
by TwiZone

First published

An Ancient tradition for the dragons begins soon as Spike gains help from a legendary Purple dragon to help him train to hopefully impress Ember.

Heartfire. a tradition the Dragons had for years is shortly coming around the corner, Princess Ember explains to Spike while finding a mate for a dragon he will be Challenged for a fight. Ember sends her best guard to get Spike trained and ready for Heart fire.

Will Spike be able to get over his little crush on Ember and finally use this Tradition to ask her out? or will he be too late or will he have to use his claws to show her how much he cares.

Chapter 1

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Outside the castle of friendship, Celestia's sun made this day beautiful. The birds chirped in the clear blue sky and the ponies who lived in Ponyville worked hard at their jobs. But inside the castle of friendship was an older purple and green bellied dragon.

Spike has grown in the years since living in Ponyville. He has almost the same height has Princess Celestia now. His scales have gotten harder to penetrate. Spike found that out after he took a sting from a manticores tail before it struck Rarity's sister Sweetie Belle.

That was two months ago.

Walking the halls of the castle he hears voices echoing down the hallway to the Friendship map. One of the voices sounded like Twilights.

However, Spike could not make out who she was talking to so he decided to find out.

“Are you sure? you never sent me a letter about this event” Twilight said before seeing a purple tail behind the door trying to hide. “Excuse me for one sec” she walked over to the door and opened it with her magic.

A purple aura covered the door as it moved revealing spike behind the door. Spike looks at Twilight until he turns his head to see her visitor.

It was another dragon with scales that were cyan, she was a little shorter than spike but not that much. Her eyes were crimson red and her wings were a deep blue color.

It was Ember.

It has been a while since they have seen each other mainly Ember still getting the dragons to learn friendship. So far it's been successful but there are a few who still believe in the old dragon ways.

“It’s been a while Spike”

Spike only smiled and his heartbeat. Ever since he first met Ember he developed a crush on her. Yeah sure he still had one on Rarity during that time but as time moved on so did his crush for Rarity.

The crush was like a candle in rain. Burning bright till it was finally extinguished

“Yeah it has Ember how's everything in the dragon lands?” spike walked up closer to his friends while Ember rubs her claws on the back of her head.

“It’s going alright most dragons have accepted our new ways of this friendship thing, however there’s still few that prefer the old ways, Garble is one such as he tried to force himself on me once while I was having a lava shower in the volcanic springs” suddenly there was a fire that sparked inside spike.

“Garble I know you are low but I did not even think you’d go that far,” Spikes mind said as Ember heard a small growl come from him.

“What happened?” Spikes class slightly scratched Twilights carpet as she put a hoof on his shoulder to calm him down.

“He didn't last long as my guard knocked him out and he served his time in prison”.

Spike calmed down knowing Garble failed like the idiot he was. “Well thank god for your guard”.

There was silence after Ember admitted Garble attempted to rape her.
“Well there’s something I also came to tell you, Spike, it's mainly dragon business “

“There's an Ancient event in the dragon lands called ‘HeartFire’, this dates backs before your princesses were born, it is where dragons from all over come and pledge their life towards a mate during an Eternal Night Once every four years”.

Spike just stopped thinking for a quick few seconds. “M-mate?” he stuttered.

Ember nodded. “But there is a catch to finding a mate, you see if you set your eyes on a dragon and another dragon is going for the same dragon you will have to fight for the dragon, after you two go at it for a while she will see who deems worthy to be with her

Between Twilights, open mouth and Spikes widen eyes Ember regretted not sharing this information sooner.

“But-but I don’t know a single thing about fighting, sure I can breathe fire but fighting claw to claw? I have no clue” spike was panicking inside his mind.

Ember only giggled a bit. “He’s kinda cute when he does that” soon she began to question her mind. “Wow, where'd that come from?”

Ember placed a claw on Spikes purple scales. “Don’t worry it comes with nature dragon instinct we are born fighters, well maybe you weren't born a fighter but its hidden deep inside somewhere” her claw points to Spikes' heart.

“As for you Twilight I will allow you to study this event since I should've told you about this ancient tradition earlier, but you just have to keep off the coast since well you know who will also be there”

“Garble” the all muttered with disgust rolling off their tongues.

Soon the blood scepter glows. “Great a fight broken out between some clans now I need to resolve it” she groaned, this is the third time this month a fight as broken out.

As Ember began to walk towards the door as she turned around to say goodbye to her friends. A green flash revealed Spike unexpectedly hugging her as she made an awkward hug back.

“Yeah I'm still not gonna get use to this hugging, I'll see you when you called to the event Spike” after the hug Ember quickly tore a part of gems from Twilights doorway and ate it.

“Sorry but these are so good” she spoke with a mouthful of gems being crushed with her jaws. Her wings expanded and flapped as she was lifted to the sky disappearing into a cloud.

Embers body disappeared within a cloud as Spike processed the information.

“Well that was something,” Spike said as he turned to Twilight. He could see she was already writing a letter to Ember about all the details about the tradition.

“Who started this tradition?”
“How long is this tradition?”
“Are the fights to the death?”

Twilight looked in concern for Spikes safety. True he has gotten stronger while growing Rainbow Dash as calls him ‘buff’ now.

But spike has never known about fighting witch already proves a disadvantage. While thinking a letter appeared on her table just like how Princess Celestia uses with Spike just this time no burping. she began to read it.

“My Friend Twilight”
“I figured Spike would have a hard time since he’s never fought, sure he tried holding Garble off me before I was given the blood scepter and became Dragon Lord, but I mean AN actual fight with claws and teeth, this is why I'm sending my best guard to help train Spike for if in case he...finds someone, he will arrive later this afternoon”

“From Ember”

Twilight read the letter again. ‘Another dragon was coming to help Spike train, let's just hope it's not one of Garbles goons”

Twilight said to herself as she went to find Spike. Walking down the hall she hears music coming from Spikes room that was loud.

Lately, Spike has been listing to the song "welcome to the show" when she had helped her friends counterparts defeat the Sirens. somehow the Pinkie from that world manage to sneak it into Equestria, The lyrics going getting louder each time as the music bashed heavily only the door holding the loudness in the room.

"You're never gonna break me down
You're never breaking this part of me
My friends are here to bring me 'round
Not singing just for popularity

We're here to let you know that we won't let it go
Our music is a bomb and it's about to blow
and you can try and fight but we have got the light of friendship on our side"

She opens the door to her surprise seeing Spike doing push-ups that Rainbow had taught him when he requested when he was younger. Of course, he thought getting stronger would help to show his love for Rarity when he carried her bags.

“SPIKE CAN YOU TURN THE MUSIC DOWN PLEASE” luckily her voice caught Spikes ears as the music turned down so she is able to talk to him.

“Yeah Twilight? Spike asked while finishing his push-ups. “Spike it seems Ember knows that you can't really fight so she's sending one of her best guards to train you in preparation

Spike went back to slightly turn down his music.” alright just hope it's not one of Garbles goons” he spat out with poison.

Twilight giggled a bit. “Funny I was thinking the exact same thing”.

They walk out of Spikes door until they hear some knocks on the giant doors to the castle of Friendship.

“That’s probably him,” Twilight says as she leaves Spikes room at a normal pace. Spike follows twilight as he gets stuck for a little while with his door.

“Getting bigger does have its perks but with this door, it’s like a nightmare” Spikes mind says as he caught up with Twilight before she opened the door.

As the door slowly opens they see the dragon that has been ordered to come help, Spike.

The dragon had similar features like Spikes but different looks.

The dragon had purple scales just like Spike but his horns and belly were orange. His eyes were blood red showing hints of darkness within them.

Twilight clears her throat. “Hello. My name is Twilight Sparkle and this is Spike, Princess Ember told me you were coming” the dragon simply bowed towards Twilight.

“Hello, my name is Spyro,” the dragon said as his head lifted from the ground. This was unusual. Dragons mostly spit at the Princess’s when Spike first mentioned them when he went to the dragon lands.

This dragon just showed some respect towards her. “So this is the dragon I have been tasked to train for Heartfire?”. Spike walks closer towards Spyro. “Yes that's me,” Spike says while Spyro takes a look at him.

“Heh you don’t look weak at all, but don’t worry il help you be able to fight I'll teach you some stuff my father taught me,” Spyro says while putting a wing over Spikes body while they began to walk towards Twilights front steps.

“Who was your father?” Spike said while he waved goodbye to Twilight as she shut the door leaving the two dragons alone.

“His name was Ignitus, he taught me how to fight as we lived from the far reaches of Equestria, it was a home called Warfang and he protected it from an evil dragon named Malefor, a dragon consumed by darkness and greed, one day he attacked my home and killed my father while he told me to hide”.

Spyros expression turned to a slight sadness but he held strong. “I trained, harder and harder and harder than ever before, finally after years of training I killed Malefor alongside one dragon who he corrupted with his darkness until I freed her”

“Who was she? Spike asked has he more questions about Spyros past. Spyros wing left Spikes body as he lifted them in the air.

“Enough about me let's get your training started,” he said as he began to fly towards the mountains with Spike soon followed hoping to get stronger with Spyro.

Chapter 2

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Each day was harder and harder for Spike. Everyday Spike was taught by Spyro how to fight with his claws and tail. As Spyro and Spike trained they would tend to fight to see how his fighting skill has improved.

Sadly Spyro was still able to beat Spike without breaking a sweat. So Spikes training added a few cuts from Spyros claws but they drew little drops of blood. “Come on Spike are you even trying?” Spike struggled to talk as Spyro’s tail was wrapped around his neck. It was tightening while Spike used his strength to try and escape but it was useless.

Spike tapped his tail to tell Spyro he was done. Soon enough the tail tightly wrapped around his neck was sliding off letting him breathe.

“So god--damn--hard” Spike said while struggling to gain his breath. Spike has never so much much workout ever since he asked rainbow how to do push-ups.“Yeah, that's what you think but believe me”. Spyro walked towards a cave while he put his head under a waterfall feeling the cool freshwater hit his scales.

“There's gonna be harder opponents,” Spyro gives Spike a glance smirking. “since your gonna try and ask Ember to be your mate, every dragon is gonna do as much damage as he can on you”.

Spikes head jerked up from drinking. “What? What are you talking about? As much as he wanted to deny it in front of Spyro. his heart was beating at Embers mention.

“Oh give it Spike I knew since a week ago, it's in your eyes I know that look anywhere since I was exactly in your claws” Spyro leaves the waterfall to see his old scars from the fight with Malefor when it happened years ago. In his reflection of the river.

There was no use in denying it now. “Alright yes, I like Ember is that what you'd like to hear?” Spike looked at Spyro as he slightly smiled.

“It's not like he cared but I do,” a voice from the bushes said. “Oh no” Spyro brought his head slightly to the ground at the sound of that voice.

“Spyro buddy ya miss me?” a yellow dragonfly flew out of the bushes. Spyro only smiled at the face of the dragonfly he knew for to well.

“Hello, Sparx” the little dragonfly flew towards Spike. “Who this guy? He’s as fat as you Spyro” Sparx said with a laugh.

“I’m not fat,” Spike says as the dragon continues to fly around him.

“Yeah right, your all muscle are you,” Sparx says in a mocking tone. Spyro covers Sparx with his wing. “You’ll have to forgive my brother, he can be a bit of a dick”

“Wait you guys are brothers?” Spike asks as Sparx head-butted Spyro. Since Sparx was only a small dragonfly Spyro just gave him a gentle tap with his claw.

“Yes we are brothers, you see Sparx was just a baby dragonfly when Malefor attacked his village, killing his parents right before my father was able to save them, my father knew a baby dragonfly could not survive on its own so he decided it be best if he took Sparx in”

“Yeah Spyro and tell him about the prophe--” Sparxs mouth was shut by Spyros two claws holding his little mouth together. “How about Sparx you go over there and wait until training is done”

Spyro released his mouth but was about to protest until he saw a glare in his brother's eye. It made him shut his mouth and fly towards a rock. Spike sees that there's more to Spyro’s past but decided he will talk about it later.

“Now attack position” at Spyros order Spike got into a position on his four legs. His head was near the ground and wings ready to fly if need be.

There was a burning flame that was slowly rising from Spikes' throat. He held it in until Spyro nodded him to show the wall of a mountain. The explosion left a giant black scorch mark on the as Spyro tells Spike to do it again and think of the one person he hated most.

Spike looked at the scorch mark and saw it turn into a hallucination of Garble. The heat in Spikes' throat burned hotter and more powerful. One emotion was toward Garble right now.


Spike used his anger to charge up the fireball he was holding in his mouth. Soon he releases the fireball and its flame bursts right through the rocky mountain.

Both Spyro and Sparx are shocked seeing the damage that fire did. A circle was in the middle of the wall with black marks still warm like the sun.

Sparx quickly flew towards Spike's face. “I take back everything I said about you” Sparx flew towards Spyro and lands on his head leaning on his horn.

“But I'm never going back to what I say about you buddy,” Sparx says when Spyro begins to shake his head.

“So who got you that pissed off to blow a hole in a mountain?” Spyro questioned.

“Garble,” Spike said with practical poison rolling off his tongue. “So ember told you about what happened with him huh?”

Spike just nodded.

“Come let’s get some wood for a fire, it’s gonna get dark soon and I’ll explain any questions you have”


The fire crackled as a green flame burned the wood slowly to ash. Sparx fell right asleep on a Little Rock as Spyro put a leaf as a blanket for him.

After he made sure his brother was covered he went back to sit across the fire with Spike.

“So you got any questions you would like to ask?” Spyro says while Spike puts his claw under his chin to think.

“What happened between Ember and Garble?” Spyro took in a breath to explain what had gone down between them.

“All the Dragon guards are supposed to be loyal to the Dragon Lord, we are sworn to protect the Dragon Lord when they are at their most vulnerable, there was even some protecting Torch before he gave the title dragon lord to Ember. But there were attempts like this whenever there is a female dragon lord. such as Ember at the Volcanic Springs. It seemed that Garble had bargained with one guard who appears was not loyal and let him into the Springs.”

Spike raises his claw high like a filly at school. “Spike you don't need to raise your hand” slowly the claw draws towards the ground.

“Oh alright well where do you come in?”

“Well i was on my way to meet a old friend, ever since she was freed of the darkness consuming her she has been having nightmares, sometimes they are little but others where they truly can take a toll on her, while I was walking I came across the Springs I see those to struggling, crashing into walls and slamming each other into the ground. I hurried to end it all as I used my ice breath to freeze Garble in his place”

“Wow wow wow wait a minute ice breath?” Spike never heard of any dragon use Ice Breath. Not even Twilight's library of books had an answer.


“But but how?”

Now there was not much use hiding it anymore. “Spike, I’m not a normal purple dragon, I come from a rare line of dragons that are born once every ten generations, I am able to harness four elements, Fire, Ice, Electricity, Earth, there was a prophecy that foretold a purple dragon would bring the world to an end, Malefor was a purple dragon before me after I killed him his final breath to me was, “we are eternal”.

Spyro gets up on his four legs and walks towards the edge looking at the bright moon and stars in the sky. “Ever since those words I've been questioning my life, am I immortal? Will I live beyond them? Or how will I live my life without..her?”. His voice mutters at the sound of a whisper under the wind. Spyros breathe once more as he continued to talk.

“After Malefor told me those words his body disappeared into dust. Like someone one just snapped their claws together and he vanished”.

“That's enough about my past. We need to sleep for more training tomorrow Heartfire is in three days” Spyro uses his Ice breath to extinguish the fire. He uses his wing and gently picks up the sleeping dragonfly and carries him towards the cave as Spike followed to get some rest.


Darkness. An endless void of darkness as Cynder was running. However, she could not tell where she was going until images forced their way into her mind.

Flashes of memory’s where her claws were full of blood and guts. Body’s were everywhere as she killed without mercy. This is what she was before that purple dragon saved her from the darkness.

“You are a monster” children’s voices haunt her as she remembers killing when she was formerly the ‘Terror in the skies’

She was forced to kill everything just for the Dark master. She killed men women and..children.

As she runs a face of Malefor shows up giving an evil stare to her.

“Wake up wake up”

His face began to talk and it sounds familiar?

Suddenly a great ball of light appeared.

“Cynder wake the hell up,” Ember says rocking the dragon's body while she slept. “Wha Wha Wha?” Cynder says as just wakes up from her nightmare.

“You okay? You have one of your nightmares again?” Ember asks setting the blood scepter down on the ground and sitting in Cynders bed.

How did you know? Cynder asks. “Spyro told me about them before he left, you know he cares about you right?” Ember says while putting a claw on Cynders shoulder.

“He shouldn’t...not after what I have done”.

Ember gave Cynder a worried look. Spyro asked Ember to watch out for Cynder while he was gone since she blames herself for everything she did under Malfors control. Lately, Cynder has been cutting her scales with her own claws, it was as punishment for every creature she had killed under the dark master's control.

It wasn't until three months ago Spyro found the cuts on her legs as she tried to hide them. Ever since then Spyro has been keeping an eye on Cynder out of care.

Or so much more.

“Oh, how do I say this like Spyro?” Ember talked to in her mind to try to help her friend.

“Cynder what happened wasn't your fault, it was the Malefors. He corrupted you, manipulated you, torn your soul in half until you were nothing but an obedient dragon taking orders, I’m sorry you had to go through all that but please remember”.

Ember lifts Cynders black scaled head from looking down. “It was never you who were doing those things”.

Ember gets off Cynders bed and grabs her blood scepter off the ground and just before she left her cave.

Embers head turns to look back at Cynder. “Spyro cares about you more than you realize Cynder”
With that Embers wings flapped as she flew off back to her throne.

Cynder laying in bed still feeling the nightmares fresh in her mind. After Ember said about Spyro caring for her there was one question in her mind.

“He does?".

Chapter 3

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It was the final day of training for Spike before Heartfire. He has gotten stronger and become wiser now. He was taught to not let his emotions take control of his actions that lead to a giant hole in the mountain.

Spike began to ask questions about who trained him to use the Elements that he is able to control. His answer was the four Guardians of the dragon council where his father was on.

The four guardians were named.

Ignitus, Guardian Of Fire.

Cyril, Guardian Of Ice.

Volteer, Guardian Of Electricity.

Terrador, Guardian Of Earth.

But as always Spyro Just said enough about him and focused on training. Sparx has left later to visit his parents grave. Before he left he nudged Spikes leg slightly with a ‘get her tiger’ look. obviously meaning Spike asking Ember to be his mate.

After the Two Dragons flew to the Everfree forest Spyro told Spike to meet him by the cave where that big green dragon was when Spike left Twilight when he was jealous of an Owl.

“Oh boy, I was stupid at that time”. Spike smiles remembering the time. The forest was grey and foggy. Spike was having a hard time seeing through it as it was almost impossible.

Sticks were snapping all around him like there was something stalking him. Spinning around to check if he was being followed but to no avail.

As he turns around he sees two white eyes glow brightly in the fog. They were just there staring moving no movement at all.

With one step Spike saw the eyes disappear into thin air like ash. Maybe it was just his head playing tricks on him.

Suddenly a body was thrown at Spike as he was tackled by another dragon and thrown to the ground.

His claws extended and he began to swipe like a ferocious creature. Left and right his claws attacked but did not hit his target.

He felt a tail sweep him off his feet as he fell into the dirt. He felt sharp claws in his throat right before he opened his mouth full of fire.

The fog reveals the dragon to be none other than his teacher Spyro.

“What was that for?” Spike asks as Spyros claws leave his throat. Spyro turns around with a bit of disappointment.

“That lesson was about awareness. I gave you multiple hints that I was there, yet you ignored them like they were nothing” Spyro tells Spike while he circles him.

“What if you were actually were being hunted? You have to keep your senses sharp and aware” Spike looked down as he could feel the disappointed glare burn his soul.

Spyro took a breath to calm down and put a claw on his shoulder. “Look I’m sorry for being hard on you, it’s just I believe you are ready for Heartfire but there are other dangers outside of Equestria”.

“We are gonna be in the dragon lands for Heartfire, not some jungle” Spike arguably said as he looked at Spyro.

“Yes I know but still it never hurts to learn more, least that’s what Cynder told me”. Spyro nodded his head to head to the cave where the dragon is.

“Wasn’t she the Terror of the Sky’s?”. Spike asked since he’s been hearing a lot about this Cynder. But even after all, he heard there’s a part of spike that doesn't fully trust her.

“Yes” was the only thing Spyro said while walking as his claws dug into the muddy ground. He always hated that name. It was just a title of what she was, not who she is now.

“I don’t fully trust her,” Spike said as he heard a sigh from Spyro. “I know, everyone only knows her for who she was, but no one knows her for who she is now” After Spyro freed Cynder from the corruption that Malefor, Cynder was treated like an outcast.

Spyro was the only person who treated her like an Equal. Treated her like she was worth something after all she had done. Never blamed her for anything her ‘former self’ had done.

“I mean what if she’s just using you to get the Blood scepter from Ember.” Spyro stops walking.

His muscles were tensing up he was struggling not to lash out. Struggling to make sure that side of him never shows again.

“ I mean what if she IS just like Malefor, right under your nose”

Spike felt his body get thrown towards a tree with a force of a god. Spike looks to see Spyros red eyes change white. Spyros horns changed to silver and his scales were black as night.

“Spyro wha-“ Spike was struggling to speak. Spyros grip on his throat was not crushing his air support away. But after the force hitting him it felt like being hit by all four alicorn magic.

“Shut up just shut up. I understand you not trusting her but don’t you ever EVER compare her to Malefor. She was a victim to his madness, he used her like a child with a toy, her past is not today and I will be damned before I let her become what HE forced her to be ever again.”

It was just silence after Spyro yelled at Spike. His grip on his throat was gone and his scales returned to his normal color.

Spyro looked down in shame for what he had just done. “I’m-im sorry”

“What was that?” Spike asked while rubbing his neck. Spyros claw felt like it was on fire

“I-I-don’t wanna talk about it, this lesson is over”. Spyro says while walking away.

Spike watches Spyro leave. Cursing himself for his rage to take hold of him again.

Maybe that’s why Spyro was teaching Spike to not let his emotions cloud his judgment. But Spike was alone as he was wondering even more questions again ever since he met Spyro.

What was the darkness thing?.
How long has Spyro had it?.
How did he get it?.

However, these questions can wait until Nightfall.


“Why would he care for me?” Cynder said looking at her silver sharp claws. The ones that use to be tainted with the blood of dragons that never bowed before Malefor.

“He saw what I did, how I tried to kill him multiple times”. Cynder looks at the shattered mirror that Ember brought as a gift for her.

Ember has become somewhat of a sister towards Cynder. It was way before Spike helped her change the way dragons are in the lands.

But after another nightmare, she threw one of her spiked shackles at the mirror and broke it. Her shackles that go around her neck and two forelegs were reminders of everything she has done.

They reminded her of the pain she caused, alongside the pain she suffered whenever she failed in her mission.

Spyro should’ve just killed her when they fought their final battle at the Isle Of Glass.

But he didn’t.

He saved her.

He gave her a second chance. He was there whenever she needed help or when her nightmares were too much to handle.

But then came the cutting. Cynders nightmares were full of children telling her to cut. Her biggest regret while being controlled was not fighting back against the darkness and make sure those kids got away from the madness safely.

Each morning and each night she brought her claw up and sliced a small part of her scales. The blood trickled down her leg as it soon became Addictive.

But after a while, he found out.

Spyro replaces his guard duties to his best friend Flame. Flame was just a normal dragon that holds high loyalty towards Dragon Lord Ember.

After asking for the time to help Cynder recover from her addiction to cutting. Ember was quickly to let him have the time off since as much as she would like to help she can’t because of the clans sudden riots.

Spyro watched Cynder closely and even slept in her cave at times just to make sure she had no ideas of cutting.

Time went past faster than she ever thought. She was recovering and it was all thanks to Spyro.

When he left Cynder alive she only had one idea in her mind about why.

“He just wants to kill me. Just waiting for the right time”.

But after the reveal about his feelings to her was a shock. “All this time he cared about me”.

She will admit the time she has being spending with Spyro was something she longed for every day. He wanted her to forget about Malefor, He wanted her to forget about being called ‘The Terror Of The Sky’s’.

She never belonged for that life. Yet now it haunts her forever.

Her heart tends to beat at even a simple mention of Spyro. While in her trance of Spyro she didn't hear her door open.

Soon she heard a cough that brought her back. She quickly turned around to see Ember leaning against the wall.

“Thinking about Spyro again, are you? She chuckles while walking towards Cynder.

“Yes but it’s so hard not to though. Not after all he has done for me” ember sits back on Cynders bed as she can see nothing but love in Cynders eyes.

“So no more ‘he shouldn’t love me’ crap?” Ember says putting a claw of her shoulder. Cynder nodded as a response.

“Well, I’m glad”. Soon a smile sneaked up Embers face. “Maybe you will get together during Heartfire”. Cynders smile turned into worry as she looked into the shattered mirror.

“Heartfire it’s only a few hours away, how do my scales look? Are they shiny enough? Or how are my wings?”.

Ember could only but laugh at Cynders reaction. “Cynder, Cynder you don’t need to look perfect”. Cynder kept pacing.

“But I have to, I need to look perfect for him because of everything he has done for me”

Ember shakes her head still smiling. “Cynder to him your just perfect the way you are”

“Alright, Ember enough about me and Spyro. What about you and Spike”. Cynders sudden turn for the question took Embers smile and rub the back of her scales.

“Oh uh uh what do you mean” trying to look innocent but Ember fell for Cynders trap.

“Oh you can’t hide it from me, I’ve read those letter you send to Twilight asking how Spike is when he’s in Ponyville.” Cynders smiled as a blood began to warm near Embers cheeks.

“Well I uh well I was getting used to this friendship thing and I thought it was important to always know how your friends are.” The stuttering from Embers voice was staggering. She was lucky enough to make words come out of her snout.

Cynder walked towards Embers babbling self and rested a paw on her shoulder. “Don’t worry Em, you helped me with Spyro and now I’m gonna help you with Spike”.

The two dragons left Cynders cave for preparation of Heartfire.


Training felt eerie after Spyro yelled at Spike. His arms and wings were sore after countless workouts and every hour fly. But later Spyro asked Spike to return to the bigger dragons lair.

The flight was hard because of his wings but Spike was pulling through. A fire was lit inside the giant cave signaling that Spyro was already there.

The darkness covered all the tree as raindrops cover the forest. The sound of the rain hitting his wings was like a tents tarp being hit with stones.

Spike lands into the entrance where Spyro is seen waiting for the cave.

“Hello Spike”

“Hello Spyro”

Silence engulfed them both. Spyro coughs to get rid of the silence.
“Alright, Spike I’ve taught you enough for Heartfire. But right now I need to see your training go against a real target”

Spike stood tall and ready. He had some I fished business with this dragon already but he kinda felt sorry for just attacking right now

His wings expanded and he flew inside without second thoughts. This is all for asking Ember at Heartfire of course. All the training with Spyro would pay off.

“At least I’m sure”. he says while he finds the sleeping green dragon laying upon his treasure.

Spikes first instinct was to attack the wings. A downed dragon is a dead dragon.

Spikes claws sharpen as he charged towards the wing. Cutting the flaps with ease the blood on the dragon spilled on Spikes body, but he was only getting started.

The green dragon woke with a pain in his left wing that would set anyone in a rage.

Fire spewed out of Spikes' mouth sending shots on the other dragons back. Smoke was covering the dragon until a green claw smacked Spike into the wall.

The wall cracked with the impact of Spikes body. But Spike recovered fast before another claw crushed the wall.

Jumping off the wall and scratching the belly of the giant beast proved better then Spike thought.
Blood was spilling from his stomach while he put his claw to cover the wound. Spike was unrelenting in his attacks cutting every inch of his green and bloody scales. Each slice was painful and the fireballs were stinging on each cut.

The green dragon runs to escape the assault of Spikes fireballs. Breaking the dirt circle entrance to his lair as the rain covered the dragon. Spike slammed his entire body in the dragon's head as the force of Spike sent the dragon to the ground.

The ground shifted as the large dragon dropped to the ground. Lighting cracked the sky as Spike walked near the head of the behemoth dragon. Spikes eyes were full of death. He brings his claw up to finally swipe the dragons life away before a voice called out to him.

“Spike stop,” Spyro says as he lands behind Spike. “You've won. The battle is over”. Spike was struggling to let his claw fall to the ground.

“What will it be Spike? Killer Or merciful?” Spike struggling stopped as he thought what would Twilight think of him? What about Ember?.

No Spike is no killer. His bloodlust took control as it made him go crazy with killing.

His claws slashed the mud as his eyes turned back into the healthy green they were. Spike flew away before saying anything leaving the slowly dying giant alone with Spyro.

“Xananth, you think your crimes against the Dragon Lord would go unnoticed did you?” Spyro says while looking into its eyes. The giant said nothing while Spyros scales changed. “It was you who started the riot within the Dark Blood clan, that crime is punishable by death in the ancient laws of dragons”.

“Of course Ember does not know about them and until all the clans are settled for Peace, I will not destroy the old documents that hold them” Spyros scales changed to black with his underbelly dark purple and his horns silver.

His voice changed from the lighter tone within a dark tone in a matter of seconds. “Spike can't kill you, poor guy only needed to be trained to fight for Heartfire.” Spyros claw extends in the airs as lightning cracks louder and louder.

“I do this for Spike, Ember, and Cynder”. Finally, Spyros claws slash and end the suffering of Xananth.

Spyros scales turns back to purple and immediately breaks down. “I-I need this Dark Aether out of me before it takes control of my life and harms Cynder”.

Chapter 4

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Today was the day. Heartfire has begun and all dragons were summoned to the dragon lands.
Their body's glowed brightly like a star in the night. Spyro and Spike were flying in the air side by side.

Spikes training was complete and he felt confident he would be able to ask Ember to be his mate. But there was still some doubt in his mind. “Maybe she would not want me. Just get a bigger dragon and just laugh in my face”.

Spikes mind already freaking out with endless possibilities about what could happen. They soon came up to the dragon lands. It was a barren wasteland. No grass or trees anywhere unlike Ponyville. Lava pools and volcanoes surrounding the meeting spot where Heartfire begins.

Millions of dragons can be seen coming from all lands to participate in Heartfire. Spike and Spyro land on a little ramp looking entrance towards the large crowd of dragons. It was like a rock concert that Rainbow Dash took Spike a few times to see Green Hay live.

Spyro looks at Spike and puts a claw on his shoulder. “Remember just be yourself towards Ember. you've known her for years, so try not too nervous about asking her” Spyro says with a smile on his snout.

“I hope so and Spyro I'm sorry about yesterday, I know what Cynder means to you. I should not have said what I said”. Spike apologized with his head on near the ground in shame.

“No, it’s me who should be apologizing. I was the one who threw you into the tree and allowed that thing to consume my judgment again” while walking towards the crowd of dragons they hear a little peep coming from a tree stump.

Spikes looks around as he sniffs the air just like how Spyro taught him when they went hunting. The smell was mixed with the aroma from new books and...perfume?. The sent was becoming stronger and stronger until he saw four eyes from inside the stump.

“Twilight, Rarity?”

The head of a purple Alicorn and a white unicorn popped up when their names were called. They both gave the cheapest smiles as they rubbed their head. “Oh uh hi Spike” Twilight says while her teeth remained together.

“Twilight I know what you're here for. But what is Rarity doing here?” Spike asked as Spyro walked closer towards Spikes side. “Well, Darling I'm here to cheer you on with falling in love with Ember” Spike rubs his claws on his scales.

“Oh is this the dragon that trained Spike?”. Twilight nodded. “Oh well, I’m sorry for not introducing myself like a proper lady. My name is Rarity, Rarity Belle”.

“Spyro” His Hess nodded as a smirk came to his face. “So you are the pony Spike had a crush on for a while before Ember huh?”

Rarity nodded while a blush came from Spikes' face. “Well, I may have dropped hints about my crush a few times” Rarity just looks at him blankly.

“You never hid it”

Spike lightly laughed. Okay, maybe he didn't hide his crush all that well. Spike needed to change the topics.

“I'm guessing Twilight told you about Heartfire huh?” Rarity nodded her head as Twilight uses her magic to flip through pages of a notebook. “Oh Spyro I've done some research and I never found a book on your dragon kind. Even in Celestia's library, there was nothing about you or your kind”.

Twilights notebook opened to many empty pages as her eyes got bigger. She was pleading for information. Spyro shrugged and began telling Twilight about his kind being born every Ten Generations and along with their abilities to harness, Fire, Ice, Electricity, Earth.

While Spyro was telling Twilight the information she wanted Spike looked towards the tower where Ember would be to ignite the Beginning of Heartfire. While there were many dragons almost covering the sky. He managed to see Ember on the balcony alongside a dragon with black scales and a red crimson belly. “That must be Cynder”. Spike wondered until he heard the ground crack.

Looking behind him was a sight that quickly made his blood boil.


The red and tan like dragon quickly growled at the sight of Spike. Walking towards him with murder in his eyes. “Well well well if it isn't the pony lover Spike” Garble was towering of Spike just like when he was young. “You got no business here, this is where true dragons belong unlike you”

Garble kept saying while Twilight and Rarity hid. They wished they could do more but with the blood in Garbles eyes. They couldn't

“Back off Garble”. Spike said looking into the dragon's eyes. Garble was not gonna treat him like he uses too. “Ohh what a comeback, I'm so scared” Spikes blood was burning, wishing to kill Garble right where he stands.

“ and you” Garble turned around to face Spyro as his voiced growl like a dying creature. Garble tried to look intimidating but Spyro barley moved a muscle. “If it wasn't for you I would have already had Ember down on her knees by know”

After what Garble had just said there was something that sparked in Spike. All the rage Spike ever endured, all the beating he received from Garble when he first met him was just fuel.

Fuel to a burning rage that could make any dragon fear him.

Spyro only smiled at garble. “What? What are you smiling at” Spyro nodded towards Spike as Garble felt the force hit his stomach and forced him to drop.

Spike holds his arm out while holding a claw on Garbles throat. His claws pricked at the scales of Garble. Tiny drops of blood were trickling down his sleek neck. Spike could kill him at any moment. “Listen. You stay away from Ember, if I ever find you going near her or even say stuff like that again, I will not hesitate to hunt you down and end your life”.

His voice was like King Sombras but darker. Garble lifted his claws in the air as a surrender. “Okay okay, I won't” Garble struggled to say like the coward he was.

Garble flew away once he was free. Spike took a breath and saw Twilight and Rarity’s mouths open. Spyro simply nodded as he was proud of Spike being merciful. “I'm sorry you had to see that”

Spikes head was towards the ground as his two friends just saw one of the scariest things Spike has ever done. Before anyone could talk there was fire covering the sky as Embers tower glowed.

“I'm sorry but can't talk gotta go,” Spike said as he hurried towards the crowd of Dragons.
Spyro simply started walking as he began thinking of stuff to say for Cynder.


Ember slammed the blood scepter on the ground causing a fire to cover the skies as a beacon. Dragons followed the light like Moths.

Cynder was right beside her friend. Hoping to see Spyro flying towards the group of dragons. Her cyan eyes catch the color of two purple dragons talking to ponies?.

But she was more focused on Spyro. Her smile never left until she heard Flame yelling for her.

“Cynder I bring a message to you”. This was odd. Cynder never gets any messages since no one really knows who she is.

Flames Armor was clanking around with each step. It was starting to annoy Cynder to death.

“What is it Flame?” Cynder asks while he catches his breath. “It’s from Ember”.

Ember turned around in confusion. “What? I sent nothing to Cynder, she’s like right here”. Ember says while still confused.

“No not you princess it’s just a different Ember, she’s just a normal pink dragon and…”. Flame stops his sentence before he continues as he will know some anger with come from Cynder.

“And?” Cynder and Ember day in unison. Sweat fell from Flames head. He really did not want to say what this other Ember said.

He gulps down spit in his throat and began to tell.

“This Ember said and I quote. ‘Back Off Cynder. Spyros mine and mine alone, your nothing compared to me and he will see who the greatest Dragoness will be with him’.

Flame covered himself with his wing as he saw fire burn away the blue in Cynders eyes. That dragon dared believe Spyro would choose her over Cynder?.

This other Ember sounded confident. She will give her that. She felt a claw on her.

“I’m sure there will be lots of dragons going after Spyro. But I know for a fact there is only one for him” Ember said with a wink as she walked toward the balcony.

“Flame you can leave now,” Cynder told as he bowed towards the Ember and left.

Her hands went into the air as she yelled for the dragons to stop talking.
“STOP TALKING!” There was nothing but crickets making sounds as they clicked.

Ember smiles at a job well done by her.

“Welcome to Heartfire. This event was created by Vera, The Loving One. As her name stated she wished all dragons to have their life mates. So their life’s we’re not a miserable later on before passing and meeting the God’s. So came the idea of Heartfire under the Eternal Night every 4 years.”

She lifted her blood scepter from the ground and the fire in the sky stops shining. “NOW GO FIND YOUR MATES”.

Ember turns around to face Cynder. “You think that was a good speech?”. Ember asks while rubbing the back of her head. She hated giving speeches.

“Ember that speech was not bad”. Cynder says offering a smile. Ember and Cynder hugged and a few seconds later let go.

“Now let’s go find those purple Drakes”. Ember said giving a wink.


Crowds. One of Spikes most hated things. All the pushing and shoving was annoying and just your unable to sometimes see who you're trying to find.

In Spikes case It was Ember.

Spyro was nowhere to be found. So Spike was all alone. Calling out the name of Ember many times but none were successful.

Many female dragons tried to get his attention but there was only one for him. Each turn was running into a different dragon, they pretty much wanted to fight but Spike backed out.

But finally, within the crowd, he found her. He found Ember as he made his way to her. Another dragon quickly ran towards her.

“Well hello, there I see nobody has come for you yet, and I’m surprised since your the dragon lord”. The dragon has black scales and green tips on his wings.

Ember tried backing away as the black dragon only kept following. “Oh, what’s wrong something in my teeth?”

“Hey back off”. Spike yelled as the black dragon slowly turned his head and smiles. “Finally a challenge.”

A giant circle formed around the two dragons as they got ready to fight. This was it. All of Spyros training was gonna be put to the test.


Cynder was searching and searching for Spyro. Yet she had no idea how to find him. Her only unstick was to follow where her Heart desired. Maybe she was following that guide to truthfully.

Hearing there is a fight to begin she can only guess that this Spike Drake was there.

Within the body’s of dragons, she managed to see a glimpse of purple all the way in a corner. Her heart bested at the sight. Finally, she was gonna tell Spyro how she felt about him, how grateful she was to have him in her life.

The glimpse of purple got brighter as she soon sees a..pink thing near as well.

After the final dragon moved his body Cynder finally saw Spyro.

She could only stand in horror.

Along with a broken heart.

Spyro was currently making out with a pink and gold dragon. His eyes were open as they turned away from the pink dragons head and onto Cynder.

Tears formed around her eyes and she struggled to stand. Her legs threatened just collapse right then and there.

Spyro shoves the pink dragon off. “Ember get off of me. Cynder let me explain”. Spyro tried to say until Cynders claw lifted shutting Spyro up. Her head was staring at the ground as tears fell.

“You already did enough.” Cynder then ran from the two dragons as fast as she could. Holding her breath so she did not burst out in crying.

Spyro tried running after her until Ember grabbed his tail. “Come here she has no need for you”. Her smile was seductive but Spyro was not having any of it.

“Ember back off now”. Spyros growl was deep and almost sounded like Malefor’s. It was terrifying to Ember as she let go of his tail.

Spyro tried to follow Cynder with a great pain in his heart. How could he let his guard down once? He needed to find Cynder to fix this problem he accidentally created.


Spike was thrown against the rocky wall. The black dragons strength matched Spyros in a way.

Spike had cuts and claw marks in his scales. They were deep enough to draw blood as he was getting weaker.

“Is that-all-you got?” Spike taunted as he spits blood from his snout. The black dragon charged Spike.

Spike dodged the attack and used his tail to wrap it around the dragon's neck. He flew up and did a circle before slamming the black dragon in the ground.

His claws extended and began to cut the scales of the black dragon. Spike was lighting fast. The other dragon was unable to block in any way.

Spike blew a fireball towards the dragon and chased him to lose his balance. Spike lifted the dragon and struggled with its weight. Spike again slammed the dragon into the ground got knocked out.

Spike was victorious. Spike looked at Ember who was smiling. Maybe it was cause he won a match and is worthy of her.

Spike walked up toward Ember until his nervousness was coming back.

“Well done Spike. I’m glad I sent Spyro to train you.” Ember says as she placed her hand on Spike's cheek. Her head came closer towards his head. “But just between us...I would’ve picked you anyway”.

Spike was drawn back by that. “Wait why would you pick me I’m just a normal dragon”
Spike says as both of Embers claws hold his head up.

“Oh Spike always selling yourself so short. You are one of the reasons the dragons lands are changing, your noble and loyal, will fight tooth and limb for your friends. I will also admit your kinda cute when you act nervous”.

Spike blushed at all the compliments he gained from Ember. Suddenly she brought him in for a kiss.

It wasn’t just to get it over with. This kiss was passionate as Spike and Ember closed their eyes while they kissed.

Spike swore he could hear Rarity squealing for how adorable they look right now. Finally, they stopped kissing for some much-needed air.

They stared into each other’s eyes until a cough brought them back of reality. Spyro was watching the entire time. “Well that was something Spike I’m happy you have your mate now”

Spike smiles but looks at Ember as she is confused on one thing. “Where’s Cynder?” Spyros head went to the ground in shame.

“I-I did something that I should have prevented” Spyros voice was just below a whisper and amazingly Spike was able to hear him.

“What did you do?” Ember says with worry and anger in her voice. Spyro looked up at Ember.

“I-i got caught in a trap by Ember and she forced herself on me and...I was too late to stop it, I tried to push her off but then...Cynder saw”.


Spyro was tossed to the ground by Embers loud slap across his face. “How could you Spyro?. Cynder has just figured out her feelings for you just yesterday and this is how you treat her?. I don’t care if it was an accident you need to fix this before I get really angry.”. flames could be seen coming from Embers snout

Spyro got up still with head down. “Where can I find her. She ran off before I can explain”
Ember pointed towards the Tar Pits where most dragons who have..thoughts of dealing with issues go.

“Cynder please don’t think of anything rash or harmful to you,” Spyro said while running towards the pits.


Crying filled the caves of the Tar Pits. Lucky no one was around to see Cynder.

“How could he? With Ember saying he felt more to me and I believed it”. Cynder looked back at her foreclaw.

Her mind is beginning to wander in a dark area. Spyro was one of the reasons she didn't end herself after what Malefor has done.

He was the light in her darkness. Yet now there was no light anymore.

Just darkness.

She felt her claw skidding across her leg as it was slightly opening an old wound. blood trickling down the leg.

As she did what she tried to stop. There was a voice that use to make her heart flutter but now nothing could make it anymore.

“Cynder? Cynder where are you?” Spyro voice was full of worry for her. What could he care about?.

Cynder decides to become a shadow. Her shadow element causes her to disappear and hunt without anyone noticing her.

Her voice became echos. “What do you want Spyro? Shouldn’t you be with that pink Ember?” Even in the echos Spyro could tell she was hurt. He had himself to blame for that.

“Cynder let me explain what happened. It’s not what you think” Spyro tried to explain but every time he does Cynder goes quiet.

“Cynder. Ember jumped me at the time, I was looking for you until she cornered me I tried to tell her to leave, but she didn't. I didn't want to be a jackass, that was until she grabbed me and forced that kiss. And after that….you know the rest”.


“Cynder I don’t care about Ember. She was consumed by her own greed for me that I didn't notice until the last second”.

Spyro stretches his claw out to feel ahead on his claw. Cynders body appeared out of the shadows as he held her.

“I only want you Cynder, no one will take me away from you ever again.”

Spyro struggles to say now the four words he needed to finish the sentence.

“I-I-love you Cynder”

Cynder kisses Spyro after his confession. It felt like heaven to Spyro. After all the fighting he endured in his life he finally feels at peace.

Cynders mouth slowly leaves as she nods towards the door. “We should get out of here, my sister Ember is probably wondering where we are”

"Wait your sisters? Spyro asks while Cynder giggles. "well we are not official sister but we treat each other as such

She says with a smile as their tails are wrapped along each others.

“, Oh, Spyro?” Spyros head looks toward Cynder as she gives one last peck on his cheek.

“ I love you too”.


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Spikes legs had him run as fast as he can while dodging tree branches. He was being hunted. The lush dark green leaves of the EverFree forest covered his purple scales from sight.

Hiding behind a tree as he took a breath. Peeking out to see nothing but shadows. They were near he had to get away from them.

Running fast then he ever has before. He needed to get away before they catch him.

While Running he didn't see a log just laying down as he tripped over it. Falling into the dirt he quickly got up to back away.

He heard bushes moving as he closed his eyes. This was it. He was gonna die from these hunters.

But then he heard a small voice that made him happy.

“Found You, Daddy”.

Spikes eye opened to see his son. The small dragon's scales were cyan just like his mothers. He also had green eyes and the tips of his wings were light green like his fathers.

Torch was his name. Ember decided to use the name ever since her Father passed a few years ago. Spike agreed even though Ember said he did not contribute a lot in her life.

She still loved him as a father.

Torch jumped up and tackled his father to the ground. “Oh no he’s- to strong-uh” Spike pretended to struggle under the mercy of his Son.

Torch lifted his claws in a victory. “Yes, I beat dad”. Torch’s smile could rival Pinkie Pies.

“Yes, you did Torch” another voice from beings the two dragons.

“Mama” Torch jumped off his dad and hugged Ember. Embers hug was not awkward like it uses to be all those years ago. She was pretty much a professional by now.

“I lost you two for a sec, your good at hiding Spike. Just don’t try and hide anything from me” Ember said with a little chuckle.

Spike rolled his eyes.

“Are we going home?” Torch asked with a sad look. Spike smiles as he looked around the forest. It was just near a path going to Ponyville.

“Actually Torch we are going to meet Auntie Twilight and Aunt Rarity. Climb on since your wings have not fully developed yet”. Spike leans his head down as Torch climbs up and lays on his back

“Ember was it you making those Shadows?” As they flew Ember got closer to her favorites Drake’s.

“Yes, it was. It was actually Torch’s idea it was to make you scared”. Spike and Ember smiled as Spike told his son how scared he made him.

Just over the forest was Ponyville. After all these years it still looked peaceful and calm. Yet above the simple buildings was Twilight's castle.

The castle of friendship shines with each crystal and gem on the outside. It was a short flight as they landed on the stairs leading to the large doors.

The doors open with a blue aura glow. A white marshmallow coat of fur with a purple mane. Rarity smiled as she went down the stairs to greet the dragons.

“Hello, darlings,” Rarity said before she hugged Spike and Ember. Leaving the hug she used her magic and lifted Torch off the ground.

“And hello to you too little one”. Rarity says as she brings Torch into a hug. The little dragon hugged her fur tightly as the magic stopped its humming.

The clouds soon became dark as thunderstorms rolled in. Ember looks up to feel a few drops of water hit her nose.

“Oh, the Pegasus never like to tell when they are gonna start the storm. Come you three I’m not gonna let you stay outside in the rain of course”.

And with that, the unicorn and three dragons walked inside the castle before the rain started. The door shut with everyone inside on the purple carpet of the castle.

Spike looked around for Twilight but to no avail. “Rarity where is Twilight?” Spike asks as Rarity nodded her head in the direction of the library.

“Oh you know reading more books”. She says as they walk with Ember and Torch right behind them.

Each door was still confusing at times. Rarity was just explaining how she may have accidentally walked in on Starlight and Trixie sleeping together once.

When she saw them and silently closed the door. The four laughed as they imagined Rarity's face as she closed the door.

Soon they finally found the door to the library. They see Twilight flying to each bookshelf.

“No, it’s not that one. All dragon species of Dragons? No. Each type of class of dragon?” some books fell from the sky as Twilight couldn’t find the right book. Twilight's face was fuming with tiny flames in her mane beginning to ignite. How could she forget to arrange the books last week?

Her mind brought up an image of her and rarity out to dinner that week. “Oh, right the date” Twilight still continued to toss books down. Unaware of the white unicorn and three dragons.

Torch hid under his father's wing as the sight of it warmed Embers heart.

“Twilight, Darling we have guests”. Her voices echo towards the roof where Twilight flew down as her feathers flapped.

Landing on the ground as still trying not to crash...again. She first received a peck on the cheek from Rarity right before Twilight hugged Spike.

“Spike it’s good to see you again,” Twilight said as she then went to hug Ember and then finally hugged Torch. After a few seconds, she released Torch as he climbed back on his father's back.

“Still likes to climb you huh, Just like when he was a baby,” Twilight says with a smile. Spike and Ember look around at the books that Twilight had thrown on the ground. They were mainly about Dragon legends.

But one book caught Spike's eye as the picture was his friend and mentor Spyro. He opened the book to see it was basically everything he told Twilight about himself. How he was a purple dragon of legend and was meant to bring balance to the world. Malefor was mentioned quite a bit as he told Twilight about the first purple dragon.

But there was no mention of Cynder. The more Spike read the only thing he found of Cynder was her old name. ‘The Terror Of The Skies’. There was something about an Ape named Gaul as he hunted Cynder after she was released of the corruption. It seems Spyro is making sure that ape can't find Cynder anymore.

But the final page mentioned something about a...darkness controlling a dragon?


A voice called out for him. Spikes head jumped up from reading the book as Ember is looking at him. Her crimson eyes looked into Spikes eyes and soon enough he was lost in them. How they made her fierce even when she was gentle Dragoness. But whenever she got mad they burn brighter than a star.

Her rage was something to be feared to all other dragons. luckily Spike had never been on that side of her...yet.

“Spike, what were you reading?” Embers sweet voice brought him out of his state. Spike simply smiled and puts the book under a desk. “Oh, nothing just something caught my eye”.

Ember didn't believe him but she wished not to push it. “Alright, Twilight was calling for you. I left Torch with Twilight and Rarity to find you. This castle is so damn big”.

Spike smirked as his mind thought of a joke. “You know what else is big? MY---”

Embers claw just held his mouth shut. “Don’t. just don’t say it” Ember said as she let Spikes snout just as he gave a chuckle. Even though Spike has grown he will always act like a young dragon..at times.

“Am I starting doubt you in this relationship?” Ember says immediately catching Spikes attention. “Well uh, i...really hope not” Spikes weak smile. His gentle smile was enough Ember needed to know as she snickered.

“Oh, Spike you are too gullible. I would never doubt anything about us ever” Embers claws reach and held Spikes cheek within her palm. “Don't ever forget it”.

Ember and spike heard voices call for them in the kitchen. Embers tail taps Spikes noise as she begins to make her way to the door. Before Spike begins to move he looks back at the book under the desk.

“Darkness controlling a dragon?” this was something he would think about for another time. Now he must get into the kitchen before Torch makes a mess again.


Within the forest just outside of Warfang stood three dragons. The purple dragon with orange yellowish stomach and horns was Spyro. The legendary purple dragon and alongside him was his wife Cynder.

Behind the two dragons stood a little Dragoness name Amethyst. The daughter of Spyro and Cynder. Her scales were black as night. Her wings were a neon purple glow. Her belly was orange and her fire was full of corrupting darkness only harnessed by her and her alone.

The forest covered them from the moon as they were on arriving towards their campsite. The dragons decided to get away from any society for a while.

“Amethyst hurry up please”

Cynders voice carried as Amethyst ran towards her parents. She used her wings for a short flight to land on her fathers scaled back. Spyro and Cynder rubbed their heads together as they soon heard quite snores from Amethyst.

Spyro looked at Cynder as she had her head down. He could tell there was something eating her from the inside. He wrapped his wing around her sleek body as a way to comfort her.

“Something wrong?” Spyro asked with care. Cynder looked up at Spyro since he was slightly taller than her. “Do you think it's time Spyro?” that questioned Cynder ever since Amethyst egg was laid.

The time to tell their daughter was a touchy subject. One Cynder tried to not allow but with a few months of thinking. Perhaps it was time to tell their daughter who really were.

She has made up her mind. Her only fear was amethyst freaking about her mother's own past. Being corrupted with the Dark Aether ever her own free will was taken she make choices that will always haunt her dreams.

“maybe. I know how sensitive you are about the past, I just want to make sure you are okay with it.” A noise of a young dragon stretching caught the two off guard as they finished talking. The young dragon quickly went back to sleep as they just reached their campsite.

The fire still lit ablaze after they left as it glowed the entrance to a cave. Spyro leans down as the sleep Amethyst slid off his scales. Cynder caught the youngling with her head as she brought her in the cave.

“You coming to Spyro?” Cynder asks as she sees Spyro walking away. “Yeah, I'll be there soon. I'm just taking a little flight”. Spyros wings expand and fly off into the dark sky leaving Cynder to lay Amethyst to rest.


It's been an hour ever since Spyro took his flight. The fire sparked as Cynder looked at her daughter sleeping within her wing.

Suddenly she heard explosions. They were far off but..were they getting closer. Cynder gently puts Amethyst away from the cave entrance and then she flies outside to see what's going on.

The forest was covered in flames. Trees were slowly turning to ashes and smoke covered the area. Whatever had done this was very powerful.

A scream echoed within. It was not far as Cynders wings carried her into the burning trees.

The fire crackled with each step Cynder took. Her scales were resistant to fire. They mainly tickled on her claws.

Reaching an opening to see what had caused the fire and...and...


A large purple dragon stood over another's body. The dragon had dark yellow horns and a growl that could make the first Dragon lord turn to shame.

“You always were weak Spyro. I offered you a choice to join me, but I see you are nothing but a disappointment of hope” the voice of the dragon was deep and menacing already.

The dragon used grabbed Spyros body and threw him into a tree. The impact of him hitting it cause a sharp branch to impale his body.

Spitting blood from his mouth Spyro tried to stand up. His legs were trembling as he had cuts everywhere on his body.

“You will never touch them as long as I live” the large dragon simply walked towards the weekend legend.

“Fool I already know where they are sleeping, I just need you out the way”

The voice was familiar. Like Cynder heard it over and over and over again. Suddenly she remembered.

She remembered who this dragon was.

Spyro saw Cynder as he pointed at her and yelled. “GO get out of here, get Amethyst somewhere safe”

The dragon turned his head and smiled. “Ah Cynder it is so nice to see you again, you come back to serve me”

No, it couldn't be. He was killed by Spyro.

Malefor lived. He was hunting for Cynder and her daughter. Cynder wasted no time and flew back into the sky. Malefor growled as he turned back to Spyro.

“Where were we? ah yes”

Malefor tail wiped Spyro off the edge of a cliff. He was too weak for his wings to flap as he fell. All that could be heard was a simple splash from the river down below. Malefor’s laughed filled the burning forest as he began to fly in the dark sky.

He sees Cynder flying out of a cave in the distance. There was a small purple glow within her claw. Malefor squints his eyes to see she has the daughter of Spyro.
Malefor charges a flame within his throat as he shoots it at Cynder.

Cynder turns her head to see a ball of fire heading straight for her claw. She drops down to take the hit that was aimed at Amethyst. The blast hit Cynders wing as she struggles to fly.

Malefor’s claws began to turn to ash backed away from chasing Cynder. His growl was fighting even to himself. “ I must figure out how to get this curse lifted”. With that Malefor flew the other way.

Towards the Dragon lands


Ember and Spike decided to stay the night at the castle. Ember stayed up a bit longer than Spike and Torch. Torch silently slept on his fathers back as Ember walked past the two. Those two have been the greatest thing to happen in her life.


Doors banged furiously. Embers head sprang up from looking at her son. The knocking came louder and louder with each hit.

“Now what pony would want help with a...what was it again?” Ember stomped towards the door as she swung the door open and yelled.

“WHAT DO YOU WANT?” her voice echo like it was the royal Canterlot voice. But she choked up at the sight of what was behind the door.


Cynders scales had flame marks all over. Her wings were no longer red but black with a ashes covering. She was breathing heavily and her heart pounded for rest. Her eyes were already telling a story to Ember.

Ember quickly kneeled down and hugged her sister tightly as Cynder just cried in her shoulder. “Cynder, what happened?”

Cynder only looked at the sleeping young dragon that was on the ground.

“He’s…..coming” Cynder could barely muster a word as her crying took all her breath away.

Ember held Cynders claw. “Whos coming?”
