Milked Mares

by RarityEQM

First published

Twilight wakes up in a strange labratory, with a strange machine designed to milk the poor pony.

Awakening in a strange laboratory and strapped to a strange table, Twilight discovers she is the next victim of a very strange machine...

Warning: NOT futa.
(That is a VERY strange warning, in retrospect. XD)

Kinks and Warnings! :

Chapter One: Forced sex, non-consensual, mechanical, Drug Use Penetration
Chapter two: Forced sex, non-consensual, mechanical, Drug Use, cunilingus
Chapter Three: F/F face sitting, fingering, Non-Consensual, musk, Forced Sex, Drug Use, cunnilingus
Chapter Four: Drug use, blood, Non-consensual, cunnilingus
Chapter Five: Forced Arousal, Semi-Non-consensual, Mechanical, Penetration,
Chapter Six: Consensual, drug use, cunnilingus, sweat, musk,
Chapter Seven: Non-consensual, Anal, Drug use, massage, mechanical, disturbing scene. kidnapping
Chapter Eight: nothing nothing and a little more nothing.
Chapter Nine: this chapter is kinda disturbing. Readers discretion is advised..
Chapter Ten: Rainbow completely loses her mind


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Fuzzy. That was the perfect word to describe it. Twilight Sparkle felt fuzzy. In fact, everything was fuzzy. Her memory, her magic, and her senses. All of them felt suppressed, or, more accurately she was sure, chemically subdued. With a heavy head and a numbed tongue, the little purple unicorn tried to take in her surroundings.

The room was cold and metallic, sporting steel walls with segmented plates and bolts. Polished surfaces and shiny floors with the hints of alcohol in the air made her think of sterilization like in a hospital. Or a laboratory.

A laboratory. The thought was frightening and persistent, gnawing at the edges of her mind as she took in the room. Beakers and vials littered the tabletops, with spiraling tubes that reminded her of crazy straws. Numerous books stacked atop one after another after another, and long forgotten stools resting lazily underneath counters. And lastly, Twilight herself laying on her back on the cool, steel surface of a table. Like a specimen. She realized with a terrible shudder.

She already knew her arms were restrained before she tried to lift one of them; securely fastened to the side of the table with leather straps- just like her legs were. Something had been placed around her horn that felt smooth and warm, and without seeing it, she knew what that was too. An inhibitor to keep her from casting spells, which meant the concept of teleportation was out- let alone any other spells she could use to free herself.

With an annoyed sigh, she glanced around the room again, trying to keep calm, and figure out the most likely reason this was happening. Captured certainly. Changelings? Not likely. An interrogation of sorts? Maybe. Whoever had taken her certainly wanted her alive, which, for the moment, meant her continued safety. A ransom for the princess? Unlikely, but possible. But why here? Why a laboratory? Why would they-

Her thoughts melted away when the sound of something mechanical came whirling up from the floor. From the limited vision she had, looking down across the swell of her purple tummy, an object had risen up and came to a stop near her hind legs. From what Twilight could see it was pink with a smooth texture to it. An odd number of bumps and ridges coated it, but its exact size and shape eluded Twilight. Still, she didn't like it. She had a feeling it was going to hurt. Some sort of laser, perhaps? A surgical cutter designed to-

The object moved again, jutting forward with a hiss of pressurized steam and pressed flush against her crotch. Cold and slick with something wet, Twilight no longer had to try and guess the use of this device. Even if she couldn't see it clearly, she knew what it was.

"No! Nonononono wait! Listen! Whoever is in charge, You don't need to do thi-"

Her plea was cut short as the mechanical dildo thrust forward gently, spearing past the tender little purple folds of the girl's privates. It wasn't a particularly hard thrust, just enough to send the tip of the object into her, sliding past her defenses and forcing out a whimpered squeak from Twilight.

It was slow, but insistent, pressing into her vulva firmly and forcing its way into her tender tunnel. Twilight squirmed and bucked on the table as it intruded itself into her.

"GAH! Stop! STOP!! You don't need to do this! Please stop! I don't want this! Just tell me what you want?!" Twilight screamed, perking her ears for any sort of response. Clearly someone was controlling this. They had to be; why else would it have started only after she woke up? No reply came however, and the machine drove itself in again before it was comfortably snuggled into Twilight's sex. And then it pulled itself out, only to force its way right back in.

Twilight whimpered quietly, writhing in the leather straps as the machine ruthlessly dominated her body. It was slow and horrifically gentle as if the inanimate device knew just how to pleasure her, and push every one of her private buttons. She arched her hips helplessly, watching as the machine continued its mechanical rhythmic thrusting. It plunged in with a robotic whirl of activity, slowly driving into the depths of her pussy, before pulling back out just the same. The ridges and bumps along the rubbery surface didn't help matters in the slightest and each thrust managed to stimulate her in ways her own two hooves could have never achieved. She wiggled her bum, doing her best to try and dislodge the machine that so casually claimed her sex. She didn't want to admit to it, but if this kept up she was going to orgasm. She was going to have a very embarrassing climax from the perverted machine defiling her and the absolute worst part was she couldn't help herself. Oh, there were cold nights where Twilight imagined herself with a lover. Some warm, loving pony that caressed her in all the right ways and whispered she was beautiful. There were nights where Twilight needed her hooves and magic more than a book to read, but never was she desperate enough to accept any kind of pleasure from some strange mechanical device! And yet here she was; her body reacting to every wicked little thrust, like it needed to be filled far more than Twilight wanted to believe.

She tried to flex her hips and maybe slip into an angle that the machine's penetrations wouldn't be quite so sinfully fulfilling, but alas, there was no hope for Twilight. Every way she turned and twisted, the machine followed suit, continuing with that slow, methodical thrusting, working Twilight's tender little pussy into a point of her focus. She couldn't think of anything now, other than how good it felt and she hated it. She didn't want to get taken by a machine! She didn't want to find herself lost to lust by an unfeeling, ruthless, uncaring device! But regardless of how much she tried to resist, her body was giving into the thrusting demands.

It felt amazing. She had to admit that. Each gentle, teasing thrust into her glistening cunny drew out an embarrassed moan from the unicorn. It wasn't violent, or battering. Not brutal or fierce. Just a soft, slow thrust like she might feel from a lover taking their time to please her. More of her juices trickled down around the device and Twilight squeezed her eyes shut as tightly as she could. The machine continued, ignoring her writhing squirms and desperate gasps of pleasure. It didn't seem to care at all how close it was pushing Twilight to the brink of her climax, or how embarrassed the pony felt being handled in such a way by a machine. It was endless and tireless in its infinite stamina, thrusting slowly until somepony came by and turned it off. The thought rattled Twilight to her core. What if no one came by? What if she was stuck here for hours, or even days?! Forced to suffer the machine's terrible thrusting without end?! She shuddered helplessly.

A new sound emerged from underneath her, wrenching her away from her thoughts. the table shifting slightly as if reading her mind. Hidden, secretive thoughts she dared not admit to herself. Her legs were forcefully pulled apart, and the lower portion of the table fell away disappearing into the floor, leaving her rump hanging in the air, while her knees were slowly raised up to either side. More exposed, more vulnerable, more access. The little unicorn whimpered in embarrassment at being forcefully placed into a further compromising position, but the machine didn't notice, or simply didn't care. Instead it eagerly continued its invasive thrusting; only with an added gusto. As if someone had noticed the switch had been set to five, when it was supposed to be set to seven.

Twilight wriggled helplessly as the cold device made its slow, mind shattering thrusts. Pumping in and out, ridges and bumps helping to stimulate her further, and just when she thought she couldn't take any more, the device plunging in and out of her sex began to vibrate. Very gently, and very softly, but she could feel it. Every little tremble the hidden motor made forced a shudder through her body. It was almost as if the machine itself knew just how hard Twilight was trying to hold onto her dignity, and it tried just as hard to rob her from it.

It wasn't hurting her. No that wasn't the point and Twilight was well aware of this, even through the fog of hopeless arousal that engulfed her. The machine was designed to do this; designed with physical pleasure in mind at the base of its operation and now it was doing its job. It might have been easier if it were a pony, she decided. Some desperate drunk who cornered her in a bar or something and forced himself onto her. She could fight back, if that were the case. Put a face to the situation to direct her anger towards. But here? Now? The way the machine lovingly thrust into her, again and again and again, taking its sweet time? There was no one she could blame but herself for loving it as much as she did. It was so gentle, and responsive, and satisfying, it's all she might have ever wanted as far as a lover was concerned. Filling her depths and pushing her buttons, it was as if the machine was reading her psyche profile while it whirled away. Caressing her inner walls with its delicate, perfect strokes, while at the same time, rotating and vibrating.

Her orgasm came in slow, starting with just a tingle in her tummy and radiating outward. She didn't even realize it at first; the overwhelming pleasure of the machines rhythmic stroking overshadowing her senses, but as it grew stronger and stronger still, Twilight started to squeal. She'd never been so wonderfully and fulfillingly fucked the way this machine took her. Still, she felt remarkably disturbed by the tubes leading away from the device. She could see bursts of fluid (Her private unicorn juices, she realized) traveling along the clear tubing and into the floor. That's what it had been doing. It had been trying to arouse her, taking her as slow and sensually as possible, building up towards a climax, all so she would yield a 'plentiful bounty.' She was being drained, milked lewdly for her fluids. The machine was good at it too. Even now, it continued to whirl away and tease, stroking in and out, vibrating, coaxing her orgasm to continue as long as possible. Her hips buckled, and she thrust her pelvis as hard as she could into the careless dildo. She couldn't help herself any longer, and the bursts of pleasure the machine was giving her was satisfying in a way she hadn't experienced in quite some time.

Slowly, the machine came to a grinding halt, the thrusting stopped and the light pink dildo like object disappeared into the floor, swallowed up by steel plating. This left Twilight alone and panting, tired from the climax she'd had and still slightly dizzy from the effects of whatever it was in her system that put her here in the first place. Still, tired as she was, the hissing sound of steam filling the room caused Twilight to panic. Her ears perked, and her nose flared at the odd smell.

"No! Hey?! SOMEPONY?! HELLO!?" She called out and like before, there was no answer, and soon Twilight was out before she knew it.

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She woke up again, fuzzy and uncertain. The last thing she could remember was standing in the kitchen, making dinner with Spike. They were laughing, telling jokes, and generally being silly. A fun, and memorable evening for Twilight Sparkle. That was a clear memory, but everything else after was a fuzzy blank. Everything after dinner, the evening, the night- all of it was gone, up until now; now when she was on a familiar table, and trapped in a familiar room.

Familiar, but not the same. A laboratory, like she was in before- but it wasn't the same laboratory. The lights were different. The original laboratory she woke up in had two florescent lights for every steel plated square along the ceiling. This room only had one. A silent victory, Twilight realized, but a victory none the less. She was pleased with her deductive capabilities, regardless of the situation she faced. A situation that sent a ticklish tingle to her more private parts...

She growled quietly, taking a deep breath. If it was some sort of psychological conditioning, she wanted to be first and foremost to fight it. Kidnapping her for unsolicited, forced sex on a nightly basis was morally wrong on too many levels to count- even if it was the most fulfilling orgasm she'd had in...years, really. Even if it was the sort of sex she dreamed about, and had during her personal little filly fantasies in the middle of the night; when Spike was asleep and her hooves were free to roam where they pleased. Wait, was she getting damp? No! NO! Fight it Twilight, this is what they want! Regardless, she had to admit it to herself, the last time she was here hadn't exactly been a 'nightmare'. Frightening, sure. Unsettling? Certainly. But a nightmare? She could think of worse things that had happened to her- the para-sprite invasion, fighting King Sombra, The time she got caught organizing Princess Celestia's underwear drawer. Now that was a nightmare. But this? This was wrong, and not something she could justify by any means. Still...if she were going to be kidnapped...No. Twilight. No. Figure out how to get out of here, then assess the moral complexities of the dilemma.

She drew in her environment with a steady breath. Another lab. More counter tops, more beakers and vials and bunsen burners. The sort of laboratory like the one in Canterlot University. Used for experiments and procedures. Testing theories and hypotheses. The room, like before smelled sterile. Clean with the hints of lemon in the air. So the laboratory was well maintained, further more supporting her theory that some creature was actively controlling the situation. Creature? Creatures? A new thought made Twilight shudder. What if it wasn't one lone kidnapper? What if this was the work of several? One pony with a plan was one thing, but if there were multiple conspirators against her...

"H-Hello?" Her voice was chapped and choked. Her throat dry and of course, there was no answer. The only sound she heard was the hollow echo of her voice across the empty room. Laboratory She corrected herself. It was important to remember that she was a prisoner here. Kept against her will for whatever nefarious deeds the puppet master of this situation had in store for her. Her bindings were different, she noticed slowly. Same type of table it seemed, but her hind legs were pressed uncomfortably tight together and she was bound at the ankles by silvery steel cuffs. Her fore legs were splayed out from side to side, and regardless of how she squirmed they seeme-

A sharp whirling noise dragged her from her thoughts. It was starting again. Immediately her breath caught in her throat and she felt a rising bubble of panic mixed with intimidation (And anticipation, regardless of how much she tried to reason with herself that this was a horrible place.) What was it this time? It was insane (And embarrassing) to think they'd only want her for orgasms. Surely there was a far more devious plan to consider. She felt a tug at her legs, while the table began to flatten itself out. It turned, more and more until Twilight was laying on her back, and her legs had been lifted up, as if she were a baby on a changing table. She was breathing hard now. Her hips gave a nervous twitch and she tried to pull herself up- or tug her legs down, but they were hopelessly frozen in the position they wanted.

It happened quickly after that; another mechanical whirl, and then the sensation of something warm and wet gently gliding across her sex. Her breathing stopped as a ripple of pleasure trickled through her. Another caress, and another and another still. She couldn't see what it was, the object hidden behind thick thighs and shapely hips, but she could feel it. Oh, yes, it was like a tongue, but softer. More like velvet, and gentle instead of probing. Almost like a paint brush, the object continued to slather over Twilight's bare little cunny with slow, rhythmic 'licks.' Twilight for the most part was convinced she was in the room alone. There was no rogue animal here, no perverted pony exploring her private place. It didn't make any sense! Why use this machine? Why this position, why no-

The tongue pressed deeper- slipping delicately past the folds of her sex, and began a slow caress of her heated tunnel. Her mental deductions came to a screeching halt, and Twilight threw her head back and moaned. No, no no! Don't make them think you're enjoying this! Demand to be let free!! She opened an eye and glanced around the room. Silent and still as ever, save the mechanical whirling of her 'torture' device.

"Y-You don't need to do this! I won't...Nnnnghhh, I won't tell anypony...J, just...Just let me go and...haaaaaa!" She whined out, trying to arch her back as the tongue found a particularly sensitive spot. And it dwelled there, slurping and licking with expert precision and grace. By Celestia it was heavenly! She knew she was enjoying it more than she should have been and she knew full well she needed to escape but maybe not right at this second. It wiggled in further, its wet kiss plunging into her sex, deep but not deep like the dildo last time, but certainly deep enough that she could feel it caressing her inner walls.

No! Twilight, you're a scientist, and a logical problem solver. This is a problem, even if it is cleverly disguised as something else! You need to focus! Concentrate. A tiny voice echoed in her head. She opened an eye again, peering around the room for signs of movement, or something that controlled the device. Her hips bucked again and she gave a heated sigh. It wasn't working. Think! Focus! The tongue wiggled itself out of her opening, and slowly slid across the crease of her vagina, hardly pressing in at all and just leaving Twilight with a warm, tingling sensation. It worked gradually around her labia, 'paint brushing' its strokes slowly in circles, before spiraling around again.

When it circled across the violet little tuft of secret pubic fur, Twilight gave an involuntary twitch and couldn't help another girlish moan. It was too much, it really was! How was she supposed to concentrate on escaping when this machine was making her privates feel so good!? The machine swirled down to her sex again only this time, something cold gently parted her folds. Still unable to see what was going on, Twilight was sure what was going to happen next. The tongue returned, and gently slid across the little button of her clit. Twilight mewed a helpless squeak.

All pretenses of concentration were washed away as higher and higher sensations of pleasure took over her body. It was circling her clit, over and over and over again, and now Twilight was completely out of control. Another loud moan escaped her lips and the tongue continued effortlessly swirling around the poor girl's o-button. A regular lover might have been tired by this point, the motions slow and sloppy as energy was drained away by the night's activities, but the machine could take her endlessly, if it wanted too. And she wanted it too. If there were any doubts about Twilight enjoying this particular machine, they were all erased when the unicorn gave another shriek of pleasure. She'd never been stimulated like this before! Even when she did press against her personal little magic maker when masturbating, it was never the relentless assault the machine subjected her too.

The velvety thing flicked back and forth over her little clit, like it were amusing itself. Playing with her body, twirling in one direction, then the other, then back to that wonderful, maddening flickering again. Twilight had to admit it at this point, the machine's capacity to pleasure her wildly outmatched her determination to escape. It just felt so unbelievably good it was hard to think of a good plan.

"MMMMMM Y-You better....I...I won't let you get away with this...I'm gonna...I k-know the princess.. An-and....oh...ooooooh....I'm gonna cum!! I'M GONNA CUM!! PLEASE!" Twilight shrieked. Somewhere in the back of her head, a little voice reminded her that she was supposed to be demanding her freedom, not announcing her helpless climax to her captors. Her hips gave a brief wriggle, before the world turned to bright white stars and heavenly ecstasy. Her hips rocked uselessly against the metal table, and her voice nearly drowned out the mechanical hiss of machine's second function. She couldn't see it, of course, but she was positive it was the same as the previous machine- milking her. Taking her private girl juices and storing them away like taking milk from a cow. She squealed again, rocking helplessly against the table as the tongue continued to twirl and wriggle, forcing her into another orgasm. Then a third, reducing Twilight to a whimpering little filly. Finally, the machine started to slow down. The rotating flicker stopped, and the sounds of panels sliding against panels signaled that the machine had finished with its victim.

Twilight took a deep breath, biting at her lower lip while trying to get a hold of her breathing. That was terribly pleasant. She had to admit it, and she hated to but she had to. There were worse ways to be kidnapped, that she couldn't deny. Still, she needed to find away out of this place, now that she'd caught her breath but a violent rush of hissing steam stormed into the room, and in few seconds, Twilight was fast asleep.

Milked Mares

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Things were different now. She tried to ignore it- but she couldn't. A persistent mystery, gnawing at every twist and turn of her day. From the time she got up, took a shower and had breakfast, Twilight found herself completely lost inside of her own head. Who kept kidnapping her? Why return her to the library in the morning? Why only take her at night? Why the machines, why the laboratory, why her?! It didn't make any sense, and the pieces of the puzzle were mysteries all on their own. Why were the machines made for the purpose of pleasuring a mare? Who designed them? How could they be so dreadfully, terribly, perfectly accurate? It's like the-

"TWILIGHT!" The fourth time Spike hollered in her ear. She turned towards him with a distant, bewildered expression and forced an uneasy smile.

"Yes?! Yes? Um, yes, I'm sorry, Spike I was did you want, again?" She asked, flashing him a practiced smile of innocence. Even though it had been crafted through years of telling mother she wasn't practicing magic in the house, Spike was not so easily fooled.

"You've been staring at that bookshelf for ten minutes. Are you going to put those away?" He asked, jerking a claw towards the smallish stack of books Twilight had been stocking the shelves with. She peered at them, and then him, then smiled quietly.

"Yes. I am. I was just lost in thought, thats all."

"You've been doing that a lot lately, whats up? Are you okay?"

"Well, I..." She trailed off, biting at her lower lip. How on earth did you explain the situation to a baby dragon? Taken against her will for the most pleasurable sex she'd ever had only to be dropped back into her normal life without anything to show for it other than exhaustion? That sounded like one of the stories Rarity lined her bookshelves with. No pony would believe her, even if she told anypon- wait? Was that a clue? Part of the plan?! The situation was far to surreal to be anything but a fabrication of a lonely librarian with an itch to scratch but what if that was the entire point? Who would believe her? The guards? As if she'd tell them in the first place. Princess Celestia? She'd be told she was working to hard and get some rest. Her friends would just think she was horny and Spike wouldn't have a clue what she was talking about anyway. Another puzzle, another dead en-

"TWILIGHT!" Spike hollered again, snapping his claws in front of her face. Once again her eyes focused on the baby dragon.

"Y-yes, what were we talking about? I'm sorry Spike, I'm, um, I'm tired." Twilight mumbled quietly. She pointed a hoof towards the door and shot Spike another one of her uneasy smiles.

"I'm going to take a walk. I think I need some fresh air, okay? I'm sorry, Spike, I'll be back, don't worry." She announced, before hustling out of the library with a groan. What was she going to do...

Outside it was cheerful and sunny. A fresh spring day with ponies bouncing about the town left and right going about their normal, daily routines. The sort of day Twilight would enjoy if she were on a picnic or heading out somewhere with her friends, but the town had changed too. They were no longer innocent friends and neighbors. Any one of them could be in on Twilight's kidnapping, and all of this was just an act to fool her into letting her guard down again. No. No, no, no, there's no need to get paranoid, Twilight. This is what they want, snap out of it! You're logical, you're studious, and you're good at puzzles. Calm down and just take a walk like you told Spike.

She took a deep breath and strolled out into the town square, forcefully marching ahead, one hoof in front of the other. Keep it together, Twilight. None of your friends are perverted psychos kidnapping you in the middle of the night for mind numbing sex. Mark that off your check list right now. Occam's razor. Focus. There are clues here. There is a method to this madness, and you're going to find it!

She took her stroll around the town, casually wondering if she should stop somewhere along the way to chat with her friends. Maybe she could gather insight from one of them, even if she weren't directly seeking it out. She'd long learned that her friends, strangely enough, had a remarkable way of helping solve her problems, even indirectly. But this wasn't the sort of problem she felt comfortable talking about. What was she supposed to say, she was being milked for her juices but she had to admit that she liked it? Really liked it. Was that it? Was that why she was having such a hard time putting the pieces together? Her subconscious sabotaging her investigation because deep deep deep down, she was loving it? She only had a few dates while living in Canterlot. Even less when she became a dorky teenager. She'd expected her raging hormones to fade away but even nerdy science girls had needs. Needs that weren't met and were coming out in full force now? No. NO. Damn it, it was some sort of psychological assault! She was an adult, not some teenager driven by her loins. She could control this. She was in charge, and sh-

The thwack to the side of her head brought her back to her senses in full, the momentary dull burst of pain was enough to pull the image together of Rainbow Dash who was floating in front of her and looking irritated.

"Uh...hey Rainbow. " She sputtered quietly. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and touched down daintily on her hooves next to Twilight.

"First of all, you've been staring into the fountain for the last ten minutes. Are you okay?" She asked slowly. Twilight glanced around. Indeed she was standing in front of the fountain in the town's square, carried away by her thoughts. She gave Rainbow a shy, dazed smile and nodded her head.

"Yeah. I'm just, I've got this puzzle that I'm trying to work out in my head, and it's really...ya know...hard. "She muttered. A half truth, of sorts. It really was a puzzle, and it was something she was trying to work out. Puzzles frustrated Rainbow Dash, which meant she was less likely to follow up on it with questions. To her fortune, Rainbow didn't even seem to register her response. The pegasus looked strangely sheepish today- her full on bravado and boisterous attitude had been substituted for the quiet demeanor of a certain yellow pegasus. Now it was her turn to ask. Even if she was dealing with one problem, it didn't mean she couldn't try to help with others.

"Hey. Are you okay? You're not normally this quiet." Twilight asked, scanning the blue pony over. Rainbow Dash had frizzled hair- more so than usual, and bags under her eyes. The sort of look Twilight ended up with when she pulled all nighters under the Princess's test weeks. Slowly, Rainbow bit at her lower lip, and offered Twilight a nervous smile.

"Look, Twi, canni ask you a favor? It's gonna sound really crazy, but , just, hear me out and please don't ask questions, okay? " Rainbow mumbled softly. Now this was definitely different- something immediately piqued Twilight's interest and set off a red flag at the same time. She gave a silent nod, and perked her ears. To her surprise, Rainbow was starting to blush- the acrobat so bold and boyish turned a cute shade of pink and rubbed a hoof over her head.

"Can we your basement? You've got a lab down there, right? I just sorta wanna check something." She stammered. Twilight's eyes widened. Since when was Rainbow Dash interested in the slightest about science or laboratories? What could she possibly have to check? Why was she blushing. To many coincidences. Play it out. Take it slow. Observe and react. Twilight nodded her head with a forced smile.

The laboratory in Twilight's basement was small and not nearly as expansive as she sometimes wished it would be. Or could be. Still, for what few machines and experiments she worked with, it managed to suffice. She slowly opened the door, and began to trot down the steps with Rainbow nervously following behind. Casually, and subtly as possible, Twilight slid the door shut with a little burst of telekinesis. For some reason, her heart was racing in her chest. Excitement over the prospect of new clues! A chance to tell someone what was happening to her! Or maybe being in a lab was just starting to trigger automatic excitement in the pony. Sheepishly, Twilight found herself rubbing her thighs together while Rainbow Dash looked around. Was it Rainbow Dash? The one kidnapping her every night, so eager to pleasure her until she had an exhausting, squealing orgasm?! She shook the thoughts away. It was more of that psychological conditioning. Focus.

"So...uh...what did you need to look at?" Twilight asked, her mouth suddenly dry. Rainbow, however, simply seemed to stare into the distance, peering at all of her lab equipment in confusion. She opened her mouth to speak, paused, and then simply shook her head.

"Uh...nothing. I'm sorry. It's not the same, I was just...never mind. It's cool. Thanks, Twilight." Rainbow quipped with a dismissive shake of her head- but when she tried to head upstairs, Twilight was quick to jump in front of her.

"W-Wait, can we maybe talk for a minute?" She asked nervously. Rainbow Dash tilted her head, and then turned away from her with a faint pink glow on her cheeks.

"Y-Yeah know I can smell that...right?" She asked quietly- almost shyly. Her voice a demure little squeak from its usual haughty tone. Twilight tilted her head in confusion at her sudden response and frowned.

"Smell...what?" She asked. Rainbow Dash coughed again.

"That." She stammered. It took Twilight a few moments before she realized what it was. The basement wasn't terribly large and one or two ponies had enough space to move around, but no more than that. That being said, being in the laboratory was bringing back an awful lot of recent memories, and those memories were having a very specific reaction. Squeezing her thighs together again, Twilight turned a dark shade of crimson, and turned her back to Rainbow Dash, the two facing away from one and other, blushing wildly.

"S-Sorry...I...Things have been really weird, lately. " She mumbled, and Rainbow Dash gave another sheepish cough and nodded her head. Twilight, however, felt a little bit better when she heard the tiny smile in Rainbow's voice when she next spoke.

"Y-Yeah. Me too. I...Twilight, do you know anything about dreams?" She asked. Purple pony ears perked curiously and she slowly turned around to peer at Rainbow Dash.

"Dreams?" She asked. Rainbow scuffled a hoof on the floor, and her face turned an even deeper shade of red. She nodded her head slowly, and swallowed a lump in her throat.

"Y-Yeah. I've been having these really, um, vivid dreams, lately. I don't know why, but they're...uh...intense." She said slowly. Twilight's heart started racing again- wildly and uncontrollable in her chest.

"Dreams about a laboratory." Twilight asked. Rainbow's ears perked in alarm, as if some secret was suddenly out in the open that she'd been keeping forever.

"Strapped to a table...a...machine that's touching you?" She asked nervously. Now the smell was powerful, the growing musk of two aroused mares mingled together in the room, as if some sort of scented tango of heat. Rainbow had blushed brighter and brighter still, until she resembled a plumped tomato.

"H-how do you know about those?" She asked, shying back, her voice filled with a nervous tension, like she were ashamed of herself. Twilight could relate and she took a deep breath.

"Me too." Was all she said, and gasped when Rainbow turned about, squeezing her tightly in a relieved hug.

" I thought I was goin' crazy!! I mean, I've never ever had dreams like that before, and I'm not the only one, and..."She caught herself before getting too excited and took at step back, more and more relief washing over her features. Things were going to change, Twilight was the smartest pony she knew- if anyone could figure this out, it was her!

"Alright, calm down. First we have to compare experiences, whats been going on. We can fix this!" Twilight squeaked, her voice rising higher and higher with barely contained excitement. This was exactly what she was looking for- and in Rainbow Dash no less! Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her head, looking around the laboratory and Twilight- who looked like a filly on Hearthswarming.

"Uh...Right now?" She asked hesitantly. Twilight wildly nodded her head, already prancing about the room to collect note books and quills.

"Yes! Yes, everything you can remember! The entire situation! Twilight exclaimed, sitting down and holding her paper and quill at the ready. Rainbow Dash blushed vividly again and rubbed her shoulder with a hoof. She had to admit, the 'dreams' had been driving her crazy, but she wasn't totally sure she wanted to explain them to Twilight in full detail.

"I...uh..."She sputtered and stopped, shaking her head in embarrassment. Twilight drew up on her hind legs and pressed her hooves against Rainbow's shoulders.

"Rainbow. Please. This is important. This is crucial to us discovering whats going on and I for one would really, REALLY like to find out whats been happening to me. Please?" Twilight begged quietly. Drawing in a deep breath, Rainbow Dash closed her eyes. It was easier if she didn't have to stare at Twilight while she revealed her situation.

"I wake up in a laboratory. It's big, and it kinda smells like, mediciny, ya know? Kinda like cleaning stuff. It's really um, big and its got these silvery plates all over the walls. I had a dream that I was strapped to a table, but only once. I think. I can't really remember too good, but I didn't like it. I couldn't move, you know, Pegasi don't like enclosed spaces or being held down. Anyway, after that, we're always in the locker rooms. " She explained. Twilight tiled her head. Not quite what she was expecting, but every word was jotted down faithfully with her quill.

"Locker Rooms?" She asked. Rainbow nodded quietly.

"Yeah, you know, at the gym? ...Errr, I guess you wouldn't. There are rooms there to take a shower after a work out, so you know, you don't smell all sweaty and musky for the rest of the day. "She explained. Twilight raised an eyebrow, but nodded none the less. This was definitely different...

"So, um, anyway I'm in there, and I'm just stepping into the shower, but before I can, someone...uh...They uh...Ahem...t, this is just between us, right? Right Twilight?" She asked quietly, cheeks turning a dark shade of rose again. Twilight instantly pressed a foreleg against Rainbow and gave her a solemn nod. Rainbow Dash squeezed her eyes shut again, squirming where she was sitting.

"So, then Gilda comes up behind me and grabs my butt. "She forced each word out slowly, taking a heavy breath before trying to speak again.

"And uh, its been a while since I've seen her and she's soaked and all sweaty and...she says it's pay back time. And I don't know what she's talking about, and I tried to tell her that we didn't need to fight, but she doesn't care. She's way stronger than me, and she pulls me over and wraps her arms around me and forces my face under her arm....w, where it's all sweaty ya know? And I can't...I can't do anything but breathe and she smells so, so, so good. I mean, it's gross and it's musky, but it's...I'm really really turned on. And she makes me lick, um, lick her there, for a while, before she tosses me to the floor. Now she's smelling me all over, and she can tell that I'm really hot and she- she says I have the sweatiest little pussy she's ever seen and I'm super embarrassed and totally turned on and then she makes me eat her out. She's really sweaty there, too, and it's kind of like a swamp. And, I can hardly breathe and she's sitting on my face, right, backwards? Big, strong, firm gryphon butt cheeks, and I've always kinda liked her butt, and I can't do anything but eat her. And...And she's teasing my pussy the whole time. She's just reaching over and teasing her claws around it, and I can't...I can't move or her get to stop. And she starts...s-she starts teasing my know, just poking it...and p-pinching it, and I...I can't breathe and...and she won't leave it alone, j-just teasing it and pinching and...a-and...and..." Rainbow sputtered, squirming helplessly where she was sitting and blushing a shade of vicious crimson. Twilight, too, was blushing furiously, and had paused in her stenography to take a deep breath and settle her rampaging thoughts.

They sat there silently for a few seconds, before Rainbow Dash hiccuped with an embarrassed squeak. "A-and I came really really really hard...And then I was back in my room, in bed and it was morning. "Rainbow stammered quietly, squeezing her thighs together as tightly as she possibly could. Twilight nodded her head and reached out to rest a hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. She didn't know why, but the words "thank you" slipped from her lips, like the story was some sort of horrible ordeal Rainbow Dash had to relive. She glanced down at her notes, then back to Rainbow Dash, who had turned away from her again, shyly.

"I need to process this, and..."She paused when Rainbow Dash glanced over her shoulder at her and nodded her head.

"I...I've got some weather work to do, and I really gotta...I gotta um....y- you know..." She sputtered. Twilight flushed a warm shade of pink and nodded her head in turn.

"M-Me too." She whispered. With the way Rainbow was looking at her, she was positive the next phrase out of her mouth was going to be "Can I help?" But the room was filled with an awkward silence, before Rainbow Dash stood up, and trot sheepishly up the stairs and free from the room. Twilight sighed. Certainly there were clues to be found in Rainbow's story. She was positive of it- but that would have to wait till she could think straight, and that meant she needed some personal relief. She almost wished Rainbow Dash would have stuck around, but things were embarrassing enough as it was without letting Rainbow get a good look at her privates, or find out how wet the story had made her. Making sure the door upstairs was closed tightly, Twilight eased herself against a nearby, dusty chair and closed her eyes, imagining herself strapped down to the table again. She knew it was psychological now but she couldn't think of anything else that had turned her on so much. That was the point, though, wasn't it? She was losing the battle for her body, sitting in the basement, masturbating openly in the middle of the day. What had happened to her? And why did it make her feel so slutty and deviant and aroused?

Twilight narrowed her eyes. She was the element of magic, and prize pupil of Princess Celestia! She'd saved the world countless times, and refused to be defeated by the likes of some pervy kidnappers. She just needed a moment to clear her head and the best way to do that at the moment, she theorized- was with an orgasm.

Milked Mystery

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Machines Drugs How Mental Control
Mares Memory Rainbow Dash
Private Juices Time Frame Dreaming
Different techniques When Where
Design Why Who Laboratory /Locker rooms

Twilight peered at the chalk board again, as if she were trying to bore holes in it with her eyes. It stood silently in the middle of the library, boldly covered with question after question, but had no answers to offer. Why? Why why why why why why why?! Why machines? Why not just come out and rape her? Why only mares ( She, of course, didn't know specifically it was only mares, so that one was questionable at best.) But why where they collecting her personal... Twilight blushed and squeezed her thighs together, feeling a gentle tingle roll through her frame. It was a little bit exciting. Regardless of the situation, it made her feel...wanted. Desired. Needed in a way other ponies had not before. She liked that feeling, even if it was artificially induced.

"So, machines huh?" Rainbow Dash asked from her position on the couch. She had agreed to come over after weather work in the late evening, so maybe they could try and figure out what was going on, but she'd been reluctant to discuss things- up until now. Now she was laying on her back, her taut, delicious muscular form splayed out like liquid on the cushions. Gods she looked cute, just laying there, spectrum tufted mane sticking out over her eyes. Every now and then the light caught the curves of her muscles just so, and it made her look so athletic. Her hips and thighs and tight little ass were all just ...perfect. It was almost if she were showing off, trying to get Twilight's attention, but the unicorn shook the thoughts away. She would deal with her new found feelings for Rainbow Dash later, but right now, this was far more important.

"Y-yeah. Machines. I'm always tied down somehow and they just take me." She trailed off, feeling her cheeks flush warmly at the thought of the previous nights. Rainbow gave a soft chuckle from the couch, turning sideways to let her forelegs dangle off. From Twilight vantage, she could see the deliciously curved perfect half moons of Rainbow's rump, and the venus dimples on her lower back. She bit her lower lip. It was going to be a long night.

"But no dreams of you goin' anywhere, right? Always just in the lab? I'm always in the locker rooms. I think maybe we're just havin' strange dreams, Twi. I mean, it's possible right? Or maybe somethings up with Luna. You know, or whatever? It's not like we're being hurt. They're just stupid dreams. But hey, listen if you're still kinda nervous about this whole thing, I guess I could sleep over." Rainbow purred from the couch, grinning impishly at Twilight. Twilight bit at her lower lip again, the words tumbling out of her muzzle before she could stop herself.

"Y-Yeah, I think it would be safer. For us, I mean. To sleep together. Err, over. You should sleep over. I just need to make sure I really am just dreaming. They couldn't take me if you were here with me. I put up some warding spells so we can't be teleported, or moved. And the library is defended ....but....I'd still feel safer with you. "Twilight purred in reply, turning from the chalk board to give Rainbow Dash her full attention. Rainbow Dash climbed up from the couch and slid over to wrap an arm safely around Twilight's shoulders, before flashing her a catty grin and nibbling along the tips of her ears.

"Oh, don't worry, I'll take good care of you, Twi." She giggled, forcing a warm blush across the purple pony nose. She nodded her head, glancing back at the chalk board and then back to Rainbow Dash.

"I think I'd like th-" Her voice was cut off by Rainbow's lips pressed furiously against hers in a suckling kiss. She had almost tackled Twilight to the ground before the unicorn started to fight back.

"W-wait, wait, Spike is still up! Eeeeeeheehee, he's gonna hear us, shhhhh." She giggled quietly, biting her lower lip as the idea of her and Rainbow Dash fooling around in front of him piqued an interest. She was fairly confident at this point she wasn't going to get any sleep tonight- which was fine. If she were awake all night with Rainbow, they couldn't take her anywa-.

And thats when time stood still.

Rainbow Dash knew the look in her friend's eyes. She'd never full on kissed another girl the way she'd just slobbered all over Twilight, but for whatever reason, she was quite ready to try something she'd only ever heard about. Free kissing? Something like that from Prance, but the look in Twilight's eyes suggested they weren't going to get a chance to try. A lightbulb had gone off, and Twilight's ears perked. She turned violently back towards the chalk board and then turned and looked at Rainbow Dash, who blew her a gentle kiss.

"Rainbow, when you're in the locker rooms, can you remember anything at all? Any other details? Were there any words on the walls? Like, an arrow pointing to the gym or something? Even an exit sign? Are there any hissing noises?" Twilight asked. Rainbow gave another grin and leaned down, starting to stalk forward- as if she were a predator and Twilight was her prey. Admittedly, it was hot. She wanted Rainbow to catch her, to hold her down and eat her. Twilight blinked the idea back and rapidly shook her head.

"Doesn't matter. Right now I'm not dreamin' and nether are you. This is real, and it's gonna be real fun." Rainbow mewed, stalking closer. Twilight took a step back, and glanced at the chalk board again.

"W-Wait, wait I...I had something. I have something! Sleep!" She barked. Rainbow pounced forward, wrapping her arms around the unicorn and planted a warm, lingering kiss on her neck, pulling her to the ground in the process. Twilight moaned quietly and squeezed back, holding Rainbow in her arms as the sensations of her kissing started to drown everything els-

NO! No, she had something! "MMMMMMph, R, Rainbow, oooo Rain, Rainbow, wait! waiwaiwait! It's sleep, thats the only consistent! They always take us at night, when we're a sleeeeeeeeHEEeeeeep!" Twilight squealed as Rainbow Dash pressed her leg between Twilight's thighs with a lewd, slow little grind. God it felt heavenly. Who cared about sleep?! No, this is important! Give in to Rainbow, she feels so good...and she smells so good. Strong. Powerful...she could just take you if she wanted...let her... Twilight gave another hapless moan, grinding herself forward against Rainbow Dash and kissing her neck in return.

"They can't force us to sleep with magic, the library is protected! They can't get in to drug me, but -" She paused as Rainbow squeezed her butt, and drew another horny moan from the unicorn which was silenced by a firm kiss. Her own hooves were stroking over Rainbow Dash's athletic hips and toned sides. Everything about her was making Twilight more and more needy.

"MMhmmmhmhm! Mhm! HNmmh! Nnmh! Mhmmn!" Twilight squealed before pushing Rainbow back with both hooves, but the blue pegasus wasn't taking no for an answer this time. She moved in, holding Twilight under her hooves and kissing over her neck again, biting gently, leaving tingly bursts of pleasure in her wake. She forced the unicorn down with her strength, working her kisses down toward her neck. Over her chest, down her belly. Her hooves kept Twilight pinned as she forced her thighs apart, revealing the dewy little set of lips nestled in between. The mare moaned and bucked her hips forward, giving a sharp squeal when Rainbow's lips found Twilight's lower ones. She couldn't help it; her cunny was hot and her juices had seeped into the inner fur of her thighs. Rainbow wasn't the world's best kisser, and not terribly educated in the more sophisticated ways of using her tongue, but what she lacked in technique, she made up for with enthusiasm. Lots and lots of enthusiasm.

"O, oh Celestia...Haa...YES! MMMmmphh, E, Eat me, Rainbow! Oh, Celestia!" Twilight whimpered resting her hooves on Rainbow's head and wrapping her legs around the pegasus' neck. It took her back to the second night in the laboratory. That strange device that they put against her pussy that simulated licking her. She had gained a great fondness for it, and- Wait! Laboratory-machines-kidnapped-sleep!

"GAS!" Twilight moaned, throwing her head back towards the ceiling as Rainbow's tongue slid into her. She smelled like fresh grapes soaked in the rain. She was so small and sweet and perfectly sensitive Rainbow Dash was having a hard time listening to Twilight ramble, while her delicious little flower was begging for more attention. Just pressing her tongue against it caused Twilight to shudder in reflex, and give off one of those cute little library moans. Her nose was pressed firmly against the purple tuft of pubic fur over her sex, and every breath sent Twilight's personal scent into her nose. Rainbow Dash was drunk on arousal, by this point, mindlessly kissing and licking.

"They're dosing us! Pumping it into the library at night! Forcing me to sleep! Haaaaa...MMmph...Oh, oh, there! Right there! Nnnghh, sleep, sleep! They make us go to sleep to move us. When they're finished with it, with me, I hear hissing! I thought it was steeee-steam at first, but it's gas! Move us at night! At night! No suspicion! Yo, your house isn't warded! Magic for me, gas for you! I mean magic, for you, gas for me! Haaaaa! Different methods, h-hard to track! Hard to trace! Hard to think. It's the plan! Part of the plan! We ha-have to leave! Gotta get out of here! Rainbow, s-stop-you gotta stop- they'll take us! Oh, Gods Rainbow! You gotta...haaaa...gotta listen! Pl, please! Rainbow, stop, please stop, RAINBOW! PLEASE! STOP! Oh, Rainbow, Celestia, please! Please! Please! Please! PLEASE DON'T STOP! MORE! PLEASE FUCKING EAT ME! RAINBOW!!" Twilight sobbed, her mind was gone- lost to the pleasure of Rainbow's slurping kisses and messy caresses. She thrust her hips forward, grinding her sex lewdly into Rainbow's face with a pleasured squeal. She couldn't protest anymore, the sensation of Rainbow between her thighs was all that mattered- so when it all came to a screeching halt, and Twilight smelled fresh air and grass, she was shocked back to her senses.

They were outside. Far from the library, near the Everfree forest. The air was fresh and open, the night sky above twinkled brightly, and Rainbow lay next to Twilight, covered in blood. The unicorn was up on her hooves immediately, looking over shallow but wicked looking cuts all over Rainbow's frame, her magic immediately starting to apply pressure to some of the deeper wounds. The pegasus rolled over onto her back and gave a wheezing laugh, before sitting up next to Twilight with a weak smile.

"Out the window. Only thing I could think of. Fastest way out." She said softly. Twilight tilted her head. Most of the evening was a blur of sensations and touches, but the last few minutes came back clearly. Rainbow had cradled Twilight in her arms, and shot out the nearest window with blinding speed, shielding Twilight from broken glass in the process, and flew until she found a spot to land, far from the library.

" stopped...? Rainbow, I think they're gassing the library, pumping it full of aphrodisiacs. If they can pump it with sleeping gas, why not an aphrodisiac? Keep me horny, and unable to think straight. We couldn't focus. That's why we were having such a hard time figuring things out. It's why we were all over each h-how did you...?" She asked, and Rainbow wrapped an arm around Twilight's shoulder gently.

"You said stop. All that matters, gas or not. Sides I'm Loyalty remember? I'd never hurt you." She said with a ragged smile, and squealed in pain when Twilight wrapped her arms around her as hard as she could and squeezed.


Milked Manipulators

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The harsh artificial florescent lights buzzed angrily overhead as she came to. They'd moved her again. Time displacement was their friend. Twilight had no idea how long she'd been out, or what time it was. Of course they wouldn't have clocks in the lab! No windows either! No way to gauge where she was or put a time to how long she'd been away from the library. Couldn't have been too long- they had to get her back before sunrise or folks would start to get suspicious. Her mind was still cloudy, but at least she had something stable to hold onto- even if it was the fact that she had nothing to hold onto. It was comforting. Wasn't it? Ugh, she was groggy. Where was Rainbow Dash? Had they taken her too? She thought they were safe when she left the library!

She took in her surroundings. A different lab, not the one she was in previously. They were clever. She had to give them that much. No way to get a base for her surroundings if they kept putting her into different rooms. This time she was laying on her belly- well partially. It was more like her upper half was supported by a table of sorts, with her hooves shackled in front of her, while her lower half hung off the side. It felt like she were bent over for a temperature reading when she was much younger and she could feel it tingling inside of her- giddy anticipation. As much as she tried to deny it, Twilight Sparkle wanted this. And she knew that she did. She even gave her rump a subtle little wiggle in the air. She was a naughty, horny little filly, and these vile creatures who kept stealing her away, were very, very good at fixing that. No! No, this is the aphrodisiac! Remember you don't want this! You don't want to be filled and satisfied by strange machines! Fight it, Twilight!

She wiggled her rump again, 'accidentally' letting her tail wander to the side of her hip. Let them see everything. She was ready, so why wasn't anything happening? She frowned and screwed her eyes shut in frustration. They went to all the trouble to kidnap her, what were they waiting for? A better angle? She raised her bottom higher. She swished her tail again. Maybe they couldn't tell that she was awake. Maybe she just needed to get their attention. "No no! This is what they want! They want you to be a horny little unicorn. I mean, don't think about how horny you are. Or how badly you want to get off. Just put it out of your mind.

"H-Hello? Is any pony there?" She called out. Silence echoed back and Twilight gave a groan. This was she was, plump, succulent, and accessible, and in their clutches. Completely defenseless and vulnerable. Anypony could come by and do whatever they wanted to her and she wouldn't be able to stop them. Absolutely any creature could take her! She shuddered as the idea held in her imagination. She squeezed her thighs together, feeling a wet droplet of need rolling down into her fur. Why didn't they strike?! What were they waiting for!? Put your tail down! Don't let them see! What would Rainbow Dash think...It wasn't fair to make her stop, and you're just here, giving it away. You should have let her eat you out...

"I...I'm ready! Hello! Please?" Twilight called out, perking hopeful ears. Nothing happened. She squeezed her thighs together again, feeling a growing anticipation in the pit of her tummy. She was starting to lose it. She could feel it slipping away, second by second, the longer she stood here, butt completely exposed and helplessly aroused. She just wanted someone to come by and take care of her. At least let her go! It wasn't fair to build all of this up like this, only to leave her hanging! Didn't they have any idea how insanely aroused all of this was making her?! No! Did I ruin it? What if they don't come again? What if they just leave me here? No no no, please, I'm soooo horny...

"Please? S-Somepony? Y...You can let me go...or...or would you like to talk?" Twilight called out. Nothing. Empty silence in the room. Twilight felt her ears splay against her head, and her face light up with a deep shade of crimson. The thought only touched at her mind once, but she held onto it. But would she really give into such a shameless concept? Beg them to take her? Call out that she was ready for a milking like a cow? That she wanted them to take her without permission?! Why is that idea so hot? Why can't I stop myself?! I hope someone hears me, I need

"PLEASE?! S-Somebody come and m-milk me..."She begged, the last part of her voice drowning in the echo of a machine whirling to life underneath her. She gasped quietly, but was unable to see what was happening. Something was rising up behind her, though, aiming, no doubt, and the mare's upturned, vulnerable rump. Twilight drew in a deep breath and closed her eyes, biting at her lower lip. She wanted this badly, that was no secret. She was ridiculously turned on and more than ready for the machine's cold, mechanical touch.

A single, slender rod had lifted behind Twilight- and carefully, delicately inserted itself in her damp little cunny. One single rod- that gave a gentle tremor, and then went quiet. Twilight frowned. Was that it? Wasn't there go- another rod rose up, and inserted itself gently next to the first. Not to deep, not to shallow, it was perfect. A strange sensation- but perfect. Both of them gave a tremor, and Twilight's eyes widened as realization slowly hit her. She shifted her hips with a little gasp, and the dreadful rods moved at a snails pace. Another one- pressed in next to the others. Gods, she was so wet at this point. She could feel her privates drooling across the slender toys pressing into her. Another rod. They all trembled at once, and Twilight gave a sharp gasp of pleasure. They were dragging it out- she realized. They were doing this all as slow as possible to get her turned on. All of it, the waiting, the location, the speed. If they wanted her to just get off, that would have been a simple feat -another rod- but they were masterful at their approach. Turn her on as much as they possibly could, then collect.

Twilight shuddered, and tried to press her hips back, but the machine refused her any mercy. Another rod slid in, slowly, like the rest, and they all gave a tremor at the same time. Twilight gave a helpless whimper and tried to arch her rump towards the machine, but she was held tightly in place. Another rod- now they were starting to stretch her. They all gave a tremor, and Twilight gave a moan. They were cruel bastards. They knew exactly what they were doing to her! Another rod. They were stuffing her now. The rods trembled- each one now resonating against the other, sending a wild shock wave of pleasure through the little unicorn. Another rod. She bit her lower lip. She wasn't going to be able to take much more. Another shock wave. Twilight arched her head back and moaned. She couldn't last, she knew she couldn't last. They knew she couldn't last. Another rod. I bet Rainbow Dash would like this. I bet she would love this! I should ask her! Maybe they'll take us both at the same time! I really hope so!

No, she couldn't last at all. The way those rods were vibrating against her privates, wobbling and quivering and sending tremor after tremor of pleasure through her, Twilight could hardly stand it. She lifted her rump as high as she could, whimpering as pleasure coursed through her again and again.Oh, makemecummakemecummakemecummakemecummakemecumMAKEMECUM!!

Twilight nearly shrieked when she woke up, panting viciously and completely confused. She wasn't in the library, but she wasn't somewhere dangerous, either. Slowly, it all came back to her in long, spinning loops of memory. They escaped the library and ended up near the Everfree Forest. Twilight suggested they find a place to bandage Rainbow's wounds. The only structure that was close enough was the castle. Couldn't risk having them follow the duo to Fluttershy's. place. Ugh, what a night.

The room was in shambles, of course. A broken bed, ripped up tapestries, and rugs. Crumbling walls and a musty smell of mold and fauna. Still, it served its purpose as shelter for the night- saving her the trouble of sleeping outside, and giving her some level of protection. Mostly, it gave her a chance to think.

Twilight twisted up and into a sitting position from the floor where she had slept. She frowned at the sight of the small personal puddle she'd made during her night of dreams. She didn't feel heavy headed, or confused, a regular old dream, she was sure. Of course she'd end up dreaming about sex. Less then twelve hours ago, her body was pumped with aphrodisiacs and she'd been licked right to the edge of an orgasm- and then it was taken away. She groaned, feeling a cranky irritation raising up from somewhere deep inside of her. She wanted this done- all of it. She wanted to end this now.

"I...I'm uh, I'm sorry."

Twilight's ears perked at the words that bounced idly through the room. She'd almost forgotten Rainbow Dash was here, too. She felt particularly proud of her choice of the Castle of the two Sisters, after their escape from the library. Not only was it out of the way, and missing a roof to lead to good ventilation, but it had a number of secret turns, twists, and passage ways that would make for an easy escape, if the need should arise. None of that helped now, of course, with Rainbow Dash standing sheepishly in the doorway and rubbing her shoulder with a free hoof.

Twilight already knew what she was apologizing about- the previous night had been awkward, to say the least and neither of them spoke of the matter. After a good night's rest at the castle, however, Rainbow seemed to have other plans. Twilight's cheeks turned a fair shade of pink, and quietly, she peered over towards the doorway where Rainbow Dash was standing. Twilight had been staring out the window, contemplating the night before and what they had learned, but now all of that faded away to deal with Rainbow Dash.

"It' it's okay." She mumbled softly. Rainbow Dash gave a quiet sigh of guilt and stepped into the room, squeezing her arm around her other as she looked for words to express herself. Sadly, there weren't any. She'd never been good with apologies but she felt a clawing need to talk to Twilight. To apologize for what happened and try to assuage the fears that their friendship had been ruined.

Twilight could hear it in her voice, the poor pegasus was guilt ridden and morose, even if it wasn't her fault. She was trying to make it better, and for that, Twilight felt a new regard and respect for her friend Rainbow. So slowly, she turned around- she owed it to Rainbow Dash to face her and took a deep breath.

"It's...Rainbow. It's okay. Seriously. We both weren't in our right minds and...I...I know I told you to stop, but the truth is, all of it was consensual. "Twilight exclaimed, bashfully. She couldn't let whatever was eating at Rainbow to continue doing so, and she had a pretty good guess at what it was. To her credit, Rainbow turned a bright shade of pink and immediately shook her head.

"It couldn't have been! I should have been stronger. I should have protected you, instead of putting us in danger. I forced you down! I should hav-" She squawked, her personal remorse was cut off by Twilight's quick movement; sweeping in and wrapping her arms around Rainbow Dash for a firm hug.

"Shhh. Listen. You. Saved. Me. That's what happened. That's all that happened. I was crazy and I am the one that bucked my privates into your face and you are the one who pulled it together enough to get us out of there. I was absolutely gone by that point. I couldn't think straight at all, so if anything I should be thanking you. Okay? Or, if it helps, lets just agree to say maybe we both screwed up, and we both saved each other and we're even, okay?" She whispered quietly, rubbing Rainbow's back gently in the process- a motion she discovered, helped calm the pegasus immensely. Rainbow Dash hugged in return, trembling against Twilight while she tried to process the situation. She'd never forced herself onto any pony- let alone a friend. She should have been stronger- she should have been able to resist, but Twilight just looked so....sweet. Even now, she had to admit, the geeky little egg head was hopelessly adorkable, and something about her made Rainbow Dash want to protect her. Protect her from the situation, the ponies after them, even from herself, as much as it pained her.

"Hey." Twilight whispered, sensing Rainbow's distress. She tapped her hoof gently on Rainbow's nose and offered her a quaint smile. "We're gonna be okay, I promise. You didn't ruin anything. I'm still me, and you're still you. If anything, this just makes us closer as friends, okay? You didn't hurt me. I promise you that, and I'm not upset with you, okay Rainbow Dash? We're stronger now. I promise. " Twilight cooed and Rainbow Dash numbly nodded her head. She did feel better, after that conversation, and she let her lips twist into a delicate little smile. Twilight really was a wonderful friend.

"So whats the plan?" She chirped softly. Twilight gave Rainbow a gentle smile, and pulled her over to the window she was looking out of. Ponyville was in the distance, and Twilight had been contemplating the situation ever since she'd gotten up that morning.

"Alright, lets start off by looking at what we know. One! We know they are kidnapping us during the night. This, (we assume) is to keep suspicion low, and it's far easier to carry an unconscious mare during the night than it is during the day. Two! They are affecting us with aphrodisiacs to keep us guessing and unable to think clearly, using the past experiences and memories, and the situation itself to lure us into a perpetual cycle of arousal and desire. Three! We know they are harvesting our...ahem...girl juice...But we don't know what for. " Twilight elaborated. Rainbow Dash raised a hoof.

"Girl Juice? Is that the term you're gonna use?" Rainbow Snickered. Twilight rolled her eyes, but felt the tug of a smile pulling on her lips anyway. It was good to know that Rainbow Dash was still Rainbow Dash, even with all that had happened to the both of them. She grinned.

"Well, uh, what would you call it?" She asked. Rainbow shrugged.

"Awesome sauce!" The pegasus exclaimed. Twilight coughed.

"Lets just, uh, stick to girl juice. " She muttered sheepishly and Rainbow gave a smirk.

"Anyway, moving on, four! I am theorizing that they're experimenting on us. The first night I was taken, they used a machine with, a err, dildo attached to it. The second night they used a mechanical tongue. I don't think they know what exactly turns us on, so they're trying different things to figure out the results. This coincides with my theory related to you. You would produce half as much of what they want if you were strapped down and tied to a table. Pegasi generally have claustrophobia, and being horrified by deep phobias isn't really something that goes on par with being sexually excited. So I'm theorizing that they're putting you to sleep with magic, pumping that aphrodisiac into you, and then taking your 'results' while you're dreaming. I think that's why they keep putting us back. Like they're trying to make us relaxed and comfortable as possible and limit stress levels." Twilight exclaimed feeling a certain giddy tingle course through her. She was on to something, she really was! The mystery was unraveling bit by bit as she carefully pried at it, and it was a refreshing and wonderful feeling to have.

Rainbow raised a hoof. Twilight perked an eyebrow. "Yeeeees, Rainbow Dash?"

"What about Spike? Shouldn't he be being effected by the gas too?" She asked. Twilight slowly shook her head, turning slowly to pace along the edge of the room, losing herself in thought in mere moments. She paced for a few steps while Rainbow watched her idly until she slowly stopped.

"Ok. I've got a theory. Spike is a dragon. That's all. Different biology than us. I mean, he eats gems and breathes fire. I bet he's got a much higher tolerance than we do, even at his age. I'm sure he'll eventually feel some effects, falling asleep and...uh...I'm gonna have to have a talk with Spike about mating stuff." Twilight mumbled, and Dash nodded her head. Well, that made sense, sure. Twilight continued.

"Speaking of gas and sleep, Putting us to sleep gives them a particular time frame to work with. We don't know when they take us, how long we're out, or what time it is when I arrive at the laboratory. There are no clocks, from what I can remember, so they pretty much have the whole night to work with, and can switch times as they desire to keep us guessing. This gives them a distinct advantage over us, and we still don't know why. Why you, why me? What's so special about us? There are ponies smarter than me, and ponies faster than you, I don't think it has anything to do with our respective abilities, so, why? If it has something to do with the Elements of harmony, why you and me? Why not the others? "Twilight frowned,

Rainbow Dash raised a hoof again. Twilight raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, Dash?"

"What if it's aliens? I'm callin' it right now. It's aliens. " She explained. Twilight frowned and rolled her eyes, before Rainbow pointed a hoof in her direction.

"Prove that it's not." She challenged. Twilight gave a sigh, and stared at Rainbow. Rainbow stared back. She sighed again.

"Okay, we'll put 'aliens' in the 'generally-not-likely-but-there-is-a-microscopic-possibility-that-it-could-in-fact-be-aliens' pile. " She groused. Rainbow raised her hoof again.

"Can't we just stick it in the 'maybe' pile?"

"No, we can't stick it in the 'maybe' pile, Rainbow Dash. It's so far from the maybe pile it's crushing itself with the weight of its own sheer improbability. Those do not go into the maybe pile."

"I move to expand the 'maybe' pile to include aliens."

"Motion is denied."

"You can't just deny a motion, Twi."

"I just did."

"I veto that denial."

"You don't have veto powers. "

"I motion we give Rainbow Dash veto powers. Those in favor say Neigh. Neigh."

"Neigh! Wait..."

"Motion passed!" Rainbow Dash shouted and that's the last thing she managed to say before the two burst into giggles at their own silliness. It was good to laugh. Rainbow was good at that and easing the tension was an essential step to solving a mystery and keeping a cool head in a situation like this. They giggled for a few minutes before, Twilight returned to her staunch and upright position and Rainbow Dash perked her ears as if she had a thought. Twilight caught herself smiling. She was quite pleased with herself that she'd managed to cheer Rainbow up enough to start tossing jokes around again.

"Ya know, back to what you were saying, you said they were experimenting on us, right? I mean, if I had six ponies to kidnap, I'd only grab a couple at a time. I mean, what if the gas didn't work? What if one of them broke free and freed the rest? It's easier to manage one or two, especially if you don't have a fool proof plan, instead of dealing with six at once, I mean, look at last night?" Rainbow explained, and Twilight slowly nodded her head. That made sense, actually. That made a lot of sense. That also, meant if they were targeting the six, the rest would slowly be involved, as well.

Twilight nodded grimly, tapping her lower lip with a hoof. Last night...

"Last night, I'm sure we were being watched. They know we're onto them. That makes things much more dangerous. "She sighed, only to watch Rainbow Dash shake her head almost immediately.

"No they aren't. All they saw was me and you makin' out, and then I suddenly shot through the first floor window, carrying you in my arms. They'll just think I got super horny and needed to take you somewhere else or something. "Dash stammered, blushing warmly.

Twilight's ears perked at this new concept. Rainbow Dash was right, they couldn't have known Twilight and Rainbow Dash figured out so much, and if they were watching, all they saw was a bizarre spectacle. She slowly nodded her head.

"You may very well be right, Dash! This affords us several options! They don't know that we know. We could catch them by surprise, or even..." Twilight's eyes glazed over as she disappeared back into her head- a habit Rainbow Dash found endearing, adorkable, and annoying as Tartarus.

"Yo, Twi, clue me in?" She asked. The unicorn came back to reality, blushing darkly, and reached a hoof up to rub the back of her head.

"Well, uh, we could infiltrate wherever they're taking us. "She said slowly, cheeks turning a darker and darker shade of crimson as she talked. Rainbow jumped at the idea immediately, prancing in place with a wide grin twisting over her muzzle.

"Yeah! YEAH! We could totally do that! Shut 'em down from the inside! Find out whats really goin on! Wait how exactly do we infiltrate them? If you're right about them just knockin' us out, we won't be able to see where they're taking us." She stammered in confusion. Twilight shuffled uncomfortably and glanced back out the window, pulling her attention away from Rainbow Dash.

"We, uh, we'd have to let them take us. "She admitted, squirming where she sat. Rainbow Dash's eyes widened, and she too gained a little tint of ruby across her nose. Oh.

"We let them kidnap us the usual way, and then have one of our friends spy on us, They watch for the entire night and when we're kidnapped, they follow behind and scout the location. In the morning, when we're returned, we ask them all about the night before. "Twilight explained. Rainbow pumped a hoof into the air energetically.

"Thats awesome! We'll be just like spies! We doing this tonight?" She asked, and Twilight nodded, feeling a nervous apprehension flooding through her. Was she really going to openly allow them to preform those lewd, terrible experiments on her? She glanced at Rainbow Dash, who had begun humming what sounded like the theme song to a bad spy movie. If they could shut them down, her friends wouldn't have to be put through this. After all, at any second, they could decide not to return them and do something utterly horrible. The idea of Rainbow Dash, strapped down to a table, screaming to be let free while they extracted juice from her made the unicorn shudder. That was unacceptable, and if she could save Dash from such a fate...

"Yeah. We do this tonight." "Twilight said slowly, reaching out to rest a reassuring hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. Rainbow nodded her head with a smug grin.

"Cool, I wonder if Zecora would be willing to watch us. We should ask when we go see her." Dash pipped, forcing Twilight to frown in confusion.

"See Zecora?" She asked. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

"Duh. If these dudes are stealing our 'girl juice' they're probably gonna use it to make some sort of crazy potion, and Zecora is the queen of crazy potions, so, you know, I figured we were gonna go and see her. " Dash explained, and Twilight blushed. The idea of talking to Zecora hadn't even crossed her mind, but now that Rainbow Dash had brought it up, she felt like kicking herself. Duh indeed.

"Lets go. I've got a plan and some stuff to do before the evening. " She explained, hoping the two of them working together, might be able to stop this once and for all.

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They walked along with slow, uneasy steps. Rainbow Dash took the lead, every step strong and silent, yet announcing a hidden power with her bold approach. Chest out, wings tucked in, ears peeled back. Nothing was dumb enough to mess with Rainbow Dash when she was like this and it gave Twilight a burst of reassurance that everything would be okay. After she'd run into that Cockatrice almost a year or so ago, she had never felt totally comfortable in the Everfree forest, even though the statistical likely hood of running into something dangerous wasn't terribly high. Strangely enough, Rainbow Dash walking next to her, as if to dare any creature to try something, did a great deal for calming her fears.

"You've been quiet." Said the pegasus in front of her, stopping for a moment to sit back on her haunches. "Let's take a minute...we've been walking for a while. "

It hadn't been until that point that Twilight realized her legs were getting tired. Thankful for the lull in walking through underbrush, she sat down next to Rainbow Dash and took a quiet breath.

"I've been thinking. Trying to figure everything out. I hate puzzles I can't solve. "Twilight sighed, idly drawing along the ground with a stick. Rainbow Dash nodded her head, and scooted her hips a little bit closer towards Twilight.

"Don't let it get to you. We're goin to Zecora's remember? She'll be able to help us out, then we go through with your plan tonight and we get some real answers!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed happily. Twilight frowned and shook her head, forcing Rainbow Dash's excitement to come to a screeching halt.

"I've been thinking about that too. I don't think they're taking you anywhere, Rainbow. I think they're just putting you to sleep in your own bed, and drugging you before collecting. Letting your own secret desires and dreams do the work for them. I don't think they're taking you anywhere, because that would put the sleep spell in jeopardy if they shifted you around to much. That means I'm the only one being moved, and thats probably because Spike is a factor. We talked about how he might have a resistance- if he woke up and caught them doing what they did to you, to me, it would blow their whole cover. Sneaking in and sneaking out with me is a good way to ensure I cooperate, and think it's only a dream and he doesn't catch on." Twilight explained, leading to Rainbow Dash's apparent confusion.

Twilight gave a wary little sigh and shook her head. "That means, if Zecora agrees to help us, she'll have to focus her watch on me, because I know I'm the one that's being kidnapped. But if she's watching me, and not you, that leaves you vulnerable. If they DO decide to kidnap you, instead of me, then you'll be in danger and it'll be my fault. "She groaned. Rainbow Dash quietly nodded her head, but flashed a warm smile in Twilight's direction.

"Thats cool, you know, worrying about me like that. But if they come and kidnap me, I think I'll be um...I'll be fine. " Rainbow Dash coughed. Twilight frowned and shook her head.

"Look, we don't know much about them. Given that they're kidnapping me against my will, I think we can assume that they're hostile. Even if the torture they put us though um..."Twilight struggled to find the right phrase -one that didn't make her look like a wanton little filly.

"Torture? It's kind of awesome. I mean..."Rainbow Dash blushed faintly and shook her head with a groan. "I mean, it's way better than having my feathers plucked out one by one, or taking a file to your horn. or something. It''s kinda nice. " Rainbow sputted sheepishly. She didn't want to look like a total slut in front of Twilight, but it was true! Those dreams were vibrant and vivid and scratched her itch in a way she didn't know she could. It even invoked her favorite fetishes, and even some secret ones she didn't know that she had. It was always rough sex in the locker rooms though with other girls. Steamy hot violent sex that made her tremble in the best possible ways. "So...Don't worry bout me, 'kay?" Rainbow mumbled quietly, watching Twilight awkwardly nod out of the corner of her eye. Twilight knew exactly what she was talking about, how the 'torture' wasn't exactly torture...she probably understood perfectly how good it satisfied they could make her, so good in so many ways, Rainbow Dash was almost happy to give into them in order to get to more of those steamy dreams they were feeding her. If Twilight needed Zecora to watch her, then by all means, she was happy to be the one to be vulnerable to the sick whims of these rapist kidnappers. The idea made her slightly giddy. She hadn't been taken care of in almost two days, which was quite the system shock after night after night of mind numbing orgasms. She climbed to her hooves and took a deep breath, pointing towards the direction of Zecora's hut. Twilight followed suit, and soon the two of them headed off in that direction once again.

"Rainbow, can you tell me any more about the dreams you had? Were they all the same? In the locker rooms of the gym every time?" The brainy pony asked forcing a warm pink tint across Rainbow's nose. "I'm just lookin' for clues or inconsistencies. "She explained quickly. Rainbow Dash bit at her lower lip, feeling a shiver trickle down her spine. It was so embarrassing to be telling Twilight about all her hidden delights, especially the dreams.

"Naw, not all the same, Sure we're in the locker rooms, but sometimes we're even in the gym. " Rainbow Dash explained, as she ducked low to avoid an over hanging branch.

"Are they always with, err, Gilda?" She questioned, and once again, Rainbow Dash shook her head.

"N-Nope." She muttered with a heedy breath.

"What can you remember about the one in the gym? How was it different from the other dreams? Did you feel any different when you woke up?" Twilight asked, ideas of different procedures raced through her mind. Maybe it was something they could use-if Rainbow Dash could tell she was dreaming and turn her dream lucid, she'd be able to wake herself up, and catch the perpetrators red-hooved! Rainbow Dash mumbled something as she walked along and shook her head with a grunt. Twilight knew what that meant- The pegasus didn't want to talk about it. Not that that would stop Twilight, who leapt forward to keep pace with Rainbow Dash, now walking right next to her, step by step.

"It's embarrassin'. "She grumbled. And Twilight shook her head with a delicate reassuring smile.

"Don't worry 'bout it. I mean, it's not like we have that many secrets to hide now, after all. Tell me all about it. Maybe I can find some discrepancies. "She explained, obviously referring to the other night- which made Rainbow shudder cutely.

"...Okay, I'm walking into the gym, and it's totally empty. Its gettin' kinda late, and most every other pony has gone home..."She started to explain, biting at her lower lip shyly as she did so. Was it suddenly getting hotter outside?

"And this unicorn comes in next to me. She's been begging me all day to help her get into shape, see? And I'm totally busy, but I finally give in and take her to the gym with me. She's cute, big purple eyes...err...uh, blue! Blue eyes, deep blue eyes, goofy sort of mane cut, kind of a bowl shape, and uh pudgy tummy. Normally I'm not into girls like that but she's just this super dork and I think she's totally sweet, or, whatever. So, we go in and check in, and there's nopony there, and I take her over to where I usually do my exercises. I don't know why she wants to get into shape so badly, but I think it has something to do with sitting around the libaaaarrrrrr, getting in the the air. Yeah. She wants to learn how to fly, real bad." Rainbow explained, stumbling over her words as they tumbled out of her mouth. Twilight rolled her eyes, suppressing the grin threatening to tug at her lips.

"Oh yeah? Does this mare have a name?" She asked idly, and Rainbow coughed. It sounded like she was choking on her own tongue.

"Y, yeah, her name is...uh...Moonlight Glittergleam. Dark blue coat, really perky ears, loved to read...about, uh, flying tricks. Did I mention she was a pegasus?"

"You said she was a unicorn."

"OH, yeah, she...was a pegasus. It was a dream, I got confused, alright? So, anyway, she's complaining that she's got this big butt, right and I'm telling her she doesn't, but then she turns around and pushes it towards this full length mirror in the gym right, and starts wiggling it back and forth, trying to get me to watch, see, cause she wants me to judge it for her. And I tell her that it's cute, and she tells me, that I'm cute, and then we start kissin' right? " Rainbow sputtered, shaking her head as she tried to talk about her dream. Twilight nodded her head slowly, feeling slightly uncomfortable having brought up the conversation in the first place.

"And she asks me what other exercises we could do to lose weight? I tell her I know a couple, and I push her down on her back, right, and then hold her hooves so she can do some situps. And she starts, arching back and then up, back and then up, you know, sit ups!" Rainbow explained enthusiastically. Twilight merely nodded.

"And soon, I can see she's getting really sweaty and smelly right? Like a mare that's been workin' really hard and she's all glistenin' and wet, and her fur is just perfect. And when she lays back down, I can see right between her legs, and she's got this juicy little pussy just begging me to taste it. " Rainbow explained, blushing faintly. Twilight blushed herself. She did want to hear the details, as she recalled. And she was getting them.

"HMmmm, I noticed that you have a bit of a thing for sweat and smells, don't you? That's the consistent I've noticed with your dreams. If you have a dream that doesn't include your bromidrophilia, will you tell me about it?" Twilight squeaked quietly. Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow and stared at her. Twilight forced a nervous little smile and giggled sheepishly.

"It means you're turned on by body smells. Like, a really It's uh, perfectly normal." "She sputtered, coughing quietly, turning bright pink. Rainbow Dash sheepishly nodded her head, biting at her lower lip.

"So, um, she's doing situps, and I sit there, looking down at her, and kinda smelling her, you know. I love the way she smells, I just wanna gobble her up!" Rainbow squeaked, forcing Twilight to blush brightly. For a hint of a moment, she wondered how she smelled as far as Rainbow Dash was concerned, or if she had a juicy little pussy. She blushed at the idea and idly squeezed her thighs together as she walked.

"I wanted to just...make her squeal, you know? Hard. Like echo through the whole gym. I wanted to make her beg me to stop and beg for more at the same time, and scream my name so I knew how good I was making her feel, ya know? So, finally, I give in, and lean down, and just start kissing alllllll over her privates, right? I mean I'm really goin at it, and she's squealing and kicking and loving it, and I'm loving it too. Then I start getting wet, and Before I know it, we're in a sixty nine position and she's lickin' me, and I'm lickin her, and then I'm cumming, and she's cumming and it's all over my face and then I wake up." Rainbow Dash said with a shivery sigh racing through her.

"S-sounds like you've really got a thing for this mare..." Twilight mumbled quietly. Rainbow Dash blushed furiously and sheepishly nodded her head.

"I'd give up bein with the Wonderbolts, just to date someopony just like that. "She mumbled. Twilight flashed a gentle smile and nodded her head, as Zecora's hut slowly came into view.

"Well, here's hopin' you find somepony that wouldn't make you do that."

Milked Massage

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"Cuts I see, all over you, tell me Twi, what did she do?!" Zecora asked in distress as the two entered her hut. Rainbow Dash offered a sheepish smile and yelped as Zecora roughed grabbed her and forced her onto her hammock.

"It's...a long story." Twilight sighed, watching as Zecora buzzed around her hut, grasping herbs and other objects to fuel her mortar and pedestal.

"It's cool, I'm fine, I'm fine!" Rainbow Dash tried to protest, but Zecora didn't want to hear it. She almost seemed angry, as she went to work crafting some sort of remedy in front of the two of them.

"Not a word, I want to hear, your wounds all look, quite severe!" She snapped. Twilight had to admit, she was quite impressed. In only a few scant minutes, Zecora had already undone Twilight's clumsy bandages and applied fresh ones to Rainbow Dash's frame, weaving in what seemed like some medical herbs to press against her cuts and wounds in the process.

"Ish cool, ish cool, really I'm jus fine. I'm fiiiiine. "Rainbow dash slurred, giving Twilight a lopsided grin.

"The medicine, used for the pain, has an effect upon the brain." Zecora explained, as Rainbow Dash tried to catch something in front of her that was invisible to Twilight.

"This story that you wish to tell, foul play involved, I think I smell." Zecora huffed quietly, setting herself down across from her caudron, burrowing her gaze into Twilight. Rainbow dash gave a quiet giggle and adjusted herself into Zecora's hanging hammock.

"Hey, Zee, can I make a potion outta your cum?" Rainbow Dash slurred, flopping down onto her back in the hammock. Zecora turned a dark shade of red and glanced curiously at Twilight, who gave a quiet sigh. Truth be told, Twilight had never seen Zecora flustered- it was kind of cute, really.

"I said it was a long story..." She sighed.

Twilight Sparkle came to with a groan. Somewhere in her head, there was a little nagging thought- a persistent screaming really, something was wrong. Something was very wrong. This wasn't the way things were supposed to go. She was forgetting something important. There was a plan of some kind. Some sort of plan she had come up with. It was an important plan! A plan for what, though? And that smell. The smell was different. The room smelled different, and for some reason, that upset her. Well, it tried to upset her, but Twilight couldn't feel upset. Everything was fuzzy- like she were in the middle of a dream.

Twilight lifted a heavy head and surveyed her surroundings. The laboratory. She knew this place but it was different too. Different in a way that confused her. Somewhere, in her head, she remembered she was supposed to count the lights. That seemed silly, but she set her focus to it anyway. Lights on the after two? She felt strange. Like that should have upset her. Like she should panic for some reason for not knowing the way numbers go, but instead she just felt a wave of calm relaxation flooding through her.

Like everything was going to be all right. Like there was nothing to worry about at all, and they would take care of everything. They? Who's that? Didn't matter. Twilight stretched forward with a quiet yawn. Her arms and legs were free? That was strange. It was like they were supposed to be pinned down...but that didn't make any sense. She giggled. She was laying on her belly, and folded her limbs gently under her head, like she were about to get a massage from Aloe and Lotus when Rarity managed to talk her into a trip to the spa. The spa, that was such a relaxing place to go. Relaxing like it was here, but not quite as naughty....speaking of which, something cold touched her rump.

Something and large and heavy pressed down firmly on her behind and Twilight's ears perked. She felt like she should be worried- like she should have been upset by something touching her tushy the way it was, but all her fears and anxieties seemed to float right out the window. She giggled. That was silly- there weren't any windows in the lab. A machine, some weird device like before hooked up to a giant machine in the center of the room, holding her down. Well, that explained why they didn't need to bind her arms and legs.

Like all of them before, the machine whirled to life and Twilight felt a warm pressure on her backside. It only lasted for a moment, before she felt a strange sort of manipulation. Squeezing and teasing her bottom cheeks! She gave a little sigh feeling the machine's cold, but loving touch. It reminded her of the Spa sisters, Aloe and Lotus when Rarity managed to talk her into a massage- although they were never so personal as this!

She lifted her hips with a moan, enjoying the sensation of the machine's gentle caresses. It cradled her rump softly, squeezing one cheek, then the other then both in a talented massage. It was so relaxing and gentle and made her coo helplessly in pleasure. This! This was the life. The butt massage continued slowly, softly, caressing and squeezing, focusing on one cheek poking, squeezing, and pressing, and then the other. Slowly, she felt her chubby purple cheeks being spread apart, forcing a quiet eep of embarrassment from the pony, but it didn't hurt her. No, like everything else, it was slow, and amazingly gentle. A new sensation tickled at her senses, and she caught the scent of scented oil as it was gently applied to her rear end. A slow, teasing dribble of the slippery fluid started right at the top of her cleft and lazily rolled down. Right between the cheeks! It tickled! Celestia, how it tickled, so slow and relaxing and pushing buttons the little unicorn didn't even know she had. The spa ponies never did this!

"EEeeek! Thats coooold!" Twilight whined, wiggling her backside left and right as the machine delicately provided oil to her more tender areas. She squeaked again when she felt the cold substance dancing gently over her little purple pucker, like someone were slowly trickling syrup from a jar and just watching it fall out and onto the hills of her rump. The oil continued down, spilling past her twin cheeks and against the little mound of her cunny, making Twilight coo once again. Cold, but relaxing, the sensation sent shivers racing through Twilight's frame.

"Mmmph, you could warm it up, next time..." She mumbled sleepily. The massage started again, slowly, gently lovingly. Gripping her well oiled cheeks and rolling them around in lewd, lazy circles. Twilight hadn't even noticed how wet she'd become until she felt a new touch- something cold slowly pressing between her legs, thrusting into her gently. The milker, she realized, blushing at the idea. They were going to take her personal girl juice again. Why? What did they want her girlcum for? Were they drinking it? The idea seemed silly and made Twilight blush all the more- the idea that some ponies were happily drinking from her privates made her squirm. Such a dirty idea...

The massage continued, slowly, gently, groping and gripping her butt cheeks with the precision of a trained masseuse. She wiggled her hips, feeling the warm little puddle of her juices that had formed underneath her. Everything was just so relaxing, and calm and gentle, she barely noticed the device pressing past the cheeks of her bottom and into the hot little puckered hole nestled in between.

"OH!...t-thats new!" Twilight sighed out again, stretching her arms and legs backwards and forwards. A new sensation of being fulfilled like she'd never felt before. Oh, it was heavenly. She rocked her hips back with a quiet moan, feeling bashful at the sensation of pleasure she could get from having her rump filled the way it was. She'd have to try this at home, oh, yes. Yes she would. She rocked her hips back again, trying to match the motions of the machine's gentle thrusting. In and out, in and out, slick and well lubricated, and just large enough to stretch her in a comforting fashion. Oh, more, she wanted more! She hardly even recognized her orgasm as it swept through her, the pleasure felt all the same, Like one long continuous climax with the occasional rise and fall of a different sensation. She smiled quietly. She could curl up and go to sleep right here if they'd let her. It'd be okay. She knew now they'd take her back home, when they were done with her. An embarrassing, but lovely little service they provided. She yawned. This really wasn't so bad...why had she been so upset before? She could feel the machine gently suckling between her legs, milking her slowly- something else she found relaxing. Or forever. She thought. She could stay here forever, that would be okay, too. They'd gently take care of her, her little naughty filly needs...touching her in all the right places and knowing just how hard to squeeze and where.

The door on the other side of the room slid open, and A zebra threw herself into the room. It was silly, the way she was moving in slow motion like that. Twilight giggled. Things were allll good. The machine kept suckling, and gently pumping, in and out and in and out, carrying her climax onwards. She blushed a little bit- not wanting to be seen enjoying such carnal delights, but like everything else, the thought only touched her lightly, before it flitted up into nothingness.

The Zebra looked panicked. She was screaming ...screaming something, but Twilight couldn't make it out. A very familiar zebra, she noticed. She knew her from somewhere....somewhere else. Somewhere far away. It didn't ring any bells, but Twilight offered her a warm smile, and closed her eyes. It was like waking up on a cold, cold snowy morning, only to find out it was a snow day. So cozy and warm, and the world seemed to just lull you right back to sleep. It was good like that. The world.

Twilight opened an eye when she felt the vague sensation of something tugging on her arm. It was the Zebra again, moving in her strange slow motion ways, and pulling on Twilight's foreleg. Why was she so upset? Didn't she realize she just had to calm down and let them take her. They weren't going to hurt her. It was simple as that. Or maybe she wanted a turn on the machine Twilight was in. Twilight gave a little sigh of irritation and closed her eyes again. Zecora would just have to wait her turn. Zecora. Why was that name so familiar. ...Oh...right...

The door opened again. Strange ponies came in, and grabbed Zecora. She was crying now, which was weird. Twilight sighed. She really needed to learn to relax. It was going to be just fine, if not a little embarrassing. Still, it wasn't like they didn't all have the same needs. Twilight was sure that thick booty Zecora had got tapped and often back where she was from. Was that what was the matter? She missed being fucked? Twilight could relate! Up until a few days ago, she had no idea how good it felt to be a naughty little filly, but now...well now she wouldn't give it up for the world. She wiggled her bum again, relishing in the sensation of being filled.

Were they still here? Twilight opened an eye again. Zecora was clawing at the floor, screaming as they dragged her out of the room. She was pointing at Twilight, begging for something, screaming and crying. Twilight couldn't make it out. It really didn't matter.

"Byyyyyeeee Zecoorrrrraaaaaaaaa" Twilight cooed sleepily, trying to lift an arm to wave at the departing Zebra, but her limbs wouldn't work. She sighed. She take care of it when she woke up, and everything was better. But for now, she was just to relaxed to fix it. With that, Twilight closed her eyes, stretched out one last time, and went to sleep.

Milked Memories

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Twilight groaned quietly, lifting her head at the sensation of sunlight brushing against her eyelids. She pulled herself into a sitting position and looked around. She was sitting in her bedroom like any other normal day, but something She brushed the sensation aside and stretched her arms out and yawned. For whatever reason, she felt absolutely delightful. Amazing, really. Like the best night's sleep she'd had in a long, long time. That was an inconsistency. Most of the time when she woke up, after they brought her back she felt normal, not like she'd been asleep after she badly needed it. They definitely did something different. It's okay. Not to worry. You still have time to figure all of this out before something bad happens. Just keep calm. Twilight yawned and pulled herself out of bed. Regardless of the situation, she was feeling perky and energetic.

It was strange that Spike hadn't woken her up like usual, but he was probably down stairs making breakfast. Not uncommon in the slightest. She sat down in front of her mirror and tugged her favorite brush into position, starting to preen for the day. She had to take it slow. Everything she could do to keep herself calm. She knew something was wrong, she could feel it, but running around screaming at the top of her lungs wouldn't help anything. Calm. Breathe. Think. Ten minutes later, she found herself trotting down the stairs to an empty library.

"Spike?" She called, perking an ear. No response. She frowned, it wasn't normal for Spike to be gone in the morning, but it was entirely possible he was at an event she'd forgotten about. Once the girls had gathered together to have breakfast in the park, and while Spike had did his best, he could not rouse Twilight out of bed after her late night of studying. Yes, thats what happened. They didn't take him. They didn't hurt Spike. Do NOT start to panic. She forced a quiet chuckle and glanced around the empty library. Already she was pushing her schedule up to deal with this situation. It could be dangerous if it kept on for too long. She wondered why it would have taken her so long to come up with a plan...

Everything seemed normal- but empty and silent. Spike wasn't home, but a note on the counter drew her attention instantly, and the little pony grasped it with a purple cusp of magic. Oh, thank goodness...

Had the window repaired.
Gone out to look for you.

Twilight frowned. The window? She glanced around the library and tilted her head in confusion. None of the windows were broken, or so it seemed. No glass on the floor, nothing to indicate why they'd need a window fixed. And Spike had gone out to look for her? She hadn't gone anywhere. Twilight paused, vexed by the situation. The last thing she clearly remembered was waiting for Rainbow Dash to get off of work so they could discuss the dreams they'd been having. She frowned. After that....well, after that was sort of a blank. She could remember feeling kind of steamy, Rainbow arriving, the two of them talking about something...looking at Rainbow...then they were kissing and...Nothing. There was nothing after that. Why wasn't there anything after that? Twilight gave a little huff of frustration as a bubble of panic started to rise in side of her. She pushed it back and snarled. She'd rather be angry then panicked. They were messing with her. Screwing around with her daily life like she were some toy. Like she didn't have things to do and goals to reach for! No. No. Focus. Logic. Think. Last night? A blank. She was missing time. It was a clue. Something important had happened last night, and she needed to figure out what it was. First, she had to find Spike, that would be a great deal of help. With one more glance around the library, she trotted outside.

Cheerful and sunny. Deja vu. The little unicorn felt a shudder race down her back and she examined the facts she held. Something to keep her mind busy and away from panic while she looked for Spike. Rainbow was experiencing odd phenomena but it might not have been the same thing. What happened last night when Rainbow came over? Is that what they talked about? Where did Spike go? More and more questions without answers. Twilight gave a groan and found her steps leading her around in circles. What was she suppose to do? Why did they keep taking her memories? How maybe more important than the why. Where would Spike go? That was the one she was worried about the most. What if they'd done something to Spike while she was asleep? No. No no no, push it out of your mind! Spike is fine! Everything is fine! Focus!

But the poor unicorn suddenly felt very very tired. She sighed and collapsed onto a nearby bench. Maybe it was time to just give up and head to Princess Celestia. And...and then what? And where would they even start? Sure, the Princess would hold an audience with her. And then what? Say the Princess actually believed her? She wouldn't even need evidence, she knew Celestia well enough that she could talk to her. What evidence was she supposed to bring for the guards to work with? If the guard were even involved, and if they were to be involved and an investigation to take place, where were they supposed to start? She had no theories, no evidence, nothing to trace. Tartarus, in retrospect, what did she even want the princess to do?

"Hey, Princess Celestia, I'm sorry to bother you, but I think I'm being kidnapped in the middle of the night for some mind numbing incredible sex that I really secretly like but feel kinda odd about so could you do me a solid and look into this for me?" "Why, yes, Twilight, I'd be happy to help. I'll just send the royal guard all the way to Ponyville and have them stand outside of your bed room door for the night. No one will get in to carry you off for sweet, sweet lovin's!" Twilight groaned. She didn't know what would be worse, in that scenario. Not being kidnapped and making it seem like she was a raving, horny loon, or having a group of kidnappers fight the royal guard just so they could tie her down and give her sticky girlgasms. The little unicorn blushed and stood up with a sigh. Who was she supposed to go to for help with this? Shining Armor? She shuddered at the thought. Her friends? No, no no. The last thing she wanted them to think was that she was some sort of crazy pervert. What could she get from them, anyway if she asked for help? Pinkie Pie? Giggles and frustration, at best.. Rarity? She'd just swoon over the idea. Applejack? No, she'd tell Twilight she needed more rest. Fluttershy? She'd just faint. Which only left Rainbow Dash. Twilight groaned. Where was she anyway? She and Spike seemed to be missing, which further upset her. Had something happened to them? No, no, no, that would just set her into a panic. She had to be calm and rational about this. She had to think clearly, and approach this as a problem solver but the town was so large and finding a single pony in it could prove to be like finding a needle in a haystack. But there were just to many questions now! Where was Spike?! What happened last night?! Why couldn't she remember what was being done to her?! Why wasn't Rainbow Dash around to help her?!

"Aarrgghh, where ARE you?!" Twilight growled in frustration. Moments ticked by, before a rainbow streak of light shot through the clouds and over the Everfree forest. Perfect timing. Too perfect. Had Rainbow been listening? If she had, why not come out and tell her? Why hide at all? She must have known something about last night! Twilight glanced around curiously. The town seemed completely oblivious to Rainbow just soaring past and into the Everfree forest but Rainbow soaring somewhere was a daily event. Of course they wouldn't notice. Which meant they probably wouldn't notice a little unicorn wandering into the Everfree forest after her. Well, hopefully they wouldn't.

She galloped forward, throwing herself towards the woods and paused as she trotted towards the entrance of the forest. Steel yourself Twilight. Gather your resolve. You are going to go inside the forest. You are going to go inside, and you are going to find Rainbow Dash and she will tell you where Spike is, and everything is going to be alright. Your friends are safe. You can do this. Breathe.

Yes. Yes she could do this. One hoof in front of the other. Okay. You are having trouble remembering last night. They are effecting you somehow with some sort of magic curse or virus or something. All she needed to do, was-Her thoughts were torn from her when a blazing streak of blue shot past her, knocking her off the forest path into some underbrush.

With a groan, Twilight slowly climbed to her hooves, glancing around slowly. Had that been...?

"Rainbow Dash?" Twilight called out quietly. For some reason she didn't want her voice to be loud and for whatever reason, Rainbow didn't want her's loud either.

"Pssst, Twilight. Deeper. Into the forest. Over here. " The voice hissed. Rainbow Dashs' voice. Twilight perked her ears and glanced around her. The forest was quiet, and suspicious, like usual, but for some reason, Twilight felt an extra ping of paranoia coursing through her. Were they following her? Whoever was doing this to her? Were they watching her every move?

"Rainbow Dash?" She called out in half a whisper. No response. She frowned. Prepare a spell. Something for self defense. A paralyze spell would do the trick. Just something to keep at the ready. Just something to-

"Over here! Closer..." The voice was coming from a nearby clearing. Twilight narrowed her eyes. Of course this screamed trap. She'd read Daring Do books. The little unicorn continued along, keeping her head on a swivel. Oh yeah, a trap in the middle of the Everfree forest, where no one could hear her scream. Pounce her, take her, kidnap her for good. Not happening.

"You come out. I'm not taking another step." Twilight snapped suddenly. That's right, make them do what you want. Keep them guessing at your next moves. They want you, so you call the shots.

To Twilight's surprise, no kidnappers jumped out. No net fell, no lights burst into existence. The only thing that changed, was the little blue figure of a pegasus poking her head out behind a tree.

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight squealed, suddenly overjoyed to see a friendly face. Rainbow gave her a careful smile, but did not return Twilight's hug when she moved to embrace her.

"Rainbow Dash, where were you? Are they watching us? Of course they're watching us in town, that's a dumb question. Look, I need your help, last night, what happened? I can't remember anything. Spike! SPIKE! Rainbow, have you seen Spike, where is he, is he okay?!" Twilight babbled. Rainbow took a deep breath and nodded her head, giving a quiet sigh.

Twilight frowned. "What's wrong?" She asked. Rainbow gave another huff.

"Last night, I screwed up. I screwed everything up. I was supposed to be watching you, I was your eyes in the sky. I'm sorry, Twilight, I'm so sorry!! " She explained bursting into tears. Twilight frowned, but coddled her companion closer, giving Rainbow her best reassuring hug.

"Calm down. Rainbow Dash? Hey...shhhhh, look at me. Rainbow Dash we're gonna get through this, but Rainbow, listen, I can't remember what happened to us last night. I need you to fill me in, okay? All I can remember about last night, is we were in the library, trying to figure out what was going on. "Twilight explained. Rainbow Dash balked, sniffling quietly.

"What? Noooooo, yesterday we spent in Everfree Forest, with Zecora, coming up with a plan. Your plan, remember? We were gonna tear them down from the inside out? You don't remember any of this? The last time we were in the library was two days ago, Twilight." Rainbow said in growing alarm. Twilight's ears perked curiously and she gave a nervous chuckle.

"Are-Are you telling me I'm missing an entire day of memory in my head?! They set me back an entire day?" She whimpered. Rainbow Dash nodded slowly with a shudder.

Y-yeah. Twilight? Twilight Zecora is with you, right? I mean, she's okay, right? She's with you?" Rainbow whimpered, rubbing at her arm nervously. Twilight slowly shook her head and winced when the motion sent a shockwave of panic through Rainbow Dash.

"Hey, heyheyhey hey, Rainbow, we're gonna fix this, okay? I need you to tell me everything that happened yesterday. You said you knew where Spike was, right? Is he okay?" Twilight asked. Rainbow sniffled quietly, and nodded her head, cocking her head in the direction towards Zecora's hut.

"The plan was to let them kidnap you again. We figured since they didn't know we were on to them, we could sneak in and take them down from the inside and find out what was really going on. Zecora gave you some potion that was supposed to let you fight the effects of the sleeping and afro-dasiylack gas that-"

"Gas?! Thats clever, it's physical, not magical, of course I wouldn't be able to detect it." Twilight suddenly interrupted, blushed and bit her lower lip.

"Right, so, Zecora gave you the potion. We picked up Spike and took him to Zecora's hut, and filled him in on everything. Zecora was supposed to follow you from the ground, and I was supposed to follow you from the sky. Now that I think about it, we probably gave ourselves away. We should have made things exactly the way things were when they kidnapped us before. But you were worried about Spike." What if they took him instead of me?" you said. Anyway, they came in took you. They were these black sorta shadowy shapes. Super weird. Anyway, I was supposed to watch from a cloud high above, but they took you into the everfree forest, and I lost sight of you. Zecroa told me to stay out of the forest at night and she could follow them, but neither of you came out. " Dash hiccuped sadly.

"I-I should have went in with her. I should have protected Zecora. I should have just gone in with her. She told me to stay back, but I shoulda-" Rainbow dash cried, and found herself silenced by Twilight squeezing her in her arms. She took a step back, and cupped Rainbow's cheeks in her hooves.

"Hey, hey listen to me. You did not fail. This is not your fault. I know, being Loyalty means being there, and you really like to rescue ponies, and save the day, but you did not screw this up. I know I haven't been up to one hundred percent lately, and I know they've been messing with you too. They are employing some really nasty tactics to try and keep us in the dark. If you'd have gone in with Zecora, you'd have both been captured and that isn't your fault either. We're gonna save her, okay? We're gonna find out where they took her, and we're gonna get her back. I promise. I've got the most awesome pegasus in the world to help me. We can't lose!" Twilight whispered.

Rainbow sniffled quietly and rubbed her nose, pulling back to flash Twilight her flashiest smile and drew in a deep breath. Twilight was right, of course. Brainy little thing was always right. She stomped a hoof to the ground.

"Y-yeah. Sorry. I you said we're not at one hundred percent. But we got this. I've got the smartest unicorn in Equestria to help me, after all. "She explained,forcing Twilight to blush faintly. She nudged Rainbow Dash with her hip, as the two of them approached Zecora's hut. Inside, Spike was sitting quietly on the hammock, looking glum, until Twilight arrived. From zero to ninety, Rainbow had never seen something move so fast! Spike shot across the room and slammed into Twilight, giving her a ferocious hug. They were together again. Small victories.

"I don't like it. If they can mess with my memories, Anything we think of could be false. How do we know they haven't been messing with us this whole time?" Twilight frowned. The three of them had settled down around Zecora's cauldron to try and figure out a plan. Rainbow Dash shook her head.

"I think they're mostly worried about you, Twi. I haven't been affected by anything like that but you're the one they're really working on. I remember all the other dreams I had n' stuff. You're questioning everything. And you're smart. They know that you're smart. You'd be able to solve this if they weren't constantly filling our noses with sex smoke and resetting your memories. " Rainbow snorted, forcing a giggle from Spike. Twilight rolled her eyes. "My question is, why put you back? I didn't even see them do it, but let's say you're a major threat now, right? You're onto them, they KNOW you're on to them, why go through all the trouble of putting you back in the library. Why not just take you out and be done with you?" Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight nodded her head with a sigh. One more question. She was getting tired of questions.

"Well, in issue 357 of the Power Ponies, after The Bitter Bronco kidnapped Radiance, he and his gang expected the Power Ponies would stay put and play nice to make sure their friend stayed safe. The Bitter Bronco said if he saw any Power Ponies approaching, Radiance would get it. But it worked the opposite way, The Power Ponies became super determined to rescue Radiance. If they kidnapped you, Twilight, and they didn't want the rest of your friends to find out, they'd HAVE to put you back, wouldn't they? Make it look like nothing was going on, or the elements of Harmony would show up and kick their butts, and all this is supposed to be super secret, right?" Spike asked. Rainbow and Twilight glanced at each other before Twilight slowly nodded her head.

"It makes sense. I mean, I wasn't about to start telling you guys about all the dreams I've been having. They're really sneaky with this." Rainbow groaned. Twilight nodded.

"Yeah I haven't told anyone about the kidnappings, except you Rainbow. It's really kind of embarrassing. They're using social phobias and stigmas. Psychological combat. No pony wants to be involved in some sort of crazy scandal. Equestria doesn't need to think their protectors are sexually indulgent perverts, who lose to machines. "Twilight mumbled, blushing faintly.

Rainbow Dash gave a nod. "Not to mention the insanity of the story itself. Who would believe us? And like you said, if they did, it would just make us look lame. And with the ability to screw with our memories, do we even know whats real? " She groaned.

"Well, I know something's been up. I can vouch for you guys that something's been weird lately. But the idea that they can mess with your head is kinda spooky. This totally reminds me of when Chrysalis was messing with your brother, remember Twilight?" Spike chirped.

The world stopped turning.

Twilight's ears perked immediately, and her eyes went wide. Rainbow knew that look. The unicorn stood up, slowly beginning to circle the cauldron. She walked around that way for almost a full two minutes before Rainbow coughed. Twilight didn't stop, she just held up a hoof for silence as she circled the room. Finally, she turned to the dragon and the pegasus.

"OK. This is a stretch but...tell me what you think? What if it is changelings. Let's say a group of changelings are doing this to us. Let's say, they could take on the disguise of any pony they wanted. Not for a long period of time. Not an infiltration or anything, just long enough for a quick observation. Transform into Lyra, boom, walk across the street. Long enough to glance at the library. That's how they're watching us. Okay?" Twilight asked slowly. Rainbow Dash slowly nodded her head. So far so good...

"Now let's say, they wanted to do more than that. Let's say they wanted our 'awesome sauce' for something. What? I dunno, a potion maybe, so lets make that our working theory. They're making a potion. If any creature is going to steal the love juice from a mare, and make a potion with it, it's going to be changelings. They feed off emotions right? Right?! So you're drugged up on aphrodisiacs! You're in a laboratory, unfamiliar! You're scared, then you're mad that you've been kidnapped. I was absolutely furious this afternoon. Then it keeps happening and you relax, you calm down, it's not so bad, it doesn't hurt, in the morning you feel fantastic! It's a smorgasbord of emotions to feed off of every night! Rainbow, your dreams. You were scared when Gilda came up to you, then it turned you on, were you happy at the end?!" Twilight asked, eyes wide now, breathing heavy. Rainbow Dash blushed furiously, but sheepishly nodded her head.

"Y- yeah...I was happy that we weren't mad at each other anymore." Rainbow stammered. Twilight stomped her hoof into the ground with a quiet cheer. She was onto something again! She really was- still only a theory, but so far it was a working theory.

"But this doesn't seem like something Chrysalis would do you know, this seems like..I don't know, it's too smart for her." Rainbow sighed. Twilight had to admit, she had a point. This was sneaky and clever, but it wasn't quite the same kind of sneaky changelings were known for. This was the work of somepony besides Chrysalis. It didn't fit her M.O. at all. But...then...why did it need to?

"Unless...somepony hired the changelings to do this." Twilight said slowly. Rainbow perked her ears.

"What? For real?"She squeaked. Twilight nodded her head.

"It's perfect. Changelings do the grunt work. Drones, right? Chrysalis's personal army, So someone went up to Chrysalis and said, look, I wanna mess with the Elements of Harmony, but I need help to do it. You help me, we get back at Twilight for ruining your little invasion. In exchange, you get all the emotions you can eat from them. If they get caught, well it just looks like Chrysalis failed in another invasion." Twilight said slowly. Rainbow frowned.

"That's great, Twilight, but it still doesn't tell us WHO is running the show. " She snapped. Twilight nodded.

"Exactly! That's exactly the point, they're hiding. They're going though different channels, different creatures, different routes and methods. Machines for me, Magic for you, thats what I said, right? They're using different methods to keep us off track. Whoever is doing this is taking no chances that we catch onto them. Which is why we've GOT to find that facility where Zecora and I were being held. " Twilight announced.

Rainbow frowned but nodded her head. "Ok, I'll buy all that, but how are we supposed to figure out where you and Zecora went? I wish Zecora had some sort of memory potion. If you could remember what the place looked like, at least maybe we could come up with some clues." Rainbow sighed."

"Gotcha covered! "Spike announced brightly. He'd grown restless sitting in the hammock, and had started snooping around the hut and came across Zecora's recipe book while Twilight had been talking. He happily picked up the book and held it out for Twilight and Rainbow to read. The ponies glanced at each other.

"...Lets make us a potion." Rainbow grinned.

Milked Madness

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The massage continued, slowly, gently, groping and gripping her butt cheeks with the precision of a trained masseuse. She wiggled her hips, feeling the warm little puddle of her juices that had formed underneath her. Everything was just so relaxing, and calm and gentle, she barely noticed the device pressing past the cheeks of her bottom and into the hot little puckered hole nestled in between.

"OH!...t-thats new!" Twilight sighed out again, stretching her arms and legs backwards and forwards. A new sensation of being fulfilled like she'd never felt before. Oh, it was heavenly. She rocked her hips back with a quiet moan, feeling bashful at the sensation of pleasure she could get from having her rump filled the way it was. She'd have to try this at home, oh, yes. Yes she would. She rocked her hips back again, trying to match the motions of the machine's gentle thrusting. In and out, in and out, slick and well lubricated, and just large enough to stretch her in a comforting fashion. Oh, more, she wanted more! She hardly even recognized her orgasm as it swept through her, the pleasure felt all the same, Like one long continuous climax with the occasional rise and fall of a different sensation. She smiled quietly. She could curl up and go to sleep right here if they'd let her. It'd be okay. She knew now they'd take her back home, when they were done with her. An embarrassing, but lovely little service they provided. She yawned. This really wasn't so bad...why had she been so upset before? She could feel the machine gently suckling between her legs, milking her slowly- something else she found relaxing. Or forever. She thought. She could stay here forever, that would be okay, too. They'd gently take care of her, and her little naughty filly needs...touching her in all the right places and knowing just how hard to squeeze and where.

Twilight stared. It was strange. Well no. It was not strange. Twilight Sparkle did not know the exact term for the feeling you get when you watch a machine lewdly and ruthlessly rape you, but the term was not 'strange'. It was so far beyond strange that even Discord wouldn't go near it. Twilight stared. It wasn't that she wanted to watch, it was that she couldn't stop. God, did her hips really look like that? It was time for another diet...

The potion they'd concocted had worked far too well. It was a horrible abomination spawned of magic and alchemy that had whisked her to this nightmare world, and now that she was here, she was going to do everything in her power to make sure that potion was forbidden. She was there, but she wasn't there, reliving her own memories but from a different point of view. She never wanted to be in this place again, where she was forced to watch herself molested with nothing she could do to stop it. Exploring her own faded, fuzzy memory was difficult enough, but with her strapped to a machine that proclaimed itself her lover, in the cold, mechanical voice of vicious thrusts into her upturned backside, concentration was all but for pretend.

Twilight scowled- the anger all flooding back to her with every thrust she watched. How dare they. They had no right! No right what-so-ever to treat her like this! The passive, dreamy look on her face made things even worse. Whatever drugs they'd pumped into her to get this effect made her blood boil. Watching that machine pumping in and out, in and out, broke her muzzle into a cold sneer. No. She didn't enjoy it. She didn't enjoy one second of any of that, damn it. She huffed, and took every ounce of willpower that she had to pull herself away from the disturbing spectacle. She wanted to reach out and undo the machine's grasp, freeing herself from the diabolical device, even though she knew that was impossible- yet the sensation still remained, fresh and clear in front of her. She could feel a phantom throbbing in her backside, just watching this happen to her all over again. It was terrible.

The doors on the other side of the room opened, and Zecora stumbled in. The zebra's eyes widened when she saw Memory Twilight and she immediately burst over to see if she could rescue the pony.

"Thank the sky, that I've found you! Let me see what I can do! You and I, we must make haste, I fear there is no time to waste!" Zecora cried, reaching out for Memory Twilight, who lay limp on the table as the machine ravaged her. Zecora scampered over, and peered at the machine, trying to figure out how to shut it down, and rescue Memory Twilight from her bonds. Twilight felt something snap inside of her. This was too much, all of it was too much to handle.

"Here! Zecora, here! The lever is over here!" Twilight whimpered, but Zecora never found it. She returned to Memory Twilight's front, tugging at her arm, trying to pry her friend free of the device, but Memory Twilight seemed to be falling asleep. Zecora was melting into despair and all Twilight could do was watch as she wildly slapped at the buttons on the side of the machine in a blind panic.

"I remember, you've got to hide! ZECORA! HIDE! They're coming!!" Twilight screamed, trying her best to get Zecora's attention, but the zebra was focused entirely on Memory Twilight.

The doors opened again, and two ponies spilled out to apprehend Zecora. They surrounded her quickly, grasping her by the arms and started to draw her out of the room. Twilight wanted to scream. She wanted to race over and pry those ponies off her friend- but it was all hopeless. Zecora was screaming now, clawing at the floor, trying to hang on, reaching for Twilight with teary eyes.

"TWILIGHT! Don't let them take me, please! I'm begging you on bended knees!" Zecora screamed, reaching her hoof out, hoping Twilight might take it, and give her some extra resistance. Memory Twilight gave Zecora a dreamy smile instead. Zecora kicked and struggled, but they were far stronger than her, and there was nothing Twilight could do about it. It was madness. It was all pure and utter madness.

"Byyyyyeeee Zecoorrrrraaaaaaaaa" Memory Twilight cooed as they dragged her from the room, forcing Twilight to watch with a breaking heart- that's when something strange happened. Zecora turned her head, and stared at Twilight. Not Memory Twilight, but Twilight herself as they dragged her away. Almost as if...

Twilight Sparkle, listen to me,
in my hut, you must mix three
Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie
Your friends together will find me!

"Wait...Wait, Zecora, what? A-are you 'here'? Zecora?!" Twilight called out, reaching for her friend, but Zecora spoke no further, struggling to pull herself from the ponies that dragged her out the door and into the hall. Twilight tried to follow, but something was wrong. The world was slowly turning black, as if there were some master dimmer switch someone was playing with. Everything was getting darker and darker still, blinding her to the room and everything around her.

"Wait, wait! What happened?! Zecora! What do I need to do?!" Twilight called out, but she was staring at Rainbow Dash, not the frighted face of the zebra. She blinked a couple of times, before slowly sitting up in the hammock. She was back in Zecora's hut. The memory was over. The torture had ended. Oh, thank the Gods! Next to her, sat Rainbow Dash and Spike, both of which looked exceedingly worried. Twilight tossed them an uneasy smile, and tried to climb free of the hammock with a whimper.

"Whoa, Twi, take it easy. After you drank the potion you collapsed on us. Are you alright, what happened?" Rainbow asked, resting a forehoof on Twilight's chest to try and ease her back down. Twilight shook her head with a groan, trying to pull herself up out of the hammock and onto her hooves again. Dashie wouldn't allow it though, cooing at her in gentle tones, and trying to press her back down.

"Ugh...I do not recommend that potion. Ever. I...I saw everything. Last night, I mean. I think it was last night. The last time they took me, at least. Zecora was there, she...she tried to save me, but I was so out of it, I couldn't move. But she said for me to mix three? In her hut, I must mix three, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie. My friends together, will help find her." Twilight grumbled, from the hammock, rubbing the back of a hoof against her eyes. Even though she'd just been 'asleep' she was suddenly tired. Rainbow Dash and Spike shared glances before Spike hopped to his feet and started towards the door.

"Sooooo that means we need to go and find Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie? What about Rarity?" He frowned. Twilight drew in a deep breath and exhaled, trying to shake the fresh memory of her old memory from her head. God, what a weird day.

" mean...I don't know. Maybe?" She groaned, peering around the hut slowly. Rainbow Dash gave a scoff and leaned back on her haunches.

"And what does 'mix' three mean? Why would the three of them have anything to do with this? I thought we were trying to keep them out of this. And why not Rarity?" She snorted. Twilight gave a dismal sigh and pulled herself back into the hammock. None of this made any sense, and she was really getting tired trying to put it all together. She was grasping at the tiniest of straws and it was really beginning to wear on her. What was she supposed to do?! Why puzzle after puzzle after puzzle?! What she wouldn't give for a big bad guy who had a nefarious evil plan. Very straight forward. Take over Canterlot. That sort of thing.

"Found 'em." Rainbow barked, her voice absolutely riddled with pride. Twilight's ears perked curiously and she opened an eye, gazing at Rainbow Dash, who was in turn, gazing up at one of Zecora's shelves, grinning her head off like a maniac.

"Found 'em?" Twilight asked, pulling herself out of the hammock again. Rainbow pointed towards the shelf in question, where a number of different jars and vials sat. A pink one, an orange one, and a yellow one stuck out instantly. For a flickering moment, Twilight wondered if those were her friends 'awesome sauce.' but she dismissed the idea almost immediately. She was positive she'd seen those potions before all of this madness started. Now they just had to mix them, but... No. No no no. It couldn't have been that simple...could it? She and Rainbow shared a glance. Maybe the universe was finally tossing her a bone. It couldn't hurt, right?

Rainbow flew up, quickly gathering the three vials, and dumped them into Zecora's cauldron. The mixture swam and bubbled, turning to an ominous shade of blue, and Twilight gently lowered a dipper into the pot, pulling out a goopy, syrupy substance.

"Well...I guess we're supposed to drink this?" She mused. Rainbow Dash crossed her arms and gave a dark pout in her direction, narrowing her eyes at the disgusting blend Twilight held.

"No way egg head, you got the last one, this time it's my turn!" Rainbow snapped, swiping the dipper from Twilight before she could object. Rainbow tilted her head back and gulped the concoction down with a shudder, smacking her lips and wincing at the taste.

"Don't potions, or something you can put into them? Ugh...I think ...I'm gonna hurl..." Rainbow groaned, glancing down at her belly, and then back over to Twilight. They waited. Rainbow scratched behind an ear, and Twilight studied the potion. After a minute, Rainbow gave a growl, starting to circle the cauldron impatiently.

"Nothing. NOTHING?! I don't feel anything! How am I supposed to save Zecora if none of this stuff works?! We don't have any clues, and she's probably being tortured right now! " Rainbow snarled, kicking the pot as hard as she could with a loud metal clang, and splashing liquid all over the floor.

"Rainbow! Rainbow, hang on, we'll figure this out! I'm worried about her too, but we need to stay calm!" Twilight yelped, but Rainbow wasn't hearing it. She stomped around in an angry circle, cursing quietly and shaking her head.

"No! Screw this! We have to find her! We have to get her back! This isn't working! We've got to do something!" Rainbow barked, kicking at the cauldron again.

"Guys..." Spike called out, who had been watching the whole spectacle near the door. Twilight glanced over, but Rainbow continued to fume. Spike slowly pointed at the floor. There- glowing a very dim shade of blue, were hoof prints that didn't match theirs.

"It's Zecora's hoof prints..." Twilight squeaked. This immediately got Rainbow's attention, who peered over at the glowing mess she had made. Indeed, there were three clearly marked glowing hoof prints on the floor, glowing with the splash of the potion Rainbow had spilled all over everything.

"What is this? this some sort of trail?" Rainbow sputtered. Twilight's eyes light up in awe and she quickly scooped up another portion of potion and spilled it across the floor, highlighting more of her invisible tracks.

"She knew they'd put me back. She knew they wouldn't get rid of me! If they really are after the elements of harmony, she's not one of the six. ...She let herself get caught so we could follow!!" Twilight beamed, finding herself suddenly holding a whole new respect for Zecora.

"Why wouldn't she just put it all over Twilight's hooves? They've been taking her in and out of the library. Wouldn't that just be easier?" Spike asked.

"I've got a hunch but we've got to do this carefu-" Twilight's voice was cut off by the sound of the door slamming open. Rainbow Dash had taken off into the forest, wildly splashing a vial of the potion wherever she could, Twilight called, reaching for the pegasus, but it was far too late. No no no no!

"Spike we've got to stop her! Rainbow Dash is walking into a trap!" Twilight squealed. Spike shrugged his shoulders.

"Technically, she's flying."

"Will you come on?!"

Milked Mettle

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On a normal day, it was by no means an easy task to follow Rainbow Dash. Normally the spectrum maned pony sped from spot to spot, ripping through air currents and dashing faster than the blink of an eye. Normally. Today, however, Twilight had a particularly easy time following the broken branches and hastily splashed potion that was recklessly left in her wake. Twilight frowned. Rainbow's obsession with rescuing Zecora was leaving her blind to any other dangers of the forest. Timber wolves, Owlbears, Snapagators... The splashes of potion, the cracked and broken tree branches; all of it was creating an easy trail to follow, and Twilight was quite sure they were attracting unwanted attention. She picked up her pace, taking long, careful strides in the form of a quiet trot. The faster she could find Rainbow Dash the better.

The trail led Twilight to a small clearing, towards the eastern side of the forest. Shadowed by a canopy of leaves and strangled into silence by the thick underbrush, the area in and of itself looked more foreboding than the rest of the forest. Still, Twilight pressed on, ears pinned back against her head with Spike keeping lookout behind her. Rainbow Dash was close, and Twilight was going to find her.

"See anything Spike?" Twilight whispered. Perched on her back, Spike slowly shook his head, biting at his lower lip. The clearing looked empty, aside from the numerous splashes of blue potion that caked the grass. Dark and mysterious, Twilight glanced around the area quietly. She was relying on her eyes, and not her magic, since a light in the dark was something easily visible, and she had absolutely no desire to draw additional attention to herself.

Still, the clearing was empty, and the trail stopped right where Twilight was standing. Where could Rainbow Dash had gone? Gotten tired and circled back around perhaps? Not likely. Rainbow was dead set on saving Zecora. The stubborn pegasus wouldn't have given up nearly so easily. No, she was nearby somewhere. Twilight could feel it. Not only that, but the gentle tingle of magic was somewhere close by. There was magic in the air- a spell somewhere near her was present. She narrowed her eyes and took a step forward, silently, and secretly, deeper into the clearing. The tingle was getting slightly stronger. Slightly more pronounced.

Twilight twisted slowly to her left, following her horn's reaction to passive magic dancing in the air. One to the north... closer...closer... Twilight stopped. Whatever it was, should have been right in front of her, but all Twilight could see was more grass. More of the shadowy, empty clearing that turned into a cusp of clutched trees. There was nothing in front of her and yet, her horn continued to tingle with the faint touch of mystic energy.

Twilight frowned. Her horn was never wrong- she was attuned to magic, and sensitive to its touch, like most unicorns. There was definitely something there alright. She couldn't be mistaken, and with that, Twilight reached forward to dip a foreleg into the air in front of her. She was not surprised when the air shimmered and 'flexed' like rubber. An illusion spell.

"Spike. Stay here and keep a look out for me. I think I've found a door, and I'm going in. If you see anypony at all near by, come in and get me, and if I don't return in twenty minutes, go get Applejack and the rest of our friends and bring them back here, okay? You're my ace in the hole on this one Spike. "Twilight whispered Spike offered a salute and hopped off her back to pull her into a gentle hug.

"Be careful, Twilight." The little dragon whispered, and drew in a deep breath, watching as Twilight ventured forward and vanished into nothingness.

Looming in front of Twilight was a long metallic looking hall. There were steel floor plates along the floor and the walls and the hall way split off into different rooms left and right. Pony designed, but the underground was expansive and quickly built. Changeling work. Slowly, Twilight meandered forward- every step a deafening echo along the empty hallway as Twilight explored the facility. She paused as she passed a room on her left. A metallic silvery table. Empty vials and beakers on the counters. Lights in a pattern like she'd burned into her memory...and there...there was the floor where the machine rose up and defiled her with its slow thrusting dildo. Sinking into her depths, so gentle, and slowly and fulfilling. Pressing right in with- Twilight groaned. It had been days since she last orgasmed. She'd been brought to the brink, and then it was taken away. Her most satisfying climaxes were in these rooms, and now that she was here, looking into them, she could feel memories rushing back into her head along with other sensations. She felt a certain tingling wetness between her thighs and bit her lower lip. She wondered, briefly, if her growing arousal was the result of psychological conditioning, or an invisible aphrodisiac being pumped into the room. She growled. She didn't have time for this....did she? One quick little orgasm wouldn't hurt. No. You need one. You know you need one, you naughty little filly. Just plant your rump right up on the table and pretend. No. No pony will know. It'll be our little secret. No. Just use your hooves and your imagination. Pretend it's Rainbow Dash with all that energy. Pretend it's- NO!

Twilight drew in a cleansing breath and closed her eyes. No. She was going to find Rainbow Dash and Zecora, then she would flee from this place with them. She would not succumb to artificially induced carnal desires. She was in charge of her body, and she was going to control herself damn it! She could wait. She'd get back to the library, draw the curtains closed, and slide the gag gift toy Rarity had given her for her birthday into her depths. She didn't even care if Spike were in the room. ...oh, it was definitely something in the air... She was going to lose herself if she stayed much longer. Start openly masturbating like the naughty, horny little girl that she was. She'd grab whatever she could, a strong vial, a thick beaker. It didn't matter! She wanted to cum! She wanted to bite her lower lip and squeal in pleasure as- No. She turned sharply on her hooves and marched free of the room, narrowing her eyes as she continued down the hallway.

As she walked further into the facility, she could hear the firm clank of metal against metal-like somepony were beating a hammer into an anvil. Approaching what looked like the main hub of the building, the noises grew louder and louder, and as she rounded a corner past thick double doors and into what looked like the central area, she spotted Rainbow Dash. The blue pegasus was viciously kicking at a large iron cage in the corner, held shut by a large silver padlock, and on the other side was a terrified looking Zebra. The poor thing looked like she’d been soundly beaten, but her eyes brightened when she caught sight of Twilight and she wildly raised her hooves.

"Twilight Sparkle! Set me free! These kicks won't work, please find a key!" Zecora cried, prompting Rainbow Dash to turn around, her eyes widening as well.

"Twilight! C-Come on! Help me get her out of there!" Rainbow shouted. Twilight frowned. There was something odd about this place, but she couldn't quite put her hoof on it, but it was like she'd been here before. Well, of course you've been here before! They've been kidnapping you! Slowly, Twilight made her way across the empty control room and gazed at the silver padlock thoughtfully.

"Stand back. " She muttered, and Rainbow took to the air, immediately twisting herself around to watch over Twilight's shoulder. Instead of a powerful, lock disintegrating blast, like Rainbow was hoping for, Twilight simply lifted a hoof, and tapped on the lock three times.

"Kconk." She squeaked, and her horn sparked to life for a brief, shimmering instant before it faded and the lock tumbled to the ground.

"Lame." Rainbow groused and Twilight rolled her eyes. Rainbow immediately zipped into the cage and pulled Zecora into a firm hug, lifting her up and trying to help tug her out into the open.

"I'm sorry, I'm so, so, so, sorry Zecora! I should have followed you guys into the forest! I shouldn't have let them capture you! I really, really screwed up! I screwed up so bad! Zecora, please, please, please, please forgive me!" Rainbow whimpered. Zecora frowned, and wrapped an arm around Rainbow's shoulders, squeezing her gently.

"If you want me to give my forgiveness to you, there is something first, that you must do..." Zecora hissed, climbing out of the cage and giving Rainbow Dash a glare.

"Anything you want, right Twi?" Rainbow whimpered. Twilight, however, had long stopped listening. There was something nagging at her- commanding her to look around the room. The place was deserted, complete and totally empty. Like they had cleared out of the facility in a hurry. There was nothing left. No scraps of paper, no notes, no nothing. Twilight frowned. A very clean sweep of the area.

"Twi! Zecora wants us to help her get back to her hut. She says it's not safe to stay here, so let's flick some feathers and get outta here!" Rainbow pipped happily, her cheerful demeanor returning in full force now that she was standing next to Zecora. Twilight gave her head an absentminded nod, but continued to stare into the room.

"Look, there? That symbol, on the wall...I've seen that before. " Twilight mumbled quietly. She lifted a hoof and pointed it at a large faded looking 'S' that was stylized and italicized with sharp corners. Rainbow Dash gave an impatient groan and turned towards the exit, giving Zecora a gesture to follow.

"And there..." Twilight muttered pointing a hoof at a spot near the floor. Something large and something heavy had been moved rather recently. There was a dusty outline of a large container of sorts. Far more worrying than that, however, was the faded letters just over the outline.


And directly next to it:


"This is where they were collecting it." Twilight mumbled to herself. Rainbow frowned and marched over to the contemplating pony, reaching out to thwack her arm softly.

"Right now it doesn't matter, Twilight. We don't have time for this. We gotta get Zecora back, let's soar!" Rainbow Dash snarled. Twilight slowly turned and pushed Rainbow to one side, nodding her head.

"Alright, alright. It's just...I know I've seen that symbol before. " Twilight sighed, and perked an ear towards Zecora, who was looking more and more worse for wear. "Wow, don't look so good. Here, I think I can teleport all of us back to your hut, if you'll help me out with something. It's a new spell to make teleporting easier. I just need to end the rhyme. What rhymes with circle?" She asked casually, peering around the room again. Rainbow Dash turned towards Zecora thoughtfully. If Twilight could get them back instantly, it would be a lot easier than walking through the forest with an injured Zebra. Zecora blushed faintly, and shook her head.

"UH...The word you seek, I do not know, but please make haste, it's time to go." The Zebra hissed, turning towards the exit, but Twilight shook her head, slowly circling around Zecora and lifting a hoof to press against her chest.

"No, no, there's no way you can make it all the way back to your hut in your condition. Lets try another spell, how about purple. What's the rhyme for that?" She asked. Zecora frowned.

"Time for games, we have no more, we should be heading for the door!" She snarled. Twilight frowned, while Rainbow shot her a curious look and reached out to brush her wing gently across Twilight's shoulder. They'd come so far, and now that they've finally rescued Zecora, all Dash wanted to do was get Zecora to safety. Twilight was slipping further and further into academics mode where she stopped picking up social cues and focused only on studying. In other situations, Rainbow Dash thought it was kind of adorkable, but right now...well now she was starting to piss the pegasus off.

"Twi, maybe we should just walk okay? I'll carry her a bit. We'll be fine in the forest if we all just stick togeth- "She began, trotting over to give Zecora a nuzzle but paused when Twilight held up a hoof for silence. Twilight shot her a direct glance and subtly shook her head. Pick up on it, Rainbow Dash, please pick up on it... To her relief Rainbow pulled away from Zecora and took a step towards Twilight instead. She was really beginning to like that pegasus.

"Whoa Zecora, you must be totally out of it. How about a rhyme for silver, that'll get us home for sure. " She explained. Zecora rolled her eyes. If she had to play along, fine. Silver...milver...tilver...wilver.....Liver! Wait, Slowly her eyes widened. Twilight had taken a step back, and was motioning for Rainbow Dash to do the same. She did so, and Zecora frowned.

"Why do you all flee from me? I'm on your side, you set me free!" Zecora pleaded. Twilight slowly lowered her head, pointing her horn towards the zebra with a quiet snarl rippling from her lips. Pointing your horn at somepony was an extremely rude gesture, especially if you were friends. It was considered a threatening gesture by unicorns and Twilight intended it as such.

"I came here to rescue Zecora. I would like to know where she is. " Twilight said slowly. Zecora gave a quiet laugh, but before she could protest, Twilight shook her head.

"Zecora, would know the rhymes for Silver. Or Purple. Keth'xah txxth z'ttxh zo." (The jig is up).

Zecora took a step back, glancing at Rainbow Dash and then back to Twilight. Rainbow slowly turned towards Zecora, standing next to Twilight. Her wings slowly starting to splay out- another threatening gesture for pegasi- especially when coupled with a lowered head, as if you intended to ram some poor pony- which Rainbow did.

"Karth de'vos Changeling? Ze x'os tu'ux. Xuth shu'shxx de zoth. (You speak Changeling? It doesn't matter. You'll never find her.)

"Changeling?" Rainbow Dash asked, narrowing her eyes at Zecora. Twilight nodded her head with a grim huff.

"It says we'll never find Zecora." Twilight informed.

And that's when Rainbow Dash went berserk. She raced forward extending every inch of her super sonic speed into a fierce headbutt that sent the creature tumbling to the ground. She was done. She had absolutely had it with conspiracies, mysteries, kidnappings, and these stupid insects. She wanted things to go back to normal, where she didn't have to worry about going to sleep at night after a long day.

"WHERE?! WHERE DID YOU TAKE HER!?" She snapped, pulling the changeling up onto its hooves, peering into its compound eyes with a violent hiss. The creature made a noise, much like a gruff chuckling kind of laughter, and Rainbow Dash trembled with anger. Was it laughing at her? It was laughing at her. Something touched her shoulder.

"Twi?" Rainbow asked, her voice steeled and eerily calm. Twilight had taken a step forward, resting a hoof on Rainbow's shoulder.

"Rainbow...Rainbow I need you to listen to me, okay? Please? Put it down. Do not do something you will regret...please, Rainbow? We will find Zecora, but don't sacrifice who you are to do it. Zecora wouldn't want that. Okay?" Twilight whispered quietly. But Rainbow could only see and hear the changeling she held in her grasp.

"I have a question for you, you filthy insect." Rainbow Dash hissed, swallowing a cold lump in her throat. The creature stopped laughing and peered back quietly. "If I tore off your legs, would they grow back? Think really, REALLY hard before you answer me. Because if the answer is yes, I have a brand new hobby. And if the answer is no, you're gonna have a really long walk back to the hive." Rainbow hissed. The changeling rolled its eyes quietly, and relaxed in Rainbow's grasp with a jagged grin.

"Hahahaha. I'm not afraid of you. We've studied you. We've watched you. You're one of the protectors of Equestria. You'd never stoop so low."

"Rainbow, Rainbow please don't do this...Please!" Twilight whimpered, but Rainbow shoved her firmly away with a growl.

"STAY OUT OF THIS TWILIGHT!" Rainbow snapped, before turning her attention back to the creature. "I wouldn't stoop so low, would I? Heh. Heh heh heh. Once upon a time you would have been right. Once upon a time I would have taken the high road. Once upon a time I really was who you think I am. But that was before. Before you and your kind and your greed, before your schemes and traps and tricks, before you and yours turned my life inside out and backwards. But you did! And do you know what you get when you flip everything backwards? A mirror. A dark, dark mirror. A perverse adverse transverse reverse. Something new. Something BORROWED. Something, you might say, altogether different. Heh heh heh. And you have NO IDEA what I can do. You don't know me at all. You're caught, chained, staring up at my face with your arrogant little grin, and you have NO IDEA WHO YOU'RE TALKING TO!" Rainbow Dash snarled, pressing her nose into the creature's. Her eyes trembling, left and right, looking at everything in the room, but the changeling in front of her. The creature cringed and Twilight couldn't help but to stifle a giggle. Rainbow scowled, and shot Twilight a look, who immediately shut her mouth. Don't give it away, Twilight...

"I...I...You- Y-You can’t! YOU CAN’T! C-Celestia would never allow o-one of her precious ponies" it sputtered, clinging to some small hope that there was something left of Rainbow Dash that she was talking to. The glare Rainbow Dash was giving it, however, strongly suggested there was not. It had created some new terrible creature, and now it was loose.

"To what? To kill you? You're right. You're absolutely right. I'm not gonna kill you. I'm one of the good guys. I have a habit of saving ponies, I don’t kill them. I promise I’ll save you. I won’t let you die. I won’t. When I cut out your eyes, you’re gonna be alive for it. When I break your legs. You’ll be alive then, too. When I stuff your teeth down your throat? When I cut out your tongue?! When I tear out your wings?! You’ll be alive for all of it!! I'm one of good guys remember, so don’t you worry! I WON’T LET YOU DIE! I‘LL NEVER LET YOU DIE!! YOU! HAVE! MY! WORD!! " Rainbow screamed into the changeling's face with flecks of foam and spittle splashing against the horrified muzzle. Suddenly the world flipped upside down and over; Twilight had tackled her as hard as she could, sending the three of them into the ground.

"RUN! RUN, SHE'S GONE CRAZY!! DON'T LET HER CATCH YOU!!" Twilight screamed. The changeling immediately took off running towards the exit, while Twilight and Rainbow Dash wildly wrestled on the floor. It ran like a creature with its tail on fire, out the double doors of the main room and into the hallway. The moment the doors shut, Twilight burst into wide grin and she tucked an hoof under her head to support it where she lay on the ground.

"Seriously? You memorized the entire monologue Daring Do gave in book six? Color me impressed." She grinned. Rainbow blushed faintly, and scuffled a hoof against the floor.

"Well, uh, yeah. I mean, it was my favorite part of the entire book. The way her and Little Wing interrogate Ahuizotl’s hench-kitten was totally awesome. It's like, the ultimate good guard bad guard routine!" Rainbow Dash yipped, and Twilight couldn't help but smile wider. She loved her friends.

"...Yeah. Yeah that was pretty cool. "She grinned. Rainbow Dash hopped up to her hooves, and jerked her head towards the doors where the changeling fled.

"Be right back." She winked, and zipped off, following the changeling.

When X'iith accepted the mission to infiltrate Ponyville, he'd never expected he'd end up running for his life from the very creatures they were kidnapping. His hole speckled legs chewing up the distance between the exit and the deranged psychopath they'd created. He threw himself frantically down the hall, hoping to the hive he was fast enough to outdistance the pony. Faster, faster, faster! He was almost there! The door! He was going to make it!

Those were his last thoughts before something crashed into his backside and sent him toppling to the floor. Gasping in pain, the changeling rolled over, and whimpered, looking up at the glaring image of Rainbow Dash standing over top of him. She reached down, resting her hoof on his neck, and pressed hard, receiving a gurgle from the beast.

"Shhhh, shhhhhh, we're not finished. I'm not done with you." The pony whispered to the horrified changeling. It kicked and squealed, trying to pull itself free of Rainbow Dash's grasp, but Rainbow held her hoof down firmly.

"NO! NO, NO, NO! SOMEBODY! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!! SOMEBODY!!" The creature shrieked, slipping into full panic mode and hysteria. Rainbow quietly shook her head, increasing the pressure around the thing's neck.

"No. Nooooo no, no, no. You made me kill my friend. There isn't any help for you." She whispered quietly. The thing's eyes widened.

"What?! WHAT?!" it spit in horror. Rainbow Dash shook her head again, smacking her lips together as if deep in thought.

"The purple pony. She tackled me. So you could get away. She tried to save you. So I killed her. I had to kill her. You made me kill her. She was trying to save you. Filthy thing that you are. You my....friend...." Rainbow whispered, drool slowly trickling from her lips and down to the little changeling, wiggling wildly underneath her hooves. For a brief moment, Rainbow lost her facade, hoping the creature didn't realize she'd just contradicted herself. But, no it was freaking out pretty badly by this point. In its panic, it began to shift and morph. Twilight, Zecora, Rainbow Dash, A pink pony, a green pony, a yellow pony...Rainbow gripped it harder.

"NO! NO! NO! I DIDN'T! LET ME GO! I WANT TO GO!!" It screamed, but Rainbow didn't pay it any heed.

"One friend down...two friends down...The zebra's friends left...Just you...and me..." Rainbow whispered softly. The changeling screamed, wildly shaking its head and trying to pull from Rainbow's grasp.

"NO, NO! SHE'S FINE! HERE! THE ZEBRA'S STILL HERE! SHE'S FINE! SHE'S BEHIND THE WALL! THE FALSE WALL!!" The little creature sobbed hysterically. Rainbow's ears perked. Bingo.

"The wall?" Rainbow asked, turning to peer at the doors she came though, 'accidentally' letting the pressure of her hoof slip. The changeling immediately took the opportunity to wriggle itself free from Rainbow's grasp and throw itself out the door. Rainbow grinned.

Things moved quickly from there. Twilight found the false wall with a magic scan of the room, and a fierce kick from Rainbow's hooves sent it crumbling to the ground. There, hog tied and gagged was a familiar looking Zebra.

"Zecora!! Thank Celestia! Oh, Zecora, Zecora, I'm so sorry! I'm so, so s-" Rainbow whimpered, wrapping her hooves around Zecora's neck the moment she was untied, but was silenced when Zecroa held up a hoof to shush her.

"I'm quite glad, to see you too, but there is something you must do. These tears you cry, they must halt, for none of this, was your fault." Zecora sighed, squeezing her arms around Rainbow Dash in a crushing hug.

"Forgive yourself, of this I plead, If not for you, I'd not be freed!" She said softly, whispering into Rainbow's ears as they embraced.

"Twi. It's Zecora! We saved her! Just like you promised!" Rainbow squeaked happily. "I think it's time we get outta here, huh?" Rainbow Dash asked, but Twilight was staring at the wall again- the large faded imprint of an S.

"There's magic coming off of that. It's only a little bit, but...I think...that's a sigil. And one that I've seen before." Twilight grumbled gruffly. Rainbow Dash and Zecora looked at each other, and Rainbow Dash fluttered up to peer at it closer.

"I've never seen it. Whats a sigil? Actually, scratch that. We can worry about it later. Lets get Zecora outta here." Rainbow exclaimed, zipping down and around the two mares sitting quietly below her. Twilight shook her head.

"I'm still having trouble with my teleport spell. Zecora, do you know a rhyme that might go with silver? I can't seem to think of one." She groaned, peering at Zecora thoughtfully.

"The word I think that you seek, is called 'Chilver' it's quite unique! But what's a female lamb to do, with a spell that's cast by you?" Zecora asked, tilting her head curiously to one side. Twilight's lips twisted into her adorable smile again, and she slowly shook her head.

"Know what? Don't worry about it. Spike is probably waiting for us outside. We should go and meet with him before he gets upset. We're gonna need to figure this out though. Find out whats going on, and warn the others. I have a hunch this isn't over yet. Not by a long shot. I was really hoping we'd find more answers here." Twilight mumbled, turning towards the exit with her friends. She wanted to assault Zecora with questions. What did they look like? What did you see? What did they want from you? From us? No, it would need to wait until they got Zecora back home safely. She paused after a moment, and turned to peer at the sigil again. Why did it look so familiar? It sent chills down her spine as if she could remember seeing it somewhere before and thinking it meant something horrible, but she just couldn't place it.

"You think they'll come back and try again? Cause I imagine they'll lay low for a while, now that we're on to them and we found their little lab." Rainbow said, trotting out the twin doors to the hallway. Twilight nodded her head.

"Of this adventure, I've had enough, but count on me, if times get tough. My hut is open to you all, all you need do is call." Zecora quipped to Twilight and Rainbow Dash as they worked their way free of the facility.

"Yeah, and in the meantime, we need to figure out a plan, and what to do if they come back. Maybe, come up with some defenses or something. " She said softly. Rainbow flashed a sheepish grin and rubbed the back of her head.

"Yeah? I uh...don't suppose you might need some help coming up with that plan, huh?" She asked gingerly. Twilight gave a cheerful smile and nodded her head.

"Sure! Brainstorming is a great way to come up with ideas! That sounds wonderful!" Twilight squeaked. Rainbow's grin grew even wider.

"Awesome! How about tonight! My place, say, eight o'clock?! We could even go get some food ya know?" She asked as casually as possible. Twilight nodded her head.

"Y-Yeah...yeah, sure, that'd be great! I'd um...I'd like that." She stammered, ears pinking as she realized Rainbow had just asked her out on a date. More to the point that she'd just accepted it. The last thing Twilight wanted now, was one more puzzle to add to the list. She was absolutely sick of puzzles and mysteries and brain teasers, and yet, another one had landed right into her lap.

What on earth was she going to wear?

Milked Menance (Epilogue pt1)

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Even though the high steel towers, and the great looming walls of the castle made her feel small, Twilight was comfortable strolling up to the large double doors to the main hall. She had spent her youth here- her awkward teenage years and her quiet young adult life prancing about the halls of the royal castle- so whereas most ponies felt an overwhelming sense of intimidation when approaching that castle, Twilight could only feel cozy. This place? This was home.

The guards stood quietly and imposing, watching over the castle and all it's residents. She knew the guards, and they knew her. They smiled at her, and she smiled back. Bright Shield always gave her his crinkly, ancient smile whenever he saw her- bowing forward as far as his wounded legs would allow when Twilight strolled past. He always called her 'Lady' Twilight in a kindly, fatherly sort of way. The elder guard was gentle, and soft spoken, wise and thoughtful, and to Twilight, she almost regarded him as a personal guardian. He was not the harsh, stone faced guard everypony else saw when they waltzed towards the throne room. He was kind and spirited. Safe. That was the word. He made her feel safe. Safe enough to talk to the Princess about what was eating away at her soul for the last few days. Safe enough to talk openly about changelings without the fear one could be in the room with her.

Coming to Canterlot had been the last resort, after she and Rainbow had scoured every book in the library for clues to the mystery that surrounded them. Who were the ponies pulling the strings? Why were changelings involved? Where did the 'S' fit in? And why steal their personal juices? None of it made any sense- but now that the immediate danger of kidnapping was resolved, her main priority was discussing things with the princess. She had grabbed the first train out to Canterlot, leaving Spike behind to watch over the rest of the Six. When Rainbow heard of Twilight's plans, she had demanded to come along as well. She claimed she had just as much a right to hear the answers as Twilight did, and the purple pony couldn't argue. Together, they took to the trek to Canterlot, and made arrangements to speak with the Princess. Regardless of her desire to come along, Rainbow had opted to stay in the grand tower's guest room, while Twilight held the audience. In reality, Twilight guessed the princess, the guards, the castle and the Canterlot nobles all made Rainbow Dash nervous. It made sense to Twilight, knowing who Rainbow Dash was. The brash and headstrong pegasus with a poor handle on 'tact' might say the wrong thing, or look at some pony the wrong way and while Rainbow Dash was a hero to the nation, there were proper protocols to be followed when addressing royalty. Twilight promised to tell Rainbow Dash everything she could the moment they met again, but as she walked towards the throne, all she wanted now was answers.

Twilight never grew used to the sight of seeing her Princess. In all her radiant glory, Celestia sat stoically on her throne, peering out into the main hall of her castle with her sunny smile and delicate demeanor. The power she held in a single hoof was more than Twilight could hope to fathom- enough to blast a hole through a mountain without an effort, or to control the very sun itself. It was power like no other creature in the kingdom, and there she was, sitting there calmly and peacefully, holding all that terrible power at bay. And though Twilight and the princess knew each other far better than any noble or guard could hope to know- the fact that she was a goddess, was something Twilight could never quite forget. Although her regal posture didn't change in the slightest, Twilight caught the hint of a wider smile brushing over her lips as she approached.

"Miss Sparkle." The Princess chirped, her voice hinted with adoration.

"Your highness." Twilight said quietly, kneeling down slowly in front of the princess. They grinned at each other.

"Come. We can speak in my chambers. Guards, please see that we are not disturbed. " Celestia announced, standing from her seat with a gentle nod towards Twilight. The unicorn nodded her head, feeling an anxious giddy tingle rippling through her. The prospect of gaining new knowledge always made her quiver, and now she was finally going to get answers to her mystery! She almost threw herself into Celestia's chambers, as the two meandered down the hall towards the royal rooms.

"And we spent all night going through books and tomes and everything in the library, and we couldn't find a single reference to the sigil. we're here." Twilight sighed, flopping down onto her backside on the plush pillows of the Princess's royal couch. Celestia gave a grim nod, pondering the story Twilight had just spun and stood up, slowly meandering to a large and towering bookshelf in her room.

"Quite the harrowing tale, Twilight." The princess mumbled, as Twilight finished reciting the events of the previous week. Her voice was tender and troubled, as if she blamed herself for failing to come to Twilight's aid, or protect her prized pupil from the terrors of the world at large. A unique feeling, that made Twilight want to wrap her arms around Celestia and tell her she was a big girl- and that things would be okay. That she needed help, but not shielding. Before she could do so, however, the Princess turned towards her grimly.

"Can you show me this sigil? This book here has all known recorded runes in Equestria." Celestia asked softly, hoisting a thick, white covered book from the shelf and set it down in front of Twilight. Flipping the book open revealed dozens upon dozens of symbols, sigils and runes, all from ancient history texts Twilight could remember back from Princess Celestia's school for gifted unicorns. Slowly, she flipped page after page, ears splaying against her skull as she did so. Again and again, backwards and forwards, page after page after page- until she finally glanced up at the Princess with a whimper.

"It-it isn't here." Twilight announced and choked quietly. The Princess gave another slow, grim nod and gave a quiet sigh.

"The events you speak of do not sound familiar, and I'm afraid there's no recorded sigil like the one you describe, Twilight. I'm sorry. I...I'm afraid I'm just in the dark as you are. I have never heard of such a terrible thing befalling my subjects. " She mumbled quietly, standing up to draw her pupil into a firm hug. Celestia shook her head with firm resolve, regardless, and gave an angry hiss.

"We will end this, though. You have my word. I will send the royal guard to Ponyville to secure the area. We will search for every last trace of Changelings. I will not have my subjects abused. I will not allow it." She snarled, only to have Twilight slowly shake her head.

", that...that won't be necessary" She stammered softly. Princess Celestia tilted her head to one side before slowly nodding.

"Not necessary? ...Do you fear the guard might be compromised?" She asked. Twilight gave a subtle nod and a quiet sigh. Paranoia went hoof and hoof with changelings, and one could never be too careful. What if it was exactly what they wanted? The guard placed in Ponyville- a changeling plant being sent right into the heart of the situation. It was clever, and sneaky, and the sort of thing a group of vicious shape-shifters would come up with.

"V-very well. Twilight, I leave this matter in your hooves...but...if you should require anything at all...please...Please seek me out." Princess Celestia asked softly, drawing Twilight into another hug. The poor thing was no stranger to beating herself up. After Luna, an after dozens of other personal failures, Celestia never quite learned how to not use herself as a punching bag. Another burden on Twilight's shoulders. She would not let Celestia suffer, if she could help it. No. She'd never allow for that. So quietly, she squeezed her princess back, and drew in a quiet breath, holding her comforting scent in her nose. Like sunflowers...

"Yes your majesty..." Twilight whispered, breaking the embrace. Already she was preparing what she might tell Rainbow Dash. No answers. No clues. A dead end with no hope.

"If there's anything I can do...a-anything at all, Twilight...please?" Celestia begged quietly, her voice wavering with held back tears. She'd failed. She' failed once again...Twilight gave a stoic nod and swallowed. The situation was far more dire than she realized. She never wanted it to affect Princess Celestia, and now it had. Now they had. With a broken sigh and a quiet nod, Twilight slowly turned away from her only hope for answers. She was on her own again, an utterly lost. What was she supposed to tell Rainbow Dash?

"So? So how'd it go?! Did the princess tell you whats goin' on? I can't WAIT to get out there and kick some tail!" Rainbow squealed the moment Twilight shuffled back into the guest room. After a few moments of giddy jumping and excited squeals, Rainbow noticed the look on Twilight's face. Forlorn, morose...depressed...oh no...

"...Princess Celestia didn't know what the sigil was either. She couldn't place it, and told me it wasn't in any records of Equestrian history. I know I've seen it before though...I failed you, Rainbow Dash. I failed you, and all my friends and Equestria. " Twilight sniffled, only to gasp when Rainbow Dash grabbed her by the shoulders.

"First of all, shut up. You can never fail me. Secondly, dad always said; you never fail until you give up, and lucky for you, egghead...; I won't let you give up. ...I won't let you fail." Rainbow whispered quietly, pulling Twilight into a gentle hug. It happened almost immediately after that, and quite by accident. Twilight had moved in to hug Rainbow Dash at the same time, and they both tilted to the left to do so- the result was the warm contact of Twilight's lips and Rainbow's. Both of them blushed furiously, and both of them held the kiss. Twilight needed it. She quite suddenly needed some pony to hold her, and Rainbow Dash was the perfect fit. Strong, optimistic, loyal... They held that kiss, until Twilight finally pulled away, squirming on the bed- but Rainbow wouldn't let her go. Not this time. Not again. She reached up, gently cupping Twilight's cheeks with her hooves, and pulled the girl into another loving kiss. Slow and tender, loving and soft, the two of them held each other for what seemed like eternity. Finally, they broke contact, Twilight leaning forward to rest her forehead against Rainbow Dash with a soft sigh. God, how she needed this. Somepony to hold her- to love her- to tell her everything was going to be alright and not to worry so much. Rainbow just had so much strength it was hard to feel down with her around. It all happened so subtle, and so slow; so naturally perfect and loving, Twilight didn't even realize she was on the bed- laying down on her back as Rainbow Dash slowly climbed atop of her. Kissing at her neck, her chest, her slowly, so lovingly...

"Twi..." Rainbow whispered quietly, forcing the purple pony's ears to perk curiously. "I...I owe ya one...C-Can...C-can I?" Rainbow asked, her voice quiet and shy, bashful and coy. After only a few moments, Twilight slowly realized what Rainbow was asking permission for. They were under no effect of gas, nor under any sort of changeling chemicals...this was all Rainbow's decision to ask, and all Twilight's decision to answer. Bashfully, the little unicorn nodded her head- and gasped helplessly when she felt the warm, wet tongue slide into her damp little depths.

"Oh...I...I've wanted to do this for a long time..." Rainbow Dash whispered lovingly, pressing her tongue further and further into Twilight's wet tunnel- trashing her tongue and washing the unicorn's inner walls lovingly.

"Nnnghh...R-Rain...Rainbow..." Twilight whined, resting her hooves in Rainbow's spectrum mane while Rainbow continued to slowly kiss and lick.

" me....just....just let me...Please let me..." Rainbow whispered, trailing off as she buried her muzzle between Twilight's thighs. She wasn't wild like before- not trying to lick and suckle and kiss as fast as possible- this was something she cherished. She took her sweet time, savoring every lick and kiss, taste and flavor. Twilight closed her eyes, trying to keep her moans under control as Rainbow treasured her body. Each little loving lick forcing a quiet gasp from the unicorns other end, and soon Twilight was panting breathlessly.

"R-Rainbow...oh....oh Rainbow.....mmmmmmm..." Twilight squeaked. Rainbow didn't give Twilight any mercy. Both of them enjoyed what was happening, with Rainbow's nose pressed firmly against Twilight's private little pubic fur, and Rainbow's tongue pressed firmly into Twilight's private little pussy. It didn't take too terribly long until Twilight was gently bucking her hips, trying to keep her cool while Rainbow pleasured her. To no end, it seemed.

"R-Rainbow....D, Dashie...I...I'm getting close..." Twilight moaned helplessly. Rainbow cupped Twilight's rump under her hooves, and pulled the poor unicorn closer, not giving her the slightest chance of escape. There was no end to how much all of this was turning Rainbow Dash on. With her nose buried in Twilight's musky girl parts, every lick and hot sweaty scent drove the pegasus into a horny frenzy. She lewdly rubbed her thighs together as she licked and worked her tongue in and out of Twilight's privates, collecting every sweet, slippery droplet of girl juice Twilight had to offer on her tongue. She swallowed it down hungrily, and pressed her tongue in further, moaning in time with Twilight. How she wanted that naughty little unicorn to cum so give her the orgasm she so richly taste her enjoyment and feverish arousal...Rainbow could hardly stand it...

"Please....just let go...let me make you feel good...I owe you...I really're" Rainbow whispered between slurps, and gasped as Twilight's orgasm gripped her, and gripped her hard. Sending the little unicorn into helpless spasms, Rainbow held tightly as Twilight twist and bucked in her arms, each silky kiss forcing a buck and squeak from the purple pony she held tightly.

"T-that's're so sweet..." Rainbow whispered lovingly, watching Twilight give in to the lewd advances of her tongue. Twilight squealed, throwing her head back as her climax took her ruthlessly and viciously. She'd pushed to the brink so many times without satisfaction had left the poor pony in dire need of an orgasm- and now one that wasn't from some cold, and heartless machine- it almost felt like Twilight came twice as hard!!

Rainbow didn't stop licking until long after Twilight's juices stopped flooding her muzzle. She slowly pulled herself up to the panting filly and nuzzled into her gently. The poor thing was absolutely mentally exhausted.

"R-Rainbow....Rainbow lishen..." Twilight moaned- eyes closed and breathing heavily.

"Mmmhmmm?" Rainbow whispered. Twilight turned on her side, the poor girl helplessly clutched in the throes of exhaustion and fatigue.

"We're gonna....figure this out....promise...mmmsorry...let you down..." She sputtered. Rainbow frowned, shaking her head, but Twilight kept talking, before she could protest.

"Not gonna...give up on mush...I need...." Twilight mumbled, her voice getting softer, and softer still, and Rainbow Dash held her tightly.

"...never....make you....give up...Wonnerbols..." Twilight cooed- and with that, she spoke no more, falling fast asleep. Rainbow nuzzled up to her friend gently, and kissed her on the cheek, wrapping her arms protectively around the snoozing unicorn.

"Don't worry, Egg head...I won't let anything happen to us. You rest. We got this." Rainbow whispered softly, and she too, closed her eyes, and fell asleep next to Twilight, the two of them holding each other tightly in their arms.

Milked Menance (Epilogue pt2)

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Twilight groaned, heavy headed and fuzzy. No. No not again. It was happening again... the same spotless laboratory, the same harsh smell of chemical cleansers, the same glittering lights, The same silvery table strapping her down, and the same dreadful, diabolical machine flushed firmly between her legs. The only thing that was different, this time, was Twilight was not alone in the room. No, no, this time she had company. Company in the form of an azure mare with rainbow colored hair, wearing a lab coat and standing quietly in front of her- an ear to ear grin stretching coldly over her muzzle.

"Glad to have you back with us, Twilight," the mare hissed viciously. Twilight gave another groan and tried to blink the mare into focus, but the drugs and the gas and the effects of whatever they had done to her hadn't worn off yet. Still- she knew that mare...

"R...Rain...?" she drooled. The mare leaned in close, kissing Twilight softly on the nose, and slowly shook her head.

"Shhhh. Don't try to talk. Save your strength. You're going to need it. After you and the zebra found our laboratory, things took a turn for the worse. Weeks and weeks of work and effort, all down the drain. The queen is not happy, Twilight. When the queen isn't happy, none of us are happy. And then you went and dragged me alllll the way to Canterlot. Totally lame. Do you know how difficult it is to drag your heavy plot outside? After an extra dose of our serum, you could barely spell your name, let alone say it, so your gonna be sleepy for a little while. I'm surprised you woke up at all, at this point. I should have slit your throat when I had the chance...but...well, orders are orders, after all. I'm just glad I finally collected enough of your juices to fuel my dream...I'm finally going to fly, " Rainbow whispered darkly, slowly licking her tongue across Twilight's nose.

"F-Fly...Rainbow...what?" Twilight slurred. Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes darkly, turning towards the bound mare with a huff.

"I'm not Rainbow. Can't you's been me all along! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" said Scootaloo, peeling off the Rainbow costume she was wearing. Twilight's mouth dropped open- and collided with the ground. Impossible! It was absolutely impossible!

"This CAN'T be real! It can't be! You're not real!" Twilight huffed. Scootaloo glared in return and stood up as tall as her little orange legs would allow.

"I am real Twilight! I am real and I have real big plans for your juices. I'm going to create the most powerful potion ever and drink it down, and my wings will magically grow, and I'll fly!" Scootaloo snarled. Twilight balked.

"Are you serious?! That is completely insane!! You're completely insane!" Twilight squealed. Scootaloo cackled again, throwing her head back with a vicious sneer rippling over her lips.

"Yesssss, and with my new wings, I will fly to the moon! I'll get the cheese from there, and I'll sell it and make millions!" the filly cackled. Twilight shook her head, eyes widened by the insane rambling of the filly in front of her.

"NO! Scootaloo, without the moon cheese, what will Luna eat?! She'll starve! She's the mare in the moon!" Twilight whimpered. Scootaloo gave a snort.

"That's just an old pony tail, Twilight! There is no such thing! Luna isn't even real!!" Scootaloo cackled, and dove out the window. Twilight frowned, struggling to free herself from the bonds that held her down. She had to stop Scootaloo! Luna's life depended on it!

"Yes she is! She is real! You can't hurt her! I won't let you! You can't escape me, Scootaloo! I'm not going to let you win!" Twilight snarled. Scootaloo shook her head slowly, glaring back at the pony.

"I'm not Scootaloo, I'm Rainbow Dash, remember?" the tiny pony snarled. Twilight growled.

"No, I'm onto you, you're Scootaloo!" Twilight barked. Scootaloo shook her head again.

"Noooo, I'm Rainbow Dash. Come on, Twilight, wake up," the little pony hissed again. Twilight thrashed in her bonds but she was....underneath...warm...comfortable...blankets?

"Come on, Twilight...wake up...wake up, wake up, wake up," Rainbow Dash hissed urgently, shaking the snoozing pony awake. Oh, Celestia, what a nightmare. Twilight gave a groan, slowly coming to as Rainbow Dash shook at her shoulder. The world was dark and stuffy, pitch black with only the faint outline of a pegasus in front of her to indicate Rainbow Dash's position on the bed. They were lost under a sea of rich warmth with the blankets over top of them both completely blotting out the room. Twilight gave a little gasp, about to ask what was wrong, when something warm pressed firmly against her muzzle, silencing her.

"There's something in our room," Rainbow whispered quietly, ears pinned to her skull as she listened for movement and sounds. Twilight perked her ears, straining to catch even the slightest scrape of- there! Something shuffled to the foot of the bed. Twilight felt a shiver ripple down her spine and even in the darkness, she could feel Rainbow Dash peering at her. Even in the safety of Canterlot Castle these changelings gave them no mercy. Twilight felt a bubble of anger swell inside of her and she snarled. Couldn't they leave them in peace for just one night?! Was this insanity so important they would dare cross the threshold of the castle- to commit these atrocities under the watchful eyes of princess Celestia?! Sitting up suddenly from the bed, Twilight's magic surged and the blanket covering her and Rainbow Dash burst from atop them and onto the shadowy intruder in the room. In an instant, Rainbow Dash had bounced from the bed and tackled the wriggling shape under the blankets and pinned it to the ground.

"GOTCHA, YOU FILTHY INSECT! YOU'RE NOT GOING TO TOUCH HER! DO YOU HEAR ME?! I WON'T LET YOU!!" Rainbow Dash snarled, using her hooves to pin the struggling changeling down. A blinding light from Twilight's horn lit up the room, and Rainbow Dash squinted at the sudden brightness- but she didn't dare take her eyes off the changeling.

"I'm flattahed feddah head, but she ain't exactly my type!" a scrappy little voice snarled from under the blankets. Rainbow Dash paused, glancing curiously at Twilight before she shuffled the blankets enough to exposed the creature underneath. Instead of a wicked little changeling, a small silver coated filly poked her head out and shot a dagger glare at Rainbow Dash.

"You're...not a changeling?" Twilight asked curiously, frowning as the tiny filly rolled her eyes.

"Oooooh, good guess. No wondah dey call you'se da smartest pony in Equestria. You'se wanna git offa me, Rainbow Brains? I got stuff ta do tonight, and babysittin' you'se two ain't exactly on da top of my priority list," the little girl snapped. Rainbow and Twilight shared a glance again, before Rainbow Dash gave a snarl.

"I don't buy it. How do we know you're not a changeling?!" Rainbow snarled, pressing her nose against the fillies. The girl gave a sigh and rolled her eyes, still wrapped up in the blankets and under Rainbow Dash's hooves.

"Cause if I was a changeling, I'd have probably bitten one o' you'se already. Lemme up!" she growled. Rainbow glanced at Twilight who subtly shook her head.

"Who are you? And why were you sneaking around our room?" Twilight frowned. The filly gave an agitated sigh, and rolled her eyes yet again, as if talking to the two ponies that had caught her was a significant insult of some sort.

"I am da Impossible Pony! ...Da Fantastic Filly...? Da Miracle Mare from Manehatten? Da Stah Seekah? Da Night's Errant?! ARRGGHHH. Whats da point of havin' all dese titles if nopony's evah hoyd o' me!? Ugh. I'm Diamond Dancah, and I woyk for da princess!" the filly snapped. Twilight gave a sharp grin and leaned forward, studying the filly quietly. She had icy blue eyes with dirty, silver gray fur, and spiked blue hair. Oddly enough, she had particular markings on her coat- like she'd had an unfortunate accident with an ink well. Even if she was a changeling, she was about the size of Scootaloo. Scrappy with hints of muscle bleeding through her fur, Twilight was more than positive Rainbow could securely hold her down.

"You work for the princess, huh? I've never seen you around the castle, and I used to live here. A likely story. Princess Celestia doesn't have any fillies under her employ," The brainy equine explained. Diamond Dancer wriggled in her blanket prison, grunting and grumbling, until she managed to get a single tiny hoof free. To Twilight's awe, the underside of her hoof began to glow a gentle, glimmering blue and the image of Princess Luna's cutie mark slowly appeared. Twilight's muzzle dropped open, while Rainbow Dash looked on in boredom.

"And big deal, A little light show doesn't prove anything. " Rainbow grumbled, but Twilight shook her head, stepping over to rest a hoof on Rainbow Dash's shoulder.

"I woyk for da oddah princess. " The tiny filly snapped. Slowly, Twilight nodded her head.

"Let her up, Rainbow Dash. That's a 'Royal Rune.' It's a mark given to high ranking members of the Royal Court. I've only seen Celestia's mark before, usually given to captains of the Sun Guard, but it stands to reason Princess Luna would use them too. But...but that can't be right. You're so young, how did you get-" Twilight frowned, while the tiny filly clambered to her hooves and shook her fur like a wet dog.

"Ugh. Are we done playin' twenty questions? I'm here to escort you'se two ta see da princess. She wants a woyd wif you'se. She said you'se two have been through a lot, so I was ta wake you'se two peacefully and quietly. Humph. See how well dat toyned out, " The filly grumbled, turning towards the door. Rainbow Dash gave a snort.

"We know where the throne room is, we don't need an 'escort' to get us there." Rainbow grumbled.

With a smug grin, Diamond nodded her head at Rainbow's comment.

"Alright den. Aftah you'se. Be my guest," Diamond snickered, opening up the tower door. Instead of the numerous stairs, brightly lit hallways, and posted guards, the world seemed swallowed in darkness. Endless darkness that spanned as far as the eye could see. Twilight's eyes widened and Rainbow's muzzle dropped open.

"Welcome to Midnight Castle, "the little filly grinned.

Milked Menance (Epilogue pt3)

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The ebony hallways and pitch black floors should have been frightening to Twilight. Rainbow Dash looked like she was holding back tears as the tiny silver filly lead them through the endless twisting turning halls, but to Twilight, the castle held a strange notion of comfort. Even though she'd never set hoof inside such a place, it felt familiar. Almost cozy in a strange sort of ethereal way. Black bricks and flickering candles instead of bright white stone and roaring torches. Black and navy and dark blue and royal purple. Somber colors instead of the bright red and yellow and whites of Canterlot Castle. It was like some backwards version of the reality she was used to. 'Midnight Castle' as it were, was large intimidating, and threatening. But Twilight only felt a strange sort of peace blooming inside of her. Like the castle was safe in a scary way, meant to repel those that didn't belong there— and welcome those that did.

"Diamond? What is this place exactly? Where are we? " Twilight asked, her voice not echoing in the vast empty halls, but vanishing as it left her throat, as if it was suffocated into the darkness itself— like she were forced into a whisper. It was a very strange sensation, and not a terribly pleasant one.

"Like I said, dis place is Midnight Castle. As for where we are, dats uh, a bit on da tricky side. See, technically, dis place ain't gots no physical form. Dis is Princess Luna's home away from home, I guess. See, aftah she got back from da moon, adjusting' to the world, and da technological advances, new social norms, and evolving culture was kind of a system shock. It couldn’t’a been easy, being expected to resume duties aftah everyding dat happened. So every now and den, da Princess slips out here to relax or at least, find peace of mind. Dis is da dream realm, and dis castle is a construct of Princess Luna's will, mood, and memories. Princess Luna says the transition to dis place can be kinda jarrin', if you'se ain't expectin it. I bet you'se was having some super crazy dreams before I showed up. She wanted ta talk to you'se without fear of changelings ovah hearin so, uh, yeah, dats dis evenin in a nut shell, " The little filly explained as she darted down this hallway and that, which all looked remarkably similar to Twilight. Dreadfully so in fact. She started to ask how Diamond could find her way around the darkened hallways, but Rainbow chipped in before she could get the chance.

"So, you're sayin’ we're asleep right now? We're still in Canterlot?" She asked, and Diamond poked her head into the next room and shivered.Turning back towards Rainbow and Twilight, she offered a shakey little smile and opened the door to the next room.

"Yeah, still in Canterlot...da throne room is right through here, but we gotta be supah quiet. We don't wanna wake da bat-ponies, and dey can get....uh...grouchy sometimes," The girl squeaked, and slowly beckoned the Elements of Harmony into the next room. Rainbow's ears perked at the notion of 'bat-ponies' but when they entered the next room, she frowned when it seemed to be entirely empty.

"I thought you sai-" She groaned, and yipped when Diamond turned around and pressed her hoof to her lips with a sharp "SHHHHHHHHHHHH" She jerked her head upwards, and Rainbow glanced up and froze on the spot. Above her were dozens of dark furred, shapes hanging upside down. Ponies for sure, but with large bat-like wings, and large, flickering ears.

"Da bat ponies you'se see in Canterlot come from dis realm, but only a few of them are pulled into actual existence by Luna. Dis place is where da night court receive dare missions, and da princess holds her private meetings, so you'se two gettin' ta see da Princess's personal dream world is supah lucky. Not to many ponies get to see dis place, so be honored, and be respectful. " Diamond whispered, glaring at Rainbow Dash as she pulled them into the next room. The Throne Room.

There, in the midst of the darkness, surrounded by flickering blue flame and shadow, sat an ebony figure Twilight had only met once or twice in her entire life. The creature had all the markings of a princess; the glittering horn, elongated neck, the beautiful wings, and the regal posture of royalty, but unlike Princess Celestia, Princess Luna felt.......cold. The comforting warmth from Celestia was absent behind the cold, glaring blue eyes, and the quiet regal posture. Diamond Dancer, however, didn’t seem to notice in the slightest. The bouncy little filly trotted right up next to the throne and cleared her voice.

“A-HEH-HEH-HEM! Preeeeeee-heeeeeeee-zen-ting: Da Duchess of Dreams, da Abbess of da Abyss, da ONE AN' ONLAH AYATOLLAH of ANTI-SOLAH! PRIN-CESS-LUNA!” The little filly hollered, as if introducing a contender to a wrestling match.

For only a moment, in the darkness and flickering candle light, Twilight could swear she caught sight of the smallest ghost of a smile twitch at Princess Luna’s lips. But it was gone in an instant, as she rolled her eyes at her vibrant and explosive introduction.

“That shall suffice, Errant. Resume thy duties,” the princess said coolly, flickering a hoof in Diamond’s direction with a dismissive gesture. Diamond gave a quiet sigh, but quickly offered a salute, and turned sharply on her hooves- leaving the throne room the way she came in, and leaving the three of them alone.

The room grew quiet. Even though it was quiet before, now it felt like it was drowning in silence. Slowly, Princess Luna rose from her throne, and made a grand gesture with an arm, slowly sweeping out to step into the space of Twilight and Rainbow, as if the two weren’t there. Behind her, along the shadowed walls of the castle itself, images began to flicker and glow, climbing onto the walls to describe the words that fell from Luna’s lips.

“ONCE...once……...once… before The Great Cataclysm...Before the Call of Chaos and before the Steps of Starswirl, there was an Age of Alicorns. Even then we were few. So very few...Sun, Moon, Autumn, Spring, Summer, Winter, Earth, Fire, Wind, Water...Father Time and Mother Nature...Once…” Luna sighed wistfully, her steps echoing off the soundless chamber around her as she walked, strolling through the memories as they came to her.

“With so few, we fell victim to an ache thou cannot fathom. The loneliness that stems from the being last of your kind has no equal nor successor. And it is in the depths of this maddening suffering, that thou come to knowth of thy symbol that haunts thee. “ Luna whimpered quietly. Above and behind her, the memories on the wall continued to form and fade away, regardless of the pause in her speech.

“...In the depths of such depression...oft ...Oft even Gods and Goddess will seek to end their suffering. With the Great Cataclysm our kind had suffered a tremendous loss...and after the Call of Chaos; The Rule of Discord, there was only so much more that we could bare. Once, our desire had been to create, to flourish and to nourish, but now it had simply become to survive. And to survive, our numbers needed to be replenished.

Here, in this time, we meet a promising young unicorn...much like Star Swirl...He is powerful, and he is stalwart. He is of noble birth of the crystal kingdom, and he has taken fancy to a young princess. She too, finds him desirable, but at the time, the law prohibits marriage of a princess with anything other than a prince. So their passion is a secret one…

But passion as such between two can rarely be contained by mere secrets and late night visits. And so he concocted a stunning plan...He would become hers the only way he could and through means no mare would dare face, he would become king. He was in love and it knew no boundaries. He rallied his supporters, and set about a campaign for political power, and magic to match that of his beloved princess, for it was his wish, that they would be equals in all things.

For this love, the young prince sold his soul. To be with his love, he gave up his morals, to gain what was needed to trounce his enemies, and silence those whom might rival him. Through his black gains, he rose to power quickly. To his supporters he promised fame and fortune. They too, sold their souls to deliver power to this mad prince of a pony. They became known as the Circle of Sorrow...A secret group of six, which fed the prince’s unquenchable lust for power. They destroyed his enemies and paved the path to ascension.

This prince you know as Sombra who lost sight of his goal, and his love, and became corrupted by the very power he sought. The power to be with his heart’s desire. His one true love.” Luna said sadly, staring into the distance as the tale circled around her- the wall slowly fading to black as she spoke.

“So...Sombra is behind this? He’s the big bad?! All we gotta do is kick his tail again?!” Rainbow Dash snapped, only to yelp when Luna turned around with a snarl.

“NO! King, Sombra, is, DEAD! You and yours saw to that. “ Princess Luna hissed darkly, ears splaying against her skull as each word dripped from her lips like poison. “But...The symbol which you spoke of is that of the Circle of Sorrow.” Luna said quietly, and gestured towards the wall- where the large faded S slowly reappeared.

“So, these circle guys are the jerks that are messin’ with us? jerks,” Rainbow snickered. Twilight rolled her eyes and stepped forward to point at the symbol on the wall.

“Yeah…Yeah, I saw that in Sombra’s castle...I remember now...What does it mean, Princess? Why would they come after us? What do they want?” Twilight whimpered. Princess Luna drew in a cold growling breath and shook her head slowly.

“The Circle of Sorrow has long been eradicated from existence. The moment Sombra was removed from power we sent orders to root out any remaining members. Of the six, there are no more left. And even if there were, should they make a move, they will be punished for crimes against Equestria. As for what they want...Their only goal as always, and shall ever be to offer Sombra more power. ” Luna hissed darkly. Twilight frowned and shook her head slowly.

“More power? From what I remember, Sombra was insanely powerful to begin with. The only way he could receive even MORE power is if he...became...a....” Slowly, Twilight Sparkle swallowed as the echoes of Princess Luna’s story came racing back to her. All he wanted was the power to match his Princess. His love. Sombra’s end goal was to become an Alicorn...

“Princess Luna...You said that Princ- Err, King Sombra was dead. Is it possible that if his closest supporters were still around, they might be searching for a way to revive him? I’ve heard of spells-in myths and legends and stories, mind you, but even Star Swirl said…” Twilight trailed off quietly.

Princess Luna stared into the distance for what seemed like an eternity. Slowly, but surely, her eyes focused down on the little purple unicorn standing quietly in her chambers, and she dipped her head in a slow nod.

“There is a spell...forbidden...and horrid. It is never to be spoken, or learned or even written down. But it exists in the old texts. A life, for a life...and it would require an incredible source of magical energy,” Luna explained. Twilight felt her mouth go dry, and the heat from the room vanish. With her face turning pale, she swallowed the lump in her throat. An incredible source of magical power... The elements of harmony.

“We are the ones being is us. The element bearers. We're all in danger,” Twilight whimpered. She turned towards Rainbow Dash and then towards Princess Luna.

"Princess Luna, I need t-...what...hey?!" Twilight squeaked, discovering she was beginning to float. Lifted into the air, as if gravity was just a polite suggestion, and the world no longer cared about her weight.

"Your mind cannot remain in the dream realm for too long without proper training. Thou art awakening. I shall seek you out tomorrow night to conti-" Princess Luna began- but her words melted along with the world around her.

With that, the world faded to white, and Twilight found herself sitting up in bed. Canterlot Castle's guest room, a beautiful sunny morning, and Rainbow Dash was slowly raising up next to her.

"Geez, if this is what it's gonna be like to be your girlfriend, I'm gonna need a whole new diary, just for the weird stuff. " Rainbow groaned. Twilight clocked her with a pillow.

"So you're heading out to the Crystal Empire?" Rainbow asked quietly, settling down next to Twilight, who was idly peering at a stack of travel brochures at the train station.

"Thats the plan. I'm going to talk with Cadence to see what I can discover about the castle there and this Circle of Sorrow." Twilight explained, perking her ears as the train's whistle rippled through the air. Rainbow Dash glanced around nervously, and rubbed the back of her head with a hoof. Things had moved so fast and now things had come to a dead stop, now that they were going their separate ways for the moment. Rainbow had wanted to travel along with Twilight, but she argued that somepony had to keep an eye on everypony else, and Rainbow Dash couldn't deny that. They had to search the laboratory for more clues, discover what they could about the forbidden spell, keep an eye on the Elements of Harmony, while Twilight discovered more to the mystery. Why steal their juices? Could they really bring Sombra back? Was it really the Circle of Sorrow? Not to mention, Twilight had a feeling that Princess Luna wasn't quite telling them the entire tale. She was snapped from her thoughts by a tug at her shoulder from Rainbow Dash, who was standing next to her and looking worried.

"Hey...just...just be careful, okay?" Rainbow whimpered as the train slowly pulled up to the station. Twilight smiled quietly, and wrapped her arms around the pegasus, giving her a firm hug.

"Rainbow...I don't...I don't know what we 'are'...but...we'll figure it all out when I get back, and all this is over, okay?" She cooed softly. Rainbow Dash blushed, but sheepishly nodded her head.

"Well-Well regardless of what we are, egghead, I don't want anything to happen to you, you hear me?" She stammered, and gasped when Twilight leaned forward and pressed her lips softly against Rainbow's in a gentle peck.

"Don't worry. 'Sides...I owe you one "The unicorn winked, beaming at how red Rainbow's face turned. As she climbed onto the train, and final waves were given, she sat down and gave a quiet sigh. She wanted rest before she got to the Crystal Empire; she had a feeling her adventure was just beginning.

Just Another Night in the Lab... (Bonus)

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It was much, much bigger than she was used to. Twilight gave a bashful whimper, glancing over her shoulder at the thick dildo that had lurched out of the ground and pointed itself at her rump.

"Be careful...ok?" Twilight plead softly, biting at her lower lip. She didn't know if her captors could hear her, or if they cared for her requests, but she hoped they could, and did. The last thing she wanted was to be split in half by this metal monstrosity looming over her behind.

The poor filly had awoken on all fours, with her tushie lifted high in the air, and her tail forcefully pulled up and out of the way. Her most private girl places were proudly on display and the cool air of the room tickling against her made her tremble instantly. Another night in the lab... Things changed though, when she heard the whirling sound of machinery, and the large wicked looking dildo slowly rose up behind her.

"T-that's to big! That's way to big!" Twilight cried out nervously, but her captors didn't seem to think so. The dildo moved forward, slowly tracing the cleft of her bare buttocks and down to the dewy little filly lips nestled between her thighs. Twilight gave a wriggle and a whimper, while something cold and slimy seemed to spurt from the tip of the dildo itself. The machines supply their own lubricant? This is a marvel in engineering. What I wouldn't give to meet the mind behind the machines...

It pressed forward- the cold, shiny, silvery tip angling itself to nuzzle against her sex gently. Twilight shivered. The lube was freezing cold, and she felt her muscles contract instantly whilst a brazen shiver rippled down her spine.

"Haaaa, T, that's cold! That's too cold!" Twilight squealed, trying to kick and wriggle away- but the dildo was relentless. Gently it pushed forward- little by little, inch by inch, nuzzling and teasing her lavender sex. It was cruel in it's teasing, taunting her with it's utter mass and width. Do it. Just do it already! Get it over with! DO IT!

It was slow- letting Twilight's own filly juices lube the way for it. Twilight wiggled her butt, whimpering in growing arousal. Why was all of this turning her on so much? Because thats what it's designed to do to you. Get in your head. Make you melt at it's touch. You love this. You know you do...naughty little filly...being taken without your permission...right in the library...right in the middle of the day...the hunk of your dreams just walking in, and bending you over your desk and-

Twilight gasped with a whimper, the machine making it's move, thrusting forward with a lewd, loud SQUISH. Relentlessly, ruthlessly, it pressed in, spreading and stretching the poor girl's sex around it's massive girth.

"OH.....O, Oh God it's huge!" Twilight gasped, feeling 'filled' in away she never had before. It was juuuuust a few notches below uncomfortable- the most she could take without it hurting. Twilight whimpered quietly- the thrusts were slow and gentle, like the always were- like she needed them to be.

"N, not fair...oh, thats not faaaair...You're filling me up..."Twilight whined as she was expertly taken- bent over and fucked in her upturned and exposed privates. God, she loved it. She'd never been so wet before- so turned on, so hopelessly in need of an orgasm, and still the machine drilled on. It thrust forward, sinking seven inches of cold steel into Twilight's twitching chamber, pulling out just as slowly and plunging right back in. Twilight wriggled her hips, but the machine held her firmly in it's grasp. It wouldn't let her move at all. She was the toy to a toy. A little purple fuck doll just to amuse a group of perverts that were getting off from watching her get fucked. The idea made her shiver. Were they watching now? Watching her plump backside getting filled with the full metal length of the machine. Taking her slowly, her juices coating the metal and her inner thighs. Could they hear her horny little whimpers, and her quiet begging? Could they smell how wet she needy she was?

"OH...I...I'm gonna cum!" Twilight announced with an embarrassed whimper. She didn't know why she felt the clawing need to tell them she was so close. The machine continued on though, not speeding up or slowing down in the slightest. Thrust after thrust into the mare's squeezing little cunny- until Twilight squealed and a rush of ecstasy rippled through her. She could feel her private juices splattering lewdly around the thrusting machine. Oh, yes she was cumming- harder than ever before, it was almost painful. No. Not painful. Intense. Very intense. A little gusher of a pony...

"OH...Yeah...oh...that's it, that's good...."Twilight cried, biting at her lower lip while the machine endlessly drilled her. It was the strongest orgasm she'd had yet to these vile kidnappers. She never knew sex could feel like this- could take her to new levels of pleasure she'd never experienced. Her whole body was a red hot tingle of glory and she leaned her head back, eyes crossed as her lewd little climax continued to caress her. Soon the machine stopped pumping, and soon it slide soundlessly back into the floor, leaving the poor little unicorn laying on the table, gasping quietly, with her sex gaping open.

"...I-is that all...?" Twilight asked, feeling her cheeks starting to burn wildly, already coming down from the high of her orgasm. "Can....may I have another......please?" She called out, feeling the most embarrassed she'd ever felt, asking for her kidnappers and rapists to give her one more mind-dazzling orgasm. She really was a dirty little filly, and she loved every second of it.

"...I....I promise I'll be good...." Twilight squeaked, her voice getting softer and softer as she realized the words coming out of her mouth. She was so degrading, so made her heart wildly beat in her chest. She lifted her bottom into the air and gave it a little wiggle, covering her eyes with her fore hooves in the process. She couldn't believe what she was doing...

"Please? I...I won't tell if you won't...t- this can be our little secret..." She whimpered shyly.

The whirling noise from the floor caught her attention, and as the dildo rose back up, Twilight bit her lower lip and lifted her rump high into the air for full access. It was going to be a long night...

Zecora is not amused. (Bonus)

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Zecora twisted her hips, coming to with a groan. A laboratory, just like Twilight had described before. Beakers, vials, all sorts of shiny things that made her skin crawl. The last thing she could remember was attempting to free Twilight from her captivity, and lead her out of the facility. They grabbed her before she could escape, though. She never thought she'd run into them, of course. It all made sense, now that she knew who was behind this. She knew exactly what she needed to do, and who to talk to so all of this would stop. She'd blow this whole thing wide open if she could just get to-

A mechanical whirling shook her thoughts free and back to the situation at present. She'd been forced into a machine like Twilight. An odd device that held her forehooves down, and forced her rear end up into the air, with her tail pulled aside. How dare they. HOW DARE THEY! This was not the sort of thing you could just TAKE from a mare! It was sacred! To be treasured and cherished and worshipped. The seed of life was not something to be used in experiments. HOW. DARE. THEY.

Zecora twisted and snarled, tugging at her bound hooves as the machine whirled to life behind her. She expected something cold and cruel- some violent extraction of her private juices from some sinister machine- but the item pressed against her sex was anything but. Smooth, mechanical, cold, it was everything Twilight described and then some. Zecora narrowed her eyes as the machine began to plunge into her.

She could smell the change in the air- something slowly filling the room. Gas? Thats what Twilight had said. Yes, yes, that was definitely a different smell. The aphrodisiac Twilight had mentioned. Zecora gave a snort and cleared her mind. It would not be so easy to tamper with her! Years and years of breathing in chemicals and different brews mixing potions and antidotes had given her senses beyond the scope of a normal zebra. The shaman twisted her hips, rocking her thick behind from side to side, as the machine took it's time with her, thrusting slowly, in and out, in and out, driving her fury with each pump. IT wasn't erotic in the slightest, but Zecora could understand how the combination of the gas and the machine, and it's gentle thrusts would be enough to give any girl an orgasm. She refused to cooperate though. She would die before she gave these monsters her life liquid, and a strong mind was more than enough to keep her arousal from taking over her. She wouldn't give in, even as the thrusts started to hammer into her. Oh, did they notice? Where they watching her? She narrowed her eyes and glared into the room. The machine started to stroke faster, harder, pumping violently into her sweet exposed sex. Zecora did not respond with a moan, and a cry of pleasure. She was silent, and hate filled. Fuming with hexes and vexes that would make a seasoned witch tremble. Not a word or a sound from her. Something disturbing to her captors, she was sure. Oh, the fury she would reign down on this sad little facility. By the blood of her ancestors, these vile kidnappers would pay. The disease and suffering Zecora would wield could not be fathomed, but would be felt. Oh, The spirits she would call to her aid, and the curses she would lay upon them. Their afterlife would be fraught with torment and terror, and the moment she died, she would head straight for them. All of them. To try and STEAL the liquid of life from a mare? The thought alone was so perverse that she could hardly hold audience to it, but the fact that they actually made the attempt...

Slowly, the machine began to slow to a stop, as if they realized they weren't going to collect from Zecora. The gas was still strong in the room, but now took on a different odor. The sleeping gas, no doubt. Zecora steeled her mind and focused her senses. She slowly went limp in the machine's grasp and she waited until she heard the door open. Ten minutes had passed. They stopped pumping the gas into the room. They came to fetch her. She was worthless to them. Something was wrong with this one. They came in slowly, talking to one and other. One of them was saying something while the other fiddled with the machine. Come on, you bastards, come on...The cold sound of metal sliding against metal signaled that the machine had released it's grasp on her. They grasped her limp body and began to drag her out the door. A Mere seven paces. All it took was seven paces, before the one on her left noticed something. The zebra was glaring at him. she was awake. Silent, but awake. She had not put up a fight, or caused a fuss. She was just deathly quiet, and staring at him. Now he felt sick. He wouldn't know why he felt sick, he would just feel sick. It would start in the chest, a strange sort of sensation. Uncomfortable, like a his heart was covered in spikes. Tiny little horribly sharp spikes. Like needles. Stabbing into his organs mercilessly. The second one would feel it tpo. This was her gift to them. The punishment for having the audacity to try and steal the liquid of life from her. She watched quietly, as both of them collapsed to the ground, clutching at their chests, trembling as pain flickered through their frames with each beat of their hearts. They would never know the mercy she showed them. They would never know how hard she fought to keep herself in check. To keep herself from the dark rage that threatened to overtake her in it's hatred. They would never, ever know, that her gift to them, was that she made it 'quick'.

Aftermath (Bonus)

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Twilight gave a forlorn sigh and closed the umpteenth book she'd been scouring. Not a hint, or a clue, or a single scribble of anything having to do with a stylized S on a wall. Here she was in the middle of a mystery, and the answer was hidden somewhere in her memory, but she couldn't find it.

"ARRGGHHH!!" She throw a telekinetic shove out towards the towering stacks of books she'd piled around her and sent them toppling to the floor. Here she was, the only pony in a position to save her friends from a horrible fate, and she couldn't remember the single clue that could rescue them all! Something firm pressed against her shoulder.


Twilight glanced over at the blue pegasus smiling gently next to her, and gasped when Rainbow pulled her into a sudden hug, rubbing her hooves softly along Twilight's back. That really DOES help calm somepony down...

"We're gonna get this. We're gonna be okay. You're the smartest unicorn, like ever, and there's no puzzle that can keep you down. You're awesome, Twi, just keep focus and remember that." Rainbow said cheerfully, forcing a little smile across Twilight's lips. Even though they'd met at Rainbow's pad to discuss the previous events, (With the help of a cloud walker spell) Rainbow could tell Twilight was desperate to get tt the library to do some studying.

And now? Well, now they were in the library, reading through endless old tomes and parchment, looking for the slightest hint of what the 'S' on the wall could have meant, but they weren't coming up with anything helpful, and Twilight was starting to get frustrated.

"Looking through Zecora's potion book, I can't find anything that might use 'Awesome Sauce' on a scale like they were stealing from us. Only a drop or two is used for fertility potions and boy juice is used for an aphrodisiac...So...I think we can totally cross those out. " Rainbow explained, peering over the massive tome they'd borrowed from Zecora. Twilight had admittedly, never seen Rainbow Dash so engrossed in a book that wasn't a Daring Do novel, but she seemed beside herself, wanting to help, and Twilight couldn't turn her away, as much as she preferred to study alone. She was like a puppy, really, eager to please and begging for attention. Loyal to a fault and ready to go the extra mile to help a friend. The kind of mare anypony would be lucky to call a friend.

"I just...I can't remember..." Twilight sighed. Rainbow nodded her head quietly, and squeezed her hoof over Twilight's shoulder. Twilight gave a sorrowful little sigh and leaned in against Rainbow's frame.

"I just hate not being able to help. This is like my first Winter Wrap up, but ten times worse. I just don't know what to do. " She groaned quietly. Rainbow frowned and peered around the library.

"Yeah? You can't think straight? You think they're gassin' us again?" She growled. Twilight forced a dry chuckle and shook her head.

"No, no. I think we'd be able to tell by now if we were being gassed at this point. It isn't that. " She mumbled, flattering her ears against her head. Besides, if we were, I'd get that orgasm you owe me.

"...................what did you just say?" Rainbow hissed quietly. Twilight's cheeks turned scarlet and the Pony turned about in shock. No...did she say that out loud?! NO!

"What? Me? Nothing! Nothing, heh, just, um, thinking to myself." Twilight giggled, but Rainbow frowned, turning about on her hooves to shove her nose up against Twilight's firmly.

"Oh. I heard what you said, egg head. I'm just curious to know how you think I owe you a girlgasm. You're the one that told me to stop, you're the one that shoved her privates in my face, and you're the one who told me to lick you. You BEGGED me. How exactly do I OWE you anything?!" Rainbow snapped, delighting at the way Twilight hopelessly squirmed under her verbal onslaught, blushing furiously with every word.

"I...I um.....y, you're right...I'm sorry..." Twilight squeaked quietly. Rainbow's playful glare softened and she reached out to rest a hoof on Twilight's shoulder again.

"Hey, Twi, chill, I was only playing. We're cool. Don't worry about it. "Rainbow chuckled as lightly as possible. Twilight frowned.

"No, we're not cool. You're right. I owe you." Twilight said with a sharp little huff of breath. Rainbow blushed gently and shook her head.

"Hey, I said I was only playing...are...are you sure they're not gassing us again? I don't feel anything..." She stammered. Twilight shook her head, a cruel little grin twisting over her features.

"I'm not playing." She said coyly, causing Rainbow to blush even harder.

"...F-for real...I mean...S- Shouldn't we get back to the books?" The pegasus gasped, and Twilight grinned.

"What? You honestly think I wasn't turned on with your head between my legs? I mean, you got a good up close look at my privates, I wouldn't mind a peek at yours. I bet you've got the sweatiest little pussy in Equestria. " Twilight grinned, delighting in the way Rainbow Dash hopelessly squirmed under her verbal onslaught, blushing furiously with every word.

"T-thats....that's not fair. "She whispered quietly, biting at her lower lip, while Twilight leaned in, nuzzling tentatively along Rainbow's neck.

"Lets words....Dirty....sweaty....juicy little pussy. You smell so musky...especially right down there...Like your just begging for someone's nose to press up right against your private little puff of pubic fur. "Twilight whispered, loving the way Rainbow gasped and trembled. Oh, she'd hit the nail dead on the head. The poor pegasus was biting at her lower lip with the cutest little embarrassed whimper squeaking out past her lips.

"Twilight...s- stop...okay? It's isn't funny..." Rainbow whined, ears flattening against her head. She didn't want to be teased- not like this, not about her embarrassing secret fetish. Twilight was going to far...but...then...who said Twilight had to be teasing? What started out as a coy joke about their experiences together suddenly turned to a hot, passionate, smouldering kiss, when Twilight squeezed her eyes shut and forced herself forward. They held that way for a few seconds, both shocked and broke contact with a little bridge of spit clinging between purple and blue lips.

"" Twilight muttered, squirming now when she stood in front of Rainbow Dash. "If.....if you'd let me..." No no no! You're doing it wrong. Remember the dreams? Rainbow likes to be put in her place. To be taken down a peg. She likes being under your control.

"I me see that little puss, Rainbow...I'm gonna give it a tongue bath!" Twilight snarled, and Rainbow couldn't help but burst into giggles. Twilight was absolutely adorable. The purple Pony's ears wilted at Rainbow's boisterous laughter and the mare gave a quiet whine.

"Are you serious, Twi? You want to give my little puss a tongue bath?! Do you even know the first thing about eating out?!" Rainbow snickered, forcing Twilight to blush bright pink.

"I...I um...I've read-." She started, before gasping at Rainbow's sudden, forceful grab. She yanked the little unicorn down firmly, landing on her rump in the process, and forcefully pressed Twilight's head between her legs, grinning the whole time.

"The first thing, is you gotta really REALLY want it. I mean, you gotta be dyin to get down there, ya know?!" Rainbow giggled, grinding her pelvis gently against Twilight's twisted muzzle. The purple unicorn gave a groan and squirmed against her friend, finding her cheeks heating up hotter and hotter with every word.

" really IS sweaty...this must be the muskiest fur in all of Equestira!" Twilight snarled, her voice muffled with Rainbow's privates. She grinned when she caught sight of Rainbow blushing hotly, her bravado melting almost instantly in turn.

"I...W- Well, uh...You've um, you've got to...uh...start slow...s- start...real slow, like...Nnnnghhh...l-like that..." Rainbow whimpered, feeling the first gentle caress of Twilight's tongue across her nethers. While exceedingly new at the practice, Twilight had become rather accustom to the sensation of a tongue across a pony's privates. The mechanical tongue they'd used was heavenly, and if Twilight could only mimic the slightest bit of that...

She leaned in, brushing her nose softly across Rainbow's sex, sliding her tongue across the tender blue lips like she were taste testing a popsicle. Just the hint of her tongue pressing it to that little quivering crease. It forced a buck of her hips from Rainbow and the pegasus gave a quiet whimper.

"Y-Yeah thats...that's real good, Twi..." Rainbow whimpered, but Twilight was only getting started. She took her time, dabbing her tongue in teasing little slurps over that hot pussy, working in teasing, tantalizing licks over her mound and around her thighs. She wasn't pushing Rainbow through, not yet- she wanted to toy with the Pegasus first. A kiss here, a kiss there, delighting in the way Rainbow squirmed each time.

"Tw- Twilight..." Rainbow shuddered quietly. Twilight leaned in, pressing her nose against Rainbow's pubic tuft and slowly started to invade with her tongue. Inch after inch, that little pink, twisting organ drove itself inside of Rainbow's pussy, feasting on the tangy juices hidden within.

"MMmmmm, no wonder they took're delicious..." Twilight grinned, using the vibrations of her voice to add to the torment of the pegasus-only to grasp when the taste suddenly changed. Tangy and bitter turned to tangy and sweet, and Rainbow gave a sharp squeal of pleasure as her climax showered down around her- flooding Twilight's muzzle in the process.

"OH, OH TWILIGHT!!!!" Rainbow screamed, thrusting her hips forward into the surprised mage.

"ACKPT! R- Rainbow?! Is...Did you..." She paused, pulling up, and peering at the panting pegasus quietly- who quickly turned a dark, dark shade of red.

"I...I'm ...I don't usually...T-That hasn't ever...I..." She squeaked helplessly, trying to scoot back away from Twilight on her rear, sputtering impishly.

"You came already? Was that ten seconds flat?" Twilight grinned. Rainbow gave a whimper, and started to stand, already heading for the door with a cry of humiliation when Twilight tackled her right back into the ground.

"I didn't know I was so good..."

"I- I'm sorry, I..."

"Don't worry, we'll practice. I'll make you study really really hard...we'll take as long as it takes for you to learn some stamina. " Twilight churred quietly, nuzzling into Rainbow's neck. Rainbow gave a quiet sigh and closed her eyes, almost melting into Twilight's arms. Everything was going according to plan and Twilight didn't suspect a thing. Rainbow grinned.

Requests (Bonus)

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The thing pressing against her was warm and wet. That's the first sensation Twilight realized when she regained consciousness. A warm, wet feeling pressed against the tight little sex hidden between her legs.

Had they taken her again? Swooped in and absconded her from bed without a hint of warning, only to strap her down and lewdly, rudely pleasure her until she couldn't take it anymore? It seemed to be the case.

"Haaaaa....Oh...Ooooooh Celestia!" Twilight cooed helplessly as the wiggling appendage thrashed between her thighs. Whatever it was, it resembled a tongue- but only faintly. It was more like little wiggling vibrating toy that had slithered into her passage, only to remain there, twisting and turning and teasing her without mercy.

"T, This isn't fair! Y-You guys, I wanna enjoy this!" Twilight whined, blushing boldly as the device in her pussy twisted and turned, pleasuring every inch of her clenching little cunny, until Twilight was wildly, helplessly bucking her hips. They knew exactly what they were doing, and exactly what they were doing to her. She couldn't fight it- really she couldn't. As disciplined and intelligent as she was, Twilight couldn't deny the hot gush of pleasure that rippled through her with every movement of this naughty machine. And she loved it. It knew just where to touch, just how to throb, and just how to get her off helplessly. There wasn't a hint of resistance, regardless of the fight Twilight put up. Trying to stave off her multiple, naughty little girlgasms was nigh impossible, and the machine seemed to know it.

Tonight, she was pinned down by a globe of magic, from the machine, allowing her body complete and total freedom. She was trapped inside of a little dome, though, laying on the silvery table with the machine pressed flush against her privates. And yet, She didn't flee. She didn't try to break through the magic barrier and she didn't try to find a counter spell. They were good at this. All of this psychological conditioning, left Twilight feeling admittedly, rather relaxed in this place. As much as she hated to admit it. They'd even given her a pillow- which the little unicorn now greedily squeezed with both arms, moaning helplessly into it's plush softness.

"No, no fair...I...I'm gonna...I'mma gonna cum..."Twilight squeaked shyly, biting at her lower lip while she held the pillow tightly against her quivering form. It just felt so good, so, so, so, so, so maddeningly pleasurable, she could hardly form coherent thoughts. The poor little filly gasped helplessly, her orgasm creeping up on her like a tiger- pouncing her wildly and relentless in its terrible hold.

"Oh...OH~, OOOOOH GOOOOOOD!!" Twilight squealed, feeling the lewd little gush of her girl juices splashing from her sex and running down her inner thighs. The machine made a whirling sound, and somewhere, in the back of Twilight's mind, she knew she was being milked again. Drained for her most private, personal juices by this perverted machine. Her eyes crossed helplessly, and her tongue bounced out past her lips. She couldn't help herself. It was mind numbing pleasure that would even leave princess Celestia paralyzed. Even after her initial orgasm started to fizzle out, the machine- that cruel, wiggling, torturous device continued to wriggle and thrash inside of her. Another climax rippled through her, and another still, until Twilight was lying helplessly on her back, whimpering and babbling up at the ceiling. The poor little unicorn was cumming- again and again and again, and the machine slurped it all up. Collecting the hot girl nectar Twilight had to offer with every powerful orgasm she was given. Soon, Twilight was panting helplessly, resting on her back on the table as the machine finally finished its terrible, terrible job.

"N-never...never get away with this..." Twilight sputtered quietly, resting her hooves over her head- over her eyes. She couldn't bare to look around the room. She might catch the reflection of herself, and shatter the illusion that she didn't want this. Oh, it felt heavenly, it really did. For a little introverted unicorn, socially awkward and spending most of her time in a library, having something take care of your most private, personal sexual needs was a dream come true she never knew she had.

"M-may I have some water?" Twilight coughed- her voice was parched, and dry. To her ultimate surprise- a whirling sound echoed through the room, slowly lifting what looked like a water bottle up from the ground, and left it in front of Twilight. Skeptically, the little unicorn leaned forward and pressed her lips against the protruding straw, suckling down the coldest, freshest spring water she'd ever tasted. A new development...They were willing to indulge her requests. Willing to give into her demands. It made sense, if they really want to make her relaxed as possible- if they really were trying to comfort her, and give her as stress-free rape as they could, they would have to give into what she's the only way to collect her fluids. Twilight blushed faintly and slowly rolled over onto her belly, giving her plump purple bottom a shy little wiggle into the air.

"...M, Maybe....maybe next time could take me back here...please?" She asked sheepishly, perking her ears. There was another whirling sound that grabbed her attention, and Twilight instantly shook her head. "T, Tomorrow though...please? Tomorrow, if that's okay? I...I need some rest, now." Twilight squeaked. To her amazement, the sharp sound of hissing gas filling the room scraped past her ears. They really WERE eager to indulge her, as long as THEY got the girl cum they were after. They would fill her requests!

"...M- Maybe....This..isn't so bad..." Twilight yawned- and helplessly drifted off to sleep...

Milked Mares (The Process) (Bonus)

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Things were different now. She tried to ignore it- but she couldn't. A persistent mystery, gnawing at every twist and turn of her day. From the time she got up, took a shower and had breakfast, Twilight found herself completely lost inside of her own head. Who kept kidnapping her? Why return her to the library in the morning? Why only take her at night? Why the machines, why the laboratory, why her?! It didn't make any sense, and the pieces of the puzzle were mysteries all on their own. Why were the machines made for the purpose of pleasuring a mare? Who designed them? How could they be so dreadfully, terribly, perfectly accurate? It's like the- Opening paragraph to establish where Twilight is during the story. Allude to the potential mystery and the first actual concept of the plot. Introduce that Twilight is being returned to her library. and she has working functional memories of the night before, but still unable to piece together how this is happening to her, or why.

"TWILIGHT!" The fourth time Spike hollered in her ear. She turned towards him with a distant, bewildered expression and forced an uneasy smile. Introduce Spike as an actual character with dialog. Establish him as a staple point to let the reader know this is indeed happening in the current universe. (Lots of stories (My own included) Tend to leave spike out of the situation when clop is involved.

"Yes?! Yes? Um, yes, I'm sorry, Spike I was did you want, again?" She asked, flashing him a practiced smile of innocence. Even though it had been crafted through years of telling mother she wasn't practicing magic in the house, Spike was not so easily fooled.Idle nod to memories of childhood, relating in not being allowed to practice magic in the house. I like that. Keep this.

"You've been staring at that bookshelf for ten minutes. Are you going to put those away?" He asked, jerking a claw towards the smallish stack of books Twilight had been stocking the shelves with. She peered at them, and then him, then smiled quietly. Character analysis. Twilight gets lost in thought often, especially when something is bothering her. Keep this in mind for future chapters/ paragraphs.

"Yes. I am. I was just lost in thought, thats all."

"You've been doing that a lot lately, whats up? Are you okay?"

"Well, I..." She trailed off, biting at her lower lip. How on earth did you explain the situation to a baby dragon? Taken against her will for the most pleasurable sex she'd ever had only to be dropped back into her normal life without anything to show for it other than exhaustion? That sounded like one of the stories Rarity lined her bookshelves with. No pony would believe her, even if she told anypon- wait? Was that a clue? Part of the plan?! The situation was far to surreal to be anything but a fabrication of a lonely librarian with an itch to scratch but what if that was the entire point? Who would believe her? The guards? As if she'd tell them in the first place. Princess Celestia? She'd be told she was working to hard and get some rest. Her friends would just think she was horny and Spike wouldn't have a clue what she was talking about anyway. Another puzzle, another dead en- People keep asking why Twilight just doesn't go to the princess. Aside from it ruining the clop by "Okay, everything is fixed, snap of the fingers" It takes away from the story. Come up with a better reason why Twilight hasn't done so. >.< Touch on this later.

"TWILIGHT!" Spike hollered again, snapping his claws in front of her face. Once again her eyes focused on the baby dragon.

"Y-yes, what were we talking about? I'm sorry Spike, I'm, um, I'm tired." Twilight mumbled quietly. She pointed a hoof towards the door and shot Spike another one of her uneasy smiles.

"I'm going to take a walk. I think I need some fresh air, okay? I'm sorry, Spike, I'll be back, don't worry." She announced, before hustling out of the library with a groan. What was she going to do... Hint. Needs fresh air. Allude to the gas being pumped into the house here.

Outside it was cheerful and sunny. A fresh spring day with ponies bouncing about the town left and right going about their normal, daily routines. The sort of day Twilight would enjoy if she were on a picnic or heading out somewhere with her friends, but the town had changed too. They were no longer innocent friends and neighbors. Any one of them could be in on Twilight's kidnapping, and all of this was just an act to fool her into letting her guard down again. No. No, no, no, there's no need to get paranoid, Twilight. This is what they want, snap out of it! You're logical, you're studious, and you're good at puzzles. Calm down and just take a walk like you told Spike. Red Herring: Imply it is possible for one of Twilight's friends to be in on this. Will be even more of a red herring when Rainbow Dash appears. Twilight is getting paranoid.

She took a deep breath and strolled out into the town square, forcefully marching ahead, one hoof in front of the other. Keep it together, Twilight. None of your friends are perverted psychos kidnapping you in the middle of the night for mind numbing sex. Mark that off your check list right now. Occam's razor. Focus. There are clues here. There is a method to this madness, and you're going to find it! Love the Nod to Occam's Razor. The exact sort of thing Twilight would think of. We're keepin that one.

She took her stroll around the town, casually wondering if she should stop somewhere along the way to chat with her friends. Maybe she could gather insight from one of them, even if she weren't directly seeking it out. She'd long learned that her friends, strangely enough, had a remarkable way of helping solve her problems, even indirectly. But this wasn't the sort of problem she felt comfortable talking about. What was she supposed to say, she was being milked for her juices but she had to admit that she liked it? Really liked it. Was that it? Was that why she was having such a hard time putting the pieces together? Her subconscious sabotaging her investigation because deep deep deep down, she was loving it? She only had a few dates while living in Canterlot. Even less when she became a dorky teenager. She'd expected her raging hormones to fade away but even nerdy science girls had needs. Needs that weren't met and were coming out in full force now? No. NO. Damn it, it was some sort of psychological assault! She was an adult, not some teenager driven by her loins. She could control this. She was in charge, and sh-Character study: Try to keep Twilight in character here. She's a brainy scientist, with some conflicts. She's not supposed to like being raped, and it's a principal of the matter that's upsetting her. Make sure to bring this up again. Moral conflicts of the situation bothering her greatly.

The thwack to the side of her head brought her back to her senses in full, the momentary dull burst of pain was enough to pull the image together of Rainbow Dash who was floating in front of her and looking irritated. Like the idea that Rainbow often hovers just a few feet off the ground. Good for character. Keep doing this.

"Uh...hey Rainbow. " She sputtered quietly. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and touched down daintily on her hooves next to Twilight.

"First of all, you've been staring into the fountain for the last ten minutes. Are you okay?" She asked slowly. Twilight glanced around. Indeed she was standing in front of the fountain in the town's square, carried away by her thoughts. She gave Rainbow a shy, dazed smile and nodded her head. Establish Rainbow Dash as an actual character with more than a few lines of dialog. Also establish Rainbow cares for her friend, by Rainbow noticing Twilight zoning out and asking "Are you okay." The first thing she says.

"Yeah. I'm just, I've got this puzzle that I'm trying to work out in my head, and it's really...ya know...hard. "She muttered. A half truth, of sorts. It really was a puzzle, and it was something she was trying to work out. Puzzles frustrated Rainbow Dash, which meant she was less likely to follow up on it with questions. To her fortune, Rainbow didn't even seem to register her response. The pegasus looked strangely sheepish today- her full on bravado and boisterous attitude had been substituted for the quiet demeanor of a certain yellow pegasus. Now it was her turn to ask. Even if she was dealing with one problem, it didn't mean she couldn't try to help with others.

"Hey. Are you okay? You're not normally this quiet." Twilight asked, scanning the blue pony over. Rainbow Dash had frizzled hair- more so than usual, and bags under her eyes. The sort of look Twilight ended up with when she pulled all nighters under the Princess's test weeks. Slowly, Rainbow bit at her lower lip, and offered Twilight a nervous smile. Establish that Twilight also cares for Dash. Twilight notices Dash being quiet, and asks her the same question.

"Look, Twi, canni ask you a favor? It's gonna sound really crazy, but , just, hear me out and please don't ask questions, okay? " Rainbow mumbled softly. Now this was definitely different- something immediately piqued Twilight's interest and set off a red flag at the same time. She gave a silent nod, and perked her ears. To her surprise, Rainbow was starting to blush- the acrobat so bold and boyish turned a cute shade of pink and rubbed a hoof over her head.

"Can we your basement? You've got a lab down there, right? I just sorta wanna check something." She stammered. Twilight's eyes widened. Since when was Rainbow Dash interested in the slightest about science or laboratories? What could she possibly have to check? Why was she blushing. To many coincidences. Play it out. Take it slow. Observe and react. Twilight nodded her head with a forced smile. Complicated: Establish that Rainbow Dash is having similar 'dreams' as Twilight does. It's why Rainbow Dash wants to see the laboratory, to make sure it isn't the same one she's dreaming about. Rainbow Dash suspects Twilight has something to do with this, thus her "Don't ask questions." Dash isn't very good at keeping to being subtle.

The laboratory in Twilight's basement was small and not nearly as expansive as she sometimes wished it would be. Or could be. Still, for what few machines and experiments she worked with, it managed to suffice. She slowly opened the door, and began to trot down the steps with Rainbow nervously following behind. Casually, and subtly as possible, Twilight slid the door shut with a little burst of telekinesis. Idle hint: Twilight shuts the door hoping for Sexy times with Rainbow Dash. For some reason, her heart was racing in her chest. Excitement over the prospect of new clues! A chance to tell someone what was happening to her! Or maybe being in a lab was just starting to trigger automatic excitement in the pony. Sheepishly, Twilight found herself rubbing her thighs together while Rainbow Dash looked around. Was it Rainbow Dash? The one kidnapping her every night, so eager to pleasure her until she had an exhausting, squealing orgasm?! She shook the thoughts away. It was more of that psychological conditioning. Focus. Hint that the gas is still in effect back at the library. Twilight is easily being turned on, and she's starting to fall under it's effects again. Hint at this gently by having Twilight rub her thighs together or looking at Rainbow Dash. This is also what will prompt Twilight to talk to Rainbow Dash about the situation.

"So...uh...what did you need to look at?" Twilight asked, her mouth suddenly dry. Rainbow, however, simply seemed to stare into the distance, peering at all of her lab equipment in confusion. She opened her mouth to speak, paused, and then simply shook her head.

"Uh...nothing. I'm sorry. It's not the same, I was just...never mind. It's cool. Thanks, Twilight." Rainbow quipped with a dismissive shake of her head- but when she tried to head upstairs, Twilight was quick to jump in front of her.

"W-Wait, can we maybe talk for a minute?" She asked nervously. Rainbow Dash tilted her head, and then turned away from her with a faint pink glow on her cheeks.

"Y-Yeah know I can smell that...right?" She asked quietly- almost shyly. Her voice a demure little squeak from its usual haughty tone. Twilight tilted her head in confusion at her sudden response and frowned. Gas is still in effect. Indicate it is effecting both of them by having them both blush and act shy around each other. (( Reveal it's Gas in next Chapter ))

"Smell...what?" She asked. Rainbow Dash coughed again.

"That." She stammered. It took Twilight a few moments before she realized what it was. The basement wasn't terribly large and one or two ponies had enough space to move around, but no more than that. That being said, being in the laboratory was bringing back an awful lot of recent memories, and those memories were having a very specific reaction. Squeezing her thighs together again, Twilight turned a dark shade of crimson, and turned her back to Rainbow Dash, the two facing away from one and other, blushing wildly.

"S-Sorry...I...Things have been really weird, lately. " She mumbled, and Rainbow Dash gave another sheepish cough and nodded her head. Twilight, however, felt a little bit better when she heard the tiny smile in Rainbow's voice when she next spoke.

"Y-Yeah. Me too. I...Twilight, do you know anything about dreams?" She asked. Purple pony ears perked curiously and she slowly turned around to peer at Rainbow Dash.

"Dreams?" She asked. Rainbow scuffled a hoof on the floor, and her face turned an even deeper shade of red. She nodded her head slowly, and swallowed a lump in her throat.

"Y-Yeah. I've been having these really, um, vivid dreams, lately. I don't know why, but they're...uh...intense." She said slowly. Twilight's heart started racing again- wildly and uncontrollable in her chest.

"Dreams about a laboratory." Twilight asked. Rainbow's ears perked in alarm, as if some secret was suddenly out in the open that she'd been keeping forever.

"Strapped to a table...a...machine that's touching you?" She asked nervously. Now the smell was powerful, the growing musk of two aroused mares mingled together in the room, as if some sort of scented tango of heat. Rainbow had blushed brighter and brighter still, until she resembled a plumped tomato.

"H-how do you know about those?" She asked, shying back, her voice filled with a nervous tension, like she were ashamed of herself. Twilight could relate and she took a deep breath.

"Me too." Was all she said, and gasped when Rainbow turned about, squeezing her tightly in a relieved hug.

" I thought I was goin' crazy!! I mean, I've never ever had dreams like that before, and I'm not the only one, and..."She caught herself before getting too excited and took at step back, more and more relief washing over her features. Things were going to change, Twilight was the smartest pony she knew- if anyone could figure this out, it was her!Good. Lightly establish Rainbow Dash is falling for Twilight, (Or has fallen for her)

"Alright, calm down. First we have to compare experiences, whats been going on. We can fix this!" Twilight squeaked, her voice rising higher and higher with barely contained excitement. This was exactly what she was looking for- and in Rainbow Dash no less! Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her head, looking around the laboratory and Twilight- who looked like a filly on Hearthswarming.

"Uh...Right now?" She asked hesitantly. Twilight wildly nodded her head, already prancing about the room to collect note books and quills.

"Yes! Yes, everything you can remember! The entire situation! Twilight exclaimed, sitting down and holding her paper and quill at the ready. Rainbow Dash blushed vividly again and rubbed her shoulder with a hoof. She had to admit, the 'dreams' had been driving her crazy, but she wasn't totally sure she wanted to explain them to Twilight in full detail.

"I...uh..."She sputtered and stopped, shaking her head in embarrassment. Twilight drew up on her hind legs and pressed her hooves against Rainbow's shoulders.

"Rainbow. Please. This is important. This is crucial to us discovering whats going on and I for one would really, REALLY like to find out whats been happening to me. Please?" Twilight begged quietly. Drawing in a deep breath, Rainbow Dash closed her eyes. It was easier if she didn't have to stare at Twilight while she revealed her situation.

Time for the clop scene in the form of a flash back. Use Lightning Dust or Gilda. Make it kind of blurry, like it was a memory, but only for a few sentences. Also Establish Dashie's Musk fetish. Important to establish fetishes affecting protagonists. Make Dashie secretly submissive. Also make Dashie REALLY about the Musk. (Revisit this later) Describe the Laboratory as the same as Twilight wakes up in, meaning they've kidnapped Rainbow Dash as LEAST once. Link them together by the smell, in which Dash describes it as smelling "Mediciny." (Is that even a word? Well...I'll use it. It sounds like something Rainbow Dash would say.)
"I wake up in a laboratory. It's big, and it kinda smells like, mediciny, ya know? Kinda like cleaning stuff. It's really um, big and its got these silvery plates all over the walls. I had a dream that I was strapped to a table, but only once. I think. I can't really remember too good, but I didn't like it. I couldn't move, you know, Pegasi don't like enclosed spaces or being held down. Anyway, after that, we're always in the locker rooms. " She explained. Twilight tiled her head. Not quite what she was expecting, but every word was jotted down faithfully with her quill.

"Locker Rooms?" She asked. Rainbow nodded quietly. <3 Bring up the character reminder that Twilight is still a nerd. She's not familiar with Locker Rooms at local gyms.

"Yeah, you know, at the gym? ...Errr, I guess you wouldn't. There are rooms there to take a shower after a work out, so you know, you don't smell all sweaty and musky for the rest of the day. "She explained. Twilight raised an eyebrow, but nodded none the less. This was definitely different...

"So, um, anyway I'm in there, and I'm just stepping into the shower, but before I can, someone...uh...They uh...Ahem...t, this is just between us, right? Right Twilight?" She asked quietly, cheeks turning a dark shade of rose again. Twilight instantly pressed a foreleg against Rainbow and gave her a solemn nod. Rainbow Dash squeezed her eyes shut again, squirming where she was sitting.

"So, then Gilda comes up behind me and grabs my butt. "She forced each word out slowly, taking a heavy breath before trying to speak again.

"And uh, its been a while since I've seen her and she's soaked and all sweaty and...she says it's pay back time. And I don't know what she's talking about, and I tried to tell her that we didn't need to fight, but she doesn't care. She's way stronger than me, and she pulls me over and wraps her arms around me and forces my face under her arm....w, where it's all sweaty ya know? And I can't...I can't do anything but breathe and she smells so, so, so good. I mean, it's gross and it's musky, but it's...I'm really really turned on. And she makes me lick, um, lick her there, for a while, before she tosses me to the floor. Now she's smelling me all over, and she can tell that I'm really hot and she- she says I have the sweatiest little pussy she's ever seen and I'm super embarrassed and totally turned on and then she makes me eat her out. She's really sweaty there, too, and it's kind of like a swamp. And, I can hardly breathe and she's sitting on my face, right, backwards? Big, strong, firm gryphon butt cheeks, and I've always kinda liked her butt, and I can't do anything but eat her. And...And she's teasing my pussy the whole time. She's just reaching over and teasing her claws around it, and I can't...I can't move or her get to stop. And she starts...s-she starts teasing my know, just poking it...and p-pinching it, and I...I can't breathe and...and she won't leave it alone, j-just teasing it and pinching and...a-and...and..." Rainbow sputtered, squirming helplessly where she was sitting and blushing a shade of vicious crimson. Twilight, too, was blushing furiously, and had paused in her stenography to take a deep breath and settle her rampaging thoughts. Liked the use of the word Stenography. Also, point out that Twilight has gotten significantly turned on from Rainbow Dash's story. Also point out Dash and Gilda used to be an 'item' Not relevant to the story, but good for Character depth and build.

They sat there silently for a few seconds, before Rainbow Dash hiccuped with an embarrassed squeak. "A-and I came really really really hard...And then I was back in my room, in bed and it was morning. "Rainbow stammered quietly, squeezing her thighs together as tightly as she possibly could. Twilight nodded her head and reached out to rest a hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. She didn't know why, but the words "thank you" slipped from her lips, like the story was some sort of horrible ordeal Rainbow Dash had to relive. She glanced down at her notes, then back to Rainbow Dash, who had turned away from her again, shyly.

"I need to process this, and..."She paused when Rainbow Dash glanced over her shoulder at her and nodded her head.

"I...I've got some weather work to do, and I really gotta...I gotta um....y- you know..." She sputtered. Twilight flushed a warm shade of pink and nodded her head in turn. More plot establishment. Dash has to get to work but also shy in admitting to Twilight that the story made her need to masturbate. (Cute n.n) This serves to expound on the effects the gas is having on them. (Reveal later in other chapters that the gas is being pumped in through the basement. )

"M-Me too." She whispered. With the way Rainbow was looking at her, she was positive the next phrase out of her mouth was going to be "Can I help?" But the room was filled with an awkward silence, before Rainbow Dash stood up, and trot sheepishly up the stairs and free from the room. Twilight sighed. Certainly there were clues to be found in Rainbow's story. She was positive of it- but that would have to wait till she could think straight, and that meant she needed some personal relief. She almost wished Rainbow Dash would have stuck around, but things were embarrassing enough as it was without letting Rainbow get a good look at her privates, or find out how wet the story had made her. Making sure the door upstairs was closed tightly, Twilight eased herself against a nearby, dusty chair and closed her eyes, imagining herself strapped down to the table again. She knew it was psychological now but she couldn't think of anything else that had turned her on so much. That was the point, though, wasn't it? She was losing the battle for her body, sitting in the basement, masturbating openly in the middle of the day. What had happened to her? And why did it make her feel so slutty and deviant and aroused? Important to establish Twilight is being tampered with. This is not her usual daily activities. Shes starting to like it and can't figure out why just yet.

Twilight narrowed her eyes. She was the element of magic, and prize pupil of Princess Celestia! She'd saved the world countless times, and refused to be defeated by the likes of some pervy kidnappers. She just needed a moment to clear her head and the best way to do that at the moment, she theorized- was with an orgasm. Twilight gives into the effect of the gas. A throw back to the beginning of the story, when she was walking around outside, trying to convince herself she had things under control.