Changing Desires

by StormLuna

First published

Trixie has the love of Starlight Glimmer but after an unexpected encounter one night, Starlight isn't the only one to love Trixie. Because of this, Starlight's desires change as well.

Trixie has the love of Starlight Glimmer but after an unexpected encounter one night, she wants more than just the love of Starlight, she will want the love of another pony, a pony with much more authority. Because of this, Starlight's desires change as well.


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Princess Twilight had always thought of herself as a good friendship teacher. After taking Starlight Glimmer in as a student she really helped her grow in not only being able to make and keep friendships, but also in keeping her volatile temper in check. When Twilight told Starlight to go make a friend on her own, she did just that but it wound up being a pony Twilight disapproved of, Trixie Lulamoon.

Eventually Starlight was able to get Twilight to take Trixie in as a student but it did not take long for Trixie and Starlight to fall madly in love. This frustrates Twilight so much that she tries to plant the seeds of doubt in Trixie's mind making her think that Starlight doesn't really love her. When Starlight found out about this, she rewrote Starswirl's time travel spell in a different way. She took Twilight back to the day of her entrance exam and held filly Twilight in her aura. Starlight gave Twilight and ultimatum, give her relationship with Trixie her blessing or lose her destiny entirely. In the end Twilight chose giving Starlight and Trixie her blessing so Starlight let the filly Twilight hatch Spike and get into Celestia's school.

Now that everything has settled down, Trixie and Starlight continue their friendship studies but can it really be that easy for two marefriends to simply study friendship? Also, will it be easy for Twilight to continue to educate a mare who has much more magical ability than her, a mare who could eradicate her destiny if she wished?

Not an Average Morning

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Two weeks had passed since Starlight used her advanced magic involving time travel to force Twilight to give her relationship with Trixie her blessing and things seemed to return to normal for the most part. While Trixie and Starlight did their best to operate separate from one another, it was tough for them. Twilight would get frustrated when she'd catch them staring dreamily into one another's eyes but the thing that bothered Twilight was that since their incident, Starlight wore her saddlebags pretty much all the time as a warning that she had her spell with her and would have no problems using it.

Another morning arrived in Ponyville as Starlight was waking up. She headed to her bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror. She began thinking about how she was so close to having altered everypony's destiny. While she was happy that she was able to be with Trixie and have Twilight's blessing, she still couldn't help but wonder "what if?" What if she had stopped Twilight from hatching Spike? Where would life have taken her? Like she has a couple times in the past she glared at her mane and fixed it back to it's original style. She smiled, grabbed her saddlebags and headed to the door where she was greeted by Trixie.

Trixie hugged her and said, "Good morning Starlight!"

Starlight replied, "Good morning Trixie."

Trixie saw she had her mane style like it was before she was reformed. She frowned, "Trixie thought The Great and Powerful Trixie told you not to wear your mane like that. You know Trixie thinks it makes you look like a dictator."

With Trixie speaking in the third-pony Starlight knew that her marefriend wasn't pleased. She sighed, "Oh alright, I'll fix it." After she fixed it she asked, "There, better?"

Trixie jumped on her and gave her a deep, passionate kiss. Starlight reciprocated and the two very quickly lost track of time. Downstairs Twilight was waiting on them and was not pleased with their tardiness so she headed upstairs and heard gentle moaning coming from Starlight's room. When she headed in she caught them laying on Starlight's bed kissing and groping one another. Twilight yelled, "Trixie Lulamoon! Starlight Glimmer! You know how I feel about this!"

The two didn't even hear Twilight they were so lost in one another. Twilight finally pulled them apart and continued, "Look, you know I have given you my blessing but my castle is not the place to be doing this."

Trixie giggled, "But I couldn't help it! She was looking so sexy after she fixed her mane!"

Twilight grunted, "Well next time could you two wait until you are out of my castle before you start having a heated make out session?"

They nodded in unison. Twilight continued, "Come on, you're late for breakfast and I'm hungry."

The two blushed and followed Twilight downstairs. While Twilight was displeased that they were still doing things that she ordered them not to do, one thing that did put her a bit at ease was the fact that Starlight, unlike she had for the past two weeks, was not wearing her saddlebags. She thought to herself, "Perhaps this isn't so bad. Maybe I should let them get hot and heavy every now and then if it means Starlight won't be a constant threat."

Once they got down to the dining hall the chef immediately took their order and they began to discuss what would happen that day. Starlight asked, "So Twilight, what do you have planned for us today?"

Twilight replied, "Well I WAS going to have you two study more academic matters together today but after what you did this morning, forget that. I know all you'll do if I'm not in there is make out and given that I am going to go and see my friends, who knows what else you'd do. Starlight, you are coming with me to see my friends and then I am going to have you model some dresses for Rarity."

Trixie asked, "What about me?"

Twilight replied, "I want you to stay here and study. I want you to find something in the library, study it and then write me a paper about it."

Trixie sighed, "Oh alright."

After breakfast Starlight and Twilight headed towards Sugarcube Corner. When they arrived all of their friends were there. Starlight said, "Good morning ladies, how's it going?"

Applejack replied, "Well everything's going alright." She noticed that Trixie was not with them and continued, "Twilight, where is Trixie?"

Twilight replied, "Well Starlight and Trixie decided to have a make out session this morning before breakfast. I was going to have them study together in the library but I know had I done that today, all they would have done was make out and Celestia knows what else."

Rainbow asked, "So you left Trixie alone in your castle? Are you sure that is such a good idea?"

Twilight replied, "Come on, I don't think Trixie is anything to worry about." She nudged Starlight and continued, "No offense Starlight, but I trust her more than I would you."

Starlight just sighed in frustration because she knew why. Rarity noticed this and said "Well I think you're out of your mind but I think it may have been for the best. Hoity Toity is coming to take a look at my dresses and Starlight is a better model anyway."

Starlight smiled, "I don't think I'm anything special but thanks."

Rarity continued, "Don't sell yourself short darling. You have what Trixie doesn't."

Starlight asked, "What is that?"

Rarity continued, "Well you are more mature and that goes a long ways when it comes to fashion critics. The model has to be just as exquisite as the dress she is modeling....oh and could you wear your mane like you used to? It makes you look much more mature."

Starlight fixed her mane style and replied, "You bet I can! Besides, I feel more confident with it like this anyway."

Twilight asked, "You do? You just don't wear it like that to intimidate me when you get mad?"

Starlight replied, "I don't. I just don't like that new mane style. In my eyes it makes me look naive and immature."

Twilight said, "Well I do have to agree and perhaps I should let you wear it like that but you know Trixie hates it like that. I don't think that would go over very well with her."

Starlight sighed, "I know."

Rainbow interrupted, "Wait a minute Starlight. You let Trixie tell you how to wear your mane?"

Starlight replied, "Yeah, I love her and in every relationship I know there has to be compromise."

Applejack said, "I know y'all said she had grown a lot Twilight but I never expected her to compromise to anypony other than you."

Pinkie added, "Yeah, especially that meany-mean hooves Trixie!"

Starlight yelled, "She is not mean! She is the love of my life and I wouldn't go giving my love to a mean pony."

Rarity looked up at the clock and said, "Oh look at the time, Starlight we had better get going. Hoity Toity will be here in an hour and I want to have everything ready."

Starlight nodded and followed Rarity out the door. Once they were out of earshot Twilight asked, "Girls, I want to know something now that Starlight is gone. What do you really think about her and Trixie being together?"

Applejack replied, "Ah can't believe Ah'm saying this but Ah don't like it. Ah think Trixie is taking advantage of her."

Fluttershy added, "I agree with Applejack. You made Starlight so nice and now it seems like she is being controlled."

Rainbow added, "Yeah, I wouldn't think that Starlight Glimmer would allow anypony to tell her how to wear her mane."

Twilight replied, "I know." She lowered her voice and continued, "Before Starlight and I had that big blow up over me accusing her of casting spells on Trixie I thought she was manipulating her. Now I can't help but wonder if Trixie isn't doing something to manipulate Starlight."

Applejack interrupted, "What? Y'all think Trixie is casting spells on a pony as powerful as Starlight?"

Twilight replied, "No, I mean emotional manipulation. I don't know much about Trixie's past but I know about Starlight's. Before Trixie came along, Starlight had never experienced love before and I can't help but wonder if Trixie isn't just charming her. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm actually worried about Starlight."

Fluttershy asked, "What do you plan to do about it? Are you going to talk to them about it?"

Twilight got a smile on her face and replied, "No, but I'll think of something."

After their talk they began to talk about ordinary, everyday things but Twilight had things running through her mind, things that could help her smarter and more advanced student greatly. She believed that Starlight could be something much more than a pupil, that she should be something more than a pupil, even more than a protege but she was not sure if she could convince the one pony who could make it happen to help her with this.

Private Discussions

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Trixie and Spike's Discussion

After Starlight and Twilight left all Trixie could do was sigh. She headed to the library to find something to study, which was something that she was no fan of. She was in there banging her head against a book case when a book fell in front of her. It was a book on fertility spells. She looked down and said, "Hmm...interesting! Trixie could always find out a way to make her dream of having a foal come true!"

Trixie began to read the book very intently. While the book had a lot of information about how fertility spells would work, it provided no actual spells. Trixie screamed, "Ugh, how is Trixie supposed to cast a fertility spell if it doesn't give any actual spells." She began stomping around and continued her scream, "How is The Great and Powerful Trixie supposed to have a foal if Trixie can't cast a spell? How is Trixie supposed to get Starlight pregnant if she can't cast a spell?"

Her screams had woke Spike up and caused him to head to the library to see what was going on. What he saw was something that he did not expect to see, Trixie in there alone. He asked, "Trixie, what are you doing in here alone?"

Trixie replied, "Well Twilight went to see her friends but because of something that Twilight saw Starlight and Trixie doing this morning she made Trixie stay home and study."

Spike sighed, "I thought Twilight ordered you to not speak like that."

Trixie replied, "Well that is only when she is around. It is perfectly ok for Trixie to speak like this when she is not around."

Spike said, "Alright." He then remembered her yelling about casting a fertility spell. He continued, "Trixie, I heard you yelling about fertility spells and getting Starlight pregnant. What is all that about?"

Trixie replied, "Well, as you know Trixie and Starlight love each other very much and the ultimate form of love a couple can share is by having a foal together."

Spike sighed, "Does Starlight know you want to do this? Does Starlight know you want a foal."

Trixie replied, "Well no...."

Spike interrupted, "And I highly doubt Starlight is going to want to be pregnant. While Starlight does love you, if she were to know what you are contemplating, she'd probably dump you."

Trixie hung her head in defeat, "Oh you're probably right." Trixie's ears perked up as another idea crossed her mind, "Trixie knows, what if Trixie let Starlight get her pregnant!"

Spike planted his hand over his face and continued, "Trixie, I don't even know how that would happen. How could two mares do that anyway?"

Trixie giggled, "Well she could cast a spell that would allow her to shoot sperm out of her horn!"

Spike knew of Trixie's nature. He honestly didn't think that Trixie was the motherly type nor did he think she really desired a foal. He asked, "Trixie, be honest with me. Do you really want a foal or do you just want a way to keep Starlight close?"

Besides Spike being Twilight's assistant, Trixie also knew of how good of friends that Spike and Starlight had become. Trixie asked, "Spike, can Trixie tell you something and you promise you won't say anything?"

Spike replied, "You can tell me something but I'm not going to promise anything."

Trixie knew that she had probably not say anything further given Spike's attitude but hoped he wouldn't say anything about their discussion. She asked, "Spike, could you please not say anything about what Trixie told you?"

Spike sighed, "Oh alright." He yawned and continued, "Now I'm going to try to get some more sleep. Just drop this whole fertility spell thing. If you study that both Twilight and Starlight will know something is up."

Trixie nodded but she continued to look through the book. While she wouldn't admit this to anypony, she had been having nightmares about Twilight sending Starlight away to end their relationship. She felt that if she could either get Starlight pregnant or get Starlight to get her pregnant, that they would be together forever.

Starlight and Rarity's Discussion

After Rarity and Starlight left Sugarcube Corner they began to talk. Rarity asked, "So Starlight, how are your friendship studies going."

Starlight sighed, "Oh they're going."

Rarity asked, "Whatever is wrong darling? You seem like something is wrong."

Starlight asked, "Will you promise not to tell Twilight what I'm going to tell you."

Rarity replied, "Yeah I promise."

Starlight began, "Ok, well while I know I still have some to learn about friendship and I still have a bad temper, I wish I had more. I wish I could contribute to society, I wish I could share my knowledge of advanced magic with ponies and I really wish that Trixie and I could just cling together like we used to. I always felt so good when we did that."

Rarity laughed, "I know. Twilight told me about how you two couldn't function without literally clinging together and how that led to you nearly ruining her future."

Starlight sighed, "I know, I know. You don't have to keep reminding me of that."

Once they arrived at the Carousel Boutique and fewer ponies could hear them, Starlight continued, "Rarity, can I tell you something and you won't tell Trixie or anypony else?"

Rarity replied, "Sure."

Starlight began, "Well you know how Trixie and I are marefriends? I hope one day that we can be more than that, I hope that we can be married." She only became more excited as she continued, "I wish that her and I could spend every moment together. I wish that we could always be clinging together, always be physically touching. I love her with all my heart Rarity. There aren't enough words to describe my love for her."

Rarity was not quite sure how to react to this as the main Starlight that still lingered in her mind was the Starlight that oppressed that town, the Starlight that nearly ruined everypony's destiny and the Starlight that Twilight told her about that nearly stopped her from hatching Spike. She asked, "Really? I know about your past and what if Trixie were to do something that made you mad? Would you use that time travel spell of yours to make sure she never became everything like you almost did with Twilight?"

Starlight replied, "No, I wouldn't. I've been working on my temper. Yeah I still have the time travel spell...."

Rarity interrupted, "Yes which Twilight told me you enchanted so I don't know how Trixie can trust you and I certainly wouldn't trust you to go out and share your knowledge."

Starlight replied, "Regarding me sharing my knowledge, I would never share my knowledge regarding time travel with anypony under any circumstances and Trixie knows I would never do anything to prevent our love from happening....well now anyway."

Rarity saw Hoity Toity coming in and said, "Well we better stop talking about this, we need to get you ready."

Starlight nodded and they began to get her ready to model dresses. While Starlight could see where Rarity was coming from regarding her spell, she would never admit that if the situation warranted it, she would use her spell and have no regrets.

Afternoon Discussions

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It was late in the afternoon when Twilight and Starlight returned to the castle. For Twilight it had been a rather normal day hanging out with most of her friends and for Starlight, the day had been productive as she was modeling for Rarity. The first one to greet them when they got home was Spike, "Hi Twilight, oh hi Starlight."

Starlight replied, "Oh hi Spike."

Spike saw that she was wearing her mane in her old style. He asked, "Twilight, I thought you didn't want Starlight to wear her mane like that."

Twilight replied, "Well Rarity thinks she looks more presentable as a model with it like that and besides, Starlight feels more confident with it like that so I'm going to let her return to wearing it that way."

Just as Twilight said this Trixie came running into the room. Trixie hugged Starlight and squealed, "Starlight sweetie, it's so good to see......" She saw how Starlight was wearing her mane and quickly broke the embrace. She growled, "Starlight, what has Trixie said about your mane? The Great and Powerful Trixie does not like you wearing your mane like that. It makes you look like a dictator."

Before Starlight could reply Twilight interrupted, "Trixie, Starlight can wear her mane however she wants and I thought I told you to not speak in the third-pony."

Trixie replied, "But Twilight, when Starlight wears her mane like that she isn't as attractive and looks like a dictator and she told me that she would compromise when it came to her mane style."

Starlight fixed her mane to it's newer style and sighed, "I know Trixie. Rarity just wanted me to wear it like this for the photo shoots today. She said it makes me look more mature and confident, which is how a model should look when she is modeling a dress."

Trixie sighed, "Oh alright, but next time fix it back before you come home."

Starlight headed up to her room with her head hung low. Once Starlight got out of earshot Twilight decided to address Trixie. "Trixie, I am concerned about how you are treating Starlight. I have a feeling you are taking advantage of her love for you and manipulating her into wearing her mane in a style that she does not like."

Trixie scoffed, "Me manipulate Starlight? It was you who originally didn't want her wearing it like that but now since one of your friends say it is ok for her to wear it like that she can?"

Twilight replied, "Well we had a talk and she told me that when she wears it like that she feels more confident so I'm going to let her wear it that way and I don't want you manipulating her to get your way."

Trixie boasted, "Well, so far The Great and Powerful Trix.....oops I mean I, have got her to realize that there is compromise in every relationship so you have to give me that."

Twilight asked, "So Trixie, what have you done to compromise?"

Trixie replied, "Well I don't speak in the third-pony around her because it drives her nuts."

Twilight mumbled, "You speaking in the third-pony drives everypony nuts." She sighed and continued, "Look, just don't be so rude to her over how she wears her mane, ok?"

Trixie sighed, "Ok."

Trixie headed upstairs obviously upset. She began to wonder about Twilight and how all of a sudden she seems so sympathetic of Starlight. Trixie decided that she was going to trick Starlight into writing and casting that fertility spell since she didn't have the know-how to do it herself. She snickered, "All I have to do is give Starlight puppy-dog eyes and stick my bottom lip out and she'll do it. She'll do anything for me because she loves me."

Downstairs Spike and Twilight headed to the throne room. Twilight couldn't help but wonder what was going through Trixie's mind and decided to see if Spike knew anything, "Spike, can I ask you something?"

Spike replied, "Yeah, what is it?"

Twilight asked, "Did Trixie say anything to you today about Starlight?"

Spike replied, "Yeah, Trixie said something about wanting to have a foal with Starlight."

Twilight screamed, "SHE DID WHAT?"

Spike replied, "She said she wants to have a foal with Starlight. She was looking at this book about fertility spells and wanting to get Starlight pregnant. She said it is what ponies in love do to truly show their love."

Twilight put her hoof up to her face and asked, "Does Starlight know about this?"

Spike replied, "No, she doesn't. I tried telling her that Starlight would want no part of this and might even leave her if she knew what she wanted but she won't listen." He got a look of concern on his face and continued, "What are we going to do? I know Starlight has been really bad in the past but I'm worried about her."

Twilight replied, "Well I have some plans running through my mind." She snickered, "I think I know exactly how to dismantle this relationship without Starlight getting angry. In fact, I think she will like what I'm going to try to do."

Spike asked, "What is that?"

Twilight replied, "Oh you'll see. I'm not going to act on it yet but it is going to be fun, very fun!"

Spike sighed knowing that Twilight wasn't going to tell him but he had a feeling that it was going to be something that nopony would ever expect out of Twilight. He knew that he couldn't voice his concerns to Twilight's friends, nor Starlight nor Trixie. All he could do was wait in anticipation to see what Twilight really had planned.

A Raunchy Night

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Trixie's Aggressiveness

Night had arrived but something didn't seem right with Starlight. Normally she was rather cheerful knowing that there was a chance Trixie would come visit her after she knew that Twilight was asleep. This night would not be the same. Like she had been doing more recently, she stood in her bathroom with a look of displeasure on her face. This time she was not glaring at her reflection, she had a look of sadness. She thought to herself, "Why do I let Trixie do this? Why do I let her tell me how to wear my mane?"

Soon she felt a pair of hooves cover her eyes and felt nibbling on her ear. "Stop it, that tickles!"

Trixie removed her hooves from Starlight's eyes and replied, "Oh it does? Do you like it?"

Trixie began to nibble again causing Starlight to giggle, "Yeah, now stop it!"

Trixie knew how Starlight had been that day and was hoping that she could improve her mood. She groped her and said, "Oh Trixie....oops I mean I have so much more to do that you'll like!"

Starlight knew what she was hinting at and did not want to take the risk. She replied, "Trixie, Twilight is home. We can't do anything like that while she is here!"

Trixie giggled, "If we keep quiet she won't even know." She stuck her bottom lip out and continued, "Please."

Starlight sighed, "Oh alright."

As the two were headed to Starlight's bed she noticed that Trixie had her saddlebags on. She continued, "Trixie, why are you wearing your saddlebags?"

Trixie replied, "Oh you'll see, but first we need to release all the stress from today." She pointed her hoof towards the bed and ordered, "Lay down, now."

Starlight laughed, "Oh so you're wanting to be the dominant one tonight I see? You know of my powers, you know that won't last."

Rather than replying Trixie jumped up on the bed and sat on Starlight's face. She ordered, "Eat the Hot and Dominant Trixie little filly."

Starlight complied and began to give Trixie the pleasure she so desired. Trixie began to bounce up and down on her yelling, "Oh Starlight, that feels so good, oh Starlight, oh Starlight, SUBMIT TO THE HOT AND DOMINANT TRIXIE!"

All Starlight could do was let out a muffled moan as Trixie wrapped her legs tightly around Starlight's head, forcing her face further and further into her. Her voice became more mean as she screamed, "Submit Starlight, submit to The Hot and Dominant Trixie!"

It had gotten to the point where Starlight couldn't breathe so using all her strength she threw Trixie off of her. She yelled, "Trixie, what the hay were you trying to do, suffocate me?"

Trixie replied, "No, The Hot and Dominant Trixie is simply doing what it takes to get her marefriend to agree to something special."

Starlight asked, "By suffocating me? That won't get me to agree to do anything!"

Trixie finally decided that she was going to show Starlight why she was wearing her saddlebags. She levitated a book out of them to Starlight. Starlight was reading through the book and asked, "Fertility spells? What does a fertility spell have to do with you trying to suffocate me?"

Trixie replied, "Starlight, Trixie, oops I mean I, want a foal and I want to have that foal with you." Her voice became more intense as she continued, "You are going to help me cast a spell to where I can shoot sperm out of my horn and get you pregnant."

Starlight gasped, "What?" It didn't take long for her to object, "No Trixie, I will not let you do that. I have absolutely no desire to be pregnant. I do not want to be tied down by something like that."

Trixie snapped, "Well then, you will cast a spell on yourself so you can get me pregnant!"

Starlight sighed, "Trixie, I will not do anything like that until we are married. I am sorry but I do not believe in conceiving a foal out of wedlock. It just ain't right."

Trixie realized that by being forceful and mean spirited about this, that she was getting nowhere so she decided to take a different approach. She gave Starlight a seductive smile and pulled her on top of her. She whined, "Ok Starlight, I understand." She spread herself out and continued, "Punish the Sexy and Subservient Trixie, punish Trixie."

What Starlight did not know was that she was falling right into Trixie's trap. Trixie figured that if she would be the submissive one that perhaps Starlight's attitude would change, that she would want to control her and perhaps view getting her pregnant as a form of control.

It's More Fun with Three

While Starlight and Trixie were having their fun, Twilight lay awake in her bedroom, unable to sleep. She was angry that the two would dare get intimate while she was home but what really angered her was Trixie's meanness when it came to trying to get Starlight to use a fertility spell. She decided that the time to take the plan of action she had been thinking about had come. She said to herself, "Ok Twilight, this isn't what I really want to do but if it will end this, I'll do it."

She got up and walked quietly to Starlight's room. She pushed the door open to find them rolling around on the bed, their faces buried in one another's marehoods. Twilight watched them sucking and groping and heard them squealing. For some odd reason she just couldn't stop watching. She wanted to yell and make them stop but soon she discovered something, she was sopping wet and realized that she needed to have a release of her own and that it would be her students that would provide her with that.

Twilight quietly closed the door behind her and headed towards the bed. She nudged them and asked, "Is there room for three?"

The two stopped and looked in shock. Never had they imagined that Twilight, who was so against them even having a relationship was suddenly wanting to have fun with them. Starlight replied, "Yeah, sure."

Despite being with Starlight, Trixie had always found Twilight attractive, even back during their bad times. She grabbed Twilight, pulled her onto the bed and giggled, "Of course, but you're going to be our sub."

After watching them Twilight didn't care. She was needy and would let the two do anything. She gave them both smiles and replied, "Take me girls, I have to have this, take me, punish me!"

They both jumped on Twilight. Both mares smiled at one another realizing that this was Twilight's way of saying that they could probably do anything to her. While Starlight began to grind her marehood up against that of Twilight, Trixie had sat on her face and wrapped her legs tightly around her. She screamed, "Eat The Sexy and Dominant Trixie, eat Trixie!"

Twilight did exactly as her unexpected master ordered. Something strange woke up within her at this moment. She realized that she liked this, she enjoyed being dominated and the fact that it was a former foe of her's dominating her, she enjoyed it all the more.

Soon Trixie and Starlight leaned forward and began to kiss yet continued their dominance over their teacher. While Starlight was enjoying this, she was getting hungry so she flipped them all onto their side and buried her face into Twilight and pulled Trixie's face into her causing all three mares to moan in delight. Starlight wanted this to last for hours so like she did the first time her and Trixie got intimate, she cast the stamina spell so their experience would last much, much longer.

Throughout the night and into the morning the three mares continued to suck and suck yet none had climaxed. Eventually Spike had woke up and heard the noises coming from Starlight's room. He was unsure of what it was and had a feeling he shouldn't barge in. He knocked on the door, "Twilight, Starlight, Trixie, what's going on in there?"

None of them heard him, the sounds of their squeals and moans easily drowned it out. Finally after many hours and with Spike standing outside, they let out the longest, loudest moan any of the three had ever heard. While they were in pure ecstasy, Spike was mortified. He realized what was going on in there and fainted.

In the bedroom the three mares sat up and clung together. Twilight sighed, "Oh my, I never knew such pleasure was possible!" She kissed Trixie and continued, "Thank you Trixie, thank you for showing me the time of my life!"

Trixie replied, "You are welcome. The Sexy and Dominant Trixie is glad she could make you happy."

Starlight interrupted, "What about me Twilight? I was the one who was eating you AND I am the one who cast the stamina spell."

Twilight replied, "Yeah, thanks Starlight."

Trixie added, "Yeah, thanks for casting the spell."

Starlight sighed, "Whatever, I'm going to go wash up and then head down to breakfast."

In unison they replied, "Yeah, you go do that."

As she headed to the bathroom to wash up she saw Trixie crawl on top of Twilight and continue their love session without her, not even caring that she was still in the room. Starlight knew she had to be strong, she knew that she couldn't show that this was really bothering her. She knew that allowing Twilight to take part in their fun that night was a mistake, a mistake that she would have to live with.

The Winds of Change

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After she finished her shower, she fixed her mane in it's old style to provide herself with a bit of confidence. Starlight headed downstairs to the dining hall where she sat and waited for Twilight and Trixie so they could have some breakfast. She had so many thoughts running through her mind, how her and Trixie seemed to love each other, how it was last night before Twilight joined them, her allowing Twilight to join them and most of all, the vision of Trixie and Twilight continuing their love session without her.

She laid her head on the table and tears began to fall down her face. She asked herself, "Why? Why all of a sudden does Trixie want Twilight so much? Why did Trixie seem more focused on Twilight than me this morning? Am I suddenly not pretty enough? Is it because I won't allow myself to be dominated like Twilight does?" Then it hit her, she realized what it was. She slammed her hoof down on the table and yelled, "It's because I don't want a damned foal, that has to be it!"

Before she knew it an hour had passed and she was extremely hungry. She glared at the clock and grunted, "Screw it, I'm going out to eat."

She knew that she couldn't just leave without letting Twilight know where she was going so she grabbed a scroll and wrote,


It is currently 0800, I am hungry and I don't feel like waiting any longer for you to summon the chefs to take our order. I'm going out to eat. Talk to you later.

Starlight Glimmer"

Starlight slammed the door behind her on the way out. She was frustrated, she was devastated and like anypony else would be in this situation, she was angry. She didn't want to be around Twilight, she didn't want to be around the castle and she certainly didn't want to be around Trixie. She figured that with everything that was going on, perhaps Twilight wouldn't mind her being out and about.

An hour after Starlight left Trixie and Twilight had finally decided to stop their "fun". While they had fun when Starlight was with them, both of them gazed into one another's eyes with a dreamy smile realizing that it was even more wonderful without Starlight.

Twilight pulled Trixie close and said, "Trixie, I've never felt this way before. Yes it was fun while Starlight was with us but with it just being us two, it felt like so much more."

Trixie dreamily replied, "Trixie...oops I know." She gave Twilight a passionate kiss and continued, "I know I'm in a committed relationship with Starlight but just this morning I felt something special, I felt a special bond develop between us."

Twilight asked, "Really, you did?"

Trixie replied, "Yes, I did. I love you Twilight Sparkle. I have come to the realization that while Starlight is nice, you mean so much more to me. I feel like you'll always be here for me while Starlight might not."

Twilight asked, "Why don't you think Starlight will always be here for you?"

Trixie rolled on top of Twilight and continued, "Because sometimes she won't submit to me, she still sometimes wears her hair like she is a dictator and she told me that she did not want a foal." She pinned Twilight down, gazed into Twilight's eyes and continued, "But after last night I know you will submit to The Hot and Dominant Trixie. I know you truly want me. I know there is no chance of you running off to pursue your own ambitions."

One thing that Twilight did not notice was that while Trixie was gazing into her eyes, that her horn was glowing as well. While Trixie did not know a lot of magic, she was capable of doing seduction spells, albeit just short ones. Twilight, in a daze replied, "It's ok Trixie, The Weak and Subservient Twilight will always be here for you." She pulled Trixie forward, kissed her and continued, "I love you Trixie Lulamoon. I honestly wish you and I could lay here forever."

Trixie giggled, "Aw thank you my weak and subservient little Twilight." She became more serious and continued, "Twilight, what are we going to do about Starlight. I did love her but I love you now and I know it will be hard to work with her around."

Twilight asked, "Well, remember how when I was planting the seeds of doubt about Starlight in your head?"

Trixie replied, "Yes, Trix....oops I remember."

Twilight began, "Well I am going to send a message to Celestia letting her know that Starlight has got as much out of me helping her that she can. I will ask her if she could either take Starlight in as a protege or if there is some position up there in Canterlot she could give her."

Trixie asked, "Really? You would do that?"

Twilight continued, "Yes, I would. After what happened this morning, if Celestia was to do something like that, I know Starlight's true self will come out. She will put her ambition ahead of you and go up there." She pushed her face into Trixie's mane and continued, "And then we can have each other." She kissed Trixie again and finished, "And then I can always be your Weak and Subservient Twilight."

Trixie jumped out of bed and squealed, "Really? When are you going to send this message?"

Twilight replied, "Well let me go find Spike and I'll have him send her a message." She looked at Trixie and herself and continued, "Well we better wash up. I really don't want Spike seeing us covered in our juices like this!"

Trixie agreed and after washing up they headed downstairs to the dining hall, they found Spike waiting with a disapproving look on his face. Twilight asked, "Spike, what is wrong?" She then noticed Starlight wasn't there and continued, "And where is Starlight, I would think she would be here?"

Spike handed her Starlight's note and asked, "Where were you two? I would have thought that when Starlight came down, you would have as well. After all Twilight, you are the one who wants to stick to a tight schedule."

Both mares blushed not wishing to reveal what they had been doing which frustrated Spike. After what Starlight had told him earlier this morning, he knew what was going on. While that didn't bother him a ton, the fact that Trixie would cheat on Starlight did. He glared at Trixie and asked, "Trixie, what happened to your love for Starlight?" He glared at Twilight and continued, "Twilight, why would you get it on like that with a mare that is already taken?"

Twilight gave him a death glare, the type of look that pretty much said, "Shut up if you know what's good for you." She sighed, "It doesn't matter and I need you to take a note."

Spike replied, "Ok, I'm ready."

Twilight began,

"Dear Princess Celestia,

My most advanced friendship student, Starlight Glimmer, has learned pretty much everything she can from me and given that she has more magical talent than me, there is no magic that I can teach her. I am curious as to whether you might have something up there that she could do for you whether it be you taking her in as your protege or something else. I await your quick response.


Princess Twilight Sparkle"

Spike sent the letter and while Twilight remained calm, it took every ounce of energy within her to not burst out cheering around Spike. She knew that she couldn't give away the fact that she wanted Starlight to leave for a few days, if not forever.

In just a few minutes Spike hacked up a message that read,

"Princess Twilight,

It is good to hear that Starlight has done that well that you don't think there is anything else you can teach her. Regarding there being something she could do for me, there are a couple of options for her up here. Have her come up here as soon as possible for a few days. I will notify the guards of her coming so she will not get questioned at the gate.


Princess Celestia"

Twilight commented, "Wow, that was quick." She looked at Spike and asked, "Spike, could you go and find Starlight and bring her back here? I know how Celestia feels about being kept waiting."

Spike replied, "Sure, I'll see you later."

After he headed out to find Starlight Twilight and Trixie began to jump up and down like school fillies. Trixie squealed, "Trix...oops I mean I can't believe it! Starlight will be gone for a few days and it will be just us!"

Twilight replied, "Well Spike will be here unless I decide to send him with her."

Trixie hugged Twilight and suggested, "Well you should send him with her! I'm sure Celestia won't mind."

Twilight replied, "I don't think she will mind and besides, I think the two of us can teach one another a lot and I really want to be The Weak and Subservient Twilight a whole lot more."

Trixie was ecstatic. She never imagined that she would actually get Twilight all to herself with nopony else around. When she first came with Starlight and was taken in as a friendship student, she did it so that she could annoy Twilight by causing Starlight to stagnate in her studies but now things were radically different. Trixie had fallen madly in love with Twilight and what made Trixie truly happy was that Twilight had fallen for her as well. Now Trixie had one more desire, a desire that she hoped she could fulfill while Starlight was in Canterlot.

Celestia's New Protege

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Four hours had passed since Starlight headed out to eat. She was still sitting at the cafe, waiting for noon to arrive. She was doing that because noon was when a pony could start ordering alcoholic beverages. As the clock tower struck twelve, she got the attention of the waiter, "Excuse me, could I have a hard cider?"

The waiter had noticed she never left after breakfast. He sighed, "You've been waiting here since this morning just to order that?"

Starlight replied, "Yes, I have. I've had a lot of things going on and I just need to relax. Now could you get me a hard cider?"

The waiter said, "Very well madam."

Shortly after Starlight placed her order, Spike came running to her. "Starlight, you have to come to the castle, quick! Celestia sent a message saying she needs you go up to Canterlot for a few days."

Starlight shot up. She asked, "Really? Celestia wants me to go up to Canterlot for a few days?"

Spike replied, "Yes, now hurry. It isn't wise to keep Celestia waiting."

Just as the waiter was headed to her table with her drink, Starlight ran off towards the castle. While she was curious as to why Celestia would want her to go up there for a few days, she was happy that she would be able to get away from the drama at the castle for a few days. When she arrived she headed to the throne room she was greeted by Twilight and Trixie. Without even noticing Trixie she asked, "Twilight, Spike said Celestia send a message wanting me to go up to Canterlot at once."

Twilight handed her the scroll and replied, "Yes, she did."

Starlight began to read the scroll and got a huge smile on her face. She asked, "Seriously, you told her that I have learned as much as I can from you?"

Twilight replied, "Yep, I did."

Starlight continued, "And you asked her if there was something up there for me?"

Twilight replied, "Yep, I did."

Starlight began jumping up and down, "From the way this looks I better get going right away. I'm heading upstairs to grab my saddlebags and then I'm heading out."

Starlight rushed upstairs and grabbed her saddlebags but couldn't find one thing, the scroll with her time spell. She was tearing through her room snorting, "Where is it? Where is it? I can't leave without it!"

With every passing second she was becoming more frantic. That was one thing she did not want to leave alone. While she did enchant it to where she was the only one who could cast it, she didn't trust Twilight or Trixie enough to leave it behind. Finally it hit her, she had locked it in a small lock box she had. She got it, placed it in her saddlebags and headed downstairs.

Just as she was getting ready to leave Twilight yelled, "Starlight, wait! I'm sending Spike with you as well."

Both Starlight and Spike gasped, "What?"

Twilight replied, "Yes. Spike, I want you to go with her."

Spike said, "Ok."

Starlight ordered, "Hop on Spike, let's get going!"

Spike asked, "So are we going to take the train or are you going to try to fly up there?"

Starlight replied, "I'm going to fly us up there. Yeah I can't fly as fast as Twilight but I'll get us up there."

Spike sighed, "Alright."

It was a bumpy ride for Spike as Starlight had not flown a great distance before and by the time they reached Canterlot, she was wobbly and exhausted. When they landed she said, "Next time I think we'll take the train. I didn't know that flying that far would use that much energy."

When they arrived at the castle gate they were confronted by two guards. While Celestia had told them what she looked like, they still thought they would ask. One of the guards asked, "Are you Starlight Glimmer?"

Starlight replied, "Yes, I am."

The guard continued, "Go in to the throne room, Celestia is waiting for you."

Starlight's eyes shrank. She sighed, "But I've never even been here before! How am I supposed to find the throne room?"

The guard replied, "Follow me, I'll take you there."

When Starlight first saw the inside of Twilight's castle, she was impressed but as she was being led to Celestia's throne room, she was in awe of the grandeur of the palace. She was analyzing everything so closely that it didn't seem any time at all before she heard a voice say, "Your Majesty, Starlight Glimmer is here to see you."

Celestia saw her and said, "Starlight, Twilight has told me so much about you."

Starlight replied, "Yeah, she said something about me having learned as much from her as I can."

Celestia then noticed Spike was with her, "Spike, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be down with Twilight if she needs you?"

Spike replied, "Well I would have stayed down there but Twilight seemed really insistent that I come up here. It seemed almost like she was trying to get rid of me."

Celestia sighed, "Well perhaps that is the best for right now because Starlight may need you."

Celestia cast her gaze towards Starlight and continued, "Now for why I have summoned you. Twilight told me that you have pretty much learned everything you can from her and since you have more magical talent than her, that she can't teach you anything involving magic. She did however suggest to me that I take you in as my protege or have you do something else for me."

Starlight asked, "Wait a minute, Twilight was asking you if there was anything I could do up here?"

Celestia replied, "Yeah, she did." Celestia began to chuckle, "From just the way it sounds, it sounds more like she is trying to get rid of you so she can do something else!"

Starlight sighed, "Well I do know that she is wanting to work much more closely with her new friendship student, although I think it may be in more than just a friendly way."

Celestia asked, "You're talking about Trixie I take it?" She broke down laughing, "Come on Starlight, get your mind out of the gutter! I know Twilight wants Trixie to see how truly magical friendship can be but I don't think she wants her to see the magic of that kind of 'friendship!'"

Starlight laughed, "Oh you're right. I guess that's my paranoia at work there."

Celestia became more serious, "Ok, enough of the small talk. Like I said, Twilight wanted to know if there is anything you could do up here. I know you already have a lot of magical talent but I do believe you can learn more. I am wondering if you would be interested in being my protege?"

Starlight asked, "Really? You want me to be your protege?"

Celestia replied, "Yeah I do."

Starlight had an unsure look on her face causing Celestia to realize that she wasn't just going to leave Twilight so easily. She continued, "Starlight, let me show you around the palace grounds and show you where you will be staying if you accept my offer."

Starlight replied, "Alright."

Celestia showed her around the palace grounds which was a rather mundane activity as there wasn't anything overly impressive in Starlight's eyes until Celestia led her up to Twilight's old tower. As they headed in Celestia said, "Starlight, if you do choose to be my protege, this is where you will live. Twilight found it very nice when she lived here."

Starlight began to walk around and was amazed at the wealth of knowledge that surrounded her. She headed into the bedroom and was amazed by it's size and the fact that it had a large bathroom attached to it really impressed her. What was a selling point though was the kitchen as it was huge. Starlight had not been able to cook for herself for quite some time and she always did like cooking. As she headed back into the library area she said, "Princess Celestia, I would love to be your protege. Where do I sign up?"

Celestia replied, "Your word is enough for me."

Starlight hugged her and exclaimed, "Thank you your Majesty, I promise you that I won't let you down."

Starlight calmed down and continued, "So what exactly will I be doing as your protege?"

Celestia replied, "Well you will be spending quite a bit of time with me studying in the most advanced parts of the archives. We will even be studying in the Starswirl the Bearded wing."

While Starlight knew more than anypony could imagine about his time travel spell, she was fascinated by his other works, "Wow, I can't believe you're going to be letting me study that."

Celestia replied, "Well that's what comes with being my protege."

Starlight asked, "So when will my studies with you start?"

Celestia replied, "In two weeks. That should give you time to get the rest of your things out of Twilight's palace, get settled in and get acclimated to Canterlot."

Starlight, without even thinking, self-levitated and started flying around the room. "It sounds great your Majesty, I can't wait to get started!"

Celestia's jaw dropped open when she saw this. She asked, "Starlight, are you flying?"

Starlight replied, "Yeah, I am."

Celestia asked, "Where did you learn to fly with just magic?"

Starlight replied, "It is just something that I discovered that I can do."

This really impressed Celestia. She had never seen a unicorn that could use her magic to fly. She asked, "Starlight, it is quite obvious that you have more magical talent than any other unicorn I have ever seen. Besides being my protege, what would you think about helping students who are struggling getting their magic to work?"

This only made the deal better to Starlight as she believed that she could very well move up the totem pole faster than Twilight did. She replied, "Of course I will your Majesty....."

Celestia, who had mellowed out quite a bit since Twilight was her student interrupted, "Oh and Starlight, you can just call me Celestia. There is no need to be so formal with me."

Starlight replied, "Alright, thank you Celestia."

Celestia realized that she had a meeting with the mayor of Manehattan later that day. She said, "Well I have an important meeting soon so I'll let you get settled in."

Starlight replied, "Alright, I'll see you later."

Celestia nodded and left Starlight alone in what was now her home. She had not been this happy in her life. While her time with Trixie did make her happy, this opportunity made her happier. Spike saw this and asked, "Starlight, so when do you want to go and get the rest of your stuff? I'm sure once Twilight finds out you accepted Celestia's offer, she will want you to get it out quickly."

Starlight replied, "I think we should go now. I want to just get it, get out of there and move on to this new phase of my life."

Spike asked, "What about Trixie? I know you two are madly in love...."

Starlight interrupted, "Were madly in love."

Spike asked, "Were? What happened?"

Starlight replied, "Do you promise not to tell Twilight you know about this?"

Spike replied, "I promise."

Starlight began, "Well last night Trixie and I got into a rather hot and heavy situation and then Twilight came in and asked if she could join us."

Spike gasped, "Wait a minute? Twilight wanted to join in on your activities? I never knew she was like that."

Starlight replied, "Apparently she is.....ok, back to where I was. Well morning arrived and all of a sudden Trixie only has eyes for Twilight and it seems like now Twilight has this desire to be subservient to Trixie. Trixie is calling herself 'The Hot and Dominant Trixie' and Twilight is now referring to herself as 'The Weak and Subservient Twilight.'"

Spike was appalled. He yelled, "She's doing what?"

Starlight replied, "She's calling herself The Weak and Subservient Twilight. It suddenly seems like she thinks the world of Trixie and is willing to lower herself to be subservient to Trixie."

Spike threw his hands up in the air, "Well that's it. I can't bring myself to be the assistant of a pony who would so easily do that." He got a smile on his face and asked, "Starlight, if Celestia would allow it, what would you think of me being your assistant?"

Starlight replied, "I don't know. I really don't want Celestia to get mad at me."

Spike said, "Well if I quit on Twilight there is nothing to stop me from being your assistant."

Starlight replied, "Alright, if it is ok with Celestia, you can."

Things seemed to be getting better and better for Starlight and things seemed to be looking up for Spike as well. Starlight knew that having an assistant would make life much easier since she was now Celestia's protege and Spike realized that he would suddenly have more purpose. Since Twilight had become a princess and especially after the defeat of Tirek, he had felt like he didn't serve much purpose but if Celestia would allow it, he would feel useful again and besides, he had grown to view Starlight as a great friend, even more so than Twilight.

Dominance and Subservience

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As Trixie and Twilight watched Starlight and Spike disappear they began to jump around like schoolfillies. Trixie squealed, "Yes, she's gone! Now the Hot and Dom....oops I mean I can have you all to myself!"

Twilight, in the state she had fallen into, decided that Trixie could be herself. She replied, "Trixie, you don't have to speak in the first-pony anymore. I love you no matter how you speak."

Trixie pounced on Twilight and yelled, "Oh thank you Twilight. The Hot and Dominant Trixie is so happy!"

Trixie got up and ordered, "Twilight, follow me. I have something I want to show you."

Twilight replied, "Ok, what is it?"

Trixie giggled, "Oh you'll see, and I think you'll love what The Hot and Dominant Trixie has in store for us."

Given the fact that Trixie said us, Twilight happily followed her. Trixie led her to the library, which is a place that Twilight knows Trixie isn't overly fond of. She asked, "Trixie, why are you bringing me in here?"

Trixie headed over to the fertility spell books and grabbed one. She levitated it in front of Twilight and asked, "You see this Twilight? There is something in there that The Hot and Dominant Trixie thinks you will like."

Twilight took the book, placed it on a table and began to read it. Trixie draped herself around Twilight and began to nibble on her ear. Twilight giggled, "Trixie, stop it, that tickles."

Trixie would not stop though. She continued to nibble on it until Twilight reached a page that Trixie thought would be very useful. She bit down hard on her ear causing her to yell, "Ouch! Trixie, what did you do that for?"

Trixie pointed her hoof down on a section that read, "Spells for mares to impregnate other mares." Twilight asked, "Trixie, why are you interested in this?"

Trixie began, "Well, for a long time Trixie had no desire to have a family, especially have a foal but those times are gone. The Hot and Dominant Trixie very much wants a foal and you are the mare that she wants to have one with."

Twilight sighed, "Trixie, we're both mares! How would this even work?"

Trixie pointed further down on the page that described how a spell could be written to allow a unicorn to shoot sperm out of her horn to impregnate another mare. Trixie giggled, "You see this Twilight, this is what Trixie wants." She gave Twilight a deep kiss and continued, "Trixie knows you're really smart and could write a spell that would make Trixie's dream could come true."

Despite being somewhat under Trixie's control, Twilight was not overly fond of the idea. "Trixie, do you know how wrong doing this would be? Don't you know what I could get into a lot of trouble."

Trixie stuck her bottom lip out and whined, "But The Sweet and Loving Trixie really wants a foal with you! Don't you love Trixie enough to give her what she wants?"

Twilight sighed, "Trixie, you know I love you but I think it is way too soon for this and like I said, doing this would be wrong."

Trixie realized that their intimate moment had not got Twilight to fall for her the way she had hoped. She wanted Twilight to be fully under her spell, she wanted complete and absolute subservience from Twilight. Trixie realized that only one thing would work, a special friendship lesson with a little magic. Trixie sighed, "Oh alright Twilight." She kissed Twilight and continued, "Twilight, have you ever had any desire to have fun in your library?"

Twilight was becoming a bit nervous with Trixie's behavior. She gulped, "Uh, no."

Trixie threw Twilight up on a table and crawled on top of her. She stared down into her eyes and said, "Well if you have, The Hot and Dominant Trixie could make those dreams come true."

Twilight sighed, "Well I guess we could."

Trixie smiled, "Excellent!" She spread Twilight's legs apart and began to rub her marehood up against that of Twilight. Twilight began to moan gently and didn't notice Trixie light up her horn. Trixie gazed into her eyes and moaned, "Oh Twilight, doesn't this feel good? Doesn't it feel good to have The Hot and Dominant Trixie giving you love in the place you love."

Twilight dreamily replied, "Oh yes Trixie, The Weak and Subservient Twilight thinks it feels so good."

Keeping her eyes open, Trixie began to grind herself harder against Twilight and kiss her passionately. The longer Trixie grinded and gazed into Twilight's eyes, the weaker Twilight became. She began to moan, "Oh Trixie, The Weak and Subservient Twilight is yours, she is all yours."

While Trixie was making a lot of progress on getting Trixie under her control, she realized that to control her entirely, that a spell would be needed. She lit her horn up brighter and grabbed Twilight in her aura and recited,

"While you have fallen for me,
This little control can not be,
Your free will must become a thing of the past,
For our love must last and last,
Ownership of you is a must,
So that for others you will not lust,
Forever and ever control over you will be mine,
And dominance over you will be just fine."

A large ball of pink energy was absorbed by Twilight causing her to moan loudly, "Oh Trixie, The Weak and Subservient Twilight loves you! Oh Trixie, The Weak and Subservient Twilight wants to have your foal!"

Trixie was looking into her eyes as she said this and could tell that her spell did work. She giggled, "Oh really? My weak little Twilight wants to have my foal?"

Twilight moaned, "Yes, your little weakling wants to have your foal!"

Trixie got off of her and replied, "Excellent!" She grabbed the spell book and took it to Twilight. She pointed to the bottom of the page and continued, "Alright Twilight, since you are so smart you are going to read this, write a spell, cast it on me and then I can make your dream of having my foal come true."

Twilight replied, "Alright Trixie, I'll do that."

While Twilight was busy trying to write a spell, Trixie was looking over her shoulder, watching her closely. She was bound and determined to make sure that Twilight actually focused on figuring out a spell rather than letting her mind drift. After an hour Twilight believed that she had it figured out. She asked, "Trixie, do you want me to cast the spell now or do you want me to cast it later?"

Trixie grabbed her flank and giggled, "Oh The Hot and Dominant Trixie thinks we should go up to Starlight's bedroom before you cast it!"

Twilight asked, "Why Starlight's bedroom?"

Trixie laughed, "Because it would be so much fun up there!"

Twilight nodded and followed Trixie upstairs to Starlight's bedroom. When they got in Trixie ordered, "Ok Twilight, cast the spell."

Twilight put her horn up against Trixie's and recited,

"While this mare desires a foal,
She desires the father's role,
While she has no way to produce a seed,
Her horn is what she could need,
For now her horn can spread the seed of life,
And with this she will cause no strife."

Twilight shot energy into Trixie and suddenly her horn became larger. It was twice as big around and it was twice as long. Trixie headed to the bathroom to take a look. When she saw this she was impressed, she knew that with it being this big, that the spell had worked. She headed back into the bedroom and ordered, "Twilight, lay down and spread your legs as wide as you can."

Twilight did as requested and as Trixie approached her, she licked her chops. She eyed Twilight's marehood and said, "Oh, it looks so ready, it looks so needy!"

Before Twilight could say anything, Trixie inserted her horn into Twilight causing her to moan. Trixie asked, "So Twilight, does this feel good?"

Twilight moaned, "Oh yes Trixie, it feels so good!"

Trixie gave her a smile. She began to thrust her horn into Twilight, causing her to whimper in pain. Trixie asked, "Twilight, are you ok? Is this hurting you?"

Twilight replied, "A little but I want to have your foal. If this is what it takes, then do it."

Trixie smiled and began to thrust with more force. Twilight began to squeal, "Oh Trixie, Oh Trixie, harder, harder, harder!"

Trixie began to thrust with maximum force causing Twilight to moan louder and beg for more and more. Given that Trixie was already giving it to her as hard as she could, she began to release magic into Twilight causing her to shake and squeal, "Oh Trixie, Oh Trixie, it feels so good! Oh Trixie, Oh Trixie!"

Finally Trixie let out a huge moan as the seeds of life shot out of her horn. Exhausted, she crawled on top of Twilight and asked, "Did you like that Twilight?"

Twilight dreamily replied, "Oh yes Trixie, oh yes but next time I want you to be violent with me."

Trixie asked, "Are you sure about that?"

Twilight replied, "Yes Master, oh yes Master. Be rough with me, be violent with me."

Trixie giggled, "Oh so Trixie's Weak and Subservient Twilight is calling The Hot and Dominant Trixie Master now? Trixie likes that!"

Trixie began to stroke her hoof through Twilight's mane and it was not long until she had fallen asleep. Trixie couldn't help but smile and realize that Twilight belonged to her now. She knew that Twilight would let her do anything and everything to her and she realized that Twilight would likely do anything for her. Trixie snickered, "I wonder if she could even hand her title and responsibilities over to The Hot and Dominant Trixie? Princess Trixie Lulamoon sounds quite nice!"

Moving On

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Starlight and Spike had just finished talking about what was going on and decided that if Celestia would allow it, that Spike would quit on Twilight and become Starlight's assistant. While Starlight had two weeks to get completely settled in, she wanted to get the rest of her belongings out of Twilight's castle and move on to her new phase in life. As she headed out of her new tower she ordered, "Spike, hop on."

After their first flight up to Canterlot, Starlight had said that she would take the train next time. Spike asked, "Starlight, I thought the flight from Ponyville to Canterlot wore you out. Aren't we going to take the train?"

Starlight replied, "We'll take the train on the way back. I want to get used to flying longer distances. I have this ability so I may as well use it."

Spike sighed and grabbed Starlight tight as they took off. Starlight had a good tail wind pushing her along so the flight to Ponyville was much easier and less tiring than the flight to Canterlot was. When they arrived in Ponyville Starlight was not a single bit tired. Spike hopped off and said, "Wow Starlight, you did a lot better this time than you did last time."

Starlight replied, "Well I think that tail wind probably had a lot to do with it." She looked off towards town and asked, "Hey Spike, what would you think about getting a treat at Sugarcube Corner before heading to the castle?"

Spike replied, "I would love that."

As they headed to the sweets' shop ponies couldn't help but stare. While they had seen Starlight out alone before, they had never seen her walk with as much confidence as she was. As they headed in to Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie was the first one to greet them, "Hi Starlight, Hi Spike how are ya doin'?"

Starlight joyfully replied, "We're doing great and I have some spectacular news!"

Rarity asked, "What is it darling?"

Starlight replied, "Celestia wants me to be her protege! I'm moving to Canterlot!"

They all gasped, "You're doing what?"

Applejack asked, "But what about Twilight? Did she not want you around anymore?"

Starlight replied, "Well she had sent a scroll to Celestia telling her that I have learned everything I can from her. Celestia seems to think she is trying to get rid of me and I have to agree with her."

Fluttershy suggested, "I wonder if Trixie has anything to do with it?"

Starlight replied, "I have a feeling she did." Starlight had no desire to share with her friends why she felt this way she withheld some of the information, "I don't know what happened. Twilight seemed perfectly normal one night and then suddenly the following morning she only has eyes for Trixie."

Rainbow asked, "I know you and Trixie were an item so what happened there?"

Starlight replied, "Well that is pretty much a thing of the past. I don't know if she still loves me or not but after how she and Twilight became so close one morning, I no longer love her. When I go to the castle to get my stuff I'm going to tell her it's over and that I'm going my own way."

Spike added, "And if it is ok, I'm going to quit on Twilight and join Starlight up in Canterlot!"

They gasped, "What?"

Rarity added, "Spike, why would you do that?"

Spike asked, "Can I tell you guys something but you promise not to tell anypony?"

They all nodded their heads yes. Spike began, "Well that morning that Twilight suddenly changed Starlight headed out for breakfast. While she was gone Twilight began to refer to herself as The Weak and Subservient Twilight while Trixie has been referring to herself as The Hot and Dominant Trixie."

Rainbow yelled, "She's doing what? She's submitting to Trixie?"

Spike continued, "Yeah and Trixie made Twilight write a scroll to Celestia that said that Starlight had learned everything she could and asked if she had anything for Starlight up there."

Starlight added, "Which she did so given all the drama going on here, the fact that I am not wanted in the castle anymore along with this tremendous opportunity, I'm moving on."

Applejack asked, "But what about Twilight? Aren't y'all worried about her?"

Starlight replied, "I am but I'm not sure there is much I can do." She lowered her head and continued, "I have controlled ponies in my past and that is something I do not want to do again. Twilight has chosen to do this on her own and I'm not going to try and control her."

Rarity sighed, "Well I can see your point."

Starlight and Spike headed towards the exit. Starlight said, "Well I'm going to go and get my stuff and head out. I do hope that we can still be friends and hang out."

Applejack replied, "Of course we can!"

Rainbow asked, "Hey Starlight, can we come with you to get your stuff. It's been a couple days since any of us have seen Twilight."

Starlight replied, "Sure, let's go."

They headed over towards the castle with different mindsets. Starlight was looking forward to getting her stuff and moving on, her friends were excited about visiting Twilight and Spike was hopeful that he could quit on Twilight and become Starlight's assistant.

When they headed into the castle things didn't seem right. Normally Twilight would be there to greet them but nopony was there. Starlight said, "Well maybe she's in her library, let's go check there."

They headed to the library and again nopony was present. While Twilight's friends were unfamiliar with the upper levels of Twilight's castle, Starlight knew it like the back of her hoof. She continued, "Come on ladies, maybe she is in her bedroom."

They followed her up to the uppermost level and headed towards Twilight's room. Starlight knocked on the door and asked, "Twilight, are you ok?"

Pinkie yelled, "Twilight, it's your friends!"

They heard no answer so next Starlight headed towards where her and Trixie's rooms are. They began to hear moaning and squealing. Starlight noticed that Trixie's door was shut so she opened it. When she opened they found nothing but heard loud moaning and squealing coming from the room next to it, Starlight's room.

As they stood outside of the room they couldn't believe what they were hearing. Starlight went to open the door when Rainbow grabbed her hoof, "Starlight, are you sure you want to go in there? I'm kind of worried about what we're going to see in there."

Starlight replied, "Yes, and besides, I need to get my lock box." She looked back and continued, "I want to warn you, if you have a weak stomach or are pretty naive, you may want to wait around the corner."

Applejack said, "I'm not sure about y'all, but Ah want to confront Trixie over what she is doing to Twilight."

The rest said, 'As do we."

Starlight replied, "Well alright." She opened the door to find them with their faces buried in one another's marehoods. Spike, Fluttershy and Rarity all fainted at the sight. Starlight yelled, "What the hay are you two doing on MY bed?"

Her yell did not even get their attention so Rainbow flew in and ripped Trixie off of Twilight. She yelled, "Twilight, what the hay are you doing? Why are you doing this with Trixie?"

Before Twilight could reply Trixie sneered, "The Weak and Subservient Twilight is doing this with The Hot and Dominant Trixie because she loves Trixie."

Twilight finally sat up and asked, "Starlight, girls, what are you doing here?"

Applejack got up in Trixie's face, "What do you think you're doing with our friend?" She pushed Trixie up against the wall and continued, "Are y'all casting spells on her because the Twilight I know would never do this."

Trixie giggled, "Trixie cast spells on Twilight? You know that The Hot and Dominant Trixie can't cast spells on a pony as powerful as Twilight!"

Twilight added, "Yeah so just drop it." She glared at Starlight and asked, "And what are you doing back so soon? I thought Celestia wanted you to stay up in Canterlot for a few days."

Starlight used her magic to get her lock box and replied, "Celestia offered to make me her protege and I accepted so I am here to get my lock box and get out of here."

Spike, who had came to added, "And I'm going with her. I'm sorry Twilight but I can't bring myself to be the assistant of a pony who can't even think for herself. I'm going to Canterlot with Starlight."

Twilight got in Spike's face and yelled, "I can think for myself perfectly fine." She calmed down and ordered, "Spike, take one final note for me."

Spike replied, "Okey-dokey."

Twilight said,

"Princess Celestia,

Because of my new relationship with Trixie, Spike has decided he no longer wishes to be my assistant. He has shown interest in being Starlight's assistant so I am releasing him from my service. Let me know if you approve of this.


Princess Twilight Sparkle"

Spike took the message and sent it. Twilight sighed, "Hopefully she will get this and all of you can get going. Trixie and I have plans."

Rainbow scoffed, "Oh and what is that, finding a way for Trixie to get you pregnant?"

Trixie interrupted, "What The Hot and Dominant Trixie does with her Weak and Subservient Twilight is none of your business. If The Hot and Dominant Trixie wants to get her little Weak and Subservient Twilight pregnant, she will make her write a spell so Trixie can do so."


Spike opened the scroll he coughed up and read it.

"Princess Twilight,

First off I am appalled that you would enter into a relationship with Trixie but I will not meddle in your personal life. Also, I personally don't blame Spike for wanting to leave you because of this. I approve of you releasing him and I approve of him becoming Starlight's assistant.


Princess Celestia"

Spike jumped up on Starlight's back and cheered, "Well Starlight, it looks like I'm your assistant now!"

Starlight happily replied, "Yep, you are! I'm happy you'll be there for me."

Trixie interrupted, "Well, now that all of this is taken care of, The Hot and Dominant Trixie orders that all of you leave and do not disturb The Hot and Dominant Trixie or The Weak and Subservient Twilight ever again." They looked like they were going to go after her when Trixie put up a force field, "Didn't you hear what The Hot and Dominant Trixie said? She said to leave and not disturb us ever again."

After a couple more minutes of intense glaring, Starlight and her friends finally left. As they exited the castle Applejack said, "Ah can't believe that Twilight would let Trixie control her like that."

Rarity added, "And what she was doing with Trixie. Ewww....How can she stand to do that?"

Fluttershy continued, "And the fact that she would just get rid of Spike, that isn't like her."

Pinkie added, "Yeah, I know that meany-mean hooves Trixie made her do it!"

Rainbow finished, "What's worst of all is that Princess Celestia won't even do anything about it! She's just going to let Twilight stay with Trixie?" She looked at Starlight and continued, "Starlight, isn't there anything you can do about this?"

Starlight replied, "Rainbow, technically there is but I'm not going to violate Twilight's trust by using another time spell to stop this and if I were to pull something like this, Celestia probably wouldn't give me the opportunity she is giving me."

Rainbow sighed, "Yeah, you're right."

Spike asked, "Starlight, don't you think we better go catch the train? I know it leaves here shortly."

Starlight replied, "Yeah we probably better."

Fluttershy asked, "You will come and visit won't you?"

Starlight replied, "Of course I will. I'm hoping Celestia will give the two of us weekends off so I can come spend time with my best friends."

They all engaged in a group hug before Starlight and Spike headed to the train station. Spike asked, "So Starlight, what are we going to do about Twilight. I know she has wronged both of us but I really hate seeing what Trixie has done to her."

Starlight replied, "There are things that I could do but that would involve returning to being the old me. I could either take Trixie's cutie mark or use time travel to stop myself from ever meeting Trixie but the results of altering the past can cause things to turn out worse than they already have."

Once they boarded the train Starlight couldn't help but smile. While she would never admit it to anypony, Starlight was happy that this happened. Deep down it brought her great joy to see the pony that she had been a subordinate to be reduced to a mindless slave of Trixie's. She also believed that this could be her opportunity to becoming much more than Celestia's protege in the future. She thought to herself, "Perhaps in the future I will have to be the one to save Equestria and I can be an Alicorn princess!"