The Equestrian Adventures of Tucker the Great

by kfish5050

First published

People end up on Equestria and have to adapt to living alongside ponies.

It is the destruction of Earth. A group of men manage to put together a spaceship to save them from imminent destruction. They travel light years to find a new planet to live on, and when they do, they find something they don't expect to. They end up on Equestria and must find a way to live in peace alongside their new colorful equine neighbors.

It starts out mostly focused on the humans, but I promise it gets to more ponies at the end. Another thing, I update the google docs version first so use that if you want to read more. It is unedited though.

The Destruction

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The Equestrian Adventures of Tucker the Great

“Everyone get on board!” shouted a man who was working on the ship. “There isn’t much time left!” I remember running past tons of people; all of them seemed to be in my way. I tried to get past them, but they were all pushing and shoving, trying to be ahead of the next person. Everyone wanted to be the first one to board the ship, the first one to be guaranteed safety. I saw families torn apart as siblings fought with each other to stay ahead, to stay with their parents, to stay alive. I saw a little girl, separated from her mother, standing, crying, waiting for someone to help her. I knew I couldn’t stop to help her if I wanted to live. I had to look away; I had to shift my mind back to trying to get on. There wasn’t much time left. The ship was filling up fast, and bombs were visible overhead. People were going to be left behind, left to die. I couldn’t be one of them.
I reached the ship’s gateway. It was starting to become clear who was going to be left behind: the old, the sick, the weak, the ones willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their loved ones. I had no loved ones. My brothers and father had all died because of the war. My mother and sister had died in the city bombings while my brothers, father, and I were away. I was the last one left. I couldn’t be left here. I had to survive. I had to make my family proud of me, for once in my pathetic life. I had to get on. I saw the last few slots on board filling up, and dashed inside, pushing a young man out of the way to get in. Just then, the doors closed, shutting out the man and the others that couldn’t make it. Remorse and guilt coursed through me as I saw depression and failure on his face. I felt like a monster for leaving him behind, but I knew I had to. On a normal day, I would’ve let him take my place; I would have let him go on without me, but today wasn’t a normal day. Today was the last day.

Twilight Sparkle was running, she had to get somewhere quickly. She couldn’t stop to rest. She was getting close, and she saw the goal. She was about to reach it, but there was someone there. Someone to stop her. She didn’t make it. She was left behind, left for certain consequences. Certain doom.
BANG! She heard a loud noise, and jumped out of bed. She realized she was just in a dream and the loud bang was just silly old Pinkie Pie pulling pranks on people again. She felt relieved, but she couldn’t remember what happened, she just knew it didn’t end well. Oh well, it was just a dream. She didn’t think much of it anymore. She went on with her day, just as every normal day. Everything was normal, until she went to sleep. She now felt like she was moving very fast, but not moving a muscle. She couldn’t understand it, but she felt like she wasn’t in any real danger. She actually felt safer than before, but she was still haunted, something was still wrong...

Life on board

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Time slowly passed. First, everyone looked around to see if his or her friends and family had made it onto the ship. Those lucky enough to reunite settled down on the ship. Those who weren’t quite so lucky spent hours searching, hoping their loved ones were still alive. They searched the same rooms over and over again, hoping, wishing a familiar face would show up, and then slowly starting to accept their loved ones’ fate. I sat and watched the reunited and those that were now like me, alone.
After a few days, when everyone was finally settled, we began to discuss what had happened. I went to my friend Daniel, who had been one of the first people on the ship.
“So, it looks like we made it out alive. They always said I would be the first one dead in the war, but now they’re all dead, and I’m still alive. You know, I haven’t really seen you since the war started. How have you been?”
“Well, apart from losing lots of friends, I think I’m fine. It’s just hard to think about sometimes because I miss them so much. When the war started, I was assigned to a team building weapons to attack the Russians. Who would’ve guessed that they’d been scheming an attack on us since the Cold War ended?”
“I don’t know, but it certainly came out of nowhere. My brothers and father were some of the first to sign up for the war. Since my dad was a pilot, he headed the air force, while my brothers were just infantrymen. They all died when the nuke went off in the Battle of the Bermuda. That is what caused me to sign up for the war. It was lucky I did, because just a few days after I left, my city was bombed, and my mom and sister were killed.”
“Aw man, that sucks. I was able to get out alive with my girlfriend, and I am so thankful. You have no idea. After half the world was eliminated with the nukes, everyone started pooling their talents to work on this ship. It was lucky we built it when we did. Normally something like this would’ve taken years, but with the combined talents and the military factories of many countries working together, we were able to develop it in the last four months. It’s a shame we couldn’t build more ships, but this is just a prototype. We can only hope it gets us somewhere, because it could break at any moment.”
“Good to know. I hope that doesn’t actually happen. We’re the last chance for humanity. So, where are we headed anyway?”
“No one knows. We’re just heading toward the closest star in hopes of finding a planet. It’s light years away. I designed the speed system to go faster than the speed of light, but it’s still a long trip. You’d better get comfy!”
“Alright. I guess there’s not much to do here. I might as well get to know some people.” I walked off. I wondered where I could meet new people, and I decided to go to the main hull, which was like the main social gathering site. There were about ten people in the room when I entered. “Okay, this won’t be difficult. Just start a conversation with someone,” I told myself.
I have never really made friends before. I was only friends with Daniel because we had played lots of games online together; we didn’t speak much face-to-face. I walked up to the closest person to me. She was a young woman, about my age. She was sitting by herself, probably contemplating what was going on.
“Hey. I noticed you sitting here all by yourself,” I said. “Wanna talk?”
“Oh, hi. I was just thinking, you know, about everything that’s happened. I’m not really used to the ship yet. I know it’s been a month, but it just doesn’t feel like it. The time’s gone by so slowly without many friends to spend it with. I haven’t really gotten to know anyone yet, because I’ve just been too upset about what happened. I have a few friends with me, but it’s just not the same.”
I found that she and I had some things in common. I think that’s how friendships are made. I decided to talk to her some more so that we could get to know each other better. “Yeah, everyone in my family was killed because of the war. I didn’t really have anyone to go to after that. My only friend is Daniel, who, thankfully, is on the ship with us. Well, what about you? What’s your back story?”
“I guess I should start with my name. I’m Stacy Rivershine. I was born and raised in Oklahoma. I grew up in a small town- nothing special. I moved to Texas when the war started so I could do something about it. I spent six months looking for a job, anything to help in the war effort, and I ended up working in the factory that made this ship. I was here when the bombs came, so I was able to escape. I wonder what became of my family, though. I haven’t seen most of them them since I left, although I have an older cousin with me who’s lived here for about three years. I have no idea what I would’ve done if I didn’t have any family with me...” Her voice trailed off as her eyes started to water. I wondered if she was thinking about her life without him.
“Well, at least he’s here now. Safe and sound.” When I said this, it seemed to break her trance of sadness. She looked back at me and gave me her full attention. I continued, “I guess I should introduce myself, then. My name’s Tucker Blaire. I lived in Texas for quite some time. I used to work for a small computer company there, but when the war started, about two-thirds of the company was drafted, and we were forced to shut down. I moved to Los Angeles to live with my mom and sister, and when my brothers and father went off to the war, I kept them company. A month into the war, we got a notice that they had all died in the Battle of the Bermuda. I wanted to avenge them. I’ve never really done anything with my life, so I signed up for the Army. Well, during my first week of boot camp, Los Angeles was nuked, and all of my family was gone. I was sent back because I was too weak to be a soldier, but I came back to nothing. I only had one friend, and he was in Texas, so that’s how I ended up here.”
“Oh wow. You’ve been through a lot. How can you still smile? I just want to hug you. We definitely need to talk some more, but I gotta go to sleep. It’s getting late.”
I looked at the time, and we’ve been talking for a half hour. It was already midnight. We exchanged room numbers so that we could find each other again and then went our separate ways. I headed down to my room, which I was sharing with a guy named Drake Patterson. We barely spoke to each other, because he disgusts me. Every time we spoke, he would respond with about three word phrases, and they would always involve food. This guy could eat anything he could fit in his mouth. When I got to our room, he was sprawled in his tiny, disgustingly stained bed, snoring. Loudly. I wondered how he hadn’t woken everyone on the ship. With that thought, I realized I was actually tired, so I decided to worry about his hygiene and nasal issues in the morning. I climbed onto the top bunk, pulled my sheets over me, and closed my eyes, thinking about Stacy. My mind drifts off of topic and I found myself in a bright and colorful land, free of toxic radiation and industrial pollution. I was happy, without a worry or care in the world, as if all my troubles had just disappeared like magic...

Twilight Sparkle awoke with a start. Spike was already up. Twilight asked him why he was already up, but he replied it was she that woke him up with all the noise she had made in her sleep. Twilight apologized to him, saying she had the same dream again. She said it wasn’t just a dream though. She felt like it was more of a vision. If only she could remember what it was. Spike told her she was just being silly, and it was only a dream. Twilight sighed, and accepted his explanation. But she still had the feeling that it meant something…
A few days later, Twilight received a letter from Princess Celestia. The princess needed her and her friends right away. But as always, not much more detail was given. Accepting of the princess’ ways, Twilight collected her friends and headed over to Canterlot Castle. Pinkie Pie discussed speculations on what their new mission was with the group, as she was hoping they’d have to defeat Discord again, for the sake of chocolate rain. Rainbow Dash was angered at the thought of him coming back. She’d hoped to never see him again, even in stone form. But her arrogance got the best of her anger and she said if they had have to fight him again, she’d beat him up personally. They all laughed at the thought, and they soon found themselves at the front door of the castle. Princess Celestia was waiting for them inside.
Their debriefing was rather quick. Celestia mentioned that one of her guards spotted something unnatural coming at them, and she wanted her loyal subjects to go and investigate. The question, “Why us?” came up, and Celestia simply responded, “You fillies are the only ones up to the task!”

As time passes

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When I woke up, Drake was still snoozing. I felt refreshed, having the burdens of the loss of family and personal possessions lifted while I was away in some happy dreamland. I was starving, so I decided to head to breakfast. I wondered how Drake could be so fat when he didn’t even eat breakfast, but pushed thoughts of him outside my head as I left the room.
When I got to the cafeteria, I walked quietly to the back of the line as usual, waiting by myself until I got my food. But today, Stacy spotted me and invited me to sit with her. For the first time since the ship had departed, I smiled. I barely knew her, yet I felt there was already something between us. I didn’t want to jump to conclusions just yet, so I put these thoughts to the back of my mind. We went to her table, where there were two other girls and a man. She introduced me to the man first, whom, she explained, was her cousin, Henry Rivershine. She said the other two girls were Henry’s wife and her best friend. Their names were Jane Rivershine and Kelly Collins, respectively. As I spent breakfast with these people, I learned that Kelly had also worked on the ship, and she was handy with technology. Jane didn’t seem too special; she had been around Henry the entire time, and her story was practically the same as his. Before I could get to know them more, breakfast was over and we headed off to our rooms.
Drake was still knocked out when I returned. I threw some of his dirty magazines at him, (I don’t even know why he has these, as most people left their possessions behind to be able to get on the ship, and the few that do have stuff that is critical to their health or something that they would simply die without) and eventually he woke up. At first he was startled, wondering where he was and what had happened, before he remembered and slumped back down in his bed. I told him to get up and “clean” up, although “clean” to him meant changing his shirt and wiping his face with a moist towel at the most. After living with him for a month, I had given up on convincing him to shower more than once a week. At least laundry was being taken care of the ship’s crew, because all of his clothes were absolutely putrid after a few weeks.
The ship had set up activities – mostly sports – for us to spend our time with, but they weren’t mandatory, so I usually went to the computer room to play some games. When I first got on the ship, I had a flash drive in my pocket with some of my favorite games on it. I usually met Daniel there so we could play together, but today he had to help monitor the other activities. Most people just sit on the bleachers and watched because they didn’t have anything else to do. When I got to the computer room, Kelly was standing outside, saying she wanted to mess around with the computers. I’d been in this room almost every day since leaving Earth, but I had never noticed her here. She explained that she usually spent time with Jane, but today she was able to do what she wanted. We ended up playing games together. It was fun, but before I knew it, it was lunchtime.
We headed off to the cafeteria together, talking about the fun we had had in our virtual world. We met up with the rest of the crew, and were also joined by Daniel, whom I introduced to everyone. Usually at lunch Drake came to find me because no one else wanted to sit with him. Today was no different. He found us and sat next to me, although he disgusted the other people at our table. I let him introduce himself, and he managed to make a fool of himself as he tried to impress my new friends. We tried to pretend like he wasn’t there, but at the end of every other sentence he felt the need to add an unintelligent remark to the conversation. I hoped that he would stop coming, but I was wrong. Every day afterwards was the same. Drake even started to show up at breakfast. Afterwards, Kelly, Daniel and I went to the computer room and hung out, while the other four participated in the activities put on by the ship. More activities followed lunch, but these were usually educational, since the captain believed everyone should continue their education. I couldn’t agree more, but I knew that Drake would have much rather been alone in his room with one of his special magazines.
After a while, dinnertime was more pleasant. The cafeteria was set up with two chairs to each table. I usually sat with Daniel, but Daniel began sitting with Kelly, and I sat with Stacy to avoid being stuck with Drake. I had grown fond of her, since we had so much in common. She seemed like the only person that could actually make me smile. I believed she felt the same way because she kept saying how much she loved talking to me. I wished we could be more than friends, but I needed to know more about her. I couldn’t risk ruining our friendship. I had to find out if she really liked me.
But before I could, something happened.

Twilight and the other fillies were heading back to Ponyville. They couldn’t help but wonder what it was that Princess Celestia thought was so important. What did she mean by unnatural? What possible thing could it be? Why did she feel this was somehow connected with her strange dream she couldn’t remember? Twilight decided she’ll rest and deal with it tomorrow, when the “thing” arrives. Right now, she would like to go to sleep. The trip to Canterlot and back on foot had made her exhausted. When she arrived back in her library, she met up with Spike. She filled him in on the details she learned from her trip, and shared her ideas and feelings about how she thinks it somehow connected. Spike again told her that dreams are just dreams and don’t mean anything. Twilight agreed to his debate, especially since she was extremely tired. She just wanted to curl up in bed, pull the sheets over her and doze off. She started to dream of a strange creature, one that she’s certain she had seen before, but she didn’t feel like herself anymore...

The landing

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We woke up one day, about three and a half years since we had first taken off from Earth. We started our daily routine, just like every other morning. Off to breakfast, eating the same bread and cereal grown on board. Meat was hard to come by, so we had a genetically crafted substitute for dinner. Before our meal was over, we heard an announcement. A planet had been found, and we were to arrive within the week. Everyone cheered in relief, releasing tension from being on this ship for so long. Suddenly, a loud crash echoed through the cafeteria, and alarms started to go off. The ship started to shake. The crew of the ship attempted to keep everyone from panicking, but they were unsuccessful. I ran off with Daniel to find out what was going on.
“One of the engines had blown out, and we’re spiraling out of control!” we heard the captain call.
It was utter chaos in the engine room. Men and women ran about trying to organize repairs. Daniel followed some of the other engineers to find out what had gone wrong.
I finally left look for Stacy. I went to her room and found her roommate looking puzzled and frightened. She had no idea where Stacy was and, frankly, didn’t care, so I went to look for her in the main hull. I found about sixty people running in circles and screaming. At least I am calm and trying to figure out what is going on, I thought to myself. Thankfully, I didn’t see her among the useless crowd of rabbits.
I finally found her in the computer room. Concerned for my safety, she had been looking for me, too. I was glad that she cared so much about me, and the next thing I knew, I was hugging her tightly. We separated, and I could see she was blushing. She opened her mouth as if she was going to speak, but before she could get a word out, Kelly and Daniel came out of the engine room to tell everyone that they found out what was going on.
The alarms were off, and the ship was stabilized. Everything was quiet, but I noticed that the windows were now a different color. Instead of showing the dotted black image of space, there was blue atmosphere, and I could see a tree in the background. We were on some sort of ground.

Twilight woke up, finally understanding the dream. It was of something else! Some sort of creature she’s never seen before, but she felt like it exists. No, she knows it exists, and she feels like they’re closer than she would think.
Just then, Pinkie Pie broke down the door to her library, and startled Twilight. “It’s time for some INVESTIGATING!!!”
“Pinkie, I’m not ready yet. I just woke up. I’ll be down in a few minutes.”
“Okie dokie lokie! I’ll go and wake up Dashie, since I know she’ll still be asleep. See ya in a few minutes!”
“Okay,” Twilight responded as Pinkie bounded away from her library. As she got ready, she was still thinking about that strange creature. She decided to talk to Spike about her realization after her job was finished, so she left her library without disturbing her purple and green friend.
Everypony decided to meet up in front of Sugarcube corner, so they can go into the Everfree forest together. The mysterious object was calculated to land in an open field somewhere on the other side of the forest, and they didn’t have much time before it arrived, so they needed to hurry.
Going through the Everfree Forest proved to be a difficult journey. There were horrible creatures and scary plants that looked like they could eat an entire pony. The six ponies stuck together as they battled ferocious manticores, sea dragons, disgusting insects, and the most deadly of pony-eating plants. Eventually, the ponies made it through the heart of the beast known as the Everfree Forest.
They just barely made it in time. As they came out of the tree line, they saw a giant mass hurling straight in front of them. It crashed right into the field, as Princess Celestia’s secret service had predicted. Slowly, the six ponies walked up to the strange object, shaped into an object no pony could describe. It had wings, kind of like a bird, but it wasn’t made of the same material. It had wheels, but was far too large to be a chariot. It had parts shaped like cones and cylinders that not even Twilight could figure out what they were. Just then, Applejack spotted something moving. Underneath some of the rubble, there was shaking. Fluttershy thought it might’ve been an animal, so she tried to rush forward and save it, but Twilight Sparkle stopped her, explaining, “Fluttershy, we don’t know what could be in this thing. It might be dangerous. We should wait a while and see what it is first.”
“Oh all right, but we can’t wait long. It might be hurt,” was her response.
The shaking continued. Then, out of the rubble came out an appendage. It was oddly shaped, with five smaller appendages attached to it. Fluttershy pointed out that it looks similar to a monkey’s hands, but hairless. The hand pulls itself out, revealing more of the creature it belongs to. A head emerges, followed by a torso, an arm attached to another hand, and finally legs. As this creature started to brush itself off, Twilight widened her eyes; it wasn't the first time she'd seen it.

The best thing

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So the best thing happened when I was staying with my new pony friends. I got visited by the princess! She seemed nice, and she somehow already knew of our existence. She could also speak English. This was great.

Well, she welcomed us, and invited us to go to her castle. Obviously, not many of us could go with her, so it was just me and Daniel. She didn't want to take Stacy for some reason.

We rode on her all the way to the castle. We flew over what she said was 'ponyville' where our pony friends live. It looked like a village from Africa. There wasn't very much technology around and they lived in huts.

We finally got to the castle, and boy was it big! It was so big that we couldn't see everything at once. She showed us around.
At first she showed us the kitchen, where she said we could come anytime we wanted to, and there was meat! Oh man how I missed meat! The meat from hunting didn't taste very good. And we continued with our tour.

She then showed us the living room, where she had videogames. VIDEOGAMES!!! THEY EXIST HERE!!! I really love this place now. I asked her if we could stay and play, but she said we could at the end of our tour. So we moved on. She then showed us to the guest bedrooms, where she said we could stay at for however long we wanted. Even though this place was great, I knew that it was the wrong thing to do. We continued with the tour.

She then showed us her room. It was really big! Well, I guess it was naturally if you're the princess, and taller than everyone else. Or should I say "everypony" else.

She locked the door. She told us that we were in for a big surprise. She then went to do unspeakable things to us. It hurts just to think about it. After that, she said she wasn't the princess at all but instead Molestia. Just then, the real princess came in to save us! They started to battle.

The two princesses, looking almost exactly identical were starting to fight. Naturally I lost track of who was who. It was an intense battle too. There were lasers coming out of their horns, a white unicorn named Charlie came out of a time rift with two colored unicorns constantly saying his name, and the walls started to change colors and shapes like if we were on drugs or something.
Eventually the battle came to a standstill, and Charlie gave me a gun to kill the fake one. I didn't know who was the fake one. We played a game to decide who was the real one.

I figured it was the one that knew my name. I shot her, and she fell over, I assumed dead. The other was content. Just then, ANOTHER princess came in. "HOW MANY PRINCESSES DOES THIS PLACE HAVE???" I found myself yelling out into the air. The newest one came to me and said I didn't kill Molestia, but instead Trollestia, which is even more of a villain, only matched by a strange creature named "Discord". She cast a spell that made Molestia freeze in midair, while she was talking to us.

"For your great and vallient efforts to rid our kingdom of such monstrosity, I award you full access to our castle. I shall also grant you the land your settlers have called their own, and will not dispute any territory claims for 20 years. You are also welcome to hunt in the Everfree forest as you please, and will be assisted by guards so as to not get hurt on your journeys. We will also immortalize you in our halls of fame, alongside the six who have vanquished the evil villains of Nightmare Moon, Discord, Nocturne, and many others. And it is my great pleasure to announce that you have indeed killed the princess, for I AM TROLLESTIA!!!"

She then released the force field on Molestia and they both had their fun at our expense. We had to escape. We rushed out of there, but it was too late.

Trollestia had risen to the sky, and she has shouted for all to hear,

"Great citizens of Equestria! I have declared the human race to be evil creatures that should all be brought to my castle immediately! We shall take care of them as needed. Your great efforts shall be greatly awarded!"

Just then, we had a huge mob of ponies charging us. We were riding the two colorful unicorns from earlier, because they somehow were always with us. Charlie left a while ago, he said he was going back to our camp with the 'normal people'.

We then went back to our camp, just in time to see it lay in ruins, and the ponies backing up the citizens in a corner. The ponies all had evil faces on them. The only thing I could think of was Stacy.

I found her and asked her to go on Charlie. Charlie wasn't happy about it but agreed anyway. The three of us ran off into the distance where we could escape the horrors of this place. We ran into the Everfree forest.

There, we found the six ponies from before.

We were looking around the village when Princess Celestia came to visit. She asked for the two people that were closely observing us to go with her to the castle. They went with her, and they seemed to understand her too.

Nothing happened for the next hour or so. Then we saw things happening at the castle. Celestia rose to the sky, claiming the humans were evil. I felt like something wasn't right with that.

Shortly after her announcement, nearly every citizen of Ponyville came out of the forest, with pitchforks and torches, looking blood-thirsty. We didn't want anything to do with it, so we ran off into the distance, into the forest. We stayed there for about five minutes when the two men and a girl came back and found us. They were scared to see us, even though we didn't try to hurt them. They were also on unicorns, but not like me or Rarity. They were taller and more horse-like.

They tried to run away, but before they could, the princess had found them. She looked angry. She grabbed them, and said

Chapter 5 will be out soon.