Memories of Old

by ultra1437

First published

Luna finds out two of Celestia's best-kept secrets, both involving her.

Turning in early one night, Luna discovers two of her sister's best-kept secrets, both of which revolve around herself.

Trigger warnings: Voyeurism, princest, herm Celestia, herm Luna, magical golem female Luna, slight cum inflation, cock worship, blowjobs, deepthroating, abdominal and throat bulges, impregnation play, and feelings.


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Luna was bored. Not just the regular kind of bored, either. Normally, her duties kept her busy for most of the night, but this night not a single thing was needed of her. The dream realm was silent, her ponies sleeping contently tonight. Night Court was still, no petitioners in several hours. It wasn’t even midnight yet and everypony was bored. Bored was good for Luna, though. It meant everything was running smoothly.

Tonight has been quite quiet. It has not been this slow in some time…’ Luna thought as her mind wandered.

She let her staff wile away their time as they pleased. A few guard-stallions had set up a folding table and were playing poker off to the side to stay busy. Her seneschal sat stiffly next to her, eyes slowly shutting and her muzzle dipping lower as she dozed off.

Subtly weaving a light sleeping spell, she drifted it over her seneschal, conjuring a cushion for the smaller mare to rest on.

Luna’s mind wandered to the no-doubt busy day that had occured in this room before moonrise. Her sister was always busy, and she clearly needed some time off, to relax and have fun. She set her mind to go and leave Celestia a note, and maybe get a little harmless prank in at the same time.

Once her seneschal was sleeping softly, she rose. Almost immediately every eye was on her. She tossed her wings up in a shrug. “I am going to call Night Court for the rest of the night. You are all dismissed.” She motioned over to her seneschal. “I shall get her to her room before turning in myself.”

One of the poker-playing stallions asked, “Mind if we stay here? We’re kind of already set up.”

Luna nodded. “You may. If I am needed for anything, do come fetch me.”

The stallion nodded and saluted. “Of course, ma’am.”

Levitating her sleeping seneschal on her cushion, she silently stalked the halls. Bat-winged guards nodded to her in passing. She silently unlocked the door to her seneschal’s apartment, slipping inside. When the sleeping mare murmured, she eyed her to make sure she still slumbered. The younger mare turned over on the cushion and nuzzled into it for a few seconds before stretching out, laying on her side. Luna broke into a grin before setting the mare down on her bed and tucking her in softly. She found a notepad and scribbled out a note letting her know what happened, and that Luna was not mad, nor was she in trouble. Nodding to herself, she departed, making sure the door was locked on her way out.

Now, let’s go visit Tia, then catch up on some paperwork.’ Luna smirked softly, confidently. She had an idea. She quickly made her way to the royal apartments. She slipped into her own rooms to put away her regalia and dismissed the summoned cushion.

Luna slipped back out, and seconds later stood at the door to her sister’s room. Her horn lit and the locks yielded to her magic with a minute click. She silently opened the door and stepped in, shutting the door behind her. The minute light granted by opening the door fled, plunging the room into near-total darkness, only lit by a small amount of moonlight, Luna’s natural environment. She could see the room and details clearly, but colors were muddled and muted. The door to the bathroom was shut and the light was on, lending a slight yellow tinge bleeding from the gap below the door into the room. ‘Tia has a visitor, this late at night?

She stalked silently over to her sister’s desk, looking for a notepad to leave Celestia a note. Seconds before she lit her horn, the pony in Celestia’s bed groaned and rolled over. Luna froze, only turning her neck to spy her at them. Something about the sleeping pony tickled her senses, but she couldn’t place what.

The blankets were askew, but at first glance, Luna swore it was just Celestia. The pony’s mane and tail seemed to waft around like her own and Celestia’s did, and she clearly saw they had wings and a horn, but the color of their fur was wrong. It was far too dark to be Celestia’s. The pony hadn’t stirred, resting on their side, back to Luna.

Luna’s ears perked, swivelling to the side. She heard a door handle turning, followed by a hoofstep. The sound spooked Luna, her irises shrinking to pinpricks. Exiting the bathroom was the other pony! Luna instinctually shrouded herself in an invisibility spell. In the darkness it was hard to make out who it was, but they were almost as tall as Luna herself, if not taller, and had an almost pure white coat, with a mane and tail that waved gently in a muted, invisible breeze. Luna’s mind came to a conclusion. ‘Wait. If Tia is leaving the bathroom, then who is…’ She ruminated as she watched Celestia make her way to the bed.

Celestia never showed any signs of discovering her, slowly, sleepily moving over to the bed, her eyes barely open to see. She gently hopped up onto the bed and over the pony gently, avoiding accidentally stepping on their legs. As she lay down next to them, her hooves grasped at the pony in bed, pulling them in to be her little spoon. She sighed contentedly, snuggling into the back of the other pony’s neck.

Celestia gently rolled the pair over, coming to a stop with the other pony between Luna and Celestia, and Luna got a much better view of whom her sister was cuddling. She almost cried out in shock, in Celestia’s hooves was herself! Her mind went into overdrive, analyzing this… fake Luna. She was a damn good replica, nearly identical to her, from her deep blue coat, long and slender legs to her powerful wings, fluted horn, and pert rear. The doppelganger even had her cutie mark, black splotches of fur and all.

She watched as not-Luna settled in to being her big sister’s little spoon, before her jaw dropped as she watched not-Luna scoot back, almost like the replica was grinding her ass into her sister’s groin.

Her ears pinned back and she considered bolting, but a greater fear overrode it. Her mind raced. ‘Tia is cuddling with ‘me’ of some kind. Is this some kind of time travel, or something more sinister?

Real-Luna’s horn lit, and she started to weave another spell, this one to detect changelings. Before she could release it, Celestia moaned gently and her hips shifted, almost looking like she was humping back against not-Luna. The spell died at the tip of Luna’s horn as she lost focus, her blood rushing to her face in a furious blush.

Not-Luna replied with a moan of her own, a direct copy of Luna’s own voice, and very visibly grinded her rear back into Celestia.

Luna, more concerned now, weaved and cast the spell properly, letting it settle over the pair. Neither of them reverted to being a changeling, and somehow, that scared her even more than discovering a changeling posing as her and seducing Celestia ever would’ve.

Somehow, this was either a real Luna in bed with her sister, or another pony transformed into Luna and pretending the same, and either made her blood run cold. A hoof made its way to her muzzle as she looked on in fear.

Celestia’s eyes opened, and her muzzle made its way up to one of not-Luna’s ears, nibbling gently. “Really, love? You want me now?” The question caught real-Luna off guard and her mouth hung open, staring unabashedly at the scene before her.

Not-Luna giggled softly, a wholly uncharacteristic sound for Luna, and pushed her rear back into Celestia again. “I do, love. I can feel you against me, and I want it in me. I need it.” A blush threatened to return to real-Luna’s face at their dirty talk.

“Do you now…” Celestia pulled away gently, letting not-Luna roll over. “Tell me-No. Show me.”

Not-Luna was up in a flash and pushed Celestia onto her back. Celestia spread her hindlegs and both Lunas got a great view of Celestia’s stiffening cock. The real-Luna knew her sister had both male and female genitalia, it wasn’t something you could grow up as a family with without finding out at least once or twice, especially since ponies never usually wore clothes outside special occasions. Both Lunas’ eyes were drawn to the swelling sheath, watching as more and more flesh sprung free, growing longer, thicker, harder.

Real-Luna tore her eyes away to oogle the rest of her sister’s form, not as a sister, but as a mare. She had strong, shapely legs, a plush rear covered in her sunburst cutie mark that looked softer than any pillow could ever be, lidded eyes betrayed by the sheer intelligence and love behind them, large and powerful wings, virile balls matching the massive member swelling to fullness above, and beneath them, a hint of a feminine marehood, with a plump tailhole to match below, in full view. Real-Luna saw her sister’s true beauty and suddenly understood why some of her guards had coined the phrase, ‘Praise the sun!’. Beneath her large balls, a dribble of liquid slid down Celestia’s marehood, leaking over her tailhole and onto her tail.

Celestia’s erection inflated completely, and she used a hoof to push it forward until it stood tall and proud. The tip was a healthy pink, and down the shaft it faded to a white that matched Celestia’s coat. Head framed between her hindlegs, Celestia bit her lip in anticipation. Celestia’s twin smells, a heady musk from her marehood and a sharp, virile scent from her member wafted about the room in seemingly no time at all, threatening to break real-Luna’s concentration as they mixed in her nose.

In sympathy, real-Luna felt her own sheath stirring at the sight, member spilling out beneath her. Though Luna had seen her sister’s sheath before, she hadn’t ever had a good look at her full size until now. It was almost a fifth leg, so long and thick! She couldn’t help but feel small in comparison, her own member looked to be just over half as long as Celestia’s massive cock. Her marehood seemed to twitch before she felt a dribble of liquid running down the back of her balls.

Not-Luna stalked forward and blocked real-Luna’s view, replacing it with something she’d never seen before outside a mirror: her own rear end.

The real differences between herself and not-Luna were apparent immediately. Not-Luna was entirely female, no penis nor swinging balls, only a small pair of mounds signifying her teats. The marehood in front of her winked, moisture gathering at her clit before dropping to the bed. Real-Luna silently made her way around the bed for a better look as her own cock throbbed eagerly, watching ‘herself’ start to kiss and nuzzle her sister’s huge cock.

Not-Luna’s mouth descended onto the heavenly pillar, kissing the base of the shaft reverently. Gently, she kissed her way up the massive shaft.

Celestia spoke softly, “That’s it… worship it.” A hoof made its way to the back of not-Luna’s head, massaging her scalp gently.

Not-Luna complied, kissing the head like she would kiss a lover on the cheek. Celestia sighed softly, contentedly. Two kisses later, her tongue left her mouth and licked directly across the cockhead, swiping up a bead of pre there. She slowly descended the pillar, kissing and licking slowly.

Not-Luna stopped once on her descent, to worship the medial ring, nibbling and suckling gently on the sensitive flesh. Celestia immediately threw her head back and moaned loudly, her second forehoof joining the first in massaging not-Luna’s scalp.

Hearing her sister moan loud and clear seemed to break something in real-Luna. Her cock throbbed and only a split second bit of telekinesis kept a loud slap of it against her belly. After, a forehoof made its way down to her own shaft to keep it occupied.

Not-Luna regretfully abandoned Celestia’s medial ring and returned to the freely leaking head. Her mouth opened, and she gently suckled at the massive member’s tip. Over the course of a few minutes, not-Luna licked and lapped at the head, before taking the first few inches of it into her mouth. She was drooling freely and soaking it in her own saliva and Celestia’s pre. One of her hooves joined it, her fetlock slowly soaking up the leaking fluids before curling around Celestia’s member as best she could. Not-Luna started to gently stroke Celestia’s shaft, lubing it with their combined fluids.

Not-Luna’s eyes and mouth finally left the shaft to meet Celestia’s. “I’m ready, but let’s get you nice and wet.”

Celestia joined not-Luna in stroking, and her shaft slowly glistened for their efforts. “There we are, love. Are you ready?”

Not-Luna nodded and stood back up. Pivoting on the spot, she presented herself to Celestia. She lowered her front half to the bed, but spread her hindlegs wide. She also flipped her tail out of the way, trailing the lower half of it along Celestia’s chin. Real-Luna and Celestia watched a drip of not-Luna’s arousal drop off her winking clit. “I am more than ready.”

Celestia suddenly found herself on her hooves, her member swinging from the movement. She reared up, her chest gliding up not-Luna’s back. Real-Luna watched as her sister slid forward until her tip rested against not-Luna’s sex. Both connected ponies moaned softly.

Celestia’s head came down and she nuzzled against not-Luna’s ear lovingly. “Last chance to back out, love.”

Not-Luna looked back, into Celestia’s eyes, and real-Luna swore she saw little hearts in her eyes. “Never. Give it to me.”

“Alright, love.” Celestia smiled softly, and her hips pressed forward. The tip didn’t penetrate, but not-Luna’s lips spread some around the girthy tip. Real-Luna watched, unashamedly stroking her own cock as her sister started pushing in. With a wet shlick, not-Luna’s walls spread wide enough around the pressing cockhead to welcome it inside. She squealed in pleasure as a third of the shaft plunged in behind it in a quick thrust. Celestia came to a stop there, letting not-Luna adjust as she felt her part of her cock squeezed in the smaller mare’s rippling marehood.

“So… big…” Not-Luna moaned. One of Celestia’s forehooves made its way to not-Luna’s head and turned it. She looked down eagerly at not-Luna’s expression. Not-Luna’s eyes were lidded, and she panted gently. “Gonna… split me in half...” Celestia’s lips met not-Luna’s gently, sensually. Celestia tilted her head slightly, before her tongue slipped into the doppelganger’s mouth. Real-Luna’s grip tightened on her own shaft as the ponies before her made out. Her sister’s soft grunts followed not-Luna’s gentle moans in appreciation for Celestia’s attention and gentleness. One of Celestia’s forelegs lovingly stroked not-Luna’s chest, helping tease her partner.

They kissed, tongues duelling passionately, until not-Luna relaxed enough for Celestia to continue. “I’m ready, love,” not-Luna whispered, her rear pressing backward toward Celestia. Another third of her shaft disappeared followed by a twinned-moan from Celestia and not-Luna. Not-Luna kissed Celestia before she groaned loudly. “So… unf…” she trailed off as her eyes slowly shut.

The last third of her shaft still outside her partner, including her thick medial ring, Celestia reaffirmed her grip on not-Luna and pushed once more.

Not-Luna’s eyes widened as she stretched further, deeper. The medial ring pressed in and gloriously rubbed against her clit as it entered her. “Yes! So big… More!”

With an inch or two to go, Celestia’s tip pressed against not-Luna’s deepest barrier. Real-Luna watched her sister pull some of her length back out, noticing it was absolutely soaked and glistening. It seemed not-Luna wasn’t lying. If this doppelganger could take Celestia’s massive cock that deep, that fully, then she almost thought she could, too. She missed the thrust back into not-Luna, but the wet squelch that followed drew her back out of her muddled thoughts. She couldn’t have missed not-Luna’s scream of pleasure, however.

Celestia’s thrusts started methodically, slowly drawing back most of her length out of not-Luna, making sure to draw her ring over not-Luna’s rapidly winking clit every time she retreated, before thrusting triumphantly back in. She picked up her pace in short order, moving to deep, fast thrusts, pulling only a third out and pushing back in.

Not-Luna’s face was contorted in pleasure, the mare moaning eagerly as she was ravaged. Real-Luna was almost jealous of the doppelganger, her desire to be in not-Luna’s place warring with realizing that she was watching her sister have sex and how much she herself was enjoying the view.

Celestia hammered her mare harder, her cockhead pushing against not-Luna’s cervix at the end of each thrust. With each thrust, she felt the barrier start to give a little more. Her forelegs wrapped around not-Luna’s barrel to keep her steady, and from sliding forward. Not-Luna’s tongue lolled out and her eyes crossed, she was on cloud nine. She weakly pushed back against Celestia’s thrusts, trying to let that intruder deeper in her, wanting to feel all of Celestia inside her. “Almost… just a bit more!”

Celestia thrust powerfully, and with a deep shlick she felt not-Luna’s cervix part, allowing her deeper entry. Celestia’s cockhead felt like it was in a velvet vice that had just plunged into a furnace. When her groin completely met not-Luna’s, not-Luna cried out and fell into a titanic orgasm. “Yes!”

Not-Luna’s walls clenched rhythmically trying to draw Celestia deeper, rippling and milking her for her seed as her juices gushed out around Celestia’s cock and onto her balls, their legs, and down onto the bed. Celestia herself was close, but not quite there yet. She let not-Luna ride out her orgasm, pulling back to rub her ring against not-Luna’s clit.

Not-Luna’s feminine musk met real-Luna’s nose and almost instantly set her off. Her ears folded back, real-Luna did her best to edge off her orgasm, avoiding her sensitive, flaring head as she stroked. Not-Luna twitched and moaned in ecstasy as she rode out her climax.

Celestia grunted as her member was assaulted by not-Luna’s walls, the tight tunnel rippling and squeezing, writhing around her member as it demanded her release. After half a minute of agonizing, pleasure-filled torture, Celestia felt not-Luna let up enough for her to resume.

Her orgasm tapering off, not-Luna pushed back against Celestia, and Celestia continued fucking not-Luna frantically, almost her entire rod pulling back out of not-Luna and slamming back in powerfully, rocking not-Luna’s rear and pulling her hindlegs off the ground with each thrust.

Celestia leaned down and nuzzled into the back of not-Luna’s neck. A few thrusts later, she kissed tenderly up not-Luna’s neck, all the way to her left ear and she asked, “Mhh. Love, where–”

She was cut off by a moan. Not-Luna exclaimed, “Inside! Breed me, breed your mare!” Unknown to real-Luna, whom was too busy watching Celestia, not-Luna looked right where she stood, almost as if she could see real-Luna.

“Alright, love.” Celestia picked up the pace, her hips almost blurring with each thrust. Both Lunas were in awe of Celestia’s speed. Real-Luna watched as Celestia moved faster than the hoof on her own member, and not-Luna barely had time to feel the void of Celestia’s cock leaving her before it drove into her again.

Real-Luna noticed a little bump on not-Luna’s belly, moving with each of Celestia’s thrusts. A few seconds later, she realized what it was: It was her sister’s flaring cockhead, stretching not-Luna almost beyond her limit. Celestia thrust a few more times before she slammed in and held herself there, her cockhead pushing into not-Luna’s womb proper to breed her mare.

“Love… I’m-coming!” Celestia threw her head back and groaned to the heavens as she fell into orgasm. Her flare expanded further, essentially locking herself into not-Luna’s depths as her massive cock throbbed. Her head falling, she caught one of not-Luna’s ears in her muzzle and bit down on it, claiming her mare as she came. Celestia’s marehood gushed, clenching and writhing, trying to milk a non-existent member for its seed.

“I’m–oh me too!” Not-Luna screamed, moaning loudly as she felt Celestia swell bigger within her. She could feel the first shot travel up Celestia’s shaft before a warmth coated her insides. Sympathetically, not-Luna fell into a second orgasm in response to being filled properly. Celestia’s long legs shook with each shot into her mare, but she felt nothing but love. Both ponies grinded against each other, trying to gain more depth as not-Luna was filled.

Real-Luna fell into her own orgasm watching her sister fill ‘herself’, her concentration shattering. Her soft moan was lost in the screams and moans between the other two. Her own flared cock fired haphazardly all over the floor in front of her, as her marehood dribbled and dripped behind her.

Less than a minute later, not-Luna’s womb was filled to capacity, real-Luna noted. Not-Luna’s bulge from Celestia’s flare was overshadowed by the sheer amount of cum her sister had filled her with, the flare acting like a plug and keeping anything from escaping.

Real-Luna shut her eyes to help calm down. She sighed several seconds later.

Celestia’s ear perked, her head swivelling off to the side and froze. “L-Luna?”

Real-Luna’s eyes snapped open and she looked over to the pair. She checked and her invisibility spell had failed. Her ears pinned back and real-Luna blushed furiously. “Oh. Um…” Luna’s eyes looked around shiftily as a bead of cum left her dangling member, almost damning her with an audible plop below. “Hi, Tia.”

Celestia realized her position and immediately pulled out of not-Luna, sitting down awkwardly as her softening, glazed cock flopped into view. “Luna… How–”

“She’s been there the whole time.” Not-Luna stated simply, drawing both ponies attention, seemingly unfazed by the real-Luna.

Celestia looked back to her sister. “Lu? I-is that true?”

Real-Luna hung her head. “I-yes, Celestia. I am sorry, but everything–”

Celestia shook her head. Her tail swished once in agitation. “Why are you here?”

Startled, real-Luna’s ears pinned back as she replied, “I originally came in to leave you a note that I had ended night-court early. There’s nothing for me to do tonight, so I would leave that for you and go catch up on some paperwork.”

“Oh. And you stayed because?” The question was left unfinished, but the implication hung heavy over all three.

“I-I stayed because you came out of the bathroom before I could leave and…” Real-Luna brought a hoof to her face to cover her embarrassment as she sat down next to the bed.

Celestia smiled, an awkward little thing that betrayed the embarrassment she felt. “It’s… okay, Luna. I-I’m not mad.” She attempted to hide her leaking cock as it took its time receding back into its sheath. Real-Luna’s hoof fell away, back to the floor as her blush retreated.

Real-Luna couldn’t keep her eyes off not-Luna, between her unblinking eyes and leaking marehood. Not-Luna simply said, “She wants to know why I look like her.”

“I-yes, I do.” Real-Luna nodded, finally looking away to the floor, her blush returning. “Tia, if you do not wish to answer, I will not push.”

“I…” Celestia started, before her face flushed, her ears pinning back. “I have not had any ‘companions’ or lovers since you were banished, but I still needed to… to relieve stress.” She looked to not-Luna, who was currently staring between both ponies.

“And you chose my form…”

“Because it was one way I could still see you, until you came back to me.” Celestia’s eyes grew glossy, as if she were remembering something. Real-Luna watched Celestia’s jaw move to say a few more words, but no sound came out as her eyes shimmered.

Still in the same position, not-Luna looked the real Luna in her eyes and said the words that Celestia couldn’t. “She loves you.” Celestia’s hooves shot to her face to hide her embarrassment behind them.

Real-Luna almost looked indignant. “I know she loves me. She is my sister!” A whumph followed, her hoof striking the bed roughly.

“I don’t mean like sisters. She wishes to be your lover.”

Her thoughts stopped, retort dying before she could open her lips. She had been prepared to leave a note and play a small prank on her sister, but things had gotten so off the rails. Slowly, almost as if to not spook her sister, real-Luna’s head turned to Celestia. “Is that true, Tia? Do you… desire me?” Luna looked concerned, her brow furrowed, but not angry.

“I-I do.” Celestia’s blush increased, as she looked away. “I am–”

Real-Luna’s magic silenced Celestia. “I know you are going to apologize.” Celestia nodded, looking away. “I know you are sorry, but that’s not what I asked.” Celestia’s eyes widened and she reeled back. “What I want to know is why you feel the need to apologize, and I am curious exactly what this doppelganger is. She is not a changeling.”

She waited for Celestia’s reply for a few seconds until she realized she was still holding Celestia’s muzzle shut and released her magic. “I… you don’t feel angry at me? That I lust after my sister?”

“That you love your sister?” Not-Luna helpfully added.

“Tia? You do know whom guards Equestria’s dreams every night, yes? I have seen no less than fifteen dreams, tonight, of the two of us making love or part of a threesome with a stallion or mare.” She fixed her sister a serious look. “That is a slow night. This… is much I have seen before in dreams, but to see it in waking…” Tears shimmered at the corners of Celestia’s eyes and she looked toward the floor.

Real-Luna smiled softly, a hoof reaching out to cup her sister’s chin. “No, Tia. I am not angry. I just ask you to be honest. With me, and yourself.”

“I have been, Luna. I-I could never lie to you, not about this.” The bed shifted, and not-Luna had turned around, facing them proper.

“What is she?” real-Luna gestured to not-Luna.

“A golem I had created, from a chance encounter, about a century after your banishment.”

“And you… make love with her?” Luna quirked an eyebrow

“She was not originally created for that purpose. I-I wanted to at least have something to make sure I remembered you,” Celestia spoke almost mechanically, her tone flat as she looked away.

Real-Luna quirked an eyebrow. “Remember me?”

“M-my memory of the times before your banishment is spotty at best. Memories of you, specifically, started to disappear during that first century. I did not want to forget.”

“How? Alicorn memory is supposed to be eidetic.” Luna moved up to the bed to closer examine her sister.

“I do not know. My suspects were me subconsciously suppressing them, or residue from being forcibly disconnected from the Elements after banishing you. Nothing I tried worked in halting or reversing the effects.” Celestia shrugged as two tears fell gently from her chin. “In any case, I didn’t want to forget, so I had her made.”

“The naughty bits were added later, after she got lonely.” Not-Luna added. Celestia blushed again, despite her watery eyes.

“About that…” Luna’s blush returned, but she made no effort to conceal it. “Why me?”

Celestia took a deep, calming breath. “I have always loved you, maybe not in the same way as before, but I do not remember.” She placed a hoof against one of real-Luna’s. “I kept these feelings from you after you returned because you never showed interest in romance, or sex at all, let alone an attraction to anypony. As far as why ‘her,’ most of my memories of you were gone by that point, and it probably let me see ‘her’ as a mare rather than my sister and let me make the changes to her form to be my secret companion.”

“Oh.” Luna looked her sister in the eyes. “Are those memories still missing? What about other things?”

Celestia rubbed Luna’s leg softly, nodding once. “Yes. All I had to remember you by, by end of the second century, was my own writings, anything in the history books, some portraits, and ‘her.’” Her head and shoulders slumped. “For other memories, I don’t know what is missing, but the loss always seemed to be centered around you. I can remember other times perfectly, but if anything involved you, it is gone.” Celestia strained, swallowing back sobs into hiccups as her breathing grew labored. She curled in on herself as she laid down.

“Tia…” Real-Luna’s heart fell. ‘She really doesn’t remember me at all, does she?

Blinking back more tears, Celestia choked back a sob and continued, “I am sorry you had to learn of her, and my feelings, this way. If you want me to get rid of her, I will.”

Real-Luna shook her head. “No. You do not need to. I am flattered, but not angry.” She bit her lip. “More curious than anything.”

“R-really?” Celestia’s head shot back up, two tears flecking away from the motion, her wide eyes boring into the real Luna.

She nodded. Moving over, she sat down next to Celestia, resting her shoulder against one of Celestia’s wings. Looking up to her sister, real-Luna gulped, eyes shimmering as she softly spoke, “I do not know if I love you the same way, but I am willing to try and see.”

“No, Lu. You do not need to try for my sake.” Celestia leaned into the touch, barely restraining herself from wrapping her little sister in a wing.

Real-Luna shook her head. “I am not. I wish to try to see if I am capable of loving another, truly.” Her voice dipped to a whisper, only for Celestia to hear.. “I… have had many of the same thoughts before about those you have just voiced,” she fluffed her wings as she whispered, “but tonight has been eye-opening, in a few ways. I wish to try, for the first time in my life, to truly love somepony.” She nuzzled Celestia’s neck. “I would be honored if it was with you.”

Celestia’s heart soared, but she tempered herself. “If that’s how you feel, and you wish to try, I will not say no. I just do not wish for this to come between us if it does not work.”

Real-Luna almost snuggled into her sister’s side. “That is much my fear, too. But that same fear comes between two friends who wish to take the plunge to further their relationship, yes?”

Celestia smiled softly. “Yes, it is.”

“Then… may I stay here tonight? I do not mean anything lewd or untoward, but I simply wish to be with you, to hold you.”

“Alright.” Celestia felt one of Luna’s wings slowly unfurl, before it wrapped around her back. It felt… right.

“Then, Tia, I have one last question, I think.” Real-Luna motioned to the golem. “Where does she go when you aren’t here?”

“I store her in a pocket dimension. She is able to go freely between it and here and appears nearby if she needs to or senses danger to me.”

“She is fully combat capable?”

“Yes. I spar with her twice a week to keep both of us sharp.”

“Is she sentient? Does he have her own desires and free will?”

“No.” This was from not-Luna. “I am not. Not completely, anyway. That is one of the stipulations from my creation. ‘I was created not to replace Princess Luna, but merely to help keep our remaining princess’ memories of her alive.’” Not-Luna spoke, sounding like she was reciting a rule.

“For all the good it did…” Celestia whispered, her ears pinning back.

“What is her name?”

“She… doesn’t really have one. I have been calling her ‘Love,’ but you can obviously see why.”

“Yeah. I’m not sure what I’d like to call her. Calling her ‘Fake’ or ‘Love’ doesn’t sound right.” Luna thought for a few seconds. “How about Lulu? It’s a nickname you used for me when I was young and most of the time now, you just call me Luna or Lu anyways. I haven’t heard you use Lulu since I came back.”

Celestia nodded once. “Alright. We’ll call her Lulu.”

For the first time, Luna ran a hoof over the golem–Lulu’s fur on a foreleg. It felt almost exactly like her own. “Wow, the fur’s so real.”

“Everything feels real,” Lulu replied. “Part of my creation involved faithfully recreating me to match your body as possible.”

Luna spread her hindlegs showing off her sheath and balls. “Well, they missed something.”

“Actually, that wasn’t part of her creation, that was part of my modifications later on.” Celestia frowned. “I couldn’t remember if you had that or not by that point and… didn’t want to assume.”

“I know this must be somewhat awkward, but the easiest way to find out is to try it,” Lulu stated, standing up. She turned around and presented herself to both sisters, her marehood still leaking Celestia’s cum. Luna’s sheath stirred at the sight, readying for round two. Neither pony moved for several seconds and Lulu added, “If you do not wish to, then simply say so.”

“No. Not tonight at least.” Luna replied, shaking her head slowly.

“Very well.” Lulu laid back down on her side, scooting against Celestia’s other side.

A white hoof booped Luna’s nose. “If you want, Luna, I would be honored to be your little spoon tonight.”

“That sounds lovely, Tia.” Luna looked out to see the moon much lower in the sky than before. “It is getting quite late, and I know you need your rest.” Luna’s wing released Celestia and she lay down spooning Lulu. Luna herself slid in behind Celestia, wrapping her forelegs around her Celestia’s barrel, resting Celestia’s head in the crook of her neck. “Comfy?”

Celestia felt a hardness against her rump, and backed into it gently, squishing her sister’s hardening cock between her cheeks. “Very. Good night, Luna. Good night, Lulu.” Her head laid down softly on her pillow, a soft smile on her face. It was smaller than she thought, but it was still growing against her.

Simultaneously, she heard “Good night” from both before succumbing to sleep.

Despite her exertions and the slow evening, Luna refused to sleep. Her arousal had faded, her hard member retreated into its sheath, though Celestia occasionally gently shifted and squished her rear against it in her sleep. She enjoyed holding Celestia close, occasionally nuzzling against one of her sister’s ears gently, lovingly.

She observed Lulu as well. The golem had nestled back into Celestia’s embrace, and appeared to be asleep, if it was possible. Looking away again, Luna debated diving back into the dream realm to pass more time and check on the dreaming ponies.

She missed Lulu’s horn lighting up upon her return, a deep, dark brown-colored magic that was virtually invisible in the darkness. Luna’s head lay down again, and a second later, a thought appeared in her mind that wasn’t her own. ‘You have more questions for me. I can feel you watching me every so often.’ Startled, she almost jerked up. Looking around the room, she noticed Lulu staring back at her with one unwavering eye.

Luna’s eyes widened and her mouth opened. Celestia snored softly, reminding Luna to be quiet. Instead she thought back, ‘I do. But, they can wait. I maintain vigil over the night, including all of Equestria’s dreamers. If you dream, that does include you.

Do you perform this task alone?’ The eye blinked, for the first time.

No. I have several dedicated mages who are tasked with the same duty, but their skill and power are not as great as my own, so I end up taking most of the workload anyways.

Could… you show me how?


Lulu’s eye looked back at Celestia, and Luna’s gaze followed. ‘She has nightmares, sometimes. Though, they do not last through the night as they did before your return.’ Lulu opened her mouth, but thought better of speaking. ‘For a time, I was able to quell them with my presence and body, but over the centuries my effect on her has seemed to fade. Though, she sleeps much worse without me, or more technically, you, in her hooves or holding her. I had noticed the change in her sleep quality immediately upon your return.

I try my best to prioritize my friends, and ponies in positions of power.’ Lulu looked back to Luna, receiving a hard stare in response. ‘That means her, first and foremost. Their proper rest is paramount to keeping Equestria running smoothly.

That is an admirable goal.’ Lulu nodded once. ‘If I can learn it to be more useful to her and ease your burden, I want to learn.

We shall see in the morning, then. It is not something I would be able to teach with another sleeping pony in the same room. Are you sure you are not sentient?’ Luna quirked an eyebrow. Lulu shook her head.

Not truly. I am bound by several stipulations and rules etched into my very spell-matrix. Of those, is to protect Celestia, at all costs.’ Lulu’s eye went vacant for a second, then came back. ‘Addendum: to protect Celestia, and Luna at all costs.’ The eye bored into her, almost looking into Luna’s soul. ‘That part of the statement has never come up before, but it is now active.

Luna nodded at the implication. ‘And you really spar with her?

I do. We hold ourselves back as to not destroy the land, but do use some significant power. If I had not been somehow cut off from her during Princess Cadence's wedding, I would have been able to squash the bug queen when she was revealed.

I see. One last question. How do you… recharge your magic?

Lulu laid her head back down, but her voice chimed into Luna’s head. ‘It used to be that Celestia infused me with magic directly. She was inconsistent about it, and there have been many times where my reserves failed and I became dormant.

When she got lonely, she made me into a companion for her to love, part of the modifications were how I received magic. Research, by that time, had shown that stallion and mare ejaculate was almost as magically rich ounce for ounce as raw magic, far more powerful than magic injections by spell.

The eye left Luna and looked down to the mare sleeping between them. ‘She now recharges me by mating with me. I know it sounds weird, but her… cum keeps me running. Since that change, I have not gone dormant, not once. She tended to forget before, and now I understand why, because of her memories.

Oh.’ Luna’s ears flicked back, rising again a second later. ‘I do not know how to respond to that. I was expecting the first part, just recharging the matrix, but your body can absorb the magic from… that?

I can, and do. If you wish–

Luna pre-empted her, looking out the only window with open curtains. ‘I already said not tonight. In the morning, maybe.’ She looked away, ears pinned back.

Luna?’ Luna looked back to see the eye on her again. ‘I am sorry if I offended you. I am merely trying to fulfil my duty as I was instructed.

Luna shook her head. ‘I am not offended, Lulu. It is… much to wrap my head around. My sister has been in love with me for over a millennium, probably closer to two or three, she has a golem in my likeness she makes love with.’ Luna sighed contentedly. ‘And I am here now, cuddling her after admitting to want to try and love her back, the way she loves me, and speaking with said golem.’ Luna’s head lay back down on the pillow, concern on her face.


Yes?’ Luna saw Lulu’s eye looking down at her over Celestia’s sleeping form.

Are you opposed to my presence or intimacy with you and/or Celestia?

I am not. But also, I am also exploring outside my comfort zone right now. Do not expect me to ‘jump right in’ as some ponies say. Give me some time to sort my thoughts out.

I only asked to make clear any confusion. You seemed ready when Celestia was done with me.

That would be any stallion or hermaphrodite’s natural reaction to a pretty mare offering herself to them. Thank you for asking, but I will let you know when I am ready.

You’re welcome, Luna.’ The spell faded, and both kept silent vigil through the night over Celestia.


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Celestia woke, refreshed. The sun called to her to be raised. Shifting, she released her grip on Lulu and yawned widely. Celestia felt two hooves squeeze her gently. Looking back, Luna smiled softly. “Good morning, Tia. Sleep well?”

Celestia leaned back into her sister’s embrace, letting Luna’s chin rest on her head. “Good morning, Luna. I slept very well, thank you. How was the rest of the night?”

“Quiet. Lulu and I had a nice chat, and she cleared up some… things.”

“Oh?” Celestia looked over to Lulu, the golem smiling softly as she sat up.

“It is nothing of any real importance. I was curious about her and her capabilities.”

“Oh, okay.” She was tempted to fall back to sleep in Luna’s legs, but the sun called again. “It’s time to raise the sun, Lu. We should get up.”

Luna nodded, her chin scratching the top of Celestia’s head. “We should.” Neither pony made a move to get up.

Celestia sighed contentedly, closing her eyes. Her horn lit and she angled her head away from Luna. Luna’s horn lit afterward, and the moon dipped below the horizon, the sun peeking up above on the other. Celestia relaxed again, laying her head down, and was asleep in seconds.

Soft, dawn light filtered through the curtains, framing across Celestia’s face. Luna looked down at her sister sleeping again, and a feeling she hadn’t felt before spread through her. A warmth suffused her chest, and she nuzzled into Celestia’s cheek as soft as a feather.

All was for naught, though, as Lulu shifted, waking Celestia back up. “It’s time to rise, Celestia. Your day begins shortly.”

Celestia groaned. “But I…”

Luna let her go, sitting up. “She is right, Tia. It is time for the day to start.”

Celestia sat up, rubbing her eyes with a hoof. “I know. But now that I had you holding me… and after last night, I don’t want to get up. To break the spell, or wake up from this perfect dream.”

“It’s not a dream, Tia. This is real.” Luna drew her sister into a hug, only to jump when something poked her. Looking down, she spied Celestia’s morning wood. “It seems somepony is happy to see me, Tia.” She met Celestia’s eyes again, and Celestia blushed hard enough that her entire face turned red.

“Luna, I’m so sorry, I–” Luna’s lips gently met hers, silencing Celestia’s apology. The passion Luna put forth into the kiss surprised Celestia. One of Luna’s forehooves snaked down and slid against Celestia’s shaft, a groan rumbling up Celestia’s throat.

Luna pulled back, nuzzling against her sister’s cheek. “It looks like you need a little help.” She looked over to Lulu, smiling mischievously. “Would you care to join me in taking care of Tia, Lulu?”

“I would.” Lulu scooched closer, joining Luna in teasing Celestia.

Celestia’s blush grew, her ears now as red as the rest of her face. “I–”

Two forelegs teased Celestia’s member, slowly, delicately gliding along the surface. Luna felt each ridge, each vein as her hoof caressed the taut, sensitive flesh under her hoof and focused on drawing her sister’s pleasure out as best she could.

Lulu let Luna take the lead, focusing her efforts on the lower half of Celestia’s cock. She softly wrapped both forelegs around it and started gently, yet firmly, stroking it, making sure to properly worship what she could reach with her mouth and tongue.

Luna moved back slightly, taking in her sister’s member from a much closer vantage than last night. Up close, it was much more intimidating than it looked railing Lulu. Her own foreleg stroking it looked to not be much larger, and her sister’s pride was almost as long. “Tia?” Luna asked, a foreleg gently trailing around the tip. Celestia’s scents wafted to Luna’s nose, and she felt her sheath stirring again. Her member started to spill forth, against one of Lulu’s stroking forelegs, drawing a small coo in appreciation.

“Y-yes?” Celestia’s voice was shaky. Luna looked up to see Celestia’s eyes were focused on her massive member, watching three hooves gently stroke and worship it.

“How did this get so big?” She wrapped her second foreleg around Celestia’s cock, stroking a little faster. “Did you use any magic?”

“N-no, Luna. It’s always b-been this big, ever since I grew to this size.” Celestia, her eyes closing slowly, groaned from the two-pony assault on her pride.

In a bit of a self-deprecating mood Luna replied, “Mine is not nearly so large, both in girth or length. I admit I am slightly jealous, but that means I get to enjoy this wonderous prize when you take me.”

Lighting her horn, Luna nuzzled against her sister’s cheek. Her magic dragged one of Celestia’s forelegs down to Luna’s much smaller penis, letting Celestia get a feel for her size. “See, Tia?” Pulling her head back, Luna moved her sister’s hoof back away, but it returned as soon as her magic faded, stroking as gently, as lovingly, as Luna was.

Celestia’s muzzle came down next to one of her ears. “Yours is lovely, Luna. Don’t degrade yourself like that.” She punctuated the statement with a firm, tight stroke of Luna’s member.

Luna leaned up and whispered into her sister’s ear, “There are very few mares who may be able to take just some of your… generous girth, let alone please you completely.” She licked the eartip before continuing, “I would very much like to be one of those few.”

Celestia groaned, and her hips bucked, her forehoof involuntarily releasing Luna’s cock. “Oh, Luna…” Luna felt Celestia’s medial ring pass between her hooves and she squeezed just a little more firmly, wrapping more of her forelegs around it as Celestia’s hips fell, the downstroke causing the extremely sensitive flesh to squish wonderfully in her hooves.

Luna pulled back and kissed her sister again. “Relax, Tia. Let us take care of you this morning. At least for a little while.”

“A-alright, Luna.” Celestia laid back as best she could, her head just off the pillows as she watched. She spread her legs to give her lovers better access. Lulu stayed low, her mouth and tongue descending to Celestia’s balls, her tongue lathering and worshipping them as her hooves stroked and teased Celestia’s cock. Luna licked her lips as she saw a small pool of pre gathering on her sister’s cockhead, about to fall down the shaft. Darting down, her tongue swiped it up eagerly, and a burst of flavor shot across her tongue, her sister’s generous emissions giving her more than enough to savor.

It was tart, at first, but that gave way to a sweet, savory warmth, almost if sunshine had a taste. She wanted more. Removing her forelegs from Celestia’s shaft, it fell forward and almost hit her in the nose. Repositioning next to Celestia, she almost draped herself along Celestia’s side, starting to lick and suckle gently at the tip. Her hooves returned, moving faster this time, stroking along her sister’s entire length, making sure the tip never left Luna’s lips.

The bed shifted slightly as Lulu took Luna’s previous place, and her head dipped down below Celestia’s balls, eagerly lapping at the marehood underneath. She let go of Celestia’s shaft, instead focusing her hooves on gently rubbing and massaging the orbs resting on her muzzle. Luna met her eyes, and Lulu winked before digging in proper. Celestia’s head fell back and she moaned loudly. Luna felt a hoof wrap around her back and lift her just before a soft pomf signalled Celestia’s wings spreading involuntarily, covering the bed around her in her large wings. Celestia set her sister back down gently, letting Luna lay directly on her soft wing’s feathers.

Luna gulped at what she planned next. She pulled her head back an inch and started opening her jaw a few times, stretching her lips and mouth. Once she felt ready, she stared down the spire before her, drooling and throbbing. Holding it steady, she started to gently push her lips against the head again, this time opening her muzzle up. With almost comically little resistance, the large head slipped past her lips, and the first few inches of Celestia’s member slid right against her tongue.

“Oh, Luna!” Celestia cried out, her hips bucking. More of her sister’s member filled her mouth until it was almost too much, verging on starting down her throat. Both of her forehooves pressed Celestia back down before it could invade her throat, though she noted that a quarter of the shaft had disappeared between her lips.

Putting her strength and weight into holding Celestia’s thrusting hips down, her tongue swirled and lashed around her sister’s pride. She started to bob her head, slowly pulling back until the expanding tip gently met the back of her teeth. She then descended, letting her drool and Celestia’s freely-flowing pre coat everything. Celestia’s pre became richer, the flavor more vibrant and complex as they spurred Celestia closer to orgasm.

One of Celestia’s forehooves pressed against the back of her head, attempting to get her to take more into her mouth. She let herself be pushed down until the tip started cutting off her airflow.

She shook her head slightly to dislodge Celestia’s hoof, the entrance to her twisting throat writhed and constricted around her sister’s tip. She pulled back and noted that she’d made it to just a hair under a third of the shaft, but it was still magnificent progress. Her spirits soared, but she tempered herself. She knew that Celestia could very easily hurt her with a cock this size, so Luna knew she had to maintain control. She cast a quick spell on herself, just in case, before continuing. Celestia wouldn’t hurt her other than accidentally putting her full strength into the act, now.

Pulling back, Celestia’s forehooves returned, both this time, and immediately started to try and press her further down. Squinting, she lit her horn and felt the pressure on the back of her head leave.

Returning to the tip, she cocked her head to look her sister in the eye. “Lu-Luna, I–” Luna’s magic held Celestia’s forelegs against her barrel, out of the way, shaking her head. “I-I’m sorry, Luna. Y-your mouth feels so go-od!

Luna sighed, exhaling audibly through her nose, before she descended her sister’s spire again, at her own pace. She watched Lulu’s ministrations as Celestia’s balls bounced and bobbed with a blue horn waving in the air behind them.

To Celestia, Luna’s mouth was absolutely divine. It was warm, wet, and when Luna descended down the shaft, the tip poked into her tight, constricting throat for a massage that she would give her kingdom up for, if only for it to continue. Each descent, the tip poked deeper, spreading Luna’s throat open just a hair more for the next bob. Occasionally, the flare would poke or rub Luna the wrong way, and it brought a small spike of pain to her mind.

As she picked up her pace working her way along Celestia’s shaft faster, Luna noticed herself taking more and more of Celestia down her throat with little issue. She was surprised that once she reached a certain depth, she could breathe again, the thinner shaft not completely blocking her airway. At the next dip, she lifted one of her forelegs, reaching up to her neck and felt around. There was a bulge she could feel on her neck. Pulling back, it moved with her. ‘That’s hers. Tia’s that deep in my throat…’ Luna thought, moaning loudly over the shaft. She kept going, making sure to keep her hoof rubbing over the flare. The feeling she felt of rubbing her stretched throat travelled straight down her spine to her own, rock hard, throbbing, member.

Celestia, pinned in place but in heaven, did her best to restrain herself as half of her member was now massaged wonderfully in Luna’s mouth and throat, mere inches from reaching Celestia’s medial ring and getting closer. Luna subconsciously swallowed, her throat rippling around her sister’s cock, Luna herself occasionally twisting her head or neck to work out a painful kink and giving Celestia a new burst of pleasure. Celestia moaned and writhed, teetering on the edge as Lulu’s mouth suckled on her clit and Luna’s throat massaged her cock, but her resistance was quickly running out from all the sensations assaulting her.

Celestia felt something press against her flare through Luna’s throat, and a second later felt Luna’s moan shivver up her throat, the vibrations travelling up Celestia’s shaft and out Luna’s nose nearly drove her over the edge. ‘It seems Luna had a fetish for big bulges,’ Celestia’s mind registered subconsciously.

Straining, Celestia called out as she felt her flare expanding further. “L-Luna, I’m–” Celestia yelled as she fell into one of the best orgasms she’d ever had. Both of her forelegs sprung free from Luna’s spell, moving to hold her sister’s head in place as she throbbed in Luna’s throat.

As she felt her sister’s flare expanding to ridiculous proportions, Luna knew what was coming and took in a lungful of air. She pushed down as far as she could get, her lips pushing against Celestia’s medial ring as her sister’s cock throbbed and swelled just that little bit more. Two hooves pressed against the back of her head, but did not push her further, merely holding her in place.

She felt the first shot land in her stomach, firing powerfully down the remainder of her throat. One of her forelegs kept rubbing against the flare, helping to prolong Celestia’s orgasm, drawing out long, voluminous shots of her sister’s seed. As each shot passed into her throat, she reflexively swallowed, her throat rippling and milking Celestia’s shaft and squeezing around the ridiculous bulge of her flare. Each shot seemed to last several full seconds, and Luna knew this would be a big meal from her sister.

Lulu backed off from under Celestia, her face absolutely coated with Celestia’s juices. She licked her lips before seeing the sight before her: Luna, impaled to the ring on Celestia’s flared cock, each shot of cum visibly travelling up the shaft into Luna.

She caught Luna’s eye and whispered softly into her ear over Celestia’s screams of pleasure, “Are you okay? I can take over if you need.” One of Lulu’s hooves kept massaging Celestia’s balls, kneading and playing with the precious jewels.

Luna shook her head as best she could. Lulu’s eyes caught sight of Luna’s unattended, leaking member. “Do you want me to–”

“Mmhmm!” Luna nodded as her lower body shook, her own rock-hard member waving lazily. In Luna’s throat, Celestia’s shots started to taper off, losing volume slowly.

“Okay.” Lulu descended upon Luna’s much smaller member, eagerly taking it into her muzzle. Luna’s eyes fluttered closed, focusing on the pleasure from Lulu, and the meal from Celestia.

As Celestia’s orgasm came to an end, her output slowed to a trickle as her flare shrank. She panted like she’d just run a marathon, not giving Luna breakfast in bed.

As Celestia’s spire deflated, it retreated from her sister’s mouth and throat and back into the safe confines of her sheath, and she looked down in front of her. Smiling softly, Celestia spied Lulu doing much the same to Luna as Luna had done to her: Celestia watched as Lulu eagerly took Luna’s much more manageable length, her muzzle pressing against Luna’s groin with every bob, the golem swallowing audibly around the head every time she took the whole thing.

Her muzzle empty, Luna saw the retreating length in front of her. The tip was coated white in Celestia’s own cum, a drop leaking from the source. Before it could retreat completely, Luna darted forward and suckled Celestia’s flare clean, earning a soft groan from the stimulation. Luna savored her sister’s full flavor, licking her lips, the taste somehow reminding her of the feeling of a lazy, summer afternoon. Once clean, she slid off Celestia, looking up to her panting sister. Her belly was full, like she’d gone and destroyed an all you can eat buffet. Rubbing a hoof on her belly, she noticed it bulged very slightly. Luna knew she wasn’t going to have breakfast this morning, she’d already had her meal.

“L-Luna, that–” Celestia started.

Luna interrupted her, coughing once, but motioning a hoof toward the bathroom, “Go g-get ready for the day, Tia. I shall r-remain here for a short while l-longer.” Luna’s throat was sore, but the best kind of sore.

Celestia nuzzled her, kissing her gently on the lips. “Alright. Thank you for that, though. You did not have to.”

Luna rubbed her throat gently. “It i-is something I think I sh-shall have to do more often, I l-liked that.” She was surprised when one of Lulu’s hooves reached over and dragged one of her own to the back of her head. Lulu swallowed eagerly around Luna’s flare, doing her best to please Luna properly since she had been neglected so long.

“I wouldn’t… be opposed to it,” Celestia nuzzled her sister’s cheek before sliding off the bed gently. “But, I will not force you.” She staggered over to the bathroom, her gait unsteady and her hindlegs shaking. Luna watched her go, eyeing her sister’s thighs and calves matted with her juices until another swallow from Lulu drew her attention again.

Luna hummed in pleasure, enjoying the dedication that Lulu went to work with. “Mmh, Lulu.” The hoof on the back of Lulu’s head pulled forward and started pushing Lulu off her cock. “I want to try something.”

Pulling off of Luna’s member, Lulu slurped salaciously around the head until it popped free. “What did you want, Luna?” Those big, cerulean eyes looked up into her own, shimmering slightly in anticipation. The sound of running water from the bathroom indicated Celestia’s shower starting, as both ponies flicked an ear toward the sound.

“Turn around, I–” No sooner had the words left her mouth, the bed shifted and Luna was looking at Lulu’s presenting posterior. Much like she had with Celestia, as she turned, Lulu trailed her tail up and out of the way with the tip scratching at Luna’s chin. Luna’s breath left her as she saw exactly what awaited for her pleasure.

Lulu was wet. She’d clearly been leaking for some time, her thighs and calves soaked in her own juices, running all the way down to her hooves.

“Would you like to take me now?” Lulu asked, her eyes transfixed on Luna’s member, glistening and throbbing freely.

“I very much would.” Luna rolled to her hooves, before eyeing the bounty before her. Instead of immediately mounting Lulu, Luna took her time. She nuzzled up Lulu’s thighs, her nose collecting Lulu’s heady scent and her juices staining Luna’s muzzle. She slowly, gently licked her way up between Lulu’s legs, the golem’s forelegs giving out and her front half dropping to the bed.

When she reached her prize, Lulu whined needily, “Please, Luna! Take me!”

“In time.” Luna replied cheekily before wrapping her lips around Lulu’s winking clit. The little nub of flesh was larger than she expected, but its size almost let her suck on it like a lollipop. She received a fresh gush of Lulu’s fluids and a moan, half in appreciation, half in need.

“I-I can’t take much more, Luna…” Lulu attempted to entice her further, but Luna took her time disengaging, suckling hard on Lulu’s clit one last time. She had an idea she’d love to try, but nopony to try it with before, so why not now?

“If you need me so badly, why not take charge yourself?” Luna nuzzled her thigh. Truth be told, she needed to mount Lulu as bad as Lulu sounded she needed it, but she wanted to see if the golem would give her a ride. Some stallions’ dreams made it look so wonderful, she had to try it.

“I…” Lulu’s wings spread wide.

Luna pulled away and laid back, a hoof pushing her cock straight up, much like Celestia had the previous night. Her wings spread, laying across the bed like Celestia’s had. “Come, take your pleasure, ride me.”

Lulu’s ears pinned back, but she slowly rose to her hooves again, turning to face Luna. “H-How do you want me?”

Luna smiled. “I want to look into your eyes as we mate.”

Lulu stepped forward slowly, making sure to avoid stepping on Luna’s wings. Luna helped guide Lulu’s rear downward, toward its prize. Almost unceremoniously, Lulu dipped her rear low, and Luna’s tip entered her, causing both ponies to groan.

Yes…” Lulu hissed as she steadied herself. She took a few seconds to regain her balance before sliding backwards, taking more of Luna’s member into herself.

Luna was in heaven. Lulu’s marehood was like having her member in the golem’s throat. Her member was assaulted on all sides by soft, velvety flesh that gripped and rippled along her length, almost seeming to draw her deeper without trying.

Their hips connected in a soft squish, and Lulu sighed. “I feel you growing harder within me, Luna. Do I really feel that good?”

Luna nodded, a hoof reaching forward to draw Lulu into a kiss. The golem almost fell forward, her mouth pressing against Luna’s, still impaled on her shaft. Lulu led the kiss, her tongue exploring Luna’s mouth and wrestling her tongue. A flavor met her tongue, a sweet berry invading her taste buds. Luna’s eyes widened as she realized that Lulu was sharing Celestia’s feminine flavor with her as Lulu took a taste of Celestia’s cum in return. In response, she rocked their bodies gently, her shaft grinding against Lulu’s clit as they made out.

Breaking the kiss, Lulu rose back up, her eyes never leaving Luna’s. She gently pulled forward until the tip of Luna’s cock was all that was left in her before coming back down, a sharp slap echoing through the room. She rose again, a little faster this time, before sliding back down Luna’s shaft again.

Lulu’s pace gradually increased, rising faster and actively pushing herself down onto Luna’s member. She leaned forward and started to kiss and lick at Luna’s mouth again, drawing Luna into another passionate makeout session.

Luna felt in heaven, she had a mare riding her cock, lovingly kissing her. Her limit was rapidly approaching, but the slowly tightening grip on her cock let her know Lulu was right there with her. Lulu’s walls gripped more, seeking to get that wonderful intruder deeper.

It all came to a head when Lulu reared back, her head shooting straight up and she slammed down one last time onto Luna. She screamed her orgasm to the world, feeling Luna’s flare swell. “Yes! Fill me up, Luna!” She cried out, her back going rigid as she put her forelegs on Luna’s chest.

“Lulu, gonna–” Luna started, but a pair of hooves slamming down onto her chest knocked the rest of her breath away. From her new angle, Luna’s cock sank deeper into Lulu, the head grinding against her g-spot as it jerked. Luna reached her own orgasm seconds later, her pride throbbing, her cum rushing up the shaft and shooting into Lulu eagerly, seeding her mare.

Lulu’s walls rippled, gripping tight, drawing Luna’s seed deeper into her, even as Luna’s volume tapered off. Luna looked down to see the small bulge of her flare, showing just how tight Lulu’s grip was. She reached a hoof out and glided it over the bulge. The feeling of her own hoof on her extra-sensitive flare through Lulu was almost enough to start a second orgasm right behind the first.

Lulu felt Luna stiffen just that little bit more, and through her haze, she looked down to see Luna reverently stroking her flare through Lulu’s belly-fur. Lulu joined her, the pair of hooves gently grinding Lulu’s rippling walls tighter into Luna’s flare.

Luna fell into a second orgasm in mere seconds, her vision blurred by stars. As her head fell back onto the bed, her hips kept humping upward, her flare gliding across Lulu’s g-spot again and again as she came a second time. While not enough to get Lulu off again, she nevertheless kept milking Luna’s second for as long as she could.

“Looks like you’re having a good time, huh?” a familiar voice asked.

Both ponies froze with the exception of Luna’s cock shooting an extra large shot into her mare, their heads turning to the sound of the voice. At the side of the bed, Celestia, fully dressed, licked her lips as she watched. She looked them both over, eyes lidding. “I hope you save some for me tonight, Luna. I can’t wait.” She stepped over to Luna, and kissed her sister on the lips lovingly. “Until tonight, love.” She gently removed herself, stepping out into the hallway. Both ponies eyes followed her the entire way.

As the lock clicked into place behind Celestia, Luna was beet red. Her hard-on hadn’t gone down after the second, especially after Celestia’s kiss and implication. “Lulu? Can… can we go once more?”

“Only if you mount me. I want to feel you take me.” Lulu gently rose off of Luna, her cock schlurrping free from Lulu’s marehood, Luna’s cum starting to trickle down the inside of Lulu’s soaked hindlegs.

“A-alright.” Luna got to her hooves, as Lulu presented herself again. A mixture of her own white cream and Lulu’s juices started to trickle out of Lulu’s marehood as Luna reared up. Her fur slid wonderfully over Lulu’s and in seconds, they were joined again. Luna loved this new angle, the power she felt over Lulu was intoxicating. Her hips shifted, plunging her member back into Lulu’s welcoming tunnel. As she pulled back, her member squelched lewdly, drawing free from Lulu.

As she sank in again, she was able to press deeper. “O-oh, this is wonderful!” Luna groaned, her muzzle nosing into the back of Lulu’s head. Lulu groaned with her, shifting her angle just a bit to let Luna’s tip grind against her g-spot once more as she hilted.

Luna picked up the pace, quickly working into a rhythm that threatened to overwhelm them both. Both of their heads swam with pleasure, Luna’s balls slapping against Lulu with every thrust.

“Nnf. Gonna come!” Almost too soon, Luna felt herself flare completely, her limit reached.

“Mmm… give it to me!” Lulu moaned. Luna thrust bodily into Lulu twice more before holding herself inside. She fell into orgasm, her balls working overtime to meet her mare’s demands for more.

As Luna’s flare dragged over her g-spot, Lulu matched her, falling into orgasm one last time. She groaned and bucked, trying to get Luna deeper into herself, but it wasn’t to be. Luna was as deep as she could go. “Yes…” Lulu moaned as she felt more of Luna’s seed filling her.

As their orgasms faded, both ponies panted. Luna pulled off, rolling to the side and flopping down on her back on the bed. Lulu joined her a second later, wrapping her forelegs around Luna, tangling them together in a mess of limbs, sweat, and blue fur. Lulu ended up on top of Luna, their muzzles pressed together in a passionate kiss.

Lulu pulled back to whisper, “That… that was wonderful, Luna,” before nuzzling into Luna’s neck. As her member retreated into its sheath, something wet trickled onto it, Lulu leaking their combined juices right onto her sheath and down to her balls.

“It w-was…” Luna replied back, wrapping her legs around Lulu, hugging her tighter and rolling them onto their sides.

As they calmed down, Luna started to shiver from the cold sweat matting their fur. “Perhaps… perhaps a shower is in order.” Luna sniffed the air twice and her nose wrinkled. “And to open a window.”

“Agreed.” Lulu’s horn lit, and a window on the far side of the room flung open, the curtain sliding open. She disentangled herself from Luna and motioned to the bathroom. “Come. I’ll wash your back. You can wash mine.” She freed herself from Luna and started walking toward Celestia’s bathroom.

Luna nodded, following Lulu to her hooves. “As long as it’s only chaste. It will be hours before I can do much else.” Luna loved the view as she was treated to, Lulu’s marehood leaking their efforts down the insides of her legs.

A quick shower later, and both pony and golem were clean. The maids had somehow come and changed the sheets while they were showering, the bed made and immaculate. “How did they know to change the sheets?” Luna asked.

Lulu smiled knowingly. “It’s their secret. Not even Celestia knows. They never interrupt nor gossip. Though, the latter is more for the contract they sign upon being hired. The terms for breaching the trust put in them are quite severe.”

Luna’s eyes drooped, the shower helping relax her after the workout, and she felt drawn to her sister’s bed. “Just… gonna lay down for a bit.” She climbed up and lay down for a quick nap.

Lulu settled in against her, holding Luna against her chest, spooning Luna gently. “Shh. Just get some rest.” Her eyes closed, sighing softly as Luna got comfy.

Luna’s eyes closed and her head laid down on the pillow and into the crook of Lulu’s neck. Luna yawned gently as a last, tired thought crossed her mind, ‘Just an hour. I’ll get back up and do some of my paperwork then.’ Her consciousness faded, quickly off to sleep.

Celestia couldn’t keep her mind off her sister. Court through the morning had distracted her, but every time her mind wandered, it always trailed back to Luna, especially during slow moments. Snorting, she stood after trying to read the same page for the sixth time. She hadn’t heard word that Luna returned to her own room, so she must have taken her rest in Celestia’s room. Her afternoon was pretty easy today, just dealing with her own endless backlog of paperwork.

Smiling, Celestia’s mind wandered as she considered her situation, ‘Luna wants to love me like I do her!’ Her heart soared, fluttering in her chest. ‘Oh, I’m so excited! Since she did something special for me, I should do something for her tonight. What should I…’ She started reading the next page before blinking. ‘Perhaps I should finish this first…

Glancing over, Celestia groaned at the stack of paperwork in her inbox. ‘With my mind like this over Lu… I can’t concentrate. Perhaps I should save it for a time when I’m not quite so distracted.

Nodding to herself, Celestia returned the document to the top of the stack and stood. She stretched herself out, hearing and feeling several pops and cracks along her legs and one in her back before letting a content breath. The sun’s pull told her it was late afternoon, right around the time Luna normally rose. ‘I’ll go check on Lu. See if she’s up.’ She left, intent on making her way to Luna.

On the way, she thought about how to repay Luna for the very pleasant morning. ‘I could return the favor, but it seemed like Lulu had that covered.’ She passed a familiar threshold: the base of the stairs to the royal apartments. ‘Hm. Maybe Lulu and I could do something together for her.

Her heart skipped a beat as an idea floated through her mind, nearly skipping a stair as she climbed. ‘I still haven’t… really given myself to anypony. After seeing my member, there’s not really anypony who’s been interested in my marehood.’ She shook her head. ‘Since I modified Lulu, nopony else has really interested me.’ Her ears pinned back as she neared the top of the winding staircase. ‘I’ll just ask her if the moment seems right. If she doesn’t want to, then I won’t push. It may be too much, too fast, and I don’t want to scare her away…


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Luna woke softly, feeling more refreshed than she could remember. A pair of hooves were wrapped around her, holding her gently. She shifted gently, causing Lulu to let go her and give Luna room to move.

“You’re awake.” Lulu stated, releasing Luna and sitting up.

Luna groaned, stretching her legs and back. Laying on her belly, she stretched her wings out, spreading them to their full span before folding them again. “I am.” Luna yawned. “Thank you for holding me like that. It was nice.”

“You’re welcome. It looked like you wanted to be held, and you did not complain.” Lulu’s horn lit and the curtains flung open, drawing a lot more afternoon sunlight into the room.

Shielding her eyes with a wing, Luna agreed. “Mmh, no, I wouldn’t complain. Not being held like that. I felt safe.” Luna yawned again, holding a hoof up to stifle it. “What time is it?”

Lulu looked out to the sun, just starting to peek down through the top of the window frame. “You’ve been asleep most of the day. It is afternoon, coming up on evening.”

Luna’s hair stood on end and she surged to her hooves. “All day? I had planned on only napping…” A fwump sounded as her rump hit the bed. “Now I am going to be behind on my other work…” She looked down, a small frown on her face as she shuffled and folded her wings.

“Oh. I’m sorry, Luna. I would have woken you up if you had told me.” Lulu’s expression mirrored hers.

Luna shook her head. “There is nothing to be done now. I will simply have to make it up–” her belly practically growled at her, stealing her thunder as blood rushed to her face. “–another time. It is time for me to eat.” She motioned to the door. “Come.”

“I cannot accompany you.” Lulu replied, looking out the window.

“Oh?” Lulu shot her a flat look before her hoof gestured to Luna, their almost literally-identical appearance. “Right, I had almost forgotten. Maybe Tia and I can change your form so you can join us outside.”

“Another time, maybe.” She sidled up to Luna, wrapping a wing around the almost identical mare. “You go get some food, we can all discuss it later.”

“Alright, though I did not expect to be hungry so soon after Tia… this morning.” She nuzzled Lulu’s cheek. As she pulled away, Lulu’s muzzle pressed against hers, laying a passionate kiss on Luna’s lips. Seconds bled into a minute, before Luna pulled back. Her eyes were wide, and she heaved in a big breath of air. “Wow.”

“Sorry.” Lulu’s ears fell and she fluffed her wings.

“Don’t be! That was great.” Luna nuzzled her again. “If I wasn’t so hungry, I would definitely want to continue, but alas, food is first on the list.”

“Really? You liked it that much?” Lulu’s muzzle dipped down, but her eyes shined.

“I did.” Luna brought a forehoof to Lulu’s chin, pulling her muzzle back up to look into Luna’s eyes. “I liked that a lot. I did not know you were capable of such passion.” She winked. “Do not be afraid to show me more. I just ask for a bit of a warning first.”

“Oh. Okay!” Her ears shot forward, and she smiled brilliantly.

Luna’s hoof reached forward, pulling Lulu’s head down before her lips softly met Lulu’s forehead, right before the base of her horn.

Pulling back, Luna drew the golem into a big, full-body bear hug, blue wings unfurling to wrap around Lulu entirely. “Thank you. For this morning and the cuddle. I needed that, quite badly, it seemed.”

“You’re welcome, Luna. You only need but ask.” Lulu hugged back, her grip firm, but careful.

Luna shook her head, looking into Lulu’s eyes. “No. I do not wish to impose. Anything you do with me, you do of your own volition. I will not force you.”

Lulu’s head tilted adorably. “I’m not sure I understand. If I am to serve you and Celestia, I need instruction. If you let me know what you desire, I will provide it–”

A hoof silenced Lulu. “Then that is another thing to discuss with Tia. If I have my say, you will be released from servitude, and be your own pony.” Luna’s head turned away and she whispered under her breath, “Even if it means you leave…”

Lulu’s reply was lost as the lock clicked and the door opened.

Celestia arrived at the door to her room and knocked twice. “Luna? Are you in there?”

She got no response after several seconds, so she opened the door and made her way in.

“Luna?” Two bodies shuffled, both sitting upright and flying apart in a flurry of limbs.

“Tia!” Seeing her sister, Luna bounded forward and wrapped her sister in a strong hug, nearly throwing her big sister from her hooves. A deep ‘oopmh’ left Celestia as Luna’s hug crushed the wind from her lungs. Nuzzling into her big sister’s chest, she sighed softly.

Celestia sat down and wrapped her forelegs around Luna, hugging back with much less strength. As Luna relesed her, she sucked a big breath in. “It is good to see you, Luna.”

“Good afternoon, Celestia.”

Celestia looked over to nod to Lulu. “It is good to see you again too, Lulu.”

Luna had snuggled into Celestia’s warmth, resting her back against Celestia’s belly.

Celestia looked down, one of her wings snaking around Luna, the tip pushing her chin up. “Did you sleep well?”

Luna nodded. “I did. Your bed is the softest. Lulu’s a great cuddler, too.”

Celestia smiled brightly. “She is, though I’d wager you could give her a run for her money.”

Luna’s belly grumbled. “I was just about to go eat, I’ve not had anything since this morning.” Luna giggled, scooting free of her sister’s grasp.

Celestia laughed with her, giggling softly. “Would you like me to join you?”

Luna nodded. “I would.” She looked to Lulu, and remembered her earlier words. “We have some things to discuss, as well.”

Celestia followed her look curiously. “Alright.” Standing, she turned toward the door, looking back, she caught Lulu’s eye. “Lulu? We’re going to eat.” Lulu nodded, and with a flash, she disappeared.

Luna’s wing sprung open to protect her eyes. “Where did she go?”

“Into her pocket dimension.” Celestia’s horn lit, and the door swung open.

“Oh, right.” Luna’s tail swished once as she shut the windows.

“Coming?” Celestia looked back to see Luna striding over.

“I am right behind you.” Luna turned and followed Celestia out.

As Luna caught up, Celestia’s head turned to regard her sister. “So, what did you want to talk about?”

“Since… I am returned, would you be averse to some changes to Lulu?”

Celestia quirked an eyebrow. “Like what?”

Descending the stairs astride her sister Luna replied, “Making her her own pony.”

“Oh.” Celestia kept her expression neutral, but her mood darkened.

“It is, to put it bluntly, quite odd to see oneself act so alive at one moment, and then so… artificial the next.” Luna’s ears pinned back. “She deserves to be herself, just like we are.”

“Luna.” Celestia stopped, turning to give Luna her full attention. “I would like nothing more than to do just that.”

“Then why do you not?” Luna looked up to her sister, pleading.

“Because, I don’t know how.” Celestia’s ears pinned back, frowning.

Luna came to a stop with a hard stomp. “But she deserves to be her own pony! You modified her previously, surely it–” Luna felt her sister’s hoof over her mouth.

“My modifications to her pale in comparison to what you are asking.” Celestia sighed. “I quite literally do not know how to give her what you ask.

Luna removed her sister’s hoof. “Surely there are others who know–”

Celestia shook her head. “No, there are none. I have checked. I still look! There have only ever been a few ponies in the last thousand years who did any research and attempted to make golems. I never did find out much more than what I was taught from her original creator about how to make minor changes to Lulu.” She looked to Luna, tears shimmering in the corner of her eyes. “Luna, sister, believe me when I say I wish I could give her her freedom.”

“What about asking Twilight?” Luna asked quietly.

Celestia shook her head. “I would not put this on her. She would take it as a personal project from me and…”

Luna nodded, following her sister’s train of thought. “She would possibly go overboard to try and get results, yes.” Looking into Celestia’s shimmering eyes, Luna asked, “Are you absolutely sure?”

Celestia nodded, looking away. “I have tried to find something, anything. I don’t trust myself to make those kind of changes to her without any kind of safety or backup in place, let alone notes.” She looked away. “I don’t want to lose her if I make a mistake.”

“Tia?” A blue hoof reached under Celestia’s chin and brought her head up to face Luna. “I did not know. I am sorry for bringing this up.”

“Don’t be. I knew you would bring it up sooner or later about her, and I…” Two tears slid down Celestia’s cheeks. “I knew you wouldn’t like the answer.” She shut her eyes. “I’m sorry, Luna.”

“No, Tia.” Luna’s hoof moved, gently wiping Celestia’s tears away. “I can tell you have truly tried, even if nothing came from your endeavors.”

Celestia drew Luna into a soft hug. “I promise, Luna, if something comes up in the future that we can give Lulu her free will, truly, I will not hesitate. She deserves nothing less for all she’s done for me over the years.” Her hoof moved to her eyes and finished drying them. Luna’s belly grumbled again, and a small blush turned her muzzle purple as it mixed with her fur. “Let’s get you something to eat then, Luna. Please, if you want to do research on her, I will give you all my notes and contacts.” She released Luna. “But please, temper yourself. Lulu, and any other golem’s master spell matrix is extremely complicated, any changes to it can have unintended consequences. Changing her appearance is one thing, but her very nature is another.”

“Alright, Tia. I will take you up on your offer. Maybe another set of eyes will help, now let’s get some food.”

“Gladly. Thank you for being so understanding, Lu.” She nuzzled Luna’s cheek. “I just wish I could give her what you ask.”

Returning to Celestia’s room after their meal, Luna stepped into the bathroom to shower and ready herself for her duties tonight.

Celestia, meanwhile, considered her thoughts before she met Luna this afternoon. ‘I want to do something for her. Something special.’ She lounged on her bed, laying on her side and staring out her balcony windows. Her ears swivelled as sound reached her, but she tuned it out and focused on her thoughts.

A hoof reverently laid itself on her butt, right at the center of her cutie mark. Celestia shrieked and bolted to her hooves. Turning, she spied Luna watching her. “Oh, I’m sorry, Luna. You scared me!” She held a hoof to her chest.

“Tia? Are you alright? I called your name a few times.” Luna’s frown amplified her concerned look.

“I’m fine, Lu. I was lost in thought.” Celestia laid back down, facing Luna.

“About Lulu?”

“No, I was thinking about you, actually.” Celestia shook her head, laying back down.

“Me?” Luna pointed a hoof at herself.

Celestia nodded. “With what you did for me this morning, I feel I should do something for you. I was… trying to figure out what you might like.”

“Oh…” Luna trailed off, a blush starting on her face. “You don’t need to feel obligated, Tia.”

“But I want to do something for you.” Her wings fluffed twice. “My day has been absolutely divine since you did, and… I want you to feel how I did.” A blush started on her face in response.

“Well, what did you have in mind?” Luna asked, quirking an eyebrow.

“I had a few ideas, but I do not know how you would receive them.” She looked away,

Luna sidled up to her sister, leaning into Celestia’s warmth. “Could you tell me them? I promise not to judge if you think that it’s… extreme or fetish-y. Everypony has their weird fetishes, even me.” Luna’s look bordered on pleading, her forehooves coming together gently.

Celestia chuckled. “You like bulges. I can tell.”

Luna’s jaw dropped as her face turned purple in a blush. “Y-yes, I do, Tia.” She looked away as her ears pinned back.

Celestia’s muzzle pressed against her ear. “Sorry, I was trying to make a joke.”

“Tis… no problem, Tia. It is a good example.”

“My idea is not a fetish, per se.” Celestia pulled back as Luna’s head turned around again.

“A-anyways, what was your idea? Like I said, I will not judge.”

“Alright.” Celestia took a deep breath, the tips of her ears glowing red. “One of them was I was thinking of letting you mount me.”

“That’s it?”

“I have not had anypony in there before. At all.”

The implication was lost on Luna. “What about Lulu?” Luna’s head tilted to the side questioningly.

Celestia shut her eyes, but shook her head. “No. The most she’s done for my marehood is like what she did this morning, use her mouth. My marehood is untouched inside.”

Luna quirked her head.

“I still have my hymen, Luna.”

“Oh. Oh!” It clicked for Luna, and she looked away as her wings fluffed. Celestia’s marehood had never been taken, at all.

Celestia looked away, her face more red than pink. “Yes, I have been trying to think of something truly special to give you, and that is pretty much the only thing I came up with, and the rest all just seem cheap in comparison.”

“You don’t have to, Tia.” Luna whispered, feeling a swelling below her.

“If I have not given it up by now, I can think of nopony else I would rather let take my marehood’s…” Celestia’s wings shuffled again, “virginity.”

“But… my member is so sma–” A gold band of magic snapped her muzzle shut.

Celestia’s glare was stern, her face considerably less red. “No, none of that. Luna, do not berate yourself like that over comparing yourself to me.” Her gaze softened and she shuffled closer, placing one hoof over Luna’s. “If anything, mine is freakishly huge. Don’t compare yourself to me like that, please.” She sighed. “Hearing that just… makes my blood boil at you thinking of yourself like that. Stop, please, it’s not healthy.”

Celestia’s magic released her. “But–” The magic returned, and Luna glared at her sister.

“No, Luna.” She looked her sister in the eye. “I understand that I may be massive, but with it there’s what… a couple dozen ponies that could come close to fitting it in? Anypony more normal-sized I wouldn’t even come close. You on the other hoof, could please anypony you wanted, if Lulu’s moans were any indication from after my shower this morning.” Celestia looked away, her ears folding back and her blush fading away entirely. “Besides, once they see it, they lose any interest in anything else about me, really.”

The magic around Luna’s muzzle faded again. “T-truly? You are envious of me?”

Celestia nodded. “I am. Between my height and its size, ponies assumed I was a stallion at first. It’s not exactly easy to hide it, unlike my tail covering my marehood.” She looked away. “I would like to be on the receiving end for once. Lulu isn’t able to fulfil that for me, and I would love nopony more than you to give that to me.”

“Tia…” A hoof gently caressed Celestia’s cheek. “If I cannot self-deprecate about my size, then you cannot either. We are stuck with our lot in life, and magic can only do so much.” She lifted Celestia’s chin. “If you are set on this, then I would love to be your first.”

“R-really?” Celestia’s eyes met Luna’s own and Celestia’s tail twitched eagerly.

Luna’s lips gently pressed against hers. “I would. When and how?”

Celestia smiled brightly, her blush returning. “Here and now. You’ve got plenty of time before court.” She stood up, her massive member rapidly hardening.

“Alright.” Luna followed suit, her own matching Celestia’s. “How do you want me to take you?” Celestia guided Luna off the bed, before turning around.

Celestia laid her front half across the bed, leaving her rear half standing. “How about like this?”

“That will do.” Luna replied, eyes squarely on her sister’s rear. Celestia’s marehood was beautiful. From just below her plump tailhole, Celestia’s marehood was shaped like a falling raindrop. The outer lips were full and smooth, but with every wink of her clit, Luna got a tiny glimpse into her sister’s marehood, a flash of pink greeting her. As Luna stared, more of Celestia’s juices dribbled out, down toward Celestia’s large balls and she squirmed.

Celestia was blushing profusely, her legs spread wide to give Luna plenty of access. One eye was trained on Luna, and her ears were pinned back. A soft “Lu?” shook Luna from her stupor.

Luna approached her big sister reverently. Celestia’s rear was massive this close to her face. Luna could not be more aroused at the thought of taking her sister, but she wanted to pay proper attention to her first. A blue hoof gently pressed against Celestia’s right cutie mark. “You’re beautiful, Tia,” Luna reverently replied. She nuzzled her sister’s rear, gently rubbing her muzzle across Celestia’s left buttcheek. “Let’s get you ready. I don’t want to hurt you.”

Celestia sighed. It was finally happening! “L-Luna…” Her words left her as Luna licked the sun she found there. She moaned softly at her sister’s gentle attention. Her cock was rock hard, but it was ignored in favor of a an anticipating, building pressure above and behind her cock, something Celestia hadn’t really ever felt before.

A scent met Luna’s nose, and she sniffed gently, the heady scent of an aroused mare wafting directly from the source powerfully, right nearby. Sitting down, her left forehoof replaced her muzzle on Celestia’s left cutie mark, both hooves gently rubbing circles around the twin suns.

Luna’s muzzle never left Celestia’s rear, gently rubbing and licking down to the inside of her left thigh. Finding a part of Celestia’s inner thigh, she gently nipped and sucked on the flesh.

“A-ah! Luna…” Celestia’s reaction was instant, she cried out, and her clit winked audibly, a soft, wet squish reaching Luna’s ears as a drop of her arousal landed on her mane. Her hips shifted, trying to press backward into Luna.

Luna giggled, licking at the flesh she had just nipped. “Oh, is my Tia sensitive there?” Luna asked, her voice husky. She nuzzled back up Celestia’s rear, her eyes drawn to Celestia’s absolutely drenched marehood. She took a deep breath, her mind clouding as Celestia’s musk invaded her nose. Her muzzle gently rubbed across the top of her sister’s slit, but she did not stay. She moved across to Celestia’s right buttcheck, nipping and kissing whatever she could reach and paying special attention to her sister’s cutie mark.

Finally removing her muzzle from Celestia’s rear, she eyed her sister’s slit. “Now for the appetizer.” She pursed her lips waited for Celestia’s clit to wink out. When it appeared, she was stunned at its size, it seemed that not only her member was oversized. Licking her lips, Luna pressed her muzzle against the sensitive bulb, kissing it firmly.

“Ah!” Celestia squealed like a filly, the sound light and filled with need. Luna smirked after Celestia’s clit retreated. Removing her hooves, she brought them up on either side of her sister’s marehood.

“Let’s see what we’re working with, Tia.” Luna’s breath was husky and washed over her sister’s marehood. Celestia shivered with each exhale onto her soft, very sensitive lips.

Luna’s forehooves pressed into each side of Celestia’s marehood, before gently pulling apart, spreading Celestia’s marehood for the first time. ‘Beautiful,’ Luna thought, seeing her sister’s vagina spread open before for her very eyes. The flesh was a very healthy pink, and it rippled, almost trying to draw her in as it dribbled even more liquid now that she was spread open more.

Luna licked her lips before kissing up and down each of Celestia’s spread lips. Each kiss was gentle, yet firm enough to keep Celestia panting. A pomf sounded in the room as her tongue swiped up Celestia’s whole slit, drawing as much of Celestia’s dribbling fluids as she could reach. The taste was the same as what Lulu had shared the previous morning and no less delectable. She dug in, making sure not to press her muzzle into Celestia, instead licking and kissing each of Celestia’s lips, and descending to kiss Celestia’s clit every time she could.

Celestia cried out, moaning loud as Luna finally started to dig in. Celestia was in heaven. Luna was worshipping her rear, driving her arousal to heights she’d never expected. “Lu… please! I need you…”

“And I can’t stand not having you anymore…” Luna pulled back, to Celestia’s slight disappointment, tempered by the anticipation of what was to come. Celestia panted, her wings standing straight up. Luna stood, moving to look into Celestia’s eyes. “You’re ready, Tia. So am I. Are you sure you want this?”

“Yes…” Celestia moaned, her tail twitching. “Take me, Luna…”

Luna returned to her sister’s rear. Rearing up, she stepped forward until her forelegs draped in front of Celestia’s wings. Celestia looked over her shoulder, a single eye shimmering as she felt Luna’s weight on her back.

Shuffling forward, Luna’s rock hard member pressed between Celestia’s legs, right against her balls. Luna changed her angle slightly, rearing up a little higher, but was unable to reach Celestia’s marehood. “Tia. I can’t…” Her ears pinned back, ashamed to look into Celestia’s eyes.

Celestia’s horn lit and a stool flung from the bathroom, landing softly onto the bed in Luna’s vision. “Shh… Luna. I am not mad or disappointed. I want this just as much as you do…” Luna dismounted her sister sadly, set the stool down and stepped up to re-mount Celestia. Both ponies groaned as Luna’s tip pressed against her sister’s slit this time. “Oh… Luna.” Celestia moaned.

“A-are you ready?” Luna asked, resisting the urge to thrust into her sister.

Celestia’s head turned, a single eye lovingly looking back at her sister. “Be gentle…” The eye focused on Luna again, Celestia smiling brightly.

“Anything for you, Tia.” Luna’s smile matched her sister’s as she pushed forward, her cockhead pressing against Celestia’s slit harder. The lips refused to spread far, until Celestia winked. Luna felt her sister’s lips give way, an immense warmth greeting her leaking head. Celestia groaned as she felt herself spread open for the first time, Luna’s cock finally starting to claim her.

Slowly, Luna pushed deeper, a quarter of her member disappearing into her sister. Celestia’s immensely tight walls rippled and squeezed her in ways that Lulu’s couldn’t. As she pressed deeper, she came up to the one thing that might cause her sister some pain, her hymen. Luna stopped as she looked to Celestia.

Celestia felt Luna press against her hymen, but she went no further. The eye focused on Luna again, her sister waiting for Celestia’s okay.

“When you are ready, Tia.” A hoof stroked across Celestia’s back, trying to calm her sister down.

Celestia looked into her sister’s eyes, and knew Luna would do her best to minimize the pain. “D-do it, Luna. Claim me…”

She felt Luna tense above her. “Oh, Tia…”

Luna stared lovingly into her sister’s eye as she drew back slowly, a couple inches leaving Celestia before pushing back in slowly. Luna did not stop as she met her sister’s hymen this time. Though it stretched, it wasn’t quite enough and Celestia clenched instinctively as she felt a pinch of pain, a squeak leaving her nose.

Luna hugged her sister, wrapping her forelegs around her sister’s barrel. “I’m sorry it hurts, Tia.” Luna gently nosed and kissed the back of her sister’s neck, unable to reach any farther.

Celestia mewled for a minute before the pain dissipated. Luna’s spire throbbed in her, Luna’s heart racing as Celestia’s fell into sync.

Luna felt Celestia relax a little, letting up from the crushing tightness. “Tia?”

“I… you can move now, Lu. Just be gentle.” Luna nodded, and drew back slowly. Pushing through again, Celestia felt nothing but pleasure as Luna reached a little deeper in her. Celestia moaned as Luna grunted into the back of her neck. Luna sunk deeper with each slow thrust, Celestia’s breath hitching from the burst of pressure and pleasure.

A squeal left Celestia as Luna’s medial ring ground against her clit before it entered her. With most of her cock in Celestia, Luna shifted her angle. As Luna’s ring pressed in, Celestia bodily shivered, Luna’s head also grinding against a spot deep inside her that drove her wild. “O-oh!” Luna had to stop as Celestia clenched.

“A-are you okay, Tia?”

“Mmyes!” Celestia looked back at Luna, her eye glazed over as she moaned freely. “S-so big…” Celestia called out, her walls stretched for the very first time. Luna’s pride swelled a little more at her sister’s praise. She withdrew and Celestia felt a void where Luna’s cock had been, until Luna’s triumphant thrust back in sent a burst of pleasure through her. “D-deeper, more!” Celestia called out.

A delicious squelch followed as more than half of Luna’s member pulled out, before Luna thrust back in, a little faster. Celestia’s rear pushed back and for the first time, Luna hilted in her sister as her balls slapped against Celestia’s rear, right against the top of Celestia’s balls.

Both ponies reeled in pleasure. Celestia felt stretched, lovingly, by her sister’s member, and Luna had never felt anything quite like Celestia’s walls wrapping around her. Not even Lulu from the previous morning could compare. A fluid squelch sounded as Luna pulled back until just her tip was in her sister before slamming home again, groaning as Celestia’s walls massaged her.

Celestia was in heaven. She finally gave herself to somepony, and it was the one pony in the world she hoped to have. The sensation of being filled gloriously trumped the devouring void that filled her being when Luna drew back. The pressure in her gut kept growing, a familiar knot joining it, growing in her balls.

Luna quickly built up a steady pace, her hips speeding up enough to rock Celestia with the end of each push. She groaned, her cock’s head starting to expand as she neared orgasm. “T-Tia… I’m almost…” As Celestia rocked from Luna’s thrusts, she did her best to keep looking Luna in the eyes, trying to put as much love as she could into her expression.

“M-me too–right now!” Celestia’s orgasm snuck up on her as Luna’s expanding head ground gloriously against her g-spot with each push in and pull out. “L-Luna!” She cried out as she clenched down, orgasm washing over Celestia. Luna’s smaller orbs crashed into Celestia’s, Luna able to feel her sister’s larger balls churning and jumping as they started to release their load. Celestia’s neglected cock was flared fully, firing it’s load against the side of the bed and floor, a veritable pool of her seed pooling below her.

“T-Tia, where–” Celestia’s walls clamped down, strongly rippling and tugging at Luna’s member. She had to put more force into pulling out than ever as she kept fucking Celestia through her orgasm. The rippling tunnel around her drove Luna mad as she fell into orgasm, her flare stretching Celestia further. “Oh, Tia, I’m–” She cried out, right on Celestia’s heels. Luna felt her release as the first shot of cum left her balls and started up the shaft into her sister.

Celestia felt herself stretch further as Luna’s cock flared. Luna slammed in one last time before holding herself tight against Celestia, her hooves wrapped hard around Celestia’s barrel. Both ponies felt each shot of cum travel up Luna’s shaft, before it sprayed all over inside Celestia. Celestia’s head turned around fully as Luna started filling her. Luna’s lips met hers and she took no time invading Celestia’s mouth with her tongue.

Luna’s orgasm wasn’t as voluminous or long as the meal Celestia had fed her the previous morning, but neither pony cared, intent on loving the other as thoroughly as they could, as long as they could. Luna gasped as Celestia’s tunnel kept rippling and writhing around her spent member, and she could only hold on until Celestia’s release tapered off before pulling out.

As they cooled down, Luna moved to sidle up to Celestia again. She nearly slipped as she stepped off the stool and onto the floor, Celestia’s cum puddled around the stool and side of the bed. She sidled up to Celestia, snuggling into Celestia’s side and nuzzling Celestia’s cheek.

As Celestia came back to the waking world, she nuzzled Luna back. “L-Luna, that was perfect.” She drew Luna into a soft kiss. “T-thank you. I could not have asked for more.”

“Y-you are just saying that.” Luna blushed, looking away.

Celestia nuzzled her cheek again. “No, Luna. That was my first time, you know it. I will never forget that, and how special you made me feel. If I can make you feel even half as good as I did, then I will die a happy mare.”

“I have no doubt you will, and more, Tia.” Luna felt one of Celestia's wings wrap around her, pushing to lay on her side. Celestia joined her, pressing her belly to Luna’s.

Celestia kissed Luna once more, a gentle peck on the lips. “I love you, my brilliant moon.”

Luna giggled. “Pet names already?” At Celestia’s blush, she kissed the hollow of Celestia’s throat. “I love you too, my shining sun.” Celestia pulled the covers over both of them and sighed softly as she settled in to rest.

Luna gently left the bed, sliding to her hooves. “Unfortunately, I cannot stay… no matter what my heart wants.”

“I know, Lu. I want to cuddle with you, but you have work to do.” Celestia replied sadly.

Luna’s hoof lifted her head to look back into her eyes. “If there is nothing I am needed for tonight, I will be back. If there is, then I shall visit you in your dreams… Is that acceptable?”

Celestia nodded. “You should probably shower again. I’m not sure how court would take you showing up smelling of… us.”

“A good point. I shall do so shortly.” She pulled Celestia’s head up, and kissed her gently both on the lips and on the forehead. “Have a good rest, love. I love you.”

Celestia shuddered hearing Luna say ‘love’ to her. “I will. I love you too, thank you, both for this morning, and that.

Luna smiled. “Think nothing of it, Tia. This is no competition, we are in this together.”

“When did you get so profound?”

“When you have nothing but time to reflect on your actions, philosophy is a good way to keep your mind occupied.” Luna replied, ears falling back.

Celestia’s ears joined her sister’s. “Oh.”

Nuzzling Celestia’s cheek again she whispered, “Do not worry, Tia. I do not plan on going anywhere without you at my side.”

Reluctantly removing herself, she stepped into the bathroom and started the shower.

Luna returned to see Celestia fast asleep, the lights in her bedroom out. Lulu had returned and was currently holding Celestia gently, eyes trained on Luna.

Feeling the pull of the moon, Luna set the sun for her sister and raised the moon, dusk rapidly giving way to night.

Good evening, Luna.’ rang in her head a second after Lulu’s horn lit.

Luna nodded. ‘Good evening, Lulu. You did not join Celestia and I earlier.

You needed the time to yourselves. I would only have gotten in the way.’ Lulu blinked.

Luna shook her head. ‘Nonsense. You are welcome to join us, should you want. I know Tia has no issues with it, either.

Lulu said nothing, but her head looked down to Celestia. ‘She is quite a lot happier than she has been for centuries.

I can tell. She is practically glowing.’ Luna smiled softly, eyes on Celestia.

What did you do to her to make her so happy?

I made love with her, I gave her something she’d been pining for.

You took her marehood’s virginity.

Luna nodded. ‘I did, at her behest. It did not take much convincing with as passionate an argument she made, but I did my best to be as gentle and loving as I could.

You did just that.’ Lulu stroked Celestia’s mane gently, drawing a small coo from the sleeping mare. ‘She never let me use more than my mouth and tongue there. I believe she was saving herself just for you.

Luna shook her head. ‘Not me specifically, but one whom would give her the attention and pleasure she deserves.

Lulu nodded, her ears pinning back. ‘I am unable to provide that for her.

But you and I are able to do something together for her.’ Lulu looked to Luna. Luna smiled brightly. ‘We are able to love her. Together.’ Luna’s eyes shut slowly and she steeled herself.

Luna brought a cushion over to her and sat down. ‘I cannot be with her as much as I want to, between her diurnal schedule, and my nocturnal one. She deserves a pony who she can sleep with at night and love. Somepony better than me.

Luna sighed, her eyes opening and shimmering with tears. ‘I feel… almost like I am waiting for the other horseshoe to drop, Lulu. I have never felt the way I do for my sister for anypony else, and I very much enjoy it. I love her, truly. But, another part of me is skeptical, waiting for something to happen to drive us apart. Forever.’ Two wet trails down her muzzle marked her tears’ descent before they dropped onto the cushion below.

Luna. That kind of thinking is unhealthy.

A sharp laugh rang through the room, an ugly, haughty thing. ‘You think I do not know that? There is a kernel of truth to it, though. Every time something nice or good happens in my life, something worse happens to me or somepony close to me. That is part of why I have remained so… aloof for most of my life. I do not want to hurt anypony, I can take the pain for myself.

Lulu’s eyes widened, but Luna drove on. ‘But, for the first time, I feel my heart stirring, truly, for somepony else. That she feels that way for me… it brings me joy I cannot express. I want to so very much throw caution to the wind and love her like the sublime goddess I see her as, but experience in my long life has taught me that something bad will happen. It does not come in any expected way, and scars mine heart once more. Or it will break me entirely.

Luna’s gaze grew hard, her frown turning to a scowl. ‘Lulu. Should something happen to me, take care of my sister. Love her and never let her go.

What are you–

Luna’s tone changed, becoming much more stern. ‘I love Tia, and you, Lulu. Truly. I do not want her to be sad, hurt, or worse. Swear this to me, Lulu: If I should fall to darkness, or something else, please, do not hesitate to put her safety above mine own. I could not bear to live with myself if something happened to her and I could have prevented it, or if it was because of me.

Luna, I…

Luna’s gaze shot up to Lulu’s and the golem froze, an approximation of fear tingling down Lulu’s spine for the first time. Luna’s soft, rounded pupils were gone, replaced with teal slits as Luna growled at her. Luna’s mental voice was different, deeper, and something about it made the hair on the back of Lulu’s neck stand up. ‘Swear to me, Lulu! I would rather be killed than harm her.

I… Luna, I cannot.

Luna snarled, fangs gleaming in the moonlight. ‘You must!

I cannot. I am bound by–

Luna leapt to her hooves on her cushion she seemed to tower, taller than even Celestia. ‘To hell with that! If I become Nightmare Moon again or some other evil assails us, I would rather she live and give mine own life up! I would rather die than see her harmed. Swear to me you will protect her from anything that would attack her, even myself. If I should fall, she mus–

“What is… Luna!” A flurry of white fur and feathers leapt from Lulu’s grip and slammed into Luna. “What’s going on, Luna?”

Thoroughly surprised, Luna was folded into a firm, full body hug as Celestia wrapped herself around Luna. “Speak to me, Luna! Please… do not…” Tears burned on the edge of Celestia’s vision as she buried her head into Luna’s black fur. “Please…”

A black hoof gently rose and held Celestia’s back. Luna spoke, her voice much deeper, and it sent a chill down Celestia’s spine. “I… am fine, Tia. I was talking with Lulu and… things got heated.”

“What–” Those eyes focused on Celestia, and her hair stood on end.

“I am sorry for scaring you.” Celestia averted her gaze as she wrapped Luna tighter.

“What could possibly have gotten you so… heated?” Celestia looked Luna in the eyes, the teal pupils slowly widening again.


“Me?” Celestia’s eyes widened.

“I want Lulu to prioritize protecting you, over me. I can take care of myself.” Two big tears dropped onto Celestia’s chest. “But if something happened to you…” Luna trailed off, sobbing. Her fur slowly lightened, returning to its natural blue as she let Celestia hold her.

Luna buried her head in her sister’s neck, starting to cry in earnest. Celestia heard Lulu’s voice ring in her head. ‘What she wants… Celestia, I cannot provide. She wants me to consider her a threat, and still let her near enough to love you. I cannot do both.’ Lulu’s voice was almost mechanical, her voice flat.

She is not a threat!” Celestia yelled, her head whipping around to face Lulu. “She is my sister, and I love her!”

Lulu’s ears folded back. “I am sorry, Celestia. I cannot do what she asks. It goes against my matrix.”

“Then don’t listen to what she just said! Just love us and let us love each other. We will deal with whatever might come together.”

“But Tia…” Luna sniffled, a blue hoof wiping away her tears.

Celestia’s muzzle came down to kiss Luna’s lips. “No, Luna. You said we are in this together.” She looked into Luna’s eyes as she whispered, “Or was that a lie?”

“No, Tia. Never!” Luna’s eyes shimmered again.

“Then what has you so worked up?”

“I… am scared. Every time something good has happened in my life, something else comes along to try and take it away! I… don’t want you to get hurt.”


“Every. Time.”

“Nightmare Moon?”

“I had my first crush on a stallion. I was ecstatic. Two weeks later, that happened. That one is the single worst response to ever happen, and…” Luna gulped. “If that was the response to that, what will happen now that I’m in love with you, Tia?”

Celestia pulled Luna tighter against her, a hoof pushing her head into the crook of Celestia’s neck. “It doesn’t matter. We’ll get through it together.”

Luna trembled against her, shaking like a leaf. “But…”

“No, Luna, we will get through this, together, like you said. Whatever might come.” Luna felt Celestia’s lips against her forehead. “I love you far, far too much to abandon you.” She nuzzled against Luna’s horn. “You’re stuck with me now.”

Luna started to calm down, but still trembled. “Tia…”

A piece of parchment floated over in Celestia’s grip. “One moment.” Celestia wrote a short letter and sent it off in a puff of smoke. “There.”

Luna was hoisted into the air and landed on Celestia’s back. A soft “Tia?” left her as she instinctively wrapped her forelegs around Celestia’s neck.

“I gave you the night off, a mental health night.” She looked back into Luna’s eyes. “You aren’t in any state to work tonight, so I will make sure you get some rest.” She smiled softly as she tapped one of the legs wrapping around her neck. “You’re staying right here with me.”

Celestia climbed back into bed, and let Luna off her back. Luna rolled to her side and Celestia spooned into her back, wrapping her forelegs around Luna.

Lulu joined the pair, laying belly to belly with Luna. “Luna, I’m sorry I cannot do what you want.”

“It is… not what I would like, but Tia’s words ring true. I apologize for my actions and harsh words.” Luna’s ears pinned back. “It was not right of me to get so angry.”

Lulu nuzzled Luna’s cheek. “It’s alright, Luna. I know it is the intent behind those words rather than what you said to me. I know you want to keep her safe.” Lulu gently pecked Luna on the cheek. “I do too, both of you.”

“But that’s just–” Luna’s words muffled as Lulu kissed her.

“No, Luna. I do have my wants and desires, too. Mostly, I just want to love and be loved.”

Celestia nuzzled one of Luna’s ears, smiling brightly. “That we can do.”

Luna’s hoof drew Lulu’s head back up, pressing their lips together again. “Mm hmm!” she hummed firmly into Lulu’s lips.

Lulu’s ears pinned back. She broke the kiss with a whispered, “Thank you,” as she smiled softly.

She pressed forward bodily, folding herself against Luna, burying her nose into the hollow of Luna’s neck.

Celestia nosed the back of Luna’s neck before yawning. “It’s been a long day, we should get some sleep. You can stay up, Lu,” Celestia instructed, turning Luna’s head to look her sister in the eyes, “but you are not to do any work.” She squeezed Luna gently. “Take some time to relax, Luna. I want to wake up still holding you, okay?”

Luna nodded, “Okay, Tia. I am sorry for–”

Two pairs of lips met hers, pressing together firmly and cutting Luna’s words off. Lulu and Celestia had moved to silence her apology together. Leaving Lulu in place, Celestia pulled back. “Luna. We both already know you are sorry.” A hoof traced Luna’s barrel gently. “Please, do not beat yourself up over tonight. We know you love us, and we love you, too.”

Lulu hummed into her, “Mm hmm.”

Luna nodded, as best she could, without dislodging Lulu’s soft lips, but they pulled back a few seconds later anyways. Lulu’s muzzle pressed into the hollow of her neck again as she settled down.

Celestia laid her head down again and shifted a little, completely wrapping herself around Luna from behind, tight enough that her sheath slid between her sister’s cheeks and just past her tail’s dock. Luna felt her sister’s chin settle on the top of her head.

A peace washed over her, her loves sharing their warmth and bed with her. Surrounded in their presence, her earlier anxieties washed away, the world at peace.

Minutes passed in peaceful silence, until Celestia let loose a cute little snore, right into one of her ears. Luna smiled softly, turning her head minutely. Her horn lit and her consciousness dove into the dream realm.

Several hours later, she returned from the dream realm, still held by Celestia and Lulu.

The warmth and love from the two bodies surrounding Luna had her eyes drooping in short order. Her head laid down and sleep claimed her in minutes.


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Luna jerked awake. Sunlight filtered through the windows, but she felt cold. The warmth surrounding her was gone, along with the hooves wrapped around her.

Sitting up, Luna blearily looked around the room and neither Celestia nor Lulu were present.

Steadfastly refusing to panic, Luna left the bed and made her way to the bathroom to start the day. She showered in record time, shooting through her daily routine in mere minutes.

Exiting the bathroom, Luna froze. Celestia and Lulu had returned from wherever they had gone. Both ponies were laying on the bed, lidded eyes looking directly at Luna.

Lulu laid on her belly, facing away from the bathroom with her legs spread wide and tail over her back. Her marehood winked, leaking profusely. She laid her head on Celestia’s rear, smiling salaciously as she nuzzled at Celestia’s cutie mark. Her wings extended, twitching in anticipation.

Celestia lay on her belly as well, though facing the front door to the apartment, perpendicular to the bathroom. Her head rested across her front hooves and she licked her lips. An audible slap drew Luna’s eyes to her sister’s pride, the massive member slapping against her belly before settling down against the soft fabric on the bed, the entire length in clear view for her to ogle. Her balls sat comfortably between her spread hindlegs, peeking out underneath her shaft. Celestia’s wings were half-spread, twitching between extending completely and folding back up. Her pose radiated sheer sexuality, and Luna felt the effects as her sheath stirred, her member started spilling forth.

“Good morning, Luna.” Celestia cooed huskily, her shaft throbbing in anticipation. “Did you sleep well?”

Luna nodded dumbly, a hoof still raised to take a step further into the room.

“See something you like?” Celestia asked. Luna nodded again, her ears folding back.

Celestia smirked, licking her lips again. She shifted, grinding her cock into the bed for a few seconds. “Then why don’t you join us?”

Luna was at the bed so fast she might as well have teleported, her lips ramming into Celestia’s. Surprised, Celestia’s mouth opened and Luna took advantage, drawing her sister’s tongue into a passionate duel. Celestia moaned at the contact, her wings finally spreading completely.

Lulu nipped and suckled at Celestia’s cutie mark, further fuelling Celestia’s arousal, causing Celestia’s cock to slap her belly again.

Pulling back to breathe Luna asked, “How do you want me?”

Celestia purred, “Lay on your back on the bed. Get that beautiful butt near the edge, we shall take care of you this morning.”

“Mmh, alright, Tia.” Luna shivered as she moved, flipping over. She bit her lip in anticipation and the thought of Celestia’s massive member invading her had her own marehood twitching and starting to leak her arousal.

Celestia motioned to Lulu with a wing, and both stood. Celestia stepped directly over Luna to hop down off the bed. Luna took the opportunity to trail her tongue along the length of Celestia’s member. She reached up with her hindlegs to halt Celestia for a second, nosing into her sister’s balls at the end of the shaft.

“Luna…” Celestia gently lowered Luna’s legs and hopped down, off the bed completely. Turning, she spied Luna spreading her hindlegs before letting them hang over the edge of the bed, giving Celestia a great view of her dripping marehood and twitching cock.

Luna’s head peeked up over her own cock to look at Celestia. “Be gentle, Tia. You’re big, and while I’m not exactly… inexperienced with penetration, I’ve never had anything close to that large before.

Celestia smirked, eyes lidding. “Oh? You’ll have to show me your collection, then.”

Luna blushed furiously, her face turning purple through her fur as her pupils turned to pinpricks. “Uh, um…”

“I was only joking, Luna.” Celestia blushed to match her sister as she looked away.

Luna’s head fell back onto the bed and she shut her eyes. “I will, if you really want to. After this, though. Though, I will say… it is not big.”

A hoof laid itself on one of Luna’s legs as Celestia replied, “Only if you want to.”

How do you want me, Luna?” Lulu whispered into her ear. Luna’s eyes looked up to see Lulu laying down next to her, her head cocked to the side adorably. Her head lifted as Lulu’s horn lit, surprising Luna. Lulu’s lips captured hers, and Luna leaned into the kiss.

She squealed as she felt a muzzle press against her right leg’s inner thigh, kissing and licking the sensitive fur. Cracking an eye open, Celestia’s horn waved in the air between her legs, the tips of her ears poking up over own hardening shaft and balls.

Lulu pulled back, and stared into Luna’s eyes. Luna breathlessly answered the golem’s question, “I want you to ride me, but help Tia get ready first.”

Lulu nodded, and stepped off the bed. She whispered into Celestia’s ear, and the muzzle against her fur nodded before it left Luna’s fur.

Luna sat up to see Celestia sitting down with Lulu between her hind legs. Lulu had started to kiss and lick at Celestia’s shaft, drooling generously over the head. Both ponies stroked along Celestia’s shaft, eagerly lubing it up.

One of Luna’s forehooves made its way to her own shaft, starting to rub eagerly as she watched. Her twin scents of arousal wafted about the room, Celestia's joining soon after.

“Ah, Lulu, I think we got it,” Celestia groaned, reluctantly pushing Lulu away. “Let’s go get Luna ready.” Both ponies moved forward, muzzles pressing in against Luna’s thighs.

“Oh!” Luna moaned, feeling their muzzles kissing along her thighs, toward her marehood.

Celestia wasted little time, her muzzle kissing along Luna’s lower lips eagerly. Unlike Celestia, Luna’s lips weren’t sealed completely, letting her leak more than her sister. Celestia’s nose filled with her sister’s heady musk, the scent burning into her mind. Lulu joined her seconds later, tongue sliding out and swiping at some of Luna’s juices. Both ponies lifted a hoof and spread Luna open for them. Luna moaned as she winked, her clit poking out into view for her sister and Lulu.

They dove in together, Celestia’s lips sliding around her sister’s clit and suckling, getting just a taste of the tart, berry flavor from Luna’s marehood. Lulu slid in just below, her tongue lapping into Luna and helping spread her open just a little more. She dutifully lapped at Luna’s slit, occasionally stopping to nibble at her outer lips, teasing Luna.

“A-ah! Tia… Lulu!” Luna cried out, her head falling back to stare at the ceiling.

“She’s as ready as she can be, Celestia.” Lulu slid away from Luna’s marehood before stepping back up on the bed.

Celestia stood back up, rearing up slightly to raise her front half over Luna. Her belly brushed over Luna’s member, drawing a moan from her sister. Her member poked between Luna’s thighs, trying to find her target. Lulu laid down alongside the pair, nuzzling Luna’s cheek as Celestia lined herself up.

After several pleasurable prods, Luna groaned as she finally felt Celestia’s cockhead press against her lips. “Tia…”

“Are you ready, Lu?” Celestia looked down into her sister’s eyes.

Luna’s eyes shimmered and she pleaded, “T-take me, Tia…” Celestia’s hips shifted gently, grinding her cockhead against Luna’s lips. Luna’s marehood winked madly against her sister’s cock, her lips spreading slowly. After almost half a minute of growing, gentle pressure, her lips spread around the large head and it sunk in slowly, gloriously spreading Luna. Luna cried out, “So… thick!” as she gasped. She had never been stretched so far, and the pressure was intense. Pleasure flooded her nerves, but there was a tiny twinge of pain as Celestia throbbed. Luna focused on the sensations, willing herself to relax and enjoy her sister’s attention.

Celestia halted, letting Luna adjust. Luna was tight, her marehood gripping Celestia’s cock like a vice, slowly loosening as Luna calmed down. Lulu draped herself along Luna’s side as she nuzzled under Luna’s chin and neck. Luna felt her sister’s muzzle press against a lower spot on her neck, gently kissing and nipping as she waited.

The pressure lessened after a minute, Luna moaning only felt pleasure from the softly throbbing shaft in her. “More…” Luna squirmed as she loosened up enough for Celestia continue. Slowly, Celestia pushed forward again, sinking further into her sister. A quarter of her shaft followed the head until Luna cried out and clenched again. The pleasure was immense and helped dull it, but more pain leaked in behind her sister’s thrust, Celestia pressing in too much, too fast. “O-okay, Tia!” Celestia’s hips froze, pulling back just a hair. Luna’s forelegs flung up and around her sister’s head, holding Celestia in place. “G-give me a bit… please!”

“A-are you okay, Lu? If-if it’s too much, we can do something else.” Celestia’s ears pinned back at the thought of hurting Luna.

“No! J-just… let me get used to it, please!” Luna cried out. Several more minutes passed, the pain and pressure faded as Luna calmed down again enough for Celestia to continue pushing in. Celestia pressed deeper again, slower. Luna’s marehood allowed her sister to press several more inches in until it became too much and a twinge of pain brought them to a halt again for Luna to adjust.

Lulu was with them every step of the way, gently massaging Luna’s wings, doing her best to help pleasure Luna and keep her happy. Every time Luna clamped down on Celestia, in pain or not, Lulu’s muzzle was nearby, nuzzling against her, reassuring Luna of her presence, that she didn’t have to do this alone.

Luna moaned, a hoof moving to hold Lulu against her, as Celestia’s cock pressed deeper and deeper into her, the painful twinges causing her to have Celestia stop finally faded into pure pleasure. Celestia’s spire never seemed to end, Luna stretching deeper and deeper until she felt something larger press against her outer lips, and her eyes widened in realization: Celestia was deep enough that the medial ring was her next obstacle, intent on spreading her further.

Lulu watched the pair, eyes watery. Luna held her gently and she could feel the love, the magic in the air as Celestia took her sister. The sheer feelings in the air between the sisters might have been oppressive to anypony else, but she felt their love for each other also flowing toward her, her own returning to them. Each of her lovers’ love had a ‘feeling’. Celestia’s love felt a furnace: hot, passionate, and all-encompassing, bordering on overwhelming. Luna’s, meanwhile, was more gentle, sensual, yet its presence flooded her core just as much as Celestia’s. She didn’t know what her own love felt like, but neither of her lovers seemed to mind it, occasionally kissing or nuzzling against her as they focused on Luna.

Celestia’s mind swam with pleasure. Luna’s marehood felt absolutely amazing around her cock, but she tempered herself. If she didn’t take her time, she risked hurting Luna, possibly driving her away.

Luna’s entire body shook with pleasure, unable to keep herself still. “T-Tia!” She cried out as Celestia’s medial ring stretched Luna that little bit further to enter her. Both ponies moaned as sensitive ring ground against Luna’s clit before it slipped inside. Celestia’s hips pushed a bit harder and several more inches sank in, until her tip bumped up against something deep inside Luna, Celestia found her sister’s deepest barrier, her cervix.

Luna gasped as she felt her sister’s tip press against something she never felt inside her before. “A-Ah, Tia!”

Both ponies panted, minds clouded with pleasure coursing up their spines. “That’s… that’s as deep as I can go, Lu.” A hoof brought Luna’s muzzle down, and Celestia’s lips met hers. She tilted her head to the side slightly and Luna’s tongue met her sister’s in a loving wrestle.

“So… deep. So big!” Luna groaned, as she clenched around her sister’s member purposely. Celestia’s face scrunched up, but she moaned as Luna relaxed. Luna’s lips met her sister’s, passionately. Breaking the kiss, Luna looked up into her sister’s eyes. “Now, Tia… take me!”

“A-alright, Lu. Let me know if… if it becomes too much.” Celestia pulled back, Luna’s walls tugged at her cock and a delicious squelch following half of her member leaving Luna.

Thrusting forward Celestia reared up, almost standing vertically on her hind legs, her forelegs leaving Luna’s hips. Celestia’s wings spread to help her keep balanced, and a shadow cast across her sister from the sun at her back. Luna saw her sister’s imposing figure as she thrust back in and was awestruck at how much of a goddess Celestia looked, and felt, like. A loving smile shined down on Luna as her sister stared down from on high.

Lulu immediately saw her opening and crawled atop Luna, rubbing her marehood back against Luna’s rock-hard cock.

“Ah!” Luna cried out as Celestia’s hips rocked and her sister’s pride thrust back in, tapping against her cervix again. Celestia kept to a slow pace, letting Lulu do her thing.

Lulu took her time, raising herself up until Luna rocked from one of Celestia’s thrusts. She lowered herself down, her soaking marehood filled with Luna’s cock as she lowered herself, all three ponies finally connected.

“L-Lulu, ah!” Luna groaned, the sensation of her cock slipping into Lulu jolting up her spine alongside Celestia’s massive member thrusting into her.

Lulu’s marehood gripped and tugged at Luna’s cock, gravity assisting herself down to the base in short order. Lulu immediately set to bouncing on Luna, pulling herself up until just the tip remained before sliding back down. Luna’s hooves shot to Lulu’s cutie marks, helping guide her up and down her shaft.

Celestia changed tactics, drawing out most of her member out of her sister before pushing back in faster. “T-Tia!” she cried out as Celestia stroked harder and faster, pressing firmly against Luna’s cervix with each thrust.

“Oh, Luna…” Celestia groaned back, her muzzle gliding up and down Lulu’s back.

Luna moaned and yelled in pleasure as her lovers continued to please her, her breaths labored and heaving. “Lulu… Tia…”

Lulu was in heaven, Celestia pressing into her back at the end of each thrust into Luna, as she herself bounced on the same mare’s cock. Looking up, she caught Celestia with a loving smile looking down at herself and Luna. A matching smile made its way to her face just before Celestia’s hooves wrapped around her to help lift her off Luna’s member and push her down onto it better.

Luna barreled toward her end at a frantic pace, between Celestia’s unyielding thrusts spreading her, and Lulu happily bouncing above on her member. She closed her eyes and the sensations only increased, her finish coming just that much faster.

Feeling Luna flare within her, Lulu’s eyes left Celestia’s and she looked down at the mare below her. A forehoof went to her belly, rubbing directly against the bulge of Luna’s swelling cockhead, and her other forehoof steadied directly in front of her groin as she kept right on bouncing. Celestia’s next thrust pressed right against the hoof, giving Luna a direct feel of just how much her sister was stretching her.

“Oh-oh Tia, I’m coming!” Luna screamed in ecstasy, her own flare rubbed eagerly as Lulu continued riding her. She felt the first burst of cum shoot up her length before it crossed her flare, still being teased by Lulu. Stars filled Luna’s vision, her head slamming back down on the bed and her back arching slightly as the first, drawn-out shot fired like a cannon into Lulu. Lulu felt the warmth enter her and smiled brightly, diving down to the hilt and drawing back up before it ended. On its heels, the second shot followed into Lulu as she dropped down entirely on Luna’s cock, letting it shoot deep into herself. She never stopped bouncing, though, quickly rising up and sliding back down with each shot, trying to give Luna that much more pleasure.

Celestia, meanwhile, came to a stop as Luna’s tunnel clamped down tightly, so much so that she could hardly move. Celestia felt her sister’s walls rippled and stroked along her massive length, trying to draw the last few inches of her cock deeper. She groaned needily, her hips gently humping and pressing her slowly growing tip against Luna’s cervix.

Luna saw white as the pleasure peaked. Her flare grew in Lulu, the golem’s hoof having a little trouble grinding over it as she bounced. She rubbed the bulge firmly, feeling each long shot of Luna’s seed travel into her, warmth entering her womb as the pressure mounted. Lulu wasn’t done yet, but she gave Luna a reprieve, sinking down and stopping just as Luna’s flare started to shrink.

Celestia sighed as Luna’s climax came to an end, and she loosened up enough for Celestia to start to pull out. She didn’t get very far before Luna’s hips thrust forward, bouncing Lulu on her member.

Her climax receding, Luna’s eyes opened and she grabbed Lulu’s hips. Her hips shifted, thrusting up into Lulu as her hardness returned in full force.

Lulu moaned as Luna bounced her once, twice, three times before her hips resumed, at Luna’s assisted, faster pace now. Her wings spread and with each downbeat, she soared up almost entirely off of Luna’s cock, before her wings sprang backward, slamming her down onto Luna.

Celestia noticed the change as well, her sister’s tunnel rippling and drawing her retreating member back in. She moaned as she resumed fucking Luna, her pace resuming as she dove deep into Luna, ending in a rough hit against Luna’s cervix.

Each time Celestia’s cock slammed in, Luna felt a minute twinge of pain behind the pleasure. Luna grunted as she felt herself stretching again. “YES! FUCK ME, TIA!” Luna screamed as the pleasure mounted, threatening to overwhelm her entirely.

With each thrust into her sister, the firm barrier wavered, Celestia felt as it started to give, each thrust pressing a tiny fraction of an inch deeper than the last. A tight, growing pressure in her groin and balls let Celestia know of her own impending orgasm. Trying to power through it, Celestia grit her teeth as she moaned, “Luna… I’m getting close.”

Celestia’s cockhead started to swell, her sister stretching a little more as Celestia drew closer to orgasm. With a titanic thrust, Celestia felt her sister’s barrier give way and she sank into Luna completely, her cockhead sliding into Luna’s womb proper and the last few inches slipping in.

Luna screamed her pleasure to the world as her cervix finally parted, spreading wide to admit Celestia’s cock. She felt her sister’s hips finally connect with her own, and she couldn’t be happier.

Lulu felt the change as soon as Celestia drove in to the hilt. Luna cried to the heavens as she catapulted over the edge again, her cock flaring in Lulu for the second time. Lulu spotted Celestia’s flare and made sure a hoof was rubbing against it though Luna.

Celestia picked up the pace, pouring all her strength into getting herself off. Luna’s walls grabbed and tugged at her cock, trying to keep it within her. Celestia’s orgasm had been building for quite awhile, and she was seconds from finishing. She pulled back and slammed into Luna, once, twice, three more times, each heavy thrust rocking both her and Lulu at the same time.

Celestia hilted one last time as she cried out, “Lu-Luna!” As she barrelled over the edge, Lulu’s other forehoof joined the first, both rubbing against her flare in Luna, the pressure driving her further over the edge. She rocked her hips into Luna, shaking both ponies in front of her as her marehood squirted behind her, spraying over her tail several times, each one in time with her member shooting into Luna.

“Tia…” Luna gasped, breath leaving her lungs. She felt her big sister’s flare expand in her as she heard her yell. Celestia’s cock throbbed, and she felt two hooves rubbing deliciously against it.

Lulu felt an extra large throb underneath her, as the first burst from Celestia’s cock shot up the shaft. With each throb and burst of cum into Luna, an extra large shot pushed into Lulu from Luna. Celestia’s forelegs had wrapped around her and were rubbing against Luna’s flare in herself gently, and she smiled, feeling her stomach bulge out into Celestia’s hooves from Luna’s impossible output.

Luna’s mind went blank as Celestia released into her. Each throb from her sister’s cock sent a spasm through Luna. She felt herself stretch further as the rubbing hooves moved from Celestia’s flare to her bulging belly. Telekinesis wrapped around one of her hooves, bringing it to join the rubbing hoof, so she could feel just how big she was growing.

Celestia’s hips slowed to a halt as her orgasm tapered off. Lulu was heaving from exertion, but had a blissful, content smile on her face as she looked back into Celestia’s eyes.

“Oh, T-Tia… so f-full.” Luna moaned, drawing both ponies’ attention. Celestia looked around Lulu to see her sister smiling softly, her eyes lidded. Two rubbing hooves brought her attention to just how full Luna actually was, and Lulu’s bulging belly wasn’t far behind it in size.

“Y-you were amazing, Tia, Lulu. G-gonna be sore… but so w-worth it…” Luna’s wings were spread wide across the bed again, with a hoof against her own chest as she felt her racing heart start to slow down.

“You were great too, Luna. I might just have more in me than you.” Lulu leaned forward, kissing Luna’s lips gently. “Thank you.”

Luna returned the kiss, pecking Lulu on the lips just as softly. “I love you. I love you too, Tia.”

“I think I can say we both love you too, Luna.” Celestia took in deep lungfuls of air to try and calm herself down. She felt her member softening slowly, and a hoof shooed both rubbing hooves away before it could change its mind.

Her member retreated slowly, letting Luna close up some as her walls very weakly trembled around Celestia’s cock. By the time she pulled out completely, only a small fraction of her cum followed, most still trapped in Luna.

Luna had softened completely, retreating back into her sheath, which still kept Lulu’s entrance sealed. Lulu moaned as she rolled off Luna, “So messy…” As she rolled, a deluge of cum ran free from her now-unplugged slit, flowing down around her tailhole and directly onto her tail. “But… so fun.”

Celestia looked at her sister’s sheath, covered in her cum and Lulu’s juices before licking her lips. A white hoof pressed down onto Luna’s chest, holding her sister in place before her muzzle snaked down and around her sister’s sheath. Luna groaned as Celestia’s tongue got to work and she suckled, drawing her sister’s and Lulu’s flavor directly onto her tongue. Lulu’s flavor was familiar, but tempered with a cooler, smooth taste she couldn’t place. Though, it reminded her of a relaxing night under a full moon, shared with loved ones.

Celestia felt her head pushed away as Luna swatted at her. “No, T-Tia… too much. Too sensi-sensitive…” Her eyes closed, and was out like a light, a small snore leaving her nose seconds later.

“Guess we tired her out, huh, Celestia?” Lulu smiled genuinely, looking to Celestia as her tail swished wetly.

Celestia responded by lighting her horn. Lulu felt Luna’s wings wrap around her bodily, before they were both moved toward the head of the bed. Luna never woke, but she added her hooves, wrapping herself around Lulu entirely before she nuzzled into the golem’s neck, cuddling her. Celestia made her way around and pushed her muzzle into Lulu’s ear, whispering, “Keep her safe, Lulu. Her intuition is rarely wrong. Something is coming, so we should be prepared.” Celestia’s ears pinned back, and Lulu noticed Celestia’s wings fluff uneasily. “She is so, so precious to me, I can’t put words to try and describe it.”

Lulu raised her muzzle and Celestia tilted her head down. “I will protect her with my life, Celestia. As will I protect you.”

Celestia nuzzled into Lulu’s ear again. “And we shall protect you. Do not throw yourself away unnecessarily. You are dear to us, too.”

She felt Lulu’s nod before standing up and making her way out to the bathroom to start this beautiful, wondrous day. She was dirty, she reeked of sex and both her sheath and her rear dribbled, fluids running down her balls and thighs. Her tail was soaked through enough it hung limply behind her, the last third dragging on the floor like a wet mop.

She couldn't care less, she was overjoyed knowing her two loves would sleep safe and sound in each other’s hooves.