombarding your small form. It was truly a magical experience.

“Can I have a turn?” asked Rainbow.

Celestia lifted her ass off you, and with a flash turned your cock to about the size of a more reasonable 12’ horse cock for Rainbow.

Rainbow slowly slid herself onto your hard member. You sighed in bliss at the feel of her tight marehood squeezing your cock as she descended, there's no place like home. When she reached your base she came down with a gentle slap. You felt relieved at her lightweight, she was a nice break from Celestia’s super heavy ass.

That said, Celestia’s ass was still an awesome experience, she was an all powerful, immortal alicorn that could move a star, and she was giving you a taste of her raw power, without destroying you in the process.

Rainbow on the other hand, was showing you the more loving side of intimacy with how gentle she was being. You reached your hands behind her, sinking only about an inch into her rump, before meeting the hard and firm muscle beneath.

Rainbow stared up at you, before leaning forward to bring you into a passionate kiss. Both of your tongues joined together in unity. Her long, thick equine met your far smaller, human tongue, the two tongues danced together, rubbing against each other in a tender display.

The sounds of smacking and wet kissing filled the room. Celestia looked down, smiling down at you two. Rainbow broke the kiss and whispered something into your ear.

Rainbow in one quick motion flew off you. Before you could object to this you saw the massive shadow that was Celestia’s ass looming above. Your cock shot upward, growing to the size when it was inside Celestia.

Celestia’s horn was glowing with blinding light as if it was the sun itself… and… she had an absolutely enormous growth spurt, quite literally going supernova.

With a force greater than a nuclear bomb, she slammed down upon you with her absolutely gigantic ass. You cried out, but not in pain, but in pure pleasure as you unleashed onto her super-massive rump.

Jets of your cum splattered on her gigantic rear end. Celestia had grown so large that there was literally no point in sticking your cock in her vagina at this point. It was more or less the size of a galaxy in comparison to you. And each cosmic cheek of Celestia's rump was the size of at least several billions, if not trillions of galaxies.

“I can grow endlessly bigger for you Anon!” boomed her voice, across time and space.

Your cum only coated a small area on her super cosmic sized rump. When the last of your seed was unleashed, your cock became soft and far smaller. However, even in its flaccid state it was considerably larger than before.

“Awesome. I get to keep this thing.” you said, still in awe at the absolute size of this mare.

With a flash, you saw Celestia shrink down to the size of one elephant and the dimensions of the room also returned to normal.

Rainbow Dash flew over to Celestia, from there she began to lick your cum off Celestia’s rump. Once a great deal of the cum was gone, she flew over to you. You laughed, as her tongue tickled you a little as she licked over your face and manhood. Once you were clean Rainbow walked over to the door to her bedroom.

Rainbow beckoned you to follow with her hoof. Without a word you followed her into the bedroom. Celestia followed soon after you. But found that the door was far too small for her.

Celestia sighed, lighting up her horn with magic. Celestia shrank down in size to literally the size of Rainbow Dash. Celestia then quickly trotted into the room.

Celestia blushed, she seemed shy and nervous at being such a small size. “I’m not so pretty at this size.” Now with the door no longer an issue her body sprang upward in size back to her normal, one elephant size. “That’s better.”

She turned to look at you and Rainbow standing at the foot of a queen sized bed. A big issue was the bed was a queen size for Rainbow, it was nowhere near as large for Celestia.

Celestia flashed her horn, expanding the bed to be a much larger size to befit her glorious majesty. From there, Celestia lay herself down on her side on the bed. You and Rainbow soon joined her, lying next to her.

She draped a protective wing over you both. Her wing felt like a soft and warm blanket over you, far softer than any other blanket you had ever felt.

“Are you happy now Anon?” Celestia asked.

“I’m happy Celestia. I haven’t been in this land for very long. But after this, I think my future seems bright.”

“Good. Goodnight Anon.” she said softly.

“Goodnight Anon.” said Rainbow.

“Goodnight.” you simply mumbled, drifting off to sleep with the comfort of a small pony and a really… really big pony to sleep with alongside you.

The End