Rainbow's Birthday Surprise~

by Flutterpriest

First published

Rainbow Dash has one fine present waiting for her once she gets home. The real question is just how is she going to unwrap it, if you catch what I'm sayin'. Because everyone wants sex all the time, right?

Rainbow Dash has one fine present waiting for her once she gets home. The real question is just how is she going to unwrap it, if you catch what I'm sayin'. Because everyone wants sex all the time, right?

Contains: Bait and Switch and Ponies as ACTUAL HUMANS

Edited by anonpencil (Holy Shit Thank you for this one)

A story inspired and supported by shortskirtsandexplosions

Unwrap Your Present

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Rainbow Dash took a moment to crack her neck and take a deep breath. Her eyes moved to the wide open sky. Her muscles felt sore but she was beginning to finally feel at ease, like the chains that clung to her body had broken apart and fallen away.

Her birthday vacation was finally here.

She could finally take some time to breathe. She could relax. No obligations. No work with the 'bolts. Just some quality time at home with her girlfriend and best friend, Fluttershy.

Rainbow flexed her fingers and rotated her shoulder as she saw their home. The sun was already beginning to set. So, for once, she was home a little early.

"I wonder how we should celebrate tonight?" she wondered aloud to herself. "A movie could be awesome. Then again, Shy could probably only take one horror movie this week. Maybe I should save that for a different day. Not tomorrow. That's Pinkie's party. Hmmm."

Dash got to the door and searched her pocket for her keys. To her surprise, the door opened wide as soon as she stepped on their 'Inside there’s, like, a lot of animals' doormat. The keys clattered to the ground and her face instantly flushed bright red.

"H-Ha... Happy Birthday, Dash..." Fluttershy said bashfully.

If Dash's face was painted red, Fluttershy had dipped her whole head in the can of paint. Dash's eyes started at the leash that was in her girlfriend's outstretched hand. Then up her arm, across her bare shoulders to the black leather collar around her neck. Hanging from the collar, resting squarely between her breasts was a polished golden dog tag. Her eyes read the word on the tag in disbelief. 'Slut'

Her eyes continued down. The only things Fluttershy was wearing were... a new set of matching black bra and panties. A delicate lace trimmed the edges and a small black bow decorated the front of them in their direct center. In her hands, a pair of easy-escape handcuffs.

Dash took a step backward, shocked at her unorthodox greeting home.

"T-thanks," she said, still trying to collect her thoughts and bearings. "You too."

Fluttershy blinked. Rainbow Dash blinked too. They both decided to act like that didn't just happen.

"Um," Fluttershy murmured. "So, uhm."

Rainbow didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t help but feel pressure push down on her shoulders once again. Those chains had caught back up to her and slithered around her neck. Her mind raced. The bottoms of her feet turned to lead.

She should be excited. Stimulated even.

But there was only dread.

“W-what would you like me to do, master?~” Fluttershy whispered.

Rainbow and Fluttershy’s sexual exploration wasn’t a new thing, after all. A drunken night of feelings and strangeness was what ultimately convinced them to try a serious relationship. She knew that sexual things weren’t always easy for Fluttershy, although she found she enjoyed them quite a lot. Rainbow was always interested in trying new things, so naturally gained spotty knowledge in different kinds of fetish material and BDSM. However, Fluttershy had said that she wasn’t really up to trying those things yet.

And there she was, handing Rainbow a leash.

Rainbow gulped. She wasn’t ready for this. She wasn’t prepared for this… pressure. The stress of caring for a sub. She reached out and took the leash with a hand. Fluttershy’s hands fell to her waist as she looked to the ground.

“A-are we just going to stand here in the doorway?” she asked. “I-it’s cold a-and everyone can see-”

“RIGHT! Right,” Rainbow spluttered and pushed them both inside their home.

Then, once inside, Rainbow stood there, dumbfounded by the events that had unfurled on her.

“H-how can I serve you?” Fluttershy asked, repeating what she said. “I can do… anything.” She emphasized anything in a very sensual way and approached Rainbow, placing her hands on Rainbow’s chest.

Except, Rainbow didn’t know what to do or say.

It wasn’t that she was shy. That wasn’t the reason for the lump in her throat. It wasn’t that she didn’t love Fluttershy or find her attractive. That wasn’t why her panties were dry as a desert.

It was simply that she didn’t want to do this right now.

And… she felt guilty for that. She felt as if a knife were to her throat. Here’s her meek, shy girlfriend, clearly pushing herself to surprise her on her birthday. And she… wasn’t in the mood.

How in the world could she even remotely explain this?

“You want to be my slave?” Rainbow asked, her voice trying to find the confidence that a dom needs. Her search ended in vain, the cadence of her final word noticeably shaking Fluttershy, whose eyes moved to the floor.

“The collar was too much, wasn’t it,” Fluttershy asked. “I-I really liked the color, and Rarity helped me pick it out, but I knew you wouldn’t-”

“No, no,” Rainbow said. “Honestly, I’m happy you picked a collar you like. All of that is really important for these things. I’m just… really caught off guard. All of this is really new.”

“W-well, d-do you like it?” Fluttershy asked.

“Oh yeah,” Rainbow answered, without even needing to think. “You look gorgeous and your body looks amazing.”

Fluttershy smiled, her posture straightened as her confidence began to well back to her.

“I-I want you to use me, Dashie,” Fluttershy said weakly. “Make me do things.”

And there came that lump in her throat once more. She became so filled with feelings that she didn’t know how to express them. Her muscles tightened. She turned around, forgetting that the leash was in her hand. She tugged her girlfriend by the neck, and she let out a light ‘eep’ in surprise.

Dash sighed and stared at the wall in front of her. She felt suffocated in her own home. She felt unwelcome. She felt like she should run.

That none of this is okay.

She didn’t want to have sex right now. She was so happy to be home and not have to stress about work and all the things that she was taking a vacation to get away from… the pressure of having to care for someone in a scene just…

“You want to serve me?” Dash asked, this time her confidence filling her voice.

“Yes, Dashie, anything,” Fluttershy said. “I’m your little whore.”

Dash blinked, surprised that Fluttershy would use those sort of words. She couldn’t tell if Fluttershy was liking the degradation, or was just trying to be sexy.

“Okay then,” Dash said. She moved into the kitchen, pulling Fluttershy behind her. “Then, make me a coffee and dinner.”

Fluttershy blinked. Then it seemed like a lightbulb went off in her head.

“Ooohh!” Fluttershy said. “I know exactly what you want.~”

Fluttershy crawled onto their kitchen table lifted her feet into the air and pulled off her black panties. She giggled at Dash and then spread her legs wide. She bit her lip as she exposed herself.

“Eat to your heart’s content.”

Dash couldn’t even bring herself to look.

“Okay, get down. This isn’t going to work,” she said sadly.

Fluttershy closed her legs, then curled on herself, like Dash had struck her with a closed fist.


“I can’t do this. I’m just. I’m not in the mood.”

Dash walked up to the table and then paused. She felt awkward talking down to her girlfriend as she laid on the table in front of her. She began to lean over, but that felt even more weird. She considered pulling up a chair to sit, but then it kind of felt like the worst of all options. So she knelt down to be eye to eye with Fluttershy.

“Listen. All of this was really sweet. Really. I just. I can’t right now.”

Fluttershy’s mouth opened slightly, then closed, she looked away from her girlfriend.

“Did I do something wrong?” Fluttershy asked, her voice on the edge of cracking.

“No! You didn’t. It’s just…” Rainbow sighed. “I’ve been… just so stressed out. And all of this was really sudden. I like this. I like all of this. You look gorgeous and sexy and just-”

“Am I not attractive?” Fluttershy asked.

“You are! You are SO attractive, oh my god.” Rainbow added, placing a hand on Fluttershy’s cheek. “It sounds so terrible to say that I’m not in the mood, but it’s just… I feel under so much pressure right now. And if I did something, anything like.. this” she said with a nod of her head. “I’d be doing it because I felt like I had to. And that’s not fair to you because you want to do this to make me happy.”

Fluttershy nodded, then looked to the table.

“At least, I thought it was about making me happy,” Rainbow said.

“Well, a little of you and a little of me,” Fluttershy added. “I know you’ve been stressed. I know that the flight academy takes a lot of you. Plus the shows and the new recruiting class. I guess I just haven’t… been very satisfied lately. So I wanted to surprise you. I thought it would be really nice.”

Rainbow smiled and planted a kiss on Fluttershy’s lips.

“I’m sorry we haven’t been very active lately. But I’d rather do those things with you when we both really want to, rather than make it something where we… you know. Go through the motions,” she said. “Just because we’ve been doing it more than when we, well, didn’t.... Doesn’t mean it’s not special.”

Fluttershy’s eyes raised to meet Dash’s and she smiled. And with that, Dash smiled back at her.

“I love you, Dashie,” Fluttershy said.

“I love you too, babe,” Dash responded sweetly.

Dash leaned over and wrapped her arms around Fluttershy pulled her close. And with that, the chains fell back off. The pressure was gone. She felt… at home.

“But, I mean, if you still want to be my slave, I’d love a sandwich,” Dash said

Fluttershy pushed away and stuck her tongue out.

“Did you have to ruin our sweet moment like that?” Fluttershy played. “I was really liking that.”

“Hey, I’m just sayin. I had to work through lunch,”

“Well in that case,” Fluttershy said, rising to her feet, “I guess it can’t be helped.”

Dash smiled as she watched her girlfriend’s booty mosey to the fridge and pull out some extras. At that point she couldn’t help but feel… relieved. Sure, sex is awesome, but the last thing she wanted to do was to force herself into doing something sexual that she didn’t want. That wouldn’t have been fair to either of them.

And seeing Fluttershy take the rejection of her advances so well… well, it made Dash feel warm inside. Special. Loved.

It was either that. Or that her girlfriend was pantless and making her a sandwich, which was awesome in it’s own right.

Regardless, Dash felt relaxed. Happy, even, despite the averted panic attack. Just by knowing that her girlfriend knew that ‘No’ doesn’t mean ‘I don’t love you.’