Life as a Foal

by BubblePuff

First published

I awaken as a foal in Equestria, with Nightmare Moon as my mother.

I fall asleep one night, only to awaken in Equestria as a foal! Not only that, but Nightmare Moon is my mother! What lies ahead for me in my new foalified life?

First day of a new life

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My depression had slowly gotten worse. I could barely eat, and I was constantly in tears. Some days I didn’t even feel like getting out of bed. I felt alone, like no one even cared about me. I layed in bed and shut my eyes tightly, just wanting the world to stop.

I don’t know when I dozed off, but when when I woke up I noticed that I was no longer in my room. I looked around and saw that I was in a crib with black bars, and that I was swaddled in a dark blue blanket covered in stars and moons. The room itself appeared to be a nursery, complete with toys, a playpen, changing table, and other supplies. The door to the nursery opened, and my eyes went wide when I saw that it was none other than Nightmare Moon!

Nightmare Moon walked over to the crib and looked down at me. It was then that she...smiled? Not a sinister smile, but rather a smile of joy. “Did my little Blue Moon have a nice nap? It’s time for mommy to give you your lunch.”

My head was spinning. Somehow I had become a foal, my name was now Blue Moon, and Nightmare Moon was my mom? This had to be the weirdest dream ever.

Nightmare Moon, or mommy really, lifted me out of the crib with her magic. She then layed down on a nearby couch and exposed two swollen breasts by her hips. She set me down next to one. “Go on my precious child, feed to your hearts content.” Mommy said in a soothing voice.

As if by instinct, I placed my mouth over one of the nipples and began to suckle. I could taste the breast milk enter my mouth and flow down my throat. It tasted like rich, sweet cream. I kept suckling until the milk was gone.

“My, my. You must have been hungry.” Mommy said the a giggle. She then grabbed me and placed me over her shoulder. Mommy gently patted my back until I let out a burp. Mommy then stood up and placed me on her back. “It’s time to meet the rest of the family. They’ve been waiting to see you.”

As mommy walked out of the nursery, she passed by a mirror and I got a look at myself. I was indeed a foal, with blue fur, a black mane and tail with blue streaks in both, and shiny platinum eyes. I was also an Alicorn, with wings and a little horn. I had on a dark blue diaper covered in mini stars and moons.

Mommy walked down a long hallway and into a large room. Inside were Princess Celestia, Cadence, Twilight, and Luna? I guessed in this world Luna and Nightmare Moon were two separate beings.

Mommy lifted me up with her magic and set me down on blanket. “Here he is!” She announced. The princesses gathered around me and dawwed. “He is adorable!” Twilight said with a big smile.

Seeing all of them smile made me feel happy. I giggled and booped Twilight on the nose. This caused everypony to giggle as well.

Luna leaned down and nuzzled me. “Hello little one, I am your aunt Luna.” I was immediately mesmerized by her mane. I started to swat at it with my little hooves. I guessed my mind had mostly regressed to an infant state to match my body.

I tried to tell Luna that her mane was pretty, but all that came out was “Uw madda ibbbie patty.” It seemed I didn’t know how to speak yet.

“Aww, I just adore baby talk. It’s so cute!” said Cadence.

Luna giggled as I climbed up her mane, fascinated by all of the shiney stars. “Little Blue Moon certainly likes to explore doesn’t he?” Luna said.

“That he does.” Mommy said proudly. “He will make a fine addition to the royal family.”

“And I’m sure he’ll love playing with my daughter, Nyx.” Twilight said. I had made my way to the top of Luna’s head when I heard Twilight. I became overjoyed knowing that I had a cousin to play with and clapped my hooves.

“Speaking of which, where is little Nyx?” Celestia asked.

“She’s in her stroller. I’ll go get her.” Twilight left the room and came back pushing a purple stroller. Sitting in it was Nyx, another baby Alicorn with black fur, a purple mane and tail, and teal eyes. She was sucking on her hoof when she looked up at me. I looked back at her and smiled.

“How about we get these two together in the playpen?” Luna said. “I don’t think the top of my head is the best place for a foal.”

Mommy picked me up with her magic and placed me on her back. She and Twilight walked back to the nursery and placed me in the playpen with Nyx.

“You two play nice now.” Mommy said. “Twilight and I have big pony stuff to do.” Mommy and Twilight then left the room.

I looked over at Nyx. “Hi, I’m Nyx!” She said with a smile.

“U can twalk?” I covered my mouth in surprise. “Wait, ow com I can undertand u?”

Nyx giggled. “We speeking foal. Big ponies don’t undertand us.”

This really didn’t make sense, but then again I was in a world of magic talking ponies. “My name Blue Moon!”

Nyx smiled. “I wike that name. Wanna pway?”

“U bwet!” Nyx and I rolled a ball back and forth between the two of us. We then started playing with blocks, trying to build a tower that could touch the ceiling. I stood on Nyx’s back to put the final block on top of the tower.

“Hurry up! U hweavy!” Nyx complained.

“Awmost there.” I carefully placed the last block on top of the tower. Nyx’s little legs gave out from under her, causing me to fall. I landed on my behind, with my diaper cushioning my fall. The tower then fell over. After watching it fall, I broke out crying.

“U bwoke the towa!” I shouted at Nyx.

“I did not! It twas an akident!”

“U doo-doo head!” I shoved Nyx, and she started screaming. This brought in Mommy and Twilight. They picked us up and immediately began to calm us down.

“Shh, it’s ok.” Mommy said. She nuzzled me and held me close to her chest. The softness of her fur and the beating of heart were soothing, and I soon calmed down.

“I wonder what happened?” Twilight asked as she held Nyx. Nyx looked over at me and gave me a nasty look.

“I do not know.” Mommy said. My diaper then felt squishy, and a foul odor filled the air. “But it seems this one needs a changing.”

Twilight felt Nyx’s diaper. “So does she.” We were both taken over to the changing table and laid on our backs. Our mommies removed our dirty diapers and threw them out. They wiped our bottoms and applied foal powder. Nyx and I were then strapped into new diapers.

“There, now who’s a clean little foal?” Mommy cooed. She blew a raspberry on my tummy and I laughed out loud. I then looked over at Nyx who still looked angry. I Crawled over to her.

“Nyx, I’m sowrry I pushed u I just wanted to show Mommy da towa. Wat I did was bad, and I hope u can forgwive me.”

Nyx smiled, then gave me a hug. “Apowogy accepted!”

Mommy and Twilight both dawwed at the two of us. “It looks like our little ones really like each other.” Mommy said.

Later that day, Mommy tucked me into my crib. “Time for night-night.” She placed a pacifier in my mouth to help me relax. I yawned as my eyes grew heavy.

Mommy kissed me good night. “Sweet dreams my little prince.” As I drifted off to sleep, I started to think about what else my new life would bring.

Welcome to the family

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I waited with Mommy as we sat in the waiting room of a hospital. Nyx, her mommy Twilight, and Celestia were with us. I looked over at Nyx.

“Do u know what going on?”

Nyx shook her head. “No. I just know we waiting for Luna and Cadance.”

Mommy noticed our chatting and looked at us with a smile. “Are you two excited to meet your new cousins?”

My eyes went wide. Cousins? Luna and Cadance did have swollen bellies recently, but I just assumed that they were fat. However, hearing that Nyx and I would be getting new playmates made both of us cheer.

A doctor came into the waiting room. “Luna and Cadance are ready to receive guests.”

Mommy placed me on her back, and Twilight placed Nyx on on hers. They followed the doctor down a long hallway to a room containing two beds. Luna was in one bed while Cadance was in the other. They both cradled newborn foals.

Luna spoke first. “Everyone, say hello to North Star.” North Star was a unicorn colt with a black coat, a silver and black striped mane and tail, and black eyes.

“Hewlo!” Nyx and I said in unison. North Star looked scared and buried his face in Luna’s chest. This made Mommy, Twilight, and Celestia Daww.

“He’s a little shy.” Luna said with giggle.

We then went over to Cadance’s bed. “This is my new daughter, Melody note.” Melody was an Alicorn with a pink coat, a red and purple striped mane and tail, and purple eyes.

I waved at her, and so did Nyx. Melody saw us and smiled. She reached out with her hooves to try and touch us.

“It looks like little Melody already wants to play.” Cadance cooed.

The next day Luna and Cadance came home to the castle. They placed Melody and North Star in the playpen with me and Nyx.

I decided to introduce myself. “Hewlo! My name Blue Moon! I’m ur cusin!”

“And I’m ur other cusin Nyx!”

Melody Note smiled. “I’m Melody! Nice to meet u!”

North Star hid behind a teddy bear. “I’m North Star.” He said timidly.

Celestia dawwed at our foal talk. “Ok my little ponies.” She announced. “Because you are all such a hooffull, I have hired a full time Foal sitter to watch you when your mommies are busy. Please say hello to Quick wit!”

A pegasus mare then entered the room. She had a lapis lazuli mane and tail, and a baby blue coat with matching wings.

“Hello little ones!” She said in a cheerful voice. “I look forward to spending time with all of you. In fact, I brought along my son to be your playmate. Say hello to Bioquill!” Quick Wit lifted her wing to reveal a foal carrier holding her foal Bioquill. He had a dark red coat, a dark brown mane and tail, and brown eyes. He smiled at us and waved his hooves.

As Quick Wit put Bioquill in the playpen, Celestia gave her some things. “Here are some bottles containing breast milk from each foal's mother, their names are written on the bottles so that there is no confusion.”

“Don’t worry, the foals and I will have a great time!” Quick Wit said.

“Very well. Farewell little ones, and behave yourselves.” Celestia waved goodbye and left.

I looked over at Bioquill. “Hi, I’m Blue Moon! Theese r my cusins Nyx, Melody Note, and North Star!” We all said hello, but North Star still hid behind the teddy bear.

“I’m Bioquill! Want Pway?”

We all began to play with the toys in the playpen. Bioquill and I had a race with toy trains, Melody and Nyx rolled a ball between one another, and North Star mostly sucked on his hoof.

“Alright little ones, lunch time!” Quick Wit announced. She gave us each a bottle with our names on them, except for Bioquill whom she breastfed herself. I held my bottle and drank mommie’s rich, creamy milk. When we were all finished, Quick Wit burped us one by one. When she burped me I burped the loudest.

“Wow! Looks like we have a winner!” Quick Wit said with a giggle. Nyx, Melody, Bioquill, and I all laughed at my loud burp. North Star however was so scared by it that he wet his diaper.

“Uh oh, did somepony have an accident?” Quick Wit picked up North Star and confirmed he had wet his diaper by the obvious wet spot. After getting him changed and returned to the playpen, I pointed at North Star and gave him a nickname.

“U pwince wetty!”

“Not funny!” North Star said with a pouty face.

“It pwetty funny!” Melody said with a giggle.

It was then that Bioquill looked up and saw the window. It had a view of the royal garden, and Bioquill was mesmerized by it.

“What out there?” He asked.

“Dat outside. Mommy says we no awowwed outside all alone.”

“But it look like fun! I wanna go!”

“But how we get past ur mommy?” Melody asked.

“Weave dat to me.” Bioquill then began flapping his wings. Soon he was hovering in the air, and began flying around the room.

A look of worry came over Quick Wit’s face. “Oh no. Sweetie, get down from there!” While Quick Wit was distracted, I climbed up on Nyx’s back and unlocked the playpen.

“Now our chance!” Myself, Nyx, and Melody all crawled out of the playpen and towards the door. Nyx noticed that North Star was lagging behind.

“U coming or not?” She asked.

“But we not s’posed to weave.” North Star said anxiously.

“Hawve it ur way, pwince wetty!” Nyx said in a mocking tone.

North Star became upset. “Dat still not funny!” Not wanting to be left out, he followed us out of the room and into the hallway while Bioquill distracted his mom.

We snuck down the hallway, ducking behind corners, vases, and columns to avoid the guards. Eventually we made it outside to the royal garden.

“It bweautiful!” Nyx proclaimed. North Star smelled some flowers and Melody chased a butterfly.

Eventually Bioquill made it outside. “Mommy not fast enough to catch me!” He proceeded to play in the dirt.

I was exploring the bushes when I heard a whimpering. I peeked inside one of them and was surprised at what I found.

It was a winged wolf pup. It was grey with a white underbelly, turquoise top part. It’s wings followed the same pattern.

I decided to introduce myself. “Hewllo! My name Blue Moon! Who are u?”

“My name Ekko.” She said.

“Wat u doing in da bushes?”

“I lost. I can’t find mommy or my pack.”

“Come wit me! My fweinds and fwamily will help u!”


“Yup! Follow me!” I led Ekko back to the others. “Eeweryone, meet Ekko! Thweses my cusins Nyx, Melody, and North Star. And this our fweind Bioquill!”

Nyx, Melody, and Bioquill all crawled over and greeted Ekko. North Star stayed where he was, but he still smiled and waved.

I could not help but pet Ekko with my tiny hooves. “ U fuzzy!” This made Ekko giggle.

“Ugh, what are you little brats doing out here?” We all turned to see who was talking. It was prince Blueblood.

“Who dat?” Bioquill asked.

I let out a sigh. “Dat Blueblood. He my other cusin. He a poopy-head meanie.”

Blueblood took a few steps closer, a look of disgust on his face. “Pathetic little foals such as yourselves are not allowed in the royal garden. Especially you.” Blueblood said as he pointed at me. “It is bad enough that Nightmare Moon is allowed to be a princess, but to have her little mistake running around? What is this world coming to?”

Blueblood then looked over Ekko. “And what is this abomination? Get out of here you oversized rat!”

We all broke out crying loudly after what Blueblood had said. It was then that Quick Wit came outside. “There you all are! You had me worried sick!” Quick Wit could not help but notice our crying, and turned to Blueblood. “What did you do?”

“Madam, I came across these little cretins and gave them a proper talking to. Maybe if you were better at your job I wouldn’t have to talk to such overly sensitive brats.”

Quick Wit’s face grew bright red. “What did you just say?!” Before Blueblood could respond, Quick Wit let him have it. “Listen here you pompous-”

*Quick Wit said a lot of words to Blueblood that mommie says I am not allowed to repeat. All I can tell you is that there were a lot of them, and that Quick Wit yelled for a long time*

“-And that’s all I have to say to you!” Quick Wit was almost out of breath when stopped. Blueblood just stood there like a statue, a look of complete shock frozen on his face.

Quick Wit then gathered us all up and ushered us back inside. “You are all filthy! I think it’s time for bath!” She looked down at Ekko with a gentle smile. “Yes, that means you too, sweetie.”

Quick Wit gave all of us a bubble bath. Playing with the bubbles was fun, but I don’t think that Quick Wit liked it when we splashed each other and her. When we were all dried off, Ekko’s fur became all poofy. She looked so silly!

Mommy, Cadance, Luna, Twilight, and Celestia all arrived to pick us up at the end of the day. Quick Wit informed them of what happened with Blueblood. Mommy thank her for handling him, then looked at me and said I was in big trouble. This made me gulp with fright.

Quick Wit then showed Ekko to Celestia, who was surprised to see her. “A winged wolf? They have not been seen for hundreds of years. I thought they were long gone.”

“What do you want to do about her?” Quick Wit asked.

Celestia looked at Ekko, who was giving her puppy dog eyes. Celestia smiled. “I shall take her in. Until her pack is found, this pup will live here at the castle.”

I clapped my hooves and cheered. Ekko would get to stay with me in castle, and I had a new playmate! Mommy then lifted me up with her magic and placed me on her back. “Don’t get too excited little one. You are still in big trouble.” Mommy then took me back to my nursery and spanked my bottom three times.

“I don’t like doing that, but you must learn that your actions have consequences.” Mommy then put me in my crib. I cried after being spanked, but in the back of mind the punishment was worth it because I got to go on an adventure and make a new friend.

Adventures in foalsitting pt. 1

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I awoke early in the morning, my tummy growling. I called out for mommy and when she didn’t come immediately I began crying. Mommy finally came into my nursery, a look of exhaustion upon her face.

“My sweet little Blue, you called for me five times last night.” Mommy said with a tired voice. “Three times for a feeding, and twice for a changing.”

I honestly did not remember any of that. I was still hungry and reached up to mommy while pointing to my mouth.

Mommy picked me up with her magic. “My breast are practically bone dry after the amount you consumed last night. This morning you’re going to try something different. But first.” Mommy check my diaper, than let out a sigh of relief. “Good, nice and dry. Two poopy diapers is enough for one night.” I could not help but giggle at mommy saying the word poopy.

Mommy placed me on her back and walked to the dining room. Celestia and Luna were already there, with Ekko and North Star seated in high chairs. Mommy placed me in my high chair next to Ekko.

Celestia noticed how mommy looked. “Nightmare Moon, you look exhausted.”

“It is not easy being co-ruler of the night when you have a foal that wakens every couple of hours.” Mommy said.

Celestia put a hoof on mommy’s shoulder. “I know how you feel. Ekko was up most of the night howling at the moon.”

“And North Star wouldn’t stop crying.” Luna said. “The poor little thing is scared of everything in the dark.”

Twilight and Cadance soon entered the dining room. Nyx rode on Twilight’s back while Melody Note sat on Cadance’s head and nommed on her mane.

“What are you all talking about?” Twilight asked as she put Nyx in her high chair.

“We were just discussing how our foals are extra restless during the night.” Mommy said.

“Tell me about it. Melody refused to sleep a wink last night. All she wanted to was play.” After a few seconds of trying to catch Melody who was crawling all over her mane, Cadance finally caught Melody and strapped her into her high chair. Melody put up a fuss and banged her hooves.

“Odd, Nyx slept perfectly.” Twilight looked over at Nyx with a smile. Nyx smiled back, beaming with pride. “But perhaps it’s time we all enjoyed a girls night out.”

“Oh, but I don’t want to bother Quick Wit with having to foalsit at night.” Celestia said.

“Don’t worry, I’ll ask my friends from Ponyville to foalsit. Trust me, they’ll be more than happy to do it.”

“A wonderful idea.” Said Cadance. “We can even bring Quick Wit with us. I’m sure she would appreciate a night off as well.”

Ekko, Melody, North Star, and myself all look over at Nyx with angry eyes.

“Wat?” She asked with a shrug.

“U da only one who no get compwaints about bedtime.” I said pointing my hoof at her.

“Dat because I bwehaved.” Nyx said smugly.

“No, u butt kisser!” I replied. The other foals broke out laughing.

“U meanie!” Nyx then stuck her tongue out at me.

Our mommies then placed bowls of mush if front of us. “Blue, you can’t be feeding on my breast milk all the time. So this morning you’re going to try foal food.” Mommy said.

I looked at the foal food. It looked icky so I pushed it away and turned up my nose. “Come on Blue, you’ll like it. It’s strained peaches.” Mommy used her magic to pick up a spoonfull. “Choo choo! Here comes the train into Canterlot station!”

Mommy tried to get the spoon in my mouth, but I refused. She then started to tickle me. As I laughed, mommy placed the spoon in my mouth. The foal food actually wasn’t that bad. “See? I knew you would like it.” Mommy fed me more until Nyx nailed me in the face with her foal food.

“Dat for calling me butt kisser!.” She said with a laugh.

I wiped off the foal food and looked over at Nyx angrily. I scooped up some of my own foal food and threw it right at her. It hit her in the face with a loud splat.

“Food fight!” Ekko howled. Soon we were all throwing food at each other. Melody, Nyx, Ekko, and I all laughed but North Star just cried after he got hit.

Mommy became covered in food. Her mane and tail were a sloppy mess. “Perhaps this girls night out could last a week instead?”

That evening as I, Ekko, Melody, North Star, Nyx, and Bioquill sat in the playpen Twilight came in with her friends from Ponyville.

“Ok my little ponies, these are my friends Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. Girls, you know my daughter Nyx, this is Nightmare Moon’s son Blue Moon, Cadance’s daughter Melody Note, Luna’s son North Star, Celestia’s foster pup Ekko, and this Bioquill, the son of their foalsitter Quick Wit.”

Twilight’s friends all dawwed. “Darling, they are adorable!” Said Rarity.

Twilight gave them a list and a bag of supplies. “This is a list of all the places we’ll be tonight. Here are the foals diapers, bottles of breast milk, and foal food. We’re trying to get them to eat more foal food so that they don’t have to breastfeed all the time.”

Rainbow Dash looked at the list. “Woah! Looks like you girls are planning on painting the town red tonight!”

Twilight blushed. “Well, I have to go. Make sure the foals get fed, bathed, and put to bed.”

“Relax sugarcube, everything will be fine. Now you go and have yourself a good time.” Applejack said.

Twilight turned to us and waved goodbye. “Bye my little ponies! Be good!” She then turned and walked out the door.

Upon seeing that all of our mommies were gone, we broke out crying.

Fluttershy was the first to try and calm us down. “There, there my little darlings.” She flew into the playpen and approached Ekko. “A winged wolf pup? Your kind are very rare. Don’t worry, I’ve taken care of regular wolf pups before, and I know just how to cheer you up.” Fluttershy then reached into a satchel that was by her side and pulled out a squeaky toy in the shape of a squirrel.

Ekko stopped crying and looked at the toy. Fluttershy squeaked it a few times, and this made Ekko giggle. Fluttershy gave it to her, and Ekko held it with her paws as she nommed on it.

“That’s one down, but what about the rest?” Rainbow asked.

“Leave that to me!” Pinkie Pie approached Nyx and Melody. She then pulled out out a bag of flower (from where, I have no idea) and dumped it all over herself. Nyx and Melody looked at the pink turned white party pony and burst out laughing. “Works every time!” Pinkie said.

Rainbow Dash approached Bioquill and North Star. “I know how to calm you two down.” She then picked up Bioquill and North Star and placed them on her back. “Hang on!” Rainbow then took off flying around the room. Bioquill and North Star stopped crying and started cheering.

“I guess that just leaves you.” Applejack said as she approached me. “I know the perfect trick to calmin’ down a foal. Big Mac did it to me, I did it to Applebloom.” Applejack then laid me on my back and blew a raspberry on my tummy. It tickled so much that I burst out laughing as hard as I could.

“Well, now that the little ones are settled I have marvelous idea! Why don’t we have a tea party!” Rarity said.

“That does sound nice.” Fluttershy replied.

“Plus, we can have cupcakes!” Pinkie said enthusiastically.

“And it will give me a chance to try out these cute little foal outfits that I have been working on!”

“That sounds dull.” Rainbow dash said. “I bet the foals would rather play a game of adventure!”

“I agree, that does sound more fun.” Applejack replied.

“How about the foals decide?” Pinke suggested. “If you want a tea party, raise your hooves!” Melody, Ekko, and I raised our hooves and paw.

“If you want to play adventure, raise your hooves!” Bioquill, North Star, and Nyx raised their hooves.

“Looks like split! Myself, Fluttersy, and Rarity will take Melody, Nyx, and Blue Moon for a tea party, and Rainbow and Applejack can take Bioquill, North Star, and Ekko to play adventure!”

“That sounds fair.” Fluttershy said. She then brought Melody, Ekko, and myself over to herself, Rarity and Pinkie for the tea party.

Nyx looked over at me as we passed each other. “Have fun wit ur wame tea pwarty!”

“At weast we get cupie cakes!” I said back smugly.

“We see abwout tat.” Nyx muttered under her breath.

Adventures in foalsitting pt. 2

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Fluttershy set up the table for the tea party while Pinkie went to the kitchen to make the cupcakes. Rarity lined up myself, Ekko, and Melody for our clothes fitting.

“Ok Blue Moon, I’ll start with you.” Rarity then reached into her satchel and pulled a tiny white tuxedo shirt with a matching jacket and black bow tie. She also pulled out a pair of tiny black pants. Using her magic, she slipped the outfit onto me.

“Ooh, you look so handsome!” Rarity then booped me on the nose. I couldn’t help but giggle, and the outfit did make me look handsome.

“And for Melody Note.” Rarity pulled out a sparkly pink dress with a matching plastic diaper. Rarity removed Melody’s old diaper and put on the new one, then slipped on the dress. “There! Fit for a princess!”

Melody made a big smile. “I wook pwetty!”

“Don’t worry Ekko, I haven’t forgotten about you.” Rarity pulled an aqua blue dress that also had a matching plastic diaper. She placed the outfit on Ekko. “You are so adorable!” Rarity patted Ekko on the head, and she smiled and wagged her tail in return.

“The cupcakes will be ready soon!” Pinkie called from the kitchen.

“I wonder wat da others are doing?” Ekko asked.

I just waved them off. “It pwobably something dwull.”

“Alright everypony, who’s ready to play adventure!” Rainbow said with enthusiasm. Nyx, North Star, and Bioquill all cheered.

“So what type of adventure would you youngins like to play?” Applejack asked.

“Duh, they obviously want to play Daring Do!”

“No offense Dash, but how about we let the foals decide?”

Rainbow pouted and crossed her front legs. “Fine! But I really want to play Daring Do.”

Nyx, Bioquill, and North Star all looked at each other. “How bout we pway pwiraits?” Nyx suggested.

“Dat sound gweat! But how do we wet Rwainbow and Abblejat know? They no speak foal.” Bioquill replied.

“I gots an idea!” North Star crawled over to his coloring book and grabbed a black marker. He closed his right eye and drew an eyepatch on his face.

“Good thwinking!” Bioquill and Nyx did the same thing. Soon all three had drawn on eyepatches.

“It looks like these sugarcubes want to play pirates.” Applejack said with a smile. She pulled a bandana out of her saddlebag and wrapped it around her head.

Rainbow took notice. “Well, I guess that could be fun.” Rainbow went to a closet and found a plunger. She lifted up her back leg and stuck the plunger on her thigh, using it as a peg leg.

“So wat should we do on our pwirait adventure?” Bioquill asked.

A grin came over Nyx’s face. “I, cabin Nyx, will wead u to take the booty of the cupie cakes!”

North Star broke out laughing. “U said booty!”

Rarity had set up the table for the tea party. Ekko, Melody, and myself all took our seats. Since tea was too hot for us, Rarity filled our cups with our mommies milk.

“Alright Darlings, now I’m going to show you how to properly hold a tea cup.” Rarity held her cup with with one hoof by the handle, carefully lifted it up, then took a sip. “There, now you try.”

I grabbed the cup with both of my hooves and chugged down the milk.

Rarity shook her head. “No no, like this.” She then repeated the cup holding technique. “Now try again.”

Ekko lapped up the milk from her cup with her tongue, causing her to drool.

Rarity sighed and rubbed the sides of her head. “That is most uncouth.”

We all giggled. Pinkie then came into the room with a tray of freshly made cupcakes. “Cupcakes are ready!” She set them down on the table and we cheered. Just as I was about to reach for one, there was a yell that came from rafters.

We all looked up to see Applejack, Rainbow, Nyx, Bioquill, and North Star dressed up as pirates. “Arr! Da cupie cakes be ours!” Nyx shouted. They all then swung down using curtains that had been tied together to make ropes.

Nyx landed on the table right in front of me. “Nyx, wat are Udoing?”

“My name cabin Nyx! I come for ur cupie cakes!”

“Oh boy! A pirate party!” Pinkie shouted. She then gave all of us foam rubber swords. “Defend the cupcakes!”

Nyx and I proceeded to do battle atop the table. “ U will neber have the cupie cakes!”

As I battled Nyx, Ekko fought North Star, Melody fought Bioquill, and Pinkie fought both Applejack and Rainbow. Rarity however was having none of it.

“Stop it! You are all acting like a bunch of brutes!” She shouted in her failed attempt to maintain order.

“U want da cupie cakes so bad? Take ‘em!” I grabbed a cupcake and hurled it at Nyx. She ducked, and the cupcake hit Rarity right in the face.

There was a brief moment of silence, then Pinkie shouted “Food fight!” Cupcakes flew everywhere. Everypony (and winged wolf pup) was covered in cupcakes and frosting. The tea set had been knock over. Rarity’s fancy foal cloths had been stained, and the entire room was a complete mess.

“STOP!” Rarity shouted. “My foal designs are ruined! The tea set is destroyed! And worse of all, there’s frosting in my mane! This is the worst possible thing!” She then broke out crying.

I and the other foals could not help but feel bad. We wanted to have fun, but not at the expense of hurting anyponies feelings.

“We need to make dwis wight.” I said. “Nyx, North Star, Bioquill, u hwelp Abblejak and Wainbow cwean up. Ekko, Melody, come wit me.” Nyx, North Star, and Bioquill went to the utility closet and got paper towels, a mop, and a bucket. They returned and and started cleaning up.

Meanwhile Melody, Ekko, and I went to the playpen and grabbed markers and paper. Pinkie hopped over and asked “Whatcha up too?”

“We need gwue and tape.” I told her. I doubted that she could understand me since I was speaking foal. Pinkie then sped away in a pink blur and returned with the glue and tape.

“Here you go!” She said happily. I don’t know how she was able to understand me, but I had work to do.

Along with Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow, Nyx, Bioquill, and North Star were able to clean up the place. Rarity was still crying on a fainting couch(Which I don’t recall ever being there) when myself, Ekko, and Melody approached her. I tugged on her tail to get her attention.

Rarity stopped crying and looked down at us. “What is this?” We were holding a giant card we had made that said “WE SWORRY WARITY” along with a drawing of her. We also gave her a paper hat that was covered in drawing of her cutie mark.

“ made these for me?” We all smiled and nodded our heads. “That is so kind and thoughtful of you!” Rarity gathered all six of us up in her magic and gave us all a big hug.

Applejack smiled. “That is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen.” Rainbow turned her head and made a gagging motion.

Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Pinkie then gave all of us a bath. Rainbow read us one of her Daring Do books until we got sleepy. They then put us in our cribs and tucked us in for the night.

Our mommies came home a couple hours later. “So, how was girls night?” Rainbow asked.

“Let’s just say that what happens in Canterlot, stays in Canterlot.” Twilight said with a giggle. “How were the foals? Were they any trouble?”

Pinkie immediately dashed to the front of the group. “You wouldn’t believe what happened! First there was a tea party, then pirats-” Applejack shoved her hoof in Pinkie’s mouth.

“Everything went just fine.” Applejack answered.

“Very good.” Said Celestia. “Would you care to do it again sometime? The other princesses and I want to make the girls night out a once a month event.”

Rarity looked down at the card that we all had made her. She smiled and put on the paper hat. “It would be our pleasure.”

Being sick is no fun

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I tossed and turned in my crib. I felt very cold, no matter how tightly I wrapped myself up in my blankie. I also felt very dizzy, and my tummy was in a lot of pain. My body felt stiff, like I was trapped in stone. I cried out for mommy.

Mommy walked into the nursery and stood over my crib. “What is wrong my little Blue?” She saw me shivering and picked me up in her magic. “You don’t look very good.” Mommy felt my forehead with her hoof. “Oh my! You’re burning up!” Mommy had also noticed that I had soiled my diaper. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

After changing my diaper, Mommy held me close to her chest. She gently rocked me back and forth. “Don’t worry, mommy is going to make you feel all better.” She whispered softly. My tummy still really hurt. I wanted to cry, but I felt so exhausted. Suddenly, I threw up all over mommy’s chest and leg. Mommy just smiled and brushed my mane. “That’s ok, you just needed to get that out of your system. When the morning comes, I shall take you to the doctor.”

I felt really tired, so I feel back asleep. When I woke up I was in a brightly lit room with mommy. I was sitting on a padded table that was covered in paper. I would have liked to have my crayons, the paper was perfect for coloring. The room also had cabinets, and a counter top with a sink and three jars. One had q-tips, the other had cotton balls, and the third had popsicle sticks(Somepony must have eaten them already.)

The doctor came into the room. He wore a white coat, had a gray mane and tail, caramel-colored hair, and a thermometer for a cutie mark.

“Greetings Princess Nightmare Moon. So, I hear little Blue isn’t feeling so good?”

“He is not Doctor. My son has the chills, a fever, and has been vomiting.” Mommy spoke with a worried tone in her voice. I had never heard her speak like that before.

“Let’s have look then, shall we?” The doctor took out this weird thing that was round on one end, and split into two on the other. He stuck the split ends in his ears and then placed the round thing on my chest. After a few seconds he placed the round thing on my back.

“Hmm.” The doctor removed the strange object. “Better take his temperature.” The doctor brought out a thermometer. I had seen big ponies use it, so I opened my mouth. The doctor chuckled. “Guess again.” (I don’t want to talk about what happened next. All I can say is that it was cold.)

“He definitely has a high fever.” The doctor said. “I’d say Blue here has the flu.”

“The flu? Is there anything that can be done?” Mommy asked.

“Your son needs lots of rest and fluids. He should be better in a week. In the meantime, I do need to give him his booster shot.” The doctor left the room and came back in holding a needle. I instantly freaked out. I tried to crawl away, but mommy held me back. I screamed and waved my little arms around.

“Blue, look at me.” I opened my teary eyes and looked at mommy. “There is nothing to be afraid of. This shot will help you to feel better. Trust me.” Mommy gave me a warm look that calmed me down. The doctor stuck me with the needle. It felt like being pinched, but it really wasn’t that bad. Mommy then kissed me on forehead. “That was very brave of you, sweetie.”

When we returned to the castle, Mommy placed me in my crib and bundled me up. “Get some rest Blue, and I’ll be back later with some food that will easy on your tummy.” I still felt weak from the flu I had, so falling asleep wasn’t a problem.

Mommy came into my room a few hours later and woke me up. “Sweetie, I have a special lunch for you.” She gave me a tray that had a bowl of applesauce and sippy cup full of orange juice. “This food will help settle your tummy. Also, your cousins are here to see you.”

Luna, Cadance, Twilight, and Celestia came in with North Star, Melody Note, Nyx, and Ekko respectively. I noticed that they all had bandages on their arms.

“Your cousins all got flu shots, so now they can be with you.” Mommy said.

I didn’t notice a bandage on Ekko. “Ekko, didn’t u get a shot?”

“I got my shot in the butt.” Ekko said.

“Tho shots hwurt! Why we need them?” Melody asked.

“Mommy said it so we no get sick from Blue.” Nyx explained.

I looked around, but could not see Bioquill or his mother Quick Wit. “Where Bioquill? Didn’t he also get a shot?”

“Mommy said dat he getting his later today.” Said North Star.

Everypony was set down in a playpen while their mommies chatted. I really wanted to play too, but I was still too sick. Mommy then fed me the applesauce and I finished the entire bowl. “My, you must have been hungry.” Mommy said with a smile.

I picked up the sippy cup and drank the orange juice. It was good, but I still preferred mommy’s milk. It didn’t stay down though. Soon I felt a lump in the back of my throat, and suddenly I threw up again.

The others all shouted out “Eww!”. “Blue made pukey!” Melody shouted.

I felt embarrassed. Mommy smiled and rubbed my back. “Don’t worry Sweetie, your tummy is still a bit upset that’s all. Now let’s get you cleaned up.” Mommy picked me up and took me into the bathroom.

After we entered the bathroom, Mommy set me down on the floor. “How about a bubble bath?”

I smiled and clapped my hooves. “Yay! Bubba bath!”

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Mommy said with a snicker. She filled up the tub and stirred in the bubble bath until it was foaming with bubbles. Mommy placed me in and began scrubbing me down. When she went to get the shampoo, I hid in a mound of bubbles.

Mommy looked around for me. “My, where did my little Blue go?”

I popped up, completely covered in bubbles. “Boo!”

“Oh no! It’s the bubble monster!” Said mommy while trying to act scared. “I must stop it with tickles!” Mommy then tickled my sides, causing me to laugh hysterically. As she tickled me, mommy managed to shampoo my mane and tail.

Mommy removed me from the tub and dried me off. “There! All nice and clean!” I was then returned to my crib. My cousins had to leave because they were getting tired. Before they left, Nyx dropped something in my crib.

“We made dis for u!” I picked it up and it was card that read “GWET WEEL SOON!” I smiled as I held the card close.

Mommy walked over and tucked me in. “Sweet dreams my little prince.” She then kissed me on the horn. I closed my eyes and yawned. As I snuggled in under my blanket, I already began to feel better.

A grand day out

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After a few days, I was feeling much better. Mommy came into my nursery one morning and felt my forehead. “Very good, you no longer have a fever! This means you can go back to your regular breakfast.”

“Num nums!” Mommy lifted me out of my crib with her magic. She then curled up on a couch and placed me by her breasts. I began to suckle, glad that I could once again have mommy’s sweet milk. When I was done mommy placed me over her shoulder and patted my back. I let out a burp that echoed throughout the nursery.

“Well, compliments to the chef!” Mommy said with a giggle. I couldn’t help but giggle as well. Mommy then placed me on her back. She walked out out of the nursery and down the hall to the main room. There was a playpen already set up with North Star, Melody Note, Nyx, Ekko, and Bioquill already playing. Mommy set me down inside.

“U no sicky anymore?” Bioquill asked.

“Nope. I all better!”

Mommy gently patted my head. “Since you were so brave in getting your shot and overcoming your illness, I thought I’d reward you with a trip to the toy store!”

My eyes lit up and I clapped my hooves. “Yay!”

Twilight then approached Mommy. “Nightmare Moon, we still have that meeting with the griffons. I’m afraid it will take up most of the day.”

I could feel my heart sink. Then Quick Wit then spoke up. “I’ll take Blue Moon for you. I’ll even take the other foals. It will be fun day out.”

We all raised our hooves(and paws) and cheered in unison. Mommy smiled. “It sounds like the little ones are in agreement.”

I was strapped into a stroller with Nyx and Melody while North Star, Bioquill, and Ekko were strapped into another. Before we left, our mommies kissed us on the cheek. “Now you behave yourself.” Mommy said as we left.

It was a sunny day in Canterlot. As Quick Wit pushed our strollers down the street, many ponies stopped and D’awwed at us. They also kept saying things like “How cute!” and “They are so adorable!”

We soon arrived at Canterlot mall. We were all amazed by how huge the place was! There were hundreds of stores, and thousands of ponies rushing about. Quick Wit took us into an elevator. It was fun to go up. It felt like a ride, and looking out the window made it seem like everything was getting smaller as we got higher.

We got off of the elevator right in front of the toy store. As we entered, we looked around in awe at the huge amount of toys that surrounded us.

“Alright little ones.” Quick Wit said. “When you see a toy you like, just point out to it.” I immediately looked around. There were so many toys to choose from, but one in particular caught my eye.

It was a plush penguin. I reached out for it, and Quick Wit noticed. She picked it up and read the tag.

“Oswald the penguin. Is this what you want?” I nodded my head and smiled. “Alright, here you go.” Quick Wit gave me Oswald. I was so happy that I bounced up and down in stroller. I hugged Oswald tightly, feeling how soft he was.

Quick Wit took us around the store. As she did, Nyx, Melody, North Star, Ekko, and Bioquill all picked out a toy they liked.

“Uh-oh.” There was a whizzing sound, and Ekko held her muzzle in embarrassment. A yellow spot appeared on her diaper.

“Did you have an accident Ekko?” Quick Wit asked. Ekko nodded her head. “Ok, let's get you changed.” Quick Wit rolled the strollers up to the bathroom. “Now, what to do with the rest of you?” Quick Wit looked around and spotted an employee.

“Excuse me, sir?” Quick Wit asked as she trotted up to the employee. “I need to change this little one’s diaper. Could you please look after these five foals? I’ll only be minute.”

The employee nodded his head. “Not a problem.” Quick Wit thanked him and took Ekko to the bathroom. Melody and North Star had both fallen asleep.

Bioquill then took notice of a balloon cart right outside of the toy store. He saw that the employee was distracted, so he replaced his spot in the stroller with his toy and climbed out.

“Wat u doing?” I asked.

“I wanna bawoon!”

“U should wait for ur mommy.”

“But I want one now!”

I let out a sigh. “ At weast wet me come wit u. U could get hwurt.” I had Oswald hold my spot in the stroller and climbed out.

Nyx then followed us. “I wanna come too!”


“ I just think it funny to see u two gwet in twouble.” Nyx said with a giggle. I shook my head, then Nyx and I followed Bioquill to the balloon cart.

When we reached the cart, we were mesmerized by all of the balloons. They came in many different sizes and colors, but the one that Bioquill was interested in the most was a big red balloon.

“I want tat one!” Bioquill said as he pointed to it and smiled.

“It hwuge!” I said.

“It bigger than the three of us.” Said Nyx.

Bioquill flapped his wings and flew up to the part of the cart that the big red balloon was tied too. It wasn’t tied very tightly, as Bioquill easily untied it. He grabbed the string and tried to come down, but just as he was about to touch the floor the balloon began to carry him off.

“Hang on!” I jumped up and grabbed Bioquill to try and pull him down, but the balloon began to carry me too.

“I save u!” Nyx jumped up and grabbed me, but the balloon was able to carry the three of us into the air. The balloon carried us over the railing, and we found ourselves hovering over the center of the mall.

Quick Wit came back from the bathroom with a freshly changed Ekko. When she reached the strollers, she that Bioquill, Nyx, and I were missing.

“Where did three of the foals go?!”

The employee looked around in a state of shock. “I don’t know! They were right here a second ago!”

Quick Wit then saw us hanging from the balloon. “Oh no!” She placed placed Ekko in one of the strollers and ran to the railing. “Stay calm! I’ll save you!”

Meanwhile, we all began to panic and cry. “I scared!” Nyx screamed. There was then a stinky smell, and Nyx’s diaper became larger. Our predicament had literally scared the poop out of her.

The added weight caused us to slowly descend. Quick Wit ran down the escalators, following us as we got lower. Suddenly, the balloon drifted towards a chandelier that hung above the center of the mall. Once the balloon touched the chandelier, it popped.

The three of us screamed as we plummeted. Thinking fast, Quick Wit lept into the air, flapping her wings as hard as she could. She caught us before we hit the ground and landed safely.

“By Celestia, thank goodness you’re alright!” Quick Wit said as she held us close. “You nearly scared me to death! Don’t you EVER do something like that again!”

Nyx, Bioquill, and I all lowered our heads. We didn’t mean to scare Quick Wit. We all felt ashamed.

“Well, look who it is.” Quick Wit turned her head. She narrowed her eyes and snorted as soon as she saw who was talking to her.

“Hello, Blue Blood.” She said as she gritted her teeth.

Blue Blood stood with a bunch of servants who were caring all of his shopping. “If it isn’t the foul mouthed foal sitter herself. What was your name again? Half wit!” Blue Blood then laughed at his own joke.

“What do you want?” Quick Wit said with an irritated voice.

“Well, I was just shopping and minding my own business when what should I see but the worst foal sitter in Equestria letting two of the lands royal foals and her own little brat getting into danger.”

“It isn’t what it looks like.” Quick Wit pleaded.

Blue Blood just waved his hoof at her. “Please. Like I would care if they were gone. A foal who is the son of a monster, another foal who is the daughter of a pretend princess, and a common street foal? No big loss.”

“Don’t talk that way about my son and his friends!”

“Or else what? I’m Canterlot royalty, you are not. One word from me and not only will you never work in the castle, but you’ll never foal sit in Canterlot ever again. Foal services might even take away your little rugrat.”

Tears began to build up in Quick Wits eyes. That’s when I became angry. Blue Blood had no right to threaten Quick Wit, insult my friends, and badmouth my mommy!. As my anger built up, my horn began to glow and sparks spouted from the tip of it. A beam of blue magic then shot from my horn and hit Blue Blood.

There was a bright flash, and when it cleared Blue Blood found himself wearing a giant diaper. There was a loud farting sound, and Blue Blood’s diaper filled up.

I pointed at Blue Blood and smiled. “Bwue Bwood pooted!”

Everypony in the around Blue Blood held their noses to block out the stench. Blue Blood’s face turned bright red as he turned and ran out of the mall screaming “Don’t look at me!”

Quick Wit broke out laughing, as did Nyx and Bioquill. “Thank you for helping me out Blue Blood. For that, you can keep your toy. But you’re still in trouble for wandering away.

When we returned to the castle, Quick Wit told mommy about everything that had happened. Mommy had a serious look on her face when she heard how I wandered off and floated away on a balloon. But then she laughed when she heard what I did to Blue Blood.

I sat in the playpen, holding Oswald. I was worried that mommy was going to give me a spanking. Mommy finally came over to talk to me.

“Blue Moon, I am very disappointed with you. You shouldn’t wander off like that! I’m just glad you, Nyx, and Bioquill were not hurt. But at the same time, I am proud of you. You showed your first use of magic today. And from what I hear, it was quite powerful. Not to mention Hilarious. So, you may keep your new toy. I will not spank you, but for your punishment you will not get any milk for one week. Understood?”

I nodded my head and mommy kissed my horn. I was glad that I would not get a spanking and that I would get to keep Oswald, but no milk for a week?! That could take forever!

Happy Birthday!

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I sat in the playpen with Nyx, Melody Note, North Star, Ekko, and Bioquill while playing with Oswald. Some time had passed, and I had learned to speak a few words and so had the others. I was mostly eating foal food, but on occasion mommy would let me have some of her milkies.

I noticed that aunt Pinkie Pie was decorating the castle with streamers, balloons, and other things. Mommy just happened to be walking by, so I looked up and asked her.

“Mommy, wat going on?”

Mommy put a hoof to her mouth and snickered. “Why, it’s your Birthday Blue Moon. You are one year old today!”


“That’s right. Today we celebrate the day you came into world!”

I looked at the others and waved my little hooves in the air with excitement. “ U guys hear dat? It my Burday!”

“Wats so special about a Burday?” Melody asked.

“Burdays are fun!” Bioquill said. He was the oldest out of all of us, but only by a few months. “Da whole day is about u! There’s cake, games, and pwesents!”

I couldn’t believe my ears. “Yay! I get pwesents!”

“No fair! I want pwesents too!” Nyx said with a pout.

“U just have to wait for ur Burday.” I told her.

“But I want pwesents now!” Nyx then threw a huge temper tantrum. This brought over aunt Twilight.

“It sounds like a certain foal is all out of sorts.” Twilight picked up Nyx and patted her on the back. “I think somepony needs a nap.”

Nyx tried to wiggle free from Twilight’s magic, but to no avail. “No nap!” Nyx cried. Twilight tucked Nyx into her crib, then turned off the lights and left her nursery. “I gonna get pwesents, no matta wat!” Nyx mumbled under her breath.

I was so excited for my Birthday. I was bouncing up and down with joy all day! Aunts Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy all arrived for my party, and they all brought presents!

“Happy Birthday sugarcube!”

“Happy Birthday darling!”

“Happy Birthday champ!”

“Happy Birthday cutie!”

I blushed at all the attention. Pinkie then came bouncing in. “Alright everypony, let’s get this party started! First up is the games!”

As we were let out of the playpen, I looked over at the others. “Do u think Nyx has cwalmed down yet? I don’t want her to miss da party.”

“Nyx was just being oderdramatic” Said Ekko.

“Well, she usually has stinky diapey!” Melody said with a laugh.

Aunt Twilight brought Nyx out of her nursery and set her down to play the games. “U weady for da party?” I asked.

Nyx smiled. “U bet I am!” “And to get those pwesents.”

“First up is pin the tail on the dragon!” Pinkie announced. A picture of a dragon was tapped to a wall, and we were all given dragon tails with a piece of double sided tape on it.

“First up is the Birthday colt!” Pinkie put a blindfold on me, then spun me around until I was dizzy. I crawled over trying to find the dragon. I stopped when I felt the tail stick to something. Took off my blindfold to see that I had stuck the tail to the dragon’s head. I laughed as it looked funny.

Nyx Meanwhile was looking at the pile of presents. “Those pwesents are mine!” But before she could crawl over to them, Nyx was grabbed by Pinkie.

“Your turn Nyx!” Nyx was blindfolded, given a tail, and spun around until dizzy. Despite being disoriented and unable to see, she still tried to find the presents. Nyx crawled until she bumped into something.

“Why da pwesents squishy?” Nyx removed her blindfold to find out that she had stuck the dragon tail to Fluttershy’s butt.

“Oh, my!” Fluttershy said with a giggle.

Nyx sat down and pouted. “Wats!”

Next up was balloon animals. “Just tell what animal you want, and I’ll make it for you!” Pinkie explained.

“I wanna giwaffe pwease!” I asked.

Pinkie grabbed a yellow balloon and inflated it. She then moved her hooves so fast that the giraffe was done in under a second. “Here you go Birthday colt!”

“Tank u!” I smiled at the giraffe, it’s long neck was silly.

Nyx still stared at the pile of presents. They were up on a table, and she was trying to figure out a way to reach them. “I need a way up dware, but how?” Nyx looked around and saw one of the helium tanks that Pinkie used to inflate her balloons. That’s when Nyx got an idea.

As we all waited to get our balloon animals, Nyx snuck over to the helium tank. She then grabbed a hose and stuck it down her diaper. The tank was on it’s side, so that made it easy for Nyx to turn the handle. Nyx’s diaper then began to inflate with helium.

The bigger Nyx’s diaper got, the higher she lifted up off the floor. “Soon those pwesents will be mine!”

As Nyx got higher, the bigger her diaper became. It was practically the size of a beach ball. Eventually Nyx reached the top of the table. But just as she was about to reach out and touch the presents, her diaper exploded with a loud pop.

We all turned our heads to see pieces of the diaper flying everywhere, and Nyx landing on her bottom. “Nyx, what are you doing!?” Aunt Twilight said in a panic/worried voiced. Nyx’s face turned bright red with embarrassment.

Aunt Twilight rushed over and picked up Nyx. “Thank goodness you’re not hurt, but don’t scare me like that! Now let’s get you changed.” Aunt Twilight took Nyx away to be changed while the other adults cleaned up her burst diaper.

“Double wats!” Nyx said with another pout face.

The time finally came to blow out the candle on my cake. Pinkie rolled it out, and it was huge. “I couldn’t decide on what flavor of chocolate to use, so I made a layer of dark chocolate, a layer of milk chocolate, and a layer white chocolate! Plus, I made a special mint flavored frosting!” Just looking at the cake was making me drool.

Mommy lit the candle, and everypony began to sing Happy Birthday. I took a deep breath, blew out the candle with all of my might(Though I may have had some help from mommy.)

Then the time finally came to open the presents! The first one was from mommy. I opened it and it was a helmet just like hers, except made out of platinum. “When my son becomes the co-ruler of the night, he will need a proper helmet!” Mommy explained. I tried to put it on, but it was so big that it nearly covered my body. Mommy just glanced at everypony else. “What? He’ll grow into it.”

Aunt Rarity gave me onesie that she made. It was royal blue in color and covered in stars.Aunt Rainbow Dash gave a wonderbolts action figure of herself.Aunt Applejack gave me homemade fleece blanket that was green and covered with apples.Aunt Fluttershy gave me a nightlight that was shaped like a bunny.

Aunt Luna gave me a toy train that made bubbles as it went around the tracks. Aunt Cadance gave me a paddle cart that looked like the royal chariot. Aunt Twilight gave me a story book that doubled as a coloring book. Aunt Quick Wit gave me a keyboard that lit up and played music as well as sounds.

While I was opening my presents, Nyx snuck away to the final present from Aunt Celestia. “Finally! One of da pwesents is mine!” She tore through the paper and looked at the gift with confusion. It was white, almost round, made of plastic, and appeared to meant to hold something. It did have a lid, but the lid had an opening in it. The opening was big enough for Nyx to put her head through it. “It must be a hat!” Nyx put it on and wore it proudly.

“Alright Blue, it’s time for my gift.” Aunt Celestia said. She turned to get it, but was then surprised to see Nyx. We all looked over at Nyx, who wore the gift with a proud smile on her face. Aunt Celestia couldn’t help but giggle and ask “Nyx, why are wearing Blue’s potty on your head?”

We all broke out laughing. Nyx took off the the potty, feeling completely embarrassed. “U pwincess potty head!” I pointed and laughed.

“Dat not funny!” Nyx grabbed a piece of the Birthday cake and threw it at me, nailing me in the face. I wiped off the frosting, grabbed a piece of my own, and threw and hit Nyx.

“FOOD FIGHT!” Aunt Pinkie shouted. From there, it was chaos. Cake was flying everywhere, Aunt Fluttershy was hiding under a table, North Star was crying and holding Aunt Luna’s leg. Aunt Rarity had managed to put on a raincoat and hat. (I guessed she learned from the last time.)

Of course, we all needed a bath because of the mess we made. After we were dried off, Nyx approached me.

“Blue, I sowry I twied to take to take ur pwesents. I was jeawous. And I’m sowry I ruined ur cake.”

I smiled and gave Nyx a hug. “Dat’s ok, this Burday party was great! And da food fight made it even more fun! Don’t worry about da pwesents. U can pway with da toys I got, I share wit u!”

Nyx smiled and hugged me back. After a big Birthday, mommy put me in my new onesie, place me in my crib and tucked me under my new blanket, plugged in my new night light and kissed me goodnight. I held Oswald close as I drifted off to sleep, smiling.

A visit to Ponyville

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I held Oswald close as I sat next to mommy in my foal seat. We were in her royal carriage, flying through the air. “Momma, where we goin’?” I asked.

Mommy looked down at me and smiled. “We are on our way to Ponyville to meet up with your Aunt Twilight.”


“Because this is what I do as co-princess of the night. I travel across Equestria and have meetings with other ponies. Also, you’ve been cooped up in the castle for too long. It will be good for you to visit new places.”

I had never been this far from the castle before, let alone Canterlot. I didn’t know much about Ponyville, only that Aunts Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash all lived there. I had overheard Aunt Twilight talk about Ponyville, and it sounded like a nice and friendly place.

The carriage landed outside of a giant crystal tree. Mommy said that this was Aunt Twilight’s castle. She picked me up by the scruff and placed me in a stroller. Mommy and I then went to the front door and she knocked. The door opened, and we were greeted by a small creature with purple and green scales.

“Greetings Spike, how are you today?” Mommy asked.

“I’m doing great Nightmare Moon! And who is this little guy?” Spike looked at me and smiled. I cocked my head, still trying to figure out what Spike was.

“This is my son, Blue Moon. I apologize if he seems puzzled, he’s never met a dragon before.”

“That’s ok, most ponies haven’t.” Spike knelt down tickled me. “Who’s a little cutie?” I laughed and waved my hooves around. I had never seen a real dragon before, but Spike seemed really nice. I grabbed his claw and began sucking on it.

Mommy and Spike both D’awwed. “Alright Blue, I need my claw back.” Spike tried to pull me off, but I would not let go. Spike held out his arm as I dangled from his claw like a fish on a hook.

“My, it seems he really likes you.” Mommy said while giggling.

Spike then tickled my tummy. I laughed and let go of his claw. After he caught me, I hugged Spike’s tummy. He was warm and toasty. Spike could not help but smile. “Clingy little guy, isn’t he?”

Aunt Twilight eventually came to the door. “Ok Blue, Uncle Spike needs some space.” She used her magic to pry me off of Spike and place me back in my stroller.

“Spikey!” I said with a big smile. Mommy and I followed Aunt Twilight and Uncle Spike into Twilight’s throne room. It had a table that had a big map of Equestria on it. Mommy dropped me off in a playpen with Nyx.

“Nyx, u neva told me dat u lived wit a dragon!” I said excitedly.

“It no big dweal.” Nyx said modestly. “Spike is more like a big bwother than a dragon.”

I looked around Twilight’s castle with awe. “Dis pwace is huge!”

Nyx smiled. “Yeah, it has wike a bajillon wooms!”

At that moment, I had a great idea. “Wets go expworing!”

It’s not like it was hard. Mommy and Twilight were busy talking, and Spike was busy in the kitchen. Nyx opened the latch to the playpen with her magic. The gate swung open, and we both crawled out to explore the many rooms of the castle.

We soon came to the first room we could reach. I used my magic to turn the knob and open the door. Inside was a giant cylinder that poked through an open window.

“Wat dat?” I asked.

“Mommy says dat her tewescope.” Nyx explained. “She uses it to wook at da stars.”
“How does it work?”

“U just wook through da small end.” Nyx pointed to the narrow end of the telescope.

I couldn’t wait to use it. One day I was going to be co-ruler of the night with North Star, and I wanted a closer look at what I would be controlling.

“Can I use it, pwease?”

“Go wight ahead” Nyx said with a smirk. I crawled over to the telescope and looked through narrow end. Instead of stars however, I got an extreme close up of Nyx’s butt.

“Ha ha! U looked at my full moon!” Nyx teased as she hovered in the air.

“U not funny!” I shouted back. Nyx had pranked me, so now I was determined to get back at her.

Nyx landed on the floor. “Come on, wet’s see wat in da other wooms.”

“I get u.” I muttered under my breath. We crawled down the hall to the next room. We opened the door and inside was a library. “Ur mommy sure wuves books.”

“Yup. I hear aunt Dashie call mommy an egghead.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Auntie Egghead! Dat funny!”

Nyx brought down a book with her magic. “Dis is one of mommy’s spell books. I’m gonna be a gweat spell caster wike her someday!”

We opened the book and looked at all of the spells. There were so many, and for many different purposes! One spell in particular caught my eye.

“Age weggression? Wat dat?” I asked.

“It’s a spell dat turns ponies back into foals.” Nyx explained.

“Can I borrow it, pwease? It might be fun.”

Nyx thought it over. “Ok, just be sure to give it back.”

I carefully tore the page out of the book. I then folded it up and placed it in my diaper for later.

We left to explore another room. I opened the door and discovered that it was the bathroom. What I did not expect was Spike posing in front of the mirror. “Gah! What are you two doing here?!” Spike yelped, his face turning red with embarrassment.

Nyx and I rolled around on the floor laughing. “U wook silly!” I said.

Spike just sighed and rolled his eyes. “Ha ha, very funny. Now it’s time for you both to back to the play pen.”

“No! We not done exploring!” Nyx complained.

Spike thought for a moment, then a smile came over his face. “Well, how about I take you both to Sugarcube Corner to play with the Cake twins?”

“Who R da Cake twins?” I asked.

“They friends of mine named Pound and Pumpkin.” Nyx explained. “They wive in a bakery with Aunt Pinkie Pie, and R supa fun!”

“Then wets go!” I cheered as I waved my hooves in the air. “Maybe they can help me prank Nyx back.” I thought to myself.

“Alright, just let me tell your moms and get your stuff ready” Spike said. Spike informed our mommies, and soon we were in our strollers and on our way to Sugarcube Corner.

The door to Sugarcube Corner opened with a ding as Spike pushed our strollers inside. A yellow stallion and a blue mare, who were Mr. and Mrs. Cake apparently, approached us from behind the counter.

“Hello there Spike” Mrs. Cake said with a smile. “And hello Nyx. Who’s your little friend here?”

“This is Blue Moon.” Said Spike. “He’s the son of Nightmare Moon. She’s busy having a meeting with Twilight, so I thought I’d bring him and Nyx over for a playdate with Pound and Pumpkin.”

“Well isn’t he a little cutie!” Mrs. Cake tickled my belly, and I giggled and clapped my hooves.

“Pinkie Pie is playing with the twins upstairs.” Mr. Cake said.

Spike picked up me and Nyx and carried us upstairs to Pound and Pumpkin’s room. Aunt Pinkie was playing peek-a-boo with them when we entered.

“Hiya Spike!” Aunt Pinkie said as she did her usual non-stop bouncing.

“Hi Pinkie. Nightmare Moon and Twilight are busy with a meeting, so I thought I’d bring Blue Moon and Nyx over for a playdate with Pound and Pumpkin.”

“That’s a super-duper idea!” Aunt Pinkie took me and Nyx and placed us on the floor next to Pound and Pumpkin.

“Helwo! I’m Pound!”

“And I’m Pumpkin!”

“Nice to meet you!” I said with a smile. “I’m Blue Moon!”

“We know. Nyx tell us all abwout u!” Pound said.

“Ok little ones, it’s laughter time!” Said Aunt Pinkie.

“Wat laughter time?” I asked.

“U see. It best game eva!” Said Pumpkin.

Aunt Pinkie then took turns blowing raspberries on our tummies. We all laughed out loud, waving around all four of our hooves.

“Awe, they are so cute.” Spike said as he watched.

After laughter time Nyx, Pound, Pumpkin, and I all calmed down and yawned. “Looks like some foals need a nappy!” Aunt Pinkie scooped us all up and placed us in Pound and Pumpkin’s crib. She tucked us all in and we soon fell asleep.

Aunt Pinkie and Uncle Spike then left the room. “Come on Spike, let’s get some lunch.” Halfway through the nap, I woke up and nudged Pound and Pumpkin.

“Hey, U awake?” I whispered.

Pound and Pumpkin both sat up. “We R now.” Pound said.

“I need Ur hwelp. Nyx pranked me earlier, and I want to prank her back.”

Pumpkin thought for a moment. “I have an just da thing!” She used her magic to raise herself, pound, and me out of the crib. She then crawled over to a toy chest and pulled out a clown mask.

“Wat dat?” I asked.

“It a mask dat Pinkie used wast Nightmare Night.” Pound said. “U can put it on and hide, then jump out and scare Nyx.”

“Dat a gweat idea! I hide in da toy chess, and U two go and get Nyx.” I put the mask on and crawled into the toy chest. Pumpkin and Pound went back over to the crib and woke up Nyx.

“Nyx, wake up!” Pound said as he shook her.

Nyx awoke and rubbed her eyes. “Wat is it?”

“We have a cool new toy dat U weally need to see!” Said Pumpkin.

“A new toy? Sounds fun!” Nyx flew down from the crib with Pound and Pumpkin. They led her to the toy chest as I hid inside, wearing the clown mask. I snickered as she got closer.

Nyx approached the toy chest. As she opened the lid, I jumped up and yelled “Ooga Booga Booga!”

Nyx screamed and fell back on her butt. I took off the mask and pointed at her. “Dat for making me look at ur butt!” Pound, Pumpkin and all laughed. Nyx wet her diaper then burst out crying.

Aunt Pinkie and Uncle Spike came rushing into the room. Pinkie switched on the lights and saw Nyx crying. “What happened?!”

Spike picked her up and felt her diaper. “Looks like she needs a change.” Spike took Nyx over to the changing table. Pumpkin, Pound, and I felt bad. After being changed, Spike got Nyx to calm down. He then set her on the floor.

“I sowry Nyx” I said as I approached her. “I just wanted to get back at U for pwanking me. I didn’t wean to wake you cry.”

“We sowry too” Pound and Pumpkin said in unison.

Nyx smiled. “Dat ok, I fowgive U. And it was a good pwank.” The four of us then huddled together and hugged. Aunt Pinkie and Uncle Spike both D’awwed at the sight.

We were all then taken downstairs for lunch. Aunt Pinkie placed us in a playpen while spike gave me and Nyx bottles of our mommy's milk. Pound and Pumpkin were spoon fed foal food by Pinkie. After we were all burped (I was the loudest!) Spike got Nyx and mine’s toys from our strollers and we played with Pound and Pumpkin.

I noticed Pumpkin playing with an old doll, so I asked her about it. “Wat dat?”

“Dis is Smarty Pants. She was given to me by Twilight.”

I showed her Oswald. “Dis is Oswald. Can they pway together?”

“Sure!” Pumpkin and I played with Oswald and Smarty Pants while Pound and Nyx played patty cake.

Soon the door opened, and a pony with an ugly nose entered the shop. “Who dat?” I asked.

“Dat Spoiled Rich.” Pound explained. “She the mommy of our fwiend Diamond Tiara.”

“She a big meanie!” Pumpkin added.

“Greetings Mrs.Rich” Mr. Cake said. “How may we help you today?”

“I am throwing a very important party for the school board this afternoon, and I will need every cake, cupcake, and cookie that you have.” Spoiled said as she examined her recently manicured hoof rather than looking at Mr. Cake.

“This afternoon? But that could take hours, we may not be ready in time.” Mr. Cake replied.

“Oh? Perhaps I’ll just take my business elsewhere. Maybe to a place that is more professional.”

Mr. Cake nearly had a panic attack. One bad word from Spoiled Rich could put Sugarcube Corner out of business. “No, no. We’ll get your order ready in time. Cup Cake, Pinkie, I need you in the Kitchen!” Mrs. Cake and Aunt Pinkie joined him in the kitchen to make the order.

Pound and Pumpkin were steaming mad. “She can’t thweaten our mommy and daddy wike dat!” Pound said.

Spoiled Rich then noticed us and Uncle Spike. “Foals, what a complete waste of time and bits. Nothing more than disgusting little brats at that stage.”

Uncle Spike became angry and confronted her. “Hey! You can’t talk about these foals like that!”

Spoiled Rich just looked down at him with disgust. “Ugh, a dragon! I don’t understand why a vile creature like yourself is even allowed in Equestria! You belong in a zoo. Or better yet, on the dissection table of a biology lab!”

Uncle Spike’s face grew red with anger as tears streamed down his face. That’s when I had enough. Spoiled Rich had threatened the Cakes, made fun of me and my friends, and insulted Spike. She need to be taught a lesson.

I pulled the age regression spell from my diaper and unfolded it. After reading the spell, my horn glew with a blue aura. I aimed my horn at Spoiled Rich and fired a bolt of magic at her. She was hit and engulfed in a flash of light. When the light faded, Spoiled Rich sat on the floor as a day old foal.

“Wat did U do to me?!” Spoiled screamed. Nyx, Pound, Pumpkin, and I could understand her, but Uncle Spike could only hear gibberish.

Uncle Spike broke out laughing. “Who’s a disgusting little brat now?”

“U a big meanie!” I said to Spoiled. “U need to be pwunished!”

“Wat R U gonna do?” Spoiled asked in a panicky voice. Nyx then lifted Spoiled up into the air with her magic.

“U been bad!” Nyx said. “Bad foals get a spanky!” I then used my magic to pick up an old, rolled up newspaper and repeatedly spanked Spoiled on her bottom.

Spoiled cried with each smack to her butt. Spike, Pound, and Pumpkin all laughed at the sight. When I was done spanking Spoiled, her butt was bright red.

“We take it fwom here!” Pumpkin said. She grabbed Spoiled in her magic. Pound meanwhile flew out of the play pen and opened the door to the bathroom. Pumpkin levitated Spoiled inside and dropped her in the toilet where she landed with a splash. Pound then flew over and grabbed the handle.

“Spoiled go down da hole!” Pound pulled the handle and Spoiled screamed as she spun around the draining toilet until she was sucked down the hole.

We all laughed and high hoofed each other. “That was great you guys! But you think you’d better bring Spoiled Rich back.” Uncle Spike said.

I concentrated and teleported Spoiled back to Sugarcube corner. She was filthy and stinky! Spoiled cried out loud.

“Alright, now turn her back.” Uncle Spike said. I reread the age spell, and in another flash of light Spoiled was back to being a big pony.

“Of all the indignities!” Spoiled shouted. “I’ll see to it that this place is shut down, and that you little brats are thrown in an orphanage!”

Nyx lit up her horn. Spoiled’s eyes glew for moment, then she held her head. “Wha-what happened? Where am I?”

“Wat U do?” I asked Nyx.

“I used a memory erase spell. She no remember wat we did!” Nyx said cheerfully.

Spoiled’s husband, Filthy Rich, then came into Sugarcube Corner. “Honey, did you place the order for the par-” He stopped and held his nose. “Gah! You smell terrible! And why are you all dirty?”

Spoiled scratched her head. “I don’t know. The last thing I remember was leaving the mansion.”

Mr. and Mrs. Cake came out from the kitchen. “Mr. Rich, so nice to see you!” Said Mrs. Cake. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think we’ll have your order ready by this afternoon.”

“The order? Oh yes, don’t worry about that!” Filthy Rich said. “I just came over to inform that the party has been pushed back to next week, so there is no rush.”

Mr. Cake wiped his brow. “Well, that’s a relief!”

“Indeed.” Filthy Rich then took Spoiled by the hoof. “Come on dear, let’s get you home and into the shower.”

Nyx and I finished playing with Pound and Pumpkin. Spike then took us back to Aunt Twilight’s castle. She and Mommy had finished their business.

“So, did Nyx and Blue have fun with the Cakes?” Mommy asked.

“Yeah, they had a great time!” Uncle Spike then looked at us and winked. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anypony about what happened with Spoiled Rich. I Pinkie promise.” He whispered.

Mommy buckled me into my foal seat on her carriage. As we took off, I smiled and waved at Nyx, Aunt Twilight, and Uncle Spike. Ponyville was fun, and I can’t wait until I can come back!

Sweet Tooth

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I giggled as I climbed up mommy’s mane. I reached the top of her head and placed hooves over her eyes.

“Now where did Blue Moon go?” Mommy asked in a playful voiced. I removed my hooves and looked into her eyes. “There you are!” Mommy grabbed me and nuzzled my mane. I smiled and booped her on the nose.

“You’re just a silly little chub chub, aren’t you?” Mommy then blew a raspberry on my tummy. I laughed and waved around my hooves. Mommy took another look at me. “Hmm, you do seem to be getting a bit fluffy.” Mommy said as she poked my tummy. “I think it’s time we cut back on your sweets for a while.”

I could not believe what I had just heard. “No! Want sweets!” I squealed. Mommy set me down in my playpen with Bioquill.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t have the future ruler of the night being too out of shape to raise the moon.” Mommy then patted me on the head. “Besides, you can still have sweets on occasion.”

As mommy walked away, I crossed my hooves and let out a huff of frustration. Bioquill noticed that I was upset and crawled over to me. “Wat’s wong?”

“Mommy says I can no longer have sweets!” I complained. “It not fair!”

Bioquill patted me on the back. “Don’t wowry, I sure u can still find a way to get sweets.”

Soon Aunts Celestia, Luna,Twilight, and Cadance came over with North Star, Echo,Nyx, and Melody Note. “Alright, is everypony ready for our annual girls night out?” Quick Wit asked. Aunt Celestia’s horn lit up, and a scroll appeared. She opened it up and read it.

“Oh my. Twilight, it seems that there is a friendship problem in Griffon kingdom. You and your friends are needed right away.”

Mommy let out a sigh. “There go’s girls night. Who are we going to find to watch the foals now?”

Aunt Twilight stepped forward. “Actually, I have an idea. Just me teleport over to Ponyville real quick.” Aunt Twilight vanished in a flash of light. A half hour later, she returned with three fillies. An Earth pony, a Unicorn, and a Pegasus.


Aunt Luna walked over to aunt Twilight. “Twilight, are you sure about this? I mean, they’re just fillies.”

“Don’t worry.” Aunt Twilight said reassuringly. “ I’ve been teaching Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo for some time and they are very responsible. Plus, the Cakes have them watch over Pound and Pumpkin all the time.”

“Well, we do need foal sitters. And this is very short notice.” Mommy said. She turned to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “Alright, you three have the job. Make sure the foals get fed, bathed, and put to bed. Bottles of our breast milk are marked and in the refrigerator. Oh, and one more thing. No sweets. We are trying to cut back.”

Applebloom raised her hoof in a salute. “Don’t worry princess, you can count on us!”

Aunt Twilight teleported away for her friendship mission. Mommy and aunts Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Quick Wit then left for their girls night out. Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle came over to the playpen and introduced themselves.

“Hello little ones! We’re your foalsitters for tonight! My name’s Applebloom!”

“I’m Sweetie Belle!”

“And I’m Scootaloo!”

I pointed at Scootaloo and smiled. “Chicken!”

Sweetie Belle could not help but Snicker. Bioquill then pointed at Sweetie Belle. “Squeaky!”

Both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked irritated. Applebloom looked at them both and chuckled. “Don’t get upset girls. They’re just foals after all.”

Echo pointed at Applebloom. “Stinky!”

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo broke out laughing. Applebloom sniffed under her armpit. “I guess I did work a bit too hard on the farm.” She said with an embarrassed look on her face.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle then sniffed the air and held their noses. “Oh come on, I don’t smell that bad!” Applebloom complained.

“I don’t think it’s you.” Scootaloo said. She then pointed over to me. Everypony looked and saw that my diaper was sagging. I just blushed and made an innocent smile.

“Somepony DEFINITELY needs a change.” Sweetie Belle lifted me up in her magic and carried me to the changing table. On the way there we passed the kitchen, and that’s when I spotted a jar of cookies. “I need to get those sweets.” I thought to myself.

Sweetie Belle laid me down on the changing table. After removing my soiled diaper and throwing it out, she wiped and powdered my bottom. That’s when I made my move. Just as Sweetie Belle was about to put a fresh diaper on me, I grabbed the the bottle of foal powder and squeezed it in her face.

Sweetie Belle coughed as a cloud of foal powder swirled around her head. Now was my chance! I used my magic to levitate down from the changing table, and made a frantic crawl towards the kitchen. Suddenly, I felt myself being grabbed by the scruff and hoisted into the air.

I came face to face with Applebloom, whom looked very upset. “Blue Moon, that was very naughty of you! Bad foal!” She placed a clean diaper on me, and then placed me in a small pen that was set up in the corner. “You need a time out, mister!”

“Want cookie!” I whined, but they would not hear of it.

“You are not getting any sweets, especially after the stunt you just pulled.” Said Scootaloo. “Now sit there and think about what you did.”

I frowned and lowered my head. Melody Note crawled over to speak with me. “Blue, wyed u do dat?”

“ I can’t hwelp it!” I tried to explain. “ I need ta have sweets!”

Echo joined in on our conversation. “ But u could get da spankies!”

“Wat I gonna do?”

“U need ta contwol urself.” Melody said. “Just resits da urge for sweets.”

That was going to be easier said than done. When dinner time came around, we were all seated in our high chairs. Applebloom went around giving us each a bottle of milk. Before she gave me my bottle, Applebloom looked right at me. “Before you get your dinner Blue Moon, I think you should say something to Sweetie Belle.”

I looked over at Sweetie Belle with sad eyes. “I sowry.”

Sweetie Belle smiled.She walked over and rubbed my head. “I forgive you.”

I was given my bottle. As I drank, I noticed that the jar of cookies was directly across from me, sitting up on a shelf. Those cookies had me in a trance. “No! I must resist!” I thought as I continued to chug my mommie’s milk. But the urge taste the sweet delights was growing stronger and stronger.

After I finished my bottle, Applebloom came over to burp me. As she put me over her shoulder and patted my back, I noticed that Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were distracted with cleaning up Bioquill, who had made a mess.

I couldn’t take it any longer. I needed those cookies, and I needed them now! I lit up my horn, and soon the cookie jar was encased in the blue aura of my magic. I lifted it off of the shelf and began to bring them over to me. I licked my lips as the jar hovered in the air, moving closer and closer. But then it happened. I burped. In that brief moment, I lost my concentration. My magic aura disappeared from around the jar, causing it to come crashing down right on top of Scootaloo’s head.

Everypony turned to look at Scootaloo. She had a lump on her head, and her eyes were all googly. Cookies were scattered all over the floor along with the shattered pieces of the cookie jar. Applebloom looked at me with fury in her eyes. I smiled innocently, hoping to avoid trouble.

I was wrong.

“You naughty little foal! Just wait until your mother gets home!” Applebloom yelled.

“No! Not da spankies!” I shouted. I tried to wiggle free from Applebloom’s grip, but it was no use.

Seeing that I was in trouble, Bioquill grabbed his bottle and squirted Sweetie Belle in the face. As she screamed, Applebloom turned her head to see what all the commotion was. Bioquill sprayed Applebloom in the face as well, causing her to drop me.

“Wun Blue wun!” Bioquill shouted.

I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me. I went into mommy’s room and hid under the bed. “I am in so much trouble! And all because of some stupid cookies!”

I then heard the door open. “Oh no! They found me!” I hid my face behind my hooves as I shook with fear. I then felt a tapping on shoulder. Before I could scream, I felt a hoof cover my mouth. I opened my eyes to Bioquill next to me.

“Wat u doing here Bioquill? And wy u hwelp me? Now we both get da spankies!”

“Because my mommy awso ban me fwom having sweets.” Bioquill told me. “I know da urge is stwong. Dat wy I smuggle these.” Bioquill then removed two cookies that he had hidden in his diaper.

I smiled and hugged Bioquill. “U a good fwiend, Bioquill. But I been bad, and don’t desweve cookies. U go on and have them.”

“Tanks Blue! U a good fwiend too!” Bioquill devoured both of the cookies. Soon after, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all looked under the bed and found us. Bioquill and I both gulped and began to sweat.

We were both placed in the time out pen. When our mommies got home, they were informed of how bad we had been. “My goodness! I am so sorry!” Mommy said to the CMC. “Here, let me pay you extra. I just hope that this hasn’t soured your relationship with the foals.”

“Don’t worry Nightmare Moon.” Applebloom said. “We’ve had harder times with the Cake twins. And we would be glad to foalsit again.”

Aunt Celestia took the CMC home to Ponyville. Quick Wit picked up Bioquill and gave him a stern look. “I’ll deal with you when we get home.”

Mommy looked down at me. I knew exactly what was coming. She removed me from the time out pen with her magic and laid me across her lap. She then spanked my bottom for what seemed liked forever.

I squealed and cried even after it was over. Mommy then held me close.

“Blue Moon, I want you to know that I do not enjoy spanking you. But you must learn that actions have consequences. Scootaloo could have been very hurt! Everything I do is for your own good. Now, do you promise me that you will behave yourself and control your sugar cravings?”

I looked up at mommy and wiped away my tears. “I pwomise.”

Mommy smiled and kissed me on head. “I love you Blue Moon.” She then hugged me gently.

“I wove u too, mommy.” I said as I hugged her back.

Afraid of the dark

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I slept soundly in my crib, hugging Oswald. I was wearing my dark blue nightie with a star pattern and tucked under my blankie. I was having a wonderful dream that I was eating a giant cupcake. Suddenly, I was awoken by somepony calling my name.

“Blue, wake up!”

I opened and rubbed my tired eyes and looked through the bars of my crib to see North Star standing by the glow of my night light.

“North? Wat r u doing here?”

North Star began shaking with fear. “Dawr a monsta in da castwle!”

“Wat u talkin’ about? Dawr r no monstas!”

“Yes dawr is! It has a big, glowing eye, and it sings a weird song!”

I could not believe I had been awaken from my wonderful dream for this nonsense. “If u r so scared, wy aren’t u wit ur mommie?”

“Becwasue both r mommies r busy ruling da night.” North Star answered.

North Star was right. Mommy and aunt Luna both worked at night, watching over other ponies’ dreams and raising the moon. North Star and I were put to bed while they were working.

I used my magic to lower the gate on my crib, then I climbed down to the floor. “Wook, I will pwove dat dawr is no monsta otay?”

North Star nodded his head. I knew I had to help him. Though he is skittish, he and I are set to become co-princes of the night. And it doesn’t look good if a prince of the night is afraid of monsters.

We both left my room and crawled into the hallway. It was pitch black with only the light from the moon gleaming in from the windows to provide any illumination. We crawled down the hallway until we reached North Star’s room.

“See? No monstas.” After I said this to North Star, a whistling noise began echoing throughout the hall. Suddenly, a dark figure with a single glowing eye emerged from around the corner.

“MONSTA!” North Star and I both screamed. We then took off running, hearing the monster following us. We quickly turned a corner and dashed into a bathroom. I closed the door then North Star and I held each other tight, shaking with fear.

The monster slowly walked passed the bathroom. As soon as it was gone, North Star and I both let out a sigh of relief.

“Now do u bwelive me?” North Star asked.

“Otay, u were wight. But we can’t just hide foreva. We need to fight back.”

“But how?”

I lit up my horn and looked around the bathroom for anything that we could use as weapons. That’s when I noticed the cabinet under the sink. I opened the door and found diapers, foal powder, rash cream, and foal shampoo. After thinking for a few moments, I turned to North Star with a big smile on my face.

“I gots an idea!”

After the trap was set, I looked for the monster down one end of the hallway while North Star looked down the other. Suddenly, I noticed the monsters’ bright light heading my way.

“It comeing!” North Star and I hid around the opposite corner. The monster made its way down hallway, still making the strange song. When it reached the middle of the hall, the monster slipped and fell on a puddle of foal shampoo. That’s when we made our move.

“Take dat, monsta!” We both shouted. North Star squeezed tubes of rash cream by jumping on them, spraying the monster all over. I used my magic to hurl diapers filled with foal powder at it which exploded on impact.

We stopped when the lights suddenly turned on. Mommy, aunt Luna, and aunt Celestia all stood before us. “What is going on here?” Aunt Celestia asked.

“Monsta!” I shouted as I turned and pointed, only to see a guard named Flash Sentry covered in rash cream and foal powder with a diaper on his face.

“Please, no more!” He began to beg.

I looked over to North Star to see him covering his face. I looked at mommy blushed while making a smile.

“Care to explain, Mr. Sentry?” Mommy said with a raised eyebrow.

Flash got up off the floor and removed the diaper from his face. “I was just patrolling the halls, wearing my flashlight headband and singing the newest song by Feather Bang suddenly I slipped and these two attacked me. I think I might have scared them.”

“Let me guess, they were frightened by your singing.” Aunt Celestia said with a chuckle.

“I don’t own his albums, they belong to my sister.” Flash Sentry’s face turned bright red as he scratched the back of his head.

Mommy picked me up and aunt Luna picked up North Star. “Well, no harm done. It just seems these little ones have a very active imagination.” Mommy said. “But now it’s time for you two to get back to bed.” Mommy booped me on the nose which made me giggle. Mommy returned me to my crib and tucked me in. She kissed me goodnight and then went back to work.

I held Oswald close as I drifted back to sleep. I felt good knowing that there were no monsters. But the music that grown ups listen to is scary enough.

A Discorded playdate

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I sat in my foal carrier and held Oswald close as I faced my mommy. We were in the royal carriage as it flew through sky above Ponyville. I looked over and saw treetops. I think we were near what mommy called the Everfree forest.

Mommy looked down at me and smiled. “Are you excited to spend the day with your Aunt Fluttershy?”

I smiled and clapped my hooves. Aunt Fluttershy had foal-sat me at the castle many times, but never at her home. She would always tell me and my cousins about her cottage and how she took care of animals.

“I just know that you will have a great time.” Mommy said. “Fluttershy has been looking forward to spending time with you for a while now.”

The royal carriage landed on the outskirts of the Everfree forest next to a cottage. As Mommy pushed me in my foal carrier I could see all sorts of animals running around, including ducks, mice, otters, and even a bear. We reached the front door and mommy knocked on it.

Aunt Fluttershy opened the door and greeted us with a smile. “Princess Moon, welcome!” Aunt Fluttershy then got down to my eye level. “And it is so good to see you again Blue Moon. You get cuter every time I see you!” She booped me on the nose which made me laugh.

Mommy smiled and gave Aunt Fluttershy a diaper bag. “Thank you again for agreeing to look after Blue Moon. Here is everything you’ll need. Diapers, foal powder, cream, plus some jars of foal food and bottles of milk.”

Aunt Fluttershy took the bag and set it aside. “Blue Moon and I will be just fine Princess Moon. You have nothing to worry about.”

Mommy leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. “You be good for Aunt Fluttershy, okay? I’ll be back to pick you up later today.”

I waved bye bye to mommy, then Aunt Fluttershy took me inside. Upon entering the cottage, I noticed that Aunt Fluttershy had foal proofed nearly everything. The doorways and the bottom of the stairs had foal gates, every corner and edge was wrapped in padding, and the floor was covered with a soft carpet.

Aunt Fluttershy gently lifted me out of my foal carrier and placed me on the carpet. “You and I are going to have such a fun time today Blue!” Suddenly, a weird looking creature that looked liked a mashup of a goat, dragon, bird, and bat appeared above our heads.

“Fluttershy, I’m here for our-” The weird thing stopped and looked down at me. “Um, what’s with the foal?”

“Oh my goodness!” Aunt Fluttershy said as she brought her hoof to her mouth. “I’m so sorry discord, but I completely forgot about our tea time! I agreed to foal sit Nightmare Moon’s son Blue today.”

Discord looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I giggled because he was so silly looking. “So, instead of having our usual tea time, you’re going to spend the whole day with this drool machine?”

I should have been offended, but I was in fact drooling.

“Now Discord, just because I’m looking after Blue doesn’t mean that we can’t spend time together. Why don’t you help me foal sit?”

A lightbulb then appeared above Discord’s head as he made a mischievous smile. “Or better yet…” Discord then snapped his claws. There was a flash of light, and Discord appeared next to me on the carpet as a pony foal. He had gray hair, a brown mane, a white tail, and yellow eyes. “U cwan foal sit bwoth of us!”

“Oh Discord.” Aunt Fluttershy said with a sigh. “You don’t really want to spend the whole day as a foal do you?”

“Of cwourse I do!” Discord said with a big, happy smile. “We can still spwend time tagether, and Bwue gwets a pwaymate!”

Aunt Fluttershy thought it over for a moment. “Alright, just promise not to get into any trouble.”

Discord held up one of his hooves. “I pwomice!” He placed his over hoof behind his back. I saw two small claws inflate like balloons and cross each other. Aunt Fluttershy placed us in a playpen and I turned to face Discord.

“U silly! Who R U?”

“I Discord! Rwuwer of chaos!” Discord said with bow.

“U wanna pway?”

“Sure, but wets make it fun!” Discord clapped his hooves and in a flash we were upside down on ceiling along with all of the toys. Discord then booped me on the nose. “U it!” Discord crawled away, and I crawled after him.

“I gonna gwet ya!”

“No U not!” Discord said as he turned and stuck out his tongue.

We chased each other all over the ceiling like a pair of bugs. I caught up with Discord and tugged on his tail. “U it!” I then crawled away as fast as I could.

Discord clapped his hooves and I found myself on the ground, having been turned into an orange. Discord then appeared next to me and tagged me. I peeled and returned to normal. “Ha! I win!”

“U chweated!” I said with a pout.

“I no chweat! I pway by chaos rwules!” Discord responded with a smug look. Aunt Fwuttershy could tell that I was upset, and scooped me up in her hooves.

“There, there. Just calm down. There is no need to be upset.” Aunt Fluttershy said in her usual soothing tone. She held me close to her chest. Her warm, soft fur calmed me down and made me smile.

Discord then tugged on Aunt Fluttershy’s wing. “Fwuttershy, me hungy!”

My tummy let out a growl. “It sounds like you’re both hungry. Let’s go get you two some lunch.” Aunt Fluttershy then placed Discord and I on her back and carried us into the kitchen. Once there I was placed in a high chair and a bib was put around me. Discord clapped his hooves and he suddenly appeared in a second high chair with a bib of his own.

Aunt Fluttershy went through my diaper bag and pulled out a jar of foal food. “How about some nice mashed peas?” Aunt Fluttershy grabbed a rubber spoon and took a scoop. “Open up for the wonderbolt!”

I instantly turned my head away. I couldn’t stand vegetable foal food, it was nasty. “Now Blue, you need to eat your vegetables. They’ll make you big and strong.”

“Nah!” I said as I shook my head.

“Please Blue? If you eat these peas I’ll give you a bottle of milk and a cookie.”

Aunt Fluttershy had my attention. I really enjoyed mommy's milk, and it seemed like forever since I last had a cookie. I faced her and opened my mouth. She stuck in the spoon and I ate the mashed peas. Every spoonful was nastier the last, but I finally finished the jar.

“Good job Blue! Now for being so good, here is your reward.” Aunt Fluttershy gave me a bottle of milk and a cookie that had a smiley face made of frosting. I bit into the cookie and savoured the sweetness, then washed it down with the yummy milk.

When I was finished, Aunt Fluttershy picked me up and burped me. Discord looked over from his high chair and rolled his eyes. “U picky! I eat all my vebatles!” Discord then used his magic to lift up a jar of strained carrots. He unscrewed the lid and poured the foal food down his throat.

“Ta-da!” Discord exclaimed as he held the empty jar. A bulge then appeared in his diaper, followed by foul stench.

“Oh my, looks like somepony needs a changing.” Aunt Fluttershy walked over and lifted Discord out of his high chair. His diaper was sagging heavily.

I pointed and laughed. “U stinky butt!” I laughed so hard that I soon felt a warm feeling in my diaper. I looked down and saw a large yellow spot.

“It looks like you also need a changing.” Aunt Fluttershy picked me up and carried Discord and I to a changing mat. Both of our diapers were removed and tossed out. We then got wiped, rubbed with foal cream, powdered, and strapped into new diapers. “There! All nice and clean!”

Aunt Fluttershy placed us both back in the play pen then left to clean the dishes.. I continued to giggle at Discord. “Wat so funny?!” He said with an irritated tone.

“U mess UR diapee!”

“So did U!”

“I onwly make a pee pee. U make a bwig stinky! U stinky butt!”

“Dat not funny!” Discord threw a hissy fit. As he did, he hopped up and down on his diaper. Everytime he landed puffs of foal powder would pop out. This made me laugh even louder.

“I shwow U!” Discord clapped his hooves. My diaper then began to inflate. It kept growing until it lifted my bottom off of the floor. It had to be the size of a grown up! I began to wobble back and forth until I found myself flipped upside down, the diaper holding me in the air like a balloon.

I rose higher until my inflated diaper nearly reached the ceiling. Aunt Fluttershy then walked back into room but stopped dead in her tracks with a look of shock. “Oh my goodness!” The diaper then touched the ceiling and burst like a balloon. Pieces of it and foal powder flew everywhere. I screamed as I fell toward the ground, but Aunt Fluttershy flew over and caught me at the last moment.

After Aunt Fluttershy had caught me, I broke out crying. “Discord! That was very naughty of you!”

“I ownwy did it bwecause he made fun of me!”

“Blue, is this true?” I sniffled and slowly nodded my head.

Aunt Fluttershy placed me down next to Discord. “I want you two to apologize to each right now!”

Discord and I looked at each other. “I sowry I cawlled U stinky Butt.”

“I sowry I blow up UR diapee. Fweinds?”

“Fweinds!” Discord and I then smiled and hugged each other.

Aunt Fluttershy smiled and nodded with approval. “That’s better. Now why don’t the two of you play nicely?”

I reached over and grabbed Oswald. “Dis Oswald, he my fweind! U want to pway with him?”

“Otay, but wet’s make it more intawesting!” Discord clapped his hooves and there was a flash of light. We suddenly found ourselves surrounded by ice and snow. Also, Oswald had become a real penguin!

“Slide!” Oswald said. He then slid on his belly down a slide made of ice. Discord and I followed, cheering as we went down. We both slid right into a large pile of snow and emerged with non-stop giggling.

We had a snowball fight, made snow angels, and even made snow ponies. It was the best time ever!

Eventually I got sleepy and laid down for a nap. After I fell asleep, Discord clapped his Hooves and everything returned to normal. Aunt Fluttershy sat on her couch and cradled me in hooves.

“See? I told you Blue would have a great time.” Discord said. “And you have to admit, I was pretty good as foal.”

Aunt Fluttershy giggled “It looks like you’re not finished being one!” She pointed down and Discord noticed that he had forgotten to remove his diaper. At that moment mommy arrived to pick me up.

“Hello Fluttershy! How was Blu-” Mommy stopped when she saw Discord sitting in a diaper. “Why ask why?” She said with a sigh.

The Fight

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Quick Wit had taken me, Melody Note, North Star, Nyx, and Bioquill out for a day at the park. The five of us were placed in one big stroller, with North Star sitting next to me on my left in the front. Nyx was seated in between North Star and Melody Note in the back.

Ekko wasn’t with us. Mommy said that Aunt Celestia and Ekko had something private to take care of.

I held Oswald as I bounced up and down on diaper. “I cwant wait to get ta park! It gonna be fwun!”

“Yeah! My mommy said dat der a new slide an’ swing set!” Bioquill said joyfully.

“I jus hope dat it not too scwary.” North Star said while sucking on his hoof.

“U a big wimp!” Melody Note said.

“At weast he not afwaid of bugs!” Said Nyx.

“Wat? Tey icky!” Melody Note made a gag face and shivered.

As we approached the park, a zebra walked up to Quick Wit. “These little foals I cannot ignore. They are so sweet I must adore!”

Quick Wit blushed. “Oh, why thank you.”

“My name is Nala.” The zebra continued. “I just have to know if this is true. Do all of these foals belong to you?”

“Only this little cutie pie.” Quick Wit then patted Bioquill on the head. “His name is Bioquill. This is Nyx, the daughter of Princess Twilight. North Star, the son of Princess Luna. Melody Note, the daughter of Princess Cadence. And Blue Moon, the son of Princess Nightmare Moon.”

Nala looked down at all of us and cooed. “Sahara be my daughter’s name. She is in the park playing a game.”

“Oh good! Maybe she’ll play with these little cuties and become friends!” Quick Wit continued pushing our stroller towards the park.

Bioquill looked over to me. “Dat gwon up tawked funny.”

“All gwon ups tawk funny.” I replied.

We arrived at the park and Quick Wit removed us from the stroller. The playground was amazing! There was a jungle gym, a bounce house, and of course the slide! It was corkscrew shaped and so tall that it must’ve reached Cloudsdale!

I looked over and saw a zebra foal playing in a sandbox shaped like a big lady bug. “Dat must be Sahara. Wets go say hewo!”

We all crawled over and greeted ourselves. “Hewo! I Blue Moon! Tis is Melody Note, Bioquill, North Star, an Nyx!”

Sahara looked at all of us and smiled. “Hi!”

“We gonna wide ta slide! U wanna join us?”

Sahara frowned and shook her head. “Nuh uh. Too scawy!”

“I agwee.” North Star said. “I wanna stay and pway.”

“Otay. U can wook afta Oswald while I pway on the slide!” I gave Oswald over to North Star for him to look after.

Melody Note scoffed at North Star. “U R such a scady cat!” A butterfly then landed on Melody Note’s nose. She took one look at it, then began crying. She took off screaming back to Quick Wit. “ICKY!!!!!!”

North Star pointed and laughed. “Now who a wimp!”

Nyx, Bioquill, and I all crawled over to the slide. We cranked our heads up to look at the top of the towering structure. “Awight, wet’s go.” I led the way as we climbed up the stairs.

It felt like forever to reach the top of the slide. I thought I saw clouds floating by us we were so high! When we finally reached the top, we paused as we looked down the towering slide. I looked over at Nyx and Bioquill. “So, who wanna go fwirst?”

“Not me!” Nyx replied.

“Nuh uh!” Bioquill said while shaking his head.

“Awight, I go fwirst.” I looked down the slide and gulped. I took a few steps forward, then shut my eyes tight and shoved myself. I must have sped down the slide at a billion miles per hour! It was the most exhilarating thing ever!

Going around the massive corkscrew slide left me dizzy when I reached the bottom. I was so wobbly that I fell on my back with my diapered rump sticking high in the air. Nyx and Bioquill looked down at me. “R U otay?” Nyx asked.

I got up and shook myself of. “Dat was so fwun!” I said with a big smile while bouncing up and down. “ I wanna go agwain!”

Bioquill and Nyx both looked at each other and shrugged. They then both went down the slide at the same time. The two of them landed on their bottoms with a plop. “Wets go agwain!” Bioquill shouted.

The three of us rode the slide dozens of times. Afterwards we decided to explore the rest of the playground. We went back to the sandbox to get North Star. He was digging a hole while Sahara was playing with Oswald.

“Tanks for wooking afta Oswald, Sahara!” But as I reached over to grab him, Sahara snatched Oswald away.

“Mine!” Sahara shouted.

I was shocked and upset. “But Oswald no bewong to U! He mine!”

“Mine now!” Sahara then stuck her tongue out at me. I reached over and grabbed Oswald, trying to wrestle him away.

“Give him back!”

“No! Mine!” Sahara then shoved me off. My face turned red with rage. I grabbed North Star’s plastic shovel and bonked Sahara on the head.

“U bwig meanie!”

Sahara let go of Oswald. She then tackled me and began slapping me with her hooves. “U stuwpid hed!” She shout. I started to slap her back and soon we were fighting, rolling all over the sandbox screaming.

Quick Wit and Nala overheard our fight and immediately ran over to break us up. They were both really mad.

“Blue Moon, were you and Sahara fighting?!” Quick Wit yelled.

I grabbed ahold of Oswald. Sahara reached over and tried to snatch him. “Mine now!”

Nala was appalled. “Sahara, I have taught you better than that! You can’t go around acting like a brat!” Nala sat down and placed Sahara on her lap. She then pulled down Sahara’s diaper and spanked her butt until it was red. Sahara cried and screamed.

Quick Wit meanwhile gave me a stare that could rival Aunt Fluttershy’s. “Don’t think that you’re innocent in all this, Blue Moon. You are in VERY big trouble and I will be telling your mother when we get back to the castle!” I held Oswald tight as I gulped.

Quick Wit then turned to Nala. “I am so sorry for Blue Moon’s behavior. He usually plays very well with other foals.”

“ I am sorry for Sahara’s actions as well. She is very sweet, but when she acts up I can never tell.” Nala replied.

Quick Wit placed me, North Star, Nyx, Melody Note, and Bioquill back in the stroller and took us back home. I dreaded the entire ride back to the castle.

When we got home, Quick Wit informed Mommy of what happened. Mommy took me to my room and gave me a spanking that seemed to last forever. I cried and screamed as loud as I could, but it all fell on deaf ears.

Mommy placed me on the floor when she was done. “I am so disappointed in you Blue. Fighting is bad, and I never want you to get involved in another one ever again. Do I make myself clear?”

I wiped away my tears and nodded. “Good. I still love you, but as a prince you must be a positive example to the ponies of Equestria.”

As I thought about Mommy’s words, I noticed that Ekko wasn’t around when we came home. “Ware Ekko?”

Mommy paused and let out a sigh. “Ekko is no longer here. She is living someplace else for a while.” Mommy then proceeded to explain what happened while I was out at the playground.

Two Families

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Mommy then told what had happened with Ekko while I was away. It began that morning when Ekko was playing in the garden. She was chasing butterflies, jumping up in the air and hovering for as long as her little wings would let her. She stopped when she heard a rustling noise by the tall bushes. Ekko crawled over to investigated. When Ekko reached the bush, a big wolf with wings like her emerged. The winged wolf sniffed Ekko, then smiled.

“My daughter, I have finally found you!” The big wolf said with joy.

Ekko whimpered and ran. She kept running until she bumped into Aunt Celestia, who was busy speaking with a guard. Aunt Celestia turned and looked down in surprise. “Ekko, what are doing running around out here? Your cousins are about to leave for the playground.”

“Monsta!” Ekko shouted.

“What monster?” Aunt Celestia then looked up and saw the big winged wolf approaching. The guard pointed his spear at it, and Aunt Celestia hid Ekko behind her hooves.

“Who are you? And why are you in the royal garden scarring my child?” Aunt Celestia demanded.

“My name is Fang.” The big wolf said. “And I am the father of that pup.”

Aunt Celestia paused for a moment. She then turned to the guard. “Go tell Quick Wit that Ekko will not attending the the other foals for their day out. I also need you to gather Luna, Cadence, Twilight, and Nightmare Moon in the throne room. Tell them that is urgent.” The guard saluted and headed inside. Aunt Celestia used her magic to place Ekko on her back. “Please Fang, follow me where we can talk properly.” Aunt Celestia then led Fang to the royal throne room.

Later, Aunt Celestia met up with Aunt Luna, Aunt Cadence, Aunt Twilight, and Mommy in the royal throne room. Ekko sat next to Aunt Celestia as Fang talked told his story.

“It was several months ago. My pack was flying out west to look for new hunting grounds. We stopped to take a break. This pup, Ekko, must have gotten distracted and wandered off.”

Aunt Celestia was skeptical. “If Ekko is indeed your child, then surely you have some proof?”

Fang nodded. “I do. On the inside of Ekko’s right ear, there is a birthmark in the shape of a star. I saw it shortly after she was born.”

Aunt Celestia leaned down and looked into Ekko’s right ear. Sure enough, there was a star shaped birthmark.

“Celestia, is Fang correct?” Aunt Cadence asked.

Aunt Celestia nodded her head. “It is true. Fang is the father of Ekko.”

“But Ekko has already accepted this place as her home, and the foals as her brothers and sisters.” Aunt Luna said. “To just have be hauled away would surely cause emotional damage.”

Ekko looked up at Aunt Celestia with wide eyes. “Momma go bwye-bwye?”

Aunt Celestia hugged Ekko tight. “No sweetie, mommy isn’t going anywhere.”

Fang watched as they hugged. “I do not want to break up this family, but I also cannot leave without Ekko. She is my daughter. There must be some way we can work this out.”

Aunt Cadence tapped Celestia on the shoulder. “Aunt Celestia, I believe I have a compromise to this dilemma.”

Aunt Celestia looked at Aunt Cadence and wiped the tears from her eyes. “You do?”

“Yes. I propose a shared custody. You shall raise Ekko for six months of the year, and Fang will raise her for the other six months. The two of you can also share special days such as holidays and Birthdays.”

Both Aunt Celestia and Fang thought it over. “That actually sounds very reasonable.” Said Aunt Celestia.

“I agree. This plan does work out the best not only for us, but for Ekko as well.” Fang said.

“Agreed, but who should get Ekko first?” Aunt Luna asked.

Aunt Celestia thought for a moment, then spoke out. “It is only fair that Ekko go with Fang for now. She needs to meet her real mother, whom I’m sure is worried sick about her.”

Mommy looked towards Aunt Celestia. “Are you sure about this?”

Aunt Celestia nodded her head. Fang walked up to Ekko and nuzzled her. “Do not be afraid little one, you will be back here soon. Think of it this way. Instead of one family, you now belong to two.”

Ekko smiled. The thought of two families was appealing. It meant twice the fun and twice the love. She licked Fang on the nose.

Soon half of Ekko’s stuff was packed, and she and Fang got to ride the royal carriage back to Ekko’s pack. Aunt Celestia hugged and Kissed Ekko. “I’ll see you soon Ekko, be a good girl for me.” The carriage took off and Ekko waved her little paw. Aunt Celestia smiled, but still shed a tear.

“And that is what happened to Ekko.” Mommy said. “She will be back in six months. In that time I do hope you learn not to get into any more fights. Understood?”

I nodded my head. “Good. Now get some sleep.” Mommy kissed me goodnight then left my room. I looked out the window at the moon. In the distance, I could hear a faint howl.

No More Diapees!

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I sat with Melody Note, Bioquill, Nyx, and North Star in the play pen that our mommies had set up. Nyx and I were stacking blocks, attempting to build a tower that could reach all the way to Cloudsdale. Melody Note and Bioquill playing Wonderbolts with their plushies. North Star was playing with his crayons and coloring book.

When the top was out of reach of our chubby little hooves, Nyx and I started stacking blocks with our magic. “Dis gonna be da best towa eva!” I cheered.

Nyx lifted up the final block. “Almas dar!” Just as she was about to place the final block, Melody Note let out a huge fart.

“Eww, stinky!” I held my nose with one hoof as I tried to swat away the stink with the other. Nyx did the same, but it caused her to lose her concentration. The final block hit the tower, causing all of the other blocks to come falling down. The blocks hit all of us on the head, and we broke out crying all at once.

Our mommies instantly ran into the room and started cradling us to calm us down. Aunt Cadence felt Melody Note’s diaper. “Oh my, looks like my little princess made a poo-poo!” Aunt Cadence cooed. “Let’s get you changed.”

Mommie kissed me on the head and tickled my tummy, making me feel much better. Aunt Cadence came back with Melody Note, who was now wearing a thick pink diaper. It was so thick that when Melody Note was placed in the pen, she could barely walk let alone crawl. When Melody Note tried to walk, she quickly fell back on her bottom. She bounced and foal powder poofed from the diaper. This made all of us giggle.

“Alright little ones, place safe and be careful.” Mommy said. She and the other princesses then left. Melody Note then gave Nyx a glare.

“Wy u tobble da towa? Dose bwocks hwurt!”

“It not my fwalt! U da one who made a stinky in ur diapee!” Nyx shot back.

Melody Note looked down at her big, poofy diaper. “Dat anuta ting, wy we got ta ware diapees all da time! Dey stupid!”

“Mewody, we have ta ware diapees. We just foals.” I explained.

“Well I sick of dem!” Melody Note then unstrapped her diaper. After taking it off, she threw it across the room.

“Mewody, wat r u doin?” North Star asked. “U gwet in twouble!”

“I don’t care! No more diapees!” Melody Note then started marching around chanting “No more diapees! No more diapees!”

Bioquill soon joined. “I wit u! Diapees r stupid!” Bioquill took of his diaper and joined in the chant. “No more diapees! No more diapees!”

Melody Note and Bioquill both stopped and looked at me, Nyx, and North Star. “Join us!” Melody Note demanded.

“Nuh-uh.” I replied. “I’ll gwet in twouble, and den mommy will give me da spankies!”

“I wit Bwue Moon.” said Nyx. “I don want da spankies!”

“Yeah, dey huwt!” North Star said.

“Twaitors!” Melody Note yelled. “We don need u! Come Bioquill! Wets take dis to da big ponies!” Melody Note used her magic to open the playpen gate. She and Bioquill then marched out and headed towards the room where our mommies were, all the while chanting “No more diapees!”

Our mommies were sitting at a table, drinking tea and talking about big pony stuff. They stopped when Melody Note and Bioquill marched into the room. Aunt Cadence looked down at Melody Note with confusion.

“Melody, what are doing in here? And where is your diaper?” She asked.

“No more diapees!” Melody Note and Bioquill both shouted.

Cadence just sighed. “Melody, you’re still very young. You need to wear diapers or else you’ll make a mess.”

“The same goes for you too, Bioquill.” Quick Wit said. “You’re too young to stop using diapers.”

“No! Tey stupid!” Bioquill protested.

Cadence picked up Melody Note. “Let’s go get you back in your diaper.” Melody Note then threw a huge temper tantrum.

“NO! HATE DIAPEES!!!!!!” Melody Note screamed as loud as she could, waving around her stubby legs and trying to wiggle free.

Bioquill threw a temper tantrum as well. Quick Wit picked him up. “Bioquill, you and Melody Note will calm down or else you’re both getting a time out.” Quick Wit said with a stern voice.

“U DUM MEANIE!” Bioquill then peed on Quick Wit’s face. Melody Note followed suit by peeing on Cadence.

Everypony gasped in shock. Quick Wit gave Bioquill her own version of The Stare. Bioquill gulped, knowing that he was in deep trouble. Quick Wit instantly flipped Bioquill over and spanked his bottom. She kept going until it was practically glowing red.

Bioquill cried as loud as he could. When Quick Wit was done spanking him, she washed his mouth out with a bar of soap.

Cadence and Quick Wit then wiped down Melody Note and Bioquill. They powdered them and stuck them in extra thick diapers. Cadence and Quick Wit then returned them to the nursery, making Melody Note and Quick Wit in corners facing the wall.

“Bioquill, the spanking and the soap were for talking back and insulting me.” Quick Wit said sternly. “You are in time out until dinner.”

“Melody Note, you may not have been as bad as Bioquill, but you are still in trouble.” Cadence said. “You are also in time out.”

Cadence and Quick Wit left the nursery. Nyx looked over at Bioquill and spoke to him. “Wat happend?”

Bioquill gave Melody Note a nasty look, then pointed a hoof at her. “I gots punished bwecause of Mewody! Mommy gave me spankies and pwut soap in my mouth!”

“Dat bwecause u you called her a dum meanie and wet pee-pee on her!” Melody Note shouted back.

“U wet pee-pee on your mommy too, but I gwet da spankies an soap! It not fair!”

I grew sick of their fighting. “Stop it! U both twouble makers! Dis no happen if u just use ur diapees!”

Melody Note turned around to look at me. “No! Diapees r dum! I big enough to use da potty, and I pwove it!” Melody Note once again removed her diaper. She then crawled over to the door and opened it with her magic. After checking to make sure no grown ups were watching, Melody Note snuck into the hallway.

I let out a sigh and looked over at Nyx and North Star. “We shwould follow her ta make sure she stays outta twouble.” Nyx and North Star nodded in agreement. We all left the playpen and followed Melody Note.

“U comin?” Nyx asked Bioquill.

“No. I no want ta wisk more punishmet.” Bioquill stayed behind in the corner.

We all followed Melody note as she made her way down the hallway. She stopped at the bathroom, using her magic to open the door. “Mewody, wat r u gonna do?” I asked.

“ I gonna use da gwowns ups potty.” Melody Note said. “Dis will pwove dat I no lona need diapees.”

Nyx, North Star, and I were all shocked. “But da big potty is dangewous!” Said Nyx. “It eats up foawls!”

Melody Note simply waved her off. “Dat just a myth.” She continued into the bathroom. Melody Note then used her magic to lift up the lid on the big potty. She then climbed up and sat on the rim.

Melody Note successfully went pee-pee in the big potty. She then used her magic to push down on the handle, making it flush. Melody Note then stood up on her hind legs. “See? Using da big potty is easy!” She said triumphantly. “And I don’t need dum diapees!” Melody Note then slipped backwards and fell into the big potty. Fortunately, all of the the water had drained out. Unfortunately, Melody Notes butt plugged up the hole.

With no way for the water to refill the bowl, pressure began to build up. The big potty began to crack and shake. “Wun fow cova!” I yelled. Nyx, North Star, and all ran out of the bathroom and ducked behind the wall.

The water pressure had become too great. The big potty exploded, launching Melody Note like a rocket right out of the bathroom, through the hall, and crashing into a large garbage bag full of dirty diapers.

All of our mommies rushed out to see what all the commotion was. They arrived just in time to see Melody Note flying through the air and crashing in the dirty diapers. Cadence walked up to Melody Note. “I...think that this is punishment enough.”

Melody Note emerged from the garbage bag with a dirty diaper on her head. “I HATE DIAPEES!!!”

A Day Outside

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Nyx, Melody Note, North Star, and I all rode with our mommies aboard a big balloon. It was a clear and sunny day. Mommy said that we were on our way to visit Ekko with Aunt Celestia.

Mommy looked down at me with a smile. “Are you excited to be reunited with Ekko?” Mommy asked.

“Yeah!” I said as I clapped my hooves. Mommy ruffled my mane and we both laughed.

Nyx looked over at me. “So ware has Ekko been?”

“Mommy says she’s been wit her weal mommy and daddy.” I explained. “Tey all wive out in da woods, but we still get to see her ebery now and then.”

“But isn’t aunt Celestia Ekko’s weal mommy?” North Star asked.

“No. Ekko is a fwying wolf, not a pony wike us. Didn’t U eber notice?”

North Star Blushed and smiled. “I just thought dat she was weally fuzzy.”

We all laughed at what North Star said. Soon, we were over a big forest. Our balloon came down for a landing in a big field of grass and flowers. When we all got out. Ekko and her pack appeared from the woods. Ekko lit up and right towards aunt Celestia. Aunt Celestia smiled and scooped up Ekko for a hug.

“Oh, how I have missed you Ekko!” Aunt Celestia said with a tear in her eye. Ekko licked her face with kisses.

Mommy, aunt Luna, aunt Twilight, and aunt Cadence all bowed before Ekko’s daddy, Fang. “Welcome princesses. Allow me to introduce my wife, Kele.”

A flying wolf with red wings and red fur step forward and bowed. “ A pleasure to meet you all.” Kele then looked over at us and smiled. “And these must be your foals.”

Aunt Twilight introduced us. “Yes they are. This is my daughter Nyx, this is Luna’s son North Star, this is Cadence’s daughter Melody Note, and this is Nightmare Moon’s son Blue Moon.”

“They’re all so adorable! I could just gobble them up!” Kele then tickled us all with her nose and gave us kisses. We laughed and rolled in the grass.

Fang looked at us all with smile. “Why don’t go off to discuss political matters while Kele watches the children?”

Aunt Celestia set down Ekko with the rest of us. “That sounds like a lovely idea. The foals must have missed Ekko so much. Just let me get their things.” She gave Kele our foal supplies and told her a list of instructions. Meanwhile, we all got caught up with Ekko.

“So Ekko, wats it wike wiving in da woods?” I asked.

Ekko jumped up and down with a big smile on her face. “It’s fun! I get to pway with other pups, bunnies, foxes, deer, birdies. Plus, I get to run awound twees, pway in stweams, and roll in fields!”

“How come you not waewing a diapee?” Nyx asked.

“Mommy and daddy I don’t need a diapee. I can just go wheweeva I want!” Ekko explained.

Melody Note had big look of surprise. “You don’t gots ta ware diapees out hewe? Yay!” Melody Note then tried to remove her diaper, but Kele stopped her.

“Oh no you don’t little one. I was given explicit instructions to make sure you all kept on your diapers. Especially you.” Kele then booped Melody Note on the nose.

Melody Note sat on her poofy diaper. She crossed her front legs and pouted. “Wats!”

“How about we pway tag?” I suggested.

“Gweat idea!” Ekko then booped me on the nose. “You’we it!”

“No faiw!” They others took off running as I chased them. Kele looked on and smiled.

I looked around for whom I could tag next. Nyx was the slowest, so I settled on her. I charged towards her, my hoof stretched out to make the tag. Nyx then turned around and zapped me with her magic. I found myself wearing a poofy pink dress with a giant pink bow and a matching pink diaper.

I stopped and tried to cover myself up. “EEP!”

All of the other foals pointed and laughed. “You a pweety pink pwincess!” Nyx said mockingly.

“Not Funny!” I zapped Nyx with my magic in retaliation. She was now in a diaper so huge that it lifted her off the ground.

I pointed at Nyx and laughed. “Ha! Now you pwincess diapee butt!”

Nyx made an angry face. She reached out towards me, but her huge diaper just made her wobble back and forth.

“You two stop that!” Kele said in a calm but firm tone of voice. “Now change each other back and apologize this instant!”

Nyx and I zapped each other back to normal. “I sowwy.” Nyx said.

“I sowwy too.” Nyx and I then hugged and smiled.

Kele smiled as well. “There, much better.”

I then tagged Nyx. “You it!” We laughed as we took off running and the game continued. After a long game, it was time for lunch. Our mommies came back and gave Nyx, North Star, Melody Note, and I our bottles. Ekko drank Kele’s milk directly from her nipple. Melody Note also needed a diaper change. She was still not happy about using diapers.

After lunch, we all got put down for a nap. When the grown ups weren’t looking, Ekko came over and nudged me awake. “Wake up Blue Moon!”

I rubbed my eyes as I looked at Ekko. “Huh? Wat is it?”

“ I gots ta show you something!”

“But we not awowwed ta wander off.”

“Don’t wowwy. We be back before ta gwown ups know we gone.” Ekko walked into the woods and I followed her. After a few minutes, we arrived at our destination. It was small waterfall that emptied into a pond. The water was crystal clear.

“Wow, dis pwace is amazing!” I said with glee.

Ekko giggled. “I knew you wove it! Dis my favorite pwace in the whole woods!”

I then heard a buzzing sound. I looked up to see a big, fuzzy bumble bee flying around in funny circles. Ekko saw it to, and we both laughed. The bee then landed on my right hoof.

“Hewwo bee!” I said happily. A moment later, the bee stung me and a sharp pain shot through my hoof. I let out the loudest scream that I had ever made.

Mommy and Kele came running over as fast as they could. Mommy scooped me up in her front legs. “My poor baby! What happened?!” She then looked and the bee sting. “Shh, mommy will make it all better.” Mommy then touch her horn to the red lump, using a healing spell to make it and the pain go away. I still cried from the experience.

Kele was very angry with Ekko. “What have I told you about wandering off?! Your cousin got hurt, and who knows what other terrible things might have happened!” Kele then nipped the back of Ekko’s neck. “You are grounded!”

Mommy nuzzled me then placed me on her back. Kele spoke to her. “I am so sorry that this happened.”

Mommy placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Do not worry. It was just a bee sting. Blue Moon will be fine. Perhaps next time we can meet at the royal castle? I’d hate to keep Ekko and the others separate.”

Kele smiled. “That sounds like a wonderful idea. Ekko, it’s time to say goodbye for now.” Kele picked up Ekko by the scruff and held her up to me.

“Bye Blue Moon. I sowwy about the bee sting.”

I sniffled and wiped away my tears. “Dat otay, it not ur fault. Bees awe dumb.” We hugged and and then walked back so that Ekko could say goodbye to the others. Aunt Celestia gave Ekko an extra long hug and a kiss before we left. The outside world is full of nice things and bad things, but it is also full of friends and family. I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Nightmare Night

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It was Nightmare Night! Mommy really loved this holiday because it was named after her. She told me it’s when ponies dress up in spooky costumes, go out at night to other ponies houses, and get free candy! Tonight was my first Nightmare Night, and I couldn’t wait to head out!

Mommy helped me put on my costume. I was a lion! Mommy helped to slip the costume on over my diaper and then painted whiskers on my face.

“There! All done!” Mommy said.

“Waww!” I growled.

“Oh no, a lion is in the castle!” Mommy said as she put her front hooves to her face. “Are you a ferocious lion, or a nice lion?”

“Nicey!” I said as I bounced up and down.

Mommy cooed. “You are just too cute!” She then picked me up and gave me a hug. “Are you ready to go trick or treating?”

“Candy!” I happily said.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Mommy then placed me on her back and trotted into the royal throne room where the others were waiting. North Star was dressed up as bear, Melody Note was dressed as a princess, and Bioquill was dressed as a tiger.

“Sister! We are under attack from lions, tigers, and bears! Run!” Aunt Luna said. Mommy placed me on the floor. Bioquill, North Star, and I chased all chased her down. Aunt Luna pretended to trip and fall, allowing us to crawl all over her.

“They are too adorable sister! My powers are useless! Go! Save yourself!”

Aunt Celestia could barely contain her laughter. “Alright Luna, that’s enough. We don’t want to get the foals all riled up before they head out on their first Nightmare Night.”

Aunt Luna stood up, but not before giving us all tickles. “Sorry, but you do know how much I adore foals in costume. I could just eat them up!”

“Hey, that’s my job!” Mommy said. “That is if they don’t give me enough candy first.”

Aunt Twilight smiled and rolled her eyes. “Nightmare, just how long do you intend to keep up that urban legend?”

“For as long as there is a Nightmare Night and ponies who enjoy being scared.” Mommy replied.

While the adults were talking, Melody Note, North Star, Bioquill , and I chatted amongst ourselves. “I bet I get mowe candy den u.” Melody Note said smugly.

“Nuh-uh. I gonna get way mowe candy!” I said. “I have da best costume!”

“No, mine da best!” Said Bioquill.

“I think we all wook cute.” North Star said quietly.

“Wet’s make a bet.” Said Melody Note. “Da foal with da weast amount of candy has to wear their diappie on their head fow a whole day! Deal?”

“Deal!” We all said in unison. We then put our hooves together to make it official.

Our mommies then came over and strapped us into our strollers. We were given plastic pumpkins to hold our candy, and then we were off to enjoy Nightmare Night!

The whole city of Canterlot was celebrating Nightmare Night. Decorations were everywhere, and every pony was in costume. From colts and fillies to stallions and mares. Mommy rolled my stroller up to the first house and rang the doorbell.

“Now Blue Moon, do you remember what to say?” Mommy asked.

I smiled and nodded my head. The door opened and a mare wearing a witch’s hat answered. I Then spoke the phrase that mommy taught me.

“Nightmawe Night! Wat a fwight! Gimme something good to bite!”

The mare D’awwed and gushed all over me. “Oh, you are just so adorable! You are the cutest little trick or treater I’ve seen all night. Here you go you sweet little darling!” The mare then put a hooffull of candy into my pumpkin.

“What do we say Blue Moon?” Said Mommy

“Tank u!” I said.

“You’re very welcome!” The mare cooed. “You have a very well behaved son Nightmare Moon.”

Mommy blushed. “Thanks. I do what I can.”

Every house was basically the same. The adults would say how cute I was and then they would give me a hooffull of candy. None of the adults were scared of my mommy, but all of the colts and fillies were. Every time they saw her they would run and scream. Mommy didn’t seem to mind though. In fact, she kind of enjoyed it.

Grown ups are weird sometimes.

We came to a house that didn’t have any decorations on it. Mommy rang the bell, and and old mare answered the door. I held up my pumpkin and was about to speak when the old mare cut me off.

“Nightmare Moon! How dare you come around here! I will not let you spread your message of darkness in my home!”

An irritated look appeared on my mommy’s face. “I spread no message of darkness! I am fully reformed! I am only out here trick or treating with my son, for it is his first Nightmare Night.”

The old mare looked down at me. I smiled, but she just gave me a nasty look. “Filthy child of tartarus! I will not indulge your wickedness with the pure evil that is sugar!”

I instantly began to cry as the old mare shut the door loudly in my face. Mommy picked me up and rubbed my back to calm me down.

“Shh, it’s alright my son. Mommy is going to make everything better. I promise.” Mommy wiped away the tears from my eyes. I smiled knowing that she was going to make everything all better.

Mommy rang the doorbell. “Blue Moon, cover your ears.” I immediately did as I was told. Whenever mommy told me to hold my ears, it meant that she was going to use her royal voice.

The old mare answered the door. “I thought I told you…”


Mommy then used her magic to open up a portal in the sky. It then rained down eggs and toilet paper all over the old mare’s house. The old mare was so shocked that she spit out her false teeth.

“Come now Blue Moon, it’s getting late. Let’s go home.” As we left, I stuck my tongue out at the mean old mare.

Back at the castle Bioquill, North Star, Melody Note, and I all sat down together to count our candy and see who would lose the bet. Bioquill went first. He emptied his pumpkin and his pile of candy was as tall as him.

“Beat dat!” He said.

I emptied my pumpkin, and my pile of candy was also as tall as me. Melody Note also had the same amount of candy.

“Wooks wike it’s a tie.” Melody said.

North Star then emptied his pumpkin. His candy pile was twice as tall as him!

“Yay! I win!” North Star cheered.

“Well, a bet is a bet.” I said. Bioquill and I then took off our costumes and then our diappies. We then put them on our heads and giggled.

Melody Note frowned and shook her head. “I don’t wanna!” She pouted.

“U have too.” North Star said. “U made da wules of da bet.”

Melody Note crossed her front legs. “Nuh-huh!”

Bioquill and I then tackled her. We removed Melody Note’s diaper and strapped it to her head. North Star, Bioquill, and I all pointed and laughed.

“U pwincess diappe head!” North Star said.

Melody Note threw a temper tantrum. “I hate diapees!”

Grand Galloping Gala

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I watched mommy from my playpen as she got all gussied up. She had put on a sparkling dark blue dress that looked like the night sky. Mommy also put on makeup like lipstick and eyeliner. “U wook pwetty!” I said.

“Well aren’t you sweet!” Mommy said. She then rubbed my head which made me giggle. “I need to look my best for the Grand Galloping Gala tonight.”

“I come?” I asked.

“I’m sorry sweetie, but the gala is for big ponies only. No foals allowed. Besides, Quick Wit will be coming over with Bioquill, and you also have Nyx, North Star, and Melody Note to play with.”

“I wanna go!” I pouted.

“The answer is no Blue Moon. When you are older you can come, but for now You and the other foals are to remain in the playroom with Quick Wit and behave yourselves.”

Mommy then picked me up with her magic and set me down on her back. She then walked me to the main playroom where Bioquill, North Star, Nyx, and Melody Note were already waiting. Quick Wit took me from mommy’s back. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep a close eye on the foals tonight.” She said to mommy.

Mommy then kissed me on the cheek. “Goodnight Blue Moon, and remember to behave yourself.” Mommy then left for the Grand Galloping Gala.

Quick Wit grabbed a book and sat in a chair. “How about I read you all a story? Once upon a time…”

Bioquill leaned over and whispered to me. “Whewe did youw mommy go?”

“She going to da Gwand Gawwoping Gawa.” I replied. “I want to go, but mommy says it fow big ponies only.”

“My mommy said da same thing.” Melody Note said. “It not faiw!”

“What awe we going to do?” North Star asked.

“I say we sneek down to da gawa.” I replied. “But fiwst, we need to get past youw mommy Bioquill.”

A smile came over Nyx’s face. “I know a sweep speww! Just watch.” Nyx looked up at Quick Wit. “Uppy!”

Quick Wit stopped reading the book. She looked down at Nyx and cooed. “Aw, does some pony want uppies?” Quick Wit reached down and picked up Nyx. “Who’s a good girl?”

Nyx then lit up her horn and zapped Quick Wit. There was a puff of pink smoke, then Quick Wit slumped over in her chair and fell asleep. Melody Note then used her magic to unlock the playpen, and I used my magic to open the door. The five of us then crawled out into the hallway.

As we made our way through the hallway towards the stairs, we came across Flash Sentry doing his patrol. We all quickly hid behind a window curtain. Fortunately for us, Flash Sentry was too busy singing a Feather Bangs song to himself to notice.

Flash Sentry is such a dumb dumb.

When we reached the stairs we went down one step at a time, using our thick, padded diappies to cushion our landings. It took awhile, but we finally reached the bottom. It was then that we could see the Grand Galloping Gala. All of our mommies were busy greeting other ponies as they arrived to notice us, so we easily snuck past behind them and into the main ballroom.

The Grand Galloping Gala was amazing! Ponies were dressed up really nice, a live band was playing, and there were tables full of food. One table that caught our attention was full of sweets. We all crawled over to it and hid under the table cloth. Using our magic we brought down slices of cake, cupcakes, pie, pudding, cookies, and chocolates.

After we ate our fill, we all became hyped up on the sugar. In a flash we all took off in different directions. Nyx ran over to the band and began pounding on a drum. Melody Note joined her, blowing on a horn. Bioquill flew up onto one of the tables and began splashing around in a punch bowl. North Star danced in the middle of the ballroom floor, bouncing up and down on his diaper.

Most of the adults were shocked to see us and couldn’t believe what was going on. Some of them thought what we were doing was cute and cooed at us. Aunt Pinkie Pie really got into the partying mood. “Now this is what I call a party!” Aunt Pinkie Pie then readied her party cannon.

As for me, I went over to aunt Pinkie Pie and climbed inside of her party cannon. When she set it off, I went flying through the air. I shouted “Weeeee!” as I flew. I landed atop the giant chandelier on the ceiling.

A loud voice then echoed throughout the ballroom. “What is going on here?!” we all turned to see aunt Celestia and our mommies standing in the entranceway. They all looked really mad.

Aunt Twilight and aunt Cadance marched over to Melody Note and Nyx. They both tried to use the innocent face on them, but it didn’t work. Aunt Luna walked over and picked up North Star from the floor. Quick Wit lifted up from the punch bowl. His diaper had absorbed so much punch that it became bright red and was so full and poofy that his hind legs were spread apart.

Mommy looked up at me. “Blue Moon, get down here before you hurt yourself!” She said with a panicked voice.

I looked down to see that I was really high up. I shut my eyes and clung tighter to the chandelier. “Nuh-uh!”

Mommy tried to use her magic, but I was still too scared to move. Eventually she flew up to me and tried to pry me from the chandelier. She was able to pry me loose, but then I slipped from her grip and fell. I screamed as I fell towards the floor, but them I landed safely in something gooey. I opened my eyes to see that I had landed in The Smooze.

Mommy flew down and immediately scooped me up into a tight hug. “Oh Blue Moon, I’m so glad that you’re safe!” She then turned to The Smooze. “Thank you Smooze. I am forever grateful to you.” The Smooze smiled and tipped his hat.

We all got in trouble for crashing the Grand Galloping Gala. We were all grounded for one month and not allowed to have any sweets during that time. Nyx got the spankies for using a spell on Quick Wit. We also received a stern lecture about not putting ourselves in harm's way. I feel bad for scaring mommy, but I’m also glad that I got to see the gala. I can’t until I’m old enough to attend.

Foal Daycare

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I sat in my stroller as mommy pushed me down the street in downtown Canterlot. Grown ups would stop and coo at me, saying how cute I was. All of the attention made me blush. As we continued on our way, I looked up at mommy and asked “Whewe we going?”

Mommy looked down at me and smiled. “You’re going to spend the day at foal daycare. You’ll get to play all day and make new friends!”

The thought of making new friends made me smile. I loved playing around Melody Note, North Star, and Nyx, but they were family and I saw them everyday. The only other foals that I knew who were not family were Bioquill and the Cake twins. It would be good to meet new foals.

When we arrived at the foal daycare center, I was amazed at how many foals there were and by how many toys they had. I wildly kicked my hind legs and reached out to interact, but I was still strapped into my stroller. Mommy saw this and giggled. We were then approached by a unicorn mare with white hair, a blonde mane and tail, and a rattle for a cutie mark.

“Hello and welcome to Canterlot foal care your highness!” The mare said. “My name is Caretaker, and I am incharge.” Caretaker leaned down to look at me. “And this eager little one must be prince Blue Moon I assume?”

“Yes he is.” Mommy replied. “I’m trying to get him out of the palace more often and have him interact with more foals outside of the royal family.”

“Then you’ve come to the right place. Canterlot foal care is the top rated day care center in the entire city. I have a feeling that Blue Moon is going to fit right in.” Caretaker then tickled me on the chin, making me giggle.

“I don’t doubt it.” Mommy then unstrapped me and lifted me up for a hug. “Now you play nice with the other foals Blue Moon. I’ll be back to pick you up this afternoon.” Mommy then kissed me on the cheek and gave me over to Caretaker.

I watched mommy leave, then Caretaker took me into the main playroom. She set me down on the padded floor and then went off to check on the other foals. I couldn’t decide what to do first, so I sat on the floor and sucked on my hoof. That’s when I was approached by a unicorn filly with golden brown hair, a sparkling white mane and tail, and dark brown eyes.

“Hi! I Sugaw Cookie!” She said with a big smile.

“Nice to meet U! I Bwue Moon!” I replied.

“U must be new awound hewe. I nevew seen U befowe.”

“Dat because I a pwince! I wive in the woyale castle!”

It was then that Sugar Cookie finally noticed my stubby wings. “U an Awicown? Dat is so cool! Which pwincess is youw mommy?”

“Nightmawe Moon.”

“The pwincess behind Nightmawe Night? I wove dat howiday!” Sugar Cookie said cheerfully. “I gets to dwess up and get tons of candy!”

“Yeah, my mommy is the best. Do U want to pway with me?”

“Of couwse I do! How about we pway adventuwe!”

“Dat sounds wike fun. How do we pway?”

“We gonna seawch for some tweasuwe! Fowwow me!” I followed Sugar Cookie as we both crawled around the the daycare center. I imagined that we were in a jungle, looking for a long lost treasure. Suddenly, a big scary lion blocked our path.

“Wook out! It a wion!” Sugar Cookie said as she pointed to a lion plushie.

“I got dis!” I grabbed a nearby ball and threw it at the plushie, knocking it over.

“My hewo!” Sugar Cookie crawled over and gave me a hug. We then continued on our adventure. We eventually arrived at a toy chest. “Dis must be whewe da tweasuwe is located.” Sugar Cookie said.

The chest was closed. Sugar Cookie tried to reach up and open it with her hooves, but it was too far and she fell back on her diapered butt. She then tried to use her magic, but only a few sparks came out of her horn.

“I can do it!” I concentrated and soon the lid to the toy chest was surrounded by my magic. I lifted open the lid then used my magic to tip over the chest, spilling toys all over the place.

“Hooway! We found da tweasuwe!” Sugar Cookie cheered. “What do U want to pway with fiwst?”

I Immediately grabbed one of the colored blocks. “Wets buiwd a castwe!” I then began stacking blocks to build a wall. Sugar Cookie joined in, helping to build the towers. After a few minutes, we had built a mighty castle.

Another unicorn filly with green hair and a poofy green mane and tail then crawled over to our castle. “Who awe U? I asked.

“I Winterwgween!” She said. “Can I pway?”

“Sure!” Sugar Cookie replied. “We pwaying castwe!”

A smile came over Wintergreen’s face. “Youw castwe is no match for da tickwe monstew!” Wintergreen then burst through the walls of our castle, knocking Sugar Cookie and I to the ground. Wintergreen then tickled our tummies. We both laughed uncontrollably, waving around our hooves all over the place.

Suddenly, there was a hissing sound. Sugar Cookie looked down and saw a yellow spot on her diaper getting bigger. This made Sugar Cookie burst out crying.

At the same time, I felt a bulge in my diaper followed by a stinky smell. I poked my diaper and it went squish. This also made me cry.

Caretaker came over and calmed us down. “Aw, did somepony make a stinky?” She said in a calm, motherly tone. Caretaker then picked Sugar Cookie and I up in her magic. She then carried us over to the changing table. We were changed into fresh diapers within a couple of minutes. Caretaker then washed her hooves, kissed both of us on the head, and then returned us to the main playroom.

Wintergreen crawled over with a sad look on her face. “I sowwy I made U two mess ur diapies.”

I just looked at Wintergreen and smiled. “Dat okay. It was fun being tickwed!”

Sugar Cookie agreed. “In fact, it tickwe time!” Sugar Cookie and I then leapt onto Wintergreen and tickled her all over. She squealed and laughed out loud. Soon it was snack time, and we were all given warm bottles of formula. When we were finished, we were put down for nap time on sleeping mats with pillows and blankets. Sugar Cookie and I even got to share a mat.

When I awoke from my nap I crawled back over to the toys and began playing with a ball. After a while both Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen woke up from their naps as well. They both crawled over to me. “Can we pway too?” Asked Wintergreen.

“Suwe!” I replied. We all took turns rolling the ball between the three of us. Time flew by fast because soon mommy arrived to take me home. She scooped me up with her magic and held me with her hooves.

“So, did my little stallion have fun today?”

“Yeah!” I replied.

“Your son was a perfect little foal.” Caregiver said. “He made friends with two of my regulars, and the three of them have been playing together all day.”

“Well then, I’ll have to talk with their mothers about having them come over to the castle for a play date.”

“Yay pway!” I cheered. Mommy strapped me into my stroller and we got ready to leave. I smiled and waved bye bye to Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen as we were leaving and they waved back. I couldn’t wait to play with them again.

The sleepover

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Mommy pushed me as I rode in my stroller down the street. I was going to Sugar Cookie’s house for a sleepover with her and Wintergreen. I was so excited that kept kicking my hind legs. Mommy looked down at me and smiled. “Aw, is my little stallion ready for his first sleepover?”

“Yeah!” I replied, bouncing up and down a little. Sugar Cookie’s house was on the edge of Canterlot. It was a two story tall brick house that was painted white. Mommy rang the doorbell and a mare answered. She had light brown hair and a dark brown mane and tail. Her cutie mark was a chocolate chip cookie with a bite taken out of it.

The mare shook my mommy’s hoof. “It is so nice to meet you princess! I’m Chocolate Chip, Sugar Cookie’s mother. And this must Blue Moon!” Chocolate Chip then tickled my tummy, causing me to giggle. “Wintergreen arrived an hour ago. She and Sugar Cookie are playing in the living room.”

“It is nice to meet you Chocolate Chip. From what I saw at foal daycare, I just know that Blue Moon and Sugar Cookie really like playing with each other.” Mommy then gave Chocolate Chip a saddle bag full of supplies. “Here are a few of Blue Moon’s things, including his pajamas and his penguin plushie. I swear he can’t sleep without it.”

“My Sugar Cookie is the same way with her tiger plushie. Isn’t it cute how foals have a special toy?” Chocolate Chip then picked me up from my stroller. Mommy then leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

“Bye bye Blue Moon. Remember to behave yourself. I’ll be back to pick you up in the morning. Have fun!” Mommy waved as she walked away. Chocolate Chip then brought me inside to the living room. Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen were playing with some toys in a playpen. Chocolate Chip set me down in the playpen.

“Okay, you three play nicely now. I’ll be back to get you when it’s dinner time.”

Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen were both really happy to see me. “Bwue Moon!” They both said in unison. They both crawled over and gave me a big hug. “I’m so happy dat U came Bwue Moon. We gonna have so much fun!” Sugar Cookie said.

“Yeah, it gonna be a bwast!” Said Wintergreen.

“Dat sound gweat!” I replied. “Wat awe U pwaying now?”

“We pwaying get da tweasuwe! I’m da dwagon gauwding it and Wintewgween is a bwave knight twying to take it.”

“Can I be a knight too?” I asked.

“Suwe!” Wintergreen said. She crawled over to the toy pile and picked up a foam sword. I followed her and picked one for myself. Sugar Cookie crawled in front of the toy pile and grabbed a dragon plushie.

“Woaw! You’ww nevew get my tweasuwe!”

“Yes we wiww! Attack!” Wintergreen and I charged at Sugar Cookie. She picked up foam blocks and threw then at us.

“Taste my fiwe bweath!” She yelled.

I swatted away the blocks with my sword and Wintergreen did the same. When we got close to Sugar Cookie, we took our foam swords and began hitting the dragon plushie. Sugar Cookie fell over onto her back. “Ugh, I’m dead.”

Wintergreen and I celebrated. “Yay! We swayed da dwagon!” I cheered.

“Wat shouwd we pway now?” Wintergreen asked.

Sugar Cookie rolled back up to a seating position. “We can pway dwess up! But da costumes awe in my woom.”

“Not a pwoblem.” I said. I then used my magic to unlock the playpen and open the gate. “Wets go!”

Sugar Cookie lead the way as we followed her to her room. It was upstairs, so we climbed up one stair at a time. When we reached the top we found a baby gate blocking our path. I once again used my magic to open it and we continued on towards Sugar Cookie’s room.

Upon entering Sugar Cookie’s room, she pushed open the closet to reveal dozens of costumes and onesies. “Otay, time to pick out youw costume!” Sugar Cookie said.

Wintergreen went first. She picked out a royal guard costume with a plastic helmet and armor. Sugar Cookie put on a princess costume, which had a plastic tiara and wings made of fabric. “I da pwincess of cookies!” She declared.

After looking for a while, I chose a Discord costume. After putting it on, I let out and evil laugh. “Ha ha! Now I take all of youw cookies pwincess!”

“I don’t think so!” Wintergreen said. “I stop you with my tickwe swowd!” Wintergreen and I then engaged in a tickle fight. Sugar Cookie also joined in, and we rolled around her room in a big tickle ball. All of our fun stopped when Chocolate Chip came into the room.

“There you three are! You nearly had me worried to death when I couldn’t find you. You know that you are not supposed to leave the playpen unaccompanied.”

Sugar Cookie frowned and lowered her head. “Sowwy.”

Chocolate Chip smiled and picked her up. “It’s okay sweetie. Just don’t do it again.” Chocolate Chip then patted her diaper and heard a squish. “Feels like somepony needs a changing.” Chocolate Chip set down Sugar Cookie and checked me and Wintergreen as well. “My, it appears all three of you need a changing. In fact, you three need a bath before dinner.”

Chocolate Chip placed the three of us on her back and carried us to the bathroom. After she set us down on the floor and went to fill up the tub Sugar Cookie, Wintergreen, and I opened up the cabinet that held the towels. We played around with them and Chocolate Chip couldn’t help but giggle at the sight.

When the tub was full Chocolate Chip took off our diapers and placed us in the water. “Bubbas?” I asked.

“I don’t see why not.” Chocolate Chip added some bubble bath to the water and swirled it around with her hoof. Soon, the tub was filled with foaming bubbles.

“Yay bubbas!” We all shouted. We all played with the bubbles as Chocolate Chip took turns washing us. It tickled when she scrubbed the shampoo into our hair, and it smelt like berries. Once we were all nice and clean, Chocolate Chip removed us from the tub and dried us off. She then strapped us into clean diapers and carried us downstairs for dinner.

We were each seated in a high chair in the kitchen. Chocolate Chip then went and brought out several jars of foal food. Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen ate their food with no problems. I was a bit more hesitant. “Come on Blue Moon, open up” Chocolate Chip said. “It’s mashed peas. They’re good for you.” I held my mouth shut and shook my head.

“Pretty please?” Chocolate Chip asked. I still refused to open my mouth. Chocolate Chip thought for a moment, then she had an idea. Chocolate Chip tickled my tummy, making me laugh. As soon as my mouth was open she thrust the spoon into my mouth. I was about to spit it out but it actually tasted pretty good. I opened my mouth for more. “See? I knew you’d like it.” Chocolate Chip said with a smile.

After dinner Chocolate Chip took all of us back into the living room. I played with Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen in the playpen some more. Chocolate Chip watched over us, and even gave us bottles of chocolate milk for dessert. After while we all got tired and yawned. “Looks like it’s time for nighty night.” Chocolate Chip cooed. She scooped us all up onto her back and trotted upstairs to Sugar Cookie’s room.

Chocolate Chip helped us all into our pajamas. Mine were dark blue with stars on them. Sugar Cookie’s were pink, and Wintergreen’s were yellow. Chocolate Chip gave Sugar Cookie her tiger plushie that she called Tiggy. Chocolate Chip then gave me my penguin plushie Oswald, and I hugged him tight. Chocolate Chip tucked us in under a blanket, then she kissed each of us goodnight. “Sweet dreams my little ponies.” She then turned out the light and left the room, leaving a nightlight on.

Sugar Cookie and I tried to fall asleep, but Wintergreen kept holding the blanket and shivering. “Wat wwong Wintewgween?” I asked.

“I scawed of the dark.” She replied. “Wat if I have a nightmawe? Ow wat if monstews get me?”

Sugar Cookie moved closer to Wintergreen. “U no need ta be scawed. Tiggy will pwotect all of us from monstews.”

“Yeah, and my mommy is one of da pwincesses of da night! She’ww make suwe dat we don’t get nightmawes.” I said.

“Tanks! I feew so much safew with U two.” Wintergreen cuddled closer, and the three of us fell asleep holding each other.

As we slept, the three of us had a shared dream. We were all playing in a giant jungle gym with slides, swings, sand boxes, and ball pits. I looked up and saw mommy and aunt Luna watching over us.

The next morning, I was awoken by a bad odor. I sat up and my diaper went squish. I was so embarrassed that I instantly broke out crying. My crying woke up Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen. “Bwue Moon, wat’s wwong?” Sugar Cookie asked.

“I *sniff* I made a stinky.” I replied.

“Dat’s all? U don’t need to cwy about dat. I make stinkies all da time.”

“Yeah, accidents happen. U shouldn’t be ashamed.” Wintergreen said.

Their encouraging words cheered me up and I smiled. Chocolate Chip then came trotting into the room. “I heard crying. Is everypony alright?” I held up my hooves and Chocolate Chip picked me up. “It smells like somepony made a stinky.” She cooed. Chocolate Chip brought me over to the changing table. She took off my pajamas and proceeded to change my diaper. Once I was wiped down, powdered, and strapped into a clean diaper she kissed me on the horn. “There! All nice and clean!”

After changing me, Chocolate Chip did diaper checks on Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen. “It looks like you two are dry. How about some strawberry pancakes for breakfast?”

“Yay!” We all cheered. Chocolate Chip brought us downstairs for breakfast. After making the pancakes, she cut them up into bite sized pieces that we could more easily eat. After breakfast, Chocolate Chip brought us into the living room and placed us back in the playpen. Sugar Cookie, Wintergreen, and I spent the time stacking some blocks to see how high we could go. After we had stacked the final block there was a knock at the door. Chocolate Chip got up to answer it. When she opened the door, mommy stepped into the house.

“Mommy!” I cheered. I crawled to the edge of the playpen as fast as I could. Mommy picked me up with her magic and held me close. I gave her a big hug.

“Aww, did you miss me?” Mommy cooed. She then turned to Chocolate Chip. “I do hope that he wasn’t any trouble.”

“Not at all.” Chocolate Chip said. “Aside from a little mischief, Blue Moon was a perfect little foal.”

“That’s wonderful to hear!. And Blue Moon, did you enjoy sleeping over with your friends?”

“Yeah! Tey fun!” I replied.

“Well then, we’ll have to see about having them over for a sleepover at the castle. Doesn’t that sound nice?” I smiled and nodded my head.

Mommy then placed me in my stroller and packed up my things. Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen both waved goodbye as I left, and I did the same. It was the best sleepover ever!

Uncle Discord

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Nyx, North Star, Melody Note, and I were all sitting in the playpen. We were playing rolling a ball back and forth between each other when suddenly I overheard mommy talking to aunts Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight.

“We must leave for the world leaders summit later today, and you’re telling me that we don’t have a foalsitter?”

“I’m afraid not.” Said aunt Celestia. “Quick Wit is busy looking after Bioquill who has a cold, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders are busy with school.”

“Twilight, what about your friends?” Mommy asked.

“I’m sorry Nightmare Moon, but they have their own responsibilities.” Aunt Twilight said. “Rarity is running her boutiques, Applejack is busy with her farm, Fluttershy is building her animal sanctuary, Pinkie Pie is helping the Cakes with Sugarcube Corner, and Rainbow Dash is on tour with the Wonderbolts.”

“There is one option we haven’t considered.” Aunt Cadence said.

Aunt Luna went all wide eyed. “You don’t mean.”

Aunt Cadence nodded her head. “Yes. Discord.”

Discord suddenly appeared in the blink of an eye. “Did I hear somepony speak my name?”

Mommy let out a sigh. “Discord, we all have to leave for a world leaders summit. We’ll be gone for a couple of days, but we cannot find a foalsitter for our foals. Would you please be so kind as to look after them while we’re gone?”

Discord thought for a moment. “Hmm, well since you asked so nicely, yes I will look after your little rugrats.”

“Thank you Discord.” Said aunt Celestia. “We’ll be back in two days. Here is a list of everything you need to know including feeding times, bed times, etc.”

Our mommies then kissed and hugged us all goodbye. “Now you all behave for uncle Discord, alright?” Aunt Cadence said.

“I promise that your foals are in the best of care.” Discord then appeared in a colt scouts uniform. “Scouts honor.”

Our mommies waved goodbye and left the room. Discord turned to look at us. We were all silent for a moment, then we all broke out crying. Discord instantly covered his ears. “Well at least I know that your lungs are healthy.” Discord snapped his fingers and pacifiers appeared in all of our mouths, quieting us down immediately.

Discord looked at the list. “We won’t be needing this.” He then crumbled it up and threw it away. “Now, what would you diaper butts like to do first?”

North Star removed his pacifier. “I want my mommy!”

Discord rolled his eyes. “Well too bad, because you’re stuck with me for a while.”

“U wook funny.” Said Melody Note.

Discord patted her on the head. “And you look like a hairy potato.” A light bulb then appeared above Discord’s head. “I know, how about we all go out to the park? You foals like playing outside don’t you?”

I looked up at Discord and smiled. “I wove pwaying outside! Da pawk is fun!”

“Alright then, off we go.” Discord snapped his fingers and in a flash we were all at the park. Fillies and colts were running around playing with their parents and playing on a jungle gym. Discord picked us up and placed us in a sandbox. “Now stay there and don’t cause any trouble.” Discord then sat on a bench and watched us.

Nyx and I began playing with a bucket and a shovel while North Star and Melody Note played patty cake. Things were going quietly for a while until we heard a loud hissing noise. We all looked over at Melody Note and saw a yellow stain on her diaper getting bigger. Melody Note then began to cry.

Discord appeared instantly next to the sandbox. “Okay, what’s the problem now?”

Melody Note pointed her diaper. “I made a wetty.”

“Is that all? Fine.” Discord snapped his fingers and Melody Note found herself laying on a changing mat. Discord Procceded to remove and throw out the soggy diaper. He then wiped Melody Note’s bottom, applied powder, and strapped her into a fresh diaper.

As soon as Discord was finished, Melody Note tried taking off her diaper. “Melody Note, what are you doing?” Discord asked.

“I hate diapies! Tey dumb!” Melody Note replied.

“Well you are keeping yours on. I don’t want any foals running around naked.”

“U can’t stop me!” Melody Note then slipped out of her diaper and threw it in Discord’s face. Discord looked at Melody Note with an angry face. He then snapped his fingers and another diaper appeared on Melody Note’s bottom. Melody Note just laughed. “U can’t diapies on me fowevew!”

“Oh but I can.” Soon Melody Note’s diaper began to grow, becoming more and more poofy. It soon became so big that Melody Note was lifted off of the ground, her diaper looking like a giant ball. “Okay everypony, time to play!” Discord rolled Melody Note towards us. Nyx, North Star, and I all took turns rolling her around.

“Not funny!” Melody Note screamed.

When we got tired of playing, Discord shrank Melody Note’s diaper back down to normal size. “Now do you promise to keep your diaper on?” Discord asked. Melody Note nodded her head. “Very good. Now, what would everypony like to do next?”

“I wanna go on da swide!” I said.

Discord looked over at the tiny slide and scoffed. “That tiny little thing? You all deserve much better.” Discord snapped his fingers and the slide transformed into a mega slide that was a hundred feet tall and a massive corkscrew shape. “So, who wants to go first?”

We all raised our hooves and Discord chose me. He picked me up and then stretched himself up to the top of the slide. “Down you go!” Discord gently pushed me down the slide. I went down fast, screaming joyfully as I went down. When I reached the bottom I landed in a ball pit.

Discord took turns sending us down the slide. We must have ridden it dozens of times! After my final ride down, my tummy let out a growl. “Unkie Discowd, me hungwy!”

“I see. Are the rest of you hungry as well?” Nyx, North Star, and Melody Note all nodded their heads. “Well then, I guess it’s feeding time.” In a flash we were all back at the castle, sitting in high chairs in the dining room. Discord appeared from the kitchen wearing a chefs outfit and pushing a cart with a large covered platter on it.

“Dinner is served.” Discord removed the cover to reveal a large bowl of ice cream. He scooped some up into smaller bowls and placed them on our high chairs. We immediately dug in, shoveling the ice cream into our mouths. When we were finished, our tummies bulged and we were smeared with ice cream and toppings. We laid back and smiled.

“My my, it seems like some diaper butts need a bath.” Discord cooed. He teleported all of us to the bathroom, and proceeded to remove our diapers. Discord then put us in the bathtub and began to fill it with water and bubbles. As the water got higher, the bubbles became thicker and thicker.

As we floated in the water, Discord appeared through the bubbles on a pirate ship. He walked on the deck dressed like a pirate. “Ahoy there foals!” Discord called out. “Climb aboard and we’ll sail across these bubly seas!” Discord helped us all onto the boat and we set sail. Soon we came across a giant rubber duckie. It let out a loud quack, then it shot bubbles at us.

“Wat we do unkie Discowd?” I asked.

“Prepare the water cannons!” Nyx, North Star, Melody Note, and I each ponied a cannon and aimed it at the rubber duckie. “Ready? Fire!” We fired the cannons which shot out bursts of water. They struck the rubber duckie, which sank soon after.

We all celebrated our victory until the boat began to rock back and forth. Soon, a massive tidal wave appeared, and it was heading right for us! We held on tight as the tidal wave struck the boat, causing it to capsize. We swam for the surface, and when we reached it we all found ourselves back in the bathtub.

Discord was leaning against the tub waiting for us. “Did you enjoy your bath my hairy potatoes?”

“Yeah!” We all shouted with joy. Discord took us out of the tub and dried us off. He put diapers on us, then he put us into our pajamas. With a snap of his fingers we were all teleported to our individual cribs. Discord appeared in my room and patted me on the head.

“Goodnight Blue Moon.” Before Discord could turn to leave, I held up my hooves and called out to him.

“Want kissy!”

“Sorry, but I don’t do goodnight kisses.” I was about to start crying when Discord caved in. “Fine! But don’t tell anypony I did this.” Discord leaned down and kissed me on the horn. This made me smile.

“Night night unkie Discowd!” I then grabbed Oswald, crawled under my blanket, and went to sleep. The next morning, I awoke to find that the entire castle had been turned into candy, with a chocolate river running through the center of it. The others and I crawled from our cribs and met up in the throne room.

Uncle Discord was sitting on aunt Celestia’s throne, which was now made of white chocolate. Discord took a bite then looked down at us. “Oh good, you’re finally awake! What do you all think of the little makeover I did for the castle? I thought it was a little drab and needed some spicing up.”

We all giggled and ran around the throne room, eating up all the candy that we could. I nommed on a statue which was now made of gummies. We were all having fun until Blue Blood burst in.

“What is going on here?!” Blue Blood shouted. “The whole castle is made of candy! I demand that you return everything to normal right this instant Discord!”

Discord snapped his fingers, and Blue Blood became encased in caramel.

“That should shut him up.” Discord said.

After a full day of playing and eating the candy castle, we all laid down with with tummy aches. Discord walked over and looked at us. “What’s the matter? There’s still more of the yummy castle to eat.”

We all groaned and held our tummies. “No...mowe...sweets.” I said.

“Party poopers.” Discord snapped his fingers and the castle returned to normal. He then sniffed the air and gagged, holding his nose. “Which one of you rugrats just made a dookie?” We all blushed and raised our hooves.

Discord sighed. With a snap of his fingers he created multiple copies of himself, each one wearing a hazmat suit. “Alright everyone, we all knew that this job would get messy when we took it on. So let’s just grin and bare it.” Discord said to his duplicates. Each one went over to one of us and began the changing. Immediately their faces turned green and they almost barfed. After removing the soiled diapers we were wiped, powdered, and strapped into fresh diapers.

Once we were changed, the duplicates all disappeared. A few moments later, our mommies arrived back home. “Mommy!” I shouted. I crawled over and hugged her leg. She picked me up with her magic and nuzzled me.

Aunt Celestia approached Discord. “So, did the foals give you any problems?”

Discord just shook his head. “Not at all. It was all smooth sailing through calm seas.”

“Um, why is Blue Blood covered in caramel?” Aunt Twilight asked.

“Wow, look at the time! Gotta go, bye!” Discord then disappeared in a flash of light.

“So, should try and free Blue Blood?” Asked aunt Cadence.

Aunt Celestia smiled and shook her head. “No. Let’s just leave him this way for a few days. I’ve always wanted him to be quiet.”

Down with diapies!

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Today was a big day. Mommy, aunts Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, and our foal sitter Quick Wit were taking Me, North Star, Melody Note, Nyx, and Bioquill all the way to Cloudsdale to see the Wonderbolts!

After our airship docked, our mommies pushed us around in our individual strollers. Mommy leaned down and spoke to me. “Are you excited to see Rainbow Dash and the other Wonderbolts perform?”

“Yeah!” I shouted as I smiled and bounced up and down. I turned to face Bioquill who was on my left. “I can’t wait to see da Wonewbowts! How about u Bioquill?”

“Tey gonna be gweat!” Bioquill replied. “Mommy took me to see them before, and theiw show was amazing!”

Melody Note was to my right. She wouldn’t stop scratching at her diaper. “Stupid diapie! Why did mommy make me weaw da extwa thick kind?”

“Because u pwincess wetty!” I teased.

“No I not!” Melody Note shouted back. “Diapies awe stupid, and I gonna bweak fwee from theiw constwaints! Just watch me!”

As we approached the stadium, Rainbow Dash was outside in her Wonderbolts uniform signing autographs. Once she saw us, she waved us over. “Hey, I’m glad you all could make it!”

“We all just wanted to thank you for inviting us to your show.” Aunt Celestia said. “The foals have been really excited to see you perform.”

Rainbow Dash leaned down to talk to us. “Are you guys ready to have an awesome time?”

I reached out and grabbed ahold of Rainbow’s Wonderbolts uniform, pulling it towards me. “Stwechy!” Soon the others were doing the same thing.

“Children, that is not polite.” Mommy said. “Please release Rainbow Dash this instant.” We all let go of the uniform, and the snap back knocked Rainbow Dash over.

“My goodness, are you alright?” Asked aunt Cadence.

Rainbow Dash got up and dusted herself off. “Eh, don’t worry about it. I’ve endured tougher bumps while training.”

“Well, we should probably be heading to our seats.” Said aunt Twilight. “You probably have a to get ready for the show.”

“You’re right Twi. I’ll see you guys after the show.” Rainbow Dash then waved us off as our mommies took us into the stadium. The stadium was huge! It was filled with thousands of ponies, as well as griffons and hippogriffs. We were led by security to a private balcony reserved just for us. There were thrones for each of our mommies to sit in. Once they took their seats, they picked us up from our strollers and sat us down in their laps.

The announcer then spoke over the loudspeakers. “Mares and Stallions, Fillies and Colts, please welcome our special guests the Canterlot royal family!” Everyone stood up and cheered. Our mommies smiled and waved and we joined them. “And now the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the WONDERBOLTS!”

The crowd roared as the Wonderbolts flew across the sky, leaving a trail of multi-colored smoke behind them. They performed all sorts of amazing stunts including Loops, starbursts, and flying through hoops.

About halfway through the show, a foul odor filled the balcony. Our mommies checked all our diapers, and it was coming from Melody Note. “Uh oh, smells like somepony made a stinkie!” Aunt Cadence cooed. Melody Note blushed and hid her face. “I’ll be right back. I’m just going to get her changed.”

Aunt Cadence took Melody Note to the restroom to be changed. As she was being changed, Melody Note had an idea. “Now’s my chance.” She thought to herself. After removing the dirty diaper and wiping Melody Note down, aunt Cadence reached for the foal powder. Melody Note however grabbed the bottle first and squeezed foal powder right into aunt Cadence’s eyes. With her mommy blinded, Melody Note jumped down from the changing station and ran out of the restroom butt naked.

Everyone in the stadium was enjoying the show when suddenly Melody Note came running through the stands butt naked. “DOWN WITH DIAPIES!” She shouted along the way. Aunt Cadence emerged from the restroom all covered in foal powder. She instantly gave chase as everyone in the stadium pointed and laughed.

Aunt Cadence tried to catch Melody Note, but she kept slipping through her hooves. Cadence tried to use her magic, but she lost Melody Note in the crowd. Melody Note then crawled her way up to the announcers booth. She waited until the announcer left, then she crawled over and up to the microphone.

“Attention my fewwow foaws!” Melody Note announced across the stadium. “Now is da time to bweak fwee of youw restwaints! Cast off youw viwe diapies! Wet youw bottoms be fwee! Down with diapies!”

All the adults heard was foal babble, and they all just d’awwed. The other foals and hatchlings in the stadium however heard Melody Note’s message loud and clear. Soon they all began taking off their diapers and began chanting “Down with diapies!” This caused a riot to break out as numerous parents struggled to strap their foals and hatchlings back into their diapers.

Aunt Cadence then came bursting into the announce booth. “Melody Note! What have I told you about starting a revolution?!” Bad foal!” Aunt Cadence then laid Melody Note across her lap and gave her a spanking. With the microphone still on, the entire stadium could hear Melody Note’s crying. The sound of Melody Note being spanked made all of the foals and hatchlings in the stadium stop their rioting, and their parents were able to get them all re-diapered.

After the show we were all taken backstage to the Wonderbolts locker room. Aunt Cadence approached Spitfire. “I just want to apologise for my daughter causing so much havoc during your show.” Cadence then nudged Melody Note forward. “What do we say Melody Note?”

“Sowwy” Melody Note said with a frown. She rubbed her bottom which was still sore from the spanking.

Spitfire smiled. “Apology accepted. To be honest, it was kind of funny to see a bunch of foals and hatchlings attempting to rebel against diapers.” Spitfire then leaned down towards Melody Note. “Just don’t do it again, okay kid?”

“Otay.” Melody Note replied.

“Now that that’s settled, how about a group picture?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“That sounds delightful.” Said Aunt Celestia. My family and the Wonderbolts all huddled together. The photographer readied the came and looked at all of us.

“Everypony say Diapies!”

We all said diapies and smiled. The photo was taken, and afterwards the entire Wonderbolts team signed it. The day turned out great after all.

A day at the beach

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It was a hot day outside, so our mommies decided to take us all to the beach. Instead of regular diapers our mommies put us in special swimming diapers that were made for the water. Aunt Cadence even warned Melody Note that if she tried anything that was similar to what she did at the Wonderbolts show that she would be grounded for a month. Melody Note was not happy.

We arrived at the beach via the royal chariot. The sand was soft, white, and looked like sugar. Nyx tried to eat some but immediately spat it out. “Tis not sugaw! It taste wike yuck!” She yelled.

Before we could play, our mommies covered us all in a cream called sunscreen. It was cold to the touch and it made us all slippery. It tickled as mommy put it on, so I started to squirm and giggle. Mommy let out a chuckle. “Now hold still Blue Moon. This will protect you from your aunt Celestia’s mean old sun.”

“I heard that.” Aunt Celestia said jokingly.

After we were lathered up, we got together to discuss what to do first. “Wets go pway in da watew!” I said. “It’s so bwue and pwetty!”

Bioquill had another idea. “I wanna buiwd a sand castwe!”

In the end we decided to split up. Nyx and I went to play in the water while Bioquill, Melody Note, and North Star built a sand castle.

Mommy and aunt Twilight waded into the water until they were knee deep. They then lightly splashed the water as they called to us. “Come on Blue Moon!” Mommy said encouragingly. “Come swim over to mommy. You can do it!” Nyx and I both dipped our hooves into the water and it was cold! We both backed away but our mommies kept encouraging us to swim over to them.

“Wat we gonna do?” Nyx asked.

I looked out over the water at mommy. The water was cold, but I wanted mommy to be proud of me. After building up all of my courage, I marched into the water. I kept going until the water became deep enough that I had to start kicking my legs to stay afloat. Halfway towards mommy swimming became easier. It was just like swimming in the tub, except some of the water got into my mouth and it was really salty.

Nyx soon followed right behind me. We swam inch by inch towards our mommies. After what seemed like forever, I finally reached my mommy. She picked me up and nuzzled me. “I knew you could do it Blue Moon! Great job!” She then placed me back in the water and I swam around her laughing. After Nyx reached aunt Twilight, I swam over to her and started a splash fight.

We swam and played around for a while until I felt a bulge in the back of my swim diaper. “Uh oh!” I said aloud. Mommy came over and lifted me out of the water.

“Looks like somepony made a stinky.” She said playfully. Mommy took me back to the beach where she laid me down on a towel and proceeded to change me. Once I was changed, I felt a rumbling in my tummy.

“Ba ba!” I said to mommy as I pointed my mouth.

“Aw, is my little stallion hungry? Well then, let’s get you some lunch.” Mommy reached into a cooler and pulled out a bottle of cold formula. She gave it to me and I instantly started to suckle it down. Melody Note, Nyx, North Star, and Bioquill’s mommies also stopped to give them some lunch.

After I had consumed the entire bottle, Mommy burped me then set me down with Nyx. We both decided to examine the sand castle that Bioquill, Melody Note, and North Star had made. We crawled over and were amazed at what we saw. Their sand castle looked exactly like the royal castle back in Canterlot.

“Wow! U made tis?” I asked.

“Yup! We made it all by ouwsewves!” Melody Note said proudly.

“Actuawwy, we had hewp fwom ouw mommies.” Bioquill interjected.

“Weww, I bet dat Nyx and I can buiwd a bettew sand castwe!” I said.

“We can?” Nyx replied.

“Suwe! How hawd can it be?” Nyx and Immediately started construction on our own sand castle. We filled up buckets with sand and started stacking them up in piles. After a while it looked less like a castle and more like a big mound of sand. Mommy and aunt Twilight took notice of what we were doing and walked over.

“Are you two trying to build a sand castle?” Aunt Twilight asked. We both nodded our heads yes.

“How about we help you out.” Mommy said.

“Yay!” Nyx and I shouted. Soon, mommy and aunt Twilight were helping us to build our sand castle. We all stacked and molded the sand carefully. Soon enough, our sand castle was complete. It looked like an exact replica of the castle of the two sisters.

“Wow! Gweat castwe!” North Star said.

“It pwetty.” Said Bioquill.

“It alwight.” Melody Note said.

Aunt Celestia walked over and saw our sand castle. “Oh my, did Blue Moon and Nyx make this sand castle? It looks terrific!”

“Yes they did. With a little help.” Mommy said.

Melody Note pulled on Celestia’s mane and pointed to her sand castle. “I’m assuming that Melody Note, North Star, and Bioquill made this one? They did a wonderful job. I love both sand castles!”

We all smiled and cheered. We then decided to play in the water some more. We swam around and giggled every time a wave came in and splashed us.

A pony with an ice cream cart came walking by. We all swam out of the water and begged our mommies for some. “Ice cweam!” We all shouted.

“Well since you’ve all been such good foals, I think you deserve some ice cream.” Aunt Luna said.

Our mommies held us as they bought each of us a scoop of ice cream. I chose strawberry and savored each and every lick. Bioquill ate his too fast and he got a brain freeze. He screamed and began to cry, so Quick Wit cradled him to calm him down.

After we finished our ice cream I decided to play in the sand. I grabbed a shovel and began to dig for buried treasure. I knew that pirates buried their treasure from the Daring Do books that mommy would read me, so I was hoping to dig some up.

“Wat awe U doing?” North Star asked as he walked over to me.

“I wooking fow buiwed tweasuwe. Wanna hewp?”

“Suwe!” North Star grabbed a shovel and joined me in digging. After digging for a while, we finally struck something. We reached in with our hooves and pulled out an old horseshoe. “Tweasure!” We both shouted.

Aunt Celestia came over to see what all the commotion was about. “What are you two doing?” She asked. North Star and I both showed her the horseshoe, smiling and bouncing as we did.

“Oh my, did you two find this? It’s such a good horseshoe. You both did a very good job finding this! I’m so proud of you!” Aunt Celestia then picked us up with her magic and gave us kisses on our horns.

Melody Note decided to dig for treasure as well. As she was digging, Nyx snuck up behind her and poured sand down her diaper. Melody Note ran off screaming while Nyx rolled around laughing.

Aunt Twilight wasn’t pleased. “Nyx! That was very naughty of you! You go apologize this instant or you are grounded!” Aunt Twilight said sternly.

Nyx crawled over to Melody Note. “I sowwy.” She said. Melody Note just frowned and stuck her tongue out at her. Aunt Cadence was just as angry as Aunt Twilight.

“Melody Note! We do not insult somepony when they are trying to apologize! Now you two make up this instant!”

“I sowwy too.” Melody Note said. She and Nyx then hugged it out.

A couple of hours later we were all tired. Our mommies put us back in our strollers where we yawned and fell asleep. When we got home we were all given a bath to wash off all the sand and sunscreen. Playing in the tub is fun, but the ocean is better. We then had dinner and were put to bed. Going to the beach was the best, and I can’t wait to go again!

The bully

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I sat in my stroller holding my penguin plushie Oswald as mommy pushed me down the street. We were heading towards the foal daycare center, and I couldn’t wait to get there so that I could play with Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen. Mommy looked down at me and smiled. “Are you excited to see your friends again?” She asked.

“Yeah!” I replied, bouncing up and down on my diaper. It made crinkling sounds as I moved.

When we arrived at the daycare center, a mare came out and greeted us. She had golden hair and a blond mane and tail. “Hello! My name is Honey pot. It is so good to see you again Nightmare Moon.” Honey Pot then knelt down beside me. “Welcome back Blue Moon! Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen are already here, and they can’t wait to play with you!”

Mommy knelt down and gave me a kiss. “Now you behave yourself while I’m gone, okay sweetie? I’ll be back to pick you up this afternoon.” Honey Pot then picked me up as I was waving goodbye to mommy. She then carried me over to the play area where I could see Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen playing with some toys.

As soon as Honey Pot set me down on the floor, Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen crawled over and hugged me. “Bwue Moon! We missed U!” Sugar Cookie said.

“I missed U too!” I replied. “So wat awe U pwaying?”

“We pwaying with da choo choo twain!” Said Wintergreen. “Come and pway with us!”

We played with the toy train, imagining that it was traveling through hills, forests, jungles, and even the ocean. We were all having a great time until a unicorn colt with white hair and a red mane and tail who was a year older than us and wearing pull ups crawled over and took away the train.

“Mine now!” he said.

Sugar Cookie, Wintergreen, and I were very upset. “Dat not youws!” I said. “We pwaying with da twain.”

“Yeah, give it back!” Sugar Cookie said.

“Make me!” The colt replied. He then stuck his tongue out at us. The three us then grabbed the train and tried to pull it away from the colt, but the colt wouldn’t let go. Honey Pot took notice and came over to investigate. As soon as the colt saw Honey Pot, he let go of the train. He then fell down on his back and started crying. Honey Pot rushed over and scooped him up in her hooves.

“Blue Moon! Sugar Cookie!, Wintergreen! Shame on the three of you!” Honey Pot said very angrily. “Picking on Candy Cane like that, what’s wrong with you?” Honey Pot then placed Candy Cane on her shoulder and rubbed his back to calm him down. As soon as Honey Pot turned her back to us, Candy Cane gave us a wicked smile.

“Hey, he fakin!” I said aloud.

“Yeah! He a bad foaw!” Sugar Cookie said.

We all crawled away to the other side of the play room to get away from Candy Cane. “Wat shouwd we do now?” Wintergreen asked.

I grabbed Oswald and held him up. “How about a tea pawty?” Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen both agreed. They then went over to the toy pile to get the tea set as well as plushies for themselves. We set everything up and began our tea party, soon forgetting all about Candy Cane.

Half way through our tea party, Candy Cane came crawling over. We were all irritated by him. “Wat do U want?” I asked.

Candy Cane pointed to Oswald and made a mean face. “Gimme!” He said.

I held Oswald tight. “No! He my pwushie! Get youw own!”

Candy Cane grabbed ahold of Oswald and tried to take him away from me. I refused to let go. Soon, we were in a tug of war with Oswald. Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen joined in to help me out. All of our commotion drew the attention of Honey Pot, who came trotting over. “What is going on over here?” She asked.

Candy Cane let go of Oswald. He then broke out crying again. “Tey no shawe!” He shouted.

“Again? Blue Moon, Sugar Cookie, Wintergreen I’m very disappointed with all of you!” Honey Pot then took Oswald away from me and gave him to Candy Cane. “If I catch you bullying Candy Cane again, then I’ll send you all to time out and tell your mothers. Understood?”

Candy Cane smiled happily as he crawled off with Oswald. I broke out crying. “It not faiw! He da buwwy, not me! I want Oswawd back!”

Sugar Cookie patted me on the back. “Don’t wowwy Bwue Moon, we’ww get Oswawd back and pwove that Candy Cane is a buwwy.”

“Yeah, I have a pwan!” Wintergreen said. The three of us huddled together and plotted out our revenge.

We waited until nap time came around. All of the other foals were fast asleep, including Candy Cane. Sugar Cookie and I went over to Candy Cane while Wintergreen went off to get Honey Pot. We stood over Candy Cane as he slept, still holding on to Oswald. I grabbed Oswald and yanked him from Candy Cane’s clutches. This woke up Candy Cane who was furious.

“Hey, give dat back!” Candy Cane shouted.

“No! U a buwwy!” I said.

Candy Cane just smiled and laughed. “U wight I am! And what awe U gonna do about it? I can get away with whatevew I want! If a gwown up suspects anything, aww I have ta do is cwy and tey take my side!”

“Candy Cane!” Candy Cane turned his head to see Honey Pot staring down at him with an angry look. “Is what you just said all true?”

Candy Cane gulped. He tried faking a smile and tried to act innocent. “Uh, goo goo?”

“I can’t believe that you’ve been bullying other foals this whole time.” Honey Pot said. “And to make things worse, you’ve been lying about being a victim! I am putting you in time out for the rest of the day and I’m telling your mother when she gets here.”

After sending Candy Cane away to the time out corner, Honey Pot turned to face the three of us. “Blue Moon, Sugar Cookie, Wintergreen, I just want to apologise. I had no idea about what Candy Cane was up to, and I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions about the three of you like that. Can you ever forgive me?”

We all crawled over and gave Honey Pot a big hug. She dawwed and hugged us back. The rest of the day went smoothly, with no other foals picking on us. When mommy came to pick me up Honey Pot explained to her what had happened with Candy Cane. Mommy was proud of me for standing up for myself against a bully.

After mommy had put me in my stroller, I waved goodbye to Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen. I then yawned and fell asleep during the ride home, proud of myself for standing up to a bully.

Learning to fly

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I was playing outside with Nyx, Bioquill, Melody Note, and North Star when I looked up and saw mommy flying through the air. She looked so regal and majestic. I wanted to be with her so badly. I started flapping my wings. They buzzed, but they couldn’t lift me off of the ground.

Bioquill took notice of what I was doing. “Wat awe U doing Bwue Moon?”

“I twying to fwy wike mommy.” I said as I continued to flutter my wings to no avail.

Bioquill Smiled. “Fwying is easy. Just watch me.” Bioquill flapped his wings and soon he took off into the air. He flew around in circles before landing in front of me.

“How come U such a gweat fwyer?” I asked.

Bioquill simply shrugged his shoulders. “I dunno. I think it because mommy says I a pegasi. U an awicown, maybe twy using magic to fwy.”

Bioquill did have a good idea. I closed my eyes and concentrated really hard on flying. For a moment, I could feel myself levitating. Then sparks shot out of my horn and I landed on the ground with a thump. “It not wowking” I complained.

After thinking for a moment, Bioquill had another idea. “Maybe if U twy and jump fwom a high pwace U wiww fwy”

I liked the idea and instantly started looking around for a high place to jump from. I spotted a statue of aunt Celestia that looked perfect. I crawled over and began to climb. When I reached the very top of the statue, I looked down and felt like I was a million miles high. I then spread my jumped.

At the same time, mommy looked down and saw me jumping. She instantly teleported down to the ground and caught me in mid air. “Blue Moon! Just what do you think you are doing? You could have severely hurt yourself! You nearly scared me half to death!”

“I sowwy.” I said while lowering my head.

Mommy held me close. “Just why were you jumping off of the statue in the first place?”

I looked up at mommy. “Wanna fwy wike U.”

Mommy smiled and rubbed my back. “Oh sweetie, you’re much too young to fly by yourself.” Mommy then had an idea. “Tell you what, we’ll take some mommy and me young flyer lessons together. That way you can learn to fly safely while under my supervision. Does that sound okay?”

“Yeah!” I cheered. I then hugged mommy and she hugged me back.

The next day mommy and I traveled all the way to Cloudsdale. We arrived at a place called “Little Flyers” where a bunch of mommies and their foals were all sitting in a circle outside. Mommy and I took our seats along with them. A pegasus stallion with white hair and wings along with a blue mane and tail then came flying down and landed in the center of the circle.

“Hello parents and foals!” He said cheerfully. “My name is Airstream, and I’ll be your instructor for today. Now, who here is a first timer to our class?” Mommy and I raised our hooves. Airstream immediately took notice of us. “Well, it looks like we have a special guest joining us today. It is a pleasure to meet you princess Nightmare Moon.” Airstream then leaned in closer to me. “And who is this little colt?”

“This is my son, Blue Moon.” Mommy said. She then held me up to show me off to the other mommies. They all dawwed and cooed, causing me to blush.

“Well Blue Moon, I’ll make sure that you’re just as good a flyer as your mom. I promise.” Airstream said. He then returned to speaking to the rest of the class. “Okay everypony, the first thing we’re going to do is warm up those wings. I’m going to need all the foals here to just flap their wings.”

I concentrated on flapping my wings. They flapped slowly at first, then they began buzzing. I was so proud of myself.

“Very good!” Said Airstream. “Now we’re all going to do some hovering. No need to go all the way up, just hover up a few feet.”

I closed my eyes and started flapping my wings again. It took a minute, but I could feel myself lifting off of the ground. I opened my eyes to find myself several feet off the ground I turned around to find myself staring mommy in the face. “Blue Moon, you’re hovering! I’m so proud of you!” Mommy then leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

Airstream clapped his hooves. “Wonderful! What great students you all are! Alright, for our next lesson I’m going to need all of you to fly in a circle.”

The other foals and I then began flying in a circle. All of the other mommies would wave at me as I passed them by. We all kept flying in a circle until Airstream had us stop. “The next lesson will have all of the foals fly to their mommies. So parents, I’m going to need all of you to line up a few yards away and call to your foals.”

Our mommies walked away and then formed a line. They then began calling out to us. “Come on Blue Moon, fly over to mommy!”

We all started flying over to our mommies. I started out slowly at first, but then I picked up speed. I was just about to reach mommy when suddenly I made a stinky. The bulge in my diaper weighed me down, causing me to slowly descend down to the cloud surface below. The other foals pointed and laughed at me, causing me to cry.

Mommy rushed over and picked me up. “Oh sweetie it’s okay. You did very good for your first try. Now let’s go get you changed.” Mommy then rushed me over to a public restroom and placed me on the changing table. After I was changed into a fresh diaper we returned to the group.

When we returned to the group, we were instantly met by Airstream. “Princess, I am so sorry that all of the other students made your son cry. I’ll have you know that they have been admonished by their parents and that this won’t happen again.”

“Do not worry about it.” Mommy said. “Foals will be foals, there is nothing that can be done about that. One day we’ll all look back on this incident and laugh.”

Airstream smiled. “Well I just want to say that your son is one of the best students that I have ever had. I look forward to him coming back for more lessons.”

I looked up at mommy with puppy dog eyes. She smiled and rubbed my mane. “We would be delighted to come back.”

“Yay!” I shouted. I was well on my way to being a great flyer like Mommy.

Potty training

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I sat in my high chair at the dining room table as mommy fed me breakfast. I gobbled up each spoonful as it entered my mouth, though most of it got on my face. Mommy could not help but giggle. “Who’s a messy eater? You are!” Mommy said. She then wiped my face clean with my bib as I smiled and bounced up and down on my diaper.

After breakfast mommy set me down in the playpen with Nyx, North Star, and Melody Note. She then knelt down and looked me in the eye. “Guess what today is sweetie.” I sat there and gave mommy a confused look. “Today is the day that you learn to use the potty! Doesn’t that sound like fun?” Mommy then rubbed my mane. “Now you play nice with the others while I get everything ready.” Mommy then left the playroom.

Melody Note gave me a sour look. “U wucky! U get ta use da potty whiwe I stuck weawing diapees!”

North Star bunched up and grabbed at his diaper. “I wike diapees! Tey soft and tey make me feel secuwe.”

“Well I can’t wait ta use da potty!” I said. “It means dat I’m becoming a big pony!” Mommy then came back into the room.

“It’s potty time!” She cooed. Mommy picked me up in her magic and carried me to the bathroom. I could see that the potty that aunt Celestia had given me for my birthday had been set up. Mommy set me down on the floor and then explained what I should do.

“Okay Blue Moon, when you have to use the potty the first thing you do is pull down your diaper.” I did as mommy said and pulled down my diaper. “Very good! Now you sit on the potty and wait until you’ve gone pee pee or poo poo.” I sat on the potty and waited. Mommy turned around to give me some privacy. After waiting for a few minutes, I finally went pee pee in the potty.

Mommy turned around and smiled. “Very good Blue Moon! Now that you’ve used the potty, it’s time to wash your hooves.” Mommy then picked me up and held me over the sink. She turned on the faucet and washed my hooves, scrubbing them with soap and water. She then placed me back on the floor and pulled my diaper back up.

“Now Blue Moon, whenever you have to use the potty just tell me or another adult and we will help you.” Mommy said. “You’re also still going to wear diapers for the time being just in case you have an accident.” Mommy then picked me up and returned me to the playpen. As soon as she left the room Nyx, North Star, and Melody Note all came rushing up to me.

“So, wat was it wike ta use da potty?” Melody Note asked.

I just shrugged. “It nothing speciaw. I just sat thewe and went pee pee.”

“Why awe U stiww weawing a diapee?” Asked Nyx.

“Mommy says that just in case I have an accident.”

Melody Note kicked over some blocks in a fit of anger. “It not faiw! How come U get ta use da potty and I don’t?”

Just then there was a flash of light, and uncle Discord stood in the center of the play pen. “Hello my little hairy potatoes! How goes everything in your little world?”

“Mommy is teaching me how ta use da potty!” I said.

Discord bent over and looked at me. “Is that so? My my, you are growing up so fast.” He then patted me on the head. Discord then looked over at Melody Note. “Why such a pouty face Melody Note?”

“I hate diapees and I wanna use the potty but mommy won’t teach me yet. It not faiw!”

“Well then if you hate diapers so much, let's just get rid of them.” Discord snapped his claws and all of our diapers vanished.

Melody Note jumped up and down with excitement. “I’m fwee! No mowe diapees fow me!”

Embarrassed at the fact that he was now naked, North Star covered himself up with a teddy bear. Nyx had a panicked look on her face. “Uncwe Discowd, I need my diapee! I’m not potty twained yet and mommy will be mad at me if I make a mess on the fwoow.”

Discord simply waved Nyx off. “Oh, your mother is just being a fuddy duddy! Accidents are perfectly natural. Besides, you live in a palace! If you make a mess a maid will just clean it up.”

“Yeah! We can do whatevew we want!” Melody Note then levitated herself out of the play pen and ran around the room naked.

It was at that moment that North Star had to go pee pee. Hearing what Discord had said, North Star decided to go pee pee right there on the carpet. He left a big yellow stain.

Soon Melody Note had to go too. “I’m gonna use da big potty!” Melody Note then crawled across the hall to the bathroom. She then climbed up onto the big potty and sat on the edge. After going pee pee, Melody Note reached up and pushed down on the handle to flush the potty. Unfortunately, she slipped and fell into the potty as it was flushing. She screamed as she was sucked down the drain.

The screaming caught the attention of mommy and aunts Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight. They all came barging into the playroom and confronted Discord.

“Where is Melody Note?!” Cadence demanded.

“Why are these foals without diapers?” Twilight asked.

“Did you let North Star pee on the carpet?” Asked Luna.

Discord paused and took a deep breath. “To answer all of your questions one, Melody Note flushed herself down the toilet. Two, I just figured that if the foals are old enough to begin potty training then they don’t need diapers any more. Three, don’t worry about the carpet. I’m sure club soda will get that out.”

“Melody Note did what!?” Cadence shouted. She immediately teleported to the sewer drain outside of Canterlot. When Cadence came back, Melody Note was all icky and crying. Cadence gave her a bath but didn’t punish her, saying that being flushed was punishment enough.

Luna scolded North Star for peeing on the carpet. He was put into the time out corner for the rest of the day. Celestia made Discord clean up the carpet. He wore a maid outfit and everything. It was hilarious!

Mommy and aunt Twilight were proud of Nyx and I for not getting into trouble without our diapers. We were all put back into diapers by our mommies. I still find diapers comforting, but the big potty seems scary. I’ll be happy using the training potty and wearing diapers in case of accidents.