
by Sawtoothetherium

First published

Luna has a dark secret history.

Luna has been back in equestria for almost fifteen years and has adopted a modern speech pattern as well as gotten used to everything that has changed. Still she hides something, something terrible. She goes to the place this secret is kept to prevent its escape, Twilight and company follow her. They aren’t prepared for what they see.

Sex is only minor.

I sense something

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Twilight read through the books fast, she was finally onto something, something big. She continued to read old legends and myths along with geological locations and linguistic translations. She was getting close, she could feel it. She slowly narrowed down the place to one area in the north. That was when Rainbow dash came in.

“Hey Twilight,” She said, “Applejack asked for help at the farm, I came to get you.”

“I’ll be there in a minute.” Twilight replied.

“What are you doing,” Rainbow asked.

“I believe I may have found an excavation site.” She said. “One that we should open.”

“Okay, so after we’re done at the farm we’ll pack.” Rainbow said, “Where are we off to?”

“The far north.”

Twilight continued to explain while she and Rainbow went to sweet apple acres to assist with the harvest. She also told her friends about this and decided to get spike involved. So it was agreed that when the harvest was complete they would go north to the place Twilight had told them about.

Luna sat four feet above the floor of her chambers and meditated on the near future, she had felt that there was a weakening in magic up north, to a place she knew well. She continued to meditate on what was happening soon, she saw the tomb that contained an evil she had defeated long ago, and evil that would soon escape. She opened her eyes and emmediately went to the closet that contained the small amount of clothing she owned. She went to the back of it and pulled out her black robes and belt over it. She put on the robes and attached a cylindrical piece of metal to her belt, at the end of the sleeves and pant legs were strips of cloth that held the actual clothing close to her.

Luna left the room to the balcony and took off in a hurry, my master must not be allowed freedom, he must not escape, he would only cause more pain.

So she sped across the nation to the location that she left to defend.

Twilight and company trotted to the place on the map after landing the hot air balloon that carried them there, they stopped when the saw Luna approaching the cave they had intended to enter ahead of them. She wore strange black clothing and her crown regalia and shoes were gone. They weren’t sure what she was doing her but intended to find out, they followed her silently. When they reached the back of the cave they saw luna facing a smooth black wall covered in runes that glowed an angry red.

They stopped and watched Luna go into the meditative position and float four feet above the ground, soon the wall opened into a hallway that resembled the wall they had seen moments before. Luna stepped down from her floating position and walked down the hallway with a determined look in her eye. Twilight and company followed, twilight felt a heavy tingling in her horn, magical disturbance. Spike shook with uncertainty while Fluttershy simply hid.

Luna rounded a corner and they soon followed, to see her looking right at them. They jumped back a few inches in fright.

“What are you doing here?” Luna demanded.

“We could ask the same thing of you.” Rainbow said back.

“I am here on business of my own,” Luna said, “It is best if it remains that.”

“We learned of this place through twilight,” Spike said.

“You need to leave,” She said, “It isn’t safe for you here.”

Just as she said it she heard a thud, the door had closed. She sighed then turned and continued down the hallway into a large chamber. It was the size of a cathedral in all ways, along the wall were pedestals upon which were mounted small pyramids that glowed red with black markings on them. Recognition flashed through Lunas eyes, Twilight grew suspicious.

“Get back,” Luna said with a hint of panic in her voice.

That was enough, the group turned to leave but found that another door closed the hallway off. They turned back around to see a biped figure in a black, sleeved cloak. In its hand it had a cylinder of metal, from which a red blade shot out. Luna pulled out her own lightsaber and activated it, her blade was red too, but looked as though to be made of red lightning.

The six ponies and one dragon began to back away. Luna sensed but didn’t see the red pyramids opening, their tips floating above the top where they rested. From them came more hooded figures, identical to the first one. They activated lightsabers of their own and surrounded luna.

“Ah, my apprentice,” The first said, “It has been so long.”

“I wish it were longer,” Luna said, “How are you here Amot?”

“You should know darth,” He replied, “that it takes more than a tomb to hold a Sith.”

“Let’s test that theory a second time now shall we?” Luna said.

Luna emmediately shot a torrent of sith lightning from her horn, The Sith Lord Amot did the same from the fingers of his left hand, matching Lunas intensity with ease. Amot laughed at her amused, he hadn’t expected her to attack so quickly. Luna grew angry, her lightning intensified with her anger.

“Yes, Yes, I can feel you anger, your hatred.” Amot said, “Use It! Strike me down and take my place as master of The Sith.”

Luna faltered, the Sith Lord Amot took advantage of this and pushed Lunas lightning back and hit her with it. Luna screamed but refused to go down, she countered with a force shockwave that pushed everyone back. She charged at her former master with her lightsaber and attempted to remove his head. He blocked her strike and sent her flying back against the far wall with a force push, once she made contact she was caught in a force choke. Twilight and the rest had managed to escape somehow, she felt it. She slipped into unconsciousness.


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The Jedi temple on Corocant was silent that night, until it wasn’t. All at once every Jedi in the temple and out sat bolt upright from sleep, even the younglings sensed something strong. The council gathered to discuss the matter, this wasn’t anything to do with the sith as far as they knew. A 175 year old master Yoda came into the council chamber that was already deep in consideration.

“There hasn’t been a disturbance like this in a millennium,” One Jedi said, “It must be investigated.”

“I agree,” Another said, “But we can only spare a couple of Jedi to go.”

“I believe it came from an uncharted sector of the galaxy,” The first Jedi said, “If that is where it came from who we send must be vigilant.”

“And send an investigation we will,” Jedi master Yoda said, “Who can we spare?”

“Master,” Raca’rin asked over the comm, “What system is this?”

“An uncharted one,” Jorax awnsered, “Every Jedi in the temple and out sensed the disturbance in the force. From across the galaxy no less, it has to have been something big.”

“Of course,” Raca’rin said, “We are approaching the system now, the planet seems to have several signs of life but little to no signs of advanced technology.”

“Well we should speak with the natives and establish friendly contact,” Jorax told him, “The more friendly they are the easier this will be, and may lead to further negotiations between them and the republic.”

“I wonder if they speak the same language we do.”

“Approaching the planet now.”

They entered the atmosphere of the planet and landed on the side of a mountain, where they saw a shining white city. They landed and saw a group of quadrapeds approach them, they were obviously intelligent as they wore armor and carried spears. The two Jedi exited their craft and approached the horses and bowed.

“Greetings,” Said the one in the middle.

She was a tall white horse with a unicorns horn and wings.

“Hello, I am Jedi Master Jorax, this is my Padawan learner Racar’rin, we wish we could be a bit more conversational but I am afraid we are here on a matter of great urgency...”

“Princess Celestia!”

They turned to see a Pegasus mare with a rainbow mane, “Princess Celestia, you must come, you sister is in trouble. Some strange creatures with glowing swords attacked her, and now hold her captive.”

“What did their swords look like,” Racar’rin asked.

“I cant really describe them well.”

“Did they look like this,” He said pulling out his lightsaber.

The mare nodded. “I can show you where, Twilight and the others are already there waiting for you.”

So the Jedi got into their ships and flew after the mare and Celestia followed suit. They came to a cave far north and entered, they saw five ponies and a small reptilian creature sitting there waiting. They looked at the back of the cave and saw that they broke through the door to a Sith tomb.

Both Jedi crept in and Celestia followed. They peered around the corner, and weren’t prepared for what they saw.

Luna awoke to being dragged up a set of stone stairs to a raised Dias. She began to struggle against the two Sith Lords dragging her by her forehooves and shoulders. She continued to struggle against them to no avail. They dragged her to the front of the Dias, it was about seven to eight feet above the floor where all one hundred thousand Sith Lords knelt facing the Dias.

When Luna saw what waited at the front of the Dias she struggled all the harder, there was her lightsaber laying lengthways in front of the one holocron that remained closed. The two Sith Lords that held her forced her to lean over the holocron but slightly behind it. Fear of great intensity reached Lunas heart when she realized what they were doing.

“Recognize it do you,” Amot taunted, “You made this holocron when your training was completed and you were taken as my personal apprentice.”

The top of the holocron began to rise, and a red ethereal essence crept up to luna from the top of the holocron. She bagan to struggle more violently.

“You filled this holocron to the point where it nearly burst with all the knowledge, anger and hatred you stored in it.” Amot said, “And now that same knowledge and anger will bring you back to us. You will be welcomed amongst the Sith once more.”

Luna couldn’t respond as the red essence began to absorb into her from all sides, it kept going for ten straight minutes thanks to all the knowledge of the Sith way she had stored in their coupled with the anger and hatred she had put in it. Starting by her eyes, red marks like that of a tigers stripes began to grow along her body. Only her head, neck, hooves, horn and wings showed this as to her Sith robes that she had adorned before coming to reseal the prison of her former master.

Anger, Hatred, Knowledge, these things were what filled her when the holocron gave her all it had to give. No, not the holocron, her holocron. She felt angry, she knew why, but not at anything, just angry. Hatred, that was the second thing that filled her heart and dwarfed the amount of anger in it, what she hated she did not know, she was just filled with hatred. And the last thing that came to her was knowledge, Sith knowledge, how to fight like a Sith with both saber and the force. The force powers she had stored knowledge of in her holocron came flooding back to her, she knew more than master Yoda could ever hope to.

The two Sith released her and she stood with a look of absolute hatred in her eyes, she used the force to take her lightsaber back and put her holocron in the folds of her robes. She looked at the back of the chamber, directly at the Jedi.

“You sense them too,” Amot said, “Good. Kill them.”

Luna responded by activating her lightsaber, and flying to the back of the room at the Jedi.


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Rage, pure unbridled rage, thats what drove Luna now. She fought it yes, but she cant win, not emmediately. She flew at the Jedi and her sister with her lightsaber crackling with the intensity of her own anger. The two Jedi barely had time to draw their lightsabers before Luna struck at them. Her speed was nearly unmatched to the point the Jedi could barely defend themselves, up, down, side, diagonal, across, pommel, head, feet, thrust. Both Jedi used the force to throw her back, and she responded with a maelstrom of Sith lightning. Celestia conjured a shield of magic, it shattered instantly on contact.

Luna seized the Jedi master with a force choke and snapped his neck, without effort. She used the force to grab the dead Jedis lightsaber and strike at the apprentice from behind. He ran and so did Celestia, down the corridor and collapsing the tunnel behind them to ensure their escape, only it didn’t work, Luna was too fast.

Luna followed them into the cave, and struck at the Padawan again. Celestia had managed to grab the masters lightsaber from the Cathedral, and blocked Lunas strike. Luna looked at her and hesitated, Celestia was on the verge of tears.

“L-Luna?” She choked.

Something sparked in her, Luna felt something float to the surface of the ocean of anger in her heart. Luna deactivated her lightsaber and backed away, the red markings on her coat began to recede and she clutched her head overwhelmed by the emotions combating in her heart. Celestia dropped the lightsaber and embraced her younger sister who began to shake in her hold.

Racar’rin rose and beckoned the others out and followed. Lunas breathing was ragged and heavy, as though she just woke up from being possessed, which actually happened. Celestia squeezed her sister closer and felt a tear run down her cheek.
Luna soon passed out and Celestia lay her on the ground.

Luna opened her eyes a bit more in control than when the Sith opened her holocron. She saw a crackling fire with her sister, the Jedi Padawan, Twilight and her friends, and about six guards nine feet from where she lay. She looked herself over and found her still in her sith robes but her lightsaber and holocron gone along with her hooves bound together with iron shackles.

She smiled at that, she knew how dangerous she was and honestly probably would have demanded she be locked away herself if she didn’t wake up in shackles. She stayed still and decided to listen to the conversation at the fire.

“She isn’t evil.” Celestia said.

“I know princess,” The Jedi said back, “But she is still dangerous. You saw what happened in there, she killed my master and nearly killed me, and both of us being experienced Jedi. Never before had I felt such anger emanate from one Sith, it overwhelmed my senses. I think she should be taken to the Jedi council, it was obvious that she was fighting it, they can help her, and they will.”

“I wont allow my sister to be taken to some foreign court to be judged for a crime that she did not willingly commit!”

“I never said she would be judged, I said she would be helped. Most of the anger and hatred in her has receded back to the holocron, but the knowledge she has she will always have. I can only guess that she was raised as a Sith, after all Sith are trained from the age of three or four, and are considered full Sith at the age of twenty. So she has to have been raised a Sith.”

“If my sister is going to a foreign world I am going with her.”

“Cadence and I can govern the nation in your stead.” Twilight said.

“How long will we be gone?” Celestia asked the Jedi.

“About a week.”

“Good, I can charge the Sun and Moon with enough magic to keep the cycle going on its own for a month, just in case of delays.”

“Good thinking,” The Jedi said standing, “I will contact the council and request a schooner ship be sent. I am afraid we wil have to keep your sister detained.”

“She had best be treated fairly.”

“She will be, but we must be cautious. If she decides to attack us for any reason we probably wont be able to stop her. Her lightsaber and holocron are her property and will be returned to her after this is over and done with, but until then we will keep them out of her reach.”

“Sounds fair,” Celestia said a bit unsure. “When will we leave?”

“The schooner can be here in a couple of hours, from there we will take you to Coruscant and The Jedi Temple.”

“That is where we will be staying while your council “helps” my sister?”

“No, we will arrange for you to stay in one of the guest buildings near the senate.” He said, “ Your sister will receive her lightsaber back by the time you reach the room, her holocron is a bit iffy, she may not get it back as it is so dangerous.”

“That she may not care much about. She did not so much as want to approach it from what we saw in there.”

“So its settled, we leave for Coruscant in two hours time.”

Celestia got up saying, “I need to check on my sister.”

Celestia approached Luna and Luna sat up as best she could with her hooves bound as they were. Celestia sat next to her and put a wing around her.


“I know,” Luna said. “The Jedi is taking me to their council. You should trust him Celestia, Jedi have always been true to their word. He will keep his promises Celestia, and the Jedi will be fair in whatever punishment they judge necessary.”

“He says they wont punish you,” Celestia said, “He says they will help you. And how do you know so much about these Jedi and Sith or whatever they’re called?”

Luna hesitated then sighed, “I suppose it is time you knew.”

What really happened

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You remember that I was stolen from the family at a young age. That was the work of a Sith Lord, he took me to their Citadel to be trained as one of them. When he got me there, my training began. He made my training far more intense than any other of the sith trainees. He made sure to send me on missions to kill Jedi starting at the age of ten, I never failed. Then I was sent on a mission with a partner. He was a stallion of this world and he underwent the same training I did. Neither of us believed that we needed the others help, but we followed orders. We were sent to Tatooine to eliminate a full branch of the Hutt clan, guarded by ten Jedi Masters, five of which were on the council. We fought them first and he saved my life by blocking a strike to my back while I was locking blades with another Jedi. We slaughtered them without mercy or remorse. When we were finished we entered the hutts palace and slaughtered everyone inside. When republic law enforcement arrived we decided to kill them too. We killed the police there and rode to the nearest city.

The town was called Mos Eisly, and it was a center for republic trade. We destroyed it, nothing was left but smoldering ruins and ash. The entire star system went on high alert for eight years straight, during which time me and him were trapped on the planet. Jedi were sent in the hundreds to search for us, only twelve returned. During the time me and him were stuck on Tatooine we grew close, well, as close as Sith can be to one another. We fought beside one another and we always emerged victorious.

When we were traveling across the desert we came across a soothsayer, she annoyed us for a while and I nearly removed her head, until she spoke of one thing that caught both of us off guard. When she said that we tried to ignore it for a time, but that grew tedious after a while. Eventually her words got to us and we spoke about it, we both acknowledged it and well knew how the Sith would react to this and decided to flee. We had both made our holocrons by this point and were considered full fledged Sith warriors. When the high alert ended we left the planet, but we didn’t return to the Citadel. No we heard of our home planet and decided to try and find it. While we looked for it we put all of the anger we had in our holorons so that we wouldn’t lose our temper if we came across someone less than agreeable. We sped across the galaxy running from the Jedi and the Sith alike.

We learned the location of Equestria a few years later, and decided to jump straight to it. At the time neither of us were aware that I was royalty, we were just hoping to lead a normal life when we arrived. When we landed on the surface of the planet we activated the ships self-destruct sequence. Then we lived in the Everfree forest for a few months before approaching society. That was when the guards alerted father that I was found in the company of a stallion unfamiliar to anyone.

You and several other guards came to the small cottage we had built and brought me to mother and father. When I learned of my royal blood I wanted to hide. I asked if I could speak with him when I heard of this. Father complied but decided to come with me, I guess he wanted to meet him and judge his character.

“And you remember the rest,” Luna finished.

Celestia had listened carefully throughout the whole thing and tried to remember, she remembered the stallion that she had believed kidnapped her sister. She remembered pulling him aside and speaking with him in a threatening tone. He didn’t seem fazed however. He spoke calmly and in a tone that said he was in complete control of the situation. It left Celestia uneasy.

“I do, I remember father attempted to arrest him for kidnapping.” Celestia chuckled, “I remember you standing between him and the guards pleading his case, saying that you had only known him for a few years. But you didn’t mention anything of where you were or what happened during the time you were missing. You said you didn’t wish to speak about it and our parents allowed it.”

“When did he die by the way?” Luna asked.

“I dont know, he disappeared just after you were banished swearing vengeance.”

Just then they heard a rumbling come from outside the cave and Celestia helped Luna out of the cave to see a white shop hover down to rest on the ground outside. Out stepped armed republic soldiers who seized Luna by the shoulders and dragged her aboard. Celestia followed and so did Racar’rin. The soldiers followed them in and the hatch closed. The ship rose and took off into space.

Celestia had already charged the sun and moon with enough magic to keep the cycle going for several weeks. And she stayed outside the cell Luna was kept in through the entire ride to the Jedi Temple.


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Luna looked up at the four blue robed guards and their Tesla spears as they marched into the holding cell and disabled the energy shield that held her in. Luna rose wordlessly and followed them with her eyes foreword and paying attention to everything. They arrived at a guest building near the Jedi temple that Luna assumed they were to stay in. Luna was lead to a two person room with two one person beds on opposite sides of the room. Celstia entered a moment later and the guards left the room but stood guard outside the door.

Luna sighed sadly, guiltridden by having deceived her sister for so long. Celestia hugged trying to comfort her.

“What’s wrong Luna? What’s bothering you?”

“It seems that whenever I try to do something good, I only end up hurting you and everyone else.” Luna said hugging her sister back, “I just want to help someone for once. One time will be enough for me. I just want to stop harming the ponies I care about.”

“Luna. You need to stop blaming yourself for every bad thing that happens. I don’t know why you went to that place but I know you didn’t want those... Sith to escape. You are a good pony Luna, no matter who raised you or how. You did those things back then because you were taught there was nothing wrong with it, and you turned against that. You found your way home. You found your way to the light.”

“I just don’t know what to do. Nightmare Moon only happened because I opened the holocron, I felt that the knowledge inside would allow me to be better able to help those in Sombras control. It took some time but it overcame me eventually. If I had just left it alone that never would have happened, you wouldnt have had to send me away, I never would have betrayed you.”

“Just rest Luna, you need to sleep.”

“I don’t know if I can. Not with my mind so scattered.”

“Then tell me more about that stallion that was taken by the Sith like you were. What did you to do besides kill things?”

Luna actually blushed as the memories came up. They had grown very close after all that time, many actually thought they were married, that memory only made her blush darken. Celestial noticed this and grinned, oh how she would tease her for this. She began to giggle, she ended up just laughing, not hard laughing and not so loud that the guards outside could hear.

“Just lay down and imagine he’s there next to you.” Celestia giggled. “That may help you.”

“SISTER!” Luna yelled, muffling the sound with her magic.

But Celestia had already laid down on one of the beds and said “good night”. So Luna decided it best to do the same. She crawled into the bed but instead sat with her hind legs crossed and began meditating. Not on anything in particular, just trying to clear her head. She began to focus on the force, and used it to center her being, to calm her spirit and to more deeply connect her to the things around her.

She sensed something, very soon she fell asleep focusing on it.


His heart began to beat once more. Pumping the life giving liquid through his veins and bringing back to him his life. His body began to move again. He could have the freedom of motion again. His eyes slid open to reveal to him the dense canopy above, through which the sun shone. The quadruped equine Sith got to his hooves as he observed his surroundings. Heavy undergrowth and brush to the point where only insects, and the most skilled Jedi or Sith would be able to get through surrounded him. He stood in a small bed of earth where the plants did not grow, to his left lay his robes and overcoat as well as his lightsaber and holocron.

Nunrad proceeded to adorn his robes and his outer hooded robe and clip the lightsaber to his belt. He pulled the black hood up and smiled, not a smile of malice but a genuine happy smile. The first thing he uttered was a name, the name of the pony he loved, the name of the pony who loved him.

“Luna.” He said. “I will find my way back to you, I promise.”

Luna sat bolt upright in bed, not out of fright but out of joy. She looked out at the stars. She smiled and wiped a stray tear from her eye. This tear was one of extreme happiness.

“He’s alive.” She whispered.

She got up out of bed and looked at the star that Felucia orbited. “I will find you. I promise.”


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Luna was jostled awake by the building shaking with the force of the explosion. She got up off the floor to see Raca’rin burst into the room. He tossed Luna her lightsaber and luna caught it.

“We need to leave, the Sith are here.” He said. “They are attacking Coruscant, I think they’re here for you.”

Luna nodded in understanding. She pulled Celestia along as they raced down hallways, making their way to the hanger. When they made it there they clambered into a jumpship, Celestia was directed to a gunner position, as was Raca’rin while Luna took the pilots seat. She set a course for felucia but could not jump into hyperspace with the amount of Sith Destroyers, Battle Cruisers and Gunships in the area.

“Alright you two, buckle your seatbelts, its about to get rough!” Luna shouted before opening the throttle, all the way.

They zipped through the air and escaped the hanger relatively quickly and out into the battlefield. Republic fighters as well as Jedi interceptors were flying through the air engaging the Sith fighters and bombers. Luna swerved to the right to avoid a missile that had been launched at them by a Sith who had seen them. The rocket had been a seeker missile, of course.

Luna saw it approaching on the radar and moved into the support beams of a Sith Destroyer and began to weave her way through the beams, the missile collided with one and left a big hole in the ships hull. Luna shouted at the two gunners to start shooting stuff, which they did. Celestia stuck to the simple stuff as she had no experience or anything regarding this tech, she just shot at things, not realizing she was using anti-armor ammunition. She shot everywhere and left several openings in several Sith Battleships.

The ship climbed higher into the atmosphere and eventually flew out of it. From there Luna could activate the hyperdrive and they entered hyperspace, on a course for Felucia.

Nunrad looked out onto the Sith outpost with resolve. He hated them, his blood boiled at the sight of them, and he wanted to kill them. And he would, but he had to have patience. The Sith may have been wicked, and filled with anger, saying that it was a tool, and it was, but they taught patience and other virtues as well. He would wait for nightfall, then he would slaughter them.

So when night came he smiled and readied his lightsaber. He flew off to the large camp and landed just inside its walls soundlessly and waited. He didn’t wait long before a Sith novice came by and saw him. The novice activated his lightsaber and called for backup. Nunrad smirked at him before activating his own lightsaber, the blade looking as though made of fire, and cut the novice’s legs off then stabbed him. He saw nine other Sith approach him, Lords, masters, knights and novices, mostly knights.

They all activated their lightsabers and four of them fired Sith lightning at him. He met the lightning with his own, easily matching their power. He then used the force to make the earth spike up and impale the ones using lightning in the stomach. Their torrent ended and his continued to find its way to two of the remaining three, the third barely blocking with his saber. The two Sith screamed in agony, and soon fell dead. The third kept blocking until he let up, and he looked at Nunrad with obvious fear.

Nunrad did not pity the Sith, and walked up to him, cutting him down. He turned at the sound of running feet and saw fifteen to seventeen Sith running at him, all that was left of the garrison. Nunrad grinned maliciously and stood at the ready, this was going to be fun.

“We’re approaching Felucia, we will land in about ten minutes.” Luna told the other two.

Raca’rin did not know that Luna had intentionally set the course to felucia and thought it was just a random course she selected in her haste to get out of the system. He did however sense something powerful down on the planet, something that was similar to that of the presence of Luna. Celestia had no idea what was going on so she didn’t question anything, she trusted her sister and she trusted the Jedi, she knew that they would make it.

True to her word, they landed on Felucia ten minutes later. Then Luna lead them off in a direction that Raca’rin agreed to, saying that the force was pulling them that way. They didn’t run into any trouble for a while, until they saw a Sith kneeling right in their way. Raca’rin attacked without hesitation, and found himself stuck in a saber lock with the Sith, one he was losing. Luna leapt in and pushed the Sith back, her hood being down the Sith stopped when he saw her.

“Luna?” It asked.

Her eyes widened, the Sith pulled his hood down to reveal the face of a pony. He had a red coat and a black mane, he was a Pegasus who was slightly larger than Luna was. Luna deactivated her saber.


“Yes Luna its me.”

Before anyone knew it the two Sith ponies were embracing each other, confusing the crud out of the Jedi and Celestia. Until it dawned on Celestia that this was the stallion she remembered from when her sister had returned to them. This was the stallion who had been with Luna on Tatooine, the stallion who ran with her from the Sith and Jedi alike, the one who loved her. To the Jedi’s great disgust, the two ponies locked their lips together in a kiss. A heartfelt, passionate kiss.

When they pulled away, the stallion looked at Celestia. “I remember you. You still aren’t very intimidating.”

Celestia gave a light chuckle, “Yes yes, I know that I don’t scare you, I doubt anything does. Now would you care to tell us how you are here?”


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Nunrad had expected this, and he didn’t really have a solid answer, other than his holocron was directly involved. So he told her what he knew about how he was here and how he was still alive.

“Well, I don’t know much, other than my holocron was directly involved in my longevity. As for how I got here, well lets just say I had become such a problem for the sith that they threw everything they had at me.”

I had left Equestria after Luna had been banished in immeasurable anger. That anger attracted the attention of the sith. They sent four Sith Lords down onto the planet to retrieve me. They had been told to bring me to the master of the sith, known as the Duke. He had been the one to train Luna and I, and therefore knew that we would be dangerous. But even he underestimated our skill, and he misjudged the amount of anger I held at the time. I slew every last Sith Lord sent after me, and I stole a Sith Interceptor and used it to escape to Felucia where I am now. It took a long while for the Sith to leave me alone however, and I had to keep moving all over the planet. I always left a trail of bodies wherever I went, every body clad in black robes. By the time they finally left me alone I had all but halved their numbers, giving the Jedi a chance to recover and continue fighting.

“Not much of a story.” He says, “but its what happened.