The Stories from Ponyville

by Dragonfire2lm

First published

A bunch of short stories featuring whatever I want.

Teen for minor swearing.

Every writer goes through it, the hated, nay dreaded, writers block.

This is my attempt to cure said writers block,or when i don't want to work my acrual MLP fanfics, for fun and random as hell.

I have no idea what is going to happen, all i know there will a crap load of references.

Logic Ain't My Thing

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The rythmic sound of a head hitting a table was heard around the quiet Ponyville library.

"Come on Sunset it can't be that bad?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

The sapphire coloured Alicorn with the scruffy sunset orange mane and tail lifted her head from the table and glared at her through her orange bangs.

"Well I mean ever since you got your cutie mark you said writing was your special talent.." Twilight responded with a nervous chuckle.

The blue pony's cutie mark was a circle, with the top half resembling the sun, while the bottom half depicted the moon, in the centre of this were three dark blue swirls, two on top and one underneath them near the centre, forming a downwards facing triangle.

"Twilight...My special talent, as you so nicely stated, is not writing..more like day dreaming.." the alicorn deadpanned.

"True...But you said so yourself that you daydream what happens in those stories you write" the purple unicorn reasoned. "And by doing that you alter reality in the same way you affect those skown in your stories".

"....I can alter things on a minor level here in equestria, like creating a series of small events that lead up to a big one" Sunset stated flatly.

"So what? You're still good at writing"

Sunset rolled her eyes.

"I've spent the last few years focusing on creative writing. not this dry logical academic stuff".

"it can't be that hard, I've written tones of essays during my time studying for the princess, it's not that hard" Twilight scoffed.

"I need to write something involving the connection beetween chaos and the freaking Princess...You knoow what screw this, Logic isn't my thing anyway..maybe I'll go pranking with Rainbow for a bit" Sunset stated and left the library.

Twilight just face hoofed.


The Ocarina

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Sunbset spotted the familiar blue pegasus on a ccloud snickering to herself while some kind of blue object.

"Rainbow what are you doing?" she asked.

"Huh? Oh hey Sunset, check this out, I stole this weird flute thing from Lyra, she's been running around Ponyvile all day looking for it" Rainbow replied, bursting into giggles.

Sunset looked at the blue musical instrument, it was reminiscent of a conch shell, with a mouth piece and several holes typical of a wind instrument.

"Isn't Ocarina?"

Rainbow shrugged "I dunno, Lyra just jept yelling that she needed it for some pony called Zelda" the blue pegasus replied.

"Wha- But No way!" Sunset exclaimed in shock.

"Um what you know who this Zelda is?" Rainbow asked with a raised eyebrow.

"How the hell does Lyra know Princess Zelda?" Sunset replied.


"Oh crap oh crap oh crap!" the sea green pony, Lyra Heartstrings was running abbout town seaarching frantically for the Ocarina of Time.

"Um..Lyra-?" A nearby pony asked her. it was a light brown female earth pony with a white mane and tail, white muzzle and brown eyes with a light orange fany looking music note for a cutie mark.

Lyra whirled around to face the other mare. "Epona! You've got to help me, somepony's stolen the Ocarina!".

Epona looked at her sceptically "Are you sure you didn't just ;eave it at home..again"

"No I'm serious this time, The Ocarina of Time is gone!"

Cue fave hoof.


After yet another frantic search around ponyville, Sunset dragged Rainbow to the now hysterical Lyra and made her return the stolen item.

"Thanks" Epona stated. "She's been panicking for ages..."

"You're welcome uh.." Sunset began.

"Epona" the earth pony replied, holding out a hoof.


"What you've heard of my name before?"

"Um....nevermind just striked me as odd" Sunset replied sheeppishly and shook hooves with the brown mare.

Epona shrugged. "Ok then..."

Lyra was too busy huging her missing ocarina.


The neverending story-?

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As the ocarina incident was resolved Sunset decided to just head for the park, she like spending her days just sitting under a tree and wait as ponies knew who she was and what she could do, and simply ask for help.

She liked helping ponies.

She took a seat under her usual tree, a tall plant with ghostly white smooth bark and strange dark green leaves that tasted awful when a pony tried to eat, the oil the leaves produced had a very strong and recognisable odur.

it was what was commonly refferred to as a 'Ghost Gum', a rare type of tree in Equestria, but from a species of plant that ws Native to Sunset's home country. Since she was from Earth, she could see similarities between vegetation (though she suspected a proffesional botanist would be more fascinated), Add to the fact she was from Australia, and she recognised the Eucalyptus tree immediately.

She liked Ghost Gums.

As she pondered whether to have Derpy set up a muffn stand the next time she came here (the pony was the best Mailmare and secretly the bestmuffin maker in all of ponyville, having to deliver her own baked goods to the princesses on one occasion), a pony approached her.

It was a male Earth pony with a white coat and a very shade of grey for his mane and tail. he had black eyes..and it was then she noticed the stallion's cutioe mark...

it was two brown snakes tangled and intertwined together in some sort of medalion, the head of one biting the tail of the other and vicesa-versa.

Holy....The Oren! But the only known equine in that universe way.

"Artax?" she asked the white pony before her, who smiled and nodded in response.

"I see that your knowledge of the other worlds are commendable" he replied.

She gaped at him.

He chuckled.

"Your link to your own world has a connection to all that ever inspired you, and all that ever will. sSnce my universe, and my fate in that universe resonates strongly to you, Atreyu Asked me to come in his steed.not every day I find a world filed with other creatures not unlike myself" Artax explained.

She blinked and then gently poked him, a habit she started doing wen she didn't trust what she saw was real, finding her hoof meeting his soft fur, her eyes went wide and resisted the urge to let her jaw drop in her shock.

"Woah....Just woah" Sunset stated.

Artax, from the Never Ending Story, the Never Ending Story with dragons and creatures not even Pinkie could many laws of reality does this break?

It wasn't long when other pnoies walked past seeing the two chatting away like the best of friends.


The interactive Part of the Story

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"Sister are you sure we should do this?"

"Oh Luna stop worrying! This'll be fun!"

"Somehow I doubt that..."

The royal sisters Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stood on one of Canterlot Castle's many balconies that overlooked the unicorn city. The white alicorn had a joyful expression in anticipation of events to come while her younger sibling had a more skeptical expression.

As the time approached to end the day and begin the night the co-rulers of Equestria activated their magic and moved their respective celestial bodies to their proper places. Once the moon shone its gentle light upon the ponies and the stars glinted like fire flies Celestia let out a filly-like squel and all but dragged the midnight alicorn fown the hallway to the throne room.

"Gak! Celestia! Put. Me. Down!" Luna hollered.

Her demands went unheard as her older sister cantered into the throne and unceremoniuosly dumped Luna on her own throne before quickly settling into hers.

"Ahem Hello everybrony! Welcome to the interactive part of this fanfic. I princess Celestia and my sister princess Luna- say hi Luna!"

"Charmed..." Luna deadpanned.

"Oh don't mind her she's a little grumpy because Discord couldn't fill in for her. Now then this chapter marks the start of the question and answer part of the story" Celestia explained.

"Dragonfire2lm has clearly lost her mind if she's doing such an overused method" Luna grumbled.


"Well sister think about it, she has run out of ideas to break her writers block so what does she do? she asks us to ask the fanbase to send in questions about any of the characters featured in any of her stories set in this is a tad lazy if you ask me" the darker princess replied.

"Be that as it may its still fun. A good break from royal duties wouldn't you agree?" Celestia asked

"Should have asked Pinkamena to fill in for me..." Luna muttered.

"So everybrony send in your question!" Princess Celestia exclaimed happily.

"You got into the royal cake supply again didn't you?" Luna asked.

"What? I like cake"

God Damn It Pinkie

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I looked up from my bowl of weetbix, having zoned out for a moment. Across from me was Pinkie Pie, her enormous plate of pancakes drowned in syrup had barely been touched and the blasted pony was still staring at me.
She did so the first day I arrived on his god forsaken rock and she’s done so every day since.

“Pinkie…” I deadpanned.

“Yeah DF?” the cheerful pony chirped.

“What in Equestria’s name are you doing?”

“I dunno, what are you doing?”

“God damn it Pinkie…”

I continued eating my breakfast in silence trying my hardest not to look up at the mare staring at me like I’m a zoo exhibit, but I suppose when you’re a hairless ape with a vision impairment in a world of multi-coloured ponies I expected a few curious glances and maybe a foal or two asking that God damned annoying question.

What’s wrong with your eye?

I shrugged the thought off and continued the rest of my morning rituals, finish breakfast, get dressed and figure out what the hell I’d be doing for the rest of the day.

Did I mention Pinkie had followed me and kept staring at me the entire freaking time!

“Pinkie, for the last time what are you doing?”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ve been staring at me even since I first met you….HOW THE HELL HAVE NOT NOTICED!”

“I have? That’s pretty silly isn’t it?”

“God damn it Pinkie…”

I tried to brush it off as Pinkie being Pinkie but it was starting to get really creepy, no matter where I went, what I was doing or who I was with the pink party pony would pop up and just stare.

I was starting to lose sleep over it. Of course given the fact that demon-spawn the town called Equestria’s best party pony watched me until the girl fell asleep herself made my life a living hell.

As I headed out the door to head to the library for the latest batch of dragonology books I heard the unmistakable ‘spring’ of Pinkie’s bouncing as she followed me down the street.

“Don’t you have somewhere else to be?” I asked.

“Nope!” Pinkie replied, as enthusiastically as ever.

I sighed and continued walking.

“God damn it Pinkie…” I muttered under my breath.

Reading no longer appealed to me so I tried to walk off my irritation. Since this morning I’d gotten a migraine from the annoying, infuriating sound of the pink mare’s bouncing.

That night was spent the same as all the others; hiding under the blankets until the sound of the pony-from-hell’s snoring filled the room, then sneak out to sleep on the couch.

I looked up from my bowl of weetbix, having zoned out for a moment. Across from me was Pinkie Pie, her enormous plate of pancakes drowned in syrup had barely been touched and the blasted pony was still staring at me.
She did so the first day I arrived on his god forsaken rock and she’s done so every day since.

“Pinkie…” I deadpanned.

“Yeah DF?” the cheerful pony chirped.

“What in Equestria’s name are you doing?”

“I dunno, what are you doing?”

“God damn it Pinkie…”

“Hey Dragonfire?”


“What’s wrong with your eye?”

“I was born that way…”

God damn it Pinkie…