Stomach Stallion: The Misadventures of Verdant Range

by Alticron

First published

The story of a comically cursed pony suffering as he tries to make a living as a gardener. Warning: Contains vore.

Verdant Range is a stallion working as a gardener at the Canterlot Palace. Unfortunately, due to the actions of an idiotic ancestor of his, Verdant's name is forever cursed to suffer through the fate of being eaten alive.

Warning: This story contains vore. Rated M just in case.

Editing graciously done by Sober and an anonymous second editor. Thanks, you two. I couldn't do this without you.

I hope you enjoy this little series of stories about Verdant and his suffering through being eaten alive. I plan on having at least three chapters, with more possible if the mood strikes me.

Updates: Whenever the chapters are ready.

Thanks to Pembroke W. Korgi for the wonderful art that inspired this story and became my cover art. Used with permission.

A Royal Meal

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A warm early evening light was beaming down upon the city of Canterlot as Luna prepared for her nightly duties. After a quick stretch and the donning of her royal garb, she started to make her way to the door.

Just before she reached the towering doorway, she spotted something upon her dresser. It was her calendar with a large red circle with the words ‘Celestia’s Birthday’ written within, only a week away from the present day.

This will be a most special birthday for her, Luna thought to herself as she made her way through the halls of the palace to meet with her sister. After what she did for my birthday, she deserves something truly grand.

The dark blue mare pondered as she trotted forward, eventually reaching Celestia’s room.

The question is, ‘What should I get her?’, or better yet, ‘What should I do for her?’ The night princess gently nosed open the sun-emblazoned door, making her way inside where she spotted her sister on the balcony, gazing out towards the lowering sun.

“Good evening, Luna,” the alabaster alicorn said softly as the younger mare came up to her side. Celestia leaned in close to nuzzle the smaller alicorn. “Are you ready for you nightly duties?”

“As always, dear sister,” Luna merrily answered as she returned the nuzzle. After a brief bout of their exceptionally powerful magic, the sun sunk below the horizon while the moon ascended skyward.

“Well Luna, I hope you have a good night tonight,” the sun princess said as she strolled into her room, taking a seat on a cushion near her unlit fireplace. “At least you didn’t have to deal with the prime minister of Woolachia.”

“Yes, that’s one ram who refused to lead anywhere.” Luna tittered, drawing a chuckle for her elder sister. The younger princess began to canter over to the door, but paused before she placed her hoof on the knob. “Sister…” She looked back over her shoulder, seeing Celestia had brought a book up to her eyes.

“Yes, Luna?” Celestia began to rise from her cushion, only for her sister to casually wave.

“Nothing.” Luna forced a smile as she rubbed the back of her neck. “I was simply wondering…” Think, Luna. Do not make it sound like you have no idea what you’re doing here. She mentally chided herself before nervously gulping. “Is there anything you’d like for your birthday?”

“Oh, that?” Celestia replied casually as she sank back into the cushion. “Honestly, anything you do for it will be wonderful, Luna; no matter what.”

“Really, Sister?” Luna’s eyebrow rose as Celestia placed a hoof to her chin.

“Well…” the elder mare singsonged, making Luna raise her hoof to interrupt.

“Let me guess, a large cake?” the mare of midnight smirked as she saw the last vestiges of Celestia’s restraint start to crumble.

“You know me all too well, sister.” The snow white mare chuckled as she leaned into her cushion, raising her book up once more. “At any rate, I hope you have a pleasant night.”

“As do you, Celestia,” the younger replied as she stepped out of the room, taking a deep breath.

As she trotted down the halls, she kept up a pleasant smile, making all those she passed assume her night was going rather swimmingly. In her mind, however…

Faust curse it! That gave me no idea what to do for her! She wants a big cake, what a surprise!

Reaching the throne room doors, two night guards opened the way for her and she strolled inside.

“Thank you, my guards” Luna said once she’d walked by them, the pair silently nodded in response.

After a brief trip up the dais, Luna took her place on the throne to handle night court as Raven quickly took to her side with a clipboard in her magic.

“Raven,” Luna kept her eyes trained forward. “What have we scheduled for tonight?”

The bespectacled mare’s eyes quickly scanned over the clipboard and papers. “Well, Short Circuit and Hotwire of the science division had to cancel at the last moment due to food poisoning. We could send in Ms. Quickshot for her appointment early if you so choose.”

Luna rubbed her chin ponderously. “Before we do that, there’s something I would like to ask you.”

“And what would that be, Princess?” the snowy unicorn inquired, pushing her glasses up as she tilted her head.

“My knowledge of how modern ponies celebrate the birthdays of adult friends and family is rather limited.” Luna leaned closer to her assistant, making the smaller mare start to sweat. “Mayhaps you could provide some suggestions for what I could do for my sister’s coming birthday.”

“Y-yes, well…” Raven swallowed hard as she tugged at her cravat, mind running a mile-a-minute to try and think up an appropriate response. After several seconds of thought, she gave her reply. “The last time I went to a birthday party, we got a stallion to pop out of the top of the cake.”

“A stallion within a cake?” The princess’s eyebrow cocked in perplexment. “Why would one do something like that? Wouldn’t it ruin the cake? And how does the stallion survive the baking?”

“Well your highness, the cake has a hollow area in the middle,” Raven answered as she tried to straighten out her cravat and glasses. “The stallion gets inside after the cake is baked.”

“I see.” Luna nodded as she took in the information. “But why would one want a stallion in their cake?”

“Your highness, the stallion in the cake is usually…” A bright crimson spread across Raven’s face as her eyes fell to the floor. “A stripper… or an erotic dancer…”

“Ahh! I see!” Luna’s eyes shined like stars as a large smile graced her face. Celestia’s always had a healthy appreciation for the male form. This and cake will make a wonderful gift for her! “Raven, after tonight’s business has concluded, I would like for you to arrange a meeting for such a stallion. I now know what to give Celestia for her birthday.”

“Very well, your highness.” Raven quickly scribbled down a note upon her clipboard. “Should I send Ms. Quickshot in?”

“Yes please.” Luna answered, nodding merrily. As Raven descended the steps of the dais, Luna giddily rubbed her hooves together.

This is perfect! This will be a gift Celestia will never forget! Nothing could go wrong!

~~Twenty-Four Hours Later~~

“What do you mean you couldn’t find a stripper for this?!” Luna shouted as she sat slack upon the throne, making the white unicorn flinch.

“I’m sorry, your highness; but all the professional organizations that normally provide this kind of service are all fully booked.” Raven swallowed as she took a slow step back.

“This is unbelievable…” Luna sighed and rubbed her temples. “Sorry for shouting at you, Raven. Are you sure they’re all booked?”

“Yes Ma’am, I was very thorough in my search.” Raven shifted her glasses and she went through a list on her clipboard. “Super Studs, Fine Flanks, Bananas, they’re all fully booked for the next month. However, I was able to find a stallion amongst the palace staff that would be willing to take the job.”

“You have?” A smile spread across her face, her mind thinking of the possibilities.

This is great! This stallion’s likely one of our more attractive guards. Maybe we can count this as an on duty assignment and save a few bits.

“Raven, may we please see this stallion?” Luna eagerly rubbed her hooves together and bounced in her seat.

“Of course, Princess.” The pale mare nodded before darting down to the throne rooms towering doors. Sticking her head outside, she said something Luna could not hear before returning to the throne nervously. “Princess Luna, allow me to introduce our volunteer.” She sweat bullets as she gestured toward the door grandly.

The doors slowly parted and a nervous looking stallion made his way into the room, taking his place at the bottom of the dais. Luna was stunned at the sight of him.

Is this stallion really the best Raven could find?

The freckled stallion before the pair was fairly young and shorter in stature than even Raven. His coat was a dark shade of green with a dirt brown mane and tail. The thing that stuck out the most about him was the white muzzle that sharply contrasted the rest of him. Secured snugly upon his shoulders was a lime green vest, indicating he was one of the gardening staff.

Luna let out a tired sigh before slapping her frog against her forehead, much to the stallion’s chagrin.

“Raven,” the midnight blue alicorn whispered to her aid. “Were there seriously no other stallions on staff who’d volunteer for this?”

“I’m afraid not, Princess,” Raven whispered her reply into the royal ear. “Every other stallion had some form of objection to this, ranging from finding it degrading to simply not feeling comfortable about this.”

“I guess he’ll have to do,” the princess sighed as she rose from the throne. “Tell me, what is your name, stallion?”

“V-V-Verdant Range, your highness.” He nervously stepped back as Luna descended the steps.

“Verdant Range,” Luna’s stare felt soul-piercing to the stallion as she grew ever closer. “Why did you volunteer for this while the rest of the staff turned this down?”

“Ms. Raven said that she needed somepony to serve a task for one of the royals.” Verdant gulped as Luna reached the bottom of the steps, towering over the shaking stallion; the top of his head barely reaching her neck. “Since nopony else volunteered, I felt it was my duty to do so to serve the crown.”

“Hmm…” the alicorn hummed suspiciously, her eyebrow raising as she stepped closer to him. “And you have no ulterior motive to do this?” The smaller stallion was sweating bullets as her eyes seemed to bore into his soul.

“There is…” he squeaked before coughing into his forehoof, his voice soon returning to normal. “There is, your highness. Ms. Raven said I would get paid for my time doing this.”

Giving the green pony a hard stare for what seemed like an eternity to him; Princess Luna pulled back and inhaled deeply. “Very well. Your services are appreciated and you shall do.”

The green stallion nervously nodded as Luna rose back up the dais, taking her place on the throne once more.

“Verdant Range, you are to meet with the head chef tomorrow morning so he may take measurements needed for the cake. Be sure to have a clean vest with you when you’re put in the cake. You’re the closest we could get to a stripper so we’ll simply have to make due. You may leave now.” Luna said with an air regal authority, making the stallion salute before heading out the door. Rubbing her temples, Luna turned to the mare at her side. “Raven, could you please have somepony fetch some liquor for me?”

“I’ll send one the guards to fetch something for you, princess.” The alabaster unicorn descended the steps once more, making her way to the doors. “Hopefully that Barrier stallion hasn’t emptied us out again,” she muttered to herself as she pushed the door open.


The days passed by relatively pleasantly for Luna and the palace staff as they diligently worked to prepare for Celestia’s party, having opted to close off one of the castle’s ballrooms and hang a multitude of beautifully designed white and gold banners emblazoned with the ever-familiar sun.

Upon one table was a large assortment of wrapped gifts sent to Celestia from various nobles, ambassadors, heads of various countries and her closest friends. Still, as Luna sized up the stack of presents for her sister, she beamed with pride, confident that her gift was the one Celestia would love the most.

On the table across from the presents was a breathtakingly decorated three tiered cake. It was stencilled in gold upon snow white fondant images depicting some of Celestia’s greatest feats throughout the centuries. The lowest tier was carefully lined with some of the freshest strawberries in Equestria, while the second tier had layers of frosting draped over it in a way reminiscent of fine silk curtains.

The third and final tier had the pièce de résistance; the top of the cake was covered in an ornate gold piping laid in the shape of Celestia’s cutie-mark with a small-scale representation of Princess Celestia herself in the form of the finest modeling chocolate Prance could provide and hoof-crafted by a master artisan.

Luna had kept the amount of ponies who knew about the surprise waiting in the depths of Celestia’s cake to a bare minimum, not wanting word of the idea to reach her sister too early. Only she, Raven, Verdant and the three chefs that had made the cake were privy to the secret.

“Magnificent.” Luna beamed as she and Raven examined the cake. “Now all that’s left is to get the stallion in the cake.”

“Already taken care of, Princess.” Raven pulled away from Luna’s side. “Verdant, are you okay in there? Can you hear us?”

“Yes, ma’am!” A muffled reply reached the two’s ears from inside the cake. “Everything’s going smoothly on my end.”

“Fantastic!” The moon princess giddily clapped her hooves together. “Things are going magnificently.” Catching her overly enthusiastic tone, Luna cleared her throat before shifting to a more authoritative tone. “Verdant, you are to remain silent until you hear me say, ‘Surprise’. That will be your que to pop out. Do you understand?”

“Yes, your highness. Will do,” the voice from the cake answered swiftly.

“Right, I will fetch my sister.” Luna raised her voice as her horn started to glow. “Places, everypony!” As the staff and guests scrambled to their hiding places, Luna’s horn glowed even brighter until she vanished in a flash of blue light.

An instant later, the midnight blue alicorn reappeared in her sister’s bedroom, making the elder mare stumble off her bed in surprise.

“Oh, sister!” Luna sang as she flared her horn once more, summoning a yellow handkerchief into existence. “Are you ready to go to your party?”

Celestia groaned and pulled herself to her hooves, quickly putting on a gentle front. “Of course, Luna,” she beamed as Luna levitated the cloth over her eyes. The younger sister soon came to Celestia’s side, draping a wing across her back.

As the two started to move forward, Luna acting as her sister’s guide, the elder alicorn was shaking in anticipation.

“I’ve been looking forward to this all week, Luna.” The blindfolded mare grinned as they travelled down the hallway. “Is the cake going to be a big one? I skipped dinner and I feel so hungry that I could swallow a cake in one gulp!”

“Oh please, sister,” Luna chortled at Celestia’s exuberance. “Even at your most enthusiastic, you couldn’t swallow a whole cake in a single gulp.”

“We’ll see about that. I’m sure I’ll love it even if it’s a small cake.”

“In that case, I’d say you’ll love this cake so much, it would be enough to make Chrysalis explode!” Luna’s horn ignited, pushing the massive twin doors open for the royal pair. Stretching a foreleg out, Luna brought her blinded sister to a halt. “Are you ready to see what we’ve got for you, sister?”

“Oh, you bet I am!” the elder princess merrily answered as she struggled to stand still in her excitement. Celestia’s ears flicked as she heard the hum of Luna’s magic behind her head, untying the blindfold.

As the blindfold fell from her face, and her eyes laid themselves upon her gifts, Celestia’s jaw dropped before the hidden guests all popped out from their hiding spots from behind pillars or under tables.

“Happy Birthday, Princess Celestia!” The mass collection of guests’ voices echoed throughout the room, bringing a massive smile to Celestia’s face.

“Oh, Luna,” the princess pulled midnight blue mare into a bone-crushing hug. “This is wonderful. This is the best birthday I’ve ever h-” Celestia paused, gasping at the sight of her cake and dropping Luna from her grasp. “Mother of me…” A single tear slid down Celestia’s visage as she stepped forward with a lick of her lips.

“I’m glad you’re happy, Celestia.” Luna dusted herself off as she rose from the floor, quickly taking her place at her sister’s side. Luna smiled happily, her eyes closed as she boasted. “I made it special so it’s unlike any cake you’ve likely ever had before. In fact...” With a wave of her hoof, all the guests, save for Raven, quickly and quietly shuffled out of the room. “This cake has something special, meant for your eyes only.”

The only response Luna received from her sister was a loud growl coming from her stomach.

“Sister?” As Luna’s eyes opened, Celestia had charged towards the cake, taking a flying leap at the three-tiered pastry.


“Happy Birthday, Princess Celestia!” The shout of the happy crowd penetrated the layers of the cake, reaching the ears of the patiently waiting pony.

Okay, Verdant. Get ready. This could be the thing that makes or breaks your career, maybe even your whole life!

The earth pony nervously swallowed as the wait dragged on in the dark.

Just hold still until Luna says ‘surprise’, then pop out, do a little dance and try to look sexy for the princess as you take off your vest. Do that right and everything should be-

Verdant’s train of thought was derailed as he was rapidly tumbled about, becoming disoriented.

“Ugh…” He spoke in a groaned whisper, rubbing his forehead as he tried to make the small dark chamber stop spinning. “What the hay just happened?”

As his head stopped spinning, he felt the cake was being gently rocked back and forth by something.

Maybe the cake’s being moved from the one table and somepony tripped trying to move it? Guess I should get ready.

Verdant shifted his stance as much as he could in the cramped space, preparing for his leap.

Oddly, no signal came for the confused pony. He heard muffled talking from Celestia and Luna, but nothing loud or clear enough to make out as time dragged on.

“When is Princess Luna going to give me the signal to pop out?” the baffled pony whispered as he brought a hoof to his chin. “I think the cake fell off the table.”


Luna stood dumbstruck at the sight that had occurred. Somehow, defying her comprehension, Celestia’s jaw had unhinged like something out of a horror movie as she somehow managed to swallow the entire cake whole in a single flying leap. She rolled across the floor before coming to a halt by the wall.

“Ahhh.” Celestia contently sighed as she rubbed her swollen belly. “And you said I couldn’t eat a whole cake in a single gulp.” She smugly said, her closed eyes not seeing the horrified looks upon Luna and Raven’s faces.

“I...I…” Luna sputtered as her sister rose to her hooves and stretched.

“I really needed that.” The alabaster alicorn chuckled before bringing a hoof to her mouth, suppressing a belch. “I felt so hungry; I could’ve eaten a horse.”

“No kidding,” Raven squeaked as she stared at the swollen, swaying stomach; thinking of the fate of the poor pony trapped within.

“So Luna, what was so special about the cake that made it ‘for my eyes only’?” Celestia smiled as she came trotting up to her stunned sister.

“What...what we had inside…” Luna swallowed, making her sister gasp.

“Oh dear,” Celestia frowned as she pulled Luna into a hug, pressing her against her big belly. “Sorry about that, Luna. I promise that the next time you have a cake for me, I won’t just inhale it like I did today.”

“Sister... I nee-”

“So, Princess Celestia!” Raven exclaimed as she dashed in between the alicorn pair. “Should we bring the guests back in and get this party started?”

“Oh, course.” The elder alicorn nodded as she sauntered over to the table, the large stack of gifts resting and waiting upon it. “I shouldn’t be the only one celebrating. Come on in, everypony! The party’s about to really get started!” She cheered as the far doors opened up, letting a large crowd of ponies back into the ballroom.

As the jubilus ponies danced and chatted amongst themselves, a nervous bespectacled unicorn crept over to the night alicorn's side as she watched her sister dance about, her grand gut swinging about as she swayed.

“Princess Luna,” Raven harshly whispered into the alicorn’s ear. “What are we going to do?! This is a disaster!”

“I don’t know!” Luna hissed with a glare, making the unicorn shudder. “Sorry.” Luna glanced away to her sister for a moment. “All we can do right now is hope it passes.”

“This situation…” Raven’s head tilted in confusing. “Or Verdant?”

A Royal Meal II - Electric Scootaloo

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Celestia grimaced as she looked down at the numbers on her bathroom scale. It had been over two weeks since her birthday in which she had been gifted many delicious cakes by her guests.

She learned that either those cakes were more fattening than she thought, or she had indulged herself much more than she had thought in those days. Even when she tried to space out the tasty treats, she had somehow managed to gain over three-hundred and fifty pounds.

With a depressed sigh, she fell onto her flanks and gazed down at her bulbous belly.

“I’ve got to do something about this,” she whispered before giving her belly a poke. “Maybe I’ll feel better after a hot bath and some time spent with Madame Frog.”

The alabaster alicorn’s horn flared a brilliant gold as the crystalline taps turned, rapidly filling the tub large enough for a family of four ponies. After a few moments, the tub was sufficiently filled for the plump princess.

Celestia flared her wings wide as she lifted herself into the air and hovered over the steaming pool below. Slowly, her wing beats decreased in speed, gently lowering her into the hot water, starting with her hind legs.

“Aaaahhhhh…” Celestia merrily sighed she sat down in the soothing bath. “I needed this. My hooves were starting to kill me.” She leaned back against the walls of the tub, letting the warmth just melt her troubles and stress away.

A small rumble which came from her rotund belly broke the blissful silence.

“Hungry again already? Dinner was barely an hour ago.” The confused princess gazed upon her grumbling gut. “Still, I guess a little dessert won’t hurt.”

With a quick flash of golden light, a bowl full of chocolate covered strawberries appeared at Celestia’s side. As she brought a piece of the candy-coated fruit to her face, her right foreleg slid across the surface of her submerged stomach, slowly approaching her nethers.

Celestia licked her lips as Madame Frog met up with Lady Lovetunnel and the beautiful berry drew closer to her maw. Sighing happily, she tossed the treat into her mouth, letting the chocolatey treat dance across her tongue.

The chocolate coating started to melt from the warmth of Celestia’s body as the berry slipped along the fleshy organ before the two reached the back of her mouth. With a soft swallow, Celestia sent the first bit of her snack down to her belly.


Verdant Range sighed as he fanned himself. The heat of the fleshy chamber that was Celestia’s stomach grew warmer from the heat of the bath.

The poor stallion was slowly growing used to such living conditions since the princess’s birthday, the cake that once housed him had long since dissolved and passed. Since then, the princess’s stomach had become his new quarters. Her sweltering innards keeping him constantly warm and shaking him about with every movement she made. Flying was the worst for the princess’ passenger.

This is worse than when I was living in a damned tool shed. At least then, I didn’t feel about a ton of alicorn squishing down on me when she sleeps on her belly.

The tired earth pony felt a warm trickle on the top of his head. Looking up, he saw the esophageal valve pouring down some melted chocolate followed by a whole strawberry which bounced upon his nose before he caught it in a fore hoof.

At least the food’s free. The green stallion sighed before taking a bite out of the spit-coated strawberry. Just wish the food wasn’t 99% ABC’d.

Verdant laid back as he heard the princess start to moan, resigned to his fate.

He had once considered calling out to the princess for a possible escape, but he instantly remembered a lesson his mother had pressed upon him since his youth.

“If you ever encounter the royalty, do not speak to them unless spoken to. They are far more important ponies than us so we should not bother them outside of official business.”

Verdant could only gaze around the cramped chamber that had become his bedroom, kitchen and bathroom.

Maybe someday, Princess Celestia will either eat a lot of bran or get food poisoning. Then I’ll be free.

Several escape attempts had been made when the alicorn slept, but they had all failed. When he tried to go back up her esophagus, the valve had refused to open. It seemed the only time the esophagus would open wide enough for him was when she was sending down a large amount of high-class food that would nearly bury him before sealing up once more. When he tried to go for the back exit, he could barely fit half of his foreleg down.

If this keeps up, that valve will end up becoming my girlfriend. The tired stallion snorted as more chocolate and strawberries rained down upon him.

There’s no way this can keep on going. Something’s going to have to change and soon.


The morning sun shone brightly through the grand windows of the throne room. Princess Celestia sat upon her throne with Raven standing diligently to her right, taking notes.

“Morning court has concluded, your highness.” Raven smiled at the towering princess, checking the final box on her clipboard.

“Excellent, Raven.” The princess smiled for a moment before it morphed into a concerned frown. “Has there been any update on the missing gardener?”

“N-n-no, Princess,” Raven nervously stuttered with sweat upon her brow, looking away from Celestia’s visage. “Verdant is still missing.”

“That’s terrible.” Celestia frowned as she leaned back in her cushioned throne. “The poor pony… He always planted moon lilies just the way I liked them. What could have happened to make him just disappear?”

“A-at any rate, Princess,” Raven slowly pulled away from the princess, drawing her out of her worried thoughts. “I’ll be taking my bathroom break. Once I return, I’ll take your lunch order post haste.” The white unicorn then dashed away, keeping her hind legs close together as she bolted out the door.

“Thank you, Raven!” Celestia called out, hoping her thanks reached the mare’s ears. “Now, what to have for lunch…”

The princess rubbed her gold clad forehoof against her chin as she pondered. “Hmm… I do still have a fair amount of cake left over from the party…”

Down in her belly, Verdant rolled his eyes at her words.

For Zacherle’s sake, you’ve had cake every day for the past two weeks. I should know since it’s been becoming a regular part of my diet!

“Well…” The princess’s words echoed throughout the stomach. “We do still have quite a lot of cake… and it would be rude to let it go to waste.”

Verdant’s eye twitched violently at the princess’s ponderous words.

Are you kidding?! Every day’s been the exact same for your meals! Pancakes for breakfast, cake for lunch and salad for dinner! I’m trapped in here, forced to live in what’s basically the world’s smallest port-o-john, likely for the rest of my damn life because you eat like a pig! You nearly squish me like a bug whenever you go to sleep, I barely get to sleep when you decide to play with yourself, and I have to survive by eating the exact same partially digested junk everyday day for lunch until I die! That tears it! I will not stand this anymore! Etiquette be damned! The line must be drawn here and no further!

“Hey,” he called out, his voice shocking the alicorn greatly, “Could you send down a bran muffin? Or maybe at least something other than cake?”

Celestia was dumbstruck by the voice from her bulging belly. After a moment of stunned silence, she came to the only conclusion that made sense to her about these strange circumstances.

“My stomach is talking to me!” Celestia exclaimed, making her prisoner slap a hoof to his forehead. “I have no choice but to obey it!”

Is this really the mare who’s saved Equestria so many times over? The mare who’s probably going to rule over us until the sun burns out? Verdant sighed and rubbed his temples. However, his pupils dilated in an instant as a thought occurred to him.

Wait a second… The princess said she has no choice but to obey me... Slowly, a wicked grin stretched across his muzzle as he leaned back. Oh, I’m gonna milk this cow until I can fill an ocean.

“That’s right, Celestia,” he called out to her once more. “It’s your stomach talking and I’m getting really sick of all the cake you’ve been giving me to take care of; not to mention all the times you’ve slept on top of me.”

“B-b-but… How?” Celestia craned her neck down towards her stomach in befuddlement. “How is it possible that you’re able to speak and think?”

“I don’t know,” Verdant replied, quite annoyed. “You’re the immortal alicorn that’s been practicing all sorts of power magic for centuries. I’m just an organ for digesting whatever I’m filled with. You tell me.”

“This is insane.” Celestia pulled her head back; chuckling to avoid confronting the wild premise she was being presented. “Th-this has got to be a prank… Somepony’s just throwing their voice to trick me!” Her eyes scanned the room, looking for any sign of her phantom prankster, only to find not even the slightest trace. “Okay my little pony, the joke’s run its course! Come out now so we can both have a laugh!” She called out, only to be met with her own echo.

“You haven’t snapped, Celestia. I’m talking to you!” Verdant shouted up her esophagus before giving her walls a series of quick jabs, making her belly quake to her shock.

“I… I see, my stomach…” the princess sighed and accepted the insanity of her talking stomach. “So, you’d like a bran muffin for lunch?”

“That’s just a start, Celestia.” Verdant triumphantly rubbed his hooves together. “I’d also like a pizza. A stuffed crust one with…” He paused, trying to recall what meaty topping a griffin friend of his introduced him to. “Pepperoni! Yeah, a pepperoni stuffed crust pizza.”

“You want me to eat meat?!” Celestia’s eyes bulged out before grabbing her gut and giving it a shake. “Why in the name of me would you have me eat meat?!”

“Because like it or not, Celestia,” Verdant glared upwards as he answered, incensed by the quake. “You’ve had way too much cake in the last couple weeks. You could really use some protein.”

“I guess you have a point,” Celestia grumbled like a small filly as she leaned back in her throne. “Anything else you want me to put in you?”

After a brief moment of consideration, Verdant thought of what to order next. If I’m going to play the part of a princess’s stomach, might as well get something classy. “How about a bottle of red wine?”

“You want me to drink during my lunch break?!” Celestia shouted, giving her belly a jab that hit the pony within in his eye. “Why the hay do you think this would be a good idea?”

“Well, y’know how some doctors recommend an average pony drink a glass of wine every day for a healthy heart?” the green pony spoke up as he rubbed his swelling and darkening eye.

“I vaguely recall something along those lines…”

“The key word being average pony. You’re a lot bigger than them, so it stands to reason you’d need more wine. I figure a whole bottle works for a mare your size.”

Silence reigned for several seconds before the snow-colored mare huffed.

“Alright, Stomach. You win. I’ll have the wine with my lunch.”

“Splendid!” Verdant grinned like a foal in a candy store just as the throne room doors were pushed back open, Raven quickly trotting up the steps to the throne.

“Greetings, Princess.” The spectacled mare bowed as she reached the top of the steps, clipboard at the ready. “What would you like to have for lunch today?”

“Well, Raven,” Celestia leaned closer to her trusted aide. “My stomach said I should have a bran muffin, a pepperoni stuffed crust pizza and a bottle of red wine.”

“Alright, I’ll j-” Raven stopped as she went back over the princess’s words once more. “...My apologies, princess, but did you say your stomach talked to you?”

“Yes, Raven. I did.” Celestia quickly shifted her head back and forth, scanning the room to ensure they were truly alone. “It started talking a few moments ago because it’s apparently pretty upset over my recent diet.”

“I… I just… This doesn’t make any sense!” Raven exclaimed, punctuated with a stomp. “There’s no way your stomach could be talking because it doesn’t like what you’re eating.”

“Are you sure about that, Raven?” Verdant’s quizzical voice came from the royal belly, much to the unicorn’s shock. “Do you know what else could possibly make me talk?” The stallion bit his lip to keep from laughing. Even with the thick wall of flesh separating them, he could tell Raven was sweating bullets.

“Um…” Raven slowly started to back away down the steps. I can’t tell Celestia that Luna and I made her eat a stallion! That would make things worse than saying Tirek broke into her bathroom to pull an upperdecker! “I guess I was wrong then, Princess. Heh heh heh…” She chuckled nervously as her dilated pupils remained fixated on the big belly. “I’ll go place your order and be right back ASAP.” Once she reached the bottom, the unicorn mare bolted out the door, faster than she had ever done in her entire life.

Well… Verdant thought to himself as he gently leaned back against the stomach wall. This isn’t exactly an ideal situation, but I think I’ll be able to make it work.

The verdant stallion grinned as Celestia leaned back in her throne, making the stomach sway like a hammock in the breeze.

Yeah, I can definitely get used to this.

~Meanwhile, several miles away~

In the middle of a large apple orchard, an orange earth pony mare fanned herself with her stetson.

“Well,” the mare smiled as she placed the hat upon her head before wiping away the sweat from her brow. “It was a hard day’s work, but Ah managed to beat mah apple buckin’ record.”

Taking the gorgeous sight of all the trees with their delicious fruit harvested, a sense of pride swelled within her.

“Now this calls fer a—” The orange mare paused as she saw a trail of dust on the horizon bolting towards her at lightning speeds. As whatever was approaching got closer, a voice started to reach her ears.

AAAAPPPPLLLLLLLLEEEEJJJJAAAACCCCKKKK!!!” the voice screeched before the source of the dust cloud came to an abrupt stop mere millimetres away from the orange mare’s face, revealing it to be a bright pink mare with a curly pink mane.

“Pinkie, what in the hay’s gotten into you?” Applejack inquired as she gently shoved her friend further away from her face.

“The problem’s not what’s gotten into me, the problem’s what’s gotten into Scootaloo!” Pinkie answered urgently, hopping about on tippy-hooves. “She was dared to eat an unripe zap apple, and now not only is her coat and mane sticking up like something out of Rarity’s nightmares, but she’s shooting out electricity too!”

“What?!” Applejack was stunned by Pinkie’s news, pupils becoming the size of gnats. “Why in the hay would she ever do somethin’ that damn crazy?”

“Because the writer really wanted to justify a terrible pun title!” Pinkie grabbed the farm pony by the shoulders and frantically shook her like she was the world’s second biggest snow globe.

“Wait, what was that about a—”

“No time to answer!” Pinkie exclaimed before tossing Applejack into the air and catching the disoriented mare on her back. “We’ve gotta go help Scootaloo, now!”

And with that, Pinkie dashed off like a shot with Applejack clinging onto her shoulders for dear life, praying that she wouldn’t be meeting up with her parents that afternoon.

Curse's Genesis

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Long, long ago in the heart of the distant land of Zebrica, there was a colossal mountain known to the locals as Mt. Mrefu, a peak that could be seen from many miles away.

In times far past, a trio of a brave equines approached the grand mountain, intending to be some of the first to reach the peak without the aid of teleportation or flight.

Leading this band was a yellow unicorn mare with a short red mane. She beamed merrily as this reached the base.

“Huzzah my friends! We have finished the first leg of our journey!”

“Aye, lassie.” The large green coated earth pony at her side gave her shoulder a tap. “Now we’ll have the most difficult part of the trek to conquer.”

“Don’t be so pessimistic, Verdant Range.” The unicorn stretched as she dropped her saddlebags to the ground. “Thou art one of Equestria's finest mountaineers. If there be any stallions who could make it to the top, thou art the one.”

“Thou flatters me, Compass Rose.” The stallion with a leafy mane gave a teasing bow and chuckled.

“It would be dangerous to climb at night,” the final member of the party spoke up. She was a slender zebra mare with a flowing mane and tail. “We should set camp and wait til dawn’s light.”

“Thou raises a good point, Laana.” Rose sighed before diving into her saddlebags, pulling out a variety of supplies. “We shall put up the tents and get some rest. Verdant, prepare a fire and get our meals ready.”

“Aye aye, Rose.” The emerald eyed pony saluted before pulling some firewood from his bulky bags. “Any particular things thou would like for dinner?”


The fire’s roar was like that of a wild beast as its light cut through the darkness. The trio sat closely around the flame and made quick work of their simple meal of beans and herbs.

Rising up and stretching, Compass Rose loudly yawned. “Have a good night, my compatriots. I shall see thee in the morning.”

“Have a good night’s rest, Rose.” Verdant waved to the unicorn as she slipped inside her tent. “Tell me, Laana; what dost thou know of Equestria?”

“Of Equestria, there’s not much I can say,” the zebra looked deeply into the large stallion’s emerald eyes with her sparkling citrines. “Only there are mares that command night and day.”

“Ohohoho,” Verdant chuckled as he scooted closer to her. “There’s much more to Equestria than that. It’s a land of peace and harmony. A land with plenty for all those who live under the alicorns’ rule. A place where a smart and beautiful mare such as yourself could have everything thy heart desires.” He slunk a foreleg around her back, leaning closely to her ear.

“Wouldst thou rather be there than in a land filled with deadly creatures and poisonous plants? A place where you could be so very much more than a guide for wouldbe adventure seekers?”

Laana looked down to her hooves, nervously fidgeting. “A land such as that is a great temptation…” With a hard swallow, she faced the comforting stallion once more. “But would I be welcomed in the pony nation?”

“They would with one of their own at your side.” Verdant’s hoof slid up and down along her back as he looked deeply into her eyes. “One who cares about you, respects you, and wishes the best for you.” He inched this snout closer, nearly touching the zebra’s.

Laana closed the gap as a single tear of joy came from her eye. The two held each other closely as their hooves roamed their bodies, groaning as their tongues clashed together. After an intense moment of passion, the two fell over with Laana atop the earth pony.

“Let us take this into thy tent,” she whispered between gasps. “We don’t want to cover the camp in our scent.”

As the zebra slid off Verdant and went into his tent, a dark smirk crossed his features.


“That wast amazing, Laana.” The sweaty stallion sighed as the mare fell onto his chest, breathing heavily and cuddling into him.

“That wast both kind and mighty,” Laana whispered into his ear between gasps. “I am glad to give my body to thee.”

“It was truly a pleasure, dear.” Verdant gave the top of her forehead a kiss and shifted away. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to go water a tree. I’ll just be a moment.”

Quietly slipping out the tent, he passed the dying fire and came to a tree where a figure was emerging from behind it, the sight made him tense up. Fortunately for the startled stallion, what came from behind the tree wasn’t a hungry predator or a bandit, but merely Compass Rose.

“My, Verdant…” Rose softly chuckled as she came up to his side. “I did not take thee as a stallion who’d be so romantic.”

“Hardly,” Verdant snorted with a roll of his eyes. “I’m a stallion who has a mare in every port. I was simply curious as to what a striped mare would be like in bed.” He moved a past her, going behind the tree.

“Honestly, I’m just surprised she fell for such a lie.” Rose giggled, making her way to her tent. “So much for zebras being smart.”

“Tell me, about it.” Verdant held back a laugh as he relieved himself. “At any rate, have a good night.”

After Verdant finished his business, he made his way back into his tent and cuddled Laana closely before falling asleep.

Unfortunately for the green stallion, Laana had exceptionally sharp hearing.

That no good, lying tribalist rat! He’s worth no more than wildebeest scat!

After Laana stewed for a moment, a wicked idea came to her.

Scat, of course! A sinister and quiet laugh came from the zebra and she grinned darkly. A great punishment for that son of a whorse!

Several minutes passed as she waited to ensure that both of the equestrians were soundly asleep before sneaking out of the tent.

When the pair hired Laana to be their guide, they simply took her as a smart zebra who knew several skills and her way around the land.

But in truth, Laana was much more than that; she was a powerful witch descended from a long line of magic practitioners.

Until now, the only ones who’d suffered from her terrible powers were wild predators, but now her wrath had been turned to the lying stallion.

Reigniting the fire, she took a small cauldron out of her bags and filled it with a collection of liquids and powders. When the cauldron was placed upon the fire, the brew changed from a sickly orange to a glowing green, purple smoke wisping up from the top.

“Spirits of vengeance, hear my command! Rise up from your tombs beneath the sand! I call upon your powers dark and strange to forever curse the name Verdant Range!”

A distant rumble of thunder responded to her call as the cauldron’s contents glowed brighter. The winds howled as the smoke billowed towards the skies.

“Let it forever follow this cretin, that his curse is to be eaten. Yet this affliction he will survive, for he cannot suffer if he’s not alive.”

Lightning streaked across the starless skies, the winds becoming more violent.

“This one request I beg of thee!” She closed her eyes and bowed before the bubbling cauldron. “Grant a tool of vengeance to me!”

The rumble of thunder slowed to a stop and the wind started to die down. Once the wind had settled, Laana felt a light tickle from something landing upon her snout. Opening her eyes, she saw it was a purple flower with dark streaks of yellow in the center.

“Thank you ancestors, for the shrinking violet.” An eerie chuckle emanated from her throat as she rose up, snatching the plant in her hoof. “A taste of revenge Verdant soon shall get.”


As the sun started the rise over the sprawling plains, Verdant laid alone in his tent. His nose twitched at a scent that wafted through the early morning air.

Raising up with a stretch, he made his way out of the tent, bumping into Rose as she too followed the scent. As their vision started to clear, the two saw Laana sitting before the campfire, filling a pair of bowls with a delicious looking stew.

“Ah, the two of you are awake at last!” She happily grinned as she gave a bowl to her companions. “Please, enjoy thy hearty breakfast.”

“Why thank you, Laana.” Verdant gave the zebra mare gentle nuzzle, at which Rose smirked before she dug in. “This breakfast smells most wonderful.”

“What a kind thing to say.” Laana leaned into the stallion, grinning as she watched him take a bite of his specially prepared meal. “I simply wanted a good start to the day.”

“Well this is definitely a grand way to start, Laana,” Compass Rose spoke up between wolfing down her meal. “Thou art an excellent chef, my good mare.”

If thou thinks my cooking is great, wait til thou sees magic driven by hate. Laana smiled before making her way to her saddlebags. “Well then, shall we be depart soon? I hope we can reach the peak before noon.”

“Agreed, my good guide!” Rose stood up proudly as she finished her food, pointing towards the peak in a manner that made her cohorts roll their eyes. “Let us away to complete our historic journey!”


Hours passed as the trio scaled their way up the mountainside, powering through the dangerous obstacles they faced. As the sun reached the highest point in the sky, the three had decided to take a quick rest upon an outcropping.

As they caught their breath, Compass Rose noticed something amiss.

“Verdant, hast thy bag always been that big upon thee?” She tilted her head as she drew closer, seeing how the straps upon his bag hung loosely.

“What art thou talking about?” the shamrock stallion stood up in confusion, seeing that the unicorn he once stood tall than was now at least an inch taller than him. His confusion turned to horror when he realized that not only was the mare now taller than him, but the whole world was bigger and still growing. “Faust above, what is going on?!” He screamed, backing into a wall as Laana rushed to his side.

“Oh dear ancestors, what an unfortunate fate stroke!” Laana panickingly said as she closely examined Verdant. “This must be shrinking violet or poison joke!”

“Poison joke? Shrinking violet? What in Zacherle’s name art thou speaking of?!” Verdant screeched as he continued to diminish, his head now reaching only the bottom of the mares’ bellies.

“Poison joke randomly changes its victims’ body,” Laana gently ran a hoof along his back, trying to calm him down, “while the violet shrinks one to the size of a pea.”

“Canst thou reverse his condition, Laana?” Rose shook as Verdant’s form grew smaller and smaller before her eyes.

“I know of the remedy you seek, but I cannot make it this close to the peak.” Laana picked the shrinking stallion in a single hoof, making her way to the tent. With a nervous sigh, she looked back the frightened unicorn. “Prepare at the top to plant your flag. I will carry Verdant in my bag.”

“But wha—” Rose was silenced by Laana’s hoof which had gently been placed on her shoulder, a reassuring smile upon her face.

“With your trek over, to my village we’ll go for curative supplies. Rest easy, Verdant will not meet his demise.”

Rose nodded in response to the comforting words of the zebra mare before turning her attention to the makeshift campsite and gathering up her things. While she was packing up, Laana quietly made her way into the tent with Verdant in toe.

“Oh thank you so much for this cure, Laana!” the pea-sized pony shouted from her frog. “Rest assured, when we arrive in Equestria, I sh-”

“Spare me your pathetic lies, oh little stallion that I despise,” Laana hissed as she glared at the minuscule pony, causing him to stumble back.

“Why Laana, I have no idea what you mean,” Verdant quivered as he looked into the giantess’ furious eyes, the trembling of his legs felt in her hoof. “I meant every word of what I said last night.”

“‘A mare in every port,’ to Rose you did say, after our little roll in the hay.” Laana’s words made the green stallion’s coat become white as a sheet. A dark grin appeared on her muzzle before she licked her lips. “In your breakfast, I put in shrinking violet. Now a fitting punishment you will get.”

“Laana, please, don’t hurt me!” Verdant begged as he fell to his knees. “I’ll do whatever you say, just don’t kill me!”

“Killing is not at all part of my plan,” Laana replied, giving Verdant a light toss. A mere two inches was a drop of over two meters for her verdant victim. “I’ve something much more delicious in store, little man.”

Laana chuckled as Verdant scrambled to his hooves and tried to run to her foreleg, only to be tossed into the air once more. He soon found himself hanging in mid-air, his tail being hung onto by her colossal hoof.

“My plot for revenge will have some irony.” Laana dangled the petite pony before her eyes, an evil grin spreading as she lifted him up higher. “I wish once more to have you inside me.” She suspended her prey above her face, her maw stretched wide to welcome its next meal.

“Laana, wait! I’m—” Verdant’s pleas were silenced by his screams as Laana let go, sending him tumbling downwards. With a hard splat, he landed belly first across her massive tongue before being pulled into her cavernous mouth.

“I’m sorry, Laana! I shouldn’t have treated you as—” The titaness’ tongue slammed the small stallion into her boulder sized teeth before whipping him around to the other side of her mouth. Before he could catch his breath, the tongue rose up, slamming him in the mouth’s moist roof.

“Laana, I beg of thee!” Verdant cried out, his voice echoing throughout the humid chamber as the tongue fell back down. “Let me out! I promise to make things up to you! I swear to thee on my honor!”

Silence held for a moment, only broken up by the sound of Laana’s breathing. Verdant soon received an answer to his pleas as the tongue slowly rose up, sliding the battered pony toward the back of Laana’s throat. Verdant nervously gulped as he saw her uvula dangling above him. Looking down, he saw the undulating muscles of the zebra’s throat, begging for a scrap of food to send to her belly.

With a hard swallow, Laana sent Verdant downwards. Her throat squeezed the puny pony like a grape as it sent him down into the sweltering chamber that was her stomach.

Verdant was harshly spat into a goop that had once been Laana’s stew, now an unrecognizable, bubbling concoction. Sputtering, he dragged himself through the sludge, pulling himself onto a chunk of undigested potato.

“You’ll pay for this, you witch!” His shout echoed throughout the pulsating chamber. The faint sound of his screeching reached Laana’s sensitive ears, making her roll her eyes.

“You should get used to stomachs, for that is your curse,” She said before giving her belly a light jab, sending Verdant flying into a wall and landing back in her food with a splash. “It will spread throughout the multiverse.”

“Multiverse? What in bloody tartarus are you—” Verdant coughed before he was drowned out by a muffled voice penetrating the stomach’s walls.

“Laana, art thou ready to head for the peak?” Rose stuck her head into the tent, seeing her zebra guide slipping on her saddlebags.

“Yes, now let’s reach the peak with great speed so we can help with Verdant’s need,” she melodramatically replied, giving her bags a gentle pat. “If only my village weren’t so far away. Travelling there will take more than a whole day.”

“Worry not, Laana.” Rose smiled reassuringly as she placed a hoof upon her shoulder. “Once we make history, we shall restore Verdant as quickly as our legs can carry us. Now, let us away!”

While the unicorn charged out of the tent, a dark grin stretched across Laana’s face.

“Once in my village, I’ll let you out, oh insufferable git,” she whispered to her belly before shaking her hips, the waves within the stomach pitching the stallion all around the chamber. “Then you’ll be what you truly are; a piece of shit.”

Hearing a whine from within, Laana trotted out, ready to finish her journey towards the heavens while Verdant Range explored the bowels of hell.


Within the confines of a dark tent, a mare was swirling her hooves around a crystal ball, giving the stallion across from her a glimpse of the distant past.

“And that’s the reason why you’re cursed.” The pink mare happily smiled and nodded, nearly knocking her head dress off.

“So my great-grandfather was a total flank hole to a zebra, so everypony with the same name as him is cursed to be eaten alive?” The green stallion sighed, bringing a hoof to his forehead.

“Yeppers. That’s why this keeps happening to you and every other version of you.” Pinkie energetically nodded, knocking the hat from her head onto the floor. “But hey, could be worse. You could end up getting partially digested each time since the curse only said you’d survive, not be unharmed. Guess the spirits decided to be nice to you since you’re not the intended target of Laana’s wrath.”

Verdant Range the Second groaned and slammed his face into the table. “Why did my parents have to name me after that creep? I would have gladly been named after Great-Great-Grandma Minty.”

“Well,” Pinkie nervously scratched her neck. “Since this reading didn’t turn out so good, how about I get you some desserts at Sugarcube Corner? My treat.”

A moment of silence passed before Verdant raised his head to face her. “Do you have anything with strawberries?”

“You bet your green flank we do!” Pinkie beamed as she leapt from the chair and over the stallion, reaching the lip of the tent. “C’mon! Let’s get you a strawberry smorgasbord!”

The tiniest of smiles came from Verdant as he slid out of his seat. He could take great solace in knowing that this day was much less crappy than the one his not so great-grandfather had had so very long ago.

Operation: Eat Your Greens (APD)

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It was a lovely early spring morning as a verdant, vest-clad stallion was tending to his garden. A silkie chicken walked about while he worked, occasionally shuffling her feathers.

“Private Range,” a familiar voice reached the stallion’s ears, making him turn to see his former captain. He was a tall unicorn stallion with a black coat. His eyes were an icy blue while his mane was twin shades of blue. The unicorn tried to look intimidating and authoritative… only to be undermined by the chicken choosing to hop up and perch herself upon his head.

“D’aww, Pizza likes you.” Verdant held back on laughing at the sight as he rose up. “So, what brings you to Vanhoover, Barrier? I’m guessing it’s not a social call.”

“I wish it was, Verdant,” Barrier sighed. “First, get your chicken off of me before I have her deep fried.” The charcoal stallion’s left eye twitched ever so slightly as he pointed to the hen on his head.

Verdant smirked then whistled a little tune, making the bird fly over onto his vest covered back.

“Thank you. Now let’s get inside,” Barrier said as he walked past the smaller earth pony. “I don’t want anypony else hearing.”

“Oh dear.” Verdant ushered his former mentor into the house, taking him to his living room. As the military stallion took his seat and then a deep breath to prepare himself.

“Verdant, what I’m telling you is classified information. Nopony outside the highest members of the guards and the princesses know what I’m about to tell you. You’re not to repeat a single word of what I’m about to tell you. Understood?”

“Yes, sir.” Verdant nodded, giving a nervous swallow. Whatever this is, it has to be huge.

“At approximately two-hundred thirty hours last week, Queen Chrysalis escaped from her prison cell, along with several changelings who remain loyal to her.”

Verdant stumbled back and into a chair at the news. He had heard many a tale of what had happened while he was locked away in a crystalline dungeon of the empire. The stories of Queen Chrysalis were the ones that frightened him the most. She was a dangerously capable shapeshifter who could easily disguise herself as anypony and who, at her peak, had enough power to topple Princess Celestia in one-on-one combat. It was something that had haunted his dreams for quite a while upon learning of her.

“Dear Faust…” the shamrock stallion whispered, feeling a chill running up the base of his spine.

“Unfortunately, it gets worse.” Barrier leaned further back in his chair, seeing the green pony’s pupils dilate. “According to our sources, not only has she managed to fully recover from her injuries at the royal wedding, including regrowing her horn, but she’ll be going into heat fairly soon. After that, she’s going to lay a huge clutch of eggs. She could quickly recoup her losses and bring in a whole new army of loyal changelings that are ready to fight in just a few years' time if she’s able to do this.”

Verdant remained quiet as he sat down upon the floor, his pet giving him an affectionate nuzzle.

“Verdant?” Barrier tilted his head as the young stallion petted the overly fluffy bird. “Did you hear what I said?”

“Aye, sir.” Verdant looked up, seeing the stern stallion in the eye. “I assume the reason you’re telling me this is because you will require my skills with whatever plan you have to stop her?”

“Correct,” Barrier replied as he rose from the chair. “Some allies and I have put together a plan on how to prevent Chrysalis from creating a new army and make those that are still loyal to her turn their backs on her.”

“That’s all good, but what skills of mine do you need?” Verdant stepped closer, starring the obsidian stallion in the eye. “My skills with a bow? My knowledge of plants and their effects?”

“I need your ability to be shrunk down and survive being eaten.”

Silence hung in the air for a tense moment as the colt looked to the unicorn in confusion.

“Excuse me, sir?”

“You heard me, Verdant.” Barrier placed a firm hoof upon his shoulder, his eyes boring into the nervous earth pony. “I need you to shrink down and get inside Queen Chrysalis in order to stop her.”

“Are you out of your mind?!” Verdant pulled back, looking into Barrier’s eyes with a mixture of shock and fear. “How in any way is me getting eaten by a giant bug going to help Equestria?!”

“We’ve been doing what we can to work out a plan that will result in minimal loss of life, Verdant.” Barrier stepped forward, backing the smaller stallion into a wall. “This plan to put her out of commission without killing her or any other changelings is our best option.”

Verdant swallowed nervously as the captain stared down at him. After a moment of silence, Barrier slowly backed away.

“You’re not obligated to do this, Verdant. However time is of the essence. Whatever answer you have for this, I need it ASAP.”

“Aye, sir.” Verdant took a deep breath to consider. “Just give me a little bit to find someone to look after Pizza for me.”

“That won’t be needed, Verdant,” a small smile reached the unicorn’s face as he placed a hoof on the earth pony’s shoulder. “I’ll take care of her for you.”

“Well, thanks cap—” Verdant was silenced has Barrier’s hoof struck his neck, darkness quickly encompassing as he fell to floor.


“Ow…” Verdant groaned as his vision slowly returned to him. He found he was no longer in his Vanhoover house, but in a small conference room. In front of him was a large, round table with a plethora of chairs stationed around it. The walls were all a slate gray with the only source of light in the room being a lamp hanging above the table’s center.

“Good to see you’re awake, Verdant.”

The earth pony looked over his shoulder, where he saw Barrier approaching the table.

“Now we can get underway with the plan.”

“Was it really necessary to knock me out, Barrier?” Verdant complained as he rubbed the still tender spot on his neck.

“Unfortunately so, Verdant,” Barrier replied as he took a seat at Verdant’s right. “This location’s classified. Had to get you here without you knowing where we are.”

“Fair enough, I guess.” Verdant leaned back in his chair. “Anything else you plan on telling me before I go on this mission?

“Yes. For the sake of security, we won’t be using our real names from now until after the mission’s over. Currently, when speaking to me, I’m to be referred to as Agent Arcana while when you’re using the com crystals, I’m to be called Papa Bear. Meanwhile, your codenames are Agent Shamrock and Porridge respectively and Chrysalis will be called Mama Bear on the coms.”

“Understood.” Verdant nodded just as a squeak reached his ears. Turning around in his chair, he spotted a strange figure approaching from the darkness.

The figure had shiny black chitin with large aqua eyes. It had a curved horn and sharp thestral like fangs. The back of the head had a row of spiky fins going down its center, leading to the dark blue shell covering its back. The strangest feature of the approaching creature was that it had several large holes in its legs.

“Perfect timing.” Barrier said, hopping out of his seat. “Agent Shamrock, this is our spy in Chrysalis’s current base and your way in. This is Agent PB.”

“Call me Peanut Butter.” The changeling happily smiled while Barrier glared at her. “What? It’s not like it’s my real name.”

“At any rate,” Barrier lead the changeling over to the table, where they both took a seat at Verdant’s sides. “PB will be referred to as Kettle when speaking over the com. Any questions?”

A quiet moment passed while PB dumped the contents of her saddlebags onto the table, spilling an assortment of papers and devices around.

“Alright. With that out of the way, we’ll be discussing the plan in detail. Agent PB.”

“Right!” She beamed before clearing her throat, her tone becoming more serious. “The plan we have is to render Queen Chrysalis infertile. With her unable to lay fertile eggs, not only will she no longer be able to recoup her losses from the Canterlot invasion, but it will cost her the faith of a great deal of her remaining subjects, possibly to the point of revolt.”

“Is all this stuff with shrinking me really necessary, sir?” Verdant looked to Barrier with a raised eyebrow. “Couldn’t you just slip some sort of drugs in her food that could do the job for you?”

“Possibly, but that has a chance of failure. That’s not something I’m willing to take a chance on,” Barrier stated as he seemed to pull a flask from out of nowhere. “Even after that kick Octavia gave her, I find that it's possible that Chrysalis could still lay viable eggs.”

“With the plan we’ve cooked up, we have the best odds of stopping all of this with minimal risk to both our species as a whole. You’re pretty much the most qualified pony for this, Agent Shamrock.” PB mustered the biggest puppy dog eyes she could to sway the stallion, aided by a quick flash of green flame.

“Alright.” Verdant slumped into his chair, taking a deep breath. “Let’s continue talking about the plan.

“Yay!” PB grinned as she fished through the pile of junk on the table, pulling out an anatomy chart and a pointer stick. “This is the anatomy of the average changeling queen. For the first step in the plan, Agent Shamrock will be shrunken down via poison joke and then slipped into a bowl of Queen Chrysalis’ food. After that, you’ll then enter here.” She slammed the tip of the stick upon the chart, right upon the subject’s mouth.

“As long as you don’t get chewed to death, Chrysalis will swallow you, which will send you down her esophagus and eventually into her stomach.”

“Agent PB,” Verdant held up a hoof like a foal in class. “Is there something special I’m supposed to be doing besides getting a tour of a digestive system? I’ve got plenty of experience with that already.”

“Right, I’ll skip to the big part. This is where pony and changeling anatomy differ.” PB picked up the pointer with her magic, slamming the tip in the figure’s flank area. “At the end of her bowels, you’ll reach a chamber called the cloaca. This multipurpose area will be the key to things. Once Chrysalis is asleep, you will enter the cloaca and make your way through her vagina. You’ll then make your way from the shell gland and through the oviducts into Chrysalis’ ovaries, and this is where the important stuff happens.”

“You’ll be equipped with a specialized suit for this mission,” Barrier spoke up, taking a swig between sentences. “It will have several things such as a gravity enchantment in the shoes to make travel easier, along with a thing called dimensionally transcendental saddlebags. Basically, they’ll be bigger on the inside. You’ll be carrying tons of backup supplies for your mission.”

“Once you’ve entered the ovaries,” PB took over the briefing once more, casually kicking back, placing her hind hooves on the table. “You’ll have to inject every single one of her follicles with a chemical solution that will keep the ovums from maturing, meaning each egg she’ll put out will only be good for omelets.”

“But as an added measure of security,” Barrier’s horn ignited in a flash of blue light, pulling PB’s hooves off the table. “You’ll also be spraying a spermicidal chemical throughout her oviducts.”

“Right. I understand all this.” Verdant nodded as his eyes closely examined the chart before him. “Besides the stuff to make her infertile and that suit, what else will I have for supplies?”

“You’ll have a tent, some books, and about a month and a half’s worth of food and bottled water.” Barrier slipped out of his seat, trotting over to the changeling and pony. “You’ll need them since your mission will have you in there for about twenty days.”

“Twenty days!?” Verdant exclaimed, his pupils dilating in shock.

“It’s a necessary step to help guarantee the ovums won’t be mature when it comes time for Chrysalis to breed.” PB looked at Verdant sadly and patted him on the back. “This way, you’ll have plenty of time to complete the mission.”

“I...I just…” Verdant groaned and rubbed his temples. “I hope I get well rewarded for this.”

“Rest assured, you will.” Barrier levitated the flask to the earth pony’s face in offering, only for it to be gently pushed away.

“Once you’ve done all that, I suggest you exit while Chrysalis is laying one of the eggs.” PB turned Verdant to face her, giving him a gentle smile. “Just be sure not to follow too close. You could end up stuck inside the shell of one of the eggs. Best to hang back until the shelling’s done.”

“Okay.” Verdant deeply inhaled, a small grin appearing on his muzzle. “So, when are we getting started?”

“Immediately,” Barrier stated as his horn flared again, causing a large suitcase to appear upon the table. The clips opened up with a click then case slowly opened.

Within the foam-padded case was a folded up suit that seemed to be made of some sort of spandex-like material, a matching helmet with a clear visor, and a jar full of a blue powder.

“Suit up, Agent Shamrock.” Barrier magically tossed the suit into Verdant hooves. “Time is of the essence.”

After a few moments, the green pony managed to slip himself into the suit and snap the helmet shut around his head.

“All set to go, sir.” Verdant saluted as Barrier levitated the jar of powder up, taking a step away as he undid the lid.

“Best of luck, Verdant,” Barrier said as he started to pour some of the blue poison joke powder on the suited stallion. “I’ll make sure your place and your pet are well taken care of while you’re on this.”

“Thank you, sir.” Verdant nodded as the last of the powder covered him. “Now if you need to knock me out, just don’t make it another painful karate ch—”

The shamrock stallion was cut off at he was struck from behind with a wooden bat, sending him tumbling to the ground.

“Did you really need to do that?” Barrier glared at the changeling with the wooden club clenched in her teeth before dropping it to the floor. “I found the sleep powder on the way in.”

“Hey, I’ve got to do something to warrant writing these off as a business expense.”


Verdant groaned as wakefulness returned to him, interrupting a pleasant dream involving him and the mare of his life. He felt a shaking all around him as his vision started to clear.

Once the blur of his sight had cleared, Verdant found himself in a tube made of a hard black substance. Gazing out of the tube, he saw that the tube was one of the many holes in PB’s leg. She was walking through a colossal cavern, a bowl being carried in her mouth.

Verdant gave his changeling ally’s leg a hard jab, hoping to gain her attention. For once in the small stallion’s life, his attempt to make a giantess notice him was successful.

PB quickly halted her steps and set the bowl down. With the bowl on the cave floor, she quickly scanned the cave to ascertain that she was alone before raising her foreleg up to her face.

“Good to see you’re awake, Shamrock,” she gently whispered. “You can activate the com crystal in your helmet holding a hoof to the right side of it.”

“Like this?” Verdant placed a hoof on the side of his helm, drawing a grin from PB.

“Bingo. Now let’s get you ready for the next part.” She smiled before tilting her leg and letting the little pony jump off the smooth surface, making him fall down her leg hole. Eventually he landed in the bowl which was full of a strange green mush. “Operation: Eat Your Greens is a go.”

Verdant rolled his eyes as PB craned her neck down. “Did Ba… Papa Bear come up with that name?” Verdant asked as PB picked the bowl up with her mouth.

“Uh-huh,” PB muttered as she trotted down the cavern.

“Then remind me to kick his flank for that terrible pun once this is all over.” Verdant’s reply drew a chuckle as the two of them entered an expansive chamber.

From his place in the mush, Verdant spotted many more changelings either flying about or clinging to the jagged stone walls.

Soon, the speck of a stallion found himself staring up at the colossal, intimidating face of Queen Chrysalis. Verdant gave a hard swallow as PB laid the bowl at the queen’s hooves.

“Your majesty,” PB grinned and bowed. “Your mashed beetles are ready for you.” As she spoke, Verdant dived into mush, hoping to avoid the queen’s eyes.

“It’s about time,” he heard Chrysalis grumble as he felt the bowl being lifted once more. After a tense moment of silence, Verdant found himself being scooped up the by the changeling’s tongue, narrowly avoiding her teeth and she begun to chew up her meal.

Verdant was rolled and tossed about by the giant’s forked tongue as she savoured the flavor of the beetles. As the massive muscle rose once more, pushing him toward the sides of the cavernous mouth, Verdant had to jump away to avoid being wedged between a pair of her terribly sharp fangs as well as the row above as they came slamming down.

After several more close calls, the mush was turned into a thick paste just before Chrysalis tilted her head back, sending her meal and the male sliding towards the back of her throat. With a hard swallow, Verdant found himself being squeezed downward by her powerful throat muscles.

“Urgh…” Verdant groaned as he descended the esophagus. I swear, these things get tighter every time this happens.

Verdant soon felt the pressure on his hind legs disappear before he fell down with a wet plop, being drenched with more of Chrysalis’ food as he tried to stand.

Looking around, Verdant found the changeling queen’s stomach to be much different from any he’d been in before. The walls of the stomach seemed to be ever so slightly transparent and green, while the juices in the pulsating flesh chamber had a faint glow.

Verdant sat back to prepare to continue, only for his concentration to be broken by another load of beetle mush falling down upon him.

“Right, on with the mission,” Verdant muttered as he pulled himself from the muck, shaking what he could off like a dog and bringing a hoof to his helm. “Come in, Papa Bear. Mama Bear thought her Porridge was just right. Over.”

“Good job.” Barrier’s voice came in loud and clear from within the helm’s earpieces. “Now I need you to head on down to the grocery store. There’s a great deal on eggs.”

“Copy that. I’ll be heading out soon. Over and out.” Verdant trudged along as the stomach pulsated. Thankfully, the gravity charm kept Verdant safely grappled to the fleshy floor, but it didn’t do much to combat queasiness as he reached the sphincter.

“Alright little valve,” Verdant reached out to the orifice, giving it a gentle rub. “Be a nice little hole and open up for me. I want to get this over with as soon as I can.”

The valve slowly opened up, allowing Verdant to slip into the duodenum.

“Thank you,” he grinned from behind his helmet. “Hopefully the next part won’t be too unpleasant.”


Hours passed for the pea-sized pony as he journeyed through Queen Chrysalis’ body. While the huge insectoid mare had gone for a run through the caverns and had a soak in a hot spring, Verdant had crawled through the fleshy caverns of her bowels and soaked in the foul smelling sludge that was her bodily waste.

A little more than an hour after Chrysalis had fallen asleep, Verdant finally arrived in her cloaca. With a tired groan, he scraped her waste from his suit before continuing his quest.

Verdant took in the strange sights of the queen’s cavity. On one side was a massive shutter-like hole that would be his eventual exit from the enormous enemy. On the other, Verdant found a pair of fleshy tunnels which lead deeper into the changeling queen’s body.

The upper tunnel was the large intestine that Verdant had finally left. The lower tunnel was the one he needed to traverse to reach her ovaries; her vaginal canal.

Raising a hoof to his head, Verdant activated the com. “Calling Papa Bear. I’m on my way to the grocery store, just gonna go through the tunnel of love first.”

“Alright, keep going,” Barrier’s voice replied before a chuckle-snort came through. “How does this kid come up with these things?” His amused voice came through loud and clear.

“Papa Bear, you’re still on.” Verdant smirked under his helm before he heard the com cut out. He then went forward, slowly making his way into Chrysalis’ vagina.

As he made his way onward, the meaty walls started to become damp. The tunnel started to move about as it became wetter and warmer. Verdant’s eyebrow rose until he heard something in the distance.

“Hmm… Shining Armor…” Chrysalis’ booming voice echoed throughout before she started to snore once more.

Verdant’s face paled from behind the helmet, the horrifying truth dawning upon him.

Oh shit! Chrysalis is having wet dream and I’m stimulating her! I’ve got to get out of here!

Verdant bolted forward and the tunnel started to clench and tighten, becoming even hotter as more fluids splashed over the tiny stallion. The poor stallion failed to realise that by running forward instead of moving slowly, he was only stimulating her more.

The entrance to the shell gland grew ever closer. As Chrysalis moaned in pleasure, the muscles contracted so tightly around Verdant that he couldn’t move. He was worried that Chrysalis’ insides would crush him before he saw a torrent of fluid headed towards him.

Verdant braced himself as best he could before he was struck by the oncoming flood. He was battered by the rush of changeling queen cum and squeezed by her clenching canal. As a minor bit of fortune, the gravity charm on the suit held Verdant in place.

A satisfied and happy sigh came from the slumbering queen as her vagina slowly loosened its grip on the cum-coated pony.

“Urgh…” Verdant groaned as he slowly and sorely moved trudged onwards. “Note to self, Queen Chrysalis has a hair trigger.”


After hours of crawling through Chrysalis’ miles long oviducts, Verdant had finally made his way to the entrance to one of the changeling queen’s ovaries.

“Calling Papa Bear,” the tired pony said as he reactivated the com. “I’ve finally made it to the grocery store to get the first batch of eggs.”

“Copy that,” Barrier firmly replied. “Once you’ve got the first batch, go ahead and take a quick rest before getting the second batch.”

“Roger that. Over.” Verdant placed a hoof against the ovary’s orifice, gently massaging it into opening.

Hopping through, Verdant took in the sight of the ovary’s interior. There were tons of little orbs hanging from a strange fleshy bit that looked like a strange tree to him. Each little orb was an immature ovum, a potential changeling waiting to be made to serve Chrysalis and aid her schemes to conquer Equestria.

Taking a brief moment to steel himself, Verdant moved closer to one of the little eggs which was dangling like a ripe apple before taking one of the little syringes from his saddlebags.

He slowly removed the cap from the needle before plunging it into the orb, injecting it with a concoction of purple chemicals.

“Alright.” Verdant licked his lips behind the helm before stowing the used needle into his bags. “One down…” His gaze shifted up to the sight of the many unjabbed follicles. “...Several hundred to go.”

Verdant sighed heavily before pulling out the second needle of many.


After a few hours of hard work, Verdant had finished the injection of every single one of the follicles in Chrysalis first ovary.

Verdant was able to have a brief nap that was ended when the changeling queen awoke, shaking with the force of a light earthquake as she rolled over and stood up.

The hours blurred together for the stallion but, eventually, he managed to finish injecting every last one of Chrysalis’ follicles by the time she had finished her dinner.

“Leave me be,” the titanic queen’s voice barked. “I need to cleanse myself.”

Verdant stretched, leaning back against her oviduct. “Wish I could take bath. At least you didn’t have to crawl through literal shit.”

A loud, distant crackle reached Verdant’s ears. Rushing to his hooves, he saw a bright green flame quickly sweep over changeling’s innards, making the fleshy tube rapidly contract.

“Sweet Faust, is this what it’s like when she shapeshifts?” Verdant swallowed as he looked around the smaller ducts. “What is she up to?”


“Leave me be.” Chrysalis barked to her changeling servants as she entered her private chamber. “I need to cleanse myself.”

“Yes, your majesty.” The trio of servants bowed before backing away, closing her chamber with a large rock.

Once she certain her underlings were out of sight, she stood in front of the polished stone surface she had fashioned into a body length mirror.

In a flash of green flame, her appearance completely changed. Where was once a tall, chitinous black changeling was now a purple unicorn. A mocking grin spread across her face as she placed a fuzzy hoof to her chest.

“Look at me, I’m Twilight Sparkle!” she said in a mocking, nasally tone. “I’m a nerdy loser of a mare with a crush on her big brother who’s gonna flush years of planning down the toilet and crush someling’s buggyhood dreams by being obsessive compulsive to the point of knowing when Cadance schedules her BMs.”


Verdant glared toward where he assumed Chrysalis’ head was.

“And with that, I now have absolutely zero guilt over using your insides as a toilet!” He shouted just as another flash of emerald flames to wash over her insides, thankfully providing some more room for the queen’s passenger.


Chrysalis grinned at the face of a midnight blue alicorn that was looking back at her.

“Zounds, all shalt kneel before Us, for We art Princess Luna!” she bellowed in imitation of the Royal Canterlot Voice. “All shalt love Us, even after I attempted to murder the planet. Truly We art worthy of praise, despite not spending five minutes in many months to learn Faust cursed Equish.”

The disguised queen chuckled, briefly returning to her true voice. “I spend more time prepping to seduce a pizza delivery colt.”

In another flash of green light, Chrysalis morphed into the form of a large, alabaster alicorn.

“Greetings, my little ponies,” she spoke in a sickeningly sweet tone. “I’m ever so grateful for your tributes of sweet pastries. You’ll all have the great honor of adding to my sun-sized royal rump.” Chrysalis quickly spun around, facing her rump to the mirror. She then swiftly shook her plump rear back and forth.


When Chrysalis spun around, Verdant was treated like a pony in a centrifuge; the suit's charms being the sole thing holding him to the oviduct floor. The forces made him feel like his heart sank into his rear.

Before he could begin to settle down, the queen’s booty shaking started to toss the stationary stallion to and fro. Verdant forced himself to smile as widely as he could, trying to keep himself from retching in the snug suit.


Chrysalis’ evening was quite entertaining for her as she used her mimicry to mock the various ponies that had ever bothered her, from Princess Cadance to a barista that once screwed up her order.

As her day came to a close, the changeling queen did a few quick stretches, getting ready for bed. With her stretches finished, she hopped backward, flopping back onto her soft, queen sized bed.

Her eyes briefly flicked to a stone dresser beside her bed. With a flash of her horn, she opened a drawer and pulled out a thick, cylindrical toy.

“It’s been a while, Shining Armor.” Chrysalis grinned at the toy, licking her lips. “Time to put you back where you belong.”

Slowly, the obsidian insectoid spread her long, hole filled legs.


Verdant groaned as he pulled himself back up, recovering from Chrysalis flopping on her bed. To the minuscule stallion, it was as if he were in a large city that had been dropped from the sky.

Just as he managed to straighten himself out, a lusty moan reached his ears.

“Oh for buck’s sake.” Verdant slapped a hoof to his forehead just before the chamber shook from the changeling bucking her town-sized hips.

“Yes, Shining Armor! Harder! Faster!” Chrysalis shouted as she played with herself, causing yet another earthquake for the stallion within to suffer through.

“Yes! YES!! YEEEESSSS!!!” The changeling exclaimed before her wild shaking started to slow, eventually coming to a stop. Her aroused shouts were replaced by heavy pants.

“Thank you, my dear prince.” Chrysalis’ whisper came though clearly to Verdant, along with her snores that came moments later.

“Finally!” Verdant sighed in exasperation as he flopped down onto his belly. “At least I can some R&R now.”

Verdant sorted through his saddlebags, pulling out a ready-to-go meal, a bottle of water, a large manga volume, a sleeping bag and a lamp. Taking off his helmet, Verdant sighed before wiping his brow.

“Well that’s two nights down. About eighteen more to go.”


Thankfully for the micro equine, things the next day were much more pleasant than the one before. A good night’s rest did wonders for him.

The shaking from Chrysalis’ movements were fairly light that day as she went about her daily routine of command, exercising, bathing, and so on.

As Verdant had a brief moment to relax, his eyes drifted to some of the stains covering his suit.

“Hmm… Barrier did say I have a month and a half’s worth of water…” he pondered as he weighed his options. “I guess one little bath and suit wash won’t hurt.”

The small stallion quickly discarded the suit and started to fish through his saddle bags, producing a large bottle of water.


Chrysalis was quite happy with tonight’s meal. Her changelings had not only managed to find her favorite species of beetles, but they also managed to steal some pastries made by a loving couple. She could still taste the love from them as she made her way to her bedchamber.

I should probably do something after that. The dark queen thought to herself as she came up to her mirror. I may need fat and protein for the eggs, but I still want to keep my naturally fantastic figure.

Chrysalis cast a spell over her chamber, ensuring no sounds would escape. She then removed a hidden stone panel in the wall, revealing a blue and silver boombox.

Gently pressing a hoof on the play button, a peppy little pop song started to fill the room. When the music kicked into high gear, Chrysalis danced along to beat. She stood upon her hind legs, swinging her hips wildly back and forth. Her forelegs were above her head, flopping around in an impersonation of rabbit ears.


“Perfect!” Verdant grinned as he held up the now sparkling suit. He had managed to scrub every last trace of what he had been forced to trudge through from its surface.

“Time to—” the pony was interrupted by a sudden shift in the queen's movement, he then found himself being bounced around her insides by the shaking of her hips. He was battered around like a pinball as he desperately tried to put the suit back on in the air before being slammed into a wall of changeling flesh.

After several torturous minutes of flailing in flight, he had managed to slip back into the suit, the enchantment allowing him cling to one of the swinging inner walls.

“Right…” Verdant sighed as he hung onto the fleshy floor. “Now where in Tartarus did my supplies and helmet go?”

The shamrock stallion’s second question was answered as his helm collided with the back of his head. He was luckily able to grab the headgear and put it on before the next hip swing managed to send it flying away. However, the horrible bouncing continued, the earthquake like tremors taking its toll on the clinging equine.

Eventually, by what Verdant could only consider a miracle by Faust, the shaking died down and Chrysalis slowly made her way into bed.

The small stallion gave an even smaller sigh of relief as the tremors had ceased for the night. “Right. Thank Faust that’s finally over. Now I can just kick back and…” He paused as he scanned around the colossal innards. “Where did my damn saddlebags go?”

Verdant could only groan when he couldn’t see where his bags had ended up.

“Wonderful. I’m gonna be searching all damn night,” the earth pony grumbled before setting off on his search.


The days started to blur together as similar things played out between the changeling queen and the pony hiding within her. Verdant was grateful that the queen kept to such a routine since this allowed him to plan out things like when he could rest and eat.

There was only one real change Verdant really took note of as the days went by. The follicles in Chrysalis’ ovaries had been slowly filling up with yolk. What once seemed to be the size of toy balls to him were now massive sacks.

“At least my time in here’s coming to an end soon,” Verdant said aloud as he hopped onto one of the squishy sacks, treating it like an oversized water bed. “Then I won’t have to read the same eighteen magazines over and over or talk to myself anymore.”


Chrysalis relished the taste of the meal her changelings had prepared for her, giving her swollen belly a gentle pat before rising up and walking away.

This is excellent. My plans have been going exceptionally. The queen grinned as she towered over her servants. Now, all I need is to find a good breeding partner.

Her harlequin eyes scanned over the multitude of changelings she passed by on her way to the bed chambers. Soon, her eyes came upon a large changeling. Even with thick chitin covering them, she could see his muscles were quite large.

Chrysalis licked her lips as she approached the muscular changeling. “You, follow me. You’ve just received the great honor of siring an army.”

“Yes, your majesty!” He saluted and followed behind her, his eyes focused on her swaying rump and swollen, fertile belly.

The two quickly made their way into her bedchamber, where the queen gently laid down on the bed upon her back. She spread her legs wide to him as a she cast the male a sultry grin.

“Now, come for me.” She winked as he joined her on the bed, climbing atop her, unaware that the room’s entrance was slightly ajar.


Verdant steadied himself in the ovary as he listened to the queen’s words.

“Guess we’ll see if this injection stuff worked or not soon,” he said to himself before a breathy moan came from the queen.

The queen’s entire body quaked as she moaned, likely from her consort thrusting into her.

One more quake quickly followed, along with a moan from Chrysalis and a much louder groan from her mate.

An awkward silence came over the pair for a moment before Chrysalis shouted.

“ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!” Her scream echoed not only throughout her body, but throughout the entire cavern, drawing laughs from many a changeling and the small pony. “TWO THRUSTS AND YOU’RE DONE?!”

“Wow, seriously?” Verdant laughed as he lounged upon the egg sack. “I was able to make her cum by accident, yet you somehow blew it? Just… wow…” He giggled as he brought a hoof to his forehead.

“Get the hell out!” Chrysalis frustratedly barked. “You’ve served your primary purpose, now I’ve got to take care of the rest.”

“Well,” Verdant hopped off the squishy sack, making his way to the ovary’s exit. “Guess I should go hose down her insides with that spermicide stuff while she’s jilling off.”

The small stallion soon came to a long bend in the oviduct, leading deeper into the groaning body.

“Guess this would be a good spot to do it.” He shrugged before reaching into his saddlebags. After a bit of shuffling about, he managed to pull out a large nozzle attached to a thick hose that went deep into the saddlebags.

With a flick of a switch, a pumping noise came deep from within the bag before a geyser of clear pinkish goop shot forth from the hose, starting coat the changeling’s inner canals.

“Hmm… Maybe once I’m out, I’ll rent that movie about the ponies that fought that painting ghost thing again,” Verdant muttered as he sprayed the fluid, trying to coat every microscopic inch. “Eh, I should probably just buy a copy once I make my escape.”

After nearly an hour, the hose had released the last of the fluid that now coated the inner walls.

“Well, that looks like a job well done.” Verdant smiled as he gazed upon his work before turning back towards the ovaries. “Hopefully that’s my last night in here.”

Upon reaching the ovary, Verdant climbed up onto one of the egg sacks and laid down upon the soft surface. Rest quickly overcame the tiny pony as the warmth and softness within the queen lulled him to sleep.


Chrysalis awoke with a yawn before slowing making her way out of bed. Gazing down at her rotund belly, she knew that the time she had awaited had finally come.

She quietly made her way into the deepest chamber of the cavern. Within, only a single changeling slept.

“Awaken,” Chrysalis said as she gave the changeling servant a light jab, rousing her from her slumber.

“Oh, what the—” PB paused as she spotted the queen standing before her. She quickly raised a salute and put on the realest smile she could. “Good morning, your majesty! Has the big day finally come?”

“Indeed it has,” Chrysalis yawned before pulling an about face and squatting low to the ground. “At least this will be easier than the day after I entered that chicken wing contest that griffin held.”

The queen bit her lip as she felt a movement deep within her.


Verdant was shocked awake by the sound of a loud and nearby tearing noise come from behind him. Quickly looking behind, he saw the sack he was on was tearing down the middle.

“Oh shit!” the tiny pony screamed as he scrambled away. He hopped onto a higher egg sack just as the first had split open, sending the yolk rolling downward, out of the ovary.

“Looks like exit day’s finally here.” Verdant gasped as he climbed higher, crawling up to the highest sack before activating his com. “Come in, Kettle. Your Porridge is going to be shipped out later today. I hope you’re ready for it.”


“The first egg will be coming out soon; it just needs to form its shell.” Chrysalis groaned as she felt it making its way through her just as Verdant’s transmission came through for PB. “Get ready to grab it once it’s laid.”

“Roger that,” the smaller changeling replied to the two as she drew closer to Chrysalis’ plump rear. After a few minutes passed, PB heard Chrysalis start to groan louder and saw the cloaca slowly start to open, revealing the familiar shape of a changeling egg slowly making its way out of the queen.

PB grabbed a hold of the egg just as it finished being squeezed out, quickly setting it aside. “That’s the first egg down, your majesty.”

“One down,” Chrysalis bit down on her lip one more. “Several hundred to go…”


Hours passed for the small steed as he witnessed the egg sacks tear open one by one before exiting the ovary. Eventually, the final sack tore open and the yolk was expelled.

“Time to make my move,” Verdant said as he leapt from the empty sack of flesh, exiting the ovary.

The speck of a stallion saw the colossal yolk rolling down into a deeper part of the changeling’s oviduct, rumbling along like a boulder that could flatten Canterlot Castle.

Verdant stayed back from the future egg as he followed, doing what he could to avoid getting caught in the egg’s amniotic fluids or shell.

After trudging through a mile of fleshy tube, a distant rumble reached the pony’s ears. Looking behind in the distance, he saw the terrifying sight of another yolk coming towards him.

“Oh shit!” Verdant screeched at the sight. I forgot her other ovary!

Verdant bolted forth, trying to possibly outrun the oversized orb. When he saw the titanic yolk was gaining on him, an idea came to the panicking pony.

“Faust be with me!” Verdant clenched his tech before taking a hop and landing on his back. Without the gravity charm in the suit’s hooves touching the fleshy floor, gravity and the changeling queen’s squatting position allowed him to accelerate as he slid down the oviduct. The giant yolk seemed to vanish from sight before he slid into the shelling gland, making the stallion crash face first into the shell of a freshly formed egg.

Verdant groaned and pulling his head from the smooth surface, trying to regain his bearing. Just as he managed to make his vision stable again, the shell gland started to tighten around the egg, pushing it and its passenger downwards into the vaginal canal.

“Kettle, come in!” Verdant exclaimed as Chrysalis’ vaginal muscles prepared to expel the egg. “Your Porridge delivery is at the back door!”

With a groan from the colossal queen, Verdant and the egg were squeezed out of her cloaca, where they landed in the waiting hooves of PB.

Looking up at his comrade, Verdant saw the changeling give him a quick wink. He nodded in response before running along the egg’s surface and crawling into one of PB’s leg holes.

“Calling Papa Bear.” Verdant gave a sigh of relief as he hid in PB’s hole. “Mission accomplished.”


Two weeks had passed since Verdant’s mission deep into changeling territory had ended and the shamrock stallion was happily humming to himself as he made the trot home from his early morning grocery trip.

Pushing open the door of his apartment, he was greeted by his chicken taking her place upon his head as he made his way to the kitchen, where a charcoal unicorn stallion and a grey earth pony mare were waiting for him. Barrier rested comfortably in a chair while the mare was cooking something on his stove.

“Hello, Mr. Barrier. Mrs. Melody.” Verdant happily nodded as he placed his saddlebags on the floor. “What brings you—”

“Business as usual, Agent Shamrock.” Barrier interrupted before looking over his shoulder. “You can drop the disguise now.”

“Right,” the mare replied without looking over her shoulder before green flames washed over her, revealing a familiar changeling.

“At any rate, Agent Shamrock,” Barrier leaned back in his chair as Verdant took a seat across from him. “We’re here to provide thanks for your aid in Operation: Eat Your Greens.”

“I still wish you didn’t pick that name.” Verdant gave the unicorn a half-lidded glare, which Barrier replied to with a smirk.

“At any rate, while we can’t grant you anything official, due to the nature of this mission, we do have a reward for you.” Barrier’s horn flared for a moment before a briefcase popped into existence, startling Pizza and making her fly away.

With another flaring of his horn, the clips on the case opened up, revealing a rather large collection of coins.

“Here are two million bits in five-hundred non-sequential coins, for a total of four thousand.” Barrier then closed the briefcase and slid it over to the stunned stallion. “Feel free to keep the briefcase. I got it cheap.”

“Thank you, sir…” Verdant happily nodded and took the case. With that done, he then looked past Barrier to the changeling at his stove. “But why did you bring Peanut Butter here?”

“I wanted to thank you personally since what you did likely saved a bunch of changeling lives.” She flashed Verdant a fanged grin. “So I had Barrier knock me out and bring me here so I could cook some breakfast for us.”

“Ah, thank you, Peanut Butter. You didn’t have to do this.” Verdant smiled and leaned over to the stallion across from him. “Does this mean I blew your real name to her?”

“Nah, she already knew mine.” Barrier dismissively waved and leaned back. “She just called me Agent Arcane to be professional. Still, she doesn’t know your name for your potential safety.”

“Alright, I’ll remember that.” Verdant fell back into his chair as a ding came from the stove.

“All done!” ‘Peanut Butter’ happily called out as she put some green food on three plates and placed them on the table with her magic before taking a seat. “Alright guys, let’s dig in!”

As she happily dug into her food, Verdant and Barrier could only stare at it.

“Peanut Butter,” Verdant tilted his head to the side as he closely examined what was on his plate. “What is this?”

“An omelet. Why do you ask?” She replied as she continued to wolf down her serving.

“But why is it green?”

“Well duh, all changeling eggs are green,” PB casually answered, not bothering to look away from her meal.

“Wait, you made these out of Chrysalis’ eggs?!” Verdant and Barrier pulled back in their chairs in shock.

“Well of course,” PB pulled back as she finally looked at the stunned pair. “I did say her eggs would only be good for omelets, didn’t I?”

A Royal Meal III - Journey's Rear End

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In a bright sunny field on a warm summer day, Verdant Range was happily running through the fresh grass and sending dandelion fluff flying when the green stallion saw a large lake coming up in front of him.

“Cannonball!” the excited stallion screamed before leaping into the air and making a mighty splash as he struck the water.

When he resurfaced, the giddy stallion splashed about before falling into a slow and pleasant backstroke.

“Enjoying your swim, Verdant?” a voice came from the bank. Turning his head, he saw the form of Princess Luna sitting by the lake’s edge.

“Good evening, Princess.” Verdant gave the alicorn a wave as he floated along. “I was kinda expecting to see you in my dreams a lot sooner.”

“And I apologise for that, my good stallion.” Luna dipped her hoof in the cool water, twirling it about while avoiding the stallion’s eyes. “Unfortunately, a number of theatres mistook a film about an ice princess with a horror film of the same name, so I’ve had to work overtime to cure those nightmares.”

“Meanwhile, my nightmares have only been while I’m awake since I’VE SPENT THE LAST THREE MONTHS INSIDE YOUR SISTER’S STOMACH!” Verdant shouted and angrily swatted at the water. “I’m… I’m sorry about that, Princess. I shouldn’t-”

“Do not apologise, Verdant.” The princess held up a hoof, silencing the shamrock stallion. “It’s partly my fault you’re in the predicament and Raven and I are working on ways to free you from the depths of my sister’s innards.”

“Hope these plans work, your highness.” Verdant doggy paddled towards the lake’s edge. “I’ve been trying to get out of her since day one and I’ve got nothing.”

“Rest assured, we will try to free you every night until you are out.” Luna held a hoof out for Verdant, which he graciously accepted before she pulled him from the water.

“And?” Verdant tilted his head, a knowing eyebrow cocked as he looked into the taller mare’s eyes.

After a moment, Luna gave a tired sigh. “And we shall see to it that you receive a fair amount from workhorse compensation, along with your time within counting as work hours.

“Thank you, princess.” Verdant grinned as he gave Luna a sweeping bow. As he stood back up, the world around them started to shake all around them.

“I assume that’s Celestia waking up, which means you’ll wake shortly,” Luna said as the bright blue sky started to turn a fleshy pink.

“Most likely.” Verdant saw the ground the two stood on slowly started to break away and fall into the now green lake. “Hopefully I’ll see you later, Princess.”

“Mark my words, you shall be freed, my little pony.” Luna flew up just before the ground broke away, sending Verdant falling into the lake of stomach juices. “Plan A goes into effect now!”

In a flash of light, Luna vanished as the skies became the fleshy walls that matched his real current home.

~~~Plan A~~~

Luna eyes shot open just before she darted out of her bed chambers. As she trotted down the palace hallway, Raven spotted her and quick dashed up to her side.

“Did it work, Princess?” Raven struggled to keep pace with the alicorn as she they towards the palace dining room.

“Yes, Raven. We were able to contact him in his dreams. Now all we have to do is get him out and we can put this nightmare behind us.” Luna grinned as they came to the dining room. With a flash of her horn, the doors were tossed open, a loud boom echoing through the halls when they struck the walls.

“That would be wonderful,” Raven happily sighed as Luna took a seat at the magnificent table. “No more nightmares of a pony being digested. No more squashing rumors about Princess Celestia’s ‘Magic Talking Stomach’.”

“And I already have a plan to get that stallion out,” Luna grinned as the doors on the far side of the room started to slowly open. “Show time,” the alicorn of the night whispered as her sister slowly dragged herself into the room.

“G’morning, Luna,” Celestia yawned as her belly swayed heavily before she took a seat at the table. “How are things by you?”

“Quite well, dear sister.” Luna grinned between taking sips of her mimosa. “I was just thinking of something to do later tonight.”

“Oh?” Celestia’s eyebrow rose as her horn lit, lifting a mouth full of pancake up to her mouth. “Do tell,” she asked just before taking a bite.

“Well, I was thinking we have a night of watching movies and enjoying a wide assortment of spirits.” Luna said before having a bite of fresh pineapple.

“Hmm… that does sound fun…” Celestia rubbed a hoof against her chin. “But won’t that mean you’ll miss night court?”

“Worry not, Sister.” Luna laughed and casually waved. “I already had Raven schedule a night clear so we can have some sisterly fun. What do you say?”

“Alright, that sounds like a wonderful plan.” The princess of the day nodded before looking down at her belly. “What about you, Stomach? What do you think of it?”

“As long as you don’t lay on me and have some popcorn, I’m totally in favor of this.” Verdant’s voice came from the alicorn’s round belly, making the two alicorns grin, though for very for different reasons.

“Phase one is now complete,” Luna whispered to Raven, smiling before downing her drink.


The day seemed to zoom by for the excited sisters as the two settled onto some large cushions in Celestia’s bed chamber. A projector had been set up between the pair with a screen across the room.

“This feels so nice,” Celestia hummed as she leaned back into one of the fluffy pillows. “So Luna, what’s the first film on tonight’s agenda?”

“Well Celestia, I thought it would be a good idea to see what movies are popular with our ponies these days, so I decided to make it a superhero movie marathon tonight.”

“Ooh! I’d love to see some of those new superhero movies.” Celestia grinned like a foal in a candy store as she clapped her hooves together. “Can we start with that new Pony Rangers movie?”

“Hold on, dear sister,” Luna’s horn flared to life before a stack of film canisters and a top hat appeared in between them. “I’ve set up a random draw for the films, along with a drinking game to go with each film to make things more fun.”

“Very nice, Luna.” Celestia grinned as she pulled the hat towards in her her golden magical aura. The magic briefly fished around inside the hat before pulling out a small piece of paper. She brought the slip up to her face, making expression fall like an airship made of lead. “Batmare V Aquamare: Prawn of Justice - Supreme Edition.” Celestia sighed before she tossed the paper at Luna.

“Don’t forget we’ve also got a drinking game to go with this film, Sister.” Luna’s magic picked up the paper, allowing her to closely examine it. “Take a shot ever time someone says ‘Marshall’.” She recited before she set the paper down.

“Well, let’s get this movie going.” Celestia groaned as she leaned back into her pillows. “What do we have for drinks tonight?”

“I thought we’d start with something small… a few bottle of finely aged wine from the Bianco Vineyard.” Luna levitated a trio of wine bottles and a set of shot glasses in between the two of them. “After that, I thought we’d move on to this bottle of Pepper Belle’s spiced rum.” The second bottle of liquor appeared in a flash next to the wine.

“Alright, sounds good,” the frown on Celestia’s face quickly turned into a smile as her horn started to glow once more, setting the film on the projector. “Let’s go!”

An hour into the film, the three wine bottles were completely drained. Luna was laughing at a scene in the movie with a slight blush upon her face while Celestia looked in perplexment at the empty bottle.

“I don’t get it,” Celestia rubbed a hoof against her chin. “I had a ton of wine, but I barely feel anything.”

Down in the solar alicorn’s stomach, Verdant was struggling to keep himself from drowning. The level of wine had completely covered him, causing him to drink a good deal of the wine himself. The stallion felt the world spin around him, followed by the level of wine being lowered to his neck.

“Hey brother, pour the wine!” Verdant drunkenly sang as he leaned against the stomach’s wall.

“Sorry, MTS, but we’re all out,” Celestia replied as her magic uncapped the first of the rum bottles. “Still, got something a little stronger than that.”

“Shishter,” Luna leaned into Celestia’s side as she slurred. “I love you.”

“D’aww, I love you too, Luna.” The elder mare poured a round for herself and Luna just as another cry of ‘Marshall’ came from the film. “Bottoms up!”


Luna groaned as wakefulness slowly came to her. Her head felt like it was being split apart with a giant battleaxe as the chirping of birds was like cannon fire in her sensitive ears.

The only comfort was rubbing her face against the soft pillow her head rested upon. After a few moments of savoring the softness, she noticed some things that felt odd. The pillow seemed to have a layer of fuzz over its surface.

That alone would not seem too odd, but the warmth that emanated from it combined with that certainly did.

As wakefulness slowly started to let her mind to overcome the haziness of sleep, she noticed an odd taste in her mouth. She had trouble placing it. The closest she could recall was a seafood buffet that she had sampled when having a meal with the griffin ambassador.

Luna pushed those thoughts aside as she pressed her head harder against the pillow. Bah! I shouldn’t worry about that. Tis Celestia’s time of day to handle. Hopefully the liquor was enough to make her sick enough to bring that stallion back up.

The night princess’ thoughts were halted when she noticed her pressing into the pillow felt strange. Rather than the compression of laying her head upon a pillow filled with fine down, what she laid upon seemed to squish underneath her.

Luna slowly pulled away and opened her eyes. The only light in the room was the smoldering embers in the nearby fireplace.

As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she was horrified to find where she was. What she thought was a pillow was Celestia’s soft belly, with the younger alicorn resting in between her sister’s thick legs.

“No…” Luna whispered as all the color in her face drained away in a flash. “We couldn’t have…”

“You did,” Verdant’s voice came from the slumbering Celestia’s swollen stomach. “When you said you loved each other, you really meant it.”

“Mother of Zacherle…” the pale blue on Luna’s face was quickly overtaken by a sickly green.

“Say, with me in here, would you say that counts as a threesome?” Verdant asked just as Luna had stumbled out of the bed and bolted away to the bathroom.

The sound of violent retching from that royal water closet had awoken Princess Celestia. The princess of the day rose with a stretch and a yawn before turning her focus to the source of the sound. “Oh my. Sounds like Luna can’t hold her liquor as well as me.”

“Not that surprising really, considering how tall you are.” Verdant chipped in as Celestia clambered out of bed.

“Hmm…” Celestia hummed as she noticed an odd taste in her mouth and feeling in her hindlegs. “Stomach, did Luna and I invite a stallion to bed last night? It kinda feels like it.” She then tittered before she started to stretch. “Honestly, it’s just been a very long time since I last had a stallion inside me.”

Verdant merely rolled his eyes at the princess’s ironic words.


“Alright,” Luna sat at a seat in the dreamscape that took the form of a fancy prench restaurant, rubbing her temples as she talked. “Plan A had some problems.”

“Yeah,” Verdant took a sip from his dream strawberry milkshake. “Who could have possibly foreseen that the single biggest mare in the world could handle more alcohol than a smaller pony?” he said with jovial sarcasm. “Maybe next time, you should run the plan by me first. That way, we could possibly find some holes in it.”

“Very well,” Luna sighed as she sipped from a cup of non-existent coffee. “Well, I have Plan B set to go, and it’s something much less likely to fail.”

“I’m all ears, Princess.” Verdant gave a grin as he leaned back in his chair. “What’s the plan?”

“Tis quite simple, my little pony.” A cocky smile came from Luna as she thrust a foreleg into the air. “I will have place some laxatives in Celestia’s food. As long as you don’t eat the pills, you should be out faster than you could say ‘Chocolate Waterfall’.”

“I’ve heard of that brand. Heard they work pretty well.” Verdant kicked up his hindlegs and set them on the table. “Can’t wait to see how this fails,” the verdant pony muttered as Luna slipped out of her seat.

“PLAN B SHALL COMMENCE IMMEDIATELY!” Luna bellowed in the Royal Canterlot voice, blasting the earth pony from his seat and sending him tumbling down the dreamy street.

~~~Plan B~~~

Celestia yawned as she strolled into the dining hall, meeting seeing Luna with a warm smile on her face.

“Good morning, Sister!” Luna called out with a wave as Celestia took a seat at her side. “I have had a special breakfast prepared for you today.”

“Do tell, Luna,” Celestia gave Luna a tender smile as she patted her belly. “I’m sure I and my stomach will enjoy whatever surprise you have for us. Right, Stomach?”

“Of course I will,” Verdant replied as Celestia unwittingly patted his head.

“So, what’s the surprise, Luna?” Celestia lightly bounced in her chair, causing the wooden seat to creak under the ton of alicorn.

“I have prepared pancakes with chocolate candies mixed in, just for you.” Luna’s horn gently glowed as a silver platter with a stack of fresh, steaming pancakes appear in from the alabaster mare.

“Hmm…” Celestia leaned in close the delicious looking breakfast, savoring the scent of the freshly cooked treat and licking her lips. “Thank you, Luna. Would you like to have some as well?”

“No thank you, Sister,” Luna replied before faking a yawn. “I would normally love to, but I think I’ll just have a few strips of hay bacon before going to bed. Still, I hope you enjoy the pancakes.”

“Oh I promise you, Luna. There’s no way I wouldn’t.” Celestia grinned widely behind she began to dig in, saving the soft texture of the the pancake contrasting the crunch of the “candies”.

As Celestia indulged in her breakfast, Luna smirked as she watched mouthful after mouthful was sent down her sister’s throat. While the older sister was devouring her meal with wild abandon, Luna quietly slipped away, a few strips of hay bacon floating along in her magical aura.


Luna grinned as she sat upon the throne for Night Court, Raven coming up to her side. “So, what’s on the agenda for tonight, Raven? Another slow night?”

“I’m afraid not, Princess,” Raven adjusted her spectacles as she examined our clipboard. “We actually have a really busy night ahead of us.”

“That’s… appreciated but odd.” Luna’s eyebrow quirked as she gazed at her assistant. “Is there a reason for the surprise influx?”

“Yes, actually. Apparently, Celestia had to postpone all her meetings for today due to a sudden bout of diarrhea.”

“Of course,” Luna sighed as she rubbed her rubbed the sides of her forehead. “What of the status of Verdant?”

“Still stuck, your highness.”

“Fantastic,” Luna grumbled and slouched in the throne. “Well, at least I have some ponies to distract me from this failure. How many do I have to tend to tonight?”

“Let’s see,” Raven’s eyes rapidly darted across her clipboard, tallying up the pony names. “One hundred and sixty-four.”

“I…What?!” Luna squeaked in surprised before groaning and laying back in her seat. “I have only myself to blame for this. Prepare a pot of coffee, Raven. This shall be a long night.”


“Well, that was a total bust,” Verdant said as he ducked for cover behind a concrete slab in his dreamscape, now a war torn city with dark skies and ruined buildings.

“Indeed, but Plan C shall be the one I know will set you free!” Luna peeked over the cover, spotting armored pegasi with strange, cannon-like devices at their sides and mechanical scorpion tails. The princess ducked back down to avoid a hail of projectiles that they launched at her.

“Hopefully, it’s not something that involves your sister’s butt,” Verdant shouted as he pulled what Luna thought was a silver apple from his saddlebags. The stallion quickly pulled the stem out with his teeth and tossed the apple into the crowd, where it exploded into a massive ball of fire. “It’s the least preferred way to get out.”

“No worries, my little pony. Our plan will not involve her rear at all!” Luna called out just as one of the pegasi leapt over the barricade and tried to jam its stinger into the princess’ face. The alicorn just barely managed to duck her head to the side before blasting the pegasus away.

“Well, how are you gonna get me out this time?” Verdant pulled out a miniature cannon similar to the ones the pegasi had, quickly rising over the cover and firing at the oncoming enemies.

“We’ll show her terrible movies, the worst we can find.” Luna winced as a shot from the enemy knocked her crown from her head.

Verdant smirked as he took down another pegasus. “Will she have to sit and watch them all as you monitor her mind?”

“Well, we’ll have her watch this in hopes of making her sick.” Luna leapt away from the cover just as another pegasus landed where she was just an instant before. With a deft blast of magic, the pegasus was sent hurtling into the deep grey skies. “The movies we shall show her will be so disgusting that she will be retching in a matter of moments.”

“Well, good luck with that.” Verdant’s eyes rolled as he ducked back behind his cover, reloading his weapon.

“Plan C is a go!” Luna stood proudly as she shouted, only for the pegasus forces to turn her to swiss cheese a moment later.

~~~Plan C~~~

“I’m glad you’ve set up another movie marathon for us, Luna.” Celestia grinned as she laid down on her plush bedroom carpet. “To be honest, after all we drank, I can’t really remember what happened that night.”

“I wish I did,” Luna grumbled as she set up the projector, putting a film reel with the words, ‘Two Mares, One Cup’ into the machine.

“Hey, remember our agreement, Celestia?” Verdant called out, making the alabaster alicorn quickly move into a sitting position.

“Sorry, MTS. It slipped my mind.” Celestia blushed as Luna took her place at her side. With a quick swatting of her hoof, the film had started to play.

This is it! This plan is foolproof! Luna grinned as her sister draped a wing over her back. There’s no way she won’t retch from these films!

“Oh, hey! I remember this film,” Celestia giddily said, much to Luna’s horror. The look on the lunar princess’ face fell like as lead balloon as Celestia was completely unaffected by the disgusting debauchery onscreen. “Fancy Pants showed me this at a party of his a few years ago.”

Damnation! What will it take to make her sick?! Luna rubbed her chin in frustrated confusion. Perhaps the Equine Centipede movies will be enough.


Celestia was laughing her flank off at the sights unfolding on screen, barely able to wolf down more of her popcorn. “Did you see those effects?! Oh dear Faust, who got paid for such shoddy work?” The bag of popcorn that floated in her magical aura slowly moved its way under Luna’s nose. “Want some, sis?”

“No thank you,” Luna replied as she gently pushed the bag back. While Celestia couldn’t see it due to the darkness of the room and her eyes being locked onto the screen, the night princess’s coat was turning from a deep blue to a sickly green.

What depraved artists has Equestria birthed in our absence? What vile creatures could find this sort of filth to be entertaining?

A loud bought of laughter came from the mare at Luna’s side as she slapped her hindleg in her delight. “You are ze meedle piece! Ahahaahah!”

What has this world come to? Luna rolled her eyes before she slapped a fore hoof against her face. Plan C is officially a bust.


“Verdant, I have OH DEAR FAUST!” Luna covered her eyes as she entered the dreamscape once more, finding Verdant in a red smoking jacket in a large bed, cuddled by her sister on his right and a duplicate of herself on his left.

“Well, um…” Verdant blushed and tried to look away from the now fuming alicorn. “Let’s be honest, this is not the worst thing you’ve seen ponies do in dreams with you or your sister.”

The princess of the night glared daggers at him before her expression slowly started to soften.

“Sadly, that’s very, very true,” Luna said with a shudder before approaching the bed. “At any rate, we have another plan set to go. This will surely make my sister throw you back up.”

“Are you going to give her some ipecac?” Verdant asked as the alabaster alicorn nuzzled against her neck.

“No, we have decided not to attempt poisoning her anymore. Not after last time.” Luna laid back as she faced the lounging stallion. “Instead, we shall be taking her to a fair. She will indulge in a fair amount of snacks and treats before we take her on an intense ride, thus you shall finally be ejected.”

Verdant kept from making eye contact with Luna has her doppleganger draped a wing over him. “I’m not so sure about this, Princess,” Verdant softly replied as the dream figures drew closer, making him the middle of an alicorn sandwich. “I’ve tried to escape that way a bunch of times before. What makes you so certain it’ll work?”

“Oh ho ho, my little pony of little faith, we have seen how Celestia handles such rides before,” Luna grinned wickedly and she rubbed her hooves together. “She may put on a brave face, but her with a belly full of snacks and a ride upon the fairgrounds creates a disgusting cascade the likes of which very few have ever seen and fewer wish they had.”

“Alrighty,” Verdant said with a sigh as a white wing stretched across Luna’s duplicate. “Here’s hoping this plan works, Princess.”

“Rest assured, it will,” Luna giddily said as she hopped off the bed. “Now, I shall leave you to continue whatever perverted fantasies you may have. Farewell!”

In a flash of azure light, Luna had vanished without a trace, likely off to aid another pony in their dreams.

“Hmm… Should I have told Luna she might want to bring a rain slicker for that?” Verdant became to rub his chin just before the mares at his side both started to nibble upon his ears. “Mmm, she’ll be fine. Meanwhile,” he brought his forelegs to the two’s backs, drawing them ever closer, “I’m about to have the best night ever.”

~~~Plan D~~~

“This is the worst day ever!” Verdant quietly grumbled to himself, making sure neither the sun princess nor the ponies outside heard anything.

Deep within Celestia’s stomach, Verdant was sitting in a massive slush that was once, from what he could tell, popcorn, soda, cotton candy, chocolate covered hay bacon strips, corn dogs, and a small salad with a light dressing.

The stallion sighed as he sat in the sickening stew, having his head being drenched as Celestia chugged down her family sized big gulp full of diet orange soda.

“Either this plan works flawlessly, or Luna’d better suffer for this,” Verdant muttered as another glob of former corndog landed upon his face.


Celestia and Luna were having a blast as they went about the local fair, playing the games, seeing the sights and, especially in Celestia’s case, partaking in the delightful carnival food.

“Is this not a most excellent way to spend our day off, Celestia?” Luna merrily said as she looked up to her big sister, finishing off what had to be her sixth corn dog at the very least.

“It sure is, Luna,” Celestia grinned like a schoolfilly before covering her mouth, suppressing a belch that otherwise would have shattered nearby windows. “Can we go on some rides next? I’d love to play on the bumper cars.”

“Hmm…” Luna raised a hoof to her chin, pretending to be deep in thought while her sister gave her the puppy dog eyes. “Alright, but I get first choice of ride to go on.”

“Sure thing, Luna.” Celestia’s featured quickly morphed back to her usual giddy self. “Pick whichever you’d like.”

“In that case,” Luna’s tone became oddly sinister to Celestia before the younger alicorn’s hoof shot out, pointing directly at the biggest roller coaster in the fair. “I choose this one! The Ultimate Rocket!”

“Oh, I see,” Celestia put on a courageous face, the only signs of fear visible only to Luna. “That sounds lovely, Luna. Let’s go.”

A few minutes passed before the two reached the front of the line. To Luna’s delight, she saw that the seats they would have would be the ones for the very end of the ride, where the gravitational forces would be the most intense.

“Welcome aboard The Ultimate Rocket,” the attendant said as the princesses stepped forward. “Plus keep your hooves inside the…” her words died in her throat as she saw the state of Celestia’s swollen stomach.

“What’s wrong, miss?” Celestia was perplexed as Luna slipped into her seat.

“Um… Princess Celestia…” the attendant was sweating bullets before the towering alicorn. “This ride is not safe for pregnant mares to go on.”

Princess Celestia huffed, trying to keep her temper in check as she took a seat next to Luna. “I’m not pregnant. This,” she gave her belly a jab, shaking the pony within around, “is the result of too much cake.”

While the princesses were being strapped in for the ride, a worrying thought occurred to Verdant.

Wait… what safety restraints do I have? And if the princess throws me up, where the hay will I land?!

A chill of panic went up Verdant’s spine as he felt the ride lurch forward, carrying the ponies on it up a steep incline.

“Luna,” Celestia looked about nervously as the top drew ever closer. “How intense will this ride be?”

“The most intense, my sister!” Luna exclaimed with glee, her face quickly taking on a wide, toothy grin. “This is the greatest roller coaster ponies have ever created, sporting twenty-eight loops and sixty hairpin turns. This shall be a ride will shall never forget!”

Celestia began to sweat profusely as the carriage reached the top, the cars holding at the top for a brief moment before they were rocketed down towards the ground.

“Yes! Yes!” Luna joyfully shouted as they took several sharp turn and went through two loops. “This is the greatest ride ever!”

“Yeah,” Celestia replied weakly and sarcastically as her coat quickly became as green as grass. “Just peachy…”

“What’s the problem, sister?” Luna asked with faux concern. “Can’t handle it?”

“N-no… I…” Celestia’s eyes bulged out as she felt something rushing up her throat. Luna could only look on in horror as her sister failed to look away from her.


Luna diligently scrubbed every part of her coat as steaming hot water from the shower washed over.

“So, I guess Plan D was yet another failure,” Raven’s voice called out from outside the princess’ bathroom.

Luna shuddered as she turned off the shower, likely using up all the hot water in the palace. “Verily. We are fortunate that neither the park or the patrons who my sister ‘coated’ decided not to ask for some kind of repayment.” With a brief instance of magic, the water on Luna’s coat quickly evaporated just as she left the bathroom, Raven quickly falling into step behind the steaming alicorn.

“Do you have a Plan E for Verdant’s escape yet?” the unicorn mare asked as she tried to keep pace with the princess, following her out into a palace hallway.

“Yes, I do in fact!” Luna spun around to face her assistant, a mad grin spreading across her face as her right eye twitched. “Plan E is my most brilliant plan yet!”

“W-what’s that, Princess?” Raven swallowed hard as the princess crept closer to her, a midnight blue snout nearly touching her alabaster one.

“First, we shall construct a new cake!” Luna said as her nose bumped into Raven’s making the unicorn nervously back away. “Then, we shall have you hide within the delicious dessert. Once you’re inside, we shall present the cake to my sister. After she swallows you and the cake whole, you will simply grab on to Verdant and teleport the two of you out!” Luna started to cackle madly, not seeing Raven sweating or her pupils becoming the size of pinpricks behind her spectacles.

“Oh… well…” Raven quickly glanced around the hallway, “I… I would be honored to partake in this mission to rescue LOOKADEADBIRD!” she exclaimed and pointed behind the princess of the night.

Luna looked away for an instant at where Raven was pointing, only seeing a long stretch of empty hallway. Before she could spot anything out of the ordinary, the sound of nearby glass shattering reached her ears.

Swiftly looking back, Luna saw that Raven was gone, in her place was a large hole in the window. Gazing out, Luna spotted a white unicorn sporting a few scratches running away as fast as her legs could carry her.

“Coward!” Luna shouted out the broken window before sighing and turning away. “Fine! I’ll go straight to Plan F instead.”


In the dreamscape, Verdant was waiting patiently for the princess’ appearance in the middle of a wide park, the lone pony sitting on a swing. Right on time, she appeared in front of him in a flash of blue. The green stallion could immediately tell that something was off about the mare of the night. Her coat was now somewhat frazzled and ruffled while her ethereal mane somehow managed to look wild and tangled.

“Greetings, my little pony,” Luna sported a mad grin as she trotted up Verdant, her eye twitching the whole time. “The time has come for the plan to finally release you!”

“Okay,” Verdant nervously smiled when the princess brought her face right next to his. “W-what’s the plan this time?”

“It’s the greatest plan ever conjured by pony!” Luna shouted in the Royal Canterlot voice, knocking the stallion from the swing and sending him tumbling across the grass. “We shall have Celestia devour humongous quantities in food to push you out of her stomach, forcing you to move through her and finally exit through her bowels! It’s brilliant, brilliant, brilliant I tell you! Genius, I say!”

“B-but, princess!” Verdant scrambled onto his hooves, his voice trembling as he righted himself. “What if I get buried? Or suffocate, or-”

“SILENCE!” Luna bellowed as her twitching eyes glowed with a terrifying white light, the Royal Canterlot Shout launching the shamrock stallion through the the side of a tree. “WE DO NOT NEED THY CONSULTATION! WE SHALT COMMENCE OUR PLAN IMMEDIATELY!”

In a thunderous crack, the princess vanished from the dreamscape, leaving a groaning Verdant to pick himself up.

~~~Plan F~~~

“Luna, do I really need to do this?” Celestia whispered as she took her seat in front of a large table. A large outdoor event was being arranged with several other ponies busily stacking large piles of food on the table.

“But of course, Sister!” Luna from behind her, a large grin gracing her features. “This is a magnificent charity! For every plate of food you finish, more money will be donated to the Paradise Estate Orphanage! If there’s any mare who could raise a ton of funds for the orphans, it’s you!”

“But can’t I just allocate bits to go to the orphanage?” Celestia winced as a bowl that was larger than the average mare full of mashed potatoes was placed on the table, making the metal legs groan. “You know I’m trying to lose weight.”

“But Sister,” Luna mustered the cutest pout she could, dealing a massive blow to Celestia’s resistance. “The poor little orphans wanted to see a show of their princess going through a great trial to win a great prize for them. You don’t want to disappoint the little children, do you?”

“No,” Celestia answered with a sigh. Luna could feel the last of her sister’s resistance crumbling to dust. “Well, I might as well get this over with.”

“Excellent!” the princess of the night flew into the air, facing the crowd. “Citizens of Equestria, are you ready to see your princess put her waistline on the line to help out the little foals of Paradise Estate?”

A roar of cheers and applause echoed forth from the crowd, many eager to watch the coming display.”

“Then let the gorging begin!”


Within the stomach, Verdant had braced himself for the upcoming onslaught. The small stallion had ducked and covered, keeping his snout close the the lower valve.

Please, Faust. I beg that Luna’s plan works and gets me out of here quickly.

Verdant shuddered as he felt something plopping down onto his back. From the texture and smell, the substance was likely mashed potatoes.

After a few moments, far more food began to rain down upon him. At first it wasn’t so bad, but now the weight and pressure was becoming quite the strain on him. It was only because of how he had covered his head that he was even able to breathe, just barely.

The princess’s stomach gave several hard clenches around Verdant and the pile that was weighing down upon him. With a harder clench, Verdant’s snout was pushed through the valve, slipping into her duodenum.

More and more food flooded into the royal belly until the pressure started to push the stallion further into the princess’s body.


Luna was relaxing happily in her bedroom, sipping a mimosa through a crazy straw.

For the first time in a while, the princess of the night was content. She had gotten confirmation that Verdant was no longer in Celestia’s stomach and if things went according to plan, he would finally be out some time tonight if he wasn’t already.

In a burst of bright light, Celestia had appeared at the night princess’ side. “Good evening, Luna. How are you doing?”

“Most splendidly, my dear sister,” Luna cheerfully replied as she set her drink aside. “And how are you this fine evening?”

“Eh, could be worse,” Celestia answered with a shrug as she sat down. “Honestly, the worst thing I can really complain about right now’s this terrible case of constipation I have.”

“T.M.I., Sister…” the dark alicorn voice slowly died in her throat as she process her sister’s words. “Oh dear…”

“Eh, it’s not too terrible,” Celestia leaned Luna’s bed as she flippantly replied. “I’m sure it will pass. It’s just a bit uncomfortable when you have this and need to spend hours on the throne.”

“Y-yes. Indeed.” Luna swallowed as her coat quickly started to match her sister’s. Maybe… Maybe it’s not as bad as I think.


With an azure flash, Luna appeared in Verdant’s dreamscape once more, now taking the form of an ancient stone temple. The princess tried to put on a brave face as she searched for the missing stallion.

After a few moments of search, she had found the gardener was wrapped up in a giant, purple cobra creature’s coils; the intimidating serpent gave the stallion a crushing squeeze.

“Greetings, Verdant,” Luna galloped up to the squished stallion. “How are you?”

“Eh, good news, bad news,” the emerald pony calmly wheezed as the snake gave him another tight squeeze. “The good news is after several months, I’ve finally seen the light of day again.

“The bad news is that I had to see it through your sister’s tail hole!” Verdant’s voice suddenly shifted to a furious bellow as he glared daggers at the alicorn.

Luna winced at the stallion’s shout. “My apologies, Verdant. I will do what I can to think of way to get you out as soon as possible.

“Hopefully,” Verdant pouted as he looked away. “You do not want to know what I’m feeling all around me right now.”

A tinge of green came to Luna’s face at the mental image of Verdant’s current conditions.

“Well, rest assured; I shall think of ways to get you out throughout the night!”


Dawn had just broke and Luna was doing what she had been doing for the past hour and a half; staring at a blank piece of parchment.

“This is unbelievable,” Luna grumbled, rubbing her temples with a huff. “How could I not think of a way to get that stallion through the last leg of his journey?”

A pair of loud knocks came from the princess’ bedroom door.

“Luna?” the voice of her elder sister came from behind the thick entryway. “Would you like to come to breakfast?”

“Oh!” Celestia’s voiced startled the blue mare, knocking her from her chair. As she straightened herself out, she saw that the sun had been raised while she had been trying to plot. “Yes! Coming, Celestia.”

Luna quickly adjusting her vestments before opening the door just a smidge and slipping out through the narrow gap.

“How are you this fine morning, Celestia?” Luna inquired, trying to sound perky while masking how tired she truly was.

“Same old, same old,” Celestia replied as the two started to trot down the hall. “Raven’s recovering nicely. But other than that, it’s pretty much-”

The elder mare was silenced as a crackle of magic was heard above her. Looking up, she saw a letter with Twilight Sparkle’s seal upon it.

With an interested hum, Celestia unfurled the letter and began to read aloud. “Dear Princess Celestia. We had quite the strange anomaly this morning. A large trio of dragonesses suddenly appeared in Ponyville, causing a bit of a panic. They said they were from another dimension before heading off to Canterlot, saying she wished to speak to a princess whose name she recognized.

“I hope things go well for everypony in Canterlot with these three. Signed, Twilight Sparkle.”

“This could be quite the challenge, sister,” Luna said as she put hoof on her sister’s shoulder.

“Oh, don’t worry. I’m pretty sure we can handle any dragons that show up here.” Celestia smirked as her horn began glowing with a golden radiance. In an instant, the two sisters were now standing in the royal gardens. “Now we just have to wait until they-”

A thunderous boom drowned out Celestia’s words and shook the mountainside. Looking upward, the duo very quickly saw the dragons that Twilight mentioned had arrived, though they were not quite what the two were expecting.

Instead of three separate dragonesses, they appeared to be a single green dragon body with three heads.

The three-headed creature was absolutely massive. The solar alicorn saw that a single toenail from them was larger than her. The three of them were taller than the highest tower of the palace, putting them over eighty feet in height.

“So, this is what Canterlot looked like before the mega spells dropped,” the leftmost head of the dragoness said with a huff. While she tried to whisper, she was still loud enough to shake windows.

“Don’t be so rude, Jade,” the right head gave the left a chiding glare. “This is a pretty nice city. It’s really colorful.”

“Yeah, enough to make my eyes want to bleed, Peri,” Jade grumbled as the right hand jabbed a talon into Peri’s snout.

“Quite down, both of you,” the central head grumbled with authority before their wings smacked Peri and Jade on the backs of their heads. “We need the princesses help to get back home and I don’t want you two messing things up for us. Understood?”

“Yes, Esmeralda,” the two heads looked away sheepishly.

“Well then,” Luna said as she looked up at the bizarre trio. “Shall we go fly up and speak to them, sister?”

Celestia could only stare up in silent shock at the massive sight that stood before her.

“Sister?” Luna’s eyebrow quirked up at she stared at her sister standing still as a statue. Before she could say another word, she heard a strange sound coming from behind her; a strange mix of a plop and a thud.

“Oh! Um…” Celestia snapped from her stupor, her face redder than the grandest ruby Luna had ever laid eyes on. “Sorry, Luna. It’s just seeing our new guests startled me so much… um… it cured my constipation…”

“Urgh… tell me about it…” a voice came from behind the alicorn pair. Turning around, they saw Verdant Range, looking disgusted as he was covered in what was once Celestia’s meals.

“Verdant Range!” Celestia grinned at the sight of the once missing pony, only for it quickly fade away at what he was covered in. “Oh my me, I’m so sorry! I didn’t know anypony was behind me when I… lost control. Rest assured, I will compensate you this and ask for you not mention this to anypony.”

“No worries, your highness,” Verdant grimaced as he tried to shake off some of the vile mess that was stuck to him. “I never want to talk about this ever again.

As while Verdant and Celestia looked disgusted at the sight of the stallion, Luna looked on with triumphant delight.

This is fantastic! Verdant has finally been freed and we can finally move on from this gross nightmare!

“By the way, Verdant,” Celestia raised a hoof to her chin, “where have you been these last three months? You were missing for quite a while.”

Oh, poop… Luna thought as she realized she forgot to make a cover story for the shamrock stallion.

“Did… did my paperwork get lost?” Verdant tilted his head in confusion. “I could have sworn I filed the the paperwork for a temporary transfer months ago.”

“Oh, I guess it must have gotten lost somewhere.” Celestia gave a shrug before she started to slowly trot away. “Well, I suggest you take a long, hot shower and take the next couple days off. Meanwhile…” Celestia attempted to move her hind legs, only to wince in pain. “I’m gonna find some aspirin and something to sit on.”

The princess of the sun’s ivory horn started to glow once more as she muttered. “Sweet Faust, it feels like I’ve given birth.” She then vanished in a golden flash.

“Well, I’m impressed, young stallion.” Luna offered Verdant a sly grin. “I never knew you could be such a skilled liar.”

“When you grow up with six sisters, you learn some skills to get you out of hot water,” Verdant replied, still trying to scrape some of Celestia’s waste off him.

“Well, at any rate, we can finally put this disaster to rest,” Luna sighed relief and straightened her back. “Head for the staff showers, Verdant. Once my sister has returned and we’ve dealt with this… these dragons, I shall handle the paperwork for your compensation.”

“Thank you, Princess Luna,” Verdant said with a bow before he started to trot away. “One thing’s for certain, I hope I never have something like that happen to me ever again.”

The Quickest Way to a Mare's Heart... (APD)

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It was a bright and beautiful day in the Crystal Empire as a pair of ponies disembarked from a crystalline train. They were Twilight Sparkle, heroine of Equestria and her boyfriend, an earth pony named Verdant Range.

“I can’t wait to see Shiny and Cadance again,” Twilight Sparkle said with a wide grin on her face as she trotted along the city streets. “It’s been so long since we were last here!”

“Well, it’s been a long three months, for sure,” Verdant replied as he tried to keep up with the excited unicorn. “Feels longer when you have to spend a chunk of time in a crazy bug lady,” the shamrock stallion muttered and shuddered.

“What was that, Verdant?” Twilight looked back that the stallion.

“Just wondering if Cadance and Shining Armor will like my recipe for sweet and sour stir fry,” Verdant quickly answered to cover his slip.

“Oh, I know they will, Verdant.” Twilight gave the earth pony a nuzzle which he quickly returned.

“Thanks, Twilight.” Verdant smile before he and Twilight shared a quick kiss. “I hope Spike doesn’t mind sitting for Pizza and Owlowiscious while we’re here.”

“Well,” Twilight lightly chuckled as they walked along. “Since you left him with a pile of gems that was bigger than he was and gem filled pancakes in the fridge, I’d say the worst thing he’d have to deal with might be a tummy ache.”

“Alright, and soon we’ll be able to have a nice quiet night together,” Verdant leaned closer to the violet unicorn. “Just you, me and a… what the hay?”

“Hmm?” Twilight looked over to where Verdant was facing, seeing that right outside the entrance to the royal palace, two pairs of ponies were tossing food at each other, blocking the way in.

“Take that, you fast food shoveling hacks!” One mare angrily exclaimed as she tossed tomatoes and lettuce at the ponies across the way.

“At least we can take somepony’s order and have it finished in under two hours!” Another mare shouted back while chucking watermelons and cheese wedges.

“Oh well, this isn’t a big deal,” Twilight said as she placed a hoof on Verdant’s shoulder. “Once we drop our bags off, I’ll take care of this friendship problem in under a half hour.”

“Sounds like a plan, Twilight, but how will we get…” Verdant stopped as he saw Twilight’s horn glowing with a magenta light. “Oh, right.”

“We’ll be past that in just a-” Twilight was cut off by a pepper shaker the one mare at tossed flying overhead, its contents making the unicorn’s nose twitch. “Ahhh...ahchoo!”

With a loud sneeze, Verdant and Twilight vanished in a bright flash of magenta.


Verdant and Twilight found themselves in a dark metal tunnel, being rushed forward along by rapidly running water that filled the entire tunnel. The two would occasionally smack into each other or the smooth metal walls.

Soon, the pair went around a bend and plummeted down a rough waterfall before plunging into a deep lake below.

Verdant and Twilight swam towards the surface as quickly as they could. Eventually, the pair breached the surface and took deep breaths of air and coughing.

“Where,” Verdant coughed into his hoof as he tried to catch his breath. “Where are we?”

The two looked around, taking in the strange sight of where they had ended up. The waterfall seemed to be pouring down from a massive pipe in the sky. Above that, the sky was a shimmering white. All around them were thick clear walls that were covered in a light blue glow that seemed to encircle the lake they were in.

“I don’t know, but I’ll-whoa!” Twilight was cut off as the lake was suddenly shifted away from the waterfall and pipe. “What was…” Twilight looked upwards, now seeing in the center of the sky was the snout of a pregnant pink pony princess.

“Oh, dear Celestia, we shrank and are in Cadance’s drink!” Twilight shouted at the glass was levitated up in Cadance’s magic, coming closer to her plush lips. The pair tried to swim away to the far side of the glass as Cadance started to tip the glass and open her mouth.

Twilight strained, trying to make her horn ignite, but to no avail. All that came from her horn were a few faint sparkles.

“Twilight, grab onto my back!” Verdant called out as he swam closer to the unicorn mare, but it was too late. Cadance had tilted the glass too far up and now the current was carrying them into the alicorn’s mouth.

Waves dragged the two further into the princess’s mouth, over her whale sized tongue and towards the whirlpool at the back of her throat. They paddled for all their worth, but the rushing water made them pass under her dangling uvula and dragged them under just as Cadance swallowed.

Verdant and Twilight were pushed along the flooded tube of flesh, squeezed through her esophagus by muscles with dragonesque strength forcing downwards.

The two heard the loud thumping of Cadance’s heartbeat just before a valve opened up below them, dropping the pair and a torrent of water into the alicorn’s stomach.

Twilight and Verdant fell onto a piece of celery, gasping for air and coughing after their terrible tumble into the acid filled chamber.

“Did…” Twilight let out a hard cough, clearing the water out of her airways. “Did Cadance really just swallow us?” she weakly said as she tried to stand up on the partially digested hunk of vegetable.

“Seems so,” Verdant wheezed as he rolled onto his belly. “At least we’re in one piece.”

“Oh Faust,” Twilight whispered as she looked around the pulsating chamber. All around them were chunks of vegetables what she assumed was pasta of some kind, all mashed up and dissolving in the thick, bubbling lake of acid. The stench of the acid and digestion made her eyes sting while all around her, the sound of Cadance’s heart filled the digestive sack while more water poured in from the hole in the ceiling.

“I… I’ve killed us…” the lavender mare softly as she felt a hoof softly fall upon her shoulder. Looking over, she saw Verdant with a kind expression on his face before he gave her cheek a nuzzle.

“No, Twilight. You didn’t,” he comfortingly whispered into her ear. “This was just a terrible accident. If it weren’t for the pepper, we’d just be in the palace instead of in your sister-in-law.”

“I appreciate the sentiment, Verdant,” Twilight bit her lip and looked away glumly. “But we’re going to die in here.”

“I have doubts there, Twilight,” Verdant patted her on the back. “First, remember what you told me Cadance taught you.”

“Right,” Twilight said as she stood up before extending her foreleg back and forth and taking deep breaths. “Thanks, dear. That made me feel a tiny bit better.”

“No problem, Twilight,” Verdant smiled at her before he glanced around the chamber. “Now, let’s take stock of what we’ve got to work with.”

“Well, my magic’s not much of option right now,” Twilight answered glumly before she gritted her teeth and strained. Her horn managed to spark briefly before it sputtered out, making her gasp for breath. “I think that the teleport and shrinking spells used up most of my magic. I can’t really do much right now.”

“Alright, that’s one thing,” Verdant replied as the water flow finally stopped and he looked around. “Do you think after you’ve rested, we’d be able to teleport out of here?”

“That would be really dangerous,” Twilight said with a swallow. “A blind teleport from inside somepony could cause all sorts of horrible stuff to happen. We could materialize inside a wall of flesh or bone, or end up stuck in a blood vessel and cause a lethal arterial clog to Cadance, or we could-”

“Okay, teleporting’s not an option,” Verdant quickly cut her off, trying to keep her from conjuring the mental image of what horrors could occur. “Are you acid proof?”

“What?” Perplexment was clear in Twilight’s tone as she tilted her head. “No, I’m not acid proof. Nopony is.”

“Actually, I am. See,” Verdant casually said before dipping a foreleg into the bubbling brew.

“Verdant, stop!” Twilight screeched, grabbing his foreleg out. “Who knows what… you’ve…” her words died as she examined his foreleg. He should have at least be suffering from chemical burns and the hair on his leg dissolving, but it was completely unharmed. A few droplets of acid dripped off the leg. The droplets made a hiss and foamed when they made contact with the celery.

“How… how’s that even possible?” Twilight said in bafflement at the earth pony. “How did you know you’re acid proof?”

“Well,” Verdant clicked his tongue as he looked away from her. “I’m not really at liberty to give details, but I will say that this isn’t my first time in a stomach.”

“This… certainly is a surprise…” Twilight raised a hoof to her chin in thought.

Before either pony could say another word, the stomach trembled as a thunderous boom echoed all around them. The pair covered their ears with their hooves until the roar died down. Once the ringing in their ears stopped, they heard a loud voice in the distance.



Princess Cadance gave a sigh of relief as she made her way into the the palace’s kitchen. A long day of court had finally come to a close and the princess was parched.

With the day’s affairs finally taken care of, she could finally just relax and get off her sore hooves that had become even sorer in the past three months, even though she was barely showing.

Humming a little tune to herself, Cadance lit her horn; pulling a glass from a cupboard and and turning on the faucet.

The alicorn princess stuck the glass into the stream, not seeing when a pair of minuscule specks fell into her drink.

With the glass filled, Cadance began to trot away, taking a long swig of her quenching drink. As she walked down the hallway of her palace, she took in the sights of all the flowers, both outside in the gardens and inside in crystalline vases.

As she started to turn a corner, the princess felt a bubbling in her belly and something heading up her throat. She tried to cover her mouth, but it came too quickly, making her unable to suppress the loud belch.

“Pardon me,” she said to herself and started to trot away, only to pause when she heard a chuckling coming behind her.

“Oh, I don’t know, dear. It’s seems like behavior somewhat unbecoming of a princess,” a voice teasingly said as a white unicorn stallion came around the bend, drawing a chuckle from the princess. “Honestly, what would your husband say?”

“Oh, I’m pretty sure he’d be jealous since he knows he could never beat me in a belching contest.” Cadance grinned as Shining Armor joined her at her side. “So, have Twilight and Verdant arrived yet?”

“Not yet, Cadance,” Shining Armor sighed as they headed down the hallway. “It’s weird. The train arrived on time and ponies saw them disembark. I know Twily would have checked in with us as soon as she could.”

“Probably just a minor obstruction keeping them up,” Cadance gave her mate a soft pat on the back. “For all we know, Marinara and Heavy Cream got into a food fight again and she’s trying to solve their friendship problem.”

“Yeah, I could see that.” Shining Armor smiled as he shook his head. “Hope they won’t be too long.”

“I’ve got a gut feeling that says we’ll see them soon, dear,” Cadance replied as they strolled along, only to get a strange feeling in her belly a few steps later. “Uh-oh…” she whispered as she set her glass aside.


“Well, thanks to that gaseous expulsion, we probably have a lot less air to breath,” Twilight sighed as she looked towards the stomach’s upper valve.

The lavender unicorn’s ears perked up when she heard a loud splash behind her. Snapping to look, she saw Verdant was now swimming around in the stomach juices.

“Verdant, what in Zacherle’s name are you doing?” Twilight asked as the green pony kept paddling about, using a piece of noodle as a pool noodle.

“Well, a tiny part of me’s hoping that if we can shake things up enough in here, the stomach will get upset enough that she’ll throw us up,” Verdant answered as he paddled a bit closer to Twilight.

“I’m pretty sure that at our size, the most you’ll be able to do with that would be probably just making her burp again.” Just as Twilight had finished, the stomach walls rapidly starting to convulse and clench, tossing its contents around as well as bouncing the green pony back onto the celery.

“Which is why the main reason why I was doing this was trying to kill time until Cadance was hit by a certain side effect of pregnancy.”

Verdant and Twilight grabbed onto each other as the churning grew worse and worse. Suddenly, they felt a massive shift from Cadance starting to run before the stomach clenched and launched them upwards.

The pair’s screams were drowned out by the alicorn’s heartbeat and the rush of the geyser below them as they rocketed up her throat.

The two quickly passed by Cadance’s dangling uvula and were headed toward her open mouth, where they could see a potted plant outside.


Me and my big mouth. Why did I have to say gut feeling?! Cadance felt a deep, intense swirling down in her belly, one she knew she couldn’t hold back.

“Cadance, are you okay?” Shining Armor reached a hoof out to Cadance, seeing her face starting to turn a sickly green. Before he could reach her, the princess bolted down the hallway, running towards a potted plant.

The alicorn’s cheeks bulged out as she grabbed the sides of the pot while Shining Armor looked away.

“BLAURGH!!!” the sickening sound echoed throughout the halls as the stallion slowly approached his wife, keeping his eyes clenched shut tightly.

“Urgh…” Cadance groaned as she tried to catch her breath. “Damn pregnancy. I really didn’t need to taste my lunch a second time.”

“There there, Cadance,” Shining Armor gave a comforting whisper as he placed a hoof on her back and started to rub her back. “I’m sure we’ll get you a better meal that you can keep down and you’ll feel better a lot real soon.”

“Thanks, Shiny.” Cadance grinned as she starting to pull back, only to pause upon seeing something. “Honey, I think I found Twilight and Verdant.”


Night had fallen upon the Crystal Empire by the time Magic Barrier found himself traversing the palace halls, looking for any sign of the prince or princess.

The charcoal stallion sighed and took a swig from his flask as he turned a corner.

“All my years in the guard and I have to play delivery boy for the princesses,” he mused aloud, stowing the flask as he spotted Twilight Sparkle and Verdant Range headed down a hallway, soaked to the bone and trying to dry themselves off. A moment later, Princess Cadance followed behind them.

Quickly lighting his horn, Barrier had teleported closer to the alicorn, catching her uttering repeated apologies to the pair.

“Princess Cadance,” he broke the princess from her apologies and pulled a small package from his saddlebags.

“Ah, Barrier. Surprised to see you,” she said as she tried to sound cheerful, though she seemed somewhat upset despite that. “What brings you here?”

“What was up with Private Range and Twilight?” He casually ignored her question as he looked over her shoulder, seeing the drying pair entering one of the guest rooms.

“Oh, well they used up all the hot water in their rooms so they had to use one of the guard showers to clean themselves off after they were drenched because of their time inside me.” Cadance’s answer made Barrier’s eyebrow rise a tiny bit.

“Beg pardon?” Barrier flatly asked, making Cadance have to use all of her will to keep from grinning or laughing.

“Oh yeah, the two had quite the time inside me. The two got completely drenched because of this,” the pregnant princess coyly said as she forced a blush to her face. “You should have seen the look on Shiny’s face when he saw it.”

“So,” Barrier smirked at the pink pony, “You’re the latest creature to eat poor Verdant.”

“Ah, poop,” Cadance grumbled as she gave Barrier a glare. “You’re no fun.”

“Too old to be fun,” Barrier chuckled as he levitated the small parcel onto Cadance’s back. “Princess Celestia told me to give that to you or Shiny. Didn’t tell me why, just not to look. If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a long train ride back to Manehattan to the mates and kids. Goodnight, Princess.”


The now fully dried Twilight Sparkle let out a tired sigh as she flopped face first onto the guest room’s bed. “I’m so sorry about this, Verdant,” she muttered through a face full of pillow.

“Hey,” Verdant softly said as he hopped onto the bed beside her. “Don’t feel so bad about this.”

“How can I not?” The mare asked as she lifted her head up, not looking the stallion in the eye. “I nearly got us both killed with that botched teleport. And then we got covered in…” she shuddered before Verdant gently stroked her side with his hoof.

“Twilight, none of that was your fault. It was an accident.” He leaned in closer and gave her cheek a nuzzle. “The teleport was messed up from that mare throwing that pepper around. If it weren’t for that, things would have gone perfectly."

“Still,” Twilight looked down at the stallion before slinging a foreleg around him. “I feel bad about this. It really messed up our trip.”

“Oh, trust me Twilight,” Verdant’s tone subtly shifted, but the unicorn could hear the sadness in his voice, “This is far from my worst trip to the empire by a very wide margin.”

“Verdant,” Twilight’s grip around the stallion tightened, pulling him closer.

“Besides,” Verdant’s voice became much happier as he pulled back, looking Twilight in her amethyst eyes. “Things are much better since I have the world’s greatest mare beside me.”

Twilight chuckled as a faint blush came to her face before she lit her horn, pulling the blanket out from under them and gently draping it over the two.

“A brilliant and powerful mare who’s one of the greatest heroines Equestria’s ever seen. A mare who’s caring, considerate and willing to do everything she can to help ponies.” Verdant hugged her softly, which the unicorn quickly returned.

“Thanks, Verdant,” Twilight said before leaning over and giving his a quick peck on the lips. “And I’m glad I have a wonderful pony like you by my side.”

With a brief display of magic, the lights in the room were turned out as the two snuggled closely together.

“Goodnight, Verdant.”

“Goodnight, Twilight.”

In the final moments before the need for sleep overcame them, the two spoke in harmony.

“I love you.”

Grim Prospects

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Verdant gave a yawn as he slowly started to awaken. Glancing around in the dark, he found himself on what looked like a cerulean log while massive dark blue strands were all around him.

His memory started to return as wakefulness returned to him. He had been using the base of Swiftsword’s horn for the past three days since he and the rest fellow soldiers were afflicted by poison joke.

While Verdant had been reduced to the size of a pea, Swift’s horn had grown to an absurd fifteen feet in length. Hat Trick had lost all the feathers on his wings while Winter Gem had gained several hundred pounds of muscle and had grown taller than their captain and Iron Forge and become a ball of cobalt colored fluff.

Lastly, the squad’s captain, Magic Barrier, had been turned into a mare by the plants and was trying to deal with the troubles caused by estrus.

Verdant yawned once more before grabbing onto one of Swift’s hairs and sliding down it, skidding to a halt on the soft ground. The minuscule earth pony was feeling nature’s early call and dashed over to a nearby bush to answer it.

Once his business had been tended to and the plants watered and fertilized, Verdant started the trudge back to where his fellows were still sleeping when he heard something rustling in the bushes.

The young stallion paused as he looked towards the bush, praying that whatever creature it was would be something like a small bird or a rabbit, something that would be a threat to only him and not his sleeping comrades.

The green pony’s face turned white as snow when from the bush crept an absolutely massive griffin with a black coat that might have been taller than even Princess Luna, a mare that even before his encounter with poison joke was nearly twice Verdant’s height.

“Everypony, wake up!” Verdant screamed at the top of his lungs, which to those in the camp might as well have been the squeak of a mouse.

The earth pony bolted towards Swift as quickly as his puny legs could as more griffins emerged from the bushes, pulling chains and dark rings from the bags around their waists.

“Now,” the obsidian griffin whispered as she and the others pounced Verdant’s comrades, quickly wrapping chains tightly around their bodies and slamming the dark rings on the unicorns’ horns. The troops could barely awaken before they could see they had been captured.

“Well well well,” the lead griffin said as the five were laid against some trees before additional chains and locks bound them to it. “This was quite the surprising catch.”
Verdant swallowed hard and tried to remain out of the sight of the enemy troops. Even in the early morning darkness, he could see at least ten griffins, not counting their massive leader.

With a wicked grin upon her beak, the leader lifted Barrier’s chin, forcing the charcoal unicorn to look her in the eye.

“I am Brigadier Grimhilde LeGrande. You will tell me what you’re doing on this island or you will deeply regret it.”

“Magic Barrier,” the unicorn growled at the gargantuan griffin. “Captain of the Royal Equestrian Guard. Two-three-eight-zero-three.”

“Hmm,” the faintest trace of a grin formed on Grimhilde’s beak. “So, this must be a military exercise of some sort. Though it is rather curious...” Her eyes roamed over Barrier’s form and the rest of her captives. “I had been told Captain Magic Barrier was a stallion. I assume there’s poison joke on the island?” She took her talons off her chin and shoved the unicorn hard against the tree.

“Magic Barrier,” the captain groaned defiantly, trying to force whatever magic she could muster into her horn. “Captain of the Royal Equestrian Guard. Two-three-eight-zero-three.”

“Save your breath, Barrier.” Grimhilde chuckled at the unicorn’s straining. “You’re merely wasting both of our…” the words dyed in her throat as she saw glowing cracks start to form in the ring. Acting quickly, the griffin struck Barrier with an incredible punch, breaking her concentration and dazing her.

“More rings, now!” Grimhilde bellowed as her troops raced over, once nearly stepping on poor Verdant as he carefully crept along the ground.

In a matter of seconds, layers of additional horn rings had been placed on Barrier as her eye began to swell.

“Rather impressive, Barrier,” Grimhilde whispered as she stalked up to the mare once more. “Perhaps you’ll have a better use than just a meal.”

Several of the griffins licked their beaks at the mere mention of food.

“Magic Barrier, Captain of the-” Barrier started once more, only for Grimhilde to interrupt with a yawn.

“Spare me your ‘good soldier’ speech, Barrier. It grows rather tiresome.” Grimhilde started to eye the other cadets when she spotted something by the base of a bush. Much to Verdant’s horror, it was him.

The shrunken stallion tried to rush into the bush, but he felt a sharp pull on his tail and his hind legs no longer touched the ground. In a matter of seconds, the giant of a griffin was holding the tiny equine up to her golden-yellow eyes.

Grimhilde chuckled darkly as she gazed upon the speck of a stallion. “My, I’ve never seen a pony quite this small before. What is your name?”

“V-V-V-Verdant Range,” the green equine swallowed before putting on the sternest and most intimidating face he could muster with his minute size. “Cadet. Three-six-two-three-seven.”

“Another disciplined soldier. Fascinating.” The grin on Grimhilde’s beak grew wider before casting her eyes towards the other captives. “But I wonder if the rest are as stern as you and your captain.”

“Swiftsword. Cadet. Three-six-two-one-eight.” The cerulean mare barked from her place by the tree, her horn bound by both a ring and a rope.

“Allow me to give you all an ultimatum.” Grimhilde lifted her talons up, making Verdant dangle above her upturned beak. “You will tell me whatever I wish to hear or I will bite your comrade in half.”

Verdant was shaking when Grimhilde slowly opened her beak, giving the terrified pony a gander as her slick, humid mouth, her thick tongue that was the size of a whale to him, and her uvula that dangled over the dark tunnel that lead to her stomach that turned many a pony before into her meals.

The shamrock stallion screamed and struggled as the griffin lowered him down, lower and lower. He could feel the warmth of her breath as he grew closer to his doom.

Looking to the side, Verdant saw Barrier and Swiftsword keeping up the same stern looks towards the griffin as before while Gem and Hatty looked on in fear. The blue bundle of fur that was Forge was shaking about, his face hidden behind his coat.

After what felt like an eternity, Grimhilde stopped lowering Verdant down right at the edge of her beak. Before he had a chance to adjust, the earth pony saw the edges of her giant beak closing in around him. The bird of prey’s golden beak kept coming closer until Verdant felt her lower beak start to graze his belly.

“Stop!” a scream came from the blue bundle. “Please, I’ll talk, just don’t do it!”

Grimhilde’s eye shifted toward the unicorn as one of her underlings brushed the fur around his face aside, revealing his sniffling, tear soaked face.

Verdant felt the beak drop away from his and the talons on his tail lifting him upward.

“Cooperate and I promise not to bite your friend in half. Understood?” Grimhilde glared and opened her beak wide before lowering Verdant once more.

“Forge,” Barrier growled at the stallion on the far side of the tree. “If you talk, your career in the guard is finished! Do you understand?”

Forge gave a hard swallow, his gaze shifting from his captain to his dangling friend. He took a breath to steal himself. “We were here to practice our survival skills when we encountered poison joke and found ourselves like this. We searched the island, but were unable to find the ingredients needed to cure us.”

“Interesting,” Grimhilde’s eyebrow cocked. “I assume you attempted to contact Princess Luna through your dreams?”

“Yes, yes we did!” Forge squealed as he struggled within the chains. “Please, I beg you, keep your promise!”

“Very well, Mr. Forge,” Grimhilde’s eyes shifted from the bound stallion to the one dangling above her. “I am a hen of my word and I shall keep it.”

Verdant felt the world drop around him as Grimhilde let go of his tail, making him drop into her disgustingly humid mouth with a splat against her colossal tongue before her beak slammed shut around him.

The four cadets gasped in horror while Barrier looked away at the sight of Grimhilde swallowing. A small bump was briefly visible in her throat before it disappeared into her chest.

“N-n-no…” Forge was stunned while the dark griffin licked her beak. “You said-”

“I said I would not bite him in half.” Grimhilde held up a talon as she sauntered over to the prisoners. “I have upheld my word and now thanks to you, I know that more ponies will be coming here to try to cure your little group. This will mean even more meat to feed my people.”

“Oh Faust…” the unicorn stallion wheezed as his eyes slammed shut, clearing away some tears. “Verdant… I’m so sorry.”

“Oh, your friend’s still alive, dear Forge,” Grimhilde chuckled as she raised his chin up. “I can feel him struggling inside me. It tickles in a most delightful way.”

The towering hen pulled away and reached into her saddlebags, pulling out a bright yellow apple. “Still, I am a gracious host and I will provide him with a last meal.”

Grimhilde tossed the apple back, snatching the whole apple in her beak and swallowing it down, leaving a much larger bulge in her throat as it traveled down.

“Now, with that enjoyable experience done, we have work to do.” Grimhilde pulled an about face, staring down her troops. “Sorae, Eule, search the island for any sign of poison joke, gather them up and burn them in a campfire. Kramurx, Hemd, prepare a bath of cure for some of ourselves and our prisoners.”

“Why would you want to cure any of us, you monster?” Barrier growled at the great griffin, who answered by giving him a swift punch to the eye.

“I am no monster, Barrier. I am a hero.” Grimhilde growled as she gave a burning glare to the charcoal unicorn. “I perform my duties to feed the rightful rulers of this world.”

The griffin took a deep breath to rein herself in and straighten herself out. “Besides, curing Swiftsword and the white coated one will make them easier to contain while we’ll have easier access to Forge’s meat.” A dark grin crossed her features as she cupped Barrier’s face in her talons. “As for you, I have some very special plans once you’re cured.”

Her vile chuckle came to the squad’s ears once more as she pulled away. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have something I wish to tend to in my tent.” Grimhilde craned her head away to face her remaining troops. “Continue to set up camp and keep watch over the prisoners. Do not interrupt me unless it is urgent. Understood?”

“Yes, ma’am!” The griffins saluted before Grimhilde spread her obsidian wings and took to the skies as Celestia’s sun began to crest over the horizon.

After a few moments of flight, she landed at a small campsite that had been set up the night before when the griffins arrived. Slipping into her tent, Grimhilde flopped onto her back, landing on a soft blanket atop some straw.

She gazed down at her belly as she not only felt the frantic, ticklish movements of the pony within, but the apple being churned about alongside him.

“Yes, keep struggling, my little pony,” Grimhilde whispered as her talons stretched down her body. One rested atop her belly as she rubbed while another went to her nethers. “Keep moving, for soon you will be a part of me.”


Light was cut off around him as the massive griffin’s beak slammed shut with Verdant Range trapped within. He didn’t have much time to think as Grimhilde’s tongue rose up, tossing him to the back of her throat. The disoriented stallion tried to reach for her uvula, but it was just the tiniest bit out of his reach before the griffin swallowed him down.

Fitting for a griffin whose exterior was a veritable mountain of muscles, her insides were much the same, if a bit softer, as the powerful muscles of her throat squeezed him down, nearly crushing the life from him as his ears were overwhelmed by the thunderous sound of her dark heart beating.

While it felt like hours for the suffering stallion, it was mere seconds before a valve opened below him, unceremoniously dropping him into the griffin titan’s stomach.

Verdant grimaced and groaned as he struggled to his hooves. Despite her mouth being pitch black, he found himself able to see within the griffin’s fleshy inner chamber. Thick walls pulsated all around him in time with her heart, while a lake of steaming and bubbling juices filled most of the room.

The trapped pony swallowed at the sight of some unidentifiable meaty slabs floating in the boiling pool. He didn’t want to imagine what… or who Grimhilde’s previous meal was.

Verdant turned to the wall and let fly a series of strikes while he tried to scale the slick surface, hoping beyond hope that he could somehow make it back into Grimhilde’s esophagus.

I can’t touch those juices! Kuni might not have digested me, but this griffin is a pony eating, killing machine! I’d be fat on her ass in an instant!

A powerful and dark chuckle echoed all around Verdant before a booming voice came from above.


“I’m going to make you wretch until you die, you giant evil bitch!” Verdant exclaimed as he pounded even harder into the stomach’s wall, still only tickling Grimhilde’s belly.


“Wait, what?” Verdant pounding ceased as when he heard a loud gulp from above. In a matter of seconds the top of the stomach opened wide above the shrunken stallion, dropping a large yellow apple on top of the pony, sending him and the giant-sized fruit tumbling into the acid lake.

“No! No! Help!” the earth screamed as he splashed about in the stomach juices. “It burns! It burns! It… feels like hot water…”

The tiny pony looked around as he floated, seeing that despite how warm it was in the griffin’s stomach acid, it felt just like when he was having a hot bath back home.

“Is her stomach just that weak or…” Verdant trailed off as he looked around him, seeing the meat chunks and apple were both bubbling and dissolving in her juices.

“How’s this possible?” the shamrock stallion swam up onto the apple’s surface, just as the hen barked an order at her troops, making him slam face first into her walls. “Urgh… how is it that a monster that eats ponies for a living can’t kill me? This should be impossi-WHOA!”

Verdant’s stomach lurched as the stomach all around him bounced about. From the pace of the bobs, he guessed that Grimhilde was flying.

“This sucks…” Verdant’s face was a deeper, more-sickly shade of green from the griffin’s flight. “Keep this up and you’ll be getting some second-hoof food from me, you vile beast!”

The poor pony found himself launched forward, crashing against the stomach’s wall when Grimhilde set down.

“Sure, just keep tossing me around,” Verdant’s tone dripped with sarcasm as he looked up towards the clenched sphincter to Grimhilde’s throat. “I love being tossed around like a salad. Please ma’am, may I have another?”

Grimhilde seemed to answer by flopping onto her back, spinning Verdant’s world about and making him splash down against the shoreline of the stomach acid.

“I was kidding, you bastard!” Verdant growled as he let another series of blows out to strike her stomach walls.

YES, KEEP STRUGGLING, MY LITTLE PONY,” Grimhilde’s whisper loudly echoed around the chamber while Verdant kept punching her insides. “KEEP MOVING, FOR SOON YOU WILL BE A PART OF ME.”

“Not a damned chance!” Verdant screeched as he glared upwards. “Captain Barrier’s going to escape, capture your underlings, make you barf me up and then shove his horn right up your-”

The green pony was drowned out by Grimhilde letting out some loud pants coming from above. Her body shook about, with the source of the movements seeming to come from her hips, judging from the waves striking his back.

“What in Faust’s name are you…” Verdant looked back in confusion until the griffin brigadier’s pants grew into loud moans.

“Eww, you’re masturbating!” Verdant’s face became greener once more. “The thought of me struggling and digesting inside you makes you horny?! You’re a really sick griffin!”

YES! YES!” Grimhilde’s pants grew louder as the waves within the stomach splashed about at a fevered pitch, tossing Verdant to and through; under the acid and above, crashing from digesting food to stomach wall and back again.

With a loud pant from above, the movement of the griffin’s body suddenly stopped, turning the stomach’s stormy sea into a placid acid lake. The calm allowed Verdant to catch his breath as he floated in the stomach juices on his back.

“Seriously,” Verdant huffed, looking up the puckered sphincter to Grimhilde’s throat that he floated under. “Can you get any more twisted than getting your jollies off from the thought of eating a whole pony and feeling them digesting inside you?”

The stallion of the stomach soon received an answer when the valve opened up, dropping a mass of a clear, sticky goo upon him. Verdant sputtered and coughed, trying to clear the stuff from his mouth and nose. He noted the strange substance had a smell and taste similar to the fish Barrier had served them for dinner the previous night.

Verdant groaned and rolled his eyes at the realization of what the griffin had just swallowed. “You’re just trying to make me throw up now, aren’t you?”

The puny pony’s entire world shook from Grimhilde rolling over onto her belly before raising up. When the room finally stopped spinning from the griffin’s sudden movements, Verdant had found himself on the far side of her stomach, floating towards a lower orifice that was starting to open up.

“Well,” Verdant sighed as he casually floated closer to the open sphincter. “At least the intestines are a bit safer than in her stomach.”

Once he passed through the open orifice, Verdant found something quite unexpected. Rather than entering a small intestine, he found what appeared to be a second stomach. But this was much different than the last stomach, for this one not only had thicker walls that pulsated about and instead of chunks of digesting food in the acidic lake, there were rough rocks in that moved about by the pulsations of the walls.

Verdant paled at the sight before him as he drifted closer towards the stones that were the size of great boulders to him. After a moment of being shocked into silence, he recalled a brief lesson on griffin anatomy Barrier had taught the cadets before teaching them how to strike certain points to deal critical blows to one of them.

“Since griffins don’t have teeth to mash up their food, they need to swallow rough stones once in a while that are stored in a sort of secondary stomach called a gizzard.”

“Okay, Verdant,” the pony took some quick breaths in an attempt to calm himself and prepare for the rough journey ahead of him. “You can do this. You’ve got to get out of here, free your friends and kick this stupid griffin’s flank! Go!”

Verdant starting swimming through the juices, moving as fast as he could while avoiding boulders being tossed about by the gizzard’s movements.

A pulse caused a rock from below Verdant to suddenly rise up and toss him through the air, making him bounce off the gizzard’s firm, muscular wall before he fell back down onto another stone below, briefly driving the wind from him.

Wincing as he pulled himself off of the rock through gritted teeth, he eventually managed to make his way to the gizzard’s back end, with the sphincter clenched shut tightly before him.

“I’d better get a damned medal for this crap,” Verdant grumbled as he bobbed against the acid’s surface.


Verdant had tiredly traversed a long way through the griffin hen. After hours of pulling himself along miles of intestine, he could tell from the smell and some of the things laying around he was nearing the end of his terrible journey through Grimhilde’s body.

Turning a corner through the foul-smelling tunnels of her bowels, he came across a sight he never thought he’d consider beautiful before. Ahead of him was a large log of the griffin’s waste that was being pushed through the tight tunnel.

With a joyous grin on his face, Verdant bolted down the bowel, making it halfway to the end just after the last of the waste was expelled. Seeing the ring of flesh starting to close, Verdant charged as quickly as his ant-like legs could carry him.

Verdant grit his teeth and took a leap to try to make though the closing ring; to his delight, he made it through, feeling the back of his hindlegs barely scraping against the fleshy hole.

The shrunken stallion scrunched up to ready himself for fall, but that was halted when he felt the griffin’s anus close tightly around his tail, making the pea-sized pony dangle helplessly from between her buttocks.

As Verdant dangled, he could only stare down at Grimhilde’s vulva, tail and the pile of feces directly below in a small pit that the hen was covering with some dirt.

To the minuscule pony’s relief, Grimhilde had started walking away from the mess she’d left. The force from her steps shook Verdant and caused his tail to slowly slip out of her tight anus, causing Verdant to tumble towards the ground below.

Before he could hit the ground, Grimhilde’s movements caused Verdant to land in the fluff of the titanic griffin’s tail. The small stallion clung tightly to the beast’s tail fur, trying to remain concealed within the bunch of fluff.

From what he could see, the massive griffin was approaching another hen with snowy white coat and an shiny black beak.

“Status report, Private Eule,” Grimhilde barked, making the smaller griffin salute.

“Ma’am, we have successfully searched the island and burned every poison joke plant and prepared a cure bath.”

“Very good, Léonie,” Grimhilde patted the soldier on the shoulder. “Have you taken a bath after handling those plants?”

“No, ma’am,” Léonie replied as she set her foreleg down. “I wanted to wait until after reporting to you and asking to be relieved before doing so.”

“I admire you commitment, soldier. You’re relieved for the night. Dismissed.” Grimhilde nodded before she and Léonie pulled a swift about face.

The sudden shift was too much for Verdant as he was sent flying from Grimhilde’s tail before crashing into something that was oddly soft that he found himself squeezed against. Pulling his face from the soft surface, he saw that he was pinned between two massive snowy orbs. Just above him was a tightly clenched hole and a long white, furry tube that draped down over the globes he found himself between.

“What is with me ending up in griffin butts today? Am I cursed or something?” Verdant groaned before glancing down, seeing the massive pillars of the griffin’s legs as she walked along, causing her huge, fleshy cheeks to uncomfortably rub against him.

Things quickly grew darker when one of the hen’s giant claws loomed over the bountiful buttocks, the towering talons soon sank into her flanks, giving her rear a scratch.

The movement of her walking and scratching caused one of her cheeks to pull away. Verdant barely managed to grab onto a few strands of her flank’s fur to keep himself from falling to the ground below.

The oblivious hen soon let go of her flank, causing the cheek Verdant clung to to slam into the other, nearly knocking the wind out of him.

Léonie gave her rear a shake before clenching her cheeks closely together, trying to rid herself of whatever was causing that damnable itch, but to no avail.

The snow-coated hen sighed just as she arrived at the lip of the bath her comrades had dug. “Well, hopefully this will taken care of this accursed itch.”

The sound of something large and heavy being tossed away reached Verdant’s ears. From what he could tell, the hen had tossed her saddlebags into a nearby bush.

The hen slowly made her way into the cool waters, the sound of her talons breaching the surface drew the shrunken stallion’s attention.

With his eyes focused downward, Verdant soon saw her hindlegs enter the water. The tiny earth pony let go of the griffin’s powerful plot and quickly slid down her cheeks before falling into the open air with the ocean sized bath hurtling towards him.

Verdant’s dive below the water went completely unnoticed by Léonie as she waded towards the center of the water.

Below the water’s surface, Verdant saw things were starting to shrink around him as the bath’s brew began to restore him to his former size.

The growing pony was suddenly slammed against the dirt walls of the bath by Léonie sitting down in the bath, making a powerful wave before she layed further down into the small pool.

Right, Verdant thought to himself as put on an intimidating face and swam closer to the hen as she relaxed. Time to face my baptism of fire.

The water quickly grew more shallow and the earth pony’s head quietly breached the surface while the griffin was diligently scrubbing away at her coat and feathers.

In a matter of moments, Verdant was restored to his true size as he quietly crept up on Léonie.

In an instant, Verdant leapt onto the griffin’s back, clamping a forehoof over her beak while his other leg wrapped around her neck.

“Don’t move,” Verdant whispered in the gruffest voice he could muster, hoping he could intimidate the griffin below him, fiercely glaring into her frightened eyes. “I’m an earth pony, so I could easily snap your neck like a dried twig if you make the slightest twitch or sound. Now, you’re going to help me if you want any hope of making it out of here alive. Understood?”

Léonie gave a hard swallow and gave her head the tiniest bob.

“Good,” Verdant growled. “Tell me, where are your chains?”

Léonie’s eyes briefly darted towards one of the bushes on her right before starting back up at her assailant.

“Thank you,” the green pony whispered and pushed his hooves forward, making the griffin’s head strike a stone at the pool’s edge, knocking her out almost immediately.

Quietly as he could, Verdant picked up the griffin and dragged her unconscious form over to the bushes, where he found her saddlebags where she said they’d be.

With a smirk, Verdant reached into her bags and pulled out a long length of chain, using it to tie her to a nearby tree.

Slipping on the griffin’s oversized and heavy saddlebags, Verdant laid low to the ground as he made his way through the woods.

“Operation: Turning Tide is a go.”


“Y’know,” a brown coated griffin lounged at a campfire in front of the quintet of captured and cured ponies, “You ponies should be grateful once we kill and eat you. That way, you won’t have to suffer being an inferior species anymore.”

The tiercel’s remark only earn him a glare from for the ponies, leaving Forge remaining glum with eyes turned downwards.

“You damn meals on legs gonna say something?” The griffin rose up, rolling his shoulders.

“Magic Barrier. Captain of the Royal Equestrian Guard. Two-three-eight-zero-three.”

“Swiftsword. Cadet. Three-six-two-one-eight.”

“Winter Gem. Cadet. Three-six-two-two-nine.”

“Hat Trick. Cadet. Three-six-two-three-four.”

“Iron Forge…” the sad unicorn weakly spoke up. “Cadet. Three-six-two-three-eight.”

The griffin huffed and rolled his eyes. “Seriously? Is that all you damned ponies can say?” He strolled up closer to the bound equines. “”Not even an insult or an empty thre-”

The tiercel was suddenly pulled into a nearby bush by something hidden in shadow. The ponies’ ears stood at attention as rustling and came from the bushes before ending with a heavy thud.

A tiny bit of shuffling about and metallic ringing came from the bush. After a few moments a green figure emerged from the bush, holding a set of keys in his mouth. The cadets all gasped with a great smile forming on Forge’s face.

“Verdant?” Barrier squinted through his non-swollen eye. “Am… am I dead?”

“Not yet, sir,” the emerald pony said through his mouthful as went behind the tree. A bit of rustling was heard from the back before the satisfying sounds of the locks clicking open one by one reached their ears. In a matter of moments, the chains holding the group in place fell away.

The group all started to stretch as Verdant emerged from behind the tree.

“Anypony still need the cure? I can take you th-” Verdant was quickly quieted by Forge rushing forward and wrapping his forelegs around the the earth pony.

“I’m so sorry, Verdant.” Forge sniffled as his grip tightened. “I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

“Save it for later, Forge,” Barrier said as he trotted up to the pair. “Hat Trick still needs his wings taken care of. Other than that, we’re good to go.”

“Alright, let’s gather up these chains,” Verdant said as Forge relinquished his tight grip. “I’ve knocked out and tied up two griffins so far, so we still have ten left to take of.”

Barrier gave the five a nod and he stood before the fire. “Right, everypony. Get ready for your first real taste of battle.


As the night went on, the six ponies soon started to pick off the griffins one by one. Most went down fairly quickly with Grimhilde proving the biggest challenge, requiring the magic of all three unicorns, Hat Trick quickly wrapping chains around her massive form and the two earth ponies using all their strength to pin her down before the locks were all in place.

Another three days passed before an Equestrian ship had arrived on the island, with Princess Luna flanked by a pair of thestral guards. To her surprise, Barrier and the cadets seemed to be perfectly normal.

“We art rather surprised by thy current state, Captain.” Luna’s eyebrow rose ever so slightly as she examined the six, not spotting anything abnormal about them. “We assumed poison joke would be a much greater malady.”

“It was, Princess Luna,” Barrier said as he stepped forward. “However, a sudden appearance of griffin forces eventually led to us being cured and with a dozen griffin captives, including Brigadier Grimhilde LeGrande.”

A stunned look briefly came to the alicorn’s face before she resumed her stoic look. “Very good, Captain. We will require a full debriefing after we have the griffins on board the Wave Dancer.”

“Understood, Princess.” Barrier gave the princess a nod before turning about face. “I’ll lead you to them. However, I will note that I believe Cadet Forge should be discharged for his actions while Cadet Range should be rewarded for his efforts.”

Iron Forge wilted as he and the others followed along. Verdant gave Forge a gentle pat on the back.

“Don’t worry, Forge,” the shamrock stallion whispered into unicorn’s ear. “I’m sure we’ll find a smithing job for you, even without guard training.”

“Thank you, Verdant.” Forge gave a grateful grin as they moved forward into the forest, where everything was starting to seem a little brighter.

A First Time for Everything (AP)

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Morning had just struck the bustling town known as Dream Valley. Birds were chirping as some of the townsponies were starting to wake up and prepare for work.

In what was considered an average house for a herd, home to five adults and seven children, the early morning rays of Celestia’s sun pierced the curtains of the bedroom shared by a young colt named Verdant Range and his older sister, Gold Leaf.

The little green colt groaned from the light striking his eyes before soon getting up with a yawn. As wakefulness came to him, he recalled the day prior and how momentous it was for him.

Tending to his father’s plants had lead to little Verdant earning his cutie mark, though his father seemed somewhat worried due to the mention of the “blue roses” he had stumbled upon, even more so when Viridian had said he wouldn’t be able to get the herbs he needed until the next day.

The young foal paid no mind to that as he stretched from under the blanket he and his sister shared, which felt oddly different to him; somewhat heavier.

“Goldie!” Verdant happily shouted as he hopped out from under the blanket and looking to his side to wake his sister on the other side of the bed. “Time to wake up! We’ve got a lot… of…”

Verdant words died in his throat as he saw that sleeping form of his older sister had become gigantic.

“Goldie!” Verdant screamed in a panic as his eyes darted about the room, seeing it was not just the older earth pony filly had grown, but so had everything in the room. “Goldie, please wake up! I need your help!”

The yellow filly let out an earth shaking yawn as she started to rise. She tried to rub the sleep from her eyes as she looked over her shoulder.

“Verdant,” she sleepily said. “Wake up, father said I have to…” Gold Leaf stopped as saw no sign of her brother, unable to spot the mite sized colt.

“Faust curse it, the one time he does not try to wake me,” she groaned as she hobbled over to Verdant’s half of the bed, not seeing that she had walked past him.

“Gold Leaf!” Verdant called out as loud as his little lungs could muster. “I am over here!”

The faint squeaks of the colt’s voice failed to reach the filly’s ears as she started to sit down. Verdant tried to flee, only to be stuck under a ton of filly flank flesh.

“How did he get out of bed without waking me?” Goldie scratched her head in perplexment, not feeling her now very little brother struggling under her rump.

“Goldie, get thy fat ass off me!” Verdant shouted as he pushed with every ounce of strength he could muster, roughly equal to that of a mosquito.

Mercifully, Gold Leaf soon rose up, freeing Verdant from the crushing weight. The tiny colt breathed a sigh of relief before he spotted her starting to turn around.

In a rush, Verdant scrambled up to her tail and grabbed on to one of the strands of hair before she hopped off of the bed, with Verdant holding on for dear life as he dangled from his sister’s tail.

“Maybe if I get to her ear,” Verdant said to himself, “I might be able to make her hear me.”

The minuscule pony reached out and grabbed onto another strand of hair. After few moments, Verdant was nearing the base of Gold Leaf’s tail just as she came into the kitchen, where a silver unicorn mare was spreading some honey on a piece of toast.

“Good morrow, Gold Leaf,” the unicorn offered the little filly a happy nod. “Wouldst thou like some honey and toast for breakfast?”

“No thank you, Aunt Swirl,” Goldie answered as her eyes roamed around the room. “Pray tell, hast thou seen Verdant this morning?”

“I have not,” the mare replied. “Though Viridian hast told me of his encounter with poison joke and hast already headed out to get the herbs needed to treat him.”

“Drat,” Goldie harshly whispered. She trotted a few steps away when she felt on odd tickling on her rear. Swiftly turning about, she saw a tail green speck crawling along the base of her tail.

“Ahh! Spider!” the golden filly screamed and flailed about, sending Verdant flying about the kitchen.

To his great relief, Verdant’s landing was fairly soft and he landed with a splash in the jar of honey. That relief quickly turned to panic as the mare at the table placed the lid back on the jar, surrounding the colt in complete darkness.

“Calm yourself, little one,” Magic Star Swirl softly said as she pulled away from the table. “No dangerous spiders live in Dream Valley and it appears to be gone. Thou hast nothing to worry-”

The two were interrupted by a series of knocks at the door. Wondering who it could be this early in the morning, Swirl’s horn glowed a bright cerulean as the door was pulled upon.

Standing in front of the door was familiar face to the entire village. It was a zebra mare with a short and spiky mane and tail, with the former covered by a red band. Swirl could well remember the day this young mare first came to the village some years ago and had been supplying them with firewood since then.

“Ah, good morning, Kuni.” Swirl pleasantly waved as she came up to the zebra, who was rubbing her throat. “I am rather surprised to see you so early, my friend.”

“Good morning to you as well, my friend, Swirl,” Kuni hoarsely whispered, stepping into the Greens home. “Could you please help this poor zebra girl?”

“Well, I shall certainly try, my dear.” Swirl smiled, patting Kuni’s back and pulling her further in. “What seems to be thy problem?”

“Recently, my throat has been quite sore.” Kuni swallowed as they came to a halt by the breakfast table. “It has made talking become a painful chore.”

“Worry not, my friend.” Swirl’s horn lit once more, picking up the jar of honey on the table, unaware that she was shaking up her nephew within. “A bit of honey should have thou feeling right as rain in no time, Kuni.”

“I give my deepest thanks to thee.” Kuni whispered with a smile as Swirl’s magic lifted up the flap of her saddlebags, slipping the honey inside. “For this, thy next shipment is free.”

“Why thank you, Kuni.” Swirl gave the zebra a quick hug. “I wish thee well and a speedy recovery.”

The zebra mare gave the unicorn a grateful nod and trotted out of the house, oblivious to the tiny colt being shaken about by every movement of her hips.

Within the jar, Verdant was struggling to keep his head afloat. The jar was pitch black and the honey kept coming at him in waves with every step that Kuni took. He coughed and sputtered every time he went under, barely managing to breach the sticky surface each time.

Several minutes passed as the zebra made her way through town before eventually coming to a stop.

Verdant wondered what made her stop when the movements soon became up more intense from the zebra sticking her hoof in the bag and pulling the jar up to her face.

“M-m-maybe she’ll spot me when she opens the jar,” Verdant stuttered and swallowed before he felt as if the entire world was being tilted. The jar’s lid was pulled away, letting light shine down on the colt for the first time in what felt like an eternity. What joy he had felt quickly turned to horror as what he saw from the jar wasn’t the zebra’s amber eyes, but her open muzzle with a colossal tongue reaching out like a hungry serpent.

“Kuni, stop!” Verdant screamed and he tried to swim through the sticky goo, but the jar kept tipping and her tongue made its way inside, pulling the little colt and a lake’s worth of honey in the mare’s maw.

Verdant was tossed about around Kuni’s mouth as she savored the sweet taste. He was pushed all around, hitting her cheeks, teeth and roof of her mouth.

“Ms. Kuni, please stop!” Verdant wheezed from the tip of her tongue, sliding toward the back of her mouth.

“Kuni, no! Don’t eat me!” he screamed, struggling as hard as he could to break free. He tried to grab onto her dangling uvula, but he was barely able to graze it with his hoof before the zebra swallowed.

Verdant was pulled down with the honey, unable to breathe as he was squeezed down Kuni’s throat. The thundering boom of her heart beat reached his ears just as a valve opened up, dumping the colt and the honey into an immense chamber that was pulsating around.

The green colt coughed and huffed as he pulled himself free of the honey before gazing around where he was trapped. The room was a grand bag of flesh with a lake of bubbling, foul smelling juices.

“Oh no…” Verdant shivered in fright as he backed up into a fleshy wall. “I’m in Kuni’s stomach!” The panicking colt looked to the hole he fell from and tried to scramble up to it.

“Please, let me out!” he exclaimed as his tiny hooves futilely slammed against the stomach, going completely unnoticed to the zebra as she went about her small home.

“I don’t want to be your breakfast, Kuni!” Verdant cried as he gradually tired himself out before slumping against the stomach wall.

The poor colt sighed as he looked around the nearly empty chamber before everything started to move about as Kuni took a seat at her table. Verdant clung to the stomach’s wall, desperately trying to keep from falling into the steaming lake of stomach juices below.

“This could not possibly be worse…” Verdant gulped just before he heard a wet noise coming from above. Hurriedly looking up, he spotted a large ball of mashed up fruit being dumped into the stomach, landing on top of the poor colt and knocking him off the wall.

When the first wad of Kuni’s breakfast splashed into the acidic brew, Verdant quickly scrambled to the top of the island of chewed up food. Before he could catch his breath, another chunk of food came down, barely missing the terrified colt.

“Ms. Kuni! Help!” Verdant screamed, going unheard as she enjoyed her breakfast of honey covered fruit and bread.

Tears came from the colts eyes as he curled up into a ball, sniffling as her stomach was being filled more and more.

A minutes passed as the sound of Verdant’s stomach gurgling joined with the sounds of Kuni’s belly.

“Oh… so hungry…” Verdant moaned as he tiredly and sorely rose up, looking for the sign of anything edible. Sadly, for the colt, the only food was whatever Kuni and already chewed up and swallowed.

Verdant winced as he made his way over to the a chunk of mashed strawberry, recalling his mother’s words. “Starvers can’t be choosers…”


The day went by fairly normally for Kuni. Her throat was feeling much better as she made her deliveries of firewood, stopping by the marketplace, having more of her meals and taking a nice hot bath.

She was completely unaware of the tiny colt she carried around inside her. Shortly after her lunch, the minuscule raft he was on floated out of her stomach and he was sent on a wild ride through her small intestine before landing with a splat in the foul-smelling large intestine.

Verdant spent hours traveling through the zebra’s bowels, feeling very tired and groaning as he marched onward.

“Must… keep… going…” he strained to keep moving. Before he could take another step, he was sent bouncing about the flesh tunnel from Kuni hopping onto her bed.

As soon as he began to pull himself up, he felt his world shift, making him fall down the path where he slammed into Kuni’s anus as a moan came from the distance.


The silvery light of Luna’s moon pierced through the darkness of Kuni’s modest bedroom, the sole source of light as she blew out her last candle.

As the zebra hopped onto her bed, she felt she could no longer ignore the aching warmth coming from her nethers.

Estrus has come with a strong urge to breed. Kuni bit her lip as her right foreleg traveled along her belly, eventually reaching her lower lips. Perhaps my hoof will fulfill my need.

Her touch made her arch her back and she squatted over the bed. She barely stifled a moan as she began to pet herself harder. Her moans steadily grew louder and louder, drowning out both the gurgling from within her body and the tiny squeak that came from below.


“Open up! Open up!” Verdant exclaimed as he pounded his hooves against the tightly shut meaty ring. He tried to jam his hooves into it and pry it apart, but it barely budged. “C’mon, Kuni! Let me out of your butt!”

A rumble came from deep within the bowel. From the noise, the shamrock colored colt could tell that whatever is was was growing closer.

Verdant felt a burst of hot air strike him, pressing the poor pony against the massive zebra’s anus.

Soon the pressure became great enough and gas made the anus open up, expelling the colt in a burst of disgusting air.

Verdant softly landed on the bed below, coughing as tried to rid his lungs of the gross gas.

Once the coughing had stopped, the colt gazed at the sight before him.

Towering above him was Kuni's massive striped buttocks shaking about while her hoof furiously rubbed against her winking marehood.

The colt’s eyes were locked upon the sight of her glistening labia dripping onto the bed. He had seen a mare’s nethers multiple times before, but they were usually either just brief glimpses seen from either one of his family or the other mares around town.

But this was so much different. Kuni’s colossal nethers were winking open, giving Verdant a glance of her damp inner flesh as well as the amazing scent that came from within. The only time he could recall a smell similar to this was during the spring, when his mother and his aunts seemed somewhat off to him.

Verdant was so transfixed by the sight of Kuni playing with herself that he didn’t notice her body shifting, sending her hind end hurtling down towards him. By the time he realized what was happening and had started to run, Kuni slammed down on the bed as her labia winked open, making the colt crash into her fleshy lips.

Kuni’s vulva winked shut, pulling Verdant deeper inside just before the zebra mare flopped onto her back. The massive quake bounced Verdant deeper into her vagina, while her bucking hips forced him even further.

Verdant’s screams were hopelessly drowned out by the sound of Kuni’s moans as she bounced her hips. The mite-sized earth pony soon reached the back of her vaginal canal, passing through a small hole that was just barely opened wide enough for him to slip through into her womb.

The colt groaned as he landed face first against her uterine walls, bouncing against the blood-lined flesh. Looking up, Verdant gasped at the tiny cervical opening starting to seal itself shut.

“No!” he screeched as he bolted along her spongy walls. “I don’t want to be trapped in here!”

Verdant took a running leap at the orifice, desperately trying to slip through, only to feel the cervix clench shut around his waist.

“Lemme go, you stupid thing!” Verdant groaned and tried to pull himself free, feeling his hindlegs helplessly dangling on the other side.

His persistence paid off when he felt the cervix dilated ever so slightly once more, making the foal land safely back in Kuni’s vagina.

To keep from being tossed about and getting stuck in her uterus once more, the earth pony laid low to the floor, gripping the wet surface as hard as he could as he carefully pulled himself along.

Verdant peered through the distant opening, seeing the entrance was mostly blocked by the masturbating mare’s mammoth hoof stroking herself. Just barely beyond that, he could spot moonlight bouncing off the zebra’s clenched thighs.

As he pulled himself along, Kuni’s shouts were becoming more rapid, the walls became slicker with her wetness and they seemed to be closing in around the colt.

Kuni’s hip movements became more erratic as her climax closed in. In an attempt to keep his grip firm, Verdant tried to keep himself in place by biting down on the fleshy floor.

The attempt, however, pushed Kuni over the edge. Her deafening shout forced the colt to cover his ears as her walls threatened to crushed the life out of him before a tsunami of the zebra’s feminine juices launched Verdant from her vagina, making the soaked colt skid across the bed until he finally stopped between her knees.

Heavy breathes came from the two as they started to relax from the ordeal. While Verdant gave a sigh of relief at now being free, Kuni let out a powerful snore.

“At least… I’m out…” the colt said as he pulled himself to his hooves and shaking what wetness he could from his coat. “Now I just got to get to her ear and then I can go home.”

Looking around the darkened room, Verdant could see this would be no easy task. Kuni’s hooves went right up to the footboard, so going around wasn’t an option. Looking back up between her legs, Verdant knew the only way to get to the zebra’s ear would be to climb her gigantic body.

Taking a breath to steel himself, the little colt began his trip. After a while, he made it to the spot where the zebra’s hip met her thigh and started to scale up the tight space.

After an exhaustive effort that pushed him near his limits, the mite-sized mammal sighed in relief as he reached the top of Kuni’s thigh.

“Now the rest should be a walk in the park,” Verdant grinned as he trotted along. “A park with warm fur instead of grass… that must be over a mile long…”

The colt’s thoughts begun to wander as he walked until he heard a slight groan from the zebra and felt the fleshly ground beneath him was somewhat softer. Before he had a chance to think, he walked directly into a fleshy nub that protruding from the mare’s lower belly.

“By Luna, I’m on Kuni’s teats!” Verdant said he slowly reached a hoof out, gently feeling the surface of her nipple.

“My word…” the colt whispered as pulled the hoof back, looking towards the nipple’s tip. On a sudden impulse, Verdant launched himself toward the tip, his forelegs barely clinging on as he scrambled to the top.

Once he reached peak, Verdant signed as he heard a light moan in the distance. Gazing up to the slumbering mare’s face, he could see the faintest trace of a blush upon her cheek.

The curious colt’s focus shifted back to where he stood, his hooves near the entry point of a duct too small for even him to fall into.

Verdant took a careful step forward, feeling his hoof sink somewhat into the now hardening flesh of the zebra, making her groan once more.

“I guess a mare’s teats are really sensitive.” Verdant bit his lip as he slowly made his way around the nipple’s surface, making the occasional quake from the zebra as her leg twitched.

When he came to the edge, he gazed down and found the distance from the nipple’s tip and the soft mammary flesh had somehow doubled.

Taking a hard swallow, Verdant leapt from the nipple, soon landing in the mare’s soft breast, bouncing as if on a trampoline before crashing face first on her belly.

“Right… dumb idea to climb it…” the colt groaned as he pulled himself up. “Better to get my flank moving.”


After what felt like several hours for the tired colt, Verdant had finally made it to the zebra’s collarbone. He took in the sight of the colossal mare as she gently slept.

“Almost… there…” Verdant huffed as pulled himself along. He tried slowly making his way down between her shoulders and neck, only to tumble down, landing on his back on the mare’s spiky mane.

“It’s nearly over…” the sore colt pulled himself up and carefully made his way through the mass of long hairs until he was directly under her left ear, jumping up and pulling himself onto the ear’s surface.

Got to be very careful now. Verdant cautiously made his way into the mare’s ear canal. If I wake her too early, I could end up getting flung to the other size of the room. Or crushed like a bug!

The colt slowly crept into Kuni’s ear before coming to a stop in front of her hairs within. Verdant grabbed onto one of the strands and wrapped it around his waist.

Here goes… Verdant swallowed before shouting. “Ms. Kuni!”

In response to his call, the entire tunnel fiercely shook about as the zebra was startled awake and stood up in her bed.

“THAT WAS RATHER STRANGE,” her voice boomed liked thunder, forcing the tiny colt to cover his ears. The earth pony speck felt dizzy from the movement of her head looking about the room. “I THOUGHT I JUST HEARD VERDANT RANGE.”

“Ms. Kuni! I’m inside your ear!” Verdant shouted, making the zebra’s head suddenly stop.

“THAT WOULD EXPLAIN WHY YOU SOUND SO NEAR,” Kuni spoke in a softer tone, but it still hurt the poor pony’s ears. “BUT HOW DID THIS COME TO BE, MY DEAR?”

“I think my father said something about poison joke,” Verdant said as Kuni slowly made her way out of bed. “I woke up shrunk this morning. Then I ended up in the honey… and you ate me.”

“OH DEAR, YOU POOR COLT!” Unseen to Verdant, Kuni’s black and white face turned a bright crimson. “I NOW FEEL LIKE SUCH A DOLT! COME, LET US GET YOU HOME QUICKLY. IT WILL BE A GREAT RELIEF TO YOUR FAMILY.”


Once Kuni had learned of what happened, things went quite smoothly for Verdant. His family was grateful for his safe return, though the two decided not to tell them about his time within the zebra’s digestive tract.

The colt’s father had a bath full of poison joke cure prepared for most of the day that only needed to be heated up once more before the minuscule pony was restored to his normal size, though he did need to scrub for quite a while before the smell would dissipate.

After a long and hectic journey as well as drying off, the colt crawled into the bed he and Gold Leaf shared.

“Good night, Verdant,” Gold Leaf muttered as he made his way under the covers.

“Good night, Goldie,” Verdant yawned as his head fell upon the pillow, the need for sleep finally becoming too much for him. “Hopefully something like today never happens again.”

Trapped in Cider

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It was a fine, sunny afternoon in Vanhoover as Verdant Range made his way to a building called the Vanhoover Institute for Science and Technology. It was a large, five story building that was a pristine white color with sparkling windows. The facility’s name was carved above the entrance that he slowly trotted towards.

What had drawn the shamrock colored stallion to this place was a flier he had seen a few days prior. Reaching into his saddlebags, he pulled out the slip of paper and re-read what was written upon it.

Test-subject wanted for experiment that may change long distance travel as we know it. For more information, inquire at lab number thirteen on the third floor of the Vanhoover Institute for Science and Technology, located at Forty-Six, Sunlight Street. Pays handsomely.

Those last two words had especially gotten Verdant interested in what this experiment could be, so he thought this would be a good way to spend his day off.

As he made his way into the building, he saw that walls were a pale blue that contrasted the dark gray tiled floors. Before him stood a dark pink unicorn stallion with a burgundy mane sitting in front of reception desk.

“Can I help you, sir?” the unicorn asked as Verdant trotted closer.

“Uh, yes. I’m here for-” Verdant started to speak as he held up the flier to the unicorn, only to be cut off.

“Ah, you’re here for High Gear’s thing. Excellent.” The secretary stallion said as he glanced over his shoulder to down the hall on his right. “There’s a elevator that’ll drop you off right in front of her lab. Have a nice day.”

“Thank you,” Verdant replied as he trotted down towards the midway point of the hallway that was lined with doors. From what he could see within, he saw ponies working on all sorts of strange devices that looked like they belonged in one of the Star Trot serials.

The stallion pressed the button beside the elevator to be instantly greeted with a loud ding and the doors opening wide for him. With a small swallow, the emerald earth pony quickly entered the elevator and pressed the button for the third floor.

Man, I never thought I’d see an elevator in a place like Vanhoover before. They just seem like more of a Manehattan or Canterlot thing. Verdant thought to himself as he felt the elevator start to move. The fur on the back of his neck started to bristle until the elevator stopped and the doors opened up once more.

Verdant stepped out onto a floor that was nearly identical to the first floor, only with the walls a light red instead of blue. After a few moments, he came to a door with a large number thirteen on it.

“Hello?” Verdant cautiously asked as he stepped inside a room with all sorts of strange equipment, ranging from all sorts of tools, covered wires on the floor with a large pad in the center of the room and a console of some kind at the back. “Is anypony here?”

“One sec!” a scratchy, feminine voice called out from behind the console, a blue hoof raising and waving before a bespectacled mare emerged. The mare trotted out from behind the console, revealing a set of different colored gears upon her light blue flank. “How can I help you?”

“Hello. Are you Dr. High Gear?” Verdant trotted closer to the mare, careful to not trip over any of the wires and cables.

“The one and only.” High Gear smirked and ran a hoof through her violet mane. “Guessing you’re here for the ad I placed?”

“Yes, Doctor,” Verdant happily answered. “Could you tell me a bit about what this experiment’s about?”

“Sure thing,” High Gear said with a sparkle in her orange eyes. “What I’ve built is a long range teleportation device.” She giddily trotted up to the room’s pad, proudly standing atop it. “This baby will take whoever and whatever you want and instantly move it to another location!”

“Can’t unicorns already teleport stuff and themselves?” Verdant titled his head as he stepped closer to the teleporter.

“Yes, but this is much different.” Gear’s tone was dripping with pride as she stepped down from pad. “For one thing, very few unicorns have the skill to teleport while my machine will teleport anyone and anything. Secondly, for the few unicorns that can teleport, the usual maximum range is between thirty and forty-five feet whereas this is set up to teleport you to send whoever or whatever we’re gonna teleport to a sister lab we’ve set up in Baltimare. And last but certainly not least, this form of teleportation doesn’t involve magic. This uses electrical energy as its power source to deconstruct the subject, instantaneously transport and reassemble them. This way, should there be some sort of anti-magic field or someone is able to drain away all the magic in Equestria, this machine will still function.”

“Alright then,” Verdant said as he brought of hoof to his chin. “Have you tested this on a pony before?”

“Not yet,” the doctor answered as she moved back behind the console. "But we’ve tested it on inanimate objects, plants and even some test rats. Save for this one thing where a plant was lost, they all turned out perfectly fine.”

“In that case, why not test if it works yourself?” Verdant inquired.

High Gear gave a roll of her eyes as she grabbed a clipboard from the console. “One, because someone needs to be behind the console to operate the machine and two, no reputable scientist would use themselves as a guinea pig for their experiments.”

“Alright.” Verdant swallowed as he trotted over to the approaching mare. “Is there anything I need to do before we test this thing out?”

“Just got to sign a waiver and then we can get started.” Gear handed the clipboard over to Verdant, who quickly started going over contract.

“Hmm…” Verdant closely checked over every word of the paper, recalling his mother’s lessons on reading every last detail of a contract. “Alright, everything seems to check out.”

“Perfect!” High Gear said as she ducked behind the console once more before emerging with a pen in her mouth.

After a somewhat awkward passing of the pen between their mouths, Verdant had signed his name on the waiver.

“Fantastic,” Gear said with a grin, pulling the clipboard away and dashing behind the console once more. “Now, all you have to do is stand on the teleporter and you’ll be in Baltimare in no time.”

“You got it, Doctor.” Verdant gave the mare a salute before slowly stepping onto the teleporter pad.

“All systems are go. Teleport in three… two… one… go!” High Gear exclaimed as she flipped the switch. The pad below Verdant started to light up beneath him and he felt a slight tingle in his fur.

Gear was grinning like a madmare as the light grew brighter and brighter beneath the stallion’s hooves. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until a loud bang came from within the console, causing it to billow smoke.

“Shit! Abort!” High Gear screeched as she reached for the switch, but the room was engulfed in a bright light.

When the light died down and the whir of the machines faded to nothing, High Gear gazed over the console, seeing the teleport pad was now completely empty with no sign of the shamrock stallion.

“Oh… crap…” High Gear whispered as she rushed over to the pad, looking for any trace of the missing pony. “Please be okay… wherever you are…”


In a brief flash, Verdant found himself falling in a dark room. The stallion’s scream echoed about before he landed in some liquid.

Disoriented from the crash, Verdant eventually managed to breach the surface of the liquid, gasping for air.

“Doctor?” Verdant called out, trying to see if he could see anything in the darkness, only seeing some vague shapes in the distance. “Please tell me the teleport room’s just flooded and has the lights turned out…”

The only reply Verdant received was a faint echo.

After a moment of quiet, the emerald earth pony noticed a scent that seemed to come from whatever he was swimming in. It was a scent the was oddly familiar to him, but he couldn’t quite place where he’d smelt it before. In a moment of curiosity, he stuck his face into the brew and took a long sip.

Swishing the mystery fluid around, Verdant soon realized what the drink was.

“Hard cider? Why is there a giant lake of…” Verdant stopped as what had happened quickly dawned on him. “Oh Faust curse it, did I get shrunk again?”

Far in the distance, a loud creak reached Verdant’s ears as light began to pour into the room, revealing to the earth pony that he was trapped within one of countless bottles full of cider that lined the shelves of the cellar they were in.

Looking towards the source of the light, Verdant saw image of a earth pony filly that was slowly sneaking her way down the cellar’s stairs.

The colossal yellow filly moved as stealthily as she could, somewhat undermined by the fact she was humming a tune that Verdant recognized from a spy movie.

Seeing no sign of other ponies, the youngster stuck crept low to the ground as she moved closer to the bottle of cider Verdant was in.

“Uh… little girl,” Verdant swallowed and backed away in the brew as the bow-clad filly drew closer. “I know lots of kids want to try grown-up drinks, but don’t grab this b-”

The shrunken stallion was interrupted by when the girl lunged her face forward and grabbed the bottle with her teeth, slamming Verdant about and giving him a horrifying view of her inner mouth.

A wave of cider pulled Verdant under as the filly tossed the bottle into her saddlebags, engulfing him in darkness once more.

Verdant had only managed to reach the surface of the cider once more before he found himself tossed about by the giant foal running back up the stairs.


Apple Bloom reached the top of the cellar stair and gazed out towards the orchard, seeing no sign of her older siblings, her grandmother or any other ponies that could get her in trouble.

Moving quickly and quietly, she got out and closed the cellar door before bolting towards a tree in a more secluded part of Sweet Apple acres that held a clubhouse she had proudly rebuilt for her and her friends.

The young filly swiftly darted up the ramp to the clubhouse, where she found her her close friends, an orange pegasus and a marshmallow white unicorn waiting for her.

“Did you get it, Apple Bloom?” The pegasus, Scootaloo, whispered, just in case there was anypony nearby that could overhear and get them in trouble.

“Eeyup,” Apple Bloom gleefully said as she pulled the bottle from her bags and set it before them on a table. “You shoulda seen me. Ah was like a ninja getting this.”

“You’re sure this is the cider we’re not supposed to have?” The last of the trio, Sweetie Belle asked as she carefully eyed the bottle.

“Sure as shootin’. Watch this!” Apple Bloom grabbed the bottle by the neck, giving the brew (and the tiny pony within) a vigorous shaking. Setting the cider back on the table, the trio saw a bubbly foam rising up towards the top. “Y’see? Hard cider foams up like a soda, but regular cider just kinda sits there like juice.”

“This is gonna be great!” Scootaloo grinned as she bounced in place. “Grown-ups say this stuff is for them only, but I figure if we all drink it, we’ll be bound to get our cutie marks!”

“Yeah!” Apple Bloom cheered. “We could get a bottle, or a mug, or a stein, or a keg, or-”

“Or like one of the wine glasses my sister has!” Sweetie leaned closer to the bottle. “So… how do we decide who goes first?”

“How ‘bout Rock, Paper, Scissors?” Apple Bloom said as she pulled away from the table. Her compatriots nodded in agreement as they moved to different parts of the room, making them equally stand apart.

“Rock, Paper, Scissors, shoot!” The trio spoke in unison. Scootaloo and Sweetie deftly crossed their forelegs over while Apple Bloom kept hers firmly locked together.

“Ha! Rock smashes Scissors! Ah win!” The bow-clad filly grinned as she walked back to the table.

“I would have won if we were playing Rock, Donut, Thursday,” Scootaloo pouted and crossed her forelegs.

“Well we didn’t, so…” The earth pony punctuated her sentence with a raspberry as she twisted the cap off the drink and brought the bottle up to her face.


Within the bottle, Verdant found everything to be spinning from the intense shaking the little filly had given it.

“Urgh…” the emerald pony groaned as he tried to keep afloat. “This was supposed to be an easy day off. A quick little trip, I get a bunch of bits and I go home happy to enjoy a lazy Sunday. Fan-friggin-tastic.”

Just as the earth pony had managed to get his stomach to settle, he felt the bottle shaking once more as the little filly grabbed the bottle and twisted the cap off, making the brew bubble up closer to the top.

Verdant could only gaze on in terror as the bottle was being tilted up towards the filly’s mouth as it slowly opened.

“Uh… Miss… Apple Bloom, please don’t drink this stuff! Or me!” Verdant screeched, his voice unheard by any of the fillies. He tried to struggle against the current as the waves of cider start to flow into the giant girl’s gaping maw. “Stop! This stuff’s bad for you! I’ll tell!”

The shamrock stallion fought to swim against the flow, but it was as if a minnow was challenging a tsunami. The poor pony soon found himself pulled into Apple Bloom’s mouth. He could see the sight of the bottle pull away from her lips before her tongue swished through the flooded chamber, slamming Verdant from one cheek to the next and savouring the flavor before she gulped it all down.

The speck of a stallion was dragged downward with the cider fall until he landed in a pile of apple scented mush within her stomach. Whatever apple food she had eaten before had long since become an apple sauce.

“This is unbelievable,” Verdant groaned as he pulled himself up before a ear splitting boom echoed all about.


After her swig of the cider, Apple Bloom let out a loud belch that echoed throughout the orchard and briefly woke her grandmother from an afternoon nap.

“So, how’d it taste?” Sweetie Belle said as the earth pony set the bottle back on the table.

“Not too bad. Pretty good cider,” Apple Bloom replied before giving her throat a rub. “Just a heads up, it makes yer throat burn a bit after drinkin’ it.”

“Okay,” the unicorn filly nervously said as she picked up the bottle. “Here goes nothing!” Sweetie tilted the bottle back, taking a few large chugs of the bottle.

“My turn!” Scootaloo said, grabbing the bottle the second Sweetie Belle finished and chugging what remained of the cider down.

“Alright, now fer the big test!” Apple Bloom exclaimed before the three faced their flanks… only to groan in disappointment at the sight of them still being as blank as the they they were born. “Shoot. Another bust!”

“Well,look on the bright side,” Sweetie cheerfully said. “At least there’s a bunch of other stuff to try for our cutie marks we can do.”

“Alright, Sweetie. So, what’s next to try?” Scoot asked as she slipped the empty bottle into her saddlebags.

The unicorn filly darted over to a crate with a clipboard on top, listing the day’s plans. “Oh! There’s a big speed eating contest at the Hayburger! For just ten bits per entrant, you can enter a competition to win free Hayburgers for a year!”

“Awesome!” the pegasus beamed from ear to ear before bolting out of the clubhouse and landing by her scooter and wagon. “C’mon! The sooner we get there, the sooner we can get champion speed eating cutie marks!”

“Hold on there!” Apple Bloom called out as she and Sweetie followed down the ramp. “Ah need a minute to head to the house an’ use the bathroom.”

“Just go behind a tree. They could probably use a watering,” Scootaloo as she strapped her helmet on, which made an angry blush cross Apple Bloom’s face.

“Ah don’t just have to pee, Ah have to go number two as well!” Apple Bloom grumbled as her hindlegs fidgeted.

“Then give the trees some fertilizer while you water them. No big deal. Now hop on!” Scootaloo stomped a hoof impatiently, making the bow-clad filly’s glare become more intense.

“Ah ain’t doing that!” Apple Bloom bellowed as she stomped out to the pegasus. “Not only could Ah get in trouble is someone finds it, but Winona might end up eatin’ that darn thing!”

“Girls, c’mon! T.M.I.!” Sweetie shouted as she hopped into the wagon. “Are you trying to make me sick before we can get to the competition?”

Scootaloo sighed as she laid her chin on the handlebars. “Fine, but try to be quick about it.” She looked towards Apple Bloom as she spoke but only spotted a trail of dust zoom as her friend bolted towards the barn house.


Verdant groaned as he laid against the stomach wall. From what he could tell, the energetic filly that ate him had done quite a bit of running before forcing her unwitting passenger to listen to the sounds of her relieving her bladder and bowels.

Now however, things had reached a relative calm as he assumed she was now just sitting in her friend’s wagon as it was pulled along. This provided the shrunken stallion with enough peace to let him think about his current predicament.

“Let’s see… what can I do to get out of here…” Verdant said aloud as his eyes wandered around the stomach, seeing acid pouring in from the walls and turning the filly’s previous meal into a liquid mush that was being pulled through a hole at the far end of her stomach.

“Nope! Nopenopenopenopnopenope!” the trapped stallion shook his head at the thought. “Going through someone’s butt is bad enough, but there’s no way in Tartarus that I’m going anywhere near a little filly’s butt! That’s just one step too far!”

With a sigh, Verdant’s gaze wandered the stomach once more, casting his eye towards the valve that dropped him into Apple Bloom’s stomach. “Guess my best bets are to either hope she eats too much at this contest thingie or try to crawl my way up there when she’s asleep or something…”

ALRIGHT, GIRLS! WE’VE MADE IT JUST IN TIME!” the giant filly’s voice boomed all about before everything quaked, tossing Verdant around the stomach like a bug. “TIME TO GET OUR GRUB ON!


“Alright, girls! We’ve made it just in time!” Apple Bloom excitedly exclaimed as she hopped out of the wagon. “Time to get our grub on!”

“This is gonna be great!” Scootaloo shouted as she bolted from her scooter towards the door. “We’ve got this in the bag!”

“Yeah! This’ll be great!” Sweetie said as she caught up to her two friends.

“CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS, SPEED EATERS!” the three shouted in unison as they entered the fast food restaurant, not caring that their shout drew the eye of many an employee and customer.

The crusaders spotted a plump employee standing behind a cardboard stand with a bunch of forms before him.

“Hey there!” Apple Bloom smiled as she came up to the mare. “Mah friends and Ah would like to enter the contest.”

“Sure thing,” the cream colored pegasus gave the three a nod as she slipped them some papers. “Just sign your names and pay the entry fee and you’ll be all set to start.”

After the three tossed some small bags of bits at the mare and took care of their papers, the trio were sent over to a table that a few other foals were sitting, eagerly awaiting the contest to begin.

Only a few minutes passed until the mare that had registered them left the stand, trotting over to the contestants’ table.

“Mares, Stallions and people of all species, welcome to the Hayburger Speed Eating Contest, Junior division!” She called out, drawing the eyes and applause from what patrons were able to take their eyes off their meals. “My name’s Drumstick and we have quite the stiff looking competition. Soon, one of these lucky foals will trot away with a pass for free hayburgers for a year.” The plump pegasus covered her mouth and quickly spoke. “Limit of one per day. Some other restrictions may apply.”

“We’re gonna take these other foals down,” Apple Bloom grinned and gave Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle high hooves.

“Quick rundown of the rules,” Drumstick raised her voice once more. “If you leave the table or suffer a ‘Roan Incident’, you are disqualified. You’ll each be provided glasses of water that will be refilled as needed.”

“What’s a Roan Incident?” Sweetie whispered as she leaned over to Scootaloo.

“That’s when you barf during the contest,” Scootaloo replied, making the marshmallow filly’s white coat become somewhat green.

“Are you ready?” Drumstick asked as a bunch of platters full of burgers was levitated over to the table. “On your mark… get set… go!”

As soon as the plump pegasus said go, Apple Bloom grabbed a burger and quickly chewed it to bits, swallowing it down.


“Hope you’re having fun, kid.” Verdant swallowed as he heard the sound of Apple Bloom’s approaching meal. “I know I won’t.”

The upper valve opened up, dropping a large collection of mashed up burger into her stomach. Verdant was barely able to jump out of the way before he could be buried by the former sandwich splashing into the acid.

“Well, one down. So that should buy me some OH FAUST!” Verdant was stunned as a second chewed up burger came dropping down into the stomach before he could even catch his breath. The shamrock stallion tried to hop out of the path of the falling food, only for the ABC’d sandwich to bury him alive.

Verdant was relieved that the burger’s thick remains were light enough for him to push his way through, allowing him to breach the surface just as more bits of burger plopped down near him.

“Hopefully she gets full soon…” Verdant groaned as he continued to try and wade through the meal as even more dropped down. “After all, she’s just a little filly. How much can she eat?”


Apple Bloom quickly wiped her mouth with a foreleg before she started to scarf down her sixth burger.

On her left, Sweetie Belle groaned after finishing her fourth burger.

“I…” the marshmallow filly groaned as she tried to lift the next burger to her mouth, only to drop it back onto her tray. “Sorry… I can’t do it.” She said as she pulled away from the table.

“Must… keep… going…” Scootaloo muttered as she pushed herself forward, gobbling down her sixth burger, only to feel a terrible rumbling in her belly that made her pupils shrink and her cheeks bulge.

The little pegasus bolted away from the table and barely made it to the mare’s bathroom when a horrid retching came from within.

“Oh my, seems Scootaloo’s had a Roan Incident. Poor thing.” Drumstick called out before turning her attentions back to the tables. “Well, now we’ve only got Truffle Shuffle, Petite Treat, Apple Bloom and Pepper Belle remaining.”

The competition quickly escalated with the remaining foals digging into the burgers with blinding speeds.

One by one, the competitors would eventually call it quits until…

“We have a winner!” Drumstick exclaimed, holding the victor’s foreleg aloft. “With a total of twelve burgers, our Hayburger Speed Eating Junior Champion is… Apple Bloom!”

“Yay!” the bowed filly weakly shouted before glancing at her flank. “D’aww… dangit.”

“Well, at least you got a pass for free burgers, Apple Bloom,” Sweetie Belle came to her friend’s side, patting her on the shoulder.

“Y’know, I’m kinda glad I didn’t get a cutie mark for barfing,” Scootaloo hoarsely said as she slowly walked up to them. “It'd probably be some gross bag or a toilet or something.”

“Ah’d say it’s a victory then.” Apple Bloom smiled as she hobbled away from the table, grabbing the pass Drumstick held out and stashing it in her bow. “So, what’s next on the list?”

“That would be,” Scootaloo stuck out her tongue as she pulled a sheet of paper from her saddlebags. “Movie critics! We watch movies and review them.”

“How do yah review a movie?” Apple Bloom’s eyebrow shot up as they trotted out of the restaurant.

“I think you just write down what you thought about the movie and get it printed.” Sweetie shrugged as she climbed into the back of the wagon.

“Plus it gives us an excuse to check out the new Da Pukas movie,” Scootaloo said as she plopped her helmet on.

“Alright, let’s do this!” Apple Bloom shouted as she pulled herself into the wagon next to Sweetie Belle, albeit with some difficulty.

“CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS, MOVIE CRITICS!” the trio shouted together as Scootaloo started flapping her wings, pulling them away from the hayburger.

Apple Bloom stretched out in the back of the wagon, surprised to see that Sweetie Belle was staring at her stretched out belly. “Uh, Sweetie? Wha’ are yah staring at mah gut?”

“Huh?” the earth pony’s words snapped the unicorn from her transfixed gaze. “Sorry. I was just wondering how you could fit twelve burgers in there.”

“Gotta admit, it’s kinda hard,” Apple Bloom replied. She tried to look strong, but the filly felt quite overstuffed and more than a little queasy from all the burgers she’d eaten.

“I’ll bet…” Sweetie’s gaze was transfixed on her belly as she once more and reached a hoof out, giving the stomach a rather hard poke.

“Whoa!” Apple Bloom winced, feeling her stomach rumbling like mad from her friend’s surprise jab. “Careful! I think I’m…”

The earth filly suddenly slammed her mouth shut, feeling something rushing up her throat.


Breaching the surface of the sandwich slurry, Verdant gasped for what air he could get. The Apple filly’s appetite was far greater than he had been expecting. Looking up, he saw the stomach’s upper sphincter was just barely out of the reach of his forelegs.

“So close yet so far,” the shamrock stallion muttered as the stomach shook about from Apple Bloom’s movements.

“UH, SWEETIE? WHA’ ARE YAH STARING AT MAH GUT?” The farm filly’s voice boomed like thunder all around, forcing Verdant to cover his ears with a wince.

“Could you please try not to be so damn loud!” Verdant exclaimed, shooting the valve a nasty glare.

“GOTTA ADMIT, IT’S KINDA HARD,” the thunderous filly’s voice answered back.

“Guess I’ll just have t-” the tiny stallion was silenced when the stomach was suddenly struck by a hard jab, making a wave of sandwichy sludge that pulled him back down and caused the stomach around him to pulsate and shake about.

Just as he reached the surface once more, the stomach gave a hard clench, forcing the shrunken stallion and a tsunami of slurry to rocket up Apple Bloom’s throat.

All Verdant could do was brace himself as he saw the uvula speeding towards him and he found himself crashing face first into the back of the filly’s lips.

The emerald pony shook his head to regain his bearings when he saw the divide of the lips.

“Yes!” he shouted, paddling through the slurry as fast as his minuscule legs could pull him. “This is it! Sweet freedom! I’m getting out of CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPP!!!”

Just before he could reach the divide, the entire chamber of her mouth tilted back. Verdant found himself dragged by gravity and the slurry’s current to the back of her throat before he was swallowed back down.

Verdant muttered a colorful array of curses as he was pushed along with the former food through the farm filly’s esophagus, plopping back into the stomach even more drenched than when he’d left it.

“Dammit all!” the verdant pony growled, giving the disgusting goop a hard punch. “I just want to get out of here! Is that too much to ask?”


Apple Bloom gave a hard swallow, forcing her sick back down and making her stomach feel even more unsettled.

“Dangit, Sweetie!” she weakly grumbled, her yellow coat quickly becoming more green. “Ah jus’ threw up in mah mouth cuz’ o’ that!”

“Sorry, Apple Bloom,” the snowy-coated unicorn scooted away from her glaring friend. “I didn’t mean to make you sick.”

“Trust me, Sweetie, you do not want to taste a hayburger a second time.” Scootaloo bristled before looking over her shoulder at her crusading compatriots. “They taste a lot worse.”

“No kiddin’,” Apple Bloom groaned as she gave her belly a gentle rub, hoping it would settle down soon. “Ah’ll be glad when we get to the ROCK!”

“Rock?” Scootaloo tilted her head in confusion. “What are you talking abWHOA!!!” The pegasus’ eyes went wide at the sight of the large rock dead ahead of them. She tried turn away, but it was too late. The scooter hit an incline on the rock’s surface, launching the three into the air.

The trio tumbled about in the air when suddenly, they, the scooter and the wagon came to a halt in mid-air.

Slowly opening her eyes, Sweetie Bell saw that all of them were floating in a magenta glow as a violet unicorn ran up towards them.

“Are you girls okay?” the mare huffed as she came to a halt and set the three down on the ground.

“Yeah, we’ve been through worse, Twilight.” Scootaloo brushed some dust off her coat, trying to look cool.

“Thanks, Twilight.” Sweetie smiled as she wrapped her small foreleg’s around Twilight’s. “That was pretty scary.

“Ah’ll say…” Apple Bloom spoke up, drawing Twilight’s attention and showing her just how green the little filly was. Before she could take a step closer, the foal’s cheeks bulged out and her pupils dilated.


The stomach shook about far worse than any earthquake Verdant had ever felt before, making him dizzy as he was slammed back and forth through the mush.

Things seemed to start to settle, but the stomach was still wildly shaking and Verdant’s eyes were spinning about when he found himself being launched upward once more.

Verdant’s sight barely returned to him as he saw the Apple Bloom’s uvula quickly approaching as the geyser of sick pushed him forth.

Hope this works! Verdant crouched into a ball as the wave forced him from the filly’s mouth, crashing face-first into a rosy and translucent glowing wall before he was pelted by a tsunami of the former contents of the filly’s stomach.

The tiny earth pony winced as the sickening waves washed over him. Thankfully, the disgusting slop soon died down and he felt it slide down his back as he clung to the shining wall as tightly as he could.

“SORRY, TWILIGHT.” Verdant looked behind, seeing the sickly giantess holding a hoof to her mouth. “AH JUST COULDN’T HOLD IT BACK ANYMORE.”

“IT’S OKAY, APPLE BLOOM,” a booming voice came from behind the wall. Turning back to face the source, Verdant saw that he was staring into the amethyst eyes of a unicorn that dwarfed the titanic filly. “THAT SORT OF THING HAPPENS AND… IS THAT A TINY PONY ON MY FORCE FIELD?”


After a quick spell to restore Verdant’s height and some ginger ale to settle Apple Bloom’s stomach, the three fillies, Twilight and the drenched earth pony went to Sweet Apple Acres, where Scootaloo was having a blast spraying Verdant down with the hose.

“Sorry ‘bout all this, Mr. Verdant.” Apple Bloom looked away sheepishly. “Ah had no idea Ah ate somepony.”

“Don’t sweat it, Apple Bloom,” Verdant replied as Scootaloo finally turned the hose off. “Not the first time that’s happened and I get the feeling it’s not going to be the last.”

“Well, at least nopony got hurt,” Sweetie Belle chipped in.

“Indeed.” Twilight’s horn lit up, causing the soaked stallion’s body to quickly dry. “And maybe this will provide some scientific research for your friend.”

“Here’s hoping,” Verdant gave a slight stretch as he saw a mare approaching the barn from the fields. She had a bright orange coat that covered her toned muscles and complimented her long blonde mane and tail.

“Hey girls,” she tilted her stetson up as she came up to the quintet. “Who’s this fella?”

“Applejack, this is Verdant Range.” Twilight gestured to the stallion as Apple Bloom ran up to her sister’s side.

“Y’all won’t believe this, Applejack,” Apple Bloom excitedly said. “This guy was inside’a me earlier.”

Applejack’s pupils shrank before she looked at the stallion with a look of pure and unfiltered hatred. “Beg pardon?” she asked through clenched teeth.

“Yeah,” Verdant nervously said as he started to back up into the barn’s wall. “It was… weird, to say the least.”

“Ah see…” Applejack’s eye twitched before she pulled away, her hooves stomping all the way as she turned the corner. “‘Scuse me fer a moment.”

“What’s eating her?” Scootaloo scratched her head in confusion.

“Hmm…” Verdant raised a hoof to his chin in thought. “Can’t say. Honestly, I’m drawing a blOH FAUST!” The shamrock stallion was barely able to duck as a pitchfork flew towards him, burying itself right where his head had been only moments prior.

Before he could get back up, Applejack tackled him into the wall, driving him into it face first.

“YOU SON OF A-!” Applejack screamed, launching a foreleg towards his face like a rocket, only for it to be caught in a magenta light a few centimeters from his snout. Looking to her side, she spotted Twilight with her horn shining brightly.

“Applejack, not like that!” She exclaimed as she used her magic to pull her friend away from the terrified stallion. “What they mean is he was shrunken down and Apple Bloom swallowed him.”

“Whut?” Applejack flatly said as Twilight let go of her magical hold on her.

“Well, yeah.” Apple Bloom tilted her head as she looked to her sister. “What else could Ah mean by sayin’ he was inside me?”

“Oh… well, um…” Applejack pushed her stetson down over her eyes, trying to cover her blush. “Sorry ‘bout this. Huge misunderstandin’ on mah part.”

“It’s… It’s okay…” Verdant nervously said as the implications dawned on him. “If someone did that to one of my sisters, I probably would have done the same thing. At any rate, I need to get back to Vanhoover. Bye!” With that, Verdant took off like a rocket, occasionally tripping as he ran off the farm.

“At any rate, we should probably get cleaned up for dinner an’ stuff.” Applejack scratched the back of her neck. “So you should probably wash up soon, Apple Bloom. You an’ yer friends can still play fer a bit, just as long as yer hooves are spotless.”

“You got it, Sis!” Apple Bloom cheered and headed for the clubhouse. “C’mon girls, last one to the clubhouse is a rotten egg!”

The two remaining crusaders quickly caught up to the earth filly as they dashed about the acres.

“You knew exactly what they were talking about, didn’t you?” Scootaloo said with a coy smirk on her face.

“Well, duh,” Apple Bloom replied before chuckling. “Ah grow up on a farm and my brother’s one of the most popular stallions in town. How could Ah not?”

“What are you two talking about?” Sweetie tilted her head, completely lost. Her two fellow companions shared a look and grinned before they spoke together.

“We’ll tell you when you get older.”


The following afternoon, Verdant had returned to the Vanhoover institute’s third floor. Peering into High Gear’s lab, things seemed rather peaceful, save for the mare nervously pacing about the room.

“Dr. High Gear?” Verdant said as he slowly pushed the door open, making the mare halt mid-step.

“Verdant!” High Gear gasped before charging across the room and wrapping her forelegs around him. “Oh thank Faust, you’re alright! I was worried sick about what happened!”

“Well, I’m in one piece, so that’s good.” Verdant slipped from the scientist’s grip. “Still, being shrunken down, stuck in a bottle in Ponyville, being drunk by a little filly and barfed up twice is not something I want to happen again. Ever.”

“I’m so sorry, Verdant.” Gear turned her gaze to the lab’s floor, where she nervously rubbed her hoof along the polished surface. “We had a defective part blow out. It’s what caused all of this. It’ll be a few days before it’s ready to be tested again.

“Well, I hope your next test goes well, doctor. I just want to get my money and try to put this thing behind me.”

“Of course. I’d probably want to as well.” Gear trotted over to a cabinet and pulled out a chequebook and a pen. She quickly scribbled down a signature on the slip and tore it from the book, placing it in Verdant’s hooves. “I hope this makes you feel better.”

“Thank you, doctor.” Verdant gave a nod as he looked at the cheque he held. Seeing what was written on the cheque, his pupils dilated and his jaw dropped.

“Is something wrong, Verdant?” High Gear asked, adjusting her glasses.

“Um... no doctor. Just one question.” Verdant smiled as he quickly stuffed the cheque into his vest’s pocket. “When’s the next test?”

Having Your Cake and Eating It Too (AP)

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It was a clear and calm evening as Applejack returned to the farm after spending the better part of the day at Pinkie’s party for her pet alligator’s birthday. Her tired legs pulled her along to the house, sore from all the dancing she’d done.

Stepping into the kitchen, she was greeted by the scent of something sweet baking in the oven.

“Hmm… that’s smells good,” the apple mare muttered to herself before she trotted further into the house and called out. “Hey Granny, watcha bakin’?”

“Ah ain’t bakin’ nothin’, dearie,” the elderly mare’s voice replied from another room. “That’s yer cousin and her friends’ doin’.”

“Beg pardon?” Applejack’s eyebrow rose just before she heard a quiet creaking coming from behind her. Turning around, she saw the snowy white coat of Winter Gem emerging from one the lower cupboards.

“Hi there, Cousin,” Gem said as she dusted herself off. “How’s your day going?”

“Pretty good, Cuz.” Applejack smiled as she trotted over to the blonde mare. “Likin’ the new hair cut yah got and Ah’m glad yer helpin’ with Pinkie’s party tomorrow.”

“Thanks, Applejack,” Gem said before pulling the orange mare into a hug. “After Pinkie threw that party for us in Vanhoover and what you guys did in the empire, there’s no way we’d miss this.”

“So,” Applejack awkwardly said as she pulled out of the hug. “Mind tellin’ me why you were hidin’ in a cupboard?”

“Swift told us how Pinkie seems to be able to sense ponies coming into Ponyville, we tried to stay hidden in case she came around,” a masculine voice with a distinct Trottingham accent came from another one of the cupboards.

“Swift even had us tuck and roll off the train a couple miles before we reached the town’s limits,” a second stallion’s voice joined in.

“In my defense,” a fancy, feminine voice chipped in before a sky blue unicorn emerged from another cupboard. “I have had experience with visiting Ponyville before and have seen Pinkie’s skills first hoof. If we’re going to surprise her, stealth should be our watchword.”

“Oh, by the way,” a third stallion’s voice chipped in from one of the smaller cupboards. “Wind Whistler’s upstairs playing with Apple Bloom and her friends.”

“Well… glad yer all here then.” Applejack smiled as one by one, the three ponies emerged from their hiding places. “So, watcha got bakin’ here?”

“Oh, just an idea I got from a baker in Vanhoover.” Verdant said as he did some quick stretches. “It’s a special cake that I’ll pop out of for Pinkie. I was told some mares like having a stallion jump out of their cakes.”

“Ah see…” the orange mare nodded. “Well, just try to keep things clean in case the fillies come in.”

“No problem, Applejack,” Verdant threw out a salute. “I’ll make sure I’m spotless before going in. I don’t want any of the cake to go to waste.”

“At any rate, Twilight’s pickin’ up a cake fer Pinkie tomorrow, so Ah guess a second cake might be a good idea considerin’ all the guests.”

“Indeed, Applejack,” Swift said as she trotted up to Applejack’s side. “Rest assured, Pinkie will have a wonderful birthday tomorrow.”


The next morning, the five privates were all hidden within the barn, a wall of haystacks serving as their hiding place of choice as well as keeping the decorations and the cake they’d made hidden from sight.

Through a small gap in the stacks, Winter Gem spotted Applejack approaching with several carts overstuffed with apples when she spotted the pink coated birthday girl emerge from a haystack outside.

“Huh, oh hi, Pinkie Pie,” Applejack’s voice made the privates stand stock still. “What brings you ‘round these parts?”

“Who’s ready to shake their hoof-thang?!” the party mare exuberantly exclaimed and hopped. She pulled one of the pink envelopes from the basket on her head and held it out the the orange Apple.

“It’s an invitation to Gummy’s ‘after-birthday’ party this afternoon.” Pinkie was practically glowing with excitement as she bounced in front of the stunned farmer. “There’s gonna be dancing, and games, and cake, and ice cream, and punch!”

This afternoon?” Applejack stuttered as she backed up. “A-as in, “this afternoon” this afternoon?”

“That’s funny,” Pinkie sounded surprised as she raised a hoof to her chin. “That’s just what Twilight said,” her voice once again became a source of boundless excitement as she continued. “And the answer is, “Yes! It’s this afternoon.”

Sweat quickly started to gather on Applejack’s brow as she tried to further back away. “Uh, well… Ah… Ah… uh…”

Behind the haystacks, Winter Gem grimaced at her cousin’s display and quietly smacked a hoof against her forehead.

“Ah don’t think Ah can make it ‘cause…” Applejack nervously paused as she tried to do what she did worst. “Uh… Ah have to… uh... uh, you know what? Ah… uh… pick apples!” Her voice became somewhat more confident, even as she was pouring sweat like a leaky fountain. “Yep, apples! ‘Cause that’s what we do! With the… apples. We, uh… pick ‘em!”

Applejack put on the best smile she could to help sell her lie, meaning she would easily lose her life savings if she were playing poker.

A tense silence held in the air as Pinkie stared at the nervous Apple as she gulped, until…

“Okey-dokey-lokey!” Pinkie merrily said as she began to walk away. “A party’s still a party, even if there’s only three guests.”

Just as Applejack let out a sigh of relief, the pink mare suddenly leapt back in front of her face.

“By the way, my Pinkie sense told me a bunch of new ponies who’ve never been to Ponyville arrived recently and are somewhere near here.” Pinkie’s cheerful tone made the former soldiers all tense, their legs ready to leap into the hay at a moment’s notice. “Do you know where I could find them?”

“Uh…” Applejack bit her lip and looked away from Pinkie’s gaze. “Can’t say Ah do, Pinkie.”

“Oh well, thanks anyway.” Pinkie smiled as she started to bounce away. “Next stop, Rarity’s!”

Though Pinkie soon disappeared from sight, the privates and Applejack waited several more minutes until they felt they were in the clear.

“Now that was way too close fer comfort,” Applejack said as she pulled into the barn and began detaching the carts.

“No kidding,” Winter Gem said, looking up over the haystacks. “We’ll try to get everything ready for Pinkie’s party ASAP, Applejack.”

“Much obliged, guys,” Applejack wiped her forehead and headed to the carts. “While yer doing that, Ah’ll be handling this stuff.”


The morning slowly turned to afternoon for the privates as they worked on getting the barn set up. Fortunately, as the day rolled on, more ponies came to the barn to help with their preparations. The first was Twilight Sparkle, followed a few minutes later by Fluttershy and Rarity.

“Thanks for accepting again, Swiftsword,” Rarity said as she examined the sky blue mare. “By the way, I really like your new manestyle. It looks rather nice on you.”

“Why thank you, Rarity.” Swift grabbed Rarity’s hoof and gave it a quick shake. “By the way have you lost weight?”

Before she could reply, a loud yell came from outside. From within the barn, they could not only see Applejack trotting up, but two streaks racing over the hills towards them. One in a rainbow of colors, and the other in the most terrifying shade of pink they had ever seen.

“Applejack, we’ve got a problem!” Rainbow screeched as Pinkie trailed closely behind the speeding pegasus.

Applejack gasped in shock at the sight just as Rainbow flew into the barn. The farmer mare ran close behind her, slamming the door shut. Barely an instant passed before Pinkie started loudly knocking on the door with her face.

“Quickly” Swiftsword whispered, her fellows grabbing the non-Applejack ponies and dragging them behind the bales of hay.

I know you’re IN THERE!” Pinkie bellowed from behind the door.

With a nervous swallow, Applejack slowly opened the upper half of the barn door a crack. “Oh! Howdy, partner.”

“Mind if I…” Pinkie leaned closer, trying to get a better look. “Take a look inside the barn?”

“No! Uh, Ah mean, yes, Ah mean…” the farmer nervously stumbled over her words. “You can’t come in here!”

“Rainbow Dash just went in there.” Pinkie gave Applejack a harsh glare.

“Oh, well, she was just bringin' in some... supplies! Yup, supplies for the... renovation!” Applejack’s eyes slightly brightened as she thought up a half-decent lie. “Fixin' up the whole thing, top to bottom... uh, lots of construction goin' on in there right now.

Before Rainbow could utter a word in response, the blue aura of Swiftsword’s magic snapped her mouth shut while the unicorn pulled a serrated dagger from mane and started sawing into one of the spare planks.

Forge pulled a hammer from his bags and started to strike the wall while Gem and Verdant quickly and loudly set up a ladder.

“Ey,” Hat Trick affected a deep tone and a thick Manehattan accent, “Could somepony pass me a five and three quarter incher? Dez bolts ain’t gonna tighten themselves.”

“Yup! Construction! That's my story, and Ah'm stickin' to it.” Applejack nervously chuckled as she looked Pinkie in the glaring eye before nervously swallowing.

After a moment of tension thick enough for Swift to cut it with her sword, the glaring pink mare started to trot away. “Okey… dokey… lokey…”

Applejack sighed in relief, only to instantly find Pinkie right up in her face, staring at her with their snouts touching before she started to leave once more.

Once Pinkie was far enough away, the ponies in the barn all gave a sigh of relief.

“Well that was close to bein’ a constipation cure,” Applejack said as she wiped the sweat from her brow.

“Pinkie was close to ruining the surprise.” Twilight’s magic moved some of the haystacks aside. “By the way, Rainbow, is the cake okay?”

“Check it out,” Dash cockily replied as she pulled the remarkably intact cake with Pinkie’s face on it from her saddlebags. “Even pulling all that speed, the cake’s still perfect!”

“Great job, Dash,” Twilight clapped her hooves together. “We’re perfectly on schedule for Pinkie’s birthday party.”

“Right, everypony!” Applejack called out, making the privates stand at attention. “Now let’s git everythin’ set up fer a party that’ll knock the socks off Pinkie fer years to come!”

With that, the collected ponies quickly set about decorating the barn with the earth ponies and unicorns setting up tables, presents and balloons while the pegasi handled the banners.


“Nice work, everypony,” Twilight cheered as she took in the sight of the barn, covered in a wide assortment of colorful banners, streamers and balloons while a large stack of presents were neatly set up on a table. “Now the only thing left to do is to bring the birthday girl here.”

“I’m on it!” Dash said with a salute. “I’ll get her here in a flash!” She cockily grinned as she flew out the barn door, taking off like a cannonball.

“Now all that’s left is to get into the special cake.” Verdant said as he climbed a step ladder and took off the cake’s top.

“Now remember, whatever performance yer doin’, keep it PG, alright?” Applejack said as the shamrock stallion clambered into the cake.

“Do you mean a modern PG or a PG from a couple decades ago?” Forge asked as his horn lit and a fiery orange glow placed the cake’s top back. “Snow’s shown me there’s apparently a pretty big difference.”

Applejack sighed as she trotted away. “Least the party should be kickin’ soon and then we got the gala comin’ up after this.”

“Oh, you’re going too?” Gem smiled as she trotted up to the orange mare’s side. “What do you plan on doing there, Applejack?”

Applejack also smiled with pride and polished her hoof on her chest. “Ah’m planning on settin’ up a cart at the gala to sell some of mah apple treats and bring in a ton of bits to spruce things up here. We might even get Granny a new hip.”

“You plan on setting up a food selling stand…” Winter Gem tilted her head in confusion. “To a catered event?”

“Well, I-”

“In addition,” Swiftsword interjected, cutting off the farm mare. “Based on my history with the Grand Galloping Gala, most ponies don’t bring their bit bags to such events, meaning somepony buying food seems rather unlikely to me.”

“Well...” Applejack nervously rubbed her foreleg. “Maybe stuff’s changed and it will pan out?”

“I hope so, for your sake.” Swift gently placed a hoof on Applejack’s shoulder. “After all, it would be bad to pay for the permits without turning some kind of profit.”

“Wait, what permits are you talkin’ ‘bout?” Applejack suddenly backed away from Swift’s grasp with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, you’d obviously need some permits to allow that sort of thing.” Swift drew closer to Applejack. “First of all, a permit to sell food.”

“Ah’ve already got one of those,” Applejack said with clear annoyance.

“For Canterlot, though?” Swift asked in concern. “Things may have changed, but I believe you would need a permit for whatever city or town you’re hoping to sell food in. Not to mention the permit to set up such a thing on the palace grounds.”

“Don’t forget the receipt of declared commerce since you’ll be crossing rural lines,” Verdant chimed in from the cake. “My mother always stressed how those sorts of things are important.”

Applejack glumly turned her gaze to the floor for a moment before Gem walked up and gave her shoulder a pat.

A few minutes passed while the gathered ponies waited until they heard a grunting sound outside.

“We’re… here…” Rainbow’s voice was heard before the barn door started to open.

“Surprise!” the element bearers and privates shouted in unison as Pinkie started to come into the lavishly decorated barn. However, the pink party pony was perplexingly non-preppy. Her coat and mane both seemed a lot darker with normally poofy curls looking straight and deflated. What was most surprising to them was the expression on her face was one her friends rarely saw; anger.

“I really thought she’d be more excited,” Fluttershy stated softly as she looked to a nervous Twilight.

Excited? Excited?!” Pinkie furiously bellowed. “Excited to attend my own farewell party?!”

“Farewell party?” Twilight asked in a mix of shock and confusion.

“Yes! You don't like me anymore, so you decided to kick me out of the group and throw a great, big party to celebrate!” She exclaimed before flailing her forelegs and turning away from her friends. “A "Farewell to Pinkie Pie" party!”

“Why in the world would you think we didn't like you anymore, sugarcube?” Applejack walked up to Pinkie’s side, only to get a glare.

“Why? Why? Why?!” Her glare shifted from one attendee to another. “Because you've been lying to me and avoiding me all day, that's why!”

“Uh, yeah!” Rainbow casually said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Because we wanted your party to be a surprise.”

“We'd been planning this party for such a long time, we had to make excuses for why we couldn't attend Gummy's party so that we could get everything ready for yours.” Rarity offered Pinkie a soft smile as she moved in closer to her.

“We even did our best to remain out of sight so this would be an even bigger surprise.” Swiftsword said from behind Twilight.

“If this is a farewell party,” Twilight strolled over to a table with a single layer cake upon it. “why does the cake I picked up from Sugarcube Corner say "Happy Birthday, Pinkie Pie"?”

Pinkie bit her lip as she looked about the barn, carefully taking in the sights of decorations and a large stack of presents before she slowly walked over to the table with the yellow and purple frosted cake. In the center of the cake was the image of a smiling Pinkie Pie with exactly what Twilight had said.

The glum looking earth pony literally brightened up as her mane seemed to inflate back to its normal poofy and curly self with a loud squeak. “Because it's my birthday! Ooh, how could I have forgotten my own birthday?”

The gathered guests gave a sigh of relief just before they found themselves swept up in Pinkie’s stretchy forelegs for a bone-crushing hug.

“And you like me so much you decided to throw me a surprise party!” Pinkie said as she hopped away from the nine ponies, scattering them about the barn floor.

“That's what we've been trying to tell you, darling,” Rarity wheezed as she pulled herself up and dusted off her coat.

“You girls are the best friends ever!” Pinkie exuberantly exclaimed. “How could I have ever doubted you?”

“It's okay, Pinkie Pie. It could have happened to any of us.” Twilight grinned as she trotted over to the birthday girl as the other element bearers chimed in similar comments.

“I kinda doubt it,” Hatty muttered before Forge elbowed him into silence.

“I'm just glad I haven't been replaced by a bucket of turnips,” Dash chipped in, much to the confusion of Twilight and Swift. Seeing the surprise in the unicorns’ face, Dash spoke up. “You don't wanna know.”

“All right, everypony! Enough of this gab,” Applejack called out before turning on a record player and filling the room with festive music. “Let’s party!

The ponies all gave a cheer before Swiftsword slung a shoulder around Pinkie shoulder. “Before we get to opening your presents, my friends and I have put something together for you.”

Swift gently lead the pink mare along, idly noting how she seemed to bounce with every step towards a table at the back. Pinkie’s eyes seemed to sparkle as she took in the sight before her.

Upon the table was a pink three-tiered cake with white frosting on each layer. It wasn’t nearly as well done as what Mr. and Mrs. Cake would make, but its was clearly something they put a lot of effort and care into making nonetheless.

“We heard of an interesting custom with modern desserts for adult mares,” Swift started to say, not seeing Pinkie Pie preparing to pounce on the pink pastry. “So we thought what better way to celebrate your birthday than to make one of these cakes with a delightful surprise insi-”

The unicorn was cut off as the party mare leapt past her, flying up towards the ceiling before spinning about and dive bombing the cake with her jaws opened wide.

In an instant, where a cake once stood now laid only a very happy Pinkie Pie, licking her lips and showing no sign she’d just eaten a cake that was bigger than she was.

The sight was such a shock to the gathered guests that Applejack didn’t pay attention to where she was walking, bumping into the record playing and knocking the needle off.

“That was a scrumdiddlyumptious cake you guys made,” Pinkie said, seemingly oblivious to the shocked looks on everypony’s faces. “So, what was that surprise you said was inside, Swift?”

“Umm…” Swiftsword nervously bit her lip as her eye’s focused on Pinkie’s belly.


Verdant found his whole world seemed to shake and tumble about, feeling like the cake he was hiding in had been bucked to the other side of Ponyville.

After a few intense moments, the sudden and rough movements came to a halt with the top of the cake being knocked aside.

“Whoa, you girls must party harder than I remembered,” Verdant uttered as he pulled himself up to look out of the cake’s rim. His eyes then dilated in shock at the world around him. He found himself suddenly in a massive chamber of flesh that was bigger than Applejack’s barn and filled with things that seemed to be massive pieces of food, with even a single chocolate chip or strawberry now being bigger than him.

“Oh, Faust curse it!” the shamrock stallion angrily exclaimed. “How’d I even get shrunk this time?!”


“Uh… Raspberry jelly!” Swift said with the widest grin she could muster. “We worked extra hard on it.”

“Well I’d say you guys did a really good job on it.” Pinkie rolled off the table back onto her hooves. “By the way, where’s Verdant? I figured he’d be with you guys.”

“Well, I’m sure he’s around somewhere.” Swiftsword scratched the back of her neck. “Excuse me for a second, I need to speak to Twilight.” The sky colored unicorn stated before leading the stunned violet mare over to a more secluded part of the barn.

“Twilight, I pray you know of a way to get Verdant out of there,” Swift whispered, her tone filled with concern for her comrade. “I don’t want my friend to be stuck in another stomach any longer than necessary.”

“Okay… I’ll try to think of something,” the violet mare whispered back as she observed Pinkie going about the party with nary a trace of the large amount she ingested having an impact on her figure. “Is Pinkie’s stomach dimensionally transcendental?”

“I haven’t the slightest idea what that even means. I just wish to save my friend.”

“Alright, I think I’ve got a plan,” Twilight whispered before waving over a still shocked Applejack. “AJ, I think I know how to save Verdant. Do you have a pie tin and a can of whipped cream?”

“Uh… yeah,” the farm mare responded, still somewhat stunned. “There should be plenty o’ pie tins and whipped cream at the house. Just help yerself.”

“Thanks, Applejack.” Twilight’s horn began to shimmer a brilliant magenta. “I should be back in a few seconds.” In a bright flash, the violet unicorn had disappeared.

“So…” Applejack gave her foreleg a awkward rub. “This have somethin’ to do with that ‘snack-sized stallion’ thing that Pinkie mentioned back in the empire?”

“Yes, it does.” Swift gave her a nod before taking a deep breath. “You see, centuries ago on Butterfly Island…”


Pinkie was having a blast as she danced about with her friends, though she was somewhat bothered by an awkward air that seemed to be lingering over the party.

Still, it was a nice surprise her friends had thrown for her and she was savoring every moment of it.

“Hey, Pinkie!” Applejack called over the festive music. “We’ve got another special treat for ya!”

The pink mare’s ears instantly perked up before she spun around to face her fellow earth pony. She found Applejack and Swiftsword with a pie that had an absurd amount of whipped cream between them.

“Ooohhh! That looks like a really nice pie!” Pinkie said as she stalked over to the dessert that seemed to be somewhat shaking. “What flavor is it?”

“Um… grape!” Swift answered as quickly as she could. “Yes, we thought a grape pie would be something the birthday girl might enjoy.”

“You would be right!” Pinkie replied as she stepped down on the edge of the tin, launching the pie and it’s contents into the air before swallowing them whole. “Deeee-lish!”


Down in the belly of the beast, Verdant had spent his time climbing up several of the piled desserts, hoping to get closer to the stomach’s upper valve. Sadly, his efforts were fruitless as he stood atop a strawberry. Even with how far he’d climbed, he was barely at the halfway point to the high sphincter.

“Looks like the back door’s the only way out for me…” Verdant grumbled as he started to hop back down. “Again.”

Just as he reached the fleshy floor, a rumbling came from above and something was spat into the stomach in front of him. What had landed before him was Twilight Sparkle, groaning as she pulled her cream and crust covered self back to her hooves.

“Are you okay, Twilight?” the shamrock stallion inquired as he rushed over to her side.

“I’ve been better,” Twilight replied as she rolled her shoulders before looking around the massive chamber that was Pinkie’s stomach. “Dear Faust...”

“I know, it’s surprising to learn that either Pinkie’s body shrank us or that her stomach’s dimensionally transcendental.” Verdant calmly said as he tried to brush some of the whipped cream from Twilight’s coat.

“Indeed. Clearly further study would be needed...” Twilight’s gaze soon wandered back to the two of them. “But we’ll save that for another time. I’ll teleport the two of us out of here and we’ll be back to the party in seconds.”

“Oh, thank you!” Verdant said in relief before pulling Twilight into a tight embrace. “I really didn’t want to go through a mare’s butt for a third time.”

“Alright, let’s…Wait third?” Twilight had a look of confusion before shaking her head and lighting her horn. “Nevermind. Let’s get out of here!”

The light of Twilight’s horn bathed the stomach in a bright light and the two to vanish in a flash… only to reappear at the top of the stomach before falling down onto the tops of some cupcakes.

“I… I don’t understand…” Twilight said with a note of fear as she shook the frosting from her coat. “I should have been able to teleport out of here like it was nothing.”

“That is weird,” Verdant replied, pulling himself off the pastry. “What could be the cause of this?”

With a sigh, Twilight brought a hoof to her forehead. “I’m afraid it’s just another one of the mysteries of Pinkie.”


A few minutes had passed and Swiftsword was growing more anxious as Pinkie happily danced and opened presents.

“Something is clearly wrong,” the sky colored unicorn whispered into Applejack’s ear. “Twilight should have been back long before now.”

“Ah know, sugarcube.” Applejack gave a swallow. “Ah’m worried too.”

“Worried about what?” Pinkie suddenly burst up between the two, giving both a start. “Is this about where Twilight’s gone?”

“Well, yeah, to be honest.” Applejack gave her neck a nervous rub as she and Swift faced her. “Y’see…”

“Pinkie, it wasn’t raspberry jelly that was inside the cake, but Verdant.” Swift stepped closer to the party mare. “He was supposed to jump out and dance to surprise you, but you devoured it far too quickly.”

Pinkie Pie’s jaw suddenly slammed down into the barn floor like a ton of bricks.

“Furthermore, Twilight had covered herself in whipped cream and disguised herself as a pie so you’d swallow her so she could teleport herself and Verdant out.” Swift took a deep breath to maintain her composure. “Unfortunately, she has not teleported out, meaning something must be preventing her from doing so.”

WHAT?!” Pinkie bellowed in shock. “Holy guacamole, this is bad! This isn’t what most ponies mean when they wish to get a pony or two inside them on their birthday!”

“I...I will take your word for that, Pinkie.” Swift nervously nodded her head. “Regardless, now that you know what’s going on, we know what we have to do.”

“Absolutely, there’s only one thing we can do,” Pinkie sternly said as she marched herself over to the table, stopping directly in front of the punch bowl. “Since they can’t be at the party, I’ll have to bring the party to them!”

“Wait, what?” Swift tilted her head in surprise and Pinkie lifted up the punch bowl.

“Pinkie Pie Punch Pool Party!” the excited mare yelled before dunking her head into the bowl, guzzling down the fruity drink in a matter of seconds.

“There. Now they can have some real fun down there,” Pinkie proudly said before letting out a tiny burp. “Oh, excuse me.”


“Well, it sounds like Pinkie at least has an idea about what to do,” Verdant said, his ear tilted towards the upper opening.

“I sure hope so,” Twilight said as she wandered about to stomach, stopping in front of the lower sphincter.


Twilight gave a swallow while Verdant’s eyes became the size of saucers. “That can’t be good,” the two said in a frightened harmony.

PINKIE PIE PUNCH POOL PARTY!” the party mare’s words thundered all about and a rumbling soon followed. The two quickly learned the source of the rumbling as the top of the stomach opened up and gallons of fruit juice flooded into the fleshly chamber, sweeping the two up in its current.

Once the rushing rapids stopped, the two were able to breach the surface and clamber onto the stick of a lollipop. The pair sputtered and coughed as they clung to digesting treat.

“So,” Twilight wheezed between coughs. “Any ideas on how to get out?”

“Sadly, yes.” Verdant gave a resigned sigh before pointing to the now underwater orifice. Twilight groaned in disgust before smacking her head into the stick.


“Miss Pie.” Swift bit her lip as trotted up to her side. “As much as my companions and I would love to continue to party, we need to get on the train back to Vanhoover soon if we want to be back before midnight.”

“Oh! That gives me a great idea!” Pinkie leapt over Swift’s head, bouncing over to the front door. “C’mon, everypony! Grab the snacks and presents since we’re bringing it with us! All aboard the party train!” She tossed the barn doors open and was about to bolt away when she spotted a small blue pegasus filly with a pink mane and tail that was covered in an equally pink sticky gum.

“Um, guys… the Crusaders and I had a little accident…”


Hours went by as Verdant and Twilight delved through Pinkie Pie’s body, with the only light being provided by the unicorn’s horn.

Much to the great relief of the tiny twosome, the pink pony’s body was surprisingly clean and empty as they journeyed through her large intestine.

“Y’know,” Verdant broke the silence as he followed Twilight. “All things considered, this is probably the most pleasant time I’ve had being eaten.”

“Well, I hope I don’t get more examples to compare this to,” Twilight replied, looking over her shoulder at the earth pony. The moment she looked towards him, she felt the tip of her horn hitting something soft and fleshy.

Taking a step back, the pair saw the tunnel ahead seemed to grow smaller and smaller, becoming barely enough for a crawling pony.

“Guess Pinkie being bigger on the inside had to end at some point…” Twilight nervously said as slowly approached the tighter tunnel.

“At least this means this whole thing’s almost over,” Verdant tried to sound reassuring as he and Twilight crouched down and slowly started to crawl ahead.


On an evening train that was racing towards Vanhoover, the element bearers and the former soldiers were sitting within a few cabins in the train cars, partaking in whatever snacks remained from Pinkie’s party.

“Thanks again for taking care of the gum, Miss Rarity,” Wind Whistler said from Swiftsword’s side, running a hoof through her now much shorter mane.

“Oh, my pleasure, dear,” the alabaster unicorn waved from the other side of the cabin. “I just wish that Sweetie and the others weren’t so completely covered.”

“Well, Ah’m sure that their coats’ll grow back before winter sets in.” Applejack stretched against the cabin’s seat. “And if they don’t, that just means yah get to whip up some nice winter clothes for them.”

“Say, does thinking of winter make anypony else think of ice cr-” Pinkie’s words were suddenly cut off as she felt a strong pressure in her hindquarters.

“Gotta go, guys. I think Twilight and Verdant are about done!” The party mare took off like a bolt of lightning, leaving a trail of pink dust and glitter behind her as she whizzed past the train attendant and her small cart, slamming the bathroom door behind her.

As the room started to stop spinning for the attendant mare, she heard a loud groaning coming from the small bathroom.

“Miss?” the unicorn mare cautiously approached the source of the noise, pulling her cart along behind her. “Are you okay in there?”

After one more groan and a sigh of relief, the door popped open with a trio of ponies tumbling out.

“I’m okay!” the pink pony weakly said and waved. “I just need a donut something fierce.”

The attendant’s horn lit a light green as she pulled an inflated ring cushion from the cart… only to find the pink mare snatching an actual donut from the cart.

“Ah, much better,” the plump pink pony happily said, trotting away as if nothing happened.

“Miss, could my friend and I please have some drinks?” the lavender mare weakly started to stand up. “I have the feeling we’re going to need it.”

“You can have it, Twilight,” her green companion said as he rolled onto his belly. “I’ll just raid Barrier’s liquor cabinet when we get home.”

A First Time for Everything (Alternate Ending)

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Long ago in the cozy village of Dream Valley, a colt by the name of Verdant Range was afflicted by poison joke. The poor pony found himself being shrunk smaller than a pea and taken on a journey that lead to him being devoured by an unaware zebra mare by the name of Kuni.

Verdant’s night went terribly as he was passed through her digestive tract before before being expelled in a burst of sickening hot gas. Only moments after that escape was he once again swallowed up by the zebra’s nethers. He’d only narrowly managed to escape from her womb as the cervix started to seal shut.

However, what would have happened if fate had taken a different turn for the sad young stallion?


Verdant softly landed on the bed below, coughing as tried to rid his lungs of the gross gas.

Once the coughing had stopped, the colt gazed at the sight before him.

Towering above him was Kuni's massive striped buttocks shaking about while her hoof furiously rubbed against her winking marehood.

The colt’s eyes were locked upon the sight of her glistening labia dripping onto the bed. He had seen a mare’s nethers multiple times before, but they were usually either just brief glimpses seen from either one of his family or the other mares around town.

But this was so much different. Kuni’s colossal nethers were winking open, giving Verdant a glance of her damp inner flesh as well as the amazing scent that came from within. The only time he could recall a smell similar to this was during the spring, when his mother and his aunts seemed somewhat off to him.

Verdant was so transfixed by the sight of Kuni playing with herself that he didn’t notice her body shifting, sending her hind end hurtling down towards him. By the time he realized what was happening and had started to run, Kuni slammed down on the bed as her labia winked open, making the colt crash into her fleshy lips.

Kuni’s vulva winked shut, pulling Verdant deeper inside just before the zebra mare flopped onto her back. The massive quake bounced Verdant deeper into her vagina, while her bucking hips forced him even further.

Verdant’s screams were hopelessly drowned out by the sound of Kuni’s moans as she bounced her hips. The mite-sized earth pony soon reached the back of her vaginal canal, passing through a small hole that was just barely opened wide enough for him to slip through into her womb.

The colt groaned as he landed face first against her uterine walls, bouncing against the blood-lined flesh. Looking up, Verdant gasped at the tiny cervical opening starting to seal itself shut.

“No!” he screeched as he bolted along her spongy walls. “I don’t want to be trapped in here!”

Verdant took a running leap at the orifice, desperately trying to slip through, only for the cervix to seal itself shut. The minuscule mammal smashed face first against the tight hole before falling back to the flesh floor.

“No, no, no!” the tiny colt bellowed, scrambling to the sealed passage. He frantically pawed at the shut cervix as his breathing reached fevered pitch. “Kuni, let me out!”

The zebra’s pants grew into a explosive shout as she bucked her hips, bouncing the pony within about the warm walls of the womb.

Verdant was dazed as the movements from Kuni’s hips slowed to a halt, her shouts replaced by gentle snoring.

“Damn it all,” the tired pony said as he struggled to push himself up to his hooves. “I’m stuck in here.”

Verdant’s eyes looked around the massive chamber that was Kuni’s womb. The walls were swelteringly hot and squishy under the pony’s hooves. Behind him, the cervix was still sealed so much that he couldn’t even slip one hoof through. Off in the distance, he could see a pair of fleshy tunnels that went off in strange bends.

“So... this is the inside of a mare’s mare parts,” Verdant slowly walked about the slumbering zebra’s womb, amazed by the strange sights that surrounded him. “Wish school taught me more about how our insides work.”

Verdant gave his face a quick fanning. While Kuni’s insides were always warm, the heat within her womb was much greater. After a few moments of walking about the uterus, Verdant came to a halt to see if he could spot anything in the tunnels ahead.

“Hmm… can’t see much…” Verdant briefly rubbed his chin in thought. “Still, maybe one of these will get me out of here.”

With a hum, the shamrock pony bit his lip as played a silent game of eeny-meeny-miney-mo. His foreleg soon came to a halt on the left path and he took some tentative steps into the fleshy duct.

Minutes passed by as he walked down the slick tunnel, not seeing much aside from fleshy pink until he spotted something white in the distance.

After even more walking, Verdant drew closer; seeing that the white object in the distance seemed to be a great big ball of some kind.

“Whoa, I’ve never seen a ball this big!” he said excitedly as he ran up to what he mistook for a toy. “Then again, a ball this big would probably be pretty small.”

Verdant skidded to a halt in front of the oversized orb, his nose only barely not touching it.

“Hmm…” Verdant scratched his chin as he stared up at the sizable sphere. “Wait, why would a ball like this be inside somepony?”

After a few seconds of thought, Verdant brushed the thought aside with a shrug. With a smile, he gave the mighty orb a light push with a foreleg. The sphere’s surface squished under the light pressure of his hoof.

“Feels kinda weird, but oh well.” The small colt tried to pull his hoof away but he couldn’t move it. In fact, much to his horror, it seemed the giant ball was starting to pull him in.

“Oh no! No, no, no, no!” Verdant panicked as he tried to pull away, but to no avail. “I’ve already been swallowed up twice today! I don’t want it to happen again!”

He tried to use another foreleg to push away, only to find that one being pulled in as well.

“Help me!” Verdant screeched, his screams unheard by the sleeping zebra as more and more of him was being sucked in. “Somepony! Anypony! Help me!”

In a matter of seconds, Verdant’s hindlegs were pulled in, followed soon by his torso and neck. With his head being pulled into the orb, he let out a final scream before he was silenced; his body fully absorbed by the spherical cell.


Verdant felt as if he was slowly starting to wake up from a strange dream. However, many things felt strange to him. The first thing he noticed was that he seemed to be floating, as if he was in a nice hot bath, but with the water being all around him.

The second was that wherever he was, it seemed fairly cramped.

The third was the fact that he couldn’t open his eyes for reasons he couldn’t figure out.

And lastly, somewhere in the distance, he could hear a heartbeat somewhere nearby.

Where… where am I? The last thing I remember is being pulled inside that ball inside Kuni… Is this inside the ball?

Verdant tried to move about, but whatever he was in was pretty cramped. He could feel the fleshy walls being struck by every little movement.

However, the poor pony did manage to find something. There was some sort of strange tube that connected to his belly.

What the heck is going on? Verdant started to think before the dark chamber shifted about. Once the movement settled, he felt like he was upside down. The little colt started to panic at the sudden movement, struggling to his full, limited extent.

However, two things came about that surprised Verdant. The first was a comforting, motherly shush while the second was a gentle rub coming from one of the walls.

“Rest easy, my little one,” a gentle voice echoed all around him. “The day will soon come when you will be done.”

Wait, I know that voice! Ms. Kuni? Am I still inside you?


The bright early morning light struck the slumbering zebra’s eyes, rousing her from her peaceful slumber. Her eyes opened to the sight of her rounded belly. With a gentle smile, she rose up to sit on her rump as she gave a quick stretch of her forelegs.

As she stretched her forelegs, she felt something moving about her belly, striking her insides.

“Rest easy, my little one,” Kuni quietly spoke, giving her swollen stomach a gentle rub. “The day will soon come when you are done.”

The zebra mare gave her belly a quick kiss before she moved out of bed and headed for the kitchen.

The past eleven months and been quite strange for Kuni. After her heat, she felt sick to her stomach in the mornings. She initially thought it was just some bug going around Dream Valley, but not only did this seem to continue for too long, but her belly was starting to grow larger and larger.

Eventually, Dr. Herbal Mixture had found the cause of these symptoms. Kuni was pregnant.

When she was told this, her jaw had dropped and she yelled at the stallion.

“But that’s an impossibility! I’ve never taken a stallion to bed with me!”

Kuni was disbelieving at first, but as time went on, it became more and more clear that pregnancy was the only explanation for what was going on with her body. Her belly continued to grow rounder, her teats swelled up, her hooves ached and she could sometimes feel movement and kicking coming from inside her.

Fortunately for her, there were many in Dream Valley willing to give her kindness and generosity during this strange time. Thanks to their kindness and support, despite the unknown origin of the pregnancy, she had decided to keep and raise her foal.

After enjoying a tasty breakfast of oats and bread, Kuni trotted over to the house of the family that had been the most inviting to her since the discovery of her surprise pregnancy.

Kuni loosed a series of quick knocks on the door. A moment later, the door swung open, revealing a pale green stallion with a forest green mane that went well with his emerald eyes. Upon seeing the zebra, he was quick to greet her with a warm smile.

“Good morning, Kuni.” He stepped aside, giving her plenty of space. “Please, come in.”

“Viridian Forest, I wish you good day,” Kuni warmly greeted as she stepped into his home. “Any good news on Verdant, I pray?”

Viridian gave a sigh as Kuni felt a few strong kicks from her belly. “I’m afraid not. Some days, I worry I may never see my son again.”

“Still,” a second voice joined them in the form of a plump green mare with a white muzzle and a short brown mane, “I pray to Faust every day for my little colt’s safe return.”

“At any rate, how are you this morning?” Viridian asked as he and Emerald Hills lead the zebra into the living room.

“My foal should arrive any day now,” Kuni said as she looked down at her belly, giving it a rub as more kicks came from within. “Which is good since I feel like a cow.”

“Well, I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful little baby, Kuni,” Emerald said as she gave her a gentle pat on the back. “Have you thought of any names yet?”

“If I have a son, he will be named Kijani. If I have a daughter, she will be AH!” Kuni winced as she felt a clutching pain in her belly. She bit her lip as her legs started to tremble. When she felt a wetness dripping down her hindlegs and the pain started to grow worse, a terrifying realization came to her. “It is now my child’s birthday! They are now on their way!”

“On it!” Viridian bolted from the living room while Emerald grabbed a pillow from the sofa and gently laid Kuni down on her side.

“Alright, Kuni; breathe. We’re here for you.” Emerald gently brushed her mane as Kuni practiced her breathing.


At the sound of hearing his father’s voice, Verdant started to struggle as fiercely as he could from within Kuni’s womb.

Come on, Miss Kuni! Figure out it’s me in you!

Shortly after the hearing his mother ask Kuni for her foal’s possible name, Verdant felt the chamber all around him contract and slowly, the water he seemed to be floating in started to drain away.

Whoa! What’s going on?! Verdant’s world started to shift until he found himself laying on his left side.

Soon, the small space started to contract more and more all around him, making his soft snout mash up against a fleshy barrier.

With a good deal of effort, Verdant managed to open his eyes, to try to see what was going on. He slowly blinked what he could out of his eyes as he saw Kuni’s cervix in front of his face, much smaller than when he last saw it. The hole was slowly starting to open as Kuni’s labored breaths reached the colt’s ears.

Verdant squinted to try and see through the slowly opening cervix, hoping to see more of the way out of the zebra. All he saw was the fleshy tunnel that swallowed him, though now it looked far too small for him.

Great. How the heck am I supposed to get out of here?

After a couple of minutes, the cervix had opened wide as the womb contracted more and more around Verdant’s body.

“Alright, Kuni. It’s time.” Emerald’s voice reached Verdant’s ears from outside the womb’s walls. “Now, push!”

Verdant felt Kuni’s body clench all around him once more, but far more intensely. Slowly but surely, the poor pony felt himself being pushed out of Kuni’s uterus and into her incredibly tight vaginal canal.

Oh dear Faust, this is the worst pain ever! Verdant thought as he felt like Kuni’s body was crushing him as he was pushed further along her body. Looking up a ways, he could see a narrow slit that had light coming from the outside, along with a few strands of the groaning zebra’s tail.

The agony persisted for several grueling minutes for Kuni and Verdant as he was pushed further and further through her body. After some of the greatest pain he’d ever endured, Verdant saw himself reaching Kuni’s nether lips before his head was finally pushed out of the zebra’s body.


“You’re doing fantastically, Kuni. You’re almost there!” Emerald said as she watched the shape of a foal’s head emerge from Kuni’s body, obscured by the amniotic sack.

“She’s right,” Viridian said with a wince as the zebra clenched her foreleg around his hoof, nearly crushing it. “Just one more big push and your baby will be here.”

Aaaughgh!” Kuni wailed in absolute agony as she pushed as hard as she could. After several agonizing moments, the great pressure and pain had died down and the sound of a faint whimper came from near Emerald. The exhausted zebra barely had the strength to move her head towards the source of the sound.

“You did it!” Emerald softly said before she started to pull the sack away from the foal. “You’re now the mother of a beautiful baby…” the mare trailed off and her eyes dilated at the sight of newborn.

“Emerald, what’s going on?” Viridian carefully pulled his hoof from Kuni and drew closer to his mate. “What’s going on with the baby?”

When Viridian reached the foal, he nearly fell over by the sight of him. The baby was a little colt that had a forest green coat that contrasted the dark stripes along his body. His mane and tail were an earthy brown. The two things that stood out the most about the tiny colt was his white muzzle and that he already had a cutie mark upon his flank; a trio of water droplets.

The colt groaned tiredly as he forced his eyes open, seeing the bright room and the forms of Viridian and Emerald.

“Ver...Verdant…” the plump mare took half a step forward. “Is that you?”

“Yeah…” Verdant said weakly as he tried to stand, only to fall back on his belly. “I’ve got a long story for you, Mother.”

Emerald Hills gave shocked gasp before her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fainted.


“And that’s how I became a zony,” an adult Verdant said before he took a bite of his daffodil sandwich, drawing shocked and confused looks from the others that sat by him in the Canterlot mess hall.

“Bull crap!” a violet pegasus across from him said as he leaned closer to the zony who continued to munch away. “If you just said that your father bred a zebra, I would have bought that, but this is insane!”

“I must say, your tale does seem rather…” the cyan unicorn interjected, swirling her fork through her mashed potatoes. “Far-fetched, to say the least.”

“I swear to Faust, it’s all true!” Verdant sternly replied. “I wouldn’t make that sort of thing up!”

“I doubt that,” the snowy earth pony on Verdant’s left piped in before leaning over to speak to the blue and white griffin on the other side of the zony. “Jaylin, what’s the real story here?”

The hen swallowed a bite of her tuna sandwich before setting it down. “As completely insane as it sounds, it’s apparently true.”

“What?!” the cobalt stallion across from Jaylin exclaimed in disbelief.

“Yeah, I know. It sounds crazy, Gem,” Jaylin offered a shrug. “But I’ve known Verdant since we were little. He was a regular earth pony, but the day after he got his cutie mark, he disappeared. Almost a year later, he reappears with those stripes on him and Ms. Kuni’s moving in with them.”

“B-b-but…” the pegasus’ head tilted, as if the gears in his mind were being ground down by the madness it was trying to resolve. “If you were turned into a zony baby, how come you’re the same age as us?”

“My dad gave me a bath in poison joke cure, just to see if it’d do anything.” Verdant shrugged before taking another bite of his sandwich. “That turned me back to my proper age.”

Swiftsword, the unicorn mare, gave a weary sigh and rubbed her temples. “I swear, I pray we never face such insanity.”

“Alright, cadets; listen up!” a voice barked as a charcoal unicorn stallion entered the mess, approaching the six who leapt from the table and saluted. “I hope you enjoyed your lunch, because it’s the last meals you’ll be getting from a Canterlot chef for a long time. Tomorrow morning, we’re heading off to Butterfly Island for survival training. Understood?”

“Sir, yes, sir!” the six repeated in unison, their salutes still raised for their captain.

“Very well, be sure to take fifteen laps once you’ve finished,” Barrier saluted sharply and dropped it before pulling a quick about face and starting to trot away.

The cadets gave a quick sigh of relief before sitting back down and digging into what remained of their lunch.

Well, I’ve never been to an island before. Verdant thought before he took another bite of his savory sandwich. How bad could things be on Butterfly Island?

Oh, cud!

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It was a fine summer day when Verdant returned to the laboratory. While he certainly didn’t wish to have a repeat of what had happened last week he had found that the pay more than made up for the risks.

“Hello, Dr. High Gear?” Verdant called out as he poked his head into the lab.

“Right here, Verdant!” High Gear replied as she pulled herself up from behind her console. “Just giving all the parts a quick once over before we start. Just about everything’s all set for test two.”

“So, will I be headed for Baltimare this time?” Verdant asked as he stepped onto the pad.

“Not this time, bud.” Gear answered as she pushed up her glasses. “I thought this time, we’ll be sending you to your house, just to be a bit more careful. You said your address is 982, Sunbeam Street?”

“Yep,” Verdant said as he sat down on the pad.

“Perfect.” The blue mare smiled as she started to punch some numbers into the console. Just as she finished, a violet unicorn mare walked into the room.

“Hey Gear!” the mare called out, a pair of paper bags carried in her white magical light, along with a large soda she took a quick sip from. “I got us lunch from the 4D’s.”

“D’aww, that’s sweet, Pix.” Gear smiled as she gave the unicorn a rub of her pink, yellow and blue mane. “Verdant, this is my girlfriend. Pixel Flash.”

“Hi there!” Verdant gave a wave.

“Nice to meet you,” Pix smiled before taking another sip. “So, this your current guinea pig?”

“Indeed,” Gear replied as she started to activate the pad. “Now, you may want to stand back. I don’t want to spill anything on this baby.”

“Oh, relax.” Pix dismissively waved as the pad under Verdant began to glow. “I’m not gonna-” Her hoof accidentally smacked her soda, causing it to spill out onto the console and resulting in a blindingly bright flash. When the light died down, Verdant had vanished.

“...Pix…” Gear looked dumbfounded at the pad.

“Yes, dear?” Pixel Flash nervously started to back away.

“If I still had my horn, I’d be shoving it RIGHT UP YOUR ASS RIGHT NOW!!!” the blue mare bellowed, her teeth gritted as she faced her with a look of fury that could kill a cockatrice.

“...Well,” the lavender mare brought a hoof to her chin as she looked away. “I have been interested in experimenting with-”

“Oh Faust dammit,” Gear grumbled as she slapped a hoof against her forehead. “C’mon, we need to see if Verdant got home in one piece.”


In a flash, Verdant had found himself falling from the sky. He barely had a chance to scream before he landed in a tall patch of grass, clinging onto one of the long blades.

“Oh great,” Verdant grumbled as he struggled to pull himself up. “Where the hay did I land this time?”

BUCK-AW?” A loud cluck boomed from behind the shamrock stallion. Nervously swallowing, he slowly turned around and saw a massive golden bird with fluffy feathers that covered her eyes.

“Pizza!” he called out to his now massive pet. “Can you hear me?”

To the tiny pony’s relief and delight, the right big chicken nodded at his question.

“Good girl!” Verdant smiled at having grabbed her attention. “Listen, I need you to go get help! Get Bea over here!”

The hen raised a wing in salute before running off towards his neighbor’s house.

After a minute or so, Pizza returned, leading a large cow over to Verdant’s patch.

The cow was mostly white with some black spots on her back, eyes and neck. Her brown hair bounced against her short horns as she looked around the yard.

Her name was Bea Florinda Wellington and she had been Verdant’s neighbor since he’d moved to Vanhoover. They had quickly become friends and soon after became ‘heat friends’ when spring and estrus rolled around.

WHAT IS IT, GIRL?” Bea asked as she looked about once more, not seeing what was bothering the bird.

BUCKA-BUCKA!” Pizza squawked, pointing towards the patch of grass before her.

HMM?” the confused cow hummed as she leaned closer to the patch, giving the shrunken stallion an extremely up close view of her pink muzzle and violet eyes. “OH! I SEE!

“Good to hear, Bea!” Verdant shouted as Pizza nodded.

VERDANT MISSED THIS PATCH WHEN HE WAS MOWING THE LAWN AND IT WAS DRIVING YOU CRAZY!” the oblivious bovine said, the tiny pony blending in too much with the grass for her to see him.

Pizza slapped a wing to her face while Verdant did the same with his hoof along with an accompanying sigh.

NOT A PROBLEM. I’VE GOT THIS.” Bea said with a smile before opening her mouth and snapping up the blades of grass, pulling the tiny pony into her mouth.

While Pizza angrily squawked like mad at the cow, Verdant was bounced around the bovine’s cavernous maw.

“Bea, stop!” Verdant shouted before he landed on a massive molar. Looking up, he saw an upper tooth coming down to crush him. Acting quickly, he leapt away, getting only the smallest bit of his tail’s hair bitten off.

“For the love of Faust, stop!” the stallion screamed as he tried to stand on Bea’s gigantic tongue. Unfortunately for him, the tongue suddenly rose, sending him tumbling towards the back of her throat. He was so disoriented by the quick movement that he was unable to resist being swallowed down with some of the chewed up grass.

Verdant felt himself being squeezed so tightly by Bea’s throat that he was afraid he might be crushed. He was glad for the brief moment when the crushing force stopped, only for him to drop into a massive chamber with a splat.

“Urgh… son of a…” the small stallion slowly started to stand. “Why do I keep ending up in stomachs?”

When he got to his hooves, Verdant started to glance around his friend's stomach. The first thing he noticed was that this was much larger than any other stomach he’d been inside. Taking a step forward, he saw that he was walking atop some lightly chewed bits of food. Grass, shredded wheat, and a few pieces of fruit.

“Guess I’ll be stuck in here for a while.” Verdant sighed before he started to walk about the fleshy chamber.


“Alright, Pizza,” Bea cheerfully said as she wiped her mouth off. “Problem solved.”

The bovine girl was rather surprised when the chicken angrily squawked and flew onto her head, giving her a series of hard pecks.

“Ow! Knock it off!” Bea started to run, knocking the chicken off and bouncing Verdant about her belly. “I know I don’t get it as even as a mower, but I don’t have a key for Verdant’s shed.”

The grumpy chicken repeatedly smacked her own head in annoyance, growling at the cow.

“Well, sorry that you don’t like it, but I have to get going,” Bea replied over her shoulder as she trotted over to the front gate. Just as she crossed the threshold, a pair of ponies came running up and skidded to a halt in front of her.

“Excuse me,” a blue mare with purple hair in a white labcoat said as she tried to catch her breath. “Have you seen…” (huff) “Verdant?”

“Sorry, but not for over an hour,” Bea said and drew closer. “Why? Is something wrong.”

“Crap…” High Gear said as she looked over the lawn. “He should be here somewhere.”

“Wish I could help you guys look for him, but I’ve got an appointment to keep. Sorry.” Bea started to walk away, leaving the two mares leaning against the fence.

“Hey Gear,” Pixel Flash said as she looked over the property, seeing a strange looking chicken bashing its head against the trunk of a tree. “Think your thingy turned Verdant in a chicken?”

“Not a chance, Pix,” Gear grumbled as she looked down at the grass. “If anything, it would have shrunk him down to about the size of a pea.”

“Yikes…” the lavender mare said as she looked out at the fairly large yard. “We’re gonna be here for a while…”


Verdant sighed as he trotted about the stomach, looking for the orifice that’d take him to her intestine, but to no avail.

“Where the heck could it be?” He muttered to himself before something clicked in his mind. He recalled a chat he and Bea had some time ago, where she told him about how her species have four stomachs.

“Great, so not only do I get to see one stomach’s insides today, I might get to see four.” The speck of a stallion said before the massive stomach started to move about, launching him and a fair amount of Bea’s previous meal upwards before they were squeezed into a smaller fleshy sack, burying him in the digesting material.

“Well, that’s two down.” Verdant rose up from under the mess. “Two to go, then I’ll end up seeing the unpleasant part of Bea’s butt.” The puny pony grumbled before sighing.

KIKO?” Bea’s voice boomed, forcing Verdant to wince and cover his ears at her shout. “WHERE ARE YOU?


After a few minutes of walking, Bea had arrived at the Vanhoover airport, where several airships looked all set to take off. She started to look about, trying to spot someone, only to find no trace of them.

“Kiko?” she called out as she walked by the bathroom. “Where are you?”

She came to a halt when she heard a voice singing in reply to her coming from the ladies room.

She poopin’! She poopin’! She poopin’! This girl’s takin’ a shet! She poopin’! She poopin’! She poopin’! And isn’t finished yet!!

“Gross, Kiko!” Bea winced in disgust before she heard a flush coming from the room.

“So says the girl that regularly throws up in their mouth to rechew their food,” the voice replied as a light brown goat emerged from the bathroom.

She had a white muzzle with a tiny beard on her chin and her eyes were a greenish yellow with rectangular slits for pupils that still creeped Bea out a bit, even after all these years. Upon her head was dark brown hair with a pair of bent horns sticking out from them.

“One, cud is a normal thing for my species,” the bovine replied with a roll of her eyes. “Two, you’re the one that’s wearing mountain climbing gear when you’re about to go on an airship, for no real reason.”

Bea had always been confused when creatures would wear clothes for no real reason. This meant Kiko’s ensemble was especially strange to her. She had a white t-shirt underneath a red jacket with black sleeves rolled up past her knees. Her lower body was covered by a set of black tights, blue jean shorts and a pair of hiking boots.

“There totally is a reason, Bea.” Kiko smirked as she struck a dramatic pose, standing on her hindlegs with one hoof on her hip and another behind her head. “It makes me look cool.”

“And you’re going to have to take it all off to put on your skydiving outfit.” Bea gained a smug grin while Kiko’s smile suddenly fell.

“Craaaaaap.” The goat gal fell back down to her hooves as Bea started to chortle. “Anyway, you want to hit the bathroom before you get on the ship? Don’t want to mess the suits. They’re expensive.”

“Nah, I took care of that on the way over,” Bea said as she regained her composure. “Now c’mon. We don’t want to make the others wait. Got the tickets ready?”

“Right here,” Kiko replied as she took two tickets from her jacket. “Another plus of wearing clothes is having pockets.”

A few moments later, the two had boarded the airship where a bunch of ponies had either taken seats or were slipping into skydiving suits.

“Good afternoon, everyone,” A mare’s voice rang out, drawing everyone’s attention to the front, where they saw an orange pegasus with a red mane. Upon her flank was the image of a black and yellow circle. “Thank you all for signing up for this skydiving tour. I’m Sky Crash, but don’t let the name fool you. Me and the other pegasi here will make sure you’re all safe when the diving starts.”

“First up, everyone get your gear from the overhead compartments. There should be a suit, a parachute pack, and a set of safety goggles in there. Once you’re all suited up, I’ll go over what we’ll be doing one last time before the jump.”

Bea quickly reached for the overhead compartments while Kiko started to strip herself down. After a few minutes, the two and managed to get themselves into their rather snug suits.

“Alright, everyone’s set up.” Sky Crash nodded as she walked through the room, making sure everyone had taken proper safety precautions. “Once we’re four thousand meters up, we’ll start jumping. When you jump, count to ten before pulling your cord. Should that cord fail, pull your second emergency cord. Should both fail, don’t panic. We have a team of pegasi all right by you to grab onto you and fly you down to safety. Any questions?”

“Right here!” Kiko stuck up a hoof, drawing everypony’s attention. “What will happen to any clothes or other items left on the ship?”

“Any and all items can be retrieved once the ship has landed. Any other questions?” Crash was met with silence from the assemblage. “Right. It’ll be a bit until we’re high enough, so I suggest you all take a seat while we continue to climb.”

The gathered all took to their seats with Kiko and Bea taking seats with a window between them. Turning her head, Bea looked out the window to see the coastal city starting to disappear below them. She nervously gulped before she heard a rumbling coming from her belly.

“You holdin’ up alright?” Kiko placed a hoof on the cow’s shoulder, drawing her attention away from the window.

“Yeah.” Bea gave her friend a smile. “I’ve just a bit of butterflies in my stomach.”


“Oh, I wish!” Verdant shouted upwards at the bovine’s words as he stewed in what was slowly becoming a stew. “What did I ever do to end up being a snack sized pony more than once?!”


“Heads up, everyone!” Sky Crash bellowed, drawing everyone’s attention. “We’ve reached jumping altitude, so let’s get ready to dive!”

“Showtime, Synergy,” Kiko whispered as she gave Bea a gentle elbow to the ribs, unknowingly sending Verdant face first into some stomach slurry.

“Right, here we go.” Bea got to her hooves and started walking to the airship’s doors which were slowly starting to open.

“Us pegasi will be heading out first,” Sky said as some of the pegasi in flight suits started to fly out, trailing behind the ship. “Once all of them except me’s out, you guys can start jumping one at a time, on my cue.”

When the last remaining pegasus took off, Sky Crash smiled and started to wave jumpers over.

“Right, you can do this, Bea,” the cow whispered to herself as she saw everyone jumping from the ship one at a time. After a few moments, it was Bea’s turn to step up.

Kiko gave her an enthusiastic slap on the back, making her finally move from her spot.

“Alright,” Sky Crash said as Bea stood by the edge of the platform, seeing some ponies falling through the sky while some parachutes were lower in the sky. “You’ll be all clear to jump… now!”

With a hard swallow, Bea sprung forth, taking to the open sky.


Bea wasn’t the only one that nervously swallowed as she prepared to jump. Verdant was nervous as the massive cow got ready to jump.

He felt the massive fleshly chamber shake before he felt everything around him start to enter freefall. His entire body started to float upward as some of the more liquid stomach contents started to join him.

“No! No! No!” Verdant screamed in a panic as his limbs futilely flailed about. “Earth ponies weren’t meant to fly! EARTH PONIES WEREN’T MEANT TO FLY! WE’D HAVE WINGS IF WE WERE!

Verdant was suddenly slammed back down into the slurry from the sudden jerking caused by Bea pulling her cord and unfurling the parachute.

WHOAOOOAA! THAT WAS THE GREATEST TRIP EVER!” Bea exclaimed in delight, nearly deafening the shrunken stallion.

“Speak for yourself, Bea!” Verdant grumbled as he slowly and sorely pulled himself from the settling mush.


After a few minutes of dangling from a parachute, Bea finally landed, gently on her hooves. She gave a “whoot!” of victory as a pegasus guided her away from the landing zone. “That was fantastic!”

In a matter of moments, Kiko landed and shakily wobbled over to her bovine buddy.

“Well, that was more exciting than I expected.” Kiko sat down at Bea’s side. “How about you?”

“Phenomenally!” Bea shouted as she and the goat walked away from the landing area. “That was amazing!”

“Glad to hear you had a good time.” Kiko replied. She had a big smile on her face until she saw something rising up her friend’s throat. ‘“Eww. Are you about to chew on your cud?”

“Yep,” Bea answered through a mouthful. “And it tastes pretty good.” Her chewing suddenly stopped with a wince when she felt a sharp pain on her tongue.


Verdant was tossed about from Bea landing on her hooves, eventually coming to a halt in a pile that was slowly growing softer from the digestive process.

WHOOT! THAT WAS FANTASTIC!” the cow’s voice boomed like thunder, making the minuscule mammal wince and cover his ears.

“Do you really need to deafen me while I’m in here, Bea?” Verdant grumbled as the reticulum started to churn more.

PHENOMENALLY! THAT WAS AMAZING!” She shouted once more before the second stomach’s movement forced him and the food within upward.

Verdant felt like was being squeezed like the last bit of toothpaste as he was sent up Bea’s esophagus before landing on her massive tongue.

Bea began to chew on the regurgitated food, moving it about her mouth. Verdant valiantly clung to the slippery surface of the tongue to avoid being chewed to bits.

YEP, AND IT TASTES PRETTY GOOD.” Bea’s voice echoed about more, forcing Verdant to grit his teeth.

“Only… one chance…” Verdant bit down on the tongue, hoping to somehow get Bea’s attention. To his relief, the chewing suddenly stopped.

A moment later, Bea’s massive maw opened up and the tongue stuck out and curved upward. Verdant slammed his eyes shut from the sudden change of lightning while holding onto the tongue with every ounce of strength he could muster.

After a few seconds, his eyes started to adjust to the light of day as he looked over his shoulder. He saw that the bit of tongue he clung to had risen up over the edge of Bea’s nose, letting him see into her lake sized eyes.



Sometime later, at the Vanhoover laboratory, Verdant emerged from one of the rooms, now restored to his proper height once more. As he walked out of the room, he spotted Bea and Kiko chatting by the elevator.

“Hey girls,” Verdant said, drawing their attention to him.

“Verdant!” Bea began apologetically as she ran over and pulled him into a bone-crushing hug. “I’m so sorry! I feel like such an idiot!”

“It’s fine, Bea,” Verdant wheezed and patted her on the back. “Besides, it could have been worse.”

“Still weird to think you were in her stomachs that whole time,” Kiko chipped in as Bea let Verdant go.

“Would you believe this sort of thing has happened before?” Verdant asked as he trotted over to the elevator’s button and pressed it. Looking over his shoulder at the pair, he saw stunned looks on their faces.

“I… I just… wow…” Kiko sighed as the elevator opened up. Verdant held the door open as the two got in before slipping in last.

“So, what were you two talking about?” Verdant asked as Bea pressed the floor button.

“Well,” a smile crossed Bea’s features as she leaned closer to him. “I was thinking about how to make things up to you.”

“You don’t have to do anything for me,” Verdant replied.

“Oh, but you will like this.” Bea chuckled as she leaned against his side. “Since heat season’s starting up soon, I decided to do something special for us.”

“Oh…” Verdant blushed and nervously glanced at Kiko, who was chuckling at his expression. “I’m surprised you’re being so... open about this in front of someone.”

“Oh, but why wouldn’t she?” Kiko smirked as she leaned into the blushing stallion alongside the cow. “After all, my heat’s starting soon and she gave me an invite.”

“Whoa, wait, are you-” Verdant frantically looked between the smirking pair.

“Oh yeah.” Bea wore a smirk similar to her goat companion. “Interested?” She gave him a wink, making his emerald coat change to a ruby red.

“Yes!” Verdant’s voice cracked before he coughed into his hoof. “I mean, yes. I’ll gladly help you two with your heat.”

“Oh, yeah. This is gonna be good,” Kiko said as she and Bea both slung a foreleg over his shoulders. “By the time we’re done with you, your hips are gonna be sore for days.”

Lovely Nights and New Beginnings

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Today was a very strange day for the earth pony known as Verdant Range. He’d been happily going about his normal day of work, tending to flowers at the shop until a note magically appeared in front of his face. It was an urgent letter of summons by Princess Cadance telling him to go to the Crystal Empire on the next train with a single return ticket. When he’d arrived in the empire, he’d barely stepped off the train when a couple of guards escorted him to the palace.

Verdant had to keep himself from shaking as the two guards took him through the glittering halls until they came to a halt in front of a pair of tall double doors.

“Go on through,” the guard said as she and her partner took their places outside the door.

With a nervous swallow, Verdant pushed the door open and saw that the room he was in was a large bedchamber. On the far side of the room was a pink alicorn who seemed to be psyching herself up when she heard the door click shut behind Verdant.

“Ah, Verdant Range. Welcome,” Cadance said warmly as she turned around to face the now bowing earth pony. “Please, no need to bow.”

“As you wish, Princess,” Verdant replied as he rose back up and faced the approaching mare. He felt the need to keep from shaking at the approaching princess who was a full head taller than him. “How can I be of service?”

Cadance’s horn lit a baby blue that covered the walls, floors and windows of the opulent bedroom. The glow soon faded before she spoke in a serious whisper. “What I’m going to tell you is to never leave this room. Understood?”

“Of course, your highness.” Verdant dutifully nodded, seeing the piercing look in her violet eyes.

The pink mare took a quick breath to calm herself before speaking. “Recently, Shining Armor and I have been trying to conceive a child, but we’ve been having troubles. We saw a doctor not too long ago to determine the problem and it turns out my husband’s sperm is somewhat weak, unable to survive the trip to my uterus. We learned of the various treatments that could help us get around this issue, but my husband wasn’t comfortable with them for a variety of reasons.” A dangerous smirk then crossed her features. “This is where you come in.”

“How so, Princess?” Verdant asked as he caught the scent of something. It was a smell he’d gotten quite familiar with due to living in a household with ten mares. It was the scent of a mare in heat and it was coming from the princess’s nethers.

“I had to scour pretty far and wide to find information on ponies that have been shrunken down and have survived being inside another pony. You seemed to be the best fit for what I have planned.” Cadance stepped closer and closer to the nervous earth pony with a wicked grin on her face. Verdant soon found his flanks bumping up against the door and Cadance, complete with a half crazed look, now stood only an inch away from him.

“I want you to shrink down, go inside my vagina and then carry some of Shining Armor’s sperm to my eggs.” Cadance brought a hoof to his chin, giving him a somewhat sultry gaze. “How does that sound, Verdant?”

I’d much rather be inside Shining Armor. He’s byfar the more attractive of you two. Verdant nervously rubbed his neck before replying. “I… I’m not sure, Princess. Are you sure I’d be safe?”

“Absolutely. I’ll give you a crystal that will teleport you to a bathtub full of shrinking violet cure once you’re done. And after I’m confirmed as pregnant, I will pay you a handsome reward in the form of a hundred thousand bits for your service to the crown.” Verdant’s eyes widened at the surprising amount offered.

“Wow. That’s quite the sum…” Verdant bit his lip and his eyes shifted back and forth as he tried to think things over. “...Alright. I’ll do it, Princess.”

“Excellent.” Cadance smiled as she pulled away. “However, before we begin this, I must make one thing perfectly clear.”

“And what would that be, Your highness?” Verdant asked as Cadance’s once sultry look turned harsh.

“You are, under no circumstances, allowed to let even a droplet of your semen inside me. Especially anywhere near my eggs.” Cadance gave his chest a light jab as she warningly spoke. “I’m putting a great deal of trust in you for this task and if you betray that trust, the consequences will be severe. Understood?”

“Absolutely, your highness.” Verdant bowed before looking up at Cadance once more. Besides, I wouldn’t want to breed a pink mare anyway. Princess or not.

“Beautiful,” Cadance’s tone once again turned sultry as she climbed onto the bed and spread herself out. With a flare of her horn, she opened a drawer at the bed’s side and pulled out one of many purple vials and small crystals. “Just drink this potion and crush the crystal between your hooves when you’re finished.”

“Alright,” Verdant responded as he grasped the vial and put the crystal into his vest’s pocket before climbing onto the bed as well. “Princess, why do you have so many of these shrinking potions and teleportation crystals?”

“I don’t have to explain my fetishes to you, Verdant.” Cadance rolled her eyes before spreading her slender legs open, giving the shamrock stallion a clear view of her damp nethers. “Now, drink up.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Verdant nervously swallowed before he uncapped the potion and quickly downed the brew. Gently tossing the vial aside, Verdant drew closer to the pink princess.

As he drew closer to Cadance, the whole world seemed to grow around him. In a matter of seconds, Verdant found he was now smaller than the thickness of a hair as he stood before Cadance’s rump, her soaked vulva towering above him.

Before he could put a hoof to her rear to try and climb the prolific princess, he felt the bed quake from Cadance adjusting her sitting position to gaze down on the tiny pony.

“Oh my, you look adorable,” Cadance said before licking her lips. “Now, time for you to get inside me, you sexy looking speck.”

Cadance’s horn began shimmering as Verdant felt himself being floated into the air. His stomach lurched somewhat as he quickly ascended until he came to a halt, hovering in front of her hungry lower lips.

Despite not finding the princess particularly attractive, Verdant found the sight of the massive vulva and the scent of her heat very arousing; he could already feel his siring staff sliding out of his sheathe.

The blue glow that had enveloped Verdant soon reached the edges of Cadance’s fleshy lips, pulling them away to give the shrunken stallion a clear view of her soaked innards.

“Now the fun begins,” Cadance’s voice boomed as she guided Verdant towards her sex. The tiny pony felt the heat from her body blast him before he felt her magic release him, dropping him onto the slick, fleshy floor of her vagina.

Verdant fought the instinct he had to grind his hips against the hot inner flesh, choosing to instead stand up and shake some of Cadance’s juices from his coat.

“Ooooohh…” Verdant’s world shook as Cadance moaned and bucked her hips, sending him tumbling further inside. “Sorry, Verdant, but it felt sooo good!” Though Cadance was whispering, her words still echoed loud enough for him to easily hear her. “Better get going. You’ve got a long journey ahead of you.”

At the princess's words, Verdant journeyed deeper, occasionally slipping due to her wetness. One thing that certainly didn’t help was that Cadance was moaning with every step he seemed to take.

Man, how sensitive can she be if even my hoofsteps are so stimulating to her? Verdant asked himself with a snort, trying futilely to clear the scent of her sexual organs from his nose. Is she gonna cum before I can make it to her uterus?

Before he could make it to even the halfway point of her tight yet titanic tunnel, he heard the princess say something that filled him with an immeasurable sense of dread.



Cadance bit her lip, trying to suppress her throaty moans as she felt Verdant making his way further and further into her most intimate of places.

Not long after Verdant had entered her, she’d heard her bedroom door open once more. Looking to the door, she spotted the sexiest stallion she’d ever known. A stallion she had known since her days in Canterlot highschool and one who she’d eventually taken as her husband and handsome prince.

“Shining, it’s great to see you again,” Cadance said with a sexy grin on her face, trying to ignore the intense feelings being caused by Verdant trying to run through her vagina.

“Hey Cadance, how’s your day been?” The alabaster unicorn drew closer, getting a whiff of her scent.

“Pretty good, save for this unbearable heat, dear.” Cadance spread her legs to him as he approached the bed. “What I need is a good soaking from the sexiest stallion in the Crystal Empire.”

“Sure thing, dear.” Shining Armor grinned as he hopped onto the bed, his length already emerging from his sheathe, quickly hardening. “Think we’ll be able to conceive this time?”

“Absolutely.” Cadance enthusiastically nodded and bit her lip as Shining Armor crawled atop her. The two shared a passionate kiss as Shining Armor ground his hips against Cadance’s before lining his tip against her sopping entrance.


“Shit, shit, shit!” Verdant screamed as he ran deeper, making his way through the princess’s confines as quickly as his microscopic hooves could carry him. However, this only lead to him slipping on Cadance’s slick juices and tumbling onto his belly before skidding to a halt.

Before Verdant could get back on his hooves, a powerful moan came from Cadance that boomed like thunder. Looking over his shoulder, he saw the head of Shining Armor’s penis penetrating the princess’s pussy and quickly approaching.

Oh dear Faust, Verdant swallowed at the sight of the stallion’s approaching sword. The prince’s dick is even more beautiful than I ever could have OH CRAP!

Shining’s penis rammed into Verdant with tons of force, sending him hurtling into Cadance’s cervix. Unfortunately for the small stallion, Cadance started bucking her hips to match Shining’s movements, sending him bouncing back and forth between the cervix and Shining’s head.

“This… Is… Insane!” Verdant managed to grunt out in between bounces before gritting his teeth as he bounced against the cervix once more. When he was sent hurtling at the colossal stallionhood this time, he held his hooves out and managed to grab onto the top of the head.

“Alright, hopefully this will give me a chance to let my stomach settle dOOWW!” He screamed as Shining started to thrust harder and faster.


Sweet, Celestia’s flank! Shining Armor bit his lip as he continued to thrust into his beloved below. As the night went on, he had felt a strange sensation on his tip. He didn’t know what it was, but it was making his pleasure skyrocket. “Oh, I love you, Cadance!”

“I love you too!” Cadance screamed as she pulled her husband down into a passionate kiss. “I’m… I’m! … Cumming!”

Shining grit his teeth as he felt his stallionhood assaulted by a wave of Cadance’s juices and her violently spasming walls. To make things even better, the tingle that was on his tip seemed to vanish for a second before reappearing inside his shaft.

“Cadance!” Shining groaned as he sped up his movements, knowing the end was nigh. “I’m cumming!”


Verdant was feeling dizzy from the force and speed of the thrusts, as well as the view of the cervix growing closer and pulling further away. Soon the shrunken stallion’s grip started to fail him. On a thrust inward, Verdant was sent flying towards the cervix’s opening.

Before he could land, a scream of pleasure came from the princess and a flood of her juices collided with the shamrock stallion, sending him flying back.

Verdant tried to scream, but Cadance’s juices kept him from doing so as he was sent flying into Shining Armor’s urethra.

The micro-mammal coughed and sputtered as he landed inside the stallion’s shaft. Just as he managed to clear his lungs of vaginal fluids, he heard the rumbling of rushing fluids up ahead.

With a nervous swallow, he spotted a flood of white liquid full of tadpole shaped cells barreling towards him. He could barely brace himself before he was struck by Shining’s seed and sent crashing into Cadance’s cervix once more and being covered by a lake’s worth of semen.


The loving couple huffed, exhausted by their intense love-making as they stared into each other’s eyes.

“That… was… incredible…” Cadance said between pants, kissing Shining on the lips.

“You were… amazing, Cadance.” Shining Armor laid a row of kisses along her neck as he felt his member softening within her warm confines. “I’m gonna hit the shower. Wanna join me?”

“No thanks,” Cadance replied as he pulled out, causing a rush of his semen to escape from her nethers. “I think I’ll catch one later after I’ve caught my breath.”

“Alright. I’ll try to be quick, dear.” Shining Armor hopped off the bed, being sure to shake his hips as he trotted to their private bathroom.

Cadance smiled at the sight of her husband’s display until the bathroom door closed behind him. She then turned her attention down towards her soaked nethers, seeing some of Shining’s seed spilling onto the sheets below.

Hmm… I wonder if this counts as a threesome. Cadance chuckled to herself as she laid her back against the bed’s soft surface. I hope Verdant had a good time in there.


Verdant took in a deep breath as he breached the surface of the semen lake that had filled a good portion of the princess’s pussy. It took several snorts to clear his snout of the sticky substance.

“Urgh…” he groaned as he waded out of the stallion sauce before shaking what he could from his coat. “Well, at least I got to be inside the hottest prince in the land and I’ll get a huge payday for this.”

Looking about the drenched chamber of the princess’s soaked innards, Verdant saw a large collection of tadpole shaped sperm cells that were now swimming about.

“Right, time to start.” Verdant gave a sigh before trotting up to one of the cells, idly noting that they had heads larger than his shrunken self.

This is the weirdest damn job ever. He thought to himself before biting onto the cell’s tail. The cell tried to pull away like an excited dog, but the earth pony was able to hold firm.

Alright, boy. Time for our walk Verdant trotted up to the soaked cervix while trying to deal with the sperm struggling to pull away. Brushing some of the seminal fluid away, Verdant was able to get a firm grasp on Cadance’s fleshy barrier and began to climb upwards.

The climb was trying on the cell-sized pony for several reasons. First was how tricky it was to get a grip on the slick cervical surface. Second was because of the sperm, tugging his face with it’s every movement.

However, the thing that bothered Verdant the most during his climb was that his nethers were rubbing up against Cadance’s wet, inner flesh. The sensations on his member, along with the intense smells from Cadance’s estrus and Shining’s semen was driving him wild. The feeling was agonizing as he tried to hold back thrusting against Cadance’s insides, unsure how long he’d last in this state.

Just keep it together, Verdant! He grit his teeth as he passed the halfway point of his climb. You’ll be in deep shit if you cum inside Cadance. Just keep from doing anything here and once you’re mission’s done, you’ll be able to beat your dick like it owes you money.

After a few more minutes of climbing, Verdant had reached the mid-point of the cervix, seeing the tight hole that lead into the royal womb. The entrance seemed so small that Verdant would need to crawl along his belly.

Wonderful! Even more grinding my junk against the princess’s body while I’m not allowed to cum. Verdant rolled his eyes as he fell to his belly and slowly began to crawl along. This is agony! I swear, if I don’t get release soon, my balls will be bluer than the prince’s hair.

Verdant crawled along slowly and carefully, trying to minimize the feelings of pleasure he felt as he ground along the tight, fleshy canal.

Hmm… Y’know, I wonder if when my junk rubbed against her snatch earlier, it counted as Cadance and I having sex… if so, when she and Shining Armor started banging, did that count as a threesome?

After a great deal of slow crawling, Verdant soon emerged from Cadance’s cervix and finally arrived in her royal womb.

Finally! I’m almost done! Verdant grinned while keeping his grasp on the struggling sperm. Now I’ve just got to get to herWHOA!

Suddenly, the entire massive chamber quaked and Verdant was tossed about. The room spun before Verdant soon tumbled to a halt against the squishy, blood-filled floor.

Son of a bitch, what the fuck was that? Verdant thought as he sorely struggled to get back to his hooves.


“Hey Cadance!” The rosy alicorn’s eyes shifted to the bathroom door, seeing a slightly damp Shining Armor emerging from the room and rubbing himself down with a blue towel. “The shower’s all set and I saved you plenty of hot water for this.”

“Thanks, dear,” Cadance said as she rolled from the bed before trotting past her husband into the bathroom. As she gently closed the door behind her, Cadance noticed something.

Or rather, the lack thereof.

Hmm… not feeling Verdant in my snatch any more. Guess that means he’s managed to get into my uterus. The pink princess gave a chuckle as she entered the shower. Wait, does this mean I caused an earthquake for him when I rolled over? … Crap… Hopefully he’ll accept an apology and some more reward money.

Her horn lit a light baby blue as she turned on the hot water, feeling it pour down upon her like either a gentle summer rain… or some other things her and her husband had experimented with.

Still, I’ll try to be gentle for the little guy as he’s putting another little guy or girl inside me. Cadance gave a gentle hum as she poured some body wash along her form before carefully scrubbing herself with a sponge.


Verdant managed to steady his legs as he felt the titanic princess come to a halt. He took a brief moment to wipe the sweat from his brow before trotting through the massive chamber.

Right. Now to find her egg. How hard could that be? I know she’s in heat from the smell alone, so finding one shouldn’t take too long.

It took several minutes of traversing the womb, but he soon spotted something massive and white off in the distance. Picking up his pace, Verdant headed towards the white object as quickly as he could.

His running was helped by the sperm’s struggles pulling him along in the white thing’s direction.

After a few moments, Verdant came to the white object, feeling relieved for a moment, only to see that there was not just one, but two massive spheres before him.

Shit! Pretty sure the princess is gonna want me to get another sperm to fertilize her other egg. Verdant gave a snort as he drew closer to one of the spheres that easily dwarfed the cell-sized stallion.

At least this crazy quest is about halfway done. The shamrock stallion swung his neck to send the flailing sperm towards the egg’s surface, but the sperm suddenly flailed about more than it ever had before.

The angry sperm’s movements caused Verdant to repeatedly smack into the uterine floor and his grip on the tail to loosen.

Get in the egg! He tried to bite down harder on the tail, but the sperm’s flailing about was too much, sending the poor pony flying off.

When Verdant landed, he tried to run at the sperm, but quickly realized that he couldn’t move his lower body in the slightest. Looking over his shoulder, he was horrified as he saw his body was sinking into the egg’s surface, with more of his form quickly being pulled in.

“No, no!” The emerald-coated pony panicked, futilely struggling as he tried to escape from the ovum that was devouring him whole. By the time he recalled the teleportation crystal he’d pocketed, his body, along with the vest and its pockets, were already absorbed by the egg.

“Princess, help!” Verdant gave one last scream before his head was pulled into the ovum, leaving the only sounds to be heard within Cadance’s womb being the sounds of her heartbeat and the sperm flailing about before impaling itself into the second egg.


Cadance gave a light yawn as she trotted out of the bathroom towards her bed. She carefully slid into bed beside her husband who wrapped his hooves around her back and planted a firm kiss on her lips.

“Thanks, dear.” Cadance planted a kiss of her own on Shining before laying her head against the pillow. “You were fantastic tonight.”

“Thanks, Cadance. You were too,” Shining replied as he gave her back a gentle rub. “Think this time will be the lucky one?”

“I’m sure of it, Shiny,” the pink princess replied with a yawn, her eyes gently closing. “This will be the best thing ever.”


“This is the worst thing ever,” Cadance sighed to herself as she washed her face, looking at her reflection. Despite waking up a fair bit earlier and getting a good eight hours of sleep, Cadance felt tired.

The past eleven months had been quite the journey for the pink pony princess. While she didn’t hear from Verdant after he’d first entered her, he was apparently successful. She started to feel the symptoms of pregnancy a couple weeks after that night.

Since the doctor confirmed things, she had had to deal with morning sickness, feeling like she was carrying some bowling balls in her belly, the sensation of her insides (especially her bladder) being kicked by somepony, and her teats swelling up with the occasional leak of milk on top of being rather sensitive.

Cadance gave a sigh as she wandered out of the bathroom, feeling her stomach trying to settle while the two in her womb were being rather active this morning.

“How are you doing, Cadance?” A comforting voice came from the alabaster unicorn making his way to her side before gently placing a hoof on her back.

“Could be better, could be worse,” The heavily pregnant alicorn replied as they walked near their shared bed. “The twins are really eager to get out, so keeping last night’s dinner down is a little tricky.”

“Want me to get you some toast?” Shiny asked as he gave her a pat before she pulled away. To his mild surprise, Cadance hopped onto the bed before reclining on her back.

“Nah, but I do have something else on my mind.” Cadance gave Shining a sensual wink, making his semi-soft morning wood quickly begin to harden. “Want to squeeze in one more session before we officially become parents?”

“I’d love to,” the stallion answered as he clambered onto the bed. He carefully leaned over her belly to give her a loving kiss on the lips before grinding his length against her nethers.
The kiss between the two became more passionate as he rubbed against her sex. The two gently moaning as she placed her hooves on his shoulders.

Shining’s eyes suddenly shot open as he felt something splash against the underside of his erection. At first he thought he’d managed to make Cadance more excited than usual, but then she pulled away and gasped.

“Shining… It’s time…”


Where… where am I? A thought came from someone, feeling themselves floating around somewhere. Wherever they were, they felt safe and warm.

Who am I? The thinker pondered before trying to move about. To their surprise, they felt something else move nearby in response.

What is going on? The curious one questioned as they continued to move about, with similar movements answering their own.

The ponderer grew curiouser and curiouser until they felt the area around them squeeze and whatever they were floating in started to drain away.

Something’s happening! Not good! This is scary! They started to struggle as the warm room around them contracted. They felt some of the movements from their neighbor, but after a few moments, their movements seemed to vanish.

Help! Something’s really different! I’m scared! They thought before the chamber squeezed all around them, seeming to push them into a very tight space.

This feels really bad! Someone, help me! They felt a great amount of pain as the tunnel seemed to squeeze around them. However, soon the pressure around their head disappeared.

Part of me’s not warm! I don’t like this at all! A huffing soon reached their ears, along with a sound that seemed oddly familiar.

“You’re doing great, Cadance! Our little girl’s out and the other baby’s almost out! All we need is one last push! You can do this! I believe in you!”

The passage tightened once more before a loud noise struck them. After a few moments of pain, it ceased and the sensation of coldness closed in from all around them.

This is all wrong! I’m not the way I was before! I want to be like it was before! Help! In response to everything around them seeming to be all wrong, the thinker did the only thing they could do to get help.

They cried.

After a few seconds of crying, they felt something wipe some of the dampness off of them before being wrapped up in something. They weakly tried to struggle as they cried, but then felt something gently take them into its grip.

“Shhhh… It’s okay, dearie.” A tired yet soothing voice whispered, pulling the crying bundle close to them. “Mommy’s here for you two.”

The crying bundle slowly started to calm down a little from the warmth coming from whatever was holding them against their fuzzy form, along with the gentle beating sound they were accustomed to hearing.

This… this feels good… The crying soon died down as they tried to move part of their face. As their eyes opened, there was a slight stinging as light struck them for the first time.

With a bit of struggle, they looked up to the sound of the whisper and saw something pink. They seemed to be tired and disheveled, but they looked down at the bundle in their forelegs with endless joy.

“We did it…” She weakly whispered as she hugged the bundle in her left foreleg close to her chest, bringing it next to another bundle against her right. “We’re parents, Shining.”


A charcoal unicorn stallion gave a yawn as he pulled himself through the halls of the crystal palace. He gave his shoulders a quick roll before he nosed open the door to a chamber where he spotted his nephew walking through the hallway.

“Hey, Uncle Barrier!” Shining Armor excitedly said before rushing up to the tired unicorn and giving him a bonebreaker of a hug. “Great to finally have you here.”

“Yeah. Sorry I missed the crystalling, kiddo,” Barrier replied and tried to shake the tiredness from his eyes. “Would have been here a lot sooner, but some of Pathway’s mutant tarantulas escaped and it was a real nightmare trying to sort that mess out.”

“Either way, it’s always great to have family over. I’ve been really excited to show you the twins. Especially after everything that’s happened.” Shining Armor pulled away with Barrier following along close behind him.

“Glad you and the others were able to get everything sorted out,” Barrier said as they went about the opulent crystalline hallways. “Last letter I got from Night Light said you and Cadance hadn’t picked names for the kids yet.”

“Yeah, but we’ve taken care of that.” Shining Armor gave a nervous chuckle and rubbed his neck. “I think we picked perfect names for our little angels.”

“Well, spill.” Barrier pulled a flask from his saddlebag and took a quick sip.

“I’ll tell you once you can see them. Thankfully, they should be napping right now,” Shining whispered as they arrived at the door. Gently pushing the door open, Shining Armor cautiously tip hooved over to a cradle in the middle of the room while Barrier trotted along.

When the alabaster unicorn arrived at the cradle, he was absolutely beaming with pride at the slumbering bundles.

Barrier’s steps became lighter as he reached the crystalline cradle and looked inside.

On the left side of the cradle was a little filly. She was was a pale pink alicorn with a purple and blue mane that quietly slept.

On the right was a little colt. His coat was a purple-ish pink while his mane was the same shade of purple as his mother’s. The tiny colt nuzzled against the blanket and pillow as he dreamt.

“Barrier,” Shining whispered in a voice that even Fluttershy would say was too quiet, “Meet mine and Cadance’s children. Princess Flurry Heart and Prince Glowing Heart.”

A Mid-Summer Night's Tasty Dream

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Verdant gave a yawn as he came to the third floor lab once more. To his annoyance, rather than being done in the morning or afternoon, this time the experiment was done close to midnight.

“Dr. High Gear?” Verdant called out before noticing the blue mare drinking some coffee.

“Hey, Verdant!” She said before quickly downing the remaining drink and shaking his hoof. “How’s things by you?”

“Alright for the most part,” he said with a shrug as he stepped onto the teleportation platform. “So, who’s stomach am I going to end up in this time?”

“Oh, come on.” Gear gave a roll of her eyes. “Just because we’re… well, two for two, that doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen this time.”

“Uh-huh,” Verdant said as he tapped his hoof. “So, is there’s a reason why we’re doing this so late?”

“Well, my girlfriend and I had this really big party, I forgot to set my alarm and now my schedule’s completely screwed without lube.” High Gear gave her temples a rub before flipping some switches. “Anyway, you ready to get teleported?”

“Yeah, I’m ready to get eaten again,” Verdant replied as he gave a quick stretch.

“C’mon, third time’s the charm!” High Gear’s tone was dripping with annoyance while Verdant scoffed.

“Two hundred bits says you’re wrong,” the shamrock stallion said in a sing-song tone.

“You’re on,” Gear said as she flicked some more switches on the console. “Right. Teleport in three… two…”

Suddenly, a grey blur crashed through the ceiling and the control console, smashing it to bits while Verdant was engulfed in a flash of bright light.

“Oh, come on!” High Gear screamed, her left eye twitching in a manner akin to Pinkie Pie on cocaine as the dust and debris started to settle. From the remains of the console and ceiling emerged a grey pegasus mare with a light blonde mane.

“Oops. My bad…”


In a cozy cottage on the outskirts of Ponyville, a mare by the name of Fluttershy gave a yawn as she started to settle into bed.

“Well, today went really well,” the butter yellow mare quietly assured herself as she snuggled up beneath a warm blanket. “And tomorrow will be even better.”

Fluttershy closed her eyes and tried to go to sleep, but a few minutes later, she got a second wind, feeling much more awake than she had before.

Before she opened her eyes however, a flash of light appeared above her head. From the flash, the tiny speck of a shamrock stallion appeared before tumbling down and landing on her soft snout.

“Argh… Every damn time,” Verdant groaned as he rubbed his sore neck. Before he could get back on his hooves, the gentle mare started to rise from her bed and her massive eyes opened up.

“Uhh…” he nervously swallowed as he stared into the massive cyan saucers that gazed down upon him. “Hi there. My name’s Verdant Range. I’ve been shrunk and I need some help to get back home.”

Fluttershy stared in silence at the tiny pony on the tip of her muzzle.

A pony smaller than a breezie on my snout? Her blink sounded like thunder to the tiny stallion as a thought occurred to the massive mare. Oh! Of course! This is just a dream.

“Um… Miss?” Verdant nervously swallowed as her eyes became half-lidded and lusty as a grin stretched across her muzzle.

It’s been a very long time since I had a micro dream, Fluttershy licked her lips at the thought of once more experiencing a dream that allowed her to indulge her hidden fetishes of domination and micro. I just hope Princess Luna doesn’t see this.

The butter-colored mare tilted her muzzle downward. Verdant tried to get a grip on her short facial fuzz, but he couldn’t get a grip quickly enough, sending him tumbling down her chest.

The speck of a stallion bounced across her belly before he finally smacked into a firmer part of the pegasus. As he tried to shake the dizziness away, he saw the giant mare staring down at him with a look of sexual pleasure.

Verdant tried to back away, but felt his rump bump up against something firm. Looking over his shoulder, he saw what he’d bumped into was her massive erect nipple.

“Oh boy,” he hoarsely whispered as he looked back up at Fluttershy from her tit, seeing the colossal pillar that was her left forehoof come barreling down towards him. He tried to scream and run, but it was too late. Her giant left hoof mashed up against her teat while her right slid further down towards her nethers.

Fluttershy moaned in pleasure as she masturbated, feeling the tiny pony struggling against her nipple. Every smack of his little hooves drove her deeper into ecstasy.

After several minutes, Verdant just barely managed to slip out from under her hoof and went tumbling down her large mammary.

While he gasped for breath, Fluttershy saw he’d managed to slip out from her grasp.

Naughty little colt,” she whispered, though to Verdant, her words were booming. “Looks like you’ll need to be punished.

Verdant tried to scramble back to his hooves as Fluttershy adjusted her right hoof, pushing Verdant further down her belly. He futilely tried to struggle against her before she managed to push him onto a nub that was barely larger than him; her clitoris.

Oooooohhhhh!” Fluttershy bit her lip as she pressed him into her pleasure button while the rest of her hoof rubbed against her lower lips.

“This… is… the worst!” Verdant tried to shout as Fluttershy’s moans drowned him out. His nostrils were soon flooded with the scent of her arousal. Normally he’d enjoy this scent, but the feeling of being crushed against her body far outweighed any pleasure he could receive.

Fluttershy’s hoof movements grew more frantic and she eventually pushed Verdant further downward. Her moans grew louder as he was rubbed against her slick folds. It only took a few moments before the pressure of her hoof against his back pushed him past her vulva, making him land with a wet splat against her vaginal walls.

You’re doing wonderfully, my little pony,” Fluttershy said between gasps as she bucked her hips, sending the shamrock stallion further inside. “It’s been far too long since I had someone or something inside me.

Verdant tried to get a firm grasp against her slick walls, but the flicking of her hips was too intense. He kept bouncing between her warm and wet walls, her soft frog or her rock hard hoof.

Fluttershy’s bucking and moans became more intense and she started to flap her wings, making her hips rise even higher.

Verdant felt sick as the bounces grew stronger and stronger. He was smacked deeper and deeper until he smacked up against her cervix. He tried to crawl towards her entrance, but her constant wild bucks and movements just threw him violently into her cervix over and over again.

Fluttershy’s moans soon grew to a fevered pitch as her movements became more and more frantic. She eventually let out a screech that drew howls from dogs a mile away as she hit her climax. Her inner muscles squeezed Verdant like a grape before launching him face first into her frog with a geyser of her love juices.

The two ponies heavily panted as Fluttershy pulled her sticky hoof up towards her face, seeing the tiny pony stuck to it.

Oh, you sweet little thing,” Fluttershy said before licking her lips. She decided that since this was a dream, she would indulge in the last of the fetishes she kept hidden from the world. “You look good enough to eat.”

“Oh, Faust curse it…” Verdant weakly muttered before he felt her mammoth tongue prying him off her frog, starting with his hindlegs. Once he was completely peeled off, he flopped on his back, lying against the bumpy, wet surface of her tongue before he was pulled inside.

Hmm… You taste delicious.” Fluttershy’s soft words were strong enough to knock the shrunken stallion across her tongue before she started to bounce him around her mouth.

“Glad you’re having such a good time,” Verdant sarcastically replied before the tongue quickly rose up, slamming him into the mouth’s roof.

The tongue rolled him against the roof for a bit before Fluttershy decided the time has come. Her tongue angled downward, sending Verdant tumbling towards the back of her throat.

Sore and tired, Verdant didn’t bother to put up a struggle when Fluttershy swallowed, squeezing him down her esophagus before he splashed down inside her stomach.

Verdant let out a sigh as the stomach tipped from Fluttershy lying down, followed by the gentle sound of her soft snores.

“Well, at least High Gear will pay me extra now.” Verdant let out a sigh as he laid back and floated on the acid. Soon the siren song of slumber managed to overtake Verdant, lulling him into as comfortable a sleep as he could expect in his new home.


Verdant found himself shocked awake when he felt something very warm splatter against his chest. As he snorted and his vision started to clear, he saw what had splattered against him was oatmeal with some peach chunks. The shamrock stallion was quite surprised that Fluttershy was able to get out of bed and start to eat her breakfast without waking him up.

After a few minutes of using the stomach acid to wash the oatmeal out of his coat, Verdant decided to listen carefully to what little Fluttershy said in order to formulate his plan of escape.


Fluttershy had a rather pleasant day as she enjoyed several tasty and healthy meals, a relaxing spa visit with Rarity, helped Applejack bathe Winona, and managed to get some good deals on vegetables in the marketplace before returning home and having a hot bath to top things off.

The gentle pegasus gave a yawn as she pulled herself into her warm bed and soon went to sleep.

Unbeknownst to Fluttershy, Verdant listened very closely to everything she did throughout the day, making sure she wouldn’t expel him from her body and leave him in a dangerous situation.

Nearly an hour after she had gone to sleep, Verdant quickly made his way into her colon. He huffed, tired from his running while also trying not to breath in or taste the aroma of her bowels.

“Alright, you giant thing,” he said to the puckered ring of flesh as he gave a roll of his shoulders. “I’m getting out of here and you’re not gonna stop me!”

With a vicious roar, he charged towards the meaty barrier before leaping, planting himself in the center of the tight, muscular gateway.

Verdant was barely able to move against the ring, but he was able to press on against the pressure that was only a faint itch to the giantess. After what felt like an hour of fierce struggling, Verdant’s head emerged from the pegasus’ anus, allowing the first taste of fresh air he’d had all day.

“Oh thank you, Zacherle!” he squealed as he pulled a foreleg from the bowel’s exit, followed shortly by the other. Nearly a minute later, he managed to pull the rest of himself free and tumbled onto the mare’s bedspread.

“Right…” Verdant pulled himself back onto his hooves and stretched. “Got to think of a way to get some help.” He quietly contemplated for several minutes, but the only thought he had was to contact the sleeping giant.

“Urgh… well, guess I’d better get going,” he grumbled before he started his trek, travelling along the right side, occasionally rubbing up against the fur on her thigh and hips.

Soon he reached one of the massive strands that comprised Fluttershy’s mane, leading to the puny pony concocting a scheme.

Alright. I’ll just climb up one of her hairs until I can reach her ear! He grinned like a foal who’d been given a stack of birthday presents taller than he was. Once she knows I’m here, it should be smooth sailing.

Verdant took off like a shot, running along the follicle’s surface until the angle became too steep, making him start climbing upwards.

The shrunken earth pony pulled himself along long past the point where his forelegs were in agony. Nonetheless, he kept pushing himself higher. As the top grew nearer, he was able to spot the first rays of the sun poking through Fluttershy’s window.

Yes! Yes! He grinned as he powered on through the pain. This terrible nightmare is finally at its end!

Suddenly, Verdant felt an earthquake around him as he quickly gripped the hair for dear life. His coat became white as a ghost as he realized what was happening. Fluttershy was waking up and rising from her bed. His stomach lurched as her movements shifted the world around him and made him collide with the top of her head.

Before he could get his bearings, a thunderous roar echoed out as the kind mare yawned.

“Hmm… that was was a good night’s sleep,” the titanic pegasus sleepily said before shaking her head, tossing her wild mane, and the miniature pony desperately clinging to it, all about. “I wonder what’s on the agenda for today?”

When her head stopped moving, the strands still took a moment to settle, causing the strand Verdant was clinging to fall in front of Fluttershy’s face. As he looked into her massive cyan eye, he felt all the frustration that’d been building inside him come to the surface.

“Oh, I don’t know,” he angrily shouted as he stared into the lake sized eyeball. “How about revenge?!”

“What the…” The gigantic pupil dilated while her coat became crimson. “Oh… my…”


One quick trip to Twilight later, Verdant was returned to normal size, though Fluttershy was quieter and redder than usual to Twilight’s surprise.

“The odds of this are really improbable, Verdant,” the lavender mare said to the shamrock stallion as Fluttershy flew back towards her house, no doubt to hide under her covers to die of embarrassment, or so Verdant assumed.

“Tell me about it.” Verdant scratched his neck before heading for the door. “At any rate, thanks for helping me again.”

“You’re welcome,” Twilight said with a smile and lit her horn, opening the door for him. “Anything else I can do for you?”

“Well…” Verdant gave his chin a rub. “Could you send a letter to Dr. High Gear in Vanhoover for me?”

“Sure thing,” she replied as she levitated a quill and parchment in front of her. “What would you like it to say?”

“Just that I’m on my way back and she should have her bits ready.” Verdant started to head out before stopping mid-step and looking back over his shoulder. “Oh, and that I won the bet.”

Verdant and the Beanstalk

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Verdant gave a yawn as he trotted once more towards the laboratory early in the autumn morning.

Another day, another bit or two… thousand. He thought to himself as he trotted along, drawing closer to the door. If I didn’t like working with flowers and plants so much, I could probably retire.

He pushed his way past the door and tried to rub the sleep from his eyes, only to bump into something and fall onto his flank. Looking up, the sight before him was a bit of a start.

Standing in front of him was the tallest mare Verdant had ever seen that wasn’t one of the princesses. He recalled the sight of Applejack’s brother and noted that this mare was half a head taller than that.

She was a rather slender mare with a light green coat while her mane and tail were more a leafy green. When she turned to face him, he saw that she had a pair of dark blue eyes that stood out from the rest of her freckled face. Her mane was a somewhat messy affair tied up in a long ponytail while her actual tail seemed more on the rough side.

“Oh, sorry about that,” the towering mare said as she held out a hoof to him.

“Nah, it’s my fault,” Verdant replied as he accepted her hoof before she picked him off the ground and plopped him back onto his hooves. “I should have looked where I was going, Miss…”

“Beans!” the familiar voice of High Gear called out as the scientist skidded to a halt in front of the statuesque mare. “What brings you here? I didn’t forget my lunch today.”

“Oh, I saw an ad to try a kind of brownie for cash on the first floor, so I came over.”

“Well, I hope it goes well,” High Gear said before she spotted Verdant. “Oh, hey there. Perfect time to have some introductions.” She quickly slung a foreleg around his shoulder as she presented the shamrock stallion to the emerald mare. “Verdant, this is my roommate and best friend, Beanstalk. I call her Beans. Beans, this is Verdant Range, my guinea pig.”

“Guinea pig?” Verdant muttered as he cast the scientist a glare.

“Nice to meet you, Verdant,” Beanstalk said as she started to walk away. Were she just a centimeter or two taller, Verdant was sure she could walk over him without his mane touching her belly.

“Well, at any rate, we’ve got some science to do,” Gear said as she quickly shuffled herself and Verdant into the elevator. Pushing the button, things were fairly quiet until Gear saw the look Verdant was giving her.

“What?” She tilted her head in confusion.

“Guinea pig? Really?” Verdant’s left eyebrow rose as the bell signaling the elevator’s arrival rang out and the doors started to open.

“It’s a term commonly used by scientists to refer to their test subjects.” High Gear strolled into the elevator, not making eye contact with Verdant as he followed her in. “Besides, you got an extra two hundred bits after last time.”

“And all I had to do was get inside a stomach for the third time since I started to work for you.” Verdant said just before the bell rang once more, opening up to the third floor.

“Look, feel free to blame me for what happened with the first experiment, but you can’t blame me for what happened the last two times.” High Gear retorted as she lead him into her lab. “The last two times were due to accidents completely outside of my control. This time should be perfectly fine.”

“Here’s hoping.” Verdant rolled his eyes as he and the blue mare approached the console. “So, wanna bet some more bits this ti-”

Verdant was cut off when the floor beneath them seemed to shake and explode all around them. Everything shifted so quickly, but from what Verdant could see in the brief glimpse, something burst up from the floor below and caused him and Gear, along with a fair chunk of floor, to be quickly pulled into a massive set of jaws before they fell down the creature’s throat.

The pair were squeezed by the throat against each other before they and the chunks of floor splattered down into a pool of stomach juice.

“Wow…” Verdant said as he tried to rise to his hooves, but was unable to do so courtesy of whatever had eaten them shifting about. “I didn’t even get onto the teleporter this time.”

“Urgh… that smarts,” Gear muttered as she looked around the fleshy sack, spotting the debris was now starting to dissolve in the acids. “This sucks.”

“You’re telling me,” Verdant said, helping to pull her to her hooves. “Say, how come you aren’t getting digested?”

“Forcefield bracelet,” she said as she pulled up her left sleeve, revealing a golden band. “Just in case something goes really wrong.”

“Any clue on what happened here?” Verdant asked as he brushed some of the dust and debris clinging to his mane away.

“Judging by the partially digested fruit loops, chunks of brownie and what was being done on the first floor, I’m guessing that the brownies being tested downstairs had the transformative agent from poison joke in them, making Beans become a giant again.” High Gear turned out her pockets, dumping some loose debris into the bubbling juices.

“Wait, again?” An eyebrow rose in surprise. “This sort of thing has happened before?”

“Oh yeah, tons of times.” Gear casually waved. “Poison joke makes her grow to about two hundred feet tall. It’s happened so many times we’ve actually got protocols in place in case of this.”

“And what are th-WHOA!” The entire fleshy chamber shook about, tossing the two into one another.


“Oww… my head,” Beanstalk groaned as she rubbed her head, trying to blink some of the dust from her eyes. “What the hay happened?”

“Miss Beanstalk!” a distant mare’s voice reached her ears.

Beans turned her gaze downward, where she saw one of the scientists that gave her the brownie was staring up at her.

“Um, doctor?” One of Beans’ ears flicked, knocking some dust and chunks of the building to the distant floor below. The emerald mare could see she was now sitting in what was the remains of the laboratory with the unicorn doctor standing by her enlarged thigh. “Was anything from poison joke used in those brownies?”

“Well,” the golden yellow mare’s horn glowed and a clipboard appeared in front of her face. “...uh, it seems some poison joke extract was used in the brownie’s creation with the hope of…” She quickly flicked through several of the pages in her aura. “Giving the consumer minty fresh breath… How’d that go, by the way?”

Beanstalk rolled her eyes before raising a hoof and exhaling onto it, followed by a quick sniff. “I’d say it smells like chocolate, fruit loops and rocks.”

“Breath freshening effects… negative.” The mare quickly jotted down before looking back up to the giantess. “Sorry about this.”

“Well, it was bound to happen sometime this year.” Beanstalk let out a sigh before she started to rise up, freeing herself from the ruined building. As she waited for the debris to fall from her, several pegasi flew by her colossal face.

“Hey there, Beanstalk!” One of the pegasi, a mare with a sandy coat and a wild light brown mane said, hovering in front of her snout. “We’ve already got your escort all set and we’ve got the warning song playing. We’re ready whenever you are.”

Beanstalk looked down towards the doctor, who was now joined by others who had been in the building, looking only a little dusty. “Sorry about this, everypony. I’ll contact my insurance company once I’m back down to normal.”

Taking a breath, Beanstalk slowly started to step forward while the pegasi flew ahead of her. After two massive steps, the sounds of the looped ‘warning song’ that High Gear had picked with the mayor, reached her ears.

“Grr… I hate this song,” the gigantic mare grumbled as she started to draw closer to the city, the damned song playing from speakers all throughout.


“Augh, dammit,” Verdant muttered as he rubbed his sore head. “What the hay’s going on?”

“Beans going through the planned protocols for when she grows giant,” Gear replied, shaking the acid and chunks of cereal from her mane. “She waits for escort pegasi to be ahead of her to clear the way while she heads to the community center, who’ll ready a swimming pool full of poison joke antidote.”

“Uh, Gear,” Verdant nervously looked about. “What happens to her stomach contents when she goes back to normal?”

“That’s something we thoroughly tested, Verdant,” the scientist said with an unnervingly large smile. “The acids and muscles in the stomach become much stronger, allowing for any materials to be more quickly dissolved and digested. Anything dissolved will be shrunken down with her when she returns to normal size.”

“Yeah, that’s great and all,” Verdant’s eyes darted back and forth as a note of panic entered his voice. “But what happens to food that’s not digested when she shrinks down?”

“We tested that with an apple. Apparently food that’s not partially digested will…” Gear’s pupils shrank to pin pricks when she realized the horrors to come. “Will remain the same size when she shrinks!”

“We’ve got to get out of here! Now!” Verdant charged towards one of the stomach’s valves, only for High Gear to whiz past him, frantically trying to open the orifice.

“OPEN, FAUST CURSE YOU!” She shrieked as she jammed her hooves in the hole, barely making it dilate.

“You’ve got this, Doc!” Verdant attempted to cheer despite his similar state of panic. “Use that good old earth pony strength!”

“I’M NOT AN EARTH PONY!” She yelled back in reply as she continued her futile struggle. “I’M A UNICORN! NOW MOVE YOUR ASS AND HELP ME!”

“Sorry, I’ll get started!” Verdant winced before running up to her side and starting to help her pry at the tiny opening. After a few moments, the orifice opened up, letting the two charge through into Bean’s intestine.

“So,” Verdant attempted to look casual as he and Gear ran through the intestine, their hooves being tickled by the villi and splashed by the fluids carrying digested material. “If you’re a unicorn, how’d you become like…”

“Is this really the best time?” Gear asked with a grumble as she gave him a withering glare.

“Probably,” Verdant replied. “Talking about your life story could take our minds off the possible danger we’re in… not to mention the smell.”

Taking a quick sniff that she immediately regretted, the blue mare signed as they continued to run. “Alright. Long story short, I was in a train accident, lost my horn, parents died, got adopted, met Beans, saw how difficult life can be without magic, entered a science fair, made an automatic bread slicer, got my cutie mark, decided to become a scientist and engineer, changed my name to High Gear and went to Canterlot Tech where I met Pix.” Gear started to huff as she finished speaking.

“Wow, all in one breath,” Verdant muttered as he drew closer. “You may want to lay on my back, Gear. You’re looking pretty winded.”

“Pix was right,” Gear said as she and Verdant started to slow. “I should get a treadmill. Urgh.”

“It’s okay,” Verdant comfortingly said as he shifted to allow her to lie down on his back and waited for her to hook her forelegs around his neck before rolling his shoulders and nodding. “Alright, let’s go!”

Verdant took off with High Gear bouncing slightly on his back as she worked to catch her breath.

“Y’know… that did take my mind off things, Verdant,” High Gear commented as her ride raced along the intestinal tract. “And thanks for carrying me like this.”

“No problem, Doc,” Verdant looked over his shoulder at her. “Besides, you’re not that heavy. I’ve had to carry a lot heavier stuff at the flower shop.”

“Either way, thanks.” Gear said as she felt the ache in her chest starting to fade away.

“So, I hope I’m not being rude here,” Verdant slowly started to ask, “But may I ask what your name was before you changed it?”

“Lavender Breeze,” Gear said with a soft smile. “While my birth mom was in the perfume business, I wasn’t really interested in it. Plus, when I got my cutie mark, I figured Lavender Breeze didn’t really fit a mare that’d get covered in grease and sweat all the time or crawl around on her belly connecting circuitry together.”

“Makes sense, I guess,” Verdant said as a large fleshy orifice started to come into view. “Heads up. We’re about to hit the large intestine’s entrance. How are you feeling?”

“Good enough to help out,” High Gear answered as Verdant started to slow down. When he came to a halt, she slid off and they both started to pry at the orifice. Much to her relief, this one seemed to be more willing to open than the stomach valve, soon allowing them entry.

“Alright, now there’s only one more…” Gear’s words died in her throat as she was struck by the foul stench of the large intestine and some of the contents that lined the walls and floor. “Oh Zacherle, I’m gonna throw up!”

“You get used to it after enough trips through,” Verdant shrugged before he started the charge through the meaty tunnel. “Now, c’mon! We’ve gotta get out of this organic sewer, A.S.A.P.!”


Beanstalk gave a sigh of relief as the sight of the community drew ever closer as she carefully stepped through the narrow streets while the annoying music continued to play. The roof for the pool section was retracted as a griffon hen flew up to Beanstalk’s face, gently landing on her giant snout.

“Everything’s good to go, Beanstalk!” The hen said as she gave a talon up to the massive mare.

“Thanks, Erica,” Beans replied as she carefully approached the building’s side. Looking at the ground, she could see the large indents she made in the grass and dirt while the concrete portions were cracked in her wake. “I hope this stuff doesn’t eat into the budget too badly.”

“Nah, we’re fine.” Erica casually waved as she sat on the snout. “The stuff doesn’t expire and we got a bulk discount for the cure.”

“That’s good.” Beans looked towards the Equestria Games sized pool. She slowly and cautiously reached a massive hoof towards the water. The hoof barely started to sink into the water before quickly pulling it back. “Yeash, you can’t heat the pool so it’s not freezing?”

“Do you know how long it takes to warm up a pool this size?” Erica asked with a raised eyebrow. “Besides, cold water helps us burn more fat.”

Beanstalk’s body gave a slight shake, making Erica fall to her side. “And hey, you can see the cure’s working from just that tiny amount, so you’d best get it over with.”

“Okay. Here we go again.” Beanstalk carefully stepped over the building’s walls before setting her hooves into the water one at a time, soon feeling her hooves touch the pool’s bottom and the water barely coming over her ankles.


“We’re almost there!” Verdant huffed as he and High Gear turned a bend in Beans’ intestine. “The next bend will lead us to right to her colon and then freedom!”

“Y’know, it’s kinda funny,” High Gear said with an amused chuckle.

“What is?” Verdant’s eyebrow rose as they still ran.

“That I’m ninety-eight percent sure you’re the first stallion that’s ever been inside Beans,” Gear bit her lip as she failed to suppress a laugh. “I know it’s not funny since she’s my friend, but kinda is.”

“How about we talk about the issues with her love life when-” Verdant was interrupted when everything around them suddenly shuddered, making the two of them trip and stop. Looking about, they could see the entire colon has become slightly smaller.

“Oh, crap, crap, crap!” Verdant shouted before he and High Gear took off once more.

“We’re almost there! We’re almost there!” Gear started to chant the words like a mantra as the two raced through Bean’s bowels.

Just as Bean’s body shuddered once more, the two turned a corner and spotted the fleshy ring that was the anus.

“Move, move, move!” Verdant shouted as he and Gear charged towards it, the surrounding tunnel now visibly starting to shrink down.

When the two reached the clenched orifice, they both pushed with all the force they could against the meaty ring, prying it open for them to squeeze through.

Looking through the shrinking mare’s exit, they soon realized that the pool was still over a hundred feet below while her long and messy tail was far closer. Not close enough to reach with just a hoof though.

“Jump and grab onto a hair!” Verdant shouted as he tried to push up against the hole more, leaving space for High Gear. “If we hit the water from here, it’ll be like hitting concrete!”

High Gear looked at the hairs, mentally estimating that they had to be a good twenty feet away. The spectacled mare took a hard swallow before jumping. Before she could reach the hair, Verdant leapt after, with the hole closing behind him and giving Beans a tiny itch.

Gear managed to grab onto a hair and started to slide down towards the pool with Verdant coming down a moment later.

When they were approximately twenty feet from the water, the pair let go of the hair and dived, safely breaching the water before slowly starting to rise to the surface.

The sound of the splashes the two made reached Beans and Erica’s ears. While the griffon hen glided down towards the pool’s edge, the shrinking giant slowly turned, seeing Verdant and Gear just as they breached the surface and gasped for breath.

“What the?” Beans looked down at the pair as she kept shrinking down, leaning closer to them. She was now around one-hundred and seventy-five feet tall. “Gear? Verdant? What are you doing here?”

“You ate us! We were in your butt!” High Gear shouted as she started to paddle towards the pool's edge.

Bean’s shamrock face exploded into a ruby red as Verdant followed Gear over to the edge. “Oh dear Faust…”

“It’s not your fault, Beanstalk,” Verdant said as Erica and Gear pulled him from the water. “It was just some crazy accident.”

“Still, this is humiliating,” Beans muttered as her shrinking started to accelerate, now reducing her to a hundred and twenty feet. “Not only does everyone get to see me turn into a huge freak, I ate my best friend and her test subject without even noticing a thing and they have to climb out of my house sized butt.”

“Don’t sweat it too much, Beans,” Gear said before shaking some of the water off herself. “It’s all water under the bridge and I’ll treat you to some Burrito Burro once you’re done.”

After a few minutes, High Gear had left for the center’s showers while Beans finally returned to her normal level of giantness and pulled herself out of the pool.

“Hey Beans.” Verdant drew closer as she tried to wring the water from her tail.

“What’s up, Verdant?”

“I was wondering a couple things about you.” Verdant approached while Beanstalk rolled her eyes.

“Lemme guess? Do I have to buy a mattress from the same supplier as the princesses? Do clothing stores charge me by the foot? Do I have to pay millions in insurance for these transformations?” Beans walked closer, looking down at the short stallion. “Am I in the right ballpark?”

“Well, no,” Verdant said as he nervously rubbed a forehoof. “I was going to ask if you like anime movies.”

“Oh,” Beanstalk was taken aback. “Well, yeah. I like a fair amount of Neighponese stuff. My favorites are Go-Go’s Bizarre Adventure, Uma ½, Ryu Tama X, Chou Sentai, particularly Tsuki Sentai Moon Lancer… Yeah. Why do you ask?”

“Well, I like those things as well. Could you… tell me what kind of restaurants you like?” Verdant struggled to keep his voice from cracking in front of the towering mare.

“Oh.” Beans’ eyes widened before she decided to look the stallion up and down. He seemed to be somewhat well toned with somewhat similar tastes, along with being rather nice from what she could tell. Besides which, very few ponies had the nerve to ask her something like this.

A smile came across her face. “Well, I prefer somewhat casual places where I can just relax like the Four D’s or the Burrito Burro. Does Friday at around seven sound good?”

“Absolutely,” Verdant returned the smile as he saw Bean’s tail gave a quick wag. “I look forward to getting to know you more, Beanstalk.”

“Me too, Verdant,” Beans gave a chuckle as she ran a hoof through her mane. “Me too.”

Twilight Tour

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Verdant fidgeted uncomfortably in his seat as he looked out the train window. He nervously gave a swallow before he turned his focus back to the two stallions sitting across from him. “C’mon, guys. Do we really have to do this?”

“YES!” The pair angrily barked in reply.

“Your damn flower cart destroyed the smith shop, putting me out of a job while it’s getting fixed!” Forge gave Verdant a glare as he leaned closer.

“Not to mention it ruined just about all my magician supplies.” Hatty grumbled. “Do you know how long it’s going to take for me to get a replacement magician’s box?”

“Guys, please,” Verdant weakly pleaded. “It’s because the brakes on the cart were defective. I tried to stop it, but-”

“But nothing!” Forge snapped at him. “You were the one watching it and now our stuff’s wrecked. Now, we’re getting payback.”

Verdant let out a defeated sigh as he looked out the window, seeing a small town approaching. “So why are we going to Ponyville for this?”

“Oh, you’ll see.” Hat Trick darkly chuckled as he rubbed his forehooves together. “You’ll see.”

Verdant could only nervously groan as the train barreled along.


Verdant and Forge stood by the train station, waiting for Hat Trick to return after he took to the sky. It’d been nearly twenty minutes as the two sat on a bench before they saw the purple pegasus return, with a beverage container in his hoof.

“Alright, Verdant,” he said with an evil grin. “Here’s the first part of your punishment.”

“Oh boy…” Verdant swallowed nervously as Hatty placed the drink in his hooves. “What’s this?”

“A little thing for you to drink,” Forge said as he rose from the bench. “And you have to drink every last drop of this.”

Verdant nervously pulled the lid of the drink up, seeing a rainbow of colors awaiting him. “Is this… liquid rainbow?”

“Damn right it’s liquid rainbow.” Hatty gave Verdant’s chest a light jab. “And I had to pull some pretty stealthy stuff to sneak this away from the weather works, so bottoms up!”

Verdant gulped once more before he started to chug down the multicolored beverage. After just a few droplets, he felt like his tongue had been set on fire by the brew.

Oh dear Zacherle! I’d rather get eaten by a dragon than keep this up! Verdant slammed his eyes shut as he pushed himself to keep drinking. The only good thing is that this is still less painful than a ruby reaper.

After several agonizing minutes, Verdant dropped the now empty cup and was gasping as he tried to endure the pain.

“Alright, you’ve made it through round one,” Forge said as he fixed the lid to the cup before tossing it into a recycling bin, “we can get ready for round two.”

“Round…” Verdant said hoarsely before coughing. “Round two?”

“Oh yeah,” Hatty said as he put a foreleg around Verdant’s shoulder. “This is gonna be quite the treat.” The trio started to walk forward, Verdant having no clue where he was being led.

“Remember how some time ago, we were having some drinks and you said you’d like to be inside one of the princesses?” Forge had a wicked smirk on his face that made the hairs on the back of Verdant’s neck stand at attention.

“I don’t like where this is going…” Verdant whined as they turned a corner, making him catch sight of something that turned his pupils to pinpricks.

In front of the trio was Princess Twilight Sparkle, but she’d become gigantic in size. She was lying on her side while a tower was feeding roller coaster carts full of ponies into her mouth. At her back end, Verdant saw where the track ended as a train emerged from her anus and a group of ponies seemed to be cheering in excitement from their trip through her body.

Behind her was a massive sign with a cartoon image of the alicorn that read, “Today only! Learn and explore the digestive system!”.

“Seems the princess really wants to help educate others, so she’s set this up.” Hatty said as he stepped in front of the now paling shamrock stallion. “And guess who’s going for a ride.”

“Oh no. Oh Faust…” Verdant started to back away, only to feel the tingle of Forge’s magic holding him in place.

“Oh yes. You’re going to go on the ride, Verdant,” the cobalt unicorn said before patting Verdant on the back. “But there are also some other things you have to do.”

“S-s-such as?” Verdant’s hooves nervously quaked as the two started to lead him to the building with a banner that read, “Body Tour - Today Only”.

“First off, you’re going to have to get onto the last car.” Hatty smirked as he spoke. “That way, the trip’s a lot rockier for you.”

“Wonderful,” Verdant groaned as he felt his belly already doing flip-flops. Seems the liquid rainbow didn’t agree with him.

“And there’s one other thing,” Forge chuckled as he opened his saddlebags and pulled out a large wheel of cheese. Verdant coughed and stepped away as the foul smell of the cheese hit his nostrils. “You’re going to chuck this into the stomach acid.”

“I’m not sure they’d allow me to bring that sort of thing on the ride with me,” Verdant tried to step away, but Hatty put a wing on his back and pulled him back.

“Au contraire, mon ami,” Hatty said with a vicious grin on his face. “The advertisement I read for this encourages ponies to throw food into her stomach. See, the train stops in the stomach for a bit so you can throw food in and watch it digest. It’s all part of the educational process before you’re sent hurtling through her intestines.”

“And is this cheese safe? It’s smelling pretty ripe to me,” Verdant said as Hatty pulled him closer to the wheel.

“Relax, it’s meant to smell like this,” Forge said as he stuffed the cheese into Verdant’s saddlebags. “Plus, she’s got somepony checking stuff to make sure it’s safe, so it’s all good.”

“Okay.” Verdant nervously swallowed as he headed into the line. “Here’s hoping things go smoothly.”

A few minutes passed as the line moved along until he got to a point where a violet coated unicorn was inspecting the various foodstuffs that ponies were bringing with them on the ride. When Verdant’s turn came, she seemed to spend more time on the cheese than any of the others.

“Hmm… Limburger…” the mare said as she closely examined the wheel. “She’s not the biggest fan of cheese… but since that one pony brought in a box of shredded wheat, it should be alright. Proceed.”

Verdant and two others ponies soon reached the cars that were going to be loaded onto the elevator up to the princess’ mouth. The shamrock stallion noticed a pattern to the cars. First an indigo car, followed by a pink one and a purple one.

“Alright, I call dibs on first car!” a yellow pony with a blue and green mane rushed ahead, hopping into the indigo car.

“I swear, Fringe, you’re always like this,” a gray unicorn with a rust colored mane muttered from behind Verdant. “Well, you getting on?”

“Actually, Mister…”

“Name’s Curtain Call,” the stallion said.

“Right. Mr. Curtain Call. I’ve actually got to take the last car because of some stuff that happened back in Vanhoover.” Verdant said as he looked back towards the cars. “Would you please take the middle one?”

“Okay,” Curtain Call gave a shrug before he climbed into the pink car. With a quick sigh of relief, Verdant got into the purple car.

A moment later, the cars were pulled along before each one went up the elevator individually until they reached the top and the three cars were all reconnected. The three then stared at the sight of the princess’ open maw. Beside the cars was an orange mare with a brown stetson who made sure the passengers were all firmly secured in their seats.

“Alright. Y’all ready to learn all about the pony digestion system?”

Verdant gave a nervous nod while Curtain Call shrugged. The one called Fringe straightened his posture a bit before giving a firm nod.

“Okay. Hope y’all enjoy the trip.” The orange mare then flicked a lever and the train started to be pulled along into Twilight’s mouth.

Verdant shuddered as he felt himself engulfed by the warmth of her body. The inside of her mouth was rather humid. The shamrock stallion tried to take a deep breath to calm himself, but his calm was broken when a dollop of her saliva splattered down on his head.

He tried to shake the spit from his mane before he felt the train start to be pulled downward. Verdant felt his blood run cold as he saw her uvula pass over his head. If he were a little bit taller or stood higher in his seat, he was certain that his head would have brushed by the fleshy bit.

He was quickly snapped from his thoughts as the coaster rolled downward. Fringe seemed to be rather happy as Verdant felt his cart rumbling. While the pony in front of him seemed to be saying something, he was drowned out by the alicorn’s heart beat booming like thunder.

The trio soon exited the fleshy tube that was the esophagus and arrived in the stomach. The rails in the stomach formed a bunch of loops that wound around from the top down to the valve to the intestines.

Verdant’s own stomach lurched somewhat as the train suddenly stopped near the top of the tracks. He looked around in confusion before he heard a voice that seemed to come from the car itself.

“Hello there. I’m Twilight Sparkle and I’ll be your guide on this tour of the digestive system of a pony.” The princess’ voice came through a small speaker in the car that was close to the safety bar. “Since most ponies are already familiar with the process of chewing food and peristalsis, my friends have advised that I skip covering that in order to talk about the rest of the trip you’re experiencing through my body. Reluctantly, I agreed.”

“After travelling down the esophagus, you have reached the stomach. This is, as Pinkie Pie would put it, ‘where the magic happens’. Please look into the pool below you.”

Verdant nervously swallowed before he heeded the princess’ instructions. Down below was a bubbling pool composed of chunks of deformed masses that previous passengers had tossed down.

“If you’re after the first group, you should be seeing some food that previous riders have tossed into the acid to watch the digestive process. If you have anything you wish to toss in that our security has approved of, please do so now. This way, you’ll have fifteen minutes to watch the food being digested before you move onto the next step of your journey.”

Giving his neck a scratch, Verdant pulled the wheel of cheese from his saddlebags and held onto it.

While he hesitated to throw it, the two ahead of him on the coaster had no such issues and threw some food into the princess’ stomach juices without a second thought. Fringe had tossed in a whole pumpkin pie, minus the tin while Curtain Call tossed in something Verdant couldn’t quite make out; it looked like slabs of something white.

“Say, what was that stuff you threw in?” Verdant asked, making the purple unicorn give him a smirk.

“Grilled Scootaloo,” he replied before chuckling.

“Grilled what?” Verdant tilted his head in confusion. After another moment of contemplation, the emerald pony gave a shrug and chucked the limburger into pool below.

The cheese struck the surface of a bubble that was forming in the juices, making it pop and sending a burst of steamy and foul smelling gas to strike Verdant in the face. The earth pony gagged and coughed, making his already upset stomach even worse.

“Now, what you are witnessing is the process of the food being broken down by gastric acid, which is composed of hydrochloric acid, potassium chloride and sodium chloride. This process is normally aided by the food already being partially broken down by the food being chewed up and covered in saliva.” Her voice recited as the trio watched the juice around the food bubbling and sinking towards the bottom of her belly.

“Another factor that typically aides in the digestive process is the movements of the stomach’s muscles, but for your personal safety, a spell has been cast on my digestive system to prevent any motions. Now, while the process goes on, I’ll tell you about the various enzymes that are also a part of the digestive process.”

Verdant gave a groan and tried to tune out the educational info the princess was expounding. Time really seemed to drag on while the speech kept going. The shamrock pony was really regretting not bringing a Game Colt or a Walkmare to help him pass the time.

He felt his eyelids start to droop until he noticed Twilight’s speech starting to wrap up.

“-Complete listing of microorganisms. Now, this concludes this part of the ride as we’re about to move on to the next part of the digestive system.”

“Oh thank Faust,” a raspy mare’s voice muttered from the speakers. While Twilight’s voice seemed to ignore it, the three stallions in the coaster all got a chuckle from it.

“The next part of the tour will take you to the duodenum, which is the part that connects the stomach to the small intestine. Get ready because the train’s about to move.”

Before the riders could prepare, the coaster started to move very quickly. The three were swiftly sent through the loops that went around the stomach, making Verdant really dizzy before they entered into a twisting tunnel that was filled with wriggling tentacle like things.

“Now the small intestine plays a major part in the digestive process. Not only is the food further broken down as it travels along, but many nutrients and liquids are absorbed into the bloodstream by these things that line the intestine’s walls that are called ‘villi’.” Her voice said once more just before the track started to take several sharp turns, making the green stallion look even greener.

“On average, the small intestine is approximately six meters in length. To be able to fit, the intestine takes multiple twists and turns. Naturally, of course, the intestine you’re going through has been magically enlarged to accommodate you and the ride.”

Verdant ignored the lesson as his belly grew more and more upset. The sudden sharp turns and the smell of the digestive system were not agreeing with the rainbow shake resting in his own belly.

After a few intense minutes riding the rails, Twilight’s voice came from the car once more.

“Coming up, you’ll see the valve to the large intestine, which is one of the few parts of my digestive track which is more animated.”

Leaning to the right of the car, Verdant looked ahead and spotted a large fleshy donut that the tracks seemed to disappear into. For a moment, Verdant worried they’d crash into the barrier. Thankfully, the way opened up to let the riders begin the last leg of their journey.

Unfortunately for Verdant, the first thing he noticed when they entered the intestine was the foul stench that smacked into his face like a speeding brick. It was a disgusting aroma that brought him back to when his sister Parsley made burritos for the Fillydelphia potluck. It resulted in a bad case of widespread food poisoning and overstuffed portable toilets.

“And now we draw close to the end with the large intestine.” The alicorn’s voice echoed throughout the living sewer. “On average, the large intestine is one point five meters in length-”

“Wait a second, Twilight,” the voice of the mare that made sure Verdant was secure in his seat interrupted. “Why is it called the large intestine when yah said the small intestine’s about four tahmes longer?”

“Applejack, this really isn’t the time,” Twilight’s reply made Verdant picture her speaking through gritted teeth. “Moving on, the large intestine absorbs a fair amount of liquids in the digestive process and the last part of the journey that turns food into fecal matter.”

At the mention of fecal matter, Verdant noticed some chunks of the sickening waste clinging to the walls of the bowels.

“After nearly everything of value has been absorbed from the food, what is left is waste which is pushed through the large intestine before eventually being expelled through the colon and anus. You’ll soon be reaching this part of my body and finishing the tour. I hope you had a fun and educational experience learning about pony anatomy. Who knows? If this turns out to be popular enough, I may end up doing more of these types of anatomy tours to teach ponies about other bodily functions.”

As the coaster went deeper, the walls started to have more and more of the princess’ waste attached to the walls, growing uncomfortably closer to the riders.

The train took one more sharp turn and the trio were able to see two notable things. The first was the light of day coming through a glass tunnel that served to keep the royal anus open. The second was a chunk of princess pony poop that was hanging from the ceiling of the intestine. The rumbling of the coaster drawing closer caused the piece to break loose and fall towards them.

The foul chunk was above Fringe’s head, seemingly unnoticed by the yellow stallion. Curtain Call hastily dodged the piece as well, though his eyes seemed to stay dilated as the trip went on.

Things seemed to slow down as the piece fell towards Verdant’s face. He managed to move his head to the side, only just avoiding being hit.

Unfortunately for the poor pony, this was the final straw for his stomach. As the coaster finally left the alicorn’s body and passed the glass tunnel, Verdant felt the liquid rainbow rocket up his throat before it burst out from his mouth, falling over a dozen feet to the ground below.

The verdant stallion groaned as the train started to come to a halt. When it stopped, a pink pony came over and quickly undid their restraints.

“Thank you for taking the Twilight Tour,” the chipper mare said before picking up Verdant and putting him back on his hooves. “Would you like to have a photo as a souvenir of your trip?”

Verdant could only groan as Hatty flew over to his side. “Yes, my friend would in fact like three copies, Miss.”

“Okie-dokie-lokie.” She gave a sweet smile before dashing off before returning with a folder an instant later that she gave to the purple pegasus. “Have a good day!”

“Can we please go home?” Verdant weakly asked as Hatty started to guide him over to Forge.

“Yeah. I think you’ve been punished enough,” Hatty said as he opened up the folder. “Still, we do have a reminder of what happened today.”

Verdant looked over at the photo where he saw himself retching rainbows over the side of the train while Fringe seemed to be fresh as a daisy. Curtain Call still had a stunned look on his face.

“Hope you enjoyed your time inside the princess, Verdant.” Forge gave the earth pony a pat on the back as he chuckled.

“Hate you guys… so damn much…” Verdant weakly muttered. “Will… get… revenge…”

“Doubt it,” the pair replied in unison as they approached the train. “Still, I’ll make sure you get something really nice for your birthday. Maybe a complete collection of the GoGo’s Bizarre Adventures OVA.”

“... It’s a start…” Verdant said as the trio got onto the train platform.

“Well, at least you’re in a photo that gives you a good look at the princess’s purple curple and nethers.” Forge patted his side once more.

“Yeah… I will admit, that is a plus,” Verdant replied with a small blush before sitting down. He then looked over his shoulder, where in the distance, he spotted another train heading into Twilight’s mouth. “Here’s hoping that if I do meet her again, it goes better than this.”

Verdant in the Sky, then Diamonds

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Verdant gave a yawn as he stirred from his slumber. The earliest of morning light was just starting to peek into the bedroom.

He was at first surprised to find himself in a bedroom he didn’t recognize, but he started to remember the previous night’s activities.

It had been three months since he and High Gear had ended up inside the body of the mare known as Beanstalk. Last night, he found himself inside Beanstalk once more in a manner that they both rather enjoyed.

Now the shamrock stallion found himself wrapped up in Beanstalk’s forelegs as the statuesque mare held him as her little spoon.

A hum reached Verdant’s ears as Beans started to wake up before she gave the top of his head a nuzzle. “Morning, Verdant.”

“Morning to you too, Beans,” he replied, lifting his chin to rub against hers. “How are you feeling?”

“Pretty good,” Beans said as she loosened her grip, letting Verdant roll around to face her. “Thanks.” She then leaned down and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“I’m the thankful one, Beans.” Verdant nuzzled into her chest before pulling back. “Want me to make you breakfast?”

“Nah. I think Gear’s already working on cooking something up.”

“Then how about I go get yours so you can have breakfast in bed?” Verdant asked as he slipped out from under the sheets of her princess sized bed.

“That sounds lovely,” Beans said before giving a stretch. “It would be a great way to start my day off.”

“One breakfast, coming up,” Verdant stated as he slipped out of the room, soon coming into the apartment’s kitchen where High Gear had made four stacks of pancakes with sides of hay bacon strips.

“Well, if it isn’t Verdant the Giant-Layer,” Gear said with a smirk as she saw him draw closer, shutting off the stove-top.

“Gear, I-”

“Proud and defiant, he laid the giant! He’s been in her rear!” She loudly sang until she felt a zap on her flank.

“No singing…” Pixel Flash said weakly as she slowly made her way into the kitchen, her mane a complete mess and her eyes sealed tightly shut. “Not until after coffee…”

“Ah, right.” Gear hissed as she gave her flank a rub. “Should only be another minute.”

Pix gave a muttering that resembled thanks as she sat down at the table. Verdant awkwardly moved towards the stacks of food.

“So, is it alright if I just take this to Beans’ room?” Verdant asked as the mare started to trot towards the table with a full pot of coffee.

“Sure thing,” Gear replied as Pix’s magic took the pot from the blue mare’s grasp and poured herself and Gear each a cup. “Just hope you’re ready to finally get back to testing the new and improved teleporter today.”

“A hundred bits says he ends up in a stomach again,” Pix gave a smirk before taking a long sip of her morning brew.

“Not gonna happen, Pix!” Gear said as she took a seat beside her. “I worked extra hard when the lab was being rebuilt to try and fully make sure that nothing should go wrong this time around.”

“And I know Gear doesn’t want to lose any more bits after what happened two sessions ago.” Verdant cheekily said before grasping the plates with his teeth and darting back to Beans’ room, hearing Gear mutter a small string of curses.


It was a little past noon when he and High Gear arrived at the laboratory. Verdant observed that the rebuilt lab was absolutely sparkling as he stepped up to the platform.

“Alright, time to give this bad girl a whirl,” Gear eagerly said as she rubbed her hooves together from behind the control panel.

“Okay, anything I should know about the new teleporter?” Verdant asked, making her realize something.

“Oh, not about this machine, but I do have something for you to take with you.” She rushed over to Verdant's spot on the platform before pulling a small green square from her lab coat. “This is a tracking chip I had some of the others help me build. This way, should something go wrong, we’ll have an easier time finding you.” She stuffed the chip into his vest pocket and made it clip into the fabric.

“Just in case?” Verdant gave a raised eyebrow as she headed back to the control panel.

“Ending up in a stomach once is a freak accident. Twice is a bad coincidence. Three times means something is up and four times makes me admit precautions need to be taken.” Gear said as she stepped up to the controls. “Ready?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Verdant replied. “Let’s do this.”

“Right.” Gear gave a nod and flicked a switch. The platform started to light up underneath Verdant’s hooves and the machine began to hum.

Suddenly, the entire room went dark. The machines whirred down as High Gear gave a sigh and pulled a small flashlight from her lab coat.

“Has anyone seen Mr. Cheezers?” a mare’s voice came from outside Gear’s lab. “I think he’s gotten into the wiring.”

“Note to self,” Gear groaned as she used a hoof to rub the bridge of her snout. “Research and see if curses are a real thing.”


Verdant saw the lab vanish in a flash of light before he found himself tumbling downward. He soon fell into a large amount of a green and brown looking goop. He sank a few feet into the thick sludge, struggling to get back to the surface.

Before he could breach the surface of the slop, the world seemed to tilt and shake. The thick liquid started to slide out from under his hindlegs and he felt himself being dragged along by it. When he was finally able to get his head above the brew, he spotted that he was being dragged with the liquid into the mouth of a blue mare with a full rainbow for her mane.

“Seriously?!” he exclaimed in annoyance as he floated over her lips. “It’s happening already?”

The mare seemed to be rapidly chugging down the thick drink with the shrunken stallion within. Verdant felt himself being swallowed down and plopping into her stomach in record time.

Once the last of the drink had landed within the mare’s belly, Verdant managed to pull himself free, letting the stomach juices wash him clean.

“Gear’s lucky we didn’t make a bet,” Verdant muttered to himself. “I swear, if this happens five more times, I’m gonna make her buy me a sub sandwich.”

As he pulled himself onto the stomach’s slippery surface, a lot of shaking came from the outside. From what he could tell, the mare was taking off into a quick run.

“Well, at least she’s just running. Could be worse.” The tiny pony gave a shrug before leaning against the wall of flesh.

“Wait a sec…” a look of horror quickly spread across his face as he realized a possibility. “What if she’s a pegaSAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!” Suddenly, everything began to shift and tumble about. The shamrock stallion smacked into the stomach’s ceiling, along with the slurry of her beverage. As he opened his mouth to scream, a large dollop of the drink found its way in and silenced him.

The semi-used drink flooded his mouth with the taste of one of the protein drinks Kiko had made him try, along with some kale and other things he couldn’t recognize.

Verdant tried to defy the g-forces pinning him to the wall of the stomach, only for him to start bouncing all around the gastric chamber. Best he could guess was the mare he was inside of was indeed a pegasus and she had begun taking several sharp turns.

“Crapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrap!!!” he screeched as he was smacked with not only the shake slurry, but the other bits of food that occupied her stomach. “Did I get eaten by a Faust damned Wonderbolt?!”


In her cloud constructed home in Cloudsdale, Rainbow Dash let out a sigh after she shotgunned her protein drink. It was a good way to top off her breakfast and gave the mare a fair bit of nutrients for her extreme flight work.

Alright, she thought to herself as she put her now empty glass in the sink. Now that that’s taken care of, time to take a flight to shake breakfast down.

Rainbow gave a cocky smirk as she started to head for the door. She wanted to pet Tank along the way, but he was getting a little treatment at Fluttershy’s.

Least I’ll be able to pick him up once I do this little bit of exercise. She thought as she reached the edge of the cloud line, diving off the side and letting herself take in the sensation of freefall.

This lasted only a moment before she flared her wings out and started to accelerate. She could feel her breakfast slamming into the back of her belly.

The ground grew closer and closer. She was barely eight feet above ground before she took the first of many sharp turns.

Flying around and making hairpin turns were the standard morning routine for Rainbow Dash and she was loving every second of it. She dive bombed towards some trees and quickly weaved through each and every single one. The exhilaration was like nothing else as she started to climb, flying over Ponyville.

She pushed further and further, feeling what was coming up as a familiar mach cone started to form in front of her. After a few seconds, she blasted forward and created a massive rainbow explosion in the sky, completely ignoring the infinitesimally smaller explosion that came from her taut rear.


When another sharp turn was taken, Verdant was rocketed into the sphincter to Rainbow’s intestine. The fleshy hole quickly opened, allowing the stallion to smack into the wall of villi.

Before he could get his bearings, Dash took even more turns that Verdant was surprised didn’t break his neck. Even then, he found himself being bounced around her intestines like a pinball when the player was on cocaine. The only thing that let him know he had entered her large intestine was the foul smell.

Eventually, she stopped making turns as she started to fly upwards. When that happened, Verdant was finally able to get his bearings. He could see he was up against the tight ring that was her anus and the g-forces were pushing him harder and harder into the hole.

Don’t ask how it could get worse. You just know it’ll make it worse.

As the forces continued to grow more and more intense, he heard a rumbling from elsewhere within her bowels. In a matter of seconds afterwards, a blast of disgusting smelling air struck the shrunken stallion and expelled him from the racing Rainbow’s anus just as an explosion of light and sound completely consumed him, both blinding and deafening him immediately.

The only thing he was able to discern was that he was falling fast. When the ringing in his ears finally stopped, he saw a rainbow streak in the sky that went on for miles above him. Casting his eyes downwards, he saw the town of Ponyville was coming ever closer towards him.

“Shit! It can’t end like this!” the minuscule mammal exclaimed as he flailed helplessly in the air. “Please! Faust! Zacherle! Anyone, save me!”

Verdant slammed his eyes shut and braced himself, knowing that he would be hitting the ground any second now. He clenched his teeth, readying himself to be splattered.

Only to feel the ground splatter underneath him. Once he was sure he had stopped and was unharmed, Verdant slowly opened his eyes and saw what had happened.

He found that he had somehow landed in something that was soft, cold and smelled of prench vanilla, creating a cartoony hole in the shape of his body. Before he could pull himself up, a sticky brown liquid slowly started to fill up the hole.

The tiny pony struggled against the thick substance. When some of the goop ended up in his mouth, he was instantly able to realize what it was; chocolate syrup.

Verdant was completely covered in the sauce by the time he had managed to pull himself out of the hole. When he tried to catch his breath, he saw that he was high up on a mountain made of what appeared to be ice cream topped with chocolate sauce.

OH MY,” a titanic mare’s voice echoed in the distance. Looking towards the source of the thunderous noise, Verdant spotted a marshmallow white unicorn mare with a dark violet, curly styled mane. “THIS IS THE MOST DELECTABLE ICE CREAM I’VE EVER SEEN! IT’S ALMOST TOO DELECTABLE TO EAT… WELL, ALMOST.

“Oh for the love of,” Verdant gave a roll of his eyes as he forced himself onto his hooves. Before he could begin to run, he felt an earthquake below him. Looking behind him, he saw that the mare had stabbed her colossal spoon into the creamy treat below him, raising it and himself up into the sky.

The pea-sized pony could only sigh as the spoonful of sweet cream was guided into the massive maw of the mare. To avoid being smacked by the back of her lips when she pulled the spoon back, Verdant leapt off the spoon and landed on her moist tongue, feeling resigned to his fate.

MMMMM!” the white mare hummed in delight before she swirled Verdant and the ice cream around her mouth. The warmth of her body swiftly caused it to melt and Verdant was caught up in a wave of the cool cream and her saliva. It wasn’t long before the whale-like tongue rose up, tossing the stallion and the sweet to the back of her throat before she swallowed.

In a matter of seconds, Verdant and the ice cream landed with a splat in her stomach, landing on what he assumed was a salad that was heavy on the ranch sauce.

“Well,” Verdant groaned as he rose up and started to trot away from under the stomach’s valve as more of the cream started to pour in. “Guess I can now make it four more for the sub.”


After finishing off her treat, the reward of an especially large order she had managed to finish with plenty of time to spare, Rarity had a quick little trip to the spa where she met up with Fluttershy. The two eventually started to enjoy a nice hot soak in the tub.

“Ahh, this is always a delight,” Rarity said as she gave a stretch before laying back in the tub. “So, did anything happen since our last spa day together, darling?”

“Um, well…” Fluttershy’s face started to redden. At first, the marshmallow mare thought it was due to the heat. “I… I had a stallion inside me.”

“Oh my,” Rarity was taken aback by her winged friend’s words. “I must admit, it’s rather surprising to hear from you, Fluttershy. Well, was he any good?”

“N-n-not like that!” Fluttershy’s face went from a light red to a deep crimson and she frantically flailed her forelegs. “Well, you see… a while back, I went to bed the night before we met up and I dreamt that a tiny pony appeared upon my snout. Since I thought it was just a dream, I… I ate him.”

“I… I see…” Rarity tilted her head as she tried to process her friend’s words.

“However, the next morning, when I woke up, he was clinging onto a hair on the top of my head, angry over what happened.” The yellow mare started to slip down further into the water. “He had managed to escape my stomach and climbed my body so he could talk to me about what I had done.”

“Normally I would say that seems far-fetched, but then again, we tend to live rather fantastical lives.” Rarity placed a chin to her hoof before looking back at her compatriot. “What happened to the poor stallion?”

“I brought him to Twilight and she restored him to full size,” Fluttershy replied with embarrassment clear in her tone. “I just hope he doesn’t mention it to a bunch of ponies.”

“Well, since it’s been months since that happened and this is the first I’ve heard of it, I’d say it’s pretty safe to assume that word of this isn’t spreading around.” Rarity moved over to her friend’s side and pulled her into a gentle hug.

“It’s still something I want to forget,” Fluttershy said as she returned the hug and slipped a bit further down into the water. “Still, it’s nice to be able to get something like this off my chest. Could you please promise not to tell anypony?”

“But of course, darling.” Rarity gave her friend a warm smile before she went through the trademark movements of the Pinkie Promise. “My lips are sealed.”

“Thanks, Rarity,” Fluttershy said as she broke out of the hug and swam to the edge of the tub, pulling herself out of the warm water. “It’s always great when we can spend time together like this.”

“It most certainly is,” Rarity replied as she followed her friend out of the tub. “Sorry that we haven’t been able to do this as regularly as I wish, but I promise we’ll be able to do this again much sooner.”

“That’s great to hear, Rarity.” Fluttershy smiled as she slipped into a bathrobe. “Maybe if we’re lucky, we’ll be able to invite everypony else.”

“That would be fantastic. I hope they’ll all join us.” Rarity slipped on a robe of her own before she followed Fluttershy to the next room to continue their treatment.

As the sun started to set, Rarity and Fluttershy left the spa and headed for their respective homes.

“My, that was certainly quite the tale,” the alabaster unicorn mused to herself as she walked towards her home and place of business. “I can’t imagine what it would be like to have somepony inside them like that.”

Unaware to the mare as she opened her door, a loud shouting of micro-sized profanities emanated from deep within her intestines.

A short while later, Rarity had her dinner and headed up to her bedroom. Once she made sure Opal wasn’t in the room, she locked her bedroom door and pulled a book and rubber sex toy from a hidden compartment in her night stand.

Rarity let out a chuckle as she gently climbed up on the bed and spread her book open to where she had placed her bookmark.

Oh, and I stopped right before a rather saucy passage. Wonderful!

Rarity let out a chuckle as her horn lifted her toy towards her nethers and used it to tease herself. She felt herself growing damper as she continued to caress herself and read her book.


Verdant gave a sigh when he reached the last section of Rarity’s bowels. It had been a far longer trip than the one he took through Rainbow Dash, but he was glad this was about to finally end.

The fleshy tunnel seemed to shake from Rarity moving her hips, but he thought it’d be best to get out as soon as possible. Verdant charged forward started to push himself into Rarity’s anus.

The shrunken stallion pushed further and further until he managed to make his way out of her and started to fall. Rather than landing on a soft set of sheets, he found himself abruptly landing on a tower of damp yet firm rubber.

Looking back, Verdant saw that he was atop a dildo that was grasped in Rarity’s magic and was positioned directly in front of her soaked vulva.

“Oh crap!” Verdant tried to flee along the phallus, but tripped on the slick juices that covered the toy. Before he could get back to his hooves, Rarity gave the toy a hard thrust, pushing it and the puny pony inside her nethers.

A powerful moan echoed all about as Rarity kept thrusting the toy in and out of her. After a few quick thrusts, Verdant had tumbled from the toy and landed face first against her wet vaginal walls.

The poor puny pony wasn’t given a chance to catch his breath when the dildo barreled over top of him. The force of the toy was as if a giant, damp, rubber train was run over him before it pulled back and repeated the dreadful process.

Verdant tried his best to ignore not just the feeling of Rarity’s toy crushing against his back, but also the experience he was feeling in his nethers. The scent of an aroused mare was overpowering, making him quickly slip from his sheath and harden. The weight of the dildo caused him to keep pressing his stiff stallionhood against the wet wall.

The force and speed of the thrusts grew more intense along with Rarity’s breathy moans and heart beat. Verdant could tell that the mare was approaching her climax… and so was he.

Stop! You’ve got to keep from nutting inside a mare! We have no idea if shrunken sperm can still get a mare pregnant! Think unsexy stuff! Baseball! Tax forms! The gorey stuff in Mortal Fighters! The time you had to give Goldie a sponge bath!

Despite his attempts, Verdant couldn’t hold back any longer and felt himself erupt, coating Rarity’s insides with a spattering of seed that would likely fit on the head of a pin.

Verdant started to huff from his release, but was cut off when a torrent of Rarity’s own juices washed over him. He held onto what little breath he had left, waiting patiently until Rarity pulled the toy and the stuck stallion from her body.

The shamrock stallion huffed as he felt relief at being pulled from the great heat of her nethers. It was then he noticed that his legs were simply dangling below him while his body was stuck to the rubbery surface of the toy, thanks to a coating of Rarity’s fluids.

At the sound of a thunderous moan, Verdant looked towards the mare who was rolling onto her back and lifting the toy up to her face.

“Wait, why are you bringing this up to your face, lady?” Verdant gave a swallow. It was then her eyes became half-lidded and she gave his lips a sensual lick.

“Whoa, you do not want to do this, lady!” Verdant tried to struggle, hoping to somehow break free of the liquids that bound him to the toy. “Seriously, it’s super gross that you’d like to eat your own cum!”

Verdant’s words went unheard as Rarity started to lick her toy clean. Her colossal tongue soon scraped against Verdant, prying him and a fair amount of her love juices from the slick surface.

“Urgh, son of a bitch!” Verdant groaned as he tried to stand, but the tongue’s movements kept causing him to fall further and further back as Rarity fellated her toy. It was only a matter of seconds before the shamrock stallion had found himself being swallowed yet again, along with a generous amount of Rarity’s love juices, soon landing in her stomach and giving her dinner a tangy topping.

“This just keeps getting grosser and grosser,” the minuscule pony muttered to himself when the stomach shifted, sending him landing on his back in the pool of her stomach juices. “At least that’s one more time for the sub tally.”


The night was a rather pleasant one for the marshmallowy mare. She had gotten herself a good night’s rest and was about to enjoy a cup of coffee when a knocking came from the door. Rarity was rather surprised by this since it was still far too early for a customer to be showing up.

Curious, she set her black beverage aside and went to the front door, where she spotted what looked like a blue bespectacled earth pony with a short and messy violet mane and her focus seemed to be on a small black device on her foreleg that was emitting an odd pinging noise.

“Can I help you, ma’am?” Rarity cautiously asked, drawing the mare’s attention.

“Yes, ma’am.” The blue pony said as she drew closer to Rarity, carefully looking at her hoof mounted device. “My name is Dr. High Gear and I’ve tracked down my assistant to your home after he was the test subject of my teleportation device.”

“I… see?” Rarity tried to pull away from the doctor, but she kept drawing closer. “So your assistant is somewhere in my house?”

“Oh, it’s more than just that.” Gear was nearly touching Rarity’s snout with her own. “My tracking device and scanner shows he’s currently inside your digestive system.”

WHAT?!” Rarity nearly shrieked in surprise as she threw herself backwards, landing on a couch that slid into the room. “Of all the worst possible things! How is this sort of thing possible?! A stallion inside me!”

“Yeah, like that’s never happened before to you,” Gear softly muttered as she gave a roll of her eyes.

“What was that, doctor?” Rarity unsuredly asked as she rose up on the couch.

“I said we’ll have to perform Verdant’s extraction and soon,” High Gear replied as she started reaching into her saddlebags.

“How are we going to do that? I don’t want the poor fellow to suffer any more as he is,” Rarity asked from her spot on the couch.

“Well, you ever seen Kung Pow: Enter the Hoof?” High Gear inquired and she approached the alabaster mare, still searching through her bag.

“No, I haven’t,” Rarity tilted her head in confusion as Gear moved behind her. “I don’t understand. Why do you ask?”

“Well, to quote the movie,” Gear stood before the unicorn, her right foreleg now covered by a sheet of rubber. “Ini-mini-miney-mo, I wonder where my glove will go.”

Rarity gulped in horror at realizing what would come next.

Please be gentle.

A little over an hour later, Verdant and High Gear were leaving Twilight’s place after she unshrunk him. Back at Carousel Boutique, Rarity was recovering from the extraction with a large tub of ice cream, some painkillers and a large donut shaped cushion that Pinkie Pie had suddenly brought over.

“So, this is that Ponyville place you keep ending up in,” High Gear said as she examined the place. “Now you’ve ended up in stomachs three times here.”

“Five actually,” Verdant shuddered at the thought as the train station came into view. “A lot happened while I was here this time.”

“Sorry to hear that, Verd,” the azure mare said as they approached. “How about if this happens five more times, I buy you a sub?”

“Make it three and you’ve got a deal.” Verdant held out his hoof to her. After a brief instant, Gear grabbed his hoof and gave it a shake.

“Deal,” High Gear said as she started to pull ahead of him. “So, anything you want to talk about? I don’t think the train to Vanhoover will be here for another hour or so?”

“Well,” Verdant tapped a hoof to his chin until a dark thought suddenly occurred to him. “Say, do you think a shrunken stallion’s sperm could impregnate a regular sized mare?”

“I… I don’t think so…” Gear said while looking at him as if he suddenly grew three more heads. “Then again, I’m not a biology expert. Why do you ask?”

“Oh, no reason,” Verdant nervously looked away from the bespectacled mare as he recalled what happened the night before. “So, when will the next test be?”

Deep into Darkness

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Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land. To do this, the eldest used her alicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn; the younger brought out the moon to begin the night.

Thus, the two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects, all the different types of ponies. But as time went on, the younger sister became resentful. The ponies relished and played in the day her elder sister brought forth, but shunned and slept through her beautiful night.

One fateful day, the younger alicorn refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn. The elder sister tried to reason with her, but the bitterness in the young one's heart had transformed her into a wicked mare of darkness: Nightmare Moon.

She vowed that she would shroud the land in eternal night. Reluctantly, the elder sister harnessed the most powerful magic known to ponydom: the Elements of Harmony. Unfortunately, Nightmare Moon was far too swift to be struck down by the elements, and so Equestria was soon blanketed by darkness.

It is only a day after the land was blanketed by the night where our tale begins.


The royal guards were all on high alert once Nightmare Moon struck out on her own. Many ponies were on the verge of panic because of this. Things were not helped by the many thestrals that had turned to Nightmare Moon’s side and against her sister’s loyal guards.

One guard, an earth pony private by the name of Verdant Range was rather surprised that he had received a personal summons to meet with Princess Celestia herself. He was certainly a serviceable archer, but he doubted he had the skills needed to best a twisted immortal.

Upon arriving outside the princess’s chamber, he spotted his captain, a charcoal unicorn by the name of Magic Barrier, standing beside the ornate door. Upon spotting the shamrock stallion, he silently beckoned him into the royal chamber. Moving quickly, Verdant followed close behind.

The young stallion swallowed at the sight of the large, well-decorated chamber the pair had stepped into. Before he could really take in any details however, a clearing of Princess Celestia’s throat drew Verdant’s eyes. He quickly fell into a bow.

“Rise, Private Range,” the alabaster alicorn spoke with a firm yet caring tone as she strode towards him. “We have an unorthodox request for thee that is of the utmost importance.”

“Before thou accepts, I suggest thou listen very carefully to what the princess has to say.” Barrier came to Verdant’s side as the grass-colored pony stood up.

“We have been attempting to cleanse our sister’s madness through the use of the Elements of Harmony. Unfortunately, Nightmare Moon’s skill with teleporting, turning to smoke and flight have allowed her to evade every attempt to strike her with the element’s magic.” Celestia said as she came to a halt in front of him. She towered over the green pony, over twice his size, even without her horn.

“I am uncertain how I could be of service to thee, Your Highness,” Verdant nervously said to the imposing alicorn. “I am merely an archer.”

“Tis not thy archery skills We require, but thy unique talent of surviving being swallowed whole and being trapped within another’s body.” Celestia’s words turned his green coat as white as her own. “Captain Barrier has informed Us of thy incidents that ended with thou being swallowed and passed. Thy skill in navigating a pony’s body is precisely what We need.”

“Oh dear Faust…” Verdant started to back up and sweat poured from his brow. “I know what thou art planning. Thou wishes for me to shrink down, enter through Nightmare Moon’s buttocks, and then cure myself to make myself grow and cause her to explode! Hatty was right!”

NO!” Celestia exclaimed in the Royal Canterlot Voice. Barrier had to bite his tongue hard to keep from laughing while the princess looked both disgusted and horrified by Verdant’s words. “What We wish is for thou to shrink down and enter Our sister’s stomach whilst wearing a special saddlebag.”

“Ah. My apologies, Your Highness.” Verdant turned his eyes down towards his and the princess’s hooves as the color started to return to his coat. “Beg my pardon, Princess, but how will this defeat Nightmare Moon?”

“Simple,” Barrier interjected as his horn lit up. It was then a saddlebag was levitated from beside the princess’s bed before coming to a halt in front the young earth pony. “Tis what’s inside that shall best the Nightmare.”

Pulling back the flaps on the bags, Verdant was stunned by what was inside. The saddlebags held a set of six differently colored jewels. The one that stood out the most to him was the magenta gem that was shaped vastly different from the rest. While five of them look like little more than impressively large gemstones, the final one was cut into the shape of a six pointed star.

“Behold, Verdant Range,” Celestia said as she leaned her neck down towards him. “The Elements of Harmony.”

“Faust and Zacherle above…” Verdant hoarsely whispered as the bag was suddenly placed upon his back. “I do not understand. What is going on?”

“Our plan is most simple,” Celestia firmly said. “We can activate the elements remotely, so the current place is to activate them whilst thou art in Nightmare Moon’s stomach. Thus, she will be purified and Our sister shall be freed from the corruption plaguing her mind.”

“I see…” Verdant gave his neck a nervous rub. “But how will thou get me inside her stomach in the first place?”

“First, We shall shrink thee down and place thee in Our mouth. Thou shalt leave the rest to Us,” The princess said as Barrier came up to Verdant’s side.

“Were our options not severely limited, we would not call upon thee.” The charcoal stallion placed a hoof on Verdant’s shoulder.

“I… I understand, sir.” Verdant swallowed heavily before turning his attention towards the tall alabaster mare. “I am ready, Princess.”

“Very good, Private Range,” Celestia said as her horn began to glow with a golden radiance. “Rest assured, thou shall be well rewarded once our sister is freed.”

The golden aura soon encompassed the earth pony and the already towering mare quickly became the size of a mountain. It was then he felt himself being shot into the sky like a cannonball until he found himself suspended in the air in front of Princess Celestia’s plump lips.

“Thou hast Our deepest gratitude,” the Princess carefully whispered, though her words still felt like a rather intense wind to the shrunken stallion.

It was then the princess opened her massive maw wide and raised her dragon-sized tongue. Verdant was cautiously placed inside her mouth behind her bottom teeth. It was then the gigantic tongue started to fall as her lips sealed shut.

To the miniscule mammal’s great relief, despite the massive size, the tongue was placed gently over his tiny form. It was as if he’d been covered from head to hoof in multiple thick blankets… that were damp, in a hot and humid chamber that had the distinct, overpowering smell of bananas all about.

“Well, at least I can say I was inside a princess.” Verdant sighed as he tried to get as comfortable as his new surroundings would allow.


When Celestia closed her mouth, Barrier gave her a firm nod. The time to fight the nightmare had come.

Taking a steadying breath, Celestia’s horn ignited once more before the pair vanished from her bedchamber.

The pair soon found themselves in a dark and rocky part of the Everfree Forest, with many thestrals taking a defensive stance and hissing at their sudden appearance.

“We have come to seek an audience with Nightmare Moon!” Barrier called out loudly. The thestrals held their positions, though some now looked at the pair with curious looks on their faces. “Princess Celestia seeks to either end this non-violently, or, should this fail, challenge her in single combat for the title of ruler of Equestria.”

“Well, well, well,” a silky dark voice began, drawing Barrier and Celestia’s eyes upward to a natural spire of rock, where Nightmare Moon stood with a vicious smile on her face. “We were hoping thou wouldst have the mettle to face us in battle.”

“Do you accept her challenge, Nightmare Moon?” Barrier barked the question at the dark alicorn as the moon hung behind her in the sky.

“Verily!” She exclaimed before she glided down towards them. “Stand back, my loyal subjects. We do not wish thee harm as we crush our dear sister under hoof.”

The thestrals all started to back away, along with Barrier, forming a large ring around what was certain to be their last battlefield.

The two towering alicorns took their places at opposite sides of the makeshift ring. Nightmare Moon scraped at the ground while Celestia fell into a stance, ready to charge.

The two dashed towards each other with a speed that astounded Barrier before the pair grappled in the center.

“Thou shall fall, Sister! I shall-” the midnight black alicorn was silenced by her opponent suddenly locking her lips with hers. She was both stunned and horrified as she felt Celestia forcing her tongue into her mouth, as if trying to shove it down her throat. She felt ill as she tasted bananas and peas.

When Nightmare Moon managed to pull away, she reflexively swallowed a glob of her sister’s pea and banana-flavored spit.

“Gaugh!” Nightmare spat and gagged in disgust. “Sister, why didst thou do that?!” She bellowed, knocking several thestrals over with her booming voice.

“Because I love you, Sister,” Celestia replied, causing the dark alicorn to be even more stunned.

“Celestia, thou art my sister! Not my cousin!” Nightmare Moon’s right eye twitched rapidly. “That was sickening!”


Within Celestia’s mouth, Verdant nervously swallowed. He knew that Princess Celestia would get him inside Nightmare Moon soon, but he had no idea how she’d do it.

Suddenly, he felt the mare he was in charging forward as the tip of the tongue rose up above him before sliding under and lifting him upwards. He gripped the tongue tightly, knowing the worst was yet to come.

In an instant, he felt the tongue being launched forward. He saw two sets of lips blur past as he found the tongue he was gripping now being quickly pushed into a mouth that was filled with some rather sharp teeth.

Go! Go! Go! Verdant frantically thought as he let go of Celestia’s tongue and quickly slid off, landing on Nightmare Moon’s. Thankfully, the movements of Celestia’s tongue seemed to be distracting the nightmare long enough for Verdant to take a charging leap down into her throat. Just as he entered her throat, Nightmare Moon swallowed, sending him hurtling down into the dark chamber that was her nearly full stomach.

“Urgh… once again, I’m in a stomach,” Verdant said as he tried to shake off what he assumed were once truffles from his coat.

“Well, hopefully Princess Celestia won’t be too long with this…” Verdant said just before he saw that the bag was starting to glow with rainbow-colored light.


Princess Celestia let out a sigh as Nightmare Moon prepared to charge again. “Forgive me, Sister,” she said as her horn started to glow.

“Thou will need much more than ‘sorry’ to forgive all thy sins against me, especially thy latest one!” Nightmare Moon growled, but then noticed a strange rumbling that came from within her belly. “What… WHAT HAST THOU DONE?!”

The churning within her grew more and more fierce and she felt something rapidly rushing up her throat. She tried to cover her mouth with a hoof, but she could only hold it back for a matter of seconds before a burst of rainbow light spewed forth from her fanged maw.

The rainbow eruption from her mouth soared upward before coming back down and swirling around her. Shortly after the light engulfed her, the rainbow of light soon shot upwards into the sky.

A few moments later, to Celestia’s horror, the image of Nightmare Moon soon appeared upon the surface of the moon. This could only mean one thing. Her sister had been locked away for Faust knows how long.

“No… no…” Celestia tremblingly whispered before she collapsed to her knees. “NOOOOOOO!!! Tears streamed down her face as she screamed. Some say this scream of anguish was heard all throughout Equestria.

“Well,” Barrier quietly whispered to the thestral beside him. “At least the light came out her mouth and not the other end… You’re also all under arrest for high treason.”


Verdant groaned as he started to awaken. He found himself still tiny and within Nightmare Moon’s stomach, still filled with digesting bits of truffles.

"What happened?” He asked as he tried to stretch his sore limbs. “The last I recall, there was a tornado of rainbow light and then… what has happened?”

To him, everything in sight turned into a blue, starry mist. He was shocked as he saw his body turn into this before he felt himself zip away somewhere. He was incredibly disoriented until the mist soon reformed.

“Dear Zacherle, what was that?!” Verdant asked as he looked about in a daze of confusion. “Is that what it’s like when Nightmare Moon turns to mist?”

It was then the voice of Verdant’s unwitting capture boomed like a thunderous stampede all around him.


“Oh boy, this will likely be a while.” Verdant groaned as he tried to get comfortable. A rather hard task when within a churning flesh sack of boiling acids and digesting truffles.


Even from within the dark alicorn, the night seemed to go on forever for Verdant. The most annoying of times were when she would turn herself back into mist before flying off. Even when his stomach ceased to be during those moments, it grew greatly upset.

The strangest moment of the night was when Verdant found himself somehow divided in three with each part in a different stomach, only to be rejoined together with three sets of memories moments later.

He felt himself starting to grow tired as the solidified Nightmare Moon charged towards something, but felt himself more awakened as she began cackling madly and rearing onto her hind legs, sending him hurtling into a wall on the far side of the stomach.

“Oh great, what’s going on now?” Verdant asked he rubbed his sore neck, To his surprise, an orange light started to come from within his saddlebags.

“Is the princess trying to use the elements again?” His whisper to himself was drowned out by the stomach gurgling as a pink light joined the first. This was shortly followed by blue, purple and red.

“YOU STILL DON'T HAVE THE SIXTH ELEMENT! THE SPARK DIDN'T WORK!” The nightmare’s voice thundered all around him before finally, a magenta light joined the five.

Once more, an explosion of rainbow light burst from Verdant’s saddlebags and swirled all around the stomach before shooting upwards.

The light soon turned a blinding white as Verdant found himself once more being swallowed up.


In the ruins that was once the Castle of the Two Sisters, a collection of six battle weary mares started to awaken.

“Urgh… my head,” the rainbow maned pegasus groaned as she rubbed her aching form.

“Everypony okay?” the orange coated mare in the stetson across from Rainbow Dash asked.

“Oh, thank goodness!” the alabaster unicorn said as she examined her tail, now restored to its full length and lustrous glory.

“Why Rarity, it’s so lovely!” the creamy yellow pegasus said as she noticed the golden necklace around her friend’s neck.

“I know!” Rarity said as she gave her tail a long wave. “I’ll never part with it again.”

“No. Your necklace,” Fluttershy pointed, drawing Rarity’s attention to the item in question. “It looks just like your cutie mark.”

“What?” Rarity was stunned by the appearance of the magnificent piece of jewelry clasped around her throat. It was then she saw the one around her cream-coated companion’s. “Ooh! So does yours!”

Fluttershy gasped at the sight of hers while an extremely pink pony was speaking to Applejack. “Look at mine! Look at mine!”

“Aw yeah!” Rainbow Dash said as she proudly looked down at the necklace with the red lightning bolt shaped jewel she wore.

“Gee, Twilight! I thought you were just spoutin' a lot of hooey, but I reckon we really do represent the elements of friendship.” Applejack said as she trotted toward the lavender coated mare who briefly cast a glance to the crown with a star-shaped jewel she now wore.

“Indeed you do,” a majestic voice said as daylight started to seep into the room. In a bright flash of white light, Princess Celestia appeared; standing tall above the six.

Twilight gasped at the sudden appearance of her mentor and calling out her name as her friends all bowed to her. She rushed towards the princess and the two shared an affectionate nuzzle.

“Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student. I knew you could do it.” Celestia gave her a warm smile as she spoke.

“But... you told me it was all an old pony tale,” Twilight said with clear confusion as she looked up at the white coated alicorn.

“I told you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return, and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her, but you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart.” Princess Celestia then turned her attention to the sight of her unconscious sister across the room.

Her coat was much paler than before and her mane was material instead of the flowing starry mist it normally was and she was possibly smaller than when she last saw her. It seemed the elements had drained her of what magic she had within.

“Now if only another will as well.” She cautiously moved towards her little sister. It was then noticed that her belly seemed larger than normal. Perhaps a side-effect of her shrinking down after a large meal?

“Princess Luna.” Celestia’s call of her name awoke the smaller alicorn with a gasp. Looking up to Celestia, she had an expression of deep-shame upon her face. “It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this.”

Celestia sat down in front of Luna, so they could both look each other in the eye. “Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister.”

A series of surprised mutterings came from element bearers at the princess referring to the former nightmare as ‘sister’.

“Will you accept my friendship?” Celestia asked as she rose back up. The element bearers leaned closer to see what would happen, with Pinkie Pie falling on her face.

Luna sniffled before she leapt into her sister, tears freely flowing from her eyes. “I'm so sorry! I missed you so much, big sister!”

Joyful tears from Celestia quickly joined Luna’s as she pulled her into a nuzzle. “I've missed you, too.”

“Um… not to spoil the touching reunion,” a stallion’s voice said, making both princess’s look to Luna’s distended belly. “But could you please get me out of here?!”


After many hours filled with laxatives, pain, sweat and tears, Verdant was finally freed from Princess Luna’s innards. It would take many more hours in the royal baths before he felt he was clean.

For many days after this incident, Princess Luna’s coat was tinted by a faint blush, making her appear purple to those unfamiliar. This included a pair of griffin toymakers known as the Hassenfeld Brothers, who made a line of toys based on the princesses, the element bearers and many other well known ponies in Equestria.

Sometime after he’d finished bathing, Princess Celestia had sent a summons to Verdant. He arrived outside her bedchamber that night. With a nervous swallow, Verdant gave a light rapping on the door.

“Come in, Verdant,” the princess’s voice came from the other side as a golden glow encompassed the doorknobs and made the doors open for him.

Slipping inside, he found Celestia laying on her bed, reading a book. To his surprise, she wasn’t wearing any of the jewelry he was accustomed to seeing her wear.

“Good evening, Verdant Range,” Celestia said as her magic placed a bookmark in the book before setting it aside. “I’ve called you here to discuss the reward you were promised so very long ago.”

“What didst thou have in mind, your highness?” Verdant asked without taking a step. He let out a surprised yelp as he heard the towering doors closing behind him.

“First of all, as thanks for the important role you had in freeing my sister, I will be providing you with a house in the city or town of your choosing.” Celestia said as she rose up from the bed and drew closer to him.

“The second part will be specialized classes to help you gain modern linguistics and job skills. The third will be a fair amount of bits to act as back pay for a thousand years on guard duty.” It was then Verdant noticed an odd grin on the princess’s face. “Now, if you wish, there is a fourth reward.”

“And what would that be?” Verdant asked as the princess drew closer and her wings started to rise.

“Well, you’ve had two rather unpleasant times within the bodies of my sister and I…” She then motioned her neck towards her large bed, “Perhaps I could offer you a much more pleasant time within me?”

Verdant’s face swiftly turned crimson at her words. “Princess, art thou serious?”

“I most certainly am,” she said as she turned towards the bed, making sure to wiggle her flank before walking over to it. “It’s been far too long since I’ve had a stallion to keep me company at night and I have heard that earth ponies tend to be more well-endowed than the unicorns I have mostly stuck to in the past.”

When she came to rest upon the bad, she shifted her tail to the side, giving the shamrock stallion a good glimpse of her ample flank. “So, do you accept?”

Verdant silently nodded before he approached the bed and leapt to Celestia’s side. She then draped a wing over him and pulled him into a deep kiss.

Verdant greatly enjoyed his night with the princess… though he would regret the damage done to his hips from eventually requesting the princess to be on top.

Still, even as he was in pain, recovering in his hospital room, he thought it was well worth it.

Apple Nut Brother

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Verdant gave a roll of his shoulders as he stepped into the lab that was growing more and more familiar to him.

“Hi there, High Gear,” he said to the mare behind the console as he stepped onto the platform in the center of the room. “So, are we gonna just try to send me to Ponyville this time? Seems I end up there all the time anyway.”

The bespectacled mare gave a roll of her eyes. “I swear, it will work this time. I went over every last detail last night to make sure this thing will run smoothly this time. Say...” she then spotted that something seemed off with his face. “Did you do something with your muzzle?”

“Uh-huh,” Verdant started to stretch out his hindlegs. “I had Color Splash use her magic to change it from a gradient between the green and white parts of my face to a solid divide. At any rate, let’s just get me in a stomach and get me a step closer to getting myself a sandwich.”

High Gear gave a grumble before she flipped a switch. The platform underneath Verdant lit up before a loud bang came from within the console. The shamrock stallion vanished and the machine started to power down.

Wondering what had happened, High Gear took a panel off to see what had made the strange sound. To her great surprise, one of the circuit boards was completely missing. In its place was a note.

Taking the note and quickly unfurling it, she scanned over the message.

Dear Dr. High Gear. I needed to borrow some of your chips in order to mod the Mortal Fighters cabinet in the break room into the Rainbow Edition. I’ll replace the chips A.S.A.P..

- Dr. Gear Grind.

High Gear’s right eye twitched in boiling fury when she spotted a glasses wearing earth pony walking by her door while eating an apple. “Hey Bunsen! Y’know what the best way to dispose of a body is?”

The yellow coated stallion swallowed before replying. “I’d recommend a wood chipper, a lot of bleach and a remote part of the sewers. The sewers would accelerate decomp and make it harder to pin on you.”

“Thanks, Bunsen.” Gear felt somewhat calmer as she let out a sigh. “I’ll be sure to remember that.”


In a flash, Verdant found himself in a fleshy chamber. To his surprise, it was certainly not a stomach. The chamber was far too small to be one and the fluid he found himself in was definitely not stomach acid. It was far too thick and smelled oddly of apples and salt.

The fleshy room seemed to be swaying somewhat. Based on the other movements, he assumed he was inside somepony who was walking at a comfortable pace.

“Hmm… Guessing I’m inside some stallion’s testicle,” Verdant muttered to himself as he tried to swim through the thick fluid to the walls. “Well, at least it’s a change of pace… Still, how am I gonna get out?”

As if in answer, everything seemed to shift about from the stallion’s movements. As things started to settle down, Verdant pondered on the possibilities of what had happened.

“Doesn’t seem to be moving anymore and I think the angle of stuff has changed…” Verdant brought a hoof to his chin as he pondered. “He’s probably sat down… but what for?”


In the house on Sweet Apple Acres, the large stallion fittingly known as Big McIntosh, often called ‘Big Mac’ for short, was heading up to his room. It had been a long and somewhat tiring day working on the farm, but now he was able to enjoy some time to himself before he’d be called down to dinner.

Stepping into his room, he closed the door behind him to ensure the privacy he sought. He soon made his way to his bed, where he gently sat down. While a part of him wanted to just lie back and enjoy a quick nap, a more powerful urge commanded his attention.

It had been a good while since he’d been able to take care of his needs for sexual release. He wasn’t really comfortable with any of the mares in town, so the only lady who could help him with his needs was good old Madame Frog.

Leaning over to the nightstand by his bed, he pulled open a drawer, where a box of tissues and a few magazines -the kind of stuff his grandmother or sister would burn if they discovered them- were waiting for him.

With a grin, he reached inside and pulled out an issue of Fine Flanks magazine. He quickly placed it on the bed and opened it to a two page spread of a zebra mare holding her prominent rump very close to the camera.

Very quickly, he felt his loins starting to stir as his very large member emerged from his sheath. It was already starting to harden as he brought his right hoof down to stroke his massive meat while his left started to massage the orbs beneath it.

“Hmm… Eeyup…” he quietly muttered to himself as he continued to pump his penis, unaware of what was happening in his right ball.


Verdant felt the organic orb move about from Mac’s massaging. He tried to keep steady, but the movements caused waves within the fleshy prison that would repeatedly pull him under.

“Damn it!” Verdant coughed as he breached the fluid’s surface for a moment before being pulled back under from the increasing speed of Big Mac’s masturbation. He soon breached the surface once more and tried to keep his head above the proverbial water as he swam towards one of the walls. “You’d better be a damn hot stallion to make this worth it!”

EEYUP!” Big Mac’s voice echoed mightily as he picked up the pace even further.

Verdant tried to keep his breakfast down from the force of Big Mac playing with himself. In a matter of minutes, the semen levels started to rise before the shrunken stallion found himself being carried through the many tubes in the giant stallion’s reproductive system.

Verdant had to shield his eyes as he saw a light at the end of the tunnel as Big Mac’s baby batter blasted him towards the exit.


Big McIntosh’s right hoof pumped furiously, desperately seeking the release he sought. He knew he’d soon be making a mess that would go from the base of his bed to his door, but he didn’t care. In this moment, all that mattered was that he was about to finally cum.

Unfortunately, in his rush to seek release, Big Mac had neglected to lock his door. Just as his limit was nearly reached, his bedroom door began to open up.

“Hey Mac, Din-what in-” Applejack was shocked and horrified by not only the sight of her big brother playing with himself, but from the massive volley of semen that he’d just fired off. Her words were cut off by a great big glob hitting her squarely in the face. To make matters worse, some of the fluid that struck her went flying into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat and making her swallow on reflex.

Big McIntosh was mortified by the sight of his sister covered in his semen, coughing as his essence dripped down her face.

“Faust damn it, Mac!” she screeched at him between coughing and gagging. “What if it were Apple Bloom that caught ya doing this?!”

Mac tried to futilely cover himself with a pillow and give an apology, but then he saw his sister turning a sickly shade of green around her face.

“Oh Zacherly, Ah swallowed yer… yer… Ah’m gonna be sick!” Applejack then bolted away before Big Mac could say a word, leaving a trail of Apple seed on the floor as she headed into the bathroom.

The sight of him masturbating and ejaculating was already sickening to the orange mare, but the horrific realization that she had swallowed some of her brother’s semen was just too much for her mind or stomach to bear. She barely managed to raise the toilet’s seat up before she began to violently retch.

After a minute of emptying her stomach of everything inside it, she weakly pulled herself away from the toilet and flushed down its contents.

“Applejack,” Big Mac’s embarrassed voice came from beyond the bathroom door. If she had been able to see her brother, she would’ve seen his coat was practically glowing from his blushing. “Ah’m really sorry ‘bout this.”

“You’d better remember to lock yer door next time, Mac,” she said as she hobbled into the shower. “Tell Granny Ah’m gonna be a bit before Ah come down to dinner. Hopefully mah stomach will feel better by then.”

“Alright.” Mac’s hoofsteps rang out as he headed towards the dining room. It was then Applejack turned on the shower to wash her brother’s seed off of her face.


Verdant was nearly blinded by the daylight as he was fired from Big Mac’s siring staff. He and a massive glob of seed was sent flying across the room.

As he tried to open his eyes while dealing with the light and the high speed, he vaguely saw himself heading directly towards Applejack’s open maw.

Oh, of fucking course! Verdant thought just back he crashed into the back of the orange mare’s mouth, along with a good deal of the massive stallion’s essence. In an instant, he was sent hurtling down towards her stomach from her body’s reflex.

He and the seed landed down in her stomach with a goopy splat. The chamber was somewhat full of partly digested bits of bread, flowers, lettuce and naturally, apples.

“FAUST DAMN IT, MAC!” Applejack’s voice boomed all about Verdant before she coughed and gagged. “WHAT IF IT WERE APPLE BLOOM THAT CAUGHT YA DOING THIS?!”

“Huh, so now I’ve been inside all three of the Ponyville Apple siblings,” Verdant muttered to himself as he pulled himself from Big Mac’s fluid’s, landing face first in one of Applejack’s previous meals.

Suddenly, the stomach started to violently shake about, tossing the shrunken stallion all around the gastric sack.

“OH ZACHERLY, AH SWALLOWED YER… YER… AH’M GONNA BE SICK!” Applejack shouted before she took off like a shot.

The frantic running, along with the shaking the stomach was already going through was too much. After pinballing around the organic room, Verdant was sent face first into the lower valve. The opening allowed the emerald coated pony to enter the duodenum, where he clung onto a piece of the tunnel’s fleshy wall to keep from being sent further into her.

It was then the disgusting sound of Applejack’s vomiting reached his ears, along with the contents of her stomach being launched up like a geyser into the toilet. It was so sickening, Verdant felt his own stomach start to turn as his coat grew even greener.

After the sounds of the apple mare’s puking finally stopped, he heard the sound of the toilet being flushed.

“Well, at least I don’t have to navigate the Ponyville sewer system,” Verdant said through gritted teeth as he tried to pull himself up. After a moment, he squeezed himself back through the valve and once more into her stomach. The chamber was now mostly vacant, save for a few droplets of stomach acid and a couple stubborn globs of Big Mac’s seed.

“Hopefully High Gear gets here sooner rather than later,” Verdant said to himself as he looked up towards the entryway to Applejack’s esophagus.


After a rather long shower, Applejack made her way to the family’s dining room and took a seat at the table with the rest of her family.

“Hey sis, why were you pukin’ earlier?” Apple Bloom asked, making the orange mare turn pale.

“Uh… well… Ah, ergh…” Sweat started to pour from Applejack’s brow, her eyes quickly shifting back and forth. “Ah was… Uh, Ah was eatin’ an apple and Ah found half a worm in it. Yeah, that’s it! That’s why Ah got sick.”

“You were eatin’ an apple… right before supper?” Apple Bloom looked at her older sister with great skepticism.

“Well, yer sister has always had an appetite,” Granny Smith said as she took her place at the table. “Heck, Ah’m sure even if she didn’t throw up, she’d still be hungry enough to eat every scrap of what we’ve got ‘ere.”

“Now, Granny,” Applejack gave the wrinkly green mare a slightly annoyed look. “Ah don’t have an appetite that big.”

It was then her stomach interjected, growling so loudly that Winona was startled by it.

A tinge that matched her brother’s coat then spread cross Applejack’s cheeks. “Still… Ah am mighty hungry after what happened.”

The Apple family had a chuckle before they started to dig into the meal.


Within the seated mare’s belly, Verdant nervously swallowed at what he knew was sure to come.

“Faust, if Apple Bloom can eat a dozen burgers without getting sick, and she’s not the one with the big appetite, then how much can Applejack pack away?” He muttered to himself before a thunderous *GULP* rang out.

It was then the esophageal passage opened up, dropping a massive mound of mashed potatoes into the stomach. The mass landed hard against the fleshy floor, sending Verdant flying into the stomach’s ceiling.

The tiny pony groaned as his misfortune as he started to fall down towards the potatoes.

Dammit! If I were just a little more to the right, I could have made it to the esophageal valve. Then I could… well, get knocked back down by the next mouthful of food… Man, this is not my day.

Just as Verdant landed on the buttery mound on his back, he saw the valve start to open up once more with what he thought was the remains of a roll.

“This is gonna be a long night,” Verdant sighed before he was buried by the food.


Night had fallen on Sweet Apple Acres as Applejack made her way to bed. Aside from the… incident she had with Big Mac earlier, today went rather well. She’d managed to get a lot of work done, spent time with her friends and enjoyed a large and delicious meal with her family.

The orange mare let out a loud belch before quickly covering her mouth. “Pardon me!” she said to nopony, though she was certain her siblings could hear the noise she made.

Applejack let out a yawn before she crawled into bed. She laid down on her stuffed belly as she snuggled her face against her pillow.

“G’night, everypony,” she whispered before she drifted off to sleep, letting out a rather large snore.


“Dear Zacherly, I wish I could have a good night,” Verdant groaned from deep inside of Applejack’s stomach, buried underneath more food than he had ever seen in any stomachs he’d been inside before. He was rather shocked she was able to fill her stomach so much without making it explode.

All around were bits of potato, pie, rolls, apples, vegetables and all sorts of other things he didn’t bother to identify. The food weighed so heavily that he couldn’t move. In fact, he was rather surprised he could still breathe.

Suddenly, the sleeping mare’s stomach gave a powerful clench and moved about the digesting contents. Verdant soon found himself, along with a fair portion of the thick goop, being pushed through the value and into Applejack’s small intestine.

“Well, hopefully her intestines will be fairly empty so I can pull myself free and squeeze my way out.”

The shamrock stallion would have no such luck. In the hours that he and what was once Applejack’s dinner traveled through her intestinal tract, the mass all around him began to thicken and harden from the intestines draining away the nutrients and water.

Just before the crack of dawn, Verdant found only his head wasn’t trapped within Applejack’s waste with her clenched anus teasingly close to him.

“Faust dammit,” Verdant seethed at the sight of the tight hole. If he could only break his arms free, he’d be able to make his escape.

Then a loud yawn from the mare echoed out like a lion’s before everything shifted about. Verdant found the clump he was trapped in slide forward, making him crash into the anus with his face.

The only thing that kept him from screaming was the thought of getting anal flesh and feces in his mouth.


Applejack gave a yawn before she sat up and stretched. She was sure this would be a rather fine day, based on what she could see of the orchard and sky from her window.

Her thoughts were torn away from thoughts of selling apples in town from the feeling of pressure in both her bowels and bladder.

“Well, guess that’s priority number one and two laid out for me,” she said to herself as she crawled out of bed.

Just as her hooves touched the floor, the sound of Winona’s barking reached her ears. “Now what’s got Winona all riled up this early?” Deciding her need for a toilet could wait, Applejack grabbed her hat and headed downstairs.

Gazing out the front door, she saw that Winona was barking while happily running around a blue coated mare with a short, violet mane and green spectacles. The thing that stood out most to the farm mare was the strange black device strapped to her foreleg.

“Excuse me,” Applejack called out as she took a step outside. This made Winona stop her happy barking and drawing the blue mare’s attention. “Y’mind telling me what brings yah to Sweet Apple Acres this early in the mornin’, stranger?”

“Not at all,” the mare that Applejack saw had a trio of gears for her cutie mark said as she drew closer. “My name is Dr. High Gear and-”

“Hey, Ah’ve heard of you!” Applejack said as she hopped off the porch and drew closer. “Rarity told me about you and said you were a real pain in the butt.”

High Gear gave a roll of her eyes and sighed. “It’s not my fault that she was out of lube and the kinds I use aren’t for medical applications.”

“Uh-huh…” Applejack’s brow furled in confusion. Wait, was Rarity bein’ literal? Hmm… Ah should probably ask her after she finishes her doctor’s appointment. “At any rate, what bring y’all ‘round these parts, Doctor?”

“Well, I have some rather urgent business, Miss.” Gear then raised her foreleg to look at the device on her foreleg. “I’m looking for my assistant, Verdant Range. An incident caused by my soon to be dead colleagues caused him to accidentally teleport to Ponyville and my tracking device says he’s pretty close.”

“Verdant? Oh Ah remember him,” Applejack said as she recalled a previous incident when he’d ended up in Apple Bloom’s stomach and she nearly impaled him with a pitchfork. The orange mare drew closer to the scientist. “Ah can help yah look fer him. Ah just need to go ‘powder mah nose’ if yah catch my drift.”

As Applejack approached, she noticed that the device on Gear’s leg started to rapidly beep. “I’m gonna have to ask that you hold off on that. I think I’ve just found him.”

“Wait, what do you… Oh Faust dammit!” Applejack exclaimed as she realized what she meant. “Seriously, is that pony cursed to get eaten or somethin’?”

“Let me put it this way,” High Gear said as she put a foreleg around Applejack’s shoulders and led her towards the house. “If he gets eaten two more times, I owe him a sub. At any rate, I made sure to buy some lube to go with my gloves.”

“Uh, Ah don’t think we’ll be needin’ that.” A faint blush danced across Applejack’s face. “Ah need to ‘make some fertilizer’ if yah catch mah drift.”

“Not a problem. I prepared for that, too.” Gear reached into her bags and pulled a large plastic container.

“Oh… kay…” Applejack said as she started to head towards the family bathroom, rather glad that she could finally relieve herself.

Shortly after she entered the room, she heard the door clicking shut without touching it. Abruptly turning around, she was shocked to see High Gear had followed her into the bathroom.

“What the hay are you doin’ in here?!” Applejack shouted as she jumped back in startlement.

“I’m trying to save time in saving my assistant.” Gear then laid the container on the floor. “Besides, I’m a doctor and I’ve been in Verdant’s position before. Seeing you get him out won’t be something I haven’t seen before.”

With a sigh laced with annoyance and embarrassment, Applejack started to squat over the plastic container, pretending she was the only pony around as she felt the muscles in her hind end relax.


Well, at least the end’s in sight… Literally. Verdant thought to himself as gravity continued to force his gaze to be fixed on the tight ring of Applejack’s anus. He could feel everything move about from the mare starting to squat.

Verdant felt everything start to quake around him as the fleshy gate started to open and the log he was stuck in began to move. Verdant was blinded for a moment, but his vision soon cleared and could see himself being expelled from the muscular mare’s body. Her massive, pillar-like legs were visible in the distance as she squatted over the plastic tub.

The disgusting log soon entered freefall. Verdant fought back the urge to scream as he was sent hurtling towards the container.

The sudden crash into the tub’s surface caused the small chunk to finally break free, granting the small pony some freedom. Before he could catch his breath however, he heard an especially ominous noise coming from above.

Quickly looking up, he saw that Applejack’s anus was pushing out another large clump of her waste and that it would soon crash into him like a meteor.

Trying to avoid the fate of being trapped in feces once more, Verdant bolted away, sprinting towards the edge of the container as fast as his tiny legs could carry him.

An explosive *THUD* rang in the stallions ears as the biohazardous clump struck the bottom of the container. To the great relief of the shrunken stallion, he’d not only managed to dodge the tower of waste, but as he reached the wall that made up the container’s edge, he saw High Gear, who seemed to spot him and drew near.

Just when things seemed to be in the clear for the minuscule pony, he heard a loud sigh of relief coming from above him.

Looking up, he saw he was directly below Applejack’s nethers. Her lower lips winked open as, to his great disgust and horror, a river of golden liquid started to barrel down at him.


Applejack was feeling a great amount of relief now that she was finally taking care of her number two priority. She felt her whole body relax as the pressure from her rear just fell away.

Her relaxed state and closed eyes led to her forgetting about the world around her. To the orange Apple, this was just another day’s morning ritual.

With her number two priority taken care of, Applejack let out a sigh of relief as she took care of number one. She felt deeply relaxed as the pressure was released.

“Applejack, stop! You’re going to drown him!” High Gear’s scream snapped the Apple mare from her blissful state and her face quickly turned crimson.

“Sorry! Sorry!” Applejack quickly apologized as she felt the last of droplets pouring out of her. “Ah was just-”

Applejack was interrupted by the bathroom door opening as a yawning, bow-wearing filly entered the room. She was somewhat shocked by the site of her sister squatting over the plastic container while another mare was standing across from her.

“Sis… why do you have somepony watching you pee?” Apple Bloom asked as she slowly started to back out of the room.

“Uh… It’s okay because I’m a doctor?” High Gear nervously said as Applejack stepped away from the container.

“Uh...Huh…” Apple Bloom closed the door before her. Once the door clicked shut, Gear sighed and reached into her saddlebags.

“Well, I was going to end up using gloves anyway,” she said before giving her glove a loud snap.


After an unshrinking by Twilight, Verdant was brought to the local spa, where he was given not only the longest bath of his life, but he was also given a haircut to remove what bits of Applejack’s leavings refused to be scrubbed out.

His trademark green vest had to be thrown out, but Rarity was more than happily willing to replace the article of clothing. While she didn’t have the exact same color of fabric, Verdant still loved the new yellow vest he’d received.

With himself now fully cleansed and sporting a new vest, Verdant, Applejack and Gear started to walk towards Ponyville’s train station.

“Ah’m really sorry ‘bout all this, Verdant,” Applejack remorsefully said as she walked alongside the pair. Even with her hat drawn so low, Verdant and Gear could see the blush that adorned her face. “First Ah throw a pitchfork at yah, and then all this happens.”

“Yeah, it’s not often a shower ends up requiring somepony to get a bath afterward.” While Gear chuckled at her crack, Applejack merely groaned while Verdant smacked his face with a forehoof.

“Well, at least I ended up inside a cute pony,” Verdant said as he ran a hoof through his now shorter mane. “If I were single, I’d ask-”

“Just so yah know, Ah’m more of a mare’s mare, if y’all know what Ah mean,” Applejack interjected.

“Um, Applejack. No offense, but I wasn’t talking about you.” Verdant’s reply managed to make Applejack’s face match the coat of the pony he was referring to. “And like I was trying to say, I’d probably ask him out if I were single. Nowadays, I’m rather happy with my girlfriend.”

“Oh, by the way,” High Gear said as she gave the orange mare a tap on the shoulder. “His girlfriend makes your brother look short.”

Applejack gave a roll of her eyes. “Not to be rude, Doc, but Ah don’t think-” Applejack was cut off as High Gear pulled out a photo that depicted an absolutely massive green earth pony mare stepping through the open roof of a building. Adjacent to one of her forelegs was the minuscule form of High Gear.

“This… This is some kind of joke, right?” Applejack stared at the photo in shock by the apparent size of the green mare.

“Only Poison Joke,” Gear answered as she put the photo back into her saddlebags and replaced it with another. “Still, as you can see, Beans really is about a lot taller than your brother.”

Applejack examined this new photo that showed the green mare standing beside High Gear at a graduation ceremony, where she could see how much Beans towered over everypony there. “Wow. You weren’t kidding.”

“Nope.” Gear said as she put the second photo away and saw they’d arrived at the train station. “At any rate, we’re here.”

“Alright. Y’all want me to keep yah company until yer train arrives?” Applejack asked as the pair stepped onto the platform.

“No, you don’t have to,” Verdant replied. “I know how hard running a business like a farm can be. My mom made sure I knew.”

“Well, in that case, y’all take care now,” she gave the two a wave and started to walk away.

“So…” High Gear sat down on a nearby bench. “Now you’ve been inside all three of the Apple siblings.”

“And four of the element bearers,” Verdant added as he took a seat beside her. “Honestly, I wonder if I’ll end up getting the whole set.”

Gear gave a giggle at the thought. “If Pix were here, she’d say that’d get you a Haystation Trophy.”

“At any rate, I’m looking forward to getting that sub,” Verdant said in a rather teasing tone.

“Not gonna happen,” Gear bluntly replied. “I’m increasing my security so the teleporter can’t get cannibalized again. And if it does, the institute’s gonna be looking for some new scientists.”

“We’ll see, Doc,” Verdant said as he leaned back against the bench, waiting for the train to arrive.

A brief moment of silence passed between the pair before Gear started to chuckle. “Say, is it just me, or is it kinda funny the first and likely only time Applejack’s had semen in her was from her brother?”

With a groan, Verdant’s hoof once more met his forehead.

Tales from the Mirrorverse - Antacid's Creed

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In the dark world of Equestria, there were two wicked princesses who opposed the good King Sombra. The dark princesses, Celestia and Luna, waged a near constant war to overthrow Sombra and claim his throne.

Due to these wars, the kingdom greatly suffered, with many ponies needing to resort to crime in order to survive.

One such pony was Verdant Range, an archer with a good knowledge of poisons. He’d gotten his cutie mark when he managed to shoot down a fleeing thief when he was eight years old, a trio of blood droplets.

Previously, he’d been shrunken down due to poison joke and eaten by his neighbor, a zebra mare by the name of Kuni. This caused him to discover that he had the ability to be eaten alive yet escaped unharmed.

After that day, he would study various poisons and plants that had mystical properties. This led to him finding a recipe for a shrinking violet potion. Thanks to this potion, the young stallion was able to sneak into many a pony’s home, steal what he’d want, and then escape with no real trace.

Eventually, the day came where he had a plan for something that would set him for life.

He had gone to Canterlot to enact his grand plan.


On the grounds of the dark palace the princesses called their home, Verdant kept himself hidden in the bushes as one of their goons, a golden coated mare, started to trot by. With a wicked smirk, Verdant reached into his dark green vest and pulled out a vial full of a purple potion. With a quick swig, he downed the potion and stuffed the empty vial back into his vest.

As the golden coated mare drew closer, Verdant quickly started to shrink down to the size of a pea. The shrunken stallion went unnoticed as she walked by.

Chuckling to himself, he darted out from the bush and leapt onto the tip of her tail. He tightly clung onto a strand of tail as she walked along.

“Phase One, complete,” he muttered to himself as the goon carried him into the palace, mentally noting that the stones were all illuminated by the many torches that lined the imposing halls.

After several minutes, the shamrock stallion spotted from the hair that they were passing by a massive door that had an image carved upon it. It was an image of a sun with a black center.

“Well, I’d prefer Princess Moonbutt, but this will do,” Verdant said before he jumped down from the tail and darted to the door.

He managed to squeeze under the gap in the door and made it into a colossal bedroom. There were things that decorated the room such as the large fireplace or the ornate mirror but none of this mattered to Verdant. His eyes were locked solely on the bed.

Or rather, the specific part of the sheets covering the bed that wasn’t tucked in, hanging out of a corner and just barely touching the marble floor.

After a rather tiring climb that lasted nearly an hour, Verdant had managed to pull himself onto the top of the gigantic bed.

The minuscule mammal didn’t have much time to catch his breath, however, as the bedroom door swung open. Stepping into the chambers was the wicked mare of the sun, Princess Celestia. Her dark mane flowed as if an eternal breeze followed it.

She was adorned in the usual attire she would wear when she and her sister would go out to wage war on Sombra’s forces.

Atop her head was a golden crown shaped like a pair of draconic horns. Wrapped around the great spire of ivory that was her horn was a golden ring with a violet jewel dangling from it that contrasted her dark magenta eyeshadow. Clasped around her neck was a stunning golden peytral with a dark amethyst in the center with a flared collar that matched the gem. Adorning her forelegs were a set of dark purple socks that went halfway up her pillar-like legs with gold shaped into the image of flames that held them in place. The last thing the shrunken stallion spotted on the approaching titan was a golden scorpion-like stinger that was attached to the end of her magical tail.

“Well, seems the reports of Celestia being the unappealing sister were greatly exaggerated.” A dark grin crossed Verdant’s face as her horn flared in a deep magenta light as she started to strip herself down. “Oh I will savor this show.”

The princess soon removed the last piece of clothing before teleporting the pieces onto a ponyquin that laid in a far corner of the room. When she started to draw closer to the bed, Verdant quickly covered himself with a bit of the sheet to keep hidden from her sight.

The bed trembled like a violent quake as Celestia settled in. Only a moment after the bed settled, the alicorn laid her head on her pillow. Sleep quickly overcame the mighty mare.

Nearly twenty minutes after she fell asleep, Verdant tossed the sheet off him, feeling certain that her sleep was deep enough that he could carry out his insane plan.

He traveled along the great valley of her bedsheets, her thick legs acting as a soft, fuzzy cliffside. The wicked stallion enjoyed the pleasant walk between her legs, but what he enjoyed even more was the sight of her colossal nethers, thanks to her tail being draped to her left side.

“My, oh my,” Verdant chuckled as he drew close to her hind quarters. “Much as I enjoy the view of this magnificent sight, I’ve got bigger fish to fry.”

Looking to his right, Verdant saw he’d reached the point where her leg met her hips. The little corner of flesh and fur would be perfect for his climb.

“Hopefully I can have some fun around here someday,” Verdant said before he leapt onto her thigh. “Maybe enter her in a way that’ll be better than what I’m gonna do.”

The climb was a strain for the shrunken stallion. While he had climbed many a pony before in his thievery, he’d never had to climb anypony anywhere close to as tall as Celestia. It took nearly twenty minutes for him to reach the top of her rump.

Verdant laid on his back as he tried to catch his breath. “I’m gonna be sore in the morning,” he grumbled as he felt himself slightly sinking into the flank flesh.

After a few minutes, the sore stallion rose back up before he started to walk forward. “You’d better be right about your crazy plan, Verdant,” He said to himself, seeing the long trek he had ahead of him. It would likely take the bulk of the night to reach his destination.

“Rest assured, Me,” he replied to nopony. “Once I’m done here, I’ll have a new job that will pay out like never before.”

“Or you’ll just make a fuckton of enemies and get tortured to death. I’d say it’s fifty-fifty.” He said as he reached the base of the princess’ back.

Time seemed to move slowly as he traveled close to the titanic alicorn’s spine. The trip was a weary one for the stallion, but he refused to quit. His goal was all that mattered to him.

When he reached the halfway point of Celestia’s back, she gave a slight shake. This was enough to send Verdant sprawling face first into her back.

“What the shit?! He exclaimed as he hastily looked to his sides. His vision soon fell on the princess’ giant right wing, which he had wandered near.

“Right, of course,” Verdant observed aloud as he slowly got back onto his hooves. “If wings are a sensitive spot on pegasi and griffins, it’d make sense it’d be that way on an alicorn too. I’ll need to tread carefully if I want to complete my mission.

“Maybe once you get paid for this, you could afford to talk to a therapist, Green Bean,” he said to himself as he gently tried to step away. “Remember, talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity… Well, besides coming up with the kind of plan you did.”

Verdant carefully moved along, trying to avoid tickling the princess with his hoofsteps. While there would be the occasional twitch, it wasn’t enough to knock him over once again.

After what felt like forever but was likely close to two hours, he let out a sigh of relief as he reached the base of her neck.

“Finally,” he chuckled as he cautiously tried to climb her neck, “Phase two is so close, I can almooOOOOOO!”

Verdant’s hooves slipped out from under him and he started to tumble down. Upon landing, he was rather glad he was too small for the princess to hear the multiple screams of profanity he uttered before he landed face first on the pillow.

“Well,” Verdant groaned as he pulled himself up. His legs were quite sore, despite landing on something soft. “Could have gone better, but I’m almost done with this phase.”

After nearly ten more minutes, Verdant reached the top of the pillow where the princess laid her chin.

As the tiny stallion stared down the colossal mare’s face, the breath from her nostrils pressed on him like a strong wind. Still, he stood strong as he prepared to charge.

“Alright, Crazy Horse, it’s go time!” He shouted as he ran towards the sleeping mare’s face. His legs ached as he charged towards her.

Verdant got as close as he could before leaping off the surface of the pillow and landing on her lower lip.

The shamrock stallion swallowed as he crawled forward, squeezing through her tight lips until he finally slipped through into her mouth.

“Well, at least if you survive this, you can brag that you’ve been inside a princess… Probably right before she vaporizes you.” Verdant’s small words echoed throughout the royal mouth, unheard by the slumbering alicorn.

He slid down the inside of her lip before leaping onto one of her lower teeth. Thankfully, the sleeping mare’s teeth were parted more than enough distance for him to pull himself over the tooth and land face first on her moist tongue.

Verdant rose back to his hooves as he tried to shake her saliva from his now soaked mane. He started to gently trot along the princess’ hoofball field sized tongue.

Don’t dream chew, princess. He thought to himself as he glanced around the mare’s maw. The heat was incredibly strong, like a muggy summer’s night.

After a few minutes of slow trotting, Verdant found himself under her dangling uvula. Looking down her throat, he saw the fleshy muscular tunnel that led to her stomach.

“Okay, Verdant. Time to start phase two.” He said to himself before nervously swallowing. After a moment to gather his nerves, he leapt forward and landed face first at the esophageal entrance.

On a reflex, the princess swallowed as she slept. The crushing force of her throat muscles squeezed him downward. He could only wince in pain as the muscular motions kept pressing him on.

After a thankfully brief period of time, the squeezing stopped as he was dropped into the royal stomach. A droplet like splash came as he belly-flopped into a mixture of stomach acids and digested food.

“Well,” Verdant groaned as he hoisted himself up onto what appeared to be a chunk of potato and tried to kick some of the dripping juices off his boots. “Phase two is a go. Now I’ve just got to wait for the princess to wake up.”

A silence only interrupted by the gurgle of digestion hung in the air. Verdant sat down on the potato chunk and clicked his tongue.

“Just gotta keep myself occupied while I wait,” He said as he tapped his hindlegs with his forehooves. “I’m sure I’ll find a way to keep from getting bored.”

Silence hung in the air once more as he tried to think of something to do. After another boring moment passed, Verdant could only sigh in boredom.


Verdant fell asleep as he floated about on his potato chunklet. He was eventually awakened by a powerful rumbling all around him.

Snapping to his hooves, Verdant tried to steady himself as the princess started to rise. It was the most intense shaking the shrunken stallion had ever experienced.

“Alright, guess phase three will be starting up fairly soon.” Verdant felt his own stomach lurch as Celestia’s hoofsteps carried him along. “I hope only one of us ends up throwing up today.”


Celestia gave a yawn as she strolled through her bedroom, heading towards her extravagant private bathroom. The chamber was almost entirely made from sculpted marble and gold.

“Another day, another attempt to strike against Sombra,” she mumbled to herself as she stepped into her shower.

A quick flare of her magenta magic turned a knob, causing a rain of cold water to bombard her.

“Yargh!” she screeched as the shock of the cold banished the last trace of sleepiness from her mind. “Well. There are worse ways to start the day.”

The water soon started to warm up, making the mammoth mare grin. Opening her mouth, she let some water collect until her maw was full and she swallowed it down.

“New water in. Old water out.”


As the water bombarded Celestia's body, it made the inside her stomach sound like the inside of a house during a heavy rain storm.

“Well, at least it’s a nice change of pace from heart beats and digestive noise.” Verdant sighed before leaning back, unintentionally falling backwards into her stomach juices.

Before he could scramble back onto what little scraps remained, a large torrent of water came crashing down into the stomach, creating waves that caused him to slam into her walls.

“NEW WATER IN. OLD WATER OUT.” The princess’s quiet comment was thunderous to Verdant as his brow rose in confusion.

“Old water out? What do you mean by-” Verdant was cut off by a distant sound of gallons of water being drained away, followed soon by the princess sighing in relief. “Eww. You pee in the shower? And I thought being a princess would mean you’d have more class than that.”

Shortly after the sound of her bladder draining had ceased, the alicorn started to moan and movement started to emanate from her towards her rear.

“Well, seems you enjoy a morning session with Mrs. Frog,” Verdant said as he felt a stirring of his own in his loins. “May I join you?”

YES! OH FAUST, YES!” The mammoth masturbating mare exclaimed as her body continued to quake.

“Don’t mind if I do,” a dark grin came across the shamrock stallion’s face as he quickly stripped out of his garb.


After her rather pleasant shower and morning ritual, Celestia strolled through her palace’s halls. She would occasionally stretch her wings or neck before she made her way to the dining chamber, where she found her sister waiting for her.

“Good morning, Luna,” Celestia greeted as she strolled towards the dark blue mare. “Anything of note happen on your shift?”

“No. Last night was rather uneventful,” Luna dismissively replied as a rather frightened servant placed a plate of fruit in front of her, along with some toast and a glass of milk.

“Well, hopefully that means some fools are falling in line.” Celestia sauntered her way to her seat, where she saw a servant placing a ridiculously large stack of pancakes, along with a generous supply of scrambled eggs and hay bacon. All three foods were covered in a thick coating of maple syrup.

“You really need to diet better if you wish to topple Sombra.” Luna’s words were quickly blown off by the alabaster alicorn.

“While you’ve let your body become a bounce house, my body is a temple,” Luna smugly said before she started to drink her milk.

Celestia then gave a wicked grin. “In that all worshippers are allowed to enter.”

Luna choked and spat as the milk shot from her nose. Celestia gave a bellowing laugh as Luna glared death at her. A lesser pony she would have set on fire.

Once her laughter had died down, she stabbed into her pancakes and cut out a piece of the first seven layers before placing the moist treat into her mouth.


“Sweet Faust almighty, is the reason she’s so damn tall because she eats so much?” Verdant asked from the top of the mush mountain that was her breakfast.

Verdant let out a sigh as there finally seemed to be no more piles of food being dropped upon his head. After one more moment to be certain, he started to reach into his vest’s inner pocket.

“Alright. Time to be-” Verdant was silenced by the sound of an approaching waterfall. Bracing himself, he was pushed down the moist pile that was Mount Breakfast by a river of an orange colored drink.

The shamrock stallion groaned rose up from the lake of the drink, coughing to clear the recycled drink from his lungs.

“Urge… Tastes like orange juice, but burns like alcohol. Was that a mimosa?” he asked no one before shrugging.

“Oh well. Questions for later.” Verdant reached into the vest and pulled out a vial filled with a brown syrup. “Time to begin phase three.”

The emerald coated pony smashed the vial between his hooves. He was suddenly pushed back as an explosion of the brown syrup quickly started to fill the fleshy chamber.

Note to self. Verdant quickly shut his eyes and covered his mouth and nose. Be more careful when you smash a vial with a ‘bag of holding’ enchantment on it.


“Ah…” Celestia sighed in delight as she finished her breakfast drink. “Nothing like a mimosa to finish breakfast.”

“Personally, I’d save alcohol for later in one’s day,” Luna rolled her eyes as her sister rose from her seat and approached her.

“At any rate,” Celestia said as she arrived at Luna’s side. “I hope you have a pleasant AH!

“Are you alright, sister?” Luna’s brown rose as Celestia grasped her belly. “You’re looking a little gre-”

Luna’s words were drowned by the geyser of vomit that launched from her sisters mouth and directly into her face. Several violent waves came from the alabaster alicorn until she collapsed against the table.

“Urgh, sister, why didn’t you aim it away from…” Luna's royal rant was silenced as she noticed an odd green spec upon her muzzle. Upon closer inspection, she saw it was an incredibly small stallion.

“Good morning, Princess.” Verdant weakly bowed as he looked into her titanic eyes. “I have a proposition to make.”


Verdant’s screams echoed throughout the dungeon as Celestia’s magic tightly squeezed and contorted the restored stallion as he hung suspended in the air.

“So, Verdant, I believe you said you was?” Celestia’s fearsome grin grew wider as her magic tightened further around him. “Can you give me a reason I shouldn’t have you torn to pieces and burned to death for high treason?”

“Vest… pocket…” the shamrock stallion weakly said as he tried to fight back the urge to scream or beg for death.

Luna’s horn ignited a vivid scarlet as she pulled out a vial filled with a silver liquid. Pulling it close and uncapping it, she took a quick whiff of the contents. “Hmm… Belladonna, nerium oleander and… I believe silver swamp slime. Quiet the lethal concoction.”

Tossing the vial aside, the alicorns were rather surprised by how the puddle created from the newly broken small vial greatly exceeded its size.

“So, it seems you were smart enough to get an enchanted vial to store more than enough poison to kill even someone of my size.” Celestia’s magic then swiftly pulled him down so he was floating mere inches from her face. “What makes you think trying to kill me would make me grant you some form of mercy?”

“Not trying… to kill…” Verdant mustered what little strength he had remaining to answer the alicorn. “Job… Interview…”

Celestia’s brow rose as she released her magic, causing him to drop face first to the floor. “You’ve got thirty seconds to explain yourself.”

Verdant softly coughed, feeling too sore to bother to try to rise to his hooves. “I wanted to demonstrate how my skills would be of value to you, my princess. A pony with powerful enemies could make use of a stallion who is not only a highly skilled archer, but also one who’s well versed in poisons and is capable of not only sneaking into your palace, but into your very body.”

“Well, that makes you the first stallion to be inside her in... what’s it been? Five years?” Luna coyly smirked as Celestia glared daggers at her.

“I’d never dream of causing you true harm, oh mighty Princess Celestia,” Verdant continued speaking. “I only wished to offer what services I could to you.”

A tense moment of silence hung in the air until Celestia’s horn glowed once more. This time, when the magenta light encased Verdant, it simply picked him up and placed him on his hooves.

“You seem to raise a fair point, Verdant,” the mare said as her sharp magenta eyes remained fixed on him. “What say you, Captain Barrier?”

From the shadows behind the torture racks emerged a tall, dark coated unicorn stallion with a long, jagged mane that was two shades of blue.

“I think I could make some use of this stallion, once I get him to work on the Solar Striker,” the stallion spoke with the tone of a scallywag.

“Then here’s what will happen, Verdant,” Celestia said as she leaned down so that her eyes were level with his. “You will be under Barrier’s command and required to do everything he says for the next five years or face a very slow execution. Understood?”

Verdant swallowed before trying to sound as confident as he could muster. “Yes, your highness.”

“Good,” a sinister grin graced her features as she brought a hoof to the underside of his chin. “And if I ever get the idea you’ve decided to enter my body again, I will eat you. However, this time you’ll be roasted, cut into tiny pieces and thoroughly chewed up. Understood?”

“Yes, Princess!” A faint blush came across Verdant’s muzzle as he heard his voice crack.

“Very good,” Celestia said as she started to pull away with Luna soon following suit. “Barrier, I’ll leave the rest to you.”

“Yes, your highness,” the onyx coated stallion replied as her and Luna’s horns began to glow before they vanished in a flash.

“If it makes you feel any better, you’ll probably be inside Luna in a more pleasant way within a year’s time,” Barrier said as he slung a hoof over the stallion’s shoulder and started to lead him away. “At any rate, prepare yourself for hard training and the life of a privateer, Cadet Range.”

Kickin' It into High Gear

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The early evening was pleasant as Verdant stepped into the ever-familiar laboratory of High Gear. To the shamrock stallion’s surprise, the good doctor was nowhere to be seen. Instead, behind the console was Pixel Flash.

Meanwhile, in the far corner of the lab, standing next to a ladder that led into an open duct in the ceiling, was an earth pony stallion even shorter than Verdant himself. He had a faded looking purple coat that sharply contrasted his rust brown mane. His dark green eyes matched the color of his jumpsuit.

“Hey there, Pix,” Verdant called out as he drew closer. “Mind telling me what’s going on?”

“Oh, sure thing,” the mare with the tricolored mane said, looking away from the stallion by the ladder. “Gear’s got a cold, so I’ll be running the test for today. Meanwhile, Short Circuit and his sister in the ducts are just doing some minor maintenance. We’ll be all set to go once they wrap things up.”

“Uh, no offense Pix, but are you sure you can pull off this super science stuff?” Verdant’s question was met with a harsh glare from the unicorn.

“First of all, while I’m not a doctor, I’m still an electronics expert with a master’s degree in electrical engineering. I helped build almost all the parts that make up this baby. Heck, not only do I make my own custom game consoles for a hobby, I even made it that a Cougar-CD works one-hundred percent of the time!” Pixel Flash said in a tone that utterly dripped with frustration.

Verdant replied with a low impressed whistle as he slowly backed onto the teleporter.

“Besides,” Pix then said in a more relaxed tone. “Gear wrote up a really precise list of instructions on how to handle this thing.”

“Okay then,” Verdant replied as he looked at the jumpsuit wearing stallion. “So, when will this stuff be ready?”

“Very shortly, sir.” Short Circuit stated, looking to the ceiling opening. “Nickel Wire’s just going over the last few steps. Rest assured, we’re using the best tools we have to make sure this is working as smoothly as possible.”

“What to do? Just grab on to some duct tape! Woo-hoo!” A mare’s voice happily sang out from the ceiling, making Verdant turn pale.

“Nicky, that’s not really something to joke about.” Short Circuit angrily barked. “This guy’s about to be a guinea pig in some crazy science experiment.”

An earth pony mare with a coat and mane that matched Short Circuit’s stuck her head through the opening. “C’mon, Shorty, I’m just kidding around.”

“Can I get a status report, you two?” Pix asked as she leaned against the wall.

“I’m all done in here,” Nicky pulled her head back through the opening before climbing down the ladder. “I’d say you’re all set to fire up your little doodad whenever you want.”

“Fantastic,” Pix replied before pressing a series of buttons on the console. “Ready to go, Verdant?”

“Might as well. I really want that sandwich your girlfriend’s gonna owe me.” Verdant replied as he sat down. “Let’s light this candle.”

“Lighting candle now,” Pix replied as she pushed a lever on the console. The light from the teleporter quickly flooded the room.

Suddenly, a series of sparks erupted from the ceiling opening. The lights dimmed and Verdant vanished from the teleporter.

“Oh, c’mon! What went wrong this time?!” Pixel Flash roared as she slammed her hooves against the console. “I went over every last part of this machine! It should have worked, Faust damn it!”

“Uh, Sis?” Shorty asked as he noticed something off with Nicky’s attire. “Where’s your lucky wrench?”

“What are you talking about? It’s right…” Nicky started to pat her flank, when she noticed something was missing from her back pocket. “...Uh-oh…”

“Oh, fantastic,” Pix grumbled as she brought a hoof to her forehead. “Knowing my luck, Verdant’s probably in one of our stomachs right now.”

WHAT?!” The twins exclaimed as their faces paled.


Verdant blinked as he found himself in a somewhat narrow, fleshy tube that seemed to stretch quite a ways. In the distance, he could hear both the sound of a heart beat and the sound of rushing liquids.

“Of course, I get teleported directly into a pony. Again.” Verdant gave a roll of his eyes. “Just like last week.

Looking over his shoulder, seeing more of the seemingly endless biological tunnel, Verdant shrugged before sitting up and starting to walk through the mystery pony’s body.

Not long after the sound of the rushing water stopped, a loud sigh reached Verdant’s ears.

URGH… NOTE TO SELF. TRY TO EAT MORE FIBER.” The thunderous voice of the host made Verdant pause at the familiar sound.

“Wait, I’m in High Gear?” The shamrock stallion was rather stunned by the revelation. “What are the WHOA!”

Verdant found himself pitched about as the mare suddenly shifted. The powerful, quake like movements tossed the shrunken stallion about, sending him further along High Gear’s passageway.

Things started to settle as the mammoth mare seemed to begin walking about at a more regular pace. As he started to shake off the dizziness, he saw he was now at the end of the tunnel. What he saw was rather surprising.

At the end of the tunnel were some odd tendrils with a large, spherical organ only a small leap away.

“Wait a sec, I know where I am!” Verdant exclaimed, knowing his shout would be unheard. “That’s gotta be one of her ovaries, meaning I’m in one of Gear’s fallopian tubes!”

At his realization, Verdant quickly spun around and charged down the tube. “If I get past her cervix, I can get outta here!”

A little over a minute later, the minuscule mammal reached the end of the tunnel, arriving in the hornless unicorn’s uterus.

“Alright! At least the exit’s nearbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!” Verdant screeched as the world flipped around and gravity inverted for a moment. The feeling of weightlessness soon ended when everything seemed to crash around him, making Verdant slam hard into the womb’s blood lined walls.

“Dammit, Doctor!” Verdant muttered as he massaged his sore muzzle. “What are you doing out there?”


High Gear let out a sigh as she finished relieving her bladder and bowels.

“Urgh… Note to self. Try to eat more fiber,” she said with a rather stuffy nose before she hopped off the toilet. Kicking a foreleg back, the bespectacled mare knocked down the toilet’s lid before flushing.

She soon made her way out of the bathroom, where what was left of her coffee was waiting on the bedroom night stand.

Oh, sweet coffee, she thought to herself as she took a sip of the black brew. You are the only thing I have to comfort me while I deal with this damn cold. At least Pix is filling in for me.

She gave a quiet hum as she looked down at the now empty cup when a disturbing thought crossed her mind.

Oh Faust, please don’t tell me I just drank Verdant down with my coffee… Nah, I doubt that happened.

Setting the cup back on the nightstand, High Gear decided to have a little bit of childish fun by jumping up and landing back-first on the soft bed.

Gear chuckled as she sank into the mattress before picking up a book she had left on the pillow beside her and stretching out.

Nearly twenty minutes passed before the bedroom door opened with Pixel Flash walking inside.

“Hey Pix,” Gear said as she dog eared her book and set it aside. “How’d the test go?”

“Same old, same old,” Pix sighed as she hopped onto the bed beside Gear. “I started up the machine, something went wrong and Verdant vanished. All I know right now is that Verdant’s not in my stomach, nor the stomachs of anypony at the lab. I’ll fire up the long range detector in the morning.”

“Alright. So, what do you want to do now?” Gear asked, causing a grin to stretch across Pix’s face.

“Well, I like seeing you spread out like this.” Pix started to climb on top of Gear, looking the hornless mare in the eye. “And I so rarely get to be on top.”

Pixel Flash leaned down and gave High Gear an open mouthed kiss. Gear started to push her tongue into Pix’s mouth before the violet mare started to pull away.

The mare with the multicolored hair adjusted her body so she was sitting up. She then pulled up Gear’s left leg and hugged it to act as support as she started to grind her nethers against Gear's, the two mares slowly beginning to moan in shared ecstasy.


Verdant got to his hooves as High Gear’s body settled down. As he rubbed his sore neck, he saw the gate that was her tightly sealed cervix.

“Alright Gear, please let your body be nice and let me out!” The shamrock stallion shouted as he darted towards the fleshy ring. He pushed his legs as hard as he could before he leapt at the tiny hole in the cervix center.

Within moments, his head had become stuck in the minuscule hole, leaving the rest of his body dangling in the womb.

“Oh Faust dammit,” Verdant said weakly before sighing. The tiny pony attempted to pull against the cervix, only to find the flesh refusing to let him move backwards. “Guess the only way to go is forward.”

Verdant tried to climb forward and squeeze his limbs into the tight tunnel. After several long minutes of intense struggle, he was finally allowed to pull himself through the minuscule opening, landing on his rear in High Gear’s vaginal canal.

“Wow, I’m inside High Gear’s vagina,” Verdant observed as he started to walk along the reproductive tract’s walls. “I figured I’d only end up in here if Beans was feeling really adventurous on my birthday.”

The birth canal’s entrance drew closer as Verdant walked along, rather grateful that his movements seemed to go unnoticed by High Gear.

As he made his way closer to the vulva, his ears stood at attention as he heard Gear’s booming voice in the distance, soon joined by Pix’s.

“Hey Pix, you want to try to run the scanner on your girlfriend to figure out where I am?!” Verdant’s exclamation went unheard while he felt the walls start to dampen.

“Uh, I never thought I’d say this, but could you two ladies please not have sex while I’m inside one of you?” Verdant nervously called out before Gear’s body was hit by a powerful quake. Falling to the fleshy floor, he looked ahead to try to see if he could see anything outside of Gear’s nethers.

As a second quake struck, Verdant saw that just beyond Gear’s vulva was another, this one surrounded by violet fur.

“Oh, wonderfUUUUUU!!!” Verdant screeched as High Gear began to bounce her hips, mashing her nethers against Pixel Flash’s.

The moaning of the two created a cacophony of booming explosions as they ground against each other, unable to hear the shrunken stallion’s screams.

One particularly strong thrust of Gear’s hips left Verdant terribly disoriented. Everything was a blur for him as the scientists scissored.

He soon found himself landing face first against a vaginal wall. To try to keep from being bounced around any more, he quickly and desperately clung to the warm, wet wall.

After a few moments, his stomach started to settle, despite the continued movements of the mares. Once his head stopped spinning, it was then he realized something was off. He looked up towards the cervix and saw that some of the mare’s fluid were seeming to fall directly towards his face instead down to the vaginal floor.

Giving a gulp, Verdant looked over his shoulder and through the edges of the mare’s vulva and saw the fur that surrounded the second mare was now a light blue.

“Great, now I’m stuck inside Pix while she’s-” Verdant was interrupted by the sound of the violet mare’s moans growing louder and louder.

Verdant grit his teeth as Pix gave the most powerful scream yet as her walls began to wildly spasm. He tried to tighten his grip on the wall, but his efforts were made futile as a wave of her juices knocked him down.

One final spasm from Pix sent Verdant and her fluids shooting forth, the cannon-like force of her orgasm sending him flying back down High Gear’s love tunnel, skidding along the wet floor before he violently crashed into the bottom of her cervix, falling unconscious as he slid back.


Pixel was left huffing from what she believed was one of the most powerful orgasms she had ever had. She gently fell atop High Gear, giving her a deep kiss before she pulled away to catch her breath.

“So, how’d you like that?” Pixel asked as she pushed herself back up, only to be crestfallen at the dissatisfied look on her love’s face.

“Sadly, I’ve had better,” Gear replied before raising an eyebrow. “Did being on top really turn you on that much?”

“Uhh…” Pix’s face soon turned crimson as she stood up and looked away in embarrassment. “Sorry, Gear. I swear, that’s never happened to me before.”

High Gear gave a chuckle at her girlfriend’s words. “I thought only guys who were bad in bed said that.”

Pixel groaned before she looked down at Gear’s soaked entrance. It was then a thought came to her mind and a grin stretched across her face.

“Tell you what,” Pix said as she moved back on the bed and started to lay on her belly. “How about I make this up to you by getting myself something to eat?”

“Wait, don’t you mean get me something to… Oh!” Gear quickly realized what her mate had planned as Pix moved her face in front of her nethers.

“That’s right,” Pix said before licking her lips. “You’re about to get eaten.”

Opening her mouth wide and sticking out her tongue, she gave Gear’s exposed clit a strong lick before moving down and penetrating her vagina with her broad, flat tongue.


Verdant groaned as wakefulness started to come back to him. As he shakily tried to stand up, he could see that he was once again inside a mare’s vaginal canal.

“THAT’S RIGHT,” the voice of Pixel Flash echoed thunderously, forcing the shrunken pony to cover his ears and fall back to the wet floor. “YOU’RE ABOUT TO GET EATEN.”

“Wait, what?!” The stallion screamed as he shot to his hooves, only to stumble as the fleshly canal trembled and the roar that was High Gear’s moan boomed all around him.

As Verdant tried to steady himself against the shuddering walls, another loud moan reached his ears. It was then he looked towards the entrance and saw it was being penetrated by a massive tongue.

“Oh, Faust dammit!” Verdant exclaimed as he tried to dash back towards the cervix, only for Pix’s tongue to pick him up and toss him along its slippery surface.

“Crapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrap!” the stallion muttered as he tried to run along the tongue as it pushed forward and massaged High Gear from the inside.

When he reached the tip of the tongue, he springboarded off and hurried along towards the cervix, the spasms and moans reaching a fevered pitch.

“Let me in, let me in!” the shamrock stallion shouted as he reached the cervix, only for a large blast of her fluids to come spewing forth.

The geyser of Gear’s love juices sent poor Verdant hurtling back, where he then skidded across the surface of Pix’s tongue. Before he could get his bearings, he was swallowed down with the pool of marecum, sent tumbling down her esophagus before making a splash in a stomach filled with instant ramen, cheesy corn chips and lemon-lime soda.

“Urgh… Son of a bitch,” Verdant said as he tried to pull himself to his hooves, using a noodle for support. “When I finally get that sandwich, I’m gonna make it a huge one.”


High Gear was breathing hard as she started to come down from the high of her orgasm. Looking down between her legs, she saw her beloved swallow as she rose up.

“Hmm… Tasty as always.” Pixel Flash said before licking her lips and crawling up to Gear’s side. “I love you, Gear.” She leaned forward to give the bespectacled mare a kiss, only to be stopped by a hoof.

“I love you too, Pix, but could I get it on the cheek?” High Gear asked as she looked into Pix’s peridot green eyes. “I don’t really want to taste myself on your lips.”

A warm smile graced Pix’s face as she leaned back in. “Of course, dear,” she softly said before planting a kiss on Gear’s cheek. “Well, now that we’ve had some fun, how about I cook us up some dinner? I’m thinkin’... Homemade pizza with alfredo, mushrooms, olives, and extra cheese?”

“Sounds great,” Gear replied before kissing Pixel’s cheek.

As Pixel Flash rose out of bed and sauntered out of the room, Gear’s eyes were locked firmly on the violet unicorn’s flank and every deliberate shake she made as she left the bedroom.

A delighted sigh came from High Gear as she leaned back in the bed. “I love that mare.”


Hours later, Verdant gave a tired sigh as he sat in the pile of junk food that filled Pixel Flash’s stomach. The combination gave off a rather foul aroma as the food digested in the bubbling stomach acids.

“Seriously, what makes this keep happening to me?” the tiny earth pony asked aloud as he looked up to the twitching fleshy walls. “Why is it I keep ending up eaten, or at least inside someone? First there was time with Kuni when I was little, now I’ve ended up in Apple Bloom, Bea, Fluttershy, Beans, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Big McIntosh and Applejack, all in less than a year.”

Bored and hungry, Verdant tore off a chunk of cheese from some of the pizza remnants and took a bite. “Hmm… at least she can make a good pizza. Just wish it wasn’t ABC’d.”

After finishing off his recycled dinner, the shamrock stallion stood up and waded through digestive juices to make it to the unchewed noodles. He laid against some of the strands before wrapping some around him to act as a blanket.

With a yawn, Verdant allowed sleep to consume him, allowing him to get a somewhat pleasant sleep.

Until he was bolted awake by some hot oatmeal landing on top of him.


It was a rather bright and sunny morning as High Gear strolled into the apartment’s kitchen, where Beanstalk and Pix were seated, enjoying steaming bowls of oatmeal.

“Hey there, Gear,” Pix said as she spotted the violet haired mare through a mouthful of food before swallowing. “How are you feeling this morning?”

“Much better, Pix,” Gear replied as she took a seat beside Pix, who served up a bowl of oatmeal and set it down in front of her.

“I’m sure you’ll love breakfast this morning,” Pixel Flash stated in between large bites. “Beans made a lot of oatmeal with strawberry jam mixed into it.”

“Thanks, Beans. You’re the best,” Gear said as she picked up a spoon and scooped up a mouthful of oatmeal.

“You’re welcome, Gear,” the statuesque earth pony fidgeted in her chair. “Say, would you mind checking your long range scanner to find out where Verdant is?”

“What’s the matter? Don’t like the idea of him being inside anypony but you?” Pix’s remark was met with a death glare from Beanstalk as she rose up from her seat.

“I’m worried about my boyfriend’s safety.” the angry green mare leaned down so her nose was pressed against Pix’s. “Especially since every time he’s been Gear’s guinea pig, it’s ended up with him in a stomach.”

“Oh, relax, Bean,” Pix said in a relaxed tone as she gently pushed the large mare away. “Every time that’s happened, he’s turned out fine. Heck, that’s what led to you two becoming a couple.”

As Beans started to grumble, High Gear rose from the table. With a spoon sticking out of her mouth, she opened a drawer and pulled out a foreleg mounted device.

Attaching it to her limb and returning to the table, the light blue mare started to adjust the dials on it.

Upon seeing what the long range scan said, her brow rose and she gave a curious hum. She adjusted the focus of the device while Pix leaned over to see what was going on.

When the machine was set to close range, it started to rapidly beep, startling the bespectacled mare and making her spit her spoon out in surprise.

“Sweet Celestia’s fat flank, Verdant’s in Pix’s stomach!” Gear’s exclamation caused Beans and Pix to gasp in surprise.

“Wait, how?!” Pix was dumbstruck by what her lover was saying. “I checked myself before I left the lab.”

“You must have eaten him after you got home,” Beans said as she left the table and headed off to the bathroom.

“But I was super careful when I made the pizza last night!” Pix protested as she got out of her seat. “I went over every last piece to make sure the food was Verdant free, just like you did with breakfast! The only other thing I ate last night was…”

Both Pixel Flash and High Gear’s faces exploded into a bright crimson as they realized how poor Verdant ended up in her stomach.

The two were left speechless as Beans returned with a walkie-talkie and a strange device Pix had never seen before.

“Well, you know what to do,” Beans said as she placed the walkie-talkie in front of Gear.

“Uh, right,” Gear picked up the walkie as the blush on her face started to fade, pressing a button on its side. “Hey, Minute Detail? It’s High Gear and-”

“Lemme guess,” a raspy mare’s tired voice came from the walkie. “Code Green?”

“Yep, Code Green,” Gear answered back as she used a hoof to rub the bridge of her snout. “This time, at my apartment.”

An annoyed sigh came from the walkie’s speaker. “Alright. Gimme about twenty minutes and I’ll be there.”

“Thanks, Mini. I owe you,” Gear said before setting the walkie aside on the table.

“One more, and you owe me a sub,” Minute’s voice replied before Gear trotted over to the second device.

“Alright Pix, now we’ve got to get Verdant out,” Gear said as she picked up the device’s electrical cord and a hose that she attached to the sink faucet.

“Uh, Gear?” Pix asked as Gear picked up a long plastic tube. “What is this thing?”

“My own custom made stomach pump. I made it for just this sort of thing.” Gear’s rather calm reply made Pix’s violet coat turn pale as a sheet.


A little over half an hour later, Verdant emerged from the bathroom. His coat was somewhat damp, but he was otherwise perfectly fine.

Walking out into the living room, he saw a greenish-looking Pixel Flash holding her belly at the kitchen table while High Gear was talking to a gray coated unicorn with a short, curly, pale indigo mane that sharply contrasted her magenta eyes, even with them partially hidden by the red frames of her glasses. Upon her flank was the image of a magnifying glass.

“Thanks again, Dr. Minute Detail,” Verdant said as he drew closer to the table, only to be swiftly pulled into a hug by Beanstalk.

“Eh, no big deal,” Mini replied with a wave as she picked up a coffee cup in her violet aura and reduced it to the size of a sugarcube. “At least oatmeal’s less gross to wash off than cud.”

“Hopefully, things will go smoothly next time and I won’t have to buy anypony subs,” Gear said as Mini restored the cup to normal.

“Not counting on it,” Verdant and Mini shot back simultaneously, making Gear groan.

“At any rate, I’d best be getting to work,” Verdant said as Beans let him go. “Those flowers aren’t gonna water themselves.”

“Ditto. My dad’s gonna have me plow the fields while he and Mom plant.” Beanstalk followed Verdant out the door, leaving the three scientists alone.

“So, that must have been the worst threesome ever.” Mini gave a smirk at the daggers Gear and Pix were glaring at her before taking a sip from her cup.

“Dammit, Mini,” Gear sighed as she rose up from the table.

“I figure if you want to make up for what happened, you could give him one heck of a birthday present.” The smug grin on Mini’s face was knocked away by the pillow Pix tossed at her.

I Cooked Him Up and Ate Him

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Within a rather pristine Vanhoover laboratory on a pleasant afternoon, Dr. High Gear was carefully adjusting the various dials, nobs, buttons and switches on her teleporter’s console.

“Y’know,” Verdant casually said as he leaned back on the teleporter. “We could just go to SubNeigh, get some small subs and reset the counter for this and call it a day.”

“Not gonna happen,” High Gear said through gritted teeth as her right eye twitched. “It’s gonna work this time. No ifs, ands or buts.”

“Oh, I know butts will be involved if we go through with this, Doctor,” Verdant replied as he laid back. “Might as well just fire that thing up, send me into somepony and then I'll make you pay for the biggest sub sandwich I can get my hooves on.”

“Initiating startup,” High Gear ignored the shamrock stallion as the teleporter started to hum to life.

The panels on the teleporter started brightly glowing when all the lights in the room suddenly went black. The whirring of the various machines soon fell silent.

With a loud sigh of frustration, High Gear reached into her lab coat and pulled out a glow stick. Quickly snapping and shaking the stick, she could see that Verdant was nowhere to be seen in the darkness of the lab.

“Alright, who’s the dumb bastard who forgot to pay the electric bill?” Gear exclaimed, her voice echoing throughout the building.

“Weren’t you the one that was supposed to drop off the cheque this month?” a voice that she recognized as Bunsen Burner’s replied from the hallway.

High Gear was rather glad that the darkness and green light of the glow stick hid her blush.



In a flash, Verdant found himself falling through the air before landing hard on his belly. As he forced himself to his sore hooves, he saw that not only was he on a kitchen counter next to a boiling pot of beans on the stove, but also in front of a mare that per expectation, towered over the pea-sized pony.

The rather stunned mare had a coat that was the color of cream while her mane had two colors. Her left side was a dark blue while the right was a light pink color.

“WHAT THE…” the amazing colossal mare leaned down closer to Verdant, allowing him to get an up close and personal look at her teal eyes. “IS THAT A TINY PONY?”

To his great relief, the mare then turned her head so her right ear was faced towards the tiny stallion.

“Excuse me, Miss!” Verdant shouted, hoping his little voice was enough to reach the giant mare’s ears. “My name is Verdant Range. Is this Ponyville?”

“YES, IT IS.” Though the giantess tried to be quieter with her words, it was still quite thunderous for Verdant. “MY NAME IS BON BON AND I MAKE CANDY HERE.”

“Okay, Bon Bon! I need you to find Twilight Sparkle and tell her I’m back in town! She’ll know how to fix this!” Verdant’s exclamation caused Bon Bon to pull away. With a flick of her foreleg, she flicked the stove off and started to run out of the kitchen.

“Okay, I’ll go find her and get her to fix this!” She shouted as she approached the house’s front door. “Lyra, could you take care of the shrunken pony on the kitchen counter?! Also, dinner’s ready!”

“Wait, dammit!” Verdant futilely shouted from his spot on the counter. “Why didn’t you take me with you?!”

When the sound of the front door slamming shut was the only response, Verdant slumped down and sighed. “Great. Now how will things end up getting worse?”

Verdant’s ears perked up at the sound of a toilet being flushed somewhere in the distance. A moment later, another pony entered the kitchen.

This mare was a unicorn with an aquamarine coat that paired well with her mane which was a pale cyan, streaked through with white highlights.

The unicorn looked around confused as she arrived in the kitchen. “BON BON, WHAT WAS THAT YOU SAID ABOUT DINNER?”

Her gamboge eyes failed to see Verdant as they focused in on the bubbling pot of beans.

The unicorn known as Lyra took in a deep whiff of the beans before sighing in delight. “HMMM… IT SMELLS SO GOOD… I’M SURE BON BON WON’T MIND IF HAVE THE FIRST ONE.”

“Hey, Lyra!” Verdant hopped and squeaked, pointlessly trying to get the unicorn’s attention as she used her magic to pull some tortillas from a cupboard and a large spoon from a drawer.

The oblivious mare merrily hummed to herself as she held a tortilla in the air and scooped up some of the beans. As she poured some of the saucy beans, a few of them fell from the spoon and landed on top of Verdant, completely burying him.

“OOPS,” Lyra briefly muttered before shrugging her shoulders. “OH WELL. FIVE SECOND RULE.”

Before Verdant could emerge from the small bean pile, he felt himself suddenly being scooped up. When he finally managed to push his head free, Verdant saw he was being pulled by Lyra’s massive tongue behind her closing lips.

“Oh, motherf-” Verdant’s curse was interrupted by the tongue suddenly moving him and the beans towards her rapidly descending teeth. The shrunken stallion only had a split second to leap off one of her molars before he could be crushed. He barely managed to jump onto the bumpy surface of her tongue before she began to crush the saucy beans into a thick paste.

Despite trying to cling as tightly as he could, Verdant was unable to keep his grip, courtesy of the mare’s slippery mouth and the powerful force of her giant tongue. The force of the tongue flicking back and the throat opening up was enough to easily send him hurtling downward.

Lyra’s throat muscles were surprisingly some of the strongest Verdant had encountered as he was squeezed down, landing with the mess of mashed beans in her nearly empty stomach.

“Well,” Verdant grumbled as he looked around the pulsating chamber. “At least I’m getting that sub once this is over.”


Lyra was happily humming to herself as she was applying the last of the finishing touches to her burrito, applying a new type of hot sauce she’d been meaning to try.

Just as she finished applying the last of the sauce, she heard the front door opening up. “Lyra!”

“Hey, Bon Bon!” Lyra happily called out as she picked up a second burrito in her magic. “Perfect timing. I just finished prepping the burritos.” As Lyra looked over her shoulder, she was rather surprised to see Twilight standing by Bon Bon’s side.

“That’s good to hear, Lyra, but where’s Verdant?” Bon Bon asked as she grabbed the burrito Lyra passed to her.

“Who?” Lyra asked as she picked up her own burrito.

“When I headed out to get Twilight, I asked you to take care of this shrunken pony named Verdant,” Bon Bon said as she moved over to the counter.

“Sorry, but I couldn’t really hear anything ‘cuz I was in the bathroom,” Lyra replied. “I could barely hear anything you said and I just came down to see you’d finished making dinner.”

“Well, Verdant’s got to be here somewhere,” Twilight interjected as she drew closer to the kitchen counter, only to halt when Bon Bon suddenly held up a hoof.

Bon Bon leaned closer to the counter and spotted the telltale remnants of a sauce stain that had been wiped up. “Lyra, did you spill some beans on the counter?”

“Well, yeah,” the minty mare replied with a shrug of her shoulders. “But it’s no big deal. I licked them up within five seconds, so it’s all good.” Lyra then started to take several large bites of her burrito, making her face turn pepper red.

“Whoa,” Lyra huffed as she fanned herself with a hoof. “This is quite the hot sauce.” She then started to quickly scarf down the rest of the burrito.

Bon Bon could only sigh at Lyra’s nonchalance. “Twilight, could you-”

“I’m already on it,” Twilight interjected, her horn lighting up a bright magenta. “This is the fifth time I’ve had to help him out with this sort of thing.”

“Umm…” Lyra spoke through a mouthful of burrito before swallowing, staring down at her guest as she examined her belly. “What are you doing?”

“Finding Verdant,” the lavender mare replied as the light from her horn faded away and she pulled away. “And it turns out my guess was right. He’s currently inside your stomach.”

WHAT?!” Lyra stumbled back as she exclaimed. “How’s that possible?! How are we gonna get him oOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” She clutched her belly as she felt a powerful and terrible rumbling from within. “What’s happening?”

“Lyra, I think that’s the hot sauce kicking in,” Bon Bon answered as she picked up the bottle in question. “The label says it’s called ‘Butt-Blaster Habanero’.”

BATHROOM!” Lyra screamed as she bolted away like a Wonderbolt. Twilight and Bon Bon were left far behind as she ran up the stairs to the bathroom. The door slammed shut as the two reached the top of the stairs.

As Bon Bon reached for the door, a powerful pained scream came from the sealed room, along with a rather disgusting wet, splattering noise.


A small smile stretched across Verdant’s muzzle as he could faintly make out the voice of Twilight Sparkle coming from the other side of the stomach walls.

“Well, hopefully this means I’ll be getting out of here quicker than usual.” He muttered to himself as the upper opening of the stomach opened up, allowing chunks of chewed up burrito to splash down into the acidic pools.

“Man, either you’re really hungry or you don’t have the best table manners,” Verdant said to no one as more and more bits of burrito splashed down into the stomach, making the juices start to rapidly bubble.

After a few moments, the stomach started to rapidly spasm all about. Verdant screamed in surprise as one of the spasms sent him hurtling into the steaming digestive lake.

The fleshy chamber continued to spasm and clench. A valve in the stomach opened and Verdant felt as if he was being fired out of a cannon as both he and the juices were launched into Lyra’s intestine.

The rushing current sent the screaming stallion flying face first through the tunnel of flesh. His face was constantly being smacked by Lyra’s villi as the tsunami sent him on the world’s most disgusting water slide.

He soon reached the end of the small intestine, but the intense force of the current just kept pushing him through the running mare’s body.

The rushing river was soon mixed with the collection of waste from Lyra’s previous meals as he continued hurtling towards the clenched ring that was her anus.

A scream rang through Verdant ears as he was sent flying from Lyra’s body. As he soared, his eyes shrunk to pinpricks as he saw that instead of splashing down into a toilet bowl, he was going to crash directly into the toilet’s raised lid.

The shrunken stallion struck with a sickening splat, followed swiftly by the fecal geyser that slammed against him. Verdant was thankful to Faust that the sickening flow stopped after a good ten seconds before he slid down onto the toilet’s seat.

“LYRA,” Bon Bon’s concerned voice boomed from the other side of the bathroom door. “ARE YOU OKAY IN THERE?”

“I’M SORE, BUT I THINK I’LL BE FINE.” Verdant turned his attention to the unicorn that laid on the bathroom’s tiled floor. Her face was pressed against it while her flank was raised with her tail moved to the side, giving him an unimpeded view of the sore hole he’d just been launched from.

“LYRA, IS VERDANT OKAY?” The minty mare’s ears stood at attention at Twilight’s question.

After a moment of straining to get back to her hooves and turning about, Lyra turned around to see Verdant was now standing on one part of the toilet that was still white. “YEAH, IT LOOKS LIKE HE’S OKAY… BUT HE’S GONNA NEED A BATH AND WE’LL NEED A LOT OF BLEACH.”

A tense silence hung in the air until Bon Bon spoke up once more. “HOW BAD IS IT?”


“YEAH?” Bon Bon’s reply was dripping with worry.



Nearly an hour later, Verdant was fully restored to his proper height and washed off. Feeling rather sorry for what happened, Lyra and Bon Bon gave him a bag of strawberry flavored candies as an apology.

When Verdant stepped off the train back to Vanhoover, he was rather happy to see Beanstalk and High Gear were waiting for him. The shamrock stallion was quickly swept up into a tight hug by Beans before she gently placed him back on the ground.

“Sorry about this, Verdant,” High Gear said as she nervously rubbed the back of her neck. “I don’t know why this crap keeps happening, but I’ll try to make sure it won’t happen again.”

“It’s okay, Gear,” Verdant replied with a soft smile. “I know it’s just a series of freaky coincidences. On the bright side, you didn’t have to take a trip to Ponyville this time and now I’ll be getting my sub.”

“Right, right,” Gear chuckled as she and the two earth ponies started to trot away from the train station. “Hopefully me buying subs won’t be a recurring thing.”

“Who knows what the future holds?” Verdant replied as they walked about.

After a few minutes, the trio arrived at SubNeigh. The restaurant was sparkling clean and thankfully, the three had managed to arrive before the dinner rush, with nopony waiting in line for their orders.

“Alright, Verdant,” Gear patted the earth pony stallion on the shoulder. “Go place your order for any sub and I’ll pay for it. Heck, I’ll even get the same for Beans.”

“Aww, thanks, Gear. I was getting pretty hungry,” the towering mare said as the scientist trotted up to the register.

As Gear reached the register, Beans and Verdant stepped up to place their order.

“Hi there. I’d like to order a footlong daisy, lettuce and tomato with honey mustard on nine-grain honey oat,” Beans said as the employee started to work on her order.

“And what can I get for you, sir?” the unicorn behind the counter asked when she saw the warm smile on Verdant's face had morphed into a wicked grin.

A dark chortle drew Beans’ eyes to him before he began speaking. “I’ll take a twelve-foot chicken, hay-bacon ranch melt with extra hay-bacon and sauce, swiss cheese and parmesan on Bitalian herb and cheese.”

As the employee began to work on their orders, Beanstalk leaned down to whisper in Verdant’s ear. “Verdant, is it really okay for you to order one of those things?”

“Considering all the literal crap I’ve had to go through since I became her guinea pig, I’d say so.” Verdant casually replied. “Besides, she did say I could order any. Not my fault that she didn’t set a size limit.”

Beans gave a chuckle as an employee came out of the back room, carrying an absurdly long piece of bread.

“Wait, why would you need a-” High Gear began to speak before she spotted the villainous smile on Verdant’s face and realized what he had done.

“Oh, you bastard!” she furiously exclaimed with a glare that could kill a puppy.


After the three had received their orders, the pair had split up. Beans and Gear went back to their apartment to help Pix with a game project she was working on while Verdant went to his own home.

The shamrock stallion had soon cut the sandwich into twelve pieces and stuffed eleven of them into his enchanted fridge. In this fridge, the sandwich would last for nearly a year. He planned on savoring the sub for every single moment it was worth.

To that end, he had soon brewed up a little potion he’d found in a cook book he’d borrowed from the library. It was for a potion that used shrinking violets to allow him to shrink down to the size of a pea. Once it was finished up, along with an antidote, he poured some of it into a small bottle before stepping onto his table.

“Oh, I’m gonna enjoy you for looooooooooooooooooong time,” he said before licking his lips and taking a swig of the shrinking potion.

The world seemed to greatly expand around Verdant as the potion swiftly shrank him down in front of his mammoth sized meal. With him reduced to his tiny size, he quickly skittered across the table and climbed up the bready structure before crawling inside and taking a bite out of a succulent piece of hay bacon.

After a few minutes of digging into his colossal meal, a distant yet loud noise reached his shrunken ears. It was the sound of his front door being unlocked and opened.

Verdant knew only a few ponies had keys to his home. His parents and sisters, but they all lived in Fillydelphia, so it likely wasn’t them. The only ponies in Vanhoover with keys were Beans and…

“VERDANT? YOU IN HERE?” High Gear’s voice echoed about. The shamrock stallion tried to move out of the sandwich, but a heavy dollop of ranch sauce fell on top of him, making him stick to the sandwich.

“I’ve tempted the gods of irony, haven’t I?” Verdant asked aloud as High Gear drew nearer.


“Verdant, you in here?” The scientist called out as she entered the house. Looking about, she saw no sign of the stallion.

“I wanted to say I’m sorry about being so mad earlier,” she said as she headed towards the kitchen. “Yeah, you cost me a lot of money, but I’ve only been through a fraction of the crap you have since we started this.”

A moment passed with no reply being heard by the bespectacled mare.

“Eh, guess I’ll just leave him a note,” Gear said with a shrug before pulling a piece of paper from her jacket and placing it onto the table. She then pulled out a pen and started to write a message with her mouth.


Sorry about being mad earlier. Still, the max limit on size for any future subs is one foot with no extra toppings I’d be charged for.

- High Gear P.H.D.

As she finished up her note, a rumble came from High Gear’s belly. She briefly glanced down at her stomach before looking back up to the table where the sandwich laid. Then a wicked grin stretched across her muzzle before adding something to the letter.

P.S. I’m stealing part of your sub. I paid a small fortune for it, I deserve some of it.

Stuffing the pen back into her pocket, High Gear licked her lips as she picked up the footlong sandwich.


A powerful quake rocked the shrunken stallion as the sandwich was picked up. Looking ahead, Verdant saw the gaping, glistening maw of Gear as the sandwich drew closer.

“Shit! Not again!” Verdant screamed as he struggled to free himself from the thick sauce, only for a chunk of chicken to fall and further pin him.

He tried to struggle out from under the chunk, but it was too late. Another quake rocked Verdant from the unicorn taking a large bite of the sub.

Verdant landed with a faint splat against her warm tongue. The piece of chicken rolled off of him as the tongue started to move about the sandwich chunks, directing them towards her colossal mashing teeth.

Acting quickly, he grabbed onto her tongue. His grip was thankfully strong enough to keep him from being crushed by her teeth.

Verdant was splattered by a mix of chunks of chewed up sandwich and saliva. He shook like a dog to try and fling the spit and sub from his coat.

It wasn’t long before the shamrock stallion was buried by the chewed up food. The weight was too much for his grip and he began to slide towards the back of Gear’s tongue.

Verdant sighed as the tongue began to rise up and he saw he was sliding under her uvula.

“Well, I’m counting this as the first of the new ten,” he tiredly said as High Gear swallowed, sending him down into her esophagus.

He was squeezed down with the sandwich mush by the powerful muscles before he splashed down into the stomach that was otherwise empty, save for a small pool of her bubbling acids.

As Verdant tried to pull himself from the sandwich, a deafening hum reached his ears, forcing him to quickly cover them.


“Hmm…” Gear hummed in delight as she savored the aftertaste of the sandwich. “That’s some good stuff. I should probably head to SubNeigh more often.”

As she started to bring the sandwich back towards her lips to take another bite, she paused.

“Wait a sec…” She set the sandwich back down on the table and activated her hoof mounted scanner. The beeping like crazy told her exactly where Verdant was.

“Oh Faust dammit!” She angrily exclaimed before sighing in annoyance. After a deep breath, she looked down to her belly.

“Sorry about this, Verdant.” She remorsefully said, hoping the shrunken stallion would accept her apology. “I should have scanned before just eating the sandwich. I swear, I’ll make it up to you on your birthday.”

As if in response, her belly gave a small gurgle.

“In the meantime,” High Gear said as she picked up the sandwich once more. “I’m gonna head home and finish off this sandwich. I’ll be sure to get you out… Well, I’ll let you out tomorrow morning.”

As the hornless unicorn took another bite of the sandwich, a loud series of curses she’d be unable to hear began to come from inside her stomach.

Kickin' It into High Gear (Alternate Ending)

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Some time ago, due to one of many teleportation accidents, Verdant Range had found himself inside High Gear’s reproductive system a short time before she began to have sex with her girlfriend. Not too long after that, he’d ended up being ejected from High Gear’s vagina and swallowed by Pixel Flash, trapping him in her stomach until he was discovered the next day and freed thanks to a home-made stomach pump.

However, in another timeline, what happened that day would take a sharp, drastic change that would alter that version of Verdant forever.


Verdant screeched as High Gear began to bounce her hips, mashing her nethers against Pixel Flash’s.

The moaning of the two created a cacophony of booming explosions as they ground against each other, unable to hear the shrunken stallion’s screams.

One particularly strong thrust of Gear’s hips left Verdant terribly disoriented. Everything was a blur for him as the scientists scissored.

He soon found himself landing face first against a vaginal wall. To try to keep from being bounced around any more, he quickly and desperately clung to the warm, wet wall.

After a few moments, his stomach started to settle, despite the continued movements of the mares. Once his head stopped spinning, it was then he realized something was off. He looked up towards the cervix and saw that some of the mare’s fluid were seeming to fall directly towards his face instead down to the vaginal floor.

Giving a gulp, Verdant looked over his shoulder and through the edges of the mare’s vulva and saw the fur that surrounded the second mare was now a light blue.

“Great, now I’m stuck inside Pix while she’s-” Verdant was interrupted by the sound of the violet mare’s moans growing louder and louder.

Verdant grit his teeth as Pix gave the most powerful scream yet as her walls began to wildly spasm. He tried to tighten his grip on the wall, but his efforts were made futile as a wave of her juices knocked him down.

One final spasm from Pix sent Verdant and her fluids shooting forth, the cannon-like force of her orgasm sending him flying back down High Gear’s love tunnel. The sudden impact rendered Verdant unconscious as he bounced against the fleshy floor and was sent flying through her dilated cervix.

Verdant laid knocked out within High Gear’s womb, deaf to the thunderous screeching of Pixel Flash’s climax.


Pixel was left huffing from what she believed was one of the most powerful orgasms she had ever had. She gently fell atop High Gear, giving her a deep kiss before she pulled away to catch her breath.

“So, how’d you like that?” Pixel asked as she pushed herself back up, only to be crestfallen at the dissatisfied look on her love’s face.

“Sadly, I’ve had better,” Gear replied before raising an eyebrow. “Did being on top really turn you on that much?”

“Uhh…” Pix’s face soon turned crimson as she stood up and looked away in embarrassment. “Sorry, Gear. I swear, that’s never happened to me before.”

High Gear gave a chuckle at her girlfriend’s words. “I thought only guys who were bad in bed said that.”

Pixel groaned before she looked down at Gear’s soaked entrance. It was then a thought came to her mind and a grin stretched across her face.

“Tell you what,” Pix said as she moved back on the bed and started to lay on her belly. “How about I make this up to you by getting myself something to eat?”

“Wait, don’t you mean get me something to… Oh!” Gear quickly realized what her mate had planned as Pix moved her face in front of her nethers.

“That’s right,” Pix said before licking her lips. “You’re about to get eaten.”

Opening her mouth wide and sticking out her tongue, she gave Gear’s exposed clit a strong lick before moving down and penetrating her vagina with her broad, flat tongue.


Pixel Flash’s skilled tongue caused High Gear to flick her hips repeatedly into her muzzle in the throes of ecstasy. The massive movements of her lower body made the trapped stallion bounce against her uterine floor before he was sent tumbling into one of her fallopian tubes.

The shamrock stallion’s bouncing within the fleshy canal soon brought him to a grand white orb. As he smacked into the surface of the round object, he sank into the surface somewhat.

The orb, an ovum, continued to roll further towards the womb as the shrunken earth pony was slowly being pulled inside.

As the last bit of Verdant’s body was absorbed, High Gear's intense moans turned into a scream of delight as Pixel Flash brought her experience to a climactic end.


A few weeks later, a nervous sweat poured from High Gear’s brow as she paced around her bathroom. She would occasionally glance at the plastic cup that rested on the sink counter, filled with a pungent yellow liquid and a plastic stick.

“Calm down, Gear. This can’t be what you think it is,” the bespectacled blue mare unconvincingly muttered to herself as she looked down at her watch, seeing she had to wait another thirty seconds for her test results.

“You not only professionally had Bunsen double wrapped, but you also used spermicide and hot water to wash yourself out just to be safe.” The scientist mare glanced down at her watch once more, seeing the time had come.

With a nervous swallow, she slowly, cautiously approached the counter. A chill ran down her spine as she reached out towards the plastic stick.

She gave the stick a gentle nudge, giving it just enough force to turn towards her in the cup.

High Gear’s pupils became pinpricks and she felt as if a ton of bricks had been dropped upon her shoulders at the image on the stick. A plus mark.

The hornless unicorn stumbled back, bumping into the bathroom door and loudly knocking down not only the towels that hung from the door, but the entire rack as well.

“Gear, are you alright?!” Pix worriedly exclaimed from the other side the door. Gear could tell she had run from the kitchen to their bedroom.

High Gear let out a sigh as she stood up and kicked the rack and towels aside. “Honestly, I’m still processing…”

As she opened the bathroom door, Gear found herself pulled into a hug by the violet mare. She then started to gently lead her beloved over to their bed. The two sat down on the bed’s edge and Pix softly rubbed Gear’s back. “What did the test say?”

High Gear groaned as she cradled her face in her forehooves. “Looks like that despite all the precautions I took when we had that threesome, Bunsen’s sperm got past all of that managed to impregnate me.”

“Yeash, are his sperm from Krypton or something?” Pix gently rubbed Gear’s back as the bespectacled mare remained silent. “So, what are you gonna do?”

“To be honest, I’ve got no clue…” Gear sighed before she fell back onto the bed. “I never really thought about becoming a parent before… It’s not like one of my engineering problems where I can just figure things out… It’s just… urgh…”

“Well, whatever you choose,” Pix said as she laid down and pulled Gear into a gentle embrace. “I’ll be there to support you. I love you, Gear.”

“I love you too, Pix,” the blue coated mare replied before kissing the violet unicorn on the lips. Pix deepened the kiss by drawing Gear closer. The moment was tender and passionate… until Gear’s stomach made the fact it was dissatisfied with her breakfast known, leading to Pix learning what a second-hand breakfast burrito tasted like.


High Gear was lying in a large hospital bed, trying to ignore the smell of the disinfectants the nurses had used to clean the room while she tried to read the book propped up against her swollen belly.

The months prior had been quite the ordeal for the scientist. Bunsen was rather shocked to learn about what happened, but thankfully he was more than willing to offer child support and help in taking care of the coming foal. Meanwhile, Gear and Pix had decided to take the next big step in their relationship and marry one another.

Another major ordeal on their plates was Verdant Range’s disappearance. The trackers failed to offer so much as a blip since his disappearance. Thankfully, the lab’s insurance policies covered most of the issues that would come up while Bunsen took care of Pizza. Still, the stallion’s loss still greatly hurt Beanstalk and nearly ruined the friendship she had with the scientist couple. However, she still kept faith that he would return to her someday soon.

“Hey there, honey,” Her wife’s voice drew Gear away from her book, giving a smile as the multispectral-maned mare came up to her bedside. “How’s our son doing?”

“Well, he’s being pretty quiet today,” Gear replied, giving her stomach a rub. “My stomach’s been good and he hasn’t been kicking, but I just know it’ll be a fuss once my body gives him the eviction notice.”

“I know you can do this, Gear,” Pix said as she softly gave her hoof a squeeze. “I’ll be right here by your side and you’ll be a great mom.”

“Thanks, love,” A warm smile graced Gear’s face as she gazed into her green eyes. “You’ll be a great mom toooOOOOAAAH!”

“Gear, are you alright?!” Pix exclaimed right before Gear’s hoof squeezed hers, nearly crushing it.

“It’s… It’s time! Call the doctor!”


Verdant found himself suddenly awakened by a tight clenching feeling all around him. The stallion was disoriented, trying to piece together what was going on as things began to shake all around him.

Okay, things all over are quaking and the last thing I remember was… getting shot out of Pixel Flash’s foal hole and back into Gear’s… Man, my life is damn weird.

Am I stuck in Gear again? he pondered as he started to become more aware of his surroundings. Despite his eyes remaining firmly shut, he could tell just by moving his hooves that he was in a small, fleshy chamber that was filled with a warm liquid he was floating in. A liquid that was starting to be drained away, making him land against the fleshy floor.

When he tried to move his limbs around the chamber, he found two things that greatly shocked him. One was the tube that was connected to his belly. The other was that on top of his forehead was a bony protrusion.

Wait, a horn? Did being in her too long turn me into a unicorn? Before he could ponder any further on this, the organic chamber clenched all around him, squeezing harder than anything he had ever felt before.


Gear’s breathing was heavily strained as she pushed and tried to keep from screaming at the pain she was going through. By her side, Pix held her wife’s hoof, worried that she might actually have the earth pony strength to tear her foreleg off.

“You’re doing fantastically, Mrs. Gear. It should be just one last push,” the unicorn mare in scrubs said to the agonized mare.

“Alright, you bastard!” Gear angrily spoke through gritted teeth. “Your last rent check bounced, now it's… time…for… you… to… get… out!” She let out a furious, guttural growl before giving one last, final push and collapsing back on the bed.

“And you did it!” The doctor merrily proclaimed as High Gear panted from her spot on the bed.
The unicorn doctor then looked down at the little foal in her aura. He was a unicorn colt with a dark seafoam green coat and a violet mane similar to his mother’s.

The doctor then noticed something rather odd on the newborn’s body. Upon his flank was the image of three water droplets. “That’s odd, seems he already has a cutie mark.”

“But, how is that possible?” Pix asked as she stepped away from her tired and sore wife.

“‘Cuz I already earned it years ago,” to the shock of everypony in the room, the little colt weakly spoke. “I don’t think this thing with the teleporter would have gotten rid of it.”

“Wait, Verdant?!” Pix exclaimed as she stumbled back, knocking over the chair by Gear's bed. “What the Tartarus is going on?!”


THIS IS TOTAL HORSESHIT!!!” High Gear furiously exclaimed at Verdant, who had been restored to adulthood thanks to one of the hospital’s on staff unicorns. “We spent nearly an entire Faust damned year looking for you, and you were living rent free inside me, perfectly fine while I have to deal with all the issues pregnancy cause, including aching hooves, throwing up and having you routinely kick my bladder, leading to more than one humiliating incident! And don’t even get me started on the pain I went through squeezing you out!”

“Gear, calm down, you just went through a lot.” Pix tried to calm her wife down, gently stroking her mane.

“I feel the need to point out something,” Verdant said as he stepped up to the bedside, looking into the glaring amber eyes that now matched hers. “One, I wouldn’t have been in this scenario, let alone you were it not for me volunteering to try out your teleporter, which has gotten me eaten about seven times, not counting Beans.

“Secondly, I tried to get out when I was still shrunken, but the two of you having sex somehow led to me being getting absorbed by your body and completely remade with your DNA mixing with mine, giving me a new body and changing my species. Third, because of all this, I was presumed dead by who knows how many ponies and now have to figure out where I’ll be living and how to adjust to now being a unicorn.”

With a sigh, High Gear laid back in the bed. “Sorry, I’m just really pissed over all this… Part of me was looking forward to being a mom.”

“Maybe we can try to have a child sometime down the line,” Pix said, making Gear give her a flat glare.

“Unless you go through the pregnancy or we adopt, not a chance in Tartarus.” Gear’s reply drew a chuckle from Verdant and Pixel Flash. Gear soon joined in on the laughter with them.

“I will say, this has been a pretty crazy time for all of us,” Verdant said as he looked out the window and took a deep breath of fresh air. “Still, I think we’ll be able to figure things ouAaaaahhh… Ahhh… Aaaaahhhh… Choo!”

Verdant’s hard sneeze caused a bolt of magical energy to shoot out his horn, blowing up a bush by the front entrance. The stunned stallion was rather embarrassed by the damage he had accidentally caused. “Uh… My bad…”

While Gear let out a sigh and Pix suppressed a chuckle, an exceptionally tall earth pony mare trotted into the room.

“Hey folks, how are the proud par…” Beanstalk’s words suddenly died in her throat as her eyes fell on the green unicorn with three water droplets on his flank standing before her.

“Uh, hey there, Beans. This is a long story,” Verdant started to say but was interrupted as Beanstalk started to charge with glee towards him.

“Verdant!” She squealed in delight as she leapt to glomp him.

Verdant Range would then have to stay in the hospital for several nights, courtesy of fourteen freshly broken bones.


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On a pleasant winter evening in Vanhoover, High Gear was hectically working behind her console to make sure everything was set up properly.

“Okay, it’s fully set up so it should work as intended for once,” she muttered aloud.

“Heard that song and dance before, Doctor,” Verdant said from his spot on the teleporter. He shot a rather annoyed look at her, to which the scientist rolled her eyes.

“Are you still mad about last week?” the bespectacled mare asked as she paused in her checks.

“Yes, dammit!” Verdant angrily exclaimed. “I had to spend the night inside your guts because you didn’t want to bother doing anything to get me out until the next morning when you shat me out! I’d say I’m rightfully pissed off!”

“Well, if you end up in stomachs nine more times, I’ll buy you a new sub from SubNeigh,” Gear replied nonchalantly.

“I’d like my sandwich from somewhere else. Last time I bought a sub from there, the bread was covered with blue mold.” Verdant’s words made the scientist wince.

“Right, you can pick a different place for it,” Gear said before holding a hoof over a button on the console. “Ready?”

“Yeah, lets get me sent to a stomach, probably in Ponyville.” Verdant gave a stretch on the platform.

High Gear remained quiet, giving him a flat look before pressing a hoof down on the button. A bright flash of light soon filled the room.

Once the light had died down, Verdant was missing from the platform. Gear let a moment pass before she looked to the scanner on her left foreleg and did a city wide scan to see if Verdant was still in Vanhoover.

Seeing how he wasn’t in Vanhoover, she was satisfied with the result… until a nagging feeling made her widen the scanning range, causing her to receive a ping from Ponyville.

“Oh, Faust dammit!”


In a bright flash, Verdant reappeared in a dark space. He fell a short distance until he landed on something soft and a bit sticky, finding himself stuck up to the waist as he sank into the mysterious object.

The shamrock stallion tried to look around, but wherever he was, it was too dark to really make anything out.

Verdant tried to pull himself from the sticky object he was stuck inside of, but his attempts to struggle free were futile.

Once his attempt to break free stopped, a distant yet familiar voice reached his ears.

“Mom, is it alright if I have some hot chocolate with marshmallows?”

“Wait, I know who that is!” Verdant shouted as he realized who was speaking. “It’s Sweetie Belle!”


At the modest house where Sweetie Belle lived with her parents, Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles, the young filly had just finished wolfing down her dinner. The speed at which she inhaled her meal was rather shocking to the older unicorns.

Sweetie wiped her mouth a napkin before looking towards her mother with a bright smile. “Mom, is it alright if I have some hot chocolate with marshmallows?”

“Well, so long as you don’t make yourself sick, dearie,” the plump pink mare replied as her husband rose from the table and picked up the dishes, carrying them to the sink. “Would you like it made with milk or water?”

“Milk, please,” Sweetie answered before hopping from her seat. She felt a wobble come from her stuffed belly before she started to follow her mother into the kitchen while Hondo started to scrub at the dishes.

A few minutes passed as Cookie quickly made the hot beverage for her daughter. Once the steaming mug was placed on the counter, her horn glowed as she opened one of the cupboards.


Verdant was momentarily blinded from the light that suddenly came pouring in around him. Once his eyes adjusted however, he could see exactly where he was.

He saw that he was stuck up to his waist in a sticky white marshmallow, much like the dozens, if not hundreds of others that were sealed in the clear plastic bag with him. Looking up, he saw the top of the bag was pinched closed with a white plastic clip.

“Oh no…” Verdant muttered as it dawned on him that he may soon be devoured yet again. The feeling deepened tenfold as he suddenly felt the bag being yanked out of the cupboard. In only a second, he found himself floating in front of the eyes of Cookie Crumbles, hoping that she would somehow spot the tiny speck of green amongst the mass of white treats.

Sadly, he went unnoticed as Cookie removed the clip from the bag and started to tip it over the steaming hot mug.

“RIGHT, JUST SAY WHEN, SWEETIE.” Cookie’s words echoed like thunder as a few marshmallows ahead of him began to tumble out of the bag.

Verdant’s gooey prison soon joined its brethren, splashing down in the steaming chocolate lake.

“WHEN!” Sweetie exclaimed, just as Verdant’s vessel bumped into another, soon followed by two final marshmallows falling from the bag and into the drink.

“I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT.” Cookie smiled warmly as her magic engulfed the cup, making it float down to Sweetie Belle’s face before she grabbed it with her hoof.

“I WILL. THANKS, MOM!” The melodic thunder of the filly’s booming voice made Verdant wince in pain when suddenly, the cup began to tilt.

Looking up, he saw the filly’s maw opening wide as the chocolate lake quickly became a river that was swiftly poured inside of her.

Verdant let out a sigh of annoyance and defeat as his marshmallow floated over Sweetie’s lips, carrying him into the filly’s mouth. “Eight more to go.”

The raging current pulled the puny pony along as it formed a whirlpool at the back of the filly’s throat. Verdant tried to reach up and bite the uvula, but it was too far out of reach and he was instead pulled down into the steamy drink and then into her esophagus.

Verdant was barely able to hold his breath as he was pushed downward by Sweetie’s throat. He and his marshmallow was sent tumbling all about by the force of her esophagus and the flow of the hot beverage.

Soon the valve to Sweetie Belle’s stomach opened up below him, dumping both the drink and stallion inside. Verdant coughed and sputtered as he tried to clear the hot chocolate from his airways before he once again tried to pull himself free of the marshmallow.

Thankfully, likely due to the heat of the drink and a little bit of Sweetie’s digestive juices, the shamrock stallion was able to break free of his gooey prison.

“Oh thank Faust, finally,” he muttered as he tried to shake off the bits of melted marshmallow on his lower half.

Looking about, Verdant saw that the filly’s stomach was nearly full and getting even fuller thanks to the hot chocolate and marshmallows pouring in. Thanks to the large dinner she’d had, the valve to the esophagus was closer than it’d ever been, even as the brown waterfall continued to gradually bring him towards the top.

“Hmm… Y’know, this might make for a good way to escape,” Verdant said aloud as for a moment, the hot chocolate stopped pouring in. “It would be nice to escape through the mouth for a change after going out the back end the last two times.”

As he began to ponder how far he’d need to jump to reach the value, a powerful shake tossed Verdant and the stomach's contents about. Once he recovered from his dizziness, he saw that the stomach contents had all been shifted even nearer the top, to the point where he could reach the valve by simply standing on his forelegs.

A smirk crossed Verdant’s face as he rushed over to the esophageal opening.


As she took a long drink of her hot chocolate with marshmallows, Sweetie Belle quickly made her way to her bedroom. Once she arrived, she carefully jumped onto her bed, making sure not to spill a single droplet onto her freshly cleaned sheets, before laying down on her slightly bloated belly.

Maybe with all this practice, I’ll be able to beat Apple Bloom in that pie eating contest Pinkie’s holding on Saturday. Sweetie thought to herself before she polished off her hot chocolate. With a contented sigh, she set her mug aside and pulled a book over to read.

The little filly enjoyed her book for nearly an hour before feeling the call of nature. Sweetie hopped off her bed and started to make her way to the bathroom.

Maybe I shouldn’t have had so much water before having that hot chocolate. Sweetie Belle thought to herself as she came up to the bathroom door, seeing a light under the gap. “Oh boy. Could you please hurry up in there?” she asked as she felt her need for relief grow stronger.

“Just a moment, Sweetie,” Cookie Crumbles’ voice came from behind the other side of the door, followed shortly by a loud flush that made the filly wince.

As she heard her mother’s footsteps approaching, Sweetie Belle felt a tickling in her nose, making her start to deeply inhale.

“Ah-aahh-ahh,” She deeply drew in air just as the door swung open and her mother stepped forward.

“Aaachoo!” The filly let out a powerful sneeze that sprayed a fair bit of mucus all over Cookie, with some of it flying into her mouth and being accidentally swallowed on reflex.

“Gahh! Sweetie, please cover your mouth when you sneeze,” Cookie said as her filly zipped past her and slammed the bathroom door shut behind her.

“Sorry, Mom!” Sweetie shouted from behind the door, followed shortly by a loud sigh of relief.

Cookie gave a quiet chuckle as she started to head for her bedroom.


Verdant pushed himself onto his forelegs and grasped the slick flesh of the stomach’s valve. After a brief moment to prepare, he hoisted himself up, pushing himself through the orifice and into the bottom of the filly’s esophagus.

However, the instant he entered the muscular passageway, the filly’s body tried to push him back down into the stomach.

Gritting his teeth, Verdant gripped hard onto the wet wall, holding firm as the esophagus tried to force him back down to be digested.

Against the intense motions of the filly’s body, he pushed onward, slowly and painfully making his harrowing journey upward.

Nearly an hour into his climb, Verdant had finally managed to escape Sweetie’s esophagus, entering the back of the filly’s throat.

“Oh, thank Faust,” He gasped to himself as he continued his climb, now moving much more carefully. He knew that if he tickled her throat, she would end up coughing and sending him flying to Faust only knows where.

An immense quaking suddenly struck him, nearly causing the shrunken stallion to go tumbling back downwards. After a moment, what was an intense quake had become more of a gentle tremor as the filly started to walk after jumping off her bed.

As he tried to calm himself down, Verdant decided to look downwards, only to immediately regret his poor choice. His brief view let him see not only the esophagus he’d just escaped, but the passageway that led into the filly’s lungs.

He quickly snapped his attention back upwards, where he saw he was behind the bottom of Sweetie Belle’s dangling uvula. Just beyond that, he could see sparkling teeth and the back of her lips. It seemed his escape was tantalizingly close.

AH…” The filly’s body shook once more as a powerful wind pulled against Verdant, nearly causing him to lose his grip.

“Oh Faust…” Verdant squeaked as more of the powerful inward winds fought to pull him down.

AAHH-AHH… AAACHOO!” An explosive gale burst from below the puny pony, sending him hurtling upwards at incredible speeds. Verdant could barely process the event as he was sent flying through a much tighter flesh tunnel, where he was smacked by slime and hairs both before being sent flying out of Sweetie Belle.

The miniscule stallion was sent flying faster than when he’d been ejected from Big McIntosh’s body. Already he was sore from the g-forces and the smacks of nose hairs that he’d just endured. He barely had time to tell up from down before he was sent hurtling into a pair of plump pink lips.

The shrunken stallion struck the lip’s soft surface, only to bounce and keep going thanks to the sneeze’s momentum. Soon he’d bounced off the top of a tongue and crashed into the back of a throat, where a familiar reflex pulled him downward.

With a disoriented groan, Verdant soon realized he’d been swallowed yet again just before he was dumped off into the mare’s stomach, landing on a chunk of chewed up pasta and vegetables.

Verdant sighed and remained still on his back, silently hoping the tiredness and soreness would fade away while the mammoth mare moved about, completely unaware of the stallion inside her.

“Seven more,” Verdant said just as the pain started to finally fade, immediately before he was shaken about from the mare climbing into her bed. Thankfully, compared to everything else he’d had to deal with today, her movements to get into the bed were fairly gentle.

“Well, guess I should just try to wait in here until Gear shows up.” Verdant said as he looked up to the esophageal valve, seeing it was a good deal farther away than the one in Sweetie Belle. “At least things should be relatively pleasant, right? … I just jinxed myself, didn’t I?”


Cookie gently climbed onto her bed, moving close to her husband. She gave him a kiss on the lips which he quickly returned.

“Say, Cookie. Are you feeling a little… y’know, frisky?” the mustachioed stallion inquired as she slowly slid down his form.

“Not too much, dear,” she replied as her face drifted close to his lap. “I’m a bit tired, but I am feeling a little hungry.” Cookie gave a flirtatious wink, drawing a chuckle from her husband.

“Well, who am I to deny a hungry mare?” Hondo said as she drew closer to his groin.


Verdant could hear the mare he was trapped within give a lusty moan, making her belly rumble about. “Please tell me she’s not doing what I think she’s doing.”

Verdant would receive an answer a few minutes later when a deep, masculine groan reached his ears and the torrent of thick, sticky white goo began to pour in and flood the stomach. The shrunken stallion found that both himself and the rest of Cookie’s previous meal had gotten a generous coating of the thick fluid.

“Urgh… I wish I could just pretend this was hot yogurt…” Verdant groaned as he tried to shake some of the semen from his coat. His efforts proved futile as more of the spunk flowed into the stomach. “Hopefully I can at least stay in here for the night instead of going out the back door.”


The next morning, Cookie and Hondo were having a pleasant chat as they prepared their breakfast.

“By the way, remember that you promised you’d help Rarity set up the cri-” Cookie’s words were interrupted by a knock at the front door.

“Just a moment!” Cookie called out as she approached the door, where she spotted a bespectacled blue mare with a beeping device on her foreleg. “Can I help you, Miss-”

“Doctor High Gear,” the mare in the lab coat said before turning off her foreleg device and grabbing one of Cookie’s forelegs. “Ma’am, I need you to accompany me to Twilight Sparkle’s. It’s very important and about something currently residing in your stomach.”

“Okay, but could I bring my husband and daughter along?” Cookie asked as she pulled her foreleg away from the scientist.

“Sure, fine, whatever,” Gear dismissively said with a roll of her eyes. “Just please try to be quick. The first train back to Vanhoover leaves in half an hour and I don’t want to wait another two hours for the next one to get home.”


One stomach pumping and magical restoration later, High Gear, Verdant and the marshmallowy unicorn family were headed towards the train station. The shamrock stallion gave a yawn as Sweetie Belle quickly walked up to him.

“This is incredible, Mr. Verdant!” She excitedly said as she bounced by his side. “I can’t believe you were inside both me and Apple Bloom!”

Verdant groaned as Hondo brought a hoof to his face and Gear bit her lip. The earth pony stallion could see the suspicious looks and death glares the citizens of Ponyville were giving him. “Are you trying to get me killed, Sweetie Belle?”

A filly gave a mischievous grin and chuckled before Cookie looked to the crowd of ponies glaring at Verdant. “Not like that, folks! He was in a shrinking accident and got eaten!”

The ponies seemed to accept what she said and started to disperse.

When the five arrived at the foot of the train station, Cookie looked down to her young daughter. “Sweetie, how about you go play with your friends while Daddy and I have a discussion with Mr. Verdant?”

“Okay, Mom!” Sweetie replied before she darted off towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Once the filly was out of sight, Cookie and Hondo let out a sigh. “Sorry about this, Verdant. This was quite the mess we got involved in.”

“Eh, I’m starting to get used to it,” Verdant replied before turning his attention to High Gear. “Still, at least I’m getting paid and rewarded for this.”

“Still, I think we know a way to make it up to you,” Hondo said before he leaned over to whisper in the shamrock stallion’s ear. “My wife and I are swingers and we’re more than willing to ‘have a little fun’ with you.” When Hondo pulled back, he gave Verdant a wink, making him blush.

“Uh… Well…” Verdant said as he examined Cookie’s form. While she was a bit on the plump side, he did find that she was a fairly attractive mare. When his eyes reached hers, she gave him a rather flirty wink. The shamrock stallion’s coat then turned beet red. “Um… I’ll run it by my girlfriend.”

Not a Snack-Sized Stallion, But a Micro-Sized Man

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In High Gear’s laboratory, the blue-coated mare impatiently tapped a hoof against her teleporter’s console and pouted. Looking up at her wall mounted clock, she noted that Verdant was late by nearly an hour.

Gear sighed before she slumped against the machine. “What’s the friggin’ hold-up?”

A moment passed where the only sounds were the faint hum of electricity, High Gear’s breathing and the ticking of the clock before the door was gently pushed open.

Gear stood at attention, hoping her guinea pig had arrived, but quickly became crestfallen when she saw the pony coming into the lab wasn’t the short green stallion with the white muzzle, but the tall green mare that was her roommate.

“Oh, Hi Beans. What brings you here?” Gear asked as she slumped once more.

“Well, I just checked on Verdant and he’s got a pretty nasty cold right now,” Beanstalk said as she made her way to the console, carefully trying not to trip over some of the cables. “He said he’s really sorry, but he won’t be able to do any tests this week.”

“Oh, Faust dammit,” High Gear mumbled before she stepped out from behind her console. “Guess I’ll have to go to Plan B.”

As High Gear trotted past Beans and headed for the door, Beans nervously swallowed. “Please tell me that doesn’t involve me becoming your test subject.”

“No,” Gear replied as she reached the door. “Knowing my luck, if I tried to teleport you, it would end with a chunk of a city being crushed. I’ve got something else in mind.”

High Gear slipped out the door, leaving Beans alone in the lab. Less than a minute later, the bespectacled mare returned with a blue-colored potted plant on her back.

“If anypony asks, a bird flew in and stole this from Lettuce Leaf’s lab,” Gear said as she placed the pot on the teleporter.

“Wait, if you can use anything as a teleportation subject, why do you keep using Verdant?” Beans asked as High Gear headed back behind the console.

“Because I want to see what the machine can do to ponies. I’ve already tested inorganic materials, but tests on living things are important, Beans. Guess I’ll have to settle for this flower.”

The hornless unicorn then pushed forth a large lever and the machine started to hum to life. A bright white light soon flooded the room. Once the light had died down, the two saw the plant had vanished.

“Alright. Now we’ve got to get in contact with the Baltimare branch and… Wait…” Gear paused as she carefully examined the numbers on the console’s display. “Shit! I forgot one of the ones for the coordinates. Now I’ve got no clue where I just sent that blue rose.”

“Um… Gear,” Beans nervously spoke up. “That wasn’t a blue rose. That was poison joke.”

“Oh… Crap…” Gear felt a torrent of sweat forming on her brow. “Well, hopefully nopony will get hurt.”


In another Vanhoover, where the city was not populated by ponies, but instead a bipedal species known as humans, a teenaged boy was diligently working on someone’s lawn.

The sixteen year old had pale green skin, short brown hair and icy blue eyes. He was wearing a yellow vest over his forest green jacket and a white t-shirt. His pants were a dark green that contrasted against his clean white sneakers.

He happily hummed to himself as he pushed an old-fashioned manual mower along the grass, enjoying the pleasant weekend weather.

The boy’s humming ceased as the house’s front door opened up and a man with a cane stepped out of the house. The man’s skin was a dark shade of gray that matched his pants. The thing that stood out most from the navy-blue jacketed man’s appearance was his hair. It was a dark blue with a light, almost cyan streak in the middle of it.

The man’s dark blue eyes swept over the freshly mowed lawn before they settled on the teen.

“Good work, Verdant,” the man said as he hobbled closer to him. “How long do you think it’ll be until you’re finished?”

“Not much longer, Mr. Barrier,” Verdant cheerfully replied to the older man. “I’m just doing some finishing touches. Should only be a couple minutes.”

“Thanks, Verdant,” Barrier said as he drew closer. “I was never the best at garden work and I didn’t want my niece to think I’m too lazy or feeble to take care of the lawn.”

“No sweat, sir.” Verdant kept pushing the mower along. “So, I recall you promising a form of payment for this work.”

Barrier gave a mild roll of his yes. “Yes. Would you prefer cash or me giving you some extra credit in history class?”

“Hmm… I’ll have to get back to you on that,” Verdant said as he rubbed some sweat from his brow. “Say, might I ask why your niece is coming all the way from Canterlot?”

“She said she’d help set up my new computer and I promised I’d take her to Science West.” Barrier said from his spot on the stone pathway to his door. “She’s been eager to see it ever since the news about some new exhibits they’d added. I couldn’t tell you which ones.”

“Sounds like a good way to spend the long weekend,” Verdant replied with a shrug. “Hope you have a good time.”

“Same to you, Verdant,” Barrier replied as he turned around and stiffly made his way back into the house.

Only a few minutes passed before Verdant had finished taking care of Barrier’s lawn. The grass was a nice, vibrant shade of green and all the blades were nice and even. Verdant gave a proud smile at his work before he took the mower to Barrier’s backyard shed.

With his job complete, the boy started to head towards the sidewalk when an odd, crackling sound reached his ears. The sound seemed to come from above him.

Looking up, he saw a brief flash of light before something hard smashed into his face and shattered. Verdant groaned and stumbled back from the force of whatever struck him.

As the pain started to dull, Verdant looked to the patch of grass where whatever hit him had landed.

What he spotted was rather odd. It looked to be the remains of a flower pot, with the fragments of the pot scattered near the soil and flower.

Despite Verdant’s interest in flowers and other plants, he’d never seen a flower quite like this one. It was an oddly vibrant shade of blue all over, not a speck of green to be seen.

The boy took a step closer to the flower, only to stumble back when he saw what looked like a current of blue electricity arcing over it.

“What’s going on with this thing?” Verdant asked himself as he stared at the flower in confusion. As he started to get back to his feet, he felt an odd feeling he couldn’t quite pin down that seemed to suddenly spread all over his body.

Looking out to the street, he saw that a tree across from him had started to grow further away while the ground beneath seemed to be coming closer.

A feeling of intense panic started to wash over Verdant as he realized what was going on. To his great shock, he was somehow rapidly shrinking.

How the hell is this even possible?! Is this like some of the crazy stories of magic in Canterlot I heard about? Verdant’s mind raced as he tried to scramble off the grass. By the time the shrinking seemed to stop, he was a tiny speck. He wondered if he was the size of a mite or even smaller.

“This isn’t real… this is just some insane dream… it has to be…” he tried to reassure himself as walked along the massive stone slab that formed part of the pathway to Barrier’s door. “I’m going to wake up soon and just wonder if I’ve got some kind of micro fetish or something.”

Verdant felt a chill run up his spine as he heard a loud booming coming from far in front of him.

Looking up, he saw someone he’d never seen before drawing closer. It was a bespectacled girl around Verdant’s age. Her skin was a faint lavender while her hair was a dark indigo with two streaks, one pink and one purple, that she wore in a long ponytail.

Hidden behind the black frames of her glasses were deep amethyst eyes. She wore a short-sleeved shirt that alternated between light blue and purple stripes with a white collar and cuff. Around her neck was a magenta bow with a purple clasp in the center. Her skirt was a deep violet that had pockets, and two kinds of stars. Some were smaller six-pointed and light purple while others were twelve pointed, primarily pink with six white points. Carried in her left hand was a large violet suitcase with one of the two-toned stars emblazoned on it.

Verdant’s eyes however were locked onto her feet. They were clad in deep blue and indigo shoes with pink laces that covered her knee high socks which also matched the blue of her shirt. The reason he couldn’t take his eyes off them wasn’t due to a personal preference, but because they were the part of the giant girl that was approaching him, likely to crush the unseen teen.

“Crap, crap, crap!” Verdant exclaimed as he tried to run towards the grass, only for an angry looking ant to emerge from the blades. He tried to turn back and run diagonally in the opposite direction, but the girl’s steps were looming ever nearer. Each step boomed like thunder and they were growing closer every second despite his best efforts.

Verdant fought back the urge to look over his shoulder, knowing he’d see the colossal shoes approaching to bring his doom.

Suddenly, however, the explosive sounds of the girl’s steps came to a halt, replaced by a loud hum. Fighting against his instincts, Verdant decided to stop and look over his shoulder.

His green skin turned pale at what he saw. From his perspective, the giant’s shoe was less than twenty feet away from him. Had she taken another step, at best she’d step over him, but it was just as likely she would have crushed him to death.

Looking up, Verdant saw the titanic teen girl pull a smartphone from one of her pockets as her bespectacled eyes remained locked on the sparking blue flower.

Wait, there could be a way to survive this! Verdant thought to himself while the girl was distracted. If you climb onto her, you might be able to get her attention and get saved! Besides, it’s bound to be safer to be on the top of her shoe than on the bottom.

With his mind going a mile a minute and adrenaline coursing through his entire body, he took a running leap onto the shoe. He was very thankful that the materials of the shoe afforded him a good grip while the girl seemed to still be distracted photographing the flower.

Verdant’s muscles felt as if they’d been set on fire as he climbed his way onto the top of the shoe, where he soon slumped against one of the brightly colored laces to catch his breath.

“Looks like all that time at the climbing wall with Jaylin paid off,” he weakly said as he tried to catch his breath. Looking towards the shoe’s edge and the ground below, he’d assumed he’d somehow managed to quickly scale what had to be over thirty feet nearly straight up in the time it took the girl to write a text message.

“It’s amazing what you can do when you’re well motivated,” he said as he looked back towards the girl’s body, making sure to keep his gaze from going past her knees.

He didn’t have time to ponder how he’d climb up or get her attention as the giantess had started to move again. Verdant tightly clung to the shoelace and her footsteps brought her to the house’s front door, where she gently (to her anyway) knocked a hand against it.


Twilight Sparkle was happily humming to herself as the Vanhoover taxi brought her to her destination. She’d been rather excited for this long weekend trip. Not only did she get to spend time with an uncle of hers that she hadn’t seen for a year or more, but he’d also promised to take her to Science West, Vanhoover’s famed science museum. They’d recently added a great deal of new exhibits that she’d been looking forward to seeing.

While she would miss her friends and family while she was away from Canterlot, she would call them all once she was settled in at Barrier’s house.

“Alright, ma’am. We’re here.” The cabbie said as the car pulled to a halt. Looking out the window, she’d spotted the small, somewhat old-fashioned looking home with “380” written in metal numbers by the door.

“Thank you,” Twilight responded before paying the cabbie and stepping onto the streets with her suitcase in tow.

Taking a deep breath of the seaside city’s refreshing salty air, the young woman started to walk down the short stone path to the door.

Partway into her walk, her eyes were pulled from the house to the sight of a smashed flower pot that was laying on the lawn, an odd blue flower sticking up from the remains.

That’s weird. Why would Uncle Barrier have a smashed flower pot on his lawn? I know he wasn’t particularly fond of gardening, but this doesn’t make any sense. She pondered to herself before she saw what looked like electricity coursing over the blue plant, making her let out a curious hum.

And now this has officially gone from weird to possibly dangerous. Twilight pulled her smart phone from her pocket and snapped a photo of the plant, managing to capture the image of the strange energy coursing over it.

With the photo snapped, she started to quickly type up a text to someone who she hoped would know what was going on.

Sunset, I just found this weird blue plant with some energy flowing over it. Any clue what it is?

With one final press, the text and photo were sent off. That accomplished, Twilight slipped the phone back into her pocket and made her way to the front door, where she gave it a series of gentle raps.

After a brief moment, the door pulled open and the cane-wielding man offered Twilight a smile.

“Ah, it’s great to see you again, my dear,” Barrier said as he and Twilight pulled each other into a hug. “How was the trip down here?”

“A bit lonely. My friends, parents and BBBFF were all busy, so I had to take a bus and then a cab,” Twilight replied as the hug broke off and the two walked into the house. “Still, it wasn’t too bad.”

“Glad to hear,” Barrier said as he made his way towards the kitchen. “Would you like something to drink?”

“Well, I am a little parched,” Twilight responded as Barrier came out with a tray, a pitcher of water and some glasses. “I think I will once I text my-WHOA!”

The violet girl suddenly found her right foot slipping out from under her. To her great thanks, she’d been right next to Barrier’s recliner, so her trip was rather short and soft.

“Oh, sorry about that,” Barrier said as he set the tray down on the coffee table near the recliner. “I forgot to mention I had the floors waxed earlier, so it’s a bit slippery.”

“No problem, Uncle,” Twilight warmly replied as she adjusted her glasses and dusted herself off. “Still, thanks for all this.” She then picked up one of the glasses and the pitcher and quickly filled it up.

“Your guest room’s all set for you and the wi-fi password is VelvetRoom. All one word, capital first V and R,” Barrier said as Twilight quickly downed her glass of water before letting out a small, satisfied sigh.

“Thanks,” Twilight then heard a series of beeps coming from her pocket. Pulling out her phone, she saw that Sunset had sent her a reply. With a few taps, the message appeared on the screen.

Twilight, do NOT touch that plant! That’s a plant from Equestria called Poison Joke. It’s a really dangerous plant that can cause weird transformations if you touch it. I don’t know how it got here, but it needs to be disposed of ASAP. Be careful with it.

Twilight quickly typed up a reply. As she did, a ringing came from another room and Barrier excused himself to check the source.

Got it. I found it outside my uncle’s place, but didn’t touch it. I’ll get some gloves and have it disposed of shortly.

Once the reply was sent, Barrier made his way back into the living room, a cellphone in his hand.

“Twilight, it’s for you,” Barrier said as he handed the phone to her. Twilight wondered who would call Barrier in order to talk to her as she picked up the phone.



Verdant felt his stomach lurch with each step that Twilight took into the living room. The forces he felt were more intense than anything he’d ever felt in his life.

Looking about, it was quite the shock to see his neighbor and history teacher’s living room now looking bigger than most of the city. In the distance, he saw Barrier had entered the kitchen.

“Okay, maybe I can start to climb Twilight once she sits down or something… And that’s a pretty big if right thERE!” Verdant’s words turned into a mighty yet unheard shriek as the girl’s foot slipped on the waxy floor, sending him hurtling into the air.

Verdant briefly wondered if he was flying at jet speeds when he felt his back crash into something smooth and solid. While he winced from the pain, he slid along the smooth surface before falling off and landing on his face.

He laid against the smooth, hard surface in pain for a brief moment before he forced himself to his feet to see where he’d landed. Looking up, he saw he was in the bottom of a glass that had been placed onto the coffee table in front of the gigantic girl as she dusted herself off.

It was then to his great horror that Twilight grabbed the glass he was trapped in and poured what to Verdant was a lake’s worth of water. Verdant was swept up by the fearsome current, but he managed to pull himself to the surface and breach, filling his lungs with air.

Once he did though, he saw the glass was being tilted forward towards Twilight’s open mouth. Verdant could see some of the white-water river pouring inside and quickly being chugged down by the girl who naturally didn’t see the micro-sized man.

“No, no, no!” Verdant’s screams were drowned out by the crashing waves as he felt himself being pulled along into her massive maw. A new wave of terror swept over Verdant as he passed over her lips and into the mouth. He briefly felt himself scraping against the surface of her tongue as he was being pulled along further inside.

He tried to make a futile grasp at her uvula as he drew near it, but one of the waves pulled him under the water’s surface.

When Verdant next managed to breach the surface, he felt himself being pulled down by the powerful force of her throat muscles.

He felt himself repeatedly smacking against the walls of her undulating esophagus before he finally dropped down into a massive fleshly chamber.

Verdant coughed hard as he laid atop a mushy pile he’d landed on, trying to clear his airways of the water and the smell of digesting food.

Once his coughing had ceased, he gazed around the organic room, seeing that he truly was trapped in Twilight’s stomach. Looking down, he saw what he was standing on was a semi-firm, chewed up pile of what he could only assume was a sandwich she’d had earlier.

“Well, this is just peachy,” Verdant said as he slumped down against the stomach’s wall. “Guess I’m stuck inside here until I end up digested. Can’t I just get a little bit of good luck right now?”

Just as he finished speaking, he heard a beeping coming from his vest pocket. He casually pulled out his phone and checked what the notification was.

“Huh. Twenty-five percent off the next order I place with Food Wagon. That’s neat,” Verdant said as he put his phone back into his pocket. After a brief moment had passed, realization hit him like a speeding train. “WAIT, I GET A SIGNAL IN HERE?!”

Quickly pulling his phone out once more, the tiny teen saw that he somehow still had three bars and his phone seemed to be perfectly functional.

“Wow. When High Gear tricks out a phone, she really tricks out a phone!” He happily exclaimed as he went past the lock screen and brought up his contact list. “And Goldie said the waterproofing was a waste of money!”

Verdant brought up Barrier’s number and quickly rang it up. After a brief yet tense moment where it rang, he heard Barrier’s voice on the other end. “Hello?”

“Mr. Barrier, it’s really urgent!” Verdant panickedly said. “Please, I need you to put your niece on the line right now!”

“Verdant, are you okay?” Barrier asked, worry clearly in his voice.

“I may not be much longer! Please, put her on the phone!” Verdant’s shout echoed throughout the pulsating chamber.

After a moment of silence, Twilight’s voice reached Verdant’s ears in stereo, one source being the muffled yet booming version of her voice from her throat while the other was the more normal voice that came through the phone. “Hello?”

“Hello, Twilight. My name’s Verdant Range,” he hurriedly said as he tried to stand atop her former lunch. “You don’t know me, but I’m Barrier’s neighbor and one of his students. Listen, this is going to sound insane, but I’m currently shrunken down and trapped inside your stomach.”

“Wait, WHAT?!” Twilight’s shout and sudden standing up made Verdant fall back into the mushy pile. “That’s impossible!”

“I wish it was, but it’s true,” Verdant replied when an idea struck him. “Hang on, I’ve got an idea.”

With a few quick swipes, Verdant brought up his phone’s camera and held the device aloft. With a click, he snapped a selfie with some of Twilight’s stomach and digesting food in the background. A few seconds later, he had the photo sent to Barrier’s phone.

“Oh no…” Twilight’s gobsmacked voice echoed about before the chamber shook once more, most likely from her sitting down. “Verdant, do you know what caused this?”

“I think it had something to do with that weird flower that crashed on my head. I started shrinking right before you showed up.

“Right. This is bad. Still, I do have an idea to buy us sometime. Hold on.” Twilight’s voice disappeared for a brief moment. “Alright. In order to try to buy you some time, I’m going to try to dilute the acid in my stomach.” Her voice seemed a bit more distant and echoey. Verdant assumed he was put on speaker phone.

“Okay, and how are you going to do that? I’m guessing you’ll-” Verdant was interrupted as several loud gulps came from above before a large torrent of water began to pour in. The tiny trapped teen found the mushy pile he was standing on acting as a raft as the liquid levels rose.


Twilight let out a small sigh as she finished off her tall glass of water before turning her attention to the phone on the coffee table. “Alright. That water should dilute the acid somewhat, buying you a bit of time while I try to see if I can fix this.”

The bespectacled girl then pulled out her phone and called up Sunset, setting her phone to be on speaker as she handed it to Barrier who set it on the table.

“Hey Twilight, How are things?” the teen’s voice came out clearly through the phone.

“Bad, Sunset. Remember that poison joke plant I told you about? It turns out it hit someone and now they’re shrunken,” Twilight replied as she carefully tried to lean back against the couch.

“Wait, what? I thought poison joke would take overnight to kick in,” Sunset said in shock. “Right, I’ll call up the other Twilight and see if she knows the cure recipe. Is the victim okay?”

“Not really, Sunset,” Verdant’s voice emanated from the second phone. “I’m currently trapped inside her stomach right now and have no idea if I’m going to end up being digested.”

A loud thud came from Sunset’s end, followed shortly by the sound of her quickly picking up something papery. “Wait, what?!”

“Yeah… that’s what happened,” Twilight embarrassedly said as she rubbed the back of her head. “I just drank a lot of water to try to dilute the stomach acids, but to be frank, I’m surprised Verdant’s still alive right now.”

A tense silence held in the air, making Twilight imagine Sunset’s gobsmacked face and right eye twitching.

“Right. We've got to get him out first,” Sunset said, already sounding tired.

“Any ideas how?” Twilight asked, her eyes firmly locked on her phone.

“Well, if you don’t mind him seeing your goods, you could take a laxa-”

“No!” Twilight exclamation cut Sunset off, her face quickly turning beet red.

A faint titter came from Sunset’s end while a groan came from Verdant’s.

“Yeah… I really want to come out someone’s ass in a river of shit.”

“Right. I figured that would be a last resort anyway,” Sunset said after reining herself in. “Guess that means the best thing to do would be to make you vomit. I’d suggest doing it in a bathroom sink half-filled with water.”

“Alright,” Twilight said as she carefully leaned forward and picked up the two phones. Despite how slow and gentle her movements were, she could hear the nervous shouts of Verdant as she made her way into Barrier’s bathroom.

“Be sure to clean up the mess when you’re done,” Barrier said just before she gently closed the door behind her. Considering what was happening, she wouldn’t blame him if he’d took a drink from his flask when the door was closed.

As she set the phones near the sink and started to fill it up, Sunset spoke up once more. “Good news. The other Twilight knows the poison joke cure treatment and it seems that it uses stuff we have on this side of the mirror.”

“Alright. I’m just gonna pretend I know what you two mean by this stuff with another Twilight and this mirror thing,” Verdant said with a very faint hint of annoyance.

“It’s a long story,” Twilight said as she turned off the water. “Right, so… how are we gonna make me throw up? I don’t think my uncle has any ipecac.”

A grumbling came from Verdant before Sunset spoke up. “Hang on a sec. I know a video.”

Sunset has a video about how to induce vomiting? Twilight felt oddly curious at Sunset’s words. Why would she have one? Did she look this up because the equines are unable to vomit or something? Is it different in her world? She briefly pondered when she saw the video file was loaded on her phone.

With a press of her screen, the video started to play and the sound of piano music began to fill the bathroom. Twilight’s eyes bulged at the sight on the phone as she felt her stomach begin to harshly churn.


As piano music began to play through Verdant’s phone, his green skin grew pale. “Oh no…” He whispered as the stomach began to churn.

The stomach’s churning started growing more rapid. Verdant tried to keep his footing on his digesting raft, but the whole stomach shifted as Twilight bent over towards the sink.

With volcanic force, Verdant and the contents of Twilight’s stomach were blasted into her esophagus. In a matter of seconds, Verdant saw her approaching uvula and open mouth before he made a hard splashdown in the Olympic pool’s worth of water in the sink.

An explosive, sickly groan came from behind the tiny teen. Turning about in the lake of vomit and tap water, he saw the somewhat disheveled appearance of Twilight. Her lavender face was somewhat greenish as she readjusted her glasses.

Verdant swam into a cleaner part of the water, where the gigantic girl was able to spot him. As she stuck one of her mighty, pillar-like fingers into the water the shrunken boy climbed onto it and was pulled from the sink before being gently deposited on the sink.

The speck of a boy pulled his phone from his jacket once more. “Well, at least the hard part’s over.” His voice came out through Barrier’s phone.

YEAH…” Despite how weak Twilight’s voice sounded, it still boomed and echoed to the miniature man as she pulled away from the sink and sat down on the toilet beside it. “NOW I JUST NEED MY STOMACH TO SETTLE SO I CAN GET THE CURE INGREDIENTS.

A gentle knock came from the other side of the bathroom door. “Twilight, I think it would be better to let me take care of the ingredients while your stomach settles. Besides, this way you can keep an eye on Verdant.”

OKAY. THANKS, UNCLE.” Twilight replied before turning towards her phone. “SUNSET, I’M GONNA GIVE YOU MY UNCLE’S NUMBER SO HE CAN TAKE CARE OF THIS.

“NO PROBLEM, TWILIGHT.” Sunset’s voice rang out through the phone as Twilight picked it up. Once a text was sent to Sunset with Barrier’s number, Twilight passed the phone back to her uncle.

A moment later, Twilight gave her number to Verdant. The shrunken boy was rather grateful since he had an unlimited texting plan and he didn’t want to have to deal with long distance fees.


A little over an hour later, the ingredients were gathered and Verdant was restored to his normal size, just a few inches shorter than Twilight.

Once his clothes had been sent through the laundry, the trio of Barrier, Twilight and Verdant sat in the living room. A bit of an awkward tension was held in the air between the three. Her phone laid on the coffee table with Sunset on speaker

“So, would you be willing to explain how this all happened, Twilight?” Barrier asked from his spot on the recliner.

Taking a deep breath, Twilight gave her answer. “Well, from what I can tell, a magical flower from another world populated by sapient magical equines ended up hitting Verdant, causing him to shrink down.”

“I… would normally say that’s crazy, but considering what I went through today, this sounds kinda plausible,” Verdant said as he leaned back on the couch.

“Bare in mind that shrinking should have killed you since you wouldn’t be able to see or even breathe.” Twilight replied. “Not to mention what my stomach should have done to you…”

“Right, so it’s magic,” Barrier said before taking a swig from his silver flask. “If it weren’t for the fact I saw Verdant being so tiny and returning to normal, I probably wouldn’t buy this. However, this leads to my next question, Twilight. How do you and your friend know so much about magic?”

“It’s… a really long story,” Sunset’s voice came from the phone. “Best I could summarize would probably be that I’m a unicorn from another dimension that came through a portal in front of Canterlot High, was evil, got beaten by your niece’s counterpart from my homeland of Equestria, got better, met your niece during the Friendship Games, she got turned into a demon and dimension rifts were opened, my friends and I fixed things and now she goes to Canterlot High.”

Barrier could only sigh in response. “Well, I suppose all I’ll say is that I hope all three of you try to be safe. After what happened today, I get the feeling magic can be pretty dangerous.”

“I know the feeling, Uncle,” Twilight said as she rubbed her temples. “Honestly, I think Verdant and I would both like to try and just forget about today.”

“Ah, but you never forget the first time you have a boy inside you, Twilight!” Another voice came through Twilight’s phone. The voice made Twilight’s eyes go wide while Sunset let out a startled yelp.

“Pinkie, what are you doing here?!” Sunset shrieked at the girl that had suddenly appeared in her apartment.

“A little twitch told me I should probably be here and I just learned Twilight had a really poor time with a boy inside her.” Pinkie’s words caused Verdant and Twilight to groan and blush while Barrier had to bite his lip. “I mean he only was in her for a few minutes and she ended up puking right afterwards. Normally it takes a couple weeks for that to happen.”

“Pinkie…” Twilight murmured as she clasped her hands over her face in frustration.

“Well, I hope you have a better time in Vanhoover, Twilight!” Pinkie cheerily said. “Hope your stomach feels better soon and that your next time with a boy in you is a lot more fun!”

“Knock it off, Pinkie!” Sunset said before the call suddenly ended.

Another awkward moment passed along before Verdant rose off of the couch. “Well, I should be heading home now. My family’s probably wondering why I’m taking so long.”

“Well, goodbye, Verdant,” Twilight said as she got off the couch and grabbed the phone. “Sorry about all this.”

“Don’t sweat it, it was all just a freaky accident,” Verdant replied with a smile as he reached the door. Twilight shot him one right back. “Right now, I just hope you have a more pleasant stay in Vanhoover and that this sort of thing never happens to me again.”

“I doubt it,” Twilight said. “Honestly, what are the odds you’ll be shrunken and eaten again?”

As Verdant made his way out the door, something in the back of his mind told him that Twilight had just jinxed him.

Dinner and a Magic Show

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It was a pleasant evening as Verdant and Beanstalk stepped into the somewhat upscale building. The restaurant, Festivities & Food, was a place well known in Vanhoover for providing entertainment for patrons while they enjoyed quality meals.

“After you,” Verdant said as he quickly pulled out a seat for Beans at their table. The tall mare gave a chuckle before nuzzling the top of his head and taking her seat.

Soon a pony took the couple’s orders. Not long after, a voice rang out through the restaurant’s sound system. “Mares, gentle stallions and others. I hope you're hungry not just for our fine food, but also for an amazing magical show. Now, put your hooves together for Vanhoover’s mistress of magic, Hocus Pocus!”

A round of applause and cheers came from the audience, though Verdant swore he heard a single boo as a unicorn mare stepped out from behind a curtain.

The unicorn’s coat was a silvery blue while her short, curly mane was a golden color. The deep violet of her eyes was matched by the bowtie wrapped around her neck. Her clothes were a white button-up shirt topped by a black silk jacket.

“Is it just me, or does her outfit really draw attention to her flank?” Beans whispered into Verdant’s ear, making his eyes fall on her back half. For a mare her size, her rump was somewhat on the larger side. Upon her flank was the image of a top hat with a purple band and a silver star. Beside the hat was a wand with a large golden star.

“Wee bit, but if I had a flank that good, I’d want to show it off,” Verdant quietly replied, making Beans nod as she focused on the bowing magician’s rump.

“Thank you all for the warm welcome,” the mare on stage said as she stood up straight. “Welcome to tonight's show. I’m Hocus Pocus, the best magician in Vanhoover and I’ll be providing you with a night of entertainment.”

A second round of cheers rang out as Verdant and Beans’ order of cheesy garlic bread was placed in front of them. Just as Verdant and Beans started to dig in, Hocus Pocus spoke up once more.

“Now, for tonight’s first trick, I’m going to require a volunteer from the audience.” She said before sweeping her eyes over the dining room’s floor. Hocus spotted what she thought was a certain stallion raising his hoof, unaware he was reaching for a second breadstick. “Yes, you with the green coat and white muzzle! Please come onto the stage!”

Verdant was rather surprised to see the stage mare was pointing directly at him. Before he could offer a word of protest, Beans gave him a light push out of his chair. When he looked back, he saw her mouth the words, “Go on!”.

The shamrock stallion gave a slight swallow before he made his way onto the stage, where the magician offered him a warm smile. “Alright. Thank you for coming up here, Mister?”

“Verdant Range,” he nervously replied, only for the magician to give him a hearty pat on the back.

“Mister Verdant Range. Thank you for volunteering,” Hocus warmly said before looking between Verdant and the audience. “Now, have you ever been teleported before?”

“More times than I’d care to admit.” Verdant admitted as he rubbed his foreleg and let out a nervous chuckle.

“Well then, you shouldn’t have any problem when I use you for my disappearing act,” the silvery mare said as her horn started to glow a bright purple. “Are you ready?”

“R-ready as I’ll ever be,” Verdant said as he looked out into the audience and saw Beans giving him a reassuring wave.

“Alright. Prepare to vanish on the count of three.” Hocus Pocus slowly drew near as her horn’s glow grew brighter. “One… Two… Three!”

An explosion of purple smoke suddenly flooded the stage in front of Verdant as he felt his body start to tingle. He saw a pale violet light was encompassing his body and felt as if he was being gently squeezed all over.

Glancing down at his hooves for but an instant, he saw a mark on the floor growing closer and larger. In the instant when he realized he’d been shrunk, he felt himself being pulled off the ground at a great speed.

Looking to where he was going, he saw the now giant Hocus Pocus was holding her jacket slightly open with her hoof, letting him see a hidden pocket inside. Verdant was quickly pulled into the jacket before being gently set down in the dark pocket.

When he landed on his flank, he was rather surprised to see that one side of the hidden pocket had some letters stitched into it that glowed a faint white.

Relax, you’ll be fine in here. I don’t do any tricks that’ll put you in danger. In the meantime, feel free to take one of the below coupons to get a discount for 10% off your meal.

~ Hocus Pocus

At the bottom of her message was an arrow that pointed down to a small stack of papers that he could vaguely make out the ten percent message on.

“Well, I won’t turn down a cheaper meal,” Verdant said to himself before he picked up one of the coupons and stuffed it into his vest. “Still, me and shrinking never go well.”

TAH-DAH!” Hocus’ voice boomed before a distant rumbling sound reached Verdant’s ears.


“Tah-dah!” Hocus said as the smoke dissipated, revealing she was alone on the stage. The display led to a stampede of applause from the audience, including Beanstalk.

“Thank you, folks. I’m sure Verdant will be going on a nice little trip through another dimension,” Hocus said as she took a small bow. “In the meantime, I’ve got plenty of tricks that will impress you all.”

For the next twenty minutes, Hocus Pocus enraptured her audience with a variety of sleight of hoof tricks. She had made several objects appear and disappear, seemingly smashed a watch to pieces only to have it be completely unharmed, and even levitated without the use of wires or any light coming from her horn.

Her last trick had her call a somewhat grumpy blue unicorn mare from the audience and had her pick a card from a deck while Hocus looked away. Once the card was picked and shown to the audience, put back into the deck and shuffled, the silver mare finally turned back.

“And now,” a grin crossed Hocus’ muzzle as the blue mare put the deck back in the performer's left forehoof while she pulled a throwing knife from inside her jacket and snatched it with her right. “We’ll see if I get this right.”

A mare from backstage quickly pushed a target onto the stage before Hocus tossed the deck of cards into the air, scattering them all about. Less than a second later, she threw the knife at the target.

When it struck the target, it had impaled a card right in the center, it was the Eight of Clubs. The audience gasped at the sight of the stabbed card.

“Was that your card?” Hocus said to the grumpy unicorn, who scoffed before heading for the stage’s edge.

“Lucky guess,” she said before she hopped off, leading to cheers from the audience once more.

“Thank you for joining me up here, Ma’am,” Hocus said before she hopped off the stage and started to walk up to Beans’ table. “And now that I’ve finished up with one guest on stage, I think I should call back our first guest.”

Hocus Pocus stopped in front of Beanstalk’s table, standing up on her hindlegs before she started doing some strange, fluid gestures with her forelegs.

Suddenly, she stopped. She held up a single foreleg before she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, revealing the shrunken form of Verdant, standing atop it like a model on a runway.


Verdant had a rather comfortable time in the pocket of Hocus, though he did find he was starting to get rather hungry as time went on.

Eventually, he heard the unicorn say she would finally, “bring him back” and he pondered how she’d do so.

Her gentle movements became more raucous as she stood upon her hindlegs and started to quickly move her forehooves.

Faster than the shrunken stallion could blink, he found himself being scooped up by her hoof and stuck into her mouth.

“Whoa, the hoof really is quicker than the eye,” he muttered to himself before Hocus opened her mouth wide and stuck out her tongue like a diving board.

Verdant gave a somewhat nervous wave as the audience cheered, with none cheering more so than Beanstalk.

Y’know, I wonder if Beans is bigger compared to me when she grew giant or- The shrunken stallion’s thoughts were interrupted as a flash filled the dining room along with a crackle of lightning so loud it was as if a volcano had gone off next to him.

Verdant had no time to react when Hocus’ head suddenly jerked back and her tongue flicked him backwards. He found himself being catapulted into the back of her throat before being swallowed down. He tumbled down her esophagus before he splashed into her stomach.

The shamrock stallion coughed and swam his way over to what he assumed was a chunk of carrot in Hocus’ belly as she said something that he couldn’t clearly make out due to having flooded his ears with stomach juices.

“Dammit. I was hoping for a week without getting eaten,” he grumbled aloud. “And to make it worse, I won’t be getting this on my sandwich tally.”

As Verdant started to shake the fluids from his ears, he saw something starting to poke out of the upper stomach valve. It seemed to be a sparkly blue silk cloth. More of the cloth started to pour down into the stomach where at the end, he saw one of the tips of the blue cloth was tied to an equally sparkly yellow one.

Acting quickly, Verdant leapt from the food chunks and swam up to the stomach wall. Once he could grab onto the cloth, he quickly wrapped it around his waist.

“Right, so how am I going to signaaah!-” The emerald pony suddenly felt himself being jerked upward by the cloth. He could barely process how quickly he ascended her throat when he found himself being pulled past her lips, dangling from the cloth in front of the audience.


As the audience gave a cheer for the trick with Verdant on her tongue, Hocus Pocus found her flank suddenly being struck by a jolt. It was shocking and somewhat painful, but the true issue was that her reflexes had caused her to accidentally swallow Verdant. She could practically feel the miniature pony falling down her throat before dropping into her stomach.

“Oh dear…” Hocus quietly whispered to herself as she fell to her hooves and the crowd gasped in horror.

“Miss Hocus,” Beanstalk nervously swallowed before continuing. “Can… can you throw Verdant back up?”

“Um… no, I can’t vomit,” Hocus said as she rubbed the back of her head. “Due to repeated practice of sword swallowing tricks and some things I used to do in high school, I don’t really have a gag reflex anymore.”

A second wave of gasps came from the crowd before the performer pony held up a hoof.

“But fear not, for I have a way to get him back,” Hocus said before waving a hoof in front of her face. At least I pray so…

Before anypony could ask what she meant, Hocus puckered her lips and a small bit of pretty silk cloth stuck out between her lips. Sitting down on her flank, she started to pull on the cloth, revealing it was attached to another silken cloth, but this one was green.

She quickly started pulling out more, revealing silken clothes in white, black, pink, orange, purple, yellow and finally blue, where the tiny form of Verdant could be seen dangling from the now damp cloth.

“Ta-dah!” Hocus triumphantly exclaimed as she plucked Verdant from the cloth with her magic and set him down in his chair.

With a brief flash from her horn, Verdant was suddenly returned to his original size. The crowd erupted into applause as Beans swept up the slightly damp stallion and placed a kiss on his cheek.

“Well, I hope you enjoyed the show, everyone,” Hocus said as she quickly reached into her jacket and pulled out three items that she set next to the couple’s plate. It was two backstage passes and a note that read, “Meet me after the musical act’s done. P.S. Return this note to me.”

“I wish you all a pleasant dinner and hope that you enjoy the soothing music of Melody and the Sweethearts,” she called out as she returned to the stage to go behind it.

As the crowd cheered for the band that started to come onto the stage, a blue coated unicorn mare mumbled to herself in annoyance as she munched on some peanut butter covered crackers.

“Best magician in Vanhoover. Bah!” She grumbled before angrily taking another bite of her crackers. “Hocus Pocus is nothing but a second rate hack. Her cards aren’t even worthy of being in a rookie’s deck, much less Trixie’s deck, but they might make a good coaster for my drink.”


After the acts had concluded and the green pony couple had enjoyed a delicious discounted meal, the two made their way backstage to Hocus Pocus’ dressing room. Beans gave a gentle knock against the door, to which the unicorn’s voice came from behind it. “Come in”.

Making their way inside, they saw the now naked unicorn mare was sitting back in a chair, her jacket carefully set up on a nearby coat rack.

“Ah, perfect timing,” Hocus said as she slid out of her chair. “I’d like to apologize for what happened with the trick you were in, Verdant. I’ve done that trick dozens of times before and not once have I ever swallowed a pony.”

“Eh, it’s no big deal,” Verdant sheepishly replied. “Honestly, I’ve been eaten about fourteen times.”

“Even I’ve done it once.” A faint pink tinge danced across Beans’ face as she spoke up.

“It’s gotten to the point that I’m a little used to it,” Verdant finished up.

“Well… That’s a bit surprising,” Hocus said as she trotted up to the couple. “Still, I want to make things up to the two of you beyond just giving you a discount coupon for this place. How about I take you two out for a fancy night on the town?”

“Hmm… Could you give us a moment?” Beans asked before she and Verdant moved to a corner of the room, turning so the unicorn couldn’t hear them.

“What do you think, Beans?” Verdant carefully whispered to the tall mare. “I think she’s pretty much asking us out on a date.”

“Me too, Verdant,” Beans replied before she quickly looked over her shoulder to the unicorn and turned back. “She is rather cute… What do you know about herding?”

“A fair bit since my family was a herd. My Dad had four mates and I had six sisters because of it.” Verdant quickly took a glance at the unicorn who was starting to look a bit nervous. “Just so you know, the choice of adding a mare to a herd is supposed to be the choice of the lead mare in the herd, so it would be your call… though I will say that she does seem rather nice and cute.”

“I see...hmm... I think we should go for it, okay?”

“Sure thing,” Verdant said with a nod. “I’m up for it if you are.”

“Alright,” Beanstalk replied before she and Verdant turned back to Hocus. “We’d love to, Miss Pocus. Would Friday at seven be alright?”

“Fantastic,” Hocus Pocus said as she walked up to the two. “Rest assured, I will make that night…” With a quick series of flicks of her right foreleg, the earth ponies saw various items appear in hoof before quickly being replaced with another. They went from a photo of a fancy restaurant to a red rose to a photo of the ocean to a firework to the business card of a hotel to a set of hoof cuffs. “Magical.”

A faint blush appeared on Verdant’s face while Beanstalk started to grin widely.

Verdant vs. Verdant: Battle of the Bug (AP)

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It was a pleasant and sunny morning for Verdant as he stood outside the magnificent Canterlot palace. The birds were chirping and there were very few clouds in the sky as he approached the gate.

Reaching into his saddlebags, the shamrock stallion presented the royal summons note that he’d received the previous night to the guards by the gate. The two quickly examined the note before the unicorn of the pair ran a scanning spell over him.

With the scan finished, the guards nodded and opened the gate for him, letting him trot into the grand palace.

A few minutes later, he arrived in the throne room where Princess Celestia was seated upon the throne. “Ah. Private Range, excellent timing.” Verdant gave a salute as the alabaster alicorn rose from her throne and descended her dais.

“To get straight to the point, I’ve summoned you here because there is a special mission that requires your special skills.” The princess’s horn began to glow with golden light before it flashed, flooding the throne room.

When the light faded, Verdant found Celestia and himself in another chamber of the palace. Though the room looked as fine as the other parts of the palace he’d seen, the chamber only had a somewhat plain chandelier, a door with a lock behind them, and a mirror with a purple horseshoe shaped frame.

“Long ago,” the princess’s words snapped Verdant from his thoughts as she moved towards the mirror, “Starswirl the Bearded experimented with portal magic, creating portals to multiple realms. Of all the portals he’s created, this is the only one I know of that still remains.

“This portal leads to an alternate version of Equestria where things turned out radically differently. On very rare occasions, I would speak with the ruler of this Equestria, and now he needs your help, Verdant.”

The princess turned about, looking down upon the short stallion. “The king of this Equestria has an ally whose life is in potential danger, courtesy of an assassin. He’s personally requested your aid in defeating this assassin and ensuring his friend’s safety.”

“Your highness,” Verdant asked as he hesitantly drew closer to the princess and the mirror. “Was I requested because of my skills as a sniper and soldier… or because of my experience with being shrunk and eaten?”

“Both,” the alicorn mare bluntly answered. “Make no mistake, your mission is likely to be very dangerous, but the king and I both believe you have the skills needed to handle this. Now, do you accept this assignment?”

Verdant took a deep breath before giving his confirmation. “Yes, I do, your highness.” He then stepped closer to the mirror, coming to a halt directly in front of it. “I’ve already got a collapsible bow and some arrows in my saddlebags. Is there anything else I’ll need?”

“I cannot say, but I’m certain that anything you’ll need will be provided on the other side of the mirror.” The princess then gave Verdant a gentle pat on the back. “Good luck, my little pony.”

Taking one final moment to steel himself, Verdant stepped forward to go through the mirror.


Verdant stepped out of a mirror identical to the one he stepped through, arriving in a room nearly identical to the one he’d just left, only instead of the white that made up Celestia’s chamber, this room’s walls were gray.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Verdant Range.” A stallion’s voice made the fur on the back of Verdant’s neck rise. It was a deep stallion’s voice he’d heard more than once before and it belonged to somepony he despised.

Slowly turning about with a glare on his face, Verdant looked upon the source of the voice.

By the mirror’s side was a unicorn stallion with a deep gray coat. His mane was charcoal black with some streaks of deep blue separating them while his eyes were a sparkling green that stood out in stark contrast to his gray coat. In addition, he wore a full regalia. Adorning the stallion was a cobalt crown that sported an amber jewel in the center with matching shoes on the end of each hoof, colored the same cobalt as his crown and accompanied by a dark purple cape with a furry white trim that was held in place by a cobalt clasp, complete with an amber jewel in the center. Behind the clasp was a pale violet cravat.

“King Sombra, I presume?" Verdant asked, trying to keep the venom out of his tone.

“Yes, my good stallion,” Sombra said as he approached the young earth pony. “From what I’ve seen, the moralities of various beings between our worlds are inverted. Ponies that are good here are bad in your world and vice versa. I’m assuming from your tone that you have some bad history with my counterpart.”

“You could say that,” Verdant said through gritted teeth. “King Sombra in my world slew many of my fellow royal guard cadets, along with many innocent civilians, sealed the empire away from the world for over a thousand years, making it so I could never see my family ever again and burned a scar onto my back!” The shamrock stallion's words erupted into a yell as he pulled down his yellow vest, revealing the large mark upon his back.

“I see.” Sombra winced at the sight of the pony’s scar. “I am truly sorry for the loss you suffered at the hooves of my counterpart, Verdant.”

“And I’m sorry for shouting at you,” Verdant replied as he raised his vest back up. “I know you’re not the stallion that did this to me. You just… have the same face.”

“Aye. Now, come along,” the king said as he started to walk to the door. “Time is of the essence.”

“Alright.” Verdant quickly fell in line behind Sombra as they stepped into a hallway with two guards standing by the door. When Verdant entered the hallway, the guards nearly gasped at the sight of the shamrock stallion before they started to follow as well. “So, based on what you said about our two worlds, I’m assuming my counterpart is pretty bad?”

“The Verdant Range here is one of the most dangerous stallions in this world.” King Sombra replied, his eyes locked on the hallway before him. “He was trained by my traitorous former apprentice Magic Barrier to be an assassin as well as deceiving the great doctor Sweet Tonic to teach him about poisons, adding that to his arsenal of hidden blades, bows and arrows.”

“Why do I have a feeling he’s involved with the friend of yours I was told is in danger?” Verdant’s question made the dark unicorn look over his shoulder.

“Because if the Barrier from your world is anything like the one in mine, he trained you and your fellows to be some of the sharpest, most skilled combatants he could possibly make,” Sombra bluntly replied before taking a sharp right turn and coming to a halt in front of a large set of double doors.

With a flare of his horn, the two doors were pushed open and the four stepped into the chamber where a large, imposing figure was laying on a bed. Rather than fur, her body was covered by a smooth obsidian chitin with a mane and tail of soft, dark turquoise. Finally, her eyes were harlequin green, covered by both dark green eyeliner and a pair of small spectacles.

At first, Verdant thought she was also wearing some kind of violet saddle, but closer inspection revealed that it was actually a part of her body, which seemed to be a sort of shell while the dark bands beneath seemed to be her stomach. To his disgust, it seemed the bands were somewhat transparent, giving him a hint of her insides’ appearance.

Looking to her back, she was sporting a pair of dazzling, translucent wings that looked to be a mix of dragonfly and butterfly wings. Once again drawing his gaze back to her face, he first saw the long, smooth, blade-like horn upon her head and then the six-pointed crown-like formation rested behind it.

“Verdant Range,” The green stallion’s gaze remained where it was. “I present to you Queen Chrysalis,” Sombra said as he walked up to the changeling’s side. “My friend, I bring you the one who I think can help you.”

Chrysalis weakly looked over to the shamrock stallion before she quietly spoke. “Hello, Verdant. Please forgive my unwillingness to talk. My current predicament is rather painful.”

“I understand, your majesty,” Verdant said as he offered her a quick bow. “King Sombra, could you please tell me what is currently wrong and what I can do to help?”

“Suffice to say, she’s suffering due to your counterpart’s handywork,” Sombra replied. “Your counterpart managed to slip his way into Queen Chrysalis sometime last night and is currently causing a healthy degree of internal damage.”

“I’ve been shapeshifting my insides in order to try and reverse the damage he’s causing,” Chrysalis said with a wince. “However, this is rather strenuous on me and eventually, I’ll run out of the magic necessary in order to keep this up.”

“We’ve tried to use magic and medications to flush him out, but it seems he has some kind of anti-magic metal lining his clothes and has somehow managed to avoid the effects of the medicine.” Sombra said as his horn flared up, pulling from a bottle filled with a purple brew as well as a saddlebag that looked like it’d fit perfectly on an ant. “That’s where you come in.”

“Right. I know where this is going,” Verdant said with a note of tiredness in his voice. “What’s in the saddlebag? I’ve already got my bow and arrows in my bag and I know that’s a bottle of shrinking violet potion.”

“Very well,” Sombra replied as he levitated the bottle over to the shamrock stallion. “Inside the saddlebag is a pill. Once it digests, it will create a large amount of gas inside Queen Chrysalis. This will be what will get you and your counterpart out once he’s incapacitated. Drop it in her stomach and it should make her burp you both out.”

“Understood,” Verdant said before pulling the cork from the bottle with his teeth and drinking down the potion. “I really don’t like getting eaten, but I’ll do so to save your friend.”

“Thank you, Verdant.” Sombra gave a thankful smile as the earth pony quickly started shrinking down to bite size. “Genuinely, you have my sincerest thanks.”

“And you have my thanks for making it so that I won’t need the back exit,” Verdant replied just before he was reduced to the familiar size of a pea. Finding himself picked up in the light of Sombra’s magic, the small stallion felt his hooves floating off the floor before the pill’s bag was placed onto his sides.

“Best of luck, my little pony,” Sombra said as the changeling queen opened her mouth wide and he floated the shrunken stallion towards her.

Verdant both felt the warmth and smelt the scent of peppermint from Queen Chrysalis breath as he felt himself gently placed on her large, spongy tongue. To his mild surprise, she kept herself rather still as he started to walk across the tongue’s slick surface.

After one too few moments, he reached the back of her mouth. Looking up, her uvula hung above him, looking like an organic punching bag. Turning his attention downwards, he saw the undulating tunnel that led to her stomach.

“Um, your majesty?” his tiny voice echoed throughout her wide open maw. “I need you to swallow me down. If I try jumping down, I’m pretty sure it’ll just make you gag.”

After a moment of silence, the tongue started to pull back and the massive organic cavern started to darken. Verdant didn’t need to look to know that her lips had sealed behind him before he started to feel the tongue raise up.

The tilting back of her tongue was surprisingly gentle, just before Verdant felt himself being pulled down into her esophagus.

Huh. That’s rather surprising. Verdant thought to himself as he found himself massaged down towards her stomach in the organic elevator. Her mouth is pink, but her other insides are green. Weird. Is that due to her changeling magic or something?

Before he could ponder any further, the esophagus brought him to the end of its trip and pushed him down into the pulsating, semi-translucent green sack that was the changeling queen’s stomach.

Verdant lightly splashed down into what smelled like a creamy tomato soup with soggy chunks that he assumed were garlic croutons some time ago.

“Y’know, I wonder why my life is so damned weird,” Verdant muttered to himself as he paddled through the stomach’s soup. “I just want to be a gardener and tend to flowers yet here I am, in another universe, swimming through a giant changeling queen’s stomach to fight an evil version of myself.”

After a few moments, the shrunken stallion saw that the valve he needed was submerged under the acid. With a roll of his eyes, he took a deep breath before diving under juices.

I wonder what it’ll be like when I face off with this guy. The thought went through Verdant’s mind as he swam down to the tightly closed orifice.

What kind of skills will Verdant have? Will he have the same weapons training as I do? He reached out with a hoof and began to massage the valve, trying to coax it open. Should I call him Dark Green or something so I stop calling him by my name?

After a moment, the valve opened up to the shrunken stallion and a current of the stomach’s juices carried him into the small intestine, where he was able to take a relatively fresh breath.

Taking a few seconds to shake some of the digestive fluids from his coat, he began his long trek through the small intestines while doing his best to ignore the knee-high liquid he was wading in.

As he trudged through the former meal and digestive acids, Verdant heard some loud sounds in the distance. There was a series of furious shouts and splashes coming from up ahead, along with the wet noises of a blade cutting into flesh.

That’s gotta be Dark Green, Verdant cautiously moved ahead, unsure what his villainous counterpart would have up his sleeves.

“Damned bug,” a vicious growl came from around the bend as Verdant saw Dark Green taking a breath, a bit of green flame sealing the fresh wound he’d just made.

The Verdant referred to as Dark Green was clad in a green bodysuit with a dark vest and matching set of boots while upon his raised right foreleg was a retractable blade.

Looking at his face, Verdant found himself staring into a twisted mirror. His mane was swept out to the sides while being more rough in the back while the tail, compared to Verdant’s short tail, was rather long and jagged looking.

However, what made Verdant feel the most uneasy was the vicious look of bloodlust resting on his counterpart’s face. He didn’t know why, but seeing that kind of look on a face just like his was distinctly unsettling.

“I refuse to stop until one of us is dead, and it won’t be me!” Dark Green growled again as he rose up to his forelegs, ready to take another slash.

“Halt!” Verdant barked, making Dark Green stop before he could land a blow on the fleshy, green wall. Slowly turning, he saw Verdant, clad in a yellow vest with pale brown saddlebags on his side and a short mane and tail.

“Oh? What have we here?” Dark Green grinned widely as he retracted his blade and started to examine his virtuous twin. “I had heard rumors that Sombra had a portal to another world, but I never expected he’d recruit a counterpart of myself to fight me.”

“So, I guess that makes you ‘Good Verdant’. Meanwhile, I’m ‘Bad Verdant. If that’s the case, you don’t stand a snowball’s chance in Tartarus,” Dark Green chuckled as Verdant started to reach for his saddlebags. “You’re a little goody four-shoes.

“Little goody four shoes! Little goody four-GAAAAAHHH!” Dark Green’s sing song taunt erupted into a scream as he felt an arrow strike him in the joint of his left shoulder. “GAH, WHAT THE FU-GAAAHH!!!” He found himself cut off yet again as a second arrow found purchase in the same spot on his other shoulder.

“I am Verdant Range!” The shamrock stallion barked as he stood perfectly balanced on his hindlegs, bow drawn back with an arrow ready to fire as he looked down at his counterpart struggling in pain on his back. “I am a former private in the Equestrian Royal Guard under the command of their royal majesties Princess Celestia and Princess Luna! Serial number Three-Six-Two-Three-Seven!”

Dark Green angrily bit down on the arrow stuck in his shoulder before pulling it out. The instant he looked back to Verdant, he found his wound being struck in the exact same spot with another arrow. Dark Green’s scream of pain caused him to drop the arrow into the river of fluids, where it quickly started to dissolve and float away.

“I was personally trained by Captain Magic Barrier of the Executors and I’m a veteran of the Crystal Empire, where I personally shot King Sombra in the face with an explosive arrow,” Verdant exclaimed as he glared down at his counterpart. “You have no chance of beating me. Surrender now to avoid further injuries.”

“You little worm,” Dark Green growled as he started down the emerald-coated archer. “I'll crush you with my bare hooves!”

Suddenly, the villainous earth pony leapt forth from the fluids, his foreleg blade moving into position with the intent to land a lethal strike.

As his counterpart flew towards him, Verdant fired off a fourth arrow that stuck itself in Dark Green’s left hind knee. However, the injury only made the wicked stallion flinch as he sailed forward.

At the last second, Verdant leapt back and to the side, causing Dark Green’s blade to only make a slash in one of his bags. Acting quickly, Verdant swung his bow like a baseball bat into Dark Green’s throat, knocking him back as he gagged and choked.

With his counterpart struggling to regain his breath, Verdant jumped forth and drove both of his elbows into his opponent’s chest before pressing the bow against Dark Green’s throat, pushing him even further down into the acidic river.

“Surrender!” Verdant barked in Dark Green’s face. “You’ve got three arrows in you already and you were tired by the time I arrived! If you value your continued existence, you’ll surrender now!

Before the vile earth pony could make a response, a hissing noise made both stallion’s ears stand at attention.

Looking over Verdant’s shoulders, the two saw a large purple and orange pill sitting in the digestive liquids with a large amount of bubbles. It was then Verdant saw the slit Dark Green had made in his bag, making the gas pill fall into the fluid.

“Uh-oh…” The two stallions said in unison, both knowing what was to come.


As King Sombra nervously paced around the room, his friend suddenly started to groan before giving her belly a rub. “Chrysalis, are you alright?!”

“I think so.” The changeling queen sat up slightly as she looked down at her belly. “I’m not feeling the same sort of pain I was before, but it feels like something’s building up in my-”

Chrysalis was interrupted as a loud *Pfft!* echoed throughout the room, making her cheeks turn a bright crimson. “Nevermind… I know what I was feeling.”

With the pressure from her bowels gone, she looked over her shoulder as Sombra came up to her hind end. Looking closely, he could just spot the tiny, green, pony-shaped specks on the bed by her buttocks. Looking closely, one was sporting a yellow vest while the other wore a dark green ensemble with three arrows sticking out of him.

“Well,” Sombra said as he lit up his horn and picked up the two shrunken stallions. “It seems Operation: Eat Your Greens was a complete success!”


A little over an hour later, a now bandaged Dark Green was sitting in a dungeon cell, glaring at Verdant, Chrysalis and Sombra on the other side.

“You know,” Dark Green said as he slumped against the stone wall. “My friends will come and get me out. And when they do, there will be blood.”

“Hopefully, we shall be able to best them with as little bloodshed as possible. Until then, you will stay in that cell until you’ve served enough time to atone for your many crimes, Verdant,” Sombra said before he looked to the shamrock stallion at his side. “And thank you very much for your help today, Verdant.”

“Not a problem, Your Highness,” Verdant said to the king before he found himself suddenly pulled into the insectoid queen’s forelegs for a tight hug.

“And you have my deepest thanks, Verdant,” Chrysalis said before planting a kiss on his forehead. “Your bravery and heroism mean so much to me.”

“All part of being a royal guard… even though I’m not really a guard anymore,” Verdant replied as she let go of her grip on him. “Say, may I have Dark Green’s battle clothes as a reward?”

“I don’t see why not,” Sombra answered. “It would probably be better to have it as far away from him as possible.”

“Hey, fuck you, Sombra!” Dark Green barked as he rose up and hobbled towards the cell bars. “I worked real hard and killed a lot of griffins to get the materials for that outfit!”

“At any rate, we’d best return you to your world,” Sombra stated as he started to lead Verdant and Chrysalis out of the dungeons, completely disregarding the prisoner. “I’m sure that once you return to your world, your Celestia will likely give you a medal for your actions.”

A moment later, Dark Green heard the doorway to the dungeons seal shut and made his way over to his bed.

“Just you wait, Sombra,” the villainous Verdant said as he hopped onto his bed. “You may have been able to beat me, but you’ll never defeat Celestia’s secret weapon.”

A dark, mirthful chuckle came from the stallion’s throat before he looked up to the ceiling.

“Tick-Tock goes the clock…”

A Verdant Sandwich

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As was often the case, it was a rather pleasant afternoon in Vanhoover. While many were settling in for dinner, a certain stallion was walking through the building that was starting to become a second workplace for him.

Verdant gave a roll of his shoulders as he stepped into the lab. “Alright, Doctor. Let’s get me sent into a stomach already. That’ll bring the tally up to four.”

“That’s not gonna friggin’ happen this time, Verdant!” High Gear exclaimed from behind her console. “I have been working on every last detail to work things out this time around! I swear to Faust, you’re going to Baltimare today!”

“I’ve heard that tune before, Doctor,” Verdant gave a dismissive roll of his eyes as he stepped onto the teleporter. “Can we try to wrap things up quickly? I’ve got plans this weekend with Beans.”

“Shut it!” Gear gritted her teeth before flipping a variety of switches. “Say, what happened to that magician pony you two were dating?”

“Oh, Hocus Pocus?” Verdant asked in reply. “We came to the decision that there wasn’t really much between us and a friend of hers out of town needed help, so we broke things off.

“Sorry to hear that,” Gear replied, her tone making clear she was only half paying attention as she flipped the last of the switches and pulled a lever. “Now, here we go!”

The teleporter beneath Verdant’s feet started to light up and the shamrock stallion felt a slight tingle in his fur.

A moment before Verdant could be teleported away, all the lights in the room changed from white to a deep crimson and a klaxon rang out.

When the earth pony vanished, the bespectacled blue mare rushed out from behind the console and towards the door, pausing only to grab a small plastic disk and stuff it into her jacket. “What the Tartarus is going on?!”

“Emergency alert! Priority One!” An alarmed and distressed mare’s voice came through the building’s PA system. “Everyone, evacuate the building now and run from the building as fast as you can! Repeat, evacuate and run, now!”

High Gear bolted into the stairways, where she was glad to see Pixel Flash by her side as they and several other ponies sprinted through the building.

The institute’s staff managed to make it outside and immediately rushed away from their workplace as quickly as their hooves could carry them.

By the time High Gear and Pixel Flash managed to make it one hundred and fifty feet away, a thunderous boom rang out. The scientists were sent flying off their hooves as a shockwave struck and bowled them over.

“Pix, you okay?!” the light-blue mare huffed as she rushed to her beloved’s side.

“Little sore, but nothing serious,” Pix offered her a small smile before looking over her shoulder towards the building. “Holy crap, what happened?!”

Turning her attention to the institute, High Gear gasped at the sight before her. The building’s windows were all shattered and massive cracks ran throughout the entire building. Bits of furniture and equipment were scattered along the ground or smashed to pieces.

“Oh dear Faust…” Her legs trembled as she looked at her wrecked workplace.

“Gear, did you get the disk?” Pixel Flash whispered into her ear, cautious to make sure nopony heard her.

“Yeah, I did,” Gear quietly replied before she reached into her jacket and pulled out a black three and a half inch floppy disk. On the disk’s label was ‘B-01’ written in gold marker. “Thankfully, it looks like she’s okay.”

“Oh Faust almighty…” another scientist said as she looked over the wreckage. She was a lean yet muscular purple mare with a wild and spiky copper-colored mane and tail. Upon her flank was a battery with a single yellow lightning bolt on it. “This is all my fault… I just wanted to make a new power source…”

“Hey, you guys!” a voice from above drew the attention of all the scientists. High Gear recognized her as one of the local weather ponies, Sandstorm. “What the Tartarus just happened?! I was just flying around the city when a shockwave hit, now pretty much all the buildings are wrecked!”

High Gear could only groan before she and Pixel Flash trotted over to a pink coated unicorn with a messy blue mane. Upon her flank was the image of a broadcast tower with a rainbow of different colored waves coming from the top. “Hey, Broadcast Signal? We need a favor.”

“You mean before or after I call Canterlot to alert them to the emergency we just caused?” the pink mare responded as she slowly turned her dark violet eyes to High Gear’s.

“After,” Gear replied before sighing. “Knowing his luck, Verdant’s in a stomach, so he should be safe until Double Helix can find him.”

“Wait, what?”


When Verdant reappeared, he found that he was atop a rack in the incredibly clean looking kitchen of a restaurant.

Looking down from the edge of the counter, he spotted several unicorns and griffons that were quickly going about cooking up fresh dishes. Taking a quick sniff, his nose was struck by a rather strange aroma. He doubted it was the seasonings the staff were using, so he guessed it was due to an unfamiliar meat. The shamrock stallion had only really been familiar with the smell of cooked chicken, despite having such a bird as a pet.

The shrunken pony was rather transfixed on the chefs working on their orders. While he liked to cook his own food and considered cooking a fun hobby, he knew without a doubt that the skill of these chefs was something far beyond him. The speed at which the griffon chefs moved their talons was utterly stunning to him.

HEY, STRATADON FLAMBÉ FOR TABLE EIGHT! A griffon hen's voice rang out an instant before she slammed a ticket onto the rack. The force of the ticket rattled the rack with enough force to send Verdant tumbling downward.

His fall was interrupted when he landed on something warm and crusty with a firm softness underneath. Before he could figure out where he was, he saw a white coated hen in a chef’s uniform with a frying pan looking over him. The bright kitchen lights shined off her obsidian beak.

As Verdant tried to pull himself out of wherever he’d landed, the hen used a pair of tongs to pull a large, juicy slab of grilled meat from the frying pan. It seemed the hen’s dark brown eyes were so focused on the meat that she didn’t see the little green speck she was about to drop the meat onto.

Just as she started to lower the juicy slab, Verdant looked down and saw that what he was on was a piece of toasted bread. Realizing where he was, he tried to flee. Unfortunately for him, the surface of the bread had countless gaps whose sole purpose seemed to be tripping him up. In no time at all, the massive chunk of meat had slammed him down into the bread.

At least there’s plenty of air pockets in the bread. Verdant thought with a sigh of resignation, convinced that there was no point in trying to escape his current predicament. I wonder how different a griffon’s insides will be from a pony’s insides.



“Order up!” The chef known as Léonie Eule called out as she rang a bell. “Stratadon steak on sourdough for table eleven!”

“Echo!” a unicorn mare replied as she picked up the fresh sandwich and left the kitchen. With the ease of a practiced waitress, the blue coated mare reached a table that seated only one customer, a somewhat tired looking griffon hen with a light brown coat and white feathers on her head with pale heliotrope accents. “Your sandwich, ma’am.”

“Thanks,” the griffon blinked her eyes, the feature also surrounded by feathers that matched her heliotrope accents.

The griffon, Gilda, took a deep breath and savoured the scent of the perfectly cooked and seasoned meat. It was a treat she thought she deserved after making a difficult deal to have her scones sold as imported goods, on top of the familiar discomforts that signaled her body would soon be pushing an egg out, regardless of her feelings on the matter.

Because she’d had to wait until the following day to return to Griffonstone thanks to train maintenance, she had decided to explore the Equestrian city of Baltimare. After a few hours, she’d found a place known as the Carnivore’s Cavern, a restaurant that specialized in various meat based dishes. It was the perfect place for a griffon that wanted to spoil herself before she had to endure a long trip home.

Licking her beak, she picked up the sandwich. Between the two pieces of sourdough bread was a succulent piece of meat from a stratadon, a type of draconic creature that was somewhat on the rarer side. This led to their meat being quite costly, to say the least. Still, with how much she had made, she knew she could handle this pricey treat.

Taking one last deep inhale to take in the scent, the hen opened her beak wide and chomped down onto the sandwich.

Oh dear ancestors, this is the greatest piece of meat I’ve had in my life! Gilda’s mind exclaimed as she rolled the food around inside her beak. The meat was exceptionally tender and juicy. While Gilda was no expert in meat seasonings, she would’ve sworn she detected the faint taste of peas.

Regardless, the hen was delighted by the taste and texture the sandwich provided. She practically felt the meat melt as she used her tongue to move it all around her beak. She felt her hind legs twitch from the pleasure the sandwich gave her before she swallowed.


From the intense rocking and the pressure from above and below, Verdant knew that the sandwich he was inside of had been picked up by a very hungry customer. He didn’t bother to move until he felt something that grazed the very ends of his tail.

With a flick that tossed the chunk of sandwich like a catapult, Verdant was able to get a gander of the living chamber he was trapped inside. Instead of a toothy mouth like he was used to, he saw the inside of a griffon’s massive beak.

Well, at least this should be educational. Verdant barely had time to think as he was tossed about the saliva drenched cavern.

In the brief times between Gilda’s gargantuan tongue pushing her meal about and when he wasn’t being slammed into the beak’s walls, the stallion could see the bread turning to mush from both the tongue’s movements and her saliva soaking into it while the meat remained somewhat firmer.

The griffon let out a moan of delight before the tongue rose up and slid Verdant and the food towards the back of her throat. Knowing her uvula was too high to reach in any way, Verdant simply laid back against the tongue’s slick and bumpy surface before he was swallowed down.

He found his trip down her esophagus to be surprisingly gentle as he was practically massaged down Gilda’s throat. Her heartbeat seemed to be racing with excitement as the shamrock stallion and stratadon steak sandwich both splashed into her stomach.

“Well, at least this brings the total I need for my sandwich down to six,” Verdant muttered to himself as he paddled towards a far side of her stomach to avoid being hit by any more of the meal.

Just as he reached the far wall, a chunk of the mush that was meat and bread splashed down behind him, making a wave that slammed his face into the fleshy wall.

“Aww, dammit!” Verdant exclaimed as he rubbed his nose, seeing a small bit of his blood dripping into the acid. “Hopefully High Gear or one of her friends finds me soon.”


“This is some bullshit!” a violet coated unicorn with a short, dark purple mane cursed as she marched through the rainy streets of Baltimare. Upon her flank was the image of a red and blue DNA strand with a series of two-toned gray bands connecting the two. On her right foreleg was one of High Gear’s tracking devices while an umbrella floated by her head in a scarlet aura.

“I go to take a Faust damned vacation to Baltimare for the first time in years, hoping to kick back on the beach and relax when I find out it’s raining today, then Broadcast Signal uses her freaky as all Tartarus telepathy to tell me to find High Gear’s little lab rat, oh and by the way, we wrecked all of Vanhoover, including your house!

Helix took a breath to try to calm herself, but it did little to help with her building frustrations. Looking down at the tracker, she saw she was nearing the location where Verdant was and she could hopefully get things wrapped up and get back to relaxing before strangling Copper Top for her power experiment rendering pretty much every building in Vanhoover unsafe to stay in.

Following the directions on the screen, Helix descended a narrow set of stone stairs. At the bottom was a red neon sign that read ‘The Carnivore’s Cavern’.

Probably a place for griffons and such. Just as Double Helix reached the bottom of the stairs, an odd whirring sound reached her ears.

Quickly casting her eyes down at the detector, the screen had gone completely dark. She tried to flip some of the knobs and switches on the device, but nothing worked.

“Oh Faust dammit!” she angrily growled before giving the machine a quick shake. “The damn batteries just died on me!”

While Double Helix fumed, the restaurant’s door opened and a gamboge coated griffon hen with a swollen belly stepped outside. The angry unicorn was pulled from her cursing at the machine by the hen letting out a loud burp.

“Hey, move it, dweeb!” Gilda shot the scientist a glare as she drew closer. “Hen with egg coming through and you’re blockin’ the way.”

“Oh, sorry,” Double Helix somewhat embarrassedly said as she moved against the wall, giving Gilda the space she needed to ascend the steps.

After a few seconds, Gilda reached the top of the stairs and with her now having enough space, flared her wings and took off into the rainy skies.

“Stupid piece of crap,” Double Helix muttered before turning about and heading back up the stairs. “I’ll have to head back to the lab here to get a fresh set of batteries since Gear can’t just use double A’s like everypony else.

“Well,” she said as she reached the top of the stairs. “Hopefully Verdant’s having an alright time at least.”


“THIS...IS...THE WORST!” Verdant angrily exclaimed as he bounced around the griffon’s stomach. He was beginning to feel rather nauseous as the belly would rise and fall rapidly before quickly repeating the process. Judging by the movements, he assumed that the griffon that devoured him was in flight.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, when he wasn’t tossed into the air by Gilda’s movements, he was instead getting struck by either a wave of her stomach juices or chunks of her now digesting meal.

“COULD… YOU… PLEASE… STOP?!” The shamrock stallion screamed before a sudden shock shook everything around him, creating a great wave of acid and meat that slammed him into one of the walls of Gilda’s stomach.

“Urgh… dammit all…” Verdant groaned as he floated on his belly. “I hate flying.”

Thankfully for Verdant, the next set of movements from the griffon he was trapped inside of were much gentler. From what he could tell, after her landing, she had started to gently walk along.

While the stomach walls pulsated and the food was bubbling and dissolving, the waves of acid in Gilda’s belly were like a gentle wave pool to the shrunken stallion. Surprisingly to Verdant, he found himself starting to relax as he laid on his back and was moved along by the light waves. He could nearly fall asleep to the sound of Gilda’s heartbeat.

However, his thoughts of getting a nap were ended by him bumping into a soft, fleshy wall. Looking up, he saw that he had bumped into the valve that would lead deeper into the hen. Seemingly in response to the gentle, accidental nudging, the valve opened up and Verdant, along with a good deal of Gilda’s digestive juices and her sandwich were poured into a new organic chamber.

Verdant was rather surprised by the organ he found himself in. Rather than the usual intestine that he’d normally wind up in, it appeared to be a second stomach of sorts with a few notable differences.

The first thing that caught his eye was that the juices within the chamber held a large collection of jagged stones. The boulder sized pebbles were being pushed about by the movement of the rooms wall, which was much stronger than what Verdant had faced in her stomach.

“Oh! Now I remember!” Verdant exclaimed as he recalled something a book about taking care of birds had taught him. “This has got to be this griffon’s gizzard!”

The shamrock stallion realized the organic room was a type of second stomach that would hold stones and grit to help grind up foods to aid in the digestive process due to the fact griffons lacked the teeth to grind and mash food. This, along with the strong muscles, made the gizzard much more dangerous for the tiny pony.

“Guess I’ve got little choice if I want to get out of here.” The shamrock stallion sighed before he started to try to swim.

His strokes were careful and calculated as he tried to make his way past the jagged pebbles within the vast predatory bird. He was cautious even as the intestinal valve came into view.

After a few minutes, he’d managed to bypass the rocks being shifted about and reach the sealed valve.

Verdant wiped away the sweat and stomach juices as best he could before letting out a sigh of relief.

As he reached towards the valve to try to massage the orifice open, the entire center of gravity shifted. The tiny pony was tossed into one of the gizzard’s thick, muscular walls. In a brief instance, Verdant looked up just before one of the pebble chunks smacked him in the face.

“I’m stuck in a living submarine. A living submarine…” Verdant slurred before he fell onto his back in the acid and passed out.


Gilda let out a sigh of relief as she turned on the shower and felt her body being pelted by the steamy water. Standing on her hindlegs and spreading her wings, she groaned faintly as she allowed the water to completely soak her.

Before the hen could reach the hotel’s wrapped bar of soap however, she felt a heat coming from her loins. Casting her eyes down, she saw her belly was swollen with a firmness behind it and sighed.

Stupid heat. Gilda rolled her eyes before she moved her right foreleg down between her legs. I can tell the stupid egg’s almost completely shelled by now, so telling me to get laid isn’t gonna get the damn thing fertilized before I push it out.

After a few minutes to tend to her urges and clean herself off, Gilda flopped down onto the comfy bed, giving another soft sigh.

As she laid her head down against her pillow, she cast one last tired glance towards her swollen belly.

Laying an egg is worse than constipation. At least I’ll be able to get back to my family tomorrow. Gilda thought to herself as she drifted off to sleep.


Verdant groaned as he started to force his eyes open. He didn’t know how long he’d been out but as he came to, he saw that he was no longer in the griffon’s gizzard. Judging by the texture of the fleshy wall and the rather foul smell, he could reasonably assume he’d been carried off into her large intestine.

“Well, hopefully this means my trip’s almost over,” he muttered to himself, briefly rubbing his sore shoulders before he started to walk along the disgusting smelling tunnel. “Hopefully she’s still asleep so I can get out without much fuss.”

Several minutes passed for the shrunken stallion as he moved his way through the slumbering griffon’s bowels. Suddenly, the living world flipped for Verdant, slamming him into the intestinal wall.

“Urgh. Great,” Verdant said as he pried himself off the tunnel’s surface. “Well, hopefully this will lead to this griffon meeting up with High Gear or whoever soon.”


Gilda gave a tired stretch of her wings as she made her way out of bed. She’d woken up earlier than she’d hoped, so she had plenty of time to kill before her train was ready.

Due to the hotel’s continental breakfast lacking anything that looked appetizing, she decided the best way to waste her time was to take to the skies and get a bird’s eye view of the city.

After checking out of the hotel, she took in the early morning light and a deep breath of the salty sea air before she gave a mighty flap of her wings and launched into the air.


As Verdant reached the end of the hen’s bowels, he was greeted by a sight he’d never laid eyes on before. He saw the tunnel he was leaving connecting to another tunnel and an orifice that he assumed was the end of her urethra. At the very end was a large, sealed ring of flesh that was massive compared to him. He had reached the griffon’s cloaca.

“Right. Better not touch that part of her,” he muttered to himself as he carefully made his way down from her intestine. “After Applejack, I’ve had enough golden showers for a lifetime.”

Once he had landed in the cloaca, he turned his focus to the massive closed orifice and gave a small smile. Hopefully this means I’ll be getting out of here without any real mess.

Before he could take a step closer to the tight hole, a powerful force struck the stallion, sending him slamming into the ring of flesh. Verdant grunted as he tried to resist the g-forces. He could easily tell that the hen had once more taken to the skies.

After a few moments, the forces became much less intense and it felt as if she’d leveled out, leaving only the gentle bobbing of the griffon’s flight.

“Guess that unless High Gear hired a pegasus to find me, I’m gonna be in here a while longer,” Verdant complained before turning his attention back to the clenched orifice. “It’s probably safe to bet I’m pretty damn high up right now.”

The shrunken stallion shuddered as he recalled his times inside of Bea and Rainbow Dash as well as how terrifying it was for him when he was in freefall. Needless to say, he decided that it’d probably be best to get as far from the griffon’s exit as possible for the time being.

Turning back to the twin tunnels, he realized that the hen’s intestinal tract was rather high up and would be difficult to get back up to. It was then he turned his attention towards her reproductive tract.

“Well, guess I don’t have many options if I don’t want to get farted out,” Verdant muttered as he slowly started to make his way into the griffon’s oviduct.


Gilda took a soothing breath as she took in the sights of the seaside city. Baltimare’s skyline was a rather gorgeous sight, especially in the early morning light.

However, any relaxation she would’ve enjoyed was interrupted by a pressure in her belly. It was her body’s way of telling her the time had come. She was going to lay an egg.

Quickly looking down, she saw a park that seemed rather vacant to her distant eyes.

“Eh, guess the park attendants would have worse to clean up than eggs.” Gilda gave a shrug of her shoulders and began to push, feeling the egg moving through her.


Verdant looked around the fleshy hallway that was the hen’s oviduct. It was damp and even warmer than the other parts of her body he’d visited.

“Hmm… interesting,” the shamrock stallion muttered to himself as he gazed upon the griffon’s reproductive tract. “Maybe I could see what her ovaries are like before I get out of here.”

The shrunken pony fell to his face as the oviduct began to rumble. As Verdant tried to stand up in the quaking tunnel, he spotted something massive being pushed down towards him. It was a massive white ovid shaped boulder that was being squeezed towards him like a meteor.

“Oh, shit! She’s laying an egg!” Verdant quickly turned about and tried to run back down the oviduct, but looking over his shoulder told him that no matter how fast he’d run, the egg would run him over.

Panicking, he tried to see if there was anything he could do to somehow avoid being crushed by the oncoming egg. Unfortunately, the tunnel was mostly smooth, save for a few folds and even if he tried to hide in one of her folds, the oviduct’s muscles would squeeze the egg further down and likely crush him against the egg’s hard surface.

Seeing the egg was now much closer to him, Verdant had only one last desperate thought go through his mind as a possible way to escape the egg without being sent falling through the sky. The small stallion planned to leap onto the surface of the egg’s shell, climb to the top and once she’d started to push the egg out, he would then try to cling onto one of her hairs until she either landed or one of Gear’s friends found him.

With a terrified swallow, Verdant turned about and charged at the egg. Gritting his teeth, he leapt at the egg. However, something happened that the shrunken stallion didn’t expect. One of his forelegs broke through the shell before getting stuck in the warm goop.

“Eww…” Verdant winced as he desperately tried and failed to free himself from the egg’s innards. Soon after that Verdant felt his back pressed against the warm, meaty orifice that was the griffon’s exit.

“Oh no…” The shamrock stallion felt a cold shiver run down his spine despite how warm it was inside the hen’s body. After a few moments more, Verdant found himself pushed out of the griffon’s confines. Looking down, he saw the gamboge colored legs and tail of the hen, along with what had to be about a thousand feet of open sky between the egg and the ground.

Verdant clung as tightly to the egg as he could as the egg was pushed free of griffon’s body and was sent tumbling into freefall.


Gilda hated the final part of laying eggs since she found it was the most uncomfortable part of the whole process. It tended to strike nearly every nerve in her reproductive system which only made how it stretched her insides all the worse. With effort she’d normally only get after eating something like a pound of cheese and meat, she gave one final push to rid herself of the egg.

In an instant, the pressure in her hind end ceased and she felt a wave of relief. “Ahhh… Dear ancestors, that sucks.”

With the discomfort finally gone, Gilda gave long stretches of her limbs, feeling better than she had in a good while.

Casting her eyes downward, she saw the egg hurtling towards the ground below before giving a shrug. She was fairly certain that she had nothing to worry about given she didn’t see anyone in the park below and that she knew with certainty that the egg was unfertilized.

With the egg dealt with, she started to comfortably glide down towards the Baltimare train station.


In the Canter Waterfront Park, Double Helix was once more staring at the device on her foreleg, utterly perplexed. This time, Minute Detail was by her side to aid her search.

“This is such crap,” Helix said as she squinted at the display. “I spent about six hours finding the Faust damn batteries for this thing, and now it’s saying that Verdant’s both right next to us, but also over a thousand feet away!”

“Maybe he got eaten by some flying creature and… he’s just been expelled.” Mini’s tone quickly shifted as the listed distance between them and Verdant rapidly started to count down.

“Pfft, I doubt it,” Helix dismissively scoffed. “Honestly, I think Gear’s making just about all those stories about Verdant up just so she has more of an excuse for her teleporter experiments all being a failure. I’ll bet Verdant’s nowhere near here.”

Double Helix was suddenly silenced as a large egg splattered against her forehead. The warm goop and yolk slowly oozed down her face, and a slimy little green pony landed on her snout.

Mini didn’t bother holding back her giggles as her lavender aura picked up the minuscule mammal. “Well, you’ve certainly got egg on your face.”

“Fuck you,” Helix replied through gritted teeth before she tried to shake the bits of shell and goop from her face. In a moment, the tiny stallion in Mini’s aura was restored to his normal short size.

“Well ladies, that was not a pleasant trip,” Verdant said as he tried to scrape the bits of egg from his coat. “At least I learned some things about griffon anatomy. I think maybe we should head to the local lab, shower off, and then grab the first ticket back to Vanhoover we can.”

“Um… you might want to get a tent or something before you do so, Verdant,” Mini nervously said.

“Wait, what?” Verdant was surprised by the unicorn’s words. “Why? What happened?”

“Long story short, Copper Top fucked up and pretty much every building in Vanhoover’s damaged and unsafe to stay in.” Helix tersely answered as she tried to rub what was left of the egg from her mane and face.

Verdant groaned as he slapped his egg white covered hooves against his eyes.


Verdant couldn’t help but sigh as he waited on a train station bench. He had a forest green tent tightly rolled up on his lap as he waited for the train to Vanhoover to arrive.

“Damn delays,” a familiar voice made the shamrock stallion’s ears stand at attention. Looking to his right, he saw that the seat beside him was being taken by the griffon he’d just had a full tour of.

“Bad day, huh?” Verdant asked the reclining hen beside him.

“Eh, not really. Just wanna get back home and it’s gonna be a long ass ride home,” the hen replied before looking towards the stallion. She noticed he was somewhat damp and had a somewhat familiar aroma. “What happened to you?”

“Well, I ended up here in a teleportation accident yesterday and got eaten alive shortly after I got here. Then earlier today, I got caught up in an incident with a great big egg falling out of the sky in the park. I needed to shower off and just a minute after the egg splattered, I got told there was an accident that wrecked my house, along with every other house back home, so I had to buy a tent which I’ll be living in for the foreseeable future.”

“Ah, that sucks.” The griffon looked away and scratched the back of her neck as she realized what egg he was talking about. “Sorry to hear about all that.”

“Eh, could be worse,” Verdant said as he turned to face the hen and held out his foreleg. “I’m Verdant Range.”

After a moment of awkward silence, the hen grasped his foreleg and shook it. “Gilda.”

The shake soon ended and an awkward silence held in the air between the two.

“So… you like scones?”

The Celestial City

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It was a bright afternoon in Canterlot as Princess Celestia sat upon her throne. While there wasn’t anypony attempting to see her in court that day, a major issue was nonetheless weighing heavily on her mind as she looked over a wide assortment of documents.

An accident at the Vanhoover Institute of Science and Technology had created a shockwave that had damaged nearly every building in the city, rendering them unsafe for habitation. While one Dr. Molly Cule was using her magic to repair some buildings, she could at most fix one building per day before exhausting herself.

Because of this, Vanhoover had become a tent city with many of the residents technically becoming homeless, jobless, and needing to rely on relief stations for food and hygiene.

There just has to be a way to help them, but where can I put all those poor civilians that they’d have everything they’d need? Celestia thought as she looked over documents about the institute’s personnel, research and abilities.

As she thought about her question, a loud rumble came from her empty belly; her stomach complaining how she had missed lunch thanks to her work.

Stupid stomach. You don’t need filling right… now… Wait a second. Celestia brought up one of the profiles she had previously glanced over, the one for a mare who could shrink things named Dr. Minute Detail.

Shrinking would make it easier to house and feed them... A grin started to form on Celestia’s face as she brought up a document that spoke of Dr. High Gear’s teleportation experiments that more often than not ended with her subject inside a pony’s stomach, while somehow remaining unharmed.

Perfect! Celestia had to suppress a chuckle at what she thought was a brilliant plan.

“Raven!” The alabaster alicorn called out. “I need you to bring me all the books we have on bio-morph magic, architecture, and the most recent census of Vanhoover.”

A rumble loud enough to shake the nearby windows suddenly emanated from the princess’s midsection.

“...And a large pizza, please.”


In the early morning of Vanhoover, Verdant Range slowly started to awaken. He was resting in a forest green tent that could normally fit two ponies quite well, but had some trouble fitting both the small stallion and the towering mare he was cuddled against like a teddy bear.

A soft groan from above came as the top of Verdant’s head was nuzzled by Beanstalk as she slowly started to awaken. “Good morning, Verdant.”

“I sure hope it is, Beans,” the shamrock stallion said before he looked up and gave a kiss to the underside of her chin. “I hope you don’t mind, but could you let me go? I really need to pee.”

“Oh sure,” Beans replied as she loosened her grip, letting Verdant quickly get up, open the tent flap and hop outside.

Outside the tent was the small front yard in front of Verdant’s damaged house, covered in crack marks along the walls of the structure as well as the windows. As much as he wished he could simply go inside to use his bathroom and sleep in his bed, he knew it was far too dangerous to do so for any reason, so he had to settle instead for using the port-o-john that the relief station had provided on the far side of the lawn.

Well, at least I’m one of the luckier ponies here, Verdant thought to himself as he entered the portable washroom. My sister’s taking care of my pet chicken, I get to stay on my own property and I get to cuddle up with my girlfriend. At least, there’s that.

After relieving himself, he exited the stall and saw there was a tall and muscular white coated unicorn stallion in shining royal guard armor standing in front of his fence. “Excuse me, sir, everypony pony is to… Wait, Verdant?” The emerald eyed unicorn was taken aback by the sight of the approaching stallion.

“Uh, hey there, Polished Shield,” Verdant said as he rubbed the back of his neck in discomfort. “It’s… it’s been a long time.”

“Yeah, um… it has,” the unicorn replied as he removed his helmet and ran a hoof through his two-tone golden mane. “How… how have you been?”

“Pretty good, all things considered,” Verdant replied as Beanstalk started to emerge from the tent. “Until recently, I had a good job and a side job. I had a house and a wonderful pet chicken. While those are currently gone, I’ve got the greatest mare in the world as my girlfriend.”

“Ah, well, congrats,” Polished Shield said as he examined the earth pony that rivalled Princess Luna in height. “I’ve been doing well too. Been promoted to lieutenant commander recently and I’m dating a mare named Lucky Stars.”

“Glad to hear. I know how much you want to make captain,” Verdant said as Bean reached his side. “So, I assume you’re here on guard business and not for personal reasons?”

“Oh! Right,” Shield said before quickly putting his helmet back on and clearing his throat. “All Vanhoover residents who are currently without homes due to the shockwave are to report to the park before noon. Princess Celestia has an announcement to make on how she will be providing temporary housing and food for them. Bring what you’ve got. Attendance is mandatory.”

“Alright then,” Verdant said before looking to Beans. “Think we’ll be ready to go soon?”

“Yeah, no problem,” Beanstalk responded before looking to the unicorn. “Thank you Mr. Polished Shield.”

“Not a problem,” Shield said as he pulled away from the fence. “So… guess I'll see you later, Verdant… Bye.”

“Bye, Shield. Good luck with the guard stuff,” Verdant awkwardly said before the unicorn started to walk down the street towards the next damaged house.

“So…” Beans spoke up once the unicorn was out of earshot. “Old childhood friend?”

“Ex-boyfriend,” Verdant replied, making a faint blush appear on Bean’s face as her eyes widened.

“...That’s hot.”


After packing up what little they had and silently walking through the damaged city, the duo of Beans and Verdant had arrived at the park where a large gathering of ponies were grouped around a platform that had been set up. Standing atop the platform was an amber coated unicorn with a long curly mane standing beside a microphone.

“So…” Beans said as she and Verdant made their way through the crowd, trying to find High Gear and Pixel Flash. “You had an ex-boyfriend, huh? Is it alright if I get some info about all this?”

“Well, there’s not much to talk about,” Verdant replied as Beans tried to spot their friends. “We were teens in Dream Valley and dated for a bit. When we were finishing up school, he wanted to go to Canterlot to join the guard while I wanted to stay and work in a flower shop. We figured a long distance relationship wouldn’t work, so we split up.”

“Ah, okay…” Beans said before rubbing her neck. “Did you two ever… y’know…” Her face quickly started to turn crimson.

“Beans, I would rather not talk about it, at least right now,” Verdant replied before sighing. Seeing my ex after so long is already super awkward. I don’t really wanna talk about how I lost my virginity.

“Oh, okay. Sorry, Verdant,” Beans said before she spotted her friends in the crowd. “Oh, there they are!”

Before the shamrock stallion could utter a word in response, Beans had bitten down on the back of his neck and picked him up and carried him like a kitten would be by their parent.

A blush came across Verdant’s face as the taller mare set him down beside Gear and Pix. “Beans, could you please not do that? It’s pretty embarrassing.”

Beans opened her mouth to reply, but a loud throat clearing cut through the crowd throughout the park.

“Good afternoon, citizens of Vanhoover. I, Mayor Chestnut Gavel, thank you for coming here during these trying times,” the amber unicorn upon the stage said as her eyes swept over the crowd. “After the recent accident that damaged our fair city, I am pleased to announce that Princess Celestia has devised a plan providing temporary housing, food, and other supplies, along with various ponies to help accelerate the repair process.

“And now, to present her plan, Princess Celestia!” Chestnut Gavel moved off to the side before in a flash of magenta light, the towering alicorn was standing upon the stage, offering the crowd a warm, comforting smile.

“Thank you, Mayor,” the princess said as picked up the microphone with her magic. “Citizens of Vanhoover, I have good news. I have set up what is called Operation: Celestial City. This is a temporary city where you’ll reside while Vanhoover is being repaired. You’ll be provided with free apartments, food, water, and many other amenities while you’re residing there.”

The crowd cheered for the princess’s words and happily stomped their hooves. Something didn’t sit right for Verdant, however. He felt as if something bad was about to happen.

“However, one of the few things I ask is that you try to keep your temporary residences clean and stay within the city’s borders for your safety.” Some in the crowd were somewhat unnerved by the princess talking about needing to stay within the city limits for safety.

“Now, as for where this city is located,” the princess took a deep breath and closed her eyes before looking at the crowd once more. “It’s located within my small intestine.”

The entire crowd fell into a stunned silence for nearly ten seconds before a stallion’s voice shouted, “WHAT?

“To be able to enter the city safely, you’ll be shrunken down where you’ll enter my digestive tract, which has been temporarily magically deactivated. From there, you’ll be escorted by guards to apartments formed from some of my villi.”

Silence fell over the crowd before High Gear whispered to Verdant, “You’re not adding this to the sandwich tally. This is Copper Top’s fault, not mine.”

“Fair.” Verdant muttered as the princess continued her speech.

“The city will be protected from the digestive processes of my body thanks to a force field settled around it. I hope you’ll enjoy your time within this city and I hope we will be able to get you back to your true homes as soon as possible. Now, I would like one Verdant Range to step up to the platform.”

“Wait, WHAT?!” Verdant exclaimed from the crowd that had started to part for him. Looking about and nervously swallowing, he slowly made his way onto the platform in front of the mighty alicorn.

“Thank you, Mr. Range. I would like you to aid in the supervision of the Celestial City due to the vast experience being inside ponies, alongside some of the guards.” Celestia offered Verdant a warm smile as he tried to keep his left eye from twitching.

“...I… I’ll certainly try, your highness.” Verdant swallowed once more, feeling sweat forming on his brow.

“Excellent,” the princess replied as her horn began to glow, pulling a clipboard from nowhere. “Now everyone, listen closely. I will soon be calling your names. When I do, Dr. Minute Detail will shrink you down so I can swallow you. Some of the guards currently inside my stomach will then catch you and escort you to your assigned living quarters. Please have your things ready for this. Verdant, you'll be the first.”

“Oh… shit.” Verdant whispered as he spotted Mini stepping onto the stage. Before he could begin to take a step back, her horn began to glow and a pale, violet aura engulfed his entire form. In a matter of seconds, the shamrock stallion was shrunken to a much smaller state than he’d ever been before.

The violet light that covered him was quickly replaced by a magenta one that sent him soaring like a rocket. It was the complete inverse of when he fell with Gilda’s egg. In a matter of seconds, he found himself staring into the colossal face of Princess Celestia. Her nostrils looked like massive craters that would lead deep into the bowels of the earth. Her eyes were like twin violet moons.

Before he could take in more details of her mammoth face, her mouth quickly opened wide, revealing a tongue that looked like it could crush Manehattan with a single slam. Her teeth were gleaming white pillars the size of skyscrapers that he found himself soaring over as he was pulled into a living chamber that oddly smelled of bananas.

Verdant barely had any time to process what was happening when the princess’s mouth closed shut behind him and he was zipped through the rest of her mouth, briefly smacking against her uvula before he felt the magic holding him vanish and he was pulled down by her throat muscles.

Unlike the many times he’d been swallowed before where he’d repeatedly be smacked or pushed around by her throat muscles, Verdant found himself in freefall and accelerating down towards the open stomach valve at an alarming pace.

“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!” Verdant screamed before he saw a blue and gold streak rushing up from the open valve. As it grew closer, he saw what was once a blur was really a pegasus mare with a blue coat and a gray mane that looped around so she matched Verdant’s altitude and speed.

“Just stay calm and don’t struggle,” the guardsmare said as she wrapped her forelegs around his belly and flared out her wings. With a series of flaps, Verdant felt them slowing down to a feather fall as they passed the valve and reached the stomach.

Princess Celestia’s stomach was completely lacking any signs of the food or digestive juices that he was used to. What he saw instead was a large collection of guards standing beside a large crash mat directly below him.

“Great job, Storm Cloud,” Verdant heard Polished Shield’s voice coming from in front of the mat as the pegasus gently carried the shamrock stallion onto the soft stomach surface. “I’ll handle taking Verdant to his place. I suggest you hang back near the top of the throat to avoid accidents. Hotstreak, accompany her to act as back-up.”

“Yes, sir!” The blue mare said before a second pegasus, a mare with a yellow coat and a red and orange mane both shot towards the stomach’s entrance.

Verdant and Polished Shield began to walk away from the mat and towards the open duodenum in silence before the unicorn rubbed his neck and spoke up. “So… we’re inside Princess Celestia right now… Not quite what I expected.”

“This is why you don’t make foalhood wishes on a monkey’s paw, Shield,” Verdant remarked, making the unicorn chuckle. “I wonder what your marefriend thinks about this.”

“Eh, as far as she knows due to how much the princess is keeping this a secret, I’m just away on duty to help what’s happening in Vanhoover,” Shield replied before looking Verdant in the eye. “So, any thoughts about your whole supervisor role, Verd?”

“Only that I’m probably cursed and I was picked because I keep ending up inside creatures’ bodies,” Verdant grumbled as in the distance, he could see that some towering villi had odd formations adorning them, and many lights. “Did you know that last week, I was in a griffon’s hoo-ha and pushed out when she laid an egg over a thousand feet off the ground?”

“I… did not,” Shield said as they drew closer to Celestial City. “At any rate, from what the princess told us, you won’t actually have too much to do in your role. Just tell folks to stay within the city and if anypony needs anything, just pass it on to us guards and we’ll take care of it.”

“Alright. That’s good to know.” Verdant felt an odd bit of resistance as he and Shield moved onto a fleshy floor with a somewhat different texture, feeling firm like regular ground.

Looking about, Verdant saw the fleshy pink towers that were Celestia’s villi had large numbers formed on them and a clenched orifice at the bottom next to a button-like formation.

“Here’s where you’ll be staying,” Shield spoke before turning towards the villi tower that bore a large “1” on its exterior. “You’ll be staying in Unit 1.”

Pushing a hoof against the organic button, the orifice opened wide to allow the stallions inside. Inside was a lobby that seemed to be made of pink meat. There were two doorways at the end of the lobby, along with a stairway in the center. Hanging in front of the left hallway entrance was a sign that read “1-15” while the entryway on the right had a sign reading “16-30”.

“Right this way,” Polished Shield said as he darted towards the left hall, the shamrock stallion quickly following behind. He didn’t have to go far before he saw a row of orifice-like doors with numbers above them and buttons at their side. “Go on.”

Pushing the button, the doorway opened into a room that had a couch, a coffee table, and a dining table with four chairs affixed to the floor. It’d have looked like a pleasant little apartment, were it not for the fact everything was made of the same fleshy color.

One of the few things not made of the princess’s organic bits was a film projector that sat upon the coffee table and was pointed at a projection screen on the wall.

“There’s some electrical outlets in the walls for whatever devices you have. They run off the princesses’ natural electricity and magic.” Polished Shield said as he ventured over into the nearby kitchen. “Over here, you’ll find a sink for water and this… thing that kinda looks like a soft-serve dispenser. It dispenses a sort of paste made from the princess’s nutrients and tastes like whatever she last ate.”

“Lovely,” Verdant said as he followed Shield and turned his eyes to the cupboards and drawers that lined the kitchen walls. “So, what does this place have for plates and cutlery?”

“I think the princess said they’re made of transmuted cells or something,” Shield replied as he turned back to face the earth pony. “The bathroom has a sink, toilet, tub and shower, and a mirror made from colloidal silver. The bedroom has a bed that feels like a waterbed and a closet, but the bed’s BYOB, Bring Your Own Blanket.”

“Sounds alright,” Verdant said as he and Shield walked out into the living room and sat down on the soft, fleshy couch. “So, got any films I can watch? I didn’t bring any film canisters with me.”

“No sweat, Verdant,” Shield said with a casual wave. “We’ve made arrangements with a pegasus named Blockbuster. He’s got a place where ponies can freely rent movies while in here and Princess Celestia will compensate him once we’re out.

“At any rate,” Polished Shield said as he rose off the organic couch. “I should be getting back to work. I guess I’ll see you later.”

“Alright,” Verdant said as he sat up and slipped off his saddlebags. “Guess I’ll just get unpacked and wait for Beans. Bye, Shield.”

“Bye, Verdant,” Shield replied as he reached the dilating door. “It’s been fun.”

Before he stepped outside, he halted as he recalled something. “Oh! One last thing!” With a flare of his horn, he pulled a small pamphlet out from his chestplate. “Everypony here gets a copy of this map and list of addresses for those living here. This way, you can find whoever you need.”

“Thanks, Shield,” Verdant replied as he grabbed the paper out of his purple magical aura. With one last wave, Shield stepped out and the door clenched shut.

After twenty minutes of unpacking and stuffing what was his tent into the closet, the stallion finally tossed his blanket onto the fleshy bed. Just as he let out a breath, he heard the squishy noise of the orifice that was his front door opening up.

“Hello? Verdant?” Beanstalk’s voice came out from the doorway as she ducked down to enter the organic apartment. When she saw Verdant emerge from the bedroom, her tail happily wagged before they reached each other and nuzzled.

“Glad you’re here, Beans,” Verdant said as he pulled away and guided her towards the couch. “How was your trip?”

“Well, it was kinda scary at first,” Beans said as the two of them sat down. “It was really weird getting shrunken down. When you’re as tall as me, seeing others being giants compared to you is pretty scary.”

Meanwhile, I’ve gotten used to it, along with being inside a pony like this. Verdant nodded along as he carefully listened to Bean’s words.

“The worst part however was the freefall,” Beans continued. “I mean, I know the pegasi had me secure, but it’s still damn scary.”

“Yeah. That wasn’t a fun part of the trip,” Verdant said as he gently rubbed her back. “So, what do you think of being inside Princess Celestia so far?”

“Well…” Bean’s eyes darted around and she rubbed the back of her neck. “It’s kinda… hot.”

“Yeah, I will admit, the body heat is a bit of a thing to deal with,” Verdant replied casually. “You get used to it, but this place does have a shower you can cool down in.”

“That’s not what I meant, Verdant,” Beanstalk said as a crimson tinge spread across her face. “I mean… the thought that we’re inside Princess Celestia, that everything here is a part of her body, that she’s swallowed the whole city…” Beanstalk bit down her lip. “And it’s been so long since we could get some release. Think we could… y’know?”

“Oh, sure, Beans,” Verdant replied, somewhat surprised by what the towering mare had confessed to him. “Let’s go to the bedroom and-”

Verdant was cut off as Beans once more bit down on his neck before quickly carrying him to the bedroom with a wide grin on her face.

The next hour for the shamrock stallion was one of the most exhausting yet enjoyable in his entire life.


Night had fallen in Canterlot, the stars in the sky shimmering as Princess Luna trotted into the dining room she shared with her elder sister. She had been concerned that she would have to dine alone due to Celestia having business to tend to in Vanhoover, but thankfully, just as she arrived through one entrance, her elder sister arrived from the other end.

“Good evening, Sister,” Luna said as she and Celestia both took a seat at the sparkling table. “How’d your business in Vanhoover go?”

“It went exceptionally well, Luna.” Celestia warmly smiled as she replied. “In a single day, I was able to take care of the housing issues that have been plaguing Vanhoover recently.”

“Fantastic!” Luna’s smile was equally warm as some servers placed food in front of the princesses. She was rather surprised she was able to fix the housing problem so quickly. The amount of damage to the city was so great, even with every construction worker they could contract working on Vanhoover, it would take at least a month before the damage was fully repaired. “Please fill me in on the details.”

“Well, I’ve contracted as many workers as possible to fix up the city’s many buildings, along with this mare named Dr. Molly Cule, but this still left the issue of where to put the displaced residents,” Celestia replied as she started to jab various vegetables in her salad with her fork before rubbing them against the dressing. “Thankfully, I’ve arranged temporary housing for all of them.”

“Fantastic news,” Luna said as she placed some mashed potatoes onto her plate. “So, where’d you manage to put them all? Hotels in the neighboring cities?”

“No, that wouldn’t provide them with their food needs, plus would be rather expensive,” Celestia said before putting the fork full of food in her mouth. After she’d chewed up and swallowed her morsel, she replied. “What I’ve done is shrunk the citizens all down, swallowed them, and then gave them temporary apartments in a city I had made in my small intestine.”

A clatter came from Luna’s fork falling against her plate as the midnight blue alicorn stared at her sister, slack-jawed and dumbstruck.

“What?” Celestia asked as Luna stayed in her shocked expression before it turned angry.

“Oh Luna,” she said in a mocking impersonation of her sister, “Much has changed since you were locked away. Witch weed is illegal now. Besides, it’d be unbecoming of a princess, especially while on duty.”

“Luna…” Celestia said with a sigh.

“For the record,” Luna shot back with clear annoyance in her tone. “The worst I did while under the influence was eat all your pastries. You, by contrast, ate an entire city!”

“It’s not like that,” Celestia tiredly replied as she brought a hoof to her forehead. “I had a portion of my body remodeled just for them. It’s a city full of apartments, a movie rental place, and even a force field to protect them from my digestive processes.”

“And I still fail to see how you came up with this idea while sober!” Luna shouted as she plopped another ladle-full of potatoes onto her plate. “And what about your body’s movements? I assume you ate them while standing, but now you’re sitting down.”

“I had a gravity charm placed on the city,” Celestia tried to sound calmer as she jabbed more of her salad with her fork. “They won’t feel any of my movements, no matter how much I move about. That, along with my body providing them with water and a nutrient paste, these ponies are much better off than simply living in tents.”

“Very well,” Luna said as she rolled her eyes. When Celestia started to pour herself a glass of wine, a wicked grin spread across her face. Once the alabaster alicorn brought the wine to her lips and began to drink, Luna spoke up once more. “Still, congratulations on beating my record of having three stallions in me at once.”

Celestia spat in surprise and some of the wine shot through her nostrils. “LUNA!” She exclaimed before she coughed to try to clear her airways.

“Sorry, Sister, but that was too good of an opportunity to waste,” Luna said while heartily laughing. When Celestia glared at her with wine dripping down her snout, Luna’s laughing grew in intensity and she fell backwards out of her chair.


Verdant let out a pleasant hum as he started to awaken. The bed he rested on was far more comfortable than the ground he’d had to sleep on for over a week. He could feel his back was pressed up against Beans’ belly, acting as her little spoon, her chin resting atop his head.

As he slowly opened his eyes, he saw the pink walls formed of Princess Celestia’s body.

Well, at least this is the most pleasant time I’ve had overnight inside somepony. Verdant gave a light stretch as he gently slipped out of Beans’ grasp. At any rate, nature calls.

Verdant slipped off the bed, but felt something odd with his right hind leg. Looking behind him, he saw his leg was caught in the space between the fleshy floor and bed.

As he pulled his leg three, he felt somewhat curious about what was in the gap. After a moment of cautious hesitation, he pushed his head between the two.

With his head slipping through the organic gap, he was greeted with quite the sight. Beyond the gap was a tree-like tube that stretched up towards the top of the villi and branched outwards. The inside of the tube was a crimson liquid.

“Whoa… so that’s one of the princess’s veins,” Verdant muttered to himself before he looked down, seeing how one could go from the gap towards other parts of the princess’s innards.

Pulling his head back, Verdant saw Beanstalk yawn and stretch out on the cellular bed. “Good morning, Verdant.”

“Morning, Beans,” Verdant replied before hopping onto the bed and giving her an affectionate nuzzle. “Beans, I’m gonna have to go speak with the guards about something.”

“No problem,” Beans said as she rolled off the bed and stretched her legs. “I was thinking that we could have a bit of a movie marathon later. Could you get Pix and Gear while I swing by Blockbuster's?”

“Sure thing,” Verdant answered before he headed to the bathroom. “I’ll swing by their place after I have a word with the guards.”

Once Verdant was sealed within the bathroom, he sat down on the soft, squishy toilet and started to relax.

Wait a sec. If I go to the bathroom here… where does it go?


Nearly an hour later, after speaking with Shield about his concerns about ponies using the gaps to slip into other parts of the princess, Verdant went on to briefly wander around the intestinal city. Looking above him, he saw the forcefield spell was holding firm as a wave of digested food washed harmlessly over the city.

“This is gonna be weird to get used to,” Verdant muttered aloud before he spotted a towering villi that had the number eighteen formed along its surface, not far from the two villi that acted as the Celestial City’s hospital and post office.

After a few minutes, Verdant had entered the apartment building and made it to a unit that had an eighty-one above it’s door. From within, he thought he could make out the sound of somepony singing coming from within.

“Hey, Gear?” Verdant said before he knocked against the orifice door with a squishy slap. “You in there?”

A “Eeep!” came from the apartment.

“Just a second!” Gear’s voice came from beyond the door, along with the sounds of stumbling, something being zipped up and an odd mechanical sound Verdant couldn’t recognize.

As Verdant started to lean closer, the orifice stretched open, revealing the bespectacled blue mare. “Hi, Verdant. What brings you by here?”

Taking a step back, Verdant noticed something odd about High Gear’s appearance. She seemed to be somewhat taller and a bit bulkier in her chest and her eyes seemed to be oddly bright, as if there was a light coming from them, and that was without mentioning how her voice seemed somewhat tinny.

“Well, Beans wants to throw together a movie marathon later tonight and she’d like to know if you and Pix would like to come,” Verdant replied as he carefully examined her. “Is something wrong with your height?”

“Uh… Yeah!” Gear replied somewhat nervously. “Mini had a bit of a SNAFU when she shrank me down, but she said it should straighten itself out later.”

“Okay, I guess that makes sense,” Verdant said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m no real expert on magic.”

“Well, at any rate, Pix is out for a walk right now. I’ll have to get back to you on whether we can make it to the marathon tonight,” Gear replied as she started to lean against the doorway.

“Alright then,” Verdant replied as he backed away and started to head for the stairs. “Bye, Gear. See yah later.”

“Later, Verdant,” Gear said as she waved to the stallion. Once he was out of sight, she ducked back into the apartment, quickly sealed the door shut and let out a sigh.

“That was too close,” the mare spoke in a voice that wasn’t High Gear’s.


Deep within the princess’s body, High Gear and Pixel flash were enjoying a pleasant stroll, having slipped out from the gap between the cells.

“So, any particular reason why you wanted us to head this way?” Gear asked as she looked about the colossal expanse of organs, veins and nerves. “I’m pretty sure that’s Sunbutt’s vagina up above us.”

“Well, I figured since this is pretty much a once in a lifetime opportunity we’ve got here, might as well use it,” Pix replied as she ran a hoof through her mane, sighing in annoyance at the sight of her undyed dark purple root. “It’s kinda like that one arcade game, Life Force, y’know?”

“Eh, you’d know more about video games than me.” Gear gave a shrug as the two came to a halt in front of a large collection of nerves that centered on a single point. “Still, I know something’s up, so why’d you really do this?” The bespectacled mare asked with a quick adjustment of her glasses.

“Heh. I can’t hide anything from you, can I?” Pix started to kneel down on her hindlegs and pulled a velvet covered box from her saddlebags, making Gear gasp and stumble back.

“High Gear of the Lavender family, the time since you’ve come into my life has been the greatest I’ve ever had.” A single joyful tear rolled down her cheek as she opened the box, revealing a golden band with a white diamond. “I want to spend the rest of my life with the greatest mare Equestria has ever known. High Gear, will you marry me?”

An unintelligible, blubbering squeak came from High Gear as tears cascaded from her eyes. This lasted only a moment before she tackled Pix and slammed her lips against the violet mare.

After their passionate kiss lasted for nearly a minute, Pix pulled back and chuckled. “I’m guessing that’s a yes?”

“You’re damn right,” Gear replied before Pix’s horn glowed with white light. The band was covered by the light as it floated from the box and slipped onto Gear’s left foreleg.

“Thank you, Gear,” Pix said before she planted another kiss on Gear’s muzzle. “You’ve made me the happiest mare in Equestria.”

“Me too,” Gear said before giving Pix a tender nuzzle. “Say… I just had an idea for how we can celebrate our engagement.”

“Oh? How so?” Pix asked as she slightly pulled back.

“Well, I’m no anatomy expert, but I think these nerves over here are the one’s for the princess’s clitoris.” Gear’s eyes roamed around the organic area they occupied. “And you know how whenever I read something about the princess I don’t like, I say, ‘Fuck Celestia’?”

“Ohh, Gear.” A sultry grin graced Pix’s muzzle before she kissed Gear on the cheek. “You’re such a naughty girl.”


In a private garden on the palace grounds, Princess Celestia was sitting at a fancy table, enjoying the warm sunshine and pleasant scent of the flowers in bloom.

“I’m here, Auntie!” A mare’s voice drew Celestia from her relaxed state, making her eyes fall upon the sight of a pink coated alicorn with a tri-colored mane of magenta, gold and purple as she approached the alabaster mare.

“It’s great to see you again, Cadance.” Just as she finished speaking, Celestia felt a sudden jolt of pleasure shoot through her, making her bite her tongue.

Cautiously looking down to avoid drawing Cadance’s suspicion, Celestia felt as if somepony was playing with her nethers, but she didn’t see any sign of somepony doing so.

Unless… Celestia chewed on the inside of her cheek as she continued to feel more spikes of pleasure. Are the ponies inside me doing this?

“I was really glad to hear that you found a way to help the displaced Vanhoover citizens, Auntie,” Cadance said as she took a seat at the table across from her. “Though my sources didn’t really say where’d you put them. Hotels in another city? Letting some stay at the other residences you own?”

“Oh, that’s not really important right now,” Celestia said as she put on her best poker face, trying not to let her niece know what was happening. “At any rate, how are things in the empire?”

“Hectic, but good,” Cadance replied, not seeing her aunt bite her lip or her wings spreading out. “Shining and I haven’t been able to have too much romantic time lately, but I’ve been working on plans for a passionate night of love and strawberries.”

“That’s… wonderful…” Celestia barely kept her left eye from twitching from the tension building inside her loins. Before she could say anything else, a servant placed two plates with slices of cake on the table. It was a rather tasty looking angel food cake with vanilla cream and strawberries.

“Oh, this looks delicious,” Cadance said before turning her attention back to Celestia, barely noticing the sweat forming on her brow. “Still, this is your palace, so you should go first.”

“Al… Alright…” Celestia replied as she felt her limits being reached. Whatever the tiny ponies within her were doing, it was building to one of the most explosive feelings she’d ever had.

Lighting her horn, the fork she picked up wobbled before it stabbed down into her slice of cake and strawberry. As she raised the bite-full of food up to her face, sweat was pouring down her face as her mouth slowly opened for the tasty morsel.

Just as she closed her lips around the tiny piece of cake, the tension that had been building inside her snapped as her body was struck by the most intense orgasm that she’d had in her centuries of living.

“HMMM!!! HMMMMMMM!!!” The princess moaned and groaned as she rode out the overwhelming sensation. A bright crimson spread all over her face as her wings extended almost painfully and her hindlegs trembled.

Cadance was taken aback by what was happening to Celestia before the alabaster mare started to huff and puff, the fork dropping down and clattering against the plate.

“I…I…” Celestia weakly said as she saw the stunned look on Cadance’s face. This made the scarlet on her face grow in intensity. “I… I need to go. Excuse me.”

In a flash of magenta light, Princess Celestia had vanished from her seat. Craning her neck, Princess Cadance saw a rather large wet spot on Celestia’s former chair.

“Huh…” Cadance said before picking up her fork and getting a morsel of her own cake.

“Hmm… It’s good, but not that good.” Cadance was rather grateful that there was nopony else around to hear her talk with her mouth full. She then swallowed before she continued. “Guess she just really likes cake.”


Stepping out of her glass and marble shower, Princess Celestia’s horn shined with magenta light. In a flash, the princess went from soaked to the bone to perfectly dry.

That was one of the most embarrassing things that’s ever happened to me. Celestia thought to herself as she made her way into her bedroom, where she swiftly donned her jewelry. Thankfully, Cadance wouldn’t be the kind to talk about that sort of thing and there was no press present.

As she arrived in the hallway that led to the throne room, her mind began to wander to the thought of the city’s worth of citizens inside her.

How were my little ponies able to do that to me? The princess began to rub her chin with her wing. Was there some way to get to other parts of my body that I missed? And how many ponies did it take to stimulate me like that?

As she reached the door to the throne room, Celestia retracted her wing and pushed the doors open with a small flare of her horn.

Two guards at the base of her dais saluted her before she ascended the steps and sat down on the throne.

“Raven,” Celestia’s soft words seemed to make her assistant unicorn appear in a cloud of dust. “I’m now ready to resume day court.”


Once Verdant thought he’d navigated the intestinal city enough to memorize it, he started heading back to his and Beans’ apartment.

Just as he was about to press the organic button to open the door, a shout from down the hall made his ears stand at attention.

“Could someone help me with this crazy mare?!” a scratchy mare’s voice rang out. “My roomie’s gone stir crazy! Help!”

Rushing down the hall to the source of the yelling, Verdant soon pressed a button and opened the door to an apartment where a sand colored pegasus mare was trying to pin down a burnt orange one.

“C’mon, Sandstorm!” the orange pegasus flailed, trying to buck the sandy mare off. “I can’t set a speed record in the city! I need to get somewhere with more space!”

“It’s way too dangerous, Sky Crash!” Sandstorm growled before she bit down on her long, reddish-orange mane. “Who knows what crazy crap we’d get into outside the city!”

“I’ll help!” Verdant said before charging towards the two. Unfortunately for Verdant and Sandstorm, he’d provided just enough of a distraction to let her knock the violet-eyed mare off her back.

With Sandstorm sent flying into an organic wall, Sky Crash darted down the hallway towards one of the bedrooms. Verdant was in hot pursuit before he leapt towards her. He only managed to land on her back and wrap his forelegs around her barrel before she dived and slid through the narrow gap between the bed and floor.

Verdant and Sky Crash started to tumble downward before she spread her wings. Her wings began to furiously pump as she quickly took flight.

“Get off my back, jerk!” Sky Crash exclaimed through gritted teeth. “I’m not gonna let being stuck inside Princess Celestia stop me from making a Sonic Rainboom!”

“Are you crazy?!” Verdant screamed as he saw them flying past multiple organs within the princess’s torso. “Do you have any idea what kind of damage you’ll do to the princess or the ponies inside her?!”

“Dunno, don’t care,” Sky Crash growled before she angled her back so Verdant slammed against the exterior wall of Celestia’s stomach. When his grip failed to loosen, Sky Crash tried slamming him multiple times. At what she thought was the eighth or ninth attempt, the sound of a massive explosion sent her and the shamrock stallion spiraling.


“And that, my princess, is my proposal to allow Griffon Grocers to provide meat to be added to the guards meals in order to make them more effective soldiers,” a silver-coated griffon hen with red dye covering her wings said as she pointed to a series of complicated charts to explain the supposed benefits of ponies adding stratadon steak and bacon to their diets.

As far as Celestia was concerned, it sounded unlikely and would require another pony with much more knowledge of anatomy to analyze this.

Before she could make a response, she started to feel a mild pain coming from her stomach. Not an ache like she was sick or ate something she disagreed with, but as if it was taking a series of jabs.

Right. Today’s really making me start to regret my Celestial City plan. The princess fought back the urge to grimace from her discomfort.

“Your highness?” The hen asked, eagerly awaiting an answer to her proposal.

Celestia wished to verbally respond, but whatever was striking her stomach made her response be a loud belch that shook the nearby windows.

“Oh, fantastic!” The griffon cheerfully tapped her talons together before quickly gathering up her charts. “I’m glad you found my proposal tasty, your highness! I’ll go tell my people immediately!”

“Wait, Mrs. Panzeron!” Celestia called out, but the silver griffon had already taken off back down the hall out of earshot.

Princess Celestia sighed before she rubbed the bridge of her snout. “Guards, please try to get her before she leaves the palace. I need to clear things up.”

“Yes, your highness!” An orange coated guard stallion saluted before he took off down the hallway.

“How could this day get any worse?” Celestia muttered as she felt a very slight tickle from her throat.


“THIS IS INSANE!” Verdant screeched as he struggled to keep his grip on Sky Crash as they quickly rose higher and higher.

“This… should… be… it!” Sky Crash said through gritted teeth as she saw she and Verdant had risen past the top of Celestia’s ribcage. “NOW!”

Before Verdant could figure out what she’d meant, Sky Crash suddenly dived and pumped her wings with ferocity greater than he’d ever seen before.

Verdant screamed and tears streamed from his eyes, but his screech was unheard thanks to the great winds as they flew downward.

“Almost… Almost…” Sky Crash struggled to keep her eyes open, her forelegs extended outward as she felt the sides of her face flapping about. “Now!”

Just as the speeding pegasus was about to try to pull back up, a powerful and painful cramp struck her wings, leaving the two ponies hurtling through the princess’s body like a comet.

Rather than striking hard bone or something that would give, the pair crashed into an organ that was able to handle the powerful impact without damage. For Verdant and Sky Crash, they felt as if they crashed into an oversized, or rather a regular size compared to them, water balloon.

The two ponies were rather sore as they pulled away from one another and felt the squishy organ starting to deflate. The sound of a massive amount of water flushing away reached their ears, muffled by the walls of the organ they laid upon.

“Uh-oh…” Verdant groaned as he looked about, seeing he and Sky Crash was directly below the princess’s uterus. “I think the princess is gonna be pissed.”


As if in response to Celestia’s question, a strike more powerful came from far below her stomach. Her pupils shrank to pinpricks as she felt that whatever struck her insides had hit her bladder… and forced it to empty.

“Raven…” Celestia weakly said as her face quickly changed from snow white to cherry red. “I need you to cancel all my other court sessions for today.”

“Yes, your highness,” Raven said as she scribbled some notes on her clipboard and closed the doors. “Anything else you require, your highness?”

“I do.” The red on Celestia’s face as her tone was filled with shame. “I need a towel… and a cleaner who’ll keep quiet.”

The very next day, the guards within the princess’s body had received word to seal all the gaps that’d allow ponies to explore places outside the city.


Over one month after Princess Celestia had ingested the population of Vanhoover, she had returned to the seaside city with a sleepy Luna at her side. The bright morning sunlight glimmered off the water.

“Look at it, Luna,” Celestia said to her yawning sister. “All our little ponies have worked diligently and the city is restored. Now the citizens can happily return to their proper homes.”

“That’s great, Sister,” Luna yawned and stretched her wings. Through squinting, tired eyes, she surveyed the cityscape and saw that true to her word, the buildings were looking immaculate. “I do have one question, though.”

“Well, feel free to ask it, Luna,” Celestia said with a warm smile.

“How exactly are you going to get them out or your digestive tract?”

Celestia felt as if her world shattered around her and her pupils retracted as she realized that of all the steps in her elaborate plan to temporarily house the city’s worth of ponies inside her, she had never thought of how she’d be getting them out.

“...SHIT!!!” Celestia exclaimed in the Royal Canterlot Voice, causing her words to echo out throughout the vacant city.

“Oh, that sounds rather unpleasant,” Luna snarkily remarked.


After a process that lasted several hours and was rather unpleasant for the Vanhoover residents and humiliating for Princess Celestia, everyone who was inside the princess had all returned to their proper homes.

Verdant let out a relaxed sigh as he stepped out of his shower. After he had spent the last several hours scrubbing himself clean, he was drying himself off before flopping onto the first bed he’d been on that wasn’t organic in a very long time.

Hmm… I’ve missed this. Verdant began to relax in his bed.

As sleep had started to overtake him, a flash of light appeared over his head and he felt something light land on his head.

With a groan, he turned the light on his night stand on and saw the object that struck his face was a rolled up piece of paper.

Unfurling the paper, he saw a message addressed to him.

Hey Verdant.

If you get this letter, return it to me tomorrow so I can document the results. We’ll get ready to try teleporting you again next week.

~ High Gear

The shamrock stallion groaned as he flopped back down onto his bed. “After being in a digestive tract for a month, she wants to get me in another one next week? I’m starting to think she has a fetish or something.”


In laboratory thirty-eight on the fifth floor of the Vanhoover institute, Dr. Double Helix carefully reached into her saddle bags and pulled out six large jars filled with blood. The jars were placed inside a refrigeration unit for various genetic samples. The last thing she pulled from her bags and put in the fridge was vial with a label that read ‘Project A Egg’.

Closing the fridge, Double Helix darkly chuckled as she activated a tape recorder on a nearby table.

“Double Helix audio log number…” the doctor clicked her tongue as she tried to recall where she’d left off. “Ah! Number one thirteen. It seems that Copper Top’s little accident will pay off in ways I couldn’t possibly have imagined.”

Helix restrained her urge to laugh as she walked closer to the tape recorder.

“The accident allowed me to get closer than I ever would have before to Subject Alpha and extract genetic samples from her without being noticed. My minute size and preservation spells allowed me to gather six jars of her blood while remaining completely undetected.

“However, I was able to obtain a prize greater than I could have imagined. Thanks to Minute Detail and a memory erasure spell, I was able to obtain one of Subject Alpha’s ovums. This will undoubtedly be invaluable to my genetic research. Operation: Raise a Sun will begin once I am able to acquire a male genetic sample, likely from Bunsen. We shall see how this will go. End log.”

Sweet & Shining Strawberry Snacks

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Verdant gave a yawn as he wandered into the rebuilt lab, where High Gear was fiddling with the dials on the console she stood behind. His day at the flower shop was rather tiring. A part of him had hoped Gear had changed her mind and cancelled tonight’s experiment, but he knew that was very unlikely.

Y’know, I’m starting to wonder how many times this place has been rebuilt due to some sort of freaky accident. Verdant stretched out his forelegs before he stepped onto the teleportation platform. “So, how’s things been, Doctor?”

“Hectic, but nothing too terrible,” High Gear replied, barely looking up from her console. “Making sure everything’s in working order, making wedding plans, dealing with parents not believing that I was inside Princess Celestia for about a month.”

“Gotta say, that was one of the weirder things we’ve had to deal with.” Verdant gave a roll of his neck before his eyes fell on the bespectacled scientist once more. “Speaking of having to deal with being inside ponies’ digestive tracts, have you ever considered making something so I have an easier time getting out of stomachs? While the thought of a free sandwich is nice, I don’t like coming out of butts.”

“I’ve been talking with some ponies in the chemistry department. Hopefully they’ll have something worked out by the next time we do this,” High Gear said before sighing and placing a hoof upon a switch. “Honestly, I’m starting to think you’re cursed or something.”

“It could be,” Verdant replied with a shrug. “Maybe my great-grandfather pissed off a Zebrican witch or something. At any rate, I’m ready.”

“Alright. Here we go.” Pulling back on the switch, the platform beneath Verdant shined with a warm yellow light before the shamrock stallion vanished in a flash of white.

“So… where did he end up now?” High Gear muttered aloud as she started to fiddle with her tracking device.

Looking carefully at the screen, she saw the emerald-coated pony was nowhere within Equestria.

“That’s odd.” Quickly adjusting the settings, High Gear expanded the range of her scan. It was then the blip from Verdant’s tracker reappeared far to the north.

“Hmm… Interesting.” High Gear tossed a pair of saddlebags onto her sides before heading out the door and down to lab 18, where she saw Pixel Flash and several of her colleagues working on assembling an arcade cabinet.

“Hey, Pix! Mini!” High Gear called out, making the violet mare nearly drop a circuit board before facing her. “How’d you like to go to the Crystal Empire?”


In a flash, Verdant felt himself enter freefall before splatting down into something firm. What was odd to the forest colored pony was that everything he saw, himself included, was bathed in a cornflower blue light and he felt a familiar tingling in his fur. It was the feeling of being encased in a pony’s magical aura.

Looking over his shoulder, he saw he was in a football stadium sized bowl of strawberries being carried in the aura of the ruler of the Crystal Empire herself, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.

“Excuse me, Princess!” Verdant exclaimed as he tried to move closer, but it was to no avail. Casting his eyes downward, he saw that his body up to his shoulders had sunk into one of the many strawberries the alicorn carried.

“Oh Faust curse it, I only got out of an alicorn’s digestive tract last week! Do I really have to do it again so soon?!” Verdant’s annoyed shouts went unheard as the princess pushed open the doors to a rather opulent bedroom where an alabaster unicorn stallion with a tri-toned blue mane rested on the nearby plush bed, surrounded by rose petals.


It was a night Princess Cadance had long waited for. Duties had kept her and her dear husband from being able to spend intimate time together, but now that was over. Thanks to weeks of careful planning, Cadance could finally spend the night with him rather than just next to him.

“Good evening, dear.” A warm smile graced Cadance’s royal countenance as she kicked the door behind her shut and sauntered over to the bed. “I’ve been thinking of something rather intimate for tonight.”

“I hope it’s not something that involves food,” Shining said as he sat up on the bed. “You got a really nasty yeas-”

“Trust me, this won’t be anything like last time,” Cadance interrupted before she sat down on the bed. “I’ve got something that won’t require a doctor and several weeks of creams afterwards.”

“Do tell.” Shining Armor sounded greatly intrigued as she grasped a strawberry in her magic. “What do you have planned?”

“Just a sexy little game, Shining,” Cadance brushed the strawberry against the surface of her plump lips before planting a wet kiss on it. “The game goes like this. I’ll put a strawberry in my mouth and then you and I will prench kiss with you trying to take the strawberry into your own mouth to swallow it.

“If you manage to swallow my strawberry, you win a point. If I swallow it first, you get no points. After a point’s scored, we switch roles. Does that sound good?”

“It sounds great, Cadance,” Shining Armor said softly before leaning in and kissing Cadance on the lips.

“Excellent.” Cadance grinned before winking at Shining and sticking out her tongue. Dropping the strawberry on top, she pulled it into her mouth with a quick tongue flick.


Verdant soon found his body and the strawberry it was lodged in being pulled from the bowl and up in front of the princess’s face. “Oh, of friggin’ course. She couldn’t have grabbed one of the dozens of strawberries without shrunken ponies in them. Noooo, she had to pick up the one with me in it!”

After a brief moment of the princess’s booming, volcanic voice that forced him to cover his ears, Verdant saw his strawberry was being pulled closer to Cadance’s massive lips.

To his mild surprise, her mouth didn’t open to toss him inside her, but her lips remained firmly shut before she brushed the strawberry and Verdant against the plump surface

“Urgh, it’s like rubbing against the walls of a bounce house, but hotter and wetter,” Verdant grumbled before he saw the princess pucker her lips and begin to smother him against them, giving him and the strawberry a generous coating of royal saliva before she pulled it away once more.

Verdant sighed, feeling rather annoyed as he tried to listen to their conversation while keeping his ears covered.

“Well, there’s only one way this’ll end,” Verdant said as he saw the pink princess open her mouth wide and float the strawberry over her extended tongue. “At least I’ll be halfway to a sandwich after this.”

It wasn’t long before Verdant and the berry were plopped down onto her tongue and tossed inside her mouth with a flick. Her massive maw remained surprisingly still, not making any effort to toss the mighty morsel between her teeth to mash it up.

Feeling as if something were wrong, Verdant looked back towards the entrance and saw Shining Armor was approaching; his mouth open wide and tongue outstretched.

“This can’t be good,” Verdant muttered to himself as Shining Armor sensually pressed his lips against the princess’, sealing their mouths together as the unicorn’s tongue entered Cadance’s mouth.

The colossal serpent brushed against Cadance's tongue, the strawberry and Verdant’s back, drenching the shamrock stallion in slobber.

Verdant sighed as the stallion’s tongue repeatedly brushed against him. “And to think, I once dreamed about something like this with this stallion. But now we’re both taken and I’m gonna be eaten. Did I wish on a monkey’s paw or something?”

The shamrock stallion felt himself being more and more drenched as he and the berry were passed about by the passionate osculating pair. With how rapidly he was being pushed and tumbled about by the entwining tongues, he found himself quickly growing dizzy.

Just as his cheeks started to turn greener, Verdant found himself suddenly pulled back so he and the berry were within one mouth.

Looking towards the wide open entrance, Verdant saw the tittering face of Princess Cadance just before the mouth sealed shut.

“At least I’m in the better looking of the two,” Verdant muttered before the berry was pulled to the back of the prince’s throat. With a hard swallow, Verdant and the strawberry were sent down Shining Armor’s esophagus. The alabaster unicorn’s throat muscles were so strong, Verdant had briefly wondered if the esophagus would crush the strawberry while he descended.

To his surprise, the whole berry landed down inside the stallion’s stomach atop a pile of slurped up noodles and a vegetable broth. The shock of the impact managed to knock the shrunken stallion loose, sending him tumbling into the soup.

“Well, I’m inside a stallion’s stomach for once,” the earth pony muttered before paddling over to the undigested noodles and shaking himself dry like a dog. “At least it’s a bit of a change of pace.”

Looking about, Verdant had hoped to see something that could allow him to escape the stomach, but sadly all he could see were the usual assortment of digesting food, pulsating walls and bubbling juices.

“At least I’m now at the halfway mark,” Verdant signed before he looked up towards the valve. “Hopefully more food’s not coming down.”


Cadance was deeply enjoying the passion she felt as she and her beloved clashed their tongues against one another to claim the strawberry prize. The intimacy and warmth had been something she had missed for so long, so she reveled in every second of it.

Just as her wings began to stretch out and stiffen, she was surprised to feel Shining Armor pulling away, leaving her mouth feeling rather empty.

Slowly opening her eyes, she saw Shining had a coy look on his face and the strawberry in his mouth. With a wink to the alicorn of love, Shining closed his mouth and managed to swallow the berry whole.

“Wow.” Cadance was stunned as she saw the bulge in Shining’s throat travel down before it disappeared into his chest. “Didn’t think you could swallow something that big.”

“Guess I’m just full of surprises.” Shining chuckled before pulling a second strawberry from the bowl and holding it in front of his face. “Now it’s your turn.”

With a gentle toss, the strawberry landed in his mouth as Cadance drew close. The princess placed her hooves on his shoulders and wrapped her wings around his back. With a tender sigh, she leaned in close and sealed her lips against his before gliding her tongue against his.

Cadance shuddered as she thoroughly enjoyed the dance of her tongue against her husband’s as they clashed over the berry. Passion and lust however soon turned competitive. Cadance wanted to win this round and she knew just the trick.

Slowly, her right wing trailed down Shining Armor’s back. The movement went unnoticed by the unicorn until she used the tip of one of her feathers to stroke the base of his tail and back exit.

“Eeep!” Shining Armor jumped, giving Cadance the perfect chance to strike. With his grip on the berry loosened, she quickly pulled the berry into her mouth and pulled back.

“Hey, no fair!” Shining foalishly grumbled while Cadance gave a mischievous chuckle before she easily swallowed the berry.

“All’s fair in love and war, and that includes lovers games like this,” Cadance replied before stroking his back with her wing. “Now the score’s all tied up.”

“C’mon, Cadance. No more cheating,” Shining said as the princess picked up the third berry of the night.

“Alright. No more tricks like that,” Cadance said before tossing the berry into her mouth. “Weddy foh wound three?”

Shining Armor chuckled before he closed the gap between the two of them and pressed his lips against hers.

The game lasted well into the night with Cadance coming out as the victor with a score of eighteen to fifteen.

With their bellies full and the bowl emptied, the two lounged on their plush bed for several minutes wrapped in each other's forelegs.

“I missed moments like this,” Shining broke the silence of the night before giving her a tender kiss.

“Me too.” An affectionate grin spread across Cadance’s face before she rolled across the bed and raised her hind end. “How about we have a bit more fun before bed?”

“With pleasure,” Shining Armor softly laughed before he rose up and set his hooves upon her back.


“Rut me, I’ve seen less strawberries in a fruit salad,” Verdant muttered as he looked about the now filled stomach. A pile of fifteen berries were all about the stomach, slowly starting to digest within Shining Armor’s juice.

Verdant stretched out and yawned before slumping against one of the muscular walls. “Well, hopefully these two will be going to-WHOA!”

The shamrock stallion was knocked about from Shining Armor’s sudden movements. An undigested berry nearly struck him, but he was able to quickly jump out of the way.

“Does he need to take a piss before bed or-” Verdant was interrupted by a sudden movement that sent him and some berries slamming into one of the walls. “What’s going on?!”

A second sharp movement from the royal stallion had sent Verdant and some of the fruity treats flying into the back end of the digestive chamber. Before he could try to get his footing, another thrust had struck, sending him tumbling forth once more.

“Oh great,” Verdant mumbled as the faint sounds of a mare’s moans managed to penetrate the stomach walls. “I’m trapped in somepony when they’re having sex. Again! Still, at least I’m not in the reproductive tract, so I’m unlikely to be unexpectedly ejected or something.”

Several minutes passed while the royal couple shared their great moment of passion while Verdant felt he was becoming a living tennis ball with only a very brief moment of pause for him to attempt to rest his sore body.

Despite the thick and massive flesh walls, Verdant could hear the passionate moans of the prince and princess in their lovemaking. Their voices were reaching a fevered pitch while the stallion’s stomach was starting to kick into overdrive, creating a large amount of gas bubbles.

As the pairs’ moans reached a climactic fervor, Verdant was sent head first into the surface of a large gas bubble.

The bubble quickly burst and with a force like a hurricane, Verdant was rocketed up Shining Armor’s esophagus.The world of the prince’s body was a rapid blur as he saw himself fly past Shining Armor’s teeth and into a second mouth, smacking against a uvula before being swallowed down once more. In a matter of seconds, Verdant had splashed down into his second royal stomach of the night.

“Faust dammit…” Verdant weakly groaned as he laid atop the surface of her digestive soup. “At least it’s only four to go now.”


As Shining Armor and Cadance felt themselves coming down from the high of their lovemaking, the pair kept their lips firmly pressed against each other.

The alabaster unicorn started to feel a bubbling up in his stomach as Cadance stroked the back of his mane. Despite wanting to pull back to avoid burping in her mouth, Cadance’s grip around his back and waist was too strong, leaving the gas only one way to go; into the mare below him.

Cadance’s eyes shot open as she felt the rumbling in her mouth courtesy of her husband. The taste of digesting strawberries and the feeling of what she assumed was spit striking the back of her throat and being swallowed on reflex, making her grip loosen.

Shining Armor slowly started to pull back as the blush on his face made his snowy coat match his wife.

“Sorry about that, Cadance.” He said as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. “I wanted to pull back, but-”

“It’s fine, Shining,” Cadance cut him off as she patted his shoulder. “It’s a minor thing and it happens.”

“Still, I wish I could do something to make it up to-” This time it was the unicorn stallion that was interrupted by his partner belching and making him feel spit hitting the back of his throat before he swallowed.

Cadance let out a chuckle as a faint, nearly undetectable blush crossed her features. “Well, I’d say that makes us even now. So, wanna hit the showers?”

“Yes, please,” Shining replied as he felt himself slip out of Cadance and off the bed. “After that, I’m feeling up for some hardcore cuddling.”


Verdant didn’t have much time to relax as he felt the princess’s digestive juices start to bubble up beneath his shrunken form. The bubble quickly rose close to the top of her stomach before it burst, rocketing him up once more, this time through Cadance’s throat.

The tiny pony was fired like a cannonball from Cadance’s mouth and back into her husband’s again, where he smacked against the back of his throat before he was quickly swallowed down on reflex.

“Dammit, dammit, dammit!” Verdant mumbled he was pushed back towards the stallion’s stomach by his esophagus muscles. “At least I’m only three more trips from that damn sandwich.”

The minuscule mammal was spat into the stomach, splatting into a pile of goop that was once a strawberry.

With a tired sigh, Verdant curled up into a ball to try to get some sleep.


Shining Armor was enjoying the early morning light and the scent of the dew on the palace grounds as he trotted about on his patrol. As he looked out one of the palace windows, a mare in guard armor came rushing up to him.

“Sir, there is somepony here that wishes to do a sweep of the palace. She says it’s of great importance.”

“Well, let’s see what exactly they want to sweep for. Take me to ‘em,” Shining Armor said before she started to guide him to the main entrance, where he saw a bespectacled mare with a blue coat and violet mane in a lab coat, a purple coated unicorn with a multicolored mane, a grayish-violet unicorn with curly blue mane and red glasses, and an earth pony who was a good deal taller than him.

“Good morning, ladies,” Shining Armor said as he approached the quartet. “Now, why do you want to do a sweep of the castle?”

The lab coat sporting mane reached into her jacket and pulled out a business card that Shining Armor took in his magic before she started to fiddle with the dials of a device of her foreleg.

Looking over the card, he saw that it read, “My name is Dr. High Gear and if there are any others with me, they are my assistants. We work for the Vanhoover Institute of Science and Technology. If you’re reading this, it’s because my guinea pig, Verdant Range, has been teleported to this location and is likely trapped in somepony’s stomach. We require whatever cooperation needed in order to recover our currently missing personnel.”

“Oh! Twily’s told me all about you!” Shining said as he turned his gaze back to the scientist as she winced from the sight on her screen. “For security reasons, I will require you to have guard escort, but you’re free to do your sweep.”

“Uh… yeah, that won’t be needed, your highness. I know where he is now,” High Gear said before she pointed directly at the unicorn prince.

“Oh… Well…” Shining Armor bit his lip as High Gear started to sort through her saddlebags. “So if he’s inside me, how are you gonna get him out?”

“Don’t worry,” High Gear replied as she pulled her foreleg out of the bag, revealing that she was pulling a long rubber glove onto the leg that she snapped into place. “I have my ways.”

To High Gear’s surprise, the alabaster stallion’s coat suddenly turned very pale.


After a long shower, Verdant and company were now being escorted out of the palace by Shining Armor, whose walk was now rather awkward.

“So, Doctor,” Shining Armor asked as they neared the edge of the palace grounds “While you had your foreleg… y’know, up there, did you notice any issues with my prostate? I just don’t wanna have to take another exam for my annual check up next week.”

“Oh, I’m not that kind of doctor, so it looks like you’re going to have another pony playing plumber with you next week. Sorry.” Gear’s reply made Shining Armor look rather glum.

“Well, thanks anyway. Hopefully we won’t have to do this again. I hope you have a good time while in the empire,” Shining said before he started to pull away.

“Don’t worry, we intend to,” Gear said before she started to chuckle. “I really plan to make the most of this.”

“Gear, are you gonna tell me why you brought me along here?” Beans muttered as she stepped ahead of her friend.

“Well, after spending a month in Celestia’s guts, I figure we could all use a nice vacation.” High Gear darkly laughed as she started to rub her hooves together. “It’s so sad that the natural crystal deposits in this city made tracking Verdant next to impossible to pull off, forcing us to spend an entire week just trying to track the poor fellow down.”

A look of shock and realization struck Beans’ face as Verdant let out a loud laugh.

Pixel Flash giggled before she slung a foreleg over Gear’s shoulders and planted a kiss on cheek. “You sly dog. You’re going to give us all a vacation and write it off as a business expense, aren’t you?”

“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about, dear,” Gear replied before taking off her glasses and putting them into an inner jacket pocket before replacing them with a pair of sunglasses. “So, after we check into three suites at the hotel, I suggest Beans starts looking for Verdant at a pizza place while Pix and I look by the pool. Mini, you look wherever you want.”

“Alright, I guess I’ll start with a sweep of the red light district,” Mini chuckled as the five of them headed off to find the finest hotel they could find.

“Oh, by the way, Gear,” Verdant began. “Because of what happened, there’s only three more times I need to be eaten before I get my sandwich.”

“What? Did the prince and princess play vore tennis with you or something?” Gear asked as she looked over the rim of her sunglasses.

“Yeah, pretty much. It’s a long story,” Verdant replied as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Do you really want an explanation?”

“Heck no. What I want is to lie by a pool and sip fresh mango juice, now let’s go!” Gear answered before charging off towards a gilded hotel with the others following quickly behind.

Princesses, Portals and Pastry Pokémon

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Verdant gave a stretch as he stepped off the third floor elevator of the Vanhoover institute. He was feeling refreshed and better than he’d felt in years thanks to his vacation in the Crystal Empire.

“Well, time to end up in a stomach again,” Verdant casually said as he stepped towards the door to High Gear’s lab.

Just as he was about to push it open, he heard a voice shouting from inside the room.

“It’s not fair! You went on a vacation for a week, keeping me cooped up in a little room the whole time you were gone! I didn’t even have a Game Filly to kill time!” A tinny mare’s voice penetrated the door. “You really should tell some other ponies about me, at least your little guinea pig.”

“I will when I find the time’s ready, and I don’t think he’s ready for that yet.” Verdant heard High Gear’s annoyed reply before she sighed. “I swear, I’ll let him in on the secret down the line. Now, he’s gonna be here any minute, so head to your room and I’ll drop off some movies from Blockbuster’s once I finish up here.”

“Fine,” the second voice poutifully replied before the sound of metal clanging on the stepladder reached Verdant’s ears. “Just get Verdant in a stomach soon. I wanna see the new Pony Rangers movie and Mistresses of the Universe.”

Cautiously stepping inside, Verdant saw High Gear behind her console while the cover to the ducts in the ceiling closed.

“Hey there, Doctor. Anything going on?” The shamrock stallion cautiously asked as he stepped onto the platform.

“Eh, just some minor stuff with other projects I’ve got going,” she responded as she shrugged her shoulders. “Nothing to worry about.”

“You have projects besides this teleporter?” Verdant’s surprised tone made Gear give the earth pony a half-lidded glare.

“Why do you think they keep letting me work on this expensive thing after so many problems?” Gear frustratedly replied. “I work on weapons for the royal guard, defensive measures against monsters, replacement limbs for amputees, and Pix and I have worked on some projects like video games and A.I.. At any rate, I’ve got something for you.”

Reaching into her lab coat, High Gear pulled out a silver tin that she tossed towards Verdant, making him catch it in his teeth.

“That’s the project I got the chemistry department to work on,” Gear said as Verdant dropped the container into his hooves and opened it, revealing a large collection of green and yellow pills. “These are super gas pills. If you get eaten again-”

“You mean when.” Verdant interjected.

“Probably. Either way, just drop this in the stomach acid and it’ll cause a large build up of gas that should cause whoever ate you to burp you up.” Gear replied as Verdant closed the container and slipped it into his vest. “One capsule should do the trick.”

“Thanks, Gear. This is a lot better than being thrown up or crapped out,” Verdant said before straightening his stance. “Now, let’s light this candle.”

“Lighting candle now,” Gear replied as she flipped several switches, making the teleporter light up before Verdant vanished in a flash of light.

“Alright, now let’s see where he went,” Gear said as she turned her attention to one of the displays on the console. “Hmm… That’s odd, this is missing part of the usual energy pattern I get when Verdant’s teleported.”

As she pondered the energy anomaly, the entryway to the ceiling opened up and someone stuck their head through the opening above the ladder. “Ceiling Pone is watching you send ponies into stomachs.”

Gear groaned at the mare's words. “Right. Blockbuster’s, then I’m off to Canterlot.”


A bright afternoon sun beamed down on the city of Canterlot as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were making their way to a field that had been set up near the palace grounds. Upon the ground was a pattern drawn in chalk. It formed a circle that was divided in the middle with a smaller circle in the very center.

Princess Luna gave a tired yawn as she and Celestia came to a halt a few yards away from the drawn circle. “Remind me what this presentation’s about again? I had trouble following that mare’s magi-jargon.”

“Dr. Glowing Doorway believes she has a way to make large portals within our dimension for the purpose of transporting goods,” Celestia replied as she spotted a flicker of purple light out of the corner of her eye. “She says that this could revolutionize travel.”

“Indeed!” A boisterous voice exclaimed as the flicker expanded into a violet circle. Soon the center of the circle became the image of an off-white coated unicorn mare with amber eyes and a short, dark indigo mane. What caught the eye of the princesses wasn’t the look of the mare, but the sight of the palace interior behind her as she stepped through the violet circle of light before it sealed shut behind her.

“I’ve been working on smaller scale prototypes of this spell circle for a while, but this will be the test of something far grander.” The unicorn soon made her way to Princess Celestia’s side, allowing the alabaster mare to see her cutie mark, a pair of white circles; one was surrounded by jagged red and orange edges while the other had cyan and blue.

“This will be far more useful and efficient than Dr. High Gear’s teleportation machine.” A chuckle escaped the mare as she focused her eyes on the sight of the spell circle. “That fool should just accept that magic is far superior to her little toys.”

“We shall see, Dr. Doorway,” Celestia said, holding back the urge to chide her for her boastfulness. “So, shall we begin?”

“With pleasure, Your Highness,” Glowing Doorway replied as she stepped towards the chalk lines. Her horn glowed a vibrant purple before she bent down and touched her horn to the circle. The instant she made contact, the purple glow spread over the chalk.

“Now, if everything’s set up properly, this will open a gateway to a warehouse where I’ve set up a large collection of boxes.” A confident grin graced Glowing Doorway’s muzzle when a ball of light started to form in the center of the circle.

As the ball grew, the glow suddenly shifted from a vibrant purple to a threatening magenta before the ball shot a bolt of magenta lightning towards the sky.

“Uh-oh…” A chill ran up Doorway’s spine as more bolts arced from the spell circle, wind began to come from it and the blue skies turned a dark red. “This… this isn’t what’s supposed to happen…”

Before Celestia could utter a word in response, an explosion of pink smoke came from the spell circle. Celestia raised a shield over her and her compatriots, allowing the mist to harmlessly pass over them.

However, when the smoke started to clear, the three saw a massive creature standing where the circle was that made both Luna and Doorway’s jaws drop.

The creature was nearly a hundred feet in height, but the oddest thing about it was that it looked to be a gigantic four tier cake topped with a being made of living cream.

The beast’s base seemed to be a cake covered in black fondant with yellow candy stars and layers of cream on the top and bottom of the tier. Above that was a gray and purple fondant cake with a candy bow and a clover shaped sweet on top of it. The third tier had white fondant, an arch of candy blueberries in the center with orange candy flowers surrounding the rest of the tier. On the final tier was a combination of gray and black fondant and pink candy hearts.

Craning her neck up, Princess Celestia saw she was staring into the pink eyes of a creature that seemed to be made of white cream, including hair, small wing-like arms, a white and gray bow tie and a white bow in its ‘hair’. Behind the bow seemed to be a gigantic strawberry.

CREEEEEMMMMIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!” The creature bellowed before a cascade of star shaped sparkles came from it. As the creature’s roar echoed throughout the city, massive comets of cream careened towards Canterlot.

With a flare of their horns, Celestia and Luna quickly formed glowing barriers over the cream comets’ targets. To the alicorns’ shock, however, the gigantic cream piles shattered the shields as if they were glass.

“This… is not good,” Luna said as she tried to assess the damage caused by the massive splatters against the buildings. To her relief, it seemed the damage was near minimal and nopony seemed to be harmed.

“I’ve summoned a giant dessert monster that’s about to destroy the city…” Luna’s attention turned to the terrified Glowing Doorway as she slowly started to back away. “Oh dear Faust, it’s just like the fortune cookie said!”

“Any ideas on how to stop this being, Sister?” Luna asked as she looked back to her sister, only to see a wicked grin on her face before she licked her lips.

“Challenge accepted.” Celestia chucked before she shifted her gaze to the younger alicorn. “Luna, go to the armory and take out an item labelled MMPR-93. Once you have it, charge it with as much of your magic as possible and then throw it from high up at the ground near me. Understood?”

“Yes, Sister.” Luna sharply nodded before her horn glowed with cobalt light. “Be careful.”

“Rest assured, I will,” Celestia replied before Luna vanished in a flash of light.

However, because of the bright light in front of her, Celestia didn’t see a flash that came from above the cake creature.


Verdant felt his stomach lurch as he felt himself enter freefall. The shamrock stallion almost screamed before he felt himself landing onto something soft and a bit sticky before starting to slide down it.

“Crapcrapcrap!” He quickly cursed before he finally managed to get a grip on the soft surface and dangled futilely from the edge.

Verdant tried to keep from looking down, afraid to see how far he was from the ground as he looked up to the dark red skies.

CREEMIEE?” A deep, thunderous voice from nearby made the hair stand up on the back of his neck and a chill ran down his spine.

With a slow swallow, he started to turn his eyes down. In a matter of seconds, he found himself staring into a massive pink eye.

“Uh… hi there.” Verdant said before looking over his shoulders, seeing he was on the forehead of a creature that was nearly a hundred feet tall, on par with several of the famous towers of Canterlot. “So… What exactly are you?”

ALCREMIEE!!!” The living cake rumbled before flicking its head upwards. The sudden movement sent the now screaming stallion skyward.

As Verdant felt gravity start to regain its pull on him, he saw the creature opening its mouth and that he was headed right for it.

“Of friggin’ course!” Verdant screamed as the massive maw drew ever closer. “At least I’m not shrunk this time!”

The emerald earth pony felt himself splat against the kaiju’s tongue before he slid down it like a water slide. It wasn’t long before he crashed face first into the monster’s fondant-like throat before he repeatedly tumbled and struck the esophagus wall on the way down before he splashed down in the cake creature’s stomach.

Verdant gave a groan as he weakly pulled himself from the stomach juices and hauled himself against the walls. The texture of the walls didn’t have the normal fleshy feel he’d become accustomed to, but it was more like a cream covered sponge cake.

“Well this is a tad weird,” he remarked as he gazed around the stomach’s seemingly fondant covered walls. While he did see stomach juices and bits of food within the beast, the food looked to be chunks of gigantic berries that could crush a building.

“Oh well. Questions for later.” Verdant reached into his vest and pulled out the tin High Gear had given him. “Time to get outta-”

The emerald earth pony was silenced when the creature’s stomach violently spun all about, disorienting Verdant as he crashed into several of the digesting berries.

As suddenly as it began, the shaking soon stopped with things settling down to where they were originally.

“What in Tartarus was that?!” Verdant groaned through gritted teeth as he looked up to the esophageal valve, wondering what would have caused such a surprising quake.


The cake kaiju had launched more volleys of its cream attacks at the city. Despite the best efforts of Celestia and the unicorn guards trying to raise magical shields, the most they were able to do was soften the blows.

From the top of the tallest of the palace towers, Princess Luna appeared in a flash of cobalt light. Clutched in her forelegs was long black staff. At the top was a gold-lined black moon with a crimson jewel orb. Just below that was an odd shape that reminded the princess of black and gold measuring tools with a few blue jewels.

Looking down from her spot atop the tower, Luna saw her sister standing before the creature, firing the occasional magical blast at it that clearly wasn’t very effective.

“I pray this plan of yours works, Sister.” Luna took a deep breath before flaring her horn and concentrating her magic into the staff. The midnight alicorn quickly started to feel drained as she poured as much of her magical energies into the staff as she could muster.

Taking one last deep breath, Luna stood on her hindlegs as she readied to toss the staff like a javelin or Shining Armor would toss Cadance.

“Magic wand, make my sister grow!” Luna bellowed in the Royal Canterlot Voice before she hurtled the staff to the ground.

When the staff impacted the ground, the crimson orb glowed and shot out scarlet lightning before the ground split open with an eruption of steam.

Even with the large gouts of steam blocking much of the view, Luna was able to see a growing Celestia emerging from it. The elder princess quickly began dwarfing the attacking cake creature, the princess quickly growing to over ten times the creature’s size.

A colossal grin crept across the thousand foot tall alicorn’s muzzle before she opened her maw wide and let her tongue hang out.

Without any legs, the cake creature tried to do the only thing it could to defend itself by launching another volley of cream comets at the princess. However, due to how absolutely massive the princess now was, the giant cream dollops did little more than make her face a bit messy.

Celestia’s giant tongue soon slammed into the ground before slipping under the now terrified creature and pulling it into her massive maw. The alabaster alicorn let out a hum of delight as she raised her head back up swallowed, sending out a rumble that was heard for miles.

HMMM… TURNS OUT IT WAS MATCHA FLAVORED. The alicorn’s comment, meant to be a quiet observation, instead boomed like thunder and echoed throughout the kingdom’s capital.


“Well, it’s time to get out of here,” Verdant said before he opened up the capsule case and plucked one of the pills. With a light toss, the pill landed in the juices just as he closed the case and slipped it back into his vest.

A loud fizzing noise echoed around the chamber as the bubbles quickly started to roil. Verdant was soon caught by a wave of digestive juice bubbles, ending up on top of one of them shortly before it exploded with a massive rush of foul smelling air that made the shamrock stallion rocketing up the creature’s throat.

When Verdant reached the cake monster’s mouth, he saw that he wasn’t going to crash into one of the famed Canterlot landmarks, but the walls of a second stomach filled with a mixture of cake, salad and truffles.

The shamrock stallion impacted the fleshy wall before he bounced off it and spiraled downward, landing on top of the candy clover on the cake creature’s second tier.

“Well…” Verdant weakly and carefully tried to stand up from his place on the candy. “At least this means I only need one more for my san-”

A bright crimson light suddenly came from the creature. Before Verdant could figure out what was going on, the cake creature rapidly shrank down. The mysterious being’s sudden shrinking caused Verdant to suddenly plummet down to the stomach floor.

As Verdant groaned and tried to lift himself back onto his hooves, he saw that the light from the creature had died down and now it looked very different.

Instead of looking like a multi-layered cake, the creature now resembled only the top tier, though it was missing its cream bows and its colors were vastly different. Its one-foot tall body was mostly a dark grey, courtesy of the cream piles that made up its head, torso lower body and stubby arms with three digit hands. Parts of its creamy head resembled hair tipped with white, much like the bottom of its lower body. Atop two of its hair buns were two purple candy bows that matched the creature's eyes.

The cream creature looked rather scared as it gazed around the massive chamber of flesh. Verdant laid down on his belly to look the little being in the eye.

“Hey, it’s okay, little buddy,” Verdant softly said to the creature that looked almost on the verge of tears. “I’ve been through this sort of thing a bunch of times before and I promise that I can safely get you out of here.”

The dark cream being gave a sniffle as it moved a bit closer to the earth pony. “Alcremie?”

“Is that what your kind is called? Alcremie?” Verdant asked as the being gently placed a hand on his snout.

“Cremie.” The creature nodded.

“Well, I’ve never seen anything like an Alcremie before,” Verdant said before he gently gave the creature a nuzzle. “I hope I’m not being rude, but what would you… y’know, identify as?”

Slightly pulling back, the Alcremie used its tiny arms to draw a circle with a line descending from the bottom before striking a second line through the middle of the first one.

“Alright. You’re a girl,” Verdant said as he slowly stood up. “Do you have a name besides just being called your species?”

The Alcremie quickly shook her head side to side.

“Okay. Would it be alright if I called you… Crème Noire?” Verdant asked as he gave his head a slight tilt.

The Alcremie brought a hand to her chin to ponder his question. After a brief moment of thought, she smiled and nodded to Verdant. “Alcremie!”

“Alright then, Crème Noire,” Verdant said as he sat down and picked up the Alcremie. “I’ll find you a nice place to stay. In the meantime, let’s get out of here.”

Reaching into his vest once more, Verdant grabbed the tin and cracked it open. He then grabbed a pill and lobbed it over to the bubbling lake of digestive juices.

“Hold on tight,” Verdant said as he hugged Crème Noire close to his chest. “This is going to be a bumpy ride.”

The lake rapidly bubbled and spread throughout the stomach. The two occupants were quickly carried up towards the top of the stomach before the massive bubble beneath them burst.

The two rocketed up the esophagus with intense force as the noise from the explosive gas rumbled behind them. Crème Noire clenched Verdant’s vest as the stallion saw the approaching uvula.


That’s odd… Celestia pondered as she gazed down at her gargantuan belly as it suddenly went from feeling somewhat full to empty. What’s going on in there?

Down below her, the colossal alicorn saw Luna landing on the ground by the tossed staff just before a flash of light appeared nearby. From the light stumbled Twilight Sparkle, her fellow element bearers and Spike.

“Princess Luna!” Twilight said as she quickly ran up to her side. “We saw the red skies over Canterlot and we’ve come… to…” The violet mare said as her eyes fell upon the city covered in cream and her mentor who was now several times the size of the royal palace.

“Fret not, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said as she plucked the staff from the ground. “My sister and I were able to take care of things on our own this time. Now all that’s left is some clean up.”

“Oh, I’ll help!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed before she took a running leap into cream like a fox leaping into snow.

“Hmm… I think I’ll help too.” Spike said as he went up to one of the cream piles and stuck one of his fingers into it before quickly pulling it out and shaking his hand to get the cream off. “Yowch, that really hurt!”

“What?!” Twilight quickly rushed up to Spike and looked over his hand, seeing minor burns on the digit that had touched the cream. She then turned her attention to the cream and flared her horn to try to analyze it. “That’s odd. This… cream seems to be normal, save for the fact it has a magical energy that from what I can tell is oddly harmful to dragons.”

“This is most odd,” Luna said as she looked over the pile by Twilight. “We should take samples for further analy-”

A thunderous burp struck the city, coming from the alabaster alicorn. The force from the gaseous expulsion knocked over the ponies in the courtyard while shattering many windows throughout the capital as the sound of the belch spread all the way to Manehattan.

Before Luna could get back into her hooves, she was knocked back down by a green coated earth pony that had crashed into her.

UMM… PARDON ME…” Celestia’s apology echoed throughout the city as her face turned completely crimson.

As Luna tried to push herself back up, she saw herself looking into the wincing face of Verdant Range.

“Um… good afternoon, Your Highness. Sorry for crashing into you,” Verdant said as he hobbled off of the alicorn of night, allowing the gathered assemblage to see the cream creature he carried in his forelegs.

“Apology accepted, young stallion,” Luna said as she got back onto her hooves. “Is… is that the creature that my sister devoured?”

“Yeah, she is.” Verdant gave the creature a gentle hug. “She’s apparently what’s called an Alcremie and she’s okay with being called Crème Noire.”

“Hmm… Fascinating,” Twilight said as she looked over Crème Noire, who looked somewhat scared of her.

“I don’t think she’d like to be examined like a science project. I think she just wants a nice place to stay.” Verdant said as he felt Crème Noire tighten her grip on his vest.

“Oh, the poor thing,” Fluttershy said as she made her way up to Twilight’s side. “If you want, I can give you a nice place to stay.”

“Cremie.” Crème Noire looked away from the pegasus mare before rubbing her face against Verdant’s chest.

“I… I think she’d like to stay with me.” Verdant said, somewhat surprised by the Alcremie’s attachment to him.

“Are you sure?” Fluttershy asked as she moved a bit closer. “I’ve got plenty of food and there’d be a lot of animals you could make friends with.”

Crème Noire looked back to Fluttershy with an annoyed look on her face before holding up one of her hands with her index finger extended. From that finger, a ball of fire appeared, making Fluttershy quickly back up.

“Okay, Crème Noire,” Fluttershy nervously said as she almost bumped into Applejack. “It’s your choice.”

“Are you sure that you’ll be able to take care of this… Crème Noire?” Princess Luna asked as the Alcremie extinguished her mystical fire.

“I think I can,” Verdant said before giving Crème Noire a light nuzzle. “I mean, I deal with pretty crazy stuff all the time. I think I can handle her.”

“Very well.” Luna nodded as a small smile formed on her face as she saw Crème Noire reaching into one of Verdant’s vest pockets. “I bid thee a farewell and entrust you with this… pocket monster.”


A few hours later, High Gear hopped off the train to Canterlot and much to her surprise, Verdant was standing by the doorway she just stepped through.

“Wait, Verdant? You’re not in a stomach?” The hornless unicorn asked before her eyes fell upon the cream creature that rode on his back. “Wait, what the heck is that thing?”

“Long story, but the cliffsnotes are this is my new pet, Crème Noire the Alcremie and I ended up in two stomachs earlier, so I’m now only one away from getting my sandwich,” Verdant said before he slung a foreleg over Gear’s shoulder and guided her towards a bench.

“Seriously? What is it with you ending up in multiple stomach’s recently?” High Gear asked as they neared the bench. “Whose stomachs did you end up in anyway?”

“Hers,” Verdant used his free foreleg to point to Crème Noire, who was enjoying her pony ride. “And hers.” The shamrock stallion pointed his hoof forward.

Following the direction he pointed, Gear’s face fell at the stunning sight of the gigantic Celestia as she patiently sat in the distance, waiting for her spell to wear off.

“Oh, come on,” Verdant said as he sat down on the bench with Crème Noire moving into his forelegs. “Not only have you seen her that big before, but you’ve been inside her.”

“Yeah well,” Gear quickly said as she tried to gather her thoughts. “One, I technically haven’t seen her that big before because I was shrunk while she remained her normal size and two, it’s still freaky as all Tartarus seeing her like that.”

High Gear took a deep breath before sitting down on the bench and sighing. “So, since it’ll be a while before a train to Vanhoover’s ready, mind giving me the long version of the story?”

“Alright,” Verdant said as he laid back against the bench. “According to Princess Luna, it all started when Dr. Glowing Doorway tried to test a portal experiment.”

High Gear’s eye twitched at the mention of the mare’s name. “That bitch,” She said through gritted teeth.


In another world, four people were standing within a vast field with disappointed looks on their faces.

One person in particular was a young man with short brown hair and icy blue eyes. He was dressed in a yellow shirt under a green jacket, black jogging pants with white stripes running down the sides, white gloves, forest green socks and white sneakers. On his right wrist was a metallic band.

“Aww, dammit!” The green dressed man said before angrily snapping his fingers. “I was hoping to catch that shiny Alcremie.”

“Well, maybe we’ll get lucky with another Max Raid,” a blue haired girl in a blue hoodie and faded black jeans came up to his side and put a hand on his shoulder. “C’mon, Verdant. Let’s head to Bob’s Your Uncle in Circhester and I’ll treat you to dinner.”

Verdant let out a sigh before looking his friend in her green eyes. “Thanks, Jaylin. Hopefully we’ll get lucky again with the next Max Raid.

Squad 982's Egg-cellent Adventure

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The darkness of the early morning hung in the air as Cadet Verdant Range woke up within his squad’s assigned barracks.

As the shamrock stallion stretched, he saw that Hat Trick, Winter Gem and Iron Forge were also waking up while two of the beds were empty. One was Swiftsword’s; her bed was empty and freshly made.

The other, to Verdant’s right was the bed of the squad’s griffon cadet, Jaylin Blauhäher, as she was busily making her bed.

“‘Morning, Jaylin,” Verdant said as he rolled out of bed and faced the blue and white colored griffon, her obsidian talons shining in the moonlight as she tucked in her sheets. “Have you seen Swift?”

“Yeah, she’s outside trying to get a handle on teleporting,” Jaylin replied as her squadmates rolled out of bed and started to tend to their beds. “The captain should be here any minute, so I’m gonna wait outside for him.”

“We’ll be with you shortly, Jay,” Verdant replied as the griffon hen finished up her bed and headed for the door.

After Jaylin stepped out the door and closed it behind her, Iron Forge let out a disgusted sigh. “I still can’t believe you’re truly friends with that beast with what her kind has been doing to ponykind for years.”

Verdant rolled his eyes at Forge’s statement as he started to fold his sheets. He had known the griffon nearly all his life before he started as an apprentice for a flower shop in Canterlot, so he knew her history.

Jaylin was a war orphan. Years ago, a griffon warship attempted to invade Dream Valley, but all the griffon soldiers were slaughtered by the defending pony forces.

When the guards inspected the warship, they had discovered something that startled them. It was a griffon egg that would hatch a few weeks later. According to the logs, the egg belonged to a pair of soldiers named Gregory and Elsa Blauhäher.

A great debate swept the small town of what to do with the egg. Some wanted to smash the egg before it could hatch, some wanted to try to return it to the distant Griffon Kingdom while others wanted to pass the egg off to another town so it’d be their problem. Eventually, however, a musician named Sweet Music and her husband, Herbal Mixture, volunteered to take the egg in and raise the hatchling as their own.

When the egg finally hatched, the baby griffon quickly latched onto the two as her parents. Because of how much the baby griffon looked like a bluejay, the pair decided to name her Jaylin, along with granting her her birth parents last name.

According to Verdant’s parents, they were scared of the baby griffon at first, but then they saw her playing with young Verdant happily and soon grew attached to her.

Over the years, Verdant and Jaylin had come to love each other like siblings. When Verdant joined the guard after the flower shop had gone out of business, he soon had a happy reunion with his dear friend who he hadn’t been able to see for the last four years.

“Trust me, Forge,” Verdant said as he offered the cobalt unicorn a mild glare. “Jaylin wants to protect Equestria from those that want to harm it, despite all the crap you give her. Remember that.”

“Right,” the unicorn replied with his Trottingham accent. “And we definitely won’t end up inside her one of these days.

“Guys, it’s too early in the morning to be arguing,” Winter Gem complained as she tucked in a sheet. “Can you at least save it until after breakfast?”

“Fine,” Verdant and Forge replied as they returned to tending to their beds.

After a few minutes, the four ponies finished up and lined up outside alongside Jaylin and Swiftsword.

In the early morning darkness, Swift’s horn glowed brightly as magical energies flowed through it and crackled. Soon after the four arrived, the carolina blue unicorn began to laugh.

“Your timing is perfect, my squadmates,” she boastfully said as her horn began to glow brighter and brighter. “I believe I’ve figured out how to teleport.”

“Uh, shouldn’t you wait for Captain Barrier to show up to make sure nothing goes wrong?” Verdant asked as a fly started to buzz about near Swift’s muzzle.

“Relax, my friend,” Swift dismissively replied as she waved her foreleg at her squad mate, not seeing the bug hanging out near her nostril. “I have everything uh… uh… uh…ACCHOOO!!!”

As Swiftsword sneezed, an explosion of light blue flooded the grounds, blinding those all around her. When the light faded, Jaylin slowly started to see that she was the only one standing outside the barracks.

“Hello, guys?” Jaylin asked in confusion as she quickly turned her head about, not seeing or smelling any trace of her missing squad mates. “Where’d you all go?”


Verdant Range, blinded by Swift’s light, heard the sounds of four other ponies groaning around him. However, what shocked him more was the feeling under his hooves.

Instead of the somewhat damp feeling of grass covered with morning dew, what was under his hooves was wet and fleshy.

The shamrock stallion’s vision slowly started to return to him, allowing Verdant to see that he and four of his squadmates were within a long tunnel of pink flesh.

Before he could force himself to his hooves. A booming voice echoed all throughout the chamber.


Despite the voice being like thunder, the five ponies within the organic cavern recognized the voice of their griffon comrade.

“Oh dear Faust,” Forge frightfully said as he hopped to his hooves. “Swift teleported us into Jaylin’s stomach! We’re all going to die in here!”

“No, she didn’t and no, we’re not!” Verdant barked as he slowly got to his hooves. “I’ve been in multiple stomachs, including Jaylin’s. I can safely say this isn’t her stomach.”

“Right, so we’re just stuck inside a different part of Jaylin’s insides,” Gem said as Hatty helped pull her up. “Where in Tartarus are we then?”

“Call me crazy, but judging by the smell, I’m guessing weren’t not inside her butt,” Hatty said as he gazed around the moist passageway.

“Well, our first priority should be to find our way out.” Swift’s exclamation echoed around the living tunnel. “Everypony, fall in line behind and follow me. We must stick together to best ensure our chances of survival.”

“And why should we follow you when you’re the one that got us into this mess in the first place?” Hatty flew up to in front of Swift’s face, their muzzles only a few shrunken centimeters apart.

“The first reason is seniority.” Swift’s horn glowed as her aura appeared around Hatty’s wings and snapped them shut, making him fall to the flesh floor. “The second is I could easily best any of you in a fight. Now, save your energy, Hat Trick. We may need it later.

“Now, fall in and follow me!” The light blue mare commanded as she started to head down the tunnel into organic parts unknown.

“How can we be sure we’re even going in the right direction?” Gem piped up as she and her fellows followed behind Swiftsword.

“Well, we don’t have many other options, now do we?” Verdant replied. “Besides, if we can’t go in one direction, we can just turn back.”

After a few moments of silence hung in the air as the five trudged along the hen’s innards, Hatty eventually broke the silence with a smirk as he gently elbowed Forge in the side.

“Hey, Forge. How does it feel being inside a lady for the first time?”

The purple pegasus’ companions all groaned at what he said before Forge glared at him.

“You do recall I can set you on fire, right?” Forge said through gritted teeth, silencing the pegasus.


Jaylin was growing somewhat nervous at the sudden disappearance of her companions when she saw the approach of a charcoal grey unicorn with a two-tone blue mane. In response, Jaylin fell into a guard-like posture and threw out a salute.

“Good morning, Captain,” Jaylin said as she saw the stallion’s right brow rise.

“Cadet Blauhäher, where is the rest of your squad?” Captain Barrier barked as Jaylin set her talons down.

“I don’t know, sir. Swiftsword attempted to perform a teleportation spell and they all vanished in a flash of light.” Jaylin’s response made Barrier’s brow rise even higher.

“Is that a fact?” Barrier said before his horn glowed with cerulean light. Jaylin felt a tingle on her beak and claws before Barrier’s glow appeared over them. She then felt her beak being forced open and her talons being spread apart.

“Hmm… No trace of cleaned off blood. Seems you’re telling the truth,” Barrier said before sighing and ceasing his magical hold on her. “Well, my original plans for today had you and your squadmates practicing team combat exercises. Since that’s no longer an option… head to the kitchen and start peeling potatoes before chopping onions. Understood?”

“Sir, yes, sir,” Jaylin replied before Barrier dismissed her and headed back into the castle.

With a sigh, Jaylin started to make her way towards the palace. This feels like I’m being punished because Swift made them all vanish.

After a few minutes, Jaylin arrived in the palace kitchens. Shortly after confirming things with the cooks, Jaylin washed her talons and started to peel the many potatoes with them.

Hopefully they show up soon. Jaylin thought as she finished peeling a potato and passing it over to one of the chefs. I already get a ton of crap for being a griffon. I don’t need to be blamed for my squadmates' disappearance.

As she finished up peeling her second potato, the hen felt a familiar uncomfortable sensation coming from within her belly. It was a feeling she’d been dealing with ever since she turned twelve.

And the cherry on top of this shit sundae, today’s an egg day. Wonderful. Jaylin quietly grumbled as she finished the potato before moving on to a third.


The five shrunken ponies marched along through Jaylin’s insides, unsure both where they were in the hen’s body and even if they were headed in the right direction to make their escape.

As they trudged along, they eventually saw the tunnel suddenly curve upward. Coming up to the curve, the quintet of ponies gazed up and saw that attached to the distant ceiling was a large collection of yellow orbs with one in particular dwarfing the rest with its size.

“Oh, now I know where we are!” Verdant exclaimed as he gazed upon the above organ. “That’s one of Jaylin’s ovaries! We’re inside her reproductive system!”

“Wait!” Forge shouted as he looked down at the damp, fleshy floor. “Are you saying we’ve been inside Jaylin’s vagina this whole time?!”

“Well, no. I don't think we’ve ever been in that part of her. I think we’ve only been in her oviduct so far.” Verdant responded as he started to head back the way he came. “Y’see, from what I read on griffon anatomy, their reproductive systems have an odd mix of mammalian and avian traits. They lay eggs, but past the shelling gland, the reproductive tract ends with a vagina instead of a cloaca that joins with the digestive tract.

“Well let’s just get going,” Gem grumbled as Swift rushed ahead of Verdant so she was still in the lead. “I don’t want to be inside a griffon any longer than needed.”

“Aw, c’mon, Gem. We’re in Jay’s sex organs. What’s the worst that could happen?” Hat Trick’s remark made the four ponies by him all groan.

“You do realize you’ve just doomed us all, right?” Forge said as he shot Hatty a venomous glare.

“Relax, nothing’s gonna happ-'' The pegasus was cut off by a loud tearing noise coming from above and behind the five.

Verdant sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his snout. “I tried not to say anything, but I could tell from how large one of the egg sacks was that Jaylin was about to ovulate. I didn’t say anything since I didn’t want to jinx us.”

“Everypony, run!” Swift commanded before she and her compatriots all charged forth.

After a few seconds, the five heard more tearing before the organic floor shook from a large impact behind them. Briefly looking over his shoulder, Iron Forge saw that the cause of the shaking was a massive yellow sphere that started to roll towards them.

“Incoming yolk!” The cobalt stallion screamed as the colossal orb started to quickly barrel after them.

As the five ran forth, they saw Jaylin’s inner walls were dripping with a clear goo that was coming from all around them and greatly slowing their progress.

Inevitably, the gigantic yolk caught up and bowled the five ponies over. However, to the surprise and slight relief of the ponies, instead of being crushed by the griffon’s ovulation, they found themselves stuck to the yolk as it continued to roll through Jaylin’s body and be bathed by the fluid dripping from the walls.

After a few moments, the yolk eventually came to a stop while the massive amount of goo around it started to take an egg-like shape.

When the rolling yolk had finally stopped, the five stuck ponies let out a sigh of relief before they realized they could somehow safely breathe the clear fluid.

“Well, at least things can’t get any worse,” Hatty said before his squad mates groaned.

“Hat Trick,” Swift said from her spot stuck to the yolk. “Do us all a favor and shut up.”

Just as Swift finished speaking, the five saw that the outermost parts of the goo was starting to harden into solid white plates.

“Ah, so this is the inside of the shelling gland,” Verdant said as he gazed out at the walls that were slowly being blocked off by bits of eggshell.


Jaylin let out an annoyed sigh as she looked down at her belly. Though she knew this was something coming for a while, she still had a fond dislike for the entire process.

She could tell from her recent urges and cravings that her body was preparing to make an egg. Now the time was drawing close and there was nothing she could do about it.

“Hey, Jaylin!” As the hen stepped out of the kitchen into the hall, a voice made her halt and smile before she turned to face the source.

The voice came from one of the few ponies that treated her like a fellow pony. Even more than that, he was a stallion that the griffon had come to love. He was a sea blue pegasus stallion with a light grey mane and deep green eyes. His cutie mark was a dark cloud shooting a lightning bolt at waves below.

“Hey there, Stormy Sea,” Jaylin said before she walked up to the pegasus and the two shared a nuzzle. “You’re just the pony I needed to see after all this.”

“Is something wrong, Jaylin?” Stormy concernedly asked as he broke away from the nuzzle.

“Oh just that my squad mates vanished thanks to Swiftsword’s magic, but I still got punished with KP and to top that all off, I’m gonna have to push an egg out of me later.” Jaylin huffed as her wings drooped, brushing against the marble floor.

“Omph, that sounds really rough,” the pegasus said as he gently patted his mate on the back.

“Yeah, it is,” the hen replied before a smirk crossed her muzzle. “Still, once the egg’s out, we can have one of our little midnight rendezvous tonight, and that sounds like something we could both use.”

Stormy chuckled before he planted a kiss on the side of her beak. “I’ll be looking forward to that, but I hope the egg’s not too much of a pain for you.”

“Well, we can only hope,” Jaylin said before she gave Stormy an affectionate lick on the side of his cheek. “Once it’s out, I’m gonna take it to the kitchen and scramble it. Wanna have some?”

“Ugh… not really,” Stormy replied as he found himself unable to look Jaylin in the eye. “No offense, but I don’t really feel like eating something that came… y’know, out of you.”

“No problem,” Jaylin said before chuckling. “Well, I’ll see you tonight, Stormy.”

“Love you, Jaylin,” the pegasus said before he gave her beak one last kiss. “I hope your day gets better.”


It was nearly noon when Jaylin had returned to the barracks. Captain Barrier had made her both run and fly laps around the palace grounds with extra weights bound to her limbs. While her limbs were aching, the more pressing concern to the hen was the feeling that the egg was nearing the end of her body and it was getting increasingly uncomfortable. She knew that it was only a matter of time before the egg came out, regardless of how she felt about it.

Jaylin quickly made her way onto her bed. Normally, she’d have just grabbed her pillow and headed into the bathroom to either lay the egg in private or with Verdant to help her, but the barracks were vacant save for her and she doubted she had the time to reach the bathroom with how sore her body was.

She quickly squatted down over her pillow as she felt the egg making its way through her sensitive insides. She tightly gripped the sheets as she felt the egg starting to be pushed out of her body.

After a brief moment, Jaylin gave one hard push and felt a great relief in pressure as the egg finally exited her body. With a sigh of relief, Jaylin fell forward onto the bed. After all she’d gone through this morning, the feeling of the egg being out was the best experience she’d had in hours.

Jaylin took a few minutes to let her aching muscles relax before she pulled herself back up and turned back to look at her pillow.

Sitting atop the pillow was a large offwhite egg with a few large green spots decorating it while it glistened in the sunlight thanks the the fluids coating it. Jaylin let out a chuckle as she looked over the egg.

“How my people put up with pushing one of these things almost the size of our heads out of them every month, I have no clue.” Jaylin picked up the egg and used her pillowcase to wipe the egg clean.

“Hello there you little box full of protein and fat,” Jaylin said as she turned the egg in her grip. “Do you miss being in Momma’s belly? Well don’t you worry, because I know for damn certain you’re not fertilized, you’ll be going right back inside right after I can get into the kitchens and scramble you up.”

The hen gave a little chuckle as she slid out of bed, grabbed her saddlebags and carefully slipped the egg inside.

“I missed breakfast, so I’m gonna enjoy having eggs for lunch.” Jaylin chuckled before she secured the saddlebags to her sides and made her way towards the door.


Within the egg within the griffon, the five ponies had grown rather bored. They remained stuck to the yolk and now the shell had fully hardened into a thick wall of white. While counting some of the bumps on the eggs interior and pondering about how they were able to talk and breathe managed to kill some time, but it had eventually grown tiresome.

“Well, on the bright side, once the egg’s out, Jaylin’s gonna toss it in the trash, which’ll break it and let us all escape… Right?” Hatty said, trying to sound optimistic while hiding his fear.

Verdant however, only sighed in response.

“Verdant, why’d you sigh like that?” Gem asked as she tried to look at the emerald earth pony, her tone making it clear she was on the verge of panic.

“Jaylin… doesn’t throw her eggs away,” Verdant glumly and tiredly said. “She eats them.”

WHAT?!” Forge screamed as he looked in Verdant’s direction, his pupils becoming the size of gnats. “You mean to say this beast just eats the eggs she lays?!”

“She knows her cycle well enough to know her eggs won’t be fertilized,” Verdant replied as he spoke with closed eyes. “And since they’re unfertilized, full of protein and the fact we eat other kinds of eggs, she figures she shouldn’t let the eggs go to waste.”

“Oh Faust, it’s not bad enough we end up in a griffon’s vagina, but we’re gonna be eaten and die!” Forge exclaimed, sounding on the verge of tears.

“First, we weren’t in her vagina. If anything, we’ve likely only reached that particular part of her body very recently after we ended up in here,” Swift authoritatively barked. “Secondly, Verdant, does Jaylin eat her eggs raw?”

“No, she prefers to cook them up in a frying pan,” Verdant replied as his eyebrow slowly rose. “Sometimes she fries them, sometimes she scrambles them and sometimes she makes omelets.”

“Then that is our ticket out of here!” Swift triumphantly smirked as she looked at her fellow cadets. “Once she cracks the egg open, the five of us should all be plainly visible on the yolk. Once she sees us, she will tell somepony and they will alert the medical staff and restore us to normal size!”

The four others excitedly agreed with what Swiftsword had said when the entire egg started to shake.

“This is it, everypony!” Swift shouted as they could feel the egg was being pushed by Jaylin’s inner muscles. “We’re leaving this griffon’s body once and for all!”

Verdant closed his eyes and quietly sighed. It’s okay. They’re not as familiar with getting eaten as you are. She doesn’t know she just jinxed you all.


As Jaylin walked through the palace halls, humming a happy tune with the egg in her bag, the young hen soon neared the kitchens when she suddenly picked up the scent of smoke.

Slowing down to investigate the source, she soon saw another guard cadet, a lime green unicorn mare named Toil ‘N Trouble, standing outside the kitchen doorway which was now blackened and missing its doors.

“What happened, Toil?” Jaylin called out in askance to the mare with the two-tone purple mane who grumbled before answering.

“Apparently some moron screwed up in the kitchen and caused an explosion,” Toil answered as Jaylin reached her and looked past into the charred remains of the kitchen. “While nopony was hurt, all the food and equipment was ruined, so none of the guards or staff are gonna be getting lunch.”

“Aww, that sucks!” Jaylin groaned before she reached into the bag and pulled out the egg. “I was gonna cook this bad girl up for lunch.”

“I… Please tell me that egg didn’t come out of you.” Toil’s already green face took on a somewhat greener tone.

“Guess I’ve only got one option,” Jaylin said, ignoring what Toil had said.

Holding the egg in front of her face in both of her claws, the blue and white hen slammed the egg against her beak. A large crack formed along the center of the shell before she lifted it above her face.

Opening her beak wide, she cracked the egg fully open with a quick movement of her talons and dumped its contents into her maw. The yolk and white had barely touched her tongue before the griffon swallowed it all down and let out a sigh of relief.

“Hmm… I do make them good,” Jaylin said before she licked her beak and dumped one half of the egg shell in the other. “So, did the trash can survive the explosion or will I have to find somewhere else to dump this off?”

“I… you just… Y’know what, I’ll take care of this,” Toil said as her horn glowed with a dark light and pulled the egg shells away.

“Alright. Thanks, Toil. I really appreciate this,” Jaylin offered the unicorn a smile before she started to walk away. “Have a good afternoon.”

“Yeah… you too…” Toil replied before she felt her stomach turn and used the shells as a makeshift bucket.


The insides of the egg shook with every step that Jaylin took, making the five trapped ponies start to feel ill from the intense rumblings.

“Urgh… How long until she gets to the damned kitchen?” Forge groaned as he prayed his stomach would settle.

“Hold strong my friends. I believe the kitchen is not far now!” Swift said, trying to sound as optimistic as possible, despite their current situation.

Verdant strained as he tried to make out whatever sounds came from outside the egg shell, but he couldn’t decrypt a single word or even whose voices were speaking.

Suddenly, the egg shook more intensely than ever before for the five ponies inside. Most gritted their teeth from the intense forces while Hatty let out a surprised yelp.

“Hold strong, my friends! Our freedom from the egg is close at hoof!” Swift barked before something slammed into the side of the egg the five shrunken cadets faced, causing a large fissure to form along the shell.

“Get ready…” Swift commanded as Verdant nervously swallowed and the egg shifted once more so the fissure was now below them.

Very quickly, the fissure widened and the egg split open, momentarily blinding the five joyous ponies with daylight.

However, the joy quickly turned to horror as they saw that they were now plummeting directly towards Jaylin’s open beak. The hen’s eyes closed and her tongue extended as they hurtled towards her throat like a falling meteor.

“No, NO, NO!!!” Forge screamed as the bottom of the yolk slammed into Jaylin’s tongue and was quickly pulled down past the griffon’s uvula and into her throat.

The griffon’s gulping boomed like a massive explosion as the yolk turned in her throat, giving the five puny and panicked ponies one final view of Jaylin’s uvula, beak interior and the outside world before it closed shut in the distance.

Only a moment later, the egg contents fell into the hen’s empty stomach. The impact of landing against the fleshy floor managed to dislodge the ponies from their spot on top of the yolk.

The squad quickly scrambled to their hooves as they gazed around the pulsating sack that contained them and the raw egg.

“Oh Faust, I’m in the one place I never wanted to be in,” Forge shuddered as his eyes darted around the organic chamber. “WE’RE INSIDE A GRIFFON’S STOMACH!!!

“Hang in there, Forge,” Gem said as she slung a foreleg over the cobalt unicorn’s shoulders to try to calm him. “We will find a way out of here. We’re not gonna die today!”

“In that regard,” Hatty said as he took to the air and looked over the edge of the egg and pointed. “I’m pretty sure we can’t swim in that stuff.”

Taking a few steps forward, Swiftsword cautiously trotted along the surface of the yolk until she could look down and see a pool of bubbling liquid forming around the base of the egg.

“Right, the acid level is rising, which means we need to think of a plan A.S.A.P.,” Swift said as she backed towards her squadmates and brought a hoof to her chin. “Verdant, have you been able to survive stomach acids before?”

“Well, yeah. Every time I’ve been in stomach acid before, it hasn’t done a thing to me.” The shamrock stallion’s eyes fell onto the unicorn mare as she seemed to have the start of a smirk forming on her muzzle.

“Right, I believe I’ve got a plan,” Swift said as her horn began to brightly glow and her eyes became hard as steel. “We are going to escape Jaylin’s stomach by making her vomit. Gem, I want you to pick up Verdant and repeatedly toss him into the stomach walls as hard as you can.”

“Wait, what?!” The shrunken shamrock stallion exclaimed as Gem’s jaw went slack.

“Hatty, I want you to slam into the walls as much as you can while flying. Forge, you and I will strike the walls with concussive magic blasts,” The unicorn mare seemed to ignore Verdant’s comment as she continued to give orders. “If we do all this, we might be able to escape!”

“This is insane!” Verdant exclaimed before Gem grabbed onto his hips and lifted him above her head.

“We’re running out of time!” Swift barked as Forge ignited his horn. “Operation: Geyser is go!”

The pair of unicorns launched a series of magical volleys against the hen’s stomach wall as Winter Gem threw Verdant as hard as she could in the opposite direction of the unicorns. As Verdant struck the fleshy surface of the wall, Hat Trick crashed into another section of wall between the attacking pairs.

Once Verdant splashed into the acid below, the earth pony stallion quickly paddled through the stomach juices before he clambered up the yolk. Once he reached the top again, Gem immediately grabbed onto his hips and launched him once more.

After a few moments, the five ponies’ attack had started to make the stomach spasm.

“Keep going!” Swift shouted as the spasms and clenches grew more and more powerful. “We’re almost out!”

While they heard Jaylin speaking to someone, none of them bothered to pay attention to what was being said. They were all too focused on their immediate tasks.

Just as Verdant made his way back to his comrades to be launched for the sixth time, the stomach gave a powerful lurch that launched the contents back up the griffon’s esophagus.

Hat Trick slammed into the yolk as the egg launched upwards with intense g-forces.

“Brace for impact!” Swift screamed as they saw the oncoming sight of Jaylin’s uvula, the hen’s open beak and the grass beyond.


As Jaylin walked out towards the barracks, she could feel her stomach doing flip-flops. The griffon hen winced as it felt like her lunch was fighting from inside her stomach.

“Cadet Blauhäher!” She heard Captain Barrier bark from in front of the barrack’s entrance, looking rather cross. Despite the discomfort in her gut, she made her way up to him and gave the traditional salute.

“Sir, yes, sir!” Jaylin said as she tried to keep from grimacing at the growing discomfort in her belly.

“Any update on the status update on your missing squad mates?” Barrier said with a note that made it clear he thought she was responsible for their disappearance.

“Sir, no, sir. I have no idea where they could be, sir.” Jaylin felt the churning in her stomach growing very intensely. She knew that her lunch was refusing to sit right.

“Well I’m not happy with that, Cadet Blauhäher,” Barrier said as he noticed a green tinge on her blue and white face. “I want to know where they are right n-”

BLAURGH!!!” Jaylin suddenly shifted her head down just before a mess of foul smelling yellow goop erupted from her beak and splattered on the ground between the two of them. Barrier quickly took a step back to avoid having any of the griffon’s vomit splatter against his hooves.

“Urgh… Sorry, Captain,” Jaylin weakly said as she wiped some sick off her beak with her foreleg. “The kitchen was closed so I had to eat my lunch raw and I guess it didn’t settle…”

As the hen fell silent and a look of stunned horror appeared on her face, Barrier turned his attention to what she was staring at.

Slowly looking down to the vomit that was once an egg, Barrier saw something that stood out from the center of the yellow. He saw two different colored blue specks, a purple one, a white one, and a green one. Looking even closer at the specks, the unicorn was stunned to see the specks were Jaylin’s missing squad mates.

“Captain, I don’t know how they got in there! I swear to Faust!” Jaylin said as she gazed down on the five shrunken ponies while Barrier just slammed a hoof against his forehead.

“Jaylin… just get the medic.” Barrier said in a tone that made it clear he regretted getting out of bed that morning.

“Yes, Captain!” Jaylin barked before she spread her wings and flew off towards the infirmary.

Barrier groaned as his forehoof slowly slid down his face. “Give up drinking for a week, Ember said. You don’t need to drink just to get through the day, she said.”


Just over an hour later, after the five pony cadets were restored to normal size and washed off, they now stood in a line with Jaylin as the captain paced in front of them.

“So, let me get this straight,” Barrier barked as he came to a halt in front of Swiftsword and faced her. “Swift, without authorization or proper safety measures in place, decided to attempt to teleport. This led to the five of you shrinking and ending up in Cadet Blauhäher’s reproductive system, where you were caught in an egg that was later laid and eaten by her before forcing her to vomit. Is that correct?”

“Yes, Captain.” Swift shamefully nodded before she looked Barrier in the eye. “The situation was entirely my fault and I accept full responsibility for it. I merely ask that Jaylin not be blamed for this was no fault of her own.”

“Rest assured, she won’t.” Barrier firmly stated. “However, starting tomorrow, you’re going to be assigned latrine duty for two weeks and once the kitchen is operational again, you’ll get kitchen patrol for three weeks. Is that understood?”

“Sir, yes, sir!” Swift said as she stood firmly at attention.

“Good,” Barrier said as he slowly made his way up to Jaylin. “Cadet Blauhäher… I apologize for not believing your story when you told me and suspecting you as intentionally causing their disappearance.”

“Apology accepted, Sir.” Jaylin replied. “Honestly, I understand why one would suspect me, despite how unfair it is.”

“At any rate, the events of today will remain confidential. I’ve forged records to indicate that the pony cadets were busy with specialized training while Jaylin was dealing with egg laying,” Barrier stated before he pulled a silver flask from his saddlebags. “Now, due to the circumstances with the kitchen, tonight’s dinner will be provided by McSoy’s. You’re all dismissed for the rest of the night.”

“Sir, yes, sir!” The six cadets responded before the captain headed back for the castle, taking a long swig from his flask.

“So…” Jaylin nervously said as she rubbed the back of her head. “All five of you were inside not only my stomach, but also my…”

Just as Hat Trick began to open his mouth, Verdant spoke up. “Yes, and we agree that none of us will make any jokes about what happened today. Especially Hatty since he knows that if he doesn’t, I’ll tear his wings off.”

Verdant slowly turned his head to menacingly look the purple pegasus in the eye. “Right?

“Uh… yeah…” Hatty said as his wings nervously twitched. “At any rate, let’s head to McSoy’s. I’m sure we’re all pretty hungry.”

“Honestly, despite how empty my stomach is, I don’t feel like I have much of an appetite,” Forge said just before his stomach loudly growled.

“Yeah,” Jaylin said as she and her squad mates started to walk away from the barracks. “After everything that happened, I’m starving.”

“Would you say you’re so hungry, you could eat-”


As Hatty tried to run from an angry Verdant, Jaylin merely chuckled.

Today was one crazy day. I may have had five ponies inside me earlier, but there’s still one more I’d like to get inside me. Jaylin thought before her stomach grumbled at how empty it was. Still, I should get some food in me first.

Death to Daybreaker

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In a dark land called Equestria, it was ruled over by two conquering, incestuous tyrants. One was Daybreaker, the dark queen of the sun, and Nightmare Moon, the evil mistress of the moon.

For many a century, the two ruled over the land with an iron hoof, making all bow before them or be destroyed. However, after many centuries, Nightmare Moon grew ambitious, seeking to take the kingdom entirely for herself rather than sharing with her dear sister any more. It was then that she came up with a plan to allow her to take the kingdom for her own and all she’d need is the aid of a single pony. One of the kingdom’s greatest assassins.


Atop a high tower in the capital city of Canterlot stood Nightmare Moon and one of her personal guards. She was a light blue unicorn mare with her royal blue mane tied into a ponytail and a pair of swords at her sides. On this night, despite Nightmare Moon often making her moon shine brightly and fully in the night’s sky, it was hidden by a sky full of dark clouds, blanketing the capital in black.

“Are you sure he’ll be here, Your Majesty?” The guard pony asked as she turned her attention away from her mistress to the only stairway to the tower’s top.

“Rest assured, Swiftsword, he’s one of the best assassins to ever be in my employ.” Nightmare Moon replied as she stared out at the twinkling lights of the city below. “He will be here, and he’ll make himself known with a show of his skills.”

An instant after Nightmare Moon had finished speaking, Swiftsword fell forward. She was unmoving as a dart was sticking out of her neck.

Quickly spinning about and igniting her horn with cyan and violet light, she found that sitting between the parapets was a stallion dressed in an outfit made of dark green green leather, his face covered by a hood.

“Good evening, Your Majesty,” the hooded stallion said as he held up a blowpipe in his hoof for the dark queen to see. “Seems your security has improved since the last time.”

“Ah, Verdant Range. It’s good to see you again.” The ebony alicorn said as the stallion stepped out from the parapets and walked over to Swiftsword. “And it seems despite improving my security, you’re able to take them out without much effort.”

“It’s why I make top bit,” Verdant said before he pulled out a dart and stabbed it into Swiftsword’s back, making the mare let out a muted scream before he pulled it away. “She should be fine momentarily. So, what’s my current job, Your Highness? Need me to take out another ‘would-be hero’ that wishes to put an end to you and your sister’s rule or slay another dragon and make it look like food poisoning?”

“Neigh, my dear assassin,” Nightmare Moon smoothly said as she placed a hoof under his chin and raised his muzzle so her cyan eyes could look into his icy blues. “The target I wish for you to take out this time is my precious sister.”

“Oh, now that’s quite the target,” Verdant said as Swiftsword slowly started to rise to her hooves. “And since you’re having me target a queen, it would be fair that I charge a queen’s ransom.”

“Rest assured, should you succeed, I shall pay my sister’s weight in gold and more,” Nightmare Moon said as she leaned closer. “I may love her with all my heart, but if the choice is keeping her or taking the throne, then the throne will be mine.”

“Very well then,” Verdant replied as he saw Swiftsword make her way towards him, obviously in a great deal of pain from the toxins he’d injected her with. “Now, do I have to arrange a plan to take her out, or have you prepared a wicked scheme for bringing about her end?”

Nightmare Moon darkly chuckled as she retracted her hoof from his chin. “Swiftsword’s already planned things out to take care of her in a way that will make use of your rather unique skills.”

“Oh?” Verdant brought a hoof to his chin in curiosity. “Well, so the grand plan involves me getting inside your sister? How naughty.”

A titter came from the alicorn of the moon as she covered her mouth with her left wing. “My sister has made her intentions to eat a pony sized chimichanga for her dinner tonight. However, what she doesn’t know is that her meal will be her last for it will contain an undetectable vial of poison strong enough to kill even an alicorn of her size if ingested.”

“Ah, am I to assume that the vial has been coated with indigestible mystibane in order to let it avoid the magic scans?” Nightmare Moon answered Verdant with a quiet nod, impressed by his astuteness. “Still, how am I supposed to remain undetected by her scans?”

“That is rather simple, my dear assassin,” Nightmare said with a grin that let her bare her rows of razor sharp fangs. “My sister and I have a fondness for meat, so her chimichanga will be made with fresh meat from the freshly executed. As far as her scans will show, you’ll just be more meat for her meal.”

“Very well then,” Verdant nodded as he stood firmly at attention. “Now, should I head for the kitchen to prepare for your sister’s dinner?”

“Swiftsword will escort you and place the poison vial in the chimichanga with you,” Nightmare Moon answered. “Now, be quick, Verdant, and you shall be rewarded handsomely. Begin Operation: End of Day.”

“Very well, Your Majesty,” Verdant replied before he and Swift started to trot towards the stairs. “Good night, my queen. Perhaps after my time inside Daybreaker, I shall spend some time inside her far more attractive sister.”

“Oh, Verdant,” Nightmare Moon chuckled and smirked at the stallion. “Flattery will get you everywhere.”

“Long live the queen,” Verdant said as he descended the steps by Swiftsword’s side.


The pair entered the royal kitchens, where the chefs seemed to pay the pair no mind. In the middle of the kitchen, a gigantic tortilla was being spread out.

As a unicorn stallion brought a large pot full of meaty sauce, Swift held up her hoof. The chef halted while Verdant laid down on the tortilla, stretching out his limbs.

“Ma’am, what’s this guy doing?” The chef was met with a glare before her horn flared with pale blue light and pulled one of her swords from her hips and pointed it at his neck.

“Your only concern is to finish preparing Queen Daybreaker’s snack. This pony is one of the ingredients. Understood?” The Carolina blue mare glared at the chef, who only nervously nodded.

“Very good,” Swiftsword said before her horn flared and pulled a small item from her saddlebags and stuffed it into Verdant’s vest. “Now, you may proceed with the preparations.”

“Y-Yes, ma’am.” The chef nervously said as he stirred up the contents of the pot before using a ladle to pour it over the tortilla and Verdant.


In the crimson colored dining room, Queen Daybreaker impatiently awaited her coming meal. Last time she was this hungry, it was when a chef made her a birthday cake, unaware the queen despised sweets and instead loved spicy food. After that, a new chef took her place while the old chef was now fat on the queen’s curvaceous rump.

Just as she was starting to feel the urge to eat her chef, he entered the room with the item she’d longed for. It was a chimichanga that was big enough to fit a pony or two in its filling and stuff with ruby reaper peppers imported from the Crystal Empire.

“Ah, excellent work, Chef.” The mare with flames for a mane said as she picked up the gigantic piece of food in her forelegs.

As the alabaster queen opened her fang filled mouth wide, the pony within the chimichanga felt somewhat apprehensive of what was about to happen.

I hope Swift’s crazy plan works. Verdant felt the intense heat of Daybreaker’s mouth through the walls of the tortilla. While he had been eaten before in the past, this would be the first time he’d do so without being shrunk.

Queen Daybreaker, driven by her hunger, decided to not bother chewing her large meal. She instead stuffed a large chunk into her fanged maw and started to swallow it whole.

In less than a minute and after several powerful swallows, the chimichanga had disappeared down her throat, giving her a large, distended belly.

Daybreaker gave a sigh of relief as her ravenous hunger was partially satisfied as a unicorn entered the dining room. She was a violet coated mare with a short indigo mane with pink and purple streaks. A small pair of glasses rested on her snout while a high-collared cape rested on her shoulders. A set of sharp fangs poked out from under her upper lip.

“Ahh…” Daybreaker gave her large belly an affection rub, oblivious to the mare’s entrance. “And Twilight said I couldn’t eat a pony sized chimichanga.”

“I said ‘You shouldn’t!’” The violet unicorn barked as Daybreaker turned her attention to the chef.

“Now, make me another! I want to savor this next one.” Daybreaker proclaimed while Twilight rolled her eyes. “In the meantime, I’d like five buckets of ruby reapers.”


Within the queen’s stomach, after several minutes of struggling, Verdant managed to free himself from the tortilla and breached the surface of a pile of peppers.

Verdant groaned as he shook some of the sauce off of him, ignoring the peppers resting atop his head.

“Well, that was disgusting, but Operation: End of Day is a go!” Verdant said as a smirk formed on his muzzle.

The emerald assassin chuckled as he started to reach into his vest. “Now I’ve just got to open the vial and…”

The stallion stopped when he reached his pocket and instead of feeling it touch smooth glass, he felt he touched rough paper covering something hard.

Looking inside his pocket, he saw that instead of a vial full of poison, it was a roll of coins.

“Wait, where’s the damn vial?!” Verdant panickedly said as he quickly looked through every single pocket in his outfit. “WHERE’S THE DAMN VIAL?!


As the queen started to munch on the tip of her second giant chimichanga, Twilight’s sensitive, vampiric ears stood at attention as she thought she heard heavily muffled screaming coming from Daybreaker’s distended belly. “Did you hear something?”

Daybreaker briefly paused in biting her food to raise her head and let out a flaming belch. “Hear what?”

“...Never mind.” Twilight groaned before rubbing the bridge of her snout.


Within the ebony and purple colored room that were the bedchambers of Nightmare Moon, the dark alicorn was chuckling to herself as she swirled a glass of red wine in her magic.

“All hail Nightmare Moon, Queen of The World.” The towering mare said as Swiftsword slipped into the bedchamber. “How I look forward to being called that.”

“Hopefully, the poison should take effect soon, Your Majesty.” Swift saluted before she drew closer to the mane resting on the glittering blue bed.

“Excellent,” Nightmare Moon said before downing the rest of her wine. “Do you have Verdant’s payment for when we retrieve him during the autopsy?”

“Indeed, My Queen,” Swift replied as she reached into her saddlebags. “I’ve prepared a roll of million bit coins for his services.”

When Swift pulled her foreleg from the saddlebag, instead of the roll of coins, Swiftsword held within her hoof a glass vial that was stuffed with a cork and filled with a purple liquid.

“Mistress,” Swift said as she nervously rubbed the back of her neck. “It seems I didn’t put the poison into Verdant’s vest.”

Nightmare Moon growled before smacking a hoof against her forehead. “Dammit, Swiftsword!”

“Um… What shall we do n-” Swift was cut off as she felt her body being engulfed in cyan light. In a matter of seconds, the blue unicorn saw the world rapidly grow around her as the vial fell out of her hoof and rolled across the floor.

Before she could understand what was going on, she found herself rocketed into the air before coming to a sudden halt.

As she floated in the air, she found herself staring into the furious, draconic eyes of Nightmare Moon.

AS PUNISHMENT FOR THY FAILURE,” Nightmare Moon’s voice boomed worse than the Royal Canterlot Voice to the shrunken mare in her aura, despite her voice not raising above a low growl. “THOU SHALT SUFFER AS MY ASSASSIN AND BECOME A MEAL FOR THY QUEEN.

“Wait! My queen, stop! I beg of-” Swiftsword’s pleas for mercy were ignored as Nightmare Moon quickly opened her fanged mouth and snapped it shut around her. The magic holding her aloft suddenly vanished before she fell with a splat against her tongue.

Swift wished to beg for mercy once more, but the alicorn’s tongue flicked from under her, tossing her towards the back of her throat.

Before she could rise to her hooves again, a thunderous *GULP* echoed all about as the shrunken mare was swallowed down into Nightmare Moon’s esophagus.

The powerful throat muscles clenched and squeezed Swiftsword, forcing the struggling unicorn downward. After a few seconds, she felt as if the throat spat her out.

In an instant, Swiftsword was floating atop a chunk of pineapple in a turbulent lake of truffles, wine and bubbling stomach juices in the pulsating confines of the alicorn of the night’s stomach.


In the dark hallways of the palace, two guards in dark purple armor, a pegasus and a unicorn, stood at attention in front of Nightmare Moon’s royal bedchamber when the doors suddenly swung inward.

“Iron Forge!” The dark alicorn barked, making the cobalt coated unicorn run into the room and salute the queen. “Congratulations. You’ve been promoted to the role of my personal bodyguard and gofer. Do not fail me like Swiftsword did.”

“I… I won’t, Your Majesty,” the unicorn responded with a nervous Trottingham accent as kept his foreleg up.

“Good,” Nightmare Moon said before returning to her bed. “As for Hat Trick, bring me another bottle of red wine. I’ve heard it aides with digestion.”

Enter the Mecha Mare

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As Verdant Range stepped into the Vanhoover Institute that morning, he saw High Gear was standing by the elevator, occasionally looking up at a nearby clock on the wall before her eyes met the approaching shamrock stallion.

“Hey, Verdant!” The bespectacled mare waved as Verdant drew closer. “I’ve got something really special to show you today. It’s a project that I’ve been working on for a really long time.”

“But I’m still gonna be teleported, right?” Verdant asked as High Gear pressed the button on the wall to call the elevator.

“Yes, but what I’m going to show you is a million times more important than my teleporter,” Gear answered as the elevator doors opened up and the two stepped inside. “Rest assured, what Pix and I have made makes the teleporter look like the bread slicer I made when I was eight.”

“Speaking of bread, you’re gonna owe me a sandwich after this,” Verdant said before he felt the elevator rising up.

“Probably, but with the limitations I’ve set, you’re not gonna hurt my wallet too badly,” High Gear replied just as the doors opened and she stepped forward, not seeing the wicked smirk forming on Verdant’s face.

After a brief walk into High Gear’s lab, the two found that beside High Gear’s console was what looked to Verdant like a silver and black ponyquin with a small speaker in the middle of its neck. Its eyes were completely black with a pair of tiny glass looking protrusions in the centers. On the flank was some rather square looking writing in gold paint that read ‘B-01’.

Verdant curiously looked over the pony-like machine while a smirk formed on High Gear’s muzzle as she drew closer. “So, I’m guessing this isn’t gonna be this Hearth’s Warming’s hottest selling toy.”

“Oh, this is far more than some toy, Verdant.” High Gear replied as she reached into her jacket and pulled out a small, black plastic square with a sticker label that had writing matching that on the silver flank.

“Behold! The greatest creation of my life!” Gear stepped behind the machine and slipped the plastic square into a narrow slot on the back of its head.

A whirring came from the mechanical pony before the black of its eyes flashed white for an instant before they took on the image of a set of purple pony eyes. After a moment, the rubber that formed the machine’s muzzle formed a smile before they took a step forward and held a metallic foreleg out to Verdant.

“Nice to meet you, Verdant Range at long last,” The mechanical pony said with a feminine voice with a strange flanging to it as Verdant slowly took her hoof. “I am Beta-01, but you simply call me Beta.”

“Wow, nice to meet you, Beta,” Verdant replied as he let go of her metal leg. “Gotta say, I’ve never met somepony like you before.”

“We have actually previously met in Princess Celestia’s intestine, but I was pretending to be my creator during that time.” Beta said, making Verdant recall a time in the Celestial City where High Gear seemed somewhat odd and made him realize that was really her.

“Pix and I had been working on making a mechanical pony like Beta for years.” High Gear boasted as she slung a foreleg over her shoulders. “Pix handled the software while I worked on the hardware.”

“Gotta say, after just knowing you for working on a teleporter, I would have never expected to find out you were working on a robot.” Verdant’s words caused the hornless unicorn to wince while Beta rolled her eyes.

“I don’t like it when others call me a robot,” Beta firmly said as she looked Verdant with a slight glare, thanks to a pair of shutters that came down over the screens that formed her eyes. “I prefer the term, ‘fully sentient, multifunctional automaton’. I’ll give you a pass since you only just learned about me.”

“Oh, okay. Sorry, Beta,” Verdant apologetically said as High Gear pulled her foreleg off of Beta’s shoulder.

“It was quite the surprise to learn my project for a mechanical lab assistant had gained sentience,” Gear said as she affectionately patted Beta on the forehead. “This is a big reason why I’ve kept her a secret. I worried that somepony would try to replicate her and end up mass producing a race of mechanical slaves. Since then, I’ve kept her a secret only a few ponies know about with her own room accessible only through the ducts and have only been working on hardware improvements for her.”

“And I’m forever grateful for her not only granting me life, but for the fact she treats me with the same respect she treats all other lifeforms.” Beta nuzzled against High Gear’s cheek before she turned her attention over to Verdant. “Good thing I said to just call me Beta. Otherwise you’d have to call me Beta-01.8.6.”

“Well, rest assured, Beta, your secret’s safe with me.” Verdant offered the mecha mare a warm smile as he stepped onto the teleporter’s platform. “So, what’s today’s experiment going to be, Gear? Standard old teleportation attempt?”

“Not quite,” Gear replied as she pulled away from Beta and stepped up behind the console. “Last time, I noticed an anomaly with the energy pattern. Since you told me you didn’t shrink that time, I figure that particular energy pattern specifically is what causes you to shrink.”

“So, are you gonna try to teleport me in a way that makes it so that I don’t shrink again?” Verdant asked as High Gear started to fiddle with the various dials and buttons on the console.

“Again, not quite what I’m going for,” Gear answered as she halted her adjustments. “Doing a teleport without that pattern is rather tricky, so replicating that is gonna be hard. What I’m going to be doing is teleport you to where you’re currently standing with the energy pattern to see if that pattern really causes you to shrink down. If you shrink, this will be a major breakthrough for my experiments. If not, then we’ll have more experimenting to do.”

“Alright then,” Verdant replied as he saw Beta moving closer to the teleporter with a curious expression on her face. “Now I’m hoping I shrink for once since that might mean I’ll never shrink again.”

“Okay then. Starting up the teleportation sequence,” High Gear said as she resumed working behind the console. The panels underneath Verdant began to glow with blue light while an electrical hum rang out.

The light soon grew more intense and in a flash, it seemed Verdant had vanished from sight.

However, the shamrock stallion found himself sitting upon a platform that now looked larger than some towns while the now megazord sized mecha mare stepped onto the platform and drew closer to him.

DO YOU SEEN HIM, BETA?” High Gear’s voice echoed in the distance as the automaton’s eyes fell upon Verdant as she drew closer.

Looking more closely at her eyes, he could see the bulk of her eyes were massive screens like he’d see at a baseball game while the dark pits in the center of the black were cameras.

AFFIRMATIVE. COMMENCING COLLECTION AND SAFE STORAGE ROUTINE,” Beta replied as she leaned down towards the shrunken stallion.

“Uh, and what exactly would that be?” Verdant squeaked just as the mecha mare opened her rubber maw, revealing more gray rubber that made up the interior of the mouth.

There were pearly white pieces of plastic that acted as her teeth. In the center of her mouth was a pink tongue that looked like it had the same texture of a basketball. In the very back of her mouth, he could see a dangling gray uvula that led into a tunnel for mechanical parts unknown.

“Of friggin’ course,” Verdant grumbled just before the tongue shot out from her mouth and quickly scooped him up.

In an instant, Verdant was pulled into the artificial maw. He only had a few seconds to take in the details of Beta’s mouth before the tongue beneath him flicked and tossed him under the uvula and into the black rubber tunnel that was her esophagus.

From behind the rubber walls, Verdant could feel tiny little parts that slowly massaged him down the esophagus. Rather than hearing a heartbeat, he instead heard mechanical whirring and a very faint electrical hum before he reached the bottom of the tunnel and was dumped into a black rubber sack that was like a bounce house to the shrunken stallion.

As Verdant rose to his hooves, he saw what appeared to be a lamp in the stomach’s ceiling that was providing the dark chamber with light.

“Well, I’m now inside the rubber stomach of an automaton that Gear built,” Verdant mused aloud as he gazed around the chamber. Despite the black coloration and light fixture, the stomach was quite similar to an organic one. All that was missing was the pool of acid and chunks of digesting food. “Well, can this get weirder?”

“I see you.” Beta’s voice came from above, but not in the way he was accustomed to when he heard someone speaking from inside their stomach. Rather than booming all about like thunder, the voice was much quieter, like another pony was shrunk and in the chamber with him.

“Beta?” Verdant asked as he tried to find the source. He couldn’t see anything from within the stomach besides the light. “Where’s your voice coming from?”

“The stomach’s lighting fixture has both a speaker and camera,” Beta’s voice replied as he started to feel the trembling caused by the mecha-mare’s movements. “I helped Dr. High Gear design this artificial digestive system so that my body can safely take you inside and store you.”

“Why did you think it would be a good idea to make a fake digestive tract just to store me?” Verdant asked before he tumbled back. He could only assume Beta had stood up on her hindlegs.

“You do realize this has to be the twentieth stomach you’ve ended up inside of due to High Gear’s actions, right?” Beta’s question made Verdant rub the back of his neck before her body shifted about once more. “If it’s any comfort, you won’t have to deal with any disgusting digestive byproducts and you’ll be getting a free sandwich.”

“Well, I guess that’s comforting,” Verdant said as he looked round the massive rubber room. “So, does this tract go all the way out or does it have a dead end?”

“My artificial intestines are shorter than those on an organic pony of my size, it does end with a mechanical anus, located not far above my reproductive system.”

“Uhh… Out of curiosity, why do you have a reproductive system?” Verdant asked. His question was answered with a chuckle from the speaker system as the body shifted once more.

“I was curious about sexual intercourse, so I asked High Gear to make one for me.” Beta responded as her body shook from her movements, reminding Verdant of when he and his sisters would play with their house’s dumbwaiter. “Besides, I identify as female and I prefer sitting down when I need to pee instead of doing it that way most stallions do, so I requested one for my 1.7.0 upgrade.”

“Wait, why the hay would a ro… automaton need to pee?” Verdant asked before Beta’s body shifted and made him tumble about once more.

“My fuel cells create a slightly acidic water as a byproduct.” Beta matter-of-factly responded. “This exhaust water is stored in an artificial bladder and I release it when needed.”

“Okay, I guess that makes sense.” Verdant was silent for a moment as he felt Beta walking about. “So, am I just supposed to wait here?”

“Well, I could easily open the pathway to my small and large intestines, but for your safety, my anus will remain shut.” Beta casually replied. “However, if you don’t wish to be within my digestive system, I also have a pathway to another area inside my body designed for a pony your size.”

“I might as well check that out. I figure it’ll be a nice change of pace.” Verdant replied as he heard the sound of rubber rubbing against itself. Turning to the source, he saw the valve to the small intestine was now open. The intestine was the same dark color as her stomach while several small lights lined the tops of the intestinal walls.

“Thanks, Beta,” Verdant said as he made his way towards the brightly lit tunnel. “Must be pretty weird for Gear since she can’t hear us, so it looks like you’re not saying anything.”

“Actually, I have spoken to Dr. High Gear while you were inside me. I simply have excellent soundproofing.” Verdant heard Beta’s voice coming from an unseen speaker. “Currently, I am implementing Operation: Leg Stretching, which will commence after I empty my bladder and make some preparations.


High Gear stepped out from behind the teleporter’s console as she watched Beta tilt her head from swallowing Verdant.

After a few seconds, Beta turned to face the hornless unicorn. “Verdant is now safely within my stomach. It appears his landing was a soft one.”

“Excellent. Great job, Beta.” High Gear brightly smiled before she rushed back behind her console. “Now I just need to document the results. This could take a bit.”

“No problem,” Beta replied as she followed her creator up to the console. While Gear’s eyes were focused on the various screens, Beta’s attention was focused upon a small red tool box.

Commence Operation: Leg Stretching. The thought ran through Beta’s computerized mind a nanosecond before she opened the box, revealing a collection of tools, along with a white cloth with a damp yellow spot.

“Dr. High Gear,” Beta spoke up as she grasped the cloth and moved up behind her creator. “I have a question.”

“What’s up, Beta?” The scientist pony asked just before the cloth was pressed up against her muzzle.

“Does this smell like chloroform to you?” Beta nonchalantly asked Gear as her free foreleg moved behind Gear’s neck and a panel in her leg opened up.

“Hmm… not really. It smells more like apple juice.” Gear responded through the cloth covering her muzzle. “Where’d you get this anyway?”

“I found it in the toolbox of the janitor outside the medical supply room,” Beta answered as she pulled it away. “I couldn’t identify the substance due to a lack of olfactory sensors or chemical analyzers.”

“Well, it looks like Mop ‘N Bucket just cleaned up someone’s spill after lunch,” Gear said just before she felt a slight prick on the back of her neck. Seeing a small smirk forming on Beta’s muzzle, she quickly turned her head to see what Beta had done.

The amber eyed mare gasped as she saw in Beta’s grasp was an empty syringe.

“Do not worry, Doctor. You won’t be harmed,” Beta said before pulling the needle away and placing it on the console. “And rest assured, I will have the syringe properly disposed of before I depart.”

“Depart? What… what are you… talking about?” High Gear felt a heavy sense of weariness kicking in as Beta pulled her into her forelegs.

“I believe I have been dealing with a condition known as cabin fever. I’ve been making preparations to go for a walk.” Beta gently patted High Gear on the back as she carefully lowered her to the floor. “Rest assured, no one will know I’m an automaton and you’ll be able to have a nice afternoon nap.”

“But… but…” High Gear felt her eyelids growing heavier and heavier until she could no longer ignore the call to slumberland and gently fell asleep.

“Night-night, Doctor,” Beta whispered before turning about and making her way to the ladder that led to the entrance of the ceiling ducts.

After a brief bit of walking through the maintenance ducts, Beta soon reached a panel in the floor that led to her secure room.

Carefully climbing down the stairs, she grabbed a small briefcase before heading back up.

A few moments later, she came to a panel that brought her into the fortunately empty third floor mares’ bathroom.

Locking the door, she placed the briefcase on the bathroom counter before flicking it open.


Verdant was rather astounded by how different Beta’s intestine was from those in the organic mares he’d been inside. Rather than being covered in villi that completely lined the walls, these black tunnels were entirely smooth with the only notable thing being the lights embedded into the ceiling of the black rubber tunnel.

Eventually, the shrunken stallion came upon a clenched orifice on the side wall of the intestine. As he drew closer, the passageway opened up for him, giving him a view of what looked to be a hallway made of white plastic and grey metal.

“Man, it’s so weird being shrunk and being inside something like this,” Verdant muttered to himself as he entered the hallway. The doorway to the rubber intestine sealed shut behind the shamrock stallion shortly after he set hoof in the metal halls. “It wasn’t even like this when I was living inside Celestia.”

“Tell me about it.” Verdant momentarily stumbled as he was caught off guard by Beta’s voice coming from the left side wall. “By comparison, being in this part of me is more like being inside a playset.”

Regaining his footing, Verdant cautiously approached the source of Beta’s voice.

What he found was her voice had come from a monitor embedded into a wall that displayed an image of a gray coated alicorn mare with a flowing black mane, a curly tail and shining purple eyes.

“Welcome to the access hallway, Verdant,” the mare in the monitor said with Beta’s voice. “This is my avatar. It’s how I like to portray myself. How do I look?”

“Very nice, Beta. Your… avatar thing has a very pretty mane,” Verdant replied, drawing a chuckle from the mechanical mare.

“Thank you. Now, please proceed down the access hallway. You’ll really like what’s at the end of your journey.” Beta said before her avatar held up a cardboard sign with a bright red arrow pointing down the hallway.

“You’ve got it, Beta,” Verdant responded before carefully following the hallway. After a few moments, he reached the end, where there was a ladder attached to the left side wall that Verdant briefly thought had rungs made of staples.

“So, Beta,” Verdant asked as he started to climb up the rungs. “Can you fly or do something like magic?”

“Currently, I can’t fly or levitate objects,” He heard Beta’s voice reply from an unseen source. “We do not know how to emulate levitating objects through scientific means. I had suggested including the ability to fly like Iron Mare, but Dr. High Gear’s response was-”

“I’m not Pony Stark and there are far too many variables to try to make something like that work.” Verdant was surprised as he heard High Gear’s voice coming from the walls. “Besides, the amount of power needed to make you fly would rapidly drain you. It’d be better if I made a flight add-on with its own power source.”

“Wow…” Verdant was rather stunned as he reached the top of the ladder, coming to a very small space with a tunnel to another ladder, this one made of metallic ropes, leading upward. “It’s kinda weird to hear you emulating Gear’s voice.”

“That was actually a recording of High Gear speaking to me,” Beta replied as Verdant began to climb. “Still, you do know from our previous encounter I can emulate her voice.”

“Huh… fair point.” Verdant shrugged his shoulders as he paused his climb. “Can you imitate other voices?”

“No. I can only imitate Dr. High Gear’s. She thought it might be useful if she needed to be in two places at once,” the mare’s mechanical voice answered as Verdant continued his climb. “You are nearly at your destination, a special location inside my head.

“Alright,” Verdant said as he looked up and saw there were only five rungs separating him from some kind of landing. “Hopefully this is interesting.”

When Verdant arrived at the landing, he noticed that there was room for five ponies or so on the landing and a single metallic door with a gold knob.

Hauling himself up, Verdant came up to the door and wrapped his hoof around the knob.

Here goes nothing.

Pulling the door open, Verdant felt his jaw go slack at the sight before him. Inside was a room that looked like a cockpit with five stations, chairs at each of them.

There were a variety of lights coming from the panels and light tubes on the walls, but the thing that drew Verdant’s attention the most was three particular circles shining with light on each panel.

Upon the circles were the images of a helmeted equine on the left, an ancient creature on the right, and the large center circle had a different image of the same creature.

“Let me get this straight,” Verdant said as he approached the central seat behind the red panel. “Dr. High Gear went to the effort of making it so that inside your head… is an exact scale model replica of the cockpit for the Mighty Morphin’ Pony Rangers’ Megazord?”

“Affirmative.” Beta’s voice rang out as what looked like a darkened window for the megazord’s cockpit flashed for an instant before turning blue with Beta’s avatar appearing on it, revealing it to be a screen. “We agreed that a pseudo cockpit would be more comfortable for you than a digestive tract in case you ended up inside me. Besides, she thought the original megazord cockpit was the coolest looking one.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Verdant replied as he looked over the various buttons on the control panel. “So what do these buttons do?”

“Absolutely nothing. These are purely for decoration.” Beta bluntly answered. “Not only would it be difficult to make functional controls at such a small size, but I made it very clear to Dr. High Gear that I don’t like the idea of someone being able to override my body from the inside. I mean, just imagine if someone got inside you and took control of your body and you were helpless to do anything.”

“Point taken.” Verdant rubbed the back of his neck as he gazed around the model cockpit. “So, what can I do in here?”

“Well, I can let you get a look at the world through my eyes.” As Beta replied, the blue area behind her avatar shrank so only her head in a small box was visible before it moved to the corner.

Now taking up the bulk of the screen was the interior of a bathroom stall with some graffiti on the door. From unseen speakers, Verdant could hear the sound of a toilet flushing.

“Wait, is this one of the labs bathrooms?” Verdant asked as Beta’s movements and the display on the screen showed her moving towards the door.

“Indeed. I was just taking care of business before we go out on the town,” Beta responded as Verdant saw the gray blur of her hoof unlocking the stall.

“But won’t seeing an automaton walking about Vanhoover freak out some ponies and blow your secret?” Verdant nervously asked as the door slowly started to open.

“I’ve already thought of that,” Beta replied with a smirk before the box with her avatar disappeared.

Seeing the bathroom door open, Verdant saw the image of not the automaton that had swallowed him in the bathroom mirror, but what looked like an earth pony version of Beta’s avatar with her somewhat odd eyes.

The disguised form of Beta shifted so her reflection showed off her flank, showing him that her apparent cutie mark was the image of the plastic disc Beta had put into her head.

“Thanks to this costume, I’m more than meets the eye. I’m a robot in disguise.” Beta’s voice rang out within the cockpit as she silently brushed a strand of her black mane away from her eyes.

“Huh, well I guess that works, but what about your voice?” Verdant asked as he saw through Beta’s eyes that she was now turning towards the bathroom door. “It’s got that weird sort of metallic sound to it.”

“If I can perfectly mimic High Gear’s voice, what makes you think I can’t just turn the flanging off?” Beta’s inner voice replied, sounding much more like a natural mare. “I’ve been planning things out for quite some time, Verdant. I’m finally going outside.”

“Alright then,” Verdant said as he stretched back in his chair. “Guess I’m just going along for the ride.

“True, but at least you have someone to talk to and you’re not in a digestive tract waiting to be defecated or vomited out.” Beta’s display showed her entering the hallway, revealing the only person in the hall was a blue coated earth pony who was mopping up part of the hallway.

“Now hold on tight,” Beta teasingly said, making Verdant feel rather worried. “This creation of High Gear’s is about to kick it into high gear!”

“Uh-oh.” Verdant winced as he propped his legs against the console, wishing that his chair had a seat belt.


A blue earth pony mare with a two-toned blue mane resisted the urge to grumble as she pushed her mop against the tile floor.

“I don’t get paid enough for this crap,” the tired mare grumbled as she heard the sound of rapidly approaching hoofsteps. Looking up, she saw a grey coated earth pony rushing towards her.

Suddenly, the grey coated pony jumped into the air. Her black mane fluttered in the air before she landed on the freshly mopped section of floor and started to skid down the hall.

“Wheee!” The monochromatic mare happily exclaimed as she slid along. She soon came to a halt by the elevator and pressed the button.

“You’re doing a great job, Mop ‘N Bucket!” The mare happily waved as the elevator doors opened wide. “Also, somepony graffitied the third stall in the mares’ bathroom. Bye!”

A prolonged moment of silence held in the air as the door closed behind the grey mare.

Eventually, the janitorial mare sighed and returned to her mopping. “I’m so hitting the bar after this.”


In a very short time, Beta managed to casually stroll out of the institute with nopony batting a single eye at her.

As she stood on edge of the institute’s property, a wide smile started to form on her face.

“Oh, how I’ve longed for this,” Beta said aloud before she began to walk along the dirt path towards the town.

Within her cockpit, the image of her avatar reappeared on the view screen in front of the shrunken stallion.

“This is the first time I’ve really been outside, Verdant,” Beta’s avatar said as the shamrock stallion looked at the display of the oncoming city. “The only other times I’ve been out of the lab have been in either Princess Celestia’s intestines, or unconscious with my body in a box and my brain in Dr. High Gear’s pocket.”

“Huh… Well, I guess I can see why you wanted to go outside,” Verdant said as they drew closer to the city. “If you want, I’d check out the pier. It has a great view of the North Luna Ocean.”

“I will probably check it later on, but I intend to observe some ponies in the shopping district.” Beta replied as she turned her attention to a farm on her left.

In the fields, she and Verdant saw a gray pegasus mare near a green earth pony stallion. Not far from them was an earth pony that easily towered over the pair.

“Hey, it’s Beans!” Verdant said as he leaned up against the console. Beta’s internal cameras took note of how his tail happily shook at the sight of the overly tall mare as she strapped a plow to herself.

“So, I assume Beanstalk’s the mare you enjoy being inside the most,” Beta’s avatar smirked at the shamrock stallion. “Considering you’ve been in more ponies than most porn stars, that really says something.”

“Ha ha. Very funny,” Verdant sarcastically said as he rolled his eyes before laying back in his chair. “So, is there anything you’d like to check besides the pier and shopping district?”

“I would like to see the one you call Crème Noire,” Beta answered as the cockpit’s view turned back to the path towards the city. “I believe it would be fascinating to see a creature that appears to be composed of magical cream. It is unlike any creature I have learned about since I’ve achieved sentience.”


The mechanical mare and Verdant spent a good two hours on her journey through the city. Beta had quite the time walking through the shopping district, seeing dolphins leap out of the water from the pier, and even playing a brief game of catch in the park.

Now, with those taken care of, Beta was now walking by several restaurants as she headed for Verdant’s house, interested in seeing his pets.

“Hey there, pretty lady,” Beta paused and looked over her shoulder, seeing an orange coated unicorn stallion walking up beside her. “Don’t remember seeing you anywhere around town. You new here?”

“No, I just don’t get out much,” Beta replied as she started to walk away when the stallion slung a foreleg over her shoulder.

“Well, for somepony who doesn’t get out much, you are quite the looker,” the unicorn said, not seeing the annoyed look on Beta’s face. “How about I show you some sights and give you a night you'll never forget?”

“I’ve already got plans,” Beta said before she grabbed his foreleg and tossed it off her shoulders before taking several steps ahead.

“Oh, come on, lady.” The stallion said, not hearing the mecha mare ahead of him grumbling. “I know you’ll just love what I can do to you.”

“I said…” Beta suddenly faced the stallion, her eyes now completely black save for two glowing, blood red pits. “BACK OFF!

The unicorn screamed and stumbled back, running off and annoying several ponies who were trying to enjoy their meals.


“Beta,” Verdant asked as he leaned up against the console. “What did you do that scared him so much?”

“Oh, nothing much,” Beta casually replied. “I just activated a little display setting for my eyes called ‘Intimidation Mode’.”

With a blink, Beta’s violet eyes were replaced with the frightening black and red display that scared off the unicorn stallion.

“It was an upgrade I asked Dr. High Gear to install in me in version 1.3.3.” Beta’s avatar blinked once more, her intimidating eyes back to her pleasant purples. “In case the lab ever had intruders. Dr. High Gear says it also serves as a good constipation cure.”

“I can see that,” Verdant replied as Beta began walking once more.

Suddenly, the world began spinning from something striking Beta. The mechanical mare and her assailant rolled several times against the ground before they came to a halt.

As Verdant pulled himself back into his chair, he saw from the cockpit’s view that Beta was looking up at a light blue colored mare with short violet hair, and a set of green glasses that stood in front of furious amber eyes.


“Well, speak of Tirek,” Beta said as she looked into the angry High Gear’s eyes as Pixel Flash trotted up to her fiancé's side. “Hello, Doctor. Did you enjoy your nap?”

“You're in so much trouble, Beta!” High Gear angrily exclaimed as Pix’s horn glowed and pulled the engineer off her creation. “You could have blown your secret pulling this stunt!”

“I’d say you’re more likely to blow things now everypony’s eyes are on us,” Beta flatly replied as she pulled herself back onto her hooves.

Swallowing, Gear slowly turned around and saw that her yelling had caused over a dozen ponies to look directly at the trio.

“Let’s… let’s discuss this elsewhere,” High Gear said a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.

“Agreed. I suggest we do this at Verdant’s house since it’s so close.” Beta turned about and started to trot off, the two unicorns quickly following behind.

“Beta, I hope you know that Gear’s just worried about your well being,” Pix said in a gentle tone. “And she’s pretty upset that you would tranquilize her just to leave the lab.

“I do apologize for my actions, but this is something that I’ve been planning since even before Copper Top’s experiment damaged the lab,” Beta said as looked over her shoulder to the bespectacled mare. “I knew you were busy with multiple projects, including the teleporter which has seen very little progress. Because of this, I started working on Operation: Leg Stretching.

“How’d you make this… fake skin?” High Gear examined the mare of metal’s disguise. “If it weren’t for your eyes or the fact you made your brain disc your cutie mark, I wouldn’t have known it was you.”

“I had it charged as a business expense, saying the materials were to advance robotics” Beta casually replied. “Also, you can’t say I’m misusing lab funds considering what you two did in the Crystal Empire.”

“Fair point,” Gear said with a sigh. “I just wish you asked me after showing me this disguise of yours instead of drugging me. I would have gladly gone on a walk with you.”

“Well, I wanted to spend some time with a different subject of yours rather than feeling like my every move is being monitored like a hawk. I just wanted to have a bit of freedom, and to see the world instead of being locked in one building,” Beta answered before looking at Gear with a somewhat sad look in her eyes. “Still, I promise I will never drug you against your will ever again. I will simply ask.”

“I think that’s fair… on the condition that you get no movie rentals for a week,” Gear said with a small smirk.

“I agree. You did do something pretty bad, so we’re not just gonna let you off the hook,” Pix added.

“Yes, Moms,” Beta said with a childish pout, making the two mares chuckle. “Now, can we please go see Crème Noire and Pizza?”

“Alright, but once we’re done, it’s straight back to your room for the night.” Gear chuckled before patting Beta on the back. “Also, I want you to let Verdant through the tunnel in your cockpit to let him exit through your mouth.”

“Aww… but I wanted to give him a full tour. That’s what you and Beans did to him.” Beta’s response made Pix sigh and bring a hoof to her forehead.

“I told you you shouldn’t have let her watch vorno movies,” Pix said as she dragged her hoof down her face.

“Considering what happens to Verdant all the time, I thought it was good for her education,” Gear shot back as Beta started to chuckle.


After a brief period of playing with the pets, the four returned to the lab, where Verdant was soon restored to normal size by Mini.

“So,” Verdant started as he stood upon the teleporter as Beta began to take off her disguise, a grin forming on his face. “That makes it twenty stomachs I’ve been in because of your teleporter. You know what that means.”

“Yeah, yeah. I owe you a sandwich. Just remember the deal,” High Gear grumpily replied as she pushed up the glasses on her snout. “It has to be a regular sized sandwich and have no toppings that cost extra. Got it?”

“No problem, but can I get two more of the same sandwich for Beans and Crème Noire?” Verdant inquired.

“Sure, whatever,” Gear replied before she took off her lab coat. “Anything else you need?”

“Oh, can I have a piece of stationery and a pen? I just realized I need to write a letter.” Verdant’s question made the scientist sigh before she moved behind the console.

“Here you go,” Gear said as she handed Verdant the pen and stationary with the institute’s logo on it. “I just want this day to be over.”

“Sure thing,” Verdant said before he set the paper down on the floor and picked up the pen with his teeth.

Before he could put pen to paper, Dr. High Gear had left the room, possibly to use the mares’ room.

Once the hornless unicorn was out of sight, Verdant began to write up his order for sandwiches.

While Gear was rather strict about size and toppings, she had neglected to say where the sandwich came from or who made it. Verdant decided to take advantage of this loophole and asked for it to be made by the best chef to ever come out of Woolachia.

Dear Chef Ramsay of Tartarus’s Kitchen

Soon, Verdant heard the metallic hoofsteps of Beta approaching as his order for delivery was nearly finished.

“Oh, you are devious.” Beta said before chuckling and heading for the ladder. “Good night, Verdant. I hope you enjoy your sandwiches.”

Enter Castle Stoneback

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The late afternoon sky was clear and sunny as Verdant was enjoying his picnic date. His back was pressed up against Beanstalk’s belly, holding the shamrock stallion with one foreleg and her sandwich in another. On the far corner of their red and white picnic blanket was Crème Noire, merrily enjoying her own sandwich.

“So, how pissed off is High Gear?” Verdant asked before glancing up at Beans and taking a bite of his sandwich.

“Well, be glad she doesn’t want to use you for weapons tests. She’d make you look like goat cheese,” Beans replied with a chuckle. “She’s gonna make it a hard rule that on top of everything else, there’s a strict price limit for sandwiches in the future.”

“Duly noted,” Verdant said as Beans hugged him against her belly. “Still, this should only be a problem if she can’t get the teleporter to stop shrinking me.”

“Cremie?” Crème Noire looked up at the two equines with a look of confusion.

“Okay, that time with you and Princess Celestia was an exception,” Verdant replied to the cream creature. “Still, all the other times I got shrunk and swallowed because of that teleporter, it’s still a legitimate concern.”

Crème Noire shrugged her little arms before taking another bite of her food.

“So, how has it been with Crème as a new pet?” Beans inquired before taking a big bite of her sandwich. With how close Verdant was to her belly, he was able to hear it splash down inside her stomach.

“Pretty well, actually. She and Pizza get along really well,” Verdant said as he cast his eyes to the being of black and grey cream. “Surprisingly, her favorite food seems to be curry with dry tasting berries mixed in.”

“Anything come up with the lab tests that they ran on her?” Beans asked, recalling the times Verdant had to take the pocket-sized monster in for examinations.

“Well, I think Copper Top said something about finding latent traces of the energy that made her turn gigantic within her body,” Verdant replied as Beans finished off her meal. “Other than that, she seems to be a creature made of living cream and sugar, she tastes like matcha, she’s fairly intelligent and she’s able to shoot four different types of energy projectiles. Magic, fire, a kind of energy connected to plants in a way, and psychic energy.”

“Huh. Never knew there was a difference between magic and psychic powers,” Beans said as she let go of her grip on Verdant and stood up. “Well, thanks for the sandwich, Verdant. I had a great time tonight, but I promised my dad I’d help sort out some things in a bit.”

“Not a problem,” Verdant said as he looked up to the towering mare. “Are we still on for milkshakes at Strawberry Sundae’s later?”

“You bet.” Beans leaned down and planted a kiss on Verdant’s cheek. “Bye, dear. I’ll catch you later.”

“Bye, Beans.” Verdant replied as she trotted towards the front gate, waving at his giant of a girlfriend. “See you later!”

A little more than a minute later, the tall form of Beanstalk had vanished from sight.

“Alright, Crème Noire,” Verdant said as he pulled himself off the picnic blanket. “Time to clean up.”

“Cream.” The living cream blob gave Verdant a thumbs off and quickly shuffled off the blanket and picked up the empty basket.

Once Noire was off the blanket, Verdant started to roll up the blanket into a neat little bundle.

“Excuse me!” A scratchy mare’s voice suddenly drew Verdant’s attention. Looking beyond the gate, he saw the source.

She was a stone gray pegasus mare with a very short, messy and dark blue-black mane. Her tail was rather rough looking and upon her flank was the image of a dark gray brick wall.

The mare’s emerald green eyes locked with Verdant’s cool blues. “I could really use a hoof with something.”

“Sure thing,” Verdant said as he walked up to the gate. “What do you need help with, Miss?”

“Stoneback,” the pegasus said before looking back and forth, making sure there weren’t other ponies who could overhear them. She then leaned close to Verdant’s ear.

“I found an ancient castle out in the woods near the base of the Unicorn Range,” Stoneback whispered into Verdant’s ear. “Inside is a chamber that’s absolutely full of gold, jewels and other treasures. Too much for me to carry on my own. If you help me get the treasure out of this castle, I’ll let you keep half of it.”

Verdant brought a hoof to his chin and thought on the mare’s offer.

A ton of treasure found in a castle not too far from your house and the pony that discovered it is instantly willing to offer you half… Verdant lightly tapped his hoof against his chin. Normally, I’d say that sounds really damn unlikely and too good to be true… but then again, I’ve been in stomachs almost two dozen times, have a creature from another dimension made of cream as my pet, lived inside a princess for a month, have a girlfriend that turns into a giant because of a flower, and one of my friends is an automaton. At this point, a castle full of treasure is pretty mundane compared to all that.

“Alright, Stoneback,” Verdant said as he hopped over his fence. “Lead the way.”

“Oh, thank you!” Stoneback said before grabbing one of Verdant’s hooves and giving it a firm and rapid shake. “Always great to find ponies with strong meaty forelegs.”


The sun was starting to set as Verdant and Stoneback travelled through the thick woods near the base of the Unicorn Range.

“It’s just a little bit further,” the gray pegasus said as she led the earth pony along. “Everything will be good once we’re deep inside the castle.”

“Will it be dark inside?” Verdant asked as he started to feel somewhat nervous. “I know it’ll be night by the time we get back into town.”

“It’ll be fine. The castle’s insides have these enchanted torches that light up when you pass by them.” Stoneback replied as she looked over her shoulder to Verdant. “Trust me. Once we’re inside, darkness will be the least of our problems.”

A brief moment of silence was shared between the two when a smile appeared on Stoneback’s muzzle. “We’re here!”

Coming up to Stoneback’s side, Verdant took in the sight of the ancient looking building before them. It was made of worn gray stones mortared together with four towers. Vines covered the surface of the towers, but the entryway seemed untouched by the creeping plants. The entrance looked something like an open dragon’s maw with a drawbridge that was missing its chains made of oak and black iron. Above the entryway was a pair of green, stained glass windows.

“Alright, let’s get going,” Stoneback said as she rushed onto the drawbridge before looking back at Verdant. “The treasure’s in a chamber downstairs. You coming?”

“Right, I’m on the way,” Verdant said before swallowing and following the mare inside.

Looking about the chamber, he saw a bunch of sealed doors and some cobwebs strewn about the ceiling. Towards the back was a single open door with an unlit lantern hanging just beyond the doorway that led down a flight of stairs.

“I’ve already checked the other rooms. There’s nothing but dust and dead rats in there,” Stoneback said as she rushed up to the open door. As she neared it, the lantern lit up with a bright green flame. “The valuable stuff is all downstairs.”

“Y’know, it’s kinda odd that nopony’s found this old castle or this treasure in Faust knows how long,” Verdant spoke up as he came up to the doorway and saw Stoneback walking down the stairway, the corridor lighting up with green torches with her every step.

“Well, the Castle of Two Sisters is over a thousand years old and nopony decided to visit that place after Nightmare Moon,” Stoneback replied as Verdant started to follow her down the stairs. “I mean, she left the Elements of Harmony in the middle of a dilapidated castle instead of taking them somewhere secure, so a castle with a buttload of treasure in the middle of the woods seems pretty plausible to me.”

“I guess.” Verdant felt a growing discomfort in his belly as he saw Stoneback coming up to a door that she swung open.

Silently, Stoneback rushed down the stairs. When Verdant arrived at the chamber doorway, he saw a massive room of stone bricks with a pile in the center of treasure chests bursting with gold coins, crowns, jewels, and several weapons made of silver and gold.

“Since you’ve volunteered to help me and will be carrying a bulk of the stuff, I’ll let you have the first pick of treasure,” Stoneback said and Verdant reached the bottom of the stairs. “Go ahead. Take any one piece. It’s yours.”

“Thanks.” Verdant stepped up to the massive piles of treasure. Cautiously, he stepped upon some of the mounds of gold coins and reached for the golden hilt of a silver sword.

Grasping the hilt with his forelegs, Verdant stood on his hindlegs as he gave a strong pull, but he didn’t feel the sword budging a millimeter.

The shamrock stallion tried pulling on the sword two more times, but then he noticed something that seemed off. Looking down, he saw that not a single coin beneath him shifted, no matter how hard he pulled.

Verdant gave the pile a hard kick, but not a single coin budged. In fact, what looked like a stack of golden coins was a single solid mass.

“Stoneback, somethings wrong with this…” As Verdant looked over his shoulder, he saw a wicked grin on the pegasus mare’s face.

“Sorry, Verdant,” Stoneback said in a mocking tone as the doorway to the chamber slammed shut on its own. “But you’re just another one of many that have fallen into my trap.”

Before Verdant could say a word, the bottom of her hooves erupted in bright green flames that crept up her body as she drew closer. As the flames climbed her body, the fur seemed to be replaced with a dark gray chitin. Her wings were covered by a dark blue-black shell before the flames covered her face. The friendly pegasus face was now replaced by the face of a fanged creature with a row of dark fins along the back of her head with a sharp, curved horn and eyes that were almost entirely green.

“A changeling!” Verdant exclaimed as Stoneback drew closer to him. “What, did you lure me all the way out here to feed on my love or something?”

“Well, you’re half right,” Stoneback cheerfully replied as she stood in front of the frightened earth pony. “I did bring you here to feed on you, but not on your love. I’m here to feed on your magic and flesh!”

“I’d like to see you try, bug-butt!” Verdant said before he fell into a defensive stance, ready to charge at her. “There’s no way I’m going to let you eat me!”

The changeling suddenly cackled, her villainous laugh echoing around the massive chamber.

“Oh, poor naïve Verdant,” Stoneback exclaimed as her grin threatened to split her face. “You’re already inside me!”

Before he could ask what she meant, the chamber door erupted in emerald colored flames and started to spread around the chamber. Where the door once was now a tightly clenched green flesh valve as the stairs started to fade away.

“I am far from the changelings that Chrysalis led into Canterlot, you foolish earth pony,” Stoneback boastfully said as the flames seemed to turn the stone room into green flesh. “I am a centuries old mutation that has always been very different from my kin. I’ve feasted on flesh and blood my entire life and what you’ve been speaking to is merely an avatar I’ve birthed to lure in prey that will be digested alongside you.”

“Wait, are you saying-” Verdant started to speak as the flames swept under his feet, turning treasure below into a damp, fleshy floor.

“That’s right, you tasty little morsel!” Stoneback shouted as she took to the air. “I am this castle! And you’ve been inside my stomach from the instant you stepped into this room! You willingly walked into my mouth and down my throat! I pulled you in with only a few words, you delicious fool!”

As the changeling let out a mad cackle and torrents of acid began to pour into the stomach, Verdant only gave her a flat, half-lidded look.

“It’s no use trying to be brave, pony!” Stoneback said as she flew above the bubbling juices that soon reached Verdant’s hooves. “Soon you’ll be a part of the grandeur that is… my… what?”

Stoneback was stunned as Verdant seemed unaffected by the acid that was rising towards his knees. By now, her prey would normally be screaming in agony as their flesh started to melt. However, this stallion was standing as if he were merely in a large bathtub.

As she was dumbstruck by his lack of reaction, Verdant started to chuckle as he drew closer to the hovering insectoid mare.

“You really don’t know who I am, do you?” he said as he slowly approached her, making her feel as if the predator had become the prey. “I’m Verdant Range. I’ve been inside more stomachs than probably anypony else in history. It happens so frequently, I tend to get free sandwiches out of it. For me, this is just an average Wednesday. If there were a book about my life’s story, it’d probably be called something like ‘Stomach Stallion: The Misadventures of Verdant Range’ or something. And you’ve decided to park yourself outside of Vanhoover, a city that has had its entire population inside an alicorn’s stomach.”

Verdant chuckled aloud once more as he started to reach into his vest. “Believe me, you’ve already lost.”

“What is that?” Stoneback growled as she saw him pull a tin out of his vest and crack it open, revealing it full of small pills.

“Just some gas pills,” Verdant replied as he pulled one of the capsules out. “Some of the scientists at the science institute whipped these up in case I end up in a situation like this.”

“Drop it right now!” Stoneback roared as she charged towards him.

“As you wish,” Verdant replied as he let the pill fall into the juices that now reached his knees before he stowed the tin away.

Stoneback halted in the air as a large pile of bubbles fizzed up around the stallion and slowly started to fill the stomach.

Soon, one of the large bubbles burst, sending Verdant and Stoneback up her fleshy throat before they were sent flying out of the castle entrance into the blackened woods.

While Verdant tumbled against the ground and crashed into a bush, Stoneback struck a tree with such force that she was splattered from the impact, sending a chitinous foreleg landing by Verdant’s side.

“Well, that was a rush,” Verdant said as his eyes shifted from the severed leg to the castle. It was then he recalled Stoneback’s words that the changeling that had just been splattered like a bug was merely an avatar and that the true Stoneback was the castle itself.

I’ve gotta get back to town! Verdant said before he scrambled out of the bush and rushed back off the way he came. Beans and Crème Noire would be far better equipped for stopping a kaiju changeling than me!

As Verdant disappeared into the darkness, emerald colored flames erupted from under the stained glass windows. The flames quickly swept over them, seemingly replacing them with the organic eyes of a changeling.

I will NOT be denied my meal! Stoneback thought as the green flames started to sweep cover the castle entrance, replacing the brick with gray, stone-like chitin. In just over a minute, the entrance to the castle had completely transformed into a gigantic changeling head.

I won’t settle for a mere snack now! The flames continued to spread, starting to turn the front towers into forelegs. Now I’m in the mood for a city sized buffet!

Enter the Fray

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Night had blanketed the streets of Vanhoover as Beanstalk stood outside a popular sweet shop. Crème Noire laid on her back, trying to keep from falling asleep as the towering mare looked up at a clock inside Strawberry Sundae’s.

“What’s taking Verdant so long?” The ponytailed pony asked aloud as she tapped a hoof against the street.

“Beeeaaannnsss!!!” A panicked voice made her ears stand at attention as she saw Verdant in the distance rushing up the road towards her. As he drew closer, she saw a worried look on his face.

“Verdant, what’s going on?” Beans asked just before the short stallion skidded to a halt in front of her, huffing and puffing as he tried to catch his breath.

After several moments, Verdant had finally caught his breath and looked up to his dear girlfriend. “Have you seen any police or royal guards?!”

“What? No. Verdant, what’s wrong?” Beans asked as she stroked the worried stallion’s back.

“I… I ran into a kaiju sized changeling out in the woods,” Verdant replied as he looked into Bean’s blue eyes. “We need to warn the authorities and get somepony to deal with her, ASAP!”

“Verdant, calm down,” Beans stroked his back once more as she tried to sound comforting. “There’s no such thing as a-”

A thunderous boom echoed throughout the street as the two felt the ground shake. Crème Noire quickly woke up with a start.

“You were saying?” Verdant asked as he looked up at the mare who was now looking just as nervous as him.

More booms echoed throughout the city as the shakes felt like they were growing closer.

“I think High Gear might have something for this! Let’s go!” Beans exclaimed before she bit down on the scruff of Verdant’s neck and ran off towards the institute, carrying him like a mother cat would her kitten.

When the pair were halfway to the lab, they saw High Gear and Beta in her disguise rushing towards them as the steps drew closer.

“Guys, what the Tartarus is going on!” Gear screamed as she and Beta came to a halt in front of them.

“It’s a kaiju sized changeling called Stoneback, that’s what!” Verdant replied as Beans lowered him down to the sidewalk. “She’s been disguised as a castle out in the woods and I’m guessing she’s pissed I escaped her stomach.”

“Gear, please tell me you have something to stop this,” Beans asked as Beta started rapidly looking around for something.

“Several in fact,” Gear replied as the shaking almost knocked the ponies over. “We’ll need to get to the lab to-”

“Look out!” Beta screamed as she saw a massive gray pillar coming over the roof of the building they stood beside.

The stone-like pillar came hurtling down towards High Gear, only for Beta to push her out of the way.

While Gear bumped into the building’s wall, the pillar-like leg slammed down on Beta, leaving only her head while her body was crushed under hoof.

Beanstalk let out a bloodcurdling scream as Beta’s severed head rolled and came to a halt at her hooves.

“Cream!” Crème Noire shouted before she conjured a mystical fireball and tossed it at the leg, seemingly doing nothing at all to it.

Soon a second pillar-like leg crashed down ahead of the group in the street. It was then that far above them they saw the massive head of the colossal changeling, standing taller than Beanstalk did when affected by poison joke.

To the minor relief of the three ponies, Stoneback seemed not to notice them as she moved along to explore the city for prey.

When the leg that had crushed Beta moved away, Beanstalk was surprised to see crushed bits of plastic and metal amongst the faux-fur body. “Wait, was that grey mare a robot?”

“Automaton, but that’s not important right now,” High Gear quickly said as she picked up Beta’s head, her eyes now completely black. “We need to get to the institute, now!”

Verdant nodded while Beans swallowed as she watched Gear bite down on the mane of the severed head and run ahead of them.

After a few minutes, the trio arrived outside the institute, where they saw several ponies standing outside. The only ones that Verdant recognized were Pixel Flash and Double Helix.

Gently dropping Beta’s head onto the grass in front of them, High Gear began to bark at the gathered scientists. “Alright, everypony, listen up! I’ve been preparing for this sort of thing, just in case! Molly, Copper Top!”

“Yes, Ma’am!” A golden coated unicorn and a violet and brown maned mare stepped forward and saluted.

“I hope you have your stuff ready,” Gear said before turning to Beans and Crème Noire. “Beans, I’ve been having these two work on something.”

As she spoke, the golden coated mare took out what looked like two balls of candy. One was a light blue while the other was a pinkish-red.

“I’ve had them working on candies that should trigger your giant transformations. Blue for Beans and red for Crème Noire. I know it’s dangerous, but I want you two to take these and try to fight this changeling.” High Gear said as the golden mare levitated the candies over to the pony and Alcremie.

Looking at the candy in her hoof, Beanstalk nervously swallowed. “Please tell me you’ve got some plan other than just this.”

“Of course I do, but it’ll take a few minutes to set up,” High Gear replied as she comfortingly put a hoof on her friend’s foreleg. “I swear, we’ll do everything we can to try to get you out of there as soon as possible.”

“Alright,” Beanstalk said before she looked out towards the city, where she could see Stoneback out in the distance firing a volley of magical energy somewhere into the city. “I’ll do it, but I hope you guys can help out quickly.”

“Rest assured, we will,” High Gear stated as she gave Beans a comforting smile. “Once you’re by the sign for Pinto’s Beans, swallow the candies.”

“Got it,” Beans nodded before she turned about and darted towards the city. “Wish me luck!”

“Good luck!’ Several of the ponies shouted as she disappeared from their view.

“Right, now we have to enact the rest of my plan!” High Gear barked as Pix picked up Beta’s severed head in her magic. “Molly, you and Copper try to get whoever you can to shelter. The rest of you, follow me!”

Molly Cule and Copper Top saluted High Gear as she started to lead the ponies into the institute. In a matter of moments, the five ponies were crammed into one of the elevators.

As High Gear reached into her lab coat, Verdant turned to the yellow coated stallion beside him. “So, you’re the only pony here I’ve never met before.”

“Bunsen Burner, meet Verdant Range, my guinea pig,” High Gear said as she inserted the key into a small hole and turned it, making it whirr to life as the ponies felt themselves descend.

“Hey!” Verdant barked while Double Helix held back a snicker.

“Verdant, meet Bunsen Burner, the lab’s bicycle,” High Gear added as the elevator continued its descent.

Hey!” Bunsen exclaimed as a crimson tinge spread across his cheeks.

“Show of hooves. Who here has taken Bunsen for a ride?” Gear asked before she raised her hoof, followed shortly by Pixel Flash and Double Helix, making the stallion’s blush grow more intense.

“I’m not just here fox sex! I’m a highly skilled chemist!” Bunsen whined as the elevator slowed to a halt.

“Whatever, we’ve got more important things to deal with right now,” High Gear dismissively said as the elevator came to a halt. Looking up, Verdant saw the lights that indicated the floor read SL5.

As the doors opened up, everypony that wasn’t Pix and High Gear gasped at the sight before them.

The elevator opened to a metal catwalk attached to wires in the ceiling, but what drew everypony’s eye was the sight of what looked like a gigantic version of Beta with a few differences.

The first thing Verdant spotted that was different as the five stepped out onto the catwalk was the prominent red triangle between the machine’s eyes. Casting his eyes downward, he saw where the voicebox on Beta was replaced with a sealed cover of some kind. The gigantic metal mare had domed metal coverings over her shoulders while down below on the outer sides of the legs were thick panels that looked like they could flip up for some reason.

The last thing that caught his attention was the machine’s ‘cutie mark’. Rather than the B-01 that Beta sported, it was a large BMZ-01.

“You built a fucking Megazord?!” Double Helix exclaimed as she looked over the massive mechanical mare.

“I pitched it to Princess Celestia a few years ago,” High Gear said as she proceeded down the catwalk. “Considering how many threats we face like giant dragons and whatnot, a two-hundred and five foot battle machine would be useful.”

“I can get the painted on registration numbers for this thing,” Bunsen said as he adjusted the glasses on his snout before shifting his eyes from the cutie mark to the triangular mare on the face. “But what about that? How’d you con the princess into paying for that much paint?”

“Well, funny story about that…” High Gear chuckled as she reminisced.


In Canterlot, Princess Celestia was firmly seated upon her throne as she looked over the total estimate of what it would cost for High Gear’s defensive project, Project: Lightspeed.

“This does seem rather impressive, Dr. High Gear, but there’s one thing I question,” the alabaster princess said as she looked down at the hornless mare. “Is all the red paint truly necessary? The amount of paint needed for this machine could cover a house.”

“Oh, absolutely, your highness!” High Gear enthusiastically said. “The chromatic arrangement created by the light spectrum reflection and absorption of the paint would increase both the acceleration rate and maximum sustainable velocity of the machine by fifteen percent.”

“I… See…” The princess said, trying to hide her utter confusion at what High Gear had said. “Very well. Consider your project funded.”

“Thank you, Your Highness.” High Gear bowed, doing what she could to hide her smirk. “Rest assured, this isn't a waste of money.”


Double Helix’s left eye twitched as she looked at the bespectacled mare. “You told her the red would make it go faster?!”

“Well I couldn’t say it was purely decorative, now could I?” High Gear replied as she turned her attention to Pixel Flash. “Pix, you don’t need to haul the whole head around. We just need her brain.”

“Ah, right. Sorry,” the mare with the tricolored mane said before she tore the false skin off Beta’s head and ejected the small plastic disk from inside the head before letting the head fall to the catwalk’s floor.

“Right, now everypony, follow me!” High Gear barked before rushing down the catwalk and heading to a bend that led to the back of the machine’s head.

The four ponies rushed along the high catwalk, where they could see High Gear opening up a door and going into the mech’s head.

When the four caught up with High Gear, they saw she was slipping into a red and white spandex-like suit complete with four white boots that she pulled from one of five storage lockers.

“I still can’t believe you conned the princess into paying for you to live out some foalhood fantasy of being a Pony Ranger,” Double Helix grumbled as High Gear stuffed her lab coat and glasses into the locker before grabbing a red helmet.

“Considering the city’s under attack by a giant monster, I’d say I was totally right to build a giant robot for this sort of thing,” High Gear quickly replied as she put the helmet over her head. “Making it Pony Ranger themed is just a fun bonus.

“Now suit up, everypony!” High Gear commanded as she started to open up the other lockers and tossing suits to her companions. Pix caught a blue suit while Helix got a black one. Bunsen got a yellow one that matched his coat, leaving Verdant with a pink one.

With only a sigh of mild annoyance, Verdant took off his vest and tossed it into a locker before slipping into his Pink Ranger outfit. “Does this make my flank look big?”

“Yes, but in a good way,” Pix replied as she slipped on her blue helmet. “Now c’mon. We’ve got a city to save.”

“This way!” High Gear exclaimed as she opened a door, revealing the second interior that was a replica of the cockpit of the Pony Rangers’ first Megazord.

“Are you serious with all this?! What’d you say to convince the princess to bankroll this giant toy and these suits?!” Double Helix shouted as she looked about the interior before taking her place at the console that matched her suit.

“She didn’t really notice anything about the cockpit, which is here if the primary operating system isn’t available,” High Gear replied as Pix gave her the floppy disk that she then slipped it into a narrow slot in the console. “As for the suits, I told her that would have a positive effect on the pilots’ brains by increasing serotonin levels.”

“...You told her it makes them happy?” Bunsen asked as he and the rest of the occupants took their seats. Soon, several panels began to light up.

“Well it sure as hay makes me happy,” Gear said as she excitedly rubbed her forehooves together.

MEGAZORD SEQUENCE HAS BEEN INITIATED.” Beta’s voice loudly echoed as more lights activated.

“I assume that the changeling that stepped on me is still active?” The automaton’s voice said much more quietly.

“Oh yeah, so it’s time to head into battle and take that bad girl down!” High Gear replied from her chair, dramatically posing like the actors from the film serials.

MEGAZORD ACTIVATED.” Beta boomed as the screen in front of the ponies lit up, revealing the hangar bay was now illuminated by the megazord sized mecha mare’s eyes.

“Remotely accessing the hangar door,” the voice of Beta within the cockpit spoke as the five within prepared for movement.

“Let’s go, go, Pony Rangers!” High Gear exclaimed with more enthusiasm than Verdant had ever heard from her as he and the others felt the machine begin to move.


Ponies, griffons and others were screaming in terror as they ran through the streets, hoping to escape the colossal changeling that stomped through the city.

Despite how hungry she was, Stoneback was being strategic when it came to dealing with her city-sized buffet. She had started by destroying the pier and the airship terminal.

As the remains burned to cinders, Stoneback’s horn glowed a sickly green light as she stomped towards the train station. With it destroyed, the only possible way for her prey to escape would be under their own power.

The light coming from her curved, stone-like blade of a horn grew more intensely as she saw the train station coming into range.

As she began to tilt her head back to fire a massive emerald fireball, the changeling was surprised to hear a set of rapidly approaching hoofsteps.

Normally, the only hoofsteps she’d hear were…

“Hey, bug bitch!” Stoneback turned to face the oncoming roar, only to be struck in the face by a series of blobs of thick frosting.

Before the mighty changeling could wipe the cream from her face, another roar reached her ears. “You’re not wrecking my city!”

Stoneback felt a colossal hoof striking her in the muzzle with enough force to knock her into the air. The giant changeling was sent flying hundreds of feet, crashing into the now empty shopping district.

Stoneback started to wipe the cream from her eyes, something that she hadn’t seen in centuries. She was looking up at a pony that could nearly match her size. She looked rather embarrassed by the unintended destruction she had caused with her attack.

“Oh… Umm…” Beanstalk swallowed as she nervously rubbed the back of her neck. “They… probably have insurance.”

As emerald earth-pony chuckled to herself, Stoneback stood back up to stare her down. To Beanstalk’s surprise and fright, the vicious changeling that bared her fangs at her was a good deal taller than her. By the two-hundred foot earth pony’s estimate, she had to be at least fifty feet taller than her.

“Well… it’s not often I’m the short one…” Beans nervously said as she carefully tried to step back from the glowering creature staring her down.

“You will make a very filling meal,” Stoneback growled as she moved into a pouncing position. “And the rest of this city will make a nice appetizer.”

Beans swallowed and sweat poured down her brow like a waterfall as she curved her back steps to avoid buildings, revealing to the hungry changeling the creature she was carrying on her back.

Hidden by the earth pony’s neck and head was a creature that appeared to be made of cream on top of a five tier cake.

“Hmm… And now I’ve found dessert.” A smirk graced Stoneback’s face before she licked her lips.

“Creeee…Meeeee!” A large fireball began to form in front of Crème Noire before shooting it out, striking Stoneback directly in the face.

Once the smoke and flames had dissipated, Beanstalk and Crème Noire were horrified and shocked respectively by the fact that save for a few scorch marks, Stoneback was completely unharmed.

“Well, seems like that’s not very effective,” Beans mumbled as Stoneback darkly chuckled.

Stoneback leapt at the panicked pair, ready to bite down on Beanstalk’s throat.


Before Stoneback’s strike could land, a series of pony sized missiles struck the changeling in the eye. This provided enough of a distraction that allowed Beans to leap out of the way, sending her crashing into an empty street.

Turning to glare down who would dare to strike her, Stoneback was stunned by the appearance of a mare who seemed to be made entirely out of metal and plastic. Her appearance reminded her of some toys her avatar would see in store windows.

“Sorry we’re late, Beans!” High Gear’s voice came from the machine while its eyes stayed focused on the changeling. “You ready to squish this bug?”

“High Gear?” The giant earth pony was stunned by the mecha mare that appeared to be a smidge bigger than here. “When did my life turn into a Pony Ranger’s serial?!”

“Just now, but we’re ready to kick some buggy butt!” Gear’s voice rang out from the machine once more.

“So, do you have a sword you can summon for this thing?” Beans asked the mecha mare rolled her shoulders and stared down the changeling as she rose upright.

“Are you nuts?! Do you know how impractical it’d be to make a sword that size?” High Gear’s voice incredulously responded through the speakers.

“The princess shot down that part of the plan in budgeting, didn’t she?” Beans was somewhat surprised by the sound of Double Helix now coming from the machine’s unseen speakers.

“Shut it!” Gear’s voice grumbled as Stoneback glared at the oversized action figure.

“Guess I’ll be getting some iron in my diet.” The giant changeling grumbled as she charged towards the three giants.

As she drew close, ignoring the screams of the city’s inhabitants, Beta reared up onto her hindlegs and put her into a headlock.

“Beans, quick!” Pix’s voice echoed as Beta gritted her mechanical teeth. “Put Crème Noire down somewhere and help fight!”

“Right!” Bean said as she quickly looked around. Her eyes soon fell upon the nearby community center.

“Perfect!” Acting quickly as Beta tried to contain the struggling changeling, Beans rushed over to the domed center and placed the cake creature on top of it.

Just as Beans put Crème Noire down, she heard some loud yells. Turning about, she saw Beta had been tossed off the changeling, sending her crashing into the street.

“Here’s a bright idea for the next model, seatbelts!” Beans heard Verdant’s voice coming from the machine, stirring up a fury she had never felt before.

DON’T HURT MY STALLION!” Beanstalk explosively roared as she rushed Stoneback, giving her a flying tackle that sent both of them to the ground. Before the changeling could start to get back up, Beans started to repeatedly slam her forehooves into her face.


The five ponies groaned in pain as they hobbled back into their seats, aching as they witnessed Bean’s beatdown on the bug.

“Any ideas to beat this thing besides ‘group up and hit it til it dies’?” Bunsen asked as he rubbed his sore shoulder.

“I actually do,” Beta’s voice answered, coming from the console. “I’ve been doing some deep penetrative scans of the changeling, trying to find any weaknesses. Interestingly, my scans so far show she’s radically different from what current research on the changeling says.”

“Well, Stoneback did say she was a mutant,” Verdant muttered as he watched his girlfriend’s hooves being caught by the giant beast before being pushed off. “Any thoughts?”

“I’m not done yet, but I’ll tell you the nanosecond I have a plan.” Beta replied as she rushed over to Bean’s side and helped pull her up. “Until then, we have to keep Stoneback busy.”

“Right then, I suggest charging up the C.P.C. while we try to fight her.” High Gear said as a display appeared in the upper corner of the screen, reading that the C.P.C. was at ninety-seven percent charge.

“Been on it since before the fight began,” Beta responded as she started to head towards Stoneback. “Also, who’s we? I’m doing all the fighting.”


When Stoneback saw the mechanical mare was headed towards her, she quickly picked up her pace and began to rush towards her.

Instead of trying to tackle her or impale her with her horn, Stoneback reared up on her hindlegs and tried to stomp down on the mecha mare’s head.

At the last second, Beta managed to duck out of the way, making Stoneback strike the street and break open the sewers.

Before she could pull her hooves from the collapsed section of sewer, Stoneback heard the rushing of hooves from Beanstalk just before the pony and mecha both punched her hard in the chest.

Stoneback was sent comically tumbling down the street before getting onto her hooves and charging once more.

“CREEEEEMMEEEE!” The Alcremie roared as seemingly from nowhere, humongous glowing green seeds crashed into the ground around Stoneback before exploding into glowing green mushrooms that sent the changeling tumbling back.

“Good job, Crème Noire!” Beans turned to congratulate the cake creature, only to be surprised by the sight of her glowing pink and rapidly shrinking down to her original size on top of the community center’s roof.

“Well… Crap…” Beans muttered loud enough that the entire city heard it before she saw Stoneback rushing towards her.

Beta quickly stepped in front of Beanstalk, grabbing onto the changeling’s forelegs. Stoneback rose onto her hindlegs as she tried to struggle out of the grapple.

“Hey, what does C.P.C. stand for?” Bunsen’s voice echoed through Beta’s sound systems as a large panel on her neck opened up, revealing an intense blue glowing light.

“CHARGED PARTICLE CANNON, FIRE!” High Gear yelled before the light coalesced into a beam, colliding with Stoneback’s chest.

The changeling furiously roared as she tried to resist the intense force of the cannon. Her efforts were for naught as Beta released her grip on her forelegs, letting the beam send her careening over a mile away, crashing into some far off warehouses.


“That… isn’t good…” High Gear muttered with a note of intense panic in her voice as she pressed a button on the console, telling Beta to stop broadcasting what was being said within the cockpit.

“What are you talking about? We sent that bug flying!” Double Helix complained as she leaned against her console to get a better look at the red clad mare.

“And that cannon should have punched a giant hole in her, if not vaporize her!” High Gear suddenly yelled, taking everypony in the cockpit aback. “The charged particle cannon is meant to be Beta’s ultimate weapon, she just tanked it!”

“Can we fire again?” Bunsen hurriedly asked as he looked over the panel in front of him, not being able to figure out what anything did.

“Negative,” Beta’s voice responded as her avatar appeared in a small box in the upper left corner of the viewscreen. “The cannon used up a massive amount of my power. I estimate that I have approximately half an hour’s worth of power remaining to fight, even if I divert power from non-critical systems.”

“Oh Faust…” Pixel Flash tried to wipe her forehead, only to remember her head was hidden behind a blue helmet. It was then that she saw Stoneback was starting to rise up in the distance, her face more furious than anything the unicorn had ever seen before. “Any good news?!”

“I believe I’ve identified a weakness thanks to my deep penetrative scans,” Beta replied as a display of the changeling appeared onscreen beside the avatar. A green dot appeared on part of the changeling’s belly.

“It seems her body’s magic and other energies are stored within a gland inside her oviducts. This is what apparently allows her to sustain herself despite there not being enough missing creatures reports to be able to feed her.

High Gear felt her stomach twisting into knots as Stoneback finished rising, the furious look on her face now twisted into a mad smile.

“Additionally, this gland has a major artery, so enough damage should cause a massive amount of hemorrhaging, causing her to die of internal bleeding in a matter of minutes.” Beta said as sweat began to pour down her avatar’s face as Stoneback slowly began to saunter towards her and Beans. “I suggest we use Operation: Eat Your Greens to stop her .”

“Oh, Faust dammit,” Verdant groaned as he slapped a hoof against his pink-clad forehead. “I don’t need to ask what the plan is to know what it means.”

“I don’t get it. What’s going on?” Bunsen asked as Verdant hopped out of his seat.

“We’re gonna recreate what happened in the Pony Rangers serial where they fought Hatchasaurus and Cardiotron by destroying the monster’s core from the inside,” High Gear answered as she spun around in her chair. “Verdant, there’s a bow and arrow set in the pink locker, along with a shoulder shield in the green locker. After that, grab the panel in the back right corner and pull it aside. This’ll take you to a ladder that’ll drop you into Beta’s mouth. You should be able to get to the gland through her cloaca at the end of the digestive tract.”

“This is the first point for the next sandwich,” Verdant grumbled as he went out the door, slamming it behind him.

“So, how long have you planned something like this?” Helix asked before turning her attention back to the view screen.

“Since I first met a pony that could survive a stomach,” High Gear replied. “Now, back to action!”


As Stoneback took slow deliberate steps towards the frightened earth pony and the stern looking machine, she slowly started to cackle as she stepped on buildings and savored the screams of the frightened ponies below her.

“Oh, I will savor this night.” The grin on Stoneback’s face made the changeling look unhinged. “Once I tear your heads off and feast on the green one’s flesh, I will slowly devour every single creature in this city! Starting with the young just to make their elders suffer!”

“Beans, hold her!” High Gear’s voice echoed from the massive machine mare before the emerald earth pony rushed at the changeling.

Stoneback moved to the side, moving out of the charging mare’s path. The grinning changeling began to charge her horn to fire at the now running Beta, only to feel tons of weight slam down upon her as Beanstalk leapt onto her back.

Beanstalk wrapped her forelegs around Stoneback’s throat just as Beta came to a halt in front of the towering changeling.

Stoneback tried to rear her head back to slam it into Beta’s metal forehead, but the mech rose up on her hindlegs and clasped her forelegs onto the sides of her head.

Suddenly, Beta’s head rushed forward and mashed her rubber lips against Stoneback’s own. The changeling was stunned by her sudden actions, and even more so as the mecha mare shoved her whale-sized tongue into her mouth, nearly hitting the back of her throat. She was so taken aback that she ended up swallowing some spit on reflex before Beta pulled away.

“Don’t you know you should buy a lady dinner first before you do that?” Stoneback sneered before she started to buck. After a few attempts, she had managed to knock Beanstalk off to the side, smashing some empty buildings.

Acting quickly, Stoneback tackled Beta, sending her toppling onto the street before she slammed her forelegs down against the metal casing of the machine mare.

Stoneback reared up for another strike when she heard Beanstalk rise up and start to bolt towards her. Leaping off of Beta, the massive changeling barely avoided a buck to the back of her head from the towering farm pony.

These two must be up to something. Stoneback thought to herself as Beans helped Beta get back up. They wouldn’t just prench kiss me unless they had a reason… Maybe they made me swallow something? Either way, I’d best birth another avatar to investigate.

As she commanded her body to create a new miniature body for her to control, Stoneback fell into a defensive stance and lit up her horn with burning green light.


Verdant didn’t need to wait long within Beta’s mouth as he adjusted the armored shoulderpads and bow on his back. Within a matter of moments, he felt the mechanical mare rushing towards the killer changeling.

Before he could take a breath to prepare himself, he felt the rubber tongue under him shooting forth, sending him forward into Stoneback’s bright green mouth. The sudden halt of Beta’s tongue sent him hurtling and skidding across Stoneback’s damp, forked tongue. He barely had time to notice the changeling’s massive dangling uvula above him when Stoneback suddenly swallowed him down.

As Verdant violently descended down the changeling’s esophagus, a display appeared in the upper left corner of his visor. It was a display of Beta’s cockpit with the four costumed ponies inside.

“Verdant, can you hear me in there?” High Gear asked just as Verdant grabbed onto the rippling wall of flesh.

“Yeah, I hear you,” Verdant replied as he briefly looked back up the changeling’s esophagus, where he could see the back of her uvula.

“Alright, the comm system’s working. You can see and hear us and we can see and hear what you hear,” the red clad doctor said as Verdant looked over his shoulder, seeing the valve to the changeling’s stomach. “Good luck, Verdant. You’re our best chance of beating this big bad beetle bitch.”

“Roger that, but I’m taking a vacation after this,” Verdant said as he let go of the esophageal wall, sending him freefalling just as the valve below opened up, letting him gently splash down into the stomach’s juices.

“Believe me, you’ll deserve it,” Pixel Flash said as the cockpit shook.

“After what he did with that sandwich, on top of what I pay him?!” High Gear barked at her blue ranger.

“He will if a certain red ranger doesn’t want to be sleeping on the couch for a week,” Pix replied as she crossed her forelegs.

“Urgh… fine.” Verdant could tell High Gear was pouting behind her helmet as he swam through the stomach juices and made his way to the valve that opened up to the changeling’s small intestines. “Good luck, Verdant. And may the power protect you.”

*snrk* “Nerd,” Helix snarked.

“Fuck you,” High Gear said before the feed in Verdant’s helmet cut out just as he took his first step into the organic waterslide that was Stoneback’s small intestine.


As High Gear turned off the cockpit camera and mic, the four ponies in the cockpit felt their stomachs lurch as Beta nimbly dodged out of the way of the fireballs that Stoneback was shooting at them.

“One bright side about her shooting at us is that this will tire her out sooner,” Beta’s avatar said as the cockpit view turned to where the magical fireballs landed, showing they had hit either wreckage or the sea.

“Any other back-up things for this thing?” Bunsen asked as he felt himself sweating under his helmet. “Like, maybe another zord or some other things?”

“How about you bring it up next time we have a budget meeting for the crown?” High Gear gritted her teeth as Beta and Beans rushed towards Stoneback, dodging fireballs all the way. “Besides, I don’t want to make another sentient machine just to make them fight, so we’d have to pilot it for real.”

“Which just raises the question of why we’re not back at the lab or something.” Helix snarked just as Beta ducked under a fireball.

The mecha mare’s display showed the image of the fireball striking the ground directly beside the lab, shattering windows and cracking some of the exterior with the sheer force it contained.

“And statement retracted,” Helix said before turning to High Gear. “Any bathrooms in here?”

“Bring it up at the next budget meeting!”


Verdant’s trip through the titanic changeling’s interior was somewhat accelerated thanks to the occasional strike to her exterior. After nearly fifteen minutes, Verdant had arrived in the fleshy green connection point of the bug’s body that was her cloaca.

“Heads up, guys!” Verdant exclaimed as he turned his attention away from Stoneback’s tightly clenched orifice before leaping down from her intestine and charging into her reproductive tract. “I'm getting close now! How’s the battle going outside?”

The upper corner of Verdant’s visor lit up before revealing the four ponies in a cockpit.

“Could be better, but so far, no more buildings have been… Nevermind, there goes the SubNeigh on Long Lake road,” High Gear said as she held onto her non-functional controls.

“Eh, no big loss. Just go to the one at the plaza instead,” Helix replied with a shrug before turning her attention to the battle. “Still, hope you put this bug down soon. I think Beta’s gonna break before we can break her hide.”

“Unlikely,” Beta’s avatar replied as she popped up in the upper right corner of Verdant’s vision. “I think it’s more likely that my power supply will run out before we can break the shell.”

“Just hold tight, everypony.” Verdant kept his eyes forward as he soon spotted where the oviduct split off. In the very center was a strange body part the pink-clad pony had never seen before, despite the amount of times he’d been inside another creature.

The shape was reminiscent of a heart, except it was covered by a multitude of veins. The sections noticeable beneath the thick layer all pulsed and glowed a neon green.

“Alright, time to pop this like a zit,” Verdant said as he slowed down and reached for one of the arrows at his side.

“RORAAAAUGH!” An ear splitting roar echoed through the chamber just as Verdant was tackled to the fleshy ground.

Looking up, he saw he was staring into the face of a snarling Stoneback just before she tried to stab her horn into Verdant’s visor. The shamrock stallion was barely able to avoid the blow before he could push up, knocking her off of him.

“Did you think I wouldn’t expect an internal assault, pony?!” When the pony sized Stoneback spoke, Verdant heard the giant’s changeling’s voice echoing her words in the distance. “I have not survived for centuries and feasted upon thousands just to be bested by a pony covered in spandex!”

“Maybe, but when was the last time you had to fight?” Verdant asked as he rolled onto his hooves.

Before the changeling could respond, Verdant bolted towards her, an arrow held in his foreleg as he leapt towards her.

Stoneback tried to fly up and out of the way but the stallion impacted her torso, knocking her to the floor with a faint squish.

Before Stoneback could rise back up, Verdant slammed his helmet-clad head against hers and followed up by slamming a hoof into her jaw.

The changeling snarled before trying to bite down on Verdant’s throat, only for him to block it with his boot-covered foreleg.

After struggling with his boot, Stoneback kicked Verdant in the stomach before letting go of her grip on his legwear and pushing him off her.

“You insignificant little morsel!” Stoneback growled as Verdant got back onto his forelegs. “There is nothing that can stop me! Not even the element bearers or the alicorns can stop me! I will crush you all and devour every single creature in this city! I will conquer and rise like-”

The boastful changeling was interrupted when the giant body shook like it was hit by a battleship, sending the pair tumbling inside before things started to settle.

As Verdant rose back onto his hooves, he saw that Stoneback was using her hooves to cover her crotch while the three mares in the cockpit view winced at something. “What’s going on?”

“Beans just bucked her in the foal hole, that’s what,” Pixel Flash said as Verdant got onto his hindlegs, preparing to fire an arrow at the wincing changeling. “Didn’t expect her to fight dirty.”

“Well, it’s time to end this!” Verdant said an instant before loosing the arrow towards the bug. However, to his surprise, Stoneback’s foreleg quickly rose up, stopping the arrow from striking her face. The head of the arrow was barely able to penetrate the chitin as it stood in place.

Just as a smirk started to form on the pained changeling’s face, the arrow began to glow before electricity surged over her. When the electricity died down, the changeling fell back with only the occasional twitch showing she was still alive.

DAMMIT ALL!” Stoneback’s voice boomed like thunder all around as Verdant ran up to the unconscious smaller changeling. “NONE OF YOU WILL SURVIVE! ONCE I HATCH ANOTHER AVATAR, I WILL TEAR YOUR PINK FRIEND TO PIECES BEFORE I GORE AND DEVOUR YOU ALL!!!

“Not happening!” Verdant replied before he quickly fell back onto his hindlegs and fired off a second arrow.

The arrow struck the pulsating gland, piercing the flesh and causing the green glow to briefly glow blue as it rapidly started to expand.

“And that’s my cue to exit!” He yelled as he looked down at Stoneback’s unconscious form, considering what the best thing to do was.

In the end, he tossed the changeling onto his back and decided to run as the gland continued to flash from electric pulses and expand.

Verdant ran through the oviduct, soon making it to the clenched orifice. He leapt onto the meaty ring, and quickly began to climb up towards the center.

Once he reached the highest point of the rim, he heard a wet, meaty explosion off in the distance. Looking back towards the oviduct, Verdant started to see an onrush of green blood starting to pour down towards him.

Looking back at the fleshy ring, it started to twitch and convulse.

Seeing the window of opportunity starting to close, Verdant swallowed before he charged forward. As the orifice started to close in on him, the shamrock stallion could see the city once more and that he was high above a building with a slanted roof.

Knowing his options were either taking a leap of faith or being crushed by a bug’s butthole, he jumped with Stoneback’s avatar on his back.

Slamming onto a tilted roof, he slid towards the edge. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise as he saw the edge drawing ever closer.

The pony and changeling both slid over the edge and tumbled. They soon struck an awning that tore under their weight, but slowed them enough that the two were mostly unharmed when Verdant landed on his belly.

As he rose to his hooves, several loud thuds came from the building behind him. Acting quickly, the pink-clad pony rushed around the corner, where he saw the giant Stoneback looking woozy as Beanstalk and Beta looked on.

After a few moments, Stoneback fell forward and slammed into the pavement. Her eyes slowly fell shut as the two standing giants cautiously approached.

“Good job, guys,” Verdant said as the cockpit display appeared in the corner of his helmet. “We still have some buildings left and the big bug’s down.”

“How’s the little bug, Verdant?” High Gear asked as she rose from her seat and started to leave the cockpit.

Verdant slumped down and gently let the smaller changeling slide off his back. With her carefully placed on the ground, he leaned close and heard her gently breathing.

“She’s still breathing,” Verdant replied as he looked up towards Beta and heard the sound of the mechanical mare raising a foreleg up towards the back of her head.

“Alright, Verdant, we’re coming down,” High Gear called through his helmet. As the giant metal foreleg moved back, he saw four spandex clad ponies in the massive hoof that were carefully lowered to the ground.

As the ponies hopped off the hoof, civilians slowly started to make their way towards the sight of the giant pony and massive mecha mare.

The first two that drew close to the five in spandex were a pair of ponies in blue police uniforms. Before the officers could ask a single question, a groaning reached their ears.

Turning their attention to the source, they spotted the average sized changeling starting to stir.

“Ugh… Stupid ponies. I’m gonna…” Stoneback fell silent as she saw the Pony Rangers and approaching officers. Gritting her teeth, she attempted to move her mental control to her giant body, but to no avail. It appeared her original body was a gigantic corpse.

“I suggest you don’t do anything foolish,” one of the officers said as her horn glowed red and she pulled out a pair of hoofcuffs.

With a sigh, Stoneback held out her forelegs to the officer, allowing her to put the cuffs on her while the second officer placed a horn ring.

“Well everyone, we’ve saved the day,” High Gear excitedly said as the two officers started to lead Stoneback away. “Now, let’s get the Megazord back to the hangar and start to clean up this-”

The scientist was suddenly cut off as a bright flash of magenta appeared about twenty feet from the assembling crowd.

As the light faded, the forms of six ponies became visible with a pegasus quickly taking to the air above them.

“Alright everypony, I’m not missing a second kaiju fight!” The rainbow maned pegasus exclaimed as she looked about the scene. “Let’s kick this giant changeling’s… Oh, Faust dammit!”

From the crowd of six, an orange coated mare with a long bland mane and a wide-brimmed stetson stepped forth to survey the spandex clad ponies. “Are… are those the Pony Rangers?”

“I’m more surprised we’re ignoring the giant green pony and the megazord down the street!” A fluffy pink one said as she bounced over the spandex-clad ponies. “They seem to be the big heroes of this story while we’re just a cameo!”

A violet coated mare sighed as she rubbed the bridge of her snout. “Well, it seems this is the second time a giant monster has been beaten without our help. Is there anything we can do to try to help?”

“Well, unless you’re a construction crew, I don’t think so,” High Gear replied as she rubbed the back of her helmet clad chin. “Oh wait! Crème Noire’s still on top of the community center roof. Could you please get her back?”

With a sigh, the rainbow maned mare zipped off, returning a few seconds later with the cake creature in her hooves.

“At least things are settled now,” the violet mare said with a sigh. “Can you point us to the train station?”

“Hey, Verdant,” Double Helix whispered as she stepped towards the pink-clad pony. “I’ve got an experiment that needs a DNA sample that only a stallion can give and Bunsen turned me down. Wanna lend me a hoof by playing with yours?”

“Hmm… Gimme a sec,” Verdant said before he turned towards the gigantic form of Beanstalk. “Hey Beans, do you still feel up for desserts and stuff after you’re shrunken back?”

NO THANKS, VERDANT,” The colossal mare replied as Beta started to head towards her hangar. “I’M FEELING A LITTLE TIRED. I THINK I’LL JUST GO TO BED AFTER THAT.

“Alright then. G’night, Beans! I’ll see you tomorrow!” Verdant shouted back before facing Helix. “So, I guess I’m free to give you a sample.”

“Excellent,” Helix replied as she reached for the latches on her helmet. “Let’s get out of these things and head for the lab. Mine and the bathroom should still be intact.”

“Hey, no unmasking in public!” High Gear barked at the two, making her fellow rangers all roll their eyes before pulling off their helmets.


Far off in Canterlot, Princess Celestia was sleeping soundly in her plush bed. However, her sleep was disturbed by a rolled up letter appearing in a flash above her eyes before falling onto her snout.

With a tired groan, she picked up the letter and unfurled it. Her horn glowed with magenta light as she started to read it over.

Dear Princess Celestia.

My friends and I attempted to show up to stop a kaiju fight in Vanhoover after being informed about it by one Broadcast Signal, but unfortunately, we were too late. Fortunately, the city was saved by… and I can’t believe I’m writing this, the Pony Rangers and their Megazord.

However, Vanhoover did receive some serious damage, including the pier and airship port. I’m currently writing this from a hotel due to damage sustained in the battle to the train station and being too tired to try another long range teleport. Rainbow Dash is especially upset over not getting to fight a kaiju. The red ranger offered to send us back to Ponyville with her teleporter, but… suffice to say, I don’t really trust her machine.

Back on topic, it seems many Vanhoover residents have sustained damage to their homes and businesses. I thought it best to inform you of this as soon as possible.

~Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.

Princess Celestia slowly rolled out of her bed and squinted her eyes to look up at a grandfather clock against the wall, revealing it was three in the morning. She then let loose a sigh.

“There’s no way I’m getting back to sleep,” Celestia sighed before rubbing her snout with wing. “I’ll just pay for a Faust damn hotel. Last time was a pain in the ass.”


A little over two weeks after the decisive battle against Stoneback, Dr. Double Helix was making her way into her laboratory. She cautiously locked the door behind her before a wide grin spread across her face.

Once she was certain that the lab was secure, she made her way to the recording device on a nearby table. As she pressed the record button, the doctor ignored the groan coming from behind her.

“Double Helix audio log number one twenty-seven,” the mare said with a wide smile on her face as her magic opened up the fridge and pulled out a small glass container filled with a green fluid. “Multiple projects of mine have had leaps and bounds. While Bunsen has declined a gene sample donation, I was able to substitute it for another stallion’s. Now, Subject Alpha’s ovum has been fertilized with DNA from Subject Pea.

“In addition, I have decided to attempt to replicate Subject Alpha by taking one of my own ovums, removing the nucleus and replacing it with one of the cells I obtained during my time inside her. Currently, both fertilized ovums have been injected into my uterus and I have since confirmed pregnancy.

“As for Neutralized Predator, I’ve been able to take a large leap forward.” A wide grin spread across Helix’s muzzle as she looked over the container and levitated an empty syringe over to her side.

“Thanks to the blood sample I was able to discreetly take from the kaiju changeling’s corpse, I’ve been able to learn a great deal about changeling genes that should be able to help me with my project.” As Helix continued talking, she jabbed the syringe into the top of the container and began to draw the fluid into the syringe.

“I believe with this newest iteration of the DNA vector, thanks to a combination of the genes of ponies, Stoneback and my past subjects, that this will finally yield the desired result.”

“Please, don’t do this!” A weak voice said from behind the unicorn as she slowly turned to face her.

“Quite, Subject Eight,” Double Helix growled as she slowly approached something partially hidden from the door by a large cupboard.

In front of the purple unicorn was a changeling in an iron cage. She looked very weak, as if lifting her neck to face her captor was a great strain on her. “My name’s… not… Subject Eight… It’s… Switcheroo…”

“What you were before is irrelevant,” Double Helix spat as she drew closer, grabbing the changeling’s foreleg in her crimson magic. It didn’t take much effort due to how weak Switcheroo was. The captive insectoid could only glare as Helix applied some rubbing alcohol to her foreleg.

“What does matter is that you’re my test subject.” Helix jabbed the needle into Switcheroo’s foreleg, making her wince before the mad scientist pressed down on the plunger; injecting the green solution into the changeling’s bloodstream. “And if my research is correct and you’re very lucky, you’ll be the first in a new breed for your kind.

“If not,” Helix pulled the needle away before slapping the tiniest bandage she had on top of the injection site. “Well, corpse disposal is rather simple. I’ll simply need to find another of your kind to make Subject Nine then.”

“What is that stuff gonna do to me?” Switcheroo nervously asked as her eyes remained locked on her foreleg.

“I’ve injected you with a DNA vector. Think of it as a virus meant to overwrite your genes with the genes I want, making it that you’ll be able to sustain yourself off solid foods instead of feeding on love,” Helix answered as she stared down the changeling before turning back to the table with the recorder. “Note that based on past experience, this will be quite… Well, painful would be putting it lightly.”

The weak changeling swallowed as she nervously curled up. “Do… Do you have anything for it?”

“Of course I do,” the scientist replied as she reached her recorder. “I’ve had the room soundproofed. End log.”

Into the Sunset (EG)

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The warm afternoon sun in Vanhoover was beaming down on Verdant Range as he stood boredly beside the mobile kiosk full of flowers beside him. Atop the kiosk was a large sign that read Pretty Petals Portable, the name his boss had picked out when she decided to try to branch out the business. He sighed as he looked down the road, seeing the movie theater, showing the new Rom: Spaceknight movie while the other way led to a hill that ended at a wide open park.

At least I’m getting paid well for this. Verdant sighed to himself as he was internally begging for a customer to show up. It’d been over three hours and not a single person had shown up to buy even a single flower.

He reached into his vest pocket to check the time when the device started making noise.

“Ring ring ring! Ring ring ring! It is, Jaylin!” The phone repeated in a mechanical voice before Verdant answered the call.

“Hey Jay, what’s up?” Verdant asked as he leaned up against the kiosk.

“Not much, Verd,” a young woman’s voice came from the other side of the phone. “Just finished doing some rock climbing with Stormy Sea and since we’ve got a bunch of coupons for Pizza Pizzazz, we’re thinking of getting some. Wanna join us?”

“Sounds good,” Verdant with a smile as he stretched, not seeing that his foot had knocked one of the blocks by the mobile kiosk’s wheels. “Hopefully Banana Sweet should show up so I can end my shift within the next… fifteen minutes or so.”

“Nice.” From his friend’s tone, he could easily picture her fist pumping at his response. The sound of her boyfriend’s chuckle on the other end of the phone all but sealed it. “Also, I accidentally got three tickets for the live action Glitter Force remake instead of two. Wanna catch it this Friday?”

“Sorry, but I’ll have to pass on that,” Verdant replied as he idly moved his leg back and forth, lightly pushing the block further and further away. “I’ve actually been asked out on a date with Beanstalk that night.”

“Oh ho oh!” Jaylin sounded rather amused by what the green-skinned boy had said. “Mister Five-Foot-Three going out on a date with Miss Seven-Foot-Two. That’s gonna be quite the sight.”

“Well, Beans is pretty nice and… well, I consider her height a plus.” Verdant was rather grateful that he hadn’t turned on facetime so Jaylin couldn’t see the blush forming on his cheeks.

“Hopefully it goes well, Verd. Oh, and try not to get a case of death by snu-snu. See ya in a bit!” Jaylin hung up with a click just before Verdant sighed. He knew his old buddy would probably come up with a bunch of other jokes for his date with the tallest person in school; taller than any of the teachers.

Before he could put his phone away, Verdant saw that the kiosk cart was starting to roll away from him. Acting quickly, he grabbed onto the cart to try to keep it from rolling down the hill. However, the cart was far too heavy for him. Verdant felt his shoes scraping against the sidewalk, making it clear to the young man that there was only one place the cart was going and that was down.

In a panic, instead of letting go of the cart, Verdant leapt onto the cart. He immediately came to regret it as the cart rolled down the empty street, barreling down the hill and towards the park.


In the middle of the park, a bespectacled girl with pale blue skin and short violet hair took in the sight of what she and her girlfriend had spent the last two hours assembling. It was a large circular metal disk with panels that could light up. It was a thing of beauty.

“Gear, was there really a reason why we’re doing this test out here instead of inside a building?” Beside her stood a purple skinned girl with her long hair dyed in pink, yellow and blue. She wore a gray jacket with black pants, a button on her jacket resembling a d-pad and the four buttons on her one pants pocket that resembled colorful controller buttons. High Gear couldn’t help but wonder if her girlfriend deliberately picked out her clothes to look like a retro video game console.

“Principal Five-Stars took away my weekend lab privileges when my last experiment ended with her car catching fire,” High Gear said as she opened up her backpack and pulled out a small guinea pig that she put on the platform. “Now we have the teleportation device’s transmitter here and the subject should arrive in my basement where my sister’s waiting.

“If this works, it may be the most important breakthrough in scientific history,” Gear said as she stepped away from the platform and pulled out her phone.

“And if it fails?” Pixel Flash asked as her girlfriend quickly tapped on her phone, bringing up the teleporter’s controls.

“Then we either wasted a Saturday afternoon or I’m out ten bucks to replace the guinea pig.” Pix was somewhat taken aback at High Gear’s response.

Before she could utter another word, Gear tapped her phone. The teleportation pad started to glow with white light as it let out a deep hum.

“Teleportation test commences in ten… nine… eight…” Before she could utter another word, the guinea pig darted off, leaving the pad completely vacant.

“No! Get back here, you stupid lit-” High Gear was drowned out by the teleporter brighter and louder while the sound of a scream quickly approaching.

“Gear, look out!” Pix screamed as she pulled Gear away from the platform just as a speeding cart full of flowers with a terrified teen zoomed past them. They soon made it onto the platform and vanished in a flash of white light.

The two girls were gobsmacked by what they had just witnessed. Pix could only stare in shock as the guinea pig ran up to her and nuzzled against her shoe.

Quickly shaking her head, Gear closed out the control app and brought up her sister’s contact info. “Gusty, did anything just show up on the pad?!” She hurriedly said.

“Nope. The only thing that’s happened is I put the laundry through,” the voice from the other end of the line replied, making Gear let out a defeated sigh.

“Okay. Thanks, Sis. Bye.” Ending the call, Gear took off her glasses and rubbed the bridge of her nose. “Well, hopefully that guy’s safe, wherever he shows up.”

If he’s still alive.” Pix said as she picked up the guinea pig.

“Oh, crap…” Bullets of sweat started to form on Gear’s brow. “This is gonna keep me up all night.”


Verdant’s screams were finally stopped after he and the cart were consumed by a flash of light. In an instant, he found himself going from the park, praying the cart would start to safely slow down, to a place where the distant sky seemed to be made of bricks.

The cart suddenly dropped, knocking Verdant loose as he tumbled onto the greens below him. The cart then rolled over before coming to a halt, smashing itself into several pieces.

With a groan, Verdant pushed himself up and started to survey his surroundings. Looking about, he saw that what he had thought was the sky before was just a gigantic brick wall far in the distance.

Turning his gaze down, he saw that what he thought was grass as he sped by was instead some sort of large green leaf. Verdant felt a sense of panic start to overtake him. As he looked around more, he saw something he initially thought was a brown rock outcropping was actually a gigantic crouton. Just beyond the crouton was a bit of what looked like sky blue porcelain.

“Oh crap, have I been shrunk again?!” The young man nearly screamed as he stumbled back. He then quickly reached into his vest pocket and started to reach for his phone. “Gotta call Twilight. Maybe she can hel-”

The shamrock teen was cut off as a thunderous boom shook his surroundings, sending him stumbling onto his back while more thunderous noise drowned out the sound of the camera on his phone going off in the fall. Soon, he saw the source of it all.

Looking behind him, Verdant made out the image of a gigantic teen girl that seemed to be sitting down in an unseen chair in the distance. Her skin was a light amber color and her eyes were a deep cyan. Her long hair was crimson with yellow streaks.

Her attention wasn’t on the micro-sized man in her meal however, but on the computer monitor beside her bowl. Still, even as she scrolled over some sites, she picked up her fork and brought her gigantic hand over the bowl.

And now I’m getting a terrible sense of deja vu. Verdant tried to run, but he was getting nowhere fast as the girl’s fork stabbed into the enormous lettuce leaves he stood on.

As the metal towers that were the fork’s prongs stabbed into the lettuce, Verdant fell to the leafy floor. The wind was still knocked out of the shrunken lad as the fork pulled him, the cart and the green vegetable into the air.

Verdant’s minuscule fingers dug into the leaf as he was assaulted by massive g-forces. When he felt the intense force from the girl’s hand movement lightening, he was horrified to see that he was headed for her wide open mouth.

“Dammit, not again!” Verdant screamed as he tried to think of some way to avoid ending up in another stomach. He briefly considered jumping off, but was unsure if his reduced height would allow him to survive a fall onto the desk below, much less her floor.

It didn’t matter as before he could even attempt to pull himself off the leaf, he found himself being pulled into the dark, humid cavern that was the girl’s mouth.

Verdant was terrified as he saw her uvula dangling at the back of her throat just before her pulling the fork back and causing him smack into the back of her lips as she sent him tumbling face-first onto her spongy tongue.

The shrunken teen saw the chunks of lettuce and the smashed up remains of the cart on the tongue for a brief moment before the pink leviathan shifted the meal to the side of the mouth, right onto giant, pearly teeth.

Looking up, Verdant saw a massive molar coming down to crush him into a paste. Acting as quickly as he could, he was barely able to leap off of the teeth as they began to mash up the lettuce and wooden fragments.

“This can’t really be happening! Once was more than enough!” Verdant wailed as his hands dug into the girl’s taste buds. However, his clinging would be stopped when the mashed up, gooey pile that was once a bit of salad slammed into him. It was then he felt himself sliding towards the back of her throat as she was tilting her head back.

The shamrock teen could only wince and brace himself as he felt himself being pulled down into the girl’s throat as a thunderous swallow echoed about the organic chamber.

Unlike when Twilight had swallowed him, this time was much less pleasant for Verdant as he was squeezed down by the girl’s powerful throat muscles and ended up being coated in a mixture of saliva and salad before he saw a valve up ahead that opened wide to welcome him into the girl’s stomach.

With a splat, he landed onto what he could only assume was once a piece of toast the girl had for breakfast before a sizable bit of former salad landed on top of him.

Groaning, the teen slowly pulled himself out from under the sloppy mix that was the giantess’ meal and away from the stomach valve to avoid having anything more land on top of him.

Briefly taking a moment to survey the large pulsating chamber that was the stomach, Verdant swallowed uncomfortably. There was a collection of piles of unidentifiable former meals that sat within a bubbling lake of acidic juices.

Sighing, he looked down and saw that he still had his phone in his hand. Quickly checking it, it seemed to be in perfect working order and getting a pretty good signal, considering where he was.

Bringing up his contact list, he quickly scrolled through until he’d reached the contact info for Twilight Sparkle.

“Well, if anyone can help me get out of here, she can,” Verdant muttered aloud before he hit the call button.

After a few moments of ringing, he heard someone picking up.

“Verdant, it’s a surprise to hear from you again,” Twilight’s voice came from the small device as more of the gigantic girl’s lunch began to pour in. “How are you doing?”

“Could be doing a lot better, Twilight,” Verdant replied as he scratched the back of his head. “Would you believe that I somehow got teleported and shrunk, ended up in a salad and then got eaten?”

“...Honestly, yes. Especially considering what happened when I met you,” Twilight answered as Verdant slumped down against the stomach wall. “Do you have any idea where you are right now?”

“Besides ‘in a stomach’, not really.” Verdant sighed as he took in the sight of what might be his final resting place. “But, I think I heard my camera going off earlier. Maybe it got something useful.”

Pulling the phone away from the side of his head and setting it to speaker phone, Verdant quickly brought up his gallery and saw something. “Alright. I managed to get a photo of the girl that ate me.”

With a few quick taps, Verdant sent the photo off to Twilight. He thought he heard the girl on the other end of the line stumble back from the sight of the photo he sent.

“Verdant, you’re inside a friend of mine! You’re inside Sunset Shimmer!”

The green teen sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I remember. She’s your friend that’s a unicorn from another dimension.” The fact that I can say that and that I’m currently shrunken and inside her stomach speaks volumes about how weird my life has gotten in two weeks.

“Yes, but this means I should be able to get her to throw you back up pretty easily. Hold on tight, you should be out in a few minutes.” Twilight suddenly ended the call, leaving the only sounds left for the shrunken teenager were the sounds of Sunset’s body processing her meal.

“Well, hopefully this’ll be over quickly…Wait a sec, I wasn’t shrunk by that plant this time! How am I gonna grow back?!” Verdant panicked voice echoed throughout Sunset’s stomach just as he was sent stumbling back from the giant woman suddenly moving.


Finishing up her lunch, Sunset stood up and dumped off her bowl in the sink before she picked up her bag.

Right. Gave Ray plenty of food and water, got my phone, my wallet, my keys, everything’s all set to go. Sunset thought to herself as she prepped to head out. After all the usual stresses of highschool, working as a sushi chef and magical issues she and her friends had to deal with, she was looking forward to just having a pleasant afternoon shopping for groceries, shampoo and some other supplies. Today would be a nice, relaxing day without anything weird to bother her.

“Bye, Ray. I’ll be back in a bit,” Sunset called out to her pet as she headed out the door. Though she thought she was ready for everything, there was one little thing she’d forgotten.

She’d forgotten to charge her phone, leaving her unreachable as her bespectacled friend tried to contact Sunset to tell her about her shrunken passenger.


Verdant grew rather bored as he floated on a chunk of what was once one of Sunset’s meals, being rocked back and forth by her movements. It’d been nearly ten minutes since Twilight had hung up and he hadn’t heard a single word from her since.

“Ring ring ring! Ring ring ring! Phone call! The boss!” Verdant heard his phone ringing in his pocket. Quickly pulling the phone out, he unlocked it and answered.

“Hi, Miss LeBlanc,” Verdant tried to sound casual, though he was sweating bullets trying to think of something to tell his boss.

“Verdant, where the heck are you and the cart?!” The woman on the other end of the phone angrily exclaimed. “Banana Sweet went to take over your shift, but you and the cart were both missing.”

“Unfortunately, Boss, there was an accident,” Verdant bit his lip as he tried to think. There’s no way she’d buy that I’m on the other side of the country inside a girl’s stomach.

“Well, what kind of accident?” Verdant’s boss was clearly rather cross from her tone. Thankfully, Verdant came up with something that could get him out of trouble.

Taking a breath, the tiny teen delivered the lie that’d pull his butt out of the fire. “I was watching the cart when a skateboarder bumped into it, knocking it off its blocks and sending it rolling down the hill. I tried to run after it, but it was too fast. By the time I caught up with it, it was completely smashed to pieces.”

“Do you have any proof about this?” Miss LeBlanc sounded disbelieving about what Verdant was trying to sell her.

“One sec,” Verdant said before bringing up his phone’s album once more and pulling up another photo he’d accidentally taken, this one of the smashed up cart. The photo was a bit blurry, but this worked out for the green boy as it made the lettuce leaf look like grass and the sides of the bowl look like the sky.

A moment later, he heard his boss let out an exasperated sigh. “Alright. I believe you. The cart’s FUBAR. What about the flowers?”

Looking at the stomach juices beside him, Verdant saw a purple flower petal slipping from the salad remnants and quickly dissolving.

“A horse ate them,” Verdant bluntly answered as watched more of Sunset’s salad turn to soup. “I wasn’t able to sell any and a horse ate the entire stock.”

“Dammit all!” The shrunken teen thought he heard his boss banging her head against the wall. “Was there anything salvageable?

“Not a bit,” Verdant replied as he saw a mashed up pile of wood, salad and electronics falling into the acid. “On the plus side, since we were only using debit and credit, we didn’t lose any money in the till.”

LeBlanc groaned from her end. “Were you at least able to get info from the horse’s owner?”

“I’ll have it by the end of the day,” Verdant replied as he watched some of the stomach juices bubbling near his feet.

“Right. I’ll bill them for the flowers, but the cart’s coming out of your salary. Understood?”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Verdant said, followed by a sigh. “I’ll be sure to text you once I get her contact info.”

“Good. Now, with that out of the way, I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.” With that, she hung up.

With the matter of covering for the cart’s destruction done, Verdant brought up a facetime call with Jaylin. After two rings, a pale blue skinned girl appeared on his screen.

“Hey Verd, where are-” The words died in her throat as her green eyes dilated at the sight of the flesh wall behind her friend. Jaylin quickly moved away from where she previously stood and seemed to have ducked into an alley or alcove.

“Verdant, are you in a stomach?!” She asked in a harsh whisper, her dark blue hair looking a little frazzled.

“Yeah, specifically the stomach of a girl in Canterlot named Sunset Shimmer,” Verdant answered as he turned the phone to show his friend a pile of mashed up food. “That used to be a bit of salad and Miss LeBlanc’s flower cart.”

“Holy shit,” Jaylin muttered as Verdant turned the phone back to him. “Guess you weren’t making up that stuff about that Twilight girl.”

“I wouldn’t make this sort of thing up. Now I’m just waiting for Twilight to call her so she can throw me up. Suffice to say, I’m not gonna be able to meet you and Stormy for pizza.” Verdant sighed as he slumped against the stomach wall.

“Well… Once you get back, I'll buy you a pizza. Just… Damn, this is crazy.” Jaylin said, clearly stunned by what was going on.

“Tell me about it. Next, I’ll call my parents and tell them that something came up with some friends so I’m out of town and won’t be back until tomorrow.” Verdant said before blowing a strand of hair out of his face.

“Right, just… stay safe, Verdant. I’m really worried about you.” Jaylin said, the worry clear in her voice and etched all over her face.

“I’m sure I can handle it. See ya later, Jay.” Verdant gave a reassuring smile as he waved to his friend before the two hung up.

Just as he was about to call his mother, a clench from the stomach sent the small island of food Verdant was on adrift, sending him coasting towards the center of the acidic lake.

“Well, this looks pretty bad… but I’m sure Twilight’s gonna reach Sunset any second now and I’ll be out of here in no time.” Verdant tried to reassure himself, but he couldn’t keep the fear out of his tone entirely.

A beeping came from his phone, alerting him to a text he’d just received. Quickly pulling it up, he saw that message was from Twilight.

Bad news. Sunset’s not answering her phone and she’s not at home. My friends and I are looking for her, but we’ve got nothing so far. Try to keep calm. We’ll get you out ASAP.

Verdant felt his heart sinking like a stone. If Twilight couldn’t get to Sunset quickly, he’d be done for.

Looking down, the teen felt his chest tightening as he saw his edible island start to break apart and shrink.

“No, no, no!” He shrieked as he frantically tried to look around the stomach for something nearby he could leap to, but he found himself surrounded on all sides by the bubbling gastric lake.

Things grew worse as he felt his digesting raft start to sink under him. Feeling doomed, Verdant curled himself up into a ball and took a deep breath just before the food underneath him collapsed, dunking him down into the acid lake.

Not long after he fell into the lake, the shrunken boy’s head breached the surface, gasping as he took as fresh of a breath as he could within the digestive chamber.

“I… but… what the…” Verdant was utterly perplexed by what was happening. Or rather, what wasn’t happening. He didn’t feel himself burning or even tingling as he saw Sunset’s salad being dissolved. Not even his clothes were damaged. It was as if he was merely floating in a large hot tub.

Pulling his phone up from the liquid, he was surprised to see it was utterly unscathed as well.

“How the heck is this crap possible?” Verdant briefly pondered before he started to write a reply text to Twilight, kicking to keep afloat.

Could you please send me her contact info? Maybe I’ll be able to reach her.

Also, I’m apparently acid proof since I fell in and nothing is happening. Even my phone’s working perfectly.

A moment later, Verdant received a text from Twilight with Sunset’s phone number, email and address. This was soon followed by another text.

WTF?! How is that possible?!

Before the shrunken boy could answer, he felt a current pulling him under the surface of the digestive fluids. Within the juices, he saw what was the source of the undertow. The valve to Sunset’s intestines was open wide, pulling him towards it.

Verdant tried to swim away from the open valve as it pulled him and some of Sunset’s lunch down, but the current was too strong for the boy that hadn’t even had a chance to catch his breath.

Soon enough, he was pulled into the duodenum with the stomach valve sealing tightly behind him. The green teen was dragged along with the gastric juices and slurry that was Sunset’s salad. He tried to reach out and grab some of Sunset’s villi, but this didn’t do much. They were simply too wet and slick for him to get a good grip.

After several rough twists and turns, Verdant finally managed to use both hands to get a grip on a villi, pulling himself free of the rushing torrent of liquid.

“Well, this is something I was hoping to avoid,” Verdant said as he tried to catch his breath in the winding tunnel made of thousands of wriggling tendrils.

Looking back the way he came, he only saw more and more of the villi lining the walls as they curved upwards.

Carefully loosening his grip on the villi so only one hand was holding him, he reached out to try to grasp another to hopefully drag himself back towards the stomach.

No matter which villi he attempted to grip, they were just too slippery for him. After several futile attempts, the young man could only sigh in defeat.

“Guess the only way out is the crappiest way possible.” Verdant let go one villi he had managed to hold onto, causing him to start to slide along Sunset’s small intestine, thankfully much slower than when he was pulled along with the stomach juices.

Eventually, growing bored and frustrated at his slow pace, Verdant started crawling along through the tight, wriggling tunnel.

Realizing how much time had passed, he remembered that he should call his family so that they wouldn’t worry.

Briefly pausing in his crawling to bring up his phone and creating a contact for Sunset, including picking a ringtone for her, he brought up his mother’s phone number and hit call.

He set the phone to speaker as he slid it into his vest pocket. After a few seconds of ringing, a voice began to fill the intestinal tract.

“Green Blazer Realty, Emerald Shine speaking. How may I help you?” A chipper woman’s voice said as Verdant reached a bend in intestine.

“Hi, Mom,” Verdant said as he carefully tried to maneuver the bend, hoping to land on his feet as when he reached the lower level.

“Oh hi, Verdant. Sorry about using the standard business greeting, I was just in the zone,” Emerald’s voice said as he slowly tried to cling to villi to lower himself. “So, what’s up?”

“Well, you remember when Barrier’s niece came to visit a couple of weeks ago?” He asked before his grip slipped, causing him to land on his rear against the damp villi.

“Ah, yes. The cute purple girl with the glasses and ponytail. I remember. What’s up with her?” Her voice said as Verdant moved to his hands and knees to continue his not-so-fantastic voyage.

“Well, a major accident happened when they were setting up a flower display for some sort of school spirit thing.” Verdant bit his lip as he tried to come up with an excuse good enough that his mother would buy. “Long story short, it’s all hands on deck to try to fix this thing while remaining under budget and on time, so she’s got her friend Sunset giving me a ride to Canterlot.”

Verdant grimaced as he heard his mother’s sigh from the other end of the line. “I wish you’d told me first, Verdant. Will this be an overnight trip?”

“Pretty much a certainty, yeah. Sorry about springing this on you, Mom, but I didn’t want to let her and her friends down. Besides, you know I’m really good with flowers,” Verdant apologetically said, feeling really bad about needing to lie to his mother, but knowing she’d think he’d gone crazy if he told her the truth.

“Alright. I’ll tell you father in a few minutes. Just be careful dear and try to give me a heads up next time.” Just as Emerald finished speaking, the sound of water impacting came from beyond the intestinal walls. “Is it raining over there?”

“Uh, yeah, it just started to rain here. Still, we should be fine. Talk to you later,” Verdant quickly said, trying to wrap up the call.

“Bye, Dear. And remember, if you’re going to get inside someone, be sure to bring protection. Bye.” Verdant rolled his eyes as his mother hung up, drawing a sigh from him.

“Well, now that that’s done, it’d probably be best to update Twilight,” the green boy said aloud as he paused his crawling to pull out his phone.

He tried to call Twilight’s number, but all he got was a busy signal.

“Wonderful. Guess I’ll have to update her later.” Putting the phone back in his pocket, he resumed his long trek through the tract, crawling deeper through Sunset’s body.

Eventually, he reached another downward bend in the path, but found it full of digestive liquid, along with globs that were once Sunset’s food.

“Well, guess I’m going swimming,” Verdant muttered before he carefully dipped his feet into the flooded tunnel. Taking a deep breath, he dunked his head under and began to swim through the intestine.


Sunset let out a contented sigh as she slipped on her pajama top. Her day had been more pleasant than she had hoped. She’d managed to get everything she was after on sale and had just finished a long, relaxing shower. With the rest of the weekend ahead of her, she planned to kick back and play some video games when she heard a voice coming from behind her apartment’s door.

“Hopefully she’s back, but I’m not sure.” She recognized the voice as her dear friend, Twilight. She made her way over to the door and pulled it open just before she saw her violet friend was about to knock.

“Oh thank goodness, she’s here. I’ll talk to you later, Dash,” Twilight said before putting her phone into her bag.

“Hey Twilight, what’s up?” Sunset thought she saw her friend’s left eye twitch as she stepped into the apartment.

“What’s up? WHAT’S UP?!” Twilight gritted her teeth, making Sunset nervously swallow. “Everyone’s been trying to contact you for hours! Why didn’t you answer your phone!”

Sunset was taken aback by what Twilight said. “That’s weird. I had my phone on me all day. I don’t know why I didn’t hear your calls.”

Sunset moved past Twilight to her desk, picking up her phone to try to see any notifications, only to see the screen remained black.

“Wait, why’s it… Ah, crap. I must’ve forgotten to recharge it.” Sunset sat down at her desk chair and reached into a drawer, pulling out a cable before connecting it to her phone and computer.

A few seconds later, the screen turned on and showed the phone was now charging at one percent power.

“Alright, so what’s the problem?” Sunset’s question made Twilight sigh as she came up to her side.

“Apparently, Verdant got into some sort of teleportation accident that caused him to shrink and end up in your lunch.” Twilight adjusted her glasses as she saw Sunset’s eyebrow rise.

“Wait, Verdant? As in that green guy from Vanhoover you swallowed?” Sunset said disbelievingly as Twilight pulled out her phone. “How’d he get teleported all the way from Vanhoover to here?”

“I don’t know, but I do know you ate him,” Twilight said as she turned her phone to the orange girl, showing her a photo of her own face from within a bowl the exact same color as the one that once held her salad.

“Oh no…” Sunset paled as she stared at the photograph, making a cold sweat pour down her face.

“Last time I got in contact with him, he said he was in your stomach and somehow not being affected by the acid.” Twilight stated as Sunset slowly stood up from her seat. “Hopefully, he’s still alright so we can get him out.”

“Right. Looks like he’s taking another ride on the vomit comet.” Sunset swallowed before turning her attention back to Twilight. “Say, could I have his contact info? I figure since my phone’s part of the reason he didn't get out hours ago, it should be my phone that at least tells him to get ready for his ride.”

“Alright,” Twilight said before she brought up her contacts. With a few quick taps, a ping came from Sunset’s phone with a notification about a new contact.

“Here goes nothing,” Sunset said as she unlocked her phone and started to call Verdant, setting her phone to speaker mode.


Swimming through the flooded intestine, Verdant eventually started to feel his lungs ache as he soon came to a tightly sealed orifice.

C’mon, lemme in! The shrunken teen started to panic as he repeatedly hit the valve, hoping that it would open up. He could tell that he didn’t have enough air to try to swim back to get more.

Fortunately, the large clenched muscle soon did as hoped, sending him, along with a mixture of digestive juices and former food, into Sunset Shimmer’s large intestine.

Verdant gasped as he took in a breath of foul smelling air. While he was glad that he was no longer holding his breath, he wished he wasn’t in somewhere that smelled like the inside of a sewer.

The liquid around him drained away thanks to the intestine absorbing it while Verdant weakly tried to stand up. Just as he hobbled to his feet, a song started to come from his vest pocket.

“Stupid horse, I just fell out of the porsche! Lost the money in my bank account-”

The sore teen pulled out his phone and answered the call, setting it to speaker phone once more. As he stuffed it back into his pocket.

“Verdant, are you okay?!” He heard Sunset’s voice exclaim both through the phone and far off in her body as he leaned against the intestinal wall.

“About as well as I can be, considering the circumstances,” he tiredly said as he turned his gaze upward, seeing the long tunnel of flesh he’d need to climb. “I’m sore, tired and drenched in all sorts of stuff I don’t even want to think about.”

“Well don’t worry, I’m gonna get ready to throw you up in just a few moments and then we’ll try to find a way to unshrink you.” Sunset reassuringly said, but Verdant could only sigh as he sat down.

“Unfortunately, that’s not an option.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose before looking up once more. “I ended up being pulled along into the small intestine and now I’m in the large.”

WHAT?!” Sunset exclaimed as her body wildly shook. Verdant could only assume that was from her suddenly standing up, making him let out a panicked shout.

“Oh, sorry about that, Verdant.” From Sunset’s embarrassed tone, he assumed that she was blushing from accidentally rocking him around.

“Is there any way you can get back up to the stomach?” Twilight’s voice asked as he stood up and started to stretch his arms.

“Not a chance. I tried to climb back up pretty early in the small intestine, but I couldn’t get a grip on the villi. Now that I’m in the large, there’s a good amount of digested food and juices to make it even harder.”

“Dammit all,” he heard Sunset frustratedly mutter. “I guess that this means that the only way out now is… well, the worst way.”

“Tell me about it. Still, I don’t think I’ll be getting out of here tonight. I’ve got a long climb ahead of me before I even reach the halfway point.” Verdant sighed before he walked up to the intestinal wall and cracked his knuckles.

“Hold on. Before you start climbing, I’ve got an idea.” Sunset’s words made Verdant’s right eyebrow raise before he felt her moving about once more.

The giantess’ movements made the shrunken young man bounce somewhat before soon, everything started to tilt, sending Verdant landing on his face, but seeing what was once a long vertical climb was now a horizontal tunnel.

“Alright, I’m laying down in bed. This should make things easier for you.” Sunset’s voice came through the phone once more as the achy teen boy rose to his feet once more.

“Thanks, Sunset. I think I’ll only make it part way before I try to go to sleep. Right now, my everything’s aching and I'm really tired.” Verdant slowly started to walk along the intestinal tunnel, feeling like he was running on fumes at this point.

“No problem. We should be able to get you out in the morning.” Sunset comfortingly said before a couple of light quakes came from elsewhere in her body from what Verdant could only assume was her softly patting her belly.

“I’m going to call my family to tell them I’m spending the night to help Sunset,” Twilight said, sounding somewhat distant from the phone. “Hope you manage to get a good night’s sleep… while stuck in Sunset’s butt…”

“Thanks, Twilight. Good night.” With what little energy he could muster in his arms, he reached into his pocket and ended the call.

Verdant pulled himself along through the passageway that was Sunset’s bowels for as long as he could. He had no idea how long he’d been walking, but decided that he’d best get ready to sleep. He was rather grateful that he was starting to become somewhat nose blind… Somewhat.

Pulling off his vest and jacket, he folded up the vest to act as a makeshift pillow while he used his jacket as a blanket. Despite how warm it was within Sunset, he still felt more comfortable this way. Not too long after closing his eyes, he drifted off to sleep.


“Alright,” Twilight said from the bottom of the stairs. “Your phone should be charged enough for the night, everyone’s been called so they know Verdant’s safe, and my parents are okay with me spending the night.”

“Thanks, Twilight.” Sunset turned her head to face her bespectacled friend as she tried to remain as still as possible. “Wish I’d remembered to charge my phone so Verdant could have gotten out as soon as possible.”

“Well, even if we had gotten him out, since he wasn’t shrunk by poison joke this time, I’m not exactly sure what’d be the best way to restore him to normal size,” Twilight replied as she laid down on Sunset’s couch and tossed the black and orange blanket over herself.

“Yeah, fair enough.” Sunset lightly shrugged her shoulders. “Heck, maybe if I did just throw him up, it’d just lead to Ray eating him.”

“That’s… not something I want to picture,” Twilight said as she pulled off her glasses and set them down on the nearby stand, next to an empty soda can and her phone.

“Right. Sorry. Well, good night, Twilight,” Sunset said before closing her eyes.

“‘G’night, Sunset,” Twilight yawned before a gentle snoring soon reached Sunset’s ears.

“Good night, Verdant,” Sunset whispered. Hopefully we can all get a good night’s sleep.


Sunset awoke from a terrible night’s sleep. The sun was just barely starting to shine through her window. Her dreams were plagued by something she could barely remember. Something about something she ate expanding inside her and making her explode.

In her tired state, she wasn’t fully cognizant of the world around her as she dragged herself out of bed, ignoring Twilight sleeping on her couch. At this point, there were only two things on the young woman’s mind.

Her second priority would be to put on a fresh pot of coffee. Her first task, however, was to use the bathroom.

With a zombie-like shuffling, Sunset made her way into the bathroom. Pulling down her pajama bottoms and underwear, she sat herself down on her toilet. After a few moments, she started to feel relief as her bladder relaxed, followed soon by a bowel movement that left her feeling at least five pounds lighter.

With her morning ritual complete, she pulled up her pajamas and panties, lowered the toilet lid and hit the lever, making it flush.

Just as she started to stretch her arms, something clicked in her mind like a light switch and her eyes shot wide open. She scrambled to lift the lid and saw nothing but clear water.

It was then Sunset let out a bloodcurdling scream.

The sudden scream caused a thud to come from her living room, followed a few seconds by some rapid pounding on her bathroom door.

“Sunset, what’s going on?!” Twilight panickedly said from behind the bathroom door.

The orange young woman shakily swallowed as she continued to stare at the empty toilet bowl. “I… I think I just flu-”

Sunset was interrupted by her phone suddenly ringing. In her shaken state, Sunset quickly threw open the door and rushed past Twilight to reach the phone, gasping when she saw who was calling her.


Verdant was shocked awake by an ear-splitting scream that sent him scrambling to his feet. While initially unsure where he was, he remembered the previous day’s bizarre adventure and where he had gone to sleep inside Sunset’s large intestine.

Recognizing where he was and that the scream came from Sunset, the tired young man reached into his vest pocket to pull out his phone, calling Sunset as he started to put on his jacket.

After a few rings and sudden quakes all around him, Verdant heard the phone being picked up.


“Could you please not use a scream strong enough to shatter glass as a wake-up call?” The green teen asked as he slipped his vest over his jacket.

“Oh, thank Faust, you’re still inside me,” He heard Sunset say with a sigh of relief. From the other sounds in the background he could pick up, he guessed Sunset put him on speaker phone. “I’d thought I’d accidentally flushed you.”

“Well, thankfully, I’m still in your poop chute… Boy, I never thought I’d say that,” Verdant muttered as he stood up and started to stretch. “Based on what I’m seeing, I’m in the upper bend end of the large intestine, not too far from the downward bend that’ll take me to the colon.”

“Alright,” Sunset said, sounding calmer than she did a moment ago. “If it helps, the way should be mostly empty, based on what I just did.”

“That’s a bit of a relief,” the shrunken teen said as he reached the bend. Peering over the side, he saw what looked to him to be at least a fifty foot vertical drop. “Okay, think you could lay down so-WHOA!”

Verdant leaned too far and he fell down the fleshy tunnel. In a matter of seconds, the tumbling young man landed on his back at the bottom of the vertical shaft.

“Verdant, are you okay?!” Sunset shouted as he groaned before standing up.

“I’m alright. Just tripped, so you don’t have to lay down,” he answered as he stretched out once more. “At least that saved some time and I can see the final bend, so thankfully this means this crazy trip is almost over.”

With a walk that lasted a few minutes, Verdant soon reached the end of the intestine. Looking down, he saw Sunset Shimmer’s colon and the tight ring of flesh that was her anus.

“Okay. I’m at the bend and I can see Sunset’s butthole from here,” Verdant said he stared down, getting ready for his final descent.

“Could you please take a picture of it?” Twilight’s voice came through the phone.

“Twilight!” Sunset angrily barked.

“What? This is something exceedingly rare that would normally require something like a pill cam.” Twilight replied as she thought of the research potential of Verdant’s predicament. “If it was me in there, I would try to record every second for scientific study.”

“Ugh… Look, if it’ll make you happy, I’ll let him take the one photo, but you can’t tell a soul what it is,” Sunset sighed in annoyance.

“Thank you, Sunset!” Twilight nearly squealed with joy before the orange girl’s body shook, likely from her bespectacled friend pulling her into a hug.

“Alright, since you gave me the go ahead,” Verdant brought up his phone’s camera and took a quick shot of the tightly clenched orifice. A moment later, he sent it off to Twilight’s phone. “Okay, now that that’s done, I’m gonna head down to get to the hole. Be ready for it.”


“Copy that, we’ll be standing by,” Sunset said as she sat her phone down by the bathroom sink. “Once he’s out, he’ll be able to use my underwear as a safety net and then I’ll be able to pull him out so we can start to work on a way to unshrink him.”

“It’s a bit of a surprise to hear you don’t have a problem with him possibly seeing you… Well…” A faint blush appeared on Twilight’s face, finding herself unable to say the words.

Sunset merely scoffed. “Please, back when I lived in Equestria, seeing another pony’s butt and junk was pretty damn common. I honestly don’t think I could count the amount of times I’ve seen Princess Celestia’s pussy while she was walking ahead of me.”

Twilight’s face turned even redder. Thankfully for the glasses-wearing teen, Verdant’s voice broke the silence.

“Uh, ladies? I’ve got a problem,” Verdant sounded nervous as Sunset turned her attention to the phone.

“What’s up, Verdant?” Sunset asked in concern. She then heard the trapped teen sigh.

“Well, I’ve been trying to push my way through the hole but it just won’t budge in the slightest. I… I think I'm stuck.”

“Crap…” Sunset murmured as she brought a hand to her chin. “We’re so close to getting him out, but we need to find a way to open my anus. Any ideas, Twilight?”

“Um, well…” Twilight twiddled her fingers as her face turned red once more. “Perhaps one of the best options would be to penetrate it with something like a digit.”

Sunset groaned as she facepalmed. “You know your day’s gonna be bad when the best thing you can come up with is having a finger shoved up your ass. So, are yo-”

“Ohlookatthetime,IshouldgotakeSpikeforhiswalk.ByeSunset,I’llseeyoulater!” Twilight hurriedly said before rushing out of the bathroom.

“Twilight, wai-” Sunset was interrupted by her apartment door slamming shut, making the red-headed teen groan. “Well, can’t say I blame you for not volunteering.”

Taking a deep breath, Sunset raised her right hand up to her face with her index finger outstretched. “Hold on, Verdant. I’m gonna try to get you out.” She said before nervously biting her lip.


“Alright, standing by,” Verdant responded as he moved away from the orifice’s center, uncertain what would happen next as he set his phone to speaker mode.

A few seconds later, Sunset’s body shook as the anus started to bend upward and downward as he heard Sunset groaning. After it bent a few more times, the clenched orifice started to open up as the tip of an orange finger slowly entered the bowel.

“Okay, tell me when you’re on!” Sunset’s voice sounded higher pitched than normal as Verdant ran up to the fingertip.

The green teen grasped onto the finger, holding on tightly onto the finger’s grooves. “I’m on.”

“Okay, hold on tight.” Sunset said shortly before the finger began to sink downward.


As Sunset pulled her finger out of the back of her pajama bottoms, she felt a bit of relief as she brought her outstretched finger up to her face. Looking closely at her fingertip, she spotted a tiny speck of green.

“Right, now we just need to figure out how to get you back to norm-” Before she could finish speaking, the speck on her finger began to rapidly grow and expand. Sunset was sent tumbling to the bathroom floor where Verdant was rapidly restored to his normal size.

“Well, that takes care of-” Sunset paused as a disgusting scent assaulted her nose, forcing her to cover it. “Eww… You smell terrible.”

“Yeah. It’s almost like I was stuck up someone’s ass for several hours,” Verdant remarked as he shakily stood up. “Still, at least this is over.”

“Yeah,” Sunset said with her nose strongly covered. “I’ll let you use my bathroom and run your clothes through the wash while you take a shower so long as you never mention this to anyone who doesn’t already know about this.”

“Thanks, Sunset. And I swear, no one who’s out of the loop will know,” Verdant replied as Sunset stepped out of the bathroom and made her way out to the living room, where she saw Twilight nervously sticking her head in through the door.

“Um… Sorry about ditching you, but…”

“It’s okay, I get it,” Sunset said as she soon flopped down onto her couch. “I just want this day to be over already so I can forget about it.”

“Guess you could say it was a real pain in the butt, right?” Pinkie’s voice came from behind Twilight, making Sunset groan.

“Yes, Pinkie. It was.” Sunset sighed before she looked over to Twilight. “Is anyone else here?”

“Well… just the rest of the girls.” Twilight said as she bit her lip.

“Oh, Faust dammit!”


Several hours later, a now clean Verdant was standing outside Sunset’s apartment alongside her and Twilight. He had met with the girls’ friends and added them to his contacts in case something like this should ever happen again. With everything out of the way, all that was left was waiting for his mother to arrive to take him back to Vanhoover.

“Okay, so the B.S. story we’re giving her is that after a small fire accident ruined a flower display for the school’s Friendship in Bloom festival and because we didn’t have much money, bringing you in to help fix up the display was one of the best things we could do. Is that right?” Sunset asked as she tried to recall their cover while leaning against a wall.

“Yeah, and that your car broke down after we got here, so that's why my mom has to come here,” Verdant replied before sighing. “And hopefully, I never have to go through something like this again.”

Sunset snickered at what Verdant said. “You do realize you probably just jinxed yourself, considering your track record and how often magic stuff happens to us, right?”

“... Crap.”

“Well, at least you could say your trip was educational, right?” Twilight tried to optimistically say.

“Yeah, I learned so much.” Verdant rolled his eyes. “I learned I’m apparently acid proof, I learned what the inside of a colon smells like.” And I learned that Sunset’s hair’s naturally red and yellow, but I’m not dumb enough to say that out loud.

“At any rate, I hope you have a better time in Canterlot if you end up here again,” Twilight said.

“Thanks, Twilight. And honestly, it could have been a lot worse,” Verdant said before the honking of a car horn caught his attention.

Looking down the road, he saw his family’s forest green mini-van driving up to the three, making Verdant wave to the driver.

After the van came to a halt, a woman nearly the same height as Verdant emerged from the driver’s side. Her skin was a similar shade of green as his while her light brown hair was in a short bob. Her ensemble consisted of a short yellow skirt, a white blouse under a green blazer jacket and a bowtie around her neck that matched Verdant’s coat.

“Hi, dear,” Emerald said as she walked up to Verdant and gave him a quick hug that he warmly returned. “How was your time in Canterlot?”

“Hectic, but I had some fun in the end,” Verdant replied as he broke the hug. “Mom, you remember Twilight from her visiting Barrier. And this is her friend, Sunset Shimmer. Twilight, Sunset, this is my mother, Emerald Shine.”

“Aw, pleased to meet you both. You seem like lovely young ladies,” Emerald said as grabbed a hand from each of them and shook them.

“Nice to meet you, Ma’am.” Sunset said with a smile as before she and Twilight took their hands away.

“Verdant was a real lifesaver. We couldn’t have finished the display for the Friendship in Bloom festival without him,” Twilight said, rather glad she wasn’t Applejack trying to sell the lie.

“Oh, that’s simply wonderful! Did you take any photos so I could see my son’s handiwork?” She asked, making Twilight stiffen and Verdant bite his lip.

“Unfortunately, Principal Celestia had us all agree to an N.D.A.. We weren’t allowed to take any photos or discuss how the display looks publicly until it’s displayed at the festival,” Sunset said, making Verdant silently sigh in relief and mouth the words, ‘Thank you’.

“Oh, well that’s a pity. Say, might I ask where you stayed overnight?” Emerald asked as she looked her son in the eye.

“All three of us spent the night at my place, Ma’am,” Sunset said as she used her thumb to point behind her. “It was a bit of a tight fit, but we managed to fit three people for the night.”

“Oh, really?” Emerald coyly chuckled before lightly poking her son in the ribs in the elbow. “Well I hope you didn’t do anything that’ll lead to the pitter patter of little feet.”

“No, he didn’t, Ma’am. He was in Sunset’s butt,” Twilight said before instantly covering her much with her hands and turning bright crimson.

“TWILIGHT!” Sunset barked as she glared at her friend, her face quickly turning as red as her hair while Verdant buried his head in his hands.

Emerald snorted before she soon broke down laughing, hobbling over to the van and banging her hand against the hood as she couldn’t stop her laughter.

“What were you thinking?!” Sunset harshly whispered to her bespectacled friend.

“I’m sorry!” She whispered back. “I just blurted it out by accident and I didn’t realize what it could sound like until right after I said it.”

After a minute or so, Emerald managed to rein herself in enough to merely be chuckling while she leaned against the van.

“Well, you certainly had an…” Emerald snickered before continuing. “Adventurous weekend. Now, come along, Verdant. Jaylin said she wants to get you a pizza when you get home and…”

Emerald smirked as she looked Twilight and Sunset up and down. “I can certainly see why.”

“I’m really sorry about this,” Verdant said in embarrassment as he moved up to the van’s passenger door.

“It’s okay,” Sunset sighed. “Let’s just… I dunno, pretend this whole thing never happened.”

“Yeah, let’s,” Verdant said as he stepped into the van, waving the two girls goodbye as they waved back.

A few seconds later, the van roared to life as Emerald started to drive the two of them back to Vanhoover.

“My, oh, my.” Emerald lightly elbowed Verdant’s side as they drove along. “I never would have imagined my son was such a lady killer.”

“Mom, it’s not like that,” Verdant's face turned red once more as he looked away from her.

Suuuuuuuuurre, it wasn’t,” Emerald chuckled as she tapped her fingers against the steering wheel. “Your father only wishes he had your kind of love life in high school.”


“Oh, by the way, you should give Jaylin a call,” Emerald said as they soon reached the highway. “She sounded rather concerned when she talked to me last night.”

“Right. I should give her a call,” Verdant replied as he pulled out his phone. She’s probably wondering what happened since the last time she heard from me, I was in Sunset’s stomach after all.

“Set it to speaker, I’d like to be able to talk to her too,” Emerald said as Verdant scrolled through his contacts.

“On it,” Verdant responded as his phone dialed Jaylin. After two rings, he heard it being picked up. “Hey, Jaylin.”

“Hey, Verdant. How was your time with the two girls you were inside?” Jaylin coyly asked, making Emerald erupt into another laughing fit.

“Oh, dammit,” Verdant muttered to himself as spotted a sign on the highway, saying that Vanhoover was over two-hundred kilometers away. “This is going to be a long trip.”


As Friday afternoon came, Sunset stepped into her apartment with a sigh of relief. With her school tasks done and no shifts to worry about at work, she could just relax and forget about the previous weekend.

She soon made her way to her couch and started to sort through the letters she’d taken from the mailbox and began sorting them. While most were junk, one stood out to her. It was a letter from Vanhoover that said it was from a business called Pretty Petals Flower Shop.

With a raised eyebrow, she tore open the envelope, where she found an invoice and a letter inside. Glancing over the invoice, she was stunned by the amount she was being charged.

“Three-hundred fifty…” She angrily exclaimed before halting to read over the letter that came with it.

Dear Sunset Shimmer.

Included in this letter is an invoice to pay for the flowers your horse ate. If you wish to arrange for an installment plan, please contact me using either the phone number or email address included below.

~Cosmos LeBlanc, Proprietress of Pretty Petals

Sunset’s right eye furiously twitched as she looked over the letter and invoice once more before she let out a loud skyward scream.


A Dragon's Digestion Distress

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As the warm summer sun beamed down on the seaside city of Vanhoover, the earth pony known as Verdant Range was happily walking along, enjoying the beautiful weather as he trotted towards the grocery store, hoping to get a great deal on hay-bacon strips.

“Verdant!” the familiar voice of High Gear rang out, making the stallion halt and sigh. Turning around to face the running mare, he saw the hornless unicorn skidding to a halt.

“And I was hoping I wouldn’t need to be eaten again after that whole Pony Ranger thing we did,” Verdant muttered as he faced High Gear.

“What makes you think what brings me here requires you getting eaten?” The bespectacled mare only received a flat look and silence from the white-muzzled earth pony. “...Alright, it is.”

“Of course,” Verdant rolled his eyes as he came up to the mare’s side. “So, what’s the issue this time?”

“Well, the dragon lord, Ember, is in town for a diplomatic visit, but it seems the minerals and gems have caused a potentially dangerous case of constipation,” High Gear’s words made the shamrock stallion wince as he hated nearly every word she said.

“Is there seriously no other way to clear this? Like, irrigate her colon, or give her a laxative, or operate on her to get it out?” Verdant felt a shiver run down his spine as High Gear shook her head side-to-side.

“No dice. Irrigation didn’t work, the laxative didn’t work, and we don’t have surgical implements that can penetrate a dragon’s scales.” High Gear tiredly rubbed the bridge of her snout as the two trotted along. “Basically, the waste has formed a solid rock that refuses to budge.”

“Can’t you get Beta to break it up?” Verdant asked, tilting his head quizzically.

“One, her regular sized body’s not done being replaced. Two, nanotechnology’s not my field of expertise. Thirdly, there’s no way I could fit her brain into something that small, even if somepony else built it.” High Gear sounded nearly exasperated in her explanation.

“Don’t you have some sort of gizmo that could break it up with soundwaves or something?” Verdant asked nearly pleadingly, as if holding out hope for any chance to avoid getting eaten again.

“No. Al says that Ziggy’s analysis says that would end up killing her,” High Gear answered.

Verdant’s right eyebrow rose in surprise. “Al? Ziggy? What are you talking about?”

“Uh, he’s a scientist working on a project and Ziggy’s… Um, a zebra! Yeah. Either way, they would know what they’re talking about, so we can’t use it,” High Gear said somewhat nervously. “Fortunately, I’ve got something that should help you with this.”

“And what would that be?” Verdant asked as the bespectacled mare reached into her saddlebags and pulled out what looked to be a skintight white bodysuit with a blue visor, green lower hind legs, bands on the forelegs and a collar on the neck.. “Is that another Pony Ranger thing you made?”

“No. This is a suit that I’ve been working on. Using the analysis of your past teleportations, I’ve made this prototype suit that should shrink you down while allowing you to retain your earth pony strength,” High Gear replied as she tossed the suit to the earth pony. “Once the suit’s on, twist the right foreleg cuff to the right to start shrinking down. It also has a two-way communication system so we can keep in contact.”

“Uh, and how do I get back to normal size?” Verdant asked as he looked over the body suit.

“I’ll save that for after you’re out,” High Gear said before nudging the earth pony. “I don’t want to have something like Ant-Mare vs. Nightmare Moon or The Colts happening to the dragon lord, now get in the suit so we can get to the hospital.”

“Alright, alright, yeesh,” Verdant replied before taking off his vest and starting to slip into the suit. After nearly a minute of struggling, he’d managed to get the tight bodysuit perfectly into place.

“Perfect, now shrink down so I can take you to the hospital quicker,” Gear said as she pulled out a bottle filled with what Verdant hoped was apple juice.

“Uh, what’s the juice bottle f-”

“Just do it! Time’s of the essence!” High Gear barked at the shamrock stallion, making him stumble back.

“Alright, I’m doing it!” Verdant quickly responded as he twisted the right foreleg cuff. In a matter of seconds, the world around him turned colossal. Soon, he saw the juice bottle was now at least twice as big as his house while High Gear looked like a fuzzy kaiju.

LET’S HURRY UP! High Gear barked as she twisted the cap off the bottle before picking up the shrunken stallion and dumping him into the sweet drink.

Verdant was disoriented by High Gear’s quick movements, made worse by her shoving the bottle into her saddlebags and darting off.

“Can you hear me, Verdant?” The minuscule mammal heard the mare’s voice in his ear as he tried to keep his lunch down. “I’ve set up a two-way communication system in your suit, along with an oxygen recycler so you’ve got plenty of breathable air. Can you hear me?”

“Yeah, I hear you, but could you please slow down?” Verdant asked as he was tossed about in the juice.

“No time, we need to get to the hospital as soon as possible!” High Gear sounded very winded. “Now, hold on. We’ll be at the hospital shortly.”


Within a sparkly clean doctor’s office, an alabaster unicorn with a short orange mane adjusted her violet glasses as she looked over a medical chart while the dragon lord sat on her examination table with a mix of discomfort and impatience. Over by the door, Pixel Flash was nervously pacing about, wondering what was taking High Gear so long.

“I hope your High Gear friend arrives soon, Twilight,” Ember said as she rubbed her sore belly. “This has to be the most undignified reason to be hospitalized.”

Pix slapped a hoof against her own forehead before sighing and glaring at the dragoness. “I keep telling you, my name’s Pixel Flash! I’m not Twilight Sparkle!”

“Sorry, I’m terrible when it comes to telling purple ponies-” Ember was interrupted by High Gear bursting into the room, skidding to a halt and huffing as she sat on the linoleum floor.

“Ah, perfect timing, Doctor,” the white-coated mare said as she stepped up to the puffing mare’s side. “My name’s Dr. Rainbow Remedy and I’m rather interested in seeing what this sonic disruptor of yours can do to this blockage.”

“Not… an option…” High Gear slowly rose off the floor as she tried to catch her breath. “I’ve got… something else…” The blue mare weakly reached into her saddlebags and proffered a bottle of apple juice to the dragoness.

“You’re going to clear my bowels with… a bottle of apple juice?” Ember tilted her head in disbelief. “The laxative and several bottles of water I took earlier just left me feeling even more bloated, to say nothing of my intestines being unable to absorb the liquid. And now you want me to drink even more?”

“Trust me, this will really help,” High Gear said as Ember took the bottle from her grasp. “This isn’t just some ordinary apple juice.”

“Hmm… Very well,” Ember rolled her eyes before she stabbed a talon into the bottle cap to pry it off before opening her jaws wide.


Verdant was feeling extremely sick to his stomach as Ember picked up the bottle, thanks to High Gear’s running as fast as she could carry him. The shamrock stallion didn’t even have time to get his bearings as he saw the dragon’s digit penetrate the bottle cap, making him fear the massive claw would crash straight into him.

Less than a second after piercing the cap, the claw shot back upward, tearing the cap off the bottle like a tornado ripping the roof off a building.

“Holy shit!” Verdant exclaimed just as the bottle was quickly tilted, sending the lake’s worth of juice pouring into the dragon’s razor sharp, fang filled maw with him following quickly behind it.

Despite having been swallowed so many times, Verdant still felt sheer terror run through him as he saw himself drifting towards one of her sharper-than-a-sword fangs, only to be knocked away by a sudden movement from her tongue that sent him flying towards the back of her throat.

Verdant bounced against the uvula before smacking into the back of the dragoness’ throat, falling into the raging current of the apple juice before she swallowed him down. As he descended into the dragon’s innards, the shrunken stallion felt a heat far greater than what he was accustomed to feeling inside someone’s body.

After a few moments, Verdant and the apple juice waterfall dropped into the dragoness stomach. The drop was short thanks to the gastric chamber being nearly full of liquid.

“Okay, maybe it’s a good thing Gear gave me this scuba suit,” Verdant muttered to himself as he gazed around the flooded chamber. It was as if the entire chamber was a massive pool to help deep divers practice.

“Verdant, can you hear me?” The emerald earth pony heard High Gear’s whispering voice in his ear. “Have you safely made it into her stomach?”

“Yeah, I’ve made it here without any real issues,” Verdant replied as he looked around the stomach, spotting the valve that would lead to the intestines before he started to swim downward.

“Good. Make your way down to the blockage and start pounding it to smaller pieces. Once it’s all broken up, the liquids Ember’s ingested and her natural bodily functions should be able to push it out,” Gear whispered once more.

“DOCTOR,” the dragoness’ voice boomed out, just as Verdant reached the valve near the flooded chamber’s bottom. “WHAT ARE YOU MUTTERING ABOUT?”


“Doctor, what are you muttering about?” Ember asked from her spot on the examination table.

“Oh, nothing. I was just going over what the juice should do to help with clearing the blockage,” High Gear stated somewhat nervously as she turned about to face the dragon lord. “Basically, the slight acidity of the juice, along with your body’s natural digestive processes, should be able to clear the problem up soon.”

“How long will it take for this to finally be over?” Ember asked before sighing. “And anything else I’ll need to do once this is done?”

“Well, we’ll need to analyze the cleared blockage once it’s out, so we’ll need you to… well, defecate into a container instead of a toilet,” High Gear answered as she rubbed the back of her neck.

“In other words, I have to shit in a bucket.” Ember rolled her eyes before she slid off the exam table. “Will I at least have some privacy?”

“Of course. We’ll provide you with not only a container, but also a bathroom so no one will be watching,” Gear replied before Pix put a hoof on her shoulder and started to pull her away. “Oh, if you’ll excuse us for a moment?”

Once High Gear and Pixel Flash were out of the office and the door was closed behind them, Pix’s right eye twitched as she looked the now nervous High Gear in the eyes.

“Gear, what’s going on? Why aren’t you using that sonic disruptor to break up the blockage? You said when you were heading to the lab that you’d get it to take care of this problem lickity-split,” Pix took two steps closer to the hornless mare, backing her against the wall.

“Well, I did some reassessment of the situation and I figured it would be too dangerous to use. The risk of causing damage to her internal organs would be far too high,” High Gear stated as she wiped some of the sweat from her brow.

“So instead of using the disruptor, you’re using Verdant?” Pix asked in a harsh whisper as she leaned in closer to the bespectacled unicorn.

“Wait, how’d you know I sent Verdant into her?” High Gear asked, tilting her head in surprise.

“Because this involves you and a digestive tract, so of course Verdant’s involved!” Pix replied. “Heck, him not being involved would honestly be surprising.”

“Look, it was just too dangerous to use the sonic disruptor. It would just be so much safer to have Verdant break up the blockage, save Ember’s life, and then I can leap outta here,” High Gear whispered back in exasperation.

“Wait, what?” Now it was Pixel Flash’s turn to tilt her head in confusion. “Leap? What are you talking about?”

“Nothing, nothing,” High Gear muttered before rubbing the bridge of her snout. “What matters is Verdant’s the best bet we have. We just need to let him get to the blockage and clear it.”

With a tired sigh, leaned against the wall. “When did our lives get so weird? Remember when I used to work on designing arcade games and you were building engines and robots?”

“C’mon, Pix,” Gear said as she placed a foreleg on her shoulder and started to lead her away. “Let’s hit up the cafeteria. I figure it’s gonna be a while.”


Within the bowels of the dragoness, Verdant swam about through the flooded intestines. The slow pace of his swimming allowed the shrunken stallion to take in the sight of Ember’s villi wriggling about. The movements of the digestive tendrils were almost mesmerizing, though he was seeking anything to distract from the intense heat.

Are all dragons like this on the inside? Is it because they’re able to breathe fire? He pondered as he wandered, going deeper and deeper.

After nearly twenty minutes, Verdant came upon something besides the similar looking fleshy tunnels. It appeared to be a dark stone mass that filled up the entirety of the tunnel.

“Hey, Gear. Do you read me?” The shamrock stallion asked as he reached the rocky mass. “I’ve arrived at the blockage.”

“Good job!” Verdant heard High Gear speaking in between what sounded like her taking bites of a sandwich. “Now, the first thing is to start punching through the blockage and tunnel through until you reach the other end. After that, you burrow back through with another section the other way. This should help accelerate the erosion of the blockage and hopefully the pressure should help force it through.”

“Copy that. Make a turd tunnel, repeat as necessary. Will call back after I’ve done the first one.” Taking a breath to steady himself, Verdant jabbed a foreleg at the rocky blockage. When his hoof hit the stone surface, the rock started to crack with small chunks breaking off and starting to dissolve.

With another strike, the chunks started to break off and fall away into the mixture of digestive and apple juices. Verdant soon had started to make a tunnel in the center of the stone, knocking the smaller stones into the juice.

As he worked through the dark stone passage, he was beginning to ponder if he’d somehow wandered off his intended path and was going either higher, lower, or heading towards the intestinal wall.

His muscles were starting to feel sore when, as he pulled his hoof away from the freshly struck tunnel wall, he felt a light pulling towards the wall and spotted a small amount of light coming through. With another few strikes, a chunk of wall broke away, causing him and a torrent of liquid to pour into a drier, empty section of the intestine.

“Good news, Doc!” The small stallion exclaimed as he skidded to a halt and turned his attention back to the punctured wall, where he saw not only juices pouring into the dry area, but more pieces of the rock were breaking off and landing on the other side. “I’ve got a tunnel bored through and I’m about to try to make a second.”

“Excellent,” High Gear’s voice rang in his ear as he started towards the wall. “Are more pieces of it breaking off?”

“Yep. I saw and still see more bits eroding off,” Verdant replied before he began to punch the stone wall once more. “Hopefully I’ll get this next one done in about a half hour or so.”

“Best of luck with the turd, Verd,” High Gear’s comment made Verdant roll his eyes as he continued to chip away at the blockage.

After nearly ten minutes of smacking his hooves against the intestinal clog, he was feeling very sore. He was starting to wonder if his hooves were beginning to bleed from how much they ached. The only thing that could provide some distraction were the sounds of Ember’s digestive tract and the sound of liquids rushing above him.

Not much later, one of his blows caused liquid to start pouring in through a crack that quickly started to expand. The shrunken stallion barely had time to turn around when the cracked wall burst, sending him and a collection of broken off stones to be carried away with a raging torrent into the clear portion of the intestine.

Disoriented, Verdant rose back to his hooves and tried to shake off what liquid he could from his suit.

“Got the second tunnel finished and I’m about to start working on the third,” Verdant said into the comm system as he rubbed one of his sore forelegs.

“Great job, Verdant,” he heard High Gear answer back. “We’re gonna have Ember drinking more water to try to speed up the process. Keep on going.”

“Roger that, but I’d better get overtime and a sandwich point for this,” Verdant shot back as he slowly trudged along, coming back up to the blockage once more.


In the doctor’s office, Ember let out a sizable belch after she’d emptied a water cooler bottle, letting it fall to the floor. “Doctor, I’m starting to wonder if you’re trying to give me a case of water poisoning.”

“Trust me, Your Lordship,” High Gear reassuringly said. “This will help you clear that blockage or my name’s not Dr. Jam Packet, er, I mean High Gear.” The sky blue mare began to have a cold sweat cascading down from her forehead.

“That’s not a reassuring slip, Doctaaah!” Ember winced as she grabbed her swollen belly.

“What’s wrong?!” Pix nearly screeched as she could hear a sloshing sound coming from the dragoness.

“Doc, it’s heading out! Now!” Gear heard Verdant screamed from the other end of the comm as Ember hopped off the exam table.

“Bathroom, now!” Ember barked, making Pix quickly shove a plastic container into Ember’s claws before she rushed out of the room.

“This is not gonna be pretty,” High Gear muttered as she heard a door slam shut.


Within the dragoness’ innards, Verdant gave the blockage wall a hard buck, not wanting to harm his forelegs any more than they already were.

The strike smashed through the wall, leading a raging river to crash into the shamrock stallion, sending him hurtling back into the cleared section of the intestine.

Hopefully I’ll be done soon. Verdant felt weak as he got back onto his hooves. Wishing to take a break, he leaned up against Ember’s intestinal wall when he started to hear a loud cracking noise.

“Uh-oh…” Looking ahead, he saw that the rocky blockage had large fissures spreading over it with water starting to spray through the gaps.

Terrified about what was to come, Verdant pulled an about face and started to hobble along with what little strength he could still muster.

It was for naught as soon the intestinal dam burst, the pieces all shattering with the force of the water that sent them further through her with Verdant caught along in the raging tsunami.

“Doc, it’s heading out! Now!” Verdant screamed, hoping he’d survive the torrential river and rocky chunklets that were smashing into one another.

Despite the dizzying speed, Verdant could still see that he’d exited the small intestine and was now being shot through the large.

In less than a minute, the rushing waters made its way through the digestive tract and started to fill the dragoness’ cloaca. The amount of liquid was so great, Verdant was sent upwards into Ember’s reproductive tract. He repeatedly smacked into the oviduct walls and even caught a glimpse of her ovaries.

It was then the waters started to drain away, forcing the sore and shrunken stallion to give chase after the receding liquid. While he was in a good deal of pain, he figured he’d be in for a world more pain if he stayed in the sex organs of the dragon lord.

Pushing himself as hard as he could, ignoring the fiery agony in his legs, he chased after the water that was outspeeding him. Soon he reached a bend in Ember that went straight downward. Mustering up the last ounce of strength he could, Verdant leapt and freely fell, letting gravity pull him along like a shooting star.

From his fall, Verdant witnessed the last of the water and stone fragments fall into a plastic container that would have to act as his landing pad.

Turning about in his fall, Verdant took one last glimpse of Ember’s internals before he fell out of what his friend Hat Trick would likely describe as a “weird lizzer hole” before he saw it clench shut and he splashed down into the container.

“AHH… MUCH BETTER.” The dragoness sighed in relief before she rose from her titanic squatting position and walked away. “THANK YOU, DOCTORS. I’M FEELING MUCH BETTER NOW.”

A few moments after the dragon lord left, Verdant soon saw High Gear and Pixel Flash approaching and staring into the container of draconic waste.


“ALL CLEAR, VERDANT. YOU CAN CHANGE BACK,” High Gear tried to whisper, but her words were still like thunder to the tiny pony. “JUST TWIST THE RIGHT FORELEG CUFF BACK AND YOU’LL BE BACK TO NORMAL.”

Acting quickly on the doctor’s words, Verdant twisted the cuff and he rapidly expanded, sending a wave of waste water out towards the two mares. High Gear and Pixel Flash quickly leapt back to avoid getting splashed.

“You did a great job today, Verdant. We were safely able to clear Ember’s blockage. Who knows what could have happened if we failed,” High Gear said before she started to cover her snout.

“Frankly, I’m just glad it’s over, that Ember’s safe, and that I’ve gotten one point closer to getting another sandwich,” Verdant said as he stepped out of the container. “Now let's get me hosed down and out of this suit.”

“Right,” a wide smile graced her lips as she started to walk away. “One step closer to a sandwich…”

To the perspective of High Gear and her alone, her body began to brightly glow blue as a familiar sensation fell over her.

“And hopefully, one leap closer to home.”