Zim Strikes Back!

by DazzleMLP84

First published

You think that having a she demon and sirens in your town was bad enough. What about if a little green alien, Zim moves in to take over the world? Don't worry some girls are on the case! They're Adagio Dazzle and Sunset Shimmer.

Zim has finally decide to take his mission to a different city WITHOUT DIB ruining it. But he picked the wrong city to do it to! Not only is Dib on his case , Adagio Dazzle ,the fallen siren, also saw him not in his disguise, and because she decided to make friends with some of the Rainbooms, they believe her as well. Expectionally Sunset Shimmer, Dagi's BFF. Will Zim be able to finish the mission with more people on his case?

Crossover with Invader Zim

We're moving?! Episode 1A

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"Give up, Zim! You never take over Earth on my watch!" Dib stated for the millionth time

"Maybe, not from this town."

"What are you exactly thinking?"


"I don't want to leave!" Gir complained

"It's too dangerous here, with Dib. He's threatening the mission, so we are moving! Now get in the spacecraft !"


Gir and Zim headed inside the spacecraft as it started to hover and the home was going with it. That did stop Dib from saying something.

"You may be leaving, Zim! But, I will find you! And I will expose you!"

The spacecraft left as fast it could possibly go and headed for outer space. Looking outside Gir got confused.

"Why are we in space?"

"Because, I need to find what town we are going to."

"I thought you had that planned out?"

"SILENCE! Now let's see! No! No! Definitely not going there! Aha, I found the the perfect one, Canterlot City!"

"Why is that one perfect?"

"Because, Gir, this town has dealt with a she demon and three sirens. They would be used to a weird kid with a skin disorder."

"You make a good point! I'm singing the doom song! Doom doom do dooom........."



At the Dazzlings' house Aria was playing her favorite video game minecraft, Sonata was up in her room and Adagio was still pondering how to become popular. Determined, she tapped on Aria's shoulder and asked.

"Aria! How did you and Sonata get popular that fast after we were defeated?"

"First off, we actually became friends with the Rainbooms, I have gaming videos on NetTube, and everyone loves Sonata!"

"Well, can you get off your video game and help me to become popular?"

"Adagio! Popularity doesn't matter, but friends do!"

"Fine! I'll become friends with them!"

"Good! Now I should get off my game, there is this crazy kid, named Dib, who is going to be in the news!"

"Isn't he that weird kid who keeps commenting on your videos, that Zim is an alien?"

"Yeah! It's that kid!"

Aria put her computer away in her room and rushed downstairs and turned on the TV. There was a 12 year old boy with black hair, glasses, and was wearing a blue t-shirt and a black jacket and pants.

"Alright, Dib are you sure that who you saw in that spacecraft was in fact was Zim?" The reporter asked.

"Yes, it was! I have a picture to prove it!" He replied as he took out a drawing out of his pocket.

"That is a drawing! Not an official picture!"

Dib looked over and saw the picture.

"Curse you, Zim!"

"Anyways, we have no clue what happened in this alley!"

Aria turn off the TV and turned to Adagio.

"That is SO a picture of an alien!"

"Yeah, does this kid want to embarrass himself?"

They laughed hysterically for a while until they heard an unusual noise from outside. They dashed outside and were shocked by what made that noise. Out of the Darkness Zim and Gir stepped out of the spacecraft.

"That Dib kid was right all a long!" Adagio stated.

"Yes, he was! Well I'm going inside to play minecraft."

Aria went back into the house, leaving Adagio alone in the darkness.

"Dagi! Are you coming in?"

"Yeah I'll be there in a second. Don't worry Dib, someone believes you."

You believe me! Don't you? Episode 1B

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A few weeks later............

Adagio could not stand it. Zim had been an Alien along, and it was right under her nose the whole time. She wants to tell someone this but, who should she tell?

That last couple weeks she start to gain more trust of other students at CHS. Some even got up and had a conversation with her. That was all thanks to Sunset Shimmer, her BFF for life, for telling everyone that she was a better person. Adagio really values the friendship she has for Sunset. She valued it so much that she didn't care about her singing voice, all she needed was a friend. Because of that she did get her singing voice back, like Aria and Sonata. Sunset has changed the way she looks at things, and she will be there for Adagio when she needs her.

"Sunset! That's it I'll tell her! I really need to get this out to someone," Adagio said to herself.

She picked up the phone and dialed Sunset's number it rang for a little bit, until she picked it up.

"Hello?" Sunset's voice filled the speakers.

"Hey, it's me, Dagi!"

"Hey, Adagio! What do you want to talk about?"

"Okay, I need you to be opened minded. You think you can do that for me?"

"I'm always opened minded! So what do you want to tell me?"

"You know that Dib kid, who was on TV, two weeks ago?"

"Yeah, what about him?"

"He was right about Zim being an Alien! I saw Zim outside my house coming out of a spaceship with a robot, and he wasn't in his disguise!"

"I believe you!"

"You do?"

"Yes! I saw him that night when I was going for my evening run."

"Oh, good! I'm not the only one!"

"Hey, let's keep this to ourselves for right now. The others might think we went nuts. We'll tell them when we think they could handle it."

"Good idea! I was going to suggest that! Do you want to help get footage of Zim's house and share it with Dib?"

"Maybe later, because we have a sleepover at Pinkie's planned."

"Okay. See you there! I'm so glad to get this off my chest!"

"I'm too! See you later! Bye!"


Just then Adagio realized that she didn't pack for the sleepover. She rushed upstairs to start packing for the party.

"Gir! We need to set up a new base! Three girls already saw us out of our disguises!" Zim yelled

"Okay! Home sweet home!"

Zim setted up the house in about 2 minutes and put his disguise on.

"Gir, get your disguise on now!"


Gir zipped up his disguise and headed into the house with Zim.

"Computer! Bring up the Tallests on the monitor!"

"Now talking to the Tallests!"

"Zim, what do you want this time?" Red Tallest asked.

"You're interrupting our game of poker!" Purple Tallest complained.

"I'm sorry about that! But I would like to update you with the fact that I moved to a different area for my conquest. Thanks a lot to Dib! That's all! I'll call you later!"

The screen shut down and it turned gray.

"When is he going to realize that we don't want to conquer Earth?" Red complained

"Hopefully never!"

The looked at each other and started to laugh hysterically.

Night Sky Episode 2A

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Dear Princess Twilight,

Thanks for the information about Starlight Glimmer. I mean someone who forcing everyone to be equal, except for themselves, that is insane! I think I read some futuristic books similar to that for reading class at school though. Well anyways, Adagio is developing really nicely and is now my best friend. I never thought someone that nice would be a siren. Aria and Sonata are good too now that I mention it. So things are pretty good here, except for one thing. There is this crazy kid who lives in another town, named Dib, who keeps saying this weird Green kid named Zim is an alien. At first I thought that he was crazy until I actually came across Zim when I was out for my evening run. He had red eyes and ateneas. Now I believe he is an alien, so does Adagio though too. So at least I have someone who won't think I'm crazy. Adagio and I are planning on sneaking to his house to tomorrow to give Dib some footage. I hope everything goes well in Equestria!

Your Friend,

Sunset Shimmer

"Hey, Sunset! Are you done?" Adagio asked.

Adagio invited to a private sleepover just the two of them to give Dib information about Zim and just sometime to hangout alone. And Adagio was waiting patiently for Sunset to finish her message to Twilight.

"Yeah, I'm done!"

"Good I'm getting Dib to video chat with us about Zim!"

"Good plan! Hey while we wait, I want to talk to you!"

"Okay, about what?"

"You know how you've been absorbing negative energy for all of your life. I guess I'm just surprised that you gave in to the magic of friendship much faster than it took me. I mean we are both pretty similar in that way. What I'm saying is why did you give in after thousands of years of doing the same thing?"

"All I wanted was love. I tried to be sweet and innocent to gain adoration, but everypony saw me as a monster. Then I resorted to the next plan , force the ponies to adore me. That also didn't work so well, but it did bring me here where I'm not a monster and I'll never be one. When my pendant shattered in your rainbow beam of friendship, I felt like a weight was tooken off my back. And now I have all I ever dreamed of."

"Wow I never knew you were ever that desperate for friends!"

"Well, now you do! Dib is on!"

"Hello?" Dib said on the computer

"Hey, Dib! We have some info on Zim for you!" Sunset replied.

"You do?"

"Yes, we do!" Adagio replied.

"Well, tell me already!"

"Zim, is in Canterlot City, and has a really creepy house downtown. Sunset and I have also seen him out without his disguise."

"I'm not the only knows this! Yay!"

"Don't worry we going to get you more footage later."

"Okay! I'm not the only one anymore."

"Dib, we're letting you go. Bye!"

They shut the laptop and headed outside to look at the night sky.

"You know that there is one thing that will always be the same about Equestria and this world. And it's the stars. Every time I look at them I feel like Twilight is looking at them in Equestria." Sunset started to talk.

"I know! That first night we were banished here, I would go outside by the dock and look at the stars. It would encourage me about the fact that one day everything will be perfect. So that's what I do every night when Aria and Sonata are asleep."

"I never knew you liked doing this like me!"

"Like you said earlier, we are a lot alike."

Who is the Green Freshman? Episode 2B

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Adagio was sitting in class talking with her friends, while they were waiting for Mrs. Cheerlie to come with a new kid. Everyone was discussing about who the new freshman is going to be.

"I heard, the new kid is from this really weird family who's over protective," Diamond Tiara stated out loud.

"How do you know that?" Sweetie Belle protested.

"I have my sources."

"Adagio, you don't think that the kid is............." Sunset said before being interrupted by the door opening.

Mrs. Cheerlie and Zim stepped out of the hallway and into the classroom.

"Class! I would like all of you to meet our new student, Zim. He has a weird skin condition making him short and having green skin, but please don't make fun of him. Zim, do you have anything to say to your classmates?" Cheerlie stated.

"I just want to say that I'm fully human. Yes, I'm a human! Not an Alien! Like I would be? "

"Alright, Zim. You go sit in that empty seat next to Adagio and Sonata."

"Oh my Equestria, No! I'm not sitting next to an Alien! Well he better not cause any funny business!" Adagio thought to herself.

"So, are you Adagio?" Zim asked.


"Well, I must say I love your hair! It's so soft! What conditioner do you use, to get it this beautiful?"

"Not the hair! Anything but the hair! Anything!"

"Zim! Get your hands off her hair now!" Cheerlie yelled.

"Of course!"


"Dagi! Why was Zim touching your hair? I could see it from the other side of the room!" Aria asked at lunch.

"I really don't know why he was doing that to me. Did anyone else see it?"

"I didn't see it, because I was playing with my moose during class until Cheerlie took it from me!" Sonata stated.

"Really, Sonata? Really?" Adagio replied.

"I'm seriously this close to thinking Zim is an Alien. With all this talk about how he's normal, he just put a huge target on his back," Rainbow stated.

"That, and the fact he ONLY eats waffles! I mean who would ever eat only waffles? Sonata, put your hand down!" Applejack added.

"You know what he actually is an Alien!" Sunset stated.

"Sunset, did you get infected by Pinkie and Sonata's craziness?" Applejack replied.

"Yeah, Sunset you would never assume that without evidence!" Rarity added.

"I have evidence! Here look at this picture I took on my late night run a couple of weeks ago. And I'm not the only one who saw this, Adagio and Aria saw it too. Isn't that true, Adagio and Aria?"

"Yes it is!" Adagio replied.

"Yeah, I saw him that night. Big Deal!"

"With this evidence, it's proven that Zim really is an alien. I'm sorry we called you guys crazy," Applejack stated.

"It's ok. Um, Sonata? Slow down with the tacos!" Adagio stated.

"Never! You will never tell me how I eat my tacos!" Sonata shouted.

"Hey, my Tallests I have successfully got myself into Canterlot High. Now with Dib out of the way, I will destroy the human race!" Zim stated.

"How did you make it into a High School, when you are so short?" Purple asked.

"I said it was a part of my skin condition."

"Cool, Zim, but we should get back back to our game." Red stated.

"Wait, don't go yet! I have some new info about this stuff called conditioner. Apparently, humans put in their hair when showering. I got this sample from the girl who sits next to me in class."

"You put your dirty fingers in that poor girl's hair!?" Red shouted.

"Yes, I did!"

"Ok, you are officially creepy. We are going back to our game. Goodbye Zim!" Purple stated while turning of the computer.

"Hmmm......If I create my own collection of conditioner, I can brainwash all the Humans to think that I'm their leader. Computer! Scan this sample for ingredients."

The computer printed out all of the ingredients in the substance, which Zim carefully took out.

"GIR! I want you to get all of these ingredients as fast as you can!"


"Because I need this stuff to start my new plan!"


Gir zoomed out of the base and went to find the ingredients.

"Watch out, humans! I will succeed this time without Dib to stop me!"

Crazy Taco Fans! Episode 3A

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"GIR! I thought I told you to get the ingredients! NOT TACOS!" Zim yelled.

"I just couldn't resist the tacos!"

"How did you even get these, when you were in your disguise?"

"Well, it started when .............."


Earlier That Day

Gir was walking through town looking at the list of ingredients. Of course everything on the list looked like boring words saying the same thing over and over again. Thats when something else caught his eye. A girl with a long blue ponytail, something Gir had never seen at the other Earth town. He decided to follow it until the girl turned around and showed her beautiful Magenta eyes.

“Awwwww! Aren’t you the cutest thing ever?” She gushed.

“You bet I am. Master just doesn’t admit it!”

“You can talk?! Well Spike can talk, but he is a dragon in Equestria. But seriously, you can talk?!”

“You bet I can talk!”

“This is so cool, it’s like one of my cartoons! You don’t happen to love tacos, do you?!”

“TACOS! There is tacos here?! Please take me to the tacos! I need tacos or I will explode!”

“Don’t worry puppy! I’ll get you some tacos! Sonata is on the case!”

Sonata left Gir and started running to a building across the street. She came back out in flash with a huge bag, with the delicious smell of tacos and burritos.

"Don't worry puppy, I brought a whole bunch of tacos and burritos. Enjoy them!"

"SONATA! What are you doing?!" Adagio yelled from the other side of the road.

"This talking dog is hungry so I bought him some tacos for him."

Adagio shook her head as she crossed the road.

"First off, the only talking dog I know is Spike. Second off, that dog has a zipper on it."

"Oh...I didn't notice it! If he isn't a talking dog, what is he?"

"Well if you unzip it, you can tell it is a robot. He probably works for the alien. Now come on we are going home!" Adagio said as she started to drag Sonata away.

"What about the tacos? I spent money on those!"

"That was your mistake, I can't do anything about it now! Come on lets go!"

"Bye Bye, whatever you are?"

The two girls walked away from Gir with Sonata turning a couple times towards him.

"Wait, so you are saying that someone knows that I'm not human."

"Yeah! At least those two girls don't have communication to Dib!"

"How will be able to carry out my mission if people are on my case?"

"You don't!"

"Gir, stop talking nonsense!"

"It wasn't me, it was them!"

Zim turned around and right behind him was five hooded figures. One of the figures was significantly shorter than the others, while the others were all about the same height.

"No this can't be!"

"Oh Zim, We are as real as your nightmares."

"How did you break in? I have the best security!"

"Best security? Huge lawn gnomes that can't pick up even half of us isn't best security in my book!"

"Reveal yourselves, now!"

"Zim, I'm pretty sure you don't want us to that."

"I don't care! Just reveal yourselves!"

"Alright you asked for it!"